Method of focal objects random objects. Focal object method (FOM) (Intuitive method of finding solutions) It is used at the stage of finding directions for solving the problem

The focal object method (FOM) was proposed by the American C. Whiting. It is based on the analysis of random objects and their random features. The word "focal" in the name of the method means that the object is in the focus of attention, is considered and analyzed.

The meaning of this method is to transfer the features of several randomly selected objects to a specific object. The result is unusual combinations that allow you to overcome psychological inertia, as well as creative barriers.

Stages of the focal object method:

  • 1. Analysis of all conditions of the problem, identification of the shortcomings of the original object.
  • 2. Selecting a few random items that are not directly related to the task
  • 3. Definition and entry in the table 6-10 signs of random objects.
  • 4. Generation of new solutions by combining the features of random objects with the original object, refinement and analysis of the resulting solutions.
  • 5. Evaluation of the found solutions and selection of the best of them that meets the conditions of the problem.

Let's consider the actions of this method on a specific example.

Selected object for analysis - Wrist Watch. The purpose of applying the method is to expand the range of products of the plant to increase demand.

A selection of 3-4 arbitrary (at random from a dictionary, technical journal, book) objects (not necessarily technical ones) is made. For example, a sheet, a boat, a cage, a grid.

The next step is to compile the features of random objects presented in Table 3.

Table 3

Analysis by the method of focal objects.

Object features

Wide, narrow, flat, spatial, colored, elastic, carved, paper, metal, plastic, bright, annual, perennial

High-speed, self-propelled, controlled (inside, outside), non-sinking, signal, marine, rescue

Self-organizing, self-adjusting, non-energy intensive, living, coded, growing, biological, matrix, for animals, with life cycles

Wicker, durable, barrier, game, sound-absorbing, filtering, reinforcing, coordinate, digital, tuning, folding

The next stage is the generation of ideas by attaching features of random objects to the focal object. For clarity, the information is presented in Table 4.

Table 4

Generating Ideas with the Focal Object Method

After that, the resulting combinations are developed by free associations. Consider associations: colored watches, non-sinking, folding, self-adjusting. Can be used in marine environments; self-tuning to a wave of communication satellites; can be used in emergency situations for the purpose of rescue operations. At the same time, they are convenient and compact.

The final stage- evaluation of received ideas and selection useful solutions. Here, seriously and professionally, several good solutions that have their own merits in different conditions applications.

Focal object method (FOM) is a method of searching for new ideas and characteristics of an object based on the addition of properties of other randomly selected objects to the original object. Hence the other name random object method. Starting points of technology - associative search and heuristic properties of randomness. It is used when searching for new modifications of known devices and methods, in particular consumer goods, creating advertisements for goods, as well as for training the imagination.

The method was first proposed by Professor Berlin University F. Kunze in 1926, calling it " catalog method". Later, an American scientist became interested in his research. C. Whiting, which in 1958 first used the term focal objects", bearing in mind that the improved the object lies in the focus of the transfer of characteristics. By the way, a specialist in the field of lateral thinking also offers a similar technology. Edward de Bono calling it a "random word".

Action plan

The theoretical basis of MFIs is 6 steps algorithm, performed sequentially. This:

  1. We select the focal object - what we want to improve.
  2. We choose random objects (3-5 concepts, from an encyclopedia, books, newspapers, necessarily nouns, of different subjects, different from the original object).
  3. Definition and entry in the table 6-10 signs of random objects.
  4. Generation (development) of new technical solutions by combining the features of random objects with the original object.
  5. We develop the resulting options through associations.
  6. Evaluation of the found solutions and selection of the best of them that meets the conditions of the problem.


Lists of ideas and proposals for new modifications of the object.


The method was proposed as a means of overcoming the inertia of thinking, activating the ability to generate new ideas and find innovative solutions. The transfer of the properties of other objects that are in no way related to the original object to the object under study often gives strong answers, since it allows you to look at the conditions from a different, non-obvious angle. The application technique is simple and invariant. Another advantage of MFIs is the promotion of associative thinking.


By applying the method, there is no guarantee that you will get strong decision. Also weaknesses are unsuitability in working with complex technical problems and the lack of clarity in the choice of criteria for evaluating the ideas received.

An example of an MFI application

An object - pot(focal object). The goal is to expand the range of pans produced at the enterprises, increasing the demand for these products.

Random objects: tree, lamp, cat, cigarette.

Signs of random objects:
Wood- tall, green, bare, felled, stale, stunted, iron, bread, cork, with thick bark, with roots, sprawling, prickly.
Lamp- electric, luminous, desktop, electronic, broken, soldering, kerosene, gas, magic, matte, color.
Cat- lively, playful, fluffy, Siberian, scratching, hungry, angry, striped, sniffing, meowing, wild, domestic.
Cigarette- smoking, harmful, with a filter, with opium, crumpled, abandoned, damp, burning.

4) We attach the signs of a tree to the pan: a tall pan, a bread pan, a pot with roots, a pot with thorns; lamps: electric saucepan, broken saucepan, magic saucepan, luminous saucepan; cats:
sniffing pot, meowing pot; cigarettes: smoking pot, filter pot.

5) We develop the received ideas: a pot with roots - saucepan with a heat-insulating gasket embedded in it; broken pan - a pot divided into sections in which you can cook several dishes at the same time; sniffing pot - saucepan with indicator, which determines the burning of food; mewing pot - signaling the end of cooking etc.

you can apply this method in specific cases.

Pedagogy. The focal object method is used for developmental purposes in children preschool age(3-7 years) imagination, speech, fantasy. Various games have been created for this: from simple ones, where you need to try to combine the properties of different objects and draw what happened, to more challenging games The Inventors, Fantastic Animals.

Game "Inventors"- need to invent new buildings, vehicles, equipment, products, clothing. In general, everything that comes to mind. There is no longer a framework for the viability of the project and you can not limit your imagination. For example, take the word table. The words cat, face, plum crept up to him.

The cat is fluffy, purring, playful, hungry, sleepy, warm. It immediately arises ingenious solution- to invent a table completely covered with fur, with a built-in "purr" and heating. And ... to put such tables instead of the back desks in the classroom so that you can sleep there or just relax. Of course, the teachers will be dissatisfied... So, it is necessary to put such a table for the teacher, so that he also sleeps in the classroom. And then everyone will be happy.

A game "Fantastic Animals". It can be played with words, or you can draw, if we are talking about some qualities of appearance. For example, a horse can get peacock feathers instead of a tail, a chicken can learn to sing like a nightingale, and a fish can grow legs. Animals need to be given names - for example, "pawhorse", "chicken" and "fishlegs". Describe where they live, what they eat, how they communicate with relatives, come up with stories from their lives.

These funny Games not just develop creative thinking, they are very interesting and loved by children.

Better to use random words from different areas: technology, poetry, science fiction, natural phenomena, living objects. The words do not have to refer to the same area as the focal object itself.
When choosing properties, you should avoid banal definitions, such as: beautiful, yellow, triangular, heavy, reliable, etc. They fit almost any object, so it is highly likely that when associated with a focal object, they will not give an interesting combination. You can choose properties, signs that the object shows SOMETIMES. For example: the tractor is stuck, the wind is howling, the light bulb is flashing, the fence is dirty, rickety, the cat is hungry, the flower is full of holes.
The focal object can be separate subject, thing, product or service, and the organization as a whole or its individual divisions. When choosing a focal object, set the goal of its improvement - this will be the criterion by which ideas will then be selected.
It is necessary to write out all the variants of the received combinations, combining them into a readable phrase. For example, if the focal object is an alarm clock, then you need to write out ALL options - a hungry alarm clock, a lopsided alarm clock, etc. and consider any associations that arise.

TRIZ technology (solution theory inventive problems)

The focus of many authors is the development of cognitive activity of children, mental abilities. Everything greater place in solving this problem, the technology of G.S. Altshuller TRIZ. main idea theory lies in the fact that technical solutions arise and develop not at random, but according to certain laws that can be learned and used to consciously solve inventive problems.

The technology has been successfully used for many years in working with children at the stations of young technicians, where the second part of TRIZ appeared and began to develop. creative pedagogy. IN Kindergarten TRIZ came in 1987. The purpose of TRIZ technology is to develop in children flexible, non-standard, dialectical thinking, inventive ingenuity, creative imagination. The main thing is not just to develop imagination, but to teach children to think systematically, with an understanding of ongoing processes, to give educators a tool for developing children's qualities creative personality able to understand the unity and contradiction of the surrounding world, to solve their own problems. The starting position of technology in relation to the preschooler is the principle of the natural conformity of education. In addition, it relies on the position of L.S. Vygotsky that the preschooler accepts the curriculum to the extent that it becomes his own. Triz technology selection collective games and classes where methods and techniques developed by M.V. Lomonosov, F. Kunz, C. Whiting, adapted to work with children by V.F. Bogat, A.M. Strauning, M.N. Shusterman and others.

Methods and techniques of TRIZ technology

Focal object method;

- "mystery of the double" or revealing inconsistency in the object;

Solving fairy-tale problems and inventing new fairy tales;

- "method of little men", etc.

TRIZ technology recommends conversations with children on historical themes(the history of the invention of the wheel, pencil, etc.). Considering the object in its temporal diversity allows us to understand the reason for constant improvements and additions. Children begin to understand that inventing means solving contradictions. TRIZ technology is also successfully used on walks by children. Techniques are used that activate children's Fantasy: revitalization, dynamization, changing the laws of nature, increasing, decreasing the degree of impact of objects. What is the argument between the wind and the sun? Let's revive the wind. his mother? Who are his friends?

Characteristics of methods and techniques of technologies

Method of focal objects.

The term focal is used for an object that is in focus, the center of attention. This method allows you to set the following tasks:

Come up with something new, modifying or improving the familiar look of a real object;

To acquaint children with something new or consolidate previously acquired knowledge by considering the subject from an unusual angle;

Compose a story or a fairy tale about the object under consideration using the found definitions;

Analyze piece of art or a picture

Within the framework of the methods of focal objects, it is possible to conduct various activities with children in different age groups kindergarten.

Example 1: Introduction to the cat activity (middle group)

Educator. He studied at the school of wizards lazy. He dabbled in the classroom, did not listen to the explanations of the teacher. Once he was offered homework to make a fabulous, unusual cat. And he didn't know how to do it. I came home and began to think: what to make a cat out of? He took his favorite plate (shows the children a china plate), put it in a pan with a motor and thinks: what else to put there?

Educator. What else do you think you can put in the pan?

Children. Children name any object (or several objects) and select definitions for it.

Educator. The lazy man closed the lid, turned on the motor. Everything was mixed in a saucepan. Turned off the motor, opened the lid and sees very ordinary cats, but they ... What do you think they are,

Children. By combining the definitions of invented objects with the word cat, children name what properties this real cat should have. For example, a porcelain cat, figurine, toy.

Educator. For a long time the lazy man admired his cats. But suddenly I remembered that I need to make unusual cats. He closed the lid of his pot again, turned on the motor and said magic words. He opens the saucepan, and there... What do you think, what cats were in the saucepan this time?

Children. Children come up with fabulous cats, name their qualities based on the received phrases. Considering or changing some object, such as an apple, children arbitrarily choose another object (or two or three) that has nothing to do with it. For such a choice, pictures, toys are offered. When the subject is chosen, it needs to be given 5-10 definitions. For example, a penguin is selected. What penguin? Running, flying, jumping, daring, floating, caring. The selected definitions are substituted for the object in focus, an apple, and the resulting phrases are considered: a jumping apple, a flying apple, a running apple, a floating apple, a caring apple. Then elements are introduced into the concept of an apple that are not characteristic of it. A flying apple, he needs wings, or inflate it like a balloon, the apple is empty inside, there is only one peel left, he can easily fly. A running apple - its legs have grown. Laughing apple - it must have a mouth and eyes.

Example 2. Viewing pictures and compiling descriptive stories

Educator. The painting “A Dog with Puppies” is exhibited (from a series of paintings on the development of speech by V.V. Gerbova). First, the children are offered to pick up helper words that will tell you how to talk about the picture.

Children. Then you need to consider the picture on the leading questions of the educator and, answering them, use the definitions found.

The lion is strong, huge, formidable, red, fluffy, growling / frightening, fast, dexterous,


Sweater - new, beloved, fluffy, prickly, light multi-colored.

caregiver. Who is strong, huge in the picture?

Children. Dog,

Educator. How else does she look like a lion?

Children. She is red, fluffy, etc.

In o p and t a t e l. And who in the picture is fast, dexterous?

Children answer, then independently give a description of the picture, using the found definitions.

Children. A huge, red, fluffy dog ​​was lying near the kennel on the grass. Next to her lay a small

fluffy child, her beloved son. There was a plate of food in front of the dog and the puppy.

2. Pedagogical search. This is the main means of working with children. The teacher should not give ready-made knowledge, reveal the truth to them, he should teach them to find it. If a child asks about something, do not immediately answer him. On the contrary, one should ask what he himself thinks about this, invite him to reasoning and lead him with leading questions so that the child himself finds the answer. If he does not ask a question, the teacher must point out the contradiction. Thus, he puts the child in a situation where you need to find the answer, i.e. repeat to some extent historical path knowledge and transformation of an object or phenomenon. For example, when teaching children about the properties of a tree, a teacher might start by asking, “What would happen if there were no trees on Earth?” Children offer options for their judgments. Then ask: “What is the use of a tree?” Again, a range of answers, in which they can be repeated, but at the same time, new properties and qualities of trees are revealed. The chain of questions continues: “If a tree is so useful, can so many things be made from it, why did a person bother to mine metal, invented plastic? What properties of a tree did not like a person? Why is the tree uncomfortable? people grow forests and create parks? Are all trees the same or different? How can trees be treated? What kind of wooden objects can be named? Then experiments are carried out, during which the properties of the tree are clarified: whether it sinks or does not sink in water; burns - does not burn; passes water or not; colored or not, etc. Thus, classes are conducted as a search for truth and essence. The child is brought to the problem of the multifunctional use of wood as a substance and made clear that wood can be replaced with other materials that are used in the manufacture of dishes and furniture.

3. "The secret of the double", or the identification of contradictions. Contradictions are sought in the object, phenomenon.

The sun is good, because it shines, warms, pleases. But the sun is bad, because it dries, burns, incinerates. The beginning of the intellect is where the child sees a contradiction, "the secret of the double." The educator should always encourage him to find contradictions in this or that phenomenon. Contradictions should not be avoided, one must learn to resolve them.

4. Resolution of contradictions. For this there is whole system gaming and fairy-tale tasks. G.S. Altshuller identified 40 principles for resolving conflicts. After re-reading many folk and author's tales, we found that fairy tale characters successfully used them in resolving contradictions. Do it ahead of time. The required modification of the object is performed in advance. Going on a long journey, the heroes unwind the thread of the ball, scatter pebbles, which will then help them return. Turn harm into good. Negative factors are used to produce a positive effect. In the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Three spins" negative factor- deformities of three aunts (saggy lip, long finger, huge leg) got rid of main character from unloved work(positive result). Merging separation. Ivan Tsarevich and gray wolf managed to find rejuvenating apples only because they acted together, i.e. successfully united, coordinated their efforts.

5. Receiving copying. Instead of a real object, its optical copy is used. To catch the escaped Lyudmila, Chernomor turns into Ruslan and easily achieves his goal. And in “Rejuvenating Apples”, the Wolf uses this technique when he first turns into a horse, and then a prince. crushing principle. It consists in dividing an object into independent parts. The cartoon "Return of Kapitoshka" perfectly illustrates it. Kapitoshka crumbled into small splashes to escape from the evil aunt Wolf, and then reunited. Matryoshka principle. Based on the location of one object inside another. Koschey the Immortal hides his death on the tip of a needle, a needle in an egg, an egg in a duck, a duck in a drake, a drake in a crystal chest. The principle of color change. It consists in changing the color of an object or the external environment, the degree of transparency. In the cartoon "Octopussy", with the help of this principle, little rogues solved a lot of contradictions / For example, how to play and not wash at the same time. To do this, they asked a more clean brother to change color and wash how many times. And how to hide from dad without hiding anywhere? To do this, it is enough to repaint in the color of the carpet. Resolving conflicts over time. In the fairy tale S.Ya. "Twelve months" some months appear on the New Year's glade ahead of their time, while others - much later. The principle of changing the state of aggregation. Object goes to another state of aggregation, and from this the properties change. Kai's heart from G.Kh. Andersen's "The Snow Queen" turned into an ice floe and changed its properties: instead of good, it became evil. The mediator principle. An intermediate carrier object is used to perform the action. In the fairy tale "Goldilocks", the intermediary fly helped Irizhik to find Goldilocks among the sixteen princesses.

6. Method brainstorming. It also contributes to the development of cognitive activity. This is how brainstorming works senior group. Formation of the purpose of the lesson. Invent new furniture for dolls. Declaring a problem. There is furniture for dolls, but it is very large, there is not enough space for it in the group, small furniture is needed, but then all the dolls will not fit. Controversy: doll furniture needs to be large enough to fit the dolls in, but small enough to fit in the play area on its own. Formation of restrictions. Use the available material for the manufacture of furniture; its limited size. Message from the educator and children about the traditional solution. Furniture can be folding (folding bed), sliding (shelf, chair-bed, etc.). Identification of elements to be improved. Legs and backs of the bed and chairs; table legs; cabinet height and width, etc. Promotion of ideas. Make: folding legs, twisting; bed without legs sliding tables and chairs; multi-tiered, folding furniture; you can put a kitchen table in the closet, a bedside table in the table, a shelf in the bedside table, a table in the shelf, etc.

7. Analysis of the ideas put forward. Selection of solutions encountered in fiction. A hammock in the Golden Key, a walnut shell bed for Thumbelina, the lack of furniture at the Bremen

musicians." Selection original solutions that can be done with children. Each option is analyzed with different sides, qualities good and bad, the best for the given moment are found out. Practical implementation. Children decide what each of them will do in the labor lesson. The stages of collective work are discussed. Outcome. From a piece of fabric, the children made a hammock that is fixed on the cabinets; cushion chairs; pillowcase for storing doll things; bed-fur, carpet, warm clothes; bed overturned table or moved chairs. All furniture was placed in the back of a truck. Develop cognitive activity it is possible with the use of tasks for the development of the imagination: writing fairy tales, continuation famous fairy tales, "salad" from fairy tales, creative tasks, occupations.

For example, "Stone occupation". The stone acts as a leader and introduces children to ways

processing and use of stones. Children are told where and how the stone is used. Then they offer to dream up: “If everything around becomes stone, how will they live, what to eat ...”.

"Heartwork". In a warm, friendly environment, reveal the nature of such a moral quality as cordiality, cordial attitude towards elders, old people, close people; heart secrets; love of two hearts. Then they offer the children how to talk with their heart, ask what it needs for good work. "The Leaky Walk". Journey into a hole in the ground, getting to know its inhabitants: insects, plant roots. Space walk through a hole in the sky, walk through Milky Way. Walking on a tree, entering a hollow. "Hole" on the human body (ear, nose, mouth). The study of a person is a journey through his body. "Cooked Walk". In borscht with vegetables, getting to know them. At a construction site (who is a welder, what are the properties of the metal). A walk of a drop of water, which from a cloud falls first into the river, then into the water supply, and then into the pot on the stove. "Ice Walk" On a frozen river (what happened to the river and its inhabitants). To the ice hill, to the ice town. Meeting with the Ice Queen (competition or travel in her kingdom).

8. Use of analogy. special kind work on TRIZ technology solution of fairy-tale problems and

inventing new stories special methods including analogies.

For example, children are offered to save a kolobok from a fox, help out seven kids, save themselves from Baba Yaga, come up with a fairy tale about how, instead of a big, big turnip, a small, very small one, etc. All this work includes various types of children's activities - playing, speech * drawing, modeling, application, design, etc. You can use empathy. Children imagine themselves in the place of the observed: “What if you turned into a bush? What are your leaves whispering about? "Imagine yourself in the place ladybug. What are you living for? who are your friends? What do you like to eat?"

8.Other interesting method used in TRIZ, is synectics(W.J. Gordon, USA, 1950s). Synectics (Greek) - the union of heterogeneous elements. According to Gordon, there are two types of creative processes:

Non-operational (unmanaged) - intuition, inspiration;

Operational (managed) - the use of various types of analogies.

If a child and an adult are purposefully taught to apply analogies, then efficiency can be increased. creative thinking. For the creative process, it is important to be able to turn the unusual into the familiar and vice versa. The main thing is to see something familiar behind a new, unusual problem, situation, and,

therefore, solved known ways. Analogy happens different types: direct and fantastic.

9. Direct analogy. The object is compared with a similar object from another area, while their similarity is revealed in terms of any properties and relationships. To introduce children to a direct analogy, you can read poetry. In the world everything looks like:

Snake - on a leather strap;

The moon is huge on the round eye;

Crane - on a skinny crane.

There are several types of analogies.

Component (structural) analogy by the similarity of the elements that make up the object. Having found out the approximate structure of an object, it is necessary to find objects of a similar structure. Snow blanket, cotton wool cloud, poplar fluff flour, cotton candy foam. functional analogy. It is necessary to determine what functions the object in question performs, what does it do? Then, in the surrounding world, find an object that performs similar functions. Search should be in opposite areas. Technique nature: machine horse, donkey, worm, ant, train, centipede, bicycle, bird, leaves in the wind. Wind vacuum cleaner, fan, movement. Analogy in form, when the objects in question are similar in appearance. Icicle pencil, knife, pen, nose; lamppost giraffe, fishing rod, hook, deuce, chicken looking for chickens. Color analogy. Sun - dandelion, lamp, lemon, fox. Green leaf - cucumber, grapes, tank, car, spruce. Analogy according to a situation or according to various positions and states of a phenomenon or object. Quiet hour morning in the forest, sunset, calm before the storm. Washing spring waterfall, high water. Analogy on properties that require an answer to the question: Which one? Ball (what?) rubber nipple, galosh, bathing cap; elastic ball, umbrella, wind, chewing gum, jet. Complex analogy for

looking at one object. For example, the object being discussed is a door.

In the form: a chocolate bar, a picture, a candy wrapper.

By function: eyelids, mouth, roof, umbrella, suitcase.

By properties: wooden chest, cabinet, branch; dyed eyelids, nails, cover; light butterfly,

petal; creaky wood, chair.

By color: cloud, snow, cotton wool, ice cream.

Developing and combining various types of direct analogy, G.Ya. Bush proposed the association garland method. Garlands of analogies are formed in the form of a list of words. Starting from the original word, they make up a chain of words. Each new association is selected not by the first, but by the last word.

For example, children make a lot of noise, run, fall leaves, drops, fountain, ice, mirror, puddle, walk, children. The chain of associations can be short or long, it doesn't matter. Everyone finds the analogy that is closer to him in character, mood, temperament.

10. Fantastic analogy. When solving various problems and consolidating knowledge, a fantastic analogy allows us to abandon stereotypes, remove psychological inertia, and go a previously unknown path. She is able to transfer any situation into a fairy tale and use magic, fantastic animals, insects, aliens from other worlds to solve a problem, to get out of the situation. When you manage to find a fantastic solution to the problem, you need to understand what prevents you from solving the problem in the same way in real conditions, and try to get around this obstacle. Children will come up with unexpected ideas if they are asked to describe how they imagine a fabulous kindergarten, activity, walk, holiday, lunch, day off, play, etc. In such stories, children intuitively express their hidden thoughts and desires. Learning a new business or consolidating skills is more productive if the situation is transferred to a fairy tale. Together with the children, you can come up with a fairy tale about the upcoming business, the current situation. For example: “Porridge today is magical. It's called the "bouncer". The one who eats all the porridge will jump very well. We'll have a competition to see who can jump the farthest." Apart from listed methods development of creative thinking, TRIZ is based on various types of fine arts children: drawing, applications, modeling, designing, modeling, etc., and thus this technology contributes to the development of children's imagination, fantasy. So innovative pedagogical systems and technologies for teaching and developing preschoolers characterize preschool pedagogy as a developing science aimed at studying and understanding real pedagogical phenomena. For a professionally educated and competent teacher, knowledge pedagogical innovations will help to effectively organize the life of a preschool child.

Focal object method- a heuristic method focused on finding ideas in unexpected directions. The author of the technique is C. Whiting (1958).

The method is easy to learn, easy to apply and allows you to create a large number of innovative ideas in a very short time, which have no analogues on the market.

focal object- an object (a separate object, thing, product or service, an organization as a whole or its separate subdivision) that has fallen into the focus of our attention.

The essence of the MFI: transfer to the focal object of the properties of other randomly selected objects or phenomena.

MFI uses associative search and heuristic properties of randomness. The effectiveness of the search using this method is largely determined by the user's ability to build associative chains.

The method makes high demands on the user's imagination.

The use of randomness allows you to quickly obtain original non-standard solutions. It would take many times more time to search for similar solutions using conventional methods (sorting out options, brainstorming). The efficiency is explained by the fact that through a special procedure, various knowledge and features of random objects are focused on the object of the update (this explains the name of the method).

MFI includes the following steps:

    Determining the Change/Update Object focal object. The focal object can be a separate object, thing, product or service, an organization as a whole or its individual divisions.

    Selecting random objects. Random objects should not be related to the focal in any way. If "window" is selected as the focal object, then it is not recommended to select window sills, walls or curtains as random objects.

If a service or some “action” is chosen as a focal object, then it is necessary to choose as random objects:

    "living" objects, for example: plants, animals, professions, etc.;

    "action" objects, for example: a circus, a madhouse, a factory, etc.;

    natural phenomena, for example: thunderstorm, waterfall, fire, etc.

Determining properties of random objects selected at step 2. For random objects, it is necessary to find and write out the maximum of their properties, characteristics and functions, while trying to avoid commonly used terms such as beautiful, comfortable, fashionable, reliable, etc. These terms are suitable for almost any object and carry a large charge. psychological inertia, so there is a high probability that at the fourth and fifth steps they will give an "empty" ratio. The found parameters of random objects are formulated in one word and entered into the table automatically without hesitation.

Table 4 shows an example of filling the table for random objects. A table lamp was chosen as the focal object.

Table 4 - Table of properties of random objects

4. Associating the parameters found in step 3 with the focal object. This step is important. It is necessary to combine the focal object with all the properties of random objects, connecting them into a readable phrase, without missing a single one of them.

All variants of the obtained combinations for the considered example:

FO + A1 = fur table lamp

DO + A2 = table lamp meows

FO + A3 = jumping table lamp

FO + A4 = warm table lamp

FO + A5 = striped table lamp

FO + V1 = portable table lamp

FO + V2 = roomy table lamp

DO + B3 = table lamp knapsack

FO + V4 = leather table lamp

FO + V5 = closing table lamp

  1. Search for associative solutions to a specific problem by analogy with the relations obtained at step 4.

The most creative stage of the MFI, when it is necessary to creatively approach the consideration of each resulting phrase and not only imagine the resulting object, but also find a new application for it. At this step, you need to answer a few questions: “What happened?”, “Where can I use it?”, “Who needs it?”.

Question "What happened?", several options must be selected. If it turns out that the resulting combination is not new or is already used and is on the market, try to find another option.

For example, in a combination of FO + A4, we got a warm table lamp. You can skip this combination, because. any incandescent lamp heats up, but you can strengthen this combination and write that the lamp not only illuminates, but also heats the room or, conversely, cools it.

Question "Where can it be used?", it is possible and even necessary to offer unexpected options and places of use. For example, in combination FO + B3 = desk lamp satchel - a lamp built into a student's backpack can illuminate the road for him or serve as a warning signal for drivers when the student crosses the road, especially made in the form of a Stop sign.

Answer to the question "Who needs it?" helps to define the target audience. Who and why will "It" buy and pay for "It" money.

For example, FO + B4 = leather table lamp, you can sell it in expensive furniture stores, as an accessory for leather sofas or armchairs (on a coffee table), for cabinets (antique) made of oak or walnut.

A fur table lamp can be a decorative lamp, upholstered in fur, used in the bedroom or in the children's room, depending on the design. The buyers will be women.

Table lamp meows - can be a lamp that makes sounds, for example, with a built-in alarm clock, tape recorder or radio. Can turn lights on and off at programmed times or record conversations. Alarm lamp and radio lamp designed for the masses. The tape recorder can be supplied to the offices of commercial organizations.

A roomy table lamp can be a lamp that provides storage space for pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, erasers, rulers and other stationery. Used on desktop. Buyers are parents of schoolchildren and / or organizations.

Formulation of the ideas selected in step 5 in the form of ready-made solutions. At this step, it is necessary to write down the most interesting ideas for solving the updated product, which have passed the “test of three questions” and are unique, i.e. this idea has not yet been exploited, and there are no similar solutions on the market yet. In our case turnkey solutions updated products we can write as:

1. A lamp with a built-in electronic clock, alarm clock, radio receiver and a timer for turning on / off the light / sound.

2. Lamp-pencil case, with places for storing / placing office supplies provided in it.

A fur lamp as a product can be discarded due to the dubiousness of the idea (it can be fire hazardous) and a narrow target audience.

A tape recorder is not suitable due to the fact that listening devices are already inserted into any objects, and tape recorders with built-in lights are already on the market.

    Development of a plan for the implementation of the resulting solution.

Any method of organizational or technical design can be used in this step.


Ideas are capital that bring interest only in the hands of talent.

(Antoine de Rivarol)

All emerging problems should be solved as positively as possible, but there are not always ready-made solutions. In the course of implementing its economic activity, the management of the organization makes many decisions in all directions, searches for options to eliminate problems, and also develops methods for generating new ideas based on their organization for quick resolution similar questions.

The most common methods for generating ideas are often referred to as the following methods:

"brainstorming" and its varieties;

Individual, written, direct and massive kinds, and also known are the double method, the method with the evaluation of the idea, the reverse method, the "ship council" method, the "conference of ideas" method;

Focal object method;

Morphological analysis;

Depending on the specific problem or task, the method that will be most effective, or several methods, may be used, their cross-use often gives the highest end result.


The generation process implies a quick collection of various answers (solutions) on a specific question posed for further expert processing and predicting the effectiveness of the selected solutions.

Brainstorming is a method based on the process of generating information carried out by a group of specialists.

There are some principles that have been formed in the process of using the brainstorming method.

1. Goals and limits must be clearly defined.

2. All participants in the method should be given maximum freedom, expressed in:

Boundless freedom of ideas;

Mandatory expression of the opinion of each participant.

3. The formation of the composition of participants must be thorough, it is necessary to remember:

On limiting the number of groups;

On determining the names of specialties necessary to complete the task;

Creation of an appropriate psychological atmosphere;

On determining the level of qualification of participants;

Possibilities of targeted introduction of a dissident participant into the group.

4. It is necessary to determine in advance how the brainstorming will proceed. For example, collecting all options at each level, then evaluating the viability of each option and choosing the best one, and then "expanding" each approved option.

5. The role of the leader in the group includes the following:

The ability to create the necessary atmosphere;

Having team management skills.

In the process of using the brainstorming method in different situations in many areas of life, this method has been divided into nine types, which can be used in accordance with the requirements of the field of study. Types of brainstorming:

We can say that this method has several features, such as a high probability of conflicts, a large amount of work, as well as the dependence of the results on the professionalism of the participants.

Individual method;

Written method;

direct method;

Bulk method;

Double method;

"brainstorming" with the evaluation of ideas;

reverse method;

"ship council";

"Conference of Ideas".


When using this method, the number of participants can be reduced to a minimum, to one person. Its essence is that within ten minutes the employee must record his idea on a dictaphone or on paper, but without evaluation.

The positive effect of an individual metope is both savings and efficiency in obtaining results.


The written method is most often used when the group members are far away. Everything possible options decisions, ideas are recorded in writing and transferred to the host of this event. The effectiveness of this method is that it is possible to attract the most highly qualified specialists from one or more countries.

The disadvantages of this method include the duration of the process itself.


The direct method is characterized by the fact that its implementation is reduced to a minimum of time and a maximum of communication. In other words, the facilitator can directly ask each participant, while limiting his time and scope of research. An informal atmosphere is created in the group, which should encourage the participants to communicate and create.


home characteristic of this method lies in the fact that all global problem is broken down into its component parts and brainstorming is carried out for each part. Then a meeting of the leaders of all groups that took part in solving the problem is held, at which all the identified ideas and options for solving the problem are discussed.

When complex and mass problems"mass method" is often used as a type of "brainstorming".


This type of brainstorming is different in that it allows positive criticism. Thus, the situation is less formalized, which means that communication flows more naturally.


The shipboard method is a variation of the brainstorming method. Its main and only difference is the strict sequence of expressing one's opinion. The disadvantages of the method include the fact that after passing his turn and having already expressed his opinion, the participant does not have the right to vote and cannot add his new thoughts and ideas. Thus, the losses when using this method can be very significant for the organization.


When using this method - a kind of "brainstorming" - the whole process of finding a new idea is divided into individual stages, which must be performed correctly, otherwise the entire process will fail due to the incorrect execution of one stage. Most often, this method may contain the following steps:

Compilation of a list of all possible deficiencies that already exist, may or may not appear in the future.

Their subsequent ranking according to the level of complexity or the amount of possible damage.

The method is called inverse because it is not used to create new ideas, but to analyze existing phenomena or plans for deficiencies.


The “ideas-evaluated” method is essentially the sum of several methods: reverse, dual, and individual. This addition of the properties and qualities of the three methods allows us to solve urgent problems. The method “with the evaluation of ideas” can consist of several stages, which depend on the task set for the participants:

Idea generation;

Finding out by the participants of all sides of each idea, collecting comments and independent evaluation scores for each idea;

Selection the best options, while it is obligatory to indicate the positive and negative aspects of each option;

Discussing each option using a mini-brainstorm;

Selection from the best list of the most viable options;

Conducting presentations of each option;

Collective ranking of all remaining options.

The use of this metope is possible only if it is possible to assemble a highly qualified team with experience, knowledge and skills in certain specialties, in other words, there are increased requirements for participants.


The double method as a kind of brainstorming method differs from all other methods in that it contains an additional stage of mandatory criticism of each idea. Depending on the task, the list of stages may be different, for example:


Discussing each option put forward;

Generating new ideas based on the two stages explored above.


This method is based on the possibility of transferring randomly selected objects to the object under study, which is in the transfer focus.

The purpose of the method is to improve or develop a particular object based on obtaining a large number various options with different properties. The meaning of the method is determined by the name, i.e. “focal” literally means “being in focus”, in the center of attention. Most often, at the beginning of work, an action plan is developed and refined:

The division of the object that needs to be improved;

Clarification of the goal;

Selection of random objects;

Description of each random object by characteristic properties, featured;

Transferring properties of randomly selected objects to a given object, mixing and obtaining new properties and features;

The use of free associations to obtain new properties based on the mixing of various features and properties in the previous stages;

Written fixation of new associations and ideas regarding the task, object;

Evaluation of all received options;

Selection of viable options.

The original approach is considered to be the search and subsequent development of various combinations of G themes of free associations related to the task at hand.

TO negative aspects- impossibility of application in solving challenging tasks, as well as the complexity of parsing according to the criteria of the obtained properties for the finished object with its old properties.

As a result, when using this method, it is possible to obtain variants of the object under study that are new in their properties and qualities. The focal object method has its advantages and disadvantages. Yes, to positive qualities include the boundlessness of the search for new options, the originality of ideas, as well as ease of use.


Method Essence morphological analysis consists in the fact that the problem posed is divided by the participants in the process into more small steps, which will later be analyzed and evaluated separately from each other. In the process of analysis, all possible combinations of probable properties and principles of action are compiled, then an appropriate project is drawn up for each. It is generally accepted to use the following order of application of this method.

1. Selection necessary system and setting goals.

2. Construction of a "morphological box", i.e., coordinate axes. On the this stage there may be difficulties with the choice of the axes of the "box", in which case you can use some steps:

Expand options for coordinate axes for the "box";

Make comparisons between the found options;

Identify the main and essential properties of the axes, select those axes that meet the requirements of the task.

3. Compilation of the final version of the coordinate axes of the "box".

4. If necessary, the introduction of "universal axes", which can serve as an additional criterion in assessing options for solving the problem. For example, you can use "box" axes such as "power supply", "assignment", "match", etc.

5. Drafting graphic view a ready-made table in which it is necessary to enter all the selected data on a specific problem.

6. Selection of only those combinations that meet the specified requirements.

7. Analysis of the results obtained for all possible directions and a description of each likely situation.

There are some features of the morphological analysis of the problem. First, when compiling a morphological box, it is necessary to compare at least two objects; secondly, the participants in the process must feel and clearly understand the whole process and all the proposed components of the “box”, all the edges of the axes. And, thirdly, in the table it is necessary to introduce the concepts of "beginning", "zero", the starting point of the entire process.

The advantage of this method is that even one employee can use it if necessary to solve urgent task or a problem.

Carrying out a morphological analysis involves the construction of a two-dimensional table, in which both coordinate axes are the properties of a certain system, and the cells in this table are empty seats to write down different ideas.


The concept of "training" is most often used as a term group work of people. Initially, this concept originated in scientific psychology, but over time it has become very common in many areas of modern life, including management.

If we consider a specific "morphological box", then we can understand the essence of the action of this method. Coordinate axes are chosen ideas, in this case there will always be a direct dependence of the number of solutions on the number of ideas on both axes. If you enter the third coordinate axis, then the number of options will increase in proportion to the data of the third coordinate axis.

Training is an occupation in which a person is given the necessary skills, an opportunity is given to work them out and consolidate them.

In management, trainings are used as a way to increase the level of knowledge of employees on the job, improve the psychological atmosphere in the team, and also to identify new potentials in each person. In addition, trainings can be used to accelerate the solution of some urgent problems, issues and tasks in the workplace. Thus, the scope of training in various fields of human activity is constantly expanding and deepening.

On the this moment trainings are most often used:

To acquire missing knowledge;

To eliminate and correct some shortcomings of employees;

To consolidate the acquired skills;

To gain increased resistance to negative influences.

One of the important points of using trainings in organizations is the ability to play out a certain situation, possible consequences, and so on, to develop certain reflexes that can provide positive assistance to an employee in work and in life.

It is very common at the moment to use training as training for employees in a group, that is, a team method of working with employees in an organization is used.

Positive factors in the use and application of training in the organization are not only the increase in the efficiency of collective work, but also the contribution of an individual person to general labor, increasing the level of his professional competence, reducing the number conflict situations in the workplace, alignment of the general behavioral line of each training participant and improvement of the general psychological climate.

As a conclusion, we can say that the use of training in the activities of a person, an organization has become a permanent tool for managing life processes in the implementation of economic activities in the modern market of goods and services.


The essence of the training includes, among other things:

Improving the qualifications of specialists by developing their professional skills;

Development of organizational and managerial relations in the organization.

On the part of the organization, a balance must be found that equalizes the capabilities of employees and the organization and keeps them in the bosom of the organization.

In general, you can train in any field of production and science, therefore, any areas of life can be the subject of training. different meaning the essence of the training is invested by consumers and organizations providing business training services. For example, these organizations offer:

Achieving a new level with the help of their trainers;

Obtaining new opportunities for personal growth in the organization;

Improved communication exchange;

Other benefits depending on your level.

Therefore, when choosing a training, it is necessary to show maximum attention. The fact is that employees will be happy to receive additional training at the expense of the organization, and then they can evaluate themselves higher and leave for another. This is a natural risk, but there is no need to reduce the quality of education because of it. It is desirable to find a compromise, the terms of which could be satisfied by both parties.


The trainings have some significant differences from the well-known seminars, among which the most important ones can be named:

Active participation of training participants;

Active listening to the participants of the training;

Possibility of self-realization and self-expression of training participants.

Active participation of participants

One of the main differences between the training and the seminars is that the training participants are forced to take a very active and direct involvement during the course of the training. This provides practical skills in training and practical solutions tactical problems in the market of goods and services.

Active listening of the participants

In order to increase the effectiveness of the training, participants should not only listen to the trainer, but also think about his words, respond to them. This method is called active listening of the participants of the training. Proper use of psychological rhythm human brain trainers-consultants at trainings will provide the necessary degree of efficiency in memorizing the theoretical and practical material. Another positive feature of active listening is the ability to control thought processes and the attention of the whole group through various role playing and other methods of pedagogy.

The acquisition of such knowledge and skills helps to increase work efficiency, employees become more independent, make responsible decisions.

Possibility of self-realization of participants

If in everyday life employees cannot or do not have the opportunity to convey their thoughts, deeds to society, their colleagues and management, then at trainings such opportunities are given to each person. Very often, many people simply do not know what abilities are “dormant” in their subconscious, and with the competent help of a consultant, such abilities open up, which can lead to an increase in the employee’s self-esteem and a revision of his life positions. In addition, participation in trainings provides an opportunity to mutually exchange experience among those present at this event.


Like every event, so every training has its own problems, which are often an obstacle to fulfilling their functions, as well as improving the quality professional level. The most common problem of training centers is the lack of professionals who could conduct training activities. It is also difficult for a Russian organization to find a specialist who knows Russian developments and methods, and who does not teach traditional and innovative methods of the West, since Western methods cannot always contribute to the development of Russian business. Current position In the Russian market, it has developed so that with the growing popularity of business coaches, the level of cost of services for their professional services is reduced.

The training provides the participants with the opportunity to self-actualize.

In addition to these problems, there is another very strange problem that can last for a relatively long time: after consultation, the client may refuse recommendations AND prefers to act according to his own plan.

Lack of specialists

One of the main problems of training organizations is a clear shortage of personnel: trainers, consultants, experts. It is well known that even the most the best specialist cannot perform more work than allow human ability. It often happens that one qualified specialist is responsible for everything that is possible: for conducting trainings, for analytical work by industry, for the internal work of the organization for the collection and dissemination of training information, etc. In order for organizations to carry out their activities in the market in full and on high level it is necessary to have a mandatory resource of personnel, on the professionalism of which the process of development of many economic entities of the market depends.

The dominance of Western methods

The absence of modern domestic methods in the Russian market has led to the popularization of Western methods of conducting trainings and training employees of various organizations without adapting to the Russian realities of the market structure. On creation Russian methods time is required, and at this stage, market participants - organizations will have to use Western methods, adapting them to our conditions, introducing their own changes found by experience, in practice.

Nor is it conducive to stability that the process of solving Russian problems TO carried out using Western methods, which do not always give the desired result.

Devaluation of consultant services

In the Russian market of goods and services, against the background of the emergence of new types of organizations providing training services, the level of demand for this (new!) service is decreasing. This is probably due to the fact that not all subjects of the market economy have yet realized the need to use these services. Organizations refuse to provide their employees with the opportunity of on-the-job training and pay from their budget, content with university diplomas. Hope that you can take advantage of temporary free consultations of foreign specialist consultants has a negative impact on the development of the consulting business in Russia.

Conducting analytical work in an organization with subsequent training for employees is not always effective. Such cases are not uncommon in the Russian market of goods and services: significant financial resources are spent, but for certain reasons (distrust, self-confidence or simple misunderstanding) the results obtained are not used, which could in most cases increase the efficiency of the organization.


The very concept of "self-learning in an organization" implies independent work employee to improve their level of education, relying on the help of colleagues and management. The value of this method of employee training is already known in practice, it is widely used in many areas of life, constantly expanding its capabilities at all levels of management. Depending on the type of activity of the organization, the process of self-training of employees on the basis of the organization may be different, but the general principles are always the same. Thus, the self-learning process can be represented as several successive stages, for example:

Statement and description of the problem;

Conducting active listening to the problem host;

Search for solutions to the problem by the method of "brainstorming" and the use of someone else's experience;

The decision-making process of the owner of the problem;

Implementation of positive feedback.

After the problem has been named and all its components have been determined, you can proceed to the next step - this is a search necessary resources.

Using the technique of active listening allows you to increase the level of losses in trade, increase the volume of orders, as well as conquer new niches in the market for goods and services.

Statement and description of the problem

The problem statement process and its subsequent description is the first step in the problem solving chain. Only after understanding and identifying the problem can one make next step towards the result. The essence of the problem statement is to understand the difference between the present, current position cases and the desired level to be achieved. In addition, it is necessary to understand the fact that the problem itself is not some kind of nuisance that has the status of unsolvable, and no one should be blamed for it. It is advisable to look for resources to solve the problem among the available resources in the organization, i.e. use your own resources. In the case when there are not enough own resources, it is necessary to look for and use third-party resources, that is, other people's resources, for example, someone else's experience in solving a similar problem.

Active listening

Active listening deserves closer scrutiny than mere interest, if only because it is universal in its application. This technique can be used in any sphere of life, including professional and everyday life. Technique " active listening” most often includes several steps that reveal the entire process of using this technique.

The listener should not talk much and give advice;

The listener should be patient, should not rush to end the conversation;

The listener should not express aggression, should not pretend in his own statements.

It is necessary to create a relaxed atmosphere for communication. The second step is to use the stage of counter-questions on the topic under discussion. However, it must be remembered that some questions can stop the conversation and a solution to the problem will not be found, so there is no need to use criticism or argue.

The advantages of the "active listening" technique are few, but undeniable: saving work and personal time for both parties, no transfer of the problem to other hands, gaining skills self search problem solving, and strengthening discipline.

Against the backdrop of a relaxed environment, the employee will quickly state the essence of his problem.

It is advisable to use all possible verbal and non-verbal methods of communication so that the employee clearly understands the sincere interest in his problem.

"Brainstorming" and someone else's experience

The next step in the overall sequence should be the search for solutions using brainstorming methods. All group members must express all possible and impossible ideas on the designated topic within a certain period. As additional help when searching for solutions, the experience of the group members present is used, since there is a high probability that one of the participants already has some experience in solving problems in a similar area or has some information on this topic. positive effects are economy, enhanced opportunities for finding a solution to the problem, as well as extracting additional results from the work of the group, for example, obtaining new information, new cooperation, enrichment with other people's experience.

Decision making process

Based on the collected material regarding a specific problem, it is possible to select the most viable and interesting options for solving the problem or problem. Often there are several such options, and there may be some competition between them, i.e. the selected options must be subjected to additional processing and analysis. Most often, a repetition of the previous stage is used - conducting a "brainstorming" and using someone else's experience of the group members present. When re-analyzing, the main solution option is selected, and in the "reserve" it is necessary to leave those options that score very high. high scores in the process of evaluating all proposed solutions for consideration.

As a result, in a short time, not a general solution to the problem appears, but several working and several backup options.

The final stage is called feedback, tan pai, according to the laws of psychology, any result must be reinforced only with positive emotions.

positive feedback

After all participants of the self-study group have spoken, the moderator (leader) must consolidate the effect positive statements participants to the address of the problem host.

There are several reasons for the formation of positive feedback from all participants:

Increasing confidence in your professional opportunities;

Strengthening the inner human self-consciousness;

Increasing the level of motivation, searching for new guidelines in the process of work.


The main advantage of this method is that in group communication the hidden capabilities of all participants are revealed, some knowledge is supplemented by others, there is an exchange of practical and theoretical, as well as life experience. The trainer performs several functions: leads the event, controls the behavior of all participants in the training, and is also a lecturer, etc. This method is common in organizations that constantly need to train employees in new skills. This is relevant in case of high staff turnover, in connection with the expansion of the structure or a change in activities, for other reasons.

"Training with a trainer" usually involves communication in a group.


The basis of the method of analogies is the principle of borrowing similar ideas from completely different areas and spheres of life and science. In order to use the method of analogies in practice, it is necessary to carry out the following steps:

Identify the root cause of the difficulty; bring it as close as possible to the form of understanding by specialists in other areas of science and production;

Define goals and limitations;

Find and identify related areas of science and production;

Organize a group of specialists;

Organize the brainstorming process;

Select solutions from total mass proposed.