Russian language. See what "Russian language" is in other dictionaries

1. Russian language as the national language of the Russian people, official language Russian Federation and language international communication.

The Russian language is the language of the Russian nation, the language in which its culture was created and is being created.

Russian language is official language Russian Federation. It serves all areas of activity of people living in Russia: they write on it key documents countries and teaching in educational institutions.

Since our country is multinational, the Russian language serves as a means of interethnic communication between people: it is understandable to every citizen of Russia. Russian is the native language for most of the population of our country.

2. Russian language as a primary element of great Russian literature.

The Russian language is the language in which the Russian nation has created and is creating its culture, primarily literature. IN modern form the Russian language first appeared in the 19th century, in the era of A.S. Pushkin. It is he who is considered the founder of the modern Russian language, which is understandable to all of us and which we speak.

The Russian language includes literary variety(i.e. one in which all the rules fixed in grammars are observed), and non-literary (i.e. dialects, vernacular, jargons and slang - cases of deviation from the generally accepted norm).

Russian writers and poets have always successfully used both varieties of the Russian language, creating great works of Russian literature.

3. Russian language in modern society. Wealth, beauty and expressiveness of the Russian language.

In modern society in Russia, the Russian language plays an official role, being the national, official language and the language of interethnic communication. Not less than important role Russian language and in the world: it is an international language (one of the six official and working languages ​​of the UN).

In modern society, the Russian language is given great attention. Society's concern for the language is expressed in its codification, i.e. in streamlining linguistic phenomena into a single set of rules.

4. The place of the Russian language among other languages. Russian language as one of indo European languages.

The Russian language belongs to the Indo-European family of languages, that is, it has one common parent language with other languages ​​\u200b\u200bof this group (mainly European languages). Due to the common origin in these languages, there is much in common in grammatical structure, there is a layer identical words, which differ from each other phonetically (these are words denoting family members, verbs denoting simple actions, etc.).

Russian language among other Slavic languages.

The Russian language is included in the Slavic group of languages, which is divided into eastern, western and southern subgroups. Russian, belonging to the eastern subgroup, which also includes Ukrainian and Belarusian languages, is closely related to these languages.

Russian language and language contacts.

Throughout its history, the Russian language did not exist autonomously, but came into contact with other languages ​​that left their imprints in it.

In the 7th-12th centuries, the Russian language borrowed words from the Scandinavian languages, these were words associated with sea fishing (anchor, hook) and proper names (Olga, Igor).

Due to tight economic and cultural ties(adoption of Christianity) into Russian big influence^ speech language (cucumber, lantern, altar, demon).

In the 18th century, the Russian language was actively influenced by French, which was considered the language of the aristocracy (buffet, lampshade, arena).

In the last fifteen to twenty years, words from in English. Sometimes the use of words English origin redundant: foreign words, which sometimes are not even clear to everyone, replace more familiar words. This spoils speech, violates its qualities such as purity and correctness.

But not only other languages ​​influence the Russian language, but vice versa. Thus, in the middle of the 20th century, after the launch of the first satellites and spaceships in all languages ​​of the world such words as "cosmonaut" or "satellite" appeared.

Role Old Church Slavonic in the development of the Russian language.

Old Church Slavonic was first used Western Slavs, and in the 10th century it became the language and Eastern Slavs. It was into this language that Christian texts were translated from Greek. This language was at first a swamp of a book, but it is also a log colloquial began to influence each other, in Russian chronicles often these related languages mixed up.

The influence of Old Church Slavonic made our language more expressive and flexible. So, for example, words denoting abstract concepts began to be used (they did not yet have their own names).

Many words that came from the Old Slavonic language are not perceived by us as borrowed: they are completely Russified (clothing, extraordinary); others are perceived by us as obsolete or poetic (finger, boat, fisherman).

5. The science of the Russian language

The science of the Russian language is called Russian studies. She studies both the current state of the language and its history. It includes sections such as grammar (morphology and syntax), vocabulary, phraseology, phonetics, graphics, spelling, punctuation, orthoepy, word formation and style.

Prominent Russian scholars.

Founder modern science about the Russian language is considered M.V. Lomonosov, he wrote Russian grammar”, the first detailed description of the structure of the Russian language, developed the theory of three “calms”.

Another prominent Russian scholar was V.I. Dahl, who created the four-volume " Dictionary alive Great Russian language"(1883-1866), in which he reflected not only literary language but also many dialects.

Huge contribution Ushakov, Shcherba, Potebnya, Ozhegov and others contributed to the study of the Russian language.

Russian language - largest language peace. In terms of the number of people speaking it, it ranks 5th after Chinese, English, Hindi and Spanish.


Slavic languages, to which Russian belongs, belong to the Indo-European language branch.

IN end III- the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC from Indo-European family the Proto-Slavic language separated, which is the basis for the Slavic languages. In the X - XI centuries. the Proto-Slavic language was divided into 3 groups of languages: West Slavic (from which Czech, Slovak arose), South Slavic (developed into Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian) and East Slavic.

During feudal fragmentation, which contributed to the formation of regional dialects, and Tatar-Mongol yoke Three independent languages ​​emerged from East Slavic: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian. Thus, the Russian language belongs to the East Slavic (Old Russian) subgroup Slavic group Indo-European language branch.

History of development

In the era of Muscovite Rus', a Middle Great Russian dialect arose, the main role in the formation of which belonged to Moscow, which introduced a characteristic "acane", and the reduction of unstressed vowels, and a number of other metamorphoses. The Moscow dialect becomes the basis of the Russian national language. However, a unified literary language had not yet developed at that time.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. the rapid development of special scientific, military, marine vocabulary, which was the reason for the appearance of borrowed words, which often clogged and weighed down native language. There was a need to develop a single Russian language, which took place in the struggle between literary and political currents. The great genius of M.V. Lomonosov in his theory of "three" established a connection between the subject of presentation and the genre. So, odes should be written in a "high" style, plays, prose works- "medium", and comedy - "low". A.S. Pushkin in his reform expanded the possibilities of using the “middle” style, which now became suitable for ode, tragedy, and elegy. It is from the language reform of the great poet that the modern Russian literary language traces its history.

The appearance of sovietisms and various abbreviations (prodrazverstka, people's commissar) is connected with the structure of socialism.

The modern Russian language is characterized by an increase in the number special vocabulary, which was a consequence scientific and technological progress. At the end of the twentieth early XXI centuries the lion's share foreign words enters our language from English.

Complicated Relationships different layers Russian language, as well as the influence of borrowings and new words on it, led to the development of synonymy, which makes our language truly rich.

Russia has seen a lot before shaping its culture, rebuilding majestic cities and creating a mighty Russian language. Before becoming what it is today, the Russian language went through many metamorphoses, overcame barriers and obstacles. The history of how the Russian language originated is quite rich. But there is key points, thanks to which it is possible to consider in detail, but briefly, all the nuances of the formation and development of the Russian language.

First steps

The history of the emergence of the Russian language began before our era. In the II - I millennium BC from the Indo-European language family a Proto-Slavic dialect appeared, and in the 1st millennium AD. e. it became a Proto-Slavic language. Proto-Slavic language in the VI-VII centuries. n. e. split into three branches: western, eastern and southern. The East Slavic branch includes the Old Russian language, which was spoken in Kievan Rus. During the formation of Kievan Rus, the Russian language was the main means of communication for many principalities.

Since the time of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, wars with Lithuanian principality language has changed. In the XIV-XV centuries. Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian languages ​​appeared. The Old Russian language disappeared, a more modern northeastern dialect began to form, which can be considered the forefather of modern Russian.

Where did the Russian language come from? Correct answer - Kievan Rus, after the collapse of which a more modern Russian language began to form. From the beginning of the 15th century to the end XVII Russian language is formed quickly enough. The center of development is Moscow, where the modern dialect was born. There were many dialects outside the city, but the Moscow dialect became the main one. Clear word endings appear, cases are formed, spelling develops, words change by gender, case and number.


IN late XVII century, the history of the development of the Russian language is undergoing a period of complete formation. Writing develops, new words, rules appear, the modern church language in which religious literature. In the 19th century, the ecclesiastical language was clearly distinguished from the literary one, which was used by all the inhabitants of Muscovite Rus'. The language is becoming even more modern, similar to today. A lot of literature written in the new Russian language is being published.

With the development of military, technical, scientific and political spheres activity in Russian appears modern terminology, words taken from foreign languages(French, German). The vocabulary changes a little, becomes saturated French words. Since the language began to be "clogged" with foreign words and speech turns, the question arose of giving the Russian language the status of a national language. Until Peter I decided to give the status Russian state Muscovite Rus', there were disputes over the national status of the Russian language. The emperor assigned a new name to the state, issued a decree on the adoption of the Russian language as a national language.

At the beginning of the 20th century, when scientific field activities, English words begin to be used, which are tightly intertwined with the Russian language, become inseparable from it. The church, as well as many politicians in the period of the 18th-20th centuries, fought for the preservation of the pure Russian-Slovenian language as a national one. But learning foreign speech made its mark: a fashion developed for words of foreign origin.

Modern Russian

Since the appearance of the Russian language, it has undergone many metamorphoses from the basics to the modern rich and rich language with complicated rules and huge vocabulary. History shows that the Russian language was formed gradually, but purposefully. In the mid-twenties, the peak of popularity and development of the Russian language began in many countries of the world. In the seventies, the study of Russian was carried out by almost all major educational establishments peace. The number of countries that mastered the Russian language exceeded 90. The language is undergoing its ascent, acquiring new rules, and being brought to perfection. Learning the language, drawing up rules, exceptions, finding new examples to this day continues to take shape. The Slavic language with an admixture of foreign words became modern Russian and national language throughout Russia. It is also one of the main ones in some countries of the former Soviet Union.

The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.
(c) A.I. Kuprin

What distinguishes cultured person? That's right, his speech. It can be used to judge the education, outlook and even the mood of the interlocutor.

Unfortunately, the literacy rate of the population in our country is falling every year. Fortunately, the number of people striving for it is increasing.

Speaking and writing Russian correctly is difficult. Even professionals who work with texts on a daily basis make mistakes from time to time.

Linguistic knowledge and skills need to be constantly updated and improved. That is why we have collected 5 for you the best portals dedicated to the Russian language.


- perhaps the most famous reference and information portal about the Russian language.

Sowing "the Russian language for everyone", the developers have collected all kinds of dictionaries on it: from spelling to anthroponymic ones.

Audio dictionaries deserve special attention among them. For example, the dictionary "We speak correctly" - Chief Editor The portal, together with the host of one of the Moscow radio stations, teaches how to “hit” words correctly, and also tells in a fascinating way about their origin.

On GRAMOTA.RU you will find rich theoretical material in Russian, and more importantly - practical tasks(exercises and dictations). So everyone can check the level of the language and “paint over” the gaps in their knowledge.

In addition, if you are in doubt about the spelling of a particular word, you can ask the appropriate question and get a qualified answer from the staff of GRAMOTA.

The culture of writing

- an unofficial portal created by a group of enthusiasts from St. Petersburg teachers of Russian language and literature. They advise, edit texts, but most importantly they accumulate educational and reference material In Russian.

It is about both journalistic and scientific articles, and dictionaries, spelling, punctuation, spelling and other rules.

Of particular interest is the section containing typical mistakes committed by us in Russian oral and writing.

The site also has a lot of regulatory and methodological material. Therefore, it will be useful to teachers of the Russian language, as well as their students preparing to take exams.

Web edition of the rules of the Russian language

is a reference site created by a designer and blogger (together with Roman Parpalak and Shurik Babaev).

Here you will not find any dictionaries, tests and forms "question - answer". Only spelling and punctuation rules Russian language. But! They are well structured according to the morphemic principle, concise and provided with examples.

At the same time, the main feature of the portal is search. Fast and convenient. You can drive into search string the suffix you are interested in or the whole word with it; you can write "commas in compound sentences" or just put a "," sign.

This site is indispensable for journalists, copywriters, bloggers and everyone who needs efficiency in editing texts.


- a site about the Russian language and literature. The target audience is quite wide: from philologists and linguists to high school students.

The site also presents all the main language rules, dictionaries; there is a forum and help desk to help deal with complex cases.

From the point of view of the Russian language, there is nothing new on the portal, but the Literature section is very interesting and informative. You will find there a variety of materials on the theory of literature (genera, genres, text, and much more) - an excellent help for novice writers and publicists.


- a site-collection of rules for the Russian language. As in the case of, it contains all the basic rules (plus sections on phonetics, vocabulary and morphology), but they are even more concise.

It is stated that the site will help you improve your literacy and pass exams successfully. This should be facilitated by tests, the link to which is provided after some rules. But alas, the links are not working.

In conclusion, a small survey: what services and portals about the Russian language do you use? Share links in the comments.

Russian language is one of the group East Slavic languages, along with Ukrainian and Belarusian. It is the most widely spoken Slavic language and one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world in terms of the number of people who speak it and consider it their mother tongue.

In its turn, Slavic languages refer to Balto-Slavic branch family of Indo-European languages. Thus, in order to answer the question: where did the Russian language come from, you need to make an excursion into ancient times.

Origin of the Indo-European languages

About 6 thousand years ago there lived a people who are considered to be the carriers of the Proto-Indo-European language. Where he lived exactly is today the subject of fierce debate among historians and linguists. The steppes are called the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans. of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and the territory on the border between Europe and Asia, and the Armenian Highlands. In the early 80s of the last century, linguists Gamkrelidze and Ivanov formulated the idea of ​​two ancestral homes: first there was the Armenian Highlands, and then the Indo-Europeans moved to the Black Sea steppes. Archaeologically, the speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language are correlated with representatives of the “pit culture”, who lived in the east of Ukraine and on the territory of modern Russia in the 3rd millennium BC.

Isolation of the Balto-Slavic branch

Subsequently, the Proto-Indo-Europeans settled in Asia and Europe, mixed with local peoples and gave them their language. In Europe, the languages ​​of the Indo-European family are spoken by almost all peoples, except for the Basques, in Asia various languages this family is spoken in India, Iran. Tajikistan, Pamir, etc. About 2 thousand years ago, the Proto-Balto-Slavic language emerged from the common Proto-Indo-European language. According to a number of linguists (including Ler-Splavinsky), the Proto-Baltoslavs existed as a single people speaking the same language for about 500-600 years, and the archaeological culture of Corded Ware corresponds to this period in the history of our peoples. Then language branch divided again: into the Baltic group, which henceforth healed independent life, and Proto-Slavic, which became common root from which all modern Slavic languages ​​originated.

Old Russian language

All-Slavic unity persisted until the 6th-7th century AD. When carriers of East Slavic dialects stood out from the common Slavic array, the Old Russian language began to form, which became the ancestor of modern Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian. The Old Russian language is known to us thanks to numerous monuments written in Church Slavonic, which can be considered as written, literary form Old Russian language. In addition, preserved written monumentsbirch bark letters, graffiti on the walls of churches - written in everyday, colloquial Old Russian.

Old Russian period

The Old Russian (or Great Russian) period covers the time from the 14th to the 17th centuries. At this time, the Russian language finally stands out from the group of East Slavic languages, phonetic and grammatical systems close to modern ones are formed in it, other changes take place, including dialects. The leading among them is the “aking” dialect of the upper and middle Oka, and, first of all, the Moscow dialect.

Modern Russian

The Russian language we speak today began to take shape with XVII century. It is based on the Moscow dialect. The decisive role for the formation of the modern Russian language was played by literary works Lomonosov, Trediakovsky, Sumarokov. Lomonosov also wrote the first grammar, fixing the norms of the literary Russian language. All the richness of the Russian language, which has developed from the synthesis of Russian colloquial, Church Slavonic elements, borrowings from other languages, is reflected in the works of Pushkin, who is considered the creator of the modern Russian literary language.

Borrowings from other languages

Over the centuries of its existence, the Russian language, like any other living and developing system, was repeatedly enriched by borrowings from other languages. The earliest borrowings include "Baltisms" - borrowings from the Baltic languages. However, in this case, we are probably not talking about borrowings, but about vocabulary that has been preserved from the time when the Slavic-Baltic community existed. The “Balticisms” include such words as “ladle”, “tow”, “stack”, “amber”, “village”, etc. During the period of Christianization, "Grecisms" - "sugar", "bench" entered our language. "lantern", "notebook", etc. Through contacts with European peoples, “Latinisms” entered the Russian language - “doctor”, “medicine”, “rose” and “Arabisms” - “admiral”, “coffee”, “lacquer”, “mattress”, etc. . large group words entered our language from Turkic languages. These are words such as “hearth”, “tent”, “hero”, “cart”, etc. And, finally, since the time of Peter I, the Russian language has absorbed words from European languages. At first, this is a large layer of words from German, English and Dutch related to science, technology, maritime and military affairs: "ammunition", "globe", "assembly", "optics", "pilot", "sailor", "deserter". Later, French, Italian and spanish words related to household items, areas of art - “stained glass”, “veil”, “couch”, “boudoir”, “ballet”, “actor”, “billboard”, “pasta”, “serenade”, etc. And finally, these days we are experiencing a new influx of borrowings, this time from English, in the main language.