The classroom team as a factor in the formation of the student's personality. Formation of a class team

Depends on how friendly the cool team is psychological condition every student. The degree of assimilation depends on the degree of cohesion of the children in the class. educational material, the effectiveness of working with the class and the formation of the personality of students. In creating friendly team the leading role, of course, belongs to the class teacher and educator.



How to build a great team

The psychological state of each student depends on how friendly the class team is. The degree of assimilation of educational material, the effectiveness of working with the class and the formation of the personality of students depend on the degree of cohesion of the children in the class. In the matter of creating a friendly team, the leading role, of course, belongs to the class teacher and educator.

* The children's team needs to be formed daily, this is painstaking and responsible work. And here the authority of the teacher and educator, especially for younger children school age, extremely large.

* Schedule in plan educational work with students as many activities as possible aimed at rallying children. Let it be the creation and implementation of some socially significant project for children, the development and implementation of a collective creative work. Only in joint activities interesting for children, you can form a friendly team.

* Organize games during joint activities (see below). Be sure to spend class hours about friendship, mutual assistance, collectivism. Use every opportunity to talk to your children about the importance of these qualities in everyday life.

* In the classroom and during self-study, practice group activities, and change the composition of microgroups more often so that the guys learn close interaction.

* Maintain comfortable and favorable psychological climate in the classroom, extinguish flaring conflicts, but not in an authoritarian way. Listen to each child, try to understand and help him sort out his own feelings.

*Avoid showing too much and obvious love or dislike for individual students. Children feel this very well and will definitely think and talk about it. Respect in each child, first of all, the personality.

* Team building work should not be episodic, it should be daily and systematic, only then you can form a friendly team from the guys gathered in one class.

*Special work should be done with "rejected" children:try to involve them in the joint activities of the class, find assignments for them, where they would disclose their best abilities, often praise and encourage them in the presence of the class, but do it for a specific action or deed they performed.

In order for the team to be prosperous psychological atmosphere, the following conditions must be met:

Each member of the team must feel safe;

Everyone should have formed positive attitude to oneself, a sense of one's own uniqueness, value.

In order for the classroom, the school to become a place where children feel at home, the teacher can use the following techniques:

1. Participation of children in the organization common space, creating a "design" class

Discuss with the children how the classroom can be made more inviting, comfortable, and inviting. Some of the ideas to implement, and some of the ideas to discuss with the children, how realistic they are.

2. Create class rules.

A necessary condition for security and safety is the existence of rules by which a group or class functions. These rules should be clear to children, accepted by them. In addition, the consequences of violations of the rules should also be known.

3. Create a class diary

Each student and teacher should be given the opportunity to write something about themselves. These records should be placed in a special album under the photo of each child. Put a photo of the whole class there. It is important that the teacher and children take an equal part in creating such a diary.

4. Joint hikes, walks and excursions

Events like this bring teachers and students closer together. At the same time, it is important not to forget about those who, for some reason, could not go or go along with everyone else. Maybe you should bring them some souvenir.

5. Conducting “Class Days”

It is worth coming up with special rituals for this day with the children and putting them in the “Class Rules”. These can be tea parties, and evenings of rest with a discussion of joint affairs, summing up the results of studies, events that took place in the classroom at school, etc.

Games and exercises to develop the interaction of students in the classroom.

"Birthday" (cohesion of the group, removal negative attitude to each other.)

Game progress: The birthday boy is chosen. All children give him gifts with gestures, facial expressions. The birthday boy is invited to remember if he offended someone and correct it. Children are invited to dream up and come up with a future for the birthday boy.

"Confusion" (support group unity, stress relief.)

Game progress: The leader is chosen by the rhyme. He leaves the room. The rest of the children join hands and form a circle. Without unclenching their hands, they begin to get tangled - as best they can. When confusion has formed, the driver enters the room and unravels, also without separating the hands of the children.

"Blow the ball out of the plate"(increased confidence, self-esteem, control over their actions.)

Game progress: A table tennis ball is placed on a plate. Two children sit at the table opposite each other. On command one, two, three, they simultaneously begin to blow on the balloon, trying to blow it off the plate. The one who blows the balloon first wins. The next participant competes with the winner. The game continues until the complete victory of one of the participants.

"Guess!" (attention game)

Game progress: The driver is blindfolded, they take him by the hand and for 30-40 seconds they drive in a circle along those sitting. Finally, they stop him near one of the participants and put a hand on his shoulder. The driver, knowing who is sitting where, should call him by name.

"Don't Clink Cymbals"

Game progress: Host: “Let's imagine that someone is sleeping in the next room. He cannot be awakened. And you need to put three or four plates one on top of the other.

One player from each team comes out and performs the task, all the rest are sensitively listening to see if any of them will break the silence.

The competition can be repeated. Those who make the least noise win.

"Zigzag on the board"

Game progress: The leader draws in his notebook several simple broken lines of five to six segments. One of them he slowly draws on chalkboard, and his assistant immediately erases the previous line segment when the next one is completely drawn; finally erases the most recent one.

The players try to remember the entire line (without making any notes). Three wishing to restore it on the board from memory.

The facilitator compares their drawings with his own line and evaluates the answers depending on the accuracy of the direction and the size of the segments. In the same order, the second and following lines are drawn, prepared by the leader for the game.

"Call signs"

Game progress: The host gives each player a piece of paper on which the name of a city or plant is written, the cry of an animal or just a vowel, etc. The same name is given to five people - one, say, Moscow, the other five people - Odessa, the third - Kazan, etc. The host at the beginning of the game announces how many people will have the same name written.

At the leader’s signal, everyone quietly shouts out the name he received, while listening to who called the same thing in order to quickly join him in one group. When the whole group is assembled, they let the leader know about it by a show of hands and are considered winners. The game can be repeated, but with different names.


Game progress: Two or three pairs of competing guys stand on the stage (in a room, in a hall, at three tables, on each are laid out: a newspaper folded several times in a bag; a shoe with laces untied; a jar with a screw cap, lying separately; a box next to which there are various small items, a ribbon rolled up, etc.

A pair of "twins" hug each other tightly around the waist, each with two free hands - left and right. At the command of the presenter, it is necessary for the “twins” to do the following quickly and deftly with their hands: - unfold the newspaper completely; lace up a shoe; screw the jar until it stops; put things in a box; unfold the ribbon fold all the items on a newspaper, carefully fold the newspaper with a gift bag and tie it with a ribbon.

It is possible for the “twins” to tie two hands (left and right for two guys playing in pairs). Thus, a three-armed person will stand at the table. Now we need to act together with "three" hands. It's not that easy. There is a need for coherence of actions, some kind of general coordination.

"Quick find"

Game progress: The host selects from ten to fifteen large reproductions of paintings with content understandable to children, covers them with a newspaper.

The guys are divided into three teams. Each team in turn names any letter (except for b, b, s, d), after which the leader picks up a reproduction and shows it to the participants in the game.

The one who first finds an object on the reproduction whose name begins with the named letter is awarded a point.

Then another letter is called and another reproduction is shown. The team with the most points in ten to twelve minutes wins.

"Through the Glass"

Game progress: Children are invited to say something to each other with gestures, imagining that they are separated from each other by glass through which sounds do not penetrate. A topic for conversation can be offered to the child, for example: “You forgot to put on a hat, and it’s very cold outside,” or “Bring me a glass of water, I’m thirsty, etc., or the child will come up with his own message. After the game, you need to find out how accurately and correctly the children understood each other and discuss how the children felt when transmitting messages, whether it was easy for them. The game is aimed at developing the ability to convey thoughts and feelings with the help of facial expressions and expressive movements.


Course of the game: the participants sit in a circle. The host calls the number, and that is how many participants should rise from their seats. Participants do not have the right to agree, but non-verbal interaction is allowed. Until the group is cooperative enough, the game cannot continue. Notes: Need to bring the game to completion; positive reinforcement is important. This game can be played standing in a circle, the participants, at the command of the leader, must take a step forward


Game progress: The group is divided into two teams. Each team in turn thinks of a word - a concept and tells it to a member of the other team in the ear. He cannot say in words what this word is, he can only depict it with gestures and facial expressions. The group may ask questions, but his answers are non-verbal.

"Count without triples"

The course of the game: everyone in a circle begins to count aloud - only at the expense of three, numbers that are multiples of three, containing a three, are not spoken aloud, but jump on them. If someone makes a mistake, then the game starts again.


This exercise has several options. Choose and swipe the option you like best.

(1) Everyone sits in a circle. The participant, passing in a circle, stops near each representative of the group and names the positive qualities that he would like to take from him for himself.

(2) Everyone sits in a circle. The participant, passing in a circle, stops near someone and calls positive quality which I would like to take from him for myself.

The material was prepared by the teacher-psychologist Gornova S.V.

"Formation and development cool team»

Caring for the educational power of the team is caring for the spiritual enrichment and growth of each member of the team, for the richness of relationships. Sukhomlinsky

After all, the teacher is

not a profession

but the state of mind!

My pedagogical creed- providing the child with the opportunity to express himself in various activities, educating him best qualities a patriotic citizen who knows the traditions of his people and the history of his native land.

Now I will ask you to divide into groups of 5 people. And I suggest that each group draw a picture on the theme "Friendship". At the end of the work, one of the group members must present the work of his group.

Outcome: Collage of friendship of our teaching staff

The exercise contributes to the expansion of children's ideas about themselves and others, as talented, unique personalities, establishing closer emotional contact, developing cohesion, the ability to coordinate their actions with other team members, as well as understanding and consolidating the experience gained during the lesson.

I am like classroom teacher In the work on the formation of the team, I rely on the following principles:

openness - joint planning (class teacher + students + parents);

The attractiveness of the future business - to captivate students with the end result.

Activity Active participation in events at all levels.

Freedom of Participation - the opinion of students is taken into account when choosing to participate in an extracurricular activity.

co-creation (collaboration + creativity) - the right to choose a partner in the work being done.

Feedback - discussion of each extracurricular activity (reflection).

success - celebrate the real success of the work done.

When I was in 1st grade. When planning educational work in the classroom, I asked myself the questions “Will our new school family, will we be warm and good together?”, “How to make sure that we understand each other?” Together with the psychologist of our school, every year we conduct diagnostics in order to identify the type interpersonal relationships to which the child is accustomed at home, what place in family relationships he wonders what his self-esteem is, etc. In order to successfully find an approach to the child without injuring the vulnerable psyche of the latter.

I have a number of tasks ahead of me:

    Adaptation of class students to learning at school;

    Formation of a cool team, friendly, close-knit, creative;

    Education of a friendly attitude towards classmates and respect for elders;

    Formation of moral and value views of students.

    Raising love for school and school traditions;

    To instill a sense of responsibility for the task assigned; skills of culture of behavior, responsiveness and mutual assistance.

    Organization of all kinds of activities that would help to reveal the individuality in my class.

I conditionally divided my activity in the formation of a class team into several stages, which are interconnected.

Stages of formation of a class team:

    Studying the class, setting goals and objectives of educational work.

    Creation cool traditions, organization of class self-government

    Establishing good relationships within the team.

I, as a class teacher, try to work differently in each new class to form a team, here many factors are meant: the level of upbringing of the children's team and individual children, the nature of the emerging relationship between schoolchildren, between children and parents, between children and teachers.

At the first stage of the formation of a class team, when the children first crossed the threshold of the school, the leading functions belong to the class teacher. It is on him that the main task of studying the class lies. I start studying the class at the first parent meeting, where parents are asked questions about the child’s occupation in circles, sections, what the child loves, as they call him in the family, I suggest parents inin the interests of more effective cooperation between the child, parents and teachers, to express their proposals for planning educational work this academic year.

Work is also underway to organize a classroom team, where the teacherselects and offers children types of joint activities. In the same period, class and school duty is organized (from grade 2); clearance begins cool corner, portfolio of each student; distribution of orders; and a cycle of class hours: “Let's get to know each other”, “My hobbies”, “What does your name mean”, “Your horoscope”, etc.

Favorable climate in the classroom is established through participation in school activities. Great importance in the life of the children's team have traditions that begin to take shape in primary school. The desire of the teacher to develop the traditions of the children's team, to consistently use them in their work leads to the fact that under the influence of tradition, students form positive habits, a responsible attitude to the task assigned, to the people around them, to themselves. Starting from the first days of working with children, I introduced students to the traditions that live at school (Knowledge Day, Health Day, Teacher's Day, Science Day, Maslenitsa, May 9, Hero's Day and new tradition- generosity - Day of the magic dumpling). Joint extracurricular activities with guys from other classes, the class takes part in all school holidays, competitions. My parents aren't left out either. The formation of class traditions has become their business. And it all started from the first parent meeting, which was not as common as usual. At a large round table, everyone was immediately involved in a joint creative work on the formation of class traditions:



Congratulations to each student on his birthday;

Joint preparation and holding in the class of autumn, new year holiday, Maslenitsa, Mother's Day; holiday on March 8, February 23, etc.

Held at the end school year"Farewell to Grade 2"

Awareness of one's individuality, giftedness.

Formation of communication skills.

Creating conditions for disclosure creativity children

During the school year, we try to observe the laws of life in the classroom, which we ourselves have developed since the beginning of the year:

- a person does not have the right to humiliate, insult and offend another person;

- a person must learn to admit that he is wrong and defend his rightness;

- a person must learn to make friends and have friends;

A person should be able to help another person and not be afraid to ask for help.

Compliance with these laws helps to establish correct relationships in the team.

Observations show that by the end of schooling in the 1st grade, academic studies and extracurricular activities are the main thing that unites the school team. In other words, the collective of schoolchildren lives a diverse life filled with common aspirations, interests, joys and sorrows.

In conclusion, I would like to say that all the activities carried out during the academic year extracurricular work on the formation of a class team gives its results, which are reflected in the eyes and actions of our children. After all

Children learn to live with us.

We learn to live from children.

And finally, I'll tell you

That every class is a director,

When he warms the souls of children,

In response, you will receive tenderness and warmth.

When to you with trust, with love

Every student hurries to meet

You understand with your heart at this moment,

Walking your difficult path,

In which there is both joy and trouble, -

you protect baby hearts,

And there is no calling higher than this!

Warm, comfort, caress, understand

And sing a song and show a dance.

And maybe you hear behind your back:

"She's like a mother" - that's the simple answer!

What is a great team?

A team is a group of people who are united by a common work or study, common aspirations or interests. Our class can also become a team. Why does the teacher want this so much?

In a class team, the guys cooperate, achieving high performance learning. The strong help and support the weak, the weak seek to equal the strong. More educated correct and correct the behavior of naughty. The class team is always together - in the classroom, at recess, when preparing homework, outside the school walls. And members of the class team are no longer just classmates. We call them comrades.

Who is a comrade? He doesn't just sit next to him. Comrade, just like you, came to school to study, to acquire knowledge. Comrade respects you and your work. A comrade can suggest, help, cheer up. He will help you overcome difficulties, tell you if you do not understand something. He will rejoice in your success. At recess, he will play a game with you. He will not give you nicknames and nicknames, he is polite, does not start quarrels over trifles. The comrade tries hard in his studies, but does not brag about his successes.

What can we do so that our class turns into a team, and classmates can be called comrades? For such a transformation, you need to work hard. But the result will be this: every morning you will be happy to come to school, and on the weekend you will miss it. Listen to the memo the psychologists have prepared for us.

Team rules.

  1. FROM good friend lighter in trouble, happier in success.
  2. Be polite to your comrades: do not give them nicknames, do not shout, do not forget about " magic words”, do not be greedy, do not forget to say hello in the morning and say goodbye after class.
  3. If you know something or are able, and others are interested, do not brag, but teach others.
  4. Do not argue with your comrades over trifles, try to work and play together.
  5. In games, don't shout, don't be rude. When you lose, do not be offended, and when you win, do not exalt yourself.
  6. Don't be a snitch. If a friend is wrong about something, immediately tell him about it. And stop him if he does something bad.
  7. If two people are fighting, try to reconcile them. Separate the fighters.
  8. Do not be conceited if you have succeeded in something; don’t get angry and don’t lose heart if something doesn’t work out.
  9. Remember the Musketeers? They were real comrades. Their motto is: one for all and all for one.

The laws of life of the collective.

  1. The law of respect. Respect others, and then they will respect you.
  2. The Law of Friendship. Life is not always like a holiday. It has difficulties and obstacles. Then a friend comes to the rescue.
  3. The Law of Courage.Do not give up in the face of difficulties, do not give in to obstacles.
  4. Law of love. Love your relatives, friends, school, Motherland, that butterfly and that birch - love everything that surrounds you.
  5. The law of kindness. Kindness is great power. Do not be afraid to be strong - give people good.
  6. The law of mercy.There may be someone next to you who needs help. Help!
  7. The law of hard work.You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Love to work to be proud of the results!

Through joint activities to a friendly class, or Techniques for rallying a class team

How to encourage teenagers not to destroy, but to create?

AT modern society Every day there are all kinds of changes in the political, economic, cultural and social levels. Russian state cannot be completely isolated from outside world therefore, we are also characterized by change and progress. But various kinds of "modifications", "reorganizations", "reforms", "innovations" bring not only positive changes, but also negatively affect many segments of the population. In turn, adolescents and young people, to a certain extent, are a “litmus test” of positive and negative sides progress.

Most teenagers are characterized by the desire to be "independent", "independent", "cool", "supermodern". But in specific, rather difficult socio-economic situations, most of them get into time trouble or even a dead end. Their output is not always adequate.

It is time for us, educators, to understand that we cannot stop the process of absorbing young people with modern information and communication technologies, “absorbing” the stream of “modern” from TV and computer screens, and direct participation of young people in the “sexual revolution”. And if the world is changing so quickly, then we, teachers, cannot be left behind.

A task modern teacher not only master the norms of international social and pedagogical competencies but also strive to know innovation processes in youth environment. Do not forget that, regardless of age, it is interesting for teenagers to communicate not only with professionals in their field, but also with those adults who are able to understand (hence, own up-to-date information) and help right now and in specific situation. And this requires huge amounts of knowledge in the most diverse (sometimes non-standard and unusual) spheres of life of the world community, our country, and the interests of young people.

The task of adults is not to strive at lightning speed to stop the socially destructive process of “youth development”, but to encourage most teenagers and youth to creative activity. And in order for this process to become effective, teachers need to learn how to use the entire energy of the younger generation in activities that are socially significant for their age.

Techniques and methods are both simple and extremely complex. Interested computer games- we will try to conduct an "interactive marathon" "Do as I do, do better than me!" We are carried away by graffiti (wall painting) - we will hold a competition for the best wall drawing. New sports hobbies- organize a master class for peers.

The main thing is that pedagogical impact was “secondary”, and the teenage initiative was “primary”. it pedagogical skill when teenagers are convinced that it was they who organized this or that competition, action, but at the same time under the strict guidance of a teacher-mentor.

The task of the teacher is to find in teenagers this particular team hidden opportunities: their desires, needs, interests, abilities and translate them into socially significant activities.

Thus, the socially significant activity of younger adolescents, in which there is a sense of interest, usefulness and need for each individual in certain activities acquires a dominant role in the educational process.

It must be remembered that in educational institutions The most popular forms of extracurricular and educational work are:

Development of youth associations;

Development of elements of self-government, implementation active forms gaming activity in the elections of student parliaments;

Creation on the basis of the school (lyceum, gymnasium) of intellectual, creative, cultural and leisure centers of interest using new forms creative activity;

Opening of various gyms, sports clubs, "Internet cafes" on the basis of educational institutions;

Conducting intellectual and educational games (KVN, marathons, skits, Mind games, contests).

Techniques and methods for realizing their ideas and interests among younger adolescents are also becoming more socially oriented:

Project activities (defense or presentation of projects);

Auctions of talents or unusual (fantastic) ideas;

Conferences, debates, seminars and workshops;

Literary, theatrical, poetic, musical, sports lounges;

Impromptu game and correspondence travel;


Promotions "Gift ..." or "Help ..." (friend, veteran, younger, children orphanage, parents, etc.);

. “labor exchanges” (knowledge, innovation, undiscovered talents);

Evening of creative masters or festivals of creativity (folk, applied, technical);

Cheerful pantomime and theater of miniatures;

. "live" newspaper and contests of propaganda teams;

Game-journey and carnival;

Staged (combat) song contest;

Rings (songs, tongue twisters, poems), excursions into nature.

Personal self-realization and unity of the classroom team through student self-government. Involvement of students of any age in various forms of classroom and school-wide student self-government, public administration bodies of a general educational institution, in children's and adolescent public organizations. In this case, it is possible:

- holding a ceremony for the election of student self-government bodies;

- organization in game form reports of student self-government bodies, children's and adolescent public organizations;

- issue of information bulletins, leaflets, magazines (as types of mass media) of children's and adolescent public organizations and student self-government bodies;

- organization of the ceremony of reporting conferences or forums (for the academic or academic year) of student self-government bodies, children's and adolescent public organizations.

At present, in many educational institutions, children's and adolescent public organizations (associations) are closely intertwined with the structure of student self-government.

The following formation option is possible public organization for students primary school- the principle of self-determination of children in the organization is voluntary, the possibility of a child moving from one microgroup to another is allowed. This can be the formation of microgroups of interest (“storytellers”, “dreamers”, “cartoon lovers”, “jumpers”, etc.). Assistance in the formation of a microgroup is provided by the class teacher (primary school teacher). The class council includes the leaders of each microgroup, which can change, then the class council acquires a “mobile” character, the right to participate in self-government of the class is granted to all worthy students who have shown special communicative, organizational skills and high intellectual level development.

Preventive or patronage activities. For example, the patronage of students in grades 3-4 over a group of children preparatory to school kindergarten or 1st grade students. AT this case can be used the following types activities:

— production of bookmarks, stands for books; repair of toys, textbooks and feasible repair of furniture;

- holding mini-conversations according to the rules traffic compliance with safety regulations, familiarization with the requirements curricula and learning conditions at the next level of education, about ecology, prevention bad habits and personal hygiene, etc.;

- organization of impromptu concerts and propaganda teams on certain topics (propaganda teams of the YuIDD detachments and young firefighters, oral magazines, literary drawing rooms);

- assistance to teachers or educators during children's excursions (around the city, into nature), evenings of rest with children;

- assisting teachers or educators in the design of detachment corners or wall newspapers;

– organization of simple quizzes and competitions, sports competitions, individual lessons with gifted children academic subjects, music, painting, applied and technical creativity).

At the same time, it is important for the teacher to identify adolescents prone to certain kind activities. The principle works: what you are fond of, teach others about it. Some guys are prone to painstaking work alone or in small group, others are interested in showing their abilities in front of an audience. The main thing is that everyone should find a job according to their interests.

Daily good deeds for teachers and classmates. In any educational institution Every teacher and employee needs the help of students (lyceum students, gymnasium students, pupils) every day.

Firstly, the teacher at each lesson expects support in achieving his ideas from the students. Let it be an ordinary lesson or Classroom hour, conversation or socially significant activity. Do a noble good deed- help the teacher to collect the necessary material for laboratory lesson, search the Internet for useful information for the upcoming lesson, if you have the opportunity - help the teacher to copy the text of the memo or extract from the document for the lesson or class hour.

Secondly, in the classroom there will always be something for a real master. It won't bother you too much if you clean the class once a week. And what if we form a repair team in the classroom and make a charity raid on the school (lyceum)? Would any of the adults be against such an initiative? Take a look at the school yard. Is there too much trash in there? This is where your true nobility will manifest!

Third, remember your former teachers labor veterans. Do not wait for tips from adults, conduct a charity raid “You, teacher, are always with us, you will never be alone”: an elderly person will be pleased to meet his students educational institution, and all possible help around the house will be very helpful.

And finally, help your classmate. Your classmate needs not only help with his studies, but also daily comradely support, a kind word and a smile. Who, no matter how you, he needs today and now! After all, in the class team we spend the most wonderful years childhood and youth. Not only our own mood, but also the mood of others depends on a good microclimate in the team, comradely relationships, mutual assistance and support. Do your best to make life great in your classroom!

And if there are children in your class who study at home for medical reasons, then it is up to each of you that his speedy recovery depends. Or maybe the family of one of your classmates experienced temporary difficulties? Maybe right now you need real help to your friend?

So, eight daily good deeds for teachers and classmates:

1. Help the teacher in every lesson in activating learning activities classmates.

2. Help the teacher with the selection of the necessary useful information for a lesson or class hour.

3. Organization of cleaning classroom and your working (training) place.

4. Charity Event for minor repairs of school furniture or educational (laboratory) equipment.

5. Production of visual materials for a lesson or practical (laboratory) work.

6. Participation in campaigns for cleaning the schoolyard and school yard (training workshops, assembly and sports halls etc.).

7. Daily help of gifted children to underachieving classmates in their studies.

8. Helping classmates with disabilities physical abilities or homeschooled.

And why don't the guys present their class in the form of the “Crew of the ship of Dreams”, the “Squad of fearless seekers”? Then the life "on the ship" should be completely different, close to the "laws of the sea." And in a detachment, for example, you can’t do without a detachment corner at all.

Generally, detachment (classroom) corner is designed to:

- to develop the activity of children and diversify their knowledge;

- help in the education of good taste and teach the culture of design;

- arouse interest in the life of your team.

The detachment (classroom) corner is a joint work of the class teacher and the children. It must be "speaking", i.e. its content and headings must change; the corner should reflect the various aspects of class life (self-service, sports, participation in school life, awards, birthdays, prospects).

The corner is the place where all information related to the class is collected. The design of the corner should correspond to the name of the detachment, the age of children or adolescents.

- "Calendar" ("Calendar significant dates”, “Calendar of significant dates of our region (city, region)”;

- plan for a quarter (for a month);

- “Today” (“Today by our fire”, “Day until evening is boring, if there is nothing to do”, “And today we have ...”);

- "Congratulations"; "Sport" ("From start to finish", "Sports pride of the class");

- Rules of conduct in the classroom ("It's the way we do it", "Don't forget that...");

- class list ("Meet us");

- "Our motto" ("Our rules", the emblem of the detachment);

- "Our address" ("Where to find us");

- “Our achievements” (“Our ups and downs”, “We are proud of you!”);

- the laws of the detachment (“Everyone must know this for sure at “five”), etc.

In addition to a cool corner, you can design wall newspapers "with or without reason." At the same time, it is important for the class teacher to identify "artists", "designers" and "journalists" from the class team. Here you can apply the "live newspaper" technique, i.e. form several microgroups, decide on the main idea, the topic of the wall newspaper. Each microgroup is given tasks for 2-3 days: the first one is to cut out various beautiful pictures on the chosen topic from old magazines, the second one is to bring felt-tip pens and make inscriptions in the newspaper while working, the third one is to pick up articles or compose several articles by oneself, the fourth one is to take several interviews from classmates, students of the school (lyceum) or teachers on the topic of the wall newspaper. On the appointed day, the guys will model a wall newspaper on a sheet (2-3 sheets) of drawing paper. In this case, there is something interesting for everyone.

Each class team should have its own traditions.. It is advisable not to confuse the laws of the collective with the rules of conduct at the school (lyceum) or with safety instructions. Class laws in elementary school may not always be serious and strict, emphasizing general rules behavior and ethical standards of being. It can be a set of funny or humorous rules in which the real laws of a given children's group are "hidden", for example:

- In our class, the law is simple: here we will help you become a star!

- In order to live together in a class, friendship must be cherished.

- Hurry up - you will make the whole class laugh.

- The class teacher is the head of everything. But the head rests on the director's neck.

- If you want to eat - know how to spin.

- I ate it myself - help a friend.

- Treasure the friendship of the guys in the class - this is your "hourly three meals a day."

- Entering the lesson, do not think about seconds down.

Team building takes place

in a joint social significant activities: in preparation for the KVN, theme night, round table or evenings of rest, sports competition, etc. At the same time, it is important to remember that each student in the class feels needed in the common cause.

The teacher can offer students a kind of reminder "Twelve daily good deeds to maintain a good microclimate in the classroom":

1. Be sociable and friendly with classmates.

2. Do not be rude, do not use foul language, follow the rules of conduct for students at school (lyceum, gymnasium).

3. Remember that teachers are your senior mentors, listen to their requests, advice and recommendations.

4. Be implacable to manifestations of cruelty, rudeness and injustice on the part of peers or high school students.

5. Do not do it yourself and try to warn your peers against illegal actions (smoking, petty theft, hooligan acts).

6. Remember - your classmate in any situation is your classmate and friend! Greet him everywhere and, if necessary, help him not only at school, but also on the street, in public places.

7. Assist teachers in organizing leisure activities for younger students (at recess, in a group extended day or after graduation).

8. Take part in the design of a class corner or class (team) newspaper, daily cleaning of the classroom (office).

9. Do not be aloof from the interesting affairs of class student self-government or a children's public organization.

10. Take the initiative in activating the leisure time of classmates.

11. Every day, provide all possible assistance to classmates in their studies.

12. Do not forget that it is in your class that the most wonderful guys study! They want to be friends with you and need your help! What did you do to make the class the most friendly?

Formation of a class team.

Class leadership in the 5th grade made me pay attention to this topic, because. it seems that the backbone of the class has been formed, but new children have joined it, and for me this class is also completely new. When working with this class, the following questions arose at the beginning: “Can we find mutual language with each other? Can they be friendly, united? What are they? and many more. after all, she knew these children only from individual observations and from the words of teachers.

The formation of a class team is a difficult and lengthy process, requiring not only patience, but also invention. The team has a huge impact for the formation of personality. AT common work socially valuable feelings develop in a person: camaraderie, friendship, mutual assistance, sympathy. The demands of the collective contain a powerful factor in the moral perfection of the individual.In the student team, a person develops who is able to creatively and independently solve problems that arise; intellectuals, creators, organizers, enterprising people, leaders who are able to lead others are brought up.

Almost every teacher strives to create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom. However, not everyone manages to build such relationships in the classroom, because sometimes the teacher does not have a holistic and detailed idea of ​​the nature, directions and methods of joint life of members of the class team. The class teacher should determine which type or direction of joint activity can become a priority in the life of the class. The choice of a priority type of activity depends, first of all, on the interests and needs of students, personality traits class teacher, features of the educational work of the previous class teacher, type of educational institution.

The main educational task of the class leader is to create conditions for development individual abilities each child, their improvement in the conditions of the school educational process. And no matter how the student is in his studies - an excellent student or a "gray" three student - for the teacher he must be bright, individual school personality, and at school its place for self-expression and self-realization.The class teacher is a professional teacher who organizes the system of relations between the school and the child through various types of educational activities of the class team, creates conditions for individual expression each student and carries out its activities in unified system teaching and educational work of the school.

Currently, there are several main functions of the class teacher:

"controller", ensuring the inclusion of students in the educational process (control over visits, behavior, duty,; clarification of relations with parents, individual work with students who ignore the educational process);

"guide through the country of knowledge", creating conditions for development cognitive interest and desire to learn (informing students and parents about the features of the school and its requirements for students; educational activities cognitive character; assisting students in self-education; coordinating the efforts of all teachers working in the classroom);

a “moral mentor” that helps students comply with norms and rules, resolve conflicts that arise both between students and between students and teachers (teaching ethics and etiquette; conducting conversations on moral, social, legal topics; assessing the actions of students; individual work with students, violating the norms of behavior in an educational institution);

“bearer of culture”, helping to master cultural values on the basis of which the educational process is organized (conducting excursions, collective trips to museums, theaters, exhibitions; organizing evenings and talks about culture, cultural events at school and at home);

"senior comrade", helping to get involved in different kinds activities that take on part of the care of students (the formation of a class team, the organization of collective creative activities);

« social teacher”, contributing to the solution of various social problems students;

"facilitator" who assists students in self-knowledge, self-determination, self-realization (conducting conversations, trainings, games; individual work with students).

It is not so important to pinpoint exactly main function class leader. It is important that children feel a friendly attitude towards them from the side of the teacher, his interest in joint activities, then trusting relationships are formed that lead to constructive joint activities.

It is important for the class teacher to clearly represent real state interpersonal and business relations in the classroom, opportunities and means to improve them. All members of the class community should be in the teacher's field of vision, but especially those students who occupy a disadvantaged position in the children's team. It is necessary that in the formed ideas about the future of the class, the teacher could determine a niche for self-realization and self-affirmation of the personality of each child.

Team buildingimplemented through student self-government. The class teacher should also be included in the self-government bodies, since he is a member of the team. He also has his duties, rights, shows his activity, creativity. The development of self-management skills can be carried out through a system of alternating creative assignments that are consistent with the main types of educational activities.From the first days of study, all the guys received public assignments. I imposed these instructions myself, but some children carry them out responsibly. Irina, for example, who is responsible for the calendar of nature, does not forget about it, Vladik, who is responsible for the duty, is also responsible. The rest of the children are not yet interested in fulfilling their duties. There is no positive leader in the class who could lead the class.

I believe that every student should learn to lead and obey, so from this quarter there will be a change in public assignments, based on the desires and capabilities of the children, at the end of the year we will see what the result is.

Among the tasks in working with the class, aimed at forming a team, I highlight the following:

    strengthening the class community, the main values ​​​​of which are friendship and mutual assistance;

    creation of conditions for intellectual, moral and cultural education of students;

    assisting the child in revealing his individuality;

    creating an atmosphere of trust, helping to overcome feelings of fear, self-doubt.

Starting or continuing to work with the children's team, it is always very important for the class teacher to know how all members of the children's team treat each other, whether the team in which they are is significant for them long time together, what are the main features of relationships in the classroom. To identify various characteristics children's team can use the following methods.


The purpose of sociometric research is to study the relationship of students in a team and identify leaders in the class. Each student receives a list of the entire class and completes the following tasks.

Exercise 1. You have money, the amount of which allows you to buy gifts for only three classmates. Mark who you would like to give a gift to.

Task 2. It's been ten years since I graduated from high school. You only got the opportunity to meet three former classmates. Who would you like to meet? Write down their names.

Task 3. you have the opportunity to form a team for fun starts from classmates. There should be no more than three. Who do you prefer?

class photo

Students in the class are invited to act as "photographers" and take a picture of their class. To do this, each student in the class receives a sheet of paper on which he must place all the students and the class teacher, as in a group photo. Each "photo" the student must sign the names of their classmates. Among classmates, he must place his photo and the photo of the class teacher. Analyzing the received photographs, I pay attention to where in the photograph the student places himself, his friends, his classmates and the class teacher, with what mood he does this work.

Physical education lesson

Students are invited to build a class for a physical education lesson. The main requirement is that students do not have the right to build students by height. On sheets of paper, the guys can, at their discretion, build the whole class. It depends on them whether the guys will stand one after another or in pairs. This technique allows you to determine the degree of self-esteem of each student, the degree of his involvement in the life of the class.


The students of the class are invited to build a pedestal for rewarding, on which they have the right to put their classmates. To do this, the guys must determine for themselves why they put their classmates on the steps of the pedestal. All steps - 5. Students have the opportunity to determine one of these five steps for themselves, if the student considers it necessary to do so.

This technique allows you to see the relationship of students in the team, their attachment to each other, to determine the moral side of the relationship of students.

"Circles on the water"

The children are offered a piece of paper on which circles are drawn, in which they need to enter the names of their classmates “in order of importance” for themselves. In each circle, the guys must enter no more than three names of their classmates.


Students are invited to determine their attitude towards classmates, continue the following sentences:

1. The closest person in the class to me is...

2. The guys with whom I like to spend my free time from school are ...

3. The guys that I am pleased to see in my house are ...

4. The guys I would like to hang out with at school are...

5. The guys I would like to hang out with outside of school are...

6. The guys I don't hang out with are...

7. The guys with whom I have to communicate at school out of necessity are

8. The guys that I dislike are...

observation. Observation provides an opportunity to study the participation of each student in the activity without interfering with natural process this activity. Observation is used when there is conflict situation or it is necessary to form an opinion about the behavior of the student and the actions he performs.

When selecting diagnostic methods, the following should be considered:

Features of the age of students in the class;

The degree of formation of the children's team;

Features of the relationship between the class teacher and students;

The degree of trust between children and adults.

Working with diagnostic methods, the class teacher must adhere to the following rules:

2. Diagnostics should be meaningful and create a wide field of research activities.

3. Results diagnostic study should not be discussed by people who are not related to class affairs.

4. The results (any) should not be to the detriment, but to the benefit of the students of the class.

5. Based on the results of the diagnostic study, adjustments and planning of educational work in the classroom should be made.

6. Necessity pedagogical diagnostics should be explained to the students.

The class is often compared to a small orchestra in which everyone plays their own instrument, everyone has their own part. The coherence of the work of the student team and success depends on how professionally the class teacher fulfills his role as a conductor. It is necessary to be observant and attentive to the characteristics of the character and behavior of the student. to study him as a person, to multiply his virtues and work on his shortcomings.As a class teacher of the fifth grade, I consider it especially important to create such a class team in which each student can realize himself as a person.Only with such relationships can each child find his place in the team, experience emotional comfort.