End of 20th century. Defeat of the socialist camp

The chronology of Russian history in the 20th century includes a lot of sad and tragic events.
Yes, coronation. last emperor The Russian Empire of Nicholas II, popularly nicknamed the "rag tsar", begins with a catastrophic stampede on the Khodynka field, which led to numerous victims. After coming to power in 1894, in 1904, he begins a "small victorious" war with Japan, later shamefully lost Russian side. In 1914, Russia enters the First World War, which will have the most catastrophic impact on the country in the future.

Already in 1917, the October Revolution was carried out, during which the emperor renounced the throne, and in 1918, by order of the Bolsheviks, he was shot, along with the entire royal family.

The government of the country, erected during the revolution, under the leadership of Lenin, concludes with the countries participating in the conflict Brest Peace, under difficult and even predatory conditions for the country, and thus the RSFSR withdraws from the war.
Some parts of the country's population and even entire regions oppose the Bolshevik government. A civil war ensues between supporters of the Soviet government and their opponents. This war completely destroyed the remnants of the country's economy, which was already weak after participating in WWI.
The country actually lay in ruins, mass starvation and an increase in crime prevailed. In these circumstances, Vladimir Lenin begins a program to restore the country's economy after the worst post-war decline - also known as the NEP (New Economic policy). In the same period, in 1922, the state of the USSR was formed, which at first included four republics.

In 1922, when Vladimir Lenin was no longer able to manage the affairs of the state due to illness, the state was headed by Joseph Stalin. He launches several major government programs such as industrialization and collectivization, in order to carry out the largest economic transformation in the country in as soon as possible, and transfers the country's economy to full state regulation.
Since 1934, Stalin has been carrying out massive internal purges, the peak of which falls on 1937. It was repressed absolute majority figures in opposition to the Stalin group, incl. revolutionary pro-communist leaders.

In 1941, the largest military conflict in the history of Russia in the twentieth century begins - the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four years, ended with the victory of the USSR and the military capitulation of Germany. The Soviet Union lost more than 27 million people.

Despite the fact that the Soviet Union suffered the most from the Second World War, it completely restored the country's economy in less than ten years.
The middle of the twentieth century is the period of the USSR's control by Nikita Khrushchev, as well as the time of another critical conflict, now with the United States. After the end of WW2, the largest restructuring of world relations begins, in which the USSR and the USA took the main part, which is known as the "cold war", and after the "Caribbean crisis" the world was almost put on the threshold of nuclear disaster,
During the administration of the country by Mikhail Gorbachev, the period of perestroika begins - biggest changes in all spheres of external and domestic policy USSR.

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, a new state was formed - Russian Federation, whose president is Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin.
20th century for Russia ends Chechen wars, default, devaluation of the ruble, as well as the election of Vladimir Putin in 1999.

The history of the 20th century was full of events of the different nature- there were great discoveries and great catastrophes in it. States were created and destroyed, and revolutions and civil wars forced people to leave their native places in order to go to foreign lands, but at the same time save their lives. In art, the twentieth century also left an indelible mark, completely renewing it and creating completely new trends and schools. There were great achievements in science as well.

World history of the 20th century

The 20th century began for Europe with very sad events - it happened Russo-Japanese War, and in Russia in 1905 there was the first, albeit ended in failure, revolution. This was the first war in the history of the 20th century, during which such weapons as destroyers, battleships and heavy long-range artillery were used.

This war Russian empire lost and suffered colossal human, financial and territorial losses. However, on entry into peace talks the Russian government decided only when more than two billion rubles in gold were spent from the treasury for the war - an amount that is fantastic today, but in those days simply unthinkable.

In the context world history this war was just another clash colonial powers in the struggle for the territory of a weakened neighbor, and the role of the victim fell to the weakening Chinese empire.

Russian Revolution and its aftermath

One of the most significant events of the 20th century, of course, was the February and October revolutions. The fall of the monarchy in Russia caused a whole series of unexpected and incredibly powerful events. The liquidation of the empire was followed by the defeat of Russia in the First World War, the separation from it of such countries as Poland, Finland, Ukraine and the countries of the Caucasus.

For Europe, the revolution and the civil war that followed it also left their mark. also ceased to exist Ottoman Empire, liquidated in 1922, German Empire in 1918. The Austro-Hungarian Empire lasted until 1918 and broke up into several independent states.

However, even within Russia, calm after the revolution did not come immediately. The civil war continued until 1922 and ended with the creation of the USSR, the collapse of which in 1991 will be another important event.

World War I

This war was the first so-called trench war in which great amount time was spent not so much on moving troops forward and capturing cities, but on senseless waiting in the trenches.

In addition, artillery was used en masse, for the first time chemical weapon and invented gas masks. Another important feature the use of military aviation began, the formation of which actually took place during the hostilities, although aviator schools were created a few years before it began. Together with aviation, forces were created that were supposed to fight it. This is how the air defense forces appeared.

The development of information and communication technologies has also been reflected on the battlefield. Information began to be transmitted from headquarters to the front ten times faster thanks to the construction of telegraph lines.

But not only in development material culture and technology was affected by this terrible war. She found a place in art. The twentieth century for culture has become that turning point when many old forms were rejected and replaced by new ones.

Art and literature

Culture on the eve of the First World War experienced an unprecedented rise, which resulted in the creation of a variety of trends in literature, as well as in painting, sculpture and cinema.

Perhaps the most striking and one of the most well-known artistic trends in art was futurism. Under this name, it is customary to unite a number of movements in literature, painting, sculpture and cinema, which trace their genealogy to the famous manifesto of futurism, written by the Italian poet Marinetti.

Along with Italy, futurism was most widespread in Russia, where such literary communities of futurists as Gilea and OBERIU appeared, the largest representatives of which were Khlebnikov, Mayakovsky, Kharms, Severyanin and Zabolotsky.

Concerning visual arts, then pictorial futurism had Fauvism in its foundation, while borrowing a lot from the then popular cubism, which was born in France at the beginning of the century. In the 20th century, the history of art and politics are inextricably linked, because many avant-garde writers, painters and filmmakers made up own plans rebuilding the society of the future.

The Second World War

The history of the 20th century cannot be complete without a story about the most catastrophic event - World War II, which began a year and lasted until September 2, 1945. All the horrors that accompanied the war left an indelible mark on the memory of mankind.

Russia in the 20th century, like other European countries, experienced many terrible events, but none of them can be compared in its consequences with the Great Patriotic War which was part of World War II. According to various sources, the number of victims of the war in the USSR reached twenty million people. This number includes both military and civilian residents of the country, as well as numerous victims of the blockade of Leningrad.

Cold war with former allies

Sixty-two sovereign states out of the seventy-three that existed at that time were drawn into the fighting on the fronts of the World War. fighting were conducted in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, the Caucasus and Atlantic Ocean and beyond the Arctic Circle.

World War II and the Cold War followed one after the other. Yesterday's allies became first rivals, and later enemies. Crises and conflicts followed one after another for several decades, until the Soviet Union ceased to exist, thereby putting an end to the competition between the two systems - capitalist and socialist.

Cultural Revolution in China

If we tell the history of the twentieth century in terms of state history, then it may sound like a long list of wars, revolutions and endless violence, often used in relation to completely random people.

By the mid-sixties, when the world had not yet fully comprehended the consequences of the October Revolution and the civil war in Russia, another revolution unfolded on the other side of the continent, which went down in history under the name of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

Cause cultural revolution in the PRC, it is customary to consider an intra-party split and Mao's fears of losing his dominant position within the party hierarchy. As a result, it was decided to start an active struggle against those representatives of the party who were supporters of small property and private initiative. All of them were accused of counter-revolutionary propaganda and either shot or sent to prison. Thus began the mass terror, which lasted more than ten years, and the cult of personality of Mao Zedong.

space race

Space exploration was one of the most popular areas in the twentieth century. Although today it has become habitual for people the international cooperation in the field high technology and development outer space, while space was the scene of intense confrontation and fierce competition.

The first frontier for which the two superpowers fought was earth orbit. Both the USA and the USSR had samples by the beginning of the fifties rocket technology, which served as prototypes for later launch vehicles.

Despite all the speed with which American scientists worked, Soviet rocket scientists were the first to put the cargo into orbit, and on October 4, 1957, the first man-made satellite appeared in Earth orbit, which made 1440 orbits around the planet, and then burned out in dense layers atmosphere.

Also Soviet engineers were the first to launch the first creature- a dog, and later a man. In April 1961, a rocket was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome, in the cargo compartment of which was spaceship Vostok-1, in which Yuri Gagarin was. Taking the first man into space was risky.

In the conditions of the race, space exploration could cost the cosmonaut his life, since in a hurry to get ahead of the Americans, Russian engineers took a number of rather risky steps. technical point decision vision. However, both takeoff and landing were successful. So the USSR won next stage competition called the Space Race.

Flights to the Moon

Having lost the first few stages in space exploration, American politicians and scientists decided to set themselves a more ambitious and difficult task, for which the Soviet Union could simply not have enough resources and technical developments.

The next frontier that had to be taken was the flight to the Moon, the natural satellite of the Earth. The project, called "Apollo", was initiated in 1961 and aimed at carrying out a manned expedition to the moon and landing a man on its surface.

As ambitious as this task may have seemed by the time the project began, it was accomplished in 1969 with the landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. AT total Within the framework of the program, six manned flights to the earth satellite were made.

Defeat of the socialist camp

cold war, as is known, ended with the defeat of the socialist countries not only in the arms race, but also in the economic competition. There is a consensus among most leading economists that the main reasons for the collapse of the USSR and the entire socialist camp were economic.

Despite the fact that on the territory of some countries there is widespread resentment regarding the events of the late eighties, early nineties, for most countries of Eastern and Central Europe liberation from Soviet domination proved extremely favorable.

The list of the most important events of the 20th century invariably contains a line mentioning the fall Berlin Wall, which served as a physical symbol of the division of the world into two hostile camps. November 9, 1989 is considered the date of the collapse of this symbol of totalitarianism.

Technological progress in the 20th century

The twentieth century was rich in inventions, never before technical progress didn't go at that speed. Hundreds of very significant inventions and discoveries have been made over a hundred years, but some of them deserve special mention because of their extreme importance for development. human civilization.

To inventions without which it is unthinkable modern life definitely applies to aircraft. Despite the fact that people have dreamed of flying for many millennia, the first flight in the history of mankind was only possible in 1903. This achievement, fantastic in its consequences, belongs to the brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright.

Another important invention related to aviation was the backpack parachute, designed by the St. Petersburg engineer Gleb Kotelnikov. It was Kotelnikov who received a patent for his invention in 1912. Also in 1910, the first seaplane was designed.

But perhaps the most terrible invention of the twentieth century was nuclear bomb, a single use of which plunged humanity into a horror that has not passed to this day.

Medicine in the 20th century

One of the main inventions of the 20th century is also considered the technology of artificial production of penicillin, thanks to which mankind was able to get rid of many infectious diseases. The scientist who discovered the bactericidal properties of the fungus was Alexander Fleming.

All the achievements of medicine in the twentieth century were inextricably linked with the development of such fields of knowledge as physics and chemistry. After all, without achievements fundamental physics, chemistry or biology, it would be impossible to invent an x-ray machine, chemotherapy, radiation and vitamin therapy.

In the 21st century, medicine is even more closely connected with high-tech branches of science and industry, which opens up truly fascinating prospects in the fight against diseases such as cancer, HIV and many other intractable diseases. It is worth noting that the discovery of the DNA helix and its subsequent decoding also give hope for the possibility of curing inherited diseases.

After the USSR

Russia in the 20th century experienced many catastrophes, among which were wars, including civil wars, the collapse of the country and revolutions. At the end of the century, another extremely important event happened - the Soviet Union ceased to exist, and sovereign states were formed in its place, some of which plunged into civil war or into a war with their neighbors, and some, like the Baltic countries, rather quickly entered into European Union and began building an effective democratic state.

For more than 10 years we have been living in the twenty-first century, and almost no one thinks about why we are equipped with everything that makes our life easier and more comfortable. Why is the current science and society so developed, where did all this come from? The answer to this question is very simple - the whole revolution and construction modern society, the discoveries that made it possible to soar almost to the heights of science, occurred in a whole hundred years.

One hundred years of the 20th century, a rather long and sometimes terrible time. Sometimes, not knowing, people ask: 20th century, what years is it? But when ignorant people answer: the 20th century began in 1900 and ended in 1999, they are mistaken. In fact, the 20th century began on January 1, 1901, and ended on December 31, 2000. Let's start with the classification of the main concepts and events of the 20th century.


  • Industrialization is the development of new technologies in the production process. The quality and efficiency of enterprises, the quantity of raw materials produced are improving, there are fewer accidents and accidents at work, and the abandonment of manufactories. Enterprises are starting to work at a completely new level, increasing not only the quality of life of the population, but also the amount of profits of states.
  • World War I - (1914 - 1918). One of the largest military conflicts in the history of mankind. The result of the war was the cessation of the existence of four empires - the Austro-Hungarian, German, Russian and Ottoman. The countries participating in the battles lost over 22 million people.
  • The creation of the USSR took place in 1922, when one of the most majestic powers that ever existed was born, which covered the vast territory of 15 modern states.
  • The Great Depression is a worldwide economic crisis that began in 1929 and ended in 1939. AT more industrial cities suffered, in some countries construction almost stopped.
  • The construction of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes is the construction by some states of regimes that lead to complete totalitarian control over the population, the truncation of human rights, and genocide.
  • The world saw revolutionary drugs - penicillin and sulfonamides, antibiotics, vaccines against poliomyelitis, typhoid, whooping cough, diphtheria were invented. All these drugs have dramatically reduced the number of deaths from various infectious diseases.
  • The Holodomor of 1932-1933 is an artificial genocide Ukrainian people, who provoked his repression Joseph Stalin. It claimed the lives of about 4 million people.
  • Asking any person what the 20th century was like, you can quickly get the answer - a century of wars and bloodshed. In 1939 the Second World War, which became the biggest war throughout the history of mankind. More than 60 states, about 80% of the world's population, took part in it. 65 million people died.
  • The creation of the UN - an organization that strengthens peace and prevents wars, to this day
  • Decolonization - the liberation of a number of countries from colonial invaders, at that time powerful countries, weakened by the Second World War.
  • The scientific and technological revolution is the transformation of science into a productive force, during which the role of information in society has grown.
  • Atomic age - the beginning of the use of nuclear weapons, nuclear reactions as a source of electricity.
  • Space exploration - flights to Mars, Venus, the Moon.
  • Mass motorization and application jet aircraft as civilians.
  • Mass use of antidepressants and contraceptives.
  • The Cold War between the giant countries - the USA and the USSR.
  • Creation of the NATO bloc.
  • Decay Soviet Union and the Warsaw block.
  • The spread of international terrorism.
  • Development of communication and information technologies, radio, telephones, the Internet and television are massively used.
  • Creation of the European Union.

What are the most famous writers of the 20th century

What are the most impressive achievements of the 20th century

Definitely, revolutionary inventions can be called achievements, among which the most impressive were:

  • Airplane (1903).
  • Steam turbine (1904).
  • Superconductivity (1912).
  • Television (1925).
  • Antibiotics (1940).
  • Computer (1941).
  • Nuclear power plant (1954).
  • Sputnik (1957).
  • Internet (1969).
  • Mobile Phone (1983).
  • Cloning (1997).

XX, what century is this? First of all, this is the age scientific progress, the formation of many states, the destruction of Nazism, and everything that helps us to move forward into the future, not forgetting the past, which has become a determining factor in our development.

Four hundred years after the discovery of America, in May 1893, the World's Columbian Exposition was held in Chicago to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. On the solemn ceremony President Cleveland said, "We stand here before the oldest nations in the world and point to the great works that we exhibit here, and ask no indulgence because of our youth."

In the 60-90s. 19th century "free" capitalism in the United States has reached its the heyday. What contributed to this success? The United States had a vast territory that constituted a single domestic market. The country did not have dangerous neighbors. Neither Canada nor Mexico could threaten US security. This freed them from excessive military spending.

America was rich in natural resources and fertile lands. The presence of coal, iron, oil, copper provided the industry with the necessary raw materials. The population increased rapidly, farms and cities grew, and this provided a demand for manufactured goods.

Immigrants multiply the country's wealth. The country has a labor force High Quality, the influx of immigrants from Europe multiplied the power and wealth of the United States. In the early 80s. 19th century followed new wave emigration, but no longer from Western Europe, and from the East and South, and these people settled mainly in cities, worked in factories and mines. Between 1870 and 1914, 25 million people washed up on the American coast. Most of them were healthy, energetic people with a good profession and qualifications.

Only with the help new technology could explore new spaces. By the end of the XIX century. There are practically no "free" lands left in the West. Nevertheless, the working class was always on the move - someone went to the West or broke out into free small businessmen, clerical workers. The need for workers has always existed.

1904. Daytona Beach

This contributed to the rapid growth of technology. Only with the help of new technology it was possible to master huge spaces. Business did not spare money for science, creating various scientific foundations and laboratories. Inventors T. Edison, A. Bell, S. Morse and others have rendered a great service to America and all mankind.

The origins of industriousness. A significant role in the growth of labor productivity was played by the development of general and technical education. By 1900, illiterates aged 10 years and older made up only 6% of the white population. The percentage of illiterates was high among blacks - 45%, but they were used only in unskilled work.

By the end of the XIX century. there were 60 colleges in the country that trained specialists for agriculture. It should also be noted that in the USA there were no medieval feudal castes and nothing hindered the personal initiative of a person. Added to this are traits brought up by puritanical morality: hard work and frugality, as well as the American principle of "help yourself."

Poems were memorized in schools:

Work hard, don't be afraid, my boy,
Face work boldly:
Modest let the hammer or pickaxe -
You don't blush for your work.

Foreigners noted: "America seems to be the only country in which a person feels shame if he has no business."

The very nature of the Americans was based on respect for work, which was one of the reasons for the rise of the economy.

The farmer feels abandoned. At the end of the century, significant changes are taking place in farming. There is a process of rapid stratification of farming; in 1880, almost 25% of the farmers lost their farms and turned into tenants, many (mostly Negroes) turned into sharecroppers, working on someone else's land for half the harvest. At this time, a farming elite stood out, which could afford to purchase the latest equipment and hire agricultural workers - the poorest and most disenfranchised part of the workers in the United States.

In the 90s. competition intensified on the world market: Russia, Argentina, Canada and Australia became the largest suppliers of grain. Prices for agricultural products in the US began to fall. The owners of railways and elevators robbed farmers, raising prices for transporting and storing grain. In an article published in 1887 in the Progressive Farmer newspaper, the author wrote: “Cities prosper, grow and prosper, and Agriculture vegetates… agriculture has never been so abandoned.”

Dominance of trusts. Late 19th - early 20th century - time rapid development American industry. As a result of acute competition many weak and small enterprises went bankrupt and “disappeared”. One after another, branches of industry fell into the hands of small groups of entrepreneurs who did not disdain any methods to achieve complete dominance over these branches.

Many corporations have become monopolies. Towering above all the STA corporations were the figures of Rockefeller and Morgan, the owners of the largest trusts in the country.

1904. Carnival of Souls

The first major corporation in the United States was the Standard Oil Company, founded by D. Rockefeller in 1870. In 1879, it already controlled 90-95% of refined oil. Rockefeller managed to negotiate with the owners of the railroads to set low tariffs for the transportation of his company's goods, and this made it easier to fight competitors. In 1882 "Standard Oil" was transformed into a trust, uniting 14 companies, and another 26 companies were under his control. D. Rockefeller, a former clerk, a far-sighted and prudent businessman, calmly ruined his competitors. If they tried to resist, then the gangs hired by Rockefeller destroyed their oil pipelines, blew up oil wells. The monopoly position of the trust provided its owners with fabulous profits.

Monopoly trusts also appeared in other branches of industry: coal, gas, copper, steel, electrical engineering, etc.

Became world famous in metallurgical industry the Carnegie Steel Trust and the Morgan Steel Trust; in the automobile industry, Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler. These trusts provided 80% of all automotive products. The formation of trusts gained a special scope at the beginning of the 20th century.

"Great is the power of Mr. Morgan..." A huge impact in economic and political life countries buy banks. By buying shares in industrial enterprises, entering the board of railways and industrial corporations, banks established their control over the country's economy. A powerful group of financial magnates was created. One of its brightest representatives was the head of the "house of Morgans" John Pierpont Morgan.

1904. Forest pond

The English journalist Maurice Lowe wrote in 1902: "Great is the power of Mr. Morgan, in some respects greater than that of the President or the King"; “He was a cruel, aggressive financier with an imperious, even passionate character and possessed great strength in your special area banking»; “He was a man who knew how to carry out his will, as with the help of brute force, and the arguments of reason.

By the end of 1902, Morgan had become the most powerful among the American magnates. His main business was the organization of a steel trust, the capital of which exceeded a billion dollars. Morgan bought banks and as a result began to manage the capital of 22.5 billion dollars. He was the director of the boards of 21 railways, three insurance companies, and several large industrial enterprises.

financial oligarchy. Morgan was not alone. A strong financial oligarchy arose in the country (oligarchy is the rule of a few), some surnames are familiar to many - these are Astors, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers and others.

American corporations actively participated in the economic division of the world into spheres of influence. "Steel Trust", for example, entered the world rail cartel - concluded an agreement on the division of the world market into spheres of influence. Typically, this gave rise territorial claims. special success The American economy reached in the first decades of the 20th century. The strengthening of the positions of the monopolies meant the entry of American capitalism into the stage of imperialism. At the beginning of the XX century. 445 American trusts provided 3/4 of the entire industrial output of the country.

1904. On the beach

At the same time, many small and medium-sized enterprises remained in industry, trade, and the service sector, competing with the trusts. Free competition determined the success of the American economy. The state also understood this. Hence the attempts to limit the influence of the trusts. In 1890, Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, which outlawed any monopoly. The law served the interests of average Americans, who joked that the trusts met them at the cradle and escorted them to the grave.

Presidential republic. In the last third of the XIX century. in the United States, a "presidential" type of republic and a two-party system were established. The central figure in the political life of the country and the head of the executive power was the president, elected by all the people. Over the years, presidential power has grown stronger.

After winning the Civil War, the Republican Party began referring to itself as the "Grand Old Party". She was supported by farmers in the Midwest and wide urban circles. For them, it was Lincoln's party, and they did not notice that big business began to influence its politics.

The Democratic Party relied on southern states and almost 50 years (with short breaks) was not in power.

1904. Race

The struggle between the parties was primarily a struggle for "warm places": for the chair of the governor, the position of sheriff (sheriff - executive performing administrative duties), a prosecutor or someone else. There were hundreds of thousands of elected offices in the country, and a huge number of officials received posts after the victory of their party in the elections. It is no coincidence that in America they said that "victory in the elections is the gong for dinner."

The "presidential" republic tried to promote the successful development of the economy, and this led to the patronage of business. And although the Americans liked to say that “the best government is that which rules less,” and their motto was: “We believe in God, but we do not believe in the government,” nevertheless, the state won the trust of many citizens, and above all businessmen.

Since the 70s. The government stepped up the fight against inflation. Defending the interests of the industrial bourgeoisie of the North, the Republicans fought for the establishment of high duties on goods imported from other countries. The Democratic Party, defending the interests of southern landowners, defended low import duties. The Republicans have prevailed in this fight. Mainly on issues of internal and foreign policy both parties held the same views.

The "Final Solution" of the Indian Question. You know that from the second quarter XIX in. pressure on Indian tribes intensified. Who just did not invade their lands! Gold miners, hunters, farmers, railroad builders all contributed to the destruction of Indian civilization.

1904 Palm Beach

After civil war the government began to conduct regular military expeditions against the Indians. The soldiers pushed them back into the desert, burned the villages, killed the elderly, women, and children. In response, the Indians rebelled. They even managed to win sometimes. But the forces were too unequal. December 23, 1890 took place last fight, after which the defeated Indians were driven into special territories called reservations. Here they were placed under the guardianship of the government. The law of 1887 allowed the Indians to become farmers, but this occupation did not take root among them. And they were given lands unsuitable for agriculture, and going to the farm was contrary to tribal ties and the custom of communal farming. So the Indian question was "resolved".

Looking for your path. Negroes, having gained freedom, did not find equality. Slavery was abolished in the country, but segregation was officially introduced - the separate existence of whites and blacks. Schools, churches, transport and even cemeteries - everything was separate. This is how racism got stronger. The situation in the South was especially intolerable, and the North was seen as a refuge from there. The flow of Negro settlers reached out to the northern states. Many blacks began to work for industrial enterprises. But also in northern states they were forced to settle separately.

AT late XIX in. a number of organizations appeared among the Negro population, which set themselves the goal of achieving an improvement in the situation of the Negroes. In Atlanta, the Negro Booker Washington created an institute for blacks. He urged blacks to get good professional education and thus find their place in society.

1904. Atlantic City Amusement Park

The most advanced part of the Negro intelligentsia called for peaceful means to achieve civil equality with the whites: freedom of speech, press, suffrage, the abolition of segregation. American blacks were looking for their own path to equality.

Labor movement. The American working class developed in a country where the lines between castes were not as insurmountable as in Europe. But the situation of the workers was difficult, they worked 10-14 hours a day, there was no labor legislation. And although the wages of workers in the United States were higher than in Europe, more money spent on living - payment for housing, transport, medical care.

At the end of the XIX century. the first demonstrations of the workers began. In 1886 there was a wave of strikes demanding an 8-hour working day.

On May 1, 1886, 350,000 people went on strike in Chicago, and on May 3, during a mass demonstration, the police shot at the workers. On May 4, after the protest rally, when people were already dispersing, a detachment of police officers appeared and began to disperse the rest. Suddenly, a bomb exploded in the ranks of the police. Among the police and workers there were killed and wounded. Perhaps it was a provocation. The leaders of the workers were arrested, tried and sentenced to death. A few years later, the innocence of these people was proven.

In the 90s. the struggle continued: the workers of the Carnegie factories, the Pullman car building company were on strike. Government troops were used to crush the strikes.

The Pullman strike is associated with the activities of Eugene Debs, one of the leaders of the socialist movement in the United States. In 1893, he secured the formation of the American Railroad Union, which was joined by the workers of the Pullman Company. During the strike, Debs called on the workers to discipline and solidarity, and did not allow a single case of violence on their part. In the end, the government and entrepreneurs made some concessions.

1904. Greetings from Atlantic City

In 1894 Congress declared the first Monday in September Labor Day. This holiday is still celebrated today. American Federation of Labor. The main form of the labor movement in the United States has become the trade union movement, and its most influential organization is the American Federation of Labor (AFL). It consisted of trade unions, which included skilled US workers. Trade unions united workers according to specialties.

The head of the AFL was Sam Gompers, who came from an immigrant background. He believed that the political struggle is not the work of the workers, and only the economic struggle can solve their problems. Short, stocky (he liked to call himself Old Oak), surprisingly stubborn and energetic, Gompers enjoyed great influence among the workers.

Under him, the AFL was involved in the struggle for wages and reduction working week by limiting your political activity"pressure" on congressmen and entrepreneurs. During the elections, the AFL followed the tactic of "rewarding friends and punishing enemies." One can reproach the AFL for cooperating only with highly skilled workers, but working with emigrants did not bring results, since they were ready to work for little money, for them working conditions in the USA were better than in Europe.

By 1914, the AFL included 2 million people - 12-14% of the country's working class. socialist movement. The influence of socialist ideas in the United States, unlike in Europe, was weak. In the 90s. The United States Socialist Workers Party existed in the country, which had some influence among immigrant workers. At the beginning of the XX century. on the wave class struggle the socialist movement revived. In 1901, representatives of the socialist groups met at a convention and formed the Socialist Party of America (SPA).

The party participated in election campaigns. In the elections in 1908, her presidential candidate Eugene Debs collected more than 400 thousand votes, next elections SPA collected 1 million votes. But the party remained small and had a serious influence on public life did not provide.

"Progressive Era". Period 1900-1914 American historians called the "progressive era", and this was due to the anti-monopoly movement that developed under the slogan "Progressive Transformations!". It was attended by representatives of the intelligentsia, farmers, petty and middle bourgeoisie, in short, " middle class". The growth of the movement was also facilitated by the activities of a group of writers and journalists who exposed the machinations of the trusts and the corruption of the state apparatus. They were called so - "mud rakes." This movement showed the need for reform.

1904 Shelter Island, New York

President Theodore Roosevelt - Teddy, as many Americans called him, also declared himself a supporter of the Progressives.

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) came from a wealthy family, and the first Roosevelt came to America in 1644. As a child, Teddy was a sickly child and studied with home teachers. Finished in 1881 Harvard University He entered politics as an independent Republican. His career developed quite successfully. Roosevelt was a supporter of territorial conquests, contributed to the development of the Spanish American War, personally took part in it: at his own expense he formed a regiment of "dashing horsemen" (cowboys) and, as its commander, went through the entire war. Roosevelt's name became popular.

"Fair course". In the presidential election in 1900, Roosevelt becomes vice president. However, the anarchist assassination of President McKinley makes Roosevelt President of the United States. In front of him were many unresolved issues: socialist teachings spread throughout the country, a protest movement among farmers and a strike movement grew, demands for laws against trusts and corruption in the government apparatus intensified.

Roosevelt understood that without reforms he could not keep the presidency for a second term, and embarked on the path of reforms. The government has organized more than twenty litigation against trusts. By court order, for example, the railroad company controlled by Morgan was divided into two. The president gained a reputation as a "destroyer of trusts", although the number of trusts increased towards the end of his presidency. Congress passed a number of laws to control railways, “on clean food and medicines”, on sanitary control at slaughterhouses, etc. The government acted as an arbitrator in conflicts between workers and entrepreneurs.

Roosevelt acted effectively in the field of security environment: laws were adopted on the protection of forests, watering arid lands, and the areas of the state land fund were increased.

In 1908, the highest circles of finance capital greeted with relief the new presidential elections, since Roosevelt could no longer be elected for a third term. The government of the new President Taft continued reforms aimed at expanding state control over monopolies.

1905. Asbury Park II

"We started to take over the continent." At the end of the XIX century. in the United States, the desire for territorial conquest is growing. This policy was based on the "Monroe Doctrine" - "America for the Americans", which in fact meant "America for the USA". Monroe - american president who put forward this slogan in 1823.

There was propaganda of the idea that the United States is the protector of all Latin American countries. Cuba, Puerto Rico and other countries attracted the attention of entrepreneurs. Newspapers shouted about the special mission of STA, this God-chosen country, which should save the world mired in sins.

The first step on this path was the capture in 1893 of Hawaiian Islands, an important strategic point in the center Pacific Ocean. They were declared a territory of the United States.

Now on the agenda was the "salvation" of Cuba and the Philippines. In 1898 the USA declared war on Spain. The Spanish American War began - Spain and the United States "divided" foreign lands. The US victory brought them the island of Puerto Rico and control of Cuba. Then they captured the Philippines and the island of Guam.

Having received strongholds on the outskirts of Asia, the United States in 1899 proclaimed the “doctrine open doors"- demanded "their share" in the "partition" of China by the European powers. Having “discovered” China for themselves, and then Japan, having seized Hawaii, the Philippines and a number of other territories, the Americans entered into “big politics”.

Theodore Roosevelt is associated with big stick diplomacy. He urged politicians to "speak softly, but hold a big club behind their backs." In the case of "riots" in Latin America, the US acted as a police force.

In 1903, a conflict began between the United States and Colombia, which did not agree to sell them the Panama Canal construction zone. In 1905, the United States organized a rebellion on the Isthmus of Panama, created a puppet state there and received the right to build a canal and control it. It was then that Roosevelt said: "We have begun to take possession of the continent." The United States interfered in the internal affairs of all Latin American countries. This provoked protests both in Latin America and in the United States. In 1912, President Taft proclaimed a new diplomacy, the diplomacy of the dollar. He said, "The dollars act as bayonets." This policy was carried out mainly in the countries of Latin America.

At the beginning of the XX century. US politicians have increased interest in events in Europe. But there this distant country still had no influence. The United States has so far remained "on the sidelines" of world history.

By the beginning of the XX century. The economy and new technologies are developing rapidly in the United States. The country entered the stage of "organized capitalism". In no European country have monopolies been as powerful as in the United States.

In this presidential republic, protest movements arise among farmers, workers, petty and middle bourgeoisie against the omnipotence of the trusts and the corruption of the state apparatus. In the field of foreign policy, US interests go beyond the American continent.

1905. Endless Summer

1905. In Atlantic City

1905. You should be here

1905. Washed ashore

1905. On the seashore

1905. Nantasket Beach, Boston

1905. Enjoying life

1905. First lessons

1905. Pass sunscreen

1905. Sand in stockings