How will science develop in the 21st century

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1. Science in the 20th century

2. Science in the XXI century




Science is the most important area human activity, whose function is to develop and systematize knowledge about nature, society and thinking. The basis of this activity is the collection scientific facts, their constant updating and systematization, critical analysis and, on this basis, the synthesis of new scientific knowledge or generalizations that not only describe observable natural or social phenomena, but also allow you to build cause-and-effect relationships and, as a result, predict. In the course of its development, science turns into a productive force (technologies are its natural consequence) and the most important social institution. The concept of "science" includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and the result of this activity - the sum of accumulated knowledge, division and cooperation. scientific work, scientific institutions, experimental and laboratory equipment, methods of research work, a system for training scientific personnel, a conceptual and categorical apparatus, a system scientific information and an expert system.

On the initial stage human history natural science and humanitarian cultures existed as a whole, since human knowledge in the same degree It was aimed both at the study of nature and at the knowledge of oneself. However, gradually they developed their own principles and approaches, defined goals: the natural science culture sought to study nature and conquer it, and the humanitarian culture set as its goal the study of man and his world.

The first beginnings of science should be attributed to the period ancient greek civilization. Mathematics, physics, geometry, astronomy, logic, geography, history originate from here.

However, the beginning of science in its modern form should be considered the XVI century, its beginning is associated with the name of G. Galileo. From this moment science begins its fast development on strict scientific grounds. Major achievements in this area bring the 17th century, and above all is the formulation of the law gravity Isaac Newton and the creation of differential and integral calculus(independently Newton and Leibniz). In the 18th century, they created kinetic theory gases (Bernoulli), the planet Uranus is discovered, a smallpox vaccine is being created. In the 19th century, Charles Darwin formulated evolutionary theory, Mendel discovers the laws of heredity, Dmitri Mendeleev discovered the periodic law, James Maxwell completes the creation of classical electrodynamics.

However, the most significant breakthroughs, the true era of science and the triumph of the scientific worldview begins in the 20th century.

1. Science inXXcentury

First of all, we associate the science of the 20th century with physics. Here it is necessary, first of all, to mention the two most significant achievements: the creation of the theory of relativity by A. Einstein and the creation of a number of outstanding scientists of quantum theory. It is no exaggeration to say that these two theories have changed our understanding of how the world in which we live works. classical theory gravity was created by Newton. However, it turned out to be limited and at the beginning of the twentieth century it took new theory. It was created by A. Einstein. In an article (1905) he considered two postulates: general principle relativity and the constancy of the speed of light. From these postulates followed the Lorentz contraction, the relativity of simultaneity and the uselessness of the ether, the concept of the existence of which dominated science at the end of the 19th century. He introduced the formulas for the Lorentz transformation, the summation of velocities, the increase in inertia with speed, and so on. This theory is called special theory relativity (SRT). In the same year, the formula E = mc 2 - inertia is determined by energy. In other works of this period, Einstein gave the quantum theory of the photoelectric effect and heat capacity, the theory brownian motion, Bose-Einstein statistics, etc. Then he concentrated his efforts on the development of the theory of relativity. From 1911, Einstein developed the general theory of relativity (GR), which included gravity, which he completed in 1916. A test of the three new effects predicted by Einstein showed full consent OTO with experience.

To describe the phenomena of the microcosm at the beginning of the 20th century, Max Planck and Niels Bohr laid the foundations of quantum mechanics. By the 1920s, the apparatus of quantum theory had been developed by Heisenberg (the uncertainty principle) and Schrödinger. In the 1880s, the radiation spectrum of an absolutely black body was experimentally obtained; the distribution of energy over frequencies turned out to be inconsistent with all the theories available at that time. correct formula Picked up in 1900 by Max Planck. A few weeks later, he found out that this formula can be rigorously proved if we make the assumption that the emission and absorption of energy occurs in portions not less than a certain threshold (quantum) proportional to the frequency of the wave. Planck himself initially regarded such a model as a purely mathematical trick; even much later, in 1914, he tried to refute own discovery, but unsuccessfully.

It should also be said about the discovery of redshift by Edwin Hubble. Hubble's observations confirmed the correspondence of the behavior of distant galaxies to Einstein's equations and subsequently made it possible to create cosmological theory big bang explaining the origin and evolution of the Universe observed today.

Also, with regard to the physics of the XX century, we should mention such important achievements as:

· creation planetary model atom by Rutherford (1911);

· creation atomic bomb(1945);

· establishment of the spiral structure of the Galaxy (1951);

· creation quantum generator(1954);

creation of the theory of quarks (1964);

· opening relic radiation, which confirmed the theory of the Big Bang (1965);

· creation of the theory of electroweak interaction (1967);

· discovery of the mechanism of formation of black holes (1971);

· discovery of high-temperature superconductivity (1986).

Also great achievements in the 20th century chemistry boasts. Chemistry develops on the basis of the discoveries made in the 19th century and on the basis of the achievements of physics. The quantum mechanical approach to the structure of the atom has led to the creation of new theories that explain the formation of bonds between atoms. In 1927, V. G. Geitler and F. London develop a quantum mechanical theory chemical bond. Based on their method in 1928-1931. L. Pauling and J. K. Slater create a method valence bonds. The main idea of ​​this method is the assumption that atomic orbitals retain a certain individuality during the formation of a molecule. In 1928, Pauling proposed the theory of resonance and the idea of ​​hybridization. atomic orbitals, in 1932 - a new quantitative concept of electronegativity. In 1929, F. Hund, R. S. Mulliken and J. E. Lennard-Jones laid the foundation for the molecular orbital method, based on the concept of the complete loss of individuality of atoms combined into a molecule, and Hund also creates modern classification chemical bonds.

Thanks to quantum mechanics by the 30s of the 20th century, the method of forming a bond between atoms was basically clarified; in addition, in the framework of the quantum mechanical approach, we obtained the correct physical interpretation Mendeleev's theory of periodicity. The creation of a reliable theoretical foundation has led to a significant increase in the possibilities of predicting the properties of matter.

A feature of chemistry in the 20th century was the widespread use of the physical and mathematical apparatus and various calculation methods. A real revolution in chemistry was the appearance in the XX century a large number new analytical methods, primarily physical and physicochemical (X-ray diffraction analysis, electronic and vibrational spectroscopy, magnetochemistry and mass spectrometry, spectroscopy, and others). These methods provided new opportunities for studying the composition, structure and reactivity substances. hallmark modern chemistry was its close interaction with other natural sciences, as a result of which, for example, biochemistry and geochemistry appeared at the intersection of sciences. A natural consequence of improvement chemical theory new advances in the 20th century practical chemistry- catalytic synthesis of ammonia, production of synthetic antibiotics, polymeric materials, etc. The success of chemists in obtaining a substance with desired properties, among other achievements applied science By the end of the 20th century, they led to fundamental changes in the life of mankind.

In the 20th century, with the rediscovery of Mendel's laws, the rapid development of genetics began. Population genetics emerged in the 1920s and 1930s. In the work of Fisher, Haldane, and others, the theory of evolution eventually merged with classical genetics in the synthetic theory of evolution.

In the second half of the twentieth century, ideas population genetics had a significant impact on sociobiology and evolutionary psychology. In the 1960s to explain altruism and its role in evolution through the selection of offspring. Has undergone further development and synthetic theory evolution, in which the concept of genetic drift and other processes important for the emergence of highly developed organisms appeared.

In the 1970s, Gould and Eldridge developed the theory punctuated equilibrium, which explained the reasons for rapid evolutionary changes in historical a short time, which previously formed the basis for the "catastrophe theory". In 1980, Luis Alvarez proposed the meteorite hypothesis for the extinction of the dinosaurs. At the same time, in the early 1980s, other phenomena were also statistically studied. mass extinction in the history of earthly life.

Rapidly developed in the XX century and biochemistry. By the end of the XIX century. the main pathways for the metabolism of drugs and poisons, protein, fatty acids and urea synthesis. At the beginning of the twentieth century. vitamin research began. Technique Improvement laboratory work stimulated the development of physiological chemistry, and biochemistry gradually separated from medicine into an independent discipline. In the 1920s-1930s Hans Krebs, Carl and Gerty Corey began describing the main pathways of carbohydrate metabolism. The study of the synthesis of steroids and porphyrins began. Between the 1930s and 1950s, Fritz Lipmann and other authors described the role of adenosine triphosphate as the universal carrier of biochemical energy in the cell, as well as the role of mitochondria as its main source of energy.

Molecular biology emerges in the 20th century. Wendell Meredith Stanley published this photograph of tobacco mosaic virus crystals in 1935. They are pure nucleoproteins, which convinced many biologists that heredity must be of a physicochemical nature. Like biochemistry, microbiology developed rapidly at the intersection of medicine and other natural sciences. After the isolation of the bacteriophage, research began on bacterial viruses and their hosts. This created the basis for the application of standardized methods for working with genetically homogeneous microorganisms, which gave highly reproducible results, and made it possible to lay the foundations molecular genetics.

In 1941, Beadle and Tatham formulated their one-gene-one-enzyme hypothesis. In 1943, Oswald Avery showed that the genetic material in chromosomes is not protein, as previously thought, but DNA. In 1952, this result was confirmed in the Hershey-Chase experiment. Finally, in 1953, Watson and Crick proposed their famous double helix structure of DNA. When a few years later the mechanism of semi-conservative replication was confirmed experimentally, it became clear to most biologists that the base sequence in nucleic acid somehow determines the sequence of amino acid residues in the protein structure. But the idea of ​​having genetic code formulated not by a biologist, but by physicist Georgy Gamov. Work began on deciphering the genetic code. The work took several years and was completed by the end of the 1960s. By the mid-1960s, the foundations molecular organization metabolism and heredity have been established, although detailed description of all mechanisms was just beginning. Methods molecular biology quickly spread to other disciplines, expanding the scope of research into molecular level. This was especially important for genetics, immunology, embryology and neuroscience, and the idea of ​​a "genetic program" (this term was proposed by Jacob and Monod by analogy with computer program) penetrated into all other biological disciplines.

Genetic engineering is based primarily on the use of recombinant DNA technology, that is, such DNA molecules that are artificially rearranged in the laboratory by recombining them separate parts(genes and their fragments). Taking into account not only new opportunities, but also the potential threat from the use of such technologies (in particular, from the manipulation of microorganisms capable of carrying viral cancer genes) science community introduced a temporary moratorium on research work with recombinant DNA until, in 1975, a special conference developed safety recommendations for this kind of work. After that there was a period rapid development new technologies.

Earth sciences have made great progress in the 20th century. Here, first of all, we should mention the creation of the theory tectonic plates. The basis of theoretical geology at the beginning of the 20th century was the contraction hypothesis, according to which the Earth cools down like a baked apple, and wrinkles appear on it in the form of mountain ranges. This scheme was opposed by the German meteorologist Alfred Wegener, who on January 6, 1912 proposed the theory of continental drift. The initial premise for the creation of the theory was the coincidence of the outlines west coast Africa and Eastern South America. If these continents are shifted, then they coincide, as if formed as a result of the split of one parent continent. Wegener was not satisfied with the coincidence of the outlines of the coasts, and began to look for evidence of the theory. To do this, he studied the geology of the coasts of both continents and found many similar geological complexes that coincided when combined, just like coastline. In addition, Wegener began to look for geophysical and geodetic evidence. However, at that time the level of these sciences was clearly not sufficient to fix the current movement of the continents. In 1930, Wegener died during an expedition to Greenland, but before his death he already knew that the scientific community did not accept his theory. After the death of Alfred Wegener, the theory of continental drift received the status of a marginal science, and the vast majority of research continued to be carried out within the framework of the theory of geosynclines. True, she also had to look for explanations for the history of the settlement of animals on the continents. For this, land bridges were invented that connected the continents, but plunged into the depths of the sea. The sluggish struggle of the fixists, as the supporters of the absence of significant horizontal movements were called, and the mobilists, supporters of the movement of continents with new force flared up in the 1960s, when, as a result of studying the bottom of the oceans, the keys to understanding the processes occurring inside the Earth were found. By this time, a map of the relief of the bottom of the World Ocean had been compiled, which showed that mid-ocean ridges were located in the center of the oceans, which rise 1.5-2 km above the abyssal plains covered with sediments. Based on these data, in 1962-1963 R. Ditsu and Harry Hess put forward the spreading hypothesis, according to which convection occurs in the mantle at a rate of about 1 cm/year. Ascending branches of convection cells carry mantle material under the mid-ocean ridges, which renews the ocean floor in the axial part of the ridge every 300-400 years. Continents don't float on oceanic crust, but move along the mantle, being passively "soldered" into the lithospheric plates. According to the spreading concept, ocean basins- structures are unstable, unstable, while continents are stable. In 1963, the spreading hypothesis received support in connection with the discovery of strip magnetic anomalies. ocean floor. They have been interpreted as a record of inversions magnetic field Earths recorded in the magnetization of ocean floor basalts. After that, plate tectonics began its triumphal march in the earth sciences. Plate tectonics has now been confirmed by direct measurements of plate velocities using the interferometry method of radiation from distant quasars and measurements using satellite navigation GPS systems The results of many years of research have fully confirmed the main provisions of the theory of plate tectonics.

Also developed, and many arose, in the XX century and humanitarian sciences. Successful use scientific method in the natural sciences subsequently led to the application of the same methodology to the study of human behavior and his social life.

The beginning of psychology modern science dated late XIX in. In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt founded the first laboratory in Leipzig exclusively for psychological research. Among other founders modern psychology- G. Ebbinghaus, I. P. Pavlov and Z. Freud. Their influence on later work in the field, especially that of Freud, has been extremely strong, although not so much because of their importance. own works how much in determining the direction further development psychology. However, already at the beginning of the twentieth century, Freud's theories were considered not very scientific. At this time, Titchener's atomistic approach, John Watson's behaviorism and a number of other areas were developed. By the end of the 20th century, several more new interdisciplinary fields were developed, collectively called the cognitive sciences. They use the methods of evolutionary psychology, linguistics, computer science, neurobiology and philosophy for research. New methods of studying brain activity have spread, such as positron emission and computed tomography, as well as work on the creation of artificial intelligence.

Continues to evolve into the 20th century economics founded in the 18th century by Adam Smith. In the 1920s, John Maynard Keynes introduced economic doctrine difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics. According to Keynesian theory, trends in macroeconomics can have a regulatory influence on the free economic choice of subjects of microeconomics. To regulate the market, the government can support aggregate demand by encouraging economic expansion. national culture. After World War II, Milton Friedman created another popular economic theory- monetarism. Within the framework of this doctrine, the national currency is considered as one of the means state regulation economy, and its main regulatory institution is the Central Bank.

Other sciences also develop and arise. It is impossible to talk about all the achievements of science in the 20th century due to the limitations imposed by the volume of this work.

2. Science inXXIcenturye

scientific achievement theory of relativity

In the XXI century, science continues its development. Let us consider some of the achievements of science in the first decade of the 21st century and the main tasks facing science in the near future.

The first decade of the 21st century is marked in science by such achievements as the construction at CERN and the operation of the Large Hadron Collider, a high-energy accelerator that should help test the fundamental physical theory supersymmetry and discover the Higgs boson.

In January 2003, Missouri State University researcher Sergei Kopeikin and astrophysicist Ed Fomalont provided information that they were able to measure the speed of gravity propagation. It turned out to be 0.95 of the speed of light with an error of 20%, in full accordance with Einstein's theory of relativity. Astronomers have discovered more than 500 planets in the galaxy, many of them are similar in size, mass and orbit to our planet and are probably inhabited. Via spacecraft comets and satellites of the giant planets, in particular Titan, have been studied. Water has been discovered on the Moon, and the surface of Mars is being studied with the help of autonomous vehicles. A new branch of science, such as nanotechnology, is rapidly developing.

Here is a list of the main scientific achievements the first decade of the 21st century according to the authoritative journal Science.

1) Deciphering the genomes of humans, mice and many other organisms, which showed that non-coding sequences occupy much more space than might be expected. The main function of this dark matter”consists, apparently, in the regulation of the work of genes. This regulation is carried out with the help of proteins and RNA, the role of which in the work of cells turned out to be far from being limited to providing mechanisms for protein synthesis. At the same time, as it turned out, information is read on RNA not only from genes, but also from most non-coding nucleotide sequences in DNA. The functions of a significant part of such RNA scientists have yet to figure out.

2) New methods of cosmology, which made it possible, more than ever, to accurately calculate the ratio of ordinary matter, dark energy and dark matter in the universe. This was done largely due to the registration of the microwave background radiation left over from the Big Bang and still reaching Earth from the far reaches of our rapidly expanding universe. Thanks to new methods and new theoretical constructions based on the results obtained with their help, cosmology has turned from a field of hypotheses and conjectures into a fairly exact science.

3) New methods of paleontology, such as X-ray of fossil-bearing rocks, combined with computer simulation the three-dimensional structure of these remains, as well as, and in particular, the analysis of the preserved DNA molecules and proteins of fossil organisms. One of the most high-profile achievements made using DNA analysis of fossil remains was the discovery of a new species (or race) of ancient people, the remains of whose representatives were preserved in Denisova Cave in Altai.

4) Water on Mars: research recent years showed that there is water on Mars in the form of ice, which relatively recently (by geological standards) could be in liquid state. Where there is liquid water, life is also possible, therefore, although science still does not know whether there is (and was) life on Mars, now the fundamental possibility of its existence can be considered proven. It is possible that living organisms could once get from Mars to Earth with meteorites formed as a result of collisions with Mars of a number of asteroids.

5) Cell reprogramming: molecular genetics techniques have made it possible to transform differentiated cells extracted from multicellular organism, into pluripotent (from which cells can develop different types). These artificial analogues of embryonic stem cells are already widely used in biological and medical research. Based on them, new methods of treating many diseases can be developed, including those that medicine is still powerless to combat.

6) Human microbiome: the totality of microorganisms (mainly bacteria) inhabiting human body: digestive tract, skin, reproductive system. The existence of these organisms has been known for a long time, but only in recent years has their totality become the subject of close study. Research shows that the influence of the microbiome on the life and health of the body is much greater than previously thought. The same applies to the virome - the totality of viruses present in the body.

7) Exoplanets (extrasolar planets, that is, planets revolving not around the Sun, but around other stars) were first discovered at the end of the 20th century, although Giordano Bruno assumed their existence. New methods developed in early XXI century, made it possible to put the search for such planets on stream. Now more than five hundred of them are known, and their study provides rich material for conclusions about the device. planetary systems as well as their origin and development.

8) The role of inflammation in chronic diseases: until recently, inflammation was seen primarily as a defensive reaction body for infection or damage. Behind last decade another one opened dark side inflammation: their involvement in the development of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and a number of other chronic diseases.

9) Metamaterials - developed over the past decade optical systems, which have a negative refractive index and made it possible to overcome the resolution limits of optical lenses, as well as to investigate a number of previously inaccessible optical effects.

10) Anthropogenic climate warming: over the past decade, climatologists have received convincing evidence of what is happening on our planet global warming climate, as well as the fact that this time it is caused economic activity humanity. The consequences of this process can be catastrophic, so the fight against it is one of the most important practical tasks facing both politicians and scientists. Unfortunately, there has been little progress in this direction so far.


This list of ten discoveries, of course, does not reflect all outstanding achievements science in recent years. Discussing these achievements Chief Editor"Science" Bruce Alberts wonders if science will always open new horizons or sooner or later major discoveries will have already been made and nothing fundamentally new can be discovered. Be that as it may, at present scientists are very far from considering their work done. In addition, one can hope that such a moment will never come and, while unraveling some mysteries, science will always find others, deeper ones. This option looks more attractive to the scientist than the opportunity to reach the final finish line and rest on our laurels.


1. Arkhipkin V. G., Timofeev V. P. natural science picture world: textbook. allowance./V. G. Arkhipkin. - Krasnoyarsk: state. un-t: Krasnoyarsk, 2002 - 320 p.

2. Deutsch D. Structure of reality / D. Deutsch; per. from English. - RHD - Moscow-Izhevsk, 2001 - 412 p.

3. Karpenko S. Kh. Concepts modern natural science: handbook / S. H. Karpenko. - M.: graduate School, 2004 - 632 p.

4. Konstantinov V. M., Rezanov A. G., Fadeeva E. O. General biology: Textbook. - M.: Academy, 2008 - 256 p.

5. Kononovich E. V., Moroz V. I. General course astronomy / E. V. Kononovich, V. I. Moroz. - M.: URSS, 2001 - 542s.

6. - Official site of the Dynasty Foundation.

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No matter how great the importance of science, it is obvious that the growth of its personnel has limits.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that, according to experts, no more than 6-8% of the population are able to engage in science.

In addition, it must be taken into account that in society there are many other areas of human activity that are also developing, requiring more and more efforts from people, activating their abilities and talents.

It is quite clear that for harmonious development society, in it, in accordance with its needs and capabilities, efforts should be optimally distributed. All spheres of activity are significant, and one should not forget that science is only one of them. Only in harmonious development with all other spheres of life, it can effectively exist.

At the same time, it is difficult to say what the limit of employment in science is. AT developed countries Today, about 0.3% of the population is employed in scientific and engineering developments.

How will society's ability to allocate material and intellectual resources for the development of science change?

Obviously, they will increase, including in to a large extent as a result of the impact of science on society itself.

Here we should also take into account the fact that science itself sharply increases its effectiveness. Computerization of science, equipping it with many modern technical means dramatically increases the productivity of a scientist. Therefore, the growth of scientific production itself does not necessarily have to be accompanied by an increase in scientific personnel.

Taking into account the experience of history, we can be sure that science will receive new fundamental results, which in once more radically change our understanding of reality.

Mathematics will probably remain a leader in science and provide new, previously unseen opportunities for it. wide application in other disciplines. Who knows, maybe the wish of the great G.W. Leibniz, who back in the 17th century. I dreamed that the time would come when people would stop fruitless discussions. Instead of arguing, they will say to each other: "We will calculate."

We all perfectly understand today that the sciences of man and society, although they have considerable achievements, at the same time, are significantly inferior in their development to natural science.

Will this situation change in the 21st century?

As E. Fromm rightly wrote: “You cannot create a submarine only by reading Jules Verne; it is impossible to create a humanistic society just by reading the books of the prophets.”

Today, more than ever before, humanity is experiencing a huge lack of knowledge about society and the individual. Their lack today does not just affect our lives. He's all in more jeopardizes the very existence of humanity. The enormous power that man has acquired through the development of technology is not in harmony with our ability to rationally dispose of it.

Perhaps, in the light of this new situation for humanity, it will find the strength to concentrate the attention of the best minds on humanitarian problems.

Studying a person's life, his development, behavior, health, revealing the secrets of his psyche, comprehending the laws of functioning and development of society, economy, culture, global issues will undoubtedly receive more and more attention.

"Technical utopias - for example, aeronautics - were realized thanks to new science about nature, - wrote E. Fromm. - The human utopia of the messianic time - the utopia of a new united humanity, living in brotherhood and peace, free from economic determination, from wars and class struggle, can be achieved if we put as much energy, intelligence and enthusiasm into its implementation as we spent into the realization of technical utopias.

Here the question naturally arises: why is humanity still so frivolous about the problems of its own existence? Perhaps the point is that science is not yet ripe for significant progress in this area.

Who doesn't want to be rich, healthy and happy? But how can this be achieved?

Imagine that the ancient Greeks set themselves the goal of going to the moon. Their efforts, no matter how great they were, would not have led to a reduction in the two thousand years of development of science, which was needed to solve this problem. In addition, unfortunately, it does not follow from anywhere that “the utopia of a new united humanity”, about which E. Fromm speaks, is generally feasible.

But, of course, E. Fromm is certainly right when he claims that “our future depends on whether they are ready the best minds humanity, fully aware of the current critical situation, to devote himself to a new humanistic science of man.

We can be sure that big forces will focus on the desire to obtain and efficiently use new energy sources available to humans.

Obviously, the colossal development already outlined now information technologies- processing, storage and transmission of information.

great attention will be given to problems rational use natural resources, effective impact on living organisms and management of biospheric processes.

Undoubtedly, the interaction of sciences will increase, new complex scientific disciplines. Integration processes in science will increase dramatically.

At the same time, this will indicate a huge problem, which already now sounds quite harsh. The intensive development of science and its specialization require a lot of time to reach its Front edge. This circumstance becomes objective reason, which slows down the integration processes in science. The development of science is becoming more and more similar to the construction described in the Bible tower of babel, which, as you know, stopped because, having lost mutual language people no longer understand each other.

To prevent this from happening in science, it is necessary to find new, modern forms education.

In addition, as the history of science shows, extensive education and high culture scientists are absolutely necessary to go beyond the ordinary, to obtain outstanding results.

Getting acquainted with the biographies of outstanding scientists, we see that these are people of great culture, broad and diverse interests. They not only do a lot and fruitfully special problems sciences, but are fond of art, literature, philosophy and are interested in politics.

So, N. Copernicus was considered a prominent specialist in the theory of money, he was a skilled doctor, constantly showing interest in philosophy.

And Galileo Galilei! It was not enough for him to study mathematics, physics, astronomy. He painted, played musical instruments, wrote poetry, composed comedies, studied literary criticism. According to him own words, he devoted more time to the study of philosophy than to mathematics.

Such breadth of education and versatility of interests were inherent not only scientists of the era Renaissance, but eminent figures science of all times, including the 20th century.

Who, reading the works of W. Humboldt, J. Maxwell, L. Boltzmann, D. I. Mendeleev, I. M. Sechenov, A. Poincaré, D. Hilbert, N. Wiener, M. Planck, A. Einstein, V. Heisenberg, E. Schrödinger, M. Born, V.I. Vernadsky, did not admire their enormous and deep erudition, brilliant literary ability, sharpness of thinking and its philosophical orientation!

Analyzing the work of the remarkable nineteenth-century physicist L. Boltzmann, the laureate Nobel Prize M. Laue astutely remarked that "achievements, similar to those of L. Boltzmann, do not grow on the basis of a one-sided, albeit very good, special education."

By the way, L. Boltzmann himself wrote about himself: “What I have become, I owe to Schiller. Without him, there could be a person with the same beard and nose shape as mine, but it would not be me ... Another person who had the same influence on me is Beethoven ... "

One of promising directions in the development of science is technical equipment the most scientific activity.

Automation of surveillance and experimental activities, processing the results obtained, the widespread use of various kinds of electronic computing and audiovisual technology for modeling and analysis of the studied processes and phenomena will dramatically increase the productivity and efficiency of the work of a scientist. Access to scientific information will change radically, and the possibilities of direct contacts between scientists will expand dramatically. The internationalization of science will constantly increase.

New tasks will require radical changes in the training of scientific personnel.

will increase significantly technical equipment higher education institutions, their ties with special laboratories will be strengthened. Will be introduced everywhere intensive methods learning. Individualization educational process will occupy a dominant position. The requirements for teachers will increase sharply. Routine pedagogical work will be devoted in many respects to machines. There will be an increase in fundamental training. Special education organically unite with the general cultural. The student will be given ample opportunity to choose individual trajectory in his training, including in subjects that go beyond the limits of one specialty. Continuous education will be widely developed.

No matter how great the importance of science, it is obvious that the growth of its personnel has limits.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that, according to experts, no more than 6-8% of the population are able to engage in science.

In addition, it must be taken into account that in society there are many other areas of human activity that are also developing, requiring more and more efforts from people, activating their abilities and talents.

It is quite clear that for the harmonious development of society, in it, in accordance with its needs and capabilities, efforts must be optimally distributed. All spheres of activity are significant, and one should not forget that science is only one of them. Only in harmonious development with all other spheres of life can it effectively exist.

At the same time, it is difficult to say what the limit of employment in science is. In developed countries, about 0.3% of the population is currently employed in scientific and engineering developments.

How will society's ability to allocate material and intellectual resources for the development of science change?

It is obvious that they will increase, including to a large extent as a result of the impact of science on society itself.

Here we should also take into account the fact that science itself sharply increases its effectiveness. Computerization of science, equipping it with many modern technical means dramatically increases the productivity of a scientist. Therefore, increasing

The development of the scientific output itself need not necessarily be accompanied by an increase in scientific personnel.

Considering the experience of history, we can be sure that science will receive new fundamental results that will once again radically change our understanding of reality.

It is likely that mathematics will remain a leader in science and will provide new, previously unseen opportunities for its wide application in other disciplines. Who knows, maybe the wish of the great G.W. Leibniz, who back in the 17th century. I dreamed that the time would come when people would stop fruitless discussions. Instead of arguing, they will say to each other: "We will calculate."

We all perfectly understand today that the sciences of man and society, although they have considerable achievements, at the same time, are significantly inferior in their development to natural science.

Will this situation change in the 21st century?

As E. Fromm rightly wrote: “You cannot create a submarine only by reading Jules Verne; it is impossible to create a humanistic society just by reading the books of the prophets.”

Today, more than ever before, humanity is experiencing a huge lack of knowledge about society and the individual. Their lack today does not just affect our lives. It increasingly endangers the very existence of mankind. The enormous power that man has acquired through the development of technology is not in harmony with our ability to rationally dispose of it.

Perhaps, in the light of this new situation for humanity, it will find the strength to concentrate the attention of the best minds on humanitarian problems.

The study of human life, his development, behavior, health, the disclosure of the secrets of his psyche, the comprehension of the patterns of functioning and development of society, economy, culture, global problems, of course, will be given more and more attention.

“Technical utopias - for example, aeronautics - were realized thanks to the new science of nature,” wrote E. Fromm. - The human utopia of the messianic time - the utopia of a new united humanity, living in brotherhood and a world free from economic determination, from wars and class struggle, can be achieved if we apply to its implementation as much energy, intelligence and enthusiasm as we spent on realization of technical utopias”.

Here the question naturally arises: why is humanity still so frivolous about the problems of its own existence? Perhaps the point is that science is not yet ripe for significant progress in this area.

Who doesn't want to be rich, healthy and happy? But how can this be achieved?

Imagine that the ancient Greeks set themselves the goal of going to the moon. Their efforts, no matter how great they were, would not have led to a reduction in the two thousand years of development of science, which was needed to solve this problem. In addition, unfortunately, it does not follow from anywhere that “the utopia of a new united humanity”, about which E. Fromm speaks, is generally feasible.

But, of course, E. Fromm is certainly right when he claims that "our future depends on whether the best minds of mankind, fully aware of the current critical situation, are ready to devote themselves to a new humanistic science of man."

We can be sure that great forces will be concentrated on the desire to obtain and effectively use the new sources of energy available to man.

Obviously, the colossal development of information technologies, which is already outlined now, is the processing, storage and transmission of information.

Much attention will be paid to the problems of rational use of natural resources, effective impact on living organisms and management of biospheric processes.

Undoubtedly, the interaction of sciences will increase, new

higher complex scientific disciplines. Integration processes in science will increase dramatically.

At the same time, this will indicate a huge problem, which already now sounds quite harsh. The intensive development of science and its specialization require a lot of time to reach its cutting edge. This circumstance becomes an objective reason that slows down the integration processes in science. The development of science is becoming more and more like the construction of the Tower of Babel described in the Bible, which, as you know, stopped because, having lost a common language, people no longer understood each other.

To prevent this from happening in science, it is necessary to find new, modern forms of education.

In addition, as the history of science shows, a wide education and high culture of a scientist are absolutely necessary to go beyond the ordinary, to obtain outstanding results.

Getting acquainted with the biographies of outstanding scientists, we see that these are people of great culture, broad and diverse interests. They are not only engaged in a lot and fruitfully in the special problems of science, but are fond of art, literature, philosophy and are interested in politics.

So, N. Copernicus was considered a prominent specialist in the theory of money, he was a skilled doctor, constantly showing interest in philosophy.

And Galileo Galilei! It was not enough for him to study mathematics, physics, astronomy. He painted, played musical instruments, wrote poetry, composed comedies, and was engaged in literary criticism. In his own words, he devoted more time to the study of philosophy than to mathematics.

Such a breadth of education and versatility of interests were inherent not only to scientists of the Renaissance, but also to outstanding scientists of all times, including the 20th century.

Who, reading the works of W. Humboldt, J. Maxwell, L. Boltzmann, D. I. Mendeleev, I. M. Sechenov, A. Poincaré, D. Hilbert, N. Wiener, M. Planck, A. Einstein, V. Heisenberg, E. Schrödinger, M. Born, V.I. Vernadsky, did not admire -

Xia their huge and deep erudition, brilliant literary abilities, sharpness of thinking and its philosophical orientation!

Analyzing the work of the remarkable nineteenth-century physicist L. Boltzmann, Nobel Prize winner M. Laue perceptively noted that “achievements like those of L. Boltzmann do not grow on the basis of a one-sided, albeit very good, special education.”

By the way, L. Boltzmann himself wrote about himself: “What I have become, I owe to Schiller. Without him, there could be a person with the same beard and nose shape as mine, but it would not be me ... Another person who had the same influence on me is Beethoven ... "

One of the promising directions in the development of science is the technical equipment of scientific activity itself.

Automation of observation and experimental activity, processing of the results obtained, the widespread use of various kinds of electronic computing and audiovisual equipment for modeling and analyzing the processes and phenomena under study will dramatically increase the productivity and efficiency of the scientist's work. Access to scientific information will change radically, and the possibilities of direct contacts between scientists will expand dramatically. The internationalization of science will constantly increase.

New tasks will require radical changes in the training of scientific personnel.

The technical equipment of universities will increase substantially, and their ties with special laboratories will be strengthened. Intensive teaching methods will be introduced everywhere. Individualization of the educational process will occupy a dominant position. The requirements for teachers will increase sharply. Routine pedagogical work will be devoted largely to machines. There will be an increase in fundamental training. Special education will organically merge with general cultural education. The student will be given ample opportunities to choose an individual trajectory in his preparation, including in subjects that go beyond the limits of one specialty. Continuous education will be widely developed.

Discussing the future of science, as well as the future in general, is a very delicate matter. History shows that even the most astute minds got into trouble with their predictions.

The famous French philosopher D. Diderot wrote: “In less than a hundred years, it will be impossible to name three major mathematicians in Europe. This science will stop at the point where Bernoulli, Euler, Maupertuis, Clairaut, Fontaine, d'Alembert and Lagrange took it. They will raise the pillars of Hercules. Beyond this science will not go. Their labors in future ages will occupy the same place as Egyptian pyramids, whose bulks, dotted with hieroglyphs, evoke in us amazing ideas about the power and strength of the people who erected them.

Forgive D. Diderot. After all, he was not a mathematician. But how can one justify the idea, widely held among physicists at the beginning of our century, that the development of physics is complete?

The famous German physicist G. Hertz considered it inconceivable that the experience of even the most distant future could ever change anything in the immutable provisions of mechanics.

The story is widely known that when M. Planck in the 80s informed Professor Joly about his desire to study theoretical physics, the professor began to convince him to abandon this intention. He said to M. Planck: “Young man, why do you want to ruin your life,

after all, theoretical physics is already basically finished ... Is it worth taking on such an unpromising business?!”

The outstanding English physicist Lord Kelvin (W. Thomson), in his speech on the occasion of the advent of the new, XX century, expressed sympathy for subsequent generations of physicists, who had only minor improvements in the almost completed building.

How will science develop in the 21st century?

No matter how great the importance of science, it is obvious that the growth of its personnel has limits.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that, according to experts, no more than 6-8% of the population are able to engage in science.

In addition, it must be taken into account that in society there are many other areas of human activity that are also developing, requiring more and more efforts from people, activating their abilities and talents.

It is quite clear that for the harmonious development of society, in it, in accordance with its needs and capabilities, efforts must be optimally distributed. All spheres of activity are significant, and one should not forget that science is only one of them. Only in harmonious development with all other spheres of life can it effectively exist.

At the same time, it is difficult to say what the limit of employment in science is. In developed countries, about 0.3% of the population is currently employed in scientific and engineering developments.

How will society's ability to allocate material and intellectual resources for the development of science change?

It is obvious that they will increase, including to a large extent as a result of the impact of science on society itself.

Here we should also take into account the fact that science itself sharply increases its effectiveness. Computerization of science, equipping it with many modern technical means dramatically increases the productivity of a scientist. Therefore, increasing

The development of the scientific output itself need not necessarily be accompanied by an increase in scientific personnel.

Considering the experience of history, we can be sure that science will receive new fundamental results that will once again radically change our understanding of reality.

It is likely that mathematics will remain a leader in science and will provide new, previously unseen opportunities for its wide application in other disciplines. Who knows, maybe the wish of the great G.W. Leibniz, who back in the 17th century. I dreamed that the time would come when people would stop fruitless discussions. Instead of arguing, they will say to each other: "We will calculate."

We all perfectly understand today that the sciences of man and society, although they have considerable achievements, at the same time, are significantly inferior in their development to natural science.

Will this situation change in the 21st century?

As E. Fromm rightly wrote: “You cannot create a submarine only by reading Jules Verne; it is impossible to create a humanistic society just by reading the books of the prophets.”

Today, more than ever before, humanity is experiencing a huge lack of knowledge about society and the individual. Their lack today does not just affect our lives. It increasingly endangers the very existence of mankind. The enormous power that man has acquired through the development of technology is not in harmony with our ability to rationally dispose of it.

Perhaps, in the light of this new situation for humanity, it will find the strength to concentrate the attention of the best minds on humanitarian problems.

The study of human life, his development, behavior, health, the disclosure of the secrets of his psyche, the comprehension of the patterns of functioning and development of society, economy, culture, global problems, of course, will be given more and more attention.

“Technical utopias - for example, aeronautics - were realized thanks to the new science of nature,” wrote E. Fromm. - The human utopia of the messianic time - the utopia of a new united humanity, living in brotherhood and a world free from economic determination, from wars and class struggle, can be achieved if we apply to its implementation as much energy, intelligence and enthusiasm as we spent on realization of technical utopias”.

Here the question naturally arises: why is humanity still so frivolous about the problems of its own existence? Perhaps the point is that science is not yet ripe for significant progress in this area.

Who doesn't want to be rich, healthy and happy? But how can this be achieved?

Imagine that the ancient Greeks set themselves the goal of going to the moon. Their efforts, no matter how great they were, would not have led to a reduction in the two thousand years of development of science, which was needed to solve this problem. In addition, unfortunately, it does not follow from anywhere that “the utopia of a new united humanity”, about which E. Fromm speaks, is generally feasible.

But, of course, E. Fromm is certainly right when he claims that "our future depends on whether the best minds of mankind, fully aware of the current critical situation, are ready to devote themselves to a new humanistic science of man."

We can be sure that great forces will be concentrated on the desire to obtain and effectively use the new sources of energy available to man.

Obviously, the colossal development of information technologies, which is already outlined now, is the processing, storage and transmission of information.

Much attention will be paid to the problems of rational use of natural resources, effective impact on living organisms and management of biospheric processes.

Undoubtedly, the interaction of sciences will increase, new

higher complex scientific disciplines. Integration processes in science will increase dramatically.

At the same time, this will indicate a huge problem, which already now sounds quite harsh. The intensive development of science and its specialization require a lot of time to reach its cutting edge. This circumstance becomes an objective reason that slows down the integration processes in science. The development of science is becoming more and more like the construction of the Tower of Babel described in the Bible, which, as you know, stopped because, having lost a common language, people no longer understood each other.

To prevent this from happening in science, it is necessary to find new, modern forms of education.

In addition, as the history of science shows, a wide education and high culture of a scientist are absolutely necessary to go beyond the ordinary, to obtain outstanding results.

Getting acquainted with the biographies of outstanding scientists, we see that these are people of great culture, broad and diverse interests. They are not only engaged in a lot and fruitfully in the special problems of science, but are fond of art, literature, philosophy and are interested in politics.

So, N. Copernicus was considered a prominent specialist in the theory of money, he was a skilled doctor, constantly showing interest in philosophy.

And Galileo Galilei! It was not enough for him to study mathematics, physics, astronomy. He painted, played musical instruments, wrote poetry, composed comedies, and was engaged in literary criticism. In his own words, he devoted more time to the study of philosophy than to mathematics.

Such a breadth of education and versatility of interests were inherent not only to scientists of the Renaissance, but also to outstanding scientists of all times, including the 20th century.

Who, reading the works of W. Humboldt, J. Maxwell, L. Boltzmann, D. I. Mendeleev, I. M. Sechenov, A. Poincaré, D. Hilbert, N. Wiener, M. Planck, A. Einstein, V. Heisenberg, E. Schrödinger, M. Born, V.I. Vernadsky, did not admire -

Xia their huge and deep erudition, brilliant literary abilities, sharpness of thinking and its philosophical orientation!

Analyzing the work of the remarkable nineteenth-century physicist L. Boltzmann, Nobel Prize winner M. Laue perceptively noted that “achievements like those of L. Boltzmann do not grow on the basis of a one-sided, albeit very good, special education.”

By the way, L. Boltzmann himself wrote about himself: “What I have become, I owe to Schiller. Without him, there could be a person with the same beard and nose shape as mine, but it would not be me ... Another person who had the same influence on me is Beethoven ... "

One of the promising directions in the development of science is the technical equipment of scientific activity itself.

Automation of observation and experimental activity, processing of the results obtained, the widespread use of various kinds of electronic computing and audiovisual equipment for modeling and analyzing the processes and phenomena under study will dramatically increase the productivity and efficiency of the scientist's work. Access to scientific information will change radically, and the possibilities of direct contacts between scientists will expand dramatically. The internationalization of science will constantly increase.

New tasks will require radical changes in the training of scientific personnel.

The technical equipment of universities will increase substantially, and their ties with special laboratories will be strengthened. Intensive teaching methods will be introduced everywhere. Individualization of the educational process will occupy a dominant position. The requirements for teachers will increase sharply. Routine pedagogical work will be devoted largely to machines. There will be an increase in fundamental training. Special education will organically merge with general cultural education. The student will be given ample opportunities to choose an individual trajectory in his preparation, including in subjects that go beyond the limits of one specialty. Continuous education will be widely developed.