Methods of personal development. Student-Centered Technologies in a Developing Environment (Speech at the Teachers' Council)

The existing models of student-centered pedagogy can be divided into three main groups: socio-pedagogical, subject-didactic, psychological.

Technology of student-centered learning The main principle of developing a student-centered learning system is the recognition of the student's individuality, the creation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for his development. INDIVIDUALITY is considered by us as a unique originality of each person who carries out his life activity as a subject of development throughout life. This originality is determined by a combination of traits and properties of the psyche, which is formed under the influence of various factors that provide the anatomical, physiological, mental organization of any person. Individuality is a generalized characteristic of a person’s characteristics, the stable manifestation of which, their effective implementation in the game, study, work, sports determines the individual style of activity. as personal education. The individuality of a person is formed on the basis of inherited natural inclinations in the process of education and at the same time - and this is the main thing for a person - in the course of self-development, self-knowledge, self-realization in various types activities. In teaching, taking into account individuality means revealing the possibility of maximum development of each student, creating a socio-cultural situation of development based on the recognition of the uniqueness and uniqueness of the psychological characteristics of the student. But in order to work individually with each student, taking into account his psychological characteristics, it is necessary to build the entire educational process in a different way. The technologization of a student-centered educational process involves the special construction of an educational text, didactic material, methodological recommendations for its use, types of educational dialogue, forms of control over the student's personal development in the course of mastering knowledge. Only in the presence of didactic support that implements the principle of the subjectivity of education, we can talk about building a student-centered process. Let us briefly formulate the main requirements for the development of didactic support for a student-centered process:

educational material (the nature of its presentation) should ensure the identification of the content of the student's subjective experience, including the experience of his previous learning;

the presentation of knowledge in a textbook (by a teacher) should be aimed not only at expanding their volume, structuring, integrating, generalizing the subject content, but also at transforming the actual experience of each student;

in the course of training, it is necessary to constantly harmonize the student's experience with the scientific content of the knowledge being given;

active stimulation of the student for self-valuable educational activity should provide him with the opportunity for self-education, self-development, self-expression in the course of mastering knowledge;

educational material should be organized in such a way that the student has the opportunity to choose when performing tasks, solving problems;

it is necessary to encourage students to independently choose and use the most significant ways for them to study educational material;

when introducing knowledge about the methods of performing educational actions, it is necessary to single out general logical and specific subject methods academic work taking into account their functions in personal development;

it is necessary to ensure control and evaluation not only of the result, but mainly of the learning process, i.e. those transformations that the student carries out, assimilating the educational material;

the educational process should ensure the construction, implementation, reflection, evaluation of learning as a subjective activity. This requires the allocation of units of teaching, their description, use by the teacher in the classroom, in individual work (various forms of correction, tutoring).

It can be concluded that student-centered learning plays an important role in the education system. Modern education should be aimed at the development of a person's personality, the disclosure of his capabilities, talents, the formation of self-awareness, self-realization. The development of the student as a person (his socialization) goes not only through mastering normative activities, but also through constant enrichment, transformation of subjective experience, as an important source of his own development; teaching as a student's subjective activity, which ensures cognition (assimilation) should unfold as a process, be described in appropriate terms, reflecting its nature, psychological content; the main result of the teaching should be the formation of cognitive abilities on the basis of mastering the relevant knowledge and skills. Since in the process of such learning there is an active participation in self-valuable educational activities, the content and forms of which should provide the student with the possibility of self-education, self-development in the course of mastering knowledge.

27.Technologies for effective management of the learning process. Alternative technologies in a foreign school.

Having originated more than three decades ago in the United States, the term "pedagogical technology" quickly entered the lexicon of all developed countries. In foreign pedagogical literature, the concept of “pedagogical technology”, or “teaching technology”, was originally correlated with the idea of ​​technization educational process, whose supporters saw the widespread use of technical teaching aids as the main way to improve the efficiency of the educational process. This interpretation continued until the 1970s. the last century. In the 70s. in pedagogy, the idea of ​​​​complete controllability of the educational process was sufficiently formed, which soon led to the following installation in teaching practice: the solution of didactic problems is possible through the management of the educational process with precisely defined goals, the achievement of which must be clearly described and defined. Accordingly, a new interpretation of the essence of pedagogical technology appears in many international publications: pedagogical technology is “not just research in the field of using technical teaching aids or computers; it is research to identify principles and develop techniques for optimizing the educational process by analyzing the factors that increase educational efficiency, by designing and applying techniques and materials, and by evaluating the methods used ”(International Yearbook on Education and Training Technology, 1978/79. - - London - New York, 1978. It should be noted that currently in foreign literature there is both an initial understanding of the essence of pedagogical technology (pedagogical technology as the maximum use of TCO capabilities in teaching), and an understanding of pedagogical technology associated with the idea of ​​managing the learning process (i.e., purposeful design of learning goals in accordance with the goals of designing the entire course of the learning process, checking and evaluating the effectiveness of selected forms, methods, means, evaluating current results, corrective measures Revealing the essence of pedagogical technology associated with the idea of ​​managing the learning process, the Japanese scientist T. Sakamoto wrote that pedagogical technology is an introduction into pedagogy system method thinking, which can be otherwise called "the systematization of education" or "the systematization of classroom teaching".

A systematic approach to learning as an essential characteristic of the concept of "pedagogical technology" is reflected in the UNESCO definition, according to which pedagogical technology is system method creation, application and definition of the entire process of teaching and mastering knowledge, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize the forms of education. In the domestic pedagogical literature, as many authors rightly point out, there are discrepancies in the understanding and use of the term "pedagogical technology".

Monodidactic technologies are used very rarely. Usually, the educational process is built in such a way that some polydidactic technology is constructed that combines and integrates a number of elements of various monotechnologies based on some priority original author's idea. It is essential that the combined didactic technology may have qualities that are superior to the qualities of each of its constituent technologies. Usually, the combined technology is called according to the idea (monotechnology) that characterizes the main modernization, makes the greatest contribution to the achievement of learning goals. In the direction of modernization of the traditional system, the following groups of technologies can be distinguished: a) Pedagogical technologies based on the humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations. These are technologies with a procedural orientation, the priority of personal relationships, an individual approach, non-rigid democratic management and a bright humanistic orientation of the content. b) Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities. Examples: game technologies, problem-based learning, learning technology based on abstracts of reference signals V.F. Shatalova, communicative learning E.I. Passova, and others. c) Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of the organization and management of the learning process. Examples: programmed learning, differentiated learning technologies (V.V. Firsov, N.P. Guzik), learning individualization technologies (A.S. Granitskaya, I. Unt, V.D. Shadrikov), prospective-anticipatory learning using reference schemes with commented control (S.N. Lysenkova), group and collective methods of teaching (I.D. Pervin, V.K. Dyachenko), computer (information) technologies, etc. d) Pedagogical technologies based on methodological improvement and didactic reconstruction educational material: enlargement of didactic units (UDE) P.M. Erdnieva, technology "Dialogue of cultures" B.C. Bibler and S.Yu. Kurganov, the system "Ecology and Dialectics" L.V. Tarasova, technology for implementing the theory of phased formation mental actions M.B. Volovich, and others. e) Natural, using the methods of folk pedagogy, based on the natural processes of child development; training according to L.N. Tolstoy, literacy education according to A. Kushnir, M. Montessori technology, etc. Pubis. g) Finally, many of the existing systems of copyright schools are examples of complex polytechnologies (the most famous are A.N. Tubelsky’s “School of Self-Determination”, I.F. Goncharov’s “Russian School”, E.A. Yamburg’s “School for All”, "School-Park" M. Balaban and others

28. Humanistic educational systems and technologies.

The educational system of the school can be authoritarian or humanistic. ^ Humanistic educational system- an educational system focused on the personality of the pupil, on the development of his abilities, on the creation of conditions for his self-development, self-realization in an atmosphere of security and pedagogical support. Researchers have identified the signs of humanistic educational systems: the presence of a holistic image shared and accepted by both adults and children own school, an idea of ​​its past, present and future, its place in the surrounding world, its specific features; eventful nature in the organization of the life of children and adults, the integration of educational influences through their inclusion in collective creative affairs; the formation of a healthy lifestyle of an educational institution, in which order, positive values, a major tone, the dynamism of the alternation of various life phases (eventfulness and everyday life, holidays and everyday life) prevail; pedagogically expedient organization of the internal environment educational institution- subject-aesthetic, spatial, spiritual, the use of educational opportunities of the external (natural, social, architectural) environment and participation in its pedagogization; implementation of the protective function of the school in relation to the personality of each student and teacher, the transformation of the school into a kind of community, the life of which is built on the basis of humanistic values. The educational system of the school is created by the efforts of all participants in the pedagogical process: teachers, students, parents, scientists, production representatives, sponsors, etc.

An important aspect of the problem educational systems is the idea of ​​creating a single educational space, that is, the purposeful development of the environment by the school. This makes the school an "open" educational system. Environmental approach in the theory of educational systems, it is defined as a set of theoretical provisions and actions with the environment, turning it into a means of controlling the processes of formation and development of the child's personality (M.B. Chernova). Each educational system finds its own connection with the surrounding social and natural environment, expanding the range of possibilities for educational influence on the individual. An effective educational system can become the center of education in school and society. The process of formation and functioning of the educational system occurs due to targeted management actions for its development. Management activities are impossible without studying and evaluating the effectiveness of the educational system.

29. School management and management of educational work. Direction of development innovation activities in education.

. Intraschool control represents the type of activity of school leaders together with representatives of public organizations to establish the compliance of the system of educational work of the school with national requirements and school plans development. Control is conveniently carried out using diagnostic tools.

To assess the progress of the school in its development, the following indicators are usually evaluated:

1. Innovative activities of the school: updating the content of education (knowledge of the updated basic and additional components, training and education programs); updating the methods and forms of work (reflexive methods of mastering programs, the modular and cycloblock system of organizing UVP; the predominance of group and individual forms of organizing cognitive activity over general classroom ones); a combination of introspection, self-control with self-assessment and assessment of a partner in joint cognitive activity.

2. The method of organizing the educational process (UEP): self-government, cooperation of teachers, students, parents in achieving the goals of education, upbringing and development; joint planning and organization of the activities of the teacher and student as equal partners; high level motivation of participants in the pedagogical process; comfortable material-spatial and psychological-pedagogical environment for all participants in the integral pedagogical process; the right to choose the content of the profile, forms of education for students.

3. The effectiveness of the UVP, the correspondence of the final results to the planned ones: a high positive level of upbringing and learning of students (above 75%) (well-readness and deep knowledge of any field of science, attitude towards social norms and law, attitude towards beauty, attitude towards oneself).

Along with constant intra-school control (self-control), in order to ensure a unified state basic level of knowledge, skills, abilities and the level of upbringing of schoolchildren, state control school activities. This control is exercised by the educational authorities. The object of their inspection (examination) is the managerial activity of school leaders, and not the work of the teacher. Control over the quality of the teacher's work, the quality of students' knowledge, their upbringing is carried out and evaluated by the intra-school department of the pedagogical process.

Pedagogical experience is a practice that contains elements of creative search, novelty, originality, it is high skill teachers, i.e. such work that gives the best pedagogical result.

Pedagogical innovation - purposeful pedagogical activity based on understanding one's own pedagogical experience by comparing and studying, changing and developing the educational process in order to achieve better results, gain new knowledge, and introduce other pedagogical practices. innovation, innovation, aimed at transforming existing forms and methods of education, the creation of new goals and means of their implementation.

The main thing difference innovative education from the traditional one is to create conditions for the development of the full potential of the individual, so that the pupil is ready for any, even unforeseen future, and is able to adapt to new situations.

Sources the emergence of innovative processes in the practice of an educational institution are:

1) teacher's intuition;

2) experience born in this school;

3) pedagogical experience of other schools;

4) regulatory documents;

5) the opinion of the consumer of educational services;

6) the needs of the teaching staff to work in a new way, etc.

Innovations act as a way to solve problems that arise in non-standard situations of functioning and development of educational processes.

Types of innovations:

According to the technology of education;

According to the form of organization of the educational process;

In pedagogical practice, the following stages of innovation development are distinguished:

    Formation of ideas, development of ways of implementation.

    Approbation - testing of what was invented; confirmation of pluses and correction.

    Distribution of new practice.

    obsolescence of innovation.

Difficulty in evaluating innovation : innovation processes are programmed for the future, and are evaluated in the present, i.e. what is not presented, what is not yet there, is evaluated.

Innovative pedagogical experience -innovations in pedagogical activity, changes in the content and technology of training and education, with the aim of increasing their effectiveness.

30. Pedagogical profession and its features. Leaders teaching profession.

The nature of the teaching profession. The pedagogical profession is distinguished from a number of others primarily by the way of thinking of its representatives, an increased sense of duty and responsibility. In this regard, the teaching profession stands apart, standing out in a separate group. Its main difference from other professions of the "man-to-man" type is that it belongs both to the class of transformative and to the class of managing professions at the same time. Having as the goal of his activity the formation and transformation of the personality, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of her intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of her spiritual world. The main content of the teaching profession is relationships with people. In the teaching profession, the leading task is to understand social goals and direct the efforts of other people towards their achievement. The peculiarity of training and education as an activity for social management consists in the fact that it has, as it were, a double object of labor. On the one hand, its main content is relationships with people: if the leader (and the teacher is such) does not have proper relations with those people whom he leads or whom he convinces, then the most important thing in his activity is missing. On the other hand, professions of this type always require a person to have special knowledge, skills and abilities in any area (depending on who or what he manages). The teacher, like any other leader, must know and represent student activities, the development process of which he directs. Thus, the teaching profession requires double training - human science and special.

The peculiarity of the teaching profession lies in the fact that by its nature it has a humanistic, collective and creative character. The humanistic function of the teaching profession. Two social functions have historically been assigned to the teaching profession - adaptive and humanistic ("human-forming"). The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student, pupil to the specific requirements of the modern socio-cultural situation, and the humanistic function is associated with the development of his personality, creative individuality. The work of a teacher always contains a humanistic, universal principle. Its conscious promotion to the fore, the desire to serve the future characterized progressive educators of all times. So, a well-known teacher and figure in the field of education of the middle of the XIX century. Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm Diesterweg, who was called the teacher of German teachers, put forward the universal goal of education: serving truth, goodness, beauty. "In every individual, in every nation, a way of thinking called humanity should be brought up: this is the desire for noble universal human goals." To achieve this goal, he believed special role belongs to the teacher, who is a living instructive example for the student. His personality wins him respect, spiritual strength and spiritual influence. The value of the school is equal to the value of the teacher. The history of the teaching profession shows that the struggle leading teachers for the liberation of its humanistic, social mission from the pressure of class domination, formalism and bureaucracy, the conservative professional way of life adds drama to the fate of the teacher. This fight gets tighter as it gets harder social role teacher in society. Purely adaptive orientation The activity of the teacher has an extremely negative effect on himself, as he gradually loses his independence of thinking, subordinates his abilities to official and unofficial prescriptions, ultimately losing his individuality. How more teacher subordinates its activity to the formation of the student's personality, adapted to specific needs, themes in lesser degree he acts as a humanist and moral mentor. And vice versa, even in conditions of inhumane class society the desire of advanced teachers to oppose the world of violence and lies with human care and kindness inevitably resonates in the hearts of the pupils. The collective nature of pedagogical activity. If in other professions of the "person-to-person" group, the result, as a rule, is the product of the activity of one person - a representative of the profession (for example, a salesman, doctor, librarian, etc.), then in the teaching profession it is very difficult to isolate the contribution of each teacher, family and other sources of influences into a qualitative transformation of the subject of activity - the pupil. With awareness regular amplification collectivistic beginnings in the teaching profession, the concept of the total subject of pedagogical activity is increasingly being used. The collective subject in a broad sense is understood as the teaching staff of a school or other educational institution, and in a narrower sense, the circle of those teachers who are directly related to a group of students or an individual student. Certain features of the collective are manifested primarily in the mood of its members, their performance, mental and physical well-being. This phenomenon is called the psychological climate of the team. The creative nature of the teacher's work. Pedagogical activity, like any other, has not only a quantitative measure, but also qualitative characteristics. The content and organization of the teacher's work can be correctly assessed only by determining the level of his creative attitude to his activities. The level of creativity in the activities of the teacher reflects the extent to which he uses his abilities to achieve the goals. The creative nature of pedagogical activity is therefore its most important feature. But unlike creativity in other areas (science, technology, art), the teacher's creativity does not aim to create a socially valuable new, original, since its product is always the development of the individual. Of course, a creatively working teacher, and even more so an innovative teacher, creates his own pedagogical system, but it is only a means to obtain the best result under given conditions. The creative potential of a teacher's personality is formed on the basis of his accumulated social experience, psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge, new ideas, abilities and skills that allow him to find and apply original solutions, innovative forms and methods and thereby improve the performance of his professional functions. Only an erudite and specially trained teacher, based on a deep analysis of emerging situations and awareness of the essence of the problem, through creative imagination and a thought experiment is able to find new, original ways and means of solving it. But experience convinces us that creativity comes only then and only to those who have a conscientious attitude to work, constantly striving to improve their professional qualifications, replenish knowledge and study the experience of the best schools and teachers. The area of ​​manifestation of pedagogical creativity is determined by the structure of the main components of pedagogical activity and covers almost all of its aspects: planning, organization, implementation and analysis of results. In modern scientific literature pedagogical creativity is understood as a process of solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances. Turning to the solution of an innumerable set of typical and non-standard tasks, the teacher, like any researcher, builds his activities in accordance with general rules heuristic search: analysis pedagogical situation; designing the result in accordance with the initial data; an analysis of the available means necessary to test the assumption and achieve the desired result; evaluation of the received data; formulation of new tasks. However, the creative nature of pedagogical activity cannot be reduced only to the decision pedagogical tasks, because in creative activity cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivational-need components of the personality are manifested in unity. Nevertheless, the solution of specially selected tasks aimed at developing any structural components of creative thinking (goal setting, analysis that requires overcoming barriers, attitudes, stereotypes, enumeration of options, classification and evaluation, etc.) is the main factor and essential condition development creativity the personality of the teacher. The experience of creative activity does not introduce fundamentally new knowledge and skills into the content of teacher training. But this does not mean that creativity cannot be taught. It is possible - while ensuring the constant intellectual activity of future teachers and specific creative cognitive motivation, which acts as a regulatory factor in the processes of solving pedagogical problems. These can be tasks to transfer knowledge and skills to a new situation, to identify new problems in familiar (typical) situations, to identify new functions, methods and techniques, to combine new methods of activity from known ones, etc. Exercises in analysis also contribute to this. pedagogical facts and phenomena, highlighting their components, identifying rational foundations certain decisions and recommendations. Often the sphere of manifestation of creativity of a teacher is involuntarily narrowed down, reducing it to a non-standard, original solution of pedagogical problems. Meanwhile, the teacher's creativity is no less manifested in solving communicative problems, which act as a kind of background and basis for pedagogical activity. V. A. Kan-Kalik, highlighting, along with the logical and pedagogical aspect of the teacher's creative activity, the subjective-emotional one, specifies in detail communication skills, especially manifested in solving situational problems. Among these skills, first of all, should be attributed the ability to manage one's mental and emotional state, act in a public setting (assess the situation of communication, attract the attention of the audience or individual students, using a variety of techniques, etc.), etc. A creative person is also distinguished by a special combination personal and business qualities characterizing her creativity. E. S. Gromov and V. A. Molyako name seven signs of creativity: originality, heuristic, fantasy, activity, concentration, clarity, sensitivity. The teacher-creator also has such qualities as initiative, independence, the ability to overcome the inertia of thinking, a sense of the truly new and the desire to learn it, purposefulness, the breadth of associations, observation, and developed professional memory. Each teacher continues the work of his predecessors, but the teacher-creator sees wider and much further. Each teacher in one way or another transforms the pedagogical reality, but only the teacher-creator actively fights for cardinal transformations and is himself a clear example in this matter.

Russian new university


subject genetic approach, personal development technologies, professional education, subject-genesis approach, technology for personal development, professional education

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The article reveals the essence, possibilities and effectiveness of using the technology of personal development (TLR), which has been repeatedly confirmed in a number of studies of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners working on solving the problems of personal development in the system vocational education

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Today human capital as the ability of a person to creative work, all the leading politicians of the country called the main wealth of Russia, one of the ways to increase which is considered the development of education. At the same time, many experts in the development of this type of resources agree that it is not just the accumulation of a certain amount of knowledge by a person, but the acquisition and application of the qualities of a mature subject of life that makes it a national treasure. For the operational description of such qualities, general cultural and general professional competencies are most often used as expected and measurable learning outcomes, which include: - readiness for responsible goal-setting and implementation of one's intentions, the ability to make independent motivated decisions in non-standard situations and readiness to bear responsibility for their consequences; - the ability to build partnerships, readiness to interact with colleagues, readiness to lead a team in the field professional activity, the ability to organize the work of performers, find and accept management decisions, ability to work in a team; - the ability to design the trajectory of one's own professional development, willingness to develop initiative and independence, the ability of a graduate to self-organization and self-development, the ability to build a personal life strategy. It would seem that with such powerful political and administrative support and quite understandable parameters of the goal, universities should have easily deployed active work on the formation of these competencies. In some cases, even a group of disciplines appeared, which are often referred to as personal development technologies - TLR. But unified system still no. Moreover, against the background of quite rightly preserved traditional form purely substantive training TLR is still classified as a marginal part of the educational program and, not without reason, the educational block of the educational work of the university, which is often reduced exclusively to cultural and leisure forms of student activity, is considered responsible for the development of the listed group of competencies. As our experience of many years of implementation of educational modules, including personal development technologies, has shown, the problem in this case is not limited to the usual conservatism for universities. First of all, the developers and organizers of the implementation of educational programs are not entirely clear on the theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of this group of competencies. There is another group of problems, largely associated with the traditional system of organizing the entire work of the domestic system of vocational education. Habitual for domestic high school knowledge translation system and the continuing practice of bringing the possession of this knowledge into best case to the level of skills, they simply interfere with organizing the educational process (that is, not only the educational process, but also the educational process associated with it!) in an orientation towards the development of sustainable skills. These problems should not be attributed to the category of manifestations of the fundamental impossibility of establishing such work in the domestic system of vocational education. For more than a quarter of a century, we have been successfully implementing in a number of classical, technical and humanitarian universities educational program training of qualified users of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the purpose of which is precisely the development of the subjective potential of students. The theoretical and methodological basis for this work was the subject-activity direction in the study of the nature of the human personality. Within its framework, we formulated a subject-genetic approach to the organization and implementation of various types of psychological and pedagogical practice, in which educational and educational work regarded as one educational activities. It considers the main task of the formation and development of the student's personality as the determining principle of his own activity, organizing all his life activities in an orientation towards socially acceptable personal success, well-being and prosperity. Successfully implemented as components of the TLR educational modules " Applied psychology personality”, “Technology effective communication”, “Life navigation” involves a combination of classroom activities with daily practice aimed at transforming acquired knowledge and skills into sustainable skills. At the same time, as key educational goals students master the methods of assessing a person as a subject of life, technologies for designing and organizing negotiations as ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts, algorithms for planning and optimizing various types of their own life. The invariant basis for all these varieties of personal development technologies are such procedures mastered by students as: - organization - the expedient ordering by them of various types of their own life; - optimization - the best use of resources in the course of solving vital tasks; - regulation - the formation and maintenance of mental and physical condition that provides the required level of performance and is most appropriate for a particular situation. TLR subjectogenetic orientation also implies the development by students of decision-making technologies in individual and group modes of work, algorithms for effective interpersonal communication, methods of role regulation social behavior, design methods for future activities. It is important to note that the educational modules used for this contain methods of both logical and intuitive search for solutions and evaluation of the results obtained. The work associated with forecasting the possible and desired future is combined with various options evaluation of the results obtained during the construction and implementation by students individual programs self-development, in the creation and implementation of various personal projects. Such projects can be carried out as part of the educational, scientific, leisure activities of students, their hobbies, participation in volunteer movement, work in construction and pedagogical teams, etc. . The success indicators of TLR, taking into account their subjectogenetic orientation, are divided by us into two groups. In the group of subjective indicators, we included signs of a positive emotional response of students to the results obtained and the events accompanying them, enthusiasm for what is being done, strengthening positive relations with the reference group, attitude towards what is happening and what has been achieved as something worthy, socially acceptable and filled with deep meaning, and as well as overall life satisfaction. The group of objective indicators includes the compliance of the results with the intentions, the effectiveness of actions, the magnitude and sign of the deviation from the norm/standards of well-being ( detailed description the procedures performed in this case are given in the works). The effectiveness of the described version of TLR has been repeatedly confirmed in a number of studies by domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners working to solve the problems of personal development in the system of vocational education. However, there remain a number of fundamental important issues, the answers to which will largely determine the fate of the very idea of ​​including TLR in the domestic system vocational training. First of all, we have to decide whether this system trains trained performers of an activity given from the outside or forms and develops actors. This question ceases to seem rhetorical, given the clear tendency to consider the mass information of students as the norm and the desire to evaluate the results of the education system solely by the accuracy of the reproductive reproduction by students of the information they provide. Already available methodological developments effective options for TLR will be widely used only if all, without exception, links in the system of vocational education are truly tuned to prepare students for creative work and, in general, for successful life.

Use of innovative models of organization, content and technology educational process in order to provide optimal conditions for the development and self-determination of the personality of the child.

Material Description: article intended for teachers primary school and class leaders. This article describes the creation of conditions for the formation of a socially active personality that combines high moral qualities, efficiency, creative individuality, the need to lead healthy lifestyle life, humanistic attitude to the world.
Author: Shikina Tatyana Ivanovna
Place of work: primary school teacher MBOU "Marine secondary comprehensive school" urban district of Sudak, Republic of Crimea

Recently, the term "innovative pedagogical technologies" has become widely used.
Before considering the essential features of innovative pedagogical technologies, let's clarify the key concepts of "innovation" and "pedagogical technology".
The word innovation is latin origin and in translation means renewal, change, introduction of a new one. AT pedagogical interpretation innovation means an innovation that improves the course and results of the educational process.
Researchers of the problems of pedagogical innovation (O. Arlamov, G. Burgin, V. Zhuravlev, V. Zagvyazinsky, N. Yusufbekova, A. Nichols, etc.) try to correlate the concepts of the new in pedagogy with such characteristics as useful, progressive, positive, modern , advanced.
V. Zagvyazinsky believes that what is new in pedagogy is not only ideas, approaches, methods, technologies that have not yet been put forward or used in such combinations, but also that complex of elements or individual elements of the pedagogical process that carry a progressive beginning which makes it possible in the course of changing conditions and situations to effectively solve the task of upbringing and education.
Distinguish the concept of innovation, or a new way and innovation, innovation. Innovation is the means itself new method, methodology, technology, program, etc.), and innovation is the process of its development.
Alone scientists(V Slastenin, L. Podimova) consider innovation as a complex process of creating, distributing and using a new practical tool in the field of engineering, technology, pedagogy, scientific research. Others deny that innovation cannot be reduced to the creation of means. Podlasy believes that innovations are ideas, and processes, and means, and results, taken as a qualitative improvement of the pedagogical system.
Disagreements in the interpretation of the concept are caused by the unequal vision of their authors of the essential core, as well as the radical nature of innovations. Some of them are convinced that innovation can only be considered something new that results in cardinal changes in a certain system, while others include any, even minor, innovation in this category.
The basis and content of innovative educational processes is innovative activity, the essence of which is to update the pedagogical process, introducing new formations into the traditional system. The desire to constantly optimize the educational process has led to the emergence of new and improvement of previously used pedagogical technologies. different levels and different targeting.
Today, the concept of pedagogical technology has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon. There are different views on the disclosure of this concept.
technology- this is a set of techniques that are used in any business, skill, art;
pedagogical technology- a set of means and methods for recreating theoretically substantiated processes of education and upbringing, which make it possible to successfully implement the tasks of education (V. Bezpalko);
pedagogical technology- a set of psychological and pedagogical installations that determine a special set of forms, methods, means, teaching methods, means of education; it is an organizational and methodological tool of the pedagogical process (B. Likhachev);
pedagogical technology- a system set and the order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means that are used to achieve an educational goal (G. Klarin);
pedagogical technology- this is a model of joint pedagogical activity, thought out in every detail from the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for the student and teacher (V. Monakhov).
pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying, defining the entire process of teaching and mastering knowledge using a computer and human resources, the task of which is to optimize the forms of education.
Whole line The authors, in particular V. Kukushkin, believe that any pedagogical technology must meet some basic methodological requirements (technological criteria).
Conceptuality. Each pedagogical technology should have an inherent reliance on a certain scientific concept, which contains a philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving an educational goal.
Consistency. Pedagogical technology should have all the features of the system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity.
Possibility of management. It provides for the possibility of diagnostic assignment, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, variation by means and methods in order to correct the results.
Efficiency. Modern pedagogical technologies exist in competitive conditions and must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guaranteeing the achievement of a certain standard of education.
Reproducibility. The possibility of using (repetition, recreation) pedagogical technology in other identical educational institutions, other subjects.
Visualization (typical for individual technologies). It provides for the use of audiovisual and electronic technology, as well as the design and use of a variety of didactic materials and original visual aids.
One of the most important strategic tasks at the current stage of education modernization is to ensure the quality of training specialists at the level international standards. The solution to this problem is possible subject to change pedagogical methods and implementation innovative technologies learning. This is what developmental and distance learning serve.
One of the first definitions of this concept is associated with the work of pioneers in the field of developmental education, primarily with the work of V.V. Davydova: “...development is a reproduction by an individual of historically established types of activity and their corresponding abilities, which is realized in the process of their appropriation. Thus, appropriation (it can be represented as a process of education and training in broad sense) is a universal form of human mental development.
A teacher who is capable and ready to carry out innovative activities at school can take place when he realizes himself as a professional, has a mindset for the creative perception of the existing innovative experience and its necessary transformation. In the Modernization Concept Russian education for the period up to 2020 important task: to prepare the next generation for life in a rapidly changing information society, in a world in which the process of the emergence of new knowledge is accelerating, there is a constant need for new professions, for continuous professional development. And key role In solving these problems, the possession of a modern person by ICT plays. In this regard, the teacher needs to prepare students for a variety of activities related to information processing, in particular, the development of informatization and ICT tools. In modern society, many will agree with me, it is easier to teach children than to educate. The process of education requires a more subtle approach to the child and it is a process of constant creativity. Activity class teacher primarily aimed at working with students of the whole class. It forms the motivation for the learning of each individual child, studying his age and individual characteristics to develop and stimulate cognitive interests; through a variety of forms and methods individual work; creates favorable conditions for the development of citizenship, worldview culture, skills of creative work, creative individuality, successful entry of the child into society, the formation of a democratic culture in the system of class self-government. The basis for the development and upbringing of the child continues to be fundamental knowledge that he receives in the course of the educational process. However, the education of a person should be focused not only on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of independence, personal responsibility, creative abilities and human qualities that allow him to learn, act and work effectively in modern economic conditions. This is what the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education directs us to, defining the priority of education in the process of achieving a new quality of education. Based on this, one of the priority areas of the educational process is to strengthen the role of the class teacher in the school. Education is one of the most important components of the educational process along with training. Complementing each other, education and upbringing serve a single goal: the holistic development of the student's personality. Teaching and upbringing are so closely related to each other that since informatization of educational and subject activities is underway, this cannot but affect the educational process. The class teacher should be at the epicenter of the innovative activity of the educational institution. Therefore, the class teacher is expected to work filled with both new content and new technologies for designing the educational process. Information and communication technologies play a huge role in solving educational problems. The widespread introduction of ICT in the educational process made it possible to expand the arsenal of methodological techniques: it became possible to create spectacular computer facilities education with elements of sound, video, multimedia, which helps to increase the efficiency of pedagogical work.
Today, one of the urgent tasks of Russian education is the development and creation of the most effective conditions learning and development for each student as part of the educational process at school. This is due to the social need for creatively thinking individuals striving for an active independent activity, self-realization, competitive, ready to generate and implement new ideas in various fields of knowledge. At the same time, ensuring the transition of the educational process of the school to a qualitatively new level that meets the state tasks of modernization is of particular importance. educational environment in the space of the modern information society.
Learner-centered learning puts the originality of the child, his self-worth, the subjectivity of the learning process at the forefront. This is such a methodology for organizing the conditions for training and education, which involves the inclusion of self-personal functions or the demand for the subjective experience of each child. A student-centered approach in the conditions of developmental education at school creates the prerequisites for the development of creative thinking of schoolchildren, stimulates students to search original solutions tasks set in the learning process, contributes to successful self-realization children in various types of educational and creative activities.

Technology of personality development. Educational project "Alternation of creative assignments" (ChTP) in the system of formation of a socially active, creative personality.

Smagina Elena Panteleimonovna
primary school teacher

GOU secondary school No. 354
Moscow region
St. Petersburg

One of the main tasks modern society is the upbringing of a growing person as the formation of a developed, communicative, mobile, socially active personality. The new educational standard establishes requirements for the results of students, one of which is the development of independence and personal responsibility for their actions, including in information activities, on the basis of ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom.

Therefore, build pedagogical process, it is important that the teacher act as a hidden initiator of the activity, and in this case, the children get the impression that they themselves are the initiators of the activity. As pointed out, "the teacher with scientific point vision - only the organizer of social educational environment, the regulator and controller of her interaction with each student”.

It is known that for younger students, individual people act as carriers of social values ​​and ideals - mother, father, teacher and ... peer. Therefore, the children's team is organized by adults as an instrument of education already at primary school age. Important role plays the nature of the relationship between children, which develop in a changing system of permanent and temporary associations. This leads all children through the role of leaders and performers, teaches them to organize comrades and obey a comrade, teaches mutual assistance and mutual responsibility, develops in students regulatory, communicative and personal skills.

The method of creating small groups within cool team who are entrusted with the execution of short-term tasks, allows the best way implement the assigned tasks. A child in this small group is constantly under the influence of the opinions of his comrades, it is more difficult for him to evade accepted norms behavior. In addition, it is easier for children to independently manage a small number of peers. Only in this case, each child can determine for himself such a position in which all his talents are realized, and he will be able to achieve certain personal results.

To implement these tasks, you can use the PTP method ( rotation of creative assignments). From the first grade, the guys are divided into groups of five or six people. In the 1st grade, the groups are divided by the teacher, then the children are divided into groups themselves at will. The group leader, name, emblem and motto are selected. Group commanders change over time with the goal that each of the guys has been in the role of leader and felt a responsibility not only for themselves, but also for others.

Every day, the creative assignment in the group changes: today - "on duty", tomorrow - "flower growers", the day after tomorrow - "players", etc. The total number of creative assignments is thought out according to the number of groups in the class. These can be "class attendants", " journalists”, “naturalists”, “nurses”, “gamers”, “canteen attendants”, “schoolchildren” who watch the readiness of children for the lesson, check the rules, the multiplication table, learned verses, etc. etc. Thus, each child takes care of the flowers during the week, organizes a game at recess, cleans the class, is on duty in the dining room, writes down the most interesting event from the life of the class in the "Journal", checks whether a friend has learned a lesson, etc.

Of course, not every child succeeds, and not everything turns out well, but the support of his comrades, the approval or disapproval of them and the teacher stimulates his activity. It is necessary to use incentives and small prizes for the children of the group who worked successfully all week. Within the group, children invent tasks for themselves. They make a to-do list for themselves for the week: work with a child who is not good at studying, check homework before the lesson, for those children who often forget to prepare it, check whether the multiplication table has been learned, etc.

Once a week, class time is allotted for criterial self-analysis of children's activities. They discuss what worked out of the planned, what failed, what are the reasons for the failure, outline new plan work for the week. Over the course of several weeks, each group “builds its own house”, where the bricks have certain colors corresponding to criteria: red - tried, and everything worked out, green - tried, but not everything turned out, blue - did not try. A “Class Life Journal” is being maintained, where drawings, poems, funny cases in the classroom, the results of the raids of orderlies, the results of intra-class and school competitions, etc.

This form of work, although it requires a lot of effort, time and imagination from the teacher, gives a positive trend in the formation personal skills of students. Children in this class are friendly, active, creative and friendly. They themselves begin to come up with scenarios for productions, they themselves play them in reading lessons, extracurricular activities, classroom hours and even at breaks, they prepare mini concerts. Among them are directors, presenters and actors. Such children decide faster problem situations without the involvement of adults, they are independent, mobile, communicative. A team of like-minded people is being formed, where each child finds his own social niche.

Thus, in order to form socially active person it is necessary to organize a system of multifaceted children's team. At the same time, the targeted inclusion of each child in social activity. System for alternating creative assignments allows for long-term educational project which creates conditions for the formation of the ability for independent actions and actions, for taking responsibility for their results, develops industriousness, the ability to overcome difficulties, purposefulness and perseverance in achieving results, forms the basis of the moral self-awareness of the individual (conscience) - the ability of the younger student to formulate their own moral obligations, to exercise moral self-control, to demand from oneself the fulfillment of moral standards, to give moral assessment their own and others' actions. The CHTP system fully complies with the requirements of the federal state educational standard primary general education.

Below are some creative options.

Alternating creative assignments.


Competition for the "most - most" (the cleanest collar, the neatest hairstyle, the most neat appearance etc.).
. "The sun, air and water, are our best friends." Orderlies bring notes from newspapers and hygiene magazines.
. Raid "Your handkerchief". The raid is carried out in such a way that the children do not know about it in advance.
. Operation " Clean hands". Orderlies check their hands before entering the dining room.
. Competition for the best workplace. During the break, children check the workplaces.
. Displaying the results in the newspaper ("Hedgehog", "Prickle").

. "Board-magazine" ("Travel Diary"). Every day, children take notes about the life of the class (this can be both funny situations and serious things).
. "My mother" A new page of the notebook - an essay about dear person. After everyone has been journalists, the notebook is kept until Mother's Day. As an option - a notebook with removable sheets. At the holiday, these sheets in an envelope are given to mothers.
. "Little Interview". On Teacher's Day, journalists interview different teachers("When I was a student ..."). The material goes to the school newspaper on Teacher's Day. As an option - interviews with students "If I were a teacher ...".
. "Book of suggestions". The guys write down their proposals for spending the holidays. The proposals are recorded and discussed in the class. As an option - the heading "Our free time".
. "In secret". (Diary of revelations: What makes you happy? What makes you sad? ..). The child shares his experiences with the guys (it is carried out only when the team begins to form in the class). As an option - at the beginning of the study, the child shares his experiences with teacher.
. "Mailbox". The child indicates a problem in the class, writes it down and can drop the note into the mailbox without a signature. Problems are discussed at the class hour.

. "Our games". An album is made out as a gift to first-graders (each page is a game that the child wrote out and designed, or cut out and also designed).
. "Our game library." The child cut out (wrote out) a small game, brought it to class, put it in a box (in an envelope). A large collection of games is being assembled.
. "Play with us." The child organizes a game at recess. The game is taken from the classroom library. The teacher helps him. The game is learned. Next time, another child shows new game. You can also play your favorite game.
. "Sports calendar". Children prepare messages about sports achievements in the country, at school, in the classroom.
. "Game with a pencil". Children draw their crosswords, rebuses, charades, entertaining examples on a Whatman paper at breaks and solve them.

book lovers
. Book Hospital. Children repair books from the classroom or home library.
. "Can you read?" The guys read each other their favorite passages from books or simply introduce friends to a book they like.
. "Our library." Children make a card index of the class library.
. "On the roads of a fairy tale." The guys bring drawings-illustrations of the read fairy tales. An exhibition is being arranged. A quiz can be organized based on the drawings.


. "Doctor plants". Children bring a postcard medicinal plant. The album is being made.
. "Under our protection." The guys bring postcards, clippings, drawings of plants and animals that are listed in the Red Book. An album is being compiled.
. "My friends". They bring their own stories, fairy tales, essays about pets. There may be drawings and photographs. An album is drawn up.
. "Let's help our friends." Children and their parents prepare feeders and hang them out in the yards. Today, the "naturalist" on duty is watching the feeder.

Names, slogans.
. "Friendly" - "Be friends always, be friends everywhere, be friends on land and in water!"
. "Why" - "We, girls and boys, spend days with a book.
A hundred thousand "Why?" we will answer what's what!
. "Friendship" - "Our motto is simple and concise: where there is friendship, everything is in order!"
. "Dandelion" - "Hold on so that we are not blown away!"
. "Source" - "Searching, building, creating, discovering everyone!"
. "Bobblehead" - "Let the mind conquer the force!"
. "Bam" - "Let's think actively!"
. "Sparkle" - Sparkle by spark, together - a fire!
. "A cheerful hive" - ​​"Though the bee is small, its deeds are great."
. "Cheerless" - "Friendship - yes! Enthusiasm - always! To help in every business, it will be difficult - not to squeak!”
. "Sun" - "So that the sun shines, so that it is enough for everyone,
So that flowers bloom in the meadows, so that you and I are friends!
. "Brigantine" - "May Brigantine never have mud on board!"