Wishes to graduates to future biochemists. Sincere and touching wishes to graduates

At the teacher's graduation party primary school usually provide the floor. I want to say a lot about everything. It took me a long time to figure out what to say. I found a parable on the Internet (unfortunately, I don’t remember the source, sorry!). Here's what happened. Both adults and children listened with bated breath.




Dear boys! Dear girls!

Time flies, rushes forward uncontrollably, and, unfortunately, it cannot be stopped. Today you are leaving the wonderful Planet with the beautiful name of Childhood and embarking on a long journey called Adulthood!

A lot of interesting, unknown awaits you: there will be ups and downs, and tears of joy, and tears of despair ...

Believe me, everything can be overcome, from any difficult situation you can find a way out. But remember the main thing: it is very important to always remain human!

As a parting word, I want to tell you a parable.

The kid watches how the grandmother writes a letter and asks:

Are you writing about me?

The grandmother stops writing, smiles and says to her grandson:

You guessed it, I'm writing about you. But what is more important is not what I write, but what I write about. I would like you to be like this pencil when you grow up.

The kid looks at the pencil with curiosity and says:

It is exactly the same as all the pencils I have seen!

It all depends on how you look at things. This pencil has five qualities that you need if you want to live life in harmony with the whole world.

First, you may be a genius, but you must never forget the existence of the Guiding Hand. We call this hand God and must always follow His commandments.

Secondly, in order to write, I have to sharpen my pencil from time to time. This operation is a little painful for him, but after that the pencil writes more finely. Therefore, learn to endure pain, remembering that it ennobles you.

Thirdly: if you use a pencil, you can always erase with an elastic band what you think is wrong. Remember that correcting yourself is not always a bad thing. Often this the only way stay on the right track.

Fourthly, what matters in a pencil is not the wood from which it is made, and not its shape, but the graphite inside. So always think about what is going on inside you.

And finally, fifthly: the pencil always leaves a mark. In the same way, you leave traces behind yourself with your actions, and therefore think over each step and try to leave only bright traces after yourself on Earth!

Good luck!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Parting words to the first grader (insert in the diary).

I recommend this manual "Parting words to first graders" for teachers who have recruited first graders. The manual gives a template that you can paste into the diary separately for boys and separately for girls ...

Parting words to the first grader

September 1! Your child is starting new life. And the whole family is with him. For all of us, September 1 is a certain milestone, a border. Behind a carefree childhood, ahead - responsibility and real preparation for a new...

All words from parents to graduates of grades 4, 9 and 11 transmitted at the last bell holiday necessarily contain congratulations on graduation school year and inspirational tips for the future. Children who have moved from elementary school in middle school, mothers and fathers express their admiration in verse and prose and express the hope that children in the fifth grade will show perseverance and diligence in their studies.

Boys and girls who have completed the 9th grade are given the choice by adults to stay in school or leave and get a useful profession while going to college. It is appropriate to pronounce these words seriously and solemnly, or to deliver a speech in a cool, funny way, raising everyone's mood and dispelling a slight sadness from parting with classmates.

Touching to tears parting words prepared for 11th graders. Their adults recite at the line or at the prom, where smart guys gather for a farewell school ball.

Kind words of parting words from parents to elementary school graduates

Beautiful and kind words of parting words from parents to elementary school graduates inspire new achievements. Moms and dads congratulate fourth graders on the end of the next academic year. Good, inspiring words are dedicated to children and they are recommended not to lose perseverance in studying the sciences, to believe in themselves and not be afraid of any obstacles. After all, primary school graduates are no longer timid kids who have just begun their studies. Don't embarrass them hard lesson, a big homework assignment, or a request to enter a talent contest. The guys fulfill all these requirements easily and do not even ask for help. Although, they are always happy if moms and dads show interest and attention to their school affairs.

Examples of kind parting words for primary school graduates from parents

In this section, we have collected best examples good parting words for elementary school graduates. Moms and dads can take advantage of these developments and, based on them, create their own original speech. If time is short, it is quite appropriate to memorize these parting words, and then recite them with expression and congratulate elementary school graduates on their successful graduation.

Dear children, today you are graduates. And even though it’s still a long way to the 11th grade, you have already successfully overcome the first milestone study. Ahead of the fifth grade, which means that you are waiting for a lot of new subjects, interesting lessons, exciting activities and cheerful, ringing changes. We wish to stay friendly class help each other overcome any problems and certainly achieve great success in their studies.

The fourth grade is over

Your graduation today, kids.

We wish you great success,

Let childhood beckons with bright light.

May everything be successful in studies,

Let success be the reward

Let perky laughter and smiles

Destroy obstacles along the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,

Big and small victories

We wish you very beautiful

Such fun school years.

Dear children, you have passed First stage school life and successfully overcame the first obstacles, made the first discoveries, achieved the first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed the fourth grade, now a more adult life begins and you have more serious goals in front of you. Let your further way will be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you true knowledge, strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent study.

Happy graduation 4th grade!

We are glad to congratulate you.

A new path in life awaits you

He leads to the pinnacle of knowledge.

We wish you aspirations

New glorious adventures

Only positive ratings

And happy change.

Develop, don't be lazy

Learn everything important.

Good luck, bright days,

And cool and loyal friends.

Dear children, the first stage of secondary education is over, you are already graduates elementary school! With what sincerely and congratulations! Now you are waiting for new subjects, teachers, you will have to work harder, try harder. We wish you to gather your strength, relax, and then go ahead - “gnaw the granite of science”! We believe in each of you, you will definitely succeed!

What parting words from parents will be nice to hear 9th grade graduates at the last call

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine what kind of parting words from parents it will be nice to hear 9th grade graduates at last call. This point is due to the fact that most of children stay in school and beyond, and some guys go to college or vocational school.

We decided to help moms and dads with compiling the right parting speeches and prepared several options for successful congratulatory phrases with beautiful turns and kind words, perfect for a festive greeting to ninth grade graduates.

The texts below contain parting words for both children leaving the school walls and for children who are going to continue their studies. Parents can memorize these examples and then read them to their children at the final graduation party.

If you want to show originality, you should use the proposed words as a template, and on its basis compose your own exclusive parting speech containing wonderful congratulations and kind, inspiring wishes. Good words move graduates to tears and inspire them to new achievements. After all, a child always wants to justify the hopes of his relatives and give them a reason to be proud.

Texts of parting words on the day of the last call for graduates of grade 9 from parents

It is not at all necessary that the texts of parting words on the day of the last call for graduates of the 9th grade from their parents be voluminous. It is enough to say a few phrases sincerely and wholeheartedly, and the guys will feel the love and deep affection of adults.

You've been together for nine years

All divided in half

It got, however, often

Poor teachers!

And now you've grown up

Became wiser at all

To make your happiness in life

You have definitely found it!

It seems that only yesterday was September 1st and the first call in your life rang for you! 9 years have flown by unnoticed, all the exams are over and today we celebrate your long-awaited graduation! You are faced with a difficult choice, whether to continue studying or start building a career, but regardless of your choice, we want to wish you success in all your endeavors, happiness, courage, determination and sincere deeds!

Ninth grade is over

Congratulations on this

A special, interesting path awaits you,

Today we sincerely wish

Don't turn away from it now!

We also wish everyone patience,

Fun, joy and live without trouble,

And do not lose the guys mood,

And do not be afraid of difficulties forever!

Dear our graduates! Congratulations on finishing 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who decide to start a new one, independent life, we want to wish you an easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to the intended goal. May today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck, our beloved students!

Kind congratulations and parting words from parents to graduates of grade 11 on the last call

The kind words conveyed on the line from parents to graduates of the 11th grade penetrate deep into the soul and remain in the heart for life. Beautiful, touching to tears, congratulations on graduation, parting words for a happy future in prose and funny cool wishes in verse they inspire children to new achievements and motivate them to persevere in achieving goals, never lose heart and move confidently along the chosen path. Listening carefully to their parents, children feel a surge of strength and a powerful belief in themselves, and inside they have burning desire Be sure to become a source of pride for your family, friends and loved ones.

Options for congratulations with parting words in honor of the last call for 11th grade graduates from parents

A correctly composed parting word, said at the last call or the final graduation party, gives the event a special solemnity and significance. For variety, you can include in the text some funny phrase, a memory of elementary school or a funny episode that happened to the guys in grades 9-11. This will make the parting speech more personal, and the guys will once again experience a slight regret that carefree and cheerful school years already ended and will never happen again.

We will never forget how small you were. It seems that just recently we were collecting you in the first class, and today we were already collecting you in the last one. I remember your first meeting with the school: everyone was fussing, afraid, worried, and we confidently led you to the first grade, promising that everything would be fine. And now, after so many years, nothing will change - we will always be with you, we will be your support, support, your faith. After all, you are our children, our world, our happiness. Today, not only you have matured, but we have grown up along with you. Our dear ones, we wish you that this last call will be the beginning of a new life for you, in which you will definitely succeed and make all your dreams come true!

Dear children, today it is time for you to go to adulthood! I would like to believe in your future successes, because this is the only way it should be. Your energy and youth will serve as a guarantee for this. We wish each of you to maximize your abilities, to be surrounded good friends and managed to be happy.

Our dear children, today you say goodbye to school. Just one step separates you from adulthood. We wish you to boldly and confidently rise to a new level. Never lose faith in yourself, be persistent and persistent in achieving goals, sincerely love and appreciate friendship. And then everything will certainly work out. And we, your parents, will always be there to support you in difficult times and share the joy of victory.

Dear children, until recently funny and charming, you walked into the first grade, holding tightly to your parents' hands. Now, confident in your independence, you hold your classmates by the hand. And we still want to take the child by the palm, lead the story along this difficult life, bypassing all obstacles, substituting your shoulder. We understand that it is impossible, so we say, walk through life with dignity. Final exams ahead excellent grades and let the expectations come true.

Our dear graduates, congratulations on your graduation! You are already quite adults - 11 years of hard study are now behind you, and you can safely move forward to higher knowledge, developing their own qualities. At such a young age, you are already big personalities. May each of you be truly happy in life and achieve everything you want. We wish you not to lose confidence in achieving your goals, to go easy through life with a ray of luck behind your back. I wish you great accomplishments, true knowledge, iron will and success ahead.

The excitement of former students of grades 4, 9 and 11 is always noticeable at the last bell holiday. The guys still do not know what awaits them ahead, they evaluate their strengths and capabilities. To give elementary, middle and high school graduates great memories of graduation, help them forget their worries beautiful parting words teachers. It can be wishes for good, success, or instructions that are touching to tears. Among the examples we have selected, you can find suitable words from teachers to graduates of all ages. We also recommend that class teachers and the first teachers of toddlers watch the proposed video example for easy preparation for the performance.

Wise words of parting words from teachers to graduates of grade 11 at the last call - examples of texts

Beautiful and wise parting words of teachers sound appropriate at any graduation. After all, it is they who help cheer up the guys and give them helpful tips. You can choose original words from teachers for graduates for the last call among the examples below.

Examples of wise parting words to former students of grade 11 from teachers to the last call

The parting words we have chosen can sound beautiful from teachers both at the beginning and at the end of graduation. They will give former students of grade 11 good mood and positive emotions.

Today you leave your native school, and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinion, to love science, to take care of knowledge, that is, they gave the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Human Being without. capital letter! We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase, educate in yourself best qualities. We wish your dreams come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in later life!

Well, perhaps one of the most important days in your life. High school graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school and so many roads are opening up to a new life. I wish you always with warmth to remember your school years, school friends and of course the teachers who gave you such an important impetus to life, investing the most valuable and necessary. I want you to do right choice and take the path that will help you master your beloved and the right profession, will help to bypass all failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never back down.

High school graduation - memorable event in everyone's life. leaving the walls educational institution we are entering a new life. So let each of us today be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright, and his plans will be grandiose. May everything that they wish us today come true, and the people who said warm words will not be forgotten.

Here it is over next stage in your life. You are moving into adulthood, more responsible. Therefore, we want to say parting words to you. Always follow your dream and don't back down, find happiness in life and don't miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

On this important and wonderful holiday, we wish you to realize everything that is planned, what you dream about. ahead responsible life adult person. So let there be no adversity and obstacles on the way. Remember your teachers, do not forget how much they put into each of their efforts and work!

Beautiful words from teachers to graduates of grade 9 at graduation - examples of parting words

Kind words instructions should certainly be heard by former students of grade 9. They will give the children wonderful memories and help them forget about worries. You can choose beautiful words for graduates from the teacher for the graduation holiday from the proposed examples.

Examples of beautiful parting words for students in grade 9 from teachers to graduation

Using one of our examples last words, every middle school teacher will be able to beautifully wish former students success and fulfillment of desires. At the same time, ready-made parting words can be changed or supplemented in your own words.

The school fulfilled its high mission with honor - it attracted you to the sources of culture and spirituality, enriched you with treasures mother tongue and humanistic values, pointed to the high horizons of national consciousness and civic conscience.

Graduation ball is only the first step on the way to adulthood, then there is a profession. I wish you that the chosen future profession really became a favorite thing, inspired and brought real pleasure.

I wish you to determine for yourself the highest life and professional heights, and that each of you say: I have reached the highest plans.

Going on a distant and unknown journey, take with you the blessings of your parents and teachers - eternal, like motherland parting words that will give you faith in tomorrow, hope for own forces, purposefulness and courage in achieving high ideals and desired goals of your happy future. Not only your future depends on this choice, but also the happiness, well-being of your families, and the prospects for Russia.

Dear graduates! With today opens before you new world, completely different, not like the one that was before. Now you are independent individuals who are responsible for their actions. Don't forget your favorite school and the teachers who taught you everything!

Today you have a significant day, a solemn and touching event - school prom. This is a holiday better time in a person's life - a holiday of youth. From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your graduation from high school and the beginning of your adult life. Behind the yard home school, ahead - unexplored roads of the future. However, you are the happy owners of a powerful force that will take you to the desired heights. This force is valiant enthusiasm and self-confidence. You are destined to live in time big changes when education, intellect, creativity and talent became decisive. I believe that love native land, deep respect for the achievements of previous generations, high ideals, creative work make your life happy by glorifying hometown and Russia to the whole world.

I sincerely wish each of you to be confident in your abilities, on the chosen path. Feel free to make your choice. Learn, work, create and dare. May your fate be generous with goodness and joy!

Dear students, dear graduates! I heartily congratulate you on the holiday of the last bell, which symbolizes the end of the school year. For many students it is successful overcoming another milestone in school life, the transition to next class, and for almost 12 thousand graduates today is especially joyful and memorable. After all, they say goodbye to school and go to an independent adult life.

I sincerely wish you, dear graduates, good health, success, personal victories, realization of plans and creative plans!

Let the knowledge gained at school will certainly become a guarantee of significant achievements, help you reach the maximum heights in your future activities!

God bless you, generous fate, true friends, inspiration, optimism and inexhaustible energy!

Good luck in everything! Good luck!

Graduate, today I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, which is both sad and joyful at the same time - graduation day. You will no longer pass school threshold as a student, so don't forget your favorite teachers!

Video example of teachers' speeches at graduation in front of former students of grade 9 with parting words

The following video example will help teachers to prepare parting words for former students of grade 9 in an original way for the last call. It includes good and warm regards which will help the children to believe in themselves.

Touching to tears words from the first teacher to elementary school graduates - examples

For every primary school student, the first teacher becomes a true friend. Therefore, parting words from him will be the most the best gift for the guys at the farewell ball. We have selected touching wishes and instructions for teachers. Such words from the first teacher will give graduates confidence in themselves, their strengths and talents.

Examples of words of farewell to 4th grade graduates from the first teacher, touching to tears

Our dear daughters and sons! We are proud to see you finish 4th grade. Congratulations on your graduation party! For you, this is only the very beginning of your studies, but all of you have shown that you are ready to continue working. Today is an important day, because soon we will see you completely different. Over the years, you have not only received necessary knowledge but also found true friends and comrades. We wish you that the time spent together will be remembered for a long time, and friendship will overcome all hardships and obstacles.

Today, when you finish the fourth grade, I would like to wish you to gain strength, health and a thirst for knowledge, because it is these qualities that you will most need in secondary and especially high school. I wish you to grow up, think about the future, choose a profession to which you would like to devote your life, and devote Special attention the study of the sciences that will be useful in it. Good luck and strong teeth with which you will gnaw at the granite of science!

Today is Graduation for our 4th graders! Congratulations to the young graduates on the holiday. We wish you to boldly and cheerfully walk through the steps of education. To develop in every possible way, to discover new opportunities, to learn interesting, unusual and alien. May there be a lot of joy, high marks and good mood in your lives!

Congratulations to our 4th grade graduates! you passed starting base, where we got a lot of useful and necessary for ourselves. We wish you excellent studies and the fulfillment of all desires. Be perfect in everything, your future depends on it.

Dear graduates, today you are leaving the elementary school class. Now you are waiting for new adventures in the land of objects real science, now you will make serious discoveries and often take independent solutions. Do not forget your first teacher, do not be afraid to open doors to new knowledge, always remain a friendly class and by all means achieve great success.

After reviewing our selected examples of last words for graduates, and class teachers, and the first teacher will be able to easily find suitable parting words for graduation. With their help, teachers will be able to express their attention and love to children. They will help former students of the 4th grade of elementary school forget about the worries and give self-confidence to students of 9th and 11th grades. Beautiful words from teachers to graduates can be supplemented with their own instructions and wishes. Also touching to tears examples are suitable for writing completely new and unusual parting words for the last call.

Graduates, last time
The graduation ball gathered you at school.
Already received the document
Nothing keeps you here anymore.

It's a little sad to say goodbye
But life only moves forward.
One stage is over
It's time for new things.

Don't let difficulties bother you
They only make you stronger.
And don't let doubts get in the way
Fly headlong to your dream.

Well have fun today
And walk until the morning
You deserve this holiday.
Graduates - "Hurrah! Hooray!"

That's childhood behind.
Maturity new pages
Opens before you
Graduate and Graduate.

Joy with sadness of parting -
Reflected on faces.
You leave but with you
The school is in no hurry to say goodbye.

Life will give its rewards.
And the nostalgia kicks in
You will always be welcome here.
Good luck, dear ones!

Farewell hour - a reason for sadness,
But it's a sin for you to be sad today:
The school is waving after you,
And sends you all to life.

On graduation day you have fun
After all, all paths are now for you.
The roads in life are all open,
So good luck! And in good hour!

Dear guys, Happy Graduation to you,
Happy school and age holidays.
Saying goodbye to school, you keep the memory,
School years, yours, you appreciate!

Strive for success in the future,
Try to follow the right path
So that everything succeeds in your life,
And they lived, so that only, always you laughing!

That's all, say goodbye to school,
Now our class will be empty!
It seems that this holiday is merry,
It's just so sad for some reason!

We will follow you, dear school,
Bored to the point of unconsciousness!
Can't find that word right now
To describe your feelings!

We will remember everything that happened to us,
And there were a lot of bright days!
Thank you school for giving us
Excellent, dear teachers!

We hope that our future path
We will only bring good luck in life,
And more real joy
And all the bad things will go out of the way!

Behind you school time,
Graduation leaves you forever
In the adult world, where everyone is on their own.
We want you to stay tuned.

On the wave of desires, will and creations,
Achieve the main and most important goals.
And suddenly stumbled halfway,
Get up and go forward with a smile.

Today is a very important day -
You will be given the key to freedom,
You will receive a diploma
He will open all the ways.

I wish this day everything:
Find your way
And to be lucky with work,
So that all dreams come true on time.

Career growth and office,
Car, cottage and salary.
So that after many, many years
You remembered your graduation date!

Years flew by unnoticed
Just - just came to the first class,
Do not forget these cherished years to us,
I've already read the school story.

Young, beautiful, daring
Gathered on graduation day.
Let the cherished doors open
To go through an adult path is not easy.

Graduation is a magical holiday,
Day of farewells and confessions,
Day of your memories
Expectations, promises.

Classmates - princesses -
Blinded by beauty
Classmates like princes -
Views glow with a dream.

Leave notebooks in the past
Pens, desks, diaries,
Life's new riddles
And challenges ahead.

For victories and accomplishments
Courage, patience, strength!
So that you are on the red carpet
I visited the school!

Our girls are princesses today,
Boys - strict suits style.
Here comes the long-awaited, wonderful
Your first ceremonial graduation.

Be healthy, beautiful and brave!
Life will challenge more than once or twice.
A lot of water will leak between times,
But always keep the memory of the school!

At the last call, parents of graduates of elementary school, grades 9 and 11 can speak with different congratulations. But the most sincere and touching to tears will be the parting words in verse or prose. With their help, moms and dads will be able to cheer up their children and wish them to boldly prepare for new beginnings and achievements at the end of the prom. And choosing funny and cool texts from our examples, they can easily dispel any doubts of children. We have selected the best parting words from parents to graduates for the graduation party. Kind words with instructions can be a wonderful end to such a holiday.

Parting words from parents to elementary school graduates - examples of poems

For children who have completed grade 4, it is extremely important to hear parting words from moms and dads. Their wishes and instructions will help the children forget about worries. We selected for parents of elementary school graduates best words instruction in verse.

Examples of parting words in verses for elementary school graduates from parents

A beautiful parting word in verse will be a good addition to the graduation ball in elementary school. Such a speech of fathers and mothers with congratulations will cheer up all graduates and make warm and good memories.

We gathered in a new world

Fifth grade, adult.

Who is your idol now?

We will ask you about it.

You already know a lot

Only you don't know

How much knowledge did you read

I'll have a lesson for you tomorrow.

Be always happy

So that everything is like people.

So that in childhood you are playful,

Don't outgrow your kids!

Learned a lot in fourth grade

Let the flame of knowledge blaze.

Gained a wealth of knowledge

Now the holidays are time to rest.

Rather, gain new strength

And from the summer on a hot day on the way,

Please don't forget

That you go to school in the fall.

Graduation in elementary school

You are in the fifth grade.

With this happy occasion

We want to congratulate you.

Summer is ahead of you

It will go well!

May you be lucky in your studies

And on next year.

Fourth class behind

Holidays ahead.

Congratulations on graduation!

So that problems do not arise,

We wish you to rest

Gain strength for sure.

To successfully enter

In the academic year, not the first.

To have fun learning

And they behaved well.

To dream and create -

Everything will turn out great!

Portfolios have become heavier

And go to the fifth grade

Science new wiser

Everything is more interesting for us.

Four years have passed

And the school is like a second home.

Let's take a break and get back to work.

Well, today is graduation day!

Touching to tears words on the last call from parents to graduates of grade 11 - in prose

It is impossible to imagine a festive ball for former students of the school without parting words from moms and dads. It will give the guys confidence and help to spend this day easily and carefree. Parents of 11th grade graduates can choose good words with wishes and instructions in prose for the last call among the examples we have selected.

Examples of words of parents touching to tears in prose for 11th grade graduates

Sincere and kind congratulations, wishes, words with instructions for the future will be a wonderful number of the festive ball. They can be supplemented with your own words or statements. famous people. As a basis for speaking to graduates with parting words, moms and dads can use the following examples:

Well, what can I say today, student? Here comes graduation. So all the boring lessons, annoying homework, strict teachers, deuces in diaries, calls from parents to school ended. You must be happy and sad at the same time. After all, there were so many good things at school - beloved friends, cheerful breaks, delicious pies in the dining room, favorite books in the library and much, much more. I sincerely congratulate you on your Graduation. I wish you to enter your new adult life confidently and cheerfully. I wish this life to be filled with success, love, happiness, fun and true friendship. Graduation!

So one of the most difficult and crucial moments in life came up - this is a school graduation. So many doors are open before you, new knowledge and opportunities await you. the main task before you only make the right choice, find your life path and calling. We wish you to listen to your heart, inner voice and follow the right path that will lead to true happiness and satisfaction from life. May the new routes ahead of you be successful and enjoyable. Follow your dreams without giving up or giving up. Lightness to you and harmony in your soul!

Our unique graduates! Today is a very touching holiday, today we celebrate school graduation! wish young people who are stepping into adulthood, do not stop believing in miracles and remember the moral principles that they learned in our school walls! You, graduates, are like a beautiful bouquet, multi-colored, fresh, saturated, which gives its beauty to others. We wish you not to lose this beauty, we wish you to acquire new skills and open beautiful horizons! Appreciate friendship and school experience who will be your support in the future happy life! Congratulations, graduates!

Today we are happy and glad to congratulate our esteemed, dear and smartest graduates of our school! There are so many talented and capable guys among you. There are future programmers, and businessmen, and actors, and singers, and doctors, and athletes. We kindly ask you not to lose what you have learned at our school. invaluable knowledge and skills. We will always remember you and give you an example to the younger students. We wish you to find a wonderful job that will bring joy and satisfaction. Remember our school and us, come visit and tell us about your successes and victories.

So school time is over! Over the years, you all have matured and turned from touching chicks into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. Front - long interesting life and we wish everyone to find their own way in it. Let all the knowledge and skills that you received at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and the people who have been with you all these years will remain in everyone's heart for a long time. Have a good trip!

Video example of a speech with parting words from parents of 11th grade graduates

Perform well in front of former students 11 classes for moms and dads will help the next video. It includes wise parting words that all the guys will definitely like.

Funny words of parting words from parents to graduates of grade 9 on the last call - examples of prose

Parting words at the last bell, sounding from the parents of graduates of grade 9, can be not only touching. We have selected for moms and dads funny and cool words with advice and wishes.

Funny parting words of parents to graduates of 9 classes for the graduation party

funny words The instructions are a good addition to any prom. They are sure to cheer up the guests of the holiday. You can choose a cool parting word from the following examples:

I do not want to start with a banality, and talk about the importance of this day. I just want to congratulate you with all my heart on your graduation! And to say that it is not this day that is important, but the principles and knowledge that you take out of school. This is one of the components of your successful future. Now you are young, brave, strong, daring, passionate, loving, taking risks. And if you can put together your upbringing, principles, knowledge, existing life experience, advice from loved ones, then you will definitely succeed !!! This is what I wish you, so that you can and know how to achieve your goals!

In a dozen years, as today, we, already quite adults, will meet here. Someone, perhaps, will become a scientist, someone - a lawyer, doctor, analyst. Someone will have time to travel the whole world, someone will save up for the coolest car, someone will give the world charming children. But the main thing is that we all remain no less optimistic and friendly than we are now. Congratulations!

The guys at the school graduation remind passengers at the airport, train station or pier. Everyone is in anticipation of an interesting new life, and there are many unknown roads ahead. I wish that each of today's graduates quickly and correctly choose their own, albeit confusing, but true, happy and free path to a new life. Congratulations!

Just yesterday you were high school students, and you ran to your native school as if it were a second home, but today is the first ball in your life, graduation ball! The boys became all serious, and even seemed to have matured, and the girls, like those flowers in spring, all blossomed with a gentle radiance! You are all graduates today, today you open the start to adulthood, serious life! And by your faces and smiles it is clear that all this is impatient to know already! Remember one thing, that after even a little time, you will all miss your desk, your classmates, your teachers, because school and youth, unfortunately, cannot be returned! But seeing your striving for the future, I want to believe that each of you will achieve all the peaks you have planned!

Graduation! For young people, as you know, all doors open. May the doors you choose lead you to happiness, joy and fulfillment. May what you achieve make your family and your teachers proud of you and remember the years before graduation with nostalgia.

Among the parting words we have chosen, parents of graduates will be able to find the most my sincere congratulations for their children. It can be both touching prose to tears, and funny, cool poems. Beautiful parting words from parents to graduates of elementary school, grades 9 and 11 will certainly please the children. A similar number would be appropriate at the last call, and at a prom or evening. The main thing is that moms and dads are well prepared for the performance and, if possible, supplement the proposed examples with personal wishes.