Typical tasks for the formation of universal educational activities in the classroom in elementary school

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the requirements for a person who has mastered educational programs are subject to a number of new requirements. Such as, "universal learning activities (ULA)" in broad sense: the ability to learn. They are metasubjective in nature; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development and self-development of the individual. Universal learning activities provide the stages of mastering the educational content and the formation psychological abilities student.

Universal learning actions are a set of student actions that ensure his ability to independently assimilate new knowledge, i.e. the student's ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new experience. The ability of the student to independently successfully acquire new knowledge, to form skills and competencies, including independent organization this process, i.e. the ability to learn is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions as generalized actions open up the possibility for students to have a broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the learning activities, including the awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic characteristics.

Requirements for the results of studying subjects in primary school include the formation of all kinds of universal learning activities: personal. communicative, cognitive and regulatory. group work, research, working with text, drawing up tables, diagrams, preparing for the first essays and writing creative works, work in pairs, independent work with educational literature and so on - active means that are used in Russian language lessons, literary reading, the surrounding world for the formation of UUD.

Personal UUD provide value-semantic orientation of students. Formation personal results in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading occurs through those texts that are used in the lessons. Students come to understand the need to protect their native language as part of Russian national culture; work on the development and improvement of their own speech (system speech exercises: free dictations, educational presentations and compositions, their analysis, editing). Many exercise texts in textbooks have a spiritual and moral meaning, and while working with them, the teacher cannot pass by the moral assessment of their content.

Examples of typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD

Exercise 1.

Academic discipline: literary reading

Lesson topic: "Russian folk tales, proverbs and sayings, Grade 2

1 task. Students are offered Russian folk proverbs and sayings:

  • Not for a beard - for the mind favor.
  • No matter how wise you are, you cannot be too smart with your conscience.
  • Smart and rich without money.
  • In a smart conversation - gain your mind, and in a stupid one - lose yours.
  • Stupid looking big place, and smart and in the corner to see.
  • Talk a little, listen a lot, and think even more.
  • Smart repetition is not a sin.
  • A book is a book, but move your mind.

Read the proverbs and sayings about wisdom and stupidity, and now think and say: what proverbs and sayings would you like to remember in order to follow them in life?

Think of a story whose title could be one of the proverbs and sayings about wisdom. Then there is a discussion, comparing the opinions of each student with the opinions of classmates.

2 Task. Students at the lessons of literary reading got acquainted with the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery " The little Prince" (excerpts).

After working on the content of the work and analysis, the children are invited to think about the question: why do you think adults are different from children?

Exupery wrote: "... all adults were children at first, only few of them remember this." He is sad because adults often cannot understand children. But Alexander Kurlyandsky, already familiar to you, thinks differently: “After all, adults are the same children, only they have lived a little longer in the world, go to work and educate you.” Which writer do you agree with?

How do you understand the words of the Fox: “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes”?

And here's another very important words Fox: "You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed." How do you understand what this means?

1) goal setting as setting learning task on the basis of what is known, learned, and what is not yet;

2) planning - a sequence of actions, taking into account the final result;

3) forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;

4) control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations;

5) correction in case of standard discrepancy, real action and its result necessary changes in the plan and mode of action;

6) assessment - awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

7) self-regulation as a way to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort(to choose in a situation of motivated conflict) and to overcome obstacles.

For the formation regulatory universal learning activities, I use problem-dialogical technologies, create an environment creative search, mental stress. I put children in problem situations, organize observation of the material with the help of special issues and assignments.

Examples of typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD

1 task.

Academic discipline: Russian language

Lesson topic:“What will we teach and what will we learn this year”, Grade 2

Students are offered statements about the Russian language. Russian language is official language, it is spoken by all the peoples who live in the Russian Federation.

The Russian language is part of our culture, the wealth and heritage of the people. You will learn how our language works, what laws and rules it has. You will discover the mysteries and secrets of the language.

Try to guess what interesting things you will learn this year. What questions do you have? What secrets do you think a language might have?

2 Task.

Academic discipline: Russian language

Lesson topic:"Words that answer the question who ?, what ?.", Grade 2.

In class, students will be introduced to new concepts. They will discover this new knowledge themselves. Students are offered a task in the Russian language lessons.

Read the offer. Ryzhik lies in a basket. Is the sentence talking about a kitten or a mushroom? What can you guess?

What question to the first word will help to understand whether we are talking about a mushroom or a kitten?

What questions can words answer?

How to know what question to ask for the word - who? or what?.

Students not only discover knowledge on their own, but also learn to set goals, predict results, and plan.

Task "Learning to discover new knowledge"

Read the words. What words answer the question who? Which words answer the question what? How did you determine?


Write down the words. Question them who? or what? Nastya, toy, mouse, morning, spring, student, path, mushroom, book, grandfather, lesson.

Cognitive UUD include: general educational, logical educational activities, as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.

general educational universal actions This:

Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Search and selection necessary information; application of methods information retrieval, including with the help of computer tools;

Structuring knowledge;

Conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

Choice of the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions;

Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

Semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business style; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the mass media;

Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Examples of typical tasks for the formation of cognitive UUD

1 task.

Academic discipline: Russian language

Lesson topic"Text", Grade 2

Students are offered the text "Favorite fairy tales."

live in fairy tales different heroes. Some are good, kind, others are evil and scary. AT fairy tales there are fairies and sorcerers, princes and princesses, dragons and monsters. The heroes of fairy tales can be people, animals, birds.

What needs to be done to choose a title for the text?

From the proposed titles, choose the one that, in your opinion, fits the text. "Heroes of fairy tales", "Fairy tale heroes", "Books of fairy tales". Children learn to structure the material, highlight the main thing, choose a title for the text, at the same time remember the signs of the text.

2 Task.

Academic discipline: Russian language

Lesson topic Groups of words in Russian. Connection of words in a sentence, Grade 2

Divide the words into groups: things (objects), people, animals. Write the words in groups.

What question is answered by the words of each group? Notebook, guys, boy, tram, dog, giraffe.

Divide the words into groups: people, plants, insects. Write the words in groups.

What question is answered by the words of each group? Write questions.

Girl, wheat, beetle, maple, artist, alder, butterfly. Students do the work, they are invited to draw a conclusion on their own.

Students learn to classify - distribute objects into groups in accordance with the principles of division. The organization of training in the formation of research activities leads to the development of cognitive needs and abilities of students, the acquisition of special knowledge necessary for conducting research. Students acquire the ability to analyze, classify, compare, identify criteria and evaluate facts, events, phenomena, test assumptions, prove the correctness of their own choice.

Communicative UUD - provides social competence and taking into account the position of other people; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and collaboration with peers and adults

1) planning educational cooperation with a teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction;

2) posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;

3) conflict resolution - identification and identification of the problem, search and evaluation alternative ways conflict resolution, decision making and its implementation;

4) management of the partner's behavior - control, correction and evaluation of his actions;

5) the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with grammatical and syntactic norms mother tongue.

Examples of typical tasks for the formation of communicative UUD

1 task.

Academic discipline: the world

Lesson topic:"Globe - model of the Earth", Grade 2

In the lessons, students learn to discover knowledge and test themselves by working in pairs or groups. They learn to understand the possibility of different positions and points of view, understand the possibility different grounds to evaluate the same subject, learn to take into account different opinions and justify their own, learn to negotiate, come to common decision, convince, argue, express own attitude to develop common point vision.

Work in pairs or groups with the globe.

What do you think is depicted on the globe in blue and what in other colors? Discuss with comrades.

Rotate the globe. Why do you think they made it spin? Listen to the opinions of other groups.

Why does it seem to Lena that the platform has gone, and not the train? Something similar happened to you. Discuss in pairs.

The earth rotates around its axis. We do not notice this, because it rotates without jerks and stops, along with us and all the objects on it. But we understand that the earth rotates when we look at celestial bodies: Sun, moon and stars. It seems to us that they are floating in the sky in one direction, like houses and trees outside the train window.

Discuss how we notice the rotation of the Earth?

2 Task.

Academic discipline: literary reading

Lesson topic:"Animals - heroes of fairy tales", Grade 2

In the process of summarizing the material on the topic, students are offered a task.

You have probably noticed that every animal in fairy tales different peoples endowed with certain qualities. A fox, for example, is always cunning, a liar, a bear…, a wolf…, a squirrel…, a hedgehog…, a tiger…, a hare…. Work in pairs. Continue this thought yourself: name as many as you can fairytale heroes- animals and their main qualities. Remember in which fairy tales you met them. Students learn to communicate and interact with friends: to speak and writing to understand each other, to negotiate, to cooperate.

Thus, in the process of learning activities, students learn to communicate correctly, negotiate, respect the opinions of other comrades, find the right solution together or by consultation.

Thus, the student's ability to independently successfully acquire new knowledge, develop skills and competencies, including the independent organization of this process, i.e. the ability to learn is ensured by the fact that UUD as generalized actions open up the possibility for students to have a broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic characteristics.

  1. Sample program for academic subjects. Russian language. Grade 2 - M., "Enlightenment". 2014.
  2. Petrova, I. V. Means and methods for the formation of universal educational actions of a schoolchild [Text] / Petrova I. V. // Young scientist. - 2011. - No. 5. T.2. - S. 151-155.
  3. A. G. Asmolov. Formation of universal educational actions: from action to thought: Task system: teacher's guide / [A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya and others]; ed. A. G. Asmolova. - M.: Education, 2010.
  4. Module 2 "Universal learning activities" ANEO " Interregional Center innovative technologies in education, p. eleven.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school №44

Generalization of experience

on this topic:

"Formation of UUD in the classroom in elementary school"

Completed by the teacher primary school

Zharinova Oksana Alexandrovna

The changes that have taken place in our society have led to a change in goals modern education, and hence all components methodological system teachers.

Once upon a time, Herbert Spencer said: great goal education is not knowledge, but actions.
This statement clearly defines the most important task modern system education: the formation of a set of "universal educational activities", which act as the basis of educational and educational process enable the student to independently successfully acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the ability to learn.

Elementary School - milestone during general education schoolboy. In four years, he needs not only to master the program material of subject disciplines, but also learn how to learn - to become " professional student».

The task before me was to understand the essence of the Federal State Educational Standard, distinctive features compared with old standard. After reading the documents and additional literature, I determined for myself that one of important points implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is the formation of UUD. Already during the development of the first lessons, I realized that compiling a lesson on the formation of UUD is not an easy task, but today it is a requirement of the time. The question arose before me: how to properly design a lesson that would form students not only subject results, but also universal learning activities.

Universal learning activities are skills that must be laid in elementary school in all lessons. Universal learning activities mean:

The ability to learn, i.e. the student's ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of a new social experience, one side,

And, on the other hand, the totality of the student's ways of action (as well as the skills associated with them academic work), ensuring his ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

For myself, I concluded that it is necessary to build the learning process not only as a process of mastering the system of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, but also as a process of personal development. This, in my opinion, is the foundation of all education.

I divided my work into stages:

Stage 1. Theoretical

The formation of the UUD should take place in accordance with educational program NOO.

The younger student develops new social roles, he gains experience in a variety of activities, where special place allotted practical study objects of the surrounding world, the application of acquired skills in real living conditions as well as in the classroom. Such coordination of subjects allows the teacher to see individual items as part of a single educational space, and for the student to transfer the knowledge and skills formed within the framework of one subject to solving problems of another academic subject.

Stage 2. Research and diagnostics

In order to study the readiness of 1st grade students for schooling, in September 2012, teacher-psychologist MBOU secondary school No. 44 Miller Yulia Sergeevna conducted psychodiagnostic studies on the adaptation of children to the educational process, and I conducted a diagnosis of the UUD of students.

The purpose of these studies was to determine the readiness of children for schooling and the formation of UUD students.

The results of adaptation and formation of UUD students

1st class at the beginning school year(September):

Formation of UUD:

Personal ULD - questionnaire for assessing the level school motivation Luskanova. Target: identification of motivational preferences in educational activities. Questionnaire "What is good and what is bad." Target: revealing the moral ideas of students.

Technique "Drawing by points".

Target: level of orientation to a given system of requirements, can consciously control their actions.

Estimated UUD: regulatory UUD, the ability to control their activities

Cognitive UUD - a technique "Research of verbal and logical thinking of younger schoolchildren."

Target:identification of the level of development of verbal-logical thinking.

Communicative UUD - the technique of "Mittens".

Target: reveal the formation communicative actions to coordinate efforts in the process of organizing and implementing cooperation.

Table 1.


morals. represented.

I - 35%

II - 35%

III - 26%

IV - 4%









The table shows that the children initial stage, cognitive UUDs are relatively well formed. At a low level, communicative and regulatory UUDs have been formed.

UUD among students are formed mainly at the average level. Thus, we can conclude that the majority of students in the UUD class are still in the formative stage. Monitoring data made it possible to identify individual problem areas for each student and became the basis for making adjustments to the construction of the educational process.

Readiness of children for schooling.

In order to study the readiness of 1st grade students for schooling, in September 2012, psychodiagnostic studies were carried out.

Methodology: orientation test school maturity Kern - Yerasika.

The results of the study: (slide)

High level


Middle level


Below the average


Low level


All three tasks of the graphic test are aimed at determining the formation of functions: speech, mental development, ability to perform a learning task, skills visual activity, the level of volitional organization of the child. The test tasks also give an idea of ​​the development of the small muscles of the hand and the severity of fine motor coordination.

As a result of the study, 70% of students have a high mature level of psychomotor development; 26.6% of students have middle level readiness - "ripening" level of psychomotor development, which is a favorable prognosis; 3.3% i.e. 1 student has a below average level of readiness for school and needs extra classes, 0% of students do not have an immature level in psychomotor development and low level school readiness.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, I realized that the learning process should be built not as a process of mastering the system of knowledge, skills and abilities that form the basis of educational activities, but also as a process of personal development and adaptation of the teacher to new conditions.

3rd stage. Practical

To form UUD, I began to plan my lessons on the basis of an activity approach, where I prescribe the methods and ways of forming UUD at all its stages.

In order to see the activities of students at each stage of the lesson and determine the level of formation of universal educational activities, I use the table "Forms of organization of educational activities aimed at the formation of UUD" (slide)

Lesson stages

Molded universal

learning activities

Methods, techniques, teaching aids; forms of organization of students' activities; pedagogical technologies

1. Motivation for learning activities.


emotional mood,

2. Actualization and fixation of difficulties in the trial educational action.

Cognitive Communicative



staging problematic issue, organization of a problem situation

3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty .

Cognitive Regulatory Communicative


Problem dialogue, technology of problem learning

4. Building a project to get out of the difficulty (goal, plan, method, means)





Lesson map, presentation

Project activity,

tasks like: "Put questions to which you know the answers"

5. Implementation of the constructed project .


Cognitive, Regulatory, Communicative

Project activity.

Partial search engine research activities

Conducting educational games.

Work with interactive simulators.

Application of encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, ICT technologies

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech

Cognitive Regulatory,



Group, pair work

Working with a textbook, performing training tasks.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Regulatory Personal, Cognitive

Use self-control, mutual control

8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

cognitive, communicative


Group, pair work

mutual aid, memory work

9. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson (outcome of the lesson).




Introspection, self-assessment

Receptions "palm", emoticons, cards feedback etc.

I will give some examples on the formation of UUD. In order to form personal UUD, I start each lesson with short rhymes that give positive attitude to the lesson. For example:

So that the world around study,

Need to be able observe,

Signs of objects of any highlight,

Their common and various properties note! (slide video grade 3 the world around)

Also, in order to motivate for learning activities, you can tell the children that today's lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. junior schoolchildren they love various competitions very much, so at the stage of self-determination we often agree with children about the rules in competitions.

And at the stage of reflection, (summarizing the lesson), it is very important to direct the children to the realization that the child was able to cope with a certain number of tasks, some caused difficulties, but these difficulties will go away if you practice at home.

In reading lessons, I try to express my attitude to the work after each read work.

To do this, I use the following phrases: (slide)

I felt)...

I see)...

I smiled...

I have remembered)...

I got sad...

I would continue (a) written like this ...

If I found myself in a similar situation, I would act (a) like this ...

This piece reminded me of an incident in my life...

I represent the future of heroes...

The piece made me feel...

For development regulatory UUD, when declaring the objectives of the lesson and the topic, the task of the teacher is to lead the children to self-setting tasks. This is possible through the introduction of a problematic dialogue into the lesson, it is necessary to create problem situation to determine the boundaries of knowledge-ignorance by students.

For example, in the lesson the world around:

Now listen to the audio clip and think about the questions: who is talking and what is it about?

Guys, we have become witnesses to the conversation. Who do you think are its members?(video slide)

There are children who can answer this question. They will start talking about it.

At this stage, the children learn to hear and listen to each other, to express their thoughts correctly, to cooperate effectively both with the teacher and with their peers. Upon completion conversations - discussions, we come to the conclusion that we still don’t know something, and the guys themselves say what they will do in the lesson today, what they will get to know. (slide from the lesson planning your activities)

Regulatory UUD develop when learning by evaluating oral responses. So, I invite the guys to express their opinion about the poem or drawing recited by heart, made in the art lesson. At the same time, I explain to the children that, first of all, it is necessary to note what happened. As a result of such activities, students learn to objectively evaluate the answer. Practically on a daily basis I use such a form of work as mutual verification and mutual evaluation. At the same time, we necessarily stipulate the norms and evaluation criteria in advance. The stage of reflection contributes to the formation of the ability to analyze activities in the lesson.

Cognitive UUD develop at each stage of the lesson. To do this, I offer students a series of tasks in which it is necessary to find a diagram that displays logical relations between known data and the desired.

I propose to find a way to solve the difficulties that have arisen. I consider it obligatory to give the children the opportunity to independently choose tasks from the proposed ones. I regularly spend didactic games. The game allows you to switch from one activity to another. These games contribute to the formation of skills to analyze, compare, contrast.

Very often in the lessons of mathematics, the Russian language I use support schemes for solving various types of problems, symbols, algorithms.

I regularly hold various competitions and quizzes in academic subjects to identify the general outlook. Children regularly participate in Olympiads, both municipal and all-Russian.

(slide about the results of participation in olympiads and competitions different levels)

Russian Language Olympiad 2014


1st place Kirill Golotvin, Igor Buzanov, 2nd place Irma Kuznetsova, Arina Kudaeva in Russian

Olympics by physical education"World of Sports" for schoolchildren in grades 2-4


3rd place Kirill Golotvin, Maria Shevtsova, Evgeny Klimanov

Mathematics Olympiad 2014


Golotvin Kirill 3rd place, Buzanov Igor, Kudaeva Arina 2nd place

All-Russian Olympiad in Literary Reading "Pearl folk wisdom»


1st place Maria Golotvina, Kirill Golotvin

All-Russian meta-subject competition for schoolchildren "The smartest third-grader"


1st place Golotvin Kirill, Golotvin Maria

All-Russian Olympiad on the surrounding world "I want to know everything"


2nd place Arina Londareva, 3rd place Elizaveta Chuvashova, Elizaveta Panferova

For development communicative UUD I use pair or group work to teach children to cooperate. In the first grade, I show how to assign roles and responsibilities when working in a team. At the same time, I actively include each student in educational process and also encourage learning collaboration between students, students and teacher. In such joint activities students develop universal human values. In the lessons of literary reading, we very often retell texts in roles. Such creative task makes the child act together, control the actions of each other.

I told only a small part of the techniques and methods of working on the formation of UUD. Reflecting on the forms, methods of training and education, relying on their own pedagogical experience, came to the conclusion that the result will be only where the personality of each of my students comes first.

In order to study the dynamics of growth in the formation of UUD first-graders, in May 2012, I, as class teacher repeated studies were carried out using the same methods as at the beginning of the year.

Analyzing the data obtained, it became clear that many students become more communicative, they have a motivation to school life developing an interest in learning. Based on these results, I am able to build individual work with some children on the development of specific UUD.


Methods for intra-school diagnostics for grade 2 in the Internet project "Piggy bank of lessons - a site for teachers"


Work programs in subjects for teaching materials "School 2100", "School of Russia"


All-Russian pedagogical videoconference

Topic on self-education


Primary school teacher

GOU secondary school №662

Budanova Irina Vladimirovna



Many scientists, philosophers, teachers, methodologists argue that the primary school plays the most important role in education and upbringing. Here the child learns to read, write, count, listen, hear, speak, empathize. What is the role of modern elementary school? Integration, generalization, comprehension of new knowledge, linking them with life experience child on the basis of the formation of the ability to learn. Learning to teach oneself is the task in which there is no substitute for school today. The Bologna Declaration of 1999 it is noted that the modern needs of students will remain unfulfilled if the student does not acquire the status of a subject of education in the educational process.

priority goal school education Instead of a simple transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities from a teacher to a student, it becomes the development of the student's ability to independently set learning goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements, in other words, the formation of the ability to learn. The student himself must become an "architect and builder" educational process. Achievement of this goal becomes possible due to the formationsystem of universal educational activities (UUD)(FGOS 2nd generation for elementary school). Mastering universal learning activities gives students the opportunity to independently successfully master new knowledge, skills and competencies based on the formation of the ability to learn. This possibility is ensured by the fact that UUD are generalized actions that generate motivation for learning and allow students to navigate in various subject areas of knowledge.

Today UUD is attached great value. This is a set of ways of action of the student, which ensures his ability to independently assimilate new knowledge, including the organization of the assimilation process itself. Universal learning activities are skills that must be laid in elementary school in all lessons. Universal learning activities can be grouped into four main blocks: 1) personal; 2) regulatory; 3) cognitive; 4) communicative.

Personal actions allow to make the doctrine meaningful, linking them with real life goals and situations. Personal actions are aimed at awareness, research and acceptance life values, allow you to navigate moral standards and rules, develop your own life position in relation to the world.

Regulatory actionsprovide the ability to manage cognitive and educational activities by setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting their actions, assessing the success of mastering.

cognitive actionsinclude the actions of research, search, selection and structuring of the necessary information, modeling of the studied content.

Communicative actionsprovide opportunities for cooperation: the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one's thoughts, support each other and cooperate effectively as a teacher, as well as with peers.

The teacher must take into account the relationship between the level of formation of universal educational activities (UUD) with the following indicators:

Children's health status;

Progress in the main subjects;

The level of development of speech;

Degree of proficiency in Russian;

Ability to listen and hear the teacher, ask questions;

The desire to accept and solve a learning problem;

Communication skills with peers;

The ability to control their actions in the classroom.

How can a universal learning action be expressed?

In mathematics lessons, a universal educational action can becognitive action(combining logical and sign-symbolic actions), which determines the student's ability to identify the type of problem and the way to solve it. To this end, students are offered a series of tasks in which they need to find a diagram that displays the logical relationship between known data and the desired. In this case, students solve the actual learning problem, the problem of establishing a logical model that establishes the relationship between data and the unknown. And this is important step students to successfully master the general way of solving problems.

You can offer students paired tasks, where a universal educational action serve communication activities, which should provide opportunities for students to cooperate: the ability to listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions and be able to negotiate.

In order to formregulatory universaleducational action -control actions,self-checks and mutual checks of the text are carried out. Students are offered texts to check containing different kinds errors (graphic, punctuation, stylistic, lexical, spelling). And to solve this educational problem, together with the children,text validation rules,determining the action algorithm.

Sequentially moving from one operation to another, pronouncing the content and result of the operation being performed, almost all students without additional help successfully complete the assigned task. The main thing here is the verbal pronunciation by the student of the action being performed. Such pronunciation makes it possible to ensure the fulfillment of all links of the control action and to realize its content.

Verbal pronunciation is a means of the student's transition from performing an action based on the rule presented on the card in the form of text, to independently performing control, first slowly, and then quickly, focusing on internal algorithm verification methods. The success of education in elementary school largely depends on the formation of universal educational activities. Universal educational activities, their properties and qualities determine the effectiveness of the educational process, in particular, the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, the image of the world and the main types of student competencies, includingsocial and personal.The development of universal educational activities ensures the formation of psychological neoplasms and abilities of the student, which in turn determine the conditions for the high success of educational activities and development academic disciplines. If in elementary school students develop universal learning activities in full, that is, students learn to control their learning activities, then it will not be difficult for them to learn at other stages. What actions of the teacher make it possible to form universal learning actions?

1. To develop the ability to evaluate their work, children, together with the teacher, develop an algorithm for evaluating their task. Attention is drawn to the developmental value of any task. The teacher does not compare children with each other, but shows the child's achievements in comparison with his yesterday's achievements.

2. The teacher encourages children to discover new knowledge. Together they discuss why this or that knowledge is needed, how it will be useful in life.

3. The teacher teaches the children how to work in groups, the children, together with the teacher, explore how to come to single decision in group work, analyze educational conflicts and find ways to solve them together.

4. The teacher in the lesson pays great attention self-examination of children, teaching them how to find and correct a mistake. Mistakes are not punished, explaining that everyone learns from mistakes.

5. The teacher, creating a problem situation, revealing inconsistency or lack of knowledge, together with the children determines the purpose of the lesson.

6. The teacher includes children in the discovery of new knowledge.

7. The teacher teaches children the skills that will be useful to them in working with information - retelling, drawing up a plan, introduces different sources used to find information. Children are taught how effective memorization. In the course of learning activities, memory is developed and logical operations children's thinking. The teacher draws attention to common ways actions in any given situation.

8. The teacher teaches the child to do moral choice in the framework of work with valuable material and its analysis. The teacher uses project forms of work in the classroom and extracurricular activities.

9. The teacher shows and explains why this or that mark was given, teaches children to evaluate the work according to the criteria and independently choose the criteria for evaluation. According to these criteria, students are taught to evaluate their own work.

10. The teacher teaches the child to set goals and look for ways to achieve them, as well as solve problems that arise. Before starting a decision, a joint action plan is drawn up.

11. The teacher teaches different ways expressing one's thoughts, the art of arguing, defending own opinion respect for the opinions of others.

12. The teacher organizes forms of activity in which children could learn necessary knowledge and value chain.

13. The teacher and the child communicate from a position of cooperation; the teacher shows how to distribute roles and responsibilities, working in a team. At the same time, the teacher actively includes everyone in the learning process, and also encourages educational cooperation between students, students and the teacher. In their joint activities, students develop universal human values.

14. The teacher and students work together to solve problems that arise. learning problems. Students are given the opportunity to independently choose tasks from the proposed ones.

15. The teacher teaches children to plan their work and their leisure time.

The spontaneity of the development of universal educational activities is reflected in acute problems schooling: in the spread of academic performance, the difference in educational and cognitive motives and low curiosity and initiative of a significant part of students, difficulties in arbitrary regulation of educational activities, a low level of general cognitive and logical actions, difficulties school adaptation, increase in cases deviant behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to form the necessary universal educational activities already in elementary school.

Self-education topic:




Primary school teachers

Budanova Irina Vladimirovna