Various adjective examples. About quality adjectives with examples

Ranks of adjectives

Discharge is the only constant morphological trait this part of speech. There are three types of adjectives:

Most quality adjectives have a long form and a short form. The full form changes according to cases, numbers and genders. Adjectives in short form change by number and gender. Short adjectives are not declined; in a sentence are used as predicates. Some adjectives are used only in a short form: much, glad, must, necessary. Some quality adjectives do not have a corresponding short form: adjectives with suffixes denoting a high degree sign, and an adjective, which are part of the terminological names (fast train, deep rear). Quality adjectives can be combined with the adverb very, have antonyms. Qualitative adjectives have comparative and superlative degrees of comparison. In form, each degree can be simple (consists of one word) and compound (consists of two words): harder, quietest.

  • relative(answering the question “which one?”)
    • relative adjectives do not have degrees; designate the material from which the object is made, the spatial and temporal features of the object: wood - wood, January - January, freezing - frosty;
    • most relative adjectives do not combine with the adverb "very";

Relative adjectives denote such a sign of an object that cannot be in an object to a greater or lesser extent. Relative adjectives do not have a short form, degrees of comparison, do not combine with an adverb very much, do not have antonyms. Relative adjectives change by case, number, and gender (singular).

  • possessive- answer the question "whose?" and denote belonging to something living or person ( paternal, sisters, fox).

Possessive adjectives indicate the belonging of something to a person and answer the questions of whose? whose? whose? whose? Possessive adjectives change for case, number, and gender (singular).

To attribute an adjective to any category, it is enough to find at least one sign of this category in the adjective.

The boundaries of the lexical and grammatical categories of adjectives are mobile. Thus, possessive and relative adjectives can acquire qualitative value: dog tail(possessive) dog pack(relative), dog life(quality).

Coordination of adjectives with nouns

Adjectives agree with the nouns they refer to in gender, number and case.

  • Example: adjective "blue"
    • blue (Sing., m.r., Im.p.) house (Sing., m.r., Im.p.)
    • blue (Sing., Wed, Im.p.) sky (Sing., Wed, Im.p.).

Declension of adjectives.

The gender, case and number of an adjective depend on the respective characteristics of the noun with which it agrees. Indeclinable adjectives are usually in postposition with respect to the noun, and their gender, number, and case are determined syntactically by the characteristics of the corresponding noun: red jacket, beige jackets.

  • solid: red th, red wow, red omu
  • soft: syn uy, sin his, sin to him
  • mixed: big oh, large wow, large them.

The declension of adjectives includes a change in numbers, and in the singular - in cases and genders.

The form of the adjective depends on the noun to which the adjective refers and with which it agrees in gender, number and case.

Short adjectives change only by gender and number.

The masculine and neuter forms differ in the nominative and accusative cases, while in other forms they are the same.

Forms differ accusative adjectives in the singular male and during plural relating to animate and inanimate nouns:

  • V.p. = I.p. with inanimate nouns:
    • “Their villages and fields for a violent raid he doomed to swords and fires” (A. Pushkin);
  • V.p. = R.p. with animate nouns:
    • “Masha did not pay attention to the young Frenchman” (A. Pushkin);
    • And the whole earth must praise forever ordinary people, to whom for victories I would have poured stars into orders ”(V. Sysoev).

masculine adjectives in -oh inclined in the same way as th, but always have shock ending: grey, young - gray, young - gray, young - about gray, about the young.

The literal designation of the endings of adjectives in some cases sharply diverges from sound composition: white - white [bv], flying-his - summer [b].

Declension of qualitative and relative adjectives:

  • hard declination;
  • soft declension;
  • mixed declension.

Hard declension of adjectives

According to the solid type, adjectives with a base on a solid consonant are inclined, except for G, K, X, C and hissing ones: thin, white, straight, native, boring, stupid, gray, bald, cool, well-fed.

Formation of adjectives

Adjectives are most often formed in a suffixal way: swamp - swamp n th. Adjectives can also be formed by prefixes: not big, and prefixed-suffixal ways: under waters n th. Adjectives are also difficult to form. in a suffix way: flax about seed cleaner tedious. Adjectives can also be formed by compounding two stems: pale pink, three-year.

Morphological analysis of the adjective

  1. General grammatical meaning.
  2. Initial form. initial form the form of the adjective is considered singular, nominative, masculine ( blue).
  3. Constant signs: discharge.
  4. Non-permanent features: used in short/full (only for qualitative ones); degree of comparison (only for qualitative ones); number, gender, case (blue - used in full form, singular)
  5. syntactic role - definition

Transition to other parts of speech

Most often, participles pass into the category of adjectives. Pronouns can also act as adjectives ( No artist from him).

Adjectives, in turn, can substantiate, that is, move into the category of nouns: Russian, military.

Features of adjectives in other languages


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Division of adjectives into groups in Russian and other languages

Adjectives are somehow divided into some categories in almost any language, including Russian. As a rule, in most languages, the classification includes two categories - qualitative and relative adjectives, for example, in English, Spanish and German there is such a division. In Russian, there is also a third category - possessive, which Europeans use pronouns and nouns in special forms.

Ranks of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives denote, as you might guess, the quality of the word being defined - cold, warm, tall, thin, fluffy, etc. They have a number grammatical features, allowing to determine their category: they have a short form, degrees of comparison, forms subjective assessment(short, long), in addition, they are combined with adverbs (very thin, extremely smart) and can even sometimes form them themselves (stupid - stupid,
envious - envious).

Apart from external signs a definable noun or pronoun, quality names adjectives can also define character and inner traits - stupid, lazy, jealous. Relative adjectives tell about several other features of the word being defined: the material of manufacture, time and spatial arrangement - a fur vest, yesterday's newspaper, a Turkish cap. As a rule, adjectives belonging to this category do not have grammatical features that are inherent in the first group. Finally, possessive adjectives denote the belonging of the word being defined - fox tail, hare footprints, mom's lipstick. They also most often do not have morphological forms, which can form quality adjectives.

Difficulties and errors in determining the category

It would seem that everything is very simple. But if this were the case, then the Russian language would not be so difficult to learn. The fact is that quite often there is a transition of this part of speech from one category to another. Most often, relative and possessive adjectives turn into qualitative adjectives, however, without acquiring their grammatical features, which seriously complicates the task of determining the category. Therefore, for an accurate classification, it is much more convenient to rely not only on the formation of morphological forms by one or another adjective, but also on the context and meaning of the definition in it. So, in the phrase "hare tracks" it is obvious that we are talking about the footprints belonging to the hare.

And the hare collar is made of its skin, that is, here we are already talking about the material of manufacture, and the adjective becomes relative. Iron utensils are utensils made of metal, the adjective is relative, and in the phrase " iron will"or" heart of gold "we are no longer talking about the material, these are already quality adjectives. "Hare cowardice" is another example of how freely adjectives change rank depending on the context. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken, one should first of all take into account semantics and context, and only then rely on grammatical features.

In Russian, the adjective plays very important role. This part of speech got its name from the fact that it is usually “attached” to a noun. In other words, the adjective depends on the name of the noun and denotes its attribute. These signs can be different: the quality of the object (what?), the material from which the object is made (what?) and the belonging of the object (whose?).

Adjectives are divided into three categories, depending on what attribute of the object they designate. So, for example, relative ones are “wooden”, “glass”, “brick”. Possessive - "mother", "grandmother", "dog". But most of all in the Russian language there are quality adjectives. They are widely used in fiction as epithets. They are also remarkable in that they have degrees of comparison. Relative and possessive adjectives have no degrees of comparison, because you can’t say “the most brick” or “the most mother’s”.

How to define a quality adjective

This part speech can mean the most different signs items, for example:

It is quite easy to define it in the text. In order to find out what category an adjective belongs to, you need to try to put it in the degree of comparison. If it worked out (for example, “kind - kinder - the kindest”), then it belongs to the category of quality ones.

Name signs

Signs of qualitative adjectives help to easily determine whether this part of speech really belongs to this category. They change depending on the gender and number of the noun. This is done with endings. Among the main features are the following:

  • Have a genus(male, female, or neuter). In a phrase or sentence, they take on the gender of the noun with which it is associated. Examples: "dark dress", "dark room", "dark window";
  • Have a number. The number also depends on the number of the noun. Examples: "delicious sweets", "delicious chocolate bar";
  • Agree with the noun in the case, have case endings . For example, "I see a kind mother" - accusative case, "I am pleased with the old grandfather" - instrumental case;
  • In the proposal, they perform the function of defining, at parsing underlined with a continuous wavy line.

Adjectives are very important for the literary Russian language. Without them, the idea of ​​an object or phenomenon will be incomplete. For example, rain can be "hard" or "weak", a person can be "smart" or "stupid", and a story can be "boring" or "interesting". Proper use of adjectives in oral and written speech makes speech figurative, beautiful, expressive. It is especially important to use them correctly in poetry and prose. The type of text in which qualitative adjectives predominate is traditionally called "description". The purpose of the description is to make the most full view about concrete phenomenon or object so that readers can "see" this image, capture it in their minds.

The sign of the object denoted by this part of speech, for example, “age”, “shade”, “quality of character”, can be expressed strongly or weakly. For this, in Russian and in many other Indo-European languages There is such a thing as degrees of comparison. There are two types of degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative.

The formation of degrees of comparison can occur in two ways: by adding a special comparative suffix or by adding the words "more", "less", "most". For example: “kind - kinder - kindest” or “kind - more (less) kind - the kindest”. Most adjectives can be successfully used in both ways.

However, the first method is more often used in oral speech, and the second method - in writing, especially in scientific, journalistic and formal business style. AT art style both methods are used. Also, both methods are considered correct and acceptable from the point of view of the Russian literary language. Adjectives that belong to other categories (relative and possessive) do not have degrees of comparison.

Quality adjectives: examples

“Cheerful”, “boring”, “sad”, “fragrant”, “sweet”… The list is endless. In any literary text starting from school textbook and ending with the poems of the classics of Russian poetry, there are sure to be at least a few such adjectives. But relative and possessive adjectives are not found in every text.

Almost every adjective has many synonymsdifferent words denoting the same attribute. These synonyms form synonymous series. Here is an example of such synonymous series: "happy - cheerful - joyful." Or, for example: "evil - cruel - harsh - ferocious." In such rows, synonyms can be arranged in ascending or descending order of the severity of a particular feature, for example: “boring (the feature is slightly expressed) – tiring (the feature is more pronounced) – dreary (the feature is most pronounced).

Proper use of synonyms and knowledge of their gradations, depending on the degree of expression of a particular quality, makes written and oral speech capacious, figurative, expressive. These synonyms are often used in literary descriptions.

Qualitative adjectives in fiction

The most expressive artistic means can appear in poetic and prose fiction as epithets. The epithet is artistic definition. Usually, with the help of an epithet, a poet or prose writer expresses his unusual view of familiar things. For example, the word "pale" in the phrase "pale moon" can hardly be called an epithet, it's just a definition of color.

However, a poet or writer, describing the moon, can pick up such epithets as “magic”, “young”, “wise” for this subject. Epithets help to look at many familiar things from an unusual point of view. Many works of art, in which there are long detailed descriptions, are characterized by large quantity various epithets. Well-chosen epithets help to describe the appearance and character of a person, features of a natural phenomenon (for example, rain, thunderstorms or snowfall), a place (village, city or room).

Classical Russian poetry and prose is characterized by active use various epithets. It is epithets that give poetry and prose naturalness and brightness, help the reader to visualize a particular phenomenon (or object, place, image of a person) in the mind.

But also modern speech unthinkable without adjectives. They have great importance in modern Russian. Without their use, it is impossible to get a complete picture of the subject (phenomenon, person). In order to develop students high school competent oral and written language, teachers of the Russian language and literature should pay attention Special attention on the correct use of all parts of speech. It is also necessary to consider in detail the problem of the epithet in the Russian language on the example of fragments from the works of Russian classics.

And numbers may have a short form. In a sentence, the adjective is most often a definition, but it can also be a predicate. Has the same case as the noun it refers to.

Classes of adjectives

Discharge is the only constant morphological feature of this part of speech. There are three discharge adjectives: qualitative, relative and possessive.

Quality adjectives

Denote a feature that can be to a greater or lesser extent.

As a rule, they have the following signs:

  • combined with the adverbs "very" (and its synonyms) and "too" ( very big, too beautiful, extremely smart).
  • from quality adjectives it is possible to form
    • compound adjective by repetition ( delicious-delicious, big big).
    • one-root adjective with a prefix not- (not stupid, ugly).
  • have an antonym ( stupid - smart), and sometimes a hypernym ( big - huge)

Some quality adjectives do not satisfy all of the above criteria.

Most quality adjectives, and only they, have two forms: full ( smart, delicious) and short ( smart, delicious). The full form changes according to numbers, genders and cases. Short form - only by gender and number. In a sentence, the short form is used as a predicate, and the full form is usually used as a definition. Some quality adjectives do not have a short form ( friendly, amiable) . Others, on the contrary, do not full form (glad, much, must, need)

Possessive adjectives

Denote the belonging of an object to a living being or person ( paternal, sisters, fox). They answer the question "whose?", "whose?". Possessive adjectives can become relative or qualitative: hare (possessive) hair, hare (qualitative) soul, hare (relative) trace.

General information

The boundaries of the lexical and grammatical categories of adjectives are mobile. So, possessive and relative adjectives can acquire a qualitative meaning: dog tail(possessive) dog pack(relative), dog life(quality).

Declension of adjectives

Adjectives are declined according to cases and change according to numbers, in the singular they also change according to gender. The exceptions are short adjectives and comparative adjectives: they are not declined. In addition, there are a number of indeclinable adjectives: Komi people, khaki, gross weight.

Gender, case and number inflected adjective depend on the respective characteristics of the noun with which it agrees. Indeclinable adjectives usually appear after the noun, and their gender, number, and case are determined syntactically by the characteristics of the corresponding noun: jackets beige.

  • solid: red th, red wow, red omu
  • soft: syn uy, sin his, sin to him
  • mixed: big oh, large wow, large them.

An adjective is an independent part of speech that combines words that denote non-procedural features of an object and answer the questions, which one? whose? This meaning is expressed in non-independent inflectional categories of gender, number and case (perform grammatical function agreement). In a sentence, adjectives act as a definition or nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

Types and categories of adjectives (qualitative, relative,possessive adjectives)

Ways of forming adjectives

1. Full adjectives are formed by adding to the noun, any part of the word: a prefix, a suffix or a prefix and a suffix together. They can also be formed by adding two bases. For example, a swamp is a swamp "ny (suffixal), small (attached), underwater (attached-suffixal),

cleansing (complex suffixal), Adjectives can also be formed by compounding: pale pink, three years old.

2. Short adjectives are formed from full qualitative adjectives and correlate with them semantically. Short adjectives are those that in the masculine singular have zero endings(black, beautiful), singular female- endings -a, -i (black, beautiful), in the singular of the neuter gender - endings -o, -e (black, beautiful), and in the plural of all genders - endings -i, -ы (black, beautiful). Short adjectives in a sentence act as a predicate. ("How good, how fresh were the roses...")

Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives

1. Qualitative adjectives - denote a sign of an object directly, that is, without relation to other objects (red, beautiful, kind), have comparison forms and short forms; .

2. Relative adjectives - indicate a sign through relation to another subject, they are derived from nominal bases(laboratory, wooden);

3. Possessive adjectives - denote belonging to a person or animal, that is, they contain an indication of the owner (foxes, fathers).

Most Russian surnames were also formed from possessive adjectives with the help of suffixes - in the Zimin ov type - Popov, Ivanov, etc. e. All masculine surnames are inclined, except for those that end in o or even have foreign origin. The female surnames are not declined.

Features of quality adjectives

Qualitative adjectives name signs of objects that are usually perceived by the senses. For example: (sweet, bitter; white, black, blue; sonorous, quiet; soft, smooth; wide, narrow, high, etc.); designate character traits and features of a psychological warehouse (wise, kind, insidious, cunning, etc.); express an assessment (excellent, wonderful, bad, disgusting, etc.). Such symptoms may appear in varying degrees. Compare: very bitter, more bitter, the most bitter, the bitterest, etc.

Only a few short adjectives express the absolute sign of an object that is unchanging, constant: deaf, lame, married, on foot, brown, black, etc.

Usually short adjectives have both full and short forms. For example: beautiful - beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. However, some groups of adjectives. they do not form short forms: words with suffixes - sk -, -oe- friendly, ordinary, advanced, etc.

Such are also some verbal formations with suffixes - l - (burnt, faded, etc., but: stunted - stunted, hoarse - hoarse, etc.); Short adjectives with suffixes - usch-(-yusch-), -enn- and the prefix times-, denoting a high degree of manifestation of the trait (cunning, amiable, etc.). Short adjectives on - sh (s), ascending to the forms of the comparative degree and having lost their former meaning (greater, younger, etc.); quality adjectives. colors derived from nouns (chocolate, lilac, etc.); adjectives denoting the colors of animals (bulan, black, etc.), etc.

In its bulk, Qualitative adjectives change in degrees of comparison. For example: beautiful - more beautiful, more (less) beautiful, most beautiful, most beautiful, but qualitative adjectives do not form a comparative degree. with suffixes -sk-, -oe-, -l. Some adjectives do not have short forms. For example: friendly emaciated, etc. This can also include some adjectives such as fusible, heavy (with the suffix - to -), as well as all words denoting animal colors (brown, savrasy, etc.), separate non-derivative words(flat, dilapidated, etc.).

Qualitative adjectives are combined with adverbs of degree (very neat, well-mannered, etc.).

Qualitative adjectives are characterized by the following derivational features: adjectives can be non-derivative (gray, black, etc.); most of quality adjectives. forms adverbs on - o, - e, - and it is light, it seems, fatherly. The vast majority of such adjectives also form abstract nouns, that is, quality names, for example: courage, beauty, blue.

Many qualitative adjectives form evaluation forms (white, white, whitish, white-white, cheerful, kind). They easily enter into antonymic pairs (stingy - generous, cheerful - sad, tall - short), but at the same time, they realize these properties in different ways. For example: quality adjectives. poor, rich have all the listed features, and adjectives like bay have only one feature - non-production.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives

The degrees of comparison of adjectives are grammatical category adjectives that express relative difference or superiority in quality inherent in objects. In Russian, three forms are opposed:




1. A positive degree names a feature without any opposition to another feature.

2. comparative indicates a sign that is this subject in more or less degree. Superlatives indicates the highest

3. Manifestations of this quality in comparison with other subjects (cf .: kind - kinder - kindest).

Formation of forms of comparison

1.Simple shape

2.Complex shape

1. Comparative degree

The basis is laid. step. + suffix - her (faster, kinder)

The basis is laid. step. + suffix - e (harder)

the basis is laid. step. + suffix - she (before)

Form posit. step.

(more beautiful, less interesting)

2. Superlatives

base position step. + suffix -eysh -, -aysh - (after g, k, x): fastest, closest

most + form gender. step. (fastest, closest)

Declension of adjectives and their types

Adjectives are declined, i.e. change in gender, case and number, but their form depends on the form of the word on which they depend.

The gender, case and number of an adjective depend on the respective characteristics of the noun with which it agrees. Indeclinable adjectives are usually in postposition with respect to the noun, their gender, number, and case are determined syntactically by the characteristics of the corresponding noun: red jacket, beige jackets.

There are three types of adjective declension depending on the basis:

1. Solid: red, red, red

2. Soft: blue, blue, blue

3.mixed: big, big, big.

According to the solid type, adjectives with a base on a solid consonant are inclined, except for G, K, X, C and hissing ones: thin, white, straight, native, boring, stupid, gray, bald, cool, well-fed.

The declension of adjectives includes a change in numbers, and in the singular - in cases and genders.

The form of the adjective depends on the noun to which the adjective refers and with which it agrees in gender, number and case.

Short adjectives change only by gender and number.

The masculine and neuter forms differ in the nominative and accusative cases, while in other forms they are the same.

There are different forms of the accusative case of adjectives in the singular masculine and in the plural, referring to animate and inanimate nouns:

V.p. = I.p. with inanimate nouns:

“Their villages and fields for a violent raid he doomed to swords and fires” (A. Pushkin);

“The bandura players quietly sing glorious songs about you” (D. Kedrin);

V.p. = R.p. with animate nouns:

“Masha did not pay attention to the young Frenchman” (A. Pushkin);

“And the whole earth should forever praise ordinary people, to whom I would pour stars for orders for victories” (V. Sysoev).

Masculine adjectives are declined in -oy in the same way as in -y, but always have a stressed ending: gray, young - gray, young - gray, young - about gray, about young.

The literal designation of the endings of adjectives in some cases sharply diverges from the sound composition: white - white [th], summer-his - summer [th].

Syntactic function of the adjective

In a sentence, the adjective is basically a definition, either nominal part compound nominal predicate.

Transition to other parts of speech

Most often, participles pass into the category of adjectives. Pronouns can also act as adjectives (there is no artist from him).

Adjectives, in turn, can be substantivized, that is, pass into the category of nouns: Russian, military.

Morphological analysis of the adjective

Part of speech - an independent part of speech (indicates a sign of an object)

Initial form. The initial form of the name of the adjective is the form of Unit. h., m.r., Im. n. (blue).

Permanent signs: rank (qualitative adjective).

Non-permanent features: used in short/full (only in quality); degree of comparison (only for quality); number, gender, case (blue - pr. in full f., singular h, m. p., Im. p.).

syntactic role in a sentence.

Case endings for adjectives

Adjectives have endings similar to question word what: in a good (how to?) mood, about an interesting (how to?) book, etc.

Possessive adjectives na - y, -ya, - ye, -i (fox, fox, fox, fox) in all cases, except for the nominative and the accusative case of the masculine singular, similar to it, are written with ь: fisherman, fisherman, fisherman, fisherman, fisherman, about fisherman; fishermen, fishermen, fishermen, fishermen, fishermen, about fishermen.

Note 1. Possessive adjectives are formed from nouns using the suffix -j- (yot), whose indicator in indirect forms serves as a separator b.

Note 2. Possessive adjectives in -th should be distinguished from adjectives in the -th type of recumbent, combustible, in which indirect casesь is not written, since they do not have the suffix -j-; cf .: recumbent, recumbent, recumbent, recumbent, etc.

Adjectives suburban, intercity, suburban change according to the solid variety of declension and are written with the endings -th, -th, -th, -th, etc .; adjectives boundless, out-of-town change according to a mild variety of declension and are written with the endings -y, -ya, -ee, -ye, etc. The forms long-distance and out-of-town, endless are obsolete and are not currently recommended for use.

Adjectives ending in na - yny have a short form na - en in the nominative case of the masculine singular: sultry - sultry, calm - calm, slender - slender.