On the issue of attracting and retaining the contingent of music schools, music departments of music schools. Preservation of the contingent of students in children's music schools and children's art schools

The study identified the most significant issues in the activities of MAU DO "Children's Art School No. 5", including:

Lack of funding;

Weak material and technical base of the institution;

Lack of staff, low wage teachers;

The problem of student motivation;

Not enough effective work to attract children to school;

Priority of cultural-mass work and leisure.

The first two problems are closely interconnected, the lack of funding determines the weak material and technical base of the school. Currently, MAU DO "Children's School of Arts" No. 5 needs to be expanded study areas, repair of premises, incl. ceilings, walls of corridors, replacement of power and water supply systems, heating and sewerage, etc.

Many musical instruments of the school have a high degree wear. The school is constantly lacking Money for the purchase of high-quality professional musical instruments. At present, their cost can reach 1 million rubles. and more, for example, a good piano costs up to 1.5 million rubles, and an accordion - up to 500 thousand rubles. The school can purchase instruments that are inexpensive by professional standards - a piano for 1 million rubles, an accordion for 300 thousand rubles, made in China, which, according to technical specifications are significantly inferior to high-quality musical instruments, and during use they fail faster.

Another important issue is the shortage of qualified personnel, which is associated with low salary. There is a shortage of qualified personnel in a number of subjects (piano, theory, solfeggio, vocals). To a certain extent, it is connected with the fact that in specialized universities, incl. in ESCAKI there is a shortage of students in a number of areas. Many teachers combine work in several children's art schools and other cultural institutions due to lack of funds. In addition, the problem of lack of space and the lack of teachers are also related - the school needs teachers in a number of areas, but there is nowhere to place new classes.

Two the following problems intertwined, currently some students have problems with motivation. This is determined by the fact that additional education is perceived by children and their parents as general development and useful leisure, without further development.

Currently, the school is not doing enough effective work to attract children to school. There are few publications in the media, there is no advertising of the institution's services, the school's website is little known and uninformative for visitors, the school is not represented at all in in social networks.

Currently, the activity of the institution is affected by economic instability, incomes of the population are declining, parents are cutting non-essential expenses, including expenses for additional education of children, which can be postponed “until better times”.

One of current trends in the activities of children's art schools is a shift in emphasis from the artistic, aesthetic, creative, intellectual development of students to the organization of cultural and mass work and leisure. Students and creative teams of the school are constantly involved in the organization of mass cultural performances on various occasions (on City Day, in military units, a home for the disabled, etc.), which negatively affects the implementation educational process, distracts children.

To address these issues, the following actions are proposed:

It is necessary to update the material and technical base of the institution, for this it is necessary to develop a project for financing the modernization and development of UIA DO DSHI No. 5, dedicated to the celebration of its 50th anniversary in 2019; as well as to work more actively with patrons and sponsors;

Create groups of UIA DO "Children's School No. 5" in large social networks ("Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki") and activate their work;

Conduct continuous monitoring of the admission of school graduates to specialized universities and ssuzy (according to profile specialties), to consider the possibility of organizing the "Club of graduates of UIA DO DSHI No. 5".

The implementation of these activities contributes to the improvement of the work of the institution and its further development, and in general, contributes to the implementation of the goals of the institution in the artistic, aesthetic, moral and intellectual development students, their socialization in society, formation and development creativity school students.

ABSTRACT: The report covers actual problem"fluidity" of the contingent of music departments of educational institutions additional education children in the field of culture and art Murmansk region in modern conditions.

1. Introduction. The urgency of the problem. The reasons.
2. Ways to solve the problem: 1) creating the image of the school
2) ways pedagogical prevention
3) work with parents.

1. Introduction.
How often do we hear phrases from music teachers today that students interrupt classes without finishing their studies, that it is difficult to interest them. Unfortunately, in the current conditions, music school is easily abandoned, and often already in the second or third years of study, and the most annoying thing is that there are more cases of students dropping out of school. graduation classes. Dropout of students during school year can be up to 10%. Let's take a look at the reasons.

Reason one. Weak musical data.

It has always been customary to conditionally divide children entering a music school into those who will continue professional education, and for those who wish to receive an initial musical education “for themselves”. In our time, you can add: and for those who just need to spend time somewhere. I do not dare to say that it is easy to work with gifted, professionally oriented children, however, due to a strong and justified motivation to gain knowledge, such children, as a rule, do not drop out of education halfway through.
As for the latter, who make up the majority, the situation is more serious. Of those who want to study “for themselves”, there are students with good data. However, since the current recruitment conditions for music schools do not imply selection for musical ability(we take everyone), the teacher is increasingly faced with the problem of teaching children without relevant data. It is difficult for such children to follow the curriculum. They need a different, person-oriented approach.
The third category perceives a music school as something like an extension, where you can bring a child so that he “does not hang out on the streets.” We are not talking about buying a tool, a careful visit and completing tasks. In such families, there is low level education and culture, there is no orientation to work.

Parents often form a false opinion about the secondary importance and optionality of MS. So what do we have? Children with abilities below average begin to study. As a rule, problems begin to be revealed quite early, with increasing difficulties, students feel that they are not coping with the educational process, teachers press on, parents are at a loss. These first failures childhood entail giving up, depression and unwillingness to go to a music school. Accepting children without expressed musical abilities, we take responsibility for their physical and mental health, therefore, we must either stop accepting them, or we must adapt the educational process and develop new programs for them.

The second reason. High workload in public school.
This is indeed the biggest reason. According to parents, children (especially students of gymnasiums and lyceums with their super-complex programs) do not have time to do their homework, because they need to run “to the music”, where they also set lessons that also need to be completed. There is a lack of time. Unfortunately, for this reason, they leave music school and children with abilities above average.

Reason three. Priorities.
Ambitious parents strive for their child to visit all sections and houses of creativity in the area, and study circles of English language are indisputable priority. As a result, the child cannot cope with the volume of knowledge due to inhuman workload, and parents still have to reduce the number of circles, but, alas, the choice, alas, most often turns out to be not in favor of the music school.

Why do children leave us? Why recruitment is carried out in not enough(accordingly, there are no conditions for profile selection)? In the current economic conditions in the provincial cities of Russia, the prestige of the profession of an academic musician is falling catastrophically. What can a separate music school or children's art school do for itself? Firstly, it is necessary to raise the image of your institution, and secondly, to properly organize joint work school staff - administration and teachers various items, thirdly, it is necessary competent work with parents - the main customers of our activities.

2. Ways to solve the problem.
Creation of the image of the school. Among the uninitiated, there is a myth that teachers add. education - people who have no education, vocational training, proper qualifications, in comparison with secondary school teachers. Rumors rule the world. It is on their basis that the idea of ​​additional education and about a particular school in particular. The goal of the school management is to purposefully form the image of the institution, focusing on its target audience, in our case, the parents of students, the students themselves, social partners, and the media. What is the image made of? The foundation is the basic idea of ​​the institution - the principles that must be followed. External image - the perception of the school by society. It is necessary to constantly broadcast the goals and activities of the school for all groups of the target audience. This is the creation and regular updating of the school website, informing the "external consumer" through booklets, memos, leaflets, mailing thank you letters participation in events that have a wide public resonance. Internal image - the attitude towards the school of students and employees. Intangible image - emotional mood employees, the atmosphere of the school, their established traditions.
The image of the school can be made up of details that seem trifles at first glance: appearance employees, their courtesy and friendliness, the design of the halls, classrooms, restrooms, order in the wardrobe, cleanliness and well-groomed flights of stairs.

Ways of pedagogical prevention. In modern conditions, teachers are obliged to look for optimal pedagogical systems, apply latest achievements pedagogy, incl. information and communication technologies, follow the path of individualization of education. Create custom options curricula for children with insufficient musical data. Systematically monitor and evaluate learning outcomes and identify gaps in a timely manner through work with students' parents.

Working with parents.
The closest people for a child are, of course, his parents. No one knows better than them the character, temperament of their child, which means that no one but them can help little man in getting to know and strengthening ties with a new occupation, which - who knows? - over time, it can develop into a serious hobby or even a profession. Therefore, the teacher should, as far as possible, involve the parent in educational process. It is very good when close people attend the first classes with the child. Even non-professionals have heard that learning to play any instrument requires regular self-study. Family members are able to become indispensable assistants to the teacher and, first of all, to the child.

Ways to organize work with parents.
Work with parents should be carried out not only at the class level of one teacher, but also at the school level. And here the position of the administration and the attitude towards the work of teachers of the theoretical cycle of subjects play a significant role. The special instrument teacher, in addition to the educational process, is responsible for the parent meetings of his class, cool watch, tea parties, he can actively involve parents here. But on general parent meetings the administration can acquaint parents with legal documents, the charter of the school, internal regulations, minimum requirements, prospects for the development of the institution and prospects for further specialized education, agitate for the prestige of teaching music, cite as an example promising students, laureates, diplomats, who are proud of the school, organize meetings with the parents of these children, in a word, create unfounded motivation. You can conduct regular surveys to study the parental request and analyze the learning outcomes.
If all school staff, competently united by a single goal, make joint efforts, we can try to talk about the revival of popularity music education, at least at the local school level, because interest in the field of musical academic art is still a universally recognized indicator of the degree in the world cultural development society.


1) Gorsky V.A. Methodological basis introduction of a competency-based approach into the content of additional education programs. / Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference(November 8 - 9, 2007). Part 1. - Omsk: GOU "RIC", 2007 - 92 p.
2) Khomenko I.A. Image of the school: mechanisms of formation and methods of construction. // http://www.den-za-dnem.ru/page.php?article=386
3) Kupriyanov B.V. Diagnosis: occupational autism. On the teacher of additional education. // http://www.isiksp.ru/library/kyprianov_bv/kypr-000004.html
4) Kuznetsova M.V. Some methods of mnemonics in the process of initial learning at piano lessons in music school. / Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Charnolu Readings: Saami in Dynamics modern culture"(November 14-15, 2011). Part 2. - Murmansk: MGGU, 2011 - 151 p.

Anisimov V.P.,
professor at Tver State University,
Director of the Scientific and Educational Center for Art Pedagogy, TVGU

The answer to the question posed in the title of the article is easy to find today. It suffices to analyze the reasons for the loss of the innate need that virtually every child has for art classes as creative activity. So why do so many children stop attending a children's art school, losing interest in music or fine arts, dance or theatrical art? Even without a deep analysis, the answer lies on the surface: not every child, coming to the Children's School of Art, strives to become a professional in the visual arts, dance or theatrical art. But before each of them is the task of knowing their own individual path to your meaning of life as a Destiny. Such a task cannot be solved outside of creative abilities, because the path of each is unique and unrepeatable! And to train your creativity as a phenomenal realization of one's innate need to know the meaning of one's birth and life on Earth is necessary for everyone. And art here is an excellent psycho-training platform. This, in fact, is the content of general developing aesthetic education.

And here is hidden the first terrible mistake traditional teaching practice DSHI, because most of DShI teachers are simply not educated in such an awareness of creativity, but they are strongly trained in its erroneous understanding as a synonym for art. And this is far from true. So it turns out that in the Children's Art School, education is art for the sake of art. And art was invented by mankind to develop the creative abilities of man. Art serves as a means of developing human creative abilities! And we have a common position of teachers on the contrary: creative potential we use the child (sometimes to the point of a painful state) for teaching the technology of musical, visual or other professional excellence. So, it should be remembered that from the standpoint of human mental and spiritual beginnings, considering art as a synonym for creativity is a gross methodological mistake.
Creativity has long been considered by psychology as an activity that is distinguished by at least three features: 1) originality (that is, dissimilarity to previous subjective or objective experience); 2) the novelty of the generation of ideas in the use of the same object, phenomenon, subject, and 3) the variability (or detail) of the presentation of the main idea in various conditions its manifestations.
To believe that creativity must be practiced in order to compose (or perform) musical works or to paint artistic canvases means to utilize the processes of the elite manifestation of humanity. The essence of creativity grows from the concept of the Creator, the Creator ... And then the “drop of God” in every child is that seed, the conditions for cultivating which, as a process of self-Creation of their Destiny, are called upon to create children's art school teachers, cultural and educational figures. This is our mission. Otherwise, we do something incomprehensible, miserable or even criminal in relation to the child.
The second common mistake made by DSHI colleagues is ignoring or distancing themselves from working with the student's parents. Although it follows from the awareness of the first erroneous position regarding creativity that it is beyond parental authority, which teachers need not only to support, but also to help accumulate and initiate as a manifestation of family tree values ​​and the most important guidelines for a child’s life, to determine individually right direction working with a child in the DSHI system is impossible. The work of DSHI teachers with the child's parents is a special area of ​​psycho-pedagogical assistance and professional support, sometimes even more reverently responsible than working with a child in the classroom.
And the third task of DShI teachers, which is still difficult and little consciously solved by us, is the problem of continuous spiritual and intellectual growth of oneself. The work of an art teacher begins with oneself. Many of my colleagues in the Tver children's art schools know this rule. Upbringing own example today it becomes an archival principle for the development of the creative abilities of each child. I will allow myself here not to dwell on this in detail, just because the principles and methods of such continuous elite self-education are reflected in the monograph “ Theoretical basis art pedagogy".
The existing traditional DSHI program today has developed under pressure administrative system as an exclusively pre-professional activity of the child, "sharpened" for the implementation of the plan for the admission of graduates of the Children's Art School for admission to colleges of arts and higher professional educational establishments and on the external indicators of the work of the Children's School of Art (the number of winners of various competitions and other supposedly creative events harmful to children). Orientation towards the "pervasive" professionalization of students at the Children's School of Art puts the system of aesthetic education in a chronic, painfully deformed position, in which, as before, it will not help, but create conditions for hardening individual gifted individuals in overcoming it (as was the case with Yehudi Minukhin and many others eminent figures arts). Overcoming obstacles and achieving in spite of ..., we are touched by such vitality of individual individuals gifted in art, consigning to oblivion many and many other children no less gifted in creating themselves.
Thus, the DSHI system will easily retain each student under two conditions:
1) maintaining and continuous satisfaction natural need each child in a sense of security, which is provided by emotionally warm, benevolent, non-judgmental relationships of adults, and therefore socially, that is, mentally and spiritually mature, complete people: parents and teachers;
2) providing conditions for knowing oneself and one’s leadership and recognized place in the world around him (and not just the world outside the understanding of himself, as it is more often manifested now). Such a leadership mental and spiritual manifestation of oneself in the surrounding world is the Destiny, to create which is a natural need of each and us.
Such foundations of the art-pedagogical vision of the tasks of the poly art education modern system Children's Art School of Russia intuitively realize almost a third of the teachers of children's art schools. Enriching them and other colleagues with art-pedagogical knowledge and the practice of implementing this approach will make it possible to reach the full spiritual and intellectual content of art education. And as a secondary result, we will have the solution and tasks of 100% retention of the contingent of students, parents and teachers unique system children's art education in Russia.

Preservation of the contingent of students in children's music schools and children's art schools.

Problems and solutions.

Tikhonovich O.V.

Lecturer MBOU DOD

Sosnovskaya music school

The problem of retaining the contingent in the music school has always been relevant. And nowadays we often hear phrases from music teachers that students interrupt classes without finishing their studies, that it is difficult to interest them. Unfortunately, in the current conditions, music school is easily abandoned, and often already in the second or third years of study, and the most annoying thing is that there are cases of termination of studies in the final grades. This is due to a number of reasons, which we will try to understand.

Reason one. Weak musical data.

It has always been customary to conditionally divide children entering a music school into those who will continue their professional education, and those who wish to receive an elementary musical education “for themselves”. In our time, you can add: and for those who just need to spend time somewhere. I do not presume to say that it is easy to work with gifted, professionally oriented children, however, due to a strong and justified motivation to gain knowledge, such children, as a rule, do not drop out of school halfway through. As for the latter, who make up the majority, the situation is more serious. Of those who want to study “for themselves”, there are students with good data. True, since the current conditions for enrolling in music schools do not imply selection for musical abilities (we take everyone), the teacher is increasingly faced with the problem of teaching children without the appropriate data. It is difficult for such children to follow the curriculum. They need a different, person-oriented approach.The third category perceives a music school as something like an extension, where you can bring a child so that he “does not hang out on the streets.” We are not talking about buying a tool, a careful visit and completing tasks. In such families, there is a low level of education and culture, there is no motivation for learning and work.

Parents often form a false opinion about the secondary importance and optionality of a music school. So what do we have? Children with abilities below average begin to study. As a rule, problems begin to be revealed quite early, with increasing difficulties, students feel that they are not coping with the educational process, teachers press on, parents are at a loss. These first failures in childhood lead to discouragement, depression, and an unwillingness to go to music school. By accepting children without pronounced musical abilities, we take responsibility for their physical and psychological health, so we must either stop accepting them, or we must adapt the educational process and develop new programs for them.

The second reason. High workload in public school.

This is indeed the biggest reason. According to parents, children do not have time to do their homework, because they need to run "to the music room", where they also set lessons that also need to be completed. There is a lack of time. Unfortunately, for this reason, students with above-average abilities also leave the music school.

Reason three. Priorities.

Ambitious parents strive for their child to visit all sections and houses of creativity, and circles for learning English are indisputable priority. As a result, the child cannot cope with the volume of knowledge due to inhuman workload, and parents still have to reduce the number of circles, but, alas, the choice often turns out to be not in favor of the music school.

Reason four. Poor health.

The desire of parents at all costs to give children a versatile education does not always lead to the desired results. Unfortunately in modern world more and more children with chronic diseases and developmental disabilities. Such children also fall into the ranks music school students and do not always reach the graduating class.

Why do children leave us? Why is the recruitment carried out in insufficient quantities (respectively, there are no conditions for profile selection)? In the current economic conditions in the provincial cities of Russia, the prestige of the profession of an academic musician is falling catastrophically. What can a separate music school or children's art school do for itself? Firstly, it is necessary to raise the image of your institution, secondly, to properly organize the joint work of school employees - administration and teachers of various subjects, and thirdly, competent work with parents is necessary - the main customers of our activities.

Ways to solve the problem.

Creation of the image of the school.The purpose of school leadership and teaching staff- purposefully form the image of the institution, focusing on its target audience, in our case, the parents of students, the students themselves, social partners, and the media. What is the image made of? The foundation is the basic idea of ​​the institution - the principles that must be followed. External image - the perception of the school by society. It is necessary to constantly broadcast the goals and activities of the school for all groups of the target audience. This is the creation and regular updating of the school website, informing the "external consumer" through booklets, memos, sending letters of thanks, participation in events that have a wide public response. Internal image - the attitude towards the school of students and employees. An intangible image is the emotional mood of employees, the atmosphere of the school, their established traditions.

The image of a school can be made up of details that seem trifles at first glance: the appearance of employees, their politeness and goodwill, the design of corridors, classrooms, order in the wardrobe, cleanliness and well-groomed flights of stairs.

Ways of pedagogical prevention.In modern conditions, teachers are obliged to look for optimal pedagogical systems, to apply the latest achievements in pedagogy, incl. information and communication technologies, follow the path of individualization of education. Create adapted versions of educational programs for children with insufficient musical data. Apply health-saving technologies. Systematically monitor and evaluate learning outcomes and identify gaps in a timely manner through work with students' parents.

Working with parents.The closest people for a child are, of course, his parents. No one knows better than them the character, temperament of their child, which means that no one but them can help a little person in such a way in getting to know and strengthening ties with a new occupation, which - who knows? - over time, it can develop into a serious hobby or even a profession. Therefore, the teacher should, as far as possible, involve the parent in the educational process. It is very good when close people attend the first classes with the child. Even non-professionals have heard that learning to play any instrument requires regular self-study. Family members are able to become indispensable assistants to the teacher and, first of all, to the child.
Ways to organize work with parents.Work with parents should be carried out not only at the class level of one teacher, but also at the school level. And here the position of the administration and the attitude towards the work of teachers of the theoretical cycle of subjects play a significant role. A special instrument teacher, in addition to the educational process, is responsible for the parent meetings of his class, class hours, tea parties, he can actively involve parents here. At general parent meetings, the administration acquaints parents with legal documents, the charter of the school, internal regulations, minimum requirements, prospects for the development of the institution and prospects for further specialized education, campaign for the prestige of teaching music, cite as an example promising students, laureates, diplomats that the school is proud of , to organize meetings with the parents of these children, in a word, to create unfounded motivation. You can conduct regular surveys to study the parental request and analyze the learning outcomes.If all school staff, united by a common goal, make joint efforts, we can try to talk about the revival of the popularity of music education, at least at the local level of the school, because interest in the field of musical academic art is still generally recognized in the world as an indicator of the degree of cultural development of society.

1. Gorsky V.A. Methodological basis for the introduction of a competency-based approach in the content of additional education programs. / Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference. Part 1. - Omsk: GOU "RIC", 2007 - 92 p.

2. Kuznetsova M.V. Some methods of mnemonics in the process of initial learning at piano lessons in music school. / Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Charnolu Readings: Saami in the dynamics of modern culture." Part 2. - Murmansk: MGGU, 2011 - 151 p.
3. Khomenko I.A. Image of the school: mechanisms of formation and methods of construction. // http://www.den-za-dnem.ru/page.php?article=386
4. Kupriyanov B.V. Diagnosis: occupational autism. On the teacher of additional education. // http://www.isiksp.ru/library/kyprianov_bv/kypr-000004.html
5. As-sol. net.

The personal example of a teacher is a ray of sunshine for a young soul,
which cannot be replaced.
K.D. Ushinsky

Everyone knows the positive impact that folk instrumental art, which has its origins in the distant past, has on a person. In the country long years a good system of teaching children to play folk instruments was taking shape, which could become one of the most important prerequisites for the successful development of folk instrumental performance.

But life makes its own adjustments. In society, folk art is being promoted less and less. Children have no idea how they look and even more so how they sound folk instruments. Succumbing to the trends of modern “fashion”, parents try to teach their children foreign languages, ballroom dancing, improve the health of children in sports sections.

Fewer and fewer children come to children's music schools and children's art schools who want to learn how to play the button accordion, accordion, domra, balalaika and other folk instruments. In order to preserve the traditions of instrumental performance on folk instruments in our country, teachers are forced to carry out propaganda work for a significant part of their personal time: go to schools, kindergartens, and sometimes bring children straight from the street. This work is carried out by many of them, and it often gives good results.

Of course, at first glance it seems strange how one can approach strangers, children, communicate with them. But in fact, this is possible if the teacher has the necessary qualities, such as communication skills, sociability. Watching children, their games in the yards of houses and schools, one can notice smart, energetic, possessing leadership qualities which is important in the further learning process. The degree of interest of children and their parents in learning at school depends on the ability to find contact with them. musical instrument. At this stage, it is important to demonstrate by personal example or by the example of your students what results the child can achieve in the future. Having invited children to school with their parents, it is necessary to show all their skills as a performer, to demonstrate the achievements of their best students, invite to lessons, class concerts. There is no guarantee that all the children who are initially interested will come to study, but about three out of eight will definitely come, and maybe more.

One of effective ways used by educators to recruit students is visual agitation. Communicating with teachers of different ages, it can be noted that many of them go to preschool institutions and schools with propaganda concerts. The impressions received from the bright professional performance of the teacher attract children and parents.

The set is done, it's started current work. The teacher faces other equally important problems: the safety of the contingent, attendance and homework.

All three problems form a kind of logical chain: the student is busy at school, does not have time to rest and, accordingly, does not do homework. scared bad grades and the anger of the teacher, begins to skip classes and soon (most often in the 1-2 year of study) is expelled.

Even in this state of affairs, it is possible to keep the contingent. It is necessary to establish close contact with parents, to give them the opportunity to attend classes. This will help interested parents to control the independent activities of children.

A teacher who has a developed teaching system has a stable contingent, since classes are held regularly and most of the work is done in the classroom, while at home the children only mechanically consolidate the learned material. A common mistake of a teacher is to require a student to follow several instructions at once. Violation of the principle of sequence makes them impossible, because the student cannot focus his attention on a large amount of information and perceive everything at the same time. The child gets the impression that he does not succeed, it is difficult for him to learn and, accordingly, interest in learning disappears. And interest must be maintained all the time - as soon as possible and more often provide students with the opportunity to participate in concerts and competitions. Currently, there are quite a lot of performing competitions for students. different ages and level of training. Having correctly selected the level of the event, the teacher gives the student the opportunity to fulfill himself, to feel the strength and will to win in himself.

Summing up, it should be noted that a real teacher, to one degree or another, must have such qualities as enthusiasm, be dedicated to his work, love children, keep himself in good performing shape and constantly learn, improve, “keep up with the times”. Such a teacher is able to solve any problems that arise on his way.

Used information resources.

  1. The great Russian teacher - Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky / http://works.doklad.ru/view/J5I36ip0fJs.html