Shatalov in f biography in detail. Pedagogical system Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov

Shatalov Viktor Fyodorovich(born 1927) - innovative teacher, people's teacher of the USSR (1990), participant in the Great Patriotic War, Commander of the Order of Friendship (2007), Honored Teacher of Ukraine, Professor Donetsk Institute social education, winner of several international awards.
After graduating from the Pedagogical Institute, Shatalov worked as a mathematics teacher in his native Donetsk. At the age of 26, he became the principal of the school. Faced with the problem of the low effectiveness of school education, the teacher began to experiment and after a few years created a very effective system learning using reference signals, according to which the educational material was presented in a verbal-graphic form. Then he transferred to a new methodological basis algebra, geometry, physics, astronomy, geography, history, showing universal character the system he developed. The children studied the annual course in a few weeks. Disappeared deuces, complaints from parents, absenteeism, repetition.
Name of Viktor Shatalov, school teacher from Donetsk, in the 80s. 20th century became known to all Soviet Union. His pupils were completing a ten-year school course in the 9th grade. All without exception went to universities. Unique technique attracted the attention of teachers and parents. Shatalov was offered to lead an experimental pedagogical laboratory in Donetsk, which was financed by the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.
Shatalov is convinced that there are no untrained children, there are unprofessional teachers. Going from the whole to the part, relying not on cramming, but on understanding - this is the basis of his methodology. The teacher compared learning to looking at a picture. If you break the canvas into pieces and study them separately, it is not known whether a holistic perception of the image will develop. But if you first give an idea of ​​the whole, then the pieces will easily fall into place and the mosaic will take shape.
Shatalov gives solid knowledge thanks to the skillful structuring of the material, building up information at an optimal pace and repeating it many times. Neglect of measure in dosing educational material leads to the fact that "it flies in one ear, and flies out of the other." Repeats Shatalov as much as the child needs and different options.
The teacher for the first time in the world teaching practice created a system that provides efficient work the mechanism of understanding the text, while receiving a huge gain both in time and in the quality of assimilation of educational material. Shatalov's system includes six elements: repetition, knowledge testing, a system that ensures the effective operation of the text understanding mechanism, while receiving a huge gain both in time and in the quality of learning material. Shatalov's system includes six elements: repetition, knowledge testing, knowledge assessment system, problem solving methodology, supporting notes, sports work with children.
The table of contents of the textbook and the theses of the lesson are the reference notes. It is presented in the form graphic scheme consisting of interconnected elements. Shatalov calls them "reference signals". No wonder E. Rutherford understood how the atom works, not from mathematical description, but by visual association with solar system. A successful scheme is a godsend for the teacher and the student.
The optimal scheme should take into account the limited amount of information that can be perceived by the student at one time. Therefore, the effectiveness of the scheme is directly proportional to the number of theses-ideas contained in it and inversely proportional to the number of symbols-blocks expressing them. The number of symbols should not exceed 7 ± 2 (according to psychologists, this is the number of semantic elements that our consciousness can effectively operate simultaneously). The efficiency of the scheme is higher than more ideas can be expanded based on the characters presented. In addition, when creating a scheme, it is necessary to take into account the age of students, the degree of their knowledge of the material.
The scheme facilitates memorization, repetition of material, structuring and increasing knowledge. Children willingly reproduce at home the supporting notes with which they worked in the lesson. They do without diaries and traditional homework, they have no need to hack, cheat, use cheat sheets. After all, doing it yourself is faster and more enjoyable. The Shatalov system gives the child a sense of self-confidence, fosters independence, mutual assistance, and initiative.
Shatalov's students are able to repeat in 15 minutes, having run through the reference signals with their eyes, an annual course in any subject. Many of them became masters of sports, defended candidate and doctoral dissertations in mathematics, medicine, physics, pedagogy, and philosophy.
Shatalov's system has many nuances, brilliant methodological discoveries. It must be seen - and this opportunity now exists: videos have been created with Shatalov's lessons in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, and astronomy. According to his methodology, textbooks were published and study guides. He himself has written more than J0 books, which have been translated into 17 languages ​​of the world.



    Methods of an innovative teacher;

    Lesson scheme;

    Interaction with parents according to Shatalov


In 1927, in the city of Stalino (Donetsk), the future teacher-innovator Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov was born. He fought heroically at the front, has awards. In 1953 he graduated from the Stalin (Donetsk) Pedagogical Institute, but from 1951 he taught mathematics at the school, and soon became its director.

Since 1956 he organized experimental classes in home school on Shevchenko Boulevard, 65 according to his own methodology, which he created for 13 years.

Developed an original system of intensive training using author's manuals, presenting program material in verbal and graphic forms. Instead of traditional homework, students receive extensive “offers”, the volume and complexity of which varies at the stages of training, taking into account individual characteristics, and by the end of the course they are approaching competitive and olympiad ones. practiced original forms peer review of students.

During the period of perestroika, the teacher-reformer was awarded with awards:

    Honored Teacher of the Ukrainian SSR (1987);

    People's Teacher of the USSR (1990);

    Order of the Badge of Honor;

For many years, this folk teacher has been engaged in asceticism: he teaches experimental classes in Donetsk, and during the holidays he conducts 7-day annual courses in mathematics and physics in Moscow.

Professor Shatalov is currently working in Donetsk, at the Institute of Social Education, where he teaches a course of teaching skills for students.

    Methods of the teacher-innovator.

The purpose of the methodology:

    Education and formation:

    motives for teaching;

    curiosity and cognitive interests;

    sense of duty and responsibility for the results of the exercise;

    self-awareness as a person.

Study and knowledge:

  • ability development;

    the need for knowledge.

In accordance with the goals, a multi-level system of school programs has been created. With its help, it is possible to facilitate the development and memorization of complex subjects (physics, mathematics, chemistry, etc.) and reduce the training time by more than 2-3 times.

Shatalov laid the foundation of his pedagogy:

    psychological laws of information perception;

    didactic materials (basic notes);

    humane attitude towards the student - pedagogy of cooperation;

    mobile assessment;

    systematization of information;

Principles of constructing the Shatalov method:

    Holistic perception of information: first, the skeleton of the object is given, the whole picture; separate sketches are built from it; constantly returning to the main fragment; special attention is paid to repetition - so all students can gradually learn the material; a new skeleton is given only after the perception of the material by all students.

    Limitations of perception of information: the reference summary from the teacher contains 7 optimal elements of perception on the topic, which are stored in long-term memory. The entire volume of information is divided into 5-7 blocks. The abstract consists of a sheet with reference signals ( didactic tool). The task is not to memorize the abstract, but to understand it. You can understand the abstract sheet only after listening to the teacher and reading the textbook (cramming is excluded).

    Cooperation: humane attitude to the student; lack of criticism; absence negative assessment knowledge; withdrawal psychological stress in class; lack of rigid framework (the basis of future creativity).

    Conflict-free (special assessment): allows you to achieve results regardless of abilities ( low grade is covered high, giving the opportunity to receive good result at the end of the semester, and the journal reflects not the process of mastering the material itself, but the quality of knowledge at the moment of study); the mobility of the assessment changes the student's attitude to learning; gives motivation of self-confidence, one's mind, one's abilities; builds an open relationship between teacher and student.

    Special problem solving - first teach, then ask: does not evaluate the solution of problems until the end of the semester, until he teaches; encourages independent decision.

    Teaching with passion: teaching with great difficulty; how more labor, the more success, the more passion; passion inspires new work.

    Maximalism: in exactingness and mercy; in independence and control; in loading the teacher and facilitating his work; in the interest of the student; in equality and the right to choose (to be in an asset or liability); in the space for a strong student.

    Sequences: learning theory; practicing practice.

    Open perspectives: open and mobile assessment (publicity); open accounting of knowledge (“Statement of open accounting of knowledge”); the opportunity for the student to reach a high level of knowledge and grades.

The main difference between Shatalov's teaching and other experimental methods is the acquisition of knowledge from the general to the particular. In this case, reference signals are used. They are a means of delivering educational material. Sheets of reference signals (a kind of storage) help to perceive a lot of information in integrity, while comprehending and remembering it.

The uniqueness of the technique is also in:

    mastering the material with the ability to use any student (even weak ones);

    memorization with a minimum of time for a maximum of information;

    developing fluent skills in solving simple problems;

    introducing each student to daily mental work;

    lack of marks in the current lesson (do not distract from the process of getting used to knowledge);

    absence external evaluation(you are smart, and you are stupid);


    fast forward;

    open prospects;


    in the implementation of the idea of ​​"fighting deuces";

    uniting student and teacher;

    opportunities for use in schools and universities.

    Lesson scheme.

Shatalin's training follows a strict algorithm: familiarization + understanding + reinforcement + survey.


      public numbering of topics;

      clear, detailed reproduction of the abstract with repeated repetition of difficult places;

    1. a quick same explanation of the abstract with a note on the board;

      rewriting the abstract in a notebook.


      reproduction of the abstract on a separate piece of paper the next day;

      several people control the summary on the board and then answer aloud in front of the class;

      the whole class is not bored, but listens to those who answer, checking themselves.

    Problem solving:

    1. 2-3 typical tasks are solved in the lesson;

      standard tasks are mandatory for everyone;

      no one writes, everyone listens;

      the problem is solved by the student;

      repeated home independent solution of a typical problem;

      solution individual assignments textbooks with quick error checking and advice;

      solution interval assigned tasks not defined, individual.

According to Shatalov himself, studies follow the principle of “salty cucumber”: “If you put fresh cucumbers in a jar of salt water, then whether they like it or not, they will still become salty ...”. That is, with this approach, the training of any student will be successful.

“The recipe for student success is simple: you need to believe in the child and, at the slightest opportunity, let him speak out so that the fear of evaluation, the fear of alienation and condemnation does not hang over him. And secondly, the teacher needs to explain everything very clearly, ”Shatalov.

    Interaction with parents according to Shatalov.

The pedagogy of the folk teacher works more effectively if the student is supported and controlled at home.

A positive attitude to any learning outcomes of your child allows you to remove fears, add motivation. Parents are obliged to provide their child with assistance, support, attention, control.

By reference notes this is very easy and fast to do. Such measures may be necessary at first. Further, the need for them disappears automatically.

When persistent motivation arises, the help of parents is not only not needed. She's just banned. But parental support must be constant. At the same time, parents are constantly informed about the progress of the child. This eliminates conflicts between the school and parents.

    "Where and how did the troikas disappear"

“The mark is not the goal. Evaluation is a very subtle and explosive tool that requires clever and skillful handling. Otherwise, it loses its pedagogical meaning, turning into a means of oppressing the individual. When checking written work on the reproduction of reference signals, the teacher does not correct errors. He fixes them in his mind and puts the notebook in one of the piles - "5", "4" or "3". In a few minutes, the scores will be announced, and everyone will see their mistakes for themselves (this is provided), as soon as they open the album with reference signals. Thus, teacher assessment is complemented by self-assessment. It is interesting to note that all experimenting teachers report cases when, after a lesson, students approached them and asked to lower their mark for mistakes that they themselves discovered and which, as they thought, the teacher did not notice. Each such case must be told to the class without fail and never lower the previously set mark. The student should not be afraid of a mistake, much less hide it from himself and the teacher. Only those who think and know can detect a mistake - this should always be emphasized. There are as many ways to explain your decision as you like. Lots of options, but the feeling underlying them must be one. Feeling of compassion."

“Each of us – both those who are just starting to work at school, and those who have given it more than a dozen years – sooner or later thinks about the question: what is the essence of the teaching profession, what is the attraction of this outwardly seemingly monotonous work? Now, when I have 50 years of teaching experience behind me, I will answer this way: in incomparable joy to stand at the cradle of the student’s thought and personality, in the opportunity to see the invisible for many - the process of growing up, becoming a person and feel involved in the mystery of the development of one’s cognitive powers pets, and years later to see the embodiment of their work in beautiful people worthy citizens of their homeland. But how can we make sure that the years of study, the years of childhood, adolescence and youth become for each student a point of support for the rest of his life? The fulcrum is the acquisition of dignity, which is based on honor, conscience, truth, a high idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba person and his destiny on earth. A sense of dignity cannot arise suddenly, out of nothing, by itself. It is cultivated in incessant overcoming, hard work on every centimeter of school life, in the everyday community of teachers and students. All actions and deeds of the teacher, all his great and small discoveries, all the methods and means of teaching he has chosen will mean absolutely nothing if they are not animated by this main pedagogical goal. Concern for human dignity should be the air of communication in the classroom and at school.”

A quarter of a century ago, the name of Viktor Shatalov, a schoolteacher from Donetsk, resounded throughout the country. His pupils completed the ten-year school course in the 9th grade, and even in the 8th and 7th. All, without exception, entered universities. The unique technique attracted the attention of teachers, parents and students. Shatalov directed an experimental pedagogical laboratory in Donetsk, which was financed by the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. Today, Shatalov's technique is being revived by his Moscow followers.

Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov - People's Teacher of the USSR, participant in the Great Patriotic War, holder of the Order of Friendship (Decree of the President of Russia No. 1552 of November 19, 2007), Honored Teacher of Ukraine, professor at the Donetsk Institute of Social Education, winner of several international awards. He is the author of more than 30 books that have been translated into 17 languages ​​of the world.

Viktor Fedorovich began working as a teacher of physics and mathematics in his native Donetsk after graduating from the Pedagogical Institute, at the age of 26 he became the director of the school. problems in schooling and then it was enough. The teacher began to experiment and after a few years created a very effective system for teaching geography. Then he transferred algebra, geometry, physics, astronomy, history to a new methodological basis, showing the universal nature of the system. The children studied the annual course in a few weeks. Disappeared deuces, complaints from parents, absenteeism, repetition.

There are no unteachable children, there are unprofessional teachers. To go from the whole to the part, rely not on cramming, but on understanding - this is the basis of Shatalov's methodology. Learning can be compared to looking at a picture. If you break the canvas into pieces and take them separately, then it is not known whether a holistic perception of the image will develop. But that's how it's usually taught in school. And if you first give an idea of ​​the whole, then the pieces will easily fall into place, and the mosaic will take shape.

Shatalov gives solid knowledge thanks to the skillful structuring of the material, building up information at an optimal pace and repeating it many times. Neglecting the measure in dosing educational material leads to the fact that "it flies into one ear and flies out of the other." The problem is solved not by improving the examination system, but by a teaching methodology that enhances the natural mechanism of understanding.

How many times do you need to repeat the material before the child can understand it, reproduce it? Shatalov tells as much as necessary, and in different versions. For the first time in the world teaching practice, he created a system that effectively ensures the operation of the "mechanism" of understanding the text, while receiving a huge gain both in time and in the quality of mastering the educational material. The system of V. F. Shatalov includes six elements: repetition, knowledge testing, knowledge assessment system, problem solving methodology, supporting notes, sports work with children.

The table of contents of the textbook and the theses of the lesson are the reference notes. It is presented in the form of a certain graphic scheme of elements interconnected. Shatalov calls them "reference signals". No wonder E. Rutherford understood how the atom works, not from a mathematical description, but through visual association with the solar system. A successful scheme is a godsend for the teacher and the student. Students deduce the answer from it, as from a beautiful formula.

The optimal scheme should take into account the limited amount of information that can be perceived by the student at one time. Therefore, the effectiveness of the scheme is directly proportional to the number of theses-ideas and inversely proportional to the number of symbols-blocks expressing them. The number of theses should not exceed 7 ± 2 (according to psychologists, this is the number of semantic elements with which our consciousness can effectively operate simultaneously). The effectiveness of the scheme is the higher, the more ideas can be developed based on the symbols presented. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the age of the students, the degree of their knowledge of the material.

The scheme facilitates memorization, repetition of materials, structuring and increasing knowledge. Children willingly reproduce at home the supporting notes with which they worked in the lesson. Schoolchildren do without diaries and traditional homework. They have no need to hack, write off, cheat. After all, doing it yourself is faster and more enjoyable. The Shatalov system gives the child a sense of self-confidence. It brings up independence, mutual assistance, initiative.

Shatalov's students are able to repeat in 15 minutes, having run through the reference signals with their eyes, an annual course in any subject. Many students of Shatalov became masters of sports, defended candidate and doctoral dissertations in mathematics, medicine, physics, pedagogy, and philosophy.

The system is not limited to supporting notes. It has many nuances, brilliant methodological findings in the assessment of knowledge. The system must be seen. There is such a possibility. Video films with Shatalov's lessons in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, and astronomy have been created. Textbooks and books on his methodology have been published.

During the holidays, Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov comes to Moscow and conducts classes with high school students. activities with preschoolers and younger students(Russian language, mathematics) is conducted by the people's teacher of the USSR S.N. Lysenkov. Her students go straight from 2nd grade to 5th grade. The Russian language according to the method of Shatalov is taught by O. A. Shalamova, English, French and German languages-- L.N. Shikhirev. Courses of chemistry, history, geography, etc. are being developed. The annual program can be completed in 7-11 hours.

On Saturdays, the school invites those who wish to free lectures according to the method of V.F. Shatalova. Teaching aids are available for sale high school in the supporting notes of Shatalov, as well as video recordings of his lessons, registered in the State Film Fund of the Russian Federation. Discs with training courses are sent by mail. An annual course, for example, in physics for the 7th grade (and this is 7 hours of video recording) will cost 950 rubles, excluding postage.

The recipe for student success is simple: you need to believe in the child and, at the slightest opportunity, let him speak out so that the fear of evaluation, the fear of alienation and condemnation does not hang over him. And secondly, the teacher needs to explain everything very clearly.

Viktor Fyodorovich Shatalov

Education system exact sciences using reference signals was developed by Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov.

The main principle is to make the child relaxed, free, to instill confidence in one's own strength, to see in him complete person. According to Shatalov, all children can learn successfully, but the teacher must have a lot of patience.

The essence of the system is to give students at once all the formulas, laws and concepts in the first lesson. this subject. This is the fulcrum - "reference signals". This gives the student the basic tools and the confidence to use them. Confidence in their ability to master the material leads to the fact that children themselves want to learn.

In the following lessons, students solve problems of any complexity, answer questions.

Instead of homework, children receive big “offers” - they are given a task to independent work for six months at a time, so that everyone works at their own pace.

The original forms of mutual examination of students are practiced. Widely used game forms training sessions. Lessons physical education are held daily.

At Shatalov's school, each student gets an A in every lesson. And if something is misunderstood or undereducated, anyone has the opportunity to correct the assessment by retaking this particular topic, and not closing it with a well-learned next one. He has the right to correct any grade that is undesirable for the student on any day.

Shatalov believes that in 8 hours it is possible to give knowledge in the amount of an annual program in geometry, physics, trigonometry.

"Shatalov gave open lessons, and I myself saw how yesterday's losers clicked like seeds difficult puzzles, which a few days before were unbearable for them.

According to Shatalov, mathematically mediocre students do not exist in nature.

Personal history

Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov was born on May 1, 1927. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Graduated from Stalin pedagogical institute in 1953.

On the pedagogical work at the school since 1951. Since 1956 led experimental work with students, including Researcher Research Institute of Pedagogy of the Ukrainian SSR since 1973 and APS of the USSR since 1985. Honored teacher of the Ukrainian SSR since 1987, people's teacher of the USSR since 1990. Since 1992, associate professor at the Institute of Postgraduate Education.

History of pedagogy Shatalov

I was born in Donetsk and have lived all the time, I have not gone anywhere and will not leave, although there were many offers. There are 15 teachers in our family. The teaching profession has become such an integral part of our lives that it was not difficult for me.

At school, the children respected me, and when I started working as a school director, I tried to give teachers what I do, but it turned out to be useless. After all, I carried my own, personal. And suddenly it dawned on me: you need to start from the first step, with a system for assessing knowledge and creating learning conditions, and the notes came much later, as a derivative of this work.

Viktor Fyodorovich Shatalov- teacher-innovator. People's teacher of the USSR (1990), honorary doctor Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine , Honored Teacher of Ukraine .



  • Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class,
  • Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" ,


  • Shatalov, V. F. THE PATH OF SEARCH. - St. Petersburg. : LAN, 1996 . - 62 S. - 5-86617-062-0
  • Shatalov, V. F. THE EXPERIMENT IS CONTINUED. - DONETSK: STALKER, 1998. - 396 S. - 966-7104-71-0
  • Shatalov, VF Pedagogical prose [Text] / VF Shatalov. - Arkhangelsk: North-West. book. publishing house, 1990. - 384 p. : ill. - 5-85560-068-8
  • Shatalov, V. F. Inflorescence of talents / V. F. Shatalov. - M. : GUP TsRP "Moscow - St. Petersburg".
  • Shatalov, V. F. Through the prism of the heart / V. F. Shatalov. - M.: GUP TsRP "Moscow - St. Petersburg", 2002. - 52 p.
  • Shatalov, V. F. Physics for life / V. F. Shatalov. - M.: State Unitary Enterprise TsRP "Moscow - St. Petersburg", 2003. - 51 p.
  • Shatalov, V.F. Reference notes on kinematics and dynamics: From work experience: Book. for the teacher / V. F. Shatalov, V. M. Sheiman, A. M. Khait. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 142 p. : ill. - 5-09-002785-4
  • Shatalov, V. F. Reference signals in physics for grade 6 / V. F. Shatalov, V. M. Sheiman. - K .: Glad. school, 1978. - 79 p. : ill.
  • Shatalov, V. F. The experiment continues / V. F. Shatalov. - M.: Pedagogy, 1989. - 334 p. : ill. - 5-7155-0089-3
  • Shatalov, V. F. Where and how did the troikas disappear: From the experience of schools in Donetsk / V. F. Shatalov; Foreword V. V. Davydova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1979. - 134 p. : ill. - (Advanced pedagogical experience) .
  • Shatalov, V. F. Where and how did the troikas disappear: From the experience of schools in Donetsk / V. F. Shatalov; Foreword V. V. Davydova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1980. - 134 p. : ill. - (Advanced pedagogical experience).
  • Shatalov, V. F. City in the clouds: a story, essay, reflections / V. F. Shatalov. - Donetsk: Donbass, 2008. - 381 p. - 966-108-12-7


  • Shatalov School. archived
  • School according to the method of Shatalov. Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  • Shatalov Viktor Fyodorovich Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  • Victor Shatalov. Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  • Shatalov, Viktor Fedorovich in the library of Maxim Moshkov
  • Program "Observer" (broadcast May 14, 2012). Studio guests - Viktor Shatalov and Shalva Amonashvili. (unavailable link - story)


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • May 1
  • Born in 1927
  • Knights of the Order of Friendship (Russia)
  • Knights of the Order of the Badge of Honor
  • Knights of the Order of the Patriotic War II degree
  • Awarded with the medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
  • Awarded with the medal "For the victory over Japan"
  • People's Teachers of the USSR
  • Honored Teachers of Ukraine
  • USSR teachers
  • DISO teachers
  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Shatalov, Viktor Fedorovich" is in other dictionaries:

    Shatalov, Viktor Fyodorovich- (b. 1927) teacher, honored teacher of the Ukrainian SSR (1987), people's teacher of the USSR (1990). From 1951 he taught at the school; from 1956 he conducted experimental work with students, incl. as a researcher at the Research Institute of Pedagogy of the Ukrainian SSR (since 1973) and the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1985). ... ...

    SHATALOV Viktor Fyodorovich- (b. May 1, 1927, Stalin, now Donetsk, Ukraine), innovator teacher, honored. Ukrainian teacher. (1987), folk. USSR teacher. (1990). Member Vel. Fatherland war. Graduated from the Stalin Ped. int (1953). On ped. work at school since 1951. Since 1956, he led an experiment. work with... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov is an innovator teacher, People's Teacher of the USSR, Honorary Doctor of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Teacher of Ukraine. Born in 1927. He worked at the school as a teacher of mathematics and director. Participated in the Great ... ... Wikipedia

    Shatalov is a Russian surname. Known bearers: Shatalov, Alexander Nikolaevich (1957) Russian critic and publisher. Shatalov, Viktor Fedorovich (1927) Soviet teacher and innovator. Shatalov, Vladimir Alexandrovich (1927) pilot ... ... Wikipedia

    Cooperation Pedagogy- direction in domestic pedagogy of the 2nd half of the 20th century. P.s. is a system of methods and techniques of education and training, DOS. on the principles of humanity and creativity to personal development. Among the authors of PS: Sh.A. Amonashvili, I.P ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

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    List of laureates Contents 1 1967 2 1968 3 1969 4 1970 5 1971 6 ... Wikipedia

Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov was born on May 1, 1927. He worked at the school as a teacher of mathematics (since 1951) and director. From 1956 he conducted experimental work with students. Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov - People's Teacher of the USSR, participant in the Great Patriotic War, holder of the Order of Friendship, Honored Teacher of Ukraine, professor at the Donetsk Institute of Social Education, winner of several international awards.

Viktor Fedorovich began working as a teacher of physics and mathematics in his native Donetsk after graduating from the Pedagogical Institute, at the age of 26 he became the director of the school. A few years later he created a very effective system for teaching geography. Then he transferred algebra, geometry, physics, astronomy, history to a new methodological basis, showing the universal nature of the system. The children studied the annual course in a few weeks. Disappeared deuces, complaints from parents, absenteeism, repetition. In 1987, he became the head of the laboratory for the problems of intensification of educational educational process at the Research Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR in Donetsk. Teaching experience - 53 years, of which 40 years - research and experimentation. Lives in Donetsk.

Titles, awards folk teacher USSR, Honored Teacher of Ukraine, Honorary President of the Italian Literary and historical association Dante Alighieri, holder of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for increasing goodness on earth, winner of several international awards. Author of a learning system using reference signals. In this system, educational material is presented in a verbal and graphic form of interrelated keywords, symbols, drawings and formulas with summary. Uses the pedagogy of cooperation, game forms of classes.

The main thing in the Shatalov method is the synopsis. The abstract is the result of a great work of the teacher. On the page - short key phrases, separate words with exclamations, mathematical calculations, numbers that must be remembered. The arrangement of the material, the frame, the arrow, the color that highlights the main thing - all this is strictly thought out and forms the basis for a twenty-minute story, a reasoning algorithm. Shatalov, as it were, materializes transferable knowledge in the abstract. “It is only necessary,” he says, “that the teacher’s story and his notes on the board match perfectly with the abstract”

So, it is worth emphasizing only the study of theory with the help of reference signals, as the development productive thinking, not supported by independent creative activity when solving problems and exercises of varying complexity, will be replaced mechanical work memory. In the same way, the enthusiasm for solving problems or reproductive repetition will not allow realizing all the possibilities of the experimental methodology, including developmental and educational ones.

Lack of attention to sports activities will damage the health of students and minimize their learning activities(according to Shatalov, in all the years of work in experimental classes, not a single student has ever smoked. The brain cannot work productively, constantly poisoned by nicotine. This knowledge becomes the inner conviction of every child).

The subsystems of a single methodological system, mutually complementing and reinforcing each other, become the source and condition for the progressive ascent of students through the levels of knowledge, while at the same time including children in the process of self-development and self-education. None of the elements can be given preference, they only work together.

V. F. Shatalov developed 7 principles in his methodological system, some of which he creatively borrowed from L. V. Zankov: high level difficulties. 2. Conflict-free. 3. Rapid forward movement. 4. Open perspectives. 5. Super multiple repetition. 6. Leading role theoretical knowledge. 7. Glasnost.

Features pedagogical system The system of VF Shatalov includes 6 elements: the organization of multiple repetition, knowledge inspection, knowledge assessment system, problem solving methodology, supporting notes, sports work with children. Although the majority of teachers associate the Shatalov system precisely with the supporting notes, the teacher himself in his system assigned them last place ».

Distinctive features of the pedagogical system The main categories of VF Shatalov's teaching technology - reference signals and reference notes - are based on the phenomenon of identification of a verbal image and text. Management of the educational process is based on the categories of "assessment", "repetition", "control" and "self-control".

Reference signal system « Each topic subject V. F. Shatalov assigned a number that all students knew. The order of studying each topic, i.e., step-by-step management, was always the same, a strict sequence of stages of study was maintained new topic(this, in fact, is the algorithm): a detailed explanation of the teacher; summary educational material on supporting posters; study of sheets with reference signals (reduced copies of reference sheets and posters);

Reference signal system work with textbook and reference signal sheet at home; written reproduction of reference signals in the next lesson; the answer at the blackboard or listening to the oral answers of comrades recorded on tape. V. F. Shatalov uses sheets with reference signals so that students in a generalized form remember the content of the educational topic being studied.

Accounting and assessment of knowledge V. F. Shatalova plays not only diagnostic, but also psychological, motivational educational role. Evaluation, from the point of view of V. F. Shatalov, is a very subtle and explosive tool that requires clever and skillful handling. Otherwise, it loses its pedagogical meaning, turning into a means of oppressing the individual.

Accounting and assessment of knowledge V. F. Shatalov believes that for mistakes it is never necessary to reduce the previously set assessment. The student should not be afraid of a mistake, much less hide it from himself and the teacher. Only those who think and know can detect a mistake - this should always be emphasized. There are as many ways to explain your decision as you like. There are many options, but the feeling underlying them must be one. Feeling of mercy. The student has the right to correct any undesirable assessment for himself.

Sport The most important component technology intensive training V. F. Shatalova is a sports and playing tricks, with the help of which the task of maintaining a high working tone, a cheerful, optimistic mood is solved. Shatalov rightly argues that “... our pedagogical interest in games fades too early, which are faithfully designed to serve the development of ingenuity and cognitive interests of children at all levels without exception. age development ».

Repetition The system of V. F. Shatalov provides for the secondary reproduction of what is being studied by the teacher. The purpose of this presentation is to focus the attention of students on the most essential, the main thing in the new material, to emphasize key connections between its components, similarities and differences between close concepts.

Repetition The teacher only very briefly mentions the facts, examples, experiences and other means of concretization given in the explanation. In the process of secondary reproduction of the material, the teacher helps to establish a connection between the material being presented and the signs of the reference signals. The success of mastering a large topic is achieved by a fast pace of study and by repeated variant repetition.

Methodological system Donetsk teacher V.F. Shatalov allows you to successfully solve one of the most difficult pedagogical tasks- to involve each student in the daily stressful mental labor, to cultivate cognitive independence as a personality trait, to strengthen in each student a sense of dignity confidence in their strengths and abilities.

Basic teaching methods exposition theoretical material carried out in fast pace and large blocks; use on the board when explaining reference signals (diagrams, drawings - symbols, individual words); detailed explanation solution algorithm teacher certain type learning task; written, frontal repetition of the material according to the supporting notes; quick, overview repetition within 5 minutes of a significant amount of educational material; general, frontal solution together with students typical tasks;

The main teaching methods are checking by a chain (for the student who first solved the problem, the teacher checks, and for each next student, the previous student checks); relay test(students should reproduce solutions certain number typical tasks on the topic being studied); active mutual assistance (with a student who missed classes, one of the students in the class who have mastered the relevant topic is engaged); lesson of open thoughts (any student can do small message, a report related to the topic under study); paired mutual control (students who receive “excellent” for their answers interrogate their comrades on the same issue).

V. F. Shatalov is the author of 36 books, published in 17 countries with a total circulation of more than a million copies, different languages. 1) The experiment continues,) Pedagogical prose,) The fulcrum,) Where and how did the triples disappear, From the experience of the schools in Donetsk,) The inflorescence of talents,) Beyond the familiar, 1988.

“The fate of books is inscrutable, like the fate of people. Some come to us easily and quickly, but it happens that they are forgotten just as quickly and irrevocably. Others make their way to readers painfully difficult and long, and most often they turn out to be the most energy-intensive and resilient. Each page of the book is about real students. This means that each reader gets the opportunity to become a member of the extended pedagogical council that began back in 1956.

Thus, we see that educational model V. F. Shatalova fully meets such criteria of manufacturability as conceptuality, consistency and controllability. For 40 years of Shatalov's experiment, from the most seemingly weak students, who were specially selected for him as hopeless, as a result, 57 candidates and 11 doctors of physical, mathematical and technical sciences came out.

The results of the study give grounds to conclude that the educational model of V. F. Shatalov meets all the criteria for the manufacturability of the educational process and is, thus, efficient technology intensive training that meets all the requirements for modern education.