Postgraduate graduate. Postgraduate studies - what is it? The system of postgraduate education: why is it needed and what does it give

Immediately after receiving a diploma of higher education, I applied to graduate school for an economic specialty - economics and enterprise management. And in fact, when I entered graduate school, I did not understand where I was going and what could be expected from it. In this article, we will analyze what postgraduate study is in reality.


There are both state-funded and non-budgetary places in graduate school. This means that if you are lucky, you can study for free. It largely depends on your university, the number of budget places on the required specialty. Initially, I planned to go to technical specialty precisely because I needed a budget place. But I couldn't reach an agreement with the manager. Or rather, I agreed with the then former rector of my university, and then when I came to him to sign papers, it turned out that he was in a hurry to go on vacation and in general allegedly forgot that we agreed on something ...

I found a leader economic specialty and entered a commercial position. Part of the money was paid by my parents, the other part was paid by me from my wallet. At the time of my enrollment, the cost of education per year was 35 thousand rubles. Due to the fact that I still entered paid place- The enrollment procedure was more of a formality. Nevertheless, it was necessary to provide a lot of documents to the graduate school itself and pass some entrance exams.

But at that time, everything was relatively inexpensive. For example, when I was still a graduate student, the new prices for engineering specialties exceeded 100,000 rubles a year. This amount is simply prohibitive with the then dollar exchange rate of 30 rubles per dollar, which amounted to 3-4 thousand dollars a year. Huge money, not only by Russian standards.


As such, there are practically no usual lectures in graduate school. Rather, they are, but their number is extremely small. Usually, they took place on Saturdays or in the evenings, because. many graduate students work in parallel with their studies. Some lectures were required to attend, some were optional. Some of them I remember. For example, philosophy scientific knowledge, psychology and pedagogy. If I'm not mistaken, there was also English. Perhaps the names of the disciplines sounded a little different. There were other lectures that did not settle in my head. In general, there were very few of them. There were a lot more different kind paperwork to be handed in. More on this later.


In graduate school from the university, a supervisor works with you. The choice of a leader largely determines whether you will receive some valuable knowledge or not.

But in graduate school they don’t teach how to use the Remeza compressor in real production: Here more attention focused on science. In fact, you are not given any literature or practical knowledge. You have to look for books in libraries yourself, buy them in online stores. Books are now extremely expensive. Yes, they were cheap before. But the problem is not money. Find scientific literature on your dissertation topic will not be so easy. In fact, there is a lot of information. But high-quality scientific texts cannot be found during the day with fire. Moreover, difficulties arise as for engineers who are forced to focus on old reference books. Soviet period(because there are simply no new analogues). Things are even worse for the humanities, for whom finding some sane and reliable statistics for research is practically an art. Personally, I stalled at the stage of terminology.


Apart from entrance exams- there is also candidate exams. This is what every graduate student must pass before defending a dissertation. There are three of them - English, profile subject(for us it was economics) and philosophy. In addition, from time to time I had to take small term papers, laboratory works and so on. It was necessary to collect numerous signatures - something like offsets. It was also necessary to write down your progress in a special diary once every six months with the signature of the supervisor.

What you should know is that there will be a lot of paperwork.


Scientific article is complex issue. I wrote and published one scientific article in a journal recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (highest attestation copy). So, about 40 books and sources were studied. In total, I spent about a year sitting in the library and analyzing books. During this time, I read quite a lot. The text of the article itself turned out to be small, but quite informative. Colleagues liked the article very much, as did the manager. But for the publication and design, I had to pay the magazine more than 10 thousand rubles. It's a lot of money for a graduate student.

Later, with this article, I went to Kazan for an exhibition-conference and made a report.


I never completed my dissertation. Accordingly - did not protect. In general, in graduate school, 3 years are allotted for writing a dissertation. Another year is spent on its design and protection. Dissertation councils at our university were closed. As a result, defending a dissertation meant many trips to another city. Expensive and long. But in my case, there was practically nothing to protect. The dissertation writing began and ended with my scientific article. The matter did not move forward. In many ways, the problem was that my dissertation topic was quite philosophical. And I don't like philosophy and I don't understand it. It's too abstract. However, science is also an abstract thing. In science in general and dissertations in particular, the following are valued: the reliability of sources, big number different sources confirming or refuting some fact or statement. Also here is the dry style of presentation, which was given to me very hard due to the fact that I work in the field of journalism.


For me, this was probably the most interesting part of my PhD studies. I have taught in college and university. It is very interesting to work with students. I also had graduate students. I cared about them almost as much as they did. Part of the load was paid, and part was not. In general, teaching for money is an unprofitable occupation. But very interesting content. If it were not for the teaching part of graduate school, then everything would have looked rather dull. And when you communicate with students, they give you a very good charge of vivacity.


Personally, graduate school gave me:
- teaching experience;
- taught to write scientific texts and articles - thanks to the leader;
- improved my erudition and English a little;

Overall, not bad. This is probably what I expected. Initially, of course, I planned to defend my dissertation and still become a candidate economic sciences, but very quickly I was fascinated by entrepreneurial work, and interest in science was lost. In general, I thought writing a dissertation was easy. After all, the normal volume for this work is only 100-150 pages. But in order to write them, you need to shovel so many sources and books that it is unlikely that this will somehow pay off in the foreseeable future. I would say that writing a dissertation is more of a mechanical labor than creative work. There is no place for subjective knowledge, but on the contrary, it is required to rely as much as possible on existing experience.

Adjuncture, clinical residency

  • Adjuncture- Postgraduate study of universities and research institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Clinical Residency - a form of professional development of doctors in medical schools, institutes for improvement and scientific research institutions.

Graduate student

Social guarantees

AT Russian legislation federal law"About higher and postgraduate vocational education in Russian Federation» the following guarantees are provided:

P.S. Temporary until spring call 2012, full-time students of non-accredited graduate school are not subject to conscription into the RF Armed Forces if they have Appendix No. 2 and a graduate school license, since the decree on obtaining accreditation by graduate schools was issued relatively recently (previously only licenses were required). Universities were given time to prepare.


In some European countries terms graduate student and graduate school correspond doctoral student and doctoral studies.


Candidates and doctors of sciences receive exemption from military service.


see also

  • Residency

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Postgraduate study" is in other dictionaries:

    Adjuncture, targeting Dictionary of Russian synonyms. postgraduate studies noun, number of synonyms: 2 postgraduate studies (1) … Synonym dictionary

    - (from lat. aspiro I strive, I try to get closer) in the Russian Federation a form of training scientific works nicknames at universities and research institutions ... Law Dictionary

    Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from lat. aspiro I strive to try to get closer), a form of training scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 1930s. spread in higher educational institutions and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended candidate dissertations from 1934). In the beginning. 1990s ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    POSTGRADUATE, graduate school, women (neol.). 1. Position, activity of a graduate student. 2. only units, collected. Postgraduate students (colloquial). Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    POSTGRADUATE, s, female The training that graduate students undergo; such training system. Study in graduate school. Finish graduate school. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    graduate school- uh. graduate student m. Ph.D. The system of training scientific and scientific teaching staff at universities and research institutions. ALS 2. Lex. Ush. 1935: graduate student / RA ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    POSTGRADUATE- POSTGRADUATE. Form of training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific workers. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR, in the 1930s. in universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (post-graduate students defended candidate dissertations - since 1934). May be full-time (3 years of study)… … New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    PhD- (from the Latin aspiro I strive, I try to get closer), a form of training for scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 30s. spread in higher educational institutions and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended candidate dissertations from 1934). At first … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    POSTGRADUATE- (from lat. aspiro I strive, I try to get closer) a form of training scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 30s. spread in universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (post-graduate students defended candidate dissertations since 1934). AT… … Legal Encyclopedia


  • Philosophy of science: Uch. settlement / T. G. Leshkevich - M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2016.-272 p. accessible form the material corresponding to the program of the candidate's minimum on the fundamentals of the philosophy of science is presented. An attempt was made to preserve the worldview potential of philosophy,…

I recently graduated from university and received my master's degree with honors. It's time to make a choice whether to go to graduate school at my university or not. The habit of looking for answers to a chain of questions "Why?" - "What will it give you?" - "Why do you need what it will give you?" led me to some stupor when thinking about continuing my postgraduate studies at my university. I need to clarify that by myself I mean myself, my family and my environment.

A little background.

In my fifth year, I found the opportunity to go to classes with graduate students. As a result, by the end of the fifth year, I took postgraduate courses in philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, English language, passed the admission to the PhD exam in English (as an applicant), read and thought about the philosophy that was taught, wrote and defended an essay on the works of Huntington "The Clash of Civilizations" and Fukuyama "The End of History?", received admission to the PhD in Philosophy, read a couple of reports on a local forum, went to SECR 2008.
To the questions of friends "Are you going to graduate school?" I answered: "I am taking steps towards entering graduate school, but I still have no goal of getting there, because I have not determined why I need it." I liked the classes in philosophy and really got high from studying this subject, as well as from psychology with pedagogy. For these courses, I could have gone to graduate school, but I got them without it.
Shortly after graduation, having everything in hand Required documents, I passed the candidate's minimum for foreign language specialty, excellent. And all this despite the fact that I did not answer the question "Why?" at that time.
And then there was a PhD exam in philosophy, which I passed with a 2. I will not hide the fact that with this assessment, I seem to have surprised everyone I could. I disappointed and upset talented teachers who, judging by my activity in practical classes, as far as I understood, expected something more from me; Some of my classmates took this deuce as a joke ...
I would say that this was my first deuce in all the time I studied at the university - but that would not be true. I received this deuce after receiving my diploma :-)

Choice Factor

I think that to a certain extent, a person is a tabula rasa, Blank sheet, whose judgments and worldview are shaped by the environment from the moment of birth. One day he begins to consciously delve into his own worldview, turns on and forms the worldview of other people ... Throughout my life, I was constantly influenced by different and conflicting opinions. First of all, the opinions of parents, then - employees, teachers, friends, heroes of books, neighbors, and a bunch more different opinions, delusions and prejudices ... Someone wanted me to go to graduate school, and believed that this was the right thing to do. Others said: "why do you need this?" and prompted a chain of thought. Still others said: "Your choice, think with your head."
I came to the point that you need to ask other people, listen to what they say, but think with your own head, make decisions and act on your own.
I asked different people. I asked graduate students, I asked those who had just defended their defense, those who had defended their defense a long time ago, those who studied at graduate school but never defended themselves (there are those who regret it and those who do not), asked classmates, applicants, smart students that is younger, people who did not go to college at all, parents, teachers and employees. I received a range of responses. Further - brief, which is especially remembered.
"I don't know why, but it's definitely cool!"
"If there is an opportunity, it should be used."
"A degree won't hurt. I'll negotiate for subjects, most of the time I'll work. A degree is already something. At least - insurance." It should also be added that for this person, graduate school is still deciding the issue of the army and official shelter.
"I want to be a teacher." - "But they have small salaries." - "But you can take bribes, in one session you can raise up to 35 hryvnias, if you are a lecturer ...".
"I go because I can. Then, at work, they will give me salaries $50 more than others. And the pension will be bigger."
"Mow from the army."
"To get a degree. Yes, and the money is not bad - a scholarship of 800 UAH per month is not lying on the road. There are people who work 8 hours a day for a whole month to receive 800 UAH per month. Studying in graduate school is not so expensive in terms of time. "
"Ask my mom about it"
"I have a project, I want to work on it and develop it. I will advance science."
"Get a foothold, insure, get a stable job..."

Why do people go to graduate school?

In fact, everyone has their own specific motives. And each motive has its own factors. But some common or widespread motives can be identified.


People who go to university to promote science or teach, set as their goal to do it qualitatively, get a buzz from both the process and the result. They care little about money, they don’t bring situations to bribes, it’s nice to remember these people. A job done with love cannot be bad. As a rule, they are moderate in their needs and in the amount of money they want to receive. They have a place to live, and they have something to eat. Perhaps there is another job where they work "for money". From scientific / teaching work, they get high and do it for the soul. This is their calling. There are few such people, and most of them are Scientists and Teachers from God. I really respect and love these people. And I would love to work with them.

2. Get a degree

I want to emphasize that I could not remember a single person whose motive was " become Ph.D.-om", but I have heard the motive many times" get degree." The goal of "getting a degree" has in most cases two motives.
Benefit. For example, someone dreams of going abroad, and since our titles are allegedly quoted there, they think of getting a better job / salary there, someone in our country is counting on an increased scientific pension, an increase in salary, or a better position. If you work as a teacher at the university - the degree and scientific title are definitely needed, because their presence increases the teacher's hourly rate.
Vanity. The desire to have a "crust" is a rather primitive desire, akin to the desire of an Indian to hang a beautiful trinket on himself so that others look and envy. And in emails in the signature it was possible to add the cherished letters PhD. It's like wanting to have crimson pants in the movie "Kin-dza-dza" for other tsaki to wear, squat and "ku" do. Or at least contact you. And there was also an opportunity in a dispute, when all the arguments had already been exhausted, to casually use a manipulative phrase like "I am a Ph.D., and you, excuse me, who?".
"Vanity is my favorite sin," said John Milton (played by Al Pacino) in The Devil's Advocate.
But, formal elevation through titles, not deeds, leads to the fact that titles are no longer valued. For example, Ph.D. a person, or not - plays almost the last role for me in determining him professional competence. If titles are bought, they soon depreciate and mean nothing. People are no longer proud of them, they do not look at them and do not appreciate them. Diplomas are no longer hung on the wall and not shown, but put in a drawer.
I decided that for myself I need to answer the questions: "Why do you need a degree?", "What will it give you?", "Why do you need what it will give?".

3. For general development, get "easy" money, mow down from the army, take a break.

A rather seductive set of reasons for which many people go to graduate school. Interesting communication, if desired, provided. As a rule, people in graduate school are literate and educated, so the company is interesting. It is also somehow financed by a scholarship of about a thousand hryvnias, which, by the way, do not lie on the road. Who needs it - is given a deferment from the army for three years, after which in our country they no longer call up by age. And yet, this is a way to stay a student for three more years, adapt to life, prove something to yourself, like "I could!" (if you need to prove it). It is possible that if the country still overcomes the crisis in the education system, teachers will have a good salary. So even there is some perspective. But these people usually score seriously and do not defend themselves in time. Postgraduate study is serious, if you do it, then you need to do it seriously and devote time to this, achieving your goal. Otherwise, it's idle.

"Detached" look.

The system of academic degrees was not always, but appeared not so long ago. This is a hierarchy. Pyramid. It is based on many students and bachelors, at a higher level there are already fewer masters, even fewer postgraduate students, even fewer candidates, very few doctors, very few academicians. This is somewhat similar to the structure of the army. The system is built in such a way as to filter out what does not fit into the rules of the system. This is good, but any double-edged sword and, thus, the system leaves in the hierarchy only those people who suit it. Dizzying ideas with inventors perpetual motion machines go through the forest. Einstein and Tesla, Edison and Bill Gates also passed graduate school ...
But, good physicist without doctoral degree- now rather an exception. But good programmer without a degree rather a rule. Everything is specific. Who, where, when - everything is important and every factor matters. Now we are talking about the system as I saw it with my own eyes in my technical institute, which produces computer and near-computer specialists.
When the filters in the system begin to work "incorrectly", the system ceases to perform the functions for which it was built. Not those people who have knowledge enter, but those who "should" enter: the children of teachers, someone's relatives, people who pay money, and other "good" boys and girls with the right connections. The university sometimes reminds big family when you suddenly find out that those two people are relatives ... And isn’t it tempting to place your son under your wing in the department when you work as the head of the department ...
Over time, the system degenerates and exists in a degenerate state for some time. And then everyone understands that a crisis is taking place, after which quantitative changes will turn into qualitative ones ... What everyone was sure of turns out to be unsteady and fluid, and you have to adapt again ... Yes, so that to sleep - on soft, warm, eat - delicious, and inhale - incense ...
Some people believe that the system there is corrupt to the core and has nothing to do with real science, namely science should be the main activity in graduate school. Some say "I don't want to walk in this manure even in rubber boots - everything has rotted there, unfortunately." Others are also sure that everything is corrupt and the university is a big "family", but they accept the situation and use it to their advantage. It is very beneficial to fit into a large family and sit near a large feeder, although it may be disgusting that you will have to change your own principles so that the filter will let you through and you will take root in the "family". Live with wolves - wolf howl. But this is not the rule. There are a lot of smart and good people and the system isn't all that corrupt. In addition to profit, there is also a soul, conscience and nerve cells... To enter the university, study there and finish it - you can honestly and without connections / bribes. There are many examples of this. At the university, in spite of everything, there is cool people and they really teach. So it's worth studying there. And not only there. However, everything is subjective.
Despite all the pros and cons, a lot of smart and talented people go to graduate school. good boys and girls. But, I know that no less, but even more, the number of no less smart and wonderful people stay away from graduate school and are doing great.

Specifics of technical postgraduate studies

Twist. Postgraduate study by profile information technologies specific. All large and serious research is done in the laboratories of large corporations or in collaboration with them. In my field, you need to directly ask the supervisor "Which company do you work with?". Because if not with any - then is there any point in doing this research? Then it looks like a whirlwind, a small turbulence at the tail of the flow of research, the front and the main part of which take place in the bowels of the laboratories of Samsung, Google, Microsoft, Intel, other firms and some Western universities. Other areas are different. However, in a twist, you can also "catch a fish" :)
Technology update rate. Computer techologies evolve very quickly. Psychological, linguistic, medical and other liberal education received 20 years ago is now much more relevant than computer education 20 years ago. Roughly speaking, at the university we were taught a lot about technologies that are dead, principles that are outdated, instilled skills that will never be used. Most useful knowledge gained during my studies at the university, I received on the work front, independently studying the subject. I have verified that the following statement holds and works: "Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; involve me and I will learn."
A lot of people get into a motivational crisis when they suddenly go to technical graduate school. They don't know why they need it. But they have already begun, and quitting in the middle is not good ... and everything drags on ... According to statistics for some of the past years, which (suspiciously by accident) caught my eye in the postgraduate department, at our university There are two departments where high percent defended (on time): philosophy - 80% (4 out of 5, personal approach), information protection - also some figure, like more than 40%. All other departments hover around 30% or less.
It is worth mentioning one more case. Now I read little and think a lot. So, after the defense, I saw a book on the shelf that I had not yet read and did not plan to read (and it had been standing there for ten years). Isaac Asimov "Dead Past". I spontaneously took it and read it. I don't know what exactly prompted me to read this particular book... but there I found a thought that somehow influenced my decision.
"Ralph Nimmo did not have a specialized university degree and was proud of it.
A specialized diploma, he once explained to Jonas Foster, in the days when they were both much younger, is the first step on the road to death. It is a pity for a person not to take advantage of the privilege received, and now he is already preparing a master's, and then a doctoral dissertation. And in the end you turn out to be the deepest ignoramus in all areas of knowledge, except for a tiny piece of a eaten egg.
“Your mind must be guarded and not cluttered with uniform information until you reach maturity, but instead train it in logical thinking and supply broad ideas, and as a result you can get a powerful tool at your disposal ... "

For the benefit of all mankind

Maybe it's funny, but I thought about graduate school in the light of doing good to the world, contributing to a common cause, deeds for the benefit of all mankind. And I came to the conclusion that a lot of people work in universities smart people, but their work on the dissertation is in vain. Written dissertations go to the trash. Very few people read them, and yet nothing happens, the chain of events that leads to change does not start. And if nothing happens, there is no contribution. I think that there will be more global benefit from one high-quality lecture/book/article/song/photo than from one dissertation, that one article or lecture, on average, can lead to more action and change in the world than one dissertation.
Yes, I exaggerate, but I do it to emphasize the contours and edges.

The choice is subjective. Everyone chooses for himself

Once again, it must be reiterated that the choice is subjective. Everyone chooses for himself. There are people who have received a degree and are happy. There are people who have received a degree and believe that they spent so much time and effort in vain. There are people who have not received a degree, but would like to. Almost everyone believes that a degree and experience will not be superfluous. I emphasize that "it will not be superfluous", but this does not mean "necessary" at all. If there is a desire, a topic, there is time and money, there is a place to live, there is a supervisor, interest, and nature does not resist real situation things - very much you can do.
But even if these conditions do not exist, who wants - will find opportunities;
who does not want - reasons
Ultimately, you choose.
And you are responsible for your choice.
P.S. Thanks to all the people who had the courage to share their thoughts and took part in shaping my vision of the issue.

What does postgraduate study in Russia give and why go there? Graduate school gives a respite from the army? Is it included in the work experience? What gives in employment? Postgraduate study and work, how to combine? What is the duration of postgraduate studies? What are the types of postgraduate studies? Is there a postgraduate course? How is part-time postgraduate study different from full-time? What is the learning process in graduate school? What does postgraduate study without protection give? What is the title of a postgraduate student? Calculation of training costs.

the article was prepared by a candidate of philological sciences

What is the end of graduate school? Why go to graduate school?

You ask yourself these questions, facing a choice: to go or not to go to difficult achievable goal- Candidate of Sciences degree. Since you are aware that the path will be difficult, it is important to have good motivation in order to decide in favor of admission. But about the "buns" a little later, first we define some concepts.

What are the types of postgraduate studies?

The following, already familiar to you, forms are provided by the third step higher education- postgraduate studies: full-time form of education, correspondence a form of education for the most strong-willed and independent - competition.

The term of study in graduate school usually depends on its form:

  • The duration of full-time postgraduate study is 3 years.
  • Correspondence postgraduate study, term of study - 4 years.
  • Application - 5 years (I will not dwell on this form in detail, because I am not familiar with it).
So, back to what postgraduate study gives.
  • For young people postgraduate studies - resignation from the army. But there are a number of nuances here:
A) the form of education must be full-time (if part-time graduate school, a deferment from the army is not provided),

B) an organization that has a graduate student in a particular specialty must have state accreditation by her

C) a young person enters the next stage of education in the year of receiving a diploma from the previous one. Therefore, a deferment from the army in graduate school after a master's degree is also possible, you just need to have time to enroll in graduate school immediately, without a year or more break.

And now good news, if you meet all of the above requirements, and the only thing is the availability of budget places, you should be pleased: paid postgraduate studies= respite from the army too.

Deferment from the army after graduate school is valid for another year after graduation - time is given to defend a candidate's dissertation.

At the end of postgraduate studies, two scenarios are possible:

A) just complete the training without defending a dissertation,

B) defend a PhD thesis.

What does postgraduate study provide for employment?

You may be interested in what does graduate school give without defending a dissertation? My answer is nothing, or, almost nothing. Completing a postgraduate course without a defense is equivalent to taking continuing education courses and does not entitle you to apply for more high office or salary supplements, as opposed to the case when the dissertation is defended.

It turns out that the PhD degree is the reason for getting more high office its owner, but only the one for which the requirements for candidates indicate “the presence of a Ph.D. degree”.

And the fact of appointment surcharges for degree must be fixed in the internal local act institutions or employment contract otherwise, the candidate's diploma will not be financially rewarded by the employer.

It turns out that there is a need to defend a dissertation a university teacher, an employee of a scientific institution, or a military, in other organizations, a defended dissertation will not provide any advantages and will not provide an increase in salary or promotion to a higher position. Therefore, you need to weigh your initial data well before entering graduate school, and decide whether the game is worth the candle.

  • What does PhD NOT provide?

You may be interested in the answer to the question: Is graduate school included in work experience? Answer, - No. Both scientific and pedagogical, and work experience, full-time graduate school bypasses, as well as correspondence. Previously, the years of study in full-time postgraduate study were counted as scientific and pedagogical experience, after the law of 2013 they stopped.


How is graduate school going?

Start preparing for graduate school with search for a supervisor. This person will mean a lot to you in next years training, and from it, almost entirely, will depend on whether you defend yourself or not. It is important that he has “weight” among colleagues in his profession, otherwise his graduate student’s work may be biased, or it may indeed turn out to be mediocre: the leader will not have enough professionalism and “flair” to send a graduate student to right direction. It is important that he has a strong character, and he strives to bring the graduate student to the defense. It is important that he be in good physical and mental form: scientific supervisors often older people and some despite serious problems with health, they still recruit graduate students, as a result they are physically unable to work together on research, and the help of the supervisor is very important, it is clear that such a supervisor, if one of the ten graduate students defends, is already well, and the credit for this will be entirely the graduate student . If you have a desire to develop a specific topic, you need to clarify the area scientific interests your prospective supervisor, perhaps he is not interested in what you want to do, then you will have to look for another supervisor.

It is also important for a supervisor to take a literate and responsible person who can conduct serious research and defend his work as a graduate student. Therefore, you will also be well looked after.

After you have enlisted the "good" of the supervisor on joint work with him, you should start collect a package of documents for admission. The list can usually be found on the website of the university you are going to apply to. I want to draw your attention to the fact that you will need to provide a list of your published scientific works, if there are none, then you will have to write an introductory essay, which takes time to work on, count on this and start preparing for admission in advance.

It is also important to think about the defense that takes place in the dissertation council already at admission. So, each council has the right to "listen" to the defense only certain specialties. It is advisable to follow the path least resistance and choose a specialty, the advice for which is in the city where it will be most convenient for you to defend yourself.

Entry exams in philosophy, a foreign language and a specialty, usually handed over by tickets, preparing in advance. At the same time, previously passed candidate exams do not relieve from passing the entrance exams.

The process of studying in graduate school in absentia or full-time consists of attending lectures, seminars, practical exercises, and getting credits upon their completion. But exams all to be handed over three, they're called candidate: in philosophy, foreign language and the specialty in which the graduate student is studying.

Lectures and seminars, in theory, are designed to give useful information, which will come in handy, will remove some of the difficulties in carrying out the postgraduate student's own research - dissertation.

Of course, you need write a dissertation, which must be ready by the end of the postgraduate study period, and report supervisor and at a meeting of the department to which they are assigned, about the work done at the end of each academic year.

All this must be completed by the end of the graduate study period, and the dissertation must be submitted by pre-protection, this means that the members of the department to which you are attached will hear the main results of your research, two reviewers will study the work and give comments that need to be answered, then they will discuss your work and give or not give the go-ahead for defense in the council.

Within a year after the end of the postgraduate study period, it will be necessary to collect all the necessary the documents, bringing the dissertation to the ideal, and submit everything you need to the dissertation council.

Before adviceyou speak, sharing, again, the results of your research, board members listen to the comments of opponents (people who have studied your work), you answer them, all members also ask you questions. Then the dissertation council makes its "verdict", then the applicant draws up in accordance with the requirements andsend documents to the Higher Certification Commission in Moscow. The commission awards the degree of Candidate of Science and issues the corresponding diploma.That's it, you are a PhD!

How is part-time postgraduate study different from full-time? Full-time postgraduate study and work, how to combine?

Let's start with the fact that I studied in correspondence graduate school, attended classes with everyone and did not notice the difference between full-time and part-time students. Classes are being conducted and the graduate student, based on which course of lectures is more necessary for him or which one is read at a more suitable time for him, attends a certain number of lecture courses.

The final of both full-time and part-time postgraduate studies is the writing of a dissertation and its defense, only a full-time student is given three years for this, and a correspondence student - four. Thus, in the form of education, it is not the organization of the learning process that is important (there is no difference) and not the result, but only the number of years allotted for writing a dissertation research. Postgraduate study and work are correlated as follows: regardless of the form of study, if there is a goal to complete dissertation research, you will have to set aside time and not work, at least for a year, but write a dissertation, otherwise it will not be completed. At the same time, officially, while studying in full-time postgraduate studies, one cannot work, but while studying in absentia, one can. But the reality is that, working full-time, or even in more than one job, there will be no time left for a dissertation, no matter whether you study full-time or part-time.

Calculation of Postgraduate Tuition Costs

What you will have to spend money on while studying in graduate school:

A) tuition fees, if it was not possible to enter the budget,

B) paper and a printout of intermediate versions of the dissertation for verification by the supervisor (scientific supervisors are usually ladies, men of age and prefer to work with paper, and not at the “beast” computer they do not understand),