How can people help the earth. Washing and washing with natural products

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Municipal budgetary educational institution average comprehensive school No. 16 Karpinsk 2012 Completed by: Potapenko Kirill, student of grade 3 A Head: Matveeva Marina Ivanovna MOU secondary school No. 16 teacher primary school HOW CAN I HELP THE PLANET?

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INTRODUCTION Our planet Earth was formed billions of years ago. Lush greenery, clean air, crystal clear clear water in the seas and oceans - such was our planet.

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Time has passed. And what do we see now? Poisoned seas and oceans. The polluted air we breathe. Soil contaminated with pesticides, radioactive waste.

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Why did it happen so? After all, at the very beginning of the birth, the planet was clean! I consider my topic relevant, since all natural environment needs our protection, our help! If we do not immediately help nature, it will die. What will be left on Earth? I want to help the planet return to its original state by doing everything in my power. Man mastered and changed the world around him, without thinking about the consequences. Pollution of air, water and soil is the result of human activity!

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1. Collect and study information about global problems ah planet, about the ecological situation in my city. 2. Determine the area of ​​the Earth where I can be useful. 3. Learn to see distress signals coming from plants, animals, etc. 4. Develop an action plan aimed at improving the ecological situation of the Earth. 5. Analyze the information received and draw conclusions. I want to breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat healthy food and therefore, the purpose of my research: to find out how I can help the planet CHALLENGES

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HYPOTHESIS If I help nature, protect its wealth, I will help the planet on which I live. The OBJECT of the study is the ecology of the planet Earth. THE SUBJECT of research is the help that each person can provide to improve the ecology of the Earth MY WORK PLAN 1. Go to the library, read articles from encyclopedias and books, remember the lessons of the world around us, watch films about the global interesting information in the Internet". 2. Meet people in the city who know about the condition environment Karpinsk. 3. Start keeping a "Help the Planet" research diary to record "nature's distress signals" and how to deal with them.

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Research methods: analysis of literature and films, interviews, conversations with adults, observation, comparison, keeping a research diary. Buraev Photos

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Environmental problems Water pollution Discharge of industrial and domestic waste Oil pollution Air pollution Industrial, transport and household emissions Fires Soil pollution Overabundance of chemical fertilizers Garbage burning Decrease in biodiversity Environmental pollution Deforestation Poaching Forest fires DIARY OF RESEARCH Having studied the information in books, magazines, the Internet, watching the film "Planet Earth", I learned about the global problems of the Earth. One of the global problems is the environmental problem. I believe that this problem is the most important, because if a person treats nature carelessly, this can lead to the extinction of life on Earth Global problems - problems concerning all mankind. Ecology is the science of the relationship of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment.

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There are environmental problems in every country in the world, because the pollution of nature in one country affects the nature of other countries. winds, sea ​​currents Groundwater carries pollutants over long distances. Many issues of nature protection are solved by the efforts of many countries. Causes environmental issues Industrial enterprises Air pollution Water pollution Plant and animal decline acid rain Deforestation Decline in plant and animal populations Air pollution Decreased biodiversity Vehicle emissions Deforestation

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Oil Production Damage earth's crust Pollution aquatic environment Death of marine and terrestrial animals Forest fires Soil pollution Air pollution Decrease in the number of plants and animals

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The most environmentally friendly dirty countries peace. Russia India Philippines USA China The most environmentally friendly clean countries peace. Switzerland Costa Rica New Zealand

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THE MOST DIRTY CITIES IN THE WORLD Chernobyl (Russia) Sumgayit (Russia) Vapi (India) Haina ( Dominican Republic) Tianzhin (China) RUSSIA Moscow St. Petersburg Chernobyl Dzerzhinsk Norilsk URAL Asbestos Nizhny Tagil Magnitogorsk

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THE CLEANEST CITIES IN THE WORLD Calgary (Canada) Honolulu Helsinki RUSSIA Severodvinsk Tchaikovsky Saransk

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People around the world solve the problems of environmental pollution. Ways to solve environmental problems. 1.Creation of plants for the processing of solid waste (garbage) 2. Installation of gas and dust collection plants at enterprises. 3. Creation of treatment facilities. 4. The use of wind turbines and solar panels for energy production. 5. Production of electric vehicles, vehicles powered by solar panels. 6. Use of surfactants (cleaners) in oil spill areas. 7. Improvement of the soil condition by introducing peat, zeolite 8. Protection of forests - the lungs of the planet. 9. Creation of reserves, national parks. 10. "Red Book". 11. The work of the organization "GREENPEACE"

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Having learned about the problems that exist on the planet, I thought: “Can I help the Earth? The planet is so huge, and I?

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I’m still small, I don’t know how to build treatment facilities, I won’t be able to protect all animals and plants on Earth, it’s not in my power to decide global issues". I decided for myself to define the boundaries of the Earth, where I can really help nature - today - this is my city.

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I addressed my question "How can I help the planet?" to adults who know about the environmental problems of our city. Meeting with a candidate biological sciences Buraev Mikhail Erikovich, school geography teacher Irina Yuvenalievna Yaroshuk, having interviewed the ecologist of our city Kazachenko Maria Stepanovna, I learned about the problems of our city: 1. One of the main problems of our city is soil pollution. Pollution is assessed as hazardous! There are many spontaneous dumps of household waste in the city. forest areas, in areas where collective gardens and garages are located 2. Air pollution - 2535.5 t/g The air contains a high content of radioactive gas radon. Soil is the main source of radioactive gases. In terms of air pollution, Karpinsk is not classified as a risk zone. Since 2008, coal-fired boiler houses have been completely suspended in the city. 3. Water pollution. The water of the Turya River is characterized as "dirty". Wastewater due to the insufficient degree of purification at the treatment plant, they are characterized as insufficiently purified. 4. Growth of oncological diseases - 1st place in Sverdlovsk region. Buraev Photos

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Advice that adults gave me: 1) Since one of the main problems of our city is waste, we should try not to throw garbage, not to set fire to garbage heaps when cleaning the territory, not to litter the rivers with garbage, to actively participate in cleaning the city. 2) Since we have in the city elevated level radon, you need to take care of your health: - drink medicinal teas from herbs and berries - there are natural products grown in our region. 3) Feed the birds in winter (they greatly affect the ecological situation in the city) CONCLUSIONS: 1. The problems of our city and the whole world are the same. 2. Scientists of the world, ecologists are engaged in solving these problems, but today it is impossible to solve all the problems. 3. I realized that I need to be more attentive in nature, to see the "distress signals" that she gives and to help nature, if it is in my power.

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In the summer I started a diary "Help for Nature". (See the diary in the appendix). In it, I began to record the "distress signals" of nature and my help to her.

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My help to the Planet June July August September October November December January Help in planting shrubs and trees in the garden Change all the lamps in the apartment to energy-saving ones Solution: Do not burn the leaves, but put them in a container If possible, refuse transport, ride a bicycle or walk. (Benefits) for air and health) Refusal of chemical fertilizers Saving plastic bags (saving water) At home, we try to refuse chemical. dishwashing detergents (replace with mustard) 1. Save water. 2. Made water saving warning pictures. I watch the taps at home, at school (I close the taps if the water just flows) I hung signs at school “In 1 minute ...”, “Do not forget to close the taps” Refusal of chemical fertilizers Saving polyethylene exhaust bags (in order to reduce soil pollution) Cleaning the area around at home, in the garden. Solution: Do not burn the leaves, but put them in a humus container. Cleaning the area near the house, in the garden. I feed the birds. Bird house in the garden Restoration of the anthill Conversation with the guys before the hike "Behavior in nature" Help in planting shrubs and trees in the garden 1. Made feeders 1. Promotion "Feed the birds in winter." 2.Designed environmental newspaper Birds are our friends. Assistance in planting shrubs and trees in the garden. Helping to care for indoor flowers. Collection of medicinal herbs. Harvesting berries and herbs for the winter.

The trend of the new millennium is conscious consumption and economical use natural resources. How to make the planet cleaner and save from garbage?

Admit it, the ecological situation is horrifying, uncontrolled garbage cemeteries, our indifference and haste. What will we leave to our children and descendants? The question is not rhetorical, but demanding cardinal changes in our minds.

If you think that taking the first step is hard and you don’t have enough motivation, then you are deeply mistaken. Put economy, cleanliness and then the global cleansing of the planet at the forefront of your priorities - this is a strange and contradictory set 100% works! Every miracle starts with small steps!

1. Replacing plastic bags with fabric bags and bags

The solution to the problem came from vegans. It was they who had the first fabric bags and bags in the shops. Let's analyze the pros and cons. Now you can get rid of the numerous bags in the bag, free up the bowels of the kitchen cabinet or the space under the sink! It is there, most often, that the deposits of packages are stored.

A lightweight cotton fabric bag fits perfectly in even a small women's bag, is much stronger and more durable than a bag, and, importantly, is more environmentally friendly. The only "but", it requires washing and drying. Perhaps this is the only negative and concern for the owner.

2. Using batteries and rechargeable batteries

If you can’t refuse to use batteries, then bet on proper disposal and purchase batteries that only need to be recharged periodically. Recycling will allow you to quickly recycle the material, and rechargeable batteries will significantly save the family budget.

3. Down with household chemicals - we are looking for an environmentally friendly alternative!

Modern household chemicals make life much easier for a woman, simplifying and speeding up household chores. The only reason we refuse chemicals is food and skin allergic reactions. Unfortunately, every year there are more and more such complaints. How to solve it? We will use "grandmother's" means and proven methods. To do this, you need vinegar, lemon juice, mustard for washing dishes, soap root for washing. A kit that saves many allergy sufferers! After spending only 5-10 minutes, you can find a lot of recommendations and tips on the ratio of ingredients.

4. Disposable bottles are a thing of the past, we are looking for a replacement!

Certainly, plastic bottles- it is very convenient, they are light and have a different volume, but the used plastic decomposes up to 500 years! Unless it is a biodegradable material, such a discarded bottle takes much less time to decompose - about a year.

What came to replace the usual disposable plastic? Containers made of biodegradable material, bottles with built-in filters, soft reusable bags, and the list of eco-innovations is updated daily.

5. Install the water sprayer on the faucet

We often use tap water completely thoughtlessly. Did you know that only morning routine, brushing your teeth and washing up to 5 liters of water. And during the day, one person can take up to 250 liters. It's scary to think how much water is wasted if the family is large, and even with a small child! Washing dishes, cleaning, showering family members…

We do not call for saving on hygiene, but only for consciousness. After all, you can turn off the water while you are washing or brushing your teeth, do not run the washing machine with 2-3 things, and one more tip - install aerators, special nozzles for taps. They reduce water consumption by 50% and modern models and additionally purify the water from terrible impurities!

6. Looking for a new use for old things

How hard it is sometimes to part with your favorite things, agree. But sometimes a strict revision is still required in cabinets and living space. Something can be given as a gift to the needy, unnecessary, but valuable - to sell, send something "courageously" to the scrap, and donate something new life in the apartment or in the country!

Pots perfectly turn into flower pots, broken dishes into a skillful panel in the country, bright rugs can be made from old T-shirts. Wake yourself up immediately creativity and sleeping genius, let me create and get up!

Do not flatter yourself with the illusion that someday you will lose the hated 10 kilograms and fit into a dress or jeans 15 years ago. Charitable foundations, shelters, churches will gratefully accept your old clothes. The main thing is to bring it in a good, washed form, and give it back with with a pure heart!

7. We help shelters and “adopt” a new family member

Animal shelters are a headache not only for animal rights activists, but also for their owners who are trying to help four-legged homeless children. How to help them make their city safe and clean?

We cannot influence the increase in the number of animals, but we can help with money and medicine, or shelter a little friend. Alas, he will not have a rich pedigree and he will not be able to show off at the exhibition either, but you will gain a reliable friend.

8. Install the motion sensor

Everyone associates motion sensors with foreign films and institutions where security is strictly monitored. We assure you that such innovations are appropriate for apartments and country houses. Sensors will significantly save energy consumption by almost 70%. With simple mathematical calculations, you will understand that the cost of purchasing and installing the device quickly pays off! Why pay more?

9. Sorting garbage

Properly recycled waste in Europe and Japan makes it possible to heat houses, generate electricity, and receive new items of use. Fortunately, we, too, are developing innovative ways to recycle. You just need to learn and help. As a standard, collection points accept separately plastic, glass, paper, hardware, food waste, lamps and batteries go separately. By the way, did you know that expired medicines should not be thrown away in a twisted form? Required, go pour it down the drain and wash the bottle, or mix the tablets with crushed food waste.

10. Brewing instead of tea bags

An incredible number of various flavored bags delight us during a five-minute break and cheer us up. Here you have aromas with the smell of chocolate, and with mango and strawberries, how can you refuse such a temptation? It is possible and necessary! Tea connoisseurs unanimously claim that tea bags are the worst evil. And the point is not that there is practically no tea in the bags, but that they decompose for a very, very long time.

Give preference to brewed tea, it is more useful and fragrant, and you only need a couple of minutes more time for brewing.

Who would have thought a hundred years ago that the Earth would be in danger? Moreover, the danger is the fault of the people themselves! Unfortunately, back in the 80s of the 20th century, scientists observing the state of the environment began to sound the alarm.

For about thirty years now, the question of the safety of the planet, as well as its salvation from destruction, has been acute. What is happening, is it possible to fix everything, how to live in harmony with nature and with each other? You will find answers to all these questions below.

What was the planet before...

The Lord created the Universe, stars, planets, satellites. But at the same time he chose the only planet, on which there should be life - this is the Earth. At first there was water, then land gradually appeared, and continents formed. Then the planet began to fill with flora and fauna. The first people appeared. As is known from history, they obtained food from bushes, plants, used herbs, hunted animals. Later they began to build houses from natural raw materials. But this did not worsen the ecological situation. Why? Because man took only what nature gave.

At present, disputes about how old the planet Earth is do not stop. In fact, you need to think about something else: how to protect it from destruction through the fault of people. We must go back to history to understand what our mistake is.

Comparison of past and future

Since ancient times, people have used the material that they found around them: stone, earth, water, plants. Stone, earth were used in construction, and water and plants were used more for food. Of course, if waste was formed, then they decomposed naturally or again became a full-fledged object of nature.

Also did not exist powerful technology for the extraction of oil, ore from the depths of the earth. In addition, horses with chariots, carts or wagons were always used as transport. There were no factories. There were more villages than cities. The only thing that could disturb ancient scientists, especially astronomers, is meteorites, which from time to time fly past or almost above the surface of the Earth. But, of course, even now it is impossible to create conditions for the safety of the planet, it is very difficult to control the elements, especially those of huge masses and sizes.

Further, it should be noted that never before the 19th-20th centuries were any devices capable of causing harm created. There were no power plants, facilities nuclear power. People have always used what they have: they need lighting and heat - they make a fire, they need to wash themselves - they bathe in the cleanest reservoirs and so on.

Modern furnishings

The third millennium is an era not only information technologies, but also ecological crisis. There are very few places left in the world that are untouched. human hand. In addition, with winds and precipitation, toxic substances are carried through the air, settling everywhere.

The first and most global man-made disaster occurred in 1986 during the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Within a radius of more than two hundred kilometers, the earth was contaminated with radiation particles that could not only kill all life, but also be transported with rain and wind to other regions.

The automotive industry also began to actively develop. If at the end of the 80s of the 20th century not all people could buy a personal car, now one person can have two of them, and a family can have as many as five! But what harm do cars bring? It's about about the exhaust gases that fly into the air. To understand how millions of cars pollute the environment in a metropolis, you need to go for a few days to nature, far from settlements where the purest air. If you start a car engine in such a pristine place as a forest and a field, you can feel bad smell exhaust polluting the environment. Now imagine that in the cities we only breathe fumes, we just got used to it! Therefore, the security of the planet is at risk.

Due to multiple CO2 emissions ( carbon dioxide) temperature in locality much higher than it should be. After all, from the engine internal combustion escaping through the exhaust pipe harmful impurities with hot air. Why is there a difference of 5 or even 10 degrees Celsius? Because the exhaust gases of cars, the walls of high buildings made of reinforced concrete, the fumes and smoke from factories, thermal power plants heat up the air a lot. Global warming is another environmental problem that can slowly but surely lead to the death of all living things.

If you plunge into the past again, you will notice that our ancestors traded things, products by weight, or prepared environmentally friendly packaging. There were no plastic bags, no cling film, no wrappers. There were also no plastic bottles. All these materials artificial origin- incombustible, indestructible. In addition, they are produced in large quantities. Modern people throw them in landfills, leave them in nature. Thus, the garbage becomes more and more.

There was a lot of noise:

  • transport,
  • music,
  • construction equipment,
  • cleaning units and so on.

In addition to the above, there are many more factors that destroy nature. It is worth talking about each of them separately, and at the same time we will think together how each of us can save the Earth.

Instead of a car and a motorcycle - a bicycle

Any modern transport (car, bus, motorcycle) creates an unfavorable environment, not only polluting the air, but also creating noise. Many people are tired of such sounds up to the deterioration of their health. Once in Europe, an idea was proposed: on one holiday, to ban travel around the city by a private car if you have a bicycle. This idea was picked up by many citizens.

If all physically healthy and able-bodied people agreed to work/study in good and warm weather to ride a bike, then one could enjoy the silence. Of course, it is impossible to clean the air from exhaust gases in a few days, but it can be prevented. further destruction environment, up to global warming.

In addition, a bicycle is not just a transport, it will help improve well-being and improve health.

We throw garbage only in the container

In any settlement there must be garbage containers, tanks and trash cans. Each person undertakes to throw away even a small mote in a specially designated place.

Unfortunately, there are two problems:

  1. The amount of expected garbage is much more than containers and bins.
  2. There are people who are not accustomed to keeping a used item with them until they can throw it in the trash can.

In addition, the amount of indestructible garbage is becoming more and more in forest plantations, in glades and in forests. It has been stale for years in the same place, rotting.

Remember that our home - the planet Earth, is unique! This is nowhere else! Life is given to us so that we create it, not destroy it. Learn to clean up after yourself everything that you want to leave after picnics, swimming, hiking. Agree, how insulting and bitter it will be if you want to come, relax in nature, where there is a forest, cleanliness, birds sing, but there is rubbish all around! If it is there, do not join, do not add your "mite".

Burning environmentally friendly items

Do not leave paper bags, matchboxes and other combustible items that do not pose a danger to people and the environment. It is better to burn them where the risk of ignition of nearby places is minimal, for example, on bare ground among stones and near a reservoir.

Of course, smoke is not very good, but as they say, there is no smoke without fire. People have used fire at all times. And if it is used wisely, observing safety precautions, then you can help nature, and not harm it.

The preservation of life on Earth depends entirely on us - people. How more benefit we bring to nature, the more chances to save it. But, unfortunately, the lost cannot be returned.

Disposal of household items

It is difficult to imagine now a house that does not have any household appliances at all. At least a stove and a refrigerator can be found in every residential sector. But over time, technology deteriorates. If it cannot be adapted to other needs, the question of disposal arises. As a rule, in our country, people take large items to a landfill.

In many highly developed countries there are special points for the disposal of any equipment. But, unfortunately, it is not possible to completely and safely destroy an unnecessary device or unit. Therefore, there are only three options:

  1. Recycling to make a new item/material.
  2. Parsing for your own needs.
  3. Landfill disposal.

If the first two points will help to significantly save the planet's resources, then the last one only hurts.

A very important factor should be noted: environmental disasters occur due to the release of radioelements, electromagnetic devices, batteries and other items containing toxic chemicals into the environment.

About the dangers of smoking

Many have already heard that it is very harmful to smoke, as tobacco destroys health. But it's not just that. If earlier cigarettes and pipes were made on the basis of environmentally friendly raw materials, now various chemicals are added to tobacco products in order to save on real tobacco.

In metropolitan areas, there are more and more smokers who use the same low-quality product that has practically nothing to do with tobacco. Not only is the air poisoned by exhausts, it also adds tobacco smoke. Thus, not only smokers suffer, but also non-tobacco people, animals, birds and plants.

A person on Earth exists in order to take what is available: herbs, trees, shrubs, mushrooms, to build houses from stone. But he went further, he wanted to become a powerful master in order to be richer in terms of creating a technosphere. But the richer a modern person is, the poorer our planet is.

Washing and washing with natural products

Famous laundry soap, soda, sand and sea ​​salt displaced dishwashing liquids, perfumed laundry detergents and detergent solvents, as well as various paints and varnishes. All these substances are always poured into a drain pipe or directly onto the ground.

To reduce the use of harmful household chemicals, it is better to use natural remedies.

Oil products

In the automotive industry, railway and factories of any transport equipment use flammable liquids from oil. Any of these materials easily penetrates the soil, spreading deep into. There is pollution groundwater. In addition, enterprises not only consume the aboveground part of the water, but also create emissions into it and into the air.

The safety of the planet directly depends on how often people pour oil products and various chemicals into the soil. If the process is not stopped, then in 20-40 years the earth will become uninhabitable.

Processing and fertilizing plants in the garden

On a par with petroleum products substantial harm apply pesticides, artificial fertilizers, which are used by gardeners, summer residents, as well as workers Agriculture, farmers.

Penetration toxic substances into the soil can be compared to environmental catastrophe. The fact is that poisons continue to remain in the upper layers of the soil for a very long time, harming the health of those who eat food, herbs grown in such areas.

Therefore, it is better to do either without fertilizers at all, or to use natural raw materials, for example, ash, manure.

Energy saving

Power plants operate on full power creating an unfavorable environment for the environment. This is especially true for overloads on the line, for example, in winter, when it gets dark early.

To reduce electromagnetic and thermal radiation, reduce the risk of accidents at nuclear power plants, should save energy. Currently, energy-saving lamps are in great demand.

Safety from electromagnetic radiation should also be observed at home, in the workplace. Do not leave appliances, lights on, if nothing is in this moment not used.

The Earth and the Sun are the main sources of energy that have been used since the dawn of life. sunlight should be used by contemporaries while working, reading. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to create premises with the largest number windows.

Reducing radiation from household appliances

Microwaves, cell phones, laptops, computers are the most important sources of electromagnetic radiation that negatively affect health, mood and energy in general.

To protect yourself and loved ones from excessive radiation, it is better to use:

  1. Gas stove instead of multicooker, microwave oven.
  2. One laptop instead of many different office equipment.
  3. Read real books instead of e-readers.
  4. Wash clothes by hand instead of a washing machine.
  5. Use a cloth and water when cleaning instead of a vacuum cleaner.

Of course, with the current pace of life, it is impossible to apply absolutely all the recommendations, but this will help to avoid the progression of a man-made disaster, which occurs quietly, imperceptibly.


It is very important for living beings to be in an environment where there is no man-made noise. Modern appliances, tools create a lot unpleasant sounds that irritate others, scare animals and birds.

You should switch to silent devices. For example, instead of a lawn mower, purchase an ordinary scythe, replace a chainsaw with a hand saw.

A person on Earth feels comfortable and safe only when he is surrounded by a calm and quiet environment: the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves, the wind, the splash or sound of water, and so on.

Medicines and cosmetics

The pharmaceutical industry produces various synthesized drugs in non-flammable packages, which also fill landfills. The same goes for cosmetics.

Nature walks and rules of conduct

The ability to appreciate nature, to love the Earth and the Sun, to enjoy what is, always gives a feeling of joy, happiness.

It is very important when walking in nature to take care of the world around you. Do not break and burn what is still alive. You can not kill for your own benefit birds and animals, which are becoming less and less. Under no circumstances should fires be lit where there is a risk of fire.

About love for our planet

You can sometimes see slogans: "Love our home - planet Earth!". But not everyone understands what needs to be done. In addition, you need to have willpower to leave those familiar things that greatly spoil the environment and health.

Deal alone with man-made disaster impossible, but if joint forces take action, then perhaps the next generation will be able to live in more favorable conditions.

Large scale planetary conservation

Even schoolchildren are aware of the dangers of industrial facilities, but it is almost impossible to completely ban them and eliminate them, at least for moral reasons. After all modern man it is very difficult to move from technology to manual labor.

If all the plants and factories were closed in the world, throwing tons of waste into the environment every day, they would ban the passage of modern vehicles, then, perhaps, the state of the planet has improved, the ozone layer has been preserved.

How old is the planet Earth, and it continues to exist even in the most harsh conditions. Over the course of many millions of years, geophysical processes take place, sometimes meteorites fall.

Both natural phenomena and man-made accidents harm all living things. Therefore, we are faced with the task of how to protect ourselves:

  • space security of the planet (protection against meteorites);
  • environmental safety (reduction of environmental pollution);
  • spiritual and moral values ​​(cessation of wars, internecine strife, terrorism).

Remember that everything is only in our hands. Together we can do a lot to stop the destruction of the planet.

Do you care about the health of our planet and what are you willing to do to save it? With daily bad news about global warming, shallow oceans and endangered animals, it's hard to know where to start. You may think that there is not much one person can do, but there are actually so many ways to help. Check out Step 1 to learn how changing your personal habits and educating those around you can make a big difference.


Respect for water

    Take good care of the water in your home. Waste of water is one of the most significant actions by which people affect the health of the planet. You can start taking action right now to reduce your water intake. If you live in a water scarce region, this is even more important for the health and prosperity of your region. Try to check maximum amount items on this list:

    • Check if you have water leaks. If there is, fix it. A leaky valve can be wasted a large number of water.
    • Install on faucets and in bathrooms in water saving devices. Installing a low flow shower head is a good place to start.
    • Do not wash dishes with the water constantly on. Use a method that uses less water to wash dishes.
    • Shut off access to water in the dishwasher to avoid leaks. It doesn't have to be on all the time.
    • Replace old toilets with new ones that use much less water.
    • Use only fully filled dishwashers and washing machines. If they are only half full, this will lead to water loss.
    • Don't use too much water to water your lawn.
    • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  1. Reduce the amount of chemicals you use. The chemicals we use to bathe, clean the house, wash the car, and anywhere else are washed away and soaked into the ground or grass, ending up in the plumbing system. Because many people use harsh chemicals, they cause significant damage to waterways and aquatic life. For humans, chemicals are even more dangerous, so do everything in your power to reduce their use. Here are some ways:

    • Find out about alternatives to home cleaning products that don't contain dangerous chemicals. For example, a 1:1 mixture of white vinegar and water works just as well for almost every type of cleaning as their shop products. Baking soda and salt are also cheap, non-toxic cleaning products.
    • If it is not possible to find an alternative to a chemical agent, try to use as little as possible. required amount to achieve the required cleanliness and disinfection.
    • Instead of using chemical-laden shampoos and soaps, try making your own.
    • Instead of using pesticides and herbicides, try to get rid of weeds and pests naturally.
  2. Dispose of toxic waste the right way. Paint, machine oil, ammonia, and a host of other substances should not simply be washed onto the ground or grass. They will penetrate deep into the earth and will be in groundwater. Contact local treatment facilities to find out the location of the nearest toxic waste dump.

  3. Help find water pollutants. Even one single person can do a lot to keep the water clean. Very often the culprits of water pollution are enterprises and industries. Citizens interested in protecting the environment should discuss and find ways to protect themselves from pollution.

    • Join a local conservation organization to help clean water in your area, whether it's a river, lake or ocean.
    • Contact Representatives local authorities to discuss your views on keeping water clean.
    • Be a volunteer and help clean up the beaches and river banks.
    • Involve other people in the cleanup of waters in your area.

Help to protect animals

  1. Make your home a paradise for flora and fauna. Due to the progress of mankind, all kinds of animals, from birds to deer and insects, have lost their homes. You may have seen birds bathing in oily pools and deer roaming the outskirts of settlements simply because they have nowhere else to go. If you have a little free space, be hospitable to those animals that need help. You can make your home more pet-friendly by:

    • Plant shrubs, flowers, and trees that can attract forest dwellers.
    • Hang a bird feeder and drinker that always contains clean water and food.
    • Let snakes, spiders, bees, bats and other creatures to live. The existence of these animals in your neighborhood means that your ecosystem is healthy.
    • Set up a hive if there is space.
    • use cedar shavings instead of moth balls.
    • Don't use pesticides.
    • Instead of using mouse poisons and insecticides, use more humane traps.
    • Use an electric or manual lawnmower, not a gas-powered one.

Helping the planet become a little cleaner and greener is not so difficult, and each of us can do our part. A small change in habits will not only help make our lifestyle more healthy and healthy, but also save some money. Protecting the planet and worrying about its fate is our duty and privilege. Here are a few ways we can easily help the planet.

Save water

By 2050 lack drinking water become one of the main environmental problems of all mankind. Already today, nature feels this terrible problem. To start actively saving at least a little water, it is not at all necessary to significantly limit yourself. small good habits can be very effective. Repair leaky faucets, toilets and pipes, and turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. Get a filter and drink tap water to save on harmful plastic packaging. Try to wash at least some of the clothes in cold water thus saving energy. Rational use water will help save not only resources, but also money on utilities.

Use vehicles correctly

Try not to drive a car for everything, especially small things. If your car is at least one or two days a week in the garage, you can significantly save on gasoline and save the atmosphere from half a ton. harmful emissions. Combine several trips into one, this will also help rid the planet of excess greenhouse gases.

Get on the bike

Do at least part of your daytime travel on foot or by bike. In addition to the obvious savings on gas or travel, extra activity will help you keep your body in top shape and improve your health. If you do not want to burn calories in this way, try to find fellow travelers - this way you will save yourself and help others. Every car that is not on the road makes the planet cleaner.

Send trash for recycling

Unfortunately, in our part of the world, recycling of garbage is not very developed, but this does not mean that you can throw anything anywhere. Great amount energy will be saved if glass and tin bottles are sent to special containers. Sometimes they are in stores, and they even pay money for the container.

Make plant compost

Even if you live in an apartment, fertilizer is useful for plants in a local park or for home flowers. The less garbage we put in landfill, the slower landfills grow and become a problem. In addition, making the right and healthy compost is not at all difficult.

Change light bulbs

Compact fluorescent lamps last 10 times longer and use three to four times less energy than traditional incandescent lamps. Another way to save energy is to buy correct technique. If you are going to buy a new household appliances, from an electric kettle to a refrigerator, try to get one that consumes significantly less energy, such as A or A +. By paying a little more for economical appliances, over time, you can save on electricity and make the planet a little cleaner.

Save energy

Unplug appliances you are not using from the mains. Even a small flashing light bulb is powered by energy. If you use air filters, clean them regularly so they use less energy to operate. The thermostat can be adjusted a few degrees lower at night. All this is good not only for the planet, but also for your wallet. Do you know that most of The energy that a microwave oven consumes is not spent on heating food, but on a small electronic display that shows the time? How often do you use the clock on the microwave? Maybe it makes sense to disconnect it from the network immediately after use?

Follow car repair

A well-functioning engine and inflated tires are guaranteed to save the amount of gasoline consumed. On flat tires, you risk not only getting into an accident, but also spending more fuel and releasing more harmful gases. Flat tires also deteriorate faster. In addition, reducing your speed from 70 to 60 kilometers per hour will help you save gas.

Reduce screen brightness

Monitor and TV screens consume an incredible amount of energy, which can be reduced by just slightly reducing the brightness.

Use reusable fabric products

This applies to plastic bags, which can be replaced with a shopping bag, and paper towels, which are perfectly replaced with cloth napkins. In addition, if you regularly order take-out coffee, carry a thermal mug with you and ask the staff to pour your coffee into it, you will be able to avoid creating additional garbage. The environment will thank you.