How to help a first grader adapt. Primary School

On September 1, your child - smart, serious and excited - solemnly goes to first grade. A few months will pass, you will gradually get used to the new roles: he is the role of the student, you are the parents of the student. And it turns out that not only difficulties with the educational process were waiting for you, but also some psychological problems... How to adapt a child to school? How to help a first grader get used to a new environment?

Psychological assistance to first-graders is a matter in which parents are obliged
play major roles...

How quickly things change...

Usually all children go to school with joy and with a desire to learn. But a week or two passes, and the enthusiasm disappears somewhere. Many cute and smart kids eventually turn into malicious underachievers. Why is this happening?

Not everyone manages to successfully cope with the difficulties that await a young student at school. It is generally accepted that the adaptation, in other words, the problem period ends in a month or two. But in practice, it's not like that at all. It happens that a child feels uncomfortable at school even after a year.

So, there are four main problems that a child faces during the adaptation period.

Difficulties in communication

At first, each student experiences double pressure: from the teacher, who introduces new rules for life, and from classmates. Keep in mind that in children's team very strict rules. In the first grade, children establish informal relationships among themselves - they find out who will play what role in their new “game”. Kindergarten child in more advantageous position He already knows his place in the team. And the child, who was brought up with his parents, is used to always being in the center of attention of the family, so he expects the first roles here too. But at school, alas, this is not possible.

Tips for parents:

  • As much communication as possible outside of school!
  • Maintain any friendship your child has with peers. It is very important that he not be alone, find a comrade, and even better - several.
  • Don't compare him to other kids. It is better to compare his own achievements - yesterday and today.
  • Don't set your child up for great results. As a rule, in the first classes, much does not work out. The kid should not feel guilty and see parental disappointment.
  • In no case do not scold the child if something does not work out for him. It is better to praise for what you have done.

Difficulties in perception and concentration

It is sometimes very difficult for a first grader to concentrate on a topic. But the lesson requires constant attention. If the parents did not teach the child to perceive information, talked little with him and did not take his children's questions too seriously, then problems cannot be avoided. Today, most children are hungry for human interaction. Parents increasingly trust the process of upbringing " to the best friend» modern kids - TV. And this does not benefit anyone.

Tips for parents:

  • Talk to your child about school every evening. Start by asking what he learned today.
  • If it so happens that the child does not want to go to school, sound the alarm immediately. Talk to the teacher, together you will find the reason easier.
  • Attention and concentration skills can be developed. For this, there are special coloring books, games. Consult with your teacher about their choice - so you will quickly find exactly what you need.
  • Do not try to drive into a small head as much as possible more information. At this age, it is much more important to learn to listen to others and express your thoughts, to separate the main and the secondary, to develop industriousness and accuracy.

Difficulties of an organizational nature

A first-grader should be able to serve himself, for example, change clothes. It is important to teach him to organize his "work", to put things in order on the table. School supplies are better to choose together. And it happens that parents buy the most fashionable and expensive backpack, but the child cannot even open it. I remember we had such a very beautiful pencil case, which even I had difficulty opening. Of course, this may seem like a trifle to the parents, but not to the child. The first days at school, he is already in the strongest nervous excitement, so that every such “little thing” can easily piss him off.

Tips for parents:

  • Help your child organize activities and activities outside of school.
  • Always ask him to change after school - this helps the child switch, relax.
  • Do not delay the completion of the lessons until the evening, it is better to do everything "in hot pursuit."
  • Do lessons no more than one hour!
  • Do not be alarmed if your child suddenly wants to relax in broad daylight - daytime sleep will only benefit him.

Difficulties associated with poor physical health

Poorly developed arm muscles, reduced hearing or vision, fatigue, speech problems, etc. - create difficulties in the learning process.

Tips for parents:

  • Try dancing and “writing” letter elements with your hands in the air with your children; It's good to write on large sheets. The child learns to hold his hand freely, and this is very useful for writing.
  • One of the most common mistakes is to force a child to do homework first on a draft, and then rewrite it in a clean copy. Why is there an extra load?
  • If you see that the child has begun to scribble, it is better to stop for a while and rest. The letter should not be a punishment for him.
  • For any hint of problems, contact a medical specialist.

In addition, there are several other extremely important aspects, the right parental attitude to which will help your first graders quickly adapt to school. Among them:

The authority of the teacher

In kindergarten, the baby had two teachers, two nannies, a music worker, etc. At school, everything is different - “my first teacher!”. And the most important thing for a first grader is to establish contact with the teacher. After all, the personality of the first teacher sets the tone for his entire future school life, his attitude to learning.

If contact is established, the child may even develop some dependence of the child on the personality of the teacher. In response to all your comments, he can easily say: “But Irina Petrovna tells us at school that it’s not spelled like that (pronounced, pasted, etc.) ...” Have the wisdom not to be offended - it will pass, as it passes any period of the "cult of personality" in children's lives. Remember: at first for him, “everything and everything” was mom, then dad, then grandfather or beloved uncle, now here is the first teacher.

Particularly concerned about new love» gently loving mothers first graders. Psychologists in this case advise not to suffer from senseless jealousy, but to try to form an objective view in the child. But do not go too far - healthy skepticism should not turn into unhealthy cynicism!

And of course, in no case should you ridicule or ignore the recommendations and assessments of the teacher voiced by the child. Options are unacceptable: “Yes, what does she understand in aquarium fish, your Marina Vladimirovna!” or “Were you told to paint it gold? Let her paint it herself - it will be just some kind of ugliness, and not a craft. ” If your child is sufficiently developed, you can invite him to think about the recommendations, and not follow them blindly; to speculate what they wanted from him in this or that case, what was the purpose of just such an order and task.

Bunny - with you?

A doll in a backpack, a teddy bear in a pocket, etc. are very common things for first graders. Both girls and boys often take toys with them to school. Mothers are usually perplexed: how to react? Psychologists answer unequivocally: calmly. A toy taken to school from home is an “assistant” in adapting a child to new conditions. It turns out that the child, as it were, brings with him a part of his home, family, familiar friendly environment. With a bear in his pocket, he feels more secure, stronger, and more courageous.

The most wrong parental reaction is to forbid, laugh, shame: “Well, you are already so big, but you are still messing around with bunnies!” Most likely, the child will still continue to carry toys with him in his backpack, but only secretly from you. And the sediment in the child's soul will remain, trust in the mother will be somewhat lost, the authority will be a little, but shaken.

The habit of carrying toys to school usually disappears by itself by the end of the first school year. But if your child, already being a schoolboy with experience, still continues to put rabbits and bunnies in a briefcase, it’s worth considering. This is a symptom of the discomfort experienced by him in the team, the brewing of problems in relationships with classmates. Be sure to talk to your teacher or school psychologist about this.

Occupational therapy

Modern children are very tired at school - now the load is much more serious than even five to seven years ago. Therefore, most mothers try to do everything possible to ensure that their child has a good rest at home, and they themselves remove children from even elementary household duties: wash a plate with a cup, wipe the dust in the room, take out the trash, clean shoes. Of course, all this can be done faster and better by the mother herself, and the grandmother, and the housekeeper. But after all, household duties are necessary first of all for the child himself - for the development of his personality! The same cleaning and washing dishes discipline oneself, teach to appreciate household work (otherwise, how can you appreciate what you are unfamiliar with), prepare a girl, and a boy for a future independent adult life. By the way, now many schools are re-introducing "classroom duty", which was canceled several years ago as a "Soviet relic", and now rehabilitated under the name "occupational therapy".

In other words, the advice to parents is simple: do not “take away” your child from his simple household chores just because he is now a first-grader who is very tired at school. On the contrary, easy and feasible household chores will help him stay in good shape ...

School years are wonderful

Well, the most important thing. Dear parents, keep in mind: the first academic year the most difficult for a student. A new life has begun for the child - in every sense of the word - and there will be no return to the old, "childish" period. And you, the parents, should this year, more than ever, carefully, but unobtrusively, monitor all areas of the child's life.

Don't be afraid to praise your student! Each slightest success accompany your baby with stormy joy, turn the most insignificant (from your point of view) event related to the school into a family holiday. Support in your first grade positive attitude associated with school life.

Agree with grandparents and other relatives that they are more often and sincerely interested in the success of the child at school: for a first grader, both the joy of the mother, and the approval of the father, and sweet Nothing grandmothers. Allow your child to bring home classmates and play with them, arrange children's parties, take part in school activities and excursions.

And then for your child school years will really be amazing!

Adaptation of first-graders to school.

The term "adaptation" is latin origin and denotes the adaptation of the structure and functions of the body, its organs and cells to environmental conditions. The concept of adaptation is directly related to the concept of "child readiness for school" and includes three components: physiological, psychological and social, or personal adaptation. All components are closely interconnected, the shortcomings in the formation of any of them affect the success of training, the well-being and state of health of the first grader, his performance, the ability to interact with the teacher, classmates and obey school rules. The success of the assimilation of program knowledge and the level of development of mental functions necessary for further education indicate physiological, social or psychological readiness child.

Physiological adaptation.

In physiological adaptation to school, there are several stages:

  1. Acute adaptation (the first 2-3 weeks) is the most hard times for a child. During this period, the child's body responds to all new influences with a significant strain on almost all of its systems, as a result, in September, many first-graders get sick.
  2. Unstable adaptation - the child's body finds acceptable, close to optimal options for reactions to new conditions.
  3. The period of relatively stable adaptation - the body reacts to loads with less stress.

Adaptation in general lasts from two to six months, depending on individual features first grader. Some children lose weight by the end of the first quarter, many have a decrease blood pressure(which is a sign of fatigue), and in some - a significant increase in it (a sign of real overwork). Many first graders have headaches, fatigue, poor sleep, loss of appetite, doctors note the appearance of heart murmurs, neuropsychiatric disorders and other ailments. The majority (56%) adapt within the first two months of training. These children relatively quickly join the team, get used to the class, make new friends; they almost always good mood, they are calm, friendly, conscientiously and without visible tension fulfill the requirements of the teacher. The second group of children (30%) need more time; for a month, and a second, and a third, they can play in the lessons or sort things out with a friend, not reacting to the teacher's remarks (or reacting with tears and hysteria). And with the development of the curriculum, things are not easy for them. Only by the end of the first half of the year their behavior becomes “correct”. The third group (14%) - children who have significant difficulties in academic affairs added difficulties of a more serious nature. They exhibit negative forms of behavior, sudden outbursts negative emotions. If time does not understand the reasons for this behavior, it can lead to nervous breakdown and mental health disorders.

It is during the first quarter that the number of students with neuropsychiatric disorders increases by about 14-16%, and by the end of the school year the number of such children increases by about 20%.

How to help..?

The most elementary thing is the observance of the regime. The implementation of the daily routine allows the child to maintain physical and mental balance which makes it possible to maintain emotional balance. After school, the first grader must first have lunch, relax. Relax in the air, in active games, in motion. For weakened children, the best rest will be an hour and a half daytime sleep in a well-ventilated room. Sleep also helps to unload the musculoskeletal system. Lessons are best done in the middle of the day. It is believed that brain activity during the day there are two peaks: 9-12 hours and 16-18 hours, when it makes sense to do homework. It is important to put the child to bed no later than 9 pm. Children seven years old are recommended to sleep at least 11 hours a day. After sleeping, our first grader will have time to have breakfast, do exercises and finally wake up before the lessons.

It is forbidden :

  1. Wake up the child last moment before going to school;
  2. Feed the child before school and after it with dry food, sandwiches;
  3. Right after school lessons do homework;
  4. Forcing a child to sleep during the day after school and depriving him of this right;
  5. Wait for dad and mom to start doing homework;
  6. Sitting at the TV and at the computer for more than 40-45 minutes a day;
  7. Watch scary movies and play noisy games before going to bed;

More movement.

The work of the brain department, which manages the work of the endocrine glands, the circulatory system and digestion, directly depends on the activity of the muscles. Meanwhile, it is enough to play at least thirty minutes twice a week, for example, in football - and a new focus of joyful excitation will appear in the human brain, which over time, if physical education becomes systematic, will suppress the focus of stagnant negative excitation, open the way to recovery. With the arrival at school, children's physical activity is halved. What is physical activity for a child? This is his normal growth, development, life, after all. When a child enters school, growth and development are immediately inhibited. And you need to be ready for this. Therefore, if a child is eager to run outside in the yard, do not forbid it, even if the lessons have not been done yet, because health is more expensive! Pediatricians and pediatric neuropathologists believe that the child should actively move for 3-4 hours. If your child does not really like street "races", you can enroll him in the pool or sports section. Special Studies showed that schoolchildren who exercise daily, move a lot, are in the fresh air, there are slightly larger increases in growth, the circumference increases significantly chest increases lung capacity and muscle strength. It also affects metabolism.

It is forbidden :

  1. Denying outdoor play due to poor grades in school;
  2. Do not take health breaks while doing homework;
  3. Do not show physical activity in your free time from lessons.

Psychological adaptation.

The last days before September 1 and the start of school is a difficult time for a child. Yes, he wants to go to school, or at least he doesn't mind school. But suddenly, for no reason, whims begin, even tantrums. This seems completely incomprehensible to us, because no one offends, the general background is positive, there are no difficulties so far. And the first-grader, nevertheless, has sudden mood swings from somewhere. Even the most obedient children can start whims. I want - I do not want, I will - I will not, I will go - I will not go. What is going on? Your child is under stress. Stress is any strong influence that does not go beyond the limits of the adaptive capabilities of the nervous system. Stress can be physiological, for example, a cold douche, it stimulates the body, and psychological, for example, changing jobs or moving to another city. Your child has psychological stress, he entered into a new, unknown life. And all the whims of the child are just a cry for help, since the child cannot simply say about it, he himself does not understand what is happening to him.

How to help..?

Firstly, it is important not to yell at the child, and even more so not to physically punish him, but simply talk to the child in a calm tone.
Secondly, pay more attention to your child, it is so important for him. Attention is something that makes you feel good, pleasant. Encouragement, approval, joy from your presence. And yet, oddly enough, it’s just a statement of the fact that your parents see you. For example, my daughter is reading a book. Mom enters and, without stopping, casually asks, “What, do you read Turnip?” And everything went by. Seems like an empty phrase rhetorical question. And the daughter hears in it: “I see you. I noticed that you have a Turnip in your hands. I’m glad that you are in the world. I’m going to do my business, and then we will read together.”

It is forbidden :

  1. Demand from the child only excellent good results at school if he is not ready for them;
  2. Shouting at the child in general and during homework in particular;
  3. Force you to repeatedly rewrite in a notebook from a draft;
  4. Scold the child before going to bed;
  5. Talk to your child about school problems evil and edifying;
  6. Do not forgive the mistakes and failures of the child.

Social adaptation.

Personal, or social, adaptation is associated with the desire and ability of the child to accept new role- a student and is achieved by a number of conditions.

  1. The development in children of the ability to listen, respond to the actions of the teacher, plan their work, analyze the result obtained - that is, the skills and abilities necessary for successful learning in primary school.
  2. Developing the ability to establish contact with other children, build relationships with adults, be sociable and interesting to others - that is, skills that allow you to establish interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers.
  3. Formation of the ability to correctly assess one’s actions and the actions of classmates, use the simplest criteria for assessment and self-assessment (such criteria are the completeness of knowledge, its volume, depth; the ability to use knowledge in different situations, that is, practically, etc.) - that is, stable learning motivation against the background of the child's positive self-image and a low level of school anxiety.

Another important point. The success of adaptation largely depends on the presence of adequate self-esteem in children. We constantly compare ourselves with other people and, on the basis of this comparison, develop an opinion about ourselves, about our capabilities and abilities, traits of our character and human qualities. This is how our self-esteem develops. This process starts at early age: it is in the family that the child first learns whether he is loved, whether he is accepted for who he is, whether success or failure accompanies him. AT preschool age the child develops a sense of well-being or trouble. Of course, adequate self-esteem facilitates the process of adaptation to school, while overestimated or underestimated, on the contrary, complicate it. However, even if the child has adequate self-esteem, adults should remember that a novice student cannot yet cope with all the tasks on his own. To help the child overcome the crisis of seven years, to help adapt to school conditions, understanding and sensitive attitude of the teacher, attentiveness, great love and patience of parents, and, if necessary, consultations of professional psychologists are necessary.

Teaching first graders.

Every teacher working in the first grade of elementary school must remember that the desire of children to learn, their success is determined by a number of factors that are created by competent educational environment adequate to the psychological and physiological capabilities of first-graders.

The first days of the child's stay at school require special attention from the teacher. It must be remembered that such qualities of children as inattention, restlessness, quick distractibility, inability to control their behavior, are associated with the peculiarities of their psyche, therefore it is important not to make sharp remarks to children, not to pull them away, try to fix attention on the positive manifestations of the student.

In the learning process, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. At the beginning of training, the teacher should give each child the opportunity to work at their own pace. The volume of work of schoolchildren should increase gradually.

State of the art functional systems and maturity mental processes children (attention, memory, thinking, level of arbitrariness) that ensure the success of learning dictate the need to provide children with educational tasks of different complexity, and, most importantly, a different share of the teacher's participation in their implementation. The teacher should be aware that many children at this age can only complete tasks with the help of an adult who prompts the sequence of actions. This is not a negative characteristic of the student, but reflects the age and individual characteristics and the level of "school maturity".

The style of communication between the teacher and first-graders should take into account the peculiarities of the child's behavior associated with his ability to communicate with adults and peers. Among first-graders, there is a rather high percentage of children experiencing different kind communication difficulties in a group. This includes both hypersocial children who interfere with the teacher to teach the lesson, and those who are afraid of the classroom environment, embarrassed to answer and giving the impression of not knowing anything or not listening to the teacher. Both of them require various forms friendly and patient work of the teacher.

The teacher's tone should be trusting and gentle. Invalid authoritarian style communication between teachers and first graders. cannot be neglected and different ways non-verbal communication- hug a child, take a hand, etc. This not only reassures the child, but also instills in him the confidence that the adult treats him well. It is necessary to pay special attention to this situation, since for first-graders it is essential that the teacher has a kind, positive attitude towards him, which should not depend on the real success of the child.

Requirements for the implementation of school norms should be introduced gradually and not in the form of instructions, but in the form of wishes. On the part of the teacher, manifestations of irritation, harsh remarks are unacceptable. One should patiently and gently repeat the necessary rule again and again.

For the development of independence and activity of children, it is important to positively evaluate each successful step of the child, an attempt (even unsuccessful) to independently find the answer to the question. It is very useful to give children creative learning tasks. At the same time, let the children argue, reason, make mistakes, and together with the teacher find the right solution.

Special attention is required for children with low level activity. The main task of the teacher is to show any manifestation of initiative, the desire to speak out, answer the question, work at the blackboard.

In the first grade, children should be specifically taught to organize their activities: plan their actions, change working conditions. It requires patient, long-term work, which is based on step-by-step instruction detailing what to do and how to do it.

When organizing activities to solve a learning problem, it is necessary to teach children to plan their actions. It is very important to encourage children to speak aloud the sequence of actions, exercise their own control: compare their work with the model, find errors, establish their causes, and make corrections themselves.

It is necessary to pay attention to the structure of the lesson in the first grade. It should be "fractional", that is, include several types of activities.

For first-graders, the types of activities that they were engaged in are still very relevant. preschool childhood. This primarily applies to the game. Therefore, you should actively include the game in the educational process, and not prohibit the game, do not exclude it from the life of a first grader. It is fundamentally important to pay attention to two types of games - role-playing games and games with rules. Playing with the rules, as well as learning activities, necessarily gives results, develops self-esteem, self-control and independence. Games with rules should be present at every lesson (didactic), fill breaks and dynamic pauses (mobile, desktop-printed). Didactic games always have a learning problem to solve. In the process of these games, the child learns a system of standards - ethical, sensory, practical. Role-playing games are important for the formation of arbitrary behavior, imagination, creativity of the student, which is so necessary for him to learn.

Given the visual-figurative nature of the thinking of children of this age, it is necessary to allocate a significant place in the lessons to modeling activities with diagrams, models of sounds, geometric shapes, objects of nature. Reliance on visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking of first-graders in teaching contributes to the formation of logical thinking.



The initial period of study in the first grade should create

Favorable conditions for the adaptation of the child to school,

Ensuring its further successful development, training and

Upbringing. Tasks adaptation period uniform for all systems

Primary education.

According to clause 2.9.5 of the Sanitary Rules

"Hygiene requirements to the conditions of education of schoolchildren in

Various types of modern educational institutions",

The first class in September and October is held for 3 lessons of 35 minutes

Each. In the letter "On the organization of education in the first grade

Four-year elementary school" it is said: "... in September - October

There are three lessons every day. The rest of the time is filled

Targeted walks, excursions, physical education,

Educational games". To complete the task of removing static

Voltage schoolchildren are offered in the fourth lesson

Use not cool - lesson, but other forms of organization

Educational process.

For eight weeks, the teacher can plan the last

Hours of physical education lessons, as well as lessons on other

Subjects in the form of lessons - games, lessons - dramatizations, lessons -

Excursions, lessons - improvisations, etc. Because these lessons are

Are educational, but in fact in a different, non-traditional form

Program material is studied or fixed.

AT class magazine it is advisable to indicate the form of the

Lesson, if the lesson is not conducted in a class-lesson form.

Physical education lessons during the first two months (16

Lessons, two lessons per week) are aimed primarily at

Development and improvement of children's movements and, if possible,

Held outdoors. The lessons use a variety of

Games and game situations.

When conducting three lessons a day for two months

Fourth study hours should be planned differently than traditional

Lessons. These forty hours of study load (8 weeks for 1 lesson

Daily) can be scheduled as follows: 16 lessons

Physical education and 24 non-traditional lesson, which can be distributed among different subjects using the flexible lesson schedule.

For example, hold last lessons during September - October

4 - 5 excursions around the world, 3 - 4 - on the fine

Art, 4 - 6 - labor, 4 - 5 lessons - theatrical

Music and 6 - 7 lessons - games and excursions in mathematics.

Adaptation period, reveals the specifics of the organization of lessons on

Separate items.

Materials for holding parent-teacher meetings at the beginning of the school year.

№ 1

First graders.

Going to school is a turning point in every child's life. The beginning of school education radically changes his whole way of life. The carelessness, carelessness, immersion in the game characteristic of preschoolers are replaced by a life filled with many requirements, duties and restrictions: now the child must go to school every day, work systematically and hard, observe the daily routine, obey the various norms and rules of school life, fulfill the requirements of the teacher, to do in the lesson what is determined by the school curriculum, diligently do homework, achieve good results in academic work, etc.

In the same period of life, at the age of 6–7, the entire psychological appearance of the child changes, his personality, cognitive and mental capabilities, the sphere of emotions and experiences, and the social circle are transformed.

The child is not always well aware of his new position, but he certainly feels and experiences it: he is proud that he has become an adult, he is pleased with his new position. The child's experience of his new social status is associated with the appearance of the "internal position of the schoolchild" (LI Bozhovich).

The presence of an "internal position of a schoolchild" has for a first grader great importance. It is she who helps the little student to overcome the vicissitudes of school life, to fulfill new duties. This is especially important at the first stages of schooling, when the child learns educational material objectively monotonous and not very interesting.

Many of today's first graders are quite sophisticated in training sessions even before going to school. Enhanced preparation for school, visits to preschool lyceums, gymnasiums, etc. often leads to the fact that going to school loses the element of novelty for the child, prevents the child from experiencing the significance of this event.

Parents play an invaluable role in maintaining the "internal position of a schoolchild" in a first grader. Them serious attitude to the school life of the child, attention to his successes and failures, patience, obligatory encouragement of efforts and efforts, emotional support help the first grader feel the significance of his activity, help to increase the child's self-esteem, his self-confidence.

New rules.

Numerous "possible", "impossible", "should", "should", "correct", "wrong" fall on the first grader like an avalanche. These rules are connected both with the organization of school life itself and with the inclusion of the child in a new educational activity for him.

Norms and rules sometimes go against the immediate desires and motivations of the child. These rules need to be adapted. Most of the first grade students are quite successful in this task. We can agree with the opinion of a number of psychologists that a healthy, inquisitive, self-confident and able to build relationships with other people without serious problems included in school life.

However, the beginning of schooling is for every child severe stress. All children, along with overwhelming feelings of joy, delight or surprise about everything that happens at school, experience anxiety, confusion, tension. In first-graders in the first days (weeks) of attending school, the body's resistance decreases, sleep and appetite may be disturbed, the temperature rises, and chronic diseases become aggravated. Children, it would seem, act up for no reason, get annoyed, cry.

The period of adaptation to school, associated with adaptation to its basic requirements, exists for all first graders. Only for some it lasts one month, for others it lasts one quarter, for others it stretches over the entire first academic year. Much here depends on the individual characteristics of the child himself, on the prerequisites he has for mastering educational activity.

psychophysiological maturity.

Inclusion in a new social environment, the beginning of the development of educational activities require from the child a qualitatively new level of development and organization of all mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking), more high ability to control your behavior.

However, the opportunities for first-graders in this regard are still quite limited. This is largely due to the peculiarities of the psychophysiological development of children aged 6–7 years.

According to physiologists, by the age of 7, the cortex hemispheres is already largely mature (which makes it possible to move to systematic learning). However, the most important, specifically human parts of the brain responsible for programming, regulation and control complex shapes mental activity, in children of this age have not yet completed their formation (development of the frontal parts of the brain ends only by the age of 12–14, and according to some data, only by the age of 21), as a result of which the regulatory and inhibitory influence of the cortex is insufficient.

The imperfection of the regulatory function of the cortex is manifested in the characteristics characteristic of children emotional sphere and organization of activities. First-graders are easily distracted, incapable of long-term concentration, have low working capacity and quickly get tired, excitable, emotional, impressionable.

Motor skills, small hand movements are still very imperfect, which causes natural difficulties in mastering writing, working with paper and scissors, etc.

The attention of 1st grade students is still poorly organized, has a small volume, is poorly distributed, and unstable.

First-graders (as well as preschoolers) have a well-developed involuntary memory, fixing bright, emotionally rich for the child information and events of his life. Arbitrary memory, based on the use of special techniques and memorization tools, including techniques for logical and semantic processing of material, is not yet typical for first-graders due to the weakness of the development of the mental operations.

The thinking of first-graders is predominantly visual-figurative. This means that in order to perform mental operations of comparison, generalization, analysis, and logical conclusion, children need to rely on visual material. Actions "in the mind" are still given to first-graders with difficulty due to insufficiently formed internal plan actions.

The behavior of first-graders (due to the above age restrictions in the development of voluntariness, regulation of actions) is also often characterized by disorganization, lack of concentration, and lack of discipline.

Having become a schoolboy and having begun to master the intricacies of educational activity, the child only gradually learns to control himself, to build his activity in accordance with the goals and intentions set.

Parents and teachers should understand that the entry of a child into school does not in itself ensure the appearance of these important qualities. They need special development. And here it is necessary to avoid a fairly common contradiction: from the threshold of school, the child is required to do what has yet to be formed.

Famous domestic psychologist L.I. Bozovic wrote about this: "No teacher will ever demand from schoolchildren the solution of such arithmetic problems which he had not previously taught them how to solve. But many teachers demand organization, diligence, responsibility, accuracy, etc. from students, and at the same time do not care about first giving the children the appropriate skills and habits and instilling in them the appropriate habits.

First-graders who have already crossed the seven-year milestone are more mature in terms of psycho-physiological, mental and social development than six year olds. Therefore, seven-year-old children, other things being equal, as a rule, are more easily involved in educational activities and more quickly master the requirements of a mass school.

The first year of study sometimes determines the entire subsequent school life of the child. During this period, the student, under the guidance of adults, makes extremely important steps in its development.

Much on this path depends on the parents of the first grader.

A reminder to parents of first graders.

Support in your child his desire to become a schoolboy. Your sincere interest in his school affairs and concerns, a serious attitude to his first achievements and possible difficulties will help the first grader confirm the significance of his new position and activities.

Discuss with your child the rules and norms that he met at school. Explain their necessity and expediency.

Your child has come to school to learn. When a person studies, something may not work out right away, this is natural. The child has the right to make mistakes.

Make a daily routine with the first grader, follow it.

Do not ignore the difficulties that the child may have on initial stage learning learning skills. If a first-grader, for example, has speech problems, try to deal with them in the first year of study.

Support the first grader in his desire to succeed. In each work, be sure to find something for which you could praise him. Remember that praise and emotional support ("Well done!", "You did so well!") Can significantly increase a person's intellectual achievements.

If something bothers you in the behavior of the child, his educational affairs, do not hesitate to seek advice and advice from a teacher or a school psychologist.

With admission to school, a person more authoritative than you has appeared in the life of your child. This is a teacher. Respect the first grader's opinion of your teacher.

Teaching is hard and responsible work. Entering school significantly changes the life of a child, but it should not deprive it of diversity, joy, and play. The first grader should have enough time for playing activities.

№ 2

For the first time in first class!

September 1! Your child is starting new life. And the whole family is with him. Behind carefree childhood, ahead - responsibility and real preparation for a new life. And so you are taking your first grader to school, and you are worried as if you yourself are going to study. You have a lot of questions in your head: “Will he be successful there?”, “Will there be serious problems?”, “Will his teachers love him?”

Indeed, school is a different life. However, success in school has little to do with success in life. For example, many C students have successfully graduated from universities and have their own business, and excellent students are still nibbling at the granite of science, but there are thousands of such examples financially in need. So let's treat the beginning of school life as a new stage - yes, of course! But not fateful, not necessarily cornerstone future career and happiness. It's just another step on the way. Part of the road.

Tips for the road…

Parents are worried about their first grader and of course give parting words. Only very often these parting words do not help your child, but rather scare and confuse: “Listen carefully, otherwise you will study poorly!”, “Do not be distracted in class”, “Behave well, otherwise you will be punished”, “Study well, don't upset your parents." Such parting words put forward conditions, and in case of deviation, in the opinion of the child, they lead to punishment or even worse, the parents will stop loving at all.

Useful tips.

So what useful and kind things can we say to a first grader on the threshold of school life?
First, once again show your love and unconditional acceptance. A first grader must be sure that dad and mom, grandparents, brother and sister will love him, regardless of school successes and failures. Hug him in front of the school threshold, kiss him, tell him again how much you love him, how glad you are that he has already grown up, that he is a first grader!

Second, give your child a simple blueprint for dealing with difficult situations at school:
- If something is not in time, call the teacher, tell me.
If you don't understand something, raise your hand and ask.
- If you want to go to the toilet, raise your hand, ask: "Can I go out?",
that is, to give specific advice and recommendations, to aim them at specific actions. That is what they will need until, at first, they do not know how to do it right.

And finally, create a tradition for this holiday. Your child went to first grade for the first time today. This day should be presented not as the end of a carefree childhood, but as a holiday that will be the beginning of an interesting and educational period in a child's life. Perhaps after the school line, you go to the cinema, park or cafe with the whole family - there is ice cream, it depends on your mood.

№ 3

First grader: touches to the portrait.

September - October is the most difficult time for first graders. There is a gradual getting used to the school, and each little student faces many problems along the way, to which he reacts in his own way. The task of adults at this stage of school life is not to be horrified, not to hasten the transformation of a preschooler into a schoolchild, but to be there and help unnoticed. Nothing special, a lot of everyday little things, but they are the ones that save me from fear of school. We just need to delve deeper into the specifics developmental psychology first-graders, if we ourselves have already forgotten how difficult it can be at first ...

At this time, some children can be very noisy, noisy, rush along the corridors without restraint, get distracted in the classroom, and can even behave cheekily with teachers: be bold, capricious. Others are very constrained, timid, try to stay inconspicuous, cry at the slightest failure or remark. Some children have disturbed sleep, appetite, and an interest in activities intended for very young children. The number of diseases is increasing sharply. Some children are already overtired by the middle of the day, because school is a stressful factor for them, during the day they do not have the opportunity to total relaxation. Some children vomit in the morning.
To determine how you can help your child adapt to school, you need to know some of the psychological characteristics of the age of a 6–7-year-old child. On this age stage increased mobility nervous processes, there is a greater balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition than in preschool children. But the processes of excitation still prevail over the processes of inhibition, which determines such characteristic features of younger students as restlessness, increased activity, strong emotional excitability. In physiological terms, it should be noted that at the age of 6–7 years, the maturation of large muscles is ahead of the development of small ones, and therefore it is easier for children to perform relatively strong, sweeping movements than those that require great accuracy, so children quickly get tired when performing small movements when writing. . In general, most children experience high fatigue, which is also caused by additional, uncharacteristic given age school loads (you have to sit a lot, instead of moving, which is vital for a child of this age). The performance of a small student drops sharply 25-30 minutes after the start of the lesson and may drop sharply in the second lesson. In addition, children get very tired with increased emotional saturation of lessons and activities.
The development of thinking contributes to the emergence of a new property of the child's personality - reflection, that is, awareness of oneself, one's position in the family, class, self-assessment as a student: good - bad. The child draws this assessment of “himself” from how people around him relate to him. According to the well-known concept American psychologist Erickson, during this period the child develops such an important personal education like a sense of social and psychological competence or when adverse conditions– social and psychological inferiority.

What are you complaining about?

In practice, there are often cases when the difficulties of a child's adaptation at school are associated with the attitude of parents to the child's school life. This, on the one hand, is the parents' fear of school, the fear that the child will feel bad at school: “If I had my way, I would never send him to school, I still dream of my first teacher in nightmares.” On the other hand, this expectation from the child is only very good, high achievements and actively demonstrating to him dissatisfaction with the fact that he can’t cope, that he doesn’t know how to do something. During the period primary education there is a change in the attitude of adults to children, to their successes and failures. A “good” child is one who learns well, knows a lot, easily solves problems and copes with educational tasks. The parents, who did not expect this, have a negative attitude towards the inevitable difficulties at the beginning of education. Under the influence of such assessments, the child's self-confidence decreases, anxiety increases, which leads to deterioration and disorganization of activity. And this leads to failure, failure increases anxiety, which again disorganizes his activity. The child learns new material, skills worse, and, as a result, failures are fixed, bad marks appear, which again cause discontent of parents, and so, the further, the more, and it becomes more and more difficult to break this vicious circle. Failure becomes chronic.
The other most common problem is withdrawal from activities. The child sits in the classroom and at the same time seems to be absent, does not hear questions, does not fulfill the teacher's tasks. This is not due to the increased distractibility of the child to foreign objects and activities. This is withdrawal into oneself, into one's own inner world, fantasy. This happens often with children who do not receive enough attention, love and care from adults. Mind games become the main means of satisfying the need for play and the need for attention. In the case of timely correction, the child rarely falls into the laggards. Such children should be given the opportunity to do more modeling, drawing, designing, to provide them with attention and success in this activity.
Otherwise, having become accustomed to satisfying his needs in fantasies, the child pays little attention to failures in real activity, he does not develop a high level of anxiety. And this hinders the realization of the child's abilities and leads to gaps in knowledge.
However, the most common complaints during the period of adaptation to school are not about poor studies, but about bad behavior, which is typical for children with a high need for attention from others. Adults punish, but in this way a paradoxical effect is achieved: those forms of treatment that adults use to punish turn out to be an encouragement for the child, since he needs any manifestation of attention. The true punishment for him is the lack of attention.

Another problem is paradoxically related to high level child's speech development. Many parents believe that speech is important indicator mental development, and make great efforts so that the child learns to speak smartly and smoothly (poems, fairy tales, etc.). The same activities that make the main contribution to mental development(role-playing, drawing, designing) are in the background.
Lively speech, clear answers to questions attract the attention of adults who highly appreciate the child. But with the beginning of schooling, it turns out that the child is not able to solve problems, and activities that require figurative thinking cause difficulties. Not understanding the reason, parents are prone to double extremes: they accuse the teacher of unprofessionalism or put pressure on the child with increased demands. But in fact, you need a little - more time to devote to drawing, games, collecting various mosaics and models.
An even sadder situation is when a child who has gone to school is not ready for school. Such " psychological preschooler”does not consider the requirements of the school important and serious, therefore anxiety does not arise, school grades worry the teacher and parents, but not him. Failure is not experienced as traumatic. He himself does not notice how he is falling further and further behind.

Emergency Parental Help.

It is clear that the problems seen will not be solved by themselves. It is necessary to solve them as soon as possible, at the very beginning of the child's school life. Most important result such assistance is to restore the child's positive attitude to daily school activities. A child starting school needs moral and emotional support. He should not just be praised (and scolded less, but it’s better not to scold at all), but praise precisely when he does something. But in no case should you compare his mediocre results with the standard, that is, with the requirements of the school curriculum, the achievements of other, more successful students. You can compare the child only with him and praise only for one thing - the improvement of his own results.
Parents will have to wait patiently for success, because in school affairs, most often, the vicious circle of anxiety is closed. And may the school remain a sphere of gentle evaluation for a very long time to come. It is best to shift the focus of attention from learning to the relationship of the child with other children, to preparing and conducting school holidays, shifts, excursions. Thanks to this devaluation of school values, it is possible to prevent the most negative result- rejection, rejection of the school, which in adolescence can turn into antisocial behavior.

Every parent wants their child to feel happy and successful at school.. Especially about how everything will work out for a child, those whose kids become first-graders are worried. How to help a small student adapt at school, teach him to communicate and resolve emerging conflicts, we will tell in our today's material.

In preparation

Of course, if your baby went to Kindergarten visited training courses , sports or developing classes - it will be easier for him to get used to the new children's society. Available social experience will help the child understand how relations within the children's group are arranged, learn some rules, learn how to communicate.

Another indisputable plus - if in the first class there will be children the child already knows . Friends, neighbors, children with whom the child was together in kindergarten - psychological clues that will help the child feel more confident. After all, it is much easier to communicate with those whom you already know. But even here, not everything is as simple as it seems.

The first time in first class

When a first grader appears in the family, all household members master the new pace of life, adjusting to school rules. And, of course, everyone is worried, worrying whether everything will work out for the child as it should. However, parents should be aware that their love and care - the most important.

While this advice is nothing new, it is parental understanding Now the baby needs it like air. Positive mental environment at home - the same one necessary for the child rear, which, like a lifeline, will help the baby in Hard time if there are any problems at the school.

However, for now we will not talk about the sad, the very admission to the first class and the change in the whole habitual way and rhythm of life - stress for the child . After all, he will have to get used to a lot: to a new team, a new teacher, to learn to build relationships with them, to cope with daily stress.

Psychologist Natalya Karabuta tells: “Most often, the adaptation process takes place within two to three months. During this time, the child gets used to the school, and to the team, and to the requirements of the teacher. But sometimes a young schoolboy gets lost in new environment and the task of the parents is to help him orient himself, to explain that nothing terrible is happening, and he just needs to understand the new rules and get used to them. Does your child want to take their favorite toy to school? You should not forbid him to do this, especially if the teacher does not mind. The toy is a piece of the house, it will give the child confidence in own forces and a sense of security, so necessary for the first time in school.

How can parents help children in the process of adaptation to school? Adult task understand and divide children's emotions and experiences. After all, we are worried before the first day at a new job, the first date, we are afraid not to cope with the new task. Why do we not allow such emotions to our children, why do we try not to pay attention to their worries and fears? It's time for a new tactic.

Mandatory and nutritious food . school mode will be a particularly difficult task for little "owls" who did not go to kindergarten and began their morning no earlier than 10.00-10.30. With the beginning of schooling, everything will change, because most often, lessons at school begin at 8.30, and the teacher asks that all students be in the classroom around 8.10-8.15. Thus, the morning of the baby should begin around 7.00, and for some children this can be quite a challenge, because they are not used to such early rises. How to be? It is important for parents to try even during the summer gradually adjust the child's regimen in such a way that he wakes up earlier every day, and also goes to bed earlier in the evening, because the lights out in school time should be no later than 21.30.

Do not forget that during the period of adaptation to the first grader it is important to eat well . Of course, it’s great if breakfast is a common thing for a child, but if swallowing porridge or an omelet at 7.30 in the morning is an impossible task for him, it’s still not worth letting go to school hungry. At a minimum, tea with cookies, cocoa with a sandwich, yogurt or something similar should be eaten in the morning. After the second lesson, first-graders will have a school breakfast, and after the fifth - lunch. The question of whether the child will like and suit school food is individual, but if there are problems with this, it is worth considering how the child's food will be organized in this case.

And of course, the child should be given snacks to school: apples, cookies, muffins, sandwiches. Do not forget about drinking - a bottle of water or a bag of juice will never be superfluous for a little fidget.

Is the baby back home? Offer him his favorite dishes, always fresh, hot, healthy. Do not abuse fried, spicy, fatty, try to keep the dish as much as possible useful substances and vitamins.

Do not overload . The first class is quite a serious load both from a psychological and emotional, and from a physiological point of view. Therefore, if possible, do not rush to enroll your child in various circles and sections, and also do not insist on extra classes, unless the teacher tells you that it is really necessary for the child. Increased fatigue can provoke irritability, inattention, capriciousness in a child.

It is important that the child initially fully accustomed to his new status , got used to the new requirements, learned to communicate with the teacher and classmates. You see that the child is no longer so tired at school, he , and he easily copes with the program - then you can think about additional classes, or circles.

Help in organizing . At first, it will be difficult for the baby to remember his schedule himself, put everything you need in a briefcase, see if all the elements school uniform and shoes are in order and worn appropriately.

Parents should definitely pay attention to what the teacher says after class about the class plans for tomorrow, are there any that need to be done at home (for example, draw a picture, take extra colored pencils with you or bring an empty cardboard box for crafts to work) . Help your child collect a briefcase, teach them to focus on the schedule, check the presence of pens, rubber bands, rulers, and the sharpness of the pencil lead.

Also, there is nothing wrong with the fact that for some time the child will need to be reminded of the sequence in which to put on a shirt, vest and uniform jacket, to check whether the belt on the trousers is fastened correctly. Do not forget to keep shirts and shoes clean, it is better to prepare clothes for tomorrow in the evening, without fuss, and not run around with an iron and a brush in the morning.

Our mother Zhanna says : “At first we tried to leave the house all together, in one fell swoop. They brought the little one to school, and then went to work with her husband. But I realized that the process of joint collections is a rather problematic task for us. It is necessary to feed everyone, gather the little ones to school, check everything, dress, and somehow in this process my movements from the bath to the hallway and tinting my eyes with one left only strain the situation and me personally. And we changed our morning: now I calmly, right in my bathrobe, feed my men breakfast, collect lunches for them, control how and what they put on, gently kiss and send them to school and work. Everything is sedate, calm and cheerful. They leave, I clean up the morning mess in the apartment, in the kitchen, and then I start getting ready for work myself. If my husband gets it on time, he brings the little one to school and comes back for me. I have half an hour for everything. If not, I'll go myself, but I'm much calmer this way. I know that the child has not forgotten anything, I checked everything and everything is in order.

The beginning of school life is one of the most difficult periods for students. Having crossed the threshold of school for the first time, children are faced with a completely unfamiliar world for themselves: new people, an unusual regime, loads and responsibilities. All this renders big influence on their mental and physical condition. Children may begin to feel psychological discomfort, become more irritable, suffer from sleep disturbances, experience constant fatigue and headaches. Such a state is explained by the forced restructuring of the body to changed conditions or adaptation. To make this period as easy as possible, young students need the help and support of their parents.

Types of adaptation

Conventionally, the adaptation of a first-grader to school can be divided into two types: socio-psychological and physiological. The first type of adaptation is to establish contacts and build relationships with children and the teacher. The second one is related to possible problems with health, which often occur in students during the first months of attending school. While getting used to school, children can get very tired, act up, often get sick and even lose weight.

Signs of poor adaptation

The adaptation period can last from one month or even up to a year. In many ways, its duration depends on the personality of the child, his level of preparation for school, the features of the program and many other factors. Some children quickly adapt to new conditions, easily establish contact with classmates and learn the material well. Others easily converge with people, but study is difficult for them. Still others have difficulty learning the material, they cannot get along with classmates and the teacher. Signs that the child's adaptation to school is going poorly are the following:

  • The child does not want to tell adults about school and school affairs.
  • The child does not want to go to school, is cunning to stay at home.
  • The child became irritable, too nervous, began to violently show negative emotions.
  • The child at school behaves passively: is in a depressed mood, inattentive, does not communicate and does not play with other children.
  • A child at school often cries, is anxious, afraid.
  • A child at school often quarrels with classmates, demonstratively or actively violates discipline.
  • The child is too anxious and is in constant emotional stress, often sick, very tired.
  • The child has a decrease in body weight, low performance, bruises under the eyes, pallor.
  • The child's sleep is disturbed, appetite decreases, the pace of speech is disturbed, he is tormented by headaches or nausea.

August, the last month of summer, is in full swing, very soon September 1st. Parents of first-graders rush to the shops, buying a uniform, a satchel, notebooks, pens and other stationery - they prepare the child for school. But, unfortunately, more and more often the preparation becomes one-sided.

The child is fully dressed, shod, and many parents forget about such a phenomenon as adaptation to schooling or simply do not find time to think about it.

Where do adaptation problems come from? In fact, everything is quite obvious: in a child’s life, almost everything changes in one day. Games fade into the background, the day begins with a completely new and unusual activity for him - learning.

He gets into new environment where it collides huge amount new people: students and teachers. And he needs to build relationships with everyone. And if everything is more or less clear with peers, although it is also not simple, then the relationship with the teacher is something fundamentally new. In addition, in the classroom, the kid is forced to follow a lot of unfamiliar rules, many of which are physically difficult to fulfill.

Just imagine what will happen to you if your life changes so much one day - how will you feel? At least lost. And most likely, a lot of other emotions will be added to this, and not always positive ones.

It will take time for you to accept the new situation and sort it out. It is also required for a child, with the only difference that an adult still has some experience in solving problems. challenging tasks, and the child is faced with this almost for the first time in his life, and he cannot cope on his own.

It is very important that parents are actively involved in the life of the child, in solving his problems with adaptation at school. It is equally important that the teacher participate in this process. His task is to look after the children. Understand what is the peculiarity of each of them, and build your relationship according to their characters, and therefore individually. And this applies not only to communication, but also to the learning process.

Adaptation of first-graders to school is a multifaceted and multifaceted process, capturing all aspects of a child's life, and therefore it is necessary to solve the problems associated with it in a comprehensive manner, and not one-sidedly. There are physiological, psychological and social adaptation, and it is worth starting with the most not obvious - physiological.

Physiological adaptation of the child to school

It would seem, what does physiology have to do with it? The school does not imply any special physical exertion on children, as many people think. In fact this is not true. The fact is that the natural state for children 6-7 years old is movement.

And here the most ordinary lesson becomes the most difficult test for the child: for 30 minutes you need to sit almost still and concentrate on something completely incomprehensible, and not always interesting.

Not every child seems to be able to do this task. Many from the first days begin to spin, talk in class, interfere with their neighbors. Lessons are especially hard for generative children. And this is the very first and far from the easiest task for teachers: it is useless to scold a hyperactive first grader or punish him.

The point is not only that he does not understand how to behave, or does something on purpose. He is physically unable to withstand such a test.

There are 3 stages of physiological adaptation to school:

  1. Physiological storm or acute adaptation. This is the first, most difficult stage, when the child does not yet understand what is required of him. To the strongest static stress, the baby's body reacts with the tension of all vital important systems which, in turn, adversely affects his condition. This period lasts 2-3 weeks.
  2. Unstable adaptation - during this period, the body slowly begins to develop compromise forms of response to a stressful situation.
  3. Relatively stable adaptation - the voltage continues to decrease.

On average for physiological adaptation goes to school from 2 months to half a year. During this period, children may complain of headaches, lose appetite and weight, and even get really sick. A sharp decrease in motor activity is also added to the increase in static load. But it is precisely with mobility at this age in children that all the main processes, including growth, are associated.

How to help the child adapt to new conditions? Sometimes it seems that nothing can help, but this is not at all the case. The most important thing during this period is daily regime. Of course, the daily routine at this time changes a lot, but this does not mean that the regime can be abandoned.

By the way, in the first months, children can even begin sleep after school. This is, in fact, best option to relieve nervous tension. In any case, after school, you can’t load the child with other activities, let the baby rest first. Ideally, this time should be spent with him, doing what he really loves.

Only after that can be taken for execution homework. On the one hand, it should not be asked in the first grade, on the other hand, anything can happen. It is absolutely impossible to sit down to solve problems before going to bed. It is better to do this during the day, the peak of brain activity in children falls on 15-16 hours. And before going to bed, it is best to take a walk in the fresh air.

During the child's adaptation to school, and at other times, walk should take 3-4 hours a day. Finding so much time is extremely difficult, but this is the duration that doctors advise. This is the best way to balance the balance of static load and physical activity. It’s not worth counting on physical education lessons, 2 hours a week is catastrophically little.

According to research, first graders need 11 hours of good sleep. It is best to put the child to bed as early as 9 o'clock. In this scenario, the child will have time to sleep, have breakfast in the morning, do exercises and finally wake up before classes.

Psychological adaptation

Equally important is the psychological adaptation of children to school. It depends on this how much the child will be ready to accept and understand new tasks, as well as his desire to learn and understand knowledge.

The adaptation process itself is made up of several factors:

  • The emotional mood of parents, their attitude to school, and the emotions that parents can convey to children

Very often, parents who themselves have had a hard time adapting to school, and, as a result, all the other school years, are themselves negative, where will the much-needed positive emotions come from in this case?

There are also back side: an overly optimistic attitude of parents gives rise to rosy ideas about the school and the child. As a result, he does not expect problems at all from a new phenomenon in his life.

And faced with the first difficulties, he is disappointed in the school as such. And, oddly enough, in myself. After all, he is sure that everyone copes with the tasks set easily, and only he does not succeed: well, how can you not blame yourself for what is happening.

It would be much more correct to explain to the child the advantages and disadvantages of school and the education, knowledge and skills acquired there, but do not forget to mention that this is often a difficult task. That school still needs to get used to, that everyone faces difficulties, and it is important to overcome them together. As a result, the child will develop a positive attitude towards school, and an understanding of the upcoming difficulties.

  • What parents expect from their child: in behavior and in assessments

Every parent expects something from their children: high marks, diligent behavior, concrete action. And children do not always live up to these expectations. Especially during the period of adaptation to school.

At the age of 6-7 years, children are especially sensitive to the reaction of parents and others to their behavior, to their abilities and opportunities. The child perceives failures and failures most acutely. By the way, that's why they don't give grades in the first grade. The risk of breaking the child's psyche is too great.

However, to assess the progress of the child, his behavior can be from the feedback of the teacher. And here the most important thing begins: if the teacher tells you that the child is inattentive and interferes with the lesson, you should not scold the child, it is better to ask why he behaves like this? What does he not understand? Explain how to behave correctly, and that other people's work must be respected.

The same applies to the changed behavior of the child at home. It often happens that a disciplined and calm child suddenly begins to be rude to his parents and not obey. At the same time, this happens only at home; at school, such children behave very well. The first reaction of parents to the rudeness of the child is punishment.

However, it would be correct to try to understand the reason for such behavior. Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that the child spends all his strength on decent behavior at school. Calm behavior in the classroom, obedience and attention to the subject requires great stress, and when the child comes home, he tries to relax, hoping that his parents will understand and support him.

It is absolutely impossible to punish a child during the period of adaptation to school. But this does not mean that rudeness should be encouraged. Conflict situations should be avoided as much as possible. If the child screams and is rude, do not shout back or apply penalties immediately. It is better to say a neutral phrase:

“You’re annoyed now, and it’s unlikely that we will have a conversation. We'll get back to him when you calm down.

Do not be afraid to once again hug or kiss the child. Your support will never be superfluous.

It is equally important to help your child cope with learning difficulties. Including homework. But there is one caveat: it is important that the baby first try it himself, and only after he failed, he asked for help. If you initially sit down for lessons together, then the child simply will not have the habit of independent work.

Not always manifestations of stress and tension are destructive. In some cases, sloppy and naughty children, on the contrary, begin to show unusual discipline: they themselves wake up and make the bed, wash themselves, do not contradict their parents, and so on.

Parents are not happy with such changes, and do not suspect that this is evidence of problems in the child. This behavior does not need any adjustment, and, most likely, over time everything will return to normal. This is where parental understanding comes into play. Do not reproach the child for returning to his usual behavior.

Social adaptation

The child has to not only sit upright and study. In his life there are many new people and a new social role. This also takes some getting used to.

How the child shows himself in the team during the period of adaptation depends on his position in the class throughout the training. Therefore, you should not scold your children for the fact that they often call up classmates not on business, run away to walk with them, or linger after school. All this is part of social adaptation, and you should not interfere with this process.

The situation is more complicated with shy and withdrawn children. They often tend to take their favorite toys to school. Many parents discourage this, arguing that the child has already grown out of the period of attachment to toys, and it's time to make connections with other children. However, this should not be done.

The baby feels insecure in the new environment, and the toy - as part of the old, familiar world - helps to gain confidence. So let him take the toy with him, but just explain to the child that you can only play at breaks.

Do not forget about the peculiarities of adaptation to school of children with developmental disabilities, in particular, generative children and children with distracted attention. It will be much more difficult for parents of such first-graders to cope with the situation, and it will be much more correct to turn to specialists with this problem. This is the only way you can be sure that the problem will be solved. in the best possible way, and do not break the child's already unstable psyche.

But even if you decide to manage on your own, remember the main recommendation: do not scold your special baby.
