Factors and principles of human will development. Will and other mental processes

The development of the will in a person is associated with such actions as:

1) transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones;

2) the acquisition by a person of control over his behavior;

3) development of volitional qualities of a person;

4) as well as the fact that a person consciously sets himself more and more difficult tasks and pursues more and more distant goals that require significant volitional efforts for a long time.

The development of volitional regulation of human behavior is carried out in several directions. On the one hand, this is the transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones, on the other hand, the acquisition of a person "control over his behavior, on the third hand, the development of volitional qualities of the personality. All these processes ontogenetically begin from the moment of life when the child masters speech and learns to use it as an effective means of mental and behavioral self-regulation.

Within each of these directions of development of the will, as it strengthens, its own specific transformations occur, gradually raising the process and mechanisms of volitional regulation to more high levels. For example, inside cognitive processes the will first appears in the form of external speech regulation, and only then - in terms of the intra-speech process. In the behavioral aspect, volitional control first concerns voluntary movements of individual parts of the body, and subsequently - planning and control of complex sets of movements, including inhibition of some and activation of other muscle complexes. In the field of the formation of volitional qualities of a personality, the development of will can be represented as a movement from primary to secondary and further to tertiary volitional qualities.

Another direction in the development of the will is manifested in the fact that a person consciously sets himself more and more difficult tasks and pursues more and more distant goals that require the application of significant volitional efforts for a sufficiently long time. For example, a schoolchild still in adolescence may set himself the task of developing in himself such abilities, for the formation of which he does not have expressed natural inclinations. At the same time, he may set himself the goal of engaging in a complex and prestigious type of activity in the future, for successful implementation who need this kind of ability. There are many life examples of how people who became famous scientists, artists, writers, achieved their goals without having good inclinations, mainly due to increased efficiency and will.

The development of will in children is closely correlated with the enrichment of their motivational and moral spheres. The inclusion of higher motives and values ​​in the regulation of activity, the increase in their status in the general hierarchy of incentives that control activity, the ability to single out and evaluate the moral side of the actions performed - all this important points in the education of will in children. The motivation of an act, which includes volitional regulation, becomes conscious, and the act itself becomes arbitrary. Such an action is always performed on the basis of an arbitrarily constructed hierarchy of motives, where the highest level is occupied by a highly moral impulse, which gives moral satisfaction to a person in case of success of the activity. good example such activities can be above-standard activities associated with higher moral values done on a voluntary basis and aimed at the benefit of people.

Improving the volitional regulation of behavior in children is associated with their general intellectual development, with the advent of motivational and personal reflection. Therefore, to educate the will of the child in isolation from his general psychological development almost impossible. Otherwise, instead of will and perseverance as undoubtedly positive and valuable personal qualities their antipodes may arise and become fixed: stubbornness and rigidity.

special role in the development of will in children in all listed areas perform games, and each kind gaming activity makes its own specific contribution to the improvement of the volitional process. Constructive object games that appear first in age development child, contribute to the accelerated formation arbitrary regulation actions. Plot-role-playing games lead to the consolidation of the necessary volitional personality traits in the child. Collective games with rules, in addition to this task, solve another one: strengthening the self-regulation of actions. The teaching that appears in last years preschool childhood and turning into a leading activity in the school, largest contribution contributes to the development of arbitrary self-regulation of cognitive processes.

The development of volitional regulation of human behavior is carried out in several directions. On the one hand, this transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary, on the othera person gaining control over his behavior, with the thirddevelopment of volitional qualities of the personality. All these processes begin ontogenetically from the moment of life when the child masters speech and learns to use it as an effective means of mental and behavioral self-regulation.

Within each of these directions of development of the will, as it strengthens, its own specific transformations occur, gradually raising the process and mechanisms of volitional regulation to higher levels. For example, within cognitive processes, the will first appears in the form of external speech regulation, and only then - in terms of the intra-speech process. In the behavioral aspect, volitional control first concerns voluntary movements of individual parts of the body, and subsequently planning and controlling complex sets of movements, including inhibition of some and activation of other muscle complexes. In the field of formation of volitional qualities of a personality, the development of will can be represented as a movement from primary to secondary and further to tertiary volitional qualities.

Another direction in the development of the will is manifested in the fact that a person consciously sets himself more and more difficult tasks and pursues more and more distant goals that require the application of significant volitional efforts for a sufficiently long time.For example, a schoolboy, even in adolescence, can set himself the task of developing in himself such abilities, for the formation of which he does not have expressed natural inclinations. At the same time, he may set himself the goal of engaging in a complex and prestigious activity in the future, for the successful implementation of which this kind of ability is necessary. There are many life examples of how people who have become famous scientists, artists, writers, achieved their goals without having good inclinations, mainly due to increased efficiency and will.

The development of will in children is closely correlated with the enrichment of their motivational and moral spheres. The inclusion of higher motives and values ​​in the regulation of activity, the increase in their status in the general hierarchy of incentives that control activity, the ability to single out and evaluate the moral side of the actions performed - all these are important points in the education of the will in children. The motivation of an act, which includes volitional regulation, becomes conscious, and the act itself becomes arbitrary. Such an action is always performed on the basis of an arbitrarily constructed hierarchy of motives, where the highest level is occupied by a highly moral impulse, which gives moral satisfaction to a person in case of success of the activity. A good example of such activity is extra activity, associated with the highest moral values, committed on a voluntary basis and aimed at the benefit of people.

Improving the volitional regulation of behavior in children is associated with their general intellectual development, with the emergence of motivational and personal reflection. Therefore, it is practically impossible to educate the will of a child in isolation from his general psychological development. Otherwise, instead of will and perseverance as undoubtedly positive and valuable personal qualities, their antipodes may arise and gain a foothold: stubbornness and rigidity. Games play a special role in the development of the will in children in all of the above areas, and each type of play activity makes its own, specific contribution to the improvement of the volitional process. Constructive object games, which appear first in the age development of the child, contribute to the accelerated formation of arbitrary regulation of actions. Plot-role-playing games lead to the consolidation of the necessary volitional personality traits in the child. Collective games with rules, in addition to this task, solve another one: strengthening the self-regulation of actions. Teaching, which appears in the last years of preschool childhood and turns into a leading activity at school, makes the greatest contribution to the development of voluntary self-regulation of cognitive processes.

volitional regulation of behavior

The function of volitional regulation is to increase the effectiveness of the corresponding activity, and volitional action appears as a conscious, purposeful action a person to overcome external and internal obstacles with the help of strong-willed efforts.

On the personal level will manifests itself in such properties as willpower, vigor, endurance, etc. They can be considered as primary, or basic, volitional qualities of a person. Such qualities define behavior that is characterized by all or most of the properties described above.

A strong-willed person is distinguished by determination, courage, self-control, self-confidence. Such qualities usually develop somewhat later than the group of properties named above. In life, they manifest themselves in unity with the character, so they can be considered not only as volitional, but also as characterological. Let's call these qualities secondary.

Finally, there is a third group of qualities, which, reflecting the will of a person, are connected at the same time with his moral and value orientations. This is responsibility, discipline, adherence to principles, commitment. The same group, designated as tertiary qualities, can include those in which the will of a person and his attitude to work simultaneously act: efficiency, initiative.

Volitional action, the need for a person arises when an obstacle appears during the manifestation of the implementation of motivated activity. The act of will is connected with its overcoming. It is necessary to understand, comprehend the essence of the problem that has arisen.

Volitional regulation is necessary in order to keep in the field of consciousness the object that a person is thinking about for a long time, to maintain attention concentrated on it. The will is involved in the regulation of almost all basic mental functions: sensations, perception, memory, thinking, speech. The development of these processes from the lowest to the highest means the recognition by a person of volitional control over them.

Volitional action is always associated with the consciousness of the purpose of the activity, its significance, with the subordination of the functions performed to this purpose. Sometimes there is a need to give some special meaning, and in this case, the participation of the will in the regulation of activity comes down to finding the appropriate meaning, the increased value of this activity. If necessary, it may be necessary to find additional situations of fulfillment, bringing to the end of an already begun activity, and then the volitional meaning-forming function is connected by the process of performing the activity. In the third case, something may be learned, and actions associated with learning acquire a volitional character.

Volitional regulation can be included in the activity in a way from the stages of its implementation: the initiation of fundraising activities and methods for its implementation, following the planned plan or deviating from it, monitoring execution. Finally, the volitional regulation of control over the execution of an action consists in the fact that a person consciously forces himself to carefully check the correctness of the actions performed when there is no more strength left for this.


The development of volitional regulation of human behavior is carried out in several directions. On the one hand, this is the transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones, on the other hand, a person gaining control over his behavior, on the third hand, the development of volitional qualities of a person. All these processes begin from the moment of life when the child masters speech and learns to use it as an effective means of mental and behavioral self-regulation. Within each of these directions of development of the will, as it strengthens, its own specific transformations occur, gradually raising the process and mechanisms of volitional tulation to a higher level. For example, within cognitive processes, the will first appears in the form of external speech regulation, and only then - in terms of the intra-speech process. In the field of formation of volitional qualities of a personality, the development of will can be represented as a movement not from primary to secondary and further to tertiary volitional qualities.

Another direction in the development of the will is manifested in the fact that a person consciously sets himself more and more difficult tasks and pursues more and more distant goals that require the application of significant volitional efforts for a sufficiently long time. For example, a schoolchild in adolescence may set himself the task of developing in himself such abilities, for the formation of which he does not have expressed natural inclinations. At the same time, he may set himself the goal of engaging in a complex and prestigious activity in the future, for the successful implementation of which this kind of ability is necessary.

The development of will in children is closely correlated with the enrichment of their motivational and moral spheres. The inclusion of higher motives and values ​​in the regulation of activity, the increase in their status in the general hierarchy of incentives that control activity, the ability to single out and evaluate the moral side of the actions performed - all these are important points in the education of the will in children. The motivation of an act, which includes volitional regulation, becomes conscious, and the act itself becomes arbitrary. Such an action is always performed on the basis of an arbitrarily constructed hierarchy of motives, where the highest level is occupied by a highly moral impulse, which gives moral satisfaction to a person if the activity is successful.

Improving the volitional regulation of behavior in children is associated with their general intellectual development, with the emergence of motivational and personal reflection. Therefore, it is practically impossible to educate the will of a child in isolation from his general psychological development. Otherwise, will and perseverance, as undoubtedly positive and valuable personal qualities, their antipodes may arise and gain a foothold: stubbornness and rigidity.

Games play a special role in the development of the will in children in all of the above areas, and each type of play activity makes its own, specific contribution to the improvement of the volitional process. Constructive object games, which appear first in the age development of the child, contribute to the accelerated formation of arbitrary regulation of actions. Plot-role-playing games lead to the consolidation of the necessary volitional personality traits in the child. Collective games with rules, in addition to this task, solve another one: strengthening the self-regulation of actions. Teaching, which appears in the last years of preschool childhood and turns into a leading activity at school, makes the greatest contribution to the development of voluntary self-regulation of cognitive processes.


In E. Erickson's theory, personality development is seen as a discontinuous sequence of qualitatively different stages. At each stage, a person must make a vital "choice" between two polar attitudes towards the world and oneself (between trust and distrust of the world, between initiative and passivity, etc.). The existing attitude towards society, other people, work and oneself is expressed in a new quality of personality - positive or negative. The moments of transition from one stage to another are critical; become turning points, decisive moments of choice between progress and regression. At each stage, the child collides with the environment, and the environment conveys to the child its specific ideas and concepts, directs the development of his path, which is optimal for his psychological well-being in the conditions of this culture, determining the integral life path of the individual.

Scheme of personality development according to E. Erickson

Stages of development

The area of ​​social relations


Results of progressive development

1. infancy

Trust is distrust

Energy and life joy

2. early age


Autonomy – addiction, fear, doubt


3. preschool age

Parents, brothers and sisters

Initiative - Guilt


4. pre-pubertal age (6-12 years)

School, neighbors

Industriousness is a feeling of inferiority


5. youth (13-18 years old)

Peer groups

Identity - non-recognition

Attachment and loyalty

6. early maturity (third decade)

Friends, lovers; competition, cooperation

closeness is loneliness

Affiliation and love

7. middle age

Profession, native home

Productivity is stagnant

Creativity and care

8. late maturity

Humanity, neighbors

Inner Fortitude - Hopelessness

Detachment, wisdom


The self-improvement program is aimed at students in grades 9-11.

The program is based on the principle of self-ordering of a high school student. Each high school student determines for himself the boundaries of the implementation of programs.


1st half

2 semester

Improve performance in subjects

Explore on your own popular science literature on scientific problem prepare and defend an abstract

Complete the program for special courses, the scientific society of gymnasium students in the direction

Fulfill physical culture and sports standards

Acquire initial professional skills

Take part in olympiads, reviews, contests, competitions

Complete social practice assignments

In connection with this program, a special "Commendation Sheet" was introduced to record and record all the achievements of students. With the help of this sheet, students entered data on their achievements and goals in order to improve these indicators in the future. The sheet is designed for 2 half-years and is personally signed by the director of the gymnasium and both parents of the student. Also, friends, teachers and parents should enter either the wishes or the distinctive character traits that the student has acquired. In this way, general form democratic education program is the following scheme:

Grades 1-11 - a cycle of training courses of social competence "Life Science".

Grades 1-5 - the program "Know, be able, learn"

Grades 5-8 - self-education program

9-11 grades - self-improvement program


    Alekseev A.V. Overcome yourself! – Moscow, 1984

    Batuev A.S., Kuzmina I.D., Nozdrachev A.D., Orlov R.S., Sergeev B.F.

    Biology. Human. Grade 9 (Character, temperament, personality: 212-213)

    Vysotsky A.I. Volitional activity of schoolchildren and adolescents for study: tutorial. - Chelyabinsk, 1979 (General characteristics of the volitional activity of schoolchildren: 4 - 26. Methods for studying the volitional activity of schoolchildren: 26 - 67);

    Kotyrlo V.K. The development of volitional behavior in preschoolers. - Kyiv, 1971 (The problem of will in psychology: 11 - 31. Basic concepts of the psychological theory of will: 32 - 51);

    Ladonov I.D. Stress management. - Moscow, 1989 (Theories of will: 43 - 69. Self-regulation, self-control: 83 - 119); Reader for attention. - Moscow, 1976 (Theory of will and attention - N.N. Lange: 107 - 144);

    Experimental studies of volitional activity. - Kazan, 1986 (Basic approaches to the psychological study of the volitional activity of the individual: 3 - 23).

    Levitov N.D. Psychology of character. - Moscow, 1969 (The main component of character: 42 - 54); General psychology. - Moscow, 1986 (Will: 385 - 400);

    Malenkova L.I. Humanity. (From the package " school methods»: 151-152)

    Orlov Yu.M. Self-knowledge and self-education of character. - Moscow, 1987

    Rainwater J. It's up to you - Moscow, 1993

    Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology: In 2 volumes. – T.P. - (Will: 182 - 211);

    Snyder Dee. Practical psychology for teenagers, or how to find your place in life. – Moscow, 1997

    Strakhov I.V. Psychology of character. - Saratov, 1970 (Volitional and emotional character traits: 15 - 36);

    Teppervine K. How to resist the vicissitudes of fate. - St. Petersburg, 1996


Relaxation with the help of volitional self-order.

Instructions: close your eyes and mentally pronounce the verbal formulas:

"I want to calm down now"

"I calm down"

"I am calm"

"I'm completely calm"

"I am absolutely calm"

TEST "Are you a strong-willed person?"

How strong your will is, how fruitful your work and study is.

Try to answer the 15 questions as honestly as possible. If you answer “yes”, give yourself 2 points, if “I don’t know”, “I find it difficult”, “sometimes it happens” - 1 point, if “no” - 0 points. The sum of the received data will give an idea of ​​your will.

    Are you able to complete work that you are not interested in?

    Do you overcome effortlessly internal resistance when to do something unpleasant?

    When you find yourself in a conflict situation at home or at work, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

    If you are on a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

    Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if this is not necessary?

If you scored from 0 to 12 points, then your willpower is unfavorable. You just do what is easier and more interesting, you treat your duties carelessly, and this is the cause of all sorts of troubles.

13-21 points. Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you will take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, use it right away. Don't overdo it, but keep your word. You will not take on extra responsibilities of your own free will.

The amount scored ranges from 22 to 30 points. Your will power is fine. You can be relied upon. You won't let me down. But sometimes your firm and uncompromising position on unprincipled issues annoys others.

I conducted this test among students in the 9th and 8th grades to find out how developed the will is in adolescents aged 14-15.


The total number of interviewed students is 48 people.

Let's show the percentage of answers in classes and the development of will:

Answers from 0 to 12 points - 4 people = 8.33%

13 to 21 - 34 people = 70.83%

From 22 to 30 - 9 people = 18.75%


The total number of interviewed students is 22 people.

We will also show the percentage:

Answers from 0 to 12 - 0 people = 0%

13 to 21 points - 14 people = 63.63%

From 21 to 33 - 9 people = 36.36%


Based on the surveys and the diagrams obtained, it can be said that the majority of the adolescents surveyed have an average will, a little less children with a strong will and firmness, least of all or no children who have a very weak will and they are not decisive people.

The will has a beneficial effect on learning, because. children can do it themselves homework, creative tasks, draw conclusions and make decisions, which helps to increase their intellectual level and personality development, positively affects their future.

DEVELOPMENT WILL AND PRODUCTIVITY OF CHILDREN 2.1 Development volitional qualities of the personality and arbitrary ... such a powerful mechanism for the formation will human like labor. Will formed in overcoming difficulties. But...

Will - a manifestation of mental activity to achieve the goal. The will carries out conscious regulation of behavior in conditions of a constant balance between the interests of a person (his life goals) and the restrictions imposed by intellectual forecasts of the consequences of this activity, as well as moral and social norms. It can be said that the will is a tool used by motivations higher order, in the process of intellectual planning and implementation of human life goals.

The will is involved in the regulation of almost all major mental functions- sensations, perception, imagination, memory, thinking and speech. The development of these processes from the lowest to the highest points to the acquisition by a person of volitional control over them.

The task of the will is to control human behavior, conscious self-regulation of his activity, especially in cases where there are obstacles to normal life.

The main psychological function of the will is to increase motivation and improve, on this basis, the conscious regulation of actions. The real mechanism for generating an additional motivation for action is the conscious change in the meaning of the action by the person performing it.

The meaning of an action is usually associated with the struggle of motives and changes through deliberate mental efforts. The need for volitional action arises when an obstacle appears on the way to the implementation of motivated activity. The act of will is connected with its overcoming. However, first you need to realize, comprehend the essence of the problem.

The following can be distinguished stages of will formation, or volitional acts:

  • awareness of a specific need;
  • awareness of the possibilities of satisfying a certain need;
  • manifestation of the motives of activity (a motive is a motivating force);
  • struggle of motives of activity on the way of choosing decisions;
  • choice of a specific solution;
  • determination of the implementation plan for the chosen solution, including a list of methods, means and methods;
  • execution and control of certain activities;
  • evaluation of the results of activities.

With volitional regulation of behavior generated current needs, between these needs and human consciousness are added special relationship. S.L. Rubinstein characterized them as follows: will in the proper sense arises when a person is capable of reflecting on his drives, in order to be able to rise above his drives and, abstracting from them, realize himself as a subject and make a choice between them. The development of volitional regulation of human behavior is carried out in the following areas:

  • transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones;
  • a person gaining control over his behavior;
  • development of volitional qualities of the personality.

In each of these directions of development of the will, as it strengthens, its own specific transformations occur, gradually raising the process and mechanisms of volitional regulation to a higher level. For example, within cognitive processes, the will first appears in the form of external speech regulation, and then in terms of an intra-speech process. In the behavioral aspect, volitional control first concerns voluntary movements of individual parts of the body, and subsequently - planning and control of complex sets of movements, including the inhibition of some muscle complexes and the activation of others. In the field of formation of volitional qualities of a personality, the development of will can be represented as a movement from primary volitional qualities to secondary ones and further to tertiary ones.

The development of volitional qualities is manifested in the fact that a person consciously sets himself more and more difficult tasks and pursues more and more distant goals that require the application of significant volitional efforts for a sufficiently long time.

Proceeding from this, a volitional act always includes a struggle of multidirectional motivations, an intellectual assessment of these motivations from the point of view of their compliance with moral and social norms. Volitional signals, generally speaking, can inhibit the behavior "recommended" positive emotions, for example, if this behavior is contrary to moral and social norms and values, although it is pleasant for the subject, as it satisfies some motivations. A typical example is the struggle of a person with bad habits- from smoking to drugs and alcohol, etc.

Volitional acts are manifested in the implementation of behavior associated with overcoming negative emotions in cases of pain, fatigue, real danger to life. Intellectually formed goals require actions from a person that inevitably lead to negative emotions, in situations such as the need to reschedule surgery or unpleasant treatment, communication with an unpleasant partner, etc. At the same time, a volitional act is a tool of thinking that allows you to consciously overcome the barrier of negative emotions.

Since the volitional actions of the individual mainly take place on conscious level, these actions are determined not only by innate, but also in a very strong degree- consciously developed traits of a person's character. The process of volitional control of behavior is characterized by two groups of volitional qualities. The first group - willpower, perseverance, endurance. Strength of will - this is maximum value volitional influence that a person can develop to achieve the goal. Speaking of willpower, we mean the assessment of a person’s efforts to perform actions that are unpleasant for him, for example, external actions related to communication or physically hard work in an uncomfortable environment, or internal actions to overcome difficult to understand or simply uninteresting places in his life. learning process.

Persistence - the ability to make long-term efforts to overcome difficulties in the process of achieving a goal, in contrast to willpower, is not necessarily associated with overcoming “outrageous” difficulties. A perseverant person is capable of simply long time do not forget to track progress towards the goal and at the same time take small, but necessary steps in the direction set by him in advance.

Excerpt, directly related to perseverance, is defined as the ability to exclude from the sphere of attention actions, feelings and thoughts that interfere with progress towards a given goal. This quality is directly related to the ability to streamline thinking, the ability to plan, organization and the ability to switch attention from one thing to another in time.

A vivid example of self-persistence, or self-education, is the "complex of virtues" compiled by an outstanding American educator and statesman B. Franklin.

Temperance: One must not eat to the point of satiety and drink not to the point of intoxication.

Silence: one should speak only what can benefit me or another; avoid empty talk.

Order: you should keep all your things in their places; Each class has its own place and time.

Decisiveness: one must decide to do what must be done; strictly carry out what is decided.

Diligence: no time to waste; one should always be busy with something useful; all unnecessary activities and contacts should be abandoned.

Sincerity: you can not deceive; one must have pure and just thoughts and thoughts.

Justice: no harm can be done to anyone; do not avoid good deeds, which are among your duties.

Moderation: extremes should be avoided; restrain, as far as you see fit, the feeling of resentment from injustices.

Cleanliness: bodily dirt must be avoided; observe neatness in clothes and in the home.

Calmness: do not worry over trifles.

modesty, etc.

The second group of volitional qualities is closely related to character traits. This group includes such qualities of will or character traits as determination, self-control, self-confidence.

Decisiveness the ability of a person to make a choice of a line of behavior without hesitation, quickly, confidently, without endless revisions and just as clearly carry out decisions taken. Naturally, decisiveness is useful only if a person is able to correctly assess the situation and, therefore, correctly formulate the goals and objectives of behavior, and resolute, but wrong actions the consequences are much worse than the manifestation of indecision.

self-control and self confidence - qualities that determine the ability of a person to subordinate his behavior to the achievement of the goal, regardless of the appearance of distracting circumstances, even if these circumstances represent serious obstacles.

In case of unsatisfactory results, a conscious correction (change) of previously selected needs and drives is carried out. A person again forms and manifests volitional acts, changing the content of the subsequent stages of his activity to meet a specific need.

Will formation- the process is long, and it begins in early childhood.

The whole warehouse of the personality affects the manifestation and development of abilities, at the same time, abilities and their awareness affect the formation of the psychological appearance and its manifestations in human behavior and activities.

An exclusive passion for one thing, under certain conditions, can lead to negative results- one-sided and even limited development of personality. At the same time, if one realizes the importance of knowledge in time, one can fill in the gaps through self-education and achieve a high cultural level. It is important not only to support the emerging inclination and create appropriate conditions for the development of abilities, but also to influence the formation of an active attitude to life, knowledge, and one's duties. When an individual feels an attraction to some kind of activity and begins to realize his abilities, he, under certain conditions, experiences a sense of responsibility to society, the collective, and demands more from himself. On the contrary, without the formation of industriousness, false consciousness the fact that with great abilities there is no need to work, strain one's strength, that everything will come by itself. If a person has formed positive features character, if he realized his abilities and their significance for own development then he will overcome unfavourable conditions and realizes his plans, masters the profession to which he feels attracted and for which he has the prerequisites.

Development of the will

And now - more about will development, which is expressed by the following differentiating features:

  • the volume of goals changes and expands (purposefulness);
  • the individual overcomes ever-increasing external and internal difficulties (willpower is formed);
  • the individual reaches ever greater duration volitional effort(increasing endurance will);
  • the ability of voluntary inhibition of one's motives increases (manifestation of self-control, endurance);
  • the individual acquires the ability to set distant goals and direct his efforts towards their achievement;
  • goals and ways to achieve them are set and determined by the individual himself.

So, doing different kinds activity, while overcoming external and internal obstacles, a person develops in himself volitional qualities that characterize him as a person and have great importance for study and work.

Volitional qualities include:

purposefulness- a volitional property of a personality, manifested in a person's subordination of his behavior to a stable life goal, readiness to give all his strength and abilities to achieve it. This perspective goal is conditioned by private goals as necessary steps on the way to achieving the main goal; everything superfluous, unnecessary is discarded. It must be remembered, however, that in some people purposefulness takes an individualized direction. They also set clear goals, however, their content reflects only personal needs and interests.

Determination- a volitional property of a person, which manifests itself in a quick and thoughtful choice of a goal, determining ways to achieve it. Resoluteness is especially evident in difficult situations risk-related choices. The opposite of this quality is indecision - can manifest itself in an endless struggle of motives, in constant revisions of a decision already made.

Courage is the ability of a person to overcome feelings of fear and confusion. Courage is manifested not only in actions at the moment of danger to human life; the brave will not be afraid hard work, great responsibility, not afraid of failure. Courage requires a reasonable, sound attitude to reality. The true courage of a strong-willed person is the overcoming of fear and the consideration of threatening dangers. brave man is aware of his capabilities and thinks through his actions sufficiently.

Courage- this is a complex personality trait, which implies the presence of not only courage, but also perseverance, endurance, self-confidence, in the rightness of one's cause. Courage is manifested in the ability of a person to go to achieve the goal, despite the danger to life and personal well-being, overcoming adversity, suffering and deprivation.

Initiative- this is a volitional quality, thanks to which a person acts creatively. This is an active and bold flexibility of actions and deeds of a person that meets the time and conditions.

persistence- a volitional property of a person, which manifests itself in the ability to complete the decisions made, to achieve the goal, overcoming all sorts of obstacles on the way to it. To be distinguished from perseverance negative quality will - stubbornness. The stubborn only recognizes personal opinion, own arguments and seeks to be guided by them in actions and deeds, although these arguments may be erroneous.

Independence- a volitional property of a person, manifested in the ability to set goals on their own initiative, find ways to achieve them and practically implement the decisions made. Independent person does not succumb to attempts to persuade him to act inconsistently with his beliefs. The opposite of independence is the quality suggestibility. A suggestible person easily succumbs to other people's influence, he does not know how to be critical of other people's advice, to resist them, he accepts any other people's advice, even obviously untenable.

Exposure, or self-control, is called the volitional property of the individual, which manifests itself in the ability to restrain mental and physical manifestations that interfere with the achievement of the goal. The opposite negative quality is impulsiveness, a tendency to act on the first impulse, hastily, without thinking about their actions.

Discipline- this is a volitional property of the individual, manifested in the conscious submission of his behavior to social rules and norms. Conscious discipline is manifested in the fact that a person, without coercion, recognizes for himself the obligation to comply with the rules of labor, academic discipline, socialist hostel and fights for their implementation by others.

And now you can imagine the image of a strong-willed person who has such qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, patience, restraint, self-control, determination, diligence. discipline, firmness of will, steadfastness of will, caution, reasonable excitement, courage, courage, courage, courage and its opposite - a state of lack of will, manifested in such qualities as stubbornness, pliability, suggestibility. indecision, cowardice, fearfulness, prowess.

And how are the volitional qualities of a person formed and developed?

Before answering this question, let us reformulate it as follows: how does the will of a person develop as a whole and, together with it, his individual volitional qualities?

Observations of the behavior of children show that the first clear signs of manifestation of volitional behavior in them can be found between the second and third years of life. This means that it is during this period that children already have a will, and they can demonstrate it. But the question remains unanswered. when the corresponding personality traits are just beginning to form in a child: after all, before the age of one, they definitely do not exist, but between two and three years they already exist and manifest themselves. It is not possible to answer this question unambiguously and convincingly, based on precisely established facts, due to the above difficulties in psychological study will. However, it can be assumed that the beginning of the formation of the will refers to the time when the child has the first persistent actions aimed at overcoming obstacles, reinforced by adults watching children. This usually happens between the first and second years of a child's life. Strictly speaking, these actions of the child, the earliest in time of their appearance, cannot yet be called completely volitional. They may represent a purely mechanical repetition by the child of some initially not entirely successful actions. However, they are also included in the composition of volitional actions independently carried out by a person, since any such action, if it is not performed or unsuccessfully performed, a person necessarily repeats. When the incentives to repeat failed actions are no longer external (encouragement or support from the surrounding people), but internal (pleasure received from the fact that we managed to overcome the obstacles that have arisen and achieve the goal on our own), we are already dealing with volitional action. A sign that the child is beginning to develop his own will and the pleasure associated with it appears in connection with the successful overcoming of an obstacle is the child's independent repetition of actions that turned out to be not entirely successful in achieving the goal. This behavior can be observed in some children, starting at about 6-8 months. For example, the baby is trying to get some object or toy. This he does not immediately succeed, but he persistently repeats the corresponding action until it leads to success, and after that he experiences obvious pleasure.

The first signs of volitional behavior observed in children, relating to the second or third year of life, indicate that the so-called primary volitional qualities have formed in children. Speech in this case is, for example, about such qualities as perseverance and stubbornness, i.e. characterizing a relatively low level volitional development person. We can probably speak about the beginning of the formation of secondary volitional qualities of a personality only from the time when the child's volitional behavior acquires a reasonable and conscious character. This usually occurs during the period of life from 5 to 6 years or earlier, in pre-school age. Many children at this time in the types of activities available to them - games, and also, partly, in communication, in study and work, begin to show perseverance, purposefulness, responsibility, i.e. actually secondary volitional qualities of the personality.

The human will actively continues to develop further during childhood. Adolescence is especially important in this regard, since for many adolescents willpower becomes one of the most valuable personality traits, and almost all children of this age begin to purposefully and actively develop their will.

By the end of adolescence and the beginning of adolescence, the main volitional qualities of a person can be considered formed. Practically, this means the following:

  • if by this age the will of a person turned out to be developed, then he can independently manifest it in all matters that he undertakes:
  • if a person has no will, then after a given age it is already difficult to deal with this shortcoming;
  • teenagers who have will usually start at this age in personal plan develop faster than teenagers who grew up weak-willed.

Beyond adolescence, i.e. after 25-30 years, the will, apparently, no longer develops in a person. If to given age a person has already become strong-willed, then he will most likely remain so. if by this age he turned out to be weak-willed, then most likely he will remain so in the future.

What has been said, however, does not mean that the will of a person after the indicated age and as his psychological development (it undoubtedly continues) does not change at all. Those changes volitional character, which can occur, and sometimes actually occur after 25-30 years, are manifested in the fact that a person's volitional behavior acquires an increasingly reasonable, conscious and balanced character. Before applying volitional efforts to anything, a person thinks, weighs his chances, decides for himself whether it is worth doing what requires volitional efforts from him or not, and if after much thought he comes to the conclusion that this it is worth doing, only then it begins to show its will. In other words, the will of a person, in the course of his psychological development, ceases to be a blind, unreasonable force and becomes a conscious help to his mind.

We summarize: in the will as a synthetic characteristic of the personality, its system property expressed practical side consciousness. One cannot but agree with those who believe that if there is a will, there is a person; if there is no will, there is no person; how much will there is, so much is a person.

The real nature of the will can be revealed by the representation of I.P. Pavlova about man as a system, the only "according to the highest self-regulation." This idea is realized in the idea of ​​the regulatory function of the psyche, disclosed in many fundamental works of the founders Soviet psychology. Its concretization was facilitated by many years of research by V.I. Selivanova and his staff, the concept of conscious self-regulation of activity, developed by O.A. Konopkin and others.

The available data make it possible to interpret the will as a systemic quality in which the whole personality is expressed in an aspect that reveals the mechanisms of its independent, initiative activity. According to this criterion, all human actions can be considered as a successively more complex series from involuntary (impulsive) to arbitrary and actually volitional actions. AT arbitrary actions manifests itself, according to I.M. Sechenov, the ability of a person to lead the challenge, termination, intensification or weakening of activity aimed at achieving consciously set goals. In other words, there is always action on instruction and self-instruction.

Proper volitional actions cannot be voluntary at the same time, since they also always represent actions on self-instruction. However, their characterization does not end there. Volitional actions (will as a generalized designation of a specific, differentiating for a person higher level of management of all his psychophysical data) presuppose the ability of a person to subordinate the satisfaction of lower needs to higher, more significant, although less attractive from the point of view of actor. The presence of will in this sense reliably testifies to the predominance of higher, socially conditioned needs in a person and the higher (normative) feelings corresponding to them. At the heart of volitional behavior driven by higher feelings, lie, thus, assimilated by the personality social norms. A code of human norms that determines what line of behavior he will choose in specific situation, is one of the most eloquent characteristics of a person, especially in terms of the degree to which he takes into account (or ignores) the rights, legitimate claims and aspirations of other people.

If a "I" bodily stronger than the spirit according to the intensity of its needs, and in a volitional conflict the body defeats the spirit, then the spirit shows its weakness with its illnesses. What does "the body overcome the spirit" mean? This means that a person is not able to realize his claims to the corresponding social status and well-being, since momentary bodily desires do not allow him to focus on achieving social goals.

Will as a manifestation of the conflict between the spirit and the body is only one form of the struggle of motives within a person.

It should be noted that we observe the absence of conflict with the predominance of the bodily “I” where social and spiritual motives are less developed than bodily ones, such as, for example, in a biological leader or simply in an undeveloped personality.

The Eastern tradition forms the internal relationship of bodily, social and spiritual motives as a commonwealth only if all three types of "I" are harmoniously developed and have the experience of mutual enrichment. Ancient Eastern cultures have long recognized the importance of the cosmic mind. Ideas about the cosmic nature of the mind, its function of self-improvement of religion oriental cultures- Buddhism and Hinduism - reflected in the ideas of the Absolute and the unusually developed, diverse practice of physical, intellectual and spiritual self-improvement. What is the mode of manifestation of the will as a commonwealth of the three basic motives of the individual? This community corresponds to the formula: “If the mind says: “It is necessary”, the body responds: “I will do it with pleasure.”

The work of the mind is always creative process, and it manifests itself only in a creative assessment of the situation, setting a goal, searching for ways to realize this goal. In other words, the mind human mind It manifests itself only when it is necessary to solve simple or complex problematic tasks or situations. However great amount mental actions a person performs with the help of so-called stereotypes, automatic settings, etc. In all these manifestations mental activity the mind is not involved. If you conduct such an experiment, during which you record manifestations of both creativity and automatism during the course of a day when solving your everyday problems, setting out to calculate how much time of your wakefulness is occupied by intelligent activity, and how much is automatic, then you will get the ratio of your intellectual potential and the stereotypes you have, i.e. coefficient of the degree of reasonableness of your being.

Thus, the will is an active continuation of the mind, consciousness.

In the life of a person, the position he occupies plays a huge role. Active or passive?

Passive- the less the will, the stronger the involvement in the elements of the environment, the inability to go beyond its limits and from one's own circle, the less the right of personal choice, the lower the energy level of the individual, his field, the weaker he himself and more dependent on external factors.

Active is a chance, and the higher the activity and will, the higher the gradations, the more energy, the greater the variability of choice and opportunities, the more corrective factors (limiting, checking and controlling).

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Will is a person's conscious regulation of his behavior and activities, expressed in the ability to overcome internal and external difficulties in the performance of purposeful actions and deeds.

The task of the will is to control our behavior, the conscious self-regulation of our activity, especially in cases where there are obstacles to a normal life.

At the personal level, will manifests itself in such properties as willpower, energy, perseverance, endurance, etc. They can be considered as primary, or basic, volitional qualities of a person. Such qualities define behavior that is characterized by all or most of the properties described above.

A strong-willed person is distinguished by determination, courage, self-control, self-confidence. Such qualities usually develop in ontogenesis somewhat later than the group of properties mentioned above. In life, they manifest themselves in unity with the character, so they can be considered not only as volitional, but also as characterological. Let's call these qualities secondary.

Will manifests itself in all types of human activity. Thus, work is inconceivable without willpower, without awareness of the goal, without the ability to overcome objective obstacles, fatigue. The will constantly manifests itself in learning activities schoolboy.


The development of volitional regulation of human behavior is carried out in several directions. On the one hand, this is the transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones, on the other hand, the acquisition by a person of control over his behavior, on the third, the development of volitional qualities of the personality. All these processes begin ontogenetically from the moment of life when the child masters speech and learns to use it as an effective means of mental and behavioral self-regulation.

Within each of these directions of development of the will, as it strengthens, its own specific transformations occur, gradually raising the process and mechanisms of volitional regulation to higher levels. For example, within cognitive processes, the will first appears in the form of external speech regulation, and only then - in terms of the intra-speech process. In the behavioral aspect, volitional control first concerns the voluntary movements of individual parts of the body, and subsequently - the planning and control of complex sets of movements, including the inhibition of some and the activation of other muscle complexes. In the field of formation of volitional qualities of a personality, the development of will can be represented as a movement from primary to secondary and further to tertiary volitional qualities.

Another direction in the development of the will is manifested in the fact that a person consciously sets himself more and more difficult tasks and pursues more and more distant goals that require the application of significant volitional efforts for a sufficiently long time. For example, a schoolchild still in adolescence may set himself the task of developing in himself such abilities, for the formation of which he does not have expressed natural inclinations. At the same time, he may set himself the goal of engaging in a complex and prestigious activity in the future, for the successful implementation of which this kind of ability is necessary. There are many life examples of how people who have become famous scientists, artists, writers, achieved their goals without having good inclinations, mainly due to increased efficiency and will. Nemov R.S. General psychology. - M.: Education - VLADOS, 1995. - 576 p.

The development of will in children is closely correlated with the enrichment of their motivational and moral spheres. The inclusion of higher motives and values ​​in the regulation of activity, the increase in their status in the general hierarchy of incentives that control activity, the ability to single out and evaluate the moral side of the actions performed - all these are important points in the education of the will in children. The motivation of an act, which includes volitional regulation, becomes conscious, and the act itself becomes arbitrary. Such an action is always performed on the basis of an arbitrarily constructed hierarchy of motives, where the highest level is occupied by a highly moral impulse, which gives moral satisfaction to a person in case of success of the activity. A good example of such activities is above-standard activities associated with the highest moral values, performed on a voluntary basis and aimed at the benefit of people.

Improving the volitional regulation of behavior in children is associated with their general intellectual development, with the emergence of motivational and personal reflection. Therefore, it is practically impossible to educate the will of a child in isolation from his general psychological development. Otherwise, instead of will and perseverance as undoubtedly positive and valuable personal qualities, their antipodes may arise and gain a foothold: stubbornness and rigidity.

Games play a special role in the development of the will in children in all of the above areas, and each type of play activity makes its own, specific contribution to the improvement of the volitional process. Constructive object games, which appear first in the age development of the child, contribute to the accelerated formation of arbitrary regulation of actions. Plot-role-playing games lead to the consolidation of the necessary volitional personality traits in the child. Collective games with rules, in addition to this task, solve another one: strengthening the self-regulation of actions. Teaching, which appears in the last years of preschool childhood and turns into a leading activity at school, makes the greatest contribution to the development of voluntary self-regulation of cognitive processes. Psychology: Textbook / Ed. Krylova A.A. - M.: Prospekt, 2002. - 584 p.

The value of will in human life and activity

A person who is able to control, coordinate and direct his behavior has the most powerful weapon of self-control that is given to humanity. And this weapon is called will. Will is a very strict and categorical property. It involves self-restraint, the rejection of desires, inclinations in favor of other, more significant and weighty goals. A person with a strong-willed character must have a well-thought-out plan of action in his arsenal. strong-willed man is distinguished by decisiveness, courage, self-control, adherence to principles, often - categoricalness, responsibility, confidence in one's abilities. A strong-willed person is, first of all, a strong and balanced person, who knows exactly what he wants from life and how to achieve it. Such a person not only always clearly sets out for himself life priorities and principles, but also strictly follows them throughout life.

Such a person inspires trust and respect from other people.

An interesting feature of the will is that it is able to increase attention and induce a person to such an action that he is not interested in principle, and plus everything does not cause any pleasure for this subject. Result and process volitional action does not cause emotional satisfaction either, but it causes moral satisfaction, from the fact that a person still managed to overcome himself or circumstances that are difficult to control. Modern psychology: reference guide. - M.: INFRA-M, 1999.

Functions of volitional regulation

The function of volitional regulation is to increase the effectiveness of the corresponding activity, and volitional action appears as a conscious, purposeful action of a person to overcome external and internal obstacles with the help of volitional efforts.

According to V.A. Ivannikov, the main psychological function will is to increase motivation and improve on this basis the conscious regulation of actions. The real mechanism for generating an additional motivation for action is a conscious change in the meaning of the action by the person performing it. The meaning of the action is usually associated with the struggle of motives and changes with certain, deliberate mental efforts. Psychology. Tutorial for humanitarian universities/ Under general ed. V.N. Druzhinina. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

Qualities of a strong-willed person

At the personal level, the will manifests itself in such properties as:

· strength of will;


· perseverance;

excerpt, etc.

They can be considered as primary, or basic, volitional qualities of a person. Such qualities define behavior that is characterized by all or most of the properties described above.

A strong-willed person is distinguished by:

b decisiveness;

b courage;

b self-control;

o self-confidence

Such qualities usually develop in ontogenesis somewhat later than the group of properties mentioned above. In life, they manifest themselves in unity with the character, so they can be considered not only as volitional, but also as characterological. Let's call these qualities secondary.

Finally, there is a third group of qualities, which, reflecting the will of a person, are connected at the same time with his moral and value orientations:

l responsibility;

b discipline;

l adherence to principles;

l obligation.

The same group, designated as tertiary qualities, can include those in which the will of a person and his attitude to work simultaneously act: efficiency, initiative. Such personality traits are usually formed only by adolescence. Rubinshtein S.L. Basics general psychology: In 2 volumes - M., 1989. - T. II.

The inclusion of an act of will in the life of an individual

volitional regulation behavior decisiveness

Volitional action, the need for it, arises when an obstacle appears on the way to the implementation of motivated activity. The act of will is connected with its overcoming. Beforehand, however, it is necessary to realize, comprehend the essence of the problem that has arisen.

The inclusion of the will in the structure of activity begins with a person asking himself the question: "What happened?" Already a character in itself this issue indicates that the will is closely connected with the awareness of the action, the course of activity and the situation. The primary act of including the will in action actually consists in the arbitrary involvement of consciousness in the process of carrying out the activity.

Volitional regulation is necessary in order to keep in the field of consciousness the object that a person is thinking about for a long time, to maintain attention concentrated on it. The will is involved in the regulation of almost all basic mental functions: sensations, perception, imagination, memory, thinking and speech. The development of these cognitive processes from the lowest to the highest means the acquisition by a person of volitional control over them.

A volitional action is always associated with the consciousness of the purpose of the activity, its significance, with the subordination of the actions performed to this purpose. Sometimes it becomes necessary to give some purpose a special meaning, and in this case, the participation of the will in the regulation of activity comes down to finding the appropriate meaning, the increased value of this activity. Otherwise, it may be necessary to find additional incentives to carry out, to bring to the end an activity that has already begun, and then the volitional meaning-forming function is associated with the process of performing the activity. In the third case, the goal may be learning something, and actions related to learning acquire a volitional character.

The energy and source of volitional actions are always, one way or another, connected with the actual needs of a person. Based on them, a person gives a conscious meaning to his arbitrary actions. In this regard, volitional actions are no less determined than any others, only they are associated with consciousness, hard work of thinking and overcoming difficulties.

Volitional regulation can be included in the activity at any of the stages of its implementation: the initiation of the activity, the choice of means and methods for its implementation, following the planned plan or deviating from it, monitoring the execution. The peculiarity of the inclusion of volitional regulation in initial moment implementation of activity consists in the fact that a person, consciously refusing some drives, motives and goals, prefers others and implements them in spite of momentary, immediate impulses. The will in choosing an action is manifested in the fact that, having consciously abandoned the usual way of solving a problem, the individual chooses a different, sometimes more difficult one, and tries not to deviate from it. Finally, the volitional regulation of control over the execution of an action consists in the fact that a person consciously forces himself to carefully check the correctness of the actions performed when there is almost no strength and desire to do this. Particular difficulties in terms of volitional regulation are presented for a person by such an activity, where problems of volitional control arise along the entire path of the activity, from the very beginning to the end.

A typical case of inclusion of the will in the management of activity is the situation associated with the struggle of incompatible motives, each of which requires at the same time to perform various activities. Then the consciousness and thinking of a person, being included in the volitional regulation of his behavior, are looking for additional stimuli in order to make one of the drives stronger, to give him in the current situation more sense. Psychologically, this means active search connections between the goal and the activity being carried out with the highest spiritual values ​​of a person, consciously attaching much more importance to them than they had at the beginning.

With volitional regulation of behavior generated by actual needs, a special relationship develops between these needs and human consciousness. S.L. Rubinstein described them as follows: “Will in the proper sense arises when a person is capable of reflecting his drives, can relate to them in one way or another. subject ... who ... towering over them, able to make a choice between them" Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology: In 2 volumes - M., 1989. - T. II.


Will is inalienable human property, which should be developed by everyone who wants to achieve serious results in their own life, which means that all people on Earth should have this property. The history of mankind does not know such personalities who, not being able to control themselves, would get on its main pages from significant events. Will, to some extent, the engine human evolution. It does not allow people to stand still, prompting them to something new, difficult, frightening. And although all this often leads to rivalry, nevertheless, the will has a tremendous potential for the development of all mankind. She may even be driving force all kinds of discoveries, events, etc. that have ever happened on Earth.

The development of volitional qualities is what makes us stronger, which means that will is very important quality in the life and work of everyone!


1 - Nemov R.S. General psychology. - M.: Enlightenment-VLADOS, 1995. - 576 p.

2 - Psychology. Textbook for liberal arts universities / Ed. V.N. Druzhinina. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

3 - Psychology: Textbook / Ed. Krylova A.A.-M.: Prospect, 2002. - 584 p.

4 - Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology: In 2 volumes - M., 1989. - T. II.

5 - Modern psychology: a reference guide. - M.: INFRA-M, 1999.

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