Message about the life of modern man. The role of the Internet in the life of modern people

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The life of modern man is unthinkable without machines.

The life of a modern person proceeds in constant interaction with technical devices and systems. Naturally, great and serious efforts are needed to organize and improve this interaction.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person, and even more so of society, without electricity. Availability, low cost, ease of use and a number of other advantages in comparison with other energy carriers ensured its wide, almost unlimited use in everyday life and the national economy. According to domestic and foreign researchers, 50-60% of the increase in the productivity of social labor is provided by increasing its electric power.

Negotiations are becoming an increasingly significant component of the life of a modern person. They arise not in a situation of hierarchical dependence (such as an army one), but if it is necessary to reach agreement among two autonomous participants.

It is no secret that the life of a modern person is largely associated with the achievements of science and technology. Every day people use refrigerators and televisions, computers and cell phones, drive cars, fly planes; society got rid of cholera and smallpox - diseases that once devastated entire villages; man landed on the moon and now cooks scientific expeditions to other planets solar system. At present, there is practically no area human activity, where one could do without using scientific knowledge, and therefore many people closely link the further progress of mankind with new scientific and technological achievements.

The role of buried structures in the life of modern man can hardly be overestimated. In addition to urban underground structures, these are also mine workings that accompany construction work, and underground structures during the reconstruction and operation of enterprises, including the mining and fuel industries. Underground workings acquire all greater value in life big cities when laying urban communications, in particular the metro and underground passages.

Organic chemistry persistently intrudes into the life of modern man, and this intrusion has two aspects. For example, polymeric materials, from which thousands of various kinds products used in Everyday life, undoubtedly contribute to the improvement of our life, but at the same time, their production produces numerous harmful wastes that pollute the environment. Medicines help to cure diseases, but at the same time contribute to the development of new modifications of pathogens. Drugs save people from excruciating pains and create the basis for the development of social ills and crimes. It is no secret that in many countries a significant part of the population, in addition to occasional use medicines, regularly introduces into the body various tonic or hypnotic drugs, hormonal contraceptives.

Culture and civilization are absolutely necessary for the life of modern man to the same extent as his genetic program. By changing the environment, a person also changes his culture, which is accompanied by the evolution of cultural information and the partial loss of the old culture.

Without these chemical products, it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. Look around you - painted walls, floor, ceiling, window frames and doors, furniture, complex modern radio-electronic equipment - televisions, tape recorders, receivers; individual funds movement - car, motorcycle, bicycle, boat; sports equipment - skis, rackets; even the toys your children play with are colored in different colors.

The role of so-called minor chemistry in the life of modern man is exceptionally great. In 1976, Moscow hosted the 7th International Congress dedicated to surfactants. Behind last years their world production has grown to almost 3 million tons per year.

The scientific and technological revolution is also bringing enormous changes to the living conditions of modern man. The gigantic growth of cities, representing a widespread phenomenon throughout the world, in the absence of strict control by government and public organizations behind the ongoing processes of destruction of physical and biological conditions human environment urban living environment: and its dangerous effect on the human body: it is fraught with numerous dangers to the health of workers.

The question of the influence of the rapidly developing transnational Internet on the life of a modern person is the subject of heated discussions that have been going on in recent years not only among specialists in the field of modern information technologies but also among social scientists, economists, and politicians. Some warn against overestimating the value of the Internet, arguing that it is nothing more than an ordinary technological innovation among those that are so rich in the 20th century. Gordon, one of the world's leading experts on productivity and the facts behind its growth, believes that on the list of the biggest technological discoveries of the 20th century. The Internet occupies only 13th place, yielding in importance not only to radio, telephone, television, car, airplane, but also to such technological advances as, for example, antibiotics, home plumbing, and sewerage. All the advantages of the Internet come down to the fact that it significantly expands the access of a modern person to information and speeds up the process of receiving and transmitting it.

The awn of pathological processes from genetic, biological, social factors life of modern man, which are all in more determine the nature of his pathology. Without correct understanding and taking into account the biosocial essence of man, knowledge of the objective laws of the development of society, it is impossible to create a modern pathology. Since all functions human body in normal and pathological conditions are mediated social conditions, it is therefore important to study a person not only in terms of the unity of his biological and social characteristics but also at all levels of human organization: individual, collective and public.

Probably no branch of science has such a great influence on the life of modern man as chemistry. We eat food that uses chemical fertilizers and insecticides in the production cycle, we wear clothes that are made from chemical fibers, and in general, almost everything that we use in our daily lives is related to the chemical industry in one way or another.

The importance of organic chemistry is so great that at present it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without the use of the achievements of this science. Organic chemistry is the basis of very many important industries.

Modern humanity strayed from the path: the worst thing is that we have spoiled our consciousness: we do not teach a person to be a person, we are not taught to love each other. And love is the most complicated thing, especially when people have completely lost responsibility for what they do "...

Modern humanity has gone astray: “The most important thing is that we have spoiled our consciousness. People have completely lost responsibility for what they do" - Tatyana Chernigovskaya (neurolinguist, professor, doctor of philology and biological sciences)

“The problem is that we don’t have love. We are not taught to love each other... And to love is a complicated thing. To love is not to lisp, it is to take responsibility ”- Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, People's Artist of the USSR

These are just a few of the amazing documentary film"The Temptation of Civilization"

(302.65 MB / 33:18 min)

6:17 min - what should really be taught in school?

“We do not teach a person to be a person. We teach to achieve success in the material world: we teach to earn money, fame. Provide for yourself material wealth. Education does not aim to bring a person to a higher level of consciousness. ... (Modern people) They see the quality of life exclusively in the material, and do not look for it within themselves. As a result, a certain general, herd concept is formed, which is based on common stereotyped judgments and advertising slogans. - Dario Salas Sommer.

"The quality of the development of the inner world of the individual depends on his personal future, and the future of all mankind." Dario Salas Sommer

8:56 min - what is the danger of crowds? And what drives all the people into the crowd?

11:50 min - the nature of human perception of information and how a person thinks.

"Madness modern life deprived a person of the will and sanity necessary for him to act consciously. Mechanical, stereotyped behavior has become the norm and dulled the higher abilities, not allowing to give correct assessment things and phenomena. Dario Salas Sommer

15:00 min - human or biorobot: who are you really?

15:46 min - "Talking about making a decision on your own when a person cannot control their emotions and passions is ridiculous"...

Modern man must spend a lot of energy and effort just to meet the ever-changing standards of the modern consumer society. Such a person simply does not have time for deep reasoning and reflection on his life, not to mention the spiritual sphere of human life. His whole life is a constant pursuit of stereotyped mirages of happiness and success, implanted by an artificial modern culture consumption. Such a person does not live, but mindlessly consumes, squeezing all the juice out of himself and everything around him.

Constant haste and nervousness, headaches and stress, depression and constant fatigue syndrome - what is all this for? And why is this happening now - a time when the level of science and scientific and technological progress incredibly high... but a common person feels more and more lost, helpless and unhappy.

“The worst thing is what we say and what we do...” Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, People's Artist of the USSR

Why do we daily generate negative information flows that poison everything around us with their fear, anger, pain and hatred? Do we really think that in this world there is no causal investigative links and it won't come back to me?

According to public figures, government spending on military spending in 2008 amounted to about $1,500 billion. It would be enough just 0.01% of these costs to develop scientific methods assessment of the interaction between man and Nature, and show that the quality of the development of the inner world of an individual depends on his personal future, and the future of all mankind. It is these specific actions would be able to change the situation in the world, and would allow scientists to restore the lost honor of the seekers of Truth, directing their knowledge not to destruction, but to creation.

We are completely confused, lost: we are no longer able to see obvious phenomena, we have ceased to be able to distinguish between causes and effects - the relationships that permeate our Universe through and through. How did this happen to us?

Sir Arthur Elington said that a person can only see what is in his mind. Those. a person sees not what is outside of him, but a kind of photograph taken by his consciousness. If we see something, it is only because we already know something about it. A striking example- dolphins or a man and a woman. It is significant, but children very easily see dolphins, while adults see a hugging couple.

Can we see what the world looks like in general, really? Can we see the whole picture of the world as a whole? And without seeing the whole picture, is it possible to act correctly and accurately, so that all actions and actions lead only to a positive result for everyone? For this, it is necessary to be guided by the instructions of the one who created this World.

Without changing the morality of society as a whole, the world expects global catastrophes: financial, environmental, economic and others

“The order in the universe is based on the interaction of all its parts, as in a living organism: everything affects everything, everything is interconnected with everything” - Aristotle. Those. loss of connection is death. In the human body, it is cancer - a group of cells that begin to live on their own: they consume an unlimited amount of nutrients organism, taking food from other cells. And what do we, the owners of the body, do about cancer? And what do you think the Universe will do with those living beings (modern man) who literally destroy the Earth?...

25:02 min - why are large enterprises, countries and associations going bankrupt?

“Society, humanity as a whole, does not recognize itself as a single family in which the life of all depends on the actions of each ... I am surprised by the madness modern humanity: we have no other territory, we have no other planet to which we can go. ... "- Tatyana Chernigovskaya (neurolinguist, professor, doctor of philological and biological sciences). And even if there were another planet, how much would it be? The quality of life determines the consciousness of a living being.

Today, in our time, a lot of people with higher education, with first-class diplomas ... but the world has never been so bad when it comes to brotherhood, the ability to live next to each other, the highest spiritual values.

But the worst thing is that a person has completely lost access to himself, trying to drown out own emptiness cheap and affordable pleasures. Who are we trying to deceive?... The world is arranged in such a way that we can get happiness and success only through communication with the environment, but modern society constantly trying to circumvent this law, to isolate people from each other.

28:58 min - What to do and where to look for answers? What is considered a guideline?

“The best thing we can do for ourselves is to have time to get to know ourselves.” - Tatiana Chernikovskaya
"to know yourself, to study yourself ... to gain a deeper vision of life"

The living conditions of modern man are significantly different from those in which he was formed as a biosocial being. In the early stages of the existence of Homo sapiens, he led a lifestyle close to natural. In particular, he was characterized by a high level physical activity, which in itself corresponded to the neuropsychic tension necessary in the struggle for existence. People lived in small communities, lived in an ecologically clean natural environment, which could be changed (but not changed) by the whole community if it became unsuitable for life.

The development of civilization went in the direction of property stratification and professional specialization of people, necessary for mastering new tools of labor, increasing the duration of training and gradually lengthening the period of specialization of a part of the population. From the point of view of the life of one generation, all these changes occurred rather slowly, against the background of relatively slow changes in the habitat, low population density, and while maintaining high level motor activity. All this did not impose any special requirements on the human psyche that went beyond the limits of the evolutionary requirements.

The situation began to change with the beginning of the development of capitalism and progressive urbanization, and most radically in the second half of the 20th century, when the way of life of a person began to change rapidly. The scientific and technological revolution has led to a decrease in the share physical labor, i.e. to reduce the level of physical activity. This circumstance violated the natural biological mechanisms, in which the latter was the final link in life, therefore, the nature of the flow of life processes in the body has changed and, ultimately, the stock of human adaptive capabilities has decreased.

Another important consequence of the progressive development of civilization was the growth of the urban population, which sharply increased the density of human-to-human contacts. From the point of view of the psyche, these contacts are often unpleasant for a person. On the contrary, family relationships are beneficial, if, of course, relations between family members are good. However, unfortunately, favorable family relationships occupy in the family, according to statistics, only 20-30 minutes a day.

The undoubted influence on the psyche of modern man is exerted by some factors of a markedly changed external environment. Thus, the noise level has increased significantly, especially in the city, where it significantly exceeds allowable norms. If this is a busy highway, then the impact of noise on the human brain is comparable to the effect of the roar of an airport. Poor sound insulation, including sound-reproducing devices (TV, radio, etc.) in your own apartment or neighbors, make the influence of noise almost constant. Such noises, in contrast to natural ones, which in the process of evolution were integral part the nature surrounding a person (wind noise, the sound of a stream, the singing of birds, etc.), have Negative influence on the whole body and on the psyche in particular: the respiratory rate and blood pressure change, sleep and the nature of dreams are disturbed, insomnia and other adverse symptoms develop. Especially strong impact such unfavorable environmental factors affect the growing children's organism, and the level of fear increases more clearly in children.

Indirect influence on the state of the brain mental health and chemical pollution of the atmosphere. Yes, increasing content carbon monoxide in the inhaled air impairs gas exchange in the brain tissue and reduces its functional characteristics. A number of other gases (nitrogen and sulfur oxides) adversely affect the metabolism in the brain.

Special place in violation mental state man plays Nuclear pollution. The nervous system is very sensitive to its effects, but at a low level of radioactivity, apparently, it is more important psychological action of this factor, as it generates fear, which seems especially real after the Chernobyl disaster.

Serious negative impact on the human brain, his psyche has electromagnetic "pollution" environment in the form of radiation from the plexus of wires. On the emotional sphere A person is also extremely adversely affected by some forms of rock music, which are characterized by a monotonous rhythm, emphatically emotionally intense coloring of the voices of soloists, increased loudness beyond the norm and a special spectrum of sound.

One of the main factors negatively affecting the human body and especially its psyche should be considered its increasing isolation from the natural (natural) environment with all the ensuing consequences. In particular, this applies city ​​dwellers who spend most of their lives in an artificially created world of stone and concrete, isolated spaces, etc. They are infrequently in nature, deprived of the pleasure of breathing. clean air, enjoy sunrises and sunsets, listen to birds and much more. The presence of summer cottages only partly alleviates this problem, since the modern summer cottage is more subordinated to practical, utilitarian purposes. The destruction of the natural environment of a person - particles of nature deforms his psyche, especially emotional component, violates perception, reduces the potential for health. The urban environment of a person, depleted in a natural sense, represented mainly by monotonous, monochrome buildings, makes a person more aggressive - this is also the impact of various electrical appliances and other sources of radio and electromagnetic radiation, etc. All of them interact with electrical processes occurring in the brain, complicated way affecting their dynamics. Gain electromagnetic radiation Sun, very small compared to the corresponding characteristics artificial sources, also increases the number of mental and some other diseases. It should be taken into account that the person himself is a source of weak electromagnetic and other physical fields. Maybe, large cluster people (and this is typical for the city, for the premises) generates electromagnetic waves various characteristics, which at an unconscious level can have a negative effect on the brain.

Although nervous system a person is quite plastic and able to adapt to different situations its possibilities are not endless.

Apparently, a person is now in a situation where the adaptive capabilities of his psyche lag behind the ever-increasing requirements of modern life. At the same time, the brain tries to protect itself from excessive and unfavorable information, which makes a person emotionally less sensitive, emotionally "stupid". It is not surprising therefore that city ​​dwellers, especially large ones, are less responsive to various problems relatives experience these problems more a short time increasingly isolated from those factors that are not directly related to them. Other some people spends hours at TV screens, empathizing with the lives of the heroes of various series, and by this he tries to get away from his own problems that cause emotional stress.

In some cases, already small children become insensitive to someone else's pain. "Emotional hearing", that is, the ability to recognize the mood or state of the speaker, is well developed only in 32% of school-age children, which is associated with the deformation of communication between people (even members of the same family) towards the predominance of restraint and severity, on the one hand, and irritation and anger on the other. The leading tool also plays a significant role in this. mass media- television filled with scenes of violence and horror and forming an abnormal worldview of a child who gets used to strong sensations and begins to even enjoy scenes of violence and murder. Thus, psychological insensitivity to cruelty is gradually formed, and then to good, aggressiveness develops greater than in adults.

Especially importance existing living conditions have to harmonious development the most sensitive part human population- children. The schemes of education and training that dominate today are focused on the development of verbal mechanisms of brain activity that provide abstract-logical thinking. Emotionally sensitive mechanisms, which ensure direct contact with the outside world with the help of the sense organs and require close contact with nature, are not sufficiently stimulated. At the same time, practice shows that communication with nature is the simplest, most natural and effective method optimizing effect on the psyche.

All negative impacts on the psyche of a modern person are deployed in our country against the backdrop of complex economic, social and socio-psychological changes taking place in society and directly or indirectly affecting both the individual psyche and the entire community as a whole. The degree of such influence is very different, and different people react to it in different ways. One of the ways that some people choose to get away from such negative impact, is drug addiction, drunkenness and alcoholism, the growth of which is especially noticeable among children, adolescents and women. In many cases, in this way, in a deformed form, the mechanisms of self-regulation of the brain are manifested, which is protected from deficiency positive emotions, a large flow of information, difficulties in adapting to the outside world and other factors that a person cannot cope with.

In the current conditions, it becomes more and more difficult for a person to protect himself from emotional and informational stresses. Therefore, he is often in a state of strong (or prolonged) mental stress, which gradually undermines his strength, reducing physical and mental performance, immunity and violating normal work brain. Fortunately, the brain has a colossal margin of redundancy, and hence functional strength.

Each of us at least once in his life uttered the sacramental phrase: “From Monday I start a new life for a modern person!” But only a few stubbornly followed the installation, the majority returned to a disgusting, but simple and understandable way of life.

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Photo gallery: New life for modern man

And so I wanted to change something ... How important are life changes for us? How to respond to them? When to exercise and where to start a new life for a modern person? On the threshold of spring - the most renewing time of the year - we have brought together experts in life changes around our traditional round table.

Bulat Okudzhava said that everyone wants something to happen, and everyone is afraid that something will happen. What is our need for change, why do we need it? Change is the catalyst full life person. Therefore, a self-sufficient, self-confident person always strives for renewal. But not all change is desirable. It is no coincidence that the Chinese curse says: "Let you live in an era of change." Although strong-willed people even in difficult situations will be able to find something useful and positive for themselves.

The main thing is to remember that in self-development, as in diving: how much air you have, you dive to such a depth. This means: in order to embark on new voyages, it is important to understand whether you have enough resources to survive the changes in life with the least loss.

Change is necessary and objective. They are connected with the fact that a person is a part outer space which affects it. We are born for changes, they are aimed at our self-improvement. But how to implement these changes in your life depends on the person himself. Does he hear that he needs to change his way of life and start a new life for a modern person, thinking, approach to events, or is he stubbornly moving along the beaten path. On this depends its fate and further development. Each period of our formation and change prepares the next stage of life. If pa this segment time we act correctly, then in the future we will have the opportunity to realize ourselves to the fullest.

A person has two basic needs - stability and change. Our past and present, as well as a new life for modern man, stabilizes our personality and makes us who we are. If this changes, we will face the unknown, the comfortable familiar stability will be disturbed, we will have to get used to the new and somehow adapt. Therefore, a contradiction lives inside us all the time: we both want something new and we are afraid.

In the life of any person
at least once there was a situation “the routine sucked”, when even well-being ceases to bring joy. Why is this happening?

Most often this happens because people lose sight of the purpose and meaning of their lives. In contrast to this, one can take as an example creative people. What is the secret of their longevity? The fact that they always set themselves new goals and objectives, went to a dream that never allowed them to relax and lose interest in life. Therefore, it is desirable for everyone, even in everyday work, to find something new and build a new life for modern man.

This idle period
- a respite, which, like change, is also necessary. She prepares us for a new turn of fate. During these periods, we prefer to indulge in apathy, become heavy on the rise, we either don’t want anything, or we can’t understand what exactly we want. But at this time it is important not to sit on the couch, but to keep your nose in the wind and at least do something. For example, go somewhere, go, go on a business trip, to refresher courses. You can meet your loved one exactly where it is so reluctant to go now, or there will be a new one. perspective job exactly where you don't want to go.

What determines “openness” to change or, conversely, unwillingness to change anything?

Often certain fears are associated with diseases. For example, with kidney disease, people are anxious, with liver problems, they experience fear of life, fear of death. Pulmonary patients are often afraid of changes in a new life for a modern person. It turns out that by strengthening your health, you can automatically get rid of fear. When patients with such problems come to see me, I certainly take this into account - after treatment, fears go away. Attitude to change largely depends on temperament. Phlegmatic and melancholy people often perceive them painfully. To prevent this from happening, it is important to take into account the temperament with early years and properly educate the child. But choleric people are real fatalists who not only strive for change, but provoke them themselves. Sanguine people also like to change, they are distinguished by restlessness, versatile interests.

I don't like it too much
the idea of ​​dividing people into types. Modern psychology has so many in his arsenal various techniques according to personality typology, that you can get confused about what type you are. I like to study social environment, personality and environment. It can, of course, be assumed that sanguine and choleric people adapt better to change, but at the same time, the classic phlegmatic Bernard Shaw was an avid traveler and creative personality. I think it's all about education. Y. Kozeletsky in his work "Man of many dimensions" wrote about a special gift, personal quality, which he called transgressive, which means the ability of a person to go beyond his own self.

You can contact
to the classification of lifestyles developed by psychologists. There are people who set themselves specific goals and achieve them, but there are those who simply live for today, not striving for global changes, achieving something great. In addition, one goes ahead to the same goal, sweeping away obstacles on the way, while the other carefully bypasses obstacles and sharp corners. It is also important how much a person is aware of and wants to control everything that happens. In the most iron plans unforeseen circumstances may interfere. Then the one who always acts only in accordance with his plan is subjected to much more stress than he; who has a certain degree of adventurism, does not seek to control everything and everything. Although everything is mobile in a person, therefore everyone can develop in himself different sides and start a new life for modern man.

I would divide people into those who are looking for passion in life, and those who avoid stressful situations and strives for stability. If it is present in life, then everything is more understandable and correct, but there are no peaks, no sharpness of sensations. The latter is just more often experienced by risky people. As a rule, this is associated with the experience of traumatization - you feel more alive when you overcome a difficult life situation. Someone is doing it extreme views sports, someone falls in love selflessly, in a word, does something that disrupts the natural course of life. So they touch high vibrations, something that invigorates and, as it were, shakes up. Some of my clients say: I lived and thought that I would dry up from boredom. And suddenly something happens to this person that he did not even dream of, and it turns his life upside down. Maybe even hurt. But the fact is that he ceases to be bored. New life for modern man - new stage to the future.

How to react
to unexpected changes in a new life for a modern person?

There are changes that we choose and there are those that choose us, there are different ways response to them. The first involves focusing on the problem that has arisen, when we change the cause of what happened. For example, if you lose your job, to solve this problem, you need to find a new one. It helps to get rid of self-digging and negative emotions. The next way to respond is to distract from the problem. To reduce negative emotions, you need to switch to something. After that, either the problem will be solved by itself, or it will be easier to solve it. There is another very effective technique- building a new idea, reboot. This is when a person looks at his life with new eyes, builds positive interpretations, finds pluses in the minuses.

What stages of life
human being most critical?

The human physical body develops according to seven year cycles Saturn. They talk about human development and about one hundred specific stages (7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63 years and so on). Crisis moments in a new life for a modern person occur precisely in these years, and men experience them more sharply and brighter. Most difficult period- the age of Christ, 33 years, which is considered the most materialistic point in life. Until this age, a person still lives at the expense of the environment, relatives, loved ones, and the acquisition of skills. But from the age of 33, you need to learn to give back to the world what has been gained and live off it. There are two more crises - the so-called lunar nodes. These are 18.5, 37 years old and 54 years old. They are very accurate. At these critical moments, it is important not to make epoch-making decisions, not to make operations, not to conclude deals. Such rhythms of life are normal, logical.

In addition, we also have our own individual rhythms of life. For example, some record that important events occur every 3.5 or 10 years.

Crises are closely related to moments when you need to take responsibility for your life. For example, on initial courses university students doubt the correctness of their choice; after the birth of the first-born, you need to master the role of the mother; crossing the 40-year milestone, when there is a total rethinking of life. All these stages are normal, they happen to most people and are not signs of ill health. Separately, I would like to say about one of the most difficult moments for our people - retirement. How painlessly a person can survive global change strongly dependent on social culture. In our country, unfortunately, there is no institution that would provide pensioners not only with a decent existence, but also with the opportunity to feel needed and pass on their life experience and wisdom.

We have a low level
life, pensioners turn out to be useless to anyone - as if they were used, then thrown out as unnecessary. Therefore people retirement age and hold on to their places, not giving way to the young - if they give in, they will immediately lose income and be forgotten. Our situation is as follows: if you want to change, go ahead, but keep in mind that with age it is more and more difficult to do this - at 40 you are already Good work won't take. In Europe, starting life after 40 is much easier than in our country, and they retire there with pleasure, perceiving it as a well-deserved rest. I have a lot of contact with Europeans and note that in right time they are happy to pass the baton to the young, and they themselves devote time to themselves, home, and travel. At the same time, they have a lot of clients, students, they receive recognition - what a person of advanced years needs.

A new life for a modern person is designed to choose a more suitable path for their own improvement.

The word "instinct" is usually associated with the basest, bad deeds of a person. In fact, according to biology, this word denotes innate programs of behavior. People are born with huge amount instincts, the best of which are passed down from generation to generation.

The word "instinct" is usually associated with the basest, bad deeds of a person. In fact, according to biology, this word denotes innate programs of behavior. People are born with a huge number of instincts, the best of which are passed down from generation to generation.

© Marcos Rey

Every person has inherent love for the Motherland - his country, in which there are hundreds of cities, thousands of villages, millions of people. For the sake of its prosperity, everyone works and endures hardships. We feel conscious feelings for this Motherland, consciously strive to instill in it the love of all those around us.

But every person has another homeland, to which no one consciously instilled love. And you don't need to. This homeland is a tiny dot on the map of the country, the place where everyone was born and began to grow up. Although this place, perhaps, practically does not differ from thousands and thousands of others, it is the one and only. A person carries the image of this homeland with him all his life, not forgetting for a second. Is love for the motherland an instinct? Yes. Exactly. This was found out with the help of migratory birds: the chicks were taken away from the parental nest, and they were not detained until autumn, before migrating to warmer climes. After the winter, the birds were expected at both addresses. The result is amazing:

matured birds in most cases returned "home" (to a new place), except for those that had reached a certain critical age - these birds returned to the places from which they were originally taken away. Therefore, birds become attached to a certain place on earth during childhood... This is called "imprinting", which means "imprinting" information into the brain. The instinctive homeland is not the place of birth, but the place where the most emotional period of childhood passed. In modern people, the most vivid imprinting is carried out from 2 to 12 years old, therefore, the greatest experiences and joys are best remembered precisely during this period of time in a person’s life.

Everyone has such acquaintances who have been engaged in intellectual work all their lives, fiddling with papers, traveling on business trips, but they didn’t like to work with their hands, they didn’t know how. At home, it’s not like fixing a shelf - nailing a hook is a problem. They retired ... And they changed. Trees are planted and transplanted, beds in perfect order, and what kind of compotes began to turn out - a delicious taste. They say about such: the craving for the earth woke up. In this case, if you say instinct, you won't be surprised, it's too obvious.

So why did a person have a gardener's instinct, and even more so preserved until today? The fact is that it took tens of thousands of years to develop the whole process of turning a land that does not bring food into a fruitful field. About nine thousand years ago, slash-and-burn agriculture appeared, which in fact is a product of the human mind. The forest was burned, cut down, sown; the land bore fruit for several years, and then the fields were again burned, chopped, sowed ... “Burn and cut” is the name of this method.

Several tens of thousands of years of farming could not disappear without a trace, which is why even modern people can see this instinct, this incomprehensible, but only at first glance, craving for the earth.

Love for dogs is also an instinct, which appeared in people in primitive society. The dog was necessary for survival - mutually beneficial union two weakly armed predators. The man is walking for hunting - dogs seek out prey, and a person kills it and leaves incompletely gnawed bones to his “helpers”, so that these animals have a craving for a kind of cooperation. For long thousands, and maybe the same tens of thousands of years, a person had only one friend - a dog, therefore modern people (not all, of course) have an unconscious attraction to dogs.

Dogs and people practically did not quarrel, but in ancient times there were enough leopards and tigers - the enemies of man; modern people actively pay attention to yellow-black stripes, regardless of where they are applied. It's an instinct... What if a tiger?! Gotta run!

These dangerous animals are not on the streets, but the yellow and black coloring is used in many places that would be worth focusing on, such as speed bumps and other artificial bumps. The Beeline mobile telephone network operates on the territory of Russia. Her logo is black and yellow horizontal stripes. Instinct forces to focus on this attention ... And if there is attention - there is interest. This is how a large company "played" on "human feelings".

Instinct works well with the mind. The ancient master of conduct does not require blind obedience, but directs desires and thoughts, allowing the mind complete freedom of choice. Life changes, the instinct is ancient, and therefore reason is given to us in order to find reference points in various unexpected situations.

People have a feeling that they act as they were brought up, but the thought never comes that the stimulus to action is something ancient, alien to the mind. It is so hard to believe that instincts take part in motivating behavior. You know how and know more - you live and survive more satisfyingly, the most ancient instinct, which is currently in great demand.

We humans have almost stopped fighting instincts. Instincts do not silence the mind. Better to cooperate, right? published