The human losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War amounted to ____ million people. The great dreamer le corbusier

Warsaw Pact 1955

On Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, signed by Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Czechoslovakia on May 14, 1955 at the Warsaw Conference European states to ensure peace and security in Europe. Entered into force on June 5, 1955. After all the participants in the Eastern Economic Treaty had deposited with Poland as the depositary country the instruments of ratification. in September 1968 it unilaterally denounced the treaty.

The conclusion of the V.D. was caused by the threat to peace in Europe created by the ratification Western states Paris Agreements 1954 (See Paris Agreements 1954) , providing for the formation of the Western European Union (See Western European Union) , remilitarization West Germany and its inclusion in NATO. V. d. is strictly defensive in nature. It aims to take the necessary measures to ensure the security of the countries - its participants and maintain peace in Europe. The treaty consists of a preamble and 11 articles. In accordance with its terms and the Charter of the United Nations, the states participating in the VA pledged to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force, and in the event of an armed attack on any of them, to provide immediate assistance to the states that have been attacked by all means that present themselves. necessary to them, including the use of armed force. The members of the V.D. organization undertook to act in the spirit of friendship and cooperation in order to further develop and strengthen the economic and cultural ties among themselves, following the principles mutual respect independence, sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other and other states. Mutual consultations of the participants in the military forum are envisaged on all important international issues affecting their common interests. A Political Consultative Committee (PAC) has been established to conduct consultations and consider issues arising in connection with the implementation of the V.D. In practice, it has turned out that all the member states of the VA are represented in the PAC at the highest level.

Validity of V. d. - 20 years from automatic renewal it for 10 years for those states that, a year before the expiration of the term, do not submit to the government of Poland a declaration of denunciation of the VA. It is open for accession by other states, regardless of their public and political system. V. d. will lose force in the event of the creation of a system in Europe collective security and the conclusion of a pan-European treaty for this purpose.

To provide effective protection In order to prevent possible aggression, the participants in the military movement decided to create a Joint Command of the Armed Forces, to which, by agreement between them, the corresponding national contingents are allocated. At the head of the Joint Command is the Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Armed Forces (JAF; in 1955 - June 1960 Marshal Soviet Union I. S. Konev, in June 1960 - July 1967 Marshal of the Soviet Union A. A. Grechko, since July 1967 Marshal of the Soviet Union I. I. Yakubovsky). Under the Commander-in-Chief, there is the Headquarters of the Allied Forces Headquarters - Army Generals A.I. Antonov (1955-62), P.I. Batov (1962-65), M.I. Kazakov (1965-68), S.M. August 1968)]. The seat of the Headquarters is Moscow. On March 17, 1969, the Budapest meeting of the PKK approved the regulation on the Committee of Ministers of Defense of the states participating in the military movement, as well as a new regulation on the Joint Armed Forces and the Joint Command.

The Joint Command and the Joint Forces Headquarters ensure the interaction of the armed forces and the strengthening of the defense capabilities of the countries participating in the military movement. To this end, they conduct joint command-staff and military exercises and maneuvers on the territory of these countries. Joint exercises and maneuvers of the allied armies were carried out on the territory of all its member countries. Among the largest are exercises under code names: "October assault" (October 1965), "Vltava" (September 1966), "Rhodopes" (August 1967), "Dnepr" (September 1967), "North" (July 1968), "Spring-69" (March - April 1969), "Odra - Nisa" (September 1969), "Brotherhood in Arms" (October 1970), etc.

At meetings of the PAC and other meetings of the countries participating in the V.D., their representatives discussed the most important issues international relations and improvement of the organization of foreign trade, and also repeatedly took initiatives to defuse international tension. The PKK met: January 27-28, 1956 in Prague, May 24, 1958 in Moscow, February 4, 1960 in Moscow, March 28-29, 1961 in Moscow, June 7, 1962 in Moscow, July 26, 1963 in Moscow, January 19-20, 1965 in Warsaw , July 4-6, 1966 in Bucharest, March 6-7, 1968 in Sofia, March 17, 1969 in Budapest, August 2, 1970 in Moscow, December 2, 1970 in Berlin; On August 3-5, 1961, a meeting of the first secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist and Workers' Parties was held, and on July 25, 1963, a meeting of the first secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist and Workers' Parties and the heads of governments of the states of the V.D. - March 22, 1970 in Sofia and March 2-3, 1971 in Budapest. The Military Council of the Joint Armed Forces was also created, the meetings of which were held December 9-10, 1969 in Moscow, April 27-28, 1970 in Budapest, and October 27-30, 1970 in Varna. Conferences of foreign ministers, defense ministers and their deputies were repeatedly convened within the framework of the Foreign Affairs Council.

Already at the first (Prague) meeting of the PKK (January 27-28, 1956), the member states of the Military Movement made proposals that provided for the replacement of the military groupings existing in Europe with a system of collective security, the establishment of zones of limitation and control over arms, etc.

At the Moscow meeting of the PKK (May 24, 1958), a Declaration was adopted in which it was proposed to conclude a non-aggression pact between the states participating in the VA and members of NATO.

In the Declaration adopted at the meeting of the PKK in Moscow (February 4, 1960) allied states approved the decision of the Soviet government to unilaterally abandon nuclear testing provided that the Western Powers also do not resume nuclear explosions and called for the creation favorable conditions to complete the development of a test termination agreement nuclear weapons.

At the Warsaw meeting of the PKK (January 19-20, 1965), the situation that had developed in connection with the plans for the creation of NATO multilateral nuclear forces was discussed, and also considered protective measures for the implementation of these plans.

The most complete peace-loving program of the participating states of the World War was formulated in the Declaration on the Strengthening of Peace and Security in Europe, adopted at a meeting of the PKK in Bucharest (July 4-6, 1966). The program for achieving European security unfolded in the Declaration provided, in particular, along with the solution of other important issues, the development of good neighborly relations between all European states based on the principles of peaceful coexistence of states with different social order; partial measures for military detente on European continent; exclusion of the possibility of admitting the FRG to nuclear weapons in any form; recognition is real existing borders in Europe, etc. In order to discuss issues of ensuring security in Europe and establishing all-European cooperation, the participating states of the Eastern Economic Forum proposed to convene an all-European conference.

The participants in the Bucharest meeting, as well as the meeting of the PKK in Sofia (March 6-7, 1968), strongly condemned the armed intervention of US imperialism in Vietnam and reaffirmed their support for the liberation struggle of the Vietnamese people. An exchange of views on the problem of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons also took place at the Sofia Conference.

The Budapest meeting of the PAC (March 17, 1969), along with consideration of issues to strengthen and improve military organization V. d., paid great attention European security issues and adopted an Appeal to all European countries regarding the preparation and holding of a pan-European conference with the aim of finding ways and means leading to the elimination of the division of Europe into military groupings and the implementation of peaceful cooperation between European states and peoples, to the creation of a strong system of collective security.

The idea of ​​the Budapest meeting of the PAC to convene a pan-European meeting was further development at a conference of foreign ministers of the countries participating in the European Economic Movement, held in Prague on October 31, 1969. The foreign ministers proposed holding an all-European conference in Helsinki in the first half of 1970. They recommended that two questions be included in the agenda of the conference: on ensuring European security and on the renunciation of the use of force or the threat of its use in mutual relations between states in Europe; on the expansion of trade, economic, scientific and technical ties on an equal basis, aimed at developing political cooperation between European states.

At the Conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the countries participating in the Foreign Trade Union held in Budapest on June 21–22, 1970, these proposals were expanded and specified.

The participants in the meeting of the PKK, held on August 20, 1970 in Moscow, approved the treaty between the USSR and the FRG, signed in August 1970, and expressed firm intention to take further steps depending on them aimed at strengthening European security and convening a pan-European conference.

The position of the countries that are members of the VA, aimed at strengthening security and developing peaceful cooperation in Europe, was reaffirmed at the Berlin meeting of the PKK (December 2, 1970). The participants of the Berlin meeting noted the great importance for the fate of European world recognition of the existing situation in Europe, which developed as a result of World War II, pointed to the importance of concluding an agreement between the USSR and the FRG and initialing (November 1970) an agreement between the PPR and the FRG (signed on December 7, 1970), unanimously expressed solidarity with the peace-loving policy of the GDR and emphasized its role in building a lasting peace in Europe, supported the just demand of Czechoslovakia for non-recognition from the very beginning Munich Agreement 1938, noted that the achievement of a mutually acceptable agreement on West Berlin could serve the interests of detente in the center of Europe, as well as the needs of the population West Berlin and spoke again in favor of convening, without any preconditions, a pan-European conference on security and cooperation.

The meeting participants reaffirmed their readiness to continue to provide strong support to the peoples of Indochina and the Arab peoples, including the Arab people of Palestine, who were subjected to aggression, and reiterated the need for a political settlement in Indochina and the Middle East.

In connection with the aggression of the colonialists against the Republic of Guinea, the participants in the Berlin Conference demanded an end to the imperialist provocations against independent peoples Africa.

The proposals put forward by the states participating in the V.D. are in the center of attention of all European nations. These proposals, like all the activities of the organization of the World War, testify to the genuine peacefulness of its members and their concern for the maintenance of peace and security in Europe.

Publication: Warsaw Conference of European States on Ensuring Peace and Security in Europe (Warsaw, May 11-14, 1955), M., 1955; Meetings of the PKK, established in accordance with the Warsaw Pact (Prague, January 27 and 28, 1956), M., 1956; Proceedings of the meeting of the PAC of the participating States Warsaw Pact on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance (Moscow, May 24, 1958), M., 1958; Documents of the Meeting of the PKK of the States - Parties to the Warsaw Pact (Bucharest, July 4-6, 1966), M., 1966. See also the documents of the PKK and other forums of the countries participating in the V. D. in gas. Pravda, 1960, February 5; 1961, March 31, August 6 and 14: 1962, June 10; 1963, July 27-28; 1965, Jan 22; 1968, March 9; 1969, March 18 and November 1; 1970, June 24, Aug 21, Dec 3-4

Lit.: Tunkin G. I., On some issues of an international treaty in connection with the Warsaw Pact, "Soviet State and Law", 1956, No. 1; Zhukov G.P., Warsaw Pact and issues of international security, M., 1961; Batov P.I., Reliable shield. To the 10th anniversary of the conclusion of the Warsaw Pact, M., 1965; Voss H., Nordatlantikpakt, Warschauer Vertrag, und die Charta der Vereinten Nationen, B., 1958; Strategic survey 1966-1969, L., 1967-70.

E. S. Shevchenko.

Big soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


Dunaevsky Isaak Osipovich (Iosifovich) (January 18/30, 1900, the city of Lokvitsa, Poltava region - July 25, 1955, Moscow) - composer.
He graduated from the Kharkov Conservatory in the violin class of I. Yu. Ahron (1919), studied composition with S. S. Bogatyrev. From 1924 he lived in Moscow, directed the musical part of the Theater of Satire, wrote operettas and ballets. In 1929-41 he was music director and chief conductor of the music hall in Leningrad, collaborated with the jazz of L. O. Utesov, was chairman of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Composers (1937-41). In 1932, Dunaevsky began his career as a film composer (First Platoon, Belgoskino).
In 1943 he moved to Moscow, where he became artistic director of the ensemble of the Central House of Culture of Railway Workers (1938-48). Created 12 operettas, including Both Ours and Yours (1927, Moscow Theater of Musical Buffoonery), Grooms (1927), Knives (1928, Moscow Satire Theater), Golden Valley (1938, Moscow Operetta Theater ). Created music for films: "Circus" ( State Prize USSR, 1941), "Volga-Volga" (State Prize of the USSR, 1951), " Kuban Cossacks". Together with the director G. V. Aleksandrov and the poet V. I. Lebedev-Kumach, Dunaevsky was the creator of the musical comedy "Merry Fellows" (March of Merry Fellows), as well as such songs from films as: Song about the Motherland ("Circus"), Song about Kakhovka (lyrics by Svetlov, "Three Comrades"), March of Enthusiasts (lyrics by A. D. Aktil, "Bright Path"). He created the genre of the march song: Sports March, March of Tractor Drivers, Spring March, Song about Moscow, Song about the cheerful wind, Children of Captain Grant (lyrics by V.I. Lebedev-Kumach), Ways-roads (lyrics by S. Ya. Alymov), Waltz Evening, Don't Forget, Doves Fly (words by M. L. Matusovsky). Dunayevsky enriched the genre of the song, introducing elements of operetta and jazz into it.
A valuable contribution to pop music are orchestral numbers from Dunayevsky's film music: Exit March (film "Circus"), overture to the film "Children of Captain Grant".
People's Artist of Russia (1950).
Elena Borisova

When spring comes. Movie Songs (Firma Melodiya, 1996)
At the Black Sea (Cominform Center, 1996)
Tell me why? (1996)
Ah, my Odessa (Cominform Center, 1996)
First kiss. Popular Melodies of the Past (1996)
I don't know another such country (Cominform Center, 1996)
How to beat your enemies. Songs about Stalin - 2 (1997)
My dear capital (Firma Melodiya, 1997)

In August 1939, the USSR signed a non-aggression pact with ...


"Dear life" was called ________ - the only way to communicate with besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War.

Ladoga lake

Political development of the USSR in 1964–1985 characterized ...

The monopoly position of the CPSU in political system

An attempt to democratize the socio-political life of the country is associated with the activities of ...

N. S. Khrushchev

To the social policy of N.S. Khrushchev is...

decline retirement age

The first large ballistic missile in the USSR was developed under the leadership of ...

S. P. Koroleva

To the achievements of Soviet scientists in the mid-1950s - early 1960s. applied ...

Development of nuclear energy and rocket science

Caribbean crisis 1962 was called ...

Deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba

On the initiative of the USSR, in the summer of 1962, (-axis) ...

World Congress for General Disarmament and Peace

The turn of the leadership of the USSR in the second half of the 1960s to a conservative course was evidenced by ...

Tightening censorship and fighting dissent

Socio-economic development of the country in the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s. was different...

Gradual decline in growth rates of key socio-economic indicators

Back in the 1970s…

Resumption of Soviet-American meetings on highest level

characteristic feature economic development countries in the 1970s. was (-) ...

Predominant development of the military-industrial complex

One of the reasons for the exacerbation international tension in the late 1970s appeared (-axis) ...

The intensification of the arms race

A new phenomenon in agriculture The USSR in the late 1970s - early 1980s became ...

Formation of agro-industrial complexes

economic reform 1965 is associated with the name ...

A. N. Kosygina

With the name of N.S. Khrushchev is bound by the proclamation ...

Policies of peaceful coexistence

To economic policy, conducted by N. S. Khrushchev, refers ...

Decentralization of the management of the national economy

One of the reasons for the creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was (-a), (-o) ...

Boycott by Western countries of trade relations with the USSR and the states of Eastern Europe

A certain democratization Soviet society after the XX Congress of the CPSU manifested itself in ...

Extension of rights union republics

The most important foreign policy event of the 1970s. appeared ...

Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in Helsinki

The economic reform of 1987 assumed ...

Expanding the autonomy of enterprises

One of the reasons crisis phenomena in the economy of the USSR in the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s. It was …

The dominance of the administrative-command system

Year of graduation Khrushchev thaw” is considered _______ year.

Among the reforms carried out in 1953-1964. in the political realm, ...

Reform of the law and order system

A peculiar phenomenon in the cultural life of the 1970s. became ...

The spread of rock culture

The first in the history of Soviet-American relations official visit head of the Soviet government in the United States was held in ...

September 1959

By 1955, the creation of ...

Warsaw Pact organizations

The "thaw" in art manifested itself in ...

The emergence of theaters with innovative positions

The period, which is characterized by the easing of international tension, is called ...


The ruling stratum that dominates bureaucratic system administration of the USSR in the 1960s–1980s, was called ...


Khrushchev. Dissidents in the USSR were called ...

Persons who did not share dominant ideology

Soviet literature during the "Khrushchev thaw" period was characterized by...

Moderate criticism of Stalin's "personality cult"

Nobel Prize in the field of literature in the 1970s was awarded ...

A. Solzhenitsyn

The reason for the transition of the USSR and the USA at the turn of the 60s - 70s of the twentieth century. to the policy of detente was (-o) ...

Achieving military-strategic parity between the USSR and the USA

Territorial problems associated with post-war European borders(the German problem) were settled in ...

Early 1970s

For conducted in the USSR in 1957-1964. economic policy was characteristic of ...

Predominant development of heavy industry

The Constitution of the USSR of 1977 fixed the provision on (on) ...

Formation in the USSR of a new historical community - Soviet people

to events foreign policy USSR in the 1960s applies...

Signing of the treaty banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere, space and under water

The event that completed the process of defusing international tension was the introduction Soviet troops in 1979 in ...

Creation of the Warsaw Pact. On May 14, 1955, the "Warsaw Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance" was signed in the capital of Poland. With the help of this agreement, the countries socialist camp- Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the USSR created the Union. The goals of the Warsaw Pact were to ensure the security of the participating countries and maintain peace in Europe. This was a response to the NATO bloc created in 1949. The last thing that led to the rapprochement of the group of socialist countries was the admission of West Germany to NATO, which violated the post-war agreement, the government of which was declared the "sole representative" of all German people in international affairs. The treaty was concluded for a period of 20 years with its automatic extension for the next 10 years, provided that it is not denounced one year before the expiration date. The States Parties to the Treaty undertake, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, to refrain in their international relations from the threat of the use of force in order to settle any dispute by peaceful means. Supreme governing body Union is the Political Advisory Committee. The Joint Command of the Armed Forces was created and Marshal of the Soviet Union I. S. Konev was appointed its commander in chief. Later, the Committee of Defense Ministers, the Committee of Foreign Ministers and the Secretariat were created. After the presentation of certificates of ratification, the treaty entered into force on June 5, 1955 - this date is the real formation of the Warsaw Treaty Organization. Since 1962, Albania no longer participates in the work of the groups, and six years later it announced its withdrawal from the treaty. In 1956, the armed intervention of the Warsaw Pact in Hungary put an end to the armed uprising against the country's socialist government. In 1968, the member countries of the Warsaw Pact, without the participation of Romania, sent their troops to Czechoslovakia in order to stop the democratic process of the Czechoslovak society. On July 1, 1991, the treaty was dissolved and US hegemony set in instead of holding back the balance of power.




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1 river on which the main city of Assyria was located (8-7th century

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5country in the north of which arose Assyrian state.
6 located in antiquity, the branch of the army, which for the first time became
use the Assyrians. 7 one of the last Assyrian kings, creator
palace library. 8 the people who inhabited the southern two rivers, who raised
victorious uprising against Assyrian rule. 9 main city
Assyrian state. 10 people who lived northeast of the two rivers;
took part in the defeat of Assyria.

Read also

Compare estimates of the military action of the Warsaw Pact states in Czechoslovakia in

1968 A TASS statement stated: “Further aggravation of the situation in
Czechoslovakia affects vital interests Soviet Union and other socialist
countries, the security interests of the states of the socialist community. The threat
socialist system of Czechoslovakia is at the same time a threat to the foundations
European world". The statement of human rights defenders contained the following assessment: “This action
had the goal of stopping the democratic path of development that this country had embarked on ...
It seemed that the idea of ​​socialism, defamed in the Stalin era, would now
rehabilitated. The tanks of the Warsaw Pact destroyed this hope ... We
declare that we continue to disagree with this decision, which jeopardizes
the future of socialism. We stand in solidarity with the people of Czechoslovakia, who wanted to prove that
socialism with human face available". These positions are fundamentally different. What are their differences? Do they have similarities?

Option 1 1. What is the main result of the struggle for power after Stalin's death? a) the economic


b) all the fullness of state and party power passed into the hands of

c) there were changes in the leadership of the party

2. Who was blamed for the repressions of the 1930s?

a) to Beria and Yezhov

b) Molotov and Malenkov

c) to the organs of the NKVD

3. When did the development of virgin lands begin?

a) in 1953 b) in 1954 c) in 1959 d) in 1962

4. What is the difference between Khrushchev's program and Malenkov's program in the development of agriculture?

a) Khrushchev advocated greater independence of collective farms

b) Khrushchev proposed to increase grain production at the expense of virgin lands

c) increased spending on social development villages

5. What measures relate to the economic policy pursued by Khrushchev?

a) replacement of ministries by economic councils

b) accelerated development of light industry enterprises

c) experiment with the introduction of cost accounting

6. What successes have you achieved Soviet science during the thaw years?

a) landing a man on the moon

b) construction of a nuclear icebreaker

c) the creation of a jet passenger liner

7. Who from Soviet writers with his work "The Thaw" gave the name to the Khrushchev times?

a) A. Solzhenitsyn

b) F. Panferov

c) I. Ehrenburg

8. In what year was the Warsaw Pact formed?

9. What agreements were concluded between the USSR and the USA after the Caribbean crisis?

a) the dismantling of Soviet missiles in Cuba

b) the withdrawal of American missiles from Turkey

c) the refusal of the USSR from economic aid Cuba

d) the closure of the American military base in Cuba

10. In which country of Eastern Europe did the Soviet Union send its troops in 1956?

a) Bulgaria

b) Czechoslovakia

c) Hungary

a) housing construction

in) free education

d) adoption of the law on pensions

Option 2

1. What did the strengthening of Khrushchev's position in the struggle for power lead to?

a) to the establishment of a new cult of personality b) to the resignation of G.K. Zhukov

c) to strengthen the positions of Malenkov

2. When did the 20th Party Congress take place?

3. Find the correct statement:

a) Khpyshchev's economic program contributed to the extensive development of the economy

b) Khrushchev's economic program contributed to the intensive development of the economy

c) Khrushchev's economic program contributed to the formation of a market economy

4. Why, despite success social policy, Khrushchev's resignation did not cause protests among the Soviet people?

a) Khrushchev's policy exacerbated national contradictions

b) dissatisfaction with the increased role of the CPSU grew

c) there was an increase in the prices of consumer goods

d) the size of the army was significantly reduced

5. What events revived cultural life in the USSR?

a) regular meetings of figures of the Central Committee and culture

b) opening of the Moscow Film Festival

c) holding international exhibitions

6. Which of the following is a sign of a "thaw"

a) the emergence of anti-Stalinist works of literature

b) the beginning of rehabilitation

c) weakening the role of the communist party

d) expansion of international contacts of the intelligentsia

7. When was the first artificial satellite launched?

8. When was the treaty banning nuclear weapons tests in three areas?

9. Why was there an increase in the influence of CCC R in 00 N?

a) there was a weakening of the role of the United States

b) the appearance of ballistic missiles in the USSR

c) Soviet support for the anti-colonial movement.

10. During his resignation, Khrushchev was accused of:

a) in voluntarism

b) in the reduction of the army

c) in debunking the "cult of personality"

11. The successes of the social policy of the USSR can be considered:

a) housing construction

b) reduction of tariff rates in production

c) free education

d) adoption of the law on pensions

A-2. What event is associated with the beginning of the de-Stalinization policy? 1) XIX Congress of the CPSU in 1952 2) XX Congress of the CPSU in 1956 3) World

festival of youth and students 1957

4) N.S. Khrushchev’s visit to the exhibition in the Manege in 1962

A-3. The concept of “sovnarkhozes”, which appeared in the second half of the 1950s, was associated

1) with the consolidation of collective farms

2) with partial decentralization of economic management

3) with the development of virgin and fallow lands

4) with reinforcement state control behind the economy

A-5. Read an excerpt from G.M. Malenkov's speech at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. When did these events take place?

“When we in the Presidium of the Central Committee were all convinced who we were dealing with, we convened a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee and, in the presence of Beria, charged him. He behaved dishonestly. He could not deny the facts, but he became cowardly, vilely hiding the ends, declaring that he would improve. The Presidium of the Central Committee unanimously recognized the need to act quickly and decisively, considering that we are dealing with an adventurer in whose hands there are great opportunities, in order to put an end once and for all to the ulcer and rot that poisons the healthy atmosphere of a close-knit and monolithic Leninist-Stalinist collective. (Stormy applause.) The Presidium decided to remove Beria from his posts and expel him from the party. The Presidium came to the conclusion that it was impossible to stop halfway with such an adventurer and decided to arrest Beria as an enemy of the party and people. (Voices. That's right! Thunderous applause)."

A-6. What caused the Hungarian events of 1956?

1) aggravation of relations between the USSR and the USA

2) uncontrolled proliferation of nuclear weapons

3) the general crisis of the Warsaw Pact organization

4) activation of democratic forces in the countries of Eastern Europe after the death of I.V. Stalin

A-7. Which of these provisions were contained in the report of N.S. Khrushchev at the 20th Congress of the CPSU "On the cult of personality and its consequences"?

Stalin is to blame for mass repressions

only the KGB is to blame for the repressions

Stalin arrogated to himself the sole power in the state

Stalin's associates are to blame for the repressions

innocent people were tortured

Stalin acted correctly until 1936.

Specify the correct answer.

A-8. What was one of the manifestations of the "thaw" in the spiritual and cultural life of the USSR?

1) cessation of ideological pressure on cultural figures

2) the abolition of state censorship

3) the possibility of developing all areas of art

4) publication of works about prisoners of the Gulag

Part B.

1. Position in chronological order the following events:

A) flight Yu.A. Gagarin in space

B) holding the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow

C) suppression of workers' protests in Novocherkassk

D) XX Congress of the CPSU

2. Match dates and events.

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

1) the displacement of N.S. Khrushchev

2) start the first artificial satellite Earth

3) test of the first Soviet atomic bomb

4) resolution on the magazines "Zvezda" and "Leningrad"

5) events in Novocherkassk

3. Read an excerpt from a speech statesman USSR and write his name.

“It is not the intention of this report to give comprehensive assessment life and work of Stalin ... The role of Stalin in the preparation and conduct of socialist revolution, in civil war in the struggle to build socialism in our country. This is well known to everyone. Now we are talking about a question of great importance both for the present and for the future of the party - we are talking about how the cult of personality of Stalin gradually took shape, which at a certain stage turned into a source of a number of major and very serious distortions of party principles, party democracy, revolutionary legitimacy. Due to the fact that not everyone still realizes what the cult of personality led to in practice, what enormous damage was caused by the violation of the principle of collective leadership in the party and the concentration of immense, unlimited power in the hands of one person, Central Committee party considers it necessary to report materials on this issue to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

4. Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and their areas of activity.


A.I. Solzhenitsyn

D.D. Shostakovich


L.D. Landau


M.K. Kalatozov


5. Which three of the events listed below relate to the period of the "thaw" in the USSR?

1) Formation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

2) The conclusion of the Soviet-American ABM (missile defense) treaty

3) Caribbean Crisis

4) Formation of the Warsaw Pact

5) Start Korean War

6) Normalization of relations with Yugoslavia.


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Option 12.

I. Tasks of part A

4) North Atlantic bloc

A-2. What event happened in the USSR during the "thaw"?

1) the opening of traffic on Baikal-Amur Mainline

2) construction of the Dneproges

3) the implementation of the first manned flight into space

4) construction of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works

A-3. The system of international relations, characterized by a balance of approximately equal forces opposing powers of the world is called

1) Monopolar

2) Global

3) Bipolar

4) International.

A-4. Which of the following refers to the achievements of science and technology in the USSR in the mid-1950s gg- mid 1960s?

1) Development of oil wealth Western Siberia

2) Release of the first turbojet aircraft

3) Joint Soviet-American space flight

4) Testing the first atomic bomb.

A-5. Cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962:

1) deployment of Soviet missiles on the territory of Cuba

2) systematic US testing of nuclear weapons in the Caribbean

3) the landing of a joint American-Canadian landing in the east of Cuba in the city of Pinar del Rio

4) deterioration of Soviet-Cuban relations

A-6. Which of the following referred to the achievements of science and technology in the mid-1950s - mid-1960s?

1) launch of the first artificial Earth satellite

2) joint Soviet-American space flight

3) creation of an international space station

4) the creation of the Soviet space station "Mir"

A-7. Which of the following events happened in 1957?

1) The first manned flight into space

2) XX Congress of the CPSU

3) Launch of the first artificial Earth satellite

4) Caribbean Crisis

A-8. The name of which statesman is associated with the intra-party struggle for supreme power in the USSR after the death of I.V. Stalin?

1) A.A. Gromyko

2) A.A. Zhdanov

3) G.M. Malenkov

4) A.N. Kosygin

A-9. In connection with what events in political vocabulary The concept of "voluntarism" appeared in the USSR?

1) The internal party struggle for power after the death of I.V. Stalin

2) Suspension of N.S. Khrushchev from all leadership positions

3) Organization of the State Emergency Committee

4) Cancellation of the article of the Constitution of the USSR on leadership CPSU.

A-10. What feature characterized the social and political life of the USSR during the “thaw”?

1) Exposure of Stalin's personality cult

2) Pursuing a policy of publicity

3) Refusal of ideological control over the creativity of the intelligentsia

4) Transition to a multi-party system.

A-11. What event happened in connection with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Ukraine's entry into the Russian state?

1) Holding a festival of youth and students in Kyiv

2) Transfer of Crimea from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR

3) Launch of a hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper

4) Opening of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

A-12. Which of the following measures refers to the period of "thaw":

1) Rehabilitation of genetics

2) The persecution of genetics

3) Adoption of the Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad.

4) Polar expedition O.Yu. Schmidt on the ship "Chelyuskin.

A-13. In what year did the development of virgin lands begin?

A-14. Which of the Soviet writers was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature?

1) V.P. Astafiev

2) V.G. Rasputin

3) B.L. Parsnip

4) A.A. Fadeev.

A-15. What concept has become a symbolic designation of the division of the capitalist and socialist world in the period " cold war»?

1) "new world order"

2) "fifth column"

3) "non-intervention policy"

4) "iron curtain"

A-16. Which of the documents is an important historical source for the period 1953-1964?

one) " Economic problems socialism in the USSR "I. Stalin

2) Report of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU at the XX Congress "On the cult of personality and its consequences"

3) Peace program from the Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU to the XXVI Congress of the CPSU

A-17. The decisions of the XX Congress of the CPSU contributed to

1) Stop exalting the role of party leaders

2) Strengthening the unity and cohesion of Soviet society

3) Emancipation of consciousness Soviet people

A-18. to measures foreign policy USSR in the 1950s refers to

1) Creation of a military-political organization of the socialist countries

2) Strengthen relations with China

3) Participation in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in Helsinki

4) The conclusion of an agreement with the United States and Great Britain on the prohibition of nuclear tests in three environments.

A-19. Exposure of the cult of personality I.V. Stalin at the XX Congress of the CPSU led to

1) rehabilitation of victims Stalinist repressions

2) pursuing a policy of publicity

3) deep democratic reforms in the country

4) changing the Constitution of the USSR

1) E.A. Yevtushenko

2) A.T. Tvardovsky

3) I.A. Brodsky

4) R.I. Christmas

II. Tasks of part B

Place the following events in chronological order.

A) Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in Helsinki

B) the creation of the Warsaw Pact

B) Caribbean Crisis

D) formation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

Which three of the events listed below relate to the economic policy of the state during the "thaw" in the USSR?

1) The beginning of the development of virgin and fallow lands

2) Recovery and further development National economy

3) Adoption of the Program for building communism

4) Mass introduction of corn

5) Liquidation of MTS

6) Rehabilitation of the repressed.


3. Correlate the correspondence between concepts and their definitions:

A) cosmopolitanism

B) deportation


B) economic councils

D) subjectivism


1) A policy that does not take into account objective laws, real conditions and opportunities

2) Restoration of an honest name and civil rights unjustly convicted people

4) The ideology of world citizenship

5) State agricultural enterprises

The list below shows the names of cultural figures who were criticized by the party leadership of the USSR in the first years after the Great Patriotic War and during

"thaw". Select from the list the names of cultural figures who were criticized during the "thaw".

1) A.A. Akhmatova

2) M.M. Zoshchenko

3) A.A. Voznesensky

4) S.M. Eisenstein

5) E.A. Yevtushenko

6) B.L. Parsnip


Match the last names domestic writers and titles of their works.


A) A.A. Fadeev

B) A.T. Tvardovsky

C) death of I.V. Stalin

D) creation of the Warsaw Treaty Organization

Which three of the events listed below relate to the period of the "thaw" in the USSR?

1) B.L. Pasternak from the Writers' Union of the USSR

2) Adoption of resolutions on the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad

3) "Doctors' Case"

4) Holding in Moscow the first International Competition them. P.I. Tchaikovsky

5) "The Case of Beria"

6) Creation of creative unions: the Union of Composers of the USSR, the Union of Soviet Architects, etc.

8. Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and the names of their works:



A) M.K. Kalatozov 1) Spartak

B) V.D. Dudintsev 2) "Thaw"

C) A.I. Khachaturian 3) "The fate of man"

D) M.A. Sholokhov 4) "The Cranes Are Flying"

5) "Not by bread alone"

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of F.M. Burlatsky and write the name of the commander in question.

“... Khrushchev achieved the release of [marshal] from the posts of a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee and Minister of Defense of the USSR. This was done in the spirit traditional for that time - at a time when the marshal was on a business trip abroad. He was not given the minimum opportunity to explain himself, just as the necessary explanation was not given to the party and the people about the reasons for the expulsion from the political arena of outstanding commander Great Patriotic War. And the reason for the expulsion is again traditional - fear of a strong person.

Find and write down a term that refers to a different historical period.


III. Assignments of part C

1. Read an excerpt from historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3. Answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application historical knowledge at the rate of history of the corresponding period

From an interview with A.A. Voznesensky.

“I think one of Khrushchev's mistakes is that he did not trust the intelligentsia. He took out all his grievances for economic failures not on his associates, but on artists and poets. I remember in the hall the discouraged face of Oleg Efremov, Y. Zavadsky, when he shouted at me.

I was told how Khrushchev stamped his feet on thin Aliger. How the tiny old woman Shaginyan left on foot from his dacha, pulling her hearing aid out of her ears so as not to hear what the prime minister was shouting after her ... Reading little himself, he estimated from other people's words, trusted headphones and intriguers. The tragedy with the novel "Doctor Zhivago" was written by them. Khrushchev did not trust democratization, he did not allow the people to judge Stalin's crimes for themselves, he allowed this only to himself in the circle of the highest elite. Khrushchev is a tragic figure in history ...

I wandered around the country for a year. Where only did not hide; I could hear the murmurs of the meetings at which I was being worked on, various articles demanding repentance...

A year later, being retired, Khrushchev told me that he regretted what happened and the persecution that followed. I replied that I did not hold a grudge against him. After all, the main thing is that after the fifty-sixth year, people were released.

C1. What is the name of the period in history Soviet culture, which preceded the "persecution" of writers, poets, artists, about which A.A. Voznesensky? Indicate at least two figures of Soviet literature and other spheres of art, whose names are not named A.A. Voznesensky in an interview, but who were also criticized and persecuted in the Khrushchev era.

At 3-20, at 4-35, at 5-45

Option 12.

I. Tasks of part A

A-1. Which international organization was established in 1955?

1) Warsaw Pact Organization

2) United Nations

3) Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

4) North Atlantic bloc