Forms of work that will help overcome the language barrier. Language barrier: main causes and ways to overcome

Barrier. They usually describe their condition as follows: “Like a dog, I understand everything, but I can’t say anything.” This condition is usually caused by inner fear make a mistake, seem ridiculous, just by opening your mouth. At the same time, a person can perfectly perform grammar exercises, is well acquainted with the vocabulary of a foreign language. This happens quite often. How to overcome this difficulty?

Immerse yourself in Wednesday

The first tool that helps to overcome the language barrier is immersion in a foreign environment. This method is not cheap, but it is the most effective. It is best to go on a trip on your own, and not in a group of Russian tourists. After all, there will always be an opportunity to communicate in Russian. In just two or three days you will be able to make a lot of acquaintances, and in a few weeks you will have a huge breakthrough in speaking.

Dive into language environment can also occur in a more economical way, without trips abroad. For example, these are meetings with a native speaker of the language being studied. Many schools and courses provide this opportunity. Thus, you can not only overcome the language barrier, but also learn a lot of new, useful information.

To err is not a sin

At the same time, do not judge yourself too harshly for mistakes. After all, adequate foreigners will not notice every flaw for their own fun. Imagine that you are chatting with someone who wants to learn Russian. Even if this person makes mistakes, you will not make fun of him, right? Moreover, his desire to learn Russian will delight in his own way. In the same way, speakers of other foreign languages ​​will not laugh inside themselves at those who are trying to achieve mastery, but at the same time are faced with the need to overcome language barrier. We don't have to be perfect. And an excessive sense of guilt for every mistake will not add courage and desire to communicate on foreign language.

Typical vocabulary

Another effective way to overcome the language barrier is to practice the basic grammatical constructions. The best way to do this is by listening and memorizing the dialogues. Every language has typical questions, the most common answers to them. When you master the basic dialogues, phrases and grammatical constructions, new words will gradually be added to them.

Expand your vocabulary

This way of overcoming the language barrier in communication is most suitable for those who are faced with a similar problem due to a small vocabulary. In this case, the barrier appears as if by itself - a person gets confused and frantically remembers the right words trying to get your point across. And at the same time, the main goal of the entire dialogue is forgotten - communication. The solution to this problem is, extra work over the expansion of vocabulary, the study of new constructions and their implementation in your colloquial speech- may seem complicated and uninteresting. However, this step cannot be avoided. You can only make your task easier by using simple, uncomplicated constructions and moving from simple to complex in stages.

Many linguists and teachers consider that one of the most effective ways overcoming the language barrier is listening. Listening to an interview with famous personalities, educational audio programs, various songs and audio books, you can create a language environment for yourself without leaving the country.

Psychological difficulties

If the cause of the language barrier is a negative mental attitude, then long-term work on yourself and your attitudes will help here. If a person constantly experiences fear that he will say something wrong, misunderstand his interlocutor, or simply look ridiculous, this state only makes him even more anxious. So here fit psychological techniques: application of relaxation techniques, self-hypnosis, study of fears.


The absence of a language barrier is a privilege of those who systematically work both on their knowledge of a foreign language and on their psychological difficulties. Often a barrier arises as a consequence of the fact that the knowledge gained is fragmented. In other words, a person tries several times to start learning a foreign language, but never finishes what he started. He learns the language at school, then at the institute, then attends language classes or even hire a tutor. But every time his impulse does not last long. And it is precisely this lack of systematic studies that is the reason that disparate knowledge cannot be assembled into a single “puzzle”. There is only one solution here - every day to devote at least an hour to studying a foreign language.

From liability to asset

But a person can be self-confident, know grammar well, and also a large number of words and still experience difficulties. How to overcome the language barrier in this case and what is its cause here? In fact, even perfect knowledge of vocabulary and grammar may not be enough if the words and constructions are in the "passive" stock. Passive vocabulary refers to all those words that you can easily recognize in the text or in the speech of a foreigner, but you will not use them in your own conversation (for the simple reason that they will not come to mind at the right time). Active vocabulary- these are the phrases and constructions that you use. How to extract words from passive reserve into active and thereby overcome the difficulties of the language barrier? Let's consider several ways.

  • When memorizing words, try to memorize them in context. The simplest lexical units are easier to remember and then use in speech - for example, it is unlikely that there will be difficulties with the words "table" or "chair". However, what about such concepts as "loyalty", "recognition", "responsibility"? Own offer in a foreign language can be built only if there is an example. Therefore, for the successful development new vocabulary never write words out of context.
  • Repeating words, try to use them, trying on a particular role. As a rule, new words are learned by topic. For example, "Weather", "Travel", "Description of appearance". But this approach is often boring. Think of a situation in which you would need to use certain words. For example, you can imagine that you and your spouse are shopping for furniture. Start describing your trip to the store, while keeping a list of words on the topic "Furniture" handy. Try to use all the words that are included in it. How more times you repeat them, the better.
  • Find a dialogue partner. You can also teach them alone, but sooner or later it can get boring. Working in pairs will be more fun, and you will not only pronounce new words, but also perceive them by ear. Of course, even if you work in pairs, sooner or later you may want to get rid of all these boring dialogues about going to the theater, security environment and daily routine. However, language, like any other skill, can only be learned through practice. There is no other way. But the sooner you start training, the sooner you can get rid of the language barrier.

Difficulties of interethnic communication

In some situations, difficulties in interethnic relations and a language barrier are interrelated. For example, people different nationalities it is difficult to build a dialogue due to the fact that representatives of each nation differ not only in certain external data, but also personal characteristics. It is known that some nations are characterized as restrained and conservative, while others are considered impulsive and proud. It is known that the structure nervous system is inherited within an ethnic group. There are several factors that may prevent successful communication representatives of different ethnic groups. Apart from psychological differences, this is:

  • cultural barrier.
  • Differences in religious views.
  • political settings.
  • Belonging to different socio-economic strata.

Ways to overcome

A resident of Africa may consider a European spoiled and narrow-minded, while for a resident of Europe possible cause biased attitudes can serve as ideas about African countries as economically backward. To overcome various barriers in interethnic relations Both sides should develop tolerance. This concept includes:

  • Equality of both sides, the presence of equal opportunities.
  • Freedom of religion.
  • The principle of solidarity and cooperation of representatives of different ethnic groups.
  • The use of positive vocabulary when discussing sensitive issues related to interethnic relations.

Often, having studied English, it would seem, in all its manifestations and complexities, having passed all kinds of tests and knowing exactly your intermediate(intermediate) level, you suddenly encounter some kind of obstacle that can greatly interfere with you. It seems that everything is clear in the book: you read and translate texts freely, after a little thought, you make sentences yourself, you have a basic vocabulary. But as soon as you break out in life somewhere beyond your habitual life and find yourself, for example, at customs, at an airport, a foreign hotel, as if it paralyzes you, and you cannot even remember elementary words. This means one thing - you are faced with a language barrier. The language barrier

Taking the language barrier is a victory over yourself

This often happens when moving from theory to practice with almost every second beginner. But in many respects this problem is far-fetched and has psychological nature. That is, in other words, the language barrier is a "chimera" generated by our imagination and our fears. She dissipates like nightmare when you walk towards her. Yes, yes, to make sure that there is actually no monster at the bottom of the lake, you need to put on scuba gear and boldly dive to the bottom of this very lake.

Also, the answer to the question of how to overcome the language barrier in English will turn out to be tritely simple - you need to start speaking this language, even in a broken one, even if it’s wrong, without thinking that they won’t understand you or start laughing. And when you are convinced that your first dialogue turned out well and that you managed, even if not without the help of gestures, to convey to the interlocutor what you wanted, then your barrier will crumble into thousands of fragile fragments.
Therefore, the first thing you should do is to kill the fear and insecurity in yourself.

The reason for the language barrier is our own fears

To kill your fears, you need to understand their causes.

  1. First reason. Are you afraid to make grammatical errors: After all, English is very difficult! Wait... Who told you that? Let's debunk this myth.
    • Look how many permanent unchangeable endings there are in English - all case declensions occur mainly due to prepositions. In this sense, the Russian language is a "Persian letter" for a foreigner. Of course, the preposition in English must be chosen wisely, but their meanings are not difficult to remember. For example:
      by the book- by books e
      with the book - from books oh
      without the book - no books and
    • But English has a strict word order in sentences, you might object. Yes, but is it so difficult to learn it if you know this scheme, which is valid for most English sentences:
      In affirmative:

      Subject + auxiliary tense verb + predicate (main semantic verb) + addition + circumstance

      AT interrogative sentence question word(if any) and auxiliary moved to the beginning of the sentence.
      Learn to think in English in the same sequence, and then the translation of thoughts into words will occur intuitively quickly

    • Well, how to actually figure out which auxiliary or semantic verb to use, because in English, who counted 12, and who and as many as 16 tenses? Such a number can scare even experienced connoisseurs.
      But don't get scared. For free communication it is actually enough for you to know all the times of the groups Simple and Perfect, as well as Present Continuous , which is actually 7 times. Why the overweight group Perfect, not Continuous? I remind you again - if it is more important for you to talk about the duration than about the perfect or imperfect action, that is, if you do not see the difference between "I did" and "I did", but it is very important for you to tell how you choked for three hours in queues at the sale, then learn first of all Continuous
  2. The second and no less terrible reason is the thought, how not to lose face, because the interlocutor knows English probably better, he has lived here for a long time and works in a job where fools will not be hired.
    And here you are wrong! There are far fewer true English speakers abroad than you might think if you are also going to France or the Czech Republic, Thailand or Turkey. You are much more likely to meet there - and among the staff, and among tourists, and among the indigenous people - people for whom English is international language communication, but not native, and therefore they will speak it far from impeccably. Your "broken" and their perfectly get along.
  3. And the third reason for your fear is the constant feeling of lack of words, a kind of verbal "oxygen" starvation.
    Here, too, it would be useful to remind you that base words it doesn't take much to communicate, only 850, and you may be underestimating your vocabulary.

Ways to overcome the language barrier

Overcoming the language barrier Let's briefly summarize the tips on how to overcome the language barrier.

  1. Destroy fear in yourself, speak and communicate boldly, do not be afraid to look ridiculous.
  2. Create and maintain an environment for communication, break out of the usual circle often and travel more
  3. Make sure you know English and that it is not difficult by repeating grammar rules
  4. Expand your vocabulary if it seems small to you:
    if you learn 20 words every day, then in a month and a half you will master all Basic English

A little pre-workout never hurts

Work through situations in advance by rehearsing possible options conversations. I offer some of them.

For example, you are going on an excursion to one of European countries. You may experience the following situations.

The situation at the airport and the plane

Tell me please, when will departure of next flight to Paris have been? — Please tell me when the next flight to Paris leaves?
How do I go to the registration? — How do I get registered?
How much is one ticket? — How much is one ticket?
Can you sell two tickets near to each other? - Can you sell two tickets next to each other?
When will the registration be finished? — When does registration end?
Don't you know how much we have to fly? — You don't know how much more we have to fly?
Can you let me your seat near the window? “Could you give me your seat by the window?”
Sorry, I feel bad can you help me? — I'm sorry, I feel bad, could you help me?
Have I time to go to the end of the cabin before boarding of the plane? — I will have time to go to the back of the cabin before the plane lands?

The situation on the street, in urban public transport

Tell me please, how can I go to the bus stop Revolution Square? — Please tell me how can I get to bus stop Revolution square?
Will I go to the hotel on the Boulevard of Roses, if I have gone in this direction? — Will I be able to walk to the hotel on Boulevard des Roses if I walk in this direction?
Drive me, please, to the hotel Esther. — Please take me to the Esther Hotel
How much do I owe you? — How much do I owe you?

The situation in the hotel

Hello, I reserved a room at your hotel on March 28. Can I take it? - Hello. I booked a room at your hotel on March 28th. Can I borrow it?
Do you have free room? — Do you have a free room?
Can I order a dinner in my room? — Can I have dinner in my room?
Please bring me two bottles of fruit drinks in my room at 8:00 pm — Please bring me two bottles of fruit drink to my room at 8 pm
I want to visit the Louvre tomorrow. Don't you have a guide book or can you explain to me how can I find it? - I want to visit the Louvre tomorrow. Do you have a guide or can you tell me how to find it??

The language barrier in English is the difficulty that arises when speaking in a non-native language. Almost every person studying a foreign language has experienced this unpleasant phenomenon. The barrier can arise not only for beginners, but also for people with good knowledge. Moreover, the latter are especially offended: you know grammar well, you calmly read articles in English, you watch “Theory big bang” in the original, and when it comes to talking, you can hardly squeeze out a couple of sentences.

What is the language barrier, and how to overcome it, figured out the edition Englex.

The psychological component of the language barrier in English

Fear of the unknown

It often happens that if we need to say something in English, we fall into a stupor. This may be because we find ourselves in an atypical situation for ourselves: we need to talk to a stranger in mother tongue. In addition, we do not know how such a conversation will turn out: what topic the interlocutor will talk about, what phrase he will say next, etc.

Fear of error

Of course, main enemy in a conversation in English - this is the fear of "blurting out something wrong." When talking with an English-speaking interlocutor, we are so afraid of seeming stupid or funny that we prefer to remain silent or speak only Yes or no. Psychologists explain this fear by the fact that we have been accustomed to since childhood: we are punished for mistakes. Therefore, even adults subconsciously try to avoid mistakes, so they prefer to keep their mouths shut in literally this word.

Shyness caused by an accent

Some people are embarrassed by their English accent. Moreover, this psychological problem sometimes takes on universal proportions: a person cannot achieve the perfect British pronunciation, so he prefers to remain silent and communicate using gestures. This is because of the fear of showing that we do not belong to this society We do not know how others will react to our speech. In addition, it seems to us that they will laugh at our accent, we are afraid to look stupid. At the same time, we completely forget how much we like it when foreigners try to speak Russian, their accent seems cute to us and does not interfere with communication at all.

Fear of speaking slowly

Another common phobia sounds something like this: “What if I pick up words for a long time, speak slowly and with pauses. A foreigner will think I'm stupid." For some reason, we think that the interlocutor expects us to speak at a speed of 120 words per minute, and not a normal conversation. Remember, when speaking in Russian, we also pause, sometimes we select the right words for a long time, and this is perceived quite normally.

Fear of not understanding the interlocutor

The final phobia combines all the previous ones: “I can make a mistake, I speak too slowly and with an accent, and even I can not catch some words of the interlocutor. All this will not let him understand me. AT best case this fear makes us speak too loudly with a foreigner (it seems to us that they will understand us faster), at worst, it keeps us from even trying to speak in English.

So why is it difficult for us to speak English and listen to non-native speech?

Small vocabulary

The larger your vocabulary, the easier it is for you to express your thoughts to the interlocutor with other equal conditions. With a narrow vocabulary, it will be more difficult for you to express yourself, as well as understand the words of an English-speaking friend.

Poor knowledge of grammar

Of course, even knowing the times of the group Simple will already allow you to chat on some simple themes. However, if you want to convey your thoughts to the interlocutor more accurately, the study of more complex grammatical structures cannot be avoided. Moreover, in order to perceive English speech by ear in in full, you need to understand all the subtleties of English grammar.

Lack of practice

If you only speak English for a couple of hours a month and listen for half an hour a week, the appearance of a language barrier should not surprise you. For the systematic development of any skill, whether it be speaking or listening to speech, regular “training” is needed, that is, English classes. Based on the experience of our school, we recommend studying with a teacher at least 2-3 times a week for 60-90 minutes and independently studying English daily or every other day for at least 20-30 minutes. Remember how people learn to drive a car: in order to feel confident behind the wheel, you need to constantly practice. One lesson a week or a month will not bring the desired result.

How to overcome the language barrier in English:

1. Calm down

The first tip is the main step for those who want to overcome the language barrier. Just accept the fact that the first conversations with foreigners can be difficult. At the same time, remember: it is difficult not only for you, but also for him. Your interlocutor is just as embarrassed and afraid of being misunderstood, so he will make every effort to make your conversation successful. In addition, foreigners always favor those who learn English, so even a simple dialogue will seem like an excellent achievement to the interlocutor, and he will help you in every possible way to carry on a conversation. Does the call to calm down seem banal to you?

The linguist Stephen Krashen put forward a hypothesis according to which the experiencing negative emotions human get worse language abilities. That is, if you are nervous or upset, it will be much more difficult for you to express your thoughts in English than in a calm state, in fact, your language abilities are partially “turned off” during a strong excitement. It looks like fear public speaking: you can know your speech by heart, but from excitement you forget everything completely.

2. Allow yourself to make mistakes.

Somewhat strange, but important recommendation: allow yourself to get rid of perfectionism. Remember how as a child you learned to write the letters of the Russian language: someone wrote them in mirror image, someone forgot to draw "loops" or "tails", someone wrote so crookedly that the teachers recalled the joke about the chicken paw with a smile. And, despite all these "failures", as a result, we learned to write in Russian quite tolerably, and some even legibly. The process of communicating in English will take place in the same way: at first you will make mistakes, but the more you practice speaking, the faster you will get rid of them. So do not be afraid to accidentally lose the article, native speakers will forgive you this oversight, after all, you are not an ambulance doctor or an airport dispatcher, so your mistake will not entail detrimental consequences.

3. Don't be afraid to "sound" wrong

Of course, one must strive to pronounce the sounds of the English language clearly and correctly, but do not be afraid to speak with an accent, otherwise it will be difficult to overcome the language barrier. English is taught in all corners of the world, and each country has its own "peculiarities national pronunciation". By and large, a foreigner will be able to understand even our notorious “zeriz / zera”, so do not be shy about your accent, this is not a defect, but a feature of your speech.

4. Take your time

Of course, we all want to speak quickly from the very first English lessons, without thinking about words. However, in reality it turns out differently: the transition from the native language to the studied one is not given too easily. Be prepared for the fact that at first you will speak slowly, pause, choose words for a long time. There is no need to force yourself: the speed will come by itself as a result of practice. At first, focus on competent speech, not fast. Speak slowly, but build sentences correctly, choose the right words. In this case, your speech will be understood for sure, but speed does not contribute to understanding in any way.

5. Try to get the point across

To understand the speech of the interlocutor by ear, it is not necessary to catch every word of his, you need to catch the essence of what was said. A common mistake: you hear an unfamiliar word in a speech and “fixate” on it, not listening to what is being said to you next. In this situation, you will definitely lose the thread of the conversation and will not be able to understand what you were told at all. Try to catch the meaning of what was said without thinking about unfamiliar words, then it will be easier to overcome the language barrier. Exactly the same advice is given by teachers before international exam: upon delivery of the part listening(Listening) Do not dwell on unfamiliar words, the main thing is to catch the essence, then you can complete the task.

6. Repeat your words

Did your interlocutor not understand you the first time? Nothing terrible happened: repeat the sentence again, reformulate it, try to simplify it. You are just learning to speak English, so your interlocutor does not expect you to be eloquent.

7. Ask again

Do not be afraid to ask your interlocutor again. If a foreigner speaks too quickly and you do not have time to catch the words, ask him to repeat everything more slowly. Do you still not understand what the interlocutor is saying? Without a shadow of embarrassment, ask him to explain to you more and more in simple terms. Remember, your request will be accepted adequately, because any person understands how difficult it is to perceive non-native language aurally. How can you ask the interlocutor to repeat what was said:

Infographic: Englex

8. Be simple and you will be understood.

If this is your first time talking to a “live foreigner”, try simplifying your speech. For example, in a restaurant, simply say: tea, please”, do not complicate your life with long constructions“ I would like…” / “ could you please... ". A simple sentence will be understood, and it will give you confidence. So that simplified speech does not sound rude, do not forget to add polite words please and thank you, they are appropriate in any conversation. In addition to simplifying sentence construction, use simple vocabulary as well. At first, do not try to use in a conversation all the idioms you know and slang expressions. First, you can get nervous and confused about them. Secondly, some expressions may not be used in some territory or used in a slightly different meaning. Therefore, for anyone interested in how to overcome the language barrier, we recommend that you first speak as simply as possible. At the same time, try to gradually complicate your speech, add words, “build up” sentences. In this case, your speaking skill will develop systematically and without psychological trauma.

9. Increase your vocabulary

A large vocabulary will allow you to speak more accurately, pick up new words faster and at the same time better understand the interlocutor. Good fluent speech can only be in a person with a wide vocabulary. In addition, remember that a native speaker can use various phrasal verbs, idioms, etc. To understand what they are trying to tell you, try to learn different words, including popular figurative expressions.

10. Learn phrases

Try not to learn individual words, but whole sentences or excerpts from them. In this way, vocabulary is remembered better, and useful phrase patterns will remain in your memory. From such templates, you can "construct" your appeal to the interlocutor.

11. Listen to audio content

In order not to worry about whether you can understand English speech by ear, develop your listening skill. How to overcome the language barrier with audio materials? To do this, you can watch news, movies, TV shows in English, listen to podcasts on topics that interest you, etc. Try to listen to something in English for at least 10-20 minutes a day. Do not stop your studies, even if at first you cannot understand half of what has been said. Your ears need to get used to the sound of unfamiliar speech, gradually you will adapt and be able to understand everything that is said to you.

12. Learn grammar

May you not use in every sentence present Perfect Continuous , but knowledge of grammatical structures will allow you to specifically and accurately express your thoughts in English, as well as correctly understand what exactly a foreigner is telling you.

13. Find a companion

Remember the saying "Wedge knocked out with a wedge"? You will overcome the language barrier in English only if you have a permanent speaking practice. The more often you train your speaking skill, the faster you will improve it to the level you need and the less embarrassment you will experience when you need to use English in communication.

14. Speak everything in English

During self-study English language You can also practice speaking. To do this, just say everything out loud. Reading a book - read aloud, doing grammar exercises - pronounce what you write, watch a movie - repeat phrases after the characters. Such simple steps will bring tangible benefits in overcoming the language barrier. Many English learners report that words spoken aloud are remembered better than those learned silently.

15. Smile

It's time to dispel the stereotype of "gloomy Russians who never smile." Abroad smile - almost required condition for normal communication. A benevolent smiling interlocutor will be helped faster than a nervous and frowning one.


It is worth remembering that the impossibility of overcoming the language barrier is, first of all, a purely psychological problem that arises due to different reasons, the main of which is the fear of looking ridiculous.
To overcome such a phobia, you can deliberately laugh at it by saying something like "Yes, I used this word incorrectly - everything, everything is gone and life is over" or "Yes, I could not pronounce this word correctly - now they will throw stones at me and start watering dirt."
By uttering such phrases, a person brings the problem to the point of absurdity and, as a rule, this helps to get rid of the root cause of fear.

If the first method is not, the language barrier can be broken down by practicing in front of a mirror.
To do this, you need to come up with some problem situation(for example, you do not know how to get to street N) and think over in detail all the phrases and appeals that you could use in the dialogue. After you can recite them confidently and with correct intonation, you need to demonstrate your skills to someone you know - for an honest, objective evaluation your his emotional state when talking.

If this did not help, then you can play on honesty - honestly admit to your interlocutor that you are very worried. Thus, you will win over the foreigner and, having spoken the problem out loud, relieve your tension.

Before the trip, try to immerse yourself in the language environment you need as much as possible by asking relatives and friends to communicate only in the foreign language that you need.

Most perfect way to quickly and easily overcome the language barrier is to listen to songs and watch movies in the foreign language you need. The brain itself will remember the correct pronunciation, and when you hear an unfamiliar word in the speech of the actors, you can independently find the translation in the dictionary.

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Advice 2: Which pilot was the first to break the supersonic barrier

To overcome the sound speed required not only skill, but also personal courage - no one knew how the plane would behave in extreme conditions what loads the pilot will experience. The American pilot was the first to break the sound barrier in level flight and return to base.

Officially, the first pilot from the USA, Chuck Yeager, overcame supersonic speed. The record was set on 10/14/1957 on the Bell X-1, which was specially designed for this purpose in early 1946 by Bell Aircraft. The aircraft was manufactured by order of the military, but had nothing to do with the conduct of hostilities. The car was literally crammed with research equipment. Outwardly, the Bell X-1 resembled a modern cruise missile.

Test pilot Chuck Yeager

Pilot in 1923 February 13. After graduating from school, the young man immediately entered flight school, after which he had to fight in Europe. At the very beginning of his flying career, the pilot managed to shoot down the Messerschmitt-109, but later he himself was defeated in the French sky and was forced to parachute.

The pilot was picked up by partisans, but counterintelligence removed him from flying. Outraged, Chuck secured an appointment with Eisenhower, who commanded allied forces. He believed the young man and, as it turned out, not in vain: the brave pilot managed to shoot down another 13 aircraft before the end of the war.

Yeager returned home with an excellent track record, characteristics, awards, in the rank of captain. This contributed to the inclusion of the pilot in a special team of testers, who at that time were selected as carefully as astronauts. Chuck's plane became the Captivating Glenys, in honor of his wife. The aircraft was equipped with one jet engine and was launched from a B-52 bomber.

On a winged car, the pilot set speed records more than once: at the end of 1947, he first broke the previous height (21372 m), and in 1953 he managed to accelerate the device to almost 2800 km / h, or 2.5 M (the speed of sound is measured in “max”, by the name German philosopher, ; 1 M equals 1200 km/h). Yeager retired as a brigadier general in 1975, having managed to take part in Vietnam War and fighting in Korea.

The USSR could not stay away from attempts to overcome the sound barrier; several design bureaus at once (Lavochkin, Yakovlev, Mikoyan) participated in the preparation aircraft, which should have faster than sound. Such an honor fell to the La-176 aircraft, from Lavochkin's "company". The car was fully prepared for flights in 1948, in December. And on the 26th, Colonel Fedorov overcame the notorious barrier, accelerating in a dive. Later, the pilot received the Hero of the Soviet Union.

If your thoughts are confused, your mouth is dry and you have forgotten everything that seemed to be carefully learned English words and phrases are symptoms of a "language barrier". Are you familiar with these feelings? Then you've come to the right place! Our article will help you identify the causes and all possible ways to overcome the language barrier in learning a foreign language.

How to overcome the language barrier? Indeed, this question torments not only the student, but also the teacher, who is puzzling over how to help the unfortunate student. For many, the language barrier is associated with the indestructible Great Chinese wall, which can neither be bypassed nor bypassed. All of our most optimistic endeavors in language learning go up in smoke as soon as the teacher asks to say a few words offhand. Most often, a person at this moment feels panic and forgets, completely, everything previously studied. But what is this fear and what are we really afraid of? Let's find out the real background of the language barrier, and based on this, we will determine effective ways overcoming it.

1. Fear.

Indeed, this is the most common cause It is better to remain silent and not say anything at all than to say with errors. What is the reason for this fear? First, this unsuccessful experience learning a foreign language at school, as they say, we all come from childhood. Each of us remembers how often teachers at school gave us deuces for mistakes, constantly corrected us, interrupting us. Lucky are those who have not experienced this. Of course, this complex remained for life. In this case, the student, starting to speak, subconsciously expects that they will immediately point out the mistake to him, and the worst thing, they will put bad grade. Secondly, oddly enough, it's shame. Yes Yes! Although we all know that we have the right to make mistakes, because we homo sapiens, but we cannot afford to be imperfect. Especially often we feel shame when we speak with native speakers. After all, they, for sure, will not miss the opportunity to laugh at our grammar, lexical errors not to mention pronunciation.

How to overcome the language barrier caused by fear.

Have you ever wondered why young children learn a foreign language so easily, and as early as five or six years old they can say not only a lot of words, but also whole phrases. At the same time, they do not miss a single opportunity to screw in a “foreign phrase”. This is because they learn the language naturally by imitating and copying the teacher. Moreover, the whole process takes place in game form, so they have absolutely nothing to fear, because their mistakes are corrected without scolding and criticizing, but only by repeating the correct option.

Overcoming this reason is the most difficult. A lot depends on your teacher, who should also be a kind of psychologist. AT this case you can be advised to find a teacher with whom you feel free and comfortable, have a lot of common interests etc. He must necessarily encourage and praise, and a mandatory point is not to correct your mistakes during the speech. In any case, this does not make sense, because, firstly, it knocks the student out of rhythm, and secondly, the error is indicated, but work on it is not carried out, respectively, the next time, in the same speech situation, you will make the same the very mistake.

Of course, in order to overcome the language barrier caused by fear and complexes, you need to be patient, try not to be too critical of yourself, notice your successes and sincerely rejoice in them. Only in this case there is a chance that one fine day, without any "fear and reproach", you will speak easily and freely.

2. Lack of active vocabulary.

In this case, the reason for the language barrier lies on the surface - we do not have enough words to express everything that we are trying to say so much. Any person who begins to learn a language mentally formulates phrases in his native language, which, in fact, serves him a disservice. Indeed, in our own language, which we know perfectly, we can express ourselves using all kinds of synonyms, antonyms, metaphors and epithets. Of course, when we try to say the same thing in a foreign language, the most “language barrier” arises. That is, we mostly forget about main goal communication - communicative.

How to overcome the language barrier caused by the lack of active vocabulary.

This reason is easily fixable, although the solution may seem tedious and boring to many. But, whether you like it or not, in order to overcome this language barrier, you need to learn as much as possible. more words, read books, watch movies and the like. In addition, it is necessary to try to use the newly learned material at the first opportunity. Then the passive vocabulary becomes active. No need to try to use too complex phrases, thereby piling up speech, often a person who speaks a foreign language fluently speaks in rather short sentences. Remember, it's better to say simpler, but faster.

3. Lack of a training system.

Quite often there are students who say that they know a lot of words, understand well foreign speech but still can't speak. In this particular case, the main problem is fragmented knowledge. That is, figuratively, it can be compared with a puzzle, fragmented into small pieces that do not want to join together. As a rule, this is because we start learning a foreign language several times, go to language schools, we take private lessons or do it ourselves, but we never finish what we started.

Here are three main reasons, one might say three stumbling blocks that every student encounters to one degree or another. Are there ways to overcome them? Of course there is, otherwise it wouldn't be. huge amount people who are fluent in a foreign language.

How to overcome the language barrier caused by the lack of a learning system.

Speaking scientific language, the system, as such, is a set of interconnected elements that form a unity. Accordingly, only on condition that all grammatical structures, as elements, are interconnected, and their meaning is clear and speech situations in which they are used, the student will be able to speak freely in a foreign language. If you understand that this reason is the basis of your barrier, do not start learning the language from the beginning, that is, from the alphabet. It does not add confidence, besides given level does not correspond to the actual state of affairs and your knowledge. Start the course to the next level. Thus, the scattered pieces of the puzzle, as it were, will be integrated into the system. In addition, it is necessary to listen more, since all kinds of dialogues form a context, without which it is impossible to understand and assimilate grammatical structures.

So, the language barrier is a problem for many foreign language learners. But, as in any business, the most important driving force is motivation. If you have an ardent desire to speak a foreign language, you will be able to overcome it and one day realize that you can easily communicate on a variety of topics.

And now you can.