What is the new order in Europe. Fascist "new order"


Germany and its allies set up in the territories they occupied " new order”- a regime of merciless terror and violence The meaning of the “new order” was to eliminate independence and sovereignty, all democratic and social achievements enslaved countries, merciless economic exploitation and arbitrariness of the invaders.

The Nazi occupation policy was worked out in detail in parallel with the plans for the conduct of the war. In particular, there was the Ost plan, approved on May 25, 1940. It provided for the colonization of the Soviet Union and countries of Eastern Europe, the destruction of millions of people, the transformation of the inhabitants of these countries into slaves.

Subsequently, the idea arose to deport 46-51 million people from Eastern Europe, and the best lands settled by German colonists. The establishment of a "new order" in the occupied lands was accompanied by administrative reforms.

Poland was turned into german general- the governorate, the Czech Republic and Yugoslavia are divided, the Sudeten lands are annexed to the Third Reich, Bohemia and Moravia are turned into a "protectorate", Slovakia is proclaimed an "independent state", Greece is divided into three zones of occupation - German, Italian and Bulgarian. In Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, the occupiers put puppet governments in power. Luxembourg was incorporated into Germany.

France was in a special position. The occupiers kept its government in the "free" zone, pursued a policy of cooperation with them. The occupied part was subordinated to the German administration.

After the attack on the USSR, part of the occupied Soviet territory(including rear areas army groups) the Nazi leadership transferred it under the control of the military command, and subordinated the other to the Ministry of the Occupied eastern territories headed by A. Rosenberg and divided into two Reichskommissariats - Ostland (Baltic and most of Belarus) and "Ukraine". Western Ukrainian lands were annexed to Polish General- Governorate. Bukovyna and part of South-Eastern Ukraine (Chernivtsi, Odessa, Izmail, part of the districts of Vinnitsa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions) are united into district 1 "Transnistria" and transferred to Romania.

The economies of all the enslaved countries worked for the invaders. Millions of Europeans were forcibly taken to Germany. Almost 5 million boys and girls were taken from the USSR to Germany alone. Industry worked to the order of the invaders. Agriculture supplied them with food, the labor force was used in the construction of military facilities.

researchers' view

3 books "Ukraine and Germany in the Second World War" by the researcher of the French historian V. Kosyk

The author writes about the conditions of detention of Ukrainian workers in labor camps in Germany. He reports the facts from the report of the military leader who inspected them. The food of workers from the East, the document says, consisted mainly of half a liter of soup and 300 grams of bread per day, as well as 50-75 grams of margarine and 25 grams of meat per week. Such food led to exhaustion, which contributed to the emergence of many diseases. Slaves were often beaten while working. Women were beaten in the face with boards with nails. Pregnant women were kicked in the stomach. Men and women were often locked in ice cells, where they were naked and hungry. In some camps, children between the ages of 4 and 15 languished without parents.

Neuordnung), Hitler's concept of a complete reorganization of the German public life in line with the Nazi worldview. Speaking in June 1933 to the leadership Nazi Party, Hitler declared that "dynamism national revolution still exists in Germany and that it must continue until it is completely ended. All aspects of life in the Third Reich must be subject to the Gleichschaltung policy. In practice, this meant the formation of a police regime and the establishment of a brutal dictatorship in the country.

Reichstag like Legislature, was rapidly losing its power, and the Weimar constitution ceased immediately after the Nazis came to power.

Nazi propaganda tirelessly tried to convince the German layman that the "new order" would bring true freedom and prosperity to Germany.

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"New order"

(Italy). In the 1950s there is a revival of the fascist movement. At the congress in Lausanne founded international organization neo-fascists "New Order". The founder, presumably, was Leon Degrelle, the commander of the Wallonia motorized brigade. Fighting groups began to operate under the name "Young European Vanguard". Branches were available in many countries, were banned in France. In Italy, from April 8, 1959 to March 19, 1962, neo-fascists carried out 95 acts, destroying 75 power line masts, made 44 raids on railway facilities, 3 on transport communications, 8 - for industrial facilities, 8 - for houses and buildings. In the late 1950s in Italy, the organization "Fascii of Revolutionary Action" (Fascii Diazione Revolutionarya - FAR) is created, headed by Clemente Graziane. The FAR carried out a series of bombings in Rome, including an assassination attempt on the prime minister. 21 members of the organization were arrested. After his release from prison, Pino Rauti, who was more inclined to theoretical work, in contrast to the activist Graziana, Rauti headed the "New Order", which intensified its activities in 1969. The organization "occupies an ideologically extreme position, is connected by origin with orthodox fascism, rejects any contact with the institutions of the democratic system." At a meeting of leaders of neo-fascist groups on April 18, 1969 in Padua, a plan was developed to carry out terrorist attacks in order to compromise the republican regime and prepare a right-authoritarian coup in the public consciousness favorable for committing. In accordance with the plan in the summer - autumn of 1969, the group of Fred - Ventura in various cities carried out explosions and assassination attempts - 22 acts in 9 months: 15.4.1969 explosion of the office of the rector of the University of Padua Guido Opokera; arson of the Fiat booth at a fair in Milan; April 25, 1969 - Milan, explosions at the central station; 8/8/1969 - explosion of the train Rome - Milan. Explosion in Milan in the building of the Agricultural Bank on Plaza Fontana on 12/12/1969 (17 people were killed and more than 100 were injured); bomb found in commercial bank, neutralized; 12/12/1969 - Rome, explosions in the underground passage near the Labor Bank (14 injured); two explosions at the monument "Altar of the Fatherland" (18 injured); in Rome, from 16:45 to 17:15, there were also two explosions, but without casualties. A total of 53 terrorist attacks were committed in 1969. The New Order disbanded in 1973 for participating in an attempt coup d'état. In 1974, it was recreated under the name "Black Order". An organizational meeting was held in Cattalica on Feb. 1974. The leaders of the neo-fascists decided to "terrorize the anti-fascists with the help of bombs, deploy physical terror, create an atmosphere of violence, using the methods of the great and unforgettable SLA." In Apr. 1974 terrorists carried out explosions in Lecco, Bari, Bologna; in Rome on 10/15/1974 - a series of explosions over several hours (in the Palace of Justice, near the building of the CDA leadership, etc.). In total, the "Black Order" for 1974 took responsibility for 11 sabotage. Soon the organization broke up again.

On August 29, 1941, the world media announced the German-Italian declaration on the establishment of their "new order" in Europe. Today, few people know about the content of this document and other similar plans. There are even opinions that the power of Hitler for Europe would be a lesser evil than the domination of the USSR over Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

Therefore, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the plans of Hitler and Mussolini in order to find out what the world would have become if not for the victory of the USSR. Everything that the German Nazis planned for their "new world order" was spelled out in " mein kampf”- this is Adolf Hitler’s book“ My Struggle ”, in German Mein Kampf, which was published in 1925, it combined elements of an autobiography with a presentation of the ideas of German National Socialism. Other ideas for the future can be found in the relevant orders, transcripts of meetings at A. Hitler's headquarters.

In accordance with the hierarchy introduced by the Nazis, Europe was supposed to have several vassal pro-fascist regimes, like the Horthy regime, or Antonescu. For all other states of the planet, a certain “differential” approach was planned: for countries Western Europe(like France, Belgium, Holland, England, etc.) the main principle of conquest was "Germanization"; for Eastern Europe, the most important raw materials, including the oil-bearing regions of Asia - "colonization"; for Central Russia, Caucasus and Transcaucasia - "depopulation".

About "Germanization", on the example of France, on Nuremberg Trials Faure, spokesman for the French prosecution, said: “The Germans sought to eliminate any elements french spirit. First of all, they banned the use of the French language in an extremely rude form ... Even the inscriptions on the tombstones had to be made only in German ... ". I.e main blow was applied over the language, one of the main foundations of any nation. Then there was an active propaganda of the concept of Nazism, the elimination of the worldview foundations of people, this undermined their psychological spirit.

Robert Jackson, chief prosecutor at the same trial for the United States, made his addition to the description of the "new German order":" The population of the occupied territories was ruthlessly slighted. Terror was put on the order of the day." Civilians were arrested without any charges, they were not given the right to have a defender, they were executed without trial or investigation at all. And this is in Western Europe, where the Nazis behaved, in their opinion, "civilized."

In the East, however, a regime of complete, unlimited terror was established. With the practicality and rationality inherent in the German Nazis. Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, instructing his troops and political police, said: “Our tasks do not include the Germanization of the East, which consists in educating the population German and German laws; we only want to ensure that only people of pure German blood live in the East.” To solve the problem of living in the East "people exclusively Aryan blood”, Hitler invented the technology of “depopulation”. In 1940, the essence of this technology was voiced in the book of Rauschning (a former associate of the German Fuhrer) published in New York, according to Hitler, it was about "the elimination of entire racial units."

For the USSR, this technology of "depopulation" resulted in what we lost during the war years only civilians about 17 million, about 10 million more were driven into slavery. The legalization of slavery, including children, is one of characteristic features"new European order". Not only citizens of the USSR worked at the industrial and agricultural enterprises of the Third Reich, but also the French, Poles, Balts, etc. If it were not for the Victory of the Soviet Union, these slaves would have died at the construction sites of the “new world order”, and millions more people would have become slaves all over the planet.

In fact, Hitler's "new world order" meant a global concentration camp for the peoples of the planet. Huge territories would have been "depopulated", they were connected by highways coming from one of the most important raw material deposit to another. Huge concentration camps would be created, those that were built in Europe, would be simply "pygmy" in comparison with them. After all, "racially impure units" were huge masses of people. Unfortunately, at present these ideas are alive and, according to many analysts, they form the essence of the ideology of the elite of the countries of the so-called. "golden billion". In their opinion, the planet is already overpopulated in order to save high level life of the "chosen ones", the population must be significantly thinned out.

If Hitler and his allies had won, with political map world, the Slavic peoples, the Baltic peoples would disappear - the Baltic states were to become part of German Empire. In the beginning, they were supposed to create a protectorate, then pour it into the Third Reich, through colonization by the Germans and the "destruction of unwanted elements." Part of the Balts was supposed to become servants, faithful "dogs" - overseers of slaves, punishers.

The Mediterranean was to become the sea of ​​the Italian Empire. It would include the lands of the North and parts East Africa. In Europe, Mussolini's ambitions extended to part of the Balkan Peninsula.

occupation regime in enslaved countries. Resistance movement

Nazi "New Order" in Europe

In the occupied countries, where almost 128 million people lived, the occupiers introduced the so-called "new order", seeking to implement main goal fascist bloc- the territorial division of the world, the destruction of entire peoples, the establishment of world domination.

The legal status of the countries occupied by the Nazis was different. The Nazis incorporated Austria into Germany. Part of the districts western Poland was annexed and settled by German farmers, mostly "Volksdeutsche" - ethnic Germans, whose several generations lived outside Germany, while 600 thousand Poles were forcibly evicted, the rest of the territory was declared by the German Governor General. Czechoslovakia was divided: the Sudetenland was included in Germany, and Bohemia and Moravia were declared a "protectorate"; Slovakia became an "independent state". Yugoslavia was also divided. Greece was divided into 3 zones of occupation: German, Italian and Bulgarian. Puppet governments were formed in Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Luxembourg was incorporated into Germany. France found itself in a special position: 2/3 of its territory, including Paris, were occupied by Germany, and southern regions with a center in the city of Vichy and the French colonies were part of the so-called Vichy state, whose puppet government, headed by the old Marshal Pétain, collaborated with the Nazis.

On the conquered lands, the invaders plundered the national wealth and forced the peoples to work for the “master race”. Millions of people from the occupied countries were forcibly taken to work in the Reich: already in May 1941, over 3 million foreign workers were working in Germany. To strengthen their dominance in Europe, the Nazis planted collaborationism - cooperation with the occupation authorities of representatives different layers local population to the detriment of the interests of the nation. To keep the peoples of the occupied countries in obedience, the system of hostage-taking and massacres of civilians was widely used. The symbols of this policy were total annihilation residents of the villages of Oradour in France, Lidice in Czechoslovakia, Khatyn in Belarus. Europe covered in a net concentration camps. Prisoners of concentration camps were forced to do hard labor, starved, and subjected to savage torture. In total, 18 million people ended up in concentration camps, 12 million of whom died.

The policy pursued by the Nazis in different zones of occupied Europe had some differences. The Nazis declared the peoples of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece and Albania " inferior race”, which was subject to complete enslavement, and to a large extent, physical destruction. In relation to the countries of Northern and Western Europe, the occupiers allowed a more flexible policy. In relation to the "Nordic" peoples - Norwegians, Danes, Dutch - it was planned to completely Germanize them. In France, the occupiers at first pursued a policy of gradually drawing their influence into the orbit and turning into their satellite.

The fascist occupation policy in various countries of Europe brought national oppression to the peoples, an extreme increase in economic and social oppression, a frenzied revelry of reaction, racism and anti-Semitism.


Holocaust (eng. "burnt offering")- a common term for the persecution and destruction of Jews by the Nazis and their accomplices after Hitler came to power and until the end of World War II.

Anti-Semitic ideology was the basis of the program of the National Socialist Party of Germany, adopted in 1920 and substantiated in Hitler's book "My Struggle". After coming to power in January 1933, Hitler pursued a consistent policy of state anti-Semitism. Its first victim was the Jewish community in Germany, numbering more than 500 thousand people. By 1939, the Nazis were all possible methods tried to "cleanse" Germany of the Jews, forcing them to emigrate. Jews were systematically excluded from the state and public life of the country, their economic and political activity prohibited by law. Not only the Germans followed this practice. Anti-Semitism has infected all of Europe and the United States. But in no country of Western democracy was discrimination against Jews part of a systematic government policy, since it went against the mainstream. civil rights and freedoms.

Second World War turned out to be a terrible tragedy for the Jewish people in its history. After the capture of Poland, a new stage of the anti-Jewish policy of the Nazis began. More than 2 million Jews living in this country turned out to be under their control. Many Polish Jews died, and the rest of the Jewish population who survived were driven into the ghetto - a part of the city fenced off by a wall and a police cordon, where Jews were allowed to live and take care of themselves. The two largest ghettos were in Warsaw and Lodz. Thanks to the ghetto, the Germans provided themselves with almost Jewish slave labor. Food shortages, diseases and epidemics, overwork led to a huge death rate of the inhabitants of the ghetto. Jews from all Nazi-occupied countries were subject to registration, they were required to wear armbands or patches with a six-pointed star, pay an indemnity and turn in jewelry. They were deprived of all civil and political rights.

After the German attack on Soviet Union the systematic general extermination of all Jews began. On the territory for the extermination of Jews, 6 death camps were created - Auschwitz (Auschwitz), Belzec, Chełmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek. These camps were equipped with special equipment for the daily killing of thousands of people, usually in huge gas chambers. Few managed to live in the camp for a long time.

Despite the almost hopeless situation, in some ghettos and camps, Jews still resisted their executioners with the help of weapons that they managed to secretly get. The uprising in Warsaw ghetto(April - May 1943) - the first urban uprising in Nazi-occupied Europe. There were uprisings in the death camps at Treblinka (August 1943) and Sobibor (October 1943), which were brutally suppressed.

As a result of the ruthless war of the Nazis against the unarmed Jewish population, 6 million Jews died - more than 1/3 of total strength this people.

The resistance movement, its political orientation and forms of struggle

The resistance movement is freedom movement against fascism for the restoration of the independence and sovereignty of the occupied countries and the elimination of reactionary regimes in the countries of the fascist bloc.

The scope and methods of the struggle against the fascist invaders and their accomplices depended on the nature of the occupation regime, natural and geographical conditions, historical traditions, as well as on the position of those social and political forces participating in the Resistance.

In the Resistance of each of the occupied countries, two directions were defined, each of which had its own political orientation. Between them there was a rivalry for the leadership of the anti-fascist movement as a whole.

At the head of the first direction were emigrant governments or bourgeois-patriotic groups, they sought to expel the invaders, eliminate fascist regimes and restore pre-war conditions in their countries. political systems. The leaders of this direction were characterized by an orientation towards Western countries liberal democracy. Many of them initially adhered to the tactics of "attantism" (waiting) - that is, they saved their forces and waited for liberation from the outside by the forces of the Anglo-American troops.

The position of the communist parties in the occupied countries was difficult. The Soviet-German non-aggression pact (1939) actually paralyzed the anti-fascist activities of the communists and led to the growth of anti-communist sentiments. By 1941, there was no question of any interaction between communists and anti-fascists. Only after the German attack on the Soviet Union did the Comintern call on the Communist Parties to resume the anti-fascist struggle. Courageous fight Soviet people against fascism led to an increase in sympathy for the USSR, which weakened anti-communist sentiments. The decision to dissolve the Comintern, taken in 1943 under pressure from the Allies, allowed the Communists to act as an independent national forces and actively join the resistance movement. Thus, another direction in the Resistance was determined. It was led by the communist parties and those close to them. political forces who fought selflessly for national liberation and expected to carry out deep political and social transformations after the end of the war. The leaders of this trend were guided by the military assistance of the Soviet Union.

An important condition for the development of the resistance movement was the unification of anti-fascist forces. Common governing bodies resistance movements. So, in France, they united under the leadership of General Charles de Gaulle.

The anti-fascist resistance of the population of the occupied countries appeared in two forms: active and passive. active form consisted in partisan struggle, acts of sabotage and sabotage, in the collection and transfer to allies in anti-Hitler coalition intelligence information, in anti-fascist propaganda, etc. passive form resistance to the occupiers consisted in refusing to hand over agricultural products, listening to anti-fascist radio broadcasts, reading forbidden literature, boycotting the propaganda activities of the Nazis, etc.

The greatest scope of the resistance movement received in France, Italy, Poland, Yugoslavia and Greece. In Yugoslavia, for example, the Communist-led People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia at the beginning of 1943 liberated two-fifths of the country's territory from the invaders. Resistance movement played important role in the fight against fascism and hastened its defeat.

During the first period of the war fascist states by force of arms they established their rule over almost all of capitalist Europe. In addition to the peoples of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Albania, who became victims of aggression even before the outbreak of World War II, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, a significant part of France, Greece and Yugoslavia were under the yoke of fascist occupation by the summer of 1941. At the same time, the Asiatic ally of Germany and Italy, militaristic Japan, occupied vast areas of the Central and South China and then Indochina.

In the occupied countries, the fascists established the so-called "new order", which embodied the main goals of the states of the fascist bloc in the Second World War - the territorial redistribution of the world, the enslavement of independent states, the extermination of entire peoples, the establishment of world domination.

By creating the "new order", the Axis sought to mobilize the resources of the occupied and vassal countries in order to destroy the socialist state - the Soviet Union, restore the undivided dominance of the capitalist system throughout the world, defeat the revolutionary workers' and national liberation movement, and with it all forces of democracy and progress. That is why the "new order", based on bayonets fascist troops, were supported by the most reactionary representatives of the ruling classes of the occupied countries, who pursued a policy of collaborationism. He also had supporters in other imperialist countries, for example, pro-fascist organizations in the USA, O. Mosley's clique in England, etc. The "new order" meant, first of all, the territorial redistribution of the world in favor of the fascist powers. In an effort to undermine the viability of the occupied countries as much as possible, the German fascists redrawn the map of Europe. The Nazi Reich included Austria, the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, Silesia and western regions Poland (Pomorie, Poznan, Lodz, Northern Mazovia), the Belgian districts of Eupen and Malmedy, Luxembourg, the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. Entire states disappeared from the political map of Europe. Some of them were annexed, others were divided into parts and ceased to exist as a historically formed whole. Even before the war, a puppet Slovak state was created under the auspices of Nazi Germany, and the Czech Republic and Moravia were turned into a German "protectorate".

The non-annexed territory of Poland became known as the “governor general”, in which all power was in the hands of the Nazi governor. France was divided into occupied northern zone, the most industrially developed (at the same time, the departments of Nord and Pas-de-Calais were administratively subordinate to the commander of the occupying forces in Belgium), and unoccupied - southern, with a center in the city of Vichy. In Yugoslavia, "independent" Croatia and Serbia were formed. Montenegro became the prey of Italy, Macedonia was given to Bulgaria, Vojvodina - to Hungary, and Slovenia was divided between Italy and Germany.

In artificially created states, the Nazis planted totalitarian military dictatorships that were submissive to them, such as the regime of A. Pavelić in Croatia, M. Nedich in Serbia, I. Tisso in Slovakia.

In countries that were completely or partially occupied, the invaders, as a rule, sought to form puppet governments from collaborationist elements - representatives of the big monopoly bourgeoisie and landlords who had betrayed the national interests of the people. The "governments" of Petain in France, Gakhi in the Czech Republic were obedient executors of the will of the winner. Above them was usually an "imperial commissar", "viceroy" or "protector", who held all power in his hands, controlling the actions of the puppets.

But it was not possible to create puppet governments everywhere. In Belgium and Holland, the agents of the German fascists (L. Degrel, A. Mussert) turned out to be too weak and unpopular. In Denmark, there was no need for such a government at all, since after the capitulation, the Stauning government obediently carried out the will of the German invaders.

The "new order" meant, therefore, the enslavement European countries in various forms- from open annexation and occupation to the establishment of "allied", but actually vassal (for example, in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania) relations with Germany.

Nor were those implanted by Germany in the enslaved countries the same. political regimes. Some of them were openly military-dictatorial, others, following the example of the German Reich, masked their reactionary essence with social demagogy. For example, Quisling in Norway declared himself to be the defender of the country's national interests. The Vichy puppets in France did not hesitate to shout about the "national revolution", the "struggle against the trusts" and the "abolition of class struggle while openly collaborating with the occupiers.

Finally, there was some difference in the nature of the occupation policy German fascists towards different countries. So, in Poland and a number of other countries of Eastern and South Eastern Europe the fascist "order" immediately showed itself in all its anti-human essence, since the Polish and others Slavic peoples the fate of slaves was meant German nation. In Holland, Denmark, Luxembourg and Norway, the Nazis at first acted as "Nordic blood brothers", sought to win over to their side certain sections of the population and social groups these countries. In France, the occupiers initially pursued a policy of gradually drawing the country into the orbit of their influence and turning it into their satellite.

However, in their own circle, the leaders German fascism did not hide the fact that such a policy is temporary and dictated only by tactical considerations. The Hitlerite elite believed that "the unification of Europe can be achieved ... only with the help of armed violence." Hitler intended to speak to the Vichy government in a different language as soon as the "Russian operation" was over and he would free his rear.

With the establishment of the "new order", the entire European economy was subordinated to German state-monopoly capitalism. exported from the occupied countries to Germany great amount equipment, raw materials and food. national industry European states was turned into an appendage of the German fascist military machine. Millions of people were driven from the occupied countries to Germany, where they were forced to work for the German capitalists and landowners.

The establishment of the rule of German and Italian fascists in the enslaved countries was accompanied by cruel terror and massacres.

Following the model of Germany, the occupied countries began to be covered with a network of fascist concentration camps. In May 1940, a monstrous death factory began to operate on the territory of Poland in Auschwitz, which gradually turned into a whole concern of 39 camps. The German monopolies IG Farbenindustri, Krupna, Siemens soon built their enterprises here in order to finally get the profits once promised by Hitler, which “history did not know”, using free labor. According to the testimony of prisoners, the life expectancy of prisoners who worked at the Bunaverk plant (IG Farbenindustry) did not exceed two months: every two or three weeks a selection was carried out and all those weakened were sent to the ovens of Auschwitz. The exploitation of foreign labor power here has turned into the "destruction through work" of all people objectionable to fascism.

Among the population of occupied Europe, fascist propaganda intensively propagated anti-communism, racism and anti-Semitism. All mass media were placed under the control of the German occupation authorities.

The "new order" in Europe meant brutal national oppression of the peoples of the occupied countries. Asserting the racial superiority of the German nation, the Nazis provided the German minorities ("Volksdeutsche") living in puppet states, for example, in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia and Slovakia, with special exploitative rights and privileges. The Nazis resettled Germans from other countries to the lands annexed to the Reich, which were gradually "cleared" from the local population. From western regions Poland was evicted 700 thousand, from Alsace and Lorraine by February 15, 1941 - about 124 thousand people. The eviction of indigenous people was carried out from Slovenia and the Sudetenland.

The Nazis in every way incited national hatred between the peoples of the occupied and dependent countries: Croats and Serbs, Czechs and Slovaks, Hungarians and Romanians, Flemings and Walloons, etc.

The fascist invaders treated the working classes and industrial workers with particular cruelty, seeing in them a force capable of resistance. The fascists wanted to turn Poles, Czechs and other Slavs into slaves, to undermine the fundamental foundations of their national viability. “From now on,” said the Polish Governor-General G. Frank, “ political role the Polish people is finished. It is declared to be a labor force, nothing else... We will ensure that the very concept of "Poland" is erased forever. In relation to entire nations and peoples, a policy of extermination was pursued.

On the Polish lands annexed to Germany, along with the expulsion of local residents, a policy of artificially restricting population growth was carried out by castration of people, the mass removal of children to raise them in the German spirit. Poles were even forbidden to be called Poles, they were given old tribal names- "Kashubians", "Masurians", etc. Systematic extermination Polish population, especially the intelligentsia, was also carried out on the territory of the "governor general". For example, in the spring and summer of 1940, the occupation authorities carried out the so-called “Aktion AB” (“emergency pacification action”) here, during which they destroyed about 3,500 Polish scientists, cultural and art workers, and also closed not only higher, but also secondary educational institutions.

A savage, misanthropic policy was also carried out in the dismembered Yugoslavia. In Slovenia, the Nazis destroyed the hearths national culture, exterminated the intelligentsia, clergy, public figures. In Serbia, for every German soldier killed by partisans, hundreds of civilians were subject to "merciless destruction".

Doomed to national degeneration and destruction of the Czech people. “You closed our universities,” wrote national hero Czechoslovakia Yu. Fuchik in 1940 in open letter Goebbels - you are Germanizing our schools, you have robbed and occupied the best school buildings, turned the theater into barracks, concert halls and art salons, you rob scientific institutions, stop scientific work You want to turn journalists into mind-killing machines, you are killing thousands of cultural workers, you are destroying the foundations of all culture, of everything that the intelligentsia creates.”

Thus, already in the first period of the war, the racist theories of fascism turned into a monstrous policy of national oppression, destruction and extermination (genocide), carried out in relation to many peoples of Europe. Smoking chimneys of the crematoria of Auschwitz, Majdanek and other camps mass destruction people testified that the savage racial and political nonsense of fascism is being carried out in practice.

The social policy of fascism was extremely reactionary. In Europe of the “new order”, the working masses, and above all the working class, were subjected to the most cruel persecution and exploitation. Reduction wages and a sharp increase in the working day, the abolition of the rights won in a long struggle for social Security, the prohibition of strikes, meetings and demonstrations, the liquidation of trade unions under the guise of their "unification", the prohibition political organizations of the working class and all working people, primarily the communist parties, towards whom the Nazis harbored bestial hatred—this is what fascism brought with it to the peoples of Europe. The “new order” meant an attempt by German state-monopoly capital and its allies to crush their class opponents with the hands of the fascists, to crush their political and trade union organizations, to eradicate the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, all democratic, even liberal views, planting a misanthropic fascist ideology of racism, national and class domination and subjugation. In savagery, fanaticism, obscurantism, fascism surpassed the horrors of the Middle Ages. He was an outright cynical denial of all progressive, humane and moral values that civilization has developed for its thousand years of history. He planted a system of surveillance, denunciations, arrests, torture, created a monstrous apparatus of repression and violence against peoples.

Deal with it or get on the path anti-fascist resistance and determined struggle for national independence, democracy and social progress- such was the alternative that confronted the peoples of the occupied countries.

The people have made their choice. They rose to fight against the brown plague - fascism. The brunt of this struggle was courageously taken up by the working masses, primarily the working class.