I want to change jobs but I can't decide. Changing the terms of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer


Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Write down all the qualities you would like to see in your ideal job. List all the points - from the convenience of the location to the level of income (of course, taking into account your own qualifications and education). Now analyze how many of these characteristics you have in your current job. So you can understand, in general, came to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchanging. It is quite possible that the results will surprise you. For example, in your dreams it should be completely different, but in the current one you are kept by a habit or a close-knit team. In any case, if you are thinking about changing jobs, you are already internally ready for such a step.

Give yourself the installation that you will not leave the current one until you find a place that is more profitable and promising in all respects. But in parallel, start a new search. Make a list of all your accomplishments to date.

Select the companies you would like to work for. Study their corporate website, read in the press and on thematic forums. Even if these do not require new employees, send out your resume marked "at". It is quite possible that you will be invited for an interview, and this step will serve as a kind of push for you from the outside.

Do not be afraid to radically change the type of activity. If you work as an accountant, and you have dreamed of being all your life, you will still later regret that you did not decide to change at one time. Don't be afraid that new choice will generate income. Yes, this is partly true, but only for the first time. Favorite work necessarily implies enthusiasm, inspiration and a lot of new ideas. If you have chosen a business to your liking, sooner or later you will begin to develop it and move forward.


Try not to let current management know what you're looking for new job. It is possible that you will linger in the old place for a while. Knowing that you are planning to leave can negatively affect your relationship with your superiors.

Useful advice

Accompany the job change with others positive change. Refresh your wardrobe new music, go to the sea. Let the transition to another career stage be perceived as positive period life.

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Almost every person sooner or later begins to feel dissatisfied. own life and decides to change it for the better. However, not everyone manages to overcome the fear of change and really take action.

You will need

  • - paper
  • - pen or pencil
  • - drawing paper
  • - scissors
  • - magazines
  • - Internet access
  • - Printer


In order to change your life, you first need to understand in which area you need change. Sit down and analyze everything vital spheres: family, relationships with people, work, material wealth, their personal qualities. Take a piece of paper and make a list of the areas you need to change.

Write a clarifying comment next to each item. If you are not satisfied with the job, in the comments, not only indicate your goal - to change jobs, but also the desired position or area in which you want to realize yourself. If you want changes in your personal life, feel free to describe exactly what changes you expect: meet the person of your dreams, get married, have a baby, or vice versa end a hopeless relationship that has been too long, etc.

Think about the question "What will change in my life if these desires?" and write a detailed answer for each item. Thus, you can visually see how your life can change in better side if you overcome your fear of change. The right motivation is great value, because only she is able to push a person to action.

In order to change your mental attitude and stop being afraid of change, create a collage of desires. Take a piece of paper or a large sheet of paper. Find images in magazines or the Internet that will illustrate your desires. If you want to lose weight, you can use a photo of a person with a figure that you like as an illustration of this dream. To achieve happiness in your personal life, choose a picture with which you will associate this desire: it can be a happy photo married couple or just a drawing that personifies love and tenderness. Cut out wish pictures from magazines or print photos found on the Internet on a printer and stick them on the prepared paper. Hang the resulting collage in the most prominent place in the room, for example, above the bed. This will allow you not to forget about your desires.

Spend 10-15 minutes every day visualizing your desires. AT calm environment look at your collage and imagine in colors what your life will be like when the long-awaited changes take place in it. Visualization will allow you to minimize the fear of acting, and in a few days you will feel that not only have you ceased to be afraid, but you yourself really want your wishes to come true as soon as possible. You can also use the visualization method “from the contrary”: imagine what your life will be like if you still don’t decide to change something in it.

Prepare yourself for the fact that everything you want cannot happen at once, because all changes happen gradually. Remember that even the most small step will invariably bring you closer to the realization of your dream, so develop a strategy for achieving the goal and start working on it. If you want to lose weight but are still afraid to go on a diet or exercise, start small: replace one of your large meals with a more modest or healthy one, and instead of tiring yourself with long workouts in the gym, do the simplest five-minute exercises every day. exercises. After a couple of weeks, you will feel that everything is not scary at all, and you will be ready for the complication of the program to achieve what you want.

Treat yourself with small gifts for every step you take. For example, you made up your mind and talked with your husband about what does not suit you in a relationship - as compensation, allow yourself to buy some new thing. You've been on a diet for a whole week - eat your favorite cake. Wrote a letter of resignation - arrange an unscheduled meeting with friends.

Outside support will help you start your journey towards achieving your goals. Talk to relatives or friends in whom you are sure, tell about your goals and desires, and ask them to morally help you. All people are interested in the successful life of their loved ones, and therefore they will definitely help you stop being afraid of change and start hard way to achieve everything you set out to do.


Don't put yourself in a time frame. Do not set yourself the task of achieving a goal in a week or a month. Life changes don't happen overnight. You can lose motivation if for some reason your plan is not fulfilled by the specified date, so it’s better to just have a goal and slowly but surely move towards it.

Useful advice

Try to perceive changes in life as exciting game. Imagine that the person performing these actions is not you, but someone else, whom you are simply watching from the sidelines. This will make it easier for you to let go of your fear of change. And remember that if you don't like everything that happens, you can easily stop this game.


  • Website "Growth Factor", article "How to make up your mind and change your life"
  • Website " Happy life do-it-yourself", article "How to decide on changes"
  • Website "Magic of the Purple Lady", article "How to decide on changes in life in order to achieve what you want?"

Sex reassignment is an operation that is carried out in many countries, including Russia. But not everyone is eligible for this procedure. Required full confidence in the act, emotional stability and the understanding that it will not work to return everything back.


Sex change is typical for those people who were born "not in their body." Percent similar cases not big in the world. The person feels uncomfortable own body, not ready to put up with the inconsistency. Usually these emotions arise in childhood, and then only more and more are realized.

To decide on a sex change, you need to contact a sex therapist. The specialist will help you understand the needs, tell you what to try to accept final decision. Usually heterosexuals go, but under this desire may lie the desire for homosexuality. It is worth at least once to try non-traditional relationships in order to accurately understand whether there is a substitution of concepts and aspirations. Before operations, the conclusion of a sexologist is required, in which a person has been observed for at least a year.

Before you make up your mind, consult a psychologist. After all, there is ahead big period adaptation. And this is almost always a very difficult moment. People not with all types of temperament are able to decide on such a period, many are not ready to go through such severe stress. He will also tell you how to prepare for the operation, how to approach this decision without hesitation. The specialist will not dissuade you, he will simply tell you about the pros and cons, will allow you to look at this transformation from different sides.

Before a period is needed when a person begins to drink special drugs. Hormonal substances prepare the body for sex change, make the process safe. This changes external data, reduces hair growth, changes sexual excitability. Usually this process lasts at least a year, and during this time the patient can decide for himself whether he is comfortable in the new state, whether he is ready for the final step. During this period, observations are also being made not only for physical body but also for the psyche.

But before you go to the doctors, try to live the life of the opposite sex. Today, a woman can easily dress as a man and vice versa. It is better to do this in a place where they do not know you. Rent or buy an apartment in another city and start new life. Live as if you have already changed sex, done all the operations. Find a job, try to meet interesting people to make interesting acquaintances. Learn to enjoy this life. But remember that this is not a game, but an experiment. If in two or three years you do not get bored, if you really feel that you were born in the wrong body, then you should go to the surgeons.


The maximum number of gender reassignment operations today is carried out in Thailand, the second place in the world is occupied by Iran.

A job you don't like can affect your life more than you think. It is very difficult to decide to leave a permanent place, however, if such thoughts often come to your mind, then there is every reason for this. Your indecision only slows you down further development and does not let your plans come true.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - the press;
  • - paper.


Analyze your current situation at work. For convenience, you can write down all pluses and in two columns. What do you dislike the most? Which of the disadvantages cannot be reconciled with? Ask yourself various questions and look for answers. Try to understand what exactly is holding you back from changing companies, what you will lose in case of dismissal. Calm reasoning and the conclusions drawn are the first step towards changing the situation.

Conduct an analysis of the labor market in your direction. If you have the opportunity, send your resume to other firms and attend several interviews. Going nowhere is much more difficult, so it is advisable to prepare the ground in advance. Take your time: the job market is quite dynamic. Give yourself 2-3 months to track new offers.

Try to think about the future. Assess the prospects that await you in the company. Imagine that after 10-15 years of work in the same place, you look back. What do you feel - regret about what you have lived or satisfaction from career achievements? Try to imagine what will happen if you still decide on this serious step and choose a different line of work.

Discuss your thoughts about changing jobs with loved ones, colleagues, and even your boss. Express your doubts and concerns to those who see the situation from the inside. Adequate management will definitely respond to your condition, especially if you are of real value to the company. It is possible that you will have new thoughts, or the determination to leave work will become more pronounced.

Discard all secondary and emotional aspects that keep you in your current workplace. For example, are you very satisfied with the location of the office or do you like soul relationship with colleagues, so you are willing to put up with the real disadvantages of the job. You need to understand that these pluses should not influence your decision, because, quite possibly, you will be much better psychologically in a new place.

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Do not confuse the desire to leave work with accumulated fatigue or a protracted routine. It is quite possible that you just need a quality rest, a change of scenery or movement along career ladder within the same company.

Useful advice

Take a few days off and try to leave so as not to contact the team. This should not be a planned vacation for which you prepared in advance, but a spontaneous vacation for 2-3 days. Listen to your feelings. If you're feeling relieved and the thought of returning to work weighs on you, it's time to take action. decisive step and change location.

It can be hard to decide big step. At such moments, you may be overcome by doubts. Even a person who is not prone to them can become confused when too much is at stake.

Take charge

To decide on important step, you need to gather your courage and take responsibility for your own actions. Maybe you don't trust yourself enough. Think why. If there were any mistakes in your past, you should learn from them, make a useful experience. Until you do this work, you will be afraid to act.

Overcome the temptation to partially shift the responsibility for the decision to someone else - do not consult with relatives and friends. If the consequences of the step you have taken affect only you, you have to think about what to do. You know best what you need. The advice of others may be erroneous and confuse you. true path. Exceptions are the advice of experts in a particular field. Of course, it is worth resorting to their services in some situations.

Explore the setting

Think about how events can develop with one or another of your decisions. This will help you objectively assess the current situation and identify all the risks. You need to carefully study all the facts, consider them from all sides. Also try to determine what will happen if you take no action at all. If the consequences are worse than any possible outcome, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible.

If your life after taken important decision will change for the better, and you are simply afraid of change, find as many pluses as possible in your future position. Don't forget that change is inevitable in life. The advantage of changing circumstances is that they allow you to develop as a person. And if you are not engaged in self-improvement, then you are moving backwards. Therefore, do not be afraid of the new.

Burn your bridges

If you clearly understand that you need to take an important step, but you can’t decide on it, cut off paths for retreat for yourself. Make it so that you can no longer abandon your plan. Let's say you can't find the strength to change jobs. Find a new place and sign an employment contract. Then you will have no choice but to tell management about everything and sign a letter of resignation. After all, you have already promised to be at work in another company, and a specific date will be expected for you. In addition, you can dedicate your plans to friends and loved ones if this motivates you to take immediate action.

Start small. Get the job of your dreams in a small position. At work, it is important to establish yourself as a competent and competent specialist. The management will certainly appreciate it, and promotion will not take long.

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Many people are ready to change jobs at any opportunity for one reason or another. However, in reality, this can cause considerable stress on psychological level because of uncertainty in making a decision.

Experts first of all considered the main reasons that make a person hold on to his old place of work so reverently.

The main reasons for the fear of changing jobs

The main reasons include the following:

  1. Hope that the situation will change for the better. A person has many times considered options for changing jobs, but still continues to hope that everything will go in a positive direction: they will change their boss, increase wages, and negligent employees will quit. However, this does not happen, and, most likely, things will get even worse over time, so you need to put up with it and not wait for “weather by the sea”.
  2. Reluctance to quit what you started. Great amount people do not want to look for another place of work, only having a reluctance to quit the business they have begun. However, this principle is not correct, and there is confirmation of this - many famous people left their studies at universities in order to fulfill their own dreams.
  3. Fear of looking weak man in front of the boss. If a person cherishes the dream of changing jobs, he cannot postpone its fulfillment until later, he must act. AT similar issues there are no winners and losers. The former bosses may well find another subordinate for themselves, and this should not affect the choice of a person who wants to move on.
  4. Uncertainty in their professionalism, quality of work performed, demand. It is logical that until a person makes a final decision on dismissal and does not prepare a resume for interviews, employers will not know about him.
  5. The conviction that own level the salary is quite decent. Of course, high wage any person will be “beaten off” by the desire to think about changing the place of the current job. However, if own work and the occupation is not to the liking of a person, then absolutely no financial benefits can compensate for this fact. Sooner or later, the decision to change jobs will overcome a person.

If the thought of changing jobs has been worrying a person for more than a day, then you need to carefully read and, accordingly, put into practice the following tips:

  1. Goal setting. Having made the decision to dismiss, you need to think about how the new position will be better than the current one. To change jobs, a person must put before himself specific purpose which consists in climbing the career ladder, receiving a decent wage for one's work, and increasing professionalism.
  2. A clear definition with a suitable time for dismissal. It is very important to decide on the most appropriate time to leave work. Of course, in every business there is a “moment of calm” and when it occurs, it is extremely difficult to pick up vacancies. Also, don't rely on summer time year - no one during the holiday season often appoints interviews for serious positions.

Having carefully thought through and built a plan for leaving, it is necessary to resolutely quit.

However, experts strongly advise against carrying out this plan during an emergency, because the authorities will regard such a step as a betrayal. It is much better to leave the former place of work, left with former bosses on friendly terms.

  1. Silence about decision in a collective. It would be very wrong to tell colleagues that a person is searching new position and is going to quit for one reason or another. The hour will come when you can simply put everyone before a fait accompli.
  2. Maintaining your own peace of mind until the moment of dismissal. Of course, the last two weeks at the old place of work are unbearably difficult in psychologically. Still would! Criticism can come from the authorities, constant difficult and rather unpleasant tasks as a kind of "revenge".
  3. Compliance with all regulations established at the legislative level. When the time comes for dismissal, a person is recommended to sign an application and hand it over to the secretary of the enterprise. To prevent any kind of misunderstanding due to dismissal, this document register correctly and keep a copy of it.

What to do if the boss refuses to fire

There are situations when a new job has already been found, but the former bosses do not want to draw up the relevant documents for dismissal for a number of reasons (for example, unwillingness to let go of an employee who is too valuable) and sends their applications to the trash can.

Many sometimes think about changing jobs, but never move from desires to deeds because of fear of the unknown. People are tormented by doubts: how to change jobs, I'm afraid to change jobs, will I be left without a livelihood? Is it possible to take this step at 30, 40, 50 years old? How do you decide to change jobs? Let's try to find answers.

Dismissal from unloved work can be a tough decision

10 important reasons

There are signs that it's time to look for a new job. Observe what is happening at work, evaluate your attitude towards it. You should consider changing jobs if you find the following:

  1. Small salary. There is no monetary growth even when you work more than the set time.
  2. At work, it is forbidden to show initiative. You think your ideas are promising, but no one is willing to consider them. There is no self-development and career growth.
  3. Everything changed with the arrival of a new boss. The new conditions proved unacceptable.
  4. Desire to change careers.
  5. Unbearable atmosphere in work collective. Think about the reason for this situation. It may turn out that the reason is in your behavior, and changing the place of activity, you will not solve the problem.
  6. Poor working conditions: unheated rooms in winter, constant noise. This reason is rarely the main one, it only accompanies other reasons.
  7. Health suffers. The computer spoils the eyes, carrying heavy loads undermines physical forces. The desire to protect your health is a worthy reason to change jobs.
  8. Suspicion of dismissal. It’s right to start preparing in advance so that after a fatal conversation with your superiors, you can leave without feeling shame or guilt.
  9. Friends invited to a new job with the best conditions and salary. It's worth thinking about it.
  10. The word "work" is disgusting, you go to it with great discontent.

There is a desire, but no determination

Work is main part life, so changing it can be difficult. Analyze the situation you are in right now. Weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of your present work. Be determined if you realize that there are too many shortcomings and you need to look for a new source of income. Start your journey to a new life, the advice of a psychologist will help you take the first step.

If you have found several reasons to quit, but you are not quitting, then these tips will come in handy for you:

  1. Psychology suggests taking "small steps" to achieve the goal. Write a resume on Monday. On Tuesday, select 3-4 vacancies. Submit your resume on Wednesday. Call a potential employer on Thursday. Go to the interview on Friday.
  2. Take some time and imagine in detail that you have already quit your job and are working in a new place. If you want to change careers, dedicate a little time each day to the responsibilities that you imagine will be in the new job.
  3. Ask yourself daily: do I need what I do? Do I want to continue doing this? What do I really want to be? If you realize that all this time you were not doing what you wanted, do not be discouraged - you have acquired labor and personal experience and now use it to change your life.
  4. Think about what you are working for: for yourself and your development or for colleagues, relatives, friends? The decision to quit or stay should be yours alone.

Motivation to change jobs


  1. If you're not going to be fired in the next few days, there's no point in leaving in the heat of the moment. Changing jobs to a similar one does not make sense. Think: what do you not like here, what do you want to find in a new place. Take a piece of paper and write down the pros and cons of your current job. Analyze your answers.
  2. If you decide to change the field of activity, study the details new profession and your competitiveness before you take the first step. If this profession is not valued in the labor market, it is worth considering it not as the main source of income, but as a side job or hobby.
  3. Write a resume and prepare answers to possible questions from the employer. If your first interviews don't go well, don't lose heart. Try again and work on yourself.
  4. Before the interview, practice in front of a friend or in front of a mirror. Make eye contact with the interviewer, smile, remain calm and confident. Think of the interview as a performance, and yourself as an inexperienced but talented actor.
  5. Before the interview, prepare the questions you want to get answered: salary, schedule, requirements, etc. It is important not only to please the interviewer, but also to evaluate the conditions of the company yourself before deciding to sign an employment contract.
  6. Search actively. Constantly call, send a resume, call up the personnel departments.
  7. Do not leave behind a bad opinion, swear with colleagues or boss. Try to save a good relationship with them.

Frequency of activity change

Employers are suspicious of applicants who have changed jobs several times in a year. The wariness is understandable: no one wants to invest in a person who will leave in a few months. Such applicants will be asked in detail for what reasons they quit.

In most vacancies, one of the requirements is to have at least 3 years of work experience. Employers who set such requirements believe that during this time the employee fully reveals his capabilities and fully understands his responsibilities. Some will not want to accept in their company a person who worked in the last place for 3 or 5 years.

Employers will notice a break in professional activity, especially if it has been more than a year, and they will definitely ask questions about this. If a objective reasons there are no layoffs or breaks, it is more difficult to succeed in an interview.

Change of work should take place no more than once every 2-4 years


successful professional activity gives us the right to be proud of ourselves. We don't always enjoy our work. If it negatively affects the physical and emotional health, does not allow development, then changing the type of activity is a worthy decision.

Usually people keep to their own workplace because they are afraid of being unemployed. Here, for example, a person works as a salesman in a store, receives a meager salary, gets very tired. Here he stands behind the counter and thinks: “How tired I am already! I work hard like a horse, but the salary is penny! I need to change jobs? But where to go?

This person has friends and acquaintances who cannot find at least some work for themselves. He looks at them and thinks: “Wow, Vasya hasn’t been able to find any work for a year now. But I have at least some. Yes, it doesn’t suit me. "But nevertheless, I have a stable monthly salary, which is enough for me for the same black bread and a pack of salt a month. At least I won't die of hunger. But Vasya has been drinking only tap water for a month, and from Monday, he will switch to rainwater in general, since they promise to turn off the water supply in his apartment for non-payment.

And to be honest, I can understand this person. He lives by the principle: "Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky." He has something to lose. He has a friend Vasya, looking at whom you understand that trading pantaloons for grandmothers is not the worst thing that can happen in life.

If you are interested, I can tell you what I personally concluded about changing jobs:

Only a highly qualified and sought-after specialist can afford to change jobs like gloves.

If you, Dima85, are such, then do not be afraid to change jobs. You will definitely not be left without a piece of bread. But if you are a low-demand specialist, of which there are thousands in line at the labor exchange in search of work, then it would be more correct to think a hundred times before writing a letter of resignation.

And there is no need to be afraid of a new team - you will join, as you once joined your current team. And don't be afraid to mess up. After all, only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

Good luck, brother!

I want to add one more point. Otherwise, my answer looks like unclaimed or low-demand specialists are destined to toil all their lives in low-paid positions. This is not true.

In fact, anyone can change jobs. Simply, if a sought-after specialist can afford to quit a highly paid job because he decided to go on a trip for three months in the summer, then a low-demand employee must first prepare good ground: find a new job, agree with the employer that he will definitely take him to him. Then just quit, but not own will or by agreement of the parties, but by transfer to another job. Something like this...

According to polls, about half of Russians are ready to immediately change jobs, as soon as a more profitable job turns up. However, a change of job is always stressful for a person, because it is an unknown. In a state of stress, not everyone can adequately assess current situation and act correctly. So, before you change jobs, it is better to find out in advance how to minimize all negative side factors.

1. Expediency. Answer the question for yourself: “I want to change jobs, so what?”

An answer like “I want to change jobs because my boss yelled at me and I’m terribly offended now” sounds extremely unconvincing, because it does not answer the main part of the question “so what?”. What do you want to achieve with this? Emotions are bad clues, they quickly disappear, and the results of too hasty actions, alas, remain.

To change jobs, there must definitely be a weighty goal. The new job should give you opportunities that you don’t have at your current job: for example, the opportunity to grow as a professional, or build a career, or the opportunity to receive a higher salary than in your current job. same place, etc.

You have healthy ambitions, you feel the potential for growth in yourself, but at the same time you do not have a chance to actually declare your abilities.
You feel that you are not developing and perhaps even degrading as a professional.
You are not satisfied with the meager salary, you feel that you could work with more efficiency and earn much more.
You have a strained relationship with your boss.
There is an unhealthy environment in the team, and this hinders your fruitful work.
You are tired of the burden of responsibility entrusted to you and would like to have more free time to devote to your family.

Each of these reasons is in itself a significant reason for changing jobs.

2. Everything has its time. The seasonal factor cannot be underestimated. Every business has its "off season". Also, do not expect someone to scrutinize your resume on the eve of new year holidays or the height of the summer holidays. It's pointless to start at this time active search new work.

To leave your old job on a good note, choose the right time to leave. Care during the emergency period, when he enters maximum amount orders, will be regarded by the authorities as a dishonorable act. Leaving immediately after you have undergone expensive training in the company will also be regarded.

And leaving your superiors with a positive opinion of yourself is very useful, and soon enough: after all, at a new place of work, you will almost certainly need recommendations from the previous place. Your further ascent up the career ladder will depend on what feedback you receive.

3. Don't talk! Let colleagues not know that you are looking for a new place - you just put them before the fact when the time comes. Looking for a new job in free time if you need to go for an interview - take time off or arrange it at your own expense (the main thing is to justify the need for such a day off well). Do not criticize the authorities and stay away from intrigues in the team - in a word, do everything so as not to attract attention to yourself.

4. About past work speak well. At the interview, when applying for a job, they always ask a question about the reason for leaving the previous job. You need to think in advance how to answer this question. And what matters here is not what you say, but rather how you say it. Speak without emotional attachment to the content of your words, so that anger or resentment does not sound in your speech.

Avoid criticizing the actions of the previous management and the company as a whole. Your tone should be neutral and your speech should only sound like a statement of fact. For example: “I wanted to advance in my career. Unfortunately, at my previous job, I didn’t have that opportunity.” Your correctness will certainly be appreciated.

5. Do everything according to the law. When the hour of dismissal has come, be sure to sign the letter of resignation from your line manager, then hand it over to CEO through the secretary. In order to avoid any misunderstandings in the future, it is better to register the document, and keep a copy for yourself. They are obliged to dismiss you no later than two weeks later, while fully calculating and returning the work book.

In case of occurrence serious problems- if you are so valuable employee that they don’t want to let you go, and the applications are simply torn up or thrown into the trash - send the application to the director by registered mail and keep the receipt. Its date will fix the period from which these same two weeks are counted. In fairness, it should be said that such a "hold" is very rare. But it still happens, so it’s better to do everything according to the “letter of the law”.

6. Calmness, only calmness! The last two weeks can be very difficult for you. Many leaders perceive care good workers as a betrayal, no matter how tactfully you do it. They may lose control of their emotions and begin to criticize, find fault and give the most unpleasant tasks.

Try to be sympathetic to this behavior and remain friendly. Most importantly, do not leave unfinished business and projects. In addition, thoroughly inform your successor (if he already exists) or the person who will temporarily replace you. Thus, you will not only leave about yourself good memory, but also save yourself from the subsequent numerous phone calls with questions from former colleagues just at the time when you will delve into all the nuances of the new work.