The ecological problem of humanity causes. Environmental problems of modern Russia

An environmental problem is a certain change in the state of the natural environment as a result of anthropogenic impact leading to a failure of the structure and functioning of the natural system (landscape) and leading to negative economic, social or other consequences. This concept is anthropocentric, since negative transformations in nature are evaluated in relation to the conditions of human existence.


Lands associated with violations of landscape components are conditionally divided into six categories:

Atmospheric (thermal, radiological, mechanical or chemical pollution of the atmosphere);

Aquatic (contamination of oceans and seas, depletion of both underground and surface water);

Geological and geomorphological (activation of negative geological and geomorphological processes, deformation of the relief and geological structure);

Soil (soil contamination, secondary salinization, erosion, deflation, waterlogging, etc.);

Biotic (degradation of vegetation and forests, species, digression of pastures, etc.);

Landscape (complex) - degradation of biodiversity, desertification, failure of the established regime of nature protection zones, etc.

According to the main environmental changes in nature, the following problems and situations are distinguished:

- Landscape-genetic. They arise as a result of the loss of the gene pool and unique natural objects, violation of the integrity of the landscape system.

- Anthropoecological. Considered regarding changes in living conditions and health of people.

- Natural resource. Associated with the loss or depletion of natural resources, worsen the process of doing business in the affected area.

Additional division

Environmental problems of nature, in addition to the options presented above, can be classified as follows:

For the main reason of occurrence - ecological and transport, industrial, hydrotechnical.

By spiciness - mild, moderately spicy, spicy, extremely spicy.

In terms of complexity - simple, complex, most difficult.

By solvability - solvable, difficult to solve, almost insoluble.

In terms of coverage of affected areas - local, regional, planetary.

By time - short-term, long-term, practically non-disappearing.

By coverage of the region - the problems of the north of Russia, the Ural Mountains, the tundra, etc.

Consequence of active urbanization

It is customary to call a city a socio-demographic and economic system, which has a territorial complex of means of production, a permanent population, an artificially created habitat and an established form of organization of society.

The current stage of human development is characterized by a rapid growth in the number and size of settlements. Large cities with more than one hundred thousand people are growing especially intensively. They occupy about one percent of the total land area of ​​the planet, but their impact on world economy and natural conditions really big. It is in their activities that the main causes of environmental problems lie. More than 45% of the world's population lives in these limited areas, producing about 80% of all emissions that pollute the hydrosphere and atmospheric air.

Environmental especially large, much more difficult to deal with. The larger the settlement, the more significantly the natural conditions are transformed. If compared with countryside, then in most megacities the environmental conditions of people's lives are noticeably worse.

According to the ecologist Reimer, an environmental problem is any phenomenon associated with the impact of people on nature and with the reversible impact of nature on people and their vital processes.

Natural landscape problems of the city

These negative changes mostly associated with the degradation of the landscape of megacities. Under large settlements, all components change - groundwater and surface water, relief and geological structure, flora and fauna, soil cover, climatic features. The ecological problems of cities also lie in the fact that all living components of the system begin to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, which leads to a reduction in species diversity and a decrease in the area of ​​terrestrial plantings.

Resource and economic problems

They are associated with the huge scale of the use of natural resources, with their processing and the formation of toxic waste. The causes of environmental problems are human intervention in natural landscape in the process of urban development and in the thoughtless disposal of waste.

Anthropological problems

The ecological problem is not only negative changes in natural systems. It may also consist in the deterioration of the health of the urban population. The decline in the quality of the urban environment entails the emergence of a variety of diseases. The nature and biological properties of people, which have been formed over more than one millennium, cannot change as quickly as the world around. Inconsistencies between these processes often lead to conflict between the environment and human nature.

Considering the causes of environmental problems, we note that the most important of them is the impossibility of rapid adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions, and adaptation is one of the main qualities of all living things. Attempts to influence the speed of this process do not lead to anything good.


An environmental problem is the result of the interaction of nature and society, which can lead to global catastrophe. Currently, the following extremely negative changes are observed on our planet:

A huge amount of waste - 81% - enters the atmosphere.

More than ten million square kilometers of land are eroded and deserted.

The composition of the atmosphere is changing.

The density of the ozone layer is disturbed (for example, a hole has appeared over Antarctica).

Over the past ten years, 180 million hectares of forest have disappeared from the face of the earth.

As a result, the height of its waters increases by two millimeters annually.

There is a constant increase in the consumption of natural resources.

As scientists have calculated, the biosphere has the ability to fully compensate for anthropogenic disturbances of natural natural processes, if the consumption of primary biological products does not exceed one percent of the total, but at present this figure is approaching ten percent. The compensatory possibilities of the biosphere are hopelessly undermined, as a result, the ecology of the planet is constantly deteriorating.

The environmentally acceptable threshold for energy consumption is 1 TW/year. However, it is significantly exceeded, therefore, the favorable properties of the environment are destroyed. In fact, we can talk about the beginning of the third world war, which humanity is waging against nature. Everyone understands that there can be no winners in this confrontation.

Disappointing prospects

The development of the global is associated with the rapid growth of the population To meet the ever-increasing needs, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of natural resources by a factor of three in countries with a high level of development and contribute to the improvement of well-being individual states. The upper limit is twelve billion people. If there are more people on the planet, then from three to five billion will simply be doomed to death from thirst and hunger every year.

Examples of environmental problems on a planetary scale

The development of the "greenhouse effect" has recently become an increasingly threatening process for the Earth. As a result, the heat balance of the planet changes and average annual temperatures increase. The culprits of the problem are "greenhouse" gases, in particular, Consequence global warming is the gradual melting of snow and glaciers, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the level of the waters of the oceans.

acid precipitation

Sulfur dioxide is recognized as the main culprit of this negative phenomenon. The area of ​​negative impact of acid precipitation is quite wide. Many ecosystems have already been seriously affected by them, but most of all the damage is done to plants. As a result, humanity may face the mass destruction of phytocenoses.

Insufficient amount of fresh water

a lack of fresh water in some regions it is observed due to the active development of agriculture and communal services, as well as industry. essential role it is rather not the quantity but the quality of the natural resource that plays here.

The deterioration of the "lungs" of the planet

Mindless destruction, cutting down and irrational use forest resources created another serious environmental problem. Forests are known to provide absorption carbon dioxide, which is a "greenhouse", and produce oxygen. For example, thanks to one ton of vegetation, from 1.1 to 1.3 tons of oxygen is released into the atmosphere.

The ozone layer is under attack

The destruction of the ozone layer of our planet is primarily associated with the use of freons. These gases are used in the assembly of refrigeration units and a variety of cartridges. Scientists have found that in the upper atmosphere, the thickness of the ozone layer is decreasing. A striking example of the problem is over Antarctica, the area of ​​​​which is constantly increasing and has already gone beyond the boundaries of the mainland.

Solving global environmental problems

Is it possible for humanity to avoid scale? Yes. But this requires concrete steps to be taken.

At the legislative level, establish clear norms for nature management.

Actively apply centralized environmental protection measures. These can be, for example, uniform international rules and norms for the protection of climate, forests, the World Ocean, the atmosphere, etc.

Centrally plan comprehensive restoration work to solve ecological problems regions, cities, towns and other specific objects.

Raise environmental awareness and stimulate moral development personality.


Technological progress is gaining more and more speed, there is a constant improvement production processes, modernization of devices, introduction innovative technologies in the most different areas. However, only a tiny part of the innovations concerns the protection of the environment.

It is very important to understand that only the complex interaction of representatives of all social groups and the state will help improve the ecological situation on the planet. Now is the time to look back to see what the future holds for us.


The anthropogenic period is revolutionary in the history of the Earth. Mankind manifests itself as the greatest geological force in terms of the scale of its activities on our planet. And if we recall the short time of human existence in comparison with the life of the planet, then the significance of his activity will appear even clearer.

The technical capabilities of man to change the natural environment were rapidly increasing, reaching their highest point in the era of scientific and technological revolution. Now he is able to carry out such projects for the transformation of the natural environment, which until relatively recently he did not even dare to dream of. The growth of human power leads to an increase in the negative consequences for nature and, ultimately, dangerous for the existence of man, the consequences of his activity, the significance of which is only now beginning to be realized.

The formation and development of human society was accompanied by local and regional environmental crises of anthropogenic origin. It can be said that the steps of mankind forward along the path of scientific and technological progress were relentlessly accompanied, like a shadow, by negative moments, the sharp aggravation of which led to environmental crises.

A characteristic feature of our time is inten specification and globalization human impact on the natural environment, which is accompanied by previously unprecedented intensification and globalization of the negative consequences of this impact. And if earlier mankind experienced local and regional ecological crises that could lead to the death of any civilization, but did not prevent the further progress of the human race as a whole, then the current ecological situation is fraught with a global ecological collapse. Since modern man destroys the mechanisms of the integral functioning of the biosphere on a planetary scale. There are more and more crisis points, both in the problematic and in the spatial sense, and they turn out to be closely interconnected, forming an increasingly frequent network. It is this circumstance that makes it possible to speak of the presence global ecological crisis and yi rose of ecological disaster.


The problem of environmental pollution is becoming so acute both because of the growth in industrial and agricultural production, and in connection with the qualitative change in production under the influence of scientific and technological progress.

Many metals and alloys used by man are unknown to nature in pure form, and, although they are to some extent subject to recycling and reuse, some of them are dissipated, accumulating in the biosphere in the form of waste. The problem of pollution of the natural environment in full growth arose after in the XX century. man significantly expanded the number of metals he used, began to produce synthetic fibers, plastics and other substances that have properties that are not only unknown to nature, but harmful to the organisms of the biosphere. These substances (the number and variety of which is constantly growing) after their use do not enter the natural circulation. More and more industrial waste pollute the lithosphere , hydrosphere and atmosphere sphere of the earth . The adaptive mechanisms of the biosphere cannot cope with the neutralization of the increasing amount of substances harmful to its normal functioning, and natural systems begin to collapse.

1) Pollution of the lithosphere.

The soil cover of the earth is essential component biosphere. It is the soil shell that determines many processes occurring in the biosphere.

Imperfect agricultural practices lead to rapid soil depletion, and the use of extremely harmful but cheap pesticides to control plant pests and increase crop yields exacerbates this problem. Not less than important issue is the extensive use of pastures, turning vast tracts of land into deserts.

Deforestation causes great damage to soils. So, if 1 kg of soil per hectare is lost annually under tropical rainforests due to erosion, then after cutting down this figure increases by 34 times.

With deforestation, as well as with extremely inefficient agricultural practices, such a threatening phenomenon as desertification is associated. In Africa, the advance of the desert is about 100 thousand hectares per year; on the border of India and Pakistan, the Thar semi-desert is advancing at a speed of 1 km per year. Of the 45 identified causes of desertification, 87% are the result of overexploitation of resources.(3; p 325)

There is also the problem of increasing acidity of atmospheric precipitation and soil cover.(Acidic is any precipitation - rain, fog, snow - the acidity of which is higher than normal. They also include the fallout from the atmosphere of dry acidic particles, more narrowly referred to as acid deposits..) Areas of acidic soils do not know droughts, but their natural fertility is lowered and unstable; they are rapidly depleted and yields are low. Acidity with downward water flows spreads over the entire soil profile and causes significant acidification. ground water. Additional damage occurs due to the fact that acid precipitation, seeping through the soil, is able to leach aluminum and heavy metals. Usually the presence of these elements in the soil does not pose a problem, as they are bound into insoluble compounds and therefore not taken up by organisms. However, at low pH values, their compounds dissolve, become available, and have a strong toxic effect on both plants and animals. For example, aluminum, quite abundant in many soils, getting into lakes, causes anomalies in the development and death of fish embryos. (3; p. 327)

2) Pollution of the hydrosphere.

The aquatic environment is land waters (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, canals), the World Ocean, glaciers, The groundwater containing natural-technogenic and technogenic formations. Which, being influenced by exogenous, endogenous and man-made forces, affect human health, its economic activity and everything else living and non-living on Earth. Water, ensuring the existence of all life on the planet, is part of the main means of production wealth.

The deterioration of water quality is primarily due to the insufficiency and imperfection of the purification of polluted natural waters in connection with the growth in the volume of industrial, agricultural, household wastewater. General shortages, increasing pollution, the gradual destruction of fresh water sources are especially relevant in the face of a growing world population and expanding production.

Over the past 40 years, the water systems of many countries of the world have been seriously upset. There is a depletion of the most valuable source of fresh water available to us - groundwater. Uncontrolled withdrawal of water, the destruction of forest water protection belts and the drainage of raised bogs led to the massive death of small rivers. The water content is reduced major rivers and the inflow of surface water into inland water bodies.

The quality of water in closed reservoirs is deteriorating. Lake Baikal is polluted by industrial effluents from the Baikal Pulp and Paper Plant, the Selengil Pulp and Cardboard Plant and Ulan-Ude enterprises. (3; pp. 327-331)

The increased shortage of fresh water is associated with pollution of water bodies by wastewater from industrial and municipal enterprises, water from mines, mines, oil fields, during the procurement, processing and alloying of materials, emissions of water, railway and road transport, enterprises of leather, textile Food Industry. The surface waste of cellulose - paper, enterprises, chemical, metallurgical, oil refineries, textile factories, and agriculture is especially polluting.

The most common pollutants are oil and oil products. They cover the surface of the water with a thin film that prevents gas and moisture exchange between water and near-aquatic organisms. A serious threat to the purity of water bodies is caused by oil production from the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans. To serious pollution waters are caused by sudden outbursts of oil at the final stage of drilling wells at the bottom of reservoirs.

Another source of pollution of water bodies are accidents with oil tankers. Oil enters the sea when hoses break, when oil pipeline couplings leak, when it is pumped to coastal oil storage facilities, and when tankers are washed. “Oil that got into the water forms a surface film 10 cm thick within 40-100 hours. If the spot is small, then it usually disappears, having settled to the bottom in the cold season, and floats to the surface with the onset of a warm period. ”(3; p 382)

More and more importance (as pollution of water bodies) is received superficially - active substances, including synthetic detergents(SMS). Wide application of these compounds in everyday life and industry leads to an increase in their concentration in wastewater. They are poorly removed by treatment facilities, they supply water bodies, including household and drinking purposes, and from there into tap water. The presence of SMS in water gives it an unpleasant taste and smell.

Salts are dangerous pollutants of water bodies. heavy metals- lead, iron, copper, mercury. The largest income their water is associated with industrial centers located along the coast. Heavy metal ions are absorbed by aquatic plants: they are transported through tropical chains to herbivores and then to carnivores. Sometimes the concentration of ions of these metals in the body of fish is ten or hundreds of times higher than the initial concentration of their reservoir. Waters containing household waste, sewage from agricultural complexes serve as sources of many infectious diseases (paratyphoid, dysentery, viral hepatitis, cholera, etc.). The spread of cholera vibrios by polluted waters, lakes, and reservoirs is widely known.

“If we poison underground waters, their purity will be restored only after 300-400 years.”(3; p.388)

3) Atmospheric pollution.

Man has been polluting the atmosphere for thousands of years. AT last years in some places there is strong air pollution associated with the expansion of centers of industry, with the technicalization of many areas of our life, with successful motorization. Really harmful substances, falling into the air, can be enhanced by their mutual reactions among themselves, accumulation in the mountains, the long duration of their stay in the air, special weather conditions and other factors. In areas where there is high density population, the accumulation of plants and factories, the high saturation of transport, air pollution is particularly increasing. This requires urgent and radical action. On days when weather conditions air circulation is limited, smog may occur. Smog is especially dangerous for the elderly and sick people.

Photochemical fog or smog is a multicomponent mixture of gases and aerosol particles of primary and secondary origin. The composition of the main components of smog includes: ozone, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, numerous organic peroxide compounds, collectively called photooxidants. Photochemical smog results from photochemical reactions under certain conditions: the presence in the atmosphere of a high concentration of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other pollutants, intense solar radiation and calm or very weak air exchange in the surface layer with a powerful and, for at least a day, increased inversion. Sustained calm weather, usually accompanied by inversions, is necessary to create a high concentration of reactants. Such conditions are created more often in June-September and less often in winter.

At times when pollution reaches high level, many people complain of headaches, irritation of the eyes and nasopharynx, nausea and general malaise. Apparently, ozone mainly affects the mucous membranes. The presence of a suspension of acid, mainly sulfuric, correlates with an increase in asthma attacks, and due to carbon monoxide, a weakening of mental activity, drowsiness and headaches occur. Respiratory diseases and lung cancer have been linked to high levels of suspended matter for a long time. However, all these factors can affect different aspects of health to varying degrees. In some cases, air pollution has reached levels so high as to cause death.

4) Reduction of biological diversity.

By changing his world, a person significantly interferes in the life of his neighbors on the planet. According to International Union conservation, since 1600. on the


Each of the global problems discussed here has its own variants of partial or more complete solution, there is a set of common approaches to solving environmental problems.

Measures to improve the quality of the environment:

1.Technological :

*development of new technologies

* treatment facilities

*fuel change

* electrification of production, life, transport

2.Architectural planning activities :

* zoning of the territory locality

* landscaping of populated areas

*organization of sanitary protection zones


4.Legal :

*creation of legislative acts to maintain

environmental quality

5. Engineering and organizational:

*reduction of car parking at traffic lights

*decrease in traffic intensity by

congested highways

In addition, for last century humanity has developed a number of original ways to deal with environmental problems. Among these methods are the emergence and activity different kind"green" movements and organizations. Except Green Peace ^ a , which is distinguished by the scope of its activities, there are similar organizations directly conducting environmental actions. There is also another type of environmental organization: structures that stimulate and sponsor environmental activities ( Wildlife Fund).

In addition to various kinds of associations in the field of solving environmental problems, there are whole line state or public environmental initiatives:

environmental legislation in Russia and other countries of the world,

various international agreements or the system of "Red Books".

In list the most important ways solving environmental problems, most researchers also highlight the introduction of environmentally friendly, low-waste and waste-free technologies, construction treatment facilities, rational distribution of production and use of natural resources.

Ministry of Public and vocational education.

Magnitogorsk State University.

Ecological problems of the present and ways of their solution.

Abstract on OBZh.

Performed: PMNO student,

2 course, 202 gr., UNK,

Mitrofanova Lena.

Checked: senior


Kuvshinova Ira.



1. Brodsky A.K. Short course general ecology: Textbook-3rd ed.-DSAN, 1999-223s.

2. Voitkevich G.V., Vronsky V.A. Fundamentals of the doctrine of the biosphere: Book. For the teacher. - M: Enlightenment, 1989.

3. Gladkov N.D. etc. Nature Protection-M. Enlightenment, 1975-239s.

4. Gorelov A.A. Ecology: Proc. allowance. - M.: Center, 1998-238s.


Achieving an ideal state of absolute harmony with nature is basically impossible. Just as impossible is a final victory over nature, although in the process of struggle a person discovers the ability to overcome the difficulties that arise. The interaction of man with nature never ends, and when it seems that man is about to gain a decisive advantage, nature increases resistance. However, it is not infinite, and its overcoming in the form of suppression of nature is fraught with the death of man himself.

The current success of man in the fight against the natural environment has been achieved by increasing the risk, which should be considered in two ways: the risk of possible side effects associated with the fact that science cannot give an absolute forecast of the consequences of human impact on the natural environment, and the risk of random disasters associated with because technical systems and the person himself does not have absolute reliability. Here, one of Commoner's propositions, which he calls the "law" of ecology, turns out to be true: "nothing is given for free." (1; p. 26)

Based on the analysis environmental situation we can conclude that we should rather not talk about the final and absolute solution of the environmental problem, but about the prospects for shifting particular problems in order to optimize the relationship between man and the natural environment in the existing historical conditions. This circumstance is due to the fact that the fundamental laws of nature impose restrictions on the implementation of the goals of mankind.

1. Introduction. 1st page

2. Basic environmental problems. 2p.

1) Pollution of the lithosphere. 2p.

2) Pollution of the hydrosphere. 3rd page

3) Atmospheric pollution. 5p.

4) Decreased ecological diversity. 5p.

3. Ways to solve environmental problems. 7p.

4. Conclusion. 8p.

5. List of references. 9p.

Human activity in relation to nature is aggressive. Unfortunately, Russia is no exception. It remains one of the most polluted countries in the world and faces many serious environmental problems. The main threats to the country's environment, as well as the necessary steps to address them, are described below.


Large-scale fires in and broadleaved forests lead to increased carbon release and an increase in rates. After cutting down, the nature of the lighting changes. Because of the abundance sunlight plants that prefer shade die. Fertility is reduced, the process of erosion occurs. When it decomposes in the soil root system releases a lot of nitrogen. It prevents the growth of new trees and plants. Swamps often form in place of pine and cedar forests.

Wood loss has been proven to reach 40%. Every second tree is cut down in vain. It will take at least 100 years to fully restore the destroyed forest areas.

Energy production and the environment

Thermal power plants are the largest source of environmental pollution. Their boilers burn fossil fuels. CHP emits solid particles into the air and. Due to the large release of unused energy, thermal pollution. The operation of power plants leads to acid rain, accumulation greenhouse gases, which negatively affects the nearest settlements.

Nuclear power plants bear a high risk of catastrophes. In normal mode, they emit a lot of heat into the reservoirs. During NPP operation radiation do not exceed allowable norms. But radioactive waste requires complex processing and disposal procedures.

Some time ago it was believed that hydroelectric power plants are incapable of causing harm. However, the damage to the environment is still noticeable. For the construction of a power plant, artificially created reservoirs are needed. large area such reservoirs are shallow. It causes overheating of water, collapse of banks, flooding and death of fish.

Pollution of water and reservoirs

According to scientists, diseases of people living in ecologically disadvantaged areas are associated with poor water quality. Most of harmful substances flowing into water bodies are completely dissolved in water, which is why they remain invisible. The situation is constantly getting worse. It can spill over into ecological catastrophe in some moment.

A difficult situation has developed in large metropolitan areas, standing on the rivers. Industrial enterprises that are concentrated there poison nearby areas, and even remote areas, with effluents. penetrates deep into the soil and makes underground sources unusable. Environmental damage is caused by agricultural regions. Reservoirs in these places are polluted with nitrates and animal waste.

Every day, water comes from sewage, which contains the remains of detergents, food and feces. They allow pathogens to develop. Once in the human body, it provokes a number of infectious diseases. Most of the treatment facilities are outdated and cannot cope with the increased load. This negatively affects the flora and fauna of water bodies.

Air pollution

Industrial enterprises are the main source of pollution. There are about thirty thousand plants and factories in the country that regularly emit harmful impurities into the atmosphere, a large number of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde and sulfur oxide.

In second place are exhaust gases. The main source of the problem is used cars, lack of special filters, poor road surface and poor traffic organization. Carbon dioxide, lead, soot, nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere. More than others from exhaust gases suffer big cities with extensive road networks.

The European part of Russia is flat. From the west, polluted air masses from other states. Due to industrial emissions from neighboring countries, tons of oxidized nitrogen and sulfur regularly enter Russia. Siberia suffers from harmful substances of Kazakhstani industry. Factories Chinese provinces poison the Far Eastern regions.

The problem of radioactive contamination

Radioactivity associated with the development of ores, nuclear explosions in peaceful purposes and waste disposal. More recently, natural radiation background was 8 microroentgen per hour. Weapons testing, mining of minerals and nuclear reactions in the energy sector have significantly increased these figures. Leakage of hazardous substances may occur during transport or storage of sources radioactive elements. The most dangerous of them are strontium-90, cesium-137, cobalt-60 and iodine-131.

The service life of a nuclear power plant is 30 years. After that, the power units are decommissioned. Until recently, waste was disposed of like ordinary garbage, which caused enormous damage to the ecology of Russia. Today, there are special containers for storage and burial grounds for them.

Household waste

Garbage is conditionally divided into plastic, paper, glass, metal, textiles, wood and food residues. Some materials are not exposed. The country has accumulated billions of tons of waste and the numbers are constantly growing. For ecology big problem are illegal dumps.

Thousands of hectares of land suitable for agriculture remain under the rubble. Dumping, that is, the disposal of waste in the sea, pollutes the water. Factories constantly emit waste, including radioactive waste. Smoke from garbage burning contains heavy metals.

environmental protection

The State Duma began to actively adopt laws in the field of ecology in 2012. They are aimed at combating illegal logging, provide for tougher penalties for the trade in rare animals and plants, and also strengthen the protection of natural areas. Realization is practically invisible.

The Russian environmental movement is of great importance. The All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature regularly conducts raids, inspections of enterprises and various examinations. It is engaged in cleaning recreation areas, planting forests and much more. The Wildlife Conservation Center solves environmental problems.

And are of great importance. They not only protect flora and fauna. Their activities are aimed at developing ordinary people culture of responsibility for environment.

Solving environmental problems

Partially deforestation will be solved by planting new trees. In the field of logging, control over the activities of companies is necessary. State environmental organizations need to monitor the forest fund. Significant forces should be directed to the prevention of spontaneous fires. Businesses should start recycling wood.

Increasingly, plants and factories are trying to improve equipment. On the territory of Russia, the activities of an organization with high levels of pollution emissions have been suspended. Public transport and cars have been converted to EURO-5 fuel standards with low emission standards. Supervision of the activities of hydroelectric power plants is being strengthened.

In the regions, a waste separation program is being actively introduced. Solid residues will subsequently become recyclable. Large hypermarkets offer to abandon plastic bags in favor of eco-bags.

The state needs to take care of the education of the population. People need to be aware of the real scale of the problems and exact numbers. Advocacy for the conservation of nature should be carried out at school. Children should be taught to love and care for the environment.

The ecological situation is rapidly deteriorating. If you do not transcend to solve problems now, you can finally destroy forests and reservoirs, deprive yourself and your children of normal conditions for existence.

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Ecological problem is one of the global problems of our time. It is closely related to issues of resource scarcity. environmental safety and ecological crisis. One of the ways to solve the environmental problem is the path of "sustainable development", proposed as the main alternative to the development of human civilization.

Global environmental issues

Scientific and technological progress has set before mankind a number of new, very difficult problems with which it had not previously encountered at all, or the problems were not so large-scale. Among them, a special place is occupied by the relationship between man and the environment. In the 20th century, nature was under pressure due to a 4-fold increase in population and an 18-fold increase in world production. Scientists say that from about the 1960s and 70s. changes in the environment under the influence of man have become global, i.e. affecting all countries of the world without exception, so they began to be called global. Among them, the most relevant are:

  • Earth's climate change;
  • air pollution;
  • destruction of the ozone layer;
  • depletion of fresh water and pollution of the oceans;
  • land pollution, destruction of soil cover;
  • depletion of biological diversity, etc.

Environmental changes in the 1970s-90s and forecast for

2030 are reflected in table. 1. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the meeting of heads of state and government of UN member states (September 2000) presented the report "We the peoples: the role of the United Nations in the 21st century". The report looks at the priority policy areas facing humanity in the new millennium and emphasizes that "the challenge of securing an environmentally sustainable future for future generations will be one of the most challenging."

Table 1. Environmental changes and expected trends up to 2030


Trend 1970-1990

Scenario 2030

Shrinkage of natural ecosystems

Reducing at a rate of 0.5-1.0% per year on land; by the early 1990s. about 40% of them survived

Continued trend, approaching near-total elimination on land

Consumption of primary biological products

Consumption growth: 40% land-based, 25% global (1985 est.)

Consumption growth: 80-85% onshore, 50-60% global

Change in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

Growth in greenhouse gas concentrations from tenths of a percent to a few percent annually

Growth in concentration, acceleration of growth in the concentration of CO, and CH 4 due to accelerated destruction of biota

Depletion of the ozone layer, the growth of the ozone hole over Antarctica

Depletion of 1-2% per year of the ozone layer, an increase in the area of ​​ozone holes

Continued trend even if CFC emissions are phased out by the year 2000

Reduction in forest area, especially tropical

Reduction at a rate from 117 (1980) to 180 ± 20 thousand km 2 (1989) per year; reforestation refers to deforestation as 1:10

Continuing the trend, reducing the area of ​​forests in the tropics from 18 (1990) to 9-11 million km 2, reducing the area of ​​forests in the temperate zone


Expansion of the area of ​​deserts (60 thousand km 2 per year), growth of technogenic desertification. toxic deserts

The trend will continue, growth rates are possible due to a decrease in moisture turnover on land and the accumulation of pollutants in soils

land degradation

Increased erosion (24 billion tons annually), reduced fertility, accumulation of pollutants, acidification, salinization

Continued trend, increased erosion and pollution, reduced agricultural land per capita

Ocean level rise

Ocean level rise by 1-2 mm per year

Maintaining the trend, it is possible to accelerate the rise in the level up to 7 mm per year

Natural disasters, man-made accidents

Growth in number by 5-7%, increase in damage by 5-10%, increase in the number of victims by 6-12% per year

Maintaining and strengthening trends

Extinction of species

Rapid extinction of species

Increasing trend towards the destruction of the biosphere

Qualitative depletion of land waters

Growth in the volume of wastewater, point and area sources of pollution, the number of pollutants and their concentration

Maintaining and increasing trends

Accumulation of pollutants in media and organisms, migration in trophic chains

Growth in the mass and number of pollutants accumulated in media and organisms, growth in the radioactivity of the environment, “chemical bombs”

Persistence of trends and their possible strengthening

Deterioration of the quality of life, the growth of diseases associated with environmental pollution (including genetic ones), the emergence of new diseases

Increasing poverty, food shortages, high infant mortality, high morbidity, lack of clean drinking water in developing countries; an increase in genetic diseases, a high accident rate, an increase in drug consumption, an increase in allergic diseases in developed countries; AIDS pandemic in the world, lowering of the immune status

Continuing trends, growing food shortages, growing diseases associated with environmental disturbances (including genetic ones), expanding the territory of infectious diseases, the emergence of new diseases

Environmental issue

Environment (natural environment, natural environment) called that part of nature with which human society directly interacts in its life and economic activity.

Although the second half of the 20th century This is a time of unprecedented rates of economic growth, however, to an ever greater extent, it will be carried out without proper consideration of the possibilities of the natural environment, permissible economic burdens on it. As a result, the degradation of the natural environment occurs.

Irrational nature management

As an example of the degradation of the natural environment as a result of irrational nature management can lead to deforestation and depletion land resources. The process of deforestation is expressed in the reduction of the area under natural vegetation, and primarily forest. According to some estimates, at the time of the emergence of agriculture and animal husbandry, 62 million km 2 of land were covered with forests, and taking into account shrubs and copses - 75 million km 2, or 56% of its entire surface. As a result of the deforestation that has been going on for 10 thousand years, their area has decreased to 40 million km 2, and the average forest cover to 30%. Today, deforestation continues at an ever faster pace: about 100 thousand hectares are destroyed annually. km 2. Forest areas are disappearing as the plowing of land and pastures expands, and timber harvesting grows. A particularly threatening situation has developed in the zone rainforest, especially in countries such as Brazil, the Philippines. Indonesia, Thailand.

As a result of soil degradation processes, about 7 million hectares of fertile lands are annually withdrawn from the world agricultural turnover. The main reasons for this process are growing urbanization, water and wind erosion, as well as chemical (contamination with heavy metals, chemical compounds) and physical (destruction of the soil cover during mining, construction and other works) degradation. The process of soil degradation is especially intense in drylands, which occupy about 6 million km 2 and are most characteristic of Asia and Africa. The main areas of desertification are also located within the arid lands, where, due to the high growth rates of the rural population, overgrazing, deforestation and irrational irrigated agriculture lead to anthropogenic desertification (60 thousand km 2 annually).

Pollution of the natural environment with waste

Another reason for the degradation of the natural environment is its pollution with waste from industrial and non-industrial human activities. These wastes are divided into solid, liquid and gaseous.

The following calculations are indicative. Currently, on average, about 20 tons of raw materials are mined and grown annually per inhabitant of the Earth. At the same time, 50 km 3 of fossil rocks (more than 1000 billion tons) are extracted from the subsoil alone, which, using an energy capacity of 2500 W and 800 tons of water, are converted into 2 tons of the final product, of which 50% is immediately thrown away, the rest goes to the deposited waste.

The structure of solid waste is dominated by industrial and mining waste. In general and per capita, they are especially high in Russia and the USA. Japan. The per capita indicator of municipal solid waste is dominated by the United States, where 800 kg of garbage per inhabitant per year (400 kg per inhabitant of Moscow).

Liquid waste pollutes primarily the hydrosphere, with sewage and oil being the main pollutants here. The total volume of wastewater in early XXI in. amounted to about 1860 km 3. To dilute a unit volume of polluted wastewater to a level acceptable for use, an average of 10 to 100 and even 200 units is required. clean water. to Asia, North America and Europe account for about 90% of the world's wastewater discharges.

As a result, degradation aquatic environment has now become global. Approximately 1.3 billion people use only polluted water in their homes, and 2.5 billion experience a chronic lack of fresh water, which is the cause of many epidemic diseases. Due to the pollution of rivers and seas, fishing opportunities are reduced.

Of great concern is the pollution of the atmosphere with dusty and gaseous wastes, the emissions of which are directly related to the combustion of mineral fuels and biomass, as well as mining, construction and other earthworks (2/3 of all emissions occur in the developed countries of the West, including the United States - 120 million tons). Examples of major pollutants are typically particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. About 60 million tons are emitted into the Earth's atmosphere every year. particulate matter, which contribute to the formation of smog and reduce the transparency of the atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide (100 million tons) and nitrogen oxides (about 70 million tons) are the main sources of acid rain. A large-scale and dangerous aspect of the ecological crisis is the impact on the lower layers of the atmosphere of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide and methane. Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere mainly as a result of the combustion of mineral fuels (2/3 of all inputs). The sources of methane emissions into the atmosphere are biomass combustion, some types of agricultural production, gas leakage from oil and gas wells. The international community has decided to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% by 2005 and by 50% by the middle of the 21st century. In the developed countries of the world, relevant laws and regulations have been adopted for this (for example, a special tax on carbon dioxide emissions).

The impoverishment of the gene pool

One aspect of the environmental problem is the reduction of biological diversity. The biological diversity of the Earth is estimated at 10-20 million species, including in the territory former USSR-10-12% of the total. The damage in this area is already quite tangible. This is due to the destruction of the habitat of plants and animals, the overexploitation of agricultural resources, environmental pollution. According to American scientists, over the past 200 years, about 900 thousand species of plants and animals have disappeared on Earth. In the second half of the XX century. the process of reducing the gene pool has accelerated sharply, and if the current trends continue over the last quarter of a century, the extinction of 1/5 of all species that now inhabit our planet is possible.

Ecological situation in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century.

The ecological situation in our country is determined by two factors: a decrease in environmental protection costs, on the one hand, and a smaller scale of economic activity than before, on the other.

For example, in 2000, almost 21,000 enterprises with emissions into the atmosphere operated in Russia. These emissions (including cars) amounted to more than 85 million tons, of which almost 16 million were without any treatment. For comparison, in the USSR, emissions from stationary sources and road transport in the mid-80s amounted to. 95 million tons, in Russia in the early 90s - about 60 million tons. The largest air pollutants in modern conditions are the Siberian and Ural federal districts. They accounted for about 54% of total emissions from stationary sources.

According to the State Water Cadastre, in 2000 the total water intake from natural objects will be 86 km 3 (of which more than 67 km 3 was used for household and drinking, industrial needs, irrigation and agricultural water supply). The total volume of discharges of polluted wastewater into surface waters exceeded 20 km3, of which 25% falls on the Central Federal District. In the USSR, this figure was 160 km 3, in Russia in the 90s. — 70 km 3 (40% of them untreated or insufficiently treated).

In 2000, more than 130 million tons of toxic waste were generated in Russia as a whole. Only 38% of the waste was fully used and neutralized. The largest number of them was formed in the Siberian Federal District (31% of the entire RF). If we talk about solid waste in general, then in the USSR they were generated annually about 15 billion tons, in Russia in the early 90s. — 7 billion tons.

Thus, although in Russia in the 90s. due to economic crisis there was a sharp decrease in emissions of all types of waste, the subsequent economic growth leads to an increase in the volume of waste polluting the environment.

The current stage in the relations between society and nature is marked by an increase in sharp contradictions. transformative activity man in relation to nature responded to him not only positive effect(goods of life), but also negative - sharp deterioration environment, its pollution and depletion, i.e. ecological crisis threatening catastrophe for mankind.

The natural reserves of oil, gas and other minerals are disappearing at a rapid pace. With the continued pace of deforestation and loss of forests, they will disappear from the face of the Earth in three to four decades. Emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere by economically developed countries (primarily carbon dioxide) leads to climate change (warming), the so-called greenhouse effect, which contributes to the emergence of arid regions in some regions, and to the flooding of coastal lands and cities in others. The use of freon in production and household appliances contributes to the appearance of ozone holes, which increases ultraviolet radiation, which, together with waste from the chemical and nuclear industries, leads to human diseases and negatively affects their heredity. Pollution of the world's oceans has increased, and it tends to become global. As a result of human activities in wild nature Many species of animals and plants have now disappeared.

Environmental problems are now acquiring the character of global problems that require joint efforts. different countries upon their prompt decision. Various authors offer their own areas of environmental policy, among which the main ones can be distinguished˸

Limiting the development of production and, accordingly, consumption;

Finding the optimal level of interaction between society and nature;

Development of closed production cycles;

Ecologization of industry, introduction of environmentally friendly technologies and materials;

Environmental activities;

Formation of ecological consciousness and ecological culture of people.

It is clear that the solution of environmental problems is impossible only through scientific and technical solutions, socio-economic methods, political and legal means.

It requires a change in the person himself, ᴇᴦο consciousness, the introduction of the principles of environmental ethics into him, the formation of an ecological culture of a person, starting from early childhood. A number of scientists rightly believe that the transition of all mankind from a dead-end technogenic-consumer to a new, spiritual-ecological type of civilization is necessary. Its essence is that scientific and technological progress, the production of material goods and services, political and financial and economic interests should not be the goal, but a means of harmonizing relations between society and nature. Modern man cannot put himself in relation to nature in the position of a ʼʼconquerorʼʼ, ʼʼconquerorʼʼ, who does not care about the consequences of his activity. The coordinated development of man, society and nature in their unity is main road solutions to an environmental problem.

Cheat sheet: Environmental problems of our time and ways to solve them


The anthropogenic period is revolutionary in the history of the Earth. Mankind manifests itself as the greatest geological force in terms of the scale of its activities on our planet. And if we remember the short time of human existence in comparison with the life of the planet, then the significance of his activity will appear even clearer.

Man's technical capabilities to change the natural environment grew rapidly, reaching their highest point in the era of the scientific and technological revolution. Now he is able to carry out such projects for the transformation of the natural environment, which until relatively recently he did not even dare to dream of. The growth of human power leads to an increase in the negative consequences for nature and, ultimately, dangerous for the existence of man, the consequences of his activities, the significance of which is only now beginning to be realized.

The formation and development of human society was accompanied by local and regional environmental crises of anthropogenic origin. It can be said that the steps of mankind forward along the path of scientific and technological progress were relentlessly accompanied, like a shadow, by negative moments, the sharp aggravation of which led to environmental crises.

A characteristic feature of our time is inten-specification and globalization human impact on the natural environment, which is accompanied by an unprecedented intensification and globalization of the negative consequences of this impact. And if earlier humanity experienced local and regional environmental crises that could lead to the death of any civilization, but did not prevent the further progress of the human race as a whole, then the current environmental situation is fraught with global environmental collapse. Because modern man destroys the mechanisms of integral functioning of the biosphere on a planetary scale. There are more and more crisis points, both in the problematic and in the spatial sense, and they turn out to be closely interconnected, forming an increasingly frequent network. It is this circumstance that makes it possible to speak of the presence global ecological crisis androse of ecological disaster.


The problem of environmental pollution is becoming so acute both because of the growth in industrial and agricultural production, and in connection with the qualitative change in production under the influence of scientific and technological progress.

Many metals and alloys used by man are not known to nature in their pure form, and although they are to some extent subject to recycling and reuse, some of them dissipate, accumulating in the biosphere in the form of waste. The problem of pollution of the natural environment in full growth arose after in the XX century. man has significantly expanded the number of metals he uses, began to produce synthetic fibers, plastics and other substances that have properties that are not only unknown to nature, but harmful to the organisms of the biosphere. These substances (the number and variety of which is constantly growing) after their use do not enter the natural circulation. Waste from production activities is increasing pollute the lithosphere , hydrosphere and atmosphericsphere of the earth . The adaptive mechanisms of the biosphere cannot cope with the neutralization of the increasing amount of substances harmful to its normal functioning, and natural systems begin to collapse.

1) Pollution of the lithosphere.

The soil cover of the Earth is the most important component of the biosphere. It is the soil shell that determines many processes occurring in the biosphere.

Imperfect agricultural practices lead to rapid soil depletion, and the use of extremely harmful but cheap pesticides to control plant pests and increase crop yields exacerbates this problem. An equally important problem is the extensive use of pastures, which turns vast tracts of land into deserts.

Deforestation causes great damage to soils. So, if 1 kg of soil per hectare is lost annually under tropical rainforests due to erosion, then after cutting down this figure increases by 34 times.

With deforestation, as well as with extremely inefficient agricultural practices, such a threatening phenomenon as desertification is associated. In Africa, the advance of the desert is about 100 thousand hectares per year; on the border of India and Pakistan, the Thar semi-desert is advancing at a speed of 1 km per year. Of the 45 identified causes of desertification, 87% are the result of overexploitation of resources.(3; p 325)

There is also the problem of increasing acidity of precipitation and soil cover. ( Acidic is any precipitation - rain, fog, snow - the acidity of which is higher than normal. They also include the fallout from the atmosphere of dry acidic particles, more narrowly referred to as acid deposits..) Areas of acidic soils do not know droughts, but their natural fertility is lowered and unstable; they are rapidly depleted and yields are low. Acidity with downward water flows extends to the entire soil profile and causes significant acidification of groundwater. Additional damage occurs due to the fact that acid precipitation, seeping through the soil, is able to leach aluminum and heavy metals. Usually the presence of these elements in the soil does not pose a problem, as they are bound into insoluble compounds and therefore not taken up by organisms. However, at low pH values, their compounds dissolve, become available, and have a strong toxic effect on both plants and animals. For example, aluminum, quite abundant in many soils, getting into lakes, causes anomalies in the development and death of fish embryos. (3; p. 327)

2) Pollution of the hydrosphere.

The aquatic environment is land waters (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, canals), the World Ocean, glaciers, groundwater containing natural-technogenic and technogenic formations. Which, being influenced by exogenous, endogenous and man-made forces, affect human health, its economic activity and everything else living and non-living on Earth. Water, ensuring the existence of all life on the planet, is part of the main means of production of material goods.

The deterioration of water quality is primarily due to the insufficiency and imperfection of the purification of polluted natural waters due to the growth in the volumes of industrial, agricultural, household wastewater. General shortages, increasing pollution, the gradual destruction of fresh water sources are especially relevant in the face of a growing world population and expanding production.

Over the past 40 years, the water systems of many countries of the world have been seriously upset. There is a depletion of the most valuable source of fresh water available to us - groundwater. Uncontrolled withdrawal of water, the destruction of forest water protection belts and the drainage of raised bogs led to the massive death of small rivers. The water content of large rivers and the inflow of surface water into inland water bodies are decreasing.

The quality of water in closed reservoirs is deteriorating. Lake Baikal is polluted by industrial effluents from the Baikal Pulp and Paper Plant, the Selengil Pulp and Cardboard Plant and Ulan-Ude enterprises. (3; pp. 327-331)

The increased shortage of fresh water is associated with pollution of water bodies by wastewater from industrial and municipal enterprises, water from mines, mines, oil fields, during the procurement, processing and alloying of materials, emissions from water, rail and road transport, leather, textile food industries. The surface waste of cellulose - paper, enterprises, chemical, metallurgical, oil refineries, textile factories, and agriculture is especially polluting.

The most common pollutants are oil and oil products. They cover the surface of the water with a thin film that prevents gas and moisture exchange between water and near-aquatic organisms. A serious threat to the purity of water bodies is caused by oil production from the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans. Sudden outbursts of oil at the final stage of well drilling at the bottom of reservoirs lead to serious water pollution.

Another source of pollution of water bodies are accidents with oil tankers. Oil enters the sea when hoses break, when oil pipeline couplings leak, when it is pumped to coastal oil storage facilities, and when tankers are washed. “Oil that got into the water forms a surface film 10 cm thick within 40-100 hours. If the spot is small, then it usually disappears, having settled to the bottom in the cold season, and floats to the surface with the onset of a warm period. ”(3; p 382)

Increasingly important (as pollution of water bodies) are surfactants, including synthetic detergents (SMC). The widespread use of these compounds in everyday life and industry leads to an increase in their concentration in wastewater. They are poorly removed by treatment facilities, they supply water bodies, including household and drinking purposes, and from there into tap water. The presence of SMS in water gives it an unpleasant taste and smell.

Dangerous pollutants of water bodies are salts of heavy metals - lead, iron, copper, mercury. The largest flow of their water is associated with industrial centers located off the coast. Heavy metal ions are absorbed by aquatic plants: they are transported through tropical chains to herbivores and then to carnivores. Sometimes the concentration of ions of these metals in the body of fish is ten or hundreds of times higher than the initial concentration of their reservoir. Waters containing household waste, sewage from agricultural complexes serve as sources of many infectious diseases (paratyphoid, dysentery, viral hepatitis, cholera, etc.). The spread of cholera vibrios by polluted waters, lakes, and reservoirs is widely known.

“If we poison underground waters, their purity will be restored only after 300-400 years.”(3; p.388)

3) Atmospheric pollution.

Man has been polluting the atmosphere for thousands of years.

Solutions to environmental problems

In recent years, strong air pollution has been noted in places, associated with the expansion of centers of industry, with the technicalization of many areas of our life, and successful motorization. Indeed, harmful substances that enter the air can be enhanced by their mutual reactions with each other, accumulation in the mountains, the long duration of their stay in the air, special weather conditions and other factors. In areas where there is a high population density, a cluster of factories and factories, a high saturation of transport, air pollution especially increases. This requires urgent and radical action. On days when air circulation is limited due to weather conditions, smog can occur. Smog is especially dangerous for the elderly and sick people.

Photochemical fog or smog is a multicomponent mixture of gases and aerosol particles of primary and secondary origin. The composition of the main components of smog includes: ozone, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, numerous organic peroxide compounds, collectively called photooxidants. Photochemical smog occurs as a result of photochemical reactions under certain conditions: the presence in the atmosphere of a high concentration of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other pollutants, intense solar radiation and calm or very weak air exchange in the surface layer with a powerful and, for at least a day, increased inversion. Sustained calm weather, usually accompanied by inversions, is necessary to create a high concentration of reactants. Such conditions are created more often in June-September and less often in winter.

During periods when pollution reaches high levels, many people complain of headaches, irritation of the eyes and nasopharynx, nausea and general poor health. Apparently, ozone mainly acts on the mucous membranes. The presence of a suspension of acid, mainly sulfuric, correlates with an increase in asthma attacks, and due to carbon monoxide, there is a weakening of mental activity, drowsiness and headaches. Respiratory diseases and lung cancer are associated with high levels of suspended matter, acting for a long time. However, all these factors can affect different aspects of health to varying degrees. In some cases, air pollution has reached such high levels that it has led to death.

4) Reduction of biological diversity.

By changing his world, a person significantly interferes in the life of his neighbors on the planet. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, since 1600. on the


Each of the global problems discussed here has its own options for a partial or more complete solution, there is a certain set of general approaches to solving environmental problems.

Measures to improve the quality of the environment:


*development of new technologies

* treatment facilities

*fuel change

* electrification of production, life, transport

2.Architectural planning activities:

* zoning of the territory of the settlement

* landscaping of populated areas

*organization of sanitary protection zones



*creation of legislative acts to maintain

environmental quality

5. Engineering and organizational:

*reduction of car parking at traffic lights

*decrease in traffic intensity by

congested highways

In addition, over the past century, mankind has developed a number of original ways to deal with environmental problems. Among these methods can be attributed the emergence and activities of various kinds of "green" movements and organizations. Except “GreenPeace^a”, which is distinguished by the scope of its activities, there are similar organizations directly conducting environmental actions. There is also another type of environmental organization: structures that stimulate and sponsor environmental activities ( Wildlife Fund).

In addition to various kinds of associations in the field of solving environmental problems, there are a number of state or public environmental initiatives:

environmental legislation in Russia and other countries of the world,

various international agreements or the system of "Red Books".

Among the most important ways to solve environmental problems, most researchers also highlight the introduction of environmentally friendly, low-waste and waste-free technologies, the construction of treatment facilities, the rational distribution of production and the use of natural resources.

Ministry of Public and Vocational Education.

Magnitogorsk State University.

Ecological problems of the present and ways of their solution.

Abstract on OBZh.

Performed: PMNO student,

2 course, 202 gr., UNK,

Mitrofanova Lena.

Checked: senior


Kuvshinova Ira.



1. Brodsky A.K. A short course in general ecology: Textbook-3rd ed.-DSAN, 1999-223p.

2. Voitkevich G.V., Vronsky V.A. Fundamentals of the doctrine of the biosphere: Book. For the teacher. - M: Enlightenment, 1989.

3. Gladkov N.D. etc. Nature Protection-M. Enlightenment, 1975-239s.

4. Gorelov A.A. Ecology: Proc. allowance. - M.: Center, 1998-238s.


Achieving an ideal state of absolute harmony with nature is basically impossible. Just as impossible is the final victory over nature, although in the process of struggle, a person discovers the ability to overcome the difficulties that arise. The interaction of man with nature never ends, and when it seems that man is about to get a decisive advantage, nature increases resistance. However, it is not infinite, and its overcoming in the form of suppression of nature is fraught with the death of man himself.

The current success of man in the fight against the natural environment has been achieved by increasing the risk, which should be considered in two ways: the risk of possible environmental side effects, due to the fact that science cannot give an absolute forecast of the consequences of human impact on the natural environment, and the risk of random disasters, related to the fact that technical systems and the person himself do not have absolute reliability. Here, one of Commoner's propositions, which he calls the "law" of ecology, turns out to be true: "nothing is given for free." (1; p. 26)

Based on the analysis of the ecological situation, we can conclude that we should rather not talk about the final and absolute solution of the environmental problem, but about the prospects for shifting particular problems in order to optimize the relationship between man and the natural environment in the existing historical conditions. This circumstance is due to the fact that the fundamental laws of nature impose restrictions on the implementation of the goals of mankind.

1. Introduction. 1st page

2. Basic environmental problems. 2p.

1) Pollution of the lithosphere. 2p.

2) Pollution of the hydrosphere. 3rd page

3) Atmospheric pollution. 5p.

4) Decreased ecological diversity. 5p.

3. Ways to solve environmental problems. 7p.

4. Conclusion. 8p.

5. List of references. 9p.

how individual countries fighting for the cleanliness of the environment?

We have been littering and polluting our planet for so long that, of course, it will not be possible to solve all environmental problems overnight. But every person should remember that solving problems should begin, first of all, with oneself, with changes in one's attitude to the world around. We have no moral right to be indignant at the dirt that surrounds us if we ourselves cannot throw the piece of paper into the trash; to complain about the existing facts of nature pollution, if we remain indifferent to protest actions and do not elect people who are really involved in solving environmental problems; resent the lack of spirituality and the presence consumer attitude to the world around us, if we ourselves do not educate in children a respectful and careful attitude to everything that surrounds us!

Unfortunately, the 20th century passed in the world under the slogan: “We cannot expect favors from nature. It is our task to take them from her.” People all over the world treated nature barbarically, thinking only about achieving the maximum material well-being. However, such a cruel attitude towards nature does not go unpunished, and every year humanity begins to pay an increasing price for the merciless exploitation of nature. Every day the ecological situation in the world is deteriorating and every representative of the human race contributes to this.

The cleanest countries...

Currently, many countries of the world and their individual representatives are striving to make the world cleaner. Certainly, industrial enterprises negatively impacted (and some continue their harmful activities) on the environment, and greenhouse gas emissions have reached very high levels, however, the attention of world countries is gradually turning to the problems of environmental conservation.

Some countries of the world are beginning to successfully implement environmental measures to fight for the purity of the environment. Now you can name the top 10 most environmentally friendly countries:

1. Iceland is the first country in the world to produce energy from geothermal resources and rivers.

2. Sweden is going to eliminate all fossil fuels by 2020.

3. Switzerland has very strict legislation in everything related to ecology. In addition, the Swiss have a so-called "green" mentality, which allows us to call this country one of the cleanest in the world.

How to save yourself from bad ecology

Norway will make a significant contribution to carbon-free energy by 2030 with the opening of the country's largest solar power plants.

5. great example recovery of nature after cleaning up the consequences of industrialization is Finland.

6. Costa Rica can boast large quantity natural reserves, which are taken care of and increased not only by the population of the country, but also by the legislation.

7. One of the most protected from negative impacts industrial production is New Zealand, whose amazing landscapes attract tourists from all over the world.

8. The main priorities for Austria are the conservation of forests and the quality of drinking water.

9. The small island nation of Mauritius has one of the strictest and best environmental laws in the world.

10. Having successfully overcome various environmental challenges, Colombia is now one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world.