Social scholarships for poor students in the USSR. Who can receive a social scholarship and how it is calculated

Scholarship - obligatory payment Money students throughout their studies at the university. Scholarships are regulated federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation" of 2012. Students studying at paid department do not receive a scholarship.

The scholarship for students in 2017 and its amount depend on:

  1. Student achievement. Sessions must be closed without "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory" grades. Otherwise, the payment of the scholarship in the next semester is terminated.
  2. From social status student. Some social groups besides academic scholarship have the right to social
  3. From an educational institution. Universities have the right to set their own scholarship amount, not lower than the minimum specified in the law. The university can also differentiate scholarship payments by faculties.
  4. from extracurricular activities. Student participating in various projects and activities of the university, is entitled to an increase in scholarships.

Consider the conditions for obtaining different types scholarships.

Academic Scholarship 2017

The right to an academic scholarship is received by all students who entered the university for budget form learning. The condition for receiving a scholarship is passing the exams without marks "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory".

The minimum scholarship for 2017 is 1340 rubles. per month. For excellent academic progress, a student is entitled to an increased academic scholarship, but not more than 6,000 rubles. per month.

In some universities, the amount of the scholarship depends on each grade received during the last session. Each "excellent" rating significantly increases the amount of the payout.

Social scholarship 2017

The following categories of students can count on social payments:

  1. Students from poor families.
  2. Students without parents.
  3. Students who received a dose of radiation as a result of accidents.
  4. Disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children.
  5. Students who have passed military service under a contract with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for a period of at least three years.

The minimum scholarship for 2017 is 2010 rubles. per month.

To obtain the right to pay a social scholarship, the student must prepare and submit to the social security authorities documents confirming low level income in the family, as well as a document confirming his education at the university at the expense of federal funds.

After the social security authority issues a certificate for receiving a social scholarship. It must be submitted to the dean's office.

The payment of the social stipend is suspended in the event of academic debt. As soon as the debt is eliminated, the payment of the scholarship continues.

Government Scholarship 2016/2017

Senior students of higher educational institutions (as a rule, starting from the third year) have the opportunity to receive a government scholarship. Part-time students are not eligible for this scholarship.

The scholarship is an award for outstanding academic achievement, scientific discoveries and inventions, victories at olympiads and competitions, writing articles.

The amount of the scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2016-2017 academic years is 1440 rubles. per month. The scholarship is awarded for a period from September to August.

The government has compiled a list of areas of study that are strategically important for strengthening the Russian economy. Students studying in such areas are entitled to a special scholarship from the Government. Scholarship conditions:

  • At least half of the marks "excellent" for the last two sessions. Lack of “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory” ratings.
  • The student is the winner or prize-winner of scientific Olympiads of various levels.
  • The student has awards (diplomas, diplomas, certificates) for high achievements in scientific activity.
  • The student is the author of articles published in scientific publications different levels.

The amount of the scholarship is 5000 rubles. per month.

Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for students 2016/2017

The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation is awarded to students who have distinguished themselves in scientific activities. Students can be winners or prize-winners of scientific Olympiads of various levels, have publications, be an author scientific invention etc.

How to apply for a social scholarship? This issue is especially relevant for students of universities and colleges who need social support. social scholarship can become an important component in the modest budget of low-income students.

Who is eligible for a social scholarship

Social scholarship is a measure state support for financially disadvantaged students of colleges, schools, technical schools, universities and institutes. It also applies to graduate students and doctoral students.

A student is entitled to a scholarship only if full-time education on the budgetary basis. Thus, students who pay for their own education are not entitled to social payments. They can only count on receiving special grants for good academic performance (presidential, gubernatorial, etc.).

Educational institutions have the right to determine the amount of support on their own, but the state has established minimum threshold payments. For secondary specialized educational institutions, it is 730 rubles. University students will not be able to receive less than 2010 rubles. per month. For students with good academic performance (having only good and excellent marks), increased social payments are provided in the amount of at least 6307 rubles. In 2016, these limits were not revised.

State assistance is issued according to the principle of need, i.e. the student's family must first be recognized as indigent. The average per capita income should not exceed the subsistence minimum established in the region. But some categories of students may qualify for it regardless of their family income. Among them:

  • disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, disabled children;
  • orphans and children left without parental care (up to 23 years old);
  • students who were exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (living in the Chernobyl zones) and the Semipalatinsk test site;
  • military invalids;
  • who served under the contract for at least 3 years in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the FSB of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

It should be borne in mind that if the payment of a social stipend for good academic performance is set at a tripled amount, then if there is a debt in the examination session, it can be completely suspended. Therefore, it is in the interest of the student to maintain his financial situation study well.

With positive academic performance, even omissions and delays cannot become a basis for deprivation of social benefits. Even C students who do not have debts and unpaid offsets are required to receive payments in the minimum amount. Moreover, the termination of payments without a good reason is punishable by law and the administration of the university may be held liable for the abuse of its powers.

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What documents are needed to receive a social scholarship

What documents are needed for a social scholarship? To assign payments, you need to bring to the dean's office a certificate from local authority social security at the place of residence or registration. A certificate from social security for a social scholarship is valid for only 1 year.

This means that you will have to confirm your right to receive financial support measures and re-collect documents every year.

Thus, it is necessary to start processing the due payments with a visit to the local department of social protection. The student will be required to provide the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • a certificate from the passport office on the composition of the family at the place of residence (to obtain it, you will need a passport and the last paid receipt for housing and communal services) - it is valid for 30 days from the date of receipt;
  • documents on the income of each family member living together (2-NDFL, tax return, certificate of the amount of alimony, pensions, allowances, etc.);
  • certificate of training on a full-time budgetary basis;
  • scholarship document.

If one of the parents lives separately from the child, he will still be required to provide a document on income or on the amount of alimony (if the parents are divorced).

It should be borne in mind that social security may request additional documents on demand. Their list varies depending on the basis for receiving payments. This may be a certificate of disability, confirmation of registration in Chernobyl zone etc.

Social Security will consider the information received within 15 days, after which it will provide the desired document for the assignment of payments.

After issuing the certificate, it remains to bring to the dean's office (or the accounting department of the university) documents for a social scholarship:

  • a document from social security, which confirms the student's right to material support;
  • an application for the appointment of payments addressed to the rector or dean;
  • details of a personal account (passbook) for a monthly money transfer.

Each university has its own rules for receiving scholarships. But usually the dean's office requires that the certificate be dated September current year and accept applications from students until the end of the month. Therefore, it is better to start the design before starting. school year to avoid controversy.

Social payments are an integral part of the state budget. A significant portion of government payments goes to student benefits. The young promising generation also needs financial support during their studies. Social payments to students include the following types financial incentives:

  1. State academic scholarship;
  2. Material aid;
  3. Payments to orphans;
  4. for needy students;
  5. Special and personal scholarships.

Payments to full-time students

Social payments to full-time students are formed from budget funds RF and the scholarship fund of the educational institution.

State academic scholarship is paid only to students full-time education on a budget basis. The amount of the scholarship is indicated in the order of the rector of the educational institution. Less than the basic amount of the scholarship established by the law of the Russian Federation, it cannot be (for 2013 it is 2100 rubles).

The results of the examination session determine the amount of the state scholarship (except for first-year students in the first semester). Students who have excellent grades, the scholarship is significantly increased (at Moscow State University by 25%).

Successful students who have good and excellent results during the examination session can count on the state scholarship.

The procedure for paying scholarships to students:

  • If the student's session was extended by good reason, and he passed it on time, the scholarship is awarded in the usual way;
  • If the student has returned from an academic leave, taking into account the results of the session preceding the leave, a state scholarship is assigned;
  • The state scholarship is paid to a student who has recovered after being expelled for a good reason;
  • If a student is expelled, the state scholarship is not paid from the first day of the month following the expulsion.

State social scholarship

Today it ranges from 730 to 2010 rubles. The following students are eligible for this scholarship:

  • Orphans, children without parental care;
  • Disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood;
  • Disabled and combat veterans;
  • Victims during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and as a result of other radiation disasters;
  • Children from low-income families.

The above students must submit to the scholarship commission those documents that confirm belonging to these categories.

The procedure for paying social scholarships:

  • If a student has a debt during the examination session, the payment of the state social scholarship will be resumed only after its liquidation from the moment when the payment was suspended;
  • If the student is expelled, the scholarship will stop.

The social state scholarship does not exclude the right of a student to receive a state academic scholarship.

Payments to orphans

In addition to the state social scholarship, the following payments are provided for orphans:

  1. Providing food (monthly payment of 183 rubles);
  2. Provision of clothing and footwear (annual payment of 30,240 rubles);
  3. One-time cash allowance (upon graduation 500 rubles);
  4. Allowance for the purchase of stationery and textbooks (6300 rubles annually);
  5. Travel reimbursement for public transport(monthly 580 rubles);
  6. Reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of permanent residence (annually);

Orphans have an extraordinary right to move into a hostel where they live without payment.

Scholarship for a student in academic leave terminated before the end of the holiday.

Financial assistance to students

Financial assistance is social support students who need financial assistance for any serious reasons, in the form of a payment that does not depend on the student's performance.

Financial assistance is paid to the student under the following circumstances:

  • Death of close relatives (provide a copy of the death certificate);
  • (provide a copy of the birth certificate);
  • As a result of damage to or loss of property natural disaster, accidents, fire, theft and other emergencies with large financial losses;
  • If a student is recognized as a disabled person of group I or II, as well as for treatment with the provision of relevant documents;
  • If a student from a large and low-income family, where the average income is below the subsistence level;
  • If in the student's family one or both parents are disabled of group I;
  • Additional emergency expenses for orphans.

Other social payments to students

Also among the social payments to students there is:

  • , which is appointed for one semester based on the results of the scholarship committee of the faculty according to the following criteria:
    1. Recognition of a student as a prize-winner of olympiads, competitions that were held for two years before an increased scholarship was assigned;
    2. Achievements of the student in the social, research, cultural and creative and sports activities(awards, grants, publications, advocacy, sports awards, participation in significant events).
  • Special State Scholarship of the Government Russian Federation provided for students who have shown themselves highly in educational and scientific activities (for graduate students 3600 rubles per month, for students 1440 rubles per month). Academic Council nominates candidates from students from the third year of study.
  • Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for studying abroad. Students with high academic performance participating in research work may be candidates for this scholarship. Applicants for this scholarship are students with outstanding academic achievements, authors of discoveries, inventions, articles. The list is approved by the Council of Rectors on the recommendation of the Academic Council.
  • Students with outstanding academic achievement may be eligible for personal scholarships from the Governor.

Maternity payments to students

They pay not only budget, but also commercial students. For a student studying on a budget who receives a state academic scholarship, the amount of the allowance is the same as the scholarship. Thus, the scholarship is doubled. For commercial students, the amount of the allowance should not be smaller size scholarships, which is established by law (2100 rubles).

When providing a certificate of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), the student can count on additional benefits.

Compensation payments to students

If a student studies on a budget and is on academic leave due to medical reasons, then compensation payments are assigned to him.

They are made at 50 rubles a month, and in regions with district coefficients, the amount of payment is set taking into account the corresponding coefficient. The actual stay of the beneficiary during the holiday does not affect the established amount of the payment.

Also educational institutions can pay students additional compensation at the expense of these institutions.

Reduced travel for students

The following benefits apply to travel for students:

  • Discounts for commuter travel are available to full-time students. They are valid from September 1 to December 31 and from January 1 to June 15 inclusive. Student ticket- a document for receiving benefits;
  • From 2012-2013, students can use subscription tickets with a 50% discount for suburban traffic;
  • 50% discount for travel in a compartment car on the top shelf of long-distance trains in the territory of the Russian Federation from August 25 to December 31;
  • Non-resident full-time students are entitled to free pass There and back again by rail 1 time per year. And students living in areas Far North, Far East, Siberia - once a year by air transport there and back;
  • Part-time students are entitled once a year to a ticket paid by the employing organization to take exams;
  • Reduced travel pass ground transport and metro for full-time students is 30% of the full price.

Students have many benefits (including discounted tickets to swimming pools, theaters, cinemas, etc.), so you need to clearly know your rights and use them successfully.

The Ministry of Education aims to create favorable conditions for education in all regions of the country. In addition to providing effective work it takes care of the low-income and socially unprotected category of students. To do this, needy students are assigned a social scholarship.


Social scholarship is one of the state support measures aimed at financial assistance low-income and vulnerable segments of the population. It is provided to students, while its distribution occurs at two levels of education.

  1. Average. These are colleges, technical schools and other educational institutions that implement programs of secondary vocational education.
  2. Higher. This category includes universities - universities, academies, institutes. At the same time, the scholarship is provided for not only bachelor's programs, but also master's programs.

The social scholarship does not depend on the educational one - it is assigned only on special grounds. Moreover, it is charged monthly and has a fixed amount.

This type of financial assistance is regulated by certain regulations.

Normative base

The accrual of social scholarships occurs on the basis of the following laws.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

Not all students are entitled to social scholarship. To receive it, you must meet the following criteria:

  • study full-time;
  • be on budget education;
  • not have academic debts.

In addition, the scholarship is only available certain categories citizens.

  1. Orphans. These include students who do not have parents (due to the death of the latter) from birth or who have lost them before the age of 18.
  2. left without parental care. This category includes children whose mother and father were deprived of parental rights.
  3. Disabled people of the first and second groups. The presence of a disability must be documented by a medical certificate.
  4. Poor citizens. The income of the student's family (or his own) does not exceed the subsistence level established in the region.
  5. Students who have undergone radiation exposure as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radioactive disasters.
  6. Students who have served under contract for three or more years in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other military structures.

Additional help from the university

Some universities provide assistance to state employees who find themselves in difficult living conditions or suffering incurable disease. In these cases, the administration of the educational institution can independently establish the types of scholarships for needy students. Such a measure is not a state one - it is an initiative of the university itself.

Usually, material support turns out:

  • poor students;
  • student families with small children;
  • disabled people and other categories of citizens.

The assistance provided is always realized only in the form of cash payments - it can take the following forms:

  • free meals in the canteen;
  • scholarship supplement;
  • preferential living conditions in a hostel;
  • survivor benefits;
  • one-time material aid for food, clothes and other necessary things;
  • provision of teaching materials (notebooks, textbooks, stationery);
  • others at the discretion of the university.


Social scholarships differ from ordinary (academic) and have their own characteristics.

  1. Providing payments for a period of one calendar year. Social benefit appointed only for the full 12 months. After the expiration of this time, you need to re-apply for an extension of payments. If this is not done, the scholarship will cease to accrue.
  2. Year-round provision. Indicated species social assistance operates continuously throughout the year. During the holiday period, the scholarship continues to be paid. The same applies to maternity and academic leave.
  3. Progress. Estimates do not affect the receipt of this type of payment. Even if a student has unsatisfactory grades in his attestation book, this is not a reason to cancel the social scholarship.

Along with this, there are reasons on the basis of which the termination of payments occurs.

  1. Change or cancellation of the basis that previously gave the right to receive a social scholarship. For example, for low-income students, this is an increase in the level of family income (above average). In this case, it is necessary to inform up-to-date information to the university, otherwise the payments received will be considered illegal.
  2. Repeat course. If a student is left for a second year of study, the payment of the scholarship is terminated.
  3. Debts. Many are interested in the question of whether there is a concept of "suspension of social scholarships." Yes, in the presence of academic debts and an open session, payments are not accrued. But if the student removes this cause, they will be renewed.
  4. Deduction. One of the weighty reasons for canceling social assistance is the expulsion of a student from an educational institution. It does not matter whether he was expelled for poor performance or left the university of his own free will. But upon restoration, the student has the right to re-appoint the scholarship.

These are the main reasons on the basis of which the accrual of social scholarships can be terminated. Its cancellation can also occur on the personal initiative of the student, but this exception is rare.

The size

The amount of social assistance is small. It will not be enough to meet the basic needs of life for one month. Payments are only minor material assistance.

The university sets the amount of the scholarship on its own, but it cannot be less statutory minimum.

Table 1. Minimum amount of social support

How to get a?

In order to receive a social scholarship, you need to perform a series of consistent steps. They involve collecting required package documents and its submission to the state body.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. Prepare the necessary documents.
  2. Contact the authority social protection or MFC at the place of registration or residence. The order in which they are issued is the same.
  3. To write an application. The sample will be provided by the staff.

After the application is accepted, the student will be entered into the database and the information provided will be verified. Based on this, a certificate will be issued stating that the student has the right to receive a social scholarship. The term for the preparation of the document is no more than 14 days. Based on it, he will be charged monthly payments from the university.

What documents are needed for registration?

  • Information about the composition of the family.
  • Identification.
  • Income statement.
  • Certificate of study at a particular institution (issued at the university).


The exact list of documents can be found in the city administration. AT different subjects it may not be the same, as it depends on local legislation.

After receiving the certificate, you must contact the rector's office or admission department your educational institution.

In addition to information from social body must be provided:

  • the passport;
  • educational and other documents required in a particular educational institution.

So, only needy students have the right to receive a social scholarship. It is appointed as state support, if there are grounds, it can be canceled. It is also possible to suspend the scholarship - in this moment it is carried out in the presence of academic debt.

Hello student! Studying is always great, but I want to talk about financial side question. And what, for diligent study at the university, a kind of “ wage”, which everyone simply refers to as a “scholarship”. It is precisely these social payments that I would like to talk about in more detail, since for many university students this is the main source of income.

Social scholarship is called a monthly cash payment, which has a fixed value, and is provided as material assistance to needy graduate students and students.

The amount of such payments is different for each academic year, moreover, the social scholarship of different regions also has excellent performance; but it depends on the city budget, which is formed each time at the beginning of the calendar year.

Only students who study for free, that is, on the budget, can count on this form of payment, and this fact is explained by the fact that the money is allocated from the federal budget.

it good help student, therefore, if possible, you should not refuse to receive it, but provide it to the appropriate authorities (in this case to the dean's office of the university) all the necessary documents.

Academic and social scholarship are two different concepts, and the assignment of the latter does not in any way affect the scholarship that students with an average score of 4 and above receive every month in approximately the same period.

The social stipend is paid additionally, and the income received per month allows you to feel at least a slight financial independence and confidence in the future.

The amount of the social scholarship increases every year, however, as well as the standard of living modern student. If in the 2010-2011 academic year the amount was 1650 rubles, then in the academic year 2013-2014 this figure increased to 2010 rubles (minimum).

By the way, not only university students, but also students of colleges or vocational schools, and the monthly payment for this category is 730 rubles (minimum).

It would seem that the money is small, but you should not refuse them, because, as you know, they certainly will not be superfluous, especially for a student with his unlimited needs.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

It should not be naive to believe that all categories of students can count on a social scholarship.

This is an erroneous reasoning, and only the following categories of students of universities, colleges, vocational schools can receive monthly payments:

1. Children are orphans;

2. Disabled people of only 1 and 2 groups;

3. Children - Chernobyl victims;

4. Disabled and combat veterans;

5. Students raising children;

6. Students from large families;

7. Family students;

8. Students with disabled parents of groups 1 and 2;

9. Students from incomplete families;

10. Students with disabled children of the 3rd group.

To obtain due payments, the first step is to contact Training Division university, and then submit all the required documents to officially confirm their status.

However, as practice shows, students of these categories can not always count on cash benefits.

What are we talking about?

1. It is not possible to get a social scholarship if the university or other educational institution do not have sufficient funds in the scholarship fund to provide students with social scholarships.

2. If during September (of the next academic year) the student does not submit to the trade union committee a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence on the provision of social scholarships, then he certainly will not see the promised payments, at least the current academic year.

So it is very important not to delay the solution of this issue, because the money will definitely not be superfluous!

So the possibility of receiving social benefits depends not only on the rights and regulations, but also on the financial capabilities of the university, and the promptness of students.

Documents required to receive a social scholarship

To receive a social scholarship, a student must collect a package of documents standard for all regions of the Russian Federation, and then submit it to the social security at the place of registration.

Of course, you will have to run through different instances, but in the end the result is worth it.

So what information is required in the social security?

1. Certificate of family composition from the Housing Office at the place of registration;

2. Certificate from the dean's office about studying at the university on a budgetary basis;

3. Certificate from the accounting department of the university on accrual or not accrual of scholarships;

4. Certificates of income of all family members;

5. Additional edits as needed.

When the package of documents is available, it must be submitted to the social security, and its employees, after carefully studying the application and the documentation attached to it, will determine the appropriateness of the social scholarship.

If it is set, then a certificate “on the provision of social benefits” will be issued on a special form, with which it is necessary to appear at the educational department of the university.

Payments usually start from next month. They do not depend on the size of the academic scholarship, although they can enter the same bank account.

Requirements for a certificate of social scholarship

In order not to confuse anything or make a mistake, I decided to write those important points, which relate to the certificate itself and the requirements for its execution, provision:

2. The certificate must be subsidized in September of the current year, otherwise it will not be taken into account for the provision of social scholarships.

3. The decision to provide a social scholarship must be made before October 10 of the current year.

4. The certificate ensures the receipt of a social scholarship for a period of one year.

5. In addition to a certificate issued on a special form, the trade union committee of the university is also required to additionally present all copies of the documents on the basis of which the social scholarship was awarded.

Only after all these nuances and actions can one safely count on a social scholarship, the amount of which will be stipulated in individually but depend on a number of factors.

Useful information for students

Receiving a social scholarship is a good financial assistance that allows a student to slightly improve his financial condition, live with dignity and receive the required level of knowledge in the chosen professional area.

However, this should not be taken cash payment, as a "ball", because one day you can lose such additional earnings.

What should every student remember?

The rules are simple:

1. If a student is expelled from the university, he loses his social scholarship, whatever the reasons for this circumstance.

2. If there is an academic debt, the student is also deprived of the right to receive the seemingly supposed social scholarship.

If there is one, then the payments stop until he pulls up all his “tails”.

3. When paying a social scholarship, the student's progress in each semester, and not during the year, is taken into account.

This is a kind of incentive to study well without debt.

4. The social scholarship also applies to those students who receive higher education at universities in Europe, but free of charge.

5. A year later, it is necessary to re-collect the required package of documents in order to receive another certificate of granting a social scholarship.

So this is a very "fragile" payment, which can be lost in one beautiful moment because of their incompetence or incompetence.

Delays in the payment of social stipends

Sometimes it happens that the social stipend is paid out of time, and without good reason.

This is illegal, and a student with a relevant question must contact the dean's office and resolve the situation.

With the inaction of the university management, there are other instances that will ensure the timely payment of social scholarships.

After observing the situation, I concluded that good studies at a university, this is not only an improvement in one's own qualifications, but also a good, and most importantly, a stable monthly income, which is good for students.

Sometimes there is no need to look for a part-time job when the university pays well.

So this issue should be seriously considered, especially if the status allows. To study well and excellently is not only prestigious, but also economically profitable.

To date, it has become reliably known that, according to statistics, 30% of all students of universities in the Russian Federation receive social scholarships.

This is a colossal amount of money that the state is ready to pay from the budget to improve literacy and development of the population, train highly qualified personnel and ensure a bright future for its undoubtedly powerful state.

Conclusion: I hope that you will no longer have questions about what a social scholarship is and how it differs from an academic scholarship. Actually they are two different government payments which are only partly related to each other.

On the student site, the site has many other useful articles, however, this publication is definitely worth reading at least for self-development.

Now you know for sure what is social scholarship, and what categories of students it relies on!