Retro Saturn after 30 years. The return of Saturn - a magic pendel or a living hell? Periods of Saturn in a person's life

If we analyze the statistics of calls to an astrologer, we can see a surprising pattern. Most of the clients are between 28 and 30 years of age. What is it that attracts all these people to an astrologer?

It turns out the answer from an astrological point of view is simply obvious - at this age people experience the so-called return of Saturn in the horoscope. Astrologically, this is described by the fact that the position of Saturn in the starry sky coincides with its position at the time of the birth of a person. For each person, the return of Saturn marks various events and causes different reactions, but there is also a lot in common. The age at which the transit Saturn connects with the natal one also fluctuates a little, but in any case it falls into the period we are considering.

Saturn returns to its natal position more than once in a human life. The second return of Saturn occurs at the age of 58-60 years, and centenarians may experience it at the age of approximately 88-90 years. Why is the return of this planet so clearly described in human life and destiny?

The fact is that Saturn has the most “convenient cycle” for this. He is 29.5 years old. If we encounter the first return of Jupiter already at the age of 12, and we experience the second at the age of 24 and already have a subconscious experience of such an impact of the planet, then it is more difficult with Saturn. At the age of 28-30, we experience its first return and that is why it manifests itself so vividly.

If we take the planets after Saturn, then the next planet, Uranus, makes its first return only at the age of 84, and the available horoscopes show that this is also carried by people very brightly and saturated, but, you see, with our medium duration life, not everyone can experience the impact of the return of Uranus. More distant planets have cycles that are no longer comparable to human life - Neptune repeats its position no more than once every 160 years, and Pluto even less often - once every 248 years. (P. Maksimov "Short course of scientific astrology")

Saturn in the horoscope is responsible for life structure, responsibility and limitations. He controls the time and the correctness of its distribution. It is this structuring role of Saturn that further emphasizes the importance of its return to the natal point. Saturn, as an invisible teacher on a subconscious level, says - a new time has come, and it's time to become more mature.

During this period, people experience doubts, they foresee important changes in their lives. Many begin to notice that situations require new solutions, and the old methods no longer work. Many realize that the time has come to change their position in life and go towards these changes. Others, on the contrary, prevent them, and then, it seems, the very hand of Fate sends them situations that force a person to realize and synthesize all his previous experience into a complete picture.

As you already understand, the return of Saturn can result in both positive and negative situations. It is important to realize in time what is happening to you and act according to these feelings.

Here is how the popular American astrologer Claire Petilengro describes his feelings during the first return of Saturn in his book Stars and Character:
“I was completely happy, I had a great husband, a great job, but the return of Saturn was coming. I felt a passionate desire to have a child. My life seemed meaningless to me if there was no son or daughter in it. I convinced my husband to address this issue immediately. And two weeks later I became pregnant with my first son, Paris. But not only that has changed in my life. My work has suddenly become incredibly in demand. My articles sold like hot cakes, and then I was offered to write another book. My appetite for life was insatiable, I succeeded in everything. I did not want to leave the house, I liked to bring it to perfection. We broke the partition wall and expanded our bedroom. The room turned out so beautiful that it was even photographed for a magazine. Our son was born healthy and filled our lives with joy. I was sad to hear that many women experience postpartum depression. I didn't have such problems. The return of Saturn prepared me for childbirth and brought harmony into my life. But if my marriage and work did not suit me, I would, without hesitation, quit everything. I have found my calling and Saturn Return has made me prosper."

As you can see, the author consciously used the positive influence of Saturn and put her life in order. There are many examples and a slightly different character. At this age, people experience a reassessment of values. This period is described in the book Periods of Human Life as follows: “This transitional period, which roughly covers the age of 28 to 33, contains the opportunity to work on the shortcomings and limitations of the first adult life structure and create the basis of a more satisfying structure that ends the era early maturity. Somewhere at the age of 28, the time characteristic of the age of twenty ends, life becomes more serious, closer to reality. It should be noted that this book, from which the quote is taken, has nothing to do with astrology, but only confirms its principles.

It is because of the formation of a new life structure that we are not inclined to tolerate the limitations that we have lived with up to this point. You no longer want to endure the shortcomings of your spouse or the arbitrariness of your superiors. You strive for change, and if you make them consciously, then they usually end in success.

If before the return of Saturn you were only planning something, now you are starting to turn your plans into reality. The life picture is synthesized from your past experience, fragmentation is collected into a single whole, and everything that is unclear is suddenly cleared up. Of course, each person's life has its own characteristics of the return of Saturn, due to a personal horoscope, but it is growing up that is the main principle of this transitional period. If the first transition period at the age of 12-15 years is more related to physiological maturation, then the second transition period at the age of 28-30 years focuses on psychological maturation, which is often accompanied by changes in life, according to the location of Saturn in your individual horoscope.

Here are some examples of how people's lives have changed at this age:
- Popular singer George Michael made a life-changing decision at the age of 28. He stated that Sony was unable to understand his creative process (fighting limitations, right?). At that time, George Michael was one of the most successful and richest pop singers in the world. And he said that Sony is destroying his career. Newspapers wrote that "D. Michael forever changed the attitude of the heads of the recording industry and artists."
- Pamela Anderson gave birth to a child at twenty-eight. As you can see, she turned out to be a good mother. The birth of a child was a turning point in her life.
- Patsy Kensit gave birth to a child at the age of 28 and then left her husband.

There are many examples, you can find them yourself in the lives of people close to you. These changes do not always occur on the event plane, but psychological maturation always takes place. Approach this consciously, remember that this period will help you move forward. Let the events seem strange and even unpleasant to you at the moment, but know that in the future their influence will change your life for the better.

Is it possible to get married at 30? This question worries many women.

I decided to write this article after a conversation with one of my friends, whom we recently met in a cafe during lunch. It all started with her gossip about a certain Natasha, who is listed in the organization where my friend works. Everything in Natasha's life is wonderful and fabulous, and her appearance is beautiful, her position is high, her car is expensive, and so on. etc.

“But not everything is as smooth as they say, not without a fly in the ointment - she is already almost thirty, and she is still not married and spends time in the evenings with her cat, so I don’t envy her a bit!” - nodding her head, said my interlocutor.

I remarked in bewilderment: "Well, is this really a problem? Maybe tomorrow she will meet her chosen one and get married ...". To which my interlocutor issued a truly sacramental phrase: "It's unlikely! The chance after thirty to get married is practically zero."

The author of this statement, at twenty-seven, has the status married woman and an eight year old. Therefore, the ease with which such rash conclusions were drawn is understandable to me. But still I wanted to dispel this common stereotypical misconception with the help of astrology.

Saturn will help you get married at 30

Young women quite often turn to me for astrological consultations in order to find out when their long-awaited marriage will take place. If we analyze the statistics, we can notice an amazing pattern - this question is most often addressed by the fair sex. at the age of about 30. From the point of view of the laws of astrology, this is quite understandable.

At this age, we all experience the so-called return Saturn. Cycle Saturn last approximately 29.5 years. The days on the giant planet fly fast, and the years go slowly. This is explained by the fact that Saturn's day lasts a little less than 11 hours, and the planet "weaves" around the Sun for almost 30 earth years.

Saturn stays in one zodiac sign for about three years. When you first return to your place - from the 29th to the 31st year of life- renders major influence to our privacy and family relationships, and most importantly - on internal attitudes, beliefs.

Return of Saturn - a new cycle of life

Something is lost during this period, irretrievably remains in the country of childhood, for example, some character traits, such as infantilism, carelessness, frivolity and an easy attitude to life .... And something is acquired.

These can be such valuable qualities for the family and partnerships as understanding other people's internal attitudes, problems, patience and compassion, the ability to listen to other people, be faithful, give oneself to home, family, children, overcome periods of fatigue, loneliness, financial difficulties of the family, the ability to wait and endure, save, achieve goals with effort and work. And most importantly - under no circumstances lose heart and become a model for others.

Saturn in the horoscope is responsible for discipline, control, responsibility, strictness, loneliness and limitations. For those women who have Saturn in their personal horoscope strong in status or in some aspect with Venus, the ruler of marriage, as a rule, there are quite a lot of these very frameworks and restrictions, and in particular they apply to personal life.

Not getting along with these women with their personal lives and that's it. I just can’t meet my soul mate, fall in love and get married. Every single acquaintance with men turns out to be untenable and unpromising, and even if love comes, she does not find reciprocity or stumbles upon insurmountable circumstances that prevent her from being close to the object of sighing. But during the return Saturn into his natal position, his "fetters" are loosened and ...

The next scenario looks like famous poem A.S. Pushkin: "Heavy fetters will fall, Prisons will collapse and Freedom, You will be greeted joyfully at the entrance ...". Return Saturn can bring liberation from previously limiting circumstances, the possibility of extraordinary activity, independence and initiative.

The long-awaited love finally comes to previously single women, a beautiful romance arises, and almost as if by a wave magic wand a marriage proposal is received. And sometimes not even one!

Of course the influence Saturn applies to men as well, but unlike unmarried women, they are not so painfully puzzled by the question of their social status. Indeed, according to public opinion, after thirty, an unmarried man is still an interesting bachelor, but a woman is already an "old maid."

As a result internal state the loneliness of a woman who is unlucky in love is exacerbated by outside pressure. Not everyone is able to endure this pressure steadfastly, with humor. According to statistics at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the average age of marriage in Russia was one of the earliest in Europe: at the beginning of the 20th century, among brides standing at the altar in Russia, girls under 21 made up 54%, while in Germany only 13.9 %, and in the Netherlands even less - 13.3%.

AT modern society changes have taken place, and it has become fashionable in the Western fashion to get married, standing firmly on your feet. But I suppose that our compatriots will not soon begin to take an example from the inhabitants of Europe, where the average age of those entering into marriage in the northern European countries is 30-33 years. We still have strong stereotypes!

As you already understood, a detailed program for life is laid down in a personal horoscope! According to the canons of astrology, each event in life has its own time, and at one beautiful time Almost every woman has the opportunity to get married. But for some earlier, for others later.

If you are sincerely concerned about the question of whether you will marry and have a child, and this question usually arises in the circumstances I have mentioned, i.e. when the years fly by, and there is still no native nearby loved one, then it can be easily answered with the help of astrology.

In such cases, a forecast is made for a certain year or several years ahead, and an analysis is carried out, as a result of which it turns out how Saturn is in the forecast chart, whether it has already weakened its influence, and what you can try to do to improve your personal life.

This knowledge is very useful, because, firstly, it helps not to give in to despondency and not to complex; secondly, they give the installation in the appropriate period indicated by the astrologer for marriage to lead a more active lifestyle, and not lie with a book on the couch, waiting for your prince! And most importantly - do not rush to give up on yourself, just because you are already thirty.

Saturn Return at 30: Marriage Crisis or Second Wind

I received this letter from one of the women who came to me for a consultation. “I’m thirty-something. A month ago I divorced my husband - he went to another. We didn’t have children - we didn’t have time to have them. I’m terribly afraid of loneliness, I don’t want to return to an empty apartment, the silence is very depressing. I’m already getting out: I signed up for a sports club , gathered friends for a visit, changed her hairstyle.

I know that the pain will pass and be forgotten... Something else gnaws at me - is it possible to meet "your" person at my age? How often are there examples of a successful arrangement of personal life after 30 years among divorcees - reassure, I really need your support!

As you probably already understood, the return Saturn can bring a variety of changes in personal life. It is important to realize in time what is happening to you and act according to these feelings. For those couples who got married long before the "age Saturn"when he returns to the natal position, there is often a feeling of disappointment in someone or something. As a rule, in the marriage partner and in the marriage union itself as a whole.

There is a feeling of sadness and depression. But this is in the event that the marriage for some criteria does not meet the requirements Saturn. For example, if during the period of joint married life, the spouses did not learn to be patient and understanding towards each other, there were betrayals and betrayals, the main life goals did not coincide, and most importantly, the family backbone, social unit, the basis of the clan with internal unchanged settings.

During this period, married couples begin to have doubts about maintaining an unsatisfactory marriage, they foresee important changes in their lives. Many begin to notice that situations require new solutions, and the old methods no longer work. Many realize that the time has come to change their destiny, and go towards these changes.

Others, on the contrary, prevent them, and then, it seems, the very hand of Fate sends them situations that force them to realize and synthesize all their previous experience into a complete picture. Thus, divorces during the return period Saturn are also rare cases.

Women who are on the verge of divorce during this period tell me: “Oh, I was so disappointed in Misha (Sasha, Lyosha, Dima, etc.), I thought that he was my soul mate and everything will always be fine with us, and now our relationship is my pain!".

Probably Misha (Sasha, Lyosha or Dima) is not so bad, just during the return Saturn many women are finally taking off the "rose-colored glasses" that they have worn since their youth and are aware of their true needs, what they want to see their marriage and what a spouse should be. And they clearly understand that the wrong person is next to them, and that the marriage was a mistake.

But it is very difficult to break what has been built over the years and seemed so reliable, and the unknown future is frightening, plunging into depression. In such cases, I answer: "Okay, let's look at your natal chart, now you have a return Saturn. This period is significant in that a person takes responsibility for his destiny into his own hands and begins new life.

Now everything seems terrible and frightening to you, doesn't it? Nothing, it will soon pass. Upon return Saturn the expectations of the past are always illuminated by the light of new life!

Get married at 30

Here are a few good examples of how the lives of famous women have changed at the age of Saturn":

More recently, 30-year-old Oksana Fedorova, winner of the Miss Universe 2002 title, police captain and host of the Good Night, Kids program, got married.

Anastasia Volochkova, a ballerina, met her husband Igor Vdovin at the age of 29, a year later easily gave birth to a pretty daughter and officially married at 31.

30-year-old Colombian pop star Shakira is going to change her status in September this year: the singer is married to her chosen one Antonio De La Rua, son former president Argentina. In one of her recent interviews, 30-year-old Shakira said that she was finally ripe for family life and wants to have children.

All these charming women went through a series of disappointments, trials and errors in love, took place as individuals who achieved success each in their own business. And finally, during Saturn, have successfully settled their personal lives in accordance with the requirements of a strict planet, which frowns on cohabitation and open relationships.

There are many examples, you can find them yourself in the lives of people close to you. These changes do not always occur on the event plane, but some changes in personal life always take place. Approach this consciously, remember that this period will help you move forward.

Let the events seem disturbing and sad to you at the moment, let you not be lucky in your personal life yet, just remember that your life will soon change for the better when Saturn has mercy and helps you find what you want, what you dream about. The main thing is not to lose heart!

Ludmila Muravieva, astrologer
This article was written specifically for the magazine

Young women often come to me for a consultation at the age of about 30 to find out when the long-awaited marriage will take place.

Saturn stays in one zodiac sign for about 3 years. When you first return to your place from 29 to 31 years of life - it has a major impact on our personal life and family relationships, and most importantly - on internal attitudes and beliefs. Those women who in their personal horoscope have Saturn strong in status or are in some aspect with Venus, the ruler of marriage, as a rule, have many restrictions in their personal lives. Not getting along with these women with their personal lives and that's it. You never get to meet your soul mate and get married. And even if love comes, it does not find reciprocity and stumbles upon insurmountable circumstances. But during the return of Saturn, his shackles are weakened and the long-awaited love finally comes to previously single women and, almost as if by magic, an offer to marry arrives. There are a lot of examples, you can find them in the life of both famous people and people close to you.

Of course, the influence extends to men as well. But they, unlike women, are usually not so concerned about their position, because after 30 a man is still an “interesting bachelor”, and a woman is an “Old maid”. As a result, the feeling of loneliness is exacerbated by pressure from outside, and not everyone is able to endure this pressure with firmness and humor.

Unfortunately, on the return of Saturn, divorces are also not uncommon. Those couples. Those who got married long before the return of Saturn, there is often a feeling of depression and disappointment in a partner. But this is the case if the marriage does not meet any requirements of Saturn. For example, if during the period of married life, the spouses did not learn to be patient and understanding towards each other, betrayals and betrayals took place, life values ​​\u200b\u200bdid not coincide, and most importantly, a family backbone, a social cell was not created. Many during this period take off the rose-colored glasses they wear from their youth and realize how they want to see marriage and what kind of person is next to them.

But it is very difficult to break something that has been built over the years and seemed so reliable, and the unknown future is frightening. In such cases, I say: well, let's look at the natal chart, now you have the return of Saturn, this period is significant in that you yourself take your destiny into your own hands and start a new life. Now everything seems terrible and frightening, but this will soon pass and life will shine with new colors!

Couples who have successfully survived the Saturn crisis become even stronger and stronger. :)

Also on the return of Saturn, there are events related to work. If you were going to be fired for a long time, then I can’t please you ... Saturn loves to “finish off” everything long ago. Especially if Saturn rules 2, 6 or 10 crowbars. If, on the contrary, you have worked hard, then right now you can expect a reward for your labors.

Another situation is when it’s time for you to change your field of activity, or you have long dreamed of working according to your calling, but you were always afraid of something, put it off and “pulled the cat by the tail”, then situations will be created for you when you simply have to look for a new one. scope of activity. Saturn makes you do what you should have done long ago.

How to soften the return of Saturn:

Saturn transits are tricky. Often there are events that greatly change a person's life, and they can only be accepted. However forewarned is forearmed.Sometimes the very realization that a difficult and responsible period has begun in your life gives strength and self-confidence.

If we feel that everything has gone wrong, work does not bring results, the whole world seems to oppose us, everything is collapsing around - do not rush to panic.
During these periods, it is important to grit your teeth and continue to work. . Don't blame yourself if you don't see results yet. Saturn requires patience, responsibility, perseverance.

At this time, it is important to be proactive - to do more than what is required to show yourself to Saturn with better side. If there is an opportunity to help someone - help. Any help, any good deed during this period has great importance and adds a plus sign to your karma.

Saturn is the planet of duty, he loves when we fulfill our duties . Whether it is obligations to the family (for example, to pay attention to loved ones), parents (to visit them, help in something), people, animals, hometown (any form of volunteering), etc.

In this period save well, be content with little- this applies to everything - money, feelings, etc. Saturn loves limitations, but you don't have to wait until he creates them for us, it's better to limit yourself for a while.

Think more, analyze situations. Saturn reduces our energy so that we do not race headlong, but think through our actions and their consequences. If we go in the wrong direction, Saturn can even create a disease for us - so that a person stops and thinks about the correctness of his actions.

If there are problems in any area - you need to pay attention to it. Special attention. For example, if there are problems at work, pay attention to how we work. Write everything down, do everything on time, do not resist, do not postpone.

What else can be done to soften the transits of Saturn:

Plan, write a daily routine and try to fulfill it;
- go on a diet, fasting is also a form of self-restraint;
- force yourself, not be lazy, show firmness of character;
- to communicate with seniors in age, official position, elderly people;
- repair, construction - well, if you do it yourself;
- take work seriously
- observe order and discipline in everything;
- work with stones, bone, minerals;
- Do yoga, do gymnastics for the spine;
- you can go to the cemetery - it draws out negative Saturnian energy well;
- spend time in solitude.

The main thing to remember is that all this is temporary, no period lasts forever and soon your life will change for the better. And under no circumstances should you lose heart. This period contributes to your development and advancement.

I can also add that it is imperative to look at the entire prognosis and the natal chart as a whole, because there are other transits that also do not sleep!.)

Be happy and aware!

The material contains excerpts from Stephen Arroyo's book Astrology, Karma and Transformation. Internal dimensions of the birth chart.

In many occult and religious traditions, seven-year cycles have been emphasized with regard to physical growth, psychological development, world events and spiritual evolution. I do not mean that in estimating periods of important change in individual life the transits of Saturn should be considered exclusively, as any serious astrologer will no doubt consider the transits of the five outer planets, the important new moons and their aspects, and probably the progressed Sun and Moon. But the fact remains nonetheless that the cycles of Saturn provide us with a particularly complete and useful symbol of human growth, achievement and maturation.Traditionally, Saturn is a great teacher and - more than other planetary transits - Saturn transits, especially close conjunctions, squares or oppositions with natal planets, are often seen as times when we learn certain lessons about life. The influence of Saturn is always felt as an urge to make things definite and concrete. By opening to Saturn's higher objectivity and wisdom, a person can tune in to very precise and specific lessons about how they approach life during major Saturn transits.

Return of Saturn

The periods of seven years coincide with the conjunctions, squares and oppositions of Saturn to its natal position. Major adjustments are almost always required at this time, repositionings, major decisions, changes in how much responsibility a person takes or how a person views those responsibilities, and sometimes radical changes in lifestyle, profession, work structure, and personal life. Of all these transits, the return of Saturn (at about the age of 29 and 58) has been given in astrological writings most attention. Unfortunately, the interpretation of these critical periods has often been rather negative side, emphasizing how difficult these periods often feel. Therefore, it would be appropriate to explore the return of Saturn a little more deeply here. It should be noted that many of the concepts outlined below apply to some extent to other transits of Saturn to its natal position.

The first thing to be clear about the Saturn Return is that the quality of the entire experience and the extent to which it feels like a "difficult" time is entirely dependent on how the person has lived during the previous 29 years, how effectively they have worked towards achieving certain goals, how deep he has reached in understanding and creative aspirations, and to what extent a person has expressed or suppressed his "root nature". The answers to all these questions cannot be deduced from the birth chart alone, since people are able to work and adapt to the potentialities presented in natal chart. However, some useful hints can be gained by considering the position of natal Saturn and its aspects.

If the natal chart shows considerable tension connected with Saturn and hence with the practical demands of life, then it is highly probable that the individual has had some difficulty in meeting the practical needs of life; therefore, the individual may experience the Saturn return as a time of increased tension, when they are presented with what additional adjustments must be made to bring life pattern and potentialities to fruition. If, for example, a person was born with a close square, conjunction, or opposition of Saturn to one of the "personal" planets, that person is likely to find that the conflicts or problems thus indicated will be even more sharply focused during the return of Saturn, making it necessary to have some a certain action, turning to face these concerns. As long as the action is delayed or the need for it is suppressed, the pressure of the return of Saturn does not abate. But when you turn to face the problems, no matter how painful such an encounter may be, there is often a noticeable easing of pressure and anxiety. If, on the other hand, the individual has natal Saturn mostly in harmonious aspects with other planets - and especially if natal Saturn is in harmonious aspect with the Sun and/or Moon - then the individual probably included Saturnian qualities and an awareness of practical demands and duties. into your character for many years; therefore, the lessons of Saturn will not come as a surprise or shock to him and can be seen as a time of confirmation and strengthening of many of the life orientations that the individual has slowly developed over a number of years. If, as often happens, an individual has both harmonious and inharmonious aspects with natal Saturn, constructive development and a rise in confidence may enter one area of ​​life during the return of Saturn, and at the same time the individual will be challenged to face some other problematic dimension of life.

The first cycle of Saturn through the natal chart during the first twenty-nine years of life is mainly based on reaction to past conditions, karma, parental influences or social pressures. During this period of life, a person is usually somewhat unaware of who he is fundamentally. But then, at the first return of Saturn, it often seems that the old debt is being paid off and many karmic patterns and obligations are rather abruptly eliminated. At this time, a person can experience a very difficult state of being, as there is simultaneously a feeling of permanent limitation in the life structure and a feeling of inner freedom, which in some cases is accompanied by pleasant excitement and inspiring joy. The sense of limitation arises from the fact that man, more than ever before, is beginning to realize what his destiny is and what he must do from now on.

There are no more seemingly endless possibilities and alternatives; you now know that you have completed your experiments and experienced youthful delusions, and from now on you must work on fulfilling your role in the vast drama, even if you have no idea how you came to the assigned role that you are now playing. Your obligations to yourself and others are now seen with heightened clarity, and perhaps some of these obligations feel heavy and limiting. But, at the same time, you can experience a deep inner freedom that comes from realizing that you are no longer bound by old obligations, fears, and inner limitations. This feeling of unlimited inner freedom is also based on a clearer understanding of your real needs, abilities and creativity.

If you are the kind of person who, during their youth, waits for the time when they can really find themselves and begin to express their "I" with confidence and noticeable influence, your waiting is over. Now is the time to act, work and live in the present with acceptance of your destiny and the joy of knowing that your path is now clear. This transitional period does not happen all at once; in fact, it may occur over a period of two to two and a half years around the date of the return of Saturn. But, if you have always been frustrated in childhood and adolescence, probably feeling that you are just serving time and have to endure things that are neither satisfying nor controllable, you can at this time mobilize your energy with great power, ambition and even a sense of relief that your wait is over and you can now begin to shape your own life with some degree of awareness.

As Grant Levy says. "You are freed when this transit passes, from many, former internal restrictions. You clear your nature of the "dry wood" and prepare the place for action, which now occurs with less delay. internal complexes and personal difficulties. You will soon reach maturity - leave behind all childish things - and be ready to take your place in the world as an adult."

The transit of Saturn through his natal position is the most important moment of free will in operation in a life unhindered and as free from circumstance as can ever be. You will not be so free again. The choice you make is yours, make it wisely, for this is where your free will in a real sense decides your fate for a long time, if not the rest of your life.

Therefore, if a person faces the first Saturn return with more courage and honesty, then during the second 29-year Saturn cycle, he is more conscious, more able to initiate action without being held back by fear and anxiety, and more able to take responsibility for himself and his an experience. If a person successfully tunes in to his true destiny as an individual soul during this period, he can subsequently live more in the present, with more patience gained from obeying his inner law with full awareness and acceptance. During this time, a person's potential for earthly success and authority are often strengthened in some direct way, the person gaining a certain understanding of the role he is to play from now on. (Studying fate famous people and their experiences during the return of Saturn can quickly confirm this astrological tradition. For example, Gertrude Stein, whose Saturn return occurred at her 29 years of age, wrote "It often happens at the age of 29, all the forces attracted during the years of childhood, adolescence and youth, line up in orderly rows in an intricate and cruel duel - a person is uncertain at the expense of his goals, meaning and strength during these years of disorderly growth, when aspiration has nothing to do with fulfillment and a person rushes back and forth during the creation of personality, until finally he reaches the age of 29, a direct and narrow entrance to maturity, and a life that has been in disarray and turmoil, is reduced to form and purpose, and he changes a large obscure possibility into a small strict reality. American life where there is no compulsion to custom and we have the right to change our vocation as often as we want and can, the common experience is that our adolescence stretches over the first 29 years of life and only by the age of 30 do we find a vocation to which feel fit and to which we will readily devote further work).

The natal house in which Saturn resides and the natal house which it rules are usually areas of life that are more defined with increased understanding at this time. There are usually noticeable physical changes as well, as would be expected, since Saturn has an affinity for material existence.

It is often not only physical signs age, manifesting as health problems that make the individual aware of his limitations, but also the center of gravity (Saturn!) of the individual shifts in such a way that the individual begins to notice that he has a deeper store of energy at his disposal. The overall energy level of a person may be noticeably less than at the age of twenty, but the energy available now is more concentrated, not so scattered, it is a more reliable and stable type of energy flow. The center of gravity shifts from the areas of the head, neck and chest to the pelvis and abdomen. What used to be just in the head of a person becomes a more integral part of the whole body; i.e., his real life experience. Consequently, the person finds that he does not need to use as much energy as when he was younger. Energy is naturally stored and becomes more stable, and it depends on the person how to learn, how to live and use it. new form energy flow.

Transits of Saturn through other planets

Since the quality of energy release is similar in all transits of Saturn, no matter which natal planet may be involved in the aspect, and since all transits of Saturn are perceived by the person as a personal reaction in some dimension of individual life (represented by the involved natal planet) to the basic principles and lessons of Saturn, I believe it will suffice here to simply outline some of the key phrases and concepts that I find helpful in understanding these transits rather than treat each transit separately.

As I have tried to make clear before, the conjunctions, squares, and oppositions of transiting Saturn (and, in fact, any transit planet) are the most important aspects that you need to know about; it may also be said that Saturn's transits to "personal planets, the Ascendant, and one's own natal position are almost always marked by the individual in some obvious way, while Saturn's transits to Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are only sometimes easily associated with experiences or feelings which the individual may the extent to which a person realizes the significance of these last transits depends for the most part on how much a person is aware of his inner life, as well as on the position, strength and aspects of these planets in the natal chart. It is also common that the deeper meaning of something that may be happening during these transits will not be fully apparent for a number of months or even years.

The following basic principles can be applied to any transit of Saturn; key concept it just has to be related to the dimension of life experience represented by the planet being activated by Saturn.

a) Saturn always slows down the usual natural rhythm in the indicated sphere; but, through this slowing down and sometimes the feeling arises in a person: "When will this end?" it concentrates our experience, makes us live in the present, and helps us focus our energy, concentrate and conserve it.

b) Saturn transits deepen and focus the attention and awareness of a person, making him at the same time more objective and impartial. For example, Saturn aspecting Venus shows that you can become more objective and impartial in your relationship to love, but also that you can develop a deeper ability to give and receive love during this time as you focus more on it now and more. realize exactly what you are doing, who you share your love with, and what it means to you.

c) Saturn transits are often felt like the "hand of fate" reaching into your life in that area, making things happen and forcing you to face your fears in that area. Facing it all can be hard, can seem pretty hard times, but it is a necessary step in awareness if you are going to build a more robust and realistic approach to experience in this area.

d) Saturn transits often show the individual what must be done and decided if the individual is to live with total integrity and in accordance with the obligations felt towards oneself.

e) Saturn transits force a person to make the indicated dimensions of experience more definite and concrete; and this more realistic approach to a given area of ​​life is usually suggested by one of two methods of testing a person's positions and priorities in that area of ​​experience. Either a person feels that he is being tested by circumstances to see if he meets certain standards; or the person feels an inner urge to explore that area of ​​life to see if it matches their newfound values ​​and personal requirements. This test can be experienced as a limitation or a disappointment, depending on the individual frame of mind, when a person learns that he cannot have everything. But such pressure can cause an increase in self-confidence and inner strength in this area.

f) Saturn transits can help you build your confidence in this area based on realizing what your real abilities are and what you have earned through your efforts. When you become more realistic about your abilities, you will be able to take more responsibility for your own life.

g) Saturn transits tend to moderate what is excessive in your life, be it excessive pride in some area of ​​life, excessive activity, excessive attachment, excessive dependence, or even excessive (ie unreasonable) faith.

Transit of Saturn through houses

The key concepts mentioned above can also be applied to understanding the transits of Saturn through various houses in the natal chart, next difference: the transit of Saturn in exact aspect with the natal planet symbolizes the process of determining a specific dimension of individuality and shows what a person feels as the most reliable, integral aspect of his true "I"; while the transit of Saturn through the natal house represents the period of determination of the individual's approach to the whole sphere of life experience and activity. Very often the changes represented by the transit of Saturn through the natal houses are more pronounced than the transit aspects with the natal planets, although there are many exceptions to this general rule. If a person is born with any planet natally placed in the house with which it is associated, the period when transiting Saturn passes through that house will be especially important and significant, as Saturn will then form a conjunction with that planet during the same period, when he is in the house associated with this planet. In other words, if a person was born with Venus in the 7th house, then when Saturn is in conjunction with Venus, he will also be in the 7th house, thus giving us two separate symbols. similar process defining and structuring the awareness of companionship and love needs of a person. This will be what I call the "theme" in the chart, as the person in question will then experience this Saturn pressure to more realistically face the feelings and activities of the relationship as the main theme in his or her life for many months and perhaps even for two years. But in any case, the position of Saturn in the house will invariably show us which area of ​​personal experience a person is trying (or should try) to structure and define more clearly and in which area. vital activity he should try to build a solid understanding and approach.

Considering the cycle of Saturn through all twelve houses as a full circle of life experience and maturation is necessary to put into perspective the significance of Saturn in any particular house. But in equally it is important to know why a person emphasizes a certain starting point or focus during this cycle. The natal position of Saturn is naturally one focal point in this cycle and the process of growth that it symbolizes.

Although early work Levy's grant on the cycle of Saturn was a great advance in the practical application of astrological knowledge and contained many valuable thoughts, I believe that he overemphasized only one approach to the cycle of Saturn, namely, its significance in relation to earthly achievements and career goals. If, like Levi, one uses the transits of Saturn through the houses as an indication of only this area of ​​life experience, then - like him - the 4th house should be emphasized as a focus of new beginnings that can lead to achievements when Saturn moves into the sphere of the 10th house . In this approach, the transit of Saturn through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd houses of the chart - called Levi's "period of obscurity" - is not emphasized as important, except that this is a period of preparation for aspirations that will be more clearly focused later.

Of all the planetary symbols used in astrology, there is none that calls our attention more forcefully to the need to face reality now than Saturn. Therefore, I think we can outline here a more constructive way to explain the cycle of Saturn to clients or friends, or for our own use in trying to understand our experience.

The best way to view the Saturn cycle is to focus on the totality of the entire cycle, the complete, never-ending process of development symbolized in this way, with particular emphasis on transiting Saturn in the first house, as the first house represents the most personal and individual realm of the birth chart. Considering the first house as the most important phase of the entire cycle, and not just as the beginning of a "period of obscurity", one can take into account the significance of the Saturn cycle as an indicator not only of career and professional change but also personal inner development on a psychological and spiritual level.

It is in this respect that we shall discuss the transits of Saturn through the various natal houses; but, before discussing each house in detail, we must provide an alternative way of looking at the transit of Saturn through the quadrants of the chart, which is broader and more psychologically oriented than the meanings suggested by Levy.

Similar explanations were given by Mark Robertson in his book Saturn Transits, based on concepts originally developed by Dane Rudhyar. These ideas can be summarized as follows:

in the 1st quadrant (1st, 2nd and 3rd houses):

Saturn shows our ability to grow inalienable essence and self-awareness.

in the II quadrant (4th, 5th and 6th houses):

Saturn shows our ability to grow in understanding and form of self-expression.

in the III quadrant (7th, 8th and 9th houses);

Saturn shows our capacity for growth in our way of functioning with others and in our awareness of others as individuals.

in the IV quadrant (10th, 11th and 12th houses):

Saturn shows our ability to grow in terms of our influence on other people or on society as a whole. It should be noted that the above concepts are general in nature and serve the purpose of giving the astrologer a general sense of the meaning of the cycle of Saturn; in most cases the neatest approach is to have this overall plan in mind as a background for understanding the specific experience presented exact position in the house of transiting Saturn.

Another noteworthy point is that the meaning of Saturn's transit through a particular house can change markedly as Saturn moves further and further into that house. When Saturn begins to enter a house (which is often felt by the individual when Saturn enters within 6° or so of the cusp of that house, (I use the Koch house system in my work; after experimenting with the Placidus, Campanus and Equal House systems system, I have come to the conclusion that the Koch cusps give a more accurate "schedule" of important changes represented by a transiting planet changing its position in the house.The approximate orb within 6° of the cusp is used not only in working with transits, but also in the analysis of natal In other words, if in a particular natal chart a planet is technically, for example, in the 5th house, but within 6° of the 6th house cusp, it will often have more sense interpret it as a 6th house planet, not a 5th house planet. In some cases, however, both interpretations seem to make sense (although the planet may technically still be in the previous house), the person often feels a more intense urge to do something about said area of ​​life than will be felt later.

The problematic side of Saturn's placement in a given house usually seems more obvious during the first year or so when Saturn is in that house. After this, in many cases it seems that the person has been forced to learn enough about how to deal more realistically with this area of ​​life to allow him to easily bear further lessons. Naturally, how quickly a person learns the Saturnian lessons depends on the individual, and this general indication cannot be made a dogma. But it often happens that a person feels the weight of the transit of Saturn more strongly when the planet is in the region of the first half of a certain house. Frustration and pressure to act or work in some way is probably the strongest at this time. Later, when the person achieves greater stability and understanding in that area of ​​experience, the pressure still remains, but it is not felt as oppressive or as intense. This general indication is especially true for houses where there are no natal planets, because - when a person has planets in a certain house - the exact conjunction of Saturn with these planets is often a period of peak intensity. If a person has taken the right approach to dealing with the internal and external pressures that are felt during the first phase of such a transit period, then the second phase can be seen as a time of deeper assimilation of the important realization received.

When transiting Saturn comes to the end of a house and is about to enter the next house (in other words, when it comes within 6° or so of the next house cusp), there is often some kind of event, experience, or awareness clearly connected to everything. ending period and the main meaning of the house that Saturn leaves. Often something will happen that clearly symbolizes the strengthening of the previous two or three years of effort, and this occurrence will in many cases - though often very important - not coincide with any other important transit or progression. In other words, in very many cases, no important astrological factor can be found, other than just the exit of Saturn from a particular house to symbolize what is happening. What happens is often accompanied by a sense of relief, a sense of catharsis or contentment, a kind of preparation before starting Saturn's transit into the next house. I talk about this phenomenon for so long because I have repeatedly seen it happen with great regularity, and the astrologer is often desperately looking for some specific transit, progression or direction to "answer" for such an experience. In fact, the same phenomenon also occurs with the progressed Moon when it is about to leave a certain house and enter the next. My stories related to these common occurrences could fill a book, but we must continue to discuss the specific meanings of transiting Saturn in the various houses.

Transit of Saturn through the 1st house

When Saturn passes this house, new order, after the old order was disbanded when Saturn was in the 12th house. When Saturn approaches and then forms a conjunction with the Ascendant, you often experience something that brings you down to earth, which makes you aware of the results of your actions and past behavior patterns, and therefore may encourage you to take more responsibility for yourself and your actions. than it was in the past. Usually some external circumstance forces you to face important immediate facts or situations that may have been overlooked or taken for granted in the past. This kind of experience is the beginning of a long phase of coming to the realization of some practical truths about yourself. Since most people are more aware of their shortcomings and needs for future development at this time, this is often a period when a person actively seeks feedback with others to get a clearer picture of who he really is. The person may seek this feedback from friends, but often it takes the form of a visit to a counselor, therapist, astrologer, etc. In short, this is a period of being more realistic about yourself, trying to gain perspective on what kind of self you want to create, and starting to build it. new self through concentrated effort and honest self-assessment. This is the period when you pay attention to yourself with considerable seriousness, the time when you begin to know yourself more deeply than before, the time to learn more about your individual abilities. The transit of Saturn through the 12th and 1st houses is often a personal crisis, a renaissance process that could go on for five years. During this whole period the old structure of individuality is irrevocably left behind, but the new structure and the new way in which you will approach life and express yourself will largely depend on the level of honesty with which you look at yourself at this time. I believe that the entire period when Saturn is in the 12th and 1st houses should be considered as covering one of the main transitional phases in a person's life, so it is advisable to rather associate the significance of Saturn in the 1st house with the transit of Saturn through the 12 th house than to consider each phase as an isolated period of time. The expression "gathering together" is apt to describe Saturn in the 1st house, because - when Saturn leaves the 12th house - the individual often feels like a newborn child, open to everything, endlessly inquisitive, but also without much discipline or a definite structure in individuality. The new potentials that emerged during the 12th house phase are still not integrated into a coherent, functional whole. When Saturn enters the 1st house, you often feel the need to become something, to work more actively on developing yourself, rather than remain in the open - but passive - state of being symbolized by the 12th house. A person often puts in considerable effort to develop a new sense of individuality, a new, deeper level of confidence; and often as Saturn comes to an end in the 1st house, there may be an experience or meeting with someone who will bring the person to a clearer awareness of his wholeness. This new sense of integration and inner strength is based on a deeper awareness of solid values ​​and a stronger sense of one's personal obligations and the essence of individuality.

When Saturn crosses the Ascendant and stays in the 1st house, there are often noticeable physical changes. Effortless weight loss is common, sometimes to the point that the person looks emaciated. Physical energy is often quite low, manifesting as fatigue, poor digestion, and at times a feeling of being overwhelmed. However, one must realize that this is the period of greatest opportunity for building a new body as well as a new personality, but that this building requires discipline, perseverance and great work. I have seen strong healthy people exhausted to the limit during this transit if they did not take steps to improve their healthy habits and discipline their living and eating patterns. But I also saw the weak and sick people who began a healthy regime during this period, resulting in a brilliant state of health and abundance of energy even before Saturn left the 1st house! In other words, the transit of Saturn through the 1st house can be seen as a key phase of the Saturn cycle, since during this period of life we ​​essentially create the type of person we want to be and realize what type of person our karma requires in order to we were. Therefore, all the involvement and activities of the person in the outside world during the remaining periods of the 29-year cycle will directly grow from the values ​​with which the person has associated himself and from the kind of character that he has built during this period. The transit of Saturn through the 1st house can indeed be considered a "period of obscurity" in the sense that the person pays attention mainly to himself during this time, and does not actively engage in any affairs or aspirations that would be easily noticed by the public ( although there are some exceptions!). But, of course, it is almost always necessary that the individual withdraw to some degree from involvement in the outside world during any period of marked personal transformation and accelerated growth. It should also be pointed out that it is very common at this time for a person to start working on some subject, area of ​​​​interest or long-term goal, which eventually will grow into a profession or main aspiration, for the planet of ambition and career (Saturn) is in the house of new beginnings (1st house). What were once a person's main aspirations and long-term goals usually collapse or are seen as empty when Saturn is in the 12th house, while new goals and professional interests begin to take shape when Saturn passes the 1st house. The individual often does not realize that these new interests will play such an important role in the future, however, the individual often seems to be heading towards certain types work at this time, even if he or she feels some resistance to engaging in such activity.After all, Saturn is often felt as the "hand of fate" reaching into our lives, and this is just another example of how it plays this role in determining our future orientation.

Transit of Saturn through the 2nd house

When Saturn enters the 2nd house, the period of caring for one's own individuality ends, and there is often a noticeable sense of relief, as well as more strong feeling that you now have to get to work to be productive. Many people express this shift in emphasis as follows: "I'm tired of just thinking about myself and all my problems. I feel like I have a pretty good idea of ​​who I am now, and it would only be self-indulgent to linger on this issue any longer." What I want to do now is set something in motion in the real world, do something specific and make some money." Therefore, a person whose Saturn transits the 2nd house usually has a strong urge to structure their financial situation, to put hard work into securing or developing some means of income, maintaining an investment or livelihood. This is usually the time a person starts building new business from the very beginning, engage in some kind of apprenticeship (formal or informal) or acquire some kind of practical training which, over time, will enable the individual to earn more money. In other words, this is the period of laying the foundation for the reliability and stability of a person in the material world; and although a person's income may not be very large with such preparatory efforts, and although a person may feel great anxiety about money and other factors of security, the common statements about such a position of Saturn, speaking of debt, poverty and great unhappiness, are in my opinion greatly exaggerated. Most people do feel Saturnian pressure in this area of ​​life, but most of the clients I have dealt with have dealt with these worries in a very practical way and have not experienced particularly severe financial distress. In fact, one client of mine won $15,000 in a contest when Saturn was in its 2nd house, and a number of other clients started a business or new training at that time, which led them to large-scale prosperity over time. What does often happen at this time is that financial need is made more real to the individual and some practical lessons about survival come from the pressure of need. How you are determined to take care of your material needs at the beginning of this phase will have big influence what you will experience during this period. The main thing to keep in mind is that Saturn is "slow but sure" and that material gains can eventually follow from a patient, demanding approach to practical matters during this period. Benefits may not be immediately obvious; but if you turn your face to the need to build a financially sound structure without ignoring true personal costs, what is built now could serve you quite well for years to come. The transit of Saturn through the 2nd house is not limited in its meaning to material things, but - since this is the area of ​​life that most people experience most directly - I have focused on this dimension of this transit. It can be said, however, that this is a time of slow but steady accumulation of all sorts of resources, both material and psychological, all of which can contribute to self-confidence based on knowing what support you seek for yourself and what deeper understanding and resources at your disposal can be drawn as you go through life. This is also the time critical appraisal how you used certain skill and ideas in the past (2nd house is 12th from 3rd), whether they served you well and allowed you to create something, or just turned out to be useless and impractical. If they have proved to be valuable and if a person directs his attention to the tasks at hand, he often experiences some strengthening of his financial situation when Saturn begins to leave this house.

Transit of Saturn through the 3rd house

As Saturn begins its transit through the 3rd house, the feeling that many practical matters that have long occupied attention are now settled allows the individual to begin to invest his energy in new learning that will increase the depth of training and the value of the individual's ideas. This period does not usually feel as heavy as the transit of Saturn through the previous earth house, although the relative importance of the third house phase depends on whether the person is intellectually oriented or involved in communication or travel work. During this period, there is often a tendency to mindless restlessness, any uncertainty about the person's opinions or the depth of his knowledge usually becomes apparent. This is the time when a person should focus on learning new facts, new ideas and new skills that will give depth and practicality to the expression of his intellect. This is an excellent period for research or any deep reflection; a lot of effort is usually put into structuring their educational plans, methods of teaching or writing, or forms of expressing their ideas. Increasing emphasis on serious analysis practical thinking and the ability to express their ideas more clearly. Many people find that they stay up late reading more, during this period, some people find that not only the way they communicate, but even the tone of their voice changes. These changes are caused by a person's feeling that he needs to build a stronger structure on which ideas and opinions will rest. Therefore, the individual often undertakes a great deal of educational activity or private research which may serve his purpose, for even though many of the ideas, facts and skills acquired at this time may not be used in the future, familiarity with such a variety of techniques and points of view provides a broad background of knowledge that may allow him to compare and evaluate theories, concepts and methods based on personal experience. More broad training or research is also needed at this time to deepen the person's sense of confidence in his intellect, since previously a person could express opinions or ideas in the abstract without having direct experience that would give them credibility. In many cases, this is also a period of increased travel activity, stemming from the demands of a person's profession, family duty, or other obligations. This is also the period of "tying loose ends" not only in intellectual fields life, but also in relationships with other people. A person tends during this period to establish exactly what are the limits of various relationships with friends and acquaintances.

Transit of Saturn through the 4th house

The transit of Saturn through the 4th house is a time to come down to the basics of security and survival, a time to tune in to your basic needs for a sense of belonging and serenity. You tend to take your place in the community more seriously, and often try to reinforce a sense of security and order in your home environment. This, of course, can mean many different things for various people, but there are usually two areas of focus regarding the home:

1) the physical condition and design of the house may seem inappropriate for your purposes, in which case you often take steps to change the home situation in some way, often building something in the house or in the yard, or sometimes even moving to another house;

2) your obligations to your family withbecome more real and urgent. You may feel constrained in your surroundings, which may be a hint that you need to further define the boundaries of not only your home life, but also your life aspirations (the 10th house is the polar opposite of the 4th).In essence, the transit of Saturn through the 4th house is the time when you should lay the groundwork for any long-term aspirations you may have and determine what base of action is needed in your career. This may lead to a change in the location of your business, or at least a restructuring of the environment in which you work. A final note about the 4th house is that people often seem to experience immediate karma during this time that is related to their past creative efforts and/or love affairs. This can be explained by considering the 4th house as the 12th house from the 5th.

Transit of Saturn through the 5th house

The transit of Saturn through the 5th house is somewhat similar to the transit through the previous fire house (1st) in that it is a time of great self-seriousness and often a decrease in vitality and soul energy. Since the 5th house is associated with Leo and the Sun, this transit noticeably affects a person's sense of joy, spontaneity and well-being. Some people complain that they never had much fun during this period and that they felt unloved and unappreciated. Such feelings become understandable when we understand that the essential meaning of this transit is to make us aware of how we use our vitality in every area of ​​life, our physical and sexual energy, our emotional love energy and all other forms of creative energy. It cannot be said that we are suddenly experiencing all sorts of blockades and restraints that we have never felt before; during this period, we are more likely to come to realize what blockades and fears have habitually drained our energy or prevented the expression of our creative powers and loving nature. In short, this is the time to face the fears or habits that have made us feel de-energized, creatively frustrated, unlovable, or unloved. This is a time to put more depth into our form of expression, a time when we must work to make a deep impression on others through disciplined and responsible action, and not just dramatic flaunting and empty shows.

The pressure of Saturn during this period pulls us back to ourselves, having the effect of setting us up to develop our own inner sources of love and creativity rather than relying on the outside world to meet those needs. Feeling alone or unloved may, however, subconsciously motivate you to seek more attention from spouse (s), children, loved ones; but you can become overly demanding - usually without realizing it - and thus alienate the very people you want to get close to, leading to feelings of rejection. However, if a person can express their deepest affection and devotion at this time through trustworthy honesty, commitment and effort, it can be a period of deep satisfaction, for the person can realize that there is no real love in this world without an accompanying sense of responsibility. The expression of a person's love for others can become more paternal and patronizing, and such feelings can become especially strong for children as this is a time of getting in touch with the real needs of their children and one's deep responsibilities to them. The person is often drawn to Saturn type people as possible loved ones during this period, as he senses in them the kind of emotional stability that he currently lacks. This can take the form of an attraction to an older person or to someone who is strongly attuned to Saturn or the sign of Capricorn. The aloofness, aloofness, and fantasyless mannerisms of the Saturnian person can be attractive at this time, as the person slowly learns how to be more impartial and objective in trying to satisfy emotional needs. In some cases, a person with transit Saturn in the 5th house will tend to use others (often unconsciously, hoping that he or she is "in love") to try to alleviate feelings of loneliness or to try to elude the lack of a deep, responsible loving relationship.

The overwhelming inner pressure to create something at this time may require you to discipline your creative work habits or put in more effort to open a channel for your creative energy to flow. If you have aspirations in the creative arts, for example, then this is the time to secure a regular work schedule for yourself and start relying more on consistent effort and organization than on a fleeting flight of "inspiration". This is the time to realize that whatever creative work you may have done comes through you rather than coming directly from you. In other words, we can realize that - if it is our karma to create something - we should simply make a regular effort to allow the creative forces to express themselves through us. However, this is difficult to achieve as we usually have very little faith and confidence during this period and tend to withdraw or fear failure because of it. We tend to take life in all its dimensions much more seriously during this time, as we tend to take ourselves too seriously. Hence, it is often a time of creative blockage when even excellent writers, artists, etc. experience considerable discouragement in their work. But this period can be a period of strengthening our self-confidence and our methods of creative expression, if we realize that inspiration is ordinary and work is not, that 95% of creativity is just ordinary hard work. As Henry Miller wrote in his journal, "When you can't create, work!". When the writer William Faulkner was once asked about when he writes, he replied: "I only write when I feel like it ... and I feel it every morning!"

Since the 5th house is also the house of games, hobbies and entertainment, the transit of Saturn through this house also affects these areas of life. Overworking is common during this time as it is difficult for a person to waste their time to please themselves. Even if a person takes a "vacation", he may find that he cannot relax as his mind continues to work on serious thoughts. Other times, what was a hobby becomes more productive and often even turns into a regular and structured business. Another meaning of this period appears when we consider the 5th house as the 12th from the 6th house; consequently, the results of a person's previous work and how effectively he performed his duties begin to manifest either as enjoyment at a deep level of satisfaction and as a steady stream of creative energy, or as frivolous entertainment and risk in a futile attempt to make up for what the person did not really deserve through the efforts made.

Transit of Saturn through the 6th house

The transit of Saturn through the 6th house is a period of adjustment and change in a person's thinking, work and health habits. A person is usually driven from within or under pressure to become more organized and disciplined in many practical areas of life, but especially in work and health. Job changes or changes in work structure are common, as are annoying chronic health problems. I even saw one person, who was particularly disorganized and unproductive, become so disciplined in his working methods during this time that he himself said, "I can't believe how much I've done these days. I'm so efficient!" Saturn in this house requires us to determine for ourselves what we are trying to do and be able to distinguish between important and off topic. In fact, the ability to understand is sometimes so active during this period that the individual suffers from depression or psychosomatic problems resulting from excessive self-criticism. This self-criticism is also motivated by the fact that during this period we begin to see that the people with whom we live and work really think about us. We see if we are actually helpful or considered burdensome. In other words, since the 6th house is the 12th from the 7th house, we become more aware of the results of different relationships in our lives.The sixth house phase of the Saturn cycle is essentially about self-cleansing at every level. Many of the health problems that arise during this period can be directly related to the person's eating habits and thus to high level toxemia. It seems that the body is trying to get rid of "dirt" at this time; and if you do not assist in this cleansing process, physical symptoms often appear. The transit of Saturn through the 6th house is an excellent time to regulate one's diet, exercise and other health habits, or to go on a long fast or cleansing diet. The main feature to be aware of at this time is that any health problems (or problems with working situation) are specific lessons that show you what changes are required of you in habit patterns Everyday life, and preparing you for another phase of life that will begin when Saturn rises from the natal Descendant into the 7th house.

Transit of Saturn through the 7th house

Like the transit of Saturn through any other house, this position can manifest on a number of different levels at the same time. Some of my clients have begun to establish business partnerships at this time, which usually strengthen financially when Saturn enters the 8th house. All relationships are taken more seriously during this period, and the individual often begins to take on more responsibility in order to maintain their side of a particular relationship. However, the focus in most cases seems to be the underlying personal relationship or marriage. As Saturn passes through the Descendant and begins its half-cycle above the horizon, there is often an awareness of relationship needs, limitations, and responsibilities; this time also marks the entry of man into the wider scene public life. If a person took any important relationship for granted or felt that a particular relationship did not meet his or her needs, then it is time to deal with it more realistically. (The transit of Saturn through natal Venus is similar to this.) Saturn brings you down to earth in the area of ​​life indicated by his transit position in the house, and here you should try to establish a solid, well-defined approach to those relationships that have strong influence on your overall lifestyle and your personality. (Note that when Saturn is in conjunction with the Descendant, it is at the same time in opposition to the Ascendant!)

If you're expecting too much from a relationship or marriage, or if you feel it doesn't work in the relationships that matter to you, then this is the time to face the facts with objectivity and impartiality. At this time, a certain coldness and reserve of positions and behavior in close relationships often develops, and your partner may wonder why you are moving away from conventional ways communication with him or her. If it could be explained that you are simply pulling away from the other person for a while in order to gain a clearer perspective on the relationship and the degree to which you want to participate in it, at least your partner would not be inclined to imagine things worse than real situation. It certainly can be hard time marriages and intimate relationships for many people, but the amount of tension experienced during this period depends on the quality and level of trust that has characterized your relationship over the years.

In my experience, contrary to some traditional astrological statements, divorce is no more common at this time than during the period when Jupiter transits the 7th house - in fact, it seems to be less common than during the transit of Jupiter, since the transit of Jupiter is a time when a person seeks to expand and push the boundaries of their relationships beyond their existing limits. And the transit of Saturn through the 7th house is the time of resolving relationships and obligations; probably the most important feature of this period is that it gives you the ability to see your partner more objectively - as an individual person who is completely different from you, and not as your appendage or object for your projection. In short, if a particular relationship is healthy and flexible enough to allow you to fully experience your "I" and relate fully to other people and society, then they are probably quite workable; and that is what you realize during this period, although such realization can only come after some serious testing of the quality of the relationship. Otherwise, the relationship itself and your approach to it needs to be redefined at this time, and decisions must be made about how much energy you are going to put into it to make it work.

Transit of Saturn through the 8th house

This period can accentuate any or all of the following dimensions of life: financial, sexual-emotional, psychological, or spiritual. Since the 8th house is associated with Pluto and Scorpio, this period is especially important as a time of consummation of many old life patterns and - through the release of some intense desire or attachment - experiencing some rebirth when this phase is over. The need to discipline your desires and structure your emotional attachments is usually made clear either by circumstances that force you to face certain facts through the pressure of frustration, or by your inner awareness of the ultimate ramifications of your desires and how you have used all forms of power: financial, sexual, emotional, occult and spiritual. Many people experience this period as a time of deep suffering, the cause of which is difficult to pinpoint. Some people even describe it as feeling like you are going through hell or purgatory, where your desires and attachments are cleared and an awareness of a deeper energy of life is awakened. In short, this is the time to face the ultimate realities of life, the core experience so often ignored or overlooked. Many people seem to be absorbed in the inherent realities of spiritual life, afterlife, and death during this period.This is a time to face the inexorable fact of death more realistically, and the realization of the inevitability of death often encourages people to invest energy in organizing their property, joint assets and wills. Other important financial transactions are also frequent at this time, but the common factor is that the individual tries to protect himself and often establish some kind of "spiritual protection" at the deepest level.

This is also a period of awareness of the importance of a person's sexual life and how he directs his sexual energy. In some cases, this is a period of sexual frustration that seems to be happening to the person, causing them to become more reserved and disciplined. In other cases, the person will consciously act to eliminate certain sexual outlets or activities that were previously important, recognizing the value of keeping the sexual force within oneself unless it is being used for a constructive or healing purpose. This is also the time when a large number of people begins to engage in occult studies, spiritual practices or various types research. It seems to me that one of the keys to this period of time can be derived from the realization that the 8th house is the 12th from the 9th: in other words, the transit of Saturn through this house brings to the surface the results of your attempts to live according to your ideals and beliefs. This then manifests as your experience of transformation - either joyfully or through the suffering necessary to further redefine your life ideals.

Transit of Saturn through the 9th house

The transit of Saturn through the 9th house is mainly a period of assimilation of many years of experience and associating it with some significant ideal, philosophy or self-improvement regimen. People often go on a fairly structured journey to gain a greater breadth of understanding at this time, whether through actual physical travel, academic study, attendance at lectures or church services, or through focused one-on-one sessions. I have seen cases where people combined these opportunities, for example, going to study in another country. Essentially this is the time to explore and determine your ultimate beliefs, whether they lead you to philosophy, religion, metaphysical studies, or legal or social theories. Your beliefs must be defined at this time, as they will then serve as the ideals that guide your life and illuminate your direction. In short, this is the time when most people have a strong urge to improve themselves. For some, this means that they must align their lives with a higher ideal. For others, this means that they feel the need to travel the world or study a variety of subjects in order to achieve more. broad perspective own life. And for other people, especially those who tend to accept socially defined ideas of what self-improvement means, this is the time when they begin or at least connect themselves more deeply with an academic curriculum. This is a great time for serious use of one's mental energy, and it is often a time when a person's aspirations to influence others through teaching, lecturing, or publishing are strengthened in some particular way. It should also be noted that the 9th house is the 12th from the 10th; therefore, it represents the results of how you have worked towards achieving your aspirations, manifesting itself either as restlessness and dissatisfaction, or as the realization that you need to work harder now to express the knowledge that has been acquired from past achievements or professional activities. The period of this transit is also a preparation for the next phase of the 10th house in the sense that the ambitions you will try to fulfill then will greatly depend on the ideals you bind yourself to now.

Transit of Saturn through the 10th house

Saturn transiting the Midheaven and entering the 10th house will usually bring to the fore a serious concern with your ambitions, your hopes of achieving something in your career, your role in society and the amount of authority you have and a certain work structure through which you are trying to achieve your goals. It can sometimes feel like a period of frustration in these areas of life, or a time of anxiety when you're burdened with onerous responsibilities, but this mostly happens when the career or professional structure you've built is too oppressive or not realistic enough to fit. your true nature. Contrary to what some astrological traditions lead us to believe, this phase does not necessarily indicate that your aspirations are about to be destroyed. This transit simply shows that this is a time of extra hard work to define the scope and meaning of your aspirations. In fact, some people experience a very positive culmination of their career aspirations at this time, with significant recognition and satisfaction. However, this, in my experience, does not seem to happen with as much regularity as Grant Levy's theory predicts, although it is common. It is also a time of gaining an unbiased perspective on what you have actually achieved, as opposed to a reputation (which is often inaccurate) or what you would like to think you have achieved.If we consider the 10th house as the 12th from the 11th, we can conclude that this phase shows the results (12th house) of your alliances, goals and sense of individual purpose (11th house). If your career or professional structure seems frustrating at this time, it often stems from the fact that you haven't combined your true colors enough. personal goals and socially useful ideals in it. But you can start doing this when Saturn enters the 11th house.

Transit of Saturn through the 11th house

The significance of the 11th house is rarely made clear in most astrological books, and keywords given for the 11th house are often obscure and confusing. It seems to me that this house, more than anything else, symbolizes your sense of individual purpose, i.e. how you see your function in society and what you want to develop in the future on a personal level. This house is probably the most future-oriented of all houses, and people with the Sun or other important planets in this house tend to be especially future-oriented, in the way they want to become and in the way society develops and where it will lead. Therefore, the transit of Saturn through this house indicates the time when you realize what you have done, what you have not done and what you must do in the future, especially in relation to other people or society as a whole. This is a time of figuring out what you have to give to other people now that you have established yourself in some position within society (the 10th house phase). This is the time to reflect on your own goals: not so much career goals as your personal goals, what you want to be and become and what role you feel you are created to play in a community of people. This is a period to identify your own innermost hopes and desires and a sense of purpose for yourself in relation to the needs of your fellows. It is therefore a period of taking greater responsibility for the way in which you treat all people, and this increased concern leads to a more sober attitude towards not only friends and comrades, but also the inclusion of a person in large groups of people. In some cases, you may need to cut off various friendships or associations with groups; but in other cases you may find that you are motivated to take more responsibility in the way you communicate with them. For example, one woman took on the job of arranging (Saturn!) excursions for large groups of singles when Saturn was transiting through her 11th house. As can be seen from the association of this house with the sign of Aquarius, this is a time of dissemination and transmission to others of what you have learned and acquired during the transit of Saturn through the ten previous houses.

Transit of Saturn through the 12th house

As stated at the beginning of this section, the transit of Saturn through this house, along with its transit through the 1st house, coincides with an important transitional phase in the life of every person. The transit phase of Saturn through the 12th house is the period when you meet the results of all thoughts, actions, desires and activities that you have been engaged in during last cycle Saturn through all houses. The way you have expressed yourself in the world (1st house) has now inevitably brought you into confrontation with this particular kind of karma. If this is the first transit of Saturn through the twelfth house during this life, then the phase of life coming to an end during this period may be that which began in a past life. But, in any case, this is the end of the old cycle; and consequently one often experiences dissatisfaction, confusion, disorientation, a sense of emotional-mental limitation as the old life structures begin to crumble. In other words, those aspirations, values, priorities, activities and beliefs that once gave meaning and direction to your life begin to disintegrate when Saturn enters this house; the prevailing feeling of being lost is usually strongest during or about the first year of this phase, until the person establishes new values ​​and new, better attitudes towards life itself. This is therefore the time for defining ideals and basic spiritual orientation; many people spend this period experimenting with various new approaches to life, discarding old attachments that are now completely empty and lifeless. In short, this is a period of work to clarify these transcendent and elusive dimensions of life, which, although often difficult to put into words, constitute a deep source of strength that helps us in carrying our struggle towards growth amidst life's struggles and obstacles.

The 12th house is called the house of isolation and some kind of physical isolation is quite common at this time. But what is more common is that the person, at least during the first half of this period, feels as if he is in an emotional prison, isolated from outside world that seems distant and unreal. This is the time when we must turn inward to tap into the inner sources of emotional and spiritual strength; and it often seems that if we do not consciously choose to turn inward at this time, circumstances arise that cause us to experience some form of personal isolation that leaves us no choice but to reflect on our lives from a detached perspective. But in most of the cases I have seen, the person longs for isolation and a way of withdrawing from the worries of the outside world, whether that takes the form of entering a monastery or simply withdrawing from the earthly associations and activities that were meaningful. This is an excellent time to explore spiritual, mystical, or occult subjects, and many people also feel a strong urge for musical or poetic expression at this time, as what they feel cannot be expressed in logical or rationalistic terms, but only through images, vibrations, and intuition. There is also often a desire for humane activity and service as a means of finding value in one's own life.

Your health problems are not uncommon at this time, and they are usually psychosomatic, hard-to-diagnose ailments that only psychological or spiritual therapy can effectively address. The physical energy of a person at this time is often low due to the emotional expense associated with experiencing the complete elimination of all old individual structure. The old structure disappears at this time to make room for the new to be born. life orientation and life structure.What is so disorienting at this time is that it is a period of waiting, daydreaming and inner exploration during which one has no firm boundaries or secure anchors to hold on to. A person is waiting and preparing for the birth of a new structure, but it will not even begin to be built until Saturn passes through the Ascendant into the 1st house. But if a person can get inner strength from the realization that a completely new "I" is being created, free from many useless burdens, then - when Saturn passes through the 12th house and approaches the Ascendant - we can become easier and easier, happier and happier.