All-Russian Conference “Traditions and Modernity in the North Caucasus: Personality as a Subject of Organizing the Time of One's Life. Personal growth and relationships

TYPOLOGY OF THE PERSONAL ORGANIZATION OF LIFETIME The above-mentioned concept of the life path of S. Buhler was the basis for a paradigm shift in understanding the personality itself and its life. Despite the fact that most of the concepts of personality associated its essence with development, and were not only interested in its “structure”, the personality was implicitly presented as given “here and now”, and the structural approach involuntarily pushed to the idea of ​​it as some kind of substance. S. Buhler for the first time, contrary to all biographical approaches that represented life as an individual set of circumstances accompanying the personality and developing relatively favorably (or unfavorably), called life an individual "history", thereby emphasizing its specific natural character. But, as has already been said, she failed, in a common Marxist formulation, to reveal "the role of the individual in history." Starting from the 1940s, S.L. about the relationship between personality and life, about the determination by the personality of the course of her life.

In the work "Man and the World" the philosophical and psychological concept of personality as a subject of life was completely built. But this concept opened up many problems concerning the specifics of the time of life itself and the specifics of the time of the individual as living this life. At the first stage in the development of this Rubinsteinian concept, we emphasized the presence of two counter-objective and subjective determinants in the development and implementation of the life path. We noted that living conditions and circumstances objectively set the personality of temporary problems, frameworks, requirements, tasks, on the one hand. On the other hand, the personality itself is capable of organizing life time - its use for development and personal growth, its acceleration, intensification, saturation or ... loss, i.e. to independence from objective time. But this understanding, albeit a fundamental one, was still a fairly abstract model. Its abstractness consisted in the fact that both series of times (life and personality) remained outside, and not implying each other. The model according to which a person optimally and rationally organizes the time of his life seemed utopian when compared with the empiricism of the ways of life of real people.

Therefore, the idea of ​​a typological approach to this problem arose - its theoretical formulation and empirical research. The typological method used in this study was radically different from the typologies common in Russian differential psychology. The latter (typology of I. P. Pavlov, B. M. Teplov) are detected in each type different combination the same initially identified characteristics (strength nervous system, lability, etc.). Such typologies can be considered closed. In contrast, in perennial empirical research personality, we have developed (based on the ideas of Meyen and Schroeder) the so-called method of progressive typology, which can be called open. The typology of the personal organization of time, according to our assumption, should have revealed not only the different ratio of the three components (awareness, experience and practical organization activities) of each type, but also its functional temporal capabilities (or limitations). Typological principle focused on identifying not so much the differences between different types as on their internal mechanisms that provide one or another way of life of a person in time.

The typological approach was combined with a complex one. Starting from the first work carried out in line with this concept by V. I. Kovalev, the number of studied characteristics of time included “how a person not only perceives ... but also experiences his life time, what are his ideas about time (conditioned as personal experience individual life, and assimilated socio-historical cultural experience), as he is aware of the course of this time. What is the personal attitude to time, what is the psychological organization and regulation by a person (and in a person) of “the time of his life and how do all these temporal psychological phenomena, processes and formations change” in various mental states, both individual and in the process of group activities [Kovalev V. I. Features of the personal organization of life time // Humanistic problems psychological theory. M., 1995.].

V. I. Kovalev carried out a deep methodological analysis of the problem of time, proposed and developed two basic principles for its analysis and conceptualization. The first was the isolation and differentiation of the psychological organization of a person and a person of time, which included the processes of perception, experience, awareness and attitude to the time of life, and personal regulation - the use, mastery and management (transformation) of time. This differentiation divided the subjective psychological time and personality time. To denote these both aspects, we used the concept of “organization” developed in detail by A. A. Malinovsky, which allows us to reveal and take into account the objective, independent of a person (including social ways organization) and actively carried out by a person, a person as a subject, an arbitrary, individual way of organizing life.

The second principle was to identify the levels of organization of psychological times, which have “the following ascending sequence: subjective-experienced, perceptual, personal, subjective and individual time” [Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Personal time regulation // Psychology of personality in a socialist society. M., 1990.].

It cannot be said that in this study this principle was implemented quite deeply, in all respects. Undoubtedly, the differentiation between the mental level of time organization and the personal level was carried out very convincingly. However, in doing so, V. I. Kovalev opened up a direction for further research, just as in the future he consistently and progressively developed and implemented the typological method and approach that he tested for the first time. As we will see later, in subsequent studies, the correlations of the conscious, unconscious, unconscious and even bodily levels of the psychological and natural organization of time were captured and revealed (T. N. Berezina, N. Yu. Grigorovskaya). But the levels of such a plan are not ontogenetically level characteristics that V. I. Kovalev had in mind. To prove their ontogenetic nature, further research is needed. special study. However, it was extremely important in the methodological approach of V.I. Kovalev that ontogenetic development, i.e. age stages of the life "cycle" (in the terminology of B. G. Ananiev), he considered not as age periodization, but as a personal, i.e. ascending to the level of the subject and individuality, development. The personal level is characterized by the development of a value attitude to time. Here, V. I. Kovalev, relying on the concept of V. N. Myasishchev, defined the relationship to time not as adjacent to other relationships (to people, life, activity, etc.), but as “the core of all personality relationships” [Kovalev V I. Features of the personal organization of life time // Humanistic problems of psychological theory. M., 1995.], bearing a value character. "Depending on what individual person considers in his life the most important, necessary and essential, just formed different attitude to the use by each person of the time of his own life and its different value-time orientation” [Myasishchev V. N. Personality and neuroses. L., 1973.].

According to V. I. Kovalev, the subject (and the corresponding level) is characterized by "mastery of time", the creative intensity of life. We have found that the main criterion for the quality of the subject of life, which acquires a personality, is the ability to resolve contradictions, and contradictions of a different plan - between objective conditions and the requirements of life and the subjective possibilities and needs of the individual, between the various objective conditions and requirements of life in which the subject is involved and which give rise to the need for him to make decisions, finally, the contradictions that are created by the very activity of the subject, his desire to direct life and its circumstances in the desired direction , the desire to "turn" (S. L. Rubinshtein), "refract" (E. Ryazantsev) life (1973, 1977). Of course, in order to resolve such contradictions, a reflection of life is necessary, a high level of life generalizations, which are carried out in the context of the main life vector - the meaning of life. The quality of the life time subject is realized only when he reveals, realizes the role of the life path he has traveled, but not as such, but in the categories of the attitude to life and death achieved or comprehended by the person, supporting or devaluing the present, its role only when weighing the real possibilities and realities, finally, only when you see, moreover, the ability to "build" your life perspective.

V. I. Kovalev designated the level of individuality as the highest level of time organization. In this notation, we followed the ideas and definition of individuality as top level personality development, given by B. G. Ananiev and S. L. Rubinshtein (in contrast to the understanding of individuality as individual personality traits, “special” - B. M. Teplov, V. S. Merlin, etc.). We were able to characterize this level only many years later after the development and creation of various temporal typologies in a number of studies [Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Life strategy. M., 1991]. Here, in a preliminary order, we can say that V. I. Kovalev managed to theoretically-phenomenologically and partially empirically identify the presence of four types, which can be called personal types of life organization. But only then, many years later, we scientifically realized and posed the problem of how each type relates to life. It was in the characterization of the type that the idea of ​​individualization was expressed; not every person is absolutely unique in his attitude to life, to time; in their organization there are some typical variants of these relations and ways of organizing the lifetime. But the level of individuality was revealed only by rethinking different typologies: each type realizes (or does not realize) itself as an individual, organizes life according to the principle of strategy or tactics. On these concepts, expressing the cardinal idea of ​​a person's search for conformity of his life to his type, we will dwell below in more detail.

The studies carried out in line with our paradigm were originally aimed at identifying some temporal characteristics of the personality itself, realizing itself in the course of life. The first theoretical and empirical result was the proof by V. I. Kovalev of the typological nature of these structures [Kovalev V. I. Features of the personal organization of life time / Humanistic problems of psychological theory. M., 1995.]. The main discovery was the presence of a factor of prolongation or situationality that clearly differentiates people and a factor of their activity-passivity. In other words, the construction of the typology was based on the concept of personality activity, corresponding to the category of the subject, which, as the study showed, was of a different temporal nature, had a different temporal duration. Activity was differentiated according to the activity-passivity factor, which, in combination with situationality-prolongation, formed four types - active-situational, passive-situational, passive-prolonged, actively-prolonged. Since V. I. Kovalev mainly used the methods of free interviews, trying to reveal the very phenomenology of the organization of time as fully as possible, his typology was then tested by us in more stringent experimental conditions based on the use of the method of unfinished action by B.V. Zeigarnik, the technique of time by S.L. Rubinshtein and the Dembo self-assessment test modified on a temporary basis. Since the task of V. I. Kovalev was to consider the personality in the context of life, his typology received the following expression: The spontaneously ordinary type is characterized by the dependence of the personality on the events and circumstances of life; a person does not keep up with the times, cannot organize the sequence of events, anticipate their onset and prevent their implementation. This way of organizing life is characterized by situational behavior, lack of personal initiative. Functionally effective, in which the person actively organizes the course of events, directs their course, joins them in a timely manner, achieving efficiency, while the initiative covers only certain periods of the course of events, but not their subjective or objective consequences, there is no prolonged regulation of life. Contemplative, which manifests itself in the absence of the ability for the practical organization of time, in passivity, but spiritual and intellectual, creative life. Prolonged trends are found. A passively prolonged type of contemplative who sees the complexity of the world, but is unable to solve it on his own, was also described by C. G. Jung. Creative and transformative, which is characterized by a prolonged organization of time, correlated with the meaning of life, with social trends. Controversy (or problem) this study consisted in the fact that, outside of a longitudinal study, it would be quite arbitrary to judge the nature of the regulation and organization of a person's life path only on the basis of this moment reflexively determined characteristics of its activity.

Some time later, after the work of V. I. Kovalev, we carried out a kind of diagnostic additional (control) stage of the study, which was of an empirical nature, based on the methods of Zeigarnik, Rubinshtein and Dembo listed above. Its purpose was to test and confirm Kovalev's hypothesis about the data on the four types of personality, which were obtained by in-depth interviews and theoretical analysis.

Without setting out the entire course of the control experiment, we can briefly summarize that it was Zeigarnik’s method that artificial interruption of an action (first intellectual, then practical) clearly revealed how protracted some subjects “hold” and continue it or maintain full readiness to continue it at any time, and others complete, not wanting to continue, in accordance with their situationality, submitting to the external completeness of the situation of action. Prolongation or situationality, in turn, depends on how much the action is immanent to the personality itself, i.e. how actively, independently, proactively it implements it. However, it is essential that there are four types (and not two - passive-situational and active-prolonged), i.e. there is passive way"retention", prolongation, and the active type can be situational.

The application of S. L. Rubinshtein's test for planning the time of the week revealed that active-situational and actively-prolonged types do not allow errors. This result prompted us to conduct a special study of time planning, which was carried out by VF Serenkova (more on this below). The actual result this test can be interpreted in such a way that only types that are the subjects of the organization of their time (active) are able to accurately and accurately plan it, fit it into objective terms and structures of time. Finally, Dembo's self-assessment test confirmed the validity of three types (active- and passive-situational and active-prolonged). The passive-prolonged type did not evaluate itself in such categories, which prompted us to further develop a more detailed and subtle method of self-assessment of their temporal characteristics.

This typology was the starting point further research primarily because it implicitly contained some unresolved contradictions along with the explicit directions given by this typology. From the standpoint of many years of understanding these contradictions, we can formulate them as follows.

The study of time in psychology has revealed the contradiction inherent in psychological knowledge and psychological science in general, between the value-humanistic and objective-scientistic characteristics of the psyche and personality and the methods of their research. The problem arose of how it is possible to objectively study the structures of the organization of time (including measuring them), if time becomes a value of the individual, in other words, it is enough to have motivation - and all rhythms, speeds change by themselves, if the significance of experiencing the present, as it were, pulls out what is experienced from time , gives it to eternity, etc. In other words, the value and objective-temporal aspects of the personality and psyche acted either as mutually destroying or as orthogonal aspects that do not intersect anywhere and are not reducible in one coordinate system. According to the publication: K.

A. Abulkhanova, T.

Berezina. Personal time and life time. - St. Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2001.

In continuation of our conversation about life without haste (see article) - a new trend of our era, a new look at your life, I want to say this.

The idea of ​​"slow life" does not mean "doing nothing" while lying on the lawn. Against. Adherents of this lifestyle specifically choose a job that will NOT “take away” all the time from them but only a small part of it. For what?

Yes, just in order to have the most time to do and try in your life. To have balance in life between work (business), personal life. To have more free time to communicate with your family, to achieve your goals, fulfill your desires. To make your dreams come true.

Other useful articles: * * *

1. Are you curious to know which 50 goals in a person's life list are the most popular right now among people from different countries?

List of targets collected Internet edition of On this site, more than 3 million people from all over the world talk about their goals. It is interesting to know: what is the goal in the life of a person from another country, or rather, many people from many other countries?!

Here they are, 50 goals in a person's life - the most popular in the world:

  1. lose weight
  2. write your book
  3. Do not put off dreams, deeds for later (the problem is called “procrastination”)
  4. fall in love
  5. Become happy man
  6. Make a tattoo
  7. Spontaneously go on a trip without planning anything
  8. Get married or get married
  9. Start traveling around the world
  10. To drink a lot of water
  11. Keep your diary
  12. See the northern lights
  13. Learn Spanish
  14. Keep a personal blog
  15. Learn to save money
  16. Take lots of photos
  17. Kissing in the rain
  18. To buy a house
  19. Make new friends
  20. Learn to play the guitar
  21. run a marathon
  22. learn french
  23. To find new job
  24. Pay off loans
  25. Read a lot of books
  26. Become self-confident
  27. Actively live
  28. Write a story
  29. Jump with a parachute
  30. Switch to a healthy diet
  31. Exercise
  32. Learn Japanese
  33. Learn to cook delicious
  34. Start your business
  35. Quit smoking
  36. Visit 50 states
  37. learn sign language
  38. Swim with a dolphin
  39. Learn to play the piano
  40. Become a surfer
  41. Correct your posture
  42. Find 100 things other than money to be happy
  43. Don't bite your nails
  44. Define an occupation for the rest of your life
  45. Learn to dance
  46. Learn to drive a car
  47. Change, improve life
  48. Get financial independence
  49. Learn Italian
  50. be organized

It struck me that there were so few financial goals on this list. The first places are occupied by goals about travel, self-development, love and happiness.. It's great that more and more people in the world have stopped listening to stupid advice at personal growth trainings, that supposedly all people without exception should set excessive requirements and goals for themselves, achieve them in order to become very rich. It seems to me that such recommendations cause anxiety and do not bring happiness.

2. Why do we need goals in a person's life (examples) and how can they change life?

There is, I would say, some kind of mysticism in this issue. Do you know what unites successful people who became happy because they have been doing what they love all their lives? They are united by a common quality inherent in all of them - purposefulness and an irresistible desire to achieve their dreams or goals. All of them very early, even in childhood or adolescence, set before themselves and write down a list of goals and did everything to achieve them.

An example is the life of John Goddard, a Guinness World Record holder, explorer and traveler, an outstanding anthropologist, holder of scientific degrees in anthropology and philosophy.

But do not be embarrassed and compare yourself with this hero. Such people are the exception rather than the rule. It’s just that the example of John Goddard especially clearly shows how written down goals help to live more interestingly and vividly.

How many goals should a person have? The more you write them on your list, the easier it will be for you to find your innermost desires and dreams, make them come true and become happy.

3. Which goals are more important, financial goals or goals of spiritual and personal growth?

This question is very similar to the question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?". Now I will explain why. Materialists will say that if you have money, you can easily fulfill all your dreams and goals. For example, start traveling the world. To buy a house. Learn languages. Therefore, first you need to do financial goals– find a new job, build your own business and the like.

For information: who are the Materialists and Idealists. Materialists believe that matter is primary and gave rise to consciousness. Idealists, on the contrary, that consciousness is primary and it created matter. This contradiction is called by many the main question of philosophy.

But my grandmother always told me (without knowing it herself, she belonged to the Idealists) that if God is in the 1st place, then everything else will be added and will be in their places. She said: "Don't wait financial well-being to give birth to a child. Because if God gives a child, He will give a child!”

Using logic, prudence, pragmatism, it is difficult to understand this grandmother's principle and even more difficult to apply in life. Because it is difficult, impossible to explain it from a scientific, materialistic point of view.

But sayings and proverbs (I call them the quintessence centuries of experience of our ancestors) seem to be trying to pass on to us the knowledge and wisdom of previous generations.

This wisdom is based not on logic and pragmatism, but on observations of the connection between actions and events, both in the life of one person and entire generations:

  • Man proposes, but God disposes (Russian proverb)
  • Easy come easy go English proverb"What is easily acquired is easily lost"
  • What happens, happens in time (Chinese proverb "Accidents are not accidental")

List of proverbs different peoples can be continued ad infinitum. But how can even these three proverbs of different peoples be explained from the point of view of logic and materialism?

Based on these considerations and being an idealist, I made goals for myself in the following sequence: spiritual perfection –> Personal growth and relationships -> physical health–> Financial goals.

Spiritual improvement:

1. Do not judge, watch your thoughts

2. Conquer your talkativeness, listen to others

3. Charity: monthly transfer money to those in need ( Orphanage, children's hospital, old neighbors)

4. Complete the house for parents, help parents

5. Help children until they get back on their feet.

6. Do not interfere in other people's affairs, unless they ask for advice.

7. Give alms to beggars - do not pass by

8. Do not retell other people's sins (Cham's sin)

9. Go to the Temple for Sunday services at least 2 times a month

10. Do not store, but give unnecessary, but good things to those in need

11. Forgive wrongs

12. Fast not only on Lent, but also on Wednesdays and Fridays

13. Visit Jerusalem for Easter

Personal growth and relationships:

16. Get rid of your laziness, stop procrastinating

18. Take your time, live in a slow-life style, leaving time for communication with family, contemplation, reading and your hobbies

20. Learn to cook deliciously for family and friends, go to master classes

21. Learn to grow herbs, vegetables, fruits and flowers in your garden

22. Go to Latin American dances with your husband

23. Learn to take professional photos

24. Improve English - watch movies and read books

25. Spontaneously go on a car trip with your husband without planning anything.

26. Learn how to do daily cleaning for 15 minutes instead of general cleaning of the whole house

27. Meet more often with children and friends, go to concerts, performances, exhibitions

28. Travel the world 2 times a year with my husband, children and friends

29. Go on a trip with your husband not for 2 weeks, but for several months to Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Bali

30. Ride an elephant, swim with a dolphin, a huge turtle, a sea cow

31. Visit the Serengeti Park in Africa with your husband

32. To be alone with her husband in America

33. Take a multi-deck cruise with your husband

Physical health:

34. Get regular massages

35. Exercise every day

36. Go to the sauna and pool once a month

37. Every evening - a quick walk

38. Refuse harmful products completely

39. Once a month - 3-day hunger strike

40. Lose 3 kg

41. Drink 1.5 liters of water a day

Financial Goals:

42. Increase income from a vending enterprise - a network of payment terminals

43. Boost Your Monthly Blogging Revenue

44. Become a professional webmaster

46. ​​Raise your blog traffic to 3000 visitors per day

47. Make money on affiliate programs

48. Write one blog post every day

49. Purchase products in wholesale stores

50. Swap a petrol car for an electric car

51. Build the work of your projects in such a way as to receive passive income

52. Learn how to save, open a savings account and top up monthly

Of course, you can write all your goals in any order. In fact, that's how they should be written. I divided them into 4 groups to make it clear that in life it is necessary to maintain a balance between the goals of Business and Finance, Relationships, Health, Spirituality. In general, I always write all the affairs, goals, dreams in a row. Below in section 4 “How do I list my goals?” I will talk about it in detail.

I've included my goals as an example. Everyone is different and changes over time. For example, there are no parenting goals on my list. This is because they have already been fulfilled - our children have grown up and live independently.

4. How do you list your goals? 50 goals in a person's life list in present tense

Working in large banks, on large IT projects, I took a lot of interesting trainings in psychology, motivation, stress management, time management, emotional intelligence, personal growth. In these trainings we were taught the techniques of setting goals and intermediate tasks to achieve them.

But I especially liked this simple and effective technique:
  • You need to mentally “turn off your consciousness” and, without hesitation, start writing by hand on a blank sheet of paper all your desires, goals, tasks - large and small.
  • It is necessary to write as much as possible, the main thing is “not to turn on the brain” and not to stop.
  • Write “today's” problems, for example, “for the son to pass the test” or “take out the trash from the garage” or “buy a live Christmas tree in a pot for the new year”. And global, for example, "so that children choose professions to their liking", "so that they successfully graduate from universities."
  • Then break down your goals into short, medium and long term. Also highlight the goals themselves and what can be called tasks to achieve these goals.

By the way, I often met this idea in the books of successful people, but did not attach any importance to it. They all say that it is important to write down desires and goals, and this helps in some incomprehensible way to fulfill them.

If you are thinking about goals, then you will probably also be interested in this useful article. It will help you look at personal finance goals in a different way. After reading the article, you will understand how easy it is to secure a decent “pension” for yourself, without even waiting for retirement age! Be sure to pass on this simple but valuable knowledge to your children, because in our schools it is not customary to teach personal finance issues.

5. How to fulfill the goals, slowly and in the joy of yourself and your loved ones?

We know that all people are different. They have different psychotypes, abilities, charisma, efficiency, intuition. Therefore, everyone lives, creates, realize their dreams and goals DIFFERENTLY, based on their abilities and character.

Let's consider a small example. I will now describe the “portrait” of my successful friend:

  • He is an optimist, it helps him a lot in business.
  • He has good abilities, but he is lazy.
  • At some moments, when you need to get together, do something important - laziness recedes and he becomes assertive and purposeful.
  • He is also a very spontaneous person. If he lights up with some idea, then he instantly embodies it, without arguing. Because of this, there are often losses, but in general the job is done quickly.
  • He often relies on intuition and if something "doesn't work", he easily puts it off, knowing that in "the time" it will be done easily.
  • He does a lot of things absolutely disinterestedly, helping people.

Now you can roughly imagine (based on this characteristic) how my friend achieves his goals: sometimes lazily, sometimes impulsively, sometimes assertively and purposefully, sometimes relying on intuition. But he never goes against his nature, character, his moral principles. And this is the secret of his success.

Do you understand what I'm getting at? I want to say that we are all different and what you definitely should not do in order to achieve your goals is not to break yourself. No need to drive yourself into a state of stress, no need to reproach yourself for sluggishness. And never go against the dictates of your heart and do not do what you do not like just because everyone has such a goal on the list.

For example, I do not like to exercise in the gym. Let everyone go, but I won’t, because I tried several times and made sure that it doesn’t bring me pleasure, and therefore no benefit

Do not listen to anyone that you need to devote so much time to your goal every day that you need to schedule everything by day and hour. In this case, you will become a slave to your ambitions. You need your goals in order to live interestingly, to love, to be a happy person, to do what you love.

Live slowly, enjoy life, refuse to rush at home, at work and in relationships with all people. To this the idea of ​​slow life Many progressive people from many countries have already come. And stop blaming your children for sluggishness the way your parents reproached you (I recommend an article on how to raise children happy and unleash their intellectual and creative potential :). Since we are talking about children, I also recommend that you read an article about progressive and about, which will be in demand in 10 or more years.

Conclusion: In order to start living more interesting, without delay, sit back now and write, without hesitation, as many small and big things as possible, goals, tasks and desires.

And then, if the mood appears, you can divide them into financial, personal and others. For big and small. But I will tell you that my life goals, desires and dreams I always write down in a row. And I shared them today for the 1st time only for this article, so that it becomes clear what goals are.

Do you like this approach? No boredom! I love this new positive approach to life - do everything with joy, the way your heart tells you!

Finally, I propose to watch a wonderful video describing the ingenious and easy way, how to joyfully and at the same time effectively achieve results in 4 directions of life goals. I loved the idea of ​​setting small goals on the way to big ones and celebrating the accomplishments of each one! At the same time, cover all 4 areas of your life and set at the beginning only one goal. I take this cool idea into service!

I wish you all inspiration and self-confidence!

See you soon!

Integration of three temporal modalities and biographical thinking

Supreme and integral process mental reflection is thinking. Its place in the structure of consciousness and the integrating function are preserved in relation to the reflection of the lifetime. The integration of all temporal modalities, and hence the processes of memory, imagination, perception and other psychological mechanisms, occurs in the processes of thinking. Thinking serves as a means of adequate reflection of the lifetime in all its modalities, a means of overcoming the defenses of memory (repression), perception ( perceptual defense), imagination (illusions about the future).

In consciousness, the reversibility of time is possible. Thanks to thinking, memory and imagination, the subject can be transported into the distant past and relive it, or look at the present day from the point of view of the future, or place it in the past. Free time travel is possible in our minds, and psychologist V.I. Kovalev called this ability transspective (). This mechanism is a concrete manifestation of biographical thinking and makes it possible to foresee the future (perspective), return to the past (retrospective) and review the present (you can call it actual perspective).

The temporal aspect of biographical thinking is manifested in the reflection of the events of one's own life in the contexts of biological and historical time, on the scale of ontogeny and the history of society. In this respect, the importance historical knowledge for the individual, her humanitarian education. Formation in history lessons and spontaneously when reading historical novels and viewing historical films, acquaintance with oral traditions of ideas and concepts of historical time becomes a means of developing the historical and, at the same time, biographical thinking of the individual. What has been learned, experienced, understood from big story becomes integral part own - small - history of the individual, is included by it in the subjective picture of the life path.

A healthy personality is characterized by a complete structure of psychological time, when a person reproduces the past, present and future in his mind. In psychology and philosophy, ideas have been expressed that for optimal development personality useful preservation in maturity age features previous phases of life. The Russian philosopher of the 20th century P.A. Florensky wrote: “The secret of creativity is to preserve youth. The secret of genius is in preserving childhood, the children's constitution for life ... "(). (This idea was confirmed in studies of the age aspect of mental giftedness, in particular, in the works of N.S. Leites).

The success of orientation in the past, present and future is expressed in the timeliness of life decisions and actions of the individual. Even the most logical correct solution unfeasible and pointless if taken too late or too early. K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya drew attention to timeliness as a characteristic of the subject of life in her works of the 80s. But even before that, the question of timeliness arose in developmental psychology and pedagogy when discussing the problem of sensitive periods individual development. Indeed, pedagogical influences will be successful if they are timed to certain age conditions educated, take into account the zone of their proximal development, age-related possibilities and limitations, and therefore are timely.

In terms of the life path of the individual, timeliness is determined by correlating life plans with the prospects for age development, with trends in social development macroenvironment and relations in the microenvironment. The timeliness of life decisions, steps is, as it were, falling into the rhythm of objective events, including historical ones. The latter means that the subject of life must have a developed sense of history in order to capture historical moments suitable for active action.

Another aspect of dealing with the time of life is connected with the account of the limitation of the time resource by the personality. There is never enough time, it must be saved, planned and distributed. At the same time, the acceleration of the rhythm of one's own life and those around it depends on the individual. Creating an eventful life, involving other people in these events, it intensifies life and, as it were, speeds up the passage of time. Such an ability arises in a developed personality, which in a unit of time does a large amount of work, realizes a greater number of goals. Development of abilities (work capacity, working capacity, intelligence, special abilities) means, therefore, the potentiation of time. So in the process of actualization of these potentials, its SAVINGS occur.

The concept of time potentiation was proposed by K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya (). It illuminates the problem of abilities in a new way and indicates the ways of development of the mechanisms of regulation of life activity in time. A person with developed mechanisms of such regulation becomes competent in time (A. Maslow).

The management of life time depends on the orientation of the individual. A person decides for herself what to spend her life time on, what plans to implement in the first place, where to direct maximum efforts at a given time. The relationship to time is connected with the meanings of activities and the meaning of life, as it is understood by the individual. Hence the differences in the organization of life in time.

IN AND. Kovalev identified four types of personal organization of time (). The first type is ordinary-situational. Constantly preoccupied, fussy, his condition depends on the circumstances. Always busy, but does not highlight the main life line, distant goals. Lives with everyday worries, solves current routine tasks of life. A sort of "Bee".

The second type is functionally effective. Cheerful, fit, businesslike. But his activity in to a large extent unfolds within social role and set functionally by society. Self-confident OR dependent on circumstances. Good time distribution social functions, but does not correlate these functions with own life in general, does not wonder if there is a deep life meaning in his activity. This is not a reflective Pragmatist.

The third type is contemplative-reflexive. Contrasted with the second and the first is that it lives an inner life. There are two options here. The first, when the inner life closes completely in itself, does not correlate well with outer life and loses any serious content, since it does not reflect real life does not affect its actual process. You can say about him: "Dreamer" (the hero from "White Nights" by Dostoevsky good example of this type). The second variant of this type is distinguished by the creative, independent character of the inner life, but social activity. He is self-deep, profound. unhurried, observant, outwardly little expressive. He thinks a lot, correctly reflects life, but acts little. Let's call him "The Contemplator".

The fourth type is consciously transformative. The most dynamic, well oriented in life circumstances, highlights the main thing in them and uses them for his own purposes. Understands the meaning of life and strives to live in accordance with it. He is characterized by an enthusiastic and energetic manner of activity in decisive life situations. Able to maintain the chosen line of life, despite the pressure of life circumstances. He is the Master of Destiny.

The organization of life time may be related to what we call personal time preferences. There are people in their life decisions and in the general dynamics of inner life oriented towards the past, others towards the future, still others towards this moment*. (*Earlier, we cited evidence of the relationship with time by L.N. Tolstoy (orientation to the present), A.A. Blok (aspiration to the future). But I.A. Bunin, according to the Russian poet I.V. Odoevtseva, was especially sensitive to the past: "With what incredible strength he experiences the past! As if there is no past for him. As if for him everything that once was, lasts, is happening here, today, now" (). There are some reasons to assume that one or another orientation, firstly, depends on age, and secondly, it is typological in nature and is associated with the peculiarities of the personality structure.

So, in one study by the St. Petersburg psychologist P.I. Yanichev among high school students and students, 20% of those who are focused on the past were identified. This type of orientation correlates with anxiety, low emotional self-control, and subordination. Orientation to the present, found in 30% of the subjects, is associated with the stability and realism of the personality. Orientation to the future (50% of the subjects) correlates with high self-control, self-organization, independence. Thus, the ratio of times in the subjective picture of the life path depends on structural features and level of personality development.

There are data on age-related variability of correlations in the consciousness of the personality of the past, present and future. According to T. Cottle, with the transition from childhood to maturity, the proportion of the past and the future in the mind of the individual increases. At maturity, the future time is approximately equal to the past time. Twenty-year-old subjects have a range of the future three times greater than the past compared to mature people(given according to (6)).

The ability to organize life time changes with age as the personality develops. In childhood, it is minimal, and the child obeys the regime and the social schedule of life to a greater extent than he manages his time on his own. In maturity, the organization of life time depends on the individual, but in the production and socio-political spheres this occurs within the limits that her status and social functions allow her.

A person achieves the greatest independence when organizing his free time, but even here there are many restrictions associated with financial security and health. Retirees in developed rich countries have ample opportunities for self-organization of their life time, being financially independent and free from many tasks. functional duties. However, for them, too, the problem of shortening the future life time is inevitable, which can deprive the sense of any activity of the old man, given a certain attitude to the values ​​of life and one's own death.

The meaninglessness of life in old or young people leads to existential frustration. Existential frustration turned into the past is experienced as a life lived in vain. In relation to the present - as a feeling of hopelessness, emptiness. There is also the frustration of the future, when goals are blocked, and it seems to a person that his life is over ().

These states were studied by R.A. Akhmerov in the context of biographical crises (). Biographical (life) crisis - an acute dissatisfaction of the individual with his own life, its productivity. The latter is expressed in a sense of hopelessness, when a person does not see a life perspective, a feeling of emptiness (experience of exhaustion of strength, lack of incentive for life), unfulfillment (a sense of wasted years).

Coping with existential frustrations and biographical crises is easier for a mature person with a sense of responsibility, strong will and developed biographical thinking. It is important that overcoming difficulties on the path of life depends on the philosophy of life, on the basis of which a person finds special "techniques of being" (G. Tome), in other words, develops individual style behavior in life trials. In general, crises are overcome by people who have become individuals, in the sense of the word that V. G. Ananiev gave it.

The All-Russian Conference "Traditions and Modernity in the North Caucasus: Personality as a Subject of Organizing the Time of One's Life" was held in Gelendzhik ( Krasnodar region) September 26-27, 2008. It was initiated and carried out by the Department of Personality Psychology and general psychology Kuban state university(KubSU) at active participation Southern federal university(SFU) and supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (grant No. 08-06-38684 G / Yu), as well as the Administration Krasnodar Territory.

Study various aspects subjectivity of the individual in the organization of the time of his life - a new facet of scientific and practical research in the psychology of the individual. dynamic socio-cultural, political, economic environment, the accelerating pace and changing conditions of life require a person to be conscious, active, rational use of their time, finding the best ways to regulate personal and professional time.

The conference was attended by scientists, teachers, applicants and graduate students from many cities of Russia: Krasnodar, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novorossiysk, Sochi, Pyatigorsk, Gelendzhik, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Kazan, Surgut, Tomsk, etc. It is important that the problems of the conference attracted the attention of specialists in general, social, gender, developmental psychology, personality psychology, and labor psychology. The conference demonstrated general theoretical and interdisciplinary research, philosophical aspect problems of organizing the time of a person's life.

On the first day of the conference, reports were read at the plenary session, demonstrating the diversity of research views on the personal organization of life time and the active position of the individual in it. Speakers: Conference co-chairman Z.I. Ryabikina (KubGU), who opened the conference and in her report spoke about the subject-existential approach to the personality and the problem of organizing her life time; IN AND. Morosanova (Moscow, PI RAO) with a report on the time perspective in the structure of self-consciousness and the regulation of human behavior; S.K. Nartova-Bochaver (Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University) with a report on the parameters of organization by the subject of personal time, features and constructs of temporary self-organization; V.A. Labunskaya (SFedU) with a report on life satisfaction and attitudes towards time; A.N. Kimberg (KubGU) with a report on the deconstruction of psychological time; G.A. Brandt (Ekaterinburg, Humanitarian University) with a report on the structuring of the life cycle of a woman in a culture whose main values ​​are motherhood and love.

In the discussion on the problem “Personal features of the organization of time and mental health»reports were made by N.E. Kharlamenkova (Moscow, IP RAS) " Typical Violations rhythms in an emotionally unstable personality”; G.Yu. Fomenko (KubSU) "Modes of personal beingness and features of the organization of time in extreme conditions life"; A.S. Kuznetsova (Moscow, Moscow State University) "Ideas about rest in the system of values modern professional»; R.M. Shamionova (Samara, SSU) "Influence of social representations on youth self-determination".

The first day of the conference ended with a master class by A.S. Kuznetsova (Moscow, Moscow State University), devoted to the techniques of self-regulation of human states, used in the current working time by various professionals.

On the second day of the conference, the report of Yu.P. Zinchenko (Moscow, Moscow State University) "Trends in the development of modern psychological education." The author spoke about modern reforms education in high school and answered numerous questions related to the introduction of innovations in the universities of the country.

Leading discussions on the problem "Krasnodar Territory as an Olympic and resort-tourist region" I.B. Shuvanov (Sochi GUTiKD) and S.N. Tesla (Sochi) put before the conference participants topical issues on scientific and practical problems of the role and participation of Russian psychologists in the organization and conduct of winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

Problems of the organization of time as an aspect of the identity of time, as well as personality traits organization of time in the context of psychological health were discussed in the speeches of psychologists of KubSU and its branch: N.A. Vasilchenko, M.V. Grauberger, L.N. Ozhigova, Yu.B. Shlykova, M.V. Tyutyunnik and others E.V. Kharitonova (KubGU) made a presentation "Timeliness of activity - demand - identity of the individual: correlation of concepts", S.D. Nekrasov (KubSU) made a report “Competence of human being as a factor in updating his ideas about time in a situation of choice”, E.V. Ulko (KubSU) made a presentation "Local Identity and Time Perspective of Personality".

B.A. Yasko (KubGU) with the report "Sense of time - an attribute of professionalism", M.Yu. Shirokaya (Moscow, Moscow State University) with the report " Subjective assessment life time of teachers in the context of innovative transformations in the secondary school”.

At the end of the conference, N.G. Byakova (Gelendzhik) delivered a lecture “A writer as a subject of time organization in myths North Caucasus”, where she showed that the connection of life processes and events into a single whole in a mythological plot occurs through the integration of life time - past, present and future, due to which a three-dimensional temporal picture of reality is created, which has a philosophical meaning. Of particular interest was the speech of I.V. Vvedensky (Rostov-on-Don) with a report "Visual presentation of time" about the work of the outstanding graphic artist Alexander Aksinin, who untimely passed away.

The conference participants expressed their gratitude to the Department of Education and Science (DOES) of the Krasnodar Territory represented by S.S. Zengin for help in organizing the conference, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Psychology of KubSU A.M. Zhdanovsky for organizational support, to the wonderful team of the SFedU branch in Gelendzhik, in particular, to the branch director Yu.A. Byakov and his deputy organizational work O.A. Fomenko. Thanks to their efforts, it became possible to integrate the positions and studies of scientists and practitioners dealing with the problems of organizing the time of a person's life.

The conference demonstrated that the problem of the temporal organization of human life is relevant and promising. scientific direction which is of undoubted interest to psychologists. The scale of the study of the temporal aspect of the life of the individual, presented at the conference, is enormous. This is: consideration of the time component mental states from the standpoint of the space-time paradigm of mental states, including the relationship between the subjective experience of 138 people, the level organization of the image of the world, events and situations of life, personal characteristics and socio-psychological characteristics of the group of which the subject is a member (A.O. Prokhorov, Kazan, Kazan State University; G.V. Dorohova, Krasnodar, OK BSMP); study of the organization of personal and free time (T.V. Bendas and O.V. Kharlamova, Orenburg, OrSU; S.S. Zengin, Krasnodar, DoiN; N.V. Omelchenko, Kuban State University; N.S. Pryazhnikov, Moscow , Moscow State University; and others), the study of the life path and the temporal perspective of the individual (Yu.G. Ovchinnikova, Moscow, State University Higher School of Economics; Yu.B. Shlykova, Kuban State University; and others).

The undoubted interest of psychologists is caused by the problems of personal organization of time. modern woman. These problems were considered at the conference in various aspects, such as business activity, motherhood, the resource of personal time and its distribution between family and work, the representation of the image of a woman in modern fiction(E.N. Bilichenko, KubSU; G.A. Brandt, Yekaterinburg, Humanitarian University; N.Yu. Galoi, Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University; I.V. Evsevicheva, G.Yu. Lyubimova, L.N. Luneva, Moscow, Moscow State University; E.V. Lyubimova, Kuban State University; etc.).

Employees and graduate students of the Faculty of Management and Psychology of Kuban State University presented to the conference a large series of works devoted to the study of the organization of personal time in the context of family relations (Z.I. Ryabikina, O.V. Boldareva, E.N. Didenko, L.A. Makukhina, T K. Khozyainova, N.A. Maistrenko, P.Yu. Udachina, D.A. Maryanenko, T.P. Kharkova, etc.), studying the problems of personal organization of time in children, adolescents, students (A.Sh. Huseynov, S. S. Zengin, Ya. V. Rozevika, S. Yu. Florovsky, L. F. Bichevaya, V. A. Dyachenko, G. V. Shapovalova, E. V. Shramchenko).

In the variety of contexts and aspects of the temporal organization of life activity, “the ability of the formation of the “space” of one’s personal being as a projection of the subjective time of being onto the being of time” (V.I. Panov, Moscow, PI RAO), one can trace a common thing: most authors focus their and our attention on active, creative position of the individual in relation to the time of his life.

The conference "Traditions and Modernity in the North Caucasus: a Personality as a Subject of the Organization of the Time of His Life" showed the prospects of the directions of research and practical work of psychologists and other scientists in understanding the problems of organizing the time of their being by a person.


Hello my dear readers and guests of the blog! I have recently become convinced that simplicity makes me happier. I noticed that even the views on many things and events have become different, more conscious. I began to notice little things, to understand those people who used to seem like eccentrics to me, there were fewer worries and fuss in my life. It feels like I've gone completely new level. But, of course, I am far from ideal, but, nevertheless, I am satisfied with the result.

How to make life easier

Simplicity has become a way of life for me, and simplification is one of several goals. Mine helped me a lot. After all, in fact, it is very difficult to reorganize yourself, change habits and thinking. But time and labor, as they say, grind everything. I have just started my path as a minimalist, but I have already mastered many truths that inspire me and give me motivation to move on.

Those who have not yet experienced all the benefits this direction, I would like to advise you to at least try it. After all, chaos in life occurs because of an overabundance. In the house - things, in the head - thoughts. Our task is to put everything on the shelves, to highlight priority areas, which first of all need to be developed, discarded all unnecessary and get rid of material and non-material rubbish.

Today I will try to formulate rules that will help each of you make your life easier and easier so that you enjoy it, do pleasant things and enjoy it to the fullest.

Throw away all rubbish

I believe this is the first thing to do on the path to simplifying life. Few people attach special importance to this, but in vain. Incredibly, but as soon as you feel, you will receive a huge boost of motivation, which will eventually lead you to realize what you still lack, what you want to change. This rule will not only save you from unnecessary and unnecessary fuss, free up space in the house, but also give you the opportunity to change your idea of ​​the meaning of life in general. Loud words, I agree, but it was from this that my self-development began, my consciousness seemed to have undergone a purification. And I am sure that a big but pleasant surprise awaits you too. Just try for a week to throw out everything that clutters up your house, everything you don't need and don't use. Prepare 2 boxes - in the first place the garbage, in the second what you want to donate or sell. The main thing is not to regret anything!

Set life priorities

What is more important for you at the moment: family, money, health? Sometimes we think that today there is nothing more important than a career, and children, wife, husband, relatives, sores, rest and communication with friends - all this can wait. Stop, and when then to live? In retirement, on that short weekend? This will not work. Life is one and you need to live it, squeezing out all the juices. There are a huge number of techniques and rules that will help you organize your life, correctly and at the same time live in full force without depriving yourself and others.

I recently came across a very interesting video, which really helps to accurately deal with priorities that are dictated for the most part not by the mind, but by the heart. Be sure to watch this video, you will be surprised how much a person can make mistakes and make wrong decisions in his life just because he does not know how to highlight the important.

Organize your life

Sometimes household chores take up a lot of our time, do not give us the opportunity to have fun, make everyday life boring and uninteresting. But there is one way out - to optimize your life, to make it easier and easier to manage. For example, the same. Unbelievable, but God works wonders. Already millions of housewives are convinced of its effectiveness. Thanks to the tips and techniques, you will spend a minimum of time on maintaining household, while cleanliness and order will not leave your home.

In addition, you should pay attention to. This greatly simplifies their use and organizes the space. Well, as always, I advise you to stick to it. You should not keep what you do not use, what does not bring you benefit and joy. In this sense, I advise you to read the book “The Magic of Cleaning”.

Clean up your social circle

It sounds unusual, but, nevertheless, people leave a significant imprint in our lives. Without communication, we cannot survive. Being a recluse is unbearable, indecent, dangerous, but in the environment of every person there are a number of people who bring nothing but negativity. These can be work colleagues, neighbors, and even relatives. Limit communication with such unique people to a minimum. Don't just date, and find the strength to tell them why you made the decision. Perhaps this will be an impetus for them to change.

It is better to please yourself with communication with your beloved friends, relatives, family. Make new acquaintances, communicate, but at the same time put a filter and let only good and kind people into your life. positive people with which it is easy and simple for you. Don't be afraid to come across as a selfish, bitchy person. Make it clear that and only you decide how to build it.

Pay attention to the little things

You might be asking how the question of simplicity can be relevant to the little things. Yes, everything is very simple. When we pay attention to details, rejoice and notice the little things, life becomes richer, happier, acquires a certain understanding of the meaning of existence. At the same time, you simply do not have enough time to spray everything and everything. Our lives are made up of little things. For example, you can put 100 figurines on a shelf and not enjoy their appearance, or you can put only one, the most beloved and dear to your heart, which will constantly attract your attention. You can marry one woman, give her all your love, and receive gratitude for care and need in return, or constantly be in search of your beloved and jump from bed to bed, wasting your life energy right and left.

There can be many examples and many will disagree with me that these are not details at all. I will be very glad if you do not think so, because most likely you know true value these "little things".

Look in the negative for the positive

Plan your time

Again planning, but without it nowhere. To be in time for the main thing in your life, to devote time to the most important things, you need time, minutes, hours, days, years. Often they are not enough. Try to divide the day into separate blocks - work, family, rest ... Do not forget about yourself. As for important things, it is best that they are related to your goals. You should not be wasted and do something that does not bring pleasure, does not bring you closer to your dream. Try to do everything in joy and remember what you are striving for. This will be yours main motivation, even if you are eating “frog” at this time.

Loneliness, laziness, rest

Sometimes it's a pity to waste time on rest, because time runs, need . But as I said, our main mission on earth is to have fun, to live in joy and happiness. If you plow all day, do not see children, do not take care of yourself, but only do, do and do, then, unfortunately, a very deplorable result awaits you. Health, most likely, will be undermined, relations with loved ones will deteriorate, and there is no joy in this. Learn to relax, be lazy, be alone. What you like best, then choose, it's vital necessary rule which is simply unacceptable to violate.

If you properly allocate your time, work on important tasks, keep up with the main thing, then your life will become easier.

The work of a minimalist

No job anywhere. This is the source of money, which, in fact, embodies most of our desires. But in this area, you can work on simplification. For example, if you hate your colleagues, your boss, and in general what you do, then you should consider changing jobs. Find one that you like, where you feel lighter, simpler and more confident. The shorter the journey from home to work, the better.

It is also worth taking care of the workplace. Throw out all the trash, clear the space, clean up the drawers, organize the storage of stationery and papers, sort them by type, purpose, and so on. At work, do only work. So you will be more effective, your efforts will be noticeable.

Be sure to take five minutes of rest. Get to know .

Down with perfectionism

Being the best, doing everything perfectly is, of course, good if it does not interfere with your life. But often this quality does not bring people satisfaction. To be the very best is a huge work and obligation, first of all to yourself. If the bar falls, then self-esteem suffers. It is better to direct your efforts to quality, do not reproach yourself for the fact that something did not turn out the way you wanted. The main thing is to try, try, but in no case blame yourself. In some cases, the situation reaches the point of absurdity. But remember, you don't owe anything to anyone.

Simple food

Exotics are all the rage, and chic and sophisticated dishes are on the rise. But instead of standing at the stove for hours, you can cook equally delicious dishes from simple ingredients quickly and easily. If you want something unusual, it is better to go to a restaurant, order sushi or any other treat you like, and for home cooking keep everything simple. Make a list of recipes that will be a lifesaver for you and in advance. This will save a lot of time.

Lists, lists, lists...

If you do only this out of everything listed in the article, you will already feel how you have made your life easier. This I guarantee you. Lists can be for all occasions. For example, shopping, Wishlist, gifts, medicines, meals, plans, goals, household chores, routines, events, dates, holidays, books you want to read, inventory of household chemicals, clothes, things in the kindergarten, and so on. Now you will always know what to buy, what to take with you, what is missing at home. The number of lists is unlimited, try and experiment.

Make life easier - save money

Thanks to lists, you can significantly. But it is not the only way keep an extra penny in your wallet. First of all, after that, do not buy what you do not need, make do with a minimum and those things that you really need. For example, why buy 10 frying pans when you can get by with a maximum of three? Why buy kitchen utensils, for example, various kinds of harvesters or vegetable cutters, if you use them once a year and then not always? Why buy decor items that don’t fit into the interior of the room? In general, there can be a million such questions. Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to save or not.

Learn to say "no"

Reliability, the desire to please, helping everyone and everyone does not make our life easier. Being a rescuer and helper is good, but only when it does not interfere with the implementation of ideas and goals, when you do not suffer from this and do not feel sad. Learn to say no to those who don't really need your help. This is especially true for people you know and not quite close to you, for example, work colleagues. First of all, think about whether your reliability will interfere with you.

Get things done

Unfinished business can drive anyone crazy. It is better to protect yourself from the state of something unfinished, let go of this burden and clear your head of thoughts of an unsuccessful enterprise. Either forget about the events that you failed to bring to mind, or, in the end, complete, put an end to and move forward. And try not to make a trail of things behind you. Give the enterprise all your attention, do not spray around, focus on one thing.

Healthy lifestyle

Another way to make your life easier is to lead healthy lifestyle life. Then there will be less hassle and worries about your health, which is very valuable for every person. Quit smoking - kill a few birds with one stone - save money, improve your health, live longer. You will play sports and you will suffer less from excess weight, self-esteem will be at the top, life will become happier and more colorful. There will be more opportunities, from clothing to personal life. So draw your own conclusions.

Simplify your image

Instead of buying thousands of trendy blouses, making unconscious purchases of absolutely unnecessary things that you are unlikely to wear, try to compile or. This is a lifesaver for all occasions. You can read more about all this. This is a transformation marathon that will definitely simplify your life and save you from unnecessary fuss.


The art of assigning tasks to another person still needs to be learned so that all participants are satisfied. For example, you are a mother, there are children in the family who already have several household chores within their power. Entrust them with responsible tasks - washing the dishes, making the bed, getting ready for school on their own, and so on. The same goes for a husband who, for example, will throw out the trash every day. Delegation is a very important thing in organizing and simplifying life. Read more about this.

Make a personalized plan to make life easier

Well, now after reading the article, draw up your plan to simplify your life, take something from here, add something of your own. The more detailed your plan, the better. Take your time, you have time to develop, improve. You will succeed, the main thing to remember is not to leave unfinished business, set goals for yourself and plan to achieve it. With small steps, you will achieve everything you want. simple life is real, and it is already waiting for you. This is a life where there is a place of joy, important little things and happiness, and there is no place for disappointments, failures and boredom. See you soon!