About itself implies harmonic. Harmonious development of personality

Raising a child is not an easy task. And to educate a harmonious personality - the main objective many moms and dads. But there is no clear recipe for this. Every child is an individual and requires individual approach to education.

AT last decade More and more parents are thinking about the intellectual development of their children. Popularity various techniques early development is growing. Increasingly, kids at 2-3 years old can read and count, a little older can freely use a smartphone or tablet, speak 2 languages. Being engaged in intellectual development, one should not forget about the spiritual. Going to theaters, exhibitions and just family walks in the park will have no less educational effect on the child.

Personality is determined various qualities thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs. Do not neglect any of these components. The development of intelligence is the simplest, it is enough to follow a certain methodology, but the upbringing of a harmonious personality is a complex process.

Sometimes we ourselves, adults, are not harmonious. We are often nervous and worried, complaining and annoyed. So harmonious development The child needs to start with himself. The influence of parents on children is one of the most powerful. How they communicate in the family, as well as family members with others, determines what will be social interaction child during adulthood. Children unconsciously copy adults close to them.

Mom is the most close person for a child. It is she who has to teach the child to understand their emotions. Teach little man determine joy, anger, happiness, anxiety, fear, excitement. Discuss your emotions with your child more often, play role-playing games and soon the baby will begin to understand his own.

Helps build self-confidence in a child confident demeanor parents. Adults are either too strict or try to control the child too much. Both of these options in the behavior of parents are wrong - children quickly begin to understand that they cannot do anything on their own, there is no reason to even try. Such parents grow weak-willed children, often falling under bad influence.

To build self-confidence, give your child choices whenever possible. Tell him that you believe in him and he will succeed, let's not difficult tasks which he can handle without your help. When the baby becomes more confident, complicate the task (let him choose not from two, but from three or four things, etc.).

For development a full-fledged personality psychological literacy is required. There are many books out there on parenting. But what is written in them is necessary not only to know, but also to put into practice. And also choose one strategy and stick to it.

Read a book. With its help, you can achieve harmony in your life, as well as in your family.

One of the main tasks of parents is to unite and connect all the components and achieve the harmonious development of the individual. Small child follows us, it absorbs all the surrounding information like a sponge and copies our behavior. At first, we choose books and cartoons for our child, sculpt and draw with him, choose sections and circles. But very soon the moment will come when the child will be able to determine for himself what attracts him more and choose his own path. Don't interfere with this. May he achieve harmony in his own understanding.

The stages of personality development are one of the most interesting and popular topics. This is due to the desire of the individual to learn something intimate about himself and become someone even more advanced. When we read about the stages of development, we determine our place in this life, and look at the near future.

It may be an intermediate step, between well-defined stages, or some specific stage. As a rule, in systems describing stages of development, there are three initial stages on which they move...

Rules internal or in relation to oneself are divided into rules for the formation of moral and rules for the formation of bodily. The task of the first is: to develop the will, mental abilities (deliberation and activity). Will happens at different stages of development, depending on which part of a person it prevails over.

The three main points of its dominion are: dominance over the body, dominance over the senses and over the mind. At every moment of its predominance, it merges into one with that part...

Stages of development of a person's personality.
Human development has been going on for more than one thousand years, and there is no reason to believe modern man more intelligent than were his distant ancestors. That is, physiologically, the human brain has not become more complicated over the past few thousand years.

And at the same time, an undeniable success human civilization in public organization, which led to the creation public structures on a global scale.

Bringing people together in a team, the process is enough ...

We present only one classic example use of this possibility - the genetic "classification of personalities", proposed back in 1920 by A.F. Lazursky12. Filled with the richest empirical material, this classification contains clear principles for dividing individual types and groups of people, as well as criteria for assessing the levels of their personal development.

There are four such criteria. They combine signs of the development of cognitive and motivational areas of man, their versatility and...

Consider the psychosocial stages of personality development identified by Erickson, the stages of life.

1. Infancy: basal trust / basal distrust. The first psychosocial stage - from birth to the end of the first year - corresponds to the oral stage, according to Freud.

During this period, the foundations of a healthy personality are laid in the form of a general sense of trust, “confidence”, “internal certainty”. Erickson believes that the main condition for developing a sense of trust in people is the quality of maternal care - the ability ...

Personal health is the state of the individual, in which its sustainable growth is carried out.

The human need for self-actualization characterizes...

The maturation of a person as a person depends on external and internal conditions. Internal conditions Personal development is personal health, which is the key to passive growth, as well as a person's need for self-actualization, which mainly affects active personal growth.

Let's take a closer look at each of the above conditions:

Personal health is the state of the individual, in which its sustainable growth is carried out.

The human need for self-actualization characterizes...

Everyone is looking for a good relationship. And if we are ready to set an example of friendliness, mutual respect and love, everyone will accept our philosophy and buy our product.

And the foundation of a good relationship is gratitude. There is mutual gratitude - there are relationships, there is no mutual gratitude - this is already the beginning of the war ...

Moreover, if gratitude is felt to a person for his good deed in relation to us, this is not cultural gratitude, but animal-reflexive. Real Gratitude It's a thank you for your concern...

For many centuries, the progressive minds of mankind have dreamed of the harmonious development of the personality, that is, of the all-round development physical qualities, mental abilities and high human morality. However, dreams of ideal personality remained a utopia. In a society based on the exploitation of man by man, unemployment, poverty, social inequality lead to the fact that the children of the poor classes grow up physically weakened and do not have broad opportunities for full-fledged spiritual development.

K. Marx and F. Engels proved that only “a society organized on communist principles will enable its members to apply their developed abilities". With the emergence of Marxism, the issues of education were raised to the level of a science of the harmonious development of the physical and mental abilities of the individual in the period of socialism and communism.

With victory October revolution for the first time in the history of mankind, opportunities opened up for the practical implementation of the idea of ​​the harmonious development of personality. The ideal of the harmonious, all-round development of the individual in a socialist society for the first time became real purpose education. Opportunities have opened up for the practical implementation of the idea of ​​a harmonious, all-round development of the personality. Equality of citizens was achieved regardless of gender, religion, nationality, everyone was granted equal right for work and education.

The task of creating new system education V. I. Lenin put forward among the most important state tasks requiring the most serious attention.

Speaking about the content of comprehensive education, V. I. Lenin repeatedly pointed out that it must necessarily include physical education. V. I. Lenin saw in physical exercises a source of health, a wonderful means of preparing for work, and a wonderful rest. “Young people especially need cheerfulness and cheerfulness. healthy sport- gymnastics, swimming, excursions, physical exercise of any kind - the versatility of spiritual interests, teaching, analysis, research, and all this, if possible, together! - wrote V. I. Lenin.

Determining the paths for the formation of a person in a communist society, our party sets as its goal the need to "educate a new person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection." The combination of ideological conviction, high education, good breeding, moral purity and physical perfection are the necessary qualities of a harmoniously developed personality. The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR L. I. Brezhnev noted: “The great thing - the building of communism cannot be moved forward without the comprehensive development of man himself. Communism is impossible without a high level of culture, education, social consciousness, and internal maturity of people, just as it is impossible without an appropriate material and technical base.”

Physical perfection is good health, perfect and comprehensive development the whole body, high level development of physical qualities, motor skills and abilities. Physical perfection should not be viewed as a prospect of a distant future, but as an everyday practical task every member of our society and all work in the field physical culture. by all necessary qualities V. I. Lenin possessed a harmoniously developed personality. The first People's Commissar of Health N. A. Semashko wrote: “Lenin was physically strong, the strong man. His stocky figure, strong shoulders, short but strong hands- all denounced in him remarkable strength. Lenin knew how, as far as he could, to take care of his health. Because he could, that is, because his overly hard work allowed it. He didn't drink, didn't smoke. Lenin was an athlete in the most precise sense of the word: he loved and appreciated fresh air, exercise, swam perfectly, skated, rode a bicycle. While in the Petersburg prison, Lenin did gymnastics every day, walked from end to end of the cell. In emigration, every free day we the whole company went out of town on bicycles. Our cosmonauts can also be called harmoniously developed personalities, combining high patriotism, professional excellence, physical perfection. In space flight hardening and endurance are as necessary as scientific and technical training, a broad outlook, and readiness to come to the aid of a comrade at any moment.

The all-round development of the personality is a long process, and it would be naive to believe that in such and such a year all people will be harmoniously developed. Of course, such a time will come, and it is our duty to bring it closer.

Active participation in public life schools, good academic performance, initiative and independence, fostering a sense of collectivism and strengthening one's health - this is what is primarily required of young people.

harmoniously developed personality

A person well adapted to specific living conditions, including to society, and also not having strongly pronounced chronic internal conflicts. In other words, a harmoniously developed personality is a personality with a minimum of contradictions.

The concept of "harmoniously developed personality" was quite common in the psychological and pedagogical literature of the second half of the 20th century. It has even been actively used in normative documents regulating educational activities. Now it is not used so often, which is mainly due to its low specificity. It can also be stated that different authors put quite different meanings into it.

The problem lies in the fact that it is quite easy to make a psychological diagnosis of "disharmoniously developed personality" - if you identify strong contradictions in mental life. However, the reverse diagnosis of “harmoniously developed personality” is much more difficult to make, because the fact that a contradiction has not been identified does not mean that they do not exist at all (all possible problems hard to rule out).

Internal conflicts usually concern three areas:

- orientations (interests and inclinations),

- capabilities,

- character.

Contradictions can be both between these spheres and within them. Therefore, somewhat simplified concept of "harmoniously developed personality" can be represented as follows:

AT this case green color in the figure means that there are no contradictions between certain spheres, as well as within these spheres themselves.

Examples of a disharmoniously developed personality

Description of the problem Major controversies
A person leads an openly delinquent lifestyle: steals, hooligans, etc. Contradiction between personality and society
A person has too many conflicts at work. He is very sociable, but communication too often results in open confrontation: with scandal, intrigue and so on. Contradiction between orientation and character: propensity to communicate and to labor activity type "Man-Man" is superimposed on a bad, misanthropic character ( negative attitude to those around you).
Everyone tells a person that he has outstanding abilities, he will go far, etc. However, everything he undertakes ends in nothing. Fluctuations in self-esteem, broken promises, etc. Contradiction between abilities and character: high ability are not realized due to the fact that a person has a negative attitude towards any work - work seems to him an unworthy occupation.
A person really likes to communicate, but he does not know how: he constantly gets into a mess, makes himself look stupid, reveals other people's secrets, etc. Contradiction between orientation (like communication) and abilities (low communicative competence).
A person who has been engaged in medical practice for a year (and rather willingly), but his qualifications are very low, often making fatal mistakes. Contradiction within the orientation: inclinations towards medicine are not supported by interests in it.
A person has problems with communication: he loves to “cut the truth in the eyes of others”. Each time, he is very worried about this. A contradiction within the character: a person both loves the truth and is afraid to injure others.
A person is very worried because he cannot realize his technical abilities due to poor health. Contradiction within abilities.

Harmoniously developed personality in the narrow sense

Perhaps the most productive way to date is to use this concept in relation to the emotional orientation of the individual. Each person, by virtue of his life experience and personal characteristics tends to one or another source of pleasure, determined by instincts. If a person, as they say, is fixated on one source of pleasure, this is a disharmoniously developed personality.

In other words, a harmoniously developed personality is a personality in which not a single addiction is expressed, and if it is expressed, it is very weak, so that it practically does not affect the adaptive abilities of the personality.

A harmonious personality means a balance between the external and internal world of a person. Such people live in harmony with themselves. They are open to everything new and look for the good in everything. So what are these people? That is what we will talk about in this article.

What is harmony?

Let's start from the very beginning, namely, what is harmony? This is the balance that is present between the feelings, thoughts and actions of a person. A certain consistency of his desires, actions and words.

There are two types of harmony:

  • internal;
  • external.

It means a deep understanding of yourself. The person does not have any internal contradictions because he fully accepted himself, his shortcomings and virtues.

A person who is in external harmony does not experience any problems with the outside world. He folds good relationship with people, and also he is successful in other areas of life. For example, in:

  • family;
  • hobby;
  • self-development;
  • professions;
  • creativity.

In all this, the consistency of values, beliefs, actions and feelings reigns. He is productive and quiet life.

Description of concepts

From harmony came other concepts:

  • harmonious personality;
  • harmonious development.

It would seem that this is the same thing, but in fact the concepts are not synonymous. A person who has found balance and harmony may not always be a harmoniously developed personality.

This concept has its own meaning in every century and culture, so it is difficult to say exactly what it is. Generally speaking, this concept means the aesthetic, intellectual, physical and moral development of a person. Of course, not all people who have found harmony can be equally developed in all this. The goal of educating a harmoniously developed personality is to create all necessary conditions for its comprehensive and harmonious development.

What should be a harmonious personality?

Consider the main qualities of such a person:

  1. A person always enjoys what he does, even if it is not quite what he would like.
  2. He is completely devoted to work and always does it qualitatively. He does not want to have time to do a little bit everywhere, it is important for him to be the best in every business and get the maximum result.
  3. A person understands what is under his control, and what he does not influence in any way.
  4. He always knows that much depends on the influence of the outside world. For this reason, he always strives to improve his life. He knows that the world affects his internal.
  5. Such a person will never go over their heads. People are much more important to him than achieving goals.
  6. Engaged in self-development. He is always trying to make himself even better.
  7. Such a person is not afraid of loneliness, because he is comfortable being alone with himself. He also gives this opportunity to other people.
  8. Very responsive, will never leave a person in trouble. It will help him cope with anger, fear or anxiety.
  9. Looks at every situation positive side. For example, he perceives loneliness not as something negative, but as an openness to new experiences and acquaintances.
  10. He does not worry about trifles, because life is very short, so you need to appreciate every moment of it.

Formation conditions

The formation of a harmonious personality is the most the best way, which is suitable for those who want to find harmony and reach their full potential. However, it is difficult to say exactly what conditions are necessary for this, because there are many of them and they are selected individually.

To become a harmoniously developed personality, you need to enrich your knowledge and feelings, as well as pay attention to the formation of will. To do this, you do not need to focus on just one ability of a person, because this should cover the entire inner world individual.

First of all, a person must have self-control. Otherwise, he will not be able to correlate his personal desires and needs with social requirements.

You can develop this ability in a person through awards and praise from adults who are significant to him. Comprehensive and harmonious development of personality is impossible without the ability to obey external requirements, as well as the ability to stop in time, not to succumb to their momentary impulses.

There are marshmallow tests that have been conducted to better understand self-control. Thanks to their results, scientists have drawn certain conclusions that can help a person become more successful.

The essence of the tests was that the children were given a choice. The child was left alone in the room, and a marshmallow or candy was placed in front of him. He was told that for a certain amount of time he could not eat any of this, and if he did, then he would get a double portion of sweets.

The experts closely monitored the behavior of the child. They analyzed his ability to hold on and the ability to control his desires. At the end of the experiment, it turned out that those children who were able to hold out and wait for the end of time became much more successful in adulthood than those who did not follow the rules.

Still formation is impossible without an enriched environment. There must be diversity in everything, thanks to which a person begins to actively feel and think.

It is equally important to be meaningful and independent. If a person is able to solve the challenges of fate on his own, then this brings him closer to development. He becomes stronger in spirit and involved with outside world. The person understands that she is responsible for herself and for her life.

How to find harmony?

As for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, this also requires some effort. There is no unanimous answer to this question either, as in the previous case. But there are some important principles, without which it is impossible to find harmony.

Be yourself

Quite often you can meet people who do not like to show their real emotions and feelings to others, including themselves. They lock themselves into their far-fetched rules and regulations. As a result, it turns out that the person himself does not know what he wants, and therefore cannot get what he wants, because he does not understand what needs to be done for this.

You don’t need to follow the stereotypes that society imposes on us, you need to be yourself in order to learn to understand your real desires.

Not afraid of change

Everyone plans everything in advance, without this it is impossible to achieve their goals. Only harmonious people are distinguished by the fact that they give themselves the right to make mistakes, therefore they do not make any catastrophe out of it if something goes wrong. The world may not always meet our desires, but we can always benefit from it, even if our plans are violated.

Forget the bad

No need to hold on to the past, especially if it gives you discomfort. There is a lesson to be learned from all this. It cannot be changed, but it can affect our present. Therefore, you need to get rid of annoying thoughts and experiences so that your future is better.

Notice the uniqueness of the world around you

The upbringing of a harmonious personality implies the ability to see something beautiful in everything. Everything in life repeats itself, so at times it may seem that the world is gray and ordinary, such a lifeless organism. Such thinking does not allow a person to find harmony and happiness.

It should be understood that even in the most standard and ordinary for us there is something new that has not happened before. This difference needs to be seen. A person can live happily and in harmony only when he is open to the world and involved in its study.

Laugh more often

You should always go through life with a smile. It has been scientifically proven that laughter reduces the amount of stress hormones. Man becomes open to the world when he is happy and enjoys.

According to studies, in 2014 it became known that laughter therapy has a beneficial effect on general state health. It can reduce anxiety and help with insomnia.

There is an excellent technique that helps to become a comprehensively harmonious personality. It consists of three practices that everyone needs to learn to adhere to:

  1. Self-control is the ability to deal with your passions and the ability to control them.
  2. The ability to analyze your actions and draw conclusions. Thanks to this, you can understand your desires, and give awareness and responsibility to your actions.
  3. Ability to analyze own thoughts.

In life, one should always strive for the ideal, and a harmoniously developed personality is that very perfection. A person who accepts himself and lives in harmony, who can control his desires and achieve more, can consider himself the very ideal that was invented back in antique time and then passed from era to era.

The philosophers of that time are the founders of the humanistic model, which is followed today in many countries. Harmonious personality, its development, strength, inner freedom and the desire to learn and learn about the world around us is what is needed for a happy and rich life. This is what you need to strive for if you want to live a quality and happy life.

It is necessary to develop comprehensively in order to proudly call yourself a harmoniously developed person who can be an example to follow and not only.