South Asia: general characteristics. Central Asia

Asia is the largest part of the world. Countries in this region include: United United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Russian Federation, India, China, Indonesia, Cyprus, Maldives, Mongolia, Japan, etc.

Asia attracts a large number of tourists due to the following factors: - a huge, extremely capacious territory for receiving tourists (the largest part of the world); - washing the coast with three oceans and 10 of their seas and bays; - the location of this part of the world in all climatic zones , a significant diversity and richness of natural landscapes; - the presence of a huge number of historical and cultural monuments and attractions; - the presence in Asia of the most important world shrines and centers of pilgrimage; - the ethnic diversity of the continent; - the presence in Asia of states with the highest population density: India, China. - fast paced economic development a number of countries: Japan, South Korea, China. However, there are a number of negative factors hindering the development of tourism in Asia:

Unfavorable natural conditions for the development of tourism in the vast territories of a number of countries (deserts, highlands); underdevelopment transport infrastructure of a number of countries;

The dominance of ideological interests over economic ones in a number of countries, as a result - the economic backwardness of these countries, their unpreparedness to receive tourists, lack of service (Vietnam, Iraq, Cambodia); - lack of domestic political and economic stability in a number of countries (Iraq, etc.), and as a result - an unfavorable image of these camps in the eyes of tourists.

The main purpose of tourists visiting these countries is to get acquainted with cultural, historical and natural attractions. Business trips are common in Japan, South Korea, Singapore. For the purpose of treatment and pilgrimage - Israel.

External tourist communications are carried out mainly by means of air transport. Most of the flights are carried out by international airlines, a smaller part - by airlines belonging to Asian countries.

Southwest Asia. This region covers a vast and diverse territory. This includes 16 states: Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, South Africa, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, etc. - the favorable geographical position of some states is combined with the remoteness of others;- favorable climatic conditions for the development of tourism and resort business - with desert and arid territories;

In general, South-West Asia can be considered one of the most promising areas in the development of tourism and hospitality. Wide access to many seas and bays of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the Caspian Sea, geographical position at the junction of three parts of the world, a large number sunny days, numerous cultural and religious monuments, the presence of a well-developed tourist infrastructure (Turkey, Cyprus, Israeli infrastructure () the number of sunny days, numerous cultural and religious monuments, the presence of a well-developed tourist infrastructure) - all these and other factors contribute to attracting guests from other countries.

South Asia. This includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc. The development of tourism here is facilitated by: - ​​a relatively favorable geographical position;

Variety of recreational resources; - a large number unique monuments history, culture and religion; - exotic states. Negative factors for the development of tourism: - mountain land borders that isolate this region; - states, due to low socio-economic development, are not suppliers of tourists.

Southeast Asia. The composition includes Brunei, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines. In general, tourism in the region is developing quite rapidly. This is facilitated by: - ​​a favorable geographical position on the routes from the Pacific to the Indian Oceans, from Eurasia to Australia; - most of the major cities are located on the coast (for tourist tourism);

Favorable climate; - diversity of the ethnic composition of the population, etc.

Central and East Asia. Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Mongolia and others are included. The most developed countries are Japan, South Korea, China. Favorable factors for tourism development: - a variety of recreational resources; - significant areas of the territory are washed by seas and oceans; - attention from the state to the development of tourism in these countries; - rapid economic growth and activation of business tourism; - a unique combination of exoticism and modern technical achievements as the basis for the development of tourism infrastructure.

The predominance of domestic tourism. The most popular form of recreation is traveling in a car with a trailer, allowing you to visit the most remote places, swimming, picnics, fishing, canoeing, caving and other types of active tourism.

The collapse of the Soviet empire radically changed the geopolitical situation not only in Europe but also in Asia. Therefore, in addition to the traditional macro-regions of Southwest, South, Southeast and East Asia, there is a need to single out one more region - Central Asia.

It includes the former republics of the USSR - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. In addition, Afghanistan should also be included in this region, which, both in terms of natural and socio-economic conditions, is much closer to the countries of Central than Southwest Asia.

As part of these six countries, the area of ​​the region is more than 4.6 million km2, or 10.5% of the area of ​​Asia. And its population is about 80 million people (2000), which is 2.4% of the population of Asia. Central Asia stretches from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mountains in the east (3000 km.) and from the swamps of Western Siberia in the north to the mountain ranges of the Hindu Kush in the south (almost 3000 km.). Almost the entire territory is dominated by a sharply continental arid climate and desert landscapes prevail.

The remoteness of Central Asia from the seas and oceans hinders the development of foreign economic relations. The ports of the Indian Ocean closest to these countries are inaccessible to them, since there are no transit roads through the mountain ranges of the Hindu Kush, the Kopetdag and the Iranian Highlands.

Despite the difficult natural conditions, the area has a huge natural resource potential, which can become a good basis for the development of a diversified economy. Large deposits of coal, oil and gas, iron, copper and polymetallic ores, gold, phosphates, sulfur and dozens of other types of minerals have been explored and exploited here. Newly discovered oil deposits in Western Kazakhstan (formerly the Tengiz field) indicate that the countries of Central Asia will remain exporters of oil and gas raw materials for a long time to come. They can play a significant role in the world market of non-ferrous metals.

The presence of powerful mountain systems with maximum heights more than 7000 m on the slopes of the mountains causes a large amount of precipitation compared to the adjacent plains (more than 500 and even 1000 mm.). Mountain glaciers that form here give rise to full-flowing rapids rivers: Amudarya, Syrdarya, Helmandu, Harirud, Ili. Therefore, the high-mountain regions of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and East Kazakhstan have a large hydropower potential. The water of the rivers, flowing in all directions from the mountains, serves as the basis for the development of irrigated agriculture. This explains the greatest concentration of economy in the river valleys, and meanwhile, vast desert territories remain practically uninhabited. With the exception of the extreme east of Kazakhstan, the region is extremely poor in forest resources. Significant damage to forests is caused by unorganized logging for domestic needs.

The natural recreational resources of the region, combined with the centers of ancient culture, can serve for the development of international tourism of various profiles. The area around Lake Issyk-Kul is favorable for tourism recreation, mountain ranges and peaks are covered with glaciers, attract skiers and climbers, architectural ensembles of many ancient cities (formerly Bukhara and Samarkand) are interesting objects for educational tourism.

The population of Central Asia, despite its small size, is very heterogeneous in linguistic and anthropological characteristics. After all, the formation of the peoples of this region took place on the border of two races (Caucasoid and Mongoloid) and two large language families (Indo-European and Altaic). Turkmens, Tajiks and most of the peoples of Afghanistan belong to the southern branch caucasian race, Kazakhs and Kirghiz - to the Mongoloid, and Uzbeks - a people of mixed origin, has certain signs of both races. In linguistic terms, the majority of the peoples of Central Asia (Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Karakalpaks, Turkmens, etc.). They belong to the Turkic group of the Altaic language family. And only the Tajiks and the peoples of Afghanistan belong to the Iranian language group of the Indo-European family.

In all the states of Central Asia that were previously part of the USSR, there was a high proportion of migrants of Slavic origin (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians). Hundreds of thousands from Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan Eastern Slavs In recent years, they have already returned to their homeland, and in Kazakhstan they now make up almost half of the population.

The countries of Central Asia are characterized by high rates of natural population growth (2-3% per year). Moreover, they are high in the poor countries of the region - Tajikistan and Afghanistan, and the lowest in Kazakhstan, which has a high level of urbanization and a significant proportion of the non-indigenous population.

Only in Kazakhstan urban population prevails over rural (58%), otherwise it is 30-45%, and in Afghanistan - 20%. The region does not have such hypertrophic growth of large cities as in other parts of Asia. Only Tashkent has more than 2 million inhabitants and Almaty - 1.5 million. By the beginning of the civil war in Afghanistan, Kabul was a millionaire city, but now its population has halved.

The low average density of the population of Central Asia - 18 abs/km2 - says little about the real distribution of the population in this territory. Huge expanses of deserts and highlands are practically uninhabited, and well-watered river valleys have a population density of 200-400 abs/km2. Unique in this regard is the Ferghana Valley, where the most densely populated regions of three states are located: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

The economy of the countries of Central Asia was formed as a raw material appendage of the Soviet empire. Therefore, industries dominate here agro-industrial complex and mining industry. Having lost their traditional markets for their products, almost all countries are reducing industrial and agricultural production. Therefore, the volume of GNP in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan for 1990-1998 decreased by 1.5-2 times, only in Turkmenistan, which exports natural gas to Western Europe through a transcontinental pipeline system, GNP slightly increased. Afghanistan, where civil war remains one of the least developed countries not only in Asia, but also in the world.

Most of the intersectoral complexes formed in the states of Central Asia do not have the final stages of processing raw materials and manufacturing finished products and this reduces their efficiency. Complexes are fully represented here: fuel and energy, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy and agro-industrial.

More stone and brown coal is produced in Kazakhstan (Karaganda and Ekibastuz basins), oil - in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, gas - in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The mountainous states of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan) are poor in fuel minerals, but they have a powerful hydropower potential. In Tajikistan, a cascade of hydroelectric power stations has been created on the Vakhsh, and in Kyrgyzstan - on the Naryn city, which practically meet the needs of these countries for electricity and serve as the basis for some energy-intensive industries. Afghanistan has the greatest problems with the provision of fuel and energy, where only a small amount of gas is produced and there are no powerful hydroelectric power plants. A significant share in the country's fuel balance is occupied by firewood.

The countries of Central Asia are major producers of non-ferrous metals. Important areas of non-ferrous metallurgy have been formed: in Rudny Altai (polymetals), in Central Kazakhstan - the cities of Balkhash and Zhezkazgan (copper, lead, zinc) in Kyrgyzstan and eastern Uzbekistan (polymetals, gold). Powerful aluminum smelters have been built on the basis of cheap hydroelectric power in the cities of Tursunzade (Tajikistan) and Pavlodar (Kazakhstan). Given the already explored raw material base, new non-ferrous metallurgy centers may emerge in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Only Kazakhstan has a well-developed ferrous metallurgy. A favorable combination of coking coal deposits of the Karaganda basin and Sokolovsko-Sarbai iron ores, as well as reserves of manganese ores, nickel, chromium and other alloying metals contribute to the production of high-quality and cheap steel. Iron and Steel Works full cycle operates in Temirtau. In other countries there are only small steelworks or workshops at machine-building enterprises.

The region has significant reserves of raw materials for the chemical industry. Now, those of its types that are necessary for the production of mineral fertilizers are mainly used. Based on the extraction of phosphorites, the Karatau-Zhambyl industrial complex was formed in Kazakhstan, sulfur and mirabilite are mined in Turkmenistan, in the cities of Navoi and Fergana (Uzbekistan) there is a nitrogen-fertilizer plant. The vast mirabilite reserves of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay are partially used, but its complex processing is not carried out in this region.

Most of the machine-building enterprises of Central Asia work for the needs of agriculture. It produces tractors (Pavlodar), cotton harvesters (Tashkent) and many other types of agricultural machinery for local consumers. A more diversified structure of the machine-building complex exists only in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In addition to enterprises of mining equipment and machine tool building (Karaganda, Almaty), aircraft building (Tashkent), it is planned to build car assembly enterprises here, create new industries, in particular instrument making and radio electronics. New production facilities will primarily be focused on cheap labor in the southern regions of these states.

But the basis of the economy of the countries of Central Asia for a long time will be agriculture, the specialization of which has been formed for thousands of years. The natural conditions of this area are favorable for the development of extensive semi-nomadic animal husbandry, which is combined with intensive irrigated agriculture in the oases. In the second half of the XX century. here new areas of agriculture were created (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) on virgin lands. But the productivity of these lands is low, and the yield is unstable - for several lean years there is one or two years with high gross yields.

A certain difference in the moisture content of individual territories, the presence of a natural forage base determines different specialization animal husbandry. Meat prevails in the north of Kazakhstan - dairy and beef cattle breeding in combination with sheep and pig breeding. In the desert lands of southern Kazakhstan and other countries, fine-fleeced and astrakhan sheep, as well as camels, are grazing. In the northern foothills of the Tien Shan, especially in Kyrgyzstan, as well as in Turkmenistan, horse breeding is well developed. In the foothills of the Kopetdag is the main breeding area for the world's Akhal-Teke horses. Sericulture, beekeeping, dairy and meat cattle breeding, and poultry farming are also developing, but there is practically no pig breeding, which is explained by the Islam prohibition on eating pork.

In most Central Asian states, the area of ​​arable land does not exceed 10% of their territory, and in Turkmenistan - only 1%. The geography of agriculture is closely connected with the availability of water resources (it is not for nothing that there is a proverb here "without water there is no land"). Therefore, the main agricultural areas are confined to river valleys and well-moistened foothills. The shortage of arable land forces the local population to grow the most labor-intensive industrial crops, primarily cotton. A significant proportion of the land is occupied by melons, orchards and vineyards. Central Asia is famous the best varieties melons, watermelons, grapes, apples, pears and other fruits. The warm dry climate contributes to the mass production of dried fruits: raisins, sultanas, dried apricots, etc.

Cereals and fodder crops (mainly wheat, rice, alfalfa) are mainly used in crop rotations with industrial crops. Only on the developed virgin lands of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the structure of crops do grain crops sharply predominate: spring wheat, barley, millet, and in more warm areas- corn.

Considerable crops of opium poppy, previously grown for the needs of medicine. But lack of clear control over its processing and distribution could lead (as has already happened in Afghanistan) to the production of poppy products for the needs of the drug trade.

Having declared independence, the states of the region, except for Afghanistan, at the same time remained committed to strengthening the CIS, that is, they remain completely under the military-political "trusteeship of Russia", which continues to consider its southern border southern border former USSR. This explains the significant military presence of Russia in this region and its participation in local conflicts, primarily in Tajikistan. The Russian military-industrial complex still owns a huge number of facilities in this territory. The Russian military, whose movement is not at all controlled by local authorities, can freely transport (as the example of Afghanistan showed) tens and hundreds of kilograms of narcotic raw materials, which contributes to the development of the drug business.

Afghanistan remains a flashpoint in Central Asia, where, after decades of civil war, shaky peace was established only in 2002. Meanwhile, the presence of many peoples and political forces here, which have their own armed formations, can lead to an uncontrollable escalation of the conflict to other countries in the region.

the Soviet empire left local peoples big "bouquet" environmental issues. Massive hydrotechnical construction, water overspending during irrigation lead to salinization of the land, gave rise to the problems of the Aral and Balkhash. The Aral Sea has shrunk by more than half, and thousands of tons of salt are blowing from its dry bottom. The unique Lake Balkhash, which was fresh in one part and salty in the other, may turn into completely salty in the near future. In addition, on vast spaces the already poor natural vegetation was destroyed, which led to active wind erosion and dust storms.

The problem of integration of the states of the region into world economy cannot be resolved without creating a root new transport network. Existing system railways, highways, gas and oil pipelines was created in the conditions of the empire and is mainly represented by highways going to Central Russia. The network of internal routes, especially railways, does not provide for the modern needs of the economy. Central Asia is practically cut off from the nearest ports of the Indian Ocean through complete absence railways in Afghanistan and weak connection with Iran's transport system. Therefore, in addition to the projected road through Iran, it is expedient for the countries of the region to create ways to seaports through Afghanistan and Pakistan. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, in addition, may look for additional ways to export products through China and the ports of the Pacific Ocean.

Companies from Japan and South Korea are showing great interest in this region. Of the traditional partners, apart from Russia, Ukraine can also be of great importance for the region. The Ukrainian economy is in need of energy, non-ferrous metals, cotton and other products of the Central Asian countries. On the other hand, Ukrainian enterprises can supply products of ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering (oil and gas production equipment, tractors, machine tools, machinery for agriculture) and food industry to this region. Projects for the construction of new gas and oil pipelines also provide for the active participation of Ukraine in them, and some of them may pass directly through the territory of our country. Such cooperation allowed the states of Central Asia to find much cheaper ways to sell their products, and Ukraine to receive additional reliable sources of raw materials and energy. Closer cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and Ukraine requires the solution of certain social problems.

It is from this region that deportees return to Ukraine Crimean Tatars. So far, all the expenses for their resettlement have to be borne by the Ukrainian side, although in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan there are solid houses and entire settlements in which the Tatars lived. Significant support for Ukraine and the assistance of the governments of the Central Asian states in the national and cultural development requires a large Ukrainian diaspora. Indeed, in Soviet times, even in Kazakhstan, where hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians live, due to the policy of Russification, the educational and cultural interests of Ukrainian settlers were not at all satisfied.

2.4. Tourism resources of Asia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR)

Recreational potential and modern development tourism in Asia. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Australia and Oceania.

The Asia-Pacific region is the most dynamically developing region in the world. But the flow of tourists here is not yet as great as in the countries of Europe and America. It is expected that in the near future some countries of this region will come to the forefront in terms of the number of tourists visiting them.

2.4.1. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Asia

The most popular countries in Asia in terms of international tourist demand include Turkey, Cyprus, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Nepal, Jordan, Lebanon, and Mongolia.

Relatively recently, tourism began to actively develop in countries such as South Korea, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. In Asia, you can visit unrecognized state the island of Taiwan.

TURKEY is one of the most popular tourist routes for Russian tourists. The capital of Turkey is Ankara.

Turkey, like Russia, is located in two parts of the world - in Europe (Eastern Thrace) and Asia. Turkey is divided into European and Asian parts by the strategically important Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, as well as the Sea of ​​Marmara. Turkey - Predominantly Mountain country. In the west of its Asian part is the Asia Minor Highlands. The Anatolian Mountains are located in the east of Turkey. Turkey is rich in chrome ore, but it is experiencing a serious shortage of fuel and energy resources.

Continental, with sharp differences in winter and summer temperatures, the climate is typical for most of the country. On the Mediterranean coast, where the most popular resorts are located, the temperature in summer reaches more than 40°C. Therefore, it is not recommended to be on the beach during the daytime.

Turkey is a fairly large country in terms of population - about 65 million people. Turkey's serious national problem is the struggle of the Kurdish minority for its sovereignty. However, there is also a layer of wealthy Kurds who own hotels on the coast. And there have been no significant violations of order at the resorts associated with the manifestation of terrorism in the country. On the go recent history Turkey significant influence was rendered by the Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (“father of the Turks” in Turkish), who managed at the beginning of the 20th century. during a period of political and economic decline, to unite the Turkish nation, limit fundamentalist Islamic traditions, and turn the country on its head European development. This trend continues to this day. It is expressed in Turkey's persistent attempts to join the EU. Economically, Turkey is highly dependent on external raw materials and industrial markets. The basis of its international specialization are mining, light, food industry, construction, active emigration of labor, small-scale wholesale trade with neighboring countries. The absence of a "core" in the economy leads, in particular, to high pace inflation. The Turkish lira depreciates by an average of 100% annually.

Tourism is one of the variants of the country's international specialization. In Turkey, there are a large number of environmentally friendly resorts, which in most cases combine relative cheapness and high-quality service. The development of tourism in Turkey, comfortable rest attract tourists from European countries, especially from Germany and Russia. In addition, the Turks were originally considered good traders, and tourists can make profitable and relatively cheap purchases here. This attracts travelers from many countries. The most famous resorts include Alanya, Belek, Kusadasi, etc. In hotels for vacation, it is often combined with various animation programs, demonstration and sale of various goods.

Kemer located on the slopes of the Tarusa Mountains close to the sea, in the shade of magnificent pine forests, where there is a network of modern hotels and clubs. Several decades ago, Kemer was a picturesque fishing village. Now here you can not only relax on the beach, but also ride a yacht. Excursion on a yacht includes fishing on the high seas, lunch, swimming. Not far from Kemer are the ruins of the ancient city of Olympus, founded in the middle of the 1st millennium BC.

Fethiye- a young port city with a developed tourist infrastructure. It is located at the foot of the mountains covered with pine and cedar forests. The city is named in memory of a famous Turkish test pilot who died in a plane crash in 1913. Fethiye is located in the zone seismic activity. In its vicinity in 1956 and 1957. there were two major earthquakes. A popular holiday destination is Kusadasi, which means "island of birds" in Turkish. On the territory of this tourist area is the Dilek National Park, where different kinds birds and animals. Kusadasi is a sea port.

Not far from the city are the ancient Greek cities of Ephesus, Miletus, Didyma, Priene, Aphrodisias, discovered after archaeological excavations.

Pamukkale means "cotton castle" in Turkish. In this picturesque place, the action of hot springs containing calcium oxide has led to the formation of bizarrely shaped calcareous snow-white deposits. Tourists admire the extraordinary view of these white mountains and swim in the "Cleopatra's pool", the water of which contains mineral salts. There are many health-improving centers. Side, with its modern tourist complexes and beautiful beaches, is today one of the busiest resorts.

Marmaris located at the junction of the Aegean and the Mediterranean Sea and grew up on the site of the ancient city of Fiskos. Here monuments of ancient architecture are combined with luxurious hotels. Numerous restaurants, bars, discos, music and dancing have made this city a dancing city. Tourists from all over the world come to Alanya in summer. In winter, well-known sports teams conduct training camps here.

Located south of Turkey CYPRUS is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. Distinctive features of this state are the binational composition of its population (Turks and Greeks).

Cyprus has a favorable Mediterranean type of climate and a comparatively developed economy: mining, light and food industries, mechanical engineering, production of building materials. Agriculture specializes in the cultivation of grapes and olives. In 1974, the most economically developed regions of the country were occupied by Turkish troops under the pretext of protecting the Turkish Cypriots in view of an attempt by the Greek military junta to carry out a military coup on the island. This caused some damage to the country's economy. International tourism and offshore business have become an important alternative to economic growth in these conditions. Since 1975 the country's authorities have taken a course to encourage the inflow of foreign investment and the development of international tourism. Favorable investment climate, low crime rate, combined with excellent recreational opportunities contribute to the inflow of capital invested in real estate, tourism infrastructure and other sectors of the economy.

Until 1960, Cyprus was a British colony. Therefore, the official language on the island is English, and the British prevail among tourists. Currently, the country's economy is heavily dependent on income from international tourism.

The largest tourist centers of Cyprus are: the capital of the state of Nicosia, located in the center of the island, but divided into two parts along ethnicity; wine center Limassol; tourist center with Larnaca International Airport; the historical capital of the western part of the island - Paphos; Ayia Napa youth resort; Famagusta, famous for its beautiful golden beaches.

In Cyprus, tourists are offered whole line excursions, in particular, to Egypt, Jordan, Israel. You can make mini-cruises, explore the beautiful coast of the island. You can get acquainted with the richest ancient history of the island by making a trip to Paphos. In Russia, Cyprus - the "Island of Aphrodite" - is known primarily as a center for beach and entertainment tourism. But this is a one-sided view. In Cyprus there are numerous monuments of ancient Greek and Roman culture, as well as Christian history, many holy places of Orthodoxy, where pilgrims come, including from Russia. Pilgrimage centers include Kakkos and Limassol.

A small state in the southwestern part of Asia, it has a small (about 5.5 million people) predominantly binational population (Jews and Arabs).

The basis of the Israeli economy is industry, in particular, diamond cutting, subtropical agriculture. Of great importance for Israel is international tourism, which is developing in the following areas: beach, cultural and historical and health-improving. The most famous tourist centers of Israel include the most ancient religious center - Jerusalem, medical and health resorts of the Dead Sea, located 395 m below sea level.

In 1996 Jerusalem celebrated its 3000th anniversary. Thirty centuries ago, King David moved here the capital of his new kingdom. The stones of Jerusalem keep the memory of the Roman, Byzantine, Arab rule, the dominion of the Crusaders and Mamelukes. The status of Jerusalem as a holy city for Jews, Christians and Muslims, the abundance of historical monuments and holy places, and at the same time, the intense life of the modern multifaceted and multilingual mecca of tourism make this city one and only.

In the south, Israel has access to the Red Sea. On its coast is the resort city of Eilat. The city of Haifa is also interesting for tourists. Various layers of modern and ancient culture are represented here, among which the Bahia Temple is the most famous landmark. The capital of Israel is Tel Aviv with a large international airport Bengurion. The Tel Aviv-Yafo resort area is located on the Mediterranean coast. The development of international tourism in Israel is constrained by the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

JORDAN- a state in Southwest Asia, the capital is the city of Amman. This is a predominantly agricultural country. On the territory of Jordan there are monuments of ancient culture from the 2nd millennium BC. to V in AD At the end of the XIX century. in the mountains of South Jordan, archaeologists discovered the city of Petra - the capital of the Nabataean kingdom of the II century. BC. - I century. AD Tourists come here to see temples, theaters, tombs built of pink stone. Pilgrimage to Jordan is largely associated with religious traditions. Many scholars of sacred texts directly connect the events described in the Bible with the Jordan Valley. Therefore, more and more religious pilgrims today begin their journey to the East from Jordan, in order to then continue it in ancient Canaan, on the territory of modern Palestine and Israel. Moving in this way, they seem to pass through time in the footsteps of the Old and New Testaments, again consistently experiencing the entire history of the relationship between God and man from the first pages of the Book of Genesis to the present day. In biblical history, the Salt Sea, now the Dead Sea, is mentioned as a place of religious events. The Dead Sea itself is a world landmark, full of amazing natural beauty, deep symbolic meaning and truly dramatic charm.

Today, the entire length of the eastern coast of the Dead Sea is one of the most popular holiday destinations among Jordanian and foreign tourists. Its famous thermal springs can be easily reached from Central and South Jordan along any of the many roads equipped with excellent modern pavement. In the south of Jordan, the Red Sea is also a popular holiday destination. Thus, Jordan can captivate tourists for whom seaside recreation is the main goal.

LEBANON- a parliamentary democratic republic, occupying a relatively small area (10.4 thousand square kilometers) with a population of 2.5 million people. Lebanon borders Israel and Syria. The capital is the city of Beirut. Lebanon is known as a major regional banking center. Banking is one of the main branches of the country's economy. Its distinguishing feature is strict confidentiality. More than 80 banks operate in the country. Trade and tourism are also important sectors of the country's economy.

The mild Mediterranean climate makes Lebanon particularly attractive, but unlike most other countries in this region, the unique mountainous nature provides everyone with the opportunity to admire the golden rain of leaf fall, snow blizzards, the bright sunny palette of spring herbs and the sultry sunsets of endless summer. Lebanon is characterized by the development of the following types of tourism: business, cultural, historical and environmental. Business trips to Lebanon are associated with financial and credit activities, the opportunity to make bargains. A relatively liberal tax system creates favorable conditions for foreign investment and entrepreneurship. Cultural and historical tourism in Lebanon is associated with familiarization with ancient monuments. The historical sights of the country include the ancient cities discovered by archaeologists - Baalbek, Byblos and Anzhar. The country's capital, Beirut, combines antiquity with the current century. Fans of outdoor activities are waiting for numerous routes of bizarre mountain paths, where next to your fire - who knows, maybe there was a fire of an ancient person.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE)- a federation of seven Arab states located on the Arabian Peninsula. The history of the UAE has a little more than 30 years. In a short time, the Emirates made an unprecedented leap into the future - a rich and highly developed country arose on the site of a waterless desert with a few settlements on the seashore. Tourists from all over the world seek to get here. Abu Dhabi is the largest emirate with a population of about 900 thousand people, the capital and residence of the president of the federation. Dubai is the second largest city and emirate of the UAE, one of the world's centers of business and trade, recreation and entertainment.

Sharjah- "cultural capital" of the UAE, the third largest emirate. There are many museums, historical monuments, mosques, bazaars. Ajman is the smallest of all the emirates, in the past it was known as a place for pearling (now it is famous for its developed fishing industry and the manufacture of single-masted Arab dhow ships. Umm El Kaiwets is an emirate where fishing is developed and there is a research center for fish breeding. Ras Al Khaimah is an emirate in the northern part of the UAE, since the 16th century it has been constantly subjected to conquests and therefore received the name, which in translation means "pirate coast".The emirate of Fujairah, located in the eastern part of the UAE, is recommended for nature lovers and those For those who prefer secluded silence, there are three protected areas in Fujairah: El Wuraida waterfalls, An El Madhab gardens and hot springs of Ain Eyy Ghamur.

The UAE is a country with more than two thousand years of history, and has long been mastered by Russian tourists, unlike neighboring Oman. Oman, a country whose economy largely depends on oil production and export, was closed to tourists until recently.

Oil deposits created prosperity for Oman. And its many years of isolation made it possible to preserve national characteristics culture and life of the local population. Therefore, Oman is an amazing country that allows its guests to get acquainted with the way of Arab life and stay in prestigious international hotels. The most common type of recreation in Oman is scuba diving. The climate of Oman is desert, dry, with more high level humidity on the coast compared to the hinterland, on average several hundred millimeters of precipitation falls annually.

The average temperature in July is plus 32°C, and in January - 21°C. Muscat, the capital of the country, is considered one of the hottest capitals in the world.

SAUDI ARABIA, located north of Yemen, occupies most of the world's largest Arabian Peninsula and at the same time, most of the country's territory is occupied by a desert: in the north it is part of the Syrian Desert, and in the southeastern part of the country - the Great Desert (Rub-El -Khali). The leading sector of the country's economy is the oil industry. Saudi Arabia accounts for most of the world's proven oil reserves (about 20%).

Saudi Arabia is a country with orthodox Islamic traditions, which is manifested, in particular, in tourist formalities: the import of alcohol is prohibited; drug smuggling is punishable by death; the import of books in Hebrew, as well as goods marked with Israel, is prohibited; it is advisable for women going out into the street to wear a veil. The main type of international tourism in the country is religious, carried out in the form of pilgrimages. The pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia is based on the traditions of the Islamic cult. Every Muslim at least once in his life must make a pilgrimage (hajj) to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The city of Mecca is a place of pilgrimage, since, according to legend, the founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, was born here, and the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad is located in Medina.

The state is located in Southwest Asia SYRIA- the last stronghold of the crusaders who marched in the Middle Ages under the auspices of the Catholic Church to liberate the Holy Land from Muslims. The impregnable castles of the Crusaders remind of the Crusades. The capital of Syria, the city of Damascus, is one of the ancient cities peace. Among the architectural monuments of the city, the colonnade of the sanctuary of Jupiter of Damascus, the Umayyad mosque, and the Nur-ad-Din hospital are of interest. There are more than 200 mosques in the capital.

Syria has long been known for handicrafts - the manufacture of edged weapons ("Damascus blades"), copper utensils, brocade.

Length coastline The Mediterranean coast of Syria is about 200 km. In the vicinity of the fourth largest city in Syria and the main seaport - Latakia - is the main seaside resort of Shatt al Azraq. There are several modern mountain resorts in Syria, which include Slenfe and Mashta al Helu. The development of international tourism in Syria is hindered by a number of historical circumstances. Syria, like many other Arab countries, does not accept the existence of an independent state of Israel. In 1973 Syria, together with Egypt, started a war against Israel, which ended with the signing of a separate peace. This historical fact has led to tense relations between Syria and Israel. A visa to Syria is not issued to persons with any Israeli marks. And entry into the area along the Syrian-Israeli border is prohibited. B. Assad, the son of the country's former communist dictator X. Assad, is in power in Syria. The existence of such a regime gave grounds to the United States to include this country in the so-called "axis of evil" of countries with anti-democratic regimes.

The state is located in Southwest Asia IRAN.

A significant part of the territory of this country is occupied by mountains and deserts. The center of the country is occupied by the Iranian Highlands and the deserts of Deshte-Kevir (Great Salt Desert) and Deshte Lut. On the territory of Iran, three natural and climatic zones can be distinguished:

The coast of the Persian and Oman Gulfs with a tropical hot climate, the central regions with an arid subtropical hot climate, the central regions with an arid subtropical climate and mountainous regions with a temperate cool climate.

Of the nearly 70 million people in Iran, most (about 50%) are Persians. The official language is Farsi (Persian) and the predominant religion is Shia Islam.

Iran is a country with traditions of Islamic fundamentalism, where spiritual leaders - ayatolls - set the tone.

What regional features should be taken into account when visiting this country? In Iran, there is actually a "dry" law - alcohol cannot be purchased in stores and even hotels. It is strictly forbidden to import into the country all types of alcoholic beverages, video products of erotic and propaganda content and books in Hebrew. If there are any marks of the state of Israel in the passport, entry into Iran is prohibited. Also, women in clothes that do not comply with Islamic rules will not be allowed to cross the border.

Due to the existing traditions of Islamic fundamentalism, international tourism in this country has not become widespread, and Iran receives its main income from the extraction and export of oil and gas raw materials. The development of tourism is hindered by a number of other circumstances. Thus, there is no modern hotel base in the country. At the same time, Iran has great potential for the development of international tourism in a number of areas.

The cultural and historical direction is connected with visiting the ancient cities - Tehran, the capital of the country, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz.

Here you can see many historical sights: medieval mosques, ancient monuments, tombs of Persian scientists and artists.

Medical and health tours can also be promising for Iran. On the shores of the largest lake in Iran, Urmia, there are balneological resorts-baths that use the properties of salt water for treatment, which is similar in content to the water of the Dead Sea.

In Iran, medical services such as eye surgery, orthopedics, treatment of cardiovascular diseases are available. Tourism for the purpose of entertainment and recreation in Iran has a focal character.

The most famous holiday destination in Iran is the trendy Iranian resort on Kish Island in the Strait of Hormuz. Shopping tours to Iran - also promising direction international tourism.

There are many oriental bazaars where you can buy the famous Persian handmade carpets, as well as fine silverware.

CHINA located in Central and East Asia, on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. This is the third largest and the first largest (about 1.3 billion people) state in the world.

China is a multinational country. Of the 56 nationalities, the most numerous nationality is the Han (over 90% of the country's inhabitants). Therefore, the Chinese often refer to themselves as "Han". Many Chinese live overseas. They are called "huaqiao". The relief of China is a multi-stage terraces, gradually descending from west to east. Two flow through China major rivers- Huang He and Yangtze. China is very rich in natural resources: hydropower and mineral raw materials (primarily non-ferrous metal ores).

China has an ancient history. China gave the world one of the religious directions - Confucianism, deifying the power of monarchs and preaching self-improvement. It is no coincidence that in the historical tradition of China, a change in the rule of monarchical dynasties can be traced, the last monarchical dynasty in China is the Qing (1644-1911). During the revolutionary struggle on October 1, 1949. Mao Zedong proclaimed the creation of the People's Republic of China (PRC). Ancient China gave the world four inventions: paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder. In Europe, China was first learned from the books and stories of the legendary Italian traveler Marco Polo. In 1271-1275. he traveled to China, where he lived for about 17 years.

Paradox modern China- a combination of communist ideology and one of the highest rates of economic growth in the world, the economic power of the state and the poverty of the vast majority of the population. China is the world's largest producer of cotton fabrics and the world's third largest producer of cast iron. China is implementing a concept* of territorial development based on attracting foreign investment in free economic zones.

China is divided administratively into 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, and four municipalities: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing. China has two special administrative district Hong Kong (Hong Kong) and Macau (Macao). The capital of China is the city of Beijing.

According to some estimates, China in the XXI century. will become the world leader in tourist visits. There are many attractions in China. One of the most grandiose architectural monuments is the Great Wall of China in Northern China. The total length of the wall is 157 6700 km. In the II century. BC. Emperor Qin Shi Huang had an idea to protect China from the north from the Mongols, and the wall served as a huge bastion. It was built until 1911, driving a huge number of peasants and soldiers from all over the country to construction. All of them died at this construction site, so the wall is also called the great cemetery. There are many temples around the Chinese Wall, today they are active. Now the total surviving length of the wall is 5 thousand km.

In China, the following most popular centers of international tourism can be distinguished: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Macau, Xianggang (Hong Kong), Hainan Island, Tibet. The history of the capital of China - Beijing - has more than 3 thousand years. There are a large number of cultural and historical sights that make it possible to comprehend the past, understand the present, and form an idea of ​​the future of this country. In Beijing, there is the largest state museum in China, Gugong - the former imperial palace, the residence of 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Summer Imperial Palace - Yiheyuan Park is located 20 km northwest of the center of Beijing. 50 km north of the city in the Valley of the Tombs lies the ashes of most of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty. On the southern outskirts of Beijing rises the Temple of Heaven (Tian Tan). Here, on the day of the summer solstice, the services of the monks were held with the participation of the emperor with a request to Heaven to send down a good harvest. In the northeastern part of the Chinese capital, the famous Yonghegun lamaist temple was built today. In many cities of China, including Beijing, there are temples of Confucius.

Shanghai, located at the mouth of the largest river in China - the Yangtze, is better known as a business center. It is one of the largest financial and economic metropolises in Asia. In the past, many Russian emigrants lived here, whose paths lay through this city to the USA, Australia and Canada. The most famous street of Nanjinglu stretches from the embankment through the whole city for 14 km. Here are the best shops and restaurants of Shanghai. Shanghai attractions include Buddhist monastery, temples of Chenghuangmiao and Yufesy with a jade statue of Buddha, a five-tiered Longhua pagoda, a Garden of Joy, a TV tower.

Guangzhou- a large commercial and industrial agglomeration in the southeast of China. Guangzhou hosts international exhibitions and fairs that give Western firms an insight into Chinese products. In the immediate vicinity of Guangzhou are the former English and Portuguese enclaves of Xianggang (Hong Kong) and Macao (Maomen). Hong Kong in translation means "fragrant harbor", because once fragrant spices and incense were taken out from here. Now it is one of the largest financial centers in the world. Hong Kong's tourist attractions include the Zoological and Botanical Gardens. Macau is a former Portuguese colony that has now become a tourist mecca with casinos and gambling houses. In recent years, Hainan Island, located in southern China, has become very popular. Modern hotels have been built here, conducive to beach recreation and recreation. The climate in Hainan is tropical.

Tourists have always been attracted by Tibet and the impregnable peaks of the Himalayas, which climbers are constantly trying to storm.

The administrative center of Tibet is the city of Lhasa ("holy place"), located at an altitude of 3660 m above sea level.

Monasteries, the centers of Buddhism and Lamanism, brought world fame to this place, where solemn rituals and ceremonies are still held. In China, you can make bargains.

Here, first of all, you should buy green tea, natural silk and river pearls. Tourists will certainly be taken to the tea ceremony, silk and pearl factories.

TAIWAN- a state in East Asia, located on an island in close proximity to mainland China. In 1949, after the victory in China socialist revolution the bourgeois Chinese government headed by Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, declaring Taiwan an independent state and enlisting the support of the United States. Since then, the PRC has been claiming its rights to the island, considering it one of its provinces.

Taiwan is a dynamically developing state. In terms of living standards (GDP per capita exceeds $12,000), Taiwan is not comparable to the mainland provinces of China. The capital of this state not officially recognized by the world community is Taipei (Taipei). The main attractions are concentrated in the capital. The white marble memorial to Chiang Kai-shek with a park is a favorite place for the townspeople to relax. Emigrating from China, Chiang Kai-shek took some of the exhibits from the Winter Imperial Palace (Gugong) in Beijing. These priceless artistic treasures are on display at the National Taiwan Museum in Taipei. Taipei also has a traditional night market where you can taste local food, get a massage, and buy a variety of local souvenirs. Russia does not have direct air links with Taiwan. Therefore, the most acceptable option for a trip to the island is a flight through Hong Kong.

MONGOLIA- a state in Central Asia. The capital of the country is the city of Ulaanbaatar. Creator Mongolian state- Genghis Khan. Under him and his successors in the XIII century. The Mongol Empire was created, which collapsed in the 14th century. to individual states. The economy of Mongolia has an agrarian and raw material character (nomadic cattle breeding, extraction of mineral resources).

Mongolia exports a variety of products, including sheep and camel wool, leather goods, carpets, knitwear, sheepskin coats.

Mongolia, like many other countries, encourages the development of tourism.

Ecological, ethnographic and historical tours can become the most promising for this country. Mongolia, spread over more than 1.5 million sq. km, is one of the few places in the world that owns a rich combination of ecosystems. The Gobi Desert, which occupies more than half of Mongolia, is distinguished by a wide variety of flora and fauna. Here you can find large rocky deserts with sparse vegetation, and sand dunes. The most interesting area is the South Gobi, where the main attractions and tourist yurt centers are concentrated.

The famous Tea and Silk Roads passed through the territory of Mongolia and from ancient times connected peoples leading a nomadic and sedentary lifestyle. Mongolia still preserves the way of life, ancient traditions and original culture of nomads. The ancient Mongol Empire stretched from the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the Black Sea. Mongolia is the cradle of the nomadic civilization of Central Asia, the abode of ancient history and culture. Historical tours will allow you to explore ancient burial places and places of worship. The history of Mongolia is known thanks to the ancient empire of Genghis Khan. The co- 160 blood of Genghis Khan has not yet been found. Maybe you will find them in Mongolia...

JAPAN- an island state in the Asia-Pacific region with a predominantly single-ethnic population of 125 million people.

Japan is attractive for its amazing natural beauty. The country is located on approximately 6,800 islands in the Pacific Ocean. 68% of the territory of Japan is occupied by mountains. The highest Mount Fuji is the national symbol of the country. A distinctive feature of Japan is the poverty of the mineral resource base.

"Trade or die" - this is the slogan of the Japanese, stimulating the development of local industry and services. The country occupies one of the first places in the world in shipbuilding, the production of radio electronics, cars and trucks. The production of porcelain, toys and art products remains traditional.

The global energy crises of the late 20th century, associated with rising oil prices, not only did not weaken, but even rallied the Japanese nation, forcing the development of high-tech industries, as well as the financial sector. Now Japan is not only one of the world's largest manufacturers of industrial products, but also the technological "brain" of the Asia-Pacific region and one of the world's largest financial centers.

For a long time (until 1868) Japan was a "closed" state, which determined the originality of Japanese culture. Tokyo is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world, the capital of Japan. The sights of Tokyo include the Buddhist temples of Kannon, Meiji, Rakanji, the Yasukuni Shinto shrine, the imperial palace, the National Museum, the Sogetsu art center. Osaka is the largest city in Western Japan. This city is proud of its largest Ferris wheel and aquarium in the world. Nara - the ancient capital of Japan, the city-museum, is known for its architectural monuments and the imperial treasury. In the last decade, tourists have been attracted to Japan by numerous sports and entertainment events, in particular, the Olympic Games, the World Cup.

The warm climate, the presence of many islands and a long coastline make Japan a favorable place for sea tourism. However, coastal resorts here, unlike other countries of the world, are practically absent. The Inland Sea of ​​Japan is no exception, although it is often referred to as the Japanese Mediterranean Sea. For the development of tourism in the country, material investments in infrastructure are needed, and the Japanese prefer holidays abroad.

INDONESIA located on a huge archipelago, comparable in size to Europe. Its largest islands are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi. Life on each of the 13 thousand islands goes its own way own way. On one island live Muslims (Java), on the other - Hindus (), on the third - Christians (north of Sulawesi). The capital of Indonesia is the city of Jakarta.

Bali is one of the most important tourist centers in Indonesia.

Here are located ancient Hindu temples, as well as numerous hotels with magnificent beaches. The handicraft industry is represented by chased silverware, ceramic and wickerwork, art carvings on bone, which are in demand among Tourists.

Indonesia is of interest for eco-tourism. There are a number of national parks and reserves here. The Gunning Recreation Park on the island of Sumatra is widely known. Tourists are attracted here by the possibility of trekking through mountain forests, as well as visiting the orangutan rehabilitation center.

THAILAND in terms of territory comparable to France, its population is about 60 million people. Thailand still retains its ancient Buddhist culture. Tin-tungsten belt, passing through the territory of the country, provides Thailand with one of the leading places for the extraction of tin. The main agricultural crop is rice. Thailand has maintained its political independence throughout the country's centuries-old history. Close ties between Russian and Thai monarchs and friendly relations between Thailand and Russia are known in the past.

Currently, Thailand is the tourist mecca of Southeast Asia. Tourists are attracted by the favorable climate and developed tourist infrastructure, historical sites, including Buddhist temples and the possibility of free and relaxed behavior. The most famous tourist centers in Thailand include the capital Bangkok, the cities of Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui. There are about 400 Buddhist temples in Bangkok. Among them, the most interesting are the Temple of the Dawn with a tower 104 m high and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.

INDIA is a huge subcontinent located in South Asia. Over a billion people live in India. Considering that the family planning policy is not as strict in the country as in China, according to demographers' forecasts, in the medium term, this country will become the most populous in the world. In addition, 162 India is considered the most multiethnic country in the world. Physically and geographically, India can be divided into three natural regions: the Himalayas, the Indo-Gangetic lowland and the Deccan Plateau.

Economically, India can be described as a "key developing country”, which in terms of macroeconomic indicators is comparable to the great powers (GNP - about 500 billion dollars in 2002; 11th place in the world), and in terms of per capita income it is one of the poorest countries in the world (480 dollars). per person in 200 2; 159th place in the world). The agrarian-industrial economy of the country combines the development of basic industries with a diversified agriculture.

The textile industry has become widespread.

The bowels of the country are rich in various minerals (coal, iron ores, diamonds, manganese, etc.).

From the point of view of tourism, the largest cities of the country are of the greatest interest in India: - the capital of India, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, the former Portuguese enclave, and now the 25th state of India - Goa; national parks Korbet, Sariska, the famous Taj Mahal mausoleum. Kolkata is the birthplace of the world famous Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore. Here is the "House of Tagore". The most popular Indian resorts are located on the west coast of India, in the state of Goa. Until 1963 there was a Portuguese colony. This area is considered the most developed in terms of tourism and is very popular among Europeans. It is more likely to appeal to those who prefer a comfortable, relaxing beach holiday with lunch in hotel restaurants. But Goa is far from the only popular holiday destination in India.

The state of Kerala, the most southern state of the west coast and one of the most developed states of India, enjoys fame.

A classic trip to India is the Golden Triangle tour with a visit to the world famous Taj Mahal - a monument of Indian architecture, a five-domed structure made of white marble with a mosaic of colored stones, as well as ancient ghost town Fatihpur Sikri and the exotic pink city of Rajasthan. India is also a center of religious pilgrimage. The main centers of Hindu communities are located on the territory of this country. India attracts ecotourists who dream of conquering mountain peaks.

Ecotourism associated with mountaineering is also characteristic of NEPAL, the only Hindu kingdom in the world. Until the mid-1950s, Nepal was closed to foreigners and therefore largely retained its originality and national flavor. This is a poor country, whose people do not consider themselves poor, have their own human values ​​and live by their own rules.

Tourists are attracted here by the world's highest peaks of the Himalayas, pristine jungle in the south, the picturesque Kathmandu Valley with unique pagodas and elegant architecture of residential buildings, vibrant holidays, as well as the original culture of the population.

In the spurs of the Eastern Himalayas, there is another small state of South Asia - BUTANE(translated as "Land of Thunder Dragons"). For many centuries, the connection between Bhutan and Tibet was very close, so Lamaist Buddhism, Tibetan National language and writing. The Kingdom of Bhutan is one of the underdeveloped, time-forgotten patriarchal states of the world. The country is dominated by subsistence farming. The main production sector of the economy is agriculture. Rice, wheat and barley are grown here. To the south of Bhutan in the town of Cherrapunji (India) is the wettest place in the world, where over 11,000 mm of precipitation falls annually. The wet jungles of Bhutan are poorly studied and little explored. Here the highest density of elephants per unit area.

Bhutan is still largely a country closed to travel.

Modern Bhutan is somewhat reminiscent of tsarist Russia early XIX centuries, when permission to leave had to be obtained personally from the emperor, and a foreign passport cost 500 silver rubles.

A similar situation exists in modern Bhutan. There are a large number of places where you can get only after a special permit signed personally by the king. In this case, you should stock up on a significant amount of money, much higher than the official cost of the trip. At the same time, only a true adventurer can appreciate the exoticism of this country.

The main attraction of Bhutan is Buddhist monasteries, the largest are located in Thimphu, the capital of the country.

To the south of India are important objects of international tourism: the island of Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Since 1984 the capital SRI LANKA is Colombo. A mixture of cultures and religions, times and peoples have left their mark on the unique image of the city: old colonial-style mansions coexist with both skyscrapers and ancient oriental temples. The largest number of historical and cultural monuments are concentrated in the center of the island and form a "cultural triangle": Anuradhapura - the first ancient capital of Sri Lanka, Polonnaruwa - the medieval capital of the state, Kandy - the last bastion of the rulers of the independent Sinhalese state. Sri Lanka is also known for its elephant nurseries. Today, the country is considered one of the leading exporters of tea, MALDIVES is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, located southwest of the island of Sri Lanka. The Maldives consists of 1190 tiny coral islands, of which only 220 have been developed. On 77 islands there are hotels of categories from 2 to 5 stars.

The Maldivians are a mixed race, whose formation was influenced by emigrants from Sri Lanka, India and the Arab countries. The population of the islands is about 240 thousand people, a quarter of whom live in the capital, Male.

The well-known center of modern international tourism has become SINGAPORE, a major financial, industrial and transport center.

Singapore has many natural and cultural attractions.

Singapore zoo, bird park, arts festival, ethnic quarters (Chinatown, little India) - these are the objects that tourists usually visit. A very original open-air memorial museum is the “Tiger Balm Park”, created in Singapore by local Chinese financial magnates from the Au family. Singaporean Chinese businessmen - the brothers Au Bin-Hau and Au Bin-Par - got rich in the production of a healing ointment - "tiger balm", which gained great popularity not only in Singapore, but also in other countries as a remedy for rheumatism, sciatica and others. diseases. The tiger balm business became a source of wealth for the Au family, which became one of the largest financial groups in Singapore.

In an effort to perpetuate their name, the brothers bought a plot of land on a hillside near the sea and created a park here. The construction of the park was completed in 1937. And it was presented by the brothers How and Par as a gift to the city with the condition that after their death this park would become a family memorial. The will of the brothers was carried out. Monuments to the brothers were erected on the upper terrace of the hill, and the park was named Tiger Balm Park.

In recent years, more and more tourists are attracted MALAYSIA- a state in Southeast Asia, the western part of which is located in the south of the Malay Peninsula, and the eastern part - in the north of the island of Kalimantan (the states of Sabah and Sarawak). Malaysia differs from other countries in the region with a unique combination of exoticism, ancient culture and the highest level of development.

Malaysia is divided into 13 states. The capital of the state is the city of Kuala Lumpur. It grew up on the site of the camp of the first tin miners. The most interesting places to visit in the capital of Malaysia are the bird park, where about 5 thousand birds live, the deer park, where unique small "mouse deer" live, and the butterfly park. Malaysia is a dynamically developing "new industrial" country in Southeast Asia. In the international division of labor, the country is known as a major producer of tin, rubber, as well as products of a number of manufacturing industries, primarily household appliances, and also as a major producer of rice.

In recent years, the country has been pursuing a policy of stimulating international tourism as a promising branch of international specialization. Many areas of Malaysia have their own unique features and are attractive for tourists. The state of Kedah, with a population of over one million, is located on northwest Peninsular Malaysia. The so-called "rice bowl of Malaysia" is located on the territory of the state. The state has many archaeological sites. Not far from the coast of Kedah is a resort - the island of Langkawi. The island is covered with tropical vegetation, but there are beaches. Approximately 112 km south of Langkawi, near the northwestern coast of the Malaysian peninsula, is the island of Penang, which is called the "Pearl of the East". Beautiful beaches and beautiful scenery have made the island a popular holiday destination.

The state of Perak with a population of about 2 million people is often called the "silver state", as there are large deposits of tin ore. Perak is attractive for tourists with numerous sights, in particular limestone caves-temples. There are a number of resort places on the territory of the state: the coastal town of Lamut, Pangkor Island, Pangkor Laut Island.

The state of Selangor is located on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. It is the most populated state in the country and at the same time the largest industrial center. The state has resorts Morib, Bagan Lalang, as well as on the islands of Carey, Ketam, Indah and Angsa.

The main resorts of the state of Negeri Sembilan ( West Coast Malaysia) are located in the 48-kilometer coastal strip near the port of Dixon.

The state of Malacca occupies the southwest of the Malaysian peninsula and is known as a center of mixing of many cultures: Indian, Chinese, European and Japanese. Therefore, the state has many historical attractions - temples, mosques, mausoleums, churches.

There are also resorts here - Tanjung Bidara, Tanjung Kling, etc.

Johor State is considered the southern gateway to Malaysia. There is a railway line connecting Malaysia with Singapore. The state has historical sites, 166 national parks, resorts. The state of Pahang on the east coast of Malaysia is the country's largest state by area. There are high mountain resorts, national natural reserves, picturesque lakes. Tioman Island belongs to the category of prestigious international resorts. The state of Terengganu on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia is the center of the country's textile industry.

Painted “batik” products and souvenirs made of copper are made here, which are bought by tourists. This is one of the most picturesque states in the country. The natural wonders of the state include the alpine lake Kunuir, as well as the Sinaya waterfall. Redang Island in the state's offshore area is considered one of the best places in Malaysia for snorkeling and scuba diving. The state of Kelantan, located in the northeast, on the border with Thailand, is called the "cradle of Malaysian culture." Here, on the coast of the South China Sea, there are many resort areas with golden sand beaches framed by coconut palms.

The state of Sabah is located in East Malaysia, in the northeast of the island of Borneo. mountain state with wild jungle and long coastline with beaches dotted with coral reefs. The state of Sarawak, which means "Land of the Hornbill", is the largest of the Malaysian states. Located on the island of Borneo, this cosmopolitan state is a land of dense jungle rich in resources such as pepper, cocoa, palm oil, timber and oil. The state has many national parks where safaris are organized. There are wonderful beaches. The state of Labuan has a dynamically developing port, it is one of the international financial centers. Within the state there are a number of islands, off the coast of which the remains of sunken ships lie, which is of interest to diving enthusiasts.

Malaysia is also known for its marine reserves. Marine reserves are a limited area of ​​the sea, which is considered a closed ecosystem in order to preserve its flora and fauna and coral reefs with fish and microorganisms living there.

Reserves are created to preserve and protect coral zones from the influence of industrialization, protect underwater flora and fauna, organize people's recreation without causing damage to wildlife.

While in marine reserves, certain rules must be observed. For example, underwater photography, swimming are allowed there, but fishing, coral collection, speed boat racing are prohibited.

Malaysia is also the center of religious tourism. Most of the inhabitants of the country are Muslims. About 30 km from Kuala Lumpur are the Batu Caves. Every year in late January - early February, a religious holiday is held here, gathering numerous pilgrims from Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. It is important to note that the country has a number of strict rules. Thus, the illegal import of drugs into Malaysia is punishable by death.

A prosperous microstate of Southeast Asia is located on the northwestern coast of the island of Kalimantan. BRUNEI.

The well-being of Brunei is based on the income received from oil production. The Sultan of Brunei is considered one of the richest inhabitants of the planet. The capital of Brunei is Bandar Seri Begawan. Here, on a compact territory of 6 thousand square meters. km is home to about 300 thousand people. The majority of the inhabitants are Malays (65% of the total population). One of the largest mosques in Asia, the Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, is located in the capital. The country also has national parks and reserves with equatorial flora and fauna. In 1994 Jerudong theme park is open in the country.

MYANMAR- "the country of golden pagodas" - known primarily as one of the most powerful enclaves of Buddhist culture in all of Asia.

The national symbol of the country is the grand Shwedagon Stupa Pagoda, built 2500 years ago and located in the capital Yangon. Power in the country belongs to the military junta, which has ruled since 1962. As a result, Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a poor agricultural country where the automobile is considered a rarity and the population continues to travel by horses and oxen. This state of affairs hinders the development of international tourism, which, with the exception of pilgrimage and sightseeing of Buddhist culture, is practically not developed in the country.

However, in Myanmar there are interesting places and attractions. Mandalay is the former capital of the Burmese kings. Here, as in other parts of the country, there are many shrines of Buddhism. An extinct volcano - Mount Popa is considered one of the most mysterious mountains country and has been a place of pilgrimage for many hundreds of years. This place is sacred for the inhabitants of the country. There are exotic floating hotels in Yangon. These are old ships, laid up along the banks of the Rangoon River and equipped as hotels.

To the northeast of Myanmar is the state of BANGLADESH - one of the poorest and most overpopulated states in the world, formed in 1971. after separation from Pakistan.

Most of the inhabitants are Bengali Muslims. The agrarian economy of Bangladesh is specialized in supplying jute to the world market. International tourism in the country is underdeveloped, as Bangladesh has a reputation for constant cyclones and floods, as well as the ubiquitous mosquitoes. At the same time, true travelers will appreciate the sights of this original country.

In the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, the greatest interest for tourists is the many mosques, Hindu and Christian temples, the unfinished Labah Fort, noisy oriental bazaars; it is the rickshaw capital. Dhaka is famous for its muslin. As natural attractions, it is worth noting the evergreen mangrove forests in the southwest of the country, the population of Bengal tigers, herds of elephants and a large number of leopards. Bangladesh is a country of water modes of transport. Ferries and steamboats are common means of transportation.

The only seaside resort in Bangladesh is Cox's Bazar, located near the border with Myanmar and has a pronounced Burmese flavor. The hotel infrastructure is poorly developed here. Tourists are attracted by huge beaches and clear sea, free from sharks. Islamic moral standards do not allow women to expose their bodies. And they can swim here only by wearing bloomers.

In the immediate vicinity of Chittagong, the second largest city in Bangladesh, is the old Portuguese enclave of Paterghat, one of the few districts in the country that has retained Christianity.

PHILIPPINES- a state in Southeast Asia, located on an archipelago consisting of more than seven thousand islands. The capital of the state is Manila. A significant part of the islands is occupied by tropical forests. Numerous national parks (Kanlaon, Mount Apo, Volcano, etc.) make promising development ecological tourism in the country.

A number of significant milestones can be noted in the history of the Philippines. In the XVI century. F. Magellan landed on the islands in order to spread Christianity here, but he was killed in a skirmish with the locals.

For a long time, the Philippines was a Spanish colony, and then became a dependent state from the United States. In 1946 the country gained sovereignty. The structure of the economy is dominated by the production of industrial and agricultural products. Mining and a number of manufacturing industries are mainly developed. In agriculture, the leading industry is crop production (sugarcane, tobacco, tropical fruits and citrus fruits). In the southeast of the country, the province of Davao is located, the population of which specializes in the cultivation of a unique industrial crop of abaca used to make fabrics.

Tourism in the Philippines is mainly associated with visiting exotic places, as well as untouched wilderness areas. The capital Manila is a major industrial, financial and cultural center.

The city has preserved the medieval church of San Augustin and buildings from the time of the Spanish conquistadors; there are the National Museum of the Philippines, the Museum of Natural History and Archeology, the Museum of Art.

SOUTH KOREA. The Korean peninsula was divided in 1953. after Korean War into two parts by a demarcation line drawn approximately along the 38th parallel. To the south of the demarcation line is the Republic of Korea, and to the north is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). On the territory of South Korea with an area of ​​about 100 thousand square meters. km is home to about 46 million people. Administratively, the country consists of nine provinces and six metropolitan cities. The capital Seoul is a city with a special status.

Last ruling dynasty In Korea, the Lee dynasty (1392-1910) began, the ancestor of which, Lee Song Kyo, founded the state of Joseon (“Land of the Morning Calm”). In 1910 the country was annexed by Japan, after the defeat of which in World War II and the formation of a zone of American military responsibility in 1948. The Republic of Korea was proclaimed.

The Republic of Korea is a state with a dynamically developing economy. In terms of GNP - 473 billion dollars a year (200 2 years) - this small industrial-agrarian country occupies 13th place in the world. In terms of tungsten mining, South Korea occupies one of the leading places in the world, and is also widely known for the dynamics of the development of manufacturing industries: electrical, electronic, chemical, oil refining, textile, as well as automotive, shipbuilding, electricity and military industries.

Seoul is the political, economic and cultural life countries. Numerous architectural monuments of the Joseon era have been preserved in Seoul: ancient gates, five palaces. Yeouido Island is the center of the financial and business life of the capital. Here are the Korean Stock Exchange, the main offices of firms. The best shopping can be done at Dongdaemun Market. Main products:.

Textiles, clothes, leather goods. The port city of Incheon is the western gate of South Korea. Located in the central part of the peninsula, Daejeon is a typical city of science.

Yusong hot springs (11 km from the city) are famous throughout the country for their healing properties. Daegu City is famous for apples and textile industry. For several centuries, the city served as the main center for the wholesale trade in medicinal drugs: honey, as well as ginseng, mushrooms, and nuts. The city of Chongzhou is the center of Korean culture and art. Ulsan is the leading center of Korean industries such as oil refining, automotive, petrochemicals, and shipbuilding. Busan is South Korea's main international trading port. More than 90% of the total turnover of containerized cargo passes through this port.

Jeju Island is one of the nine provinces of Korea. Due to its isolated position and favorable climate, the island is a popular holiday destination. The southwestern regions of the country are famous for their fertile paddy fields. These places are often called the "breadbasket" of Korea. The fields descend to the very coast, which is indented by numerous small bays. The southeastern regions of Korea have the largest number of tourist attractions. The main cities in these places are Gyeongju, Busan and Daegu. Several hotels located along the coast, beaches and mountains make the east coast an ideal place to relax. In small coastal towns and in the depths of overgrown dense forest mountains you can find many monuments of history. Ski resorts have been built for outdoor enthusiasts in the mountains. Central regions South Korea is a land covered with wide patches of paddy fields nestled in the midst of numerous mountains and hills.

CAMBODIA. The Kingdom of Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia, in the south of the Indochina peninsula. The population is 12.5 million people (2000). The state religion is Buddhism. The symbol of Cambodia, Angkor Wat is a unique complex of ancient temples. It is the towers of temples built in the 12th century that are depicted on the national flag of the country.

Cambodia is an agricultural country (the share of agriculture in GDP is 53%, and industry - 5%). It ended relatively recently Civil War that claimed a huge number of lives. For tourists arriving in Phnom Penh, the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, obligatory part program - visiting the "museum of genocide". In one of the four buildings of the museum from 1975 to 1979, when the country was ruled by the Khmer Rouge, there were torture chambers. As follows from the statistics, Cambodia is perhaps the poorest country in Asia. The per capita income is approximately three hundred US dollars per year. The economy of Cambodia is based on income from the textile industry and tourism. The textile industry is represented mainly by small factories, where windbreakers, trousers, T-shirts are sewn for America, Japan, Western Europe. An insignificant number of tourists (about 400 thousand per year) is explained by instability, backward infrastructure, and a high crime rate.

In neighboring Cambodia VIETNAM tourists visit the central cities of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. One of the most famous sights of the country is the Mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh City, the leader of the Communist Party and the organizer of the liberation war against the French colonialists. Despite the preserved socialist status, Vietnam is a country with a dynamically developing economy. In the country, in particular, in Hanoi - its capital, active hotel construction is underway. Vietnam in recent years has become a leader in a number of positions, such as coffee production.

The tourism industry is also growing. Vietnam has a number of modern resorts: Nha Trang, Phan Thiet, Danang, Dalat.

Nha Trang is the most famous resort in Vietnam, located on the shores of the bay of the same name. The resort is famous not only for its white beaches, but also for its healing springs. The air filled with eucalyptus aroma has a beneficial effect on people suffering from respiratory diseases.

Phan Thiet is a famous resort located in the south of the country, with golden beaches and equipped golf courses.

Danang is a major seaport. In the vicinity of the city there is also a resort area - a place for those who like to relax on the sea. In addition to swimming in the sea, tourists can enjoy sailing, water skiing, and diving here. The high-mountain resort Dalat, which attracts with the beauties of local nature, is popular: waterfalls, lakes, pine forests, flower beds.

There are many architectural monuments in Vietnam, reminiscent of the reign of the Nguyen dynasty. These are tombs, pagodas, and the most famous among them is the seven-story pagoda "Thien My". A significant part of the country's territory is occupied by tropical jungles. In Vietnam, the industry of national parks is gradually beginning to take shape, where tourists can enjoy views of virgin forests and exotic animals.

Vietnam, Cambodia - countries where Buddhism is the state religion. In these countries there are numerous Buddhist monasteries, temples and pagodas, which are constantly visited by religious tourists.

AT South Asia includes the following states: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives. South Asia includes the Hindustan Peninsula, the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the Himalayas, as well as the island of Sri Lanka and a number of smaller islands.

South Asia covers an area of ​​4.5 square megameters, which is 10% of all of Asia and 3% of the world's land mass, while the population of the region is 40% of the population of Asia and 22% of the world's population

Tourist and recreational potential of India and Pakistan. Republic of India located in South Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula, washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, and in most of the Indo-Gangetic lowland. The area of ​​the country is 3.3 million square meters. km, the population is 1016 million people. The official languages ​​are Hindi and English. because of vast territory it is difficult to characterize the climate as a whole, but the best time to visit is from October to March, when the cool dry season sets in.

Capital of India Delhi It is located in the northern part of the country, on the high right bank of the Jumna River. Today, Delhi can be administratively divided into three parts: the Delhi Municipal Corporation (Old Delhi), New Delhi (New Delhi) and the Military Village (Fort). Rajpah Avenue, the Gateway of India, the Presidential Palace and the parliament building adjacent to it - all this is New Delhi. The heart of Old Delhi is Chandni Chowk. This is a shopping center with narrow streets and lanes where skilled artisans offer silver, gold and silk products.

Jaipur, the capital of the state of Rajasthan, is an unusually colorful and exotic city, famous for carpet weaving, batik, perfumery and embossing. The city of Agra is home to the world-famous Taj Mahal. Tourists during excursions visit the equally beautiful cities of Fatehpur Sikri and Ranakpur.

Famous sights of Goa: the Hindu temples of Mangeshi and Mahalsa, the Muslim complex of Jama Masjid, Christian cathedrals, of which the most famous is the Basilica of Bom Jesus.

Pakistan - Islamic country with an area of ​​803.9 thousand square meters. km and a population of 137 million people. The climate in Pakistan is tropical, in the northwest - subtropical and dry, continental. In January, the temperature on the Indus plain is from +12 to +16 °С, in the mountains in the north frosts down to -20 °С are not uncommon. The average July temperature in the south and southeast of the country is +35 °C.

About 80% of Pakistani Muslims are Sunnis, who, along with the Koran, also recognize the Sunnah (the Muslim sacred tradition about the activities and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad); less than 20% are Shiites.

Capital of Pakistan - Islamabad, which was built in 1960-1970. This is a major center of science and education: the university, institutes of nuclear science and technology, economic development, strategic research, etc. are concentrated here.

Karachi (the capital of Pakistan in 1947-1959) is the largest city in the country, the main trade, economic and financial center, the sea gate. Originated at the beginning of the 18th century. on the site of a fishing village. Located in the Indus River Delta on the coast of the Arabian Sea. The largest commercial banks, insurance companies, stock and cotton exchanges are located in Karachi. The international airport serves the largest airlines in the world. Here are located naval base, one of the major universities, colleges and research institutions. About 40% of all industrial production in Pakistan is concentrated in the suburbs of Karachi.

Quetta is the administrative center of the province of Balochistan, a trade and transport hub near the border with Iran and Afghanistan. There are many educational institutions in this city, as well as geological survey Pakistan and Geodetic Institute. Lahore is the administrative center of the Punjab province, the second most important economic center of the country, as well as the most important cultural and scientific center, famous for its Punjab University, the national museum, and the cultural center.

Multan is the administrative center of the region of the same name in the province of Punjab, an important economic center. Peshawar is an administrative center, one of the oldest cities in Pakistan, a trading center on the way to Afghanistan, a major terminus of the road and railway lines connecting Karachi with the north, and an important religious center.

The rich history of Pakistan has left many attractions on its territory. These include the Lahore Fort, the Shalimar Gardens in Lahore, mosques and mausoleums of saints throughout the country, historical monuments associated with the rise and fall of empires.

Himalayan tourist area (Nepal, Bhutan). Nepal- a state in the mountainous part of South Asia, on the southern slopes of the central part of the Himalayan massif. In the north it borders with China, in the west, south and east - with India. total area country about 148.8 thousand square meters. km, the population is 19.3 million people.

The main attraction of the country is the mountains. Nepal is famous for being home to the eight highest peaks in the world and for having many hiking trails. mountain travel, usually passing through the most picturesque places.

The Kathmandu valley is the most populated part of the country. There are three main cities of the country, three capitals - modern Kathmandu and two old ones - Lalitpur and Bhaktapur.

Kathmandu- a fairly large city, but its appearance has not changed - narrow streets, many houses of unusual architecture and temples, the aroma of incense and not understandable to a foreigner rhythm of life. There is clearly not enough space in a small valley, so it is quite difficult to understand where the

Kathmandu and Lalitpur begins. Among the sights, the most interesting are the wooden temple of Kasthamandal (723) and the famous stupas of the capital - the colossal Swayambhu-nat (“Monkey Temple”, founded more than 2000 years ago), Budnat (the largest stupa of Nepal and the recognized center of Buddhism), as well as a huge area monasteries in the northeast.

A huge number of interesting places are also concentrated in the vicinity of the city - the famous statue of Vishnu lying on a bed of snakes in the center of the pond - Budhanilkantha (V century), Balaju water garden (XVIII century, 5 km northwest of Kathmandu) with a cascade of 22 fountains, the temple complexes of Gu-heshvari and Vishvarut, a magnificent stupa (3rd century BC) and the Chandra Vinayak temple in Chabakhil with an extensive “sculptural park” around. Behind the Bagmati River begins the satellite city of Kathmandu-Lalitpur (or Patan) (“the city of beauty”), which was the capital of Nepal until 1768 (founded in 229). There are also many different attractions, including the unique terracotta temple of the Thousand Buddhas.

Bhaktapur is the ancient capital of Nepal (XIV-XVI), populated mainly by Hindus, which is reflected in local architectural monuments. Now it is the third significant city of the Kathmandu Valley, although its size is small. There are more than a dozen Vishnu temples, the famous Golden and Lion Gates, the unique palace of the Mal-la dynasty (7th century), several sacred ponds, the famous Shiva-Parvati temple with bas-reliefs of mating animals, the National Art Gallery, etc.

Pokhara is the second largest city in Nepal and one of the most popular resorts in the country, located on the shores of Fewa Tal Lake at an altitude of 827 m. a Hindu temple is located on the island in the center of the lake, on the opposite shore there is a magnificent Shanti stupa and the Bishwa Shanti monastery, and in the vicinity of the city there are many monasteries, “sacred” caves, lakes and the unique Davis Fall waterfall. But the main thing for which tourists come to Pokhara is the magnificent panorama of the snow-capped peaks of Annapurna mae-siwa and trekking in the surrounding mountains. In the south of the country is the town of Lumbini - a place that is considered the birthplace of the Buddha.

Butane. Few people have heard about this country, and certainly not everyone will be able to show it on the map. Bhutan is located on the slopes of the Eastern Himalayas between two giants - India and China, which have repeatedly claimed the rights to a small mountainous territory(47 thousand sq. km).

Bhutan is located away from noisy roads. This country, which the locals call the country of the Rattlesnake Dragon, was a haven for professing Buddhism. In Bhutan, wild animals are not hunted and domestic animals are almost never killed. They take from nature only the most necessary, without which it is impossible to survive. Bhutan is a conservationist's dream come true: no harmful industries, no big cities, no chemical fertilizers and one road for the whole country. There is no poverty, no glaring wealth, no crime. The country is ruled by King Jigme Singai Wangchuck, who has been on the throne for over 30 years.

Bhutan is characterized by dzongs - huge monasteries-fortresses, accommodating several thousand people and built on small areas of impregnable rocks. Over time, settlements arose around the dzongs, including the capital of the country - Thimphu(27 thousand inhabitants).

The city of Paro is the "gateway of the country", since it is the only airport in the country. In addition, the Ta Dzog National Museum, the Druk-yul Dzong fortress and the large monasteries of Taksang Lahang Dzong, Paro Dzong, Zari Dzong and others are located here. Magnificent examples of tanka painting are stored in the monasteries.

The monastery of Taksang Lahang Dzong (Tiger's Lair) - one of the main Buddhist shrines of the country, was founded in the 8th century. Guru Rimpoche. On the territory of the monastery there is a cave in which he meditated. Punakha is the ancient capital of Bhutan. Its main attractions are several large monasteries and chhortens: Punakha Dzong, Wangdip-hodrang, Dzongchang. Punakha monasteries to this day are major centers of the spiritual and cultural life of the country. There are about 200 monasteries in the kingdom, where 5,000 monks and nuns live, of which 1,000 are in Tashichho Dzong, the largest monastery in the kingdom. Tours around the country are usually led by monks, since the representatives of the clergy in this Buddhist country are the most educated people.

Numerous art, weapons and jewelry markets, famous throughout Asia, are popular among tourists, as well as the cleanest mountain rivers and slopes of the Southern Himalayas - excellent facilities for outdoor activities, trekking and rafting (though most of them are little developed).

Usually a stay in Bhutan is combined with longer trips to India, Nepal or Thailand. Few people go to Bhutan for more than a week as it is very expensive. Interest in this country is great, but not so much that one can talk about the flow of tourists: no more than 10 people go to Bhutan from Russia a year. The choice of hotels there is small, and the hotels are uncomfortable. And although luxury hotels with 20-30 beds are gradually appearing in Bhutan, prices remain high (the average price of a room is $ 1,000 per day).

Tourist centers of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is suitable for tourism all year round, despite the fact that the island of the same name is located near the equator, in the humid tropical zone. The area is 65.6 thousand square meters. km, the population is over 17.6 million people. The best time to visit the country is from October to April. Official capital -Jayawar-denapura-Kotte, actual - Colombo.

We note the main tourist centers and attractions of Sri Lanka. Sigiriya is the most mysterious monument in the world, a building that is in no way inferior to Egyptian pyramids. Anuradhapura - first official capital Kingdom of Sri Lanka, founded by Prince Vijaya in the 4th century. BC e. It is believed that the Buddha himself blessed him with the kingdom. The sacred Bo tree is one of the most popular places of pilgrimage. Little remains of the capital itself, but there are giant royal pools and huge dagobas - spherical Buddhist temples.

Polonnaruwa - second ancient capital Sri Lankan kingdom from the XI-XIV centuries. up to our time. Unique buildings and monuments have been preserved here: shimmering Buddha statues, three giant Buddha statues in various meditation postures, as well as the largest stone book in the world, on which the canons of the Theravada Buddhist creed are carved in Sanskrit-Pali. Dambulla is a Buddhist cave temple, its unique frescoes and Buddha statues date back to the 15th-18th centuries. Kandy - last capital Sri Lankan kings who surrendered to the British in the middle of the 19th century, is famous for the temple of the sacred tooth of the Buddha, the Perahera festival, which takes place annually in July-August, and the royal botanical garden of Paradeniya. According to legend, somewhere here a stream flows out of the ground, drinking from which you can forget about quiet old age and surrender to the power of stormy youth.