How to teach a child to pronounce letters. How to teach a child to say the letter "Sh" without the involvement of specialists

The speech of the child is formed during preschool age. You have to follow her early age so that by the first grade the child is fully entrenched correct pronunciation letters. But it happens that children of school age have impure speech.

Reasons why a child may not pronounce letters

Wrong pronunciation of letters can be explained by wrong education. If parents, communicating with their child, change their voice, lisp or babble, then the baby gets used to such communication and the incorrect pronunciation of letters is fixed in him.

Therefore, you need to speak with the child in the right and clear language. Immediately stop the slightest flaws in your baby's speech, because with age it will be several times more difficult to correct them.

Wrong attitude towards colloquial speech. There is an opinion that the learning of colloquial speech occurs without the intervention of adults. But if the parents do not participate in the process of the formation of the child's speech, then over time the baby's lag in speech development will begin to appear.

Teaching a child to pronounce sounds

There are many different methods for correct staging baby's speech. But many parents do not know how to teach a child to pronounce letters at home, and therefore immediately turn to speech therapists for help. Although often this problem can be solved at home. It is only necessary to correctly approach the organization of classes. Parents should remember that you can not overload the baby, the duration of each lesson should not exceed 15 minutes. If the child shows reluctance to study, postpone classes for a while. By forcing the baby to pronounce letters by force, you can forever discourage him from speaking correctly, and indeed learning in general.

Before each lesson, it is necessary to seat the child, making sure that he sits straight. All distracting objects are removed, the TV is turned off. An excellent option would be classes in front of a mirror so that the child sees not only the articulation of the adult sitting in front of him, but also his own.

Exercises for pronunciation of sounds

Initially, it is recommended to prepare cards on which animals and objects will be depicted, at the beginning, middle or end of which there are problematic letters. It is necessary to observe whether the pronunciation of a complex letter always turns out to be problematic, or in some positions.

  • "Rails" (when the language must "ride" along inside upper teeth).
  • “Silence” (repeat the sound “t-sss” several times, stretching the letter “C”).

As a fixing of the letter, you need to choose pictures or words where the letter “C” is present: sleigh, sieve, belt, sun, light. You can use sentences: Sasha sows seeds or poems:

"It's dark in the forest,

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

One owl does not sleep

She sits on a bitch."

2. Letter "Z" is a colleague of "C", only voiced. Therefore, in order to teach a child to pronounce the letter “Z”, you need to pronounce “s” only by raising your voice. Show the baby, by bringing your hand to his neck, how the muscles tense up, saying ringing sounds. We fix the letter with the words: hare, beast, tooth, star, as well as sentences: A bunny in winter is like a small animal.

3. The letter "C" can be mastered by resorting to the Silence exercise, only you need to pronounce not “t-sss”, but “ts-ts-ts”. We fix with the words: heron, chicken, chain, pizza, and sentences: What color is the bird?

4. Pronounce the letter "Sh" you can use a small trick: ask the child to pronounce the letter “c”, and with a spoon, lift the baby’s tongue to the sky. Get the sound "sh". The letter is fixed with the words: awl, whisper, ears, noise; sentences: Our Masha rustles; as well as verses:

"Dear bear,
nice bear,
All plush
Our bear is sewn.

5. The same trick can be done with the letters "z" and "g". Pin the letter "J" you need the words: beetle, hedgehog, toad. And also with suggestions: Zhanna is expecting a book.

6. To master the letter "Ch", ask the baby to say "t-t-t", while pressing the baby's cheeks with your fingers. Then you will hear the coveted "h". And to fix the letter, ask the baby to say the words: tea, turtle, daughter, ball; Suggestions: Clean the siskin bath.

7. The most common problem for parents is the problem of the letters "R" and "L". tricks and exercises to solve this problem are aimed at teaching the child to growl without swallowing complex letters and without replacing the complex "r" with an easier "l":

"Horse" - together with the child, depict the clatter and clatter of the horse's hooves.

“Toothbrush” - ask your baby to smile widely. Then you need to hold the tongue along inner surface upper teeth. Make sure that the child's lower jaw remains motionless.

"Teaser" - the child is invited to tease. To do this, a relaxed tongue protrudes and dangles up and down. Accompanied by a teaser growl.

Special attention in teaching the letters "P" or "L" is given to tongue twisters:

  • Grek rode across the river, he sees Grek: there is cancer in the river.
  • There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one, two, three, there is firewood.
  • The brave man ate thirty-three pies, and all of them with cottage cheese.
  • You can't repeat all the tongue twisters.

Secrets to quickly teach a child to pronounce letters

In addition to direct exercises with the speech muscles of the child and exercises for teaching a complex letter, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills. Together with your child, sort through the cereals, string the beads on a string, sculpt from plasticine or dough. And most importantly: while working, do not be silent. Tell your child stories, nursery rhymes or tongue twisters.

Another secret is to teach the child to repeat the letter "D" often. By pronouncing this magic letter, the muscles of the tongue are trained, it is correctly positioned in the mouth, and with constant training, the child will learn to pronounce compound letter"R".

When should parents "sound the alarm" and contact a speech therapist?

If a child cannot master the pronunciation of sounds for a long time, it is necessary to seek help from a speech therapist. Since there are cases when the inability to pronounce certain letters is explained physiological characteristics child. So, an incorrect bite can cause burr or lisp. In such situations, the doctor may prescribe special exercises or surgery, depending on the causes of speech difficulties. Also, a speech therapist as a professional can find other causes of poor pronunciation and work with them on a more serious level than parents.

A lot of children experience minor difficulties with speech and articulation, but, as a rule, by the age of 5–7, such problems disappear by themselves. The speech apparatus of the child develops, sound extraction improves, and the baby begins to speak clearly. There are also problems that, without due attention to them, persist throughout life. This may require a speech pathologist or independent exercises in speech therapy and articulation. The sooner you start correcting and overcoming speech disorders, the easier this process will happen for the child. You can start setting up the sound yourself - in most cases, speech therapy and speech therapy exercises present no difficulty.

In speech therapy, staging a sound is special process which combines the development of pronunciation skills certain letter, as well as the formation of a connection between kinesthetics, vision and the nervous system. Thus, in the course of staging, the child learns to pronounce the letter on demand in various combinations and in isolation.

In children, there are often violations of the pronunciation of whistlers - these can be either sigmatisms (when instead of a sound with or sing a child pronounces their distorted version), or parasigmatisms - in this case, the whistling is replaced by some other (front-lingual, hissing).

Setting the sound is very, very important. The point is that any speech disorders affect nervous system. Incorrect or impaired sound pronunciation can cause the following diseases:

  • dysgraphia - various disorders writing, automatic rearrangement of letters during writing, substitution of letters, etc.;
  • dyslexia - the inability to adequately read the text and put the letters into a coherent text;
  • dyslalia - serious violations in the pronunciation of certain sounds.

How to say the sound C and soft C

The correct pronunciation of whistlers depends on the shape of the tongue muscle - you need to track that the tongue is in the correct position. Normal pronunciation occurs as follows: a relaxed flat tongue is pressed against the teeth with its lateral edges, and its tip rests against the base of the lower front incisors. The tongue takes the form of a hillock, and has a hollow in the middle part.

If the baby did not part with the nipple in childhood, then he probably has an even, flat tongue, and the hollow and the transition are weakly expressed. If there is no hollow, with whose help a trickle of air is formed during exhalation, then there will not be a jet that forms whistling sounds.

Correct articulation of B and C

Sponges should be stretched in a slight smile so that teeth are exposed. The gap between the teeth is not more than two millimeters. The relaxed tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower dentition. The frontal segment of the dorsum of the tongue forms a fissure with the upper incisors, while the middle of the dorsum of the tongue rises towards the hard palate. The tongue is pressed to the teeth with the lateral edges, soft part the palate is raised, pressed against the pharynx, thereby blocking the air from entering the nasal cavity. The ligaments at this time should be relaxed, without vocal vibration.

Exercises for pronunciation of the sound С and С

To develop the correct pronunciation of the sound S, you will need to perform exercises on phonemic hearing. Before doing the exercises, make sure that the child knows how to pronounce the sound C and C (there have already been classes of this kind), and is able to distinguish between the sounds D and T, as well as V and F.

Best Exercises, which help develop phonemic hearing and come close to the correct pronunciation of the sound C and C, are based on sound imitation. Show your child some pictures that show:

  • ordinary pump;
  • a bicycle tire pierced with a nail;
  • balloon from which air escapes.

The set of pictures may differ depending on the age and interests of the child, the main thing is to show clearly, using examples accessible and understandable to the child, how the sounds C and C differ. Sound memorization exercises should be continued by guessing sounds, or by developing skills phonemic hearing.

Correct articulation when pronouncing the sound C

The tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower teeth, the lips are strongly parted in a smile and do not overlap the teeth, the teeth are practically closed. Air should be released with effort, feeling its movement along the groove. If you bring your palm to the oral cavity and pronounce the sound C, then a cool air stream is felt on the skin.

After the exercises with the sound Sy are completed, you can move on to the sound S. It is important to explain the difference to the child, show it visually and let him feel the difference between the sounds C and Sy kinesthetically and articulatory. Emphasize that when pronouncing the sound C, the child smiles, while a hard, deaf C causes a grimace, more like a grin.

Preparatory exercises

First of all, you need to identify the ability to release an air stream with effort. You need to take in air, blow with effort through lips folded into a tube. You can control the flow of air with your hand (for adults), but it is better for a child to let a piece of cotton, a feather or a small piece of paper blow off his hand.

To better feel the formation of the groove during the pronunciation of C or C, you need to do exercises for the flexibility and mobility of the tongue. It is necessary to stretch out the tongue, calmly lay it on the lip. Along the tongue (at the place where the groove appears), you need to put a smooth stick, match or toothpick, and then press to make a groove. The teeth are wide open, the lips are slightly rounded, in this position you need to blow out a strong air stream several times. Exercises should be repeated until the result is fixed.

Over time, you can move on to a more complex version of this exercise - repeat the same thing, but without a wand.

In order to correctly pronounce the sound C, it is necessary to control the position of the tongue and lips, and also to feel the stream of cool air that moves during pronunciation along the tongue. If for some reason it is not possible to pronounce the sound C correctly, you should return to the preparatory exercises and go through them again, only after that it is possible to automate the pronunciation.

Articulation exercises

  • Wide smile - you need to keep your lips in a smile (similar to pronouncing the sound and), while controlling the tension of the lips - the teeth should be open.
  • Whistling - with clenched teeth, it is necessary to stretch the lips with a tube, as during whistling.
  • When both exercises are mastered, you need to alternate them to a slow count, rhythmically and measuredly.
  • Teeth cleaning - good exercise for articulation, it is performed as follows: the lips are open in a wide smile, the tip of the tongue strokes the teeth - first the upper ones, from bottom to top and from left to right, then the lower ones.
  • The following exercises are useful to perform in turn.
  • Clock hand - lips open in a smile, teeth parted, the tip of the tongue alternately touches the corners of the mouth. Immobility needs to be controlled mandible(the chin should not move).
  • Swing - with this exercise, you can achieve high mobility of the tongue. A relaxed, wide tongue rises as much as possible to the tip of the nose, then stretches towards the chin. After that, the tongue rises to the upper lip and descends to the lower one, then touches the space between the upper teeth and the lip, and then rests against the space between the lower teeth and the lower lip. It is necessary to ensure that the tongue remains flat and wide all the time, the lips do not fit the line of the teeth.

Automation Exercises

Sound production begins with identifying problems in pronunciation, then you need to prepare speech apparatus and oral cavity to the correct pronunciation, learn how to pronounce the sound correctly, put an easy pronunciation and automate it. To do this, the following method is used: you need to gradually introduce sound first into syllables, then into simple and Difficult words, after which the proposals and free speech.

Isolated pronunciation is achieved by repeated pronunciation of an isolated sound with constant control of the movement of the teeth, tongue and lips.

When the child begins to easily perform simple and complex articulation exercises, and will extract the sound correctly, you need to introduce the pronunciation of direct and reverse syllables into the lesson. Direct syllables - Sa, Si, Se, So, Su. Reverse - Ac, Ys, Es, Os, Us. Soft Xia automation is also important - Xia, Xiu, Xi, Xo and vice versa.

Sound production (automation) in independent speech- the most difficult stage, it’s hard to get used to speaking correctly, therefore, in Everyday life and in everyday life you need to focus on the erroneous pronunciation and achieve the right one.

Sound production and automation in speech therapy are due not only to the need to put pronunciation, but also to overcome incorrect conditioned reflex connections and ligaments.

Not only the staging of sounds is important, but also the automation of pronunciation. The lips and tongue should automatically take the right position in order to pronounce the sound correctly. Automation in live colloquial speech can be done by memorizing poems and songs - speech therapy great attention pays nominative rhythmic exercises. If there are difficulties with the selection of suitable material, you can always watch a video that shows the correct automation of sound with the help of songs, poems and tongue twisters.

How to teach a child to correctly speak the sound with and other whistling sounds: articulatory gymnastics, setting sound with, video - a demonstration of simple and affordable ways to set sound with, songs with sound with.

Many children mistakenly pronounce the sound C, which is difficult for them, and other whistling sounds (s. z, z, c). They can skip this sound or replace it with other sounds.
Fine speech development by the age of five, children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language a (with the exception, perhaps, of the sound p, which may appear a little later - at 5.5 years). But now, few of the children reach this norm. What is the reason?
1. Earlier in everyone kindergarten from the age of three until graduation from kindergarten, articulation gymnastics was regularly carried out with all the children before breakfast, and in the evening - individual exercises with children who find it difficult to pronounce sound. And this was not done by a speech therapist, but by the most ordinary trained educator! And these were not isolated complexes, exercises and games, but a strictly substantiated system of teaching speech and pronunciation of sounds. Because problems cannot be solved without a system. Now this is already history, and it is rare where you can find such a clearly and consistently built system for the work of a teacher on sound pronunciation with kids. Perhaps that is why modern children more problems with speech.
2. Now parents pay much less attention to the speech of babies. Often the child is required only to show something: “Where is Saturn? Where is Jupiter? Where is the Hermitage?” rather than the ability to express YOUR thoughts, YOUR feelings. Very often I hear: “What difference does it make what he says. The main thing is that you can understand it, and that's it! But speech is a means of self-expression, communication, knowledge. And the success of all types of human activity depends on its development.

The child incorrectly pronounces the sound with and other whistling sounds. What to do?

How to help a child if he incorrectly pronounces the sound with and other whistling sounds? Can parents help a child?
As it is right, parents wait for the age of 5 and then take the baby to a speech therapist. Although sometimes one push is enough to cause right sound in a child and will help to consolidate it in speech, without waiting for the age of five. And this “push” should be done not at 5-6 years old, when it was already late, but much earlier - at the age of 4. And most importantly, to give such an impetus, you do not need to be an expert specialist at all! You only need to know precise technology learning sounds for kids and its nuances.
For the formation of the correct pronunciation of all sounds in children mother tongue held in kindergartens special classes on sound pronunciation for all children (Note - not even in speech therapy kindergartens, but in the most ordinary kindergartens, sound pronunciation classes should be held regularly). If for some reason there are no such classes, then at home you can help the baby.
I know many mothers and grandmothers who, living far away from a speech therapist, coped with the problem of difficult sounds themselves and helped their babies. And I know many educators who can prevent speech disorders and help the child speak correctly and learn to pronounce all sounds. mother tongue. We are all able to help the baby and tell him the right way!
But I want to warn you:
If the child does not have complex speech disorders, then the techniques that I will discuss in this article will be enough. And he will please both you and himself with the correct sound suddenly appearing in his speech with or z. And there are many such children! The only task left is to make the correct pronunciation of the sound automatic, i. automate the correct pronunciation of a given sound.
But if all sounds are disturbed in a child, he does a lot grammatical errors, his speech is slurred, he speaks with difficulty, then you can’t do without a speech therapist. And the sooner you contact a specialist, the better the results will be.
All articulation exercises are useful not only for children whose sound pronunciation is impaired, but for all preschoolers, because they develop the articulatory apparatus, make it more mobile, flexible, teach them to control it consciously.

Sound stages.

Working on a new sound that the child pronounces incorrectly includes a number of steps:
1. Clarification of the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus needed to pronounce this sound, training the movements of the articulatory apparatus - articulatory gymnastics,
2. The appearance of sound- sound setting
3. sound acquisition- fixing the correct pronunciation of sound in the child's speech (in isolation, in syllables, in words, in phrases and texts - poems, stories, games, nursery rhymes). I will talk about all these stages in more detail.

First stage. Articulation gymnastics for whistling sounds (s, s, s, s, c)

Typically, a child speaking sound with or incorrectly pronouncing it, the sound pronunciation of other whistling sounds is also disturbed (the whistling sounds include the sounds s, s, ts and a soft version of the sounds - s, s). One of the reasons for the incorrect pronunciation of sound is the lack of mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Therefore, for correct pronunciation, a special “regular exercise-exercises” is needed - articulatory gymnastics.
AT complex articulatory gymnastics exercises are combined that prepare strictly defined movements of the articulatory apparatus and the positions of the tongue, lips, necessary for a given group of sounds, develop the correct air jet. Therefore, I really do not recommend moms, dads, grandparents to come up with their own articulation gymnastics complexes from different books and from the Internet. After all, all the complexes of articulatory gymnastics are by no means randomly compiled! It is impossible to form movements that are opposite to each other at the same time, therefore, in the complex of articulation gymnastics, all exercises complement each other and are aimed at one goal - one group of sounds!
Articulatory gymnastics should be performed daily without interruption. The most convenient time is before breakfast in the morning. It takes only 3-5 minutes of your time to carry out such gymnastics.
Each time articulation gymnastics is carried out in game form - in the form of a fairy tale or story, accompanied by exercises. This is where your imagination is welcome - you can come up with any plot in which you include these exercises, and change the plot and characters in accordance with the interests of your baby!

Tips for conducting articulation gymnastics - it is important to know and perform:

Usually 2-3 exercises are performed at a time. Each exercise is performed multiple times.
If you add to the complex new exercise, then it is only one, and all other exercises should be familiar to the child by this time.
If the child finds it difficult to do old familiar exercises, then a new exercise is not introduced, but the old ones are fixed. But the consolidation takes place in a new form for the child - in a new plot, with new characters.
Articulation exercises should be done while sitting in front of a mirror.- You sit next to the child facing the mirror and show all the movements, the child can clearly see your face.
Be sure to monitor the symmetry of the face when performing gymnastics movements(the movements of the child should be symmetrical to the left and right half of the face). This is clearly visible to the child in the mirror, and he can track whether he is performing the movement correctly.
It is necessary to monitor during articulatory gymnastics the accuracy, smoothness of movements, give the child clear criteria for the correctness and incorrectness of the exercise, correct his mistakes, monitor the absence of unnecessary side movements, a good pace of gymnastics and the ability to move from one movement to another. If you just formally carry out the exercises, then their conduct is useless or of little use! After all, articulatory gymnastics is not called so for nothing. This is really "gymnastics", in which the correctness of movements is important, and not just playing with the tongue! By analogy: if you just lazily twist your arms, then this will not be physical education or fitness and will not have good result for Your health! The same is true in articulatory gymnastics. For the result, the quality of the movements is important, and not any movement in itself.
Articulatory gymnastics exercises, if performed correctly and accurately, are not easy for most children. Therefore, in no case do not scold the child, do not grieve that he does not succeed the first time. Everything needs to be learned! And there is one life law - everything that is developed, develops! Therefore, everything is still ahead of you! Praise the baby for what he is already doing - you can already make your tongue wide, your tongue has already begun to move quickly, etc.

Preparatory complex of articulation gymnastics includes exercises needed to pronounce any sounds. It is with such a preparatory complex that it is best to start doing articulation gymnastics in kindergarten or at home. Basic option such a complex that you can start doing at home:
Smile and keep your lips in a smile. At the same time, the front teeth are exposed and clearly visible.
Tube. Pulling the lips forward with a tube. With this movement, only the lips move!
Ringlet. Ring-shaped lips.
Alternation: smile - ring - tube.
Calm opening and closing of the mouth, lips in a smile. There should be no other unnecessary movements!
The tongue is wide.
The tongue is narrow.
Alternation: wide tongue - narrow tongue.
Tongue rise for the upper teeth.
Alternation of movements tongue up and down.
Alternation of movements tongue with the tip of the tongue lowered down: move the tongue deep into the mouth - bring it closer to the teeth.

If these movements are easy for the child, then you can immediately proceed to the complex for whistling sounds. If there are difficulties, then you need to train the basic movements from the preparatory complex. If the child cannot do the exercise with the alternation of “smile - ring - tube”, then I strongly advise you to consult with a speech therapist.

Complex of articulation exercises for whistling sounds p. h, c (Designed by Fomicheva M.V.).

Helpful Hints:

  • In every exercise I give description of movements and common mistakes (See "What to look out for"). After the description you will find video all exercises.
  • First, do all these exercises yourself in front of a mirror, paying attention to all the nuances, master them, and then learn them with your children.
  • Never scold a child for a mistake, just show it yourself again correct option exercise, focusing on the right nuance, describe to the child in words how to perform movements, what to follow. Children are quite calm about the “mistakes of a cheerful tongue” and are happy to “teach” him to do the movements correctly.

Exercise 1. Drive the ball into the goal.

Our task: in this exercise, the child will learn how to direct a long, directed stream of air.
Performing the exercise:
Put two cubes on the table - this is the gate. And next to the gate on the table in front of the child, put a cotton ball. The child stretches his lips forward with a tube, blows on the ball and tries to drive it into the gate of cubes.

Do not puff out your cheeks! The kid can hold them with his hands to control himself.
The stream of air should be long and without interruption - one long exhalation.

Exercise 2. Punish the naughty tongue.

Our task: teach the child to keep the tongue wide and relaxed. And continue to produce a directed air jet.
Performing the exercise:
The child, opening his mouth, puts his tongue on his lower lip and, slapping his lips, pronounces five-five-five. He then opens his mouth and keeps his tongue relaxed, wide and resting on his lower lip.
I don’t like to “punish” the tongue with the children, which is already trying its best to do it, so I do this exercise with the kids in a different story - the tongue rests and sings the song pi-py-py. Or I suggest that the child massage the tongue: pya-pya-pya. You can also come up with your own story.
What you need to pay attention to:
The edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth - the tongue is really very wide.
We pat the tongue with our lips several times on one exhalation, while the air stream goes smoothly, without interruption, without holding the breath.
The child can check the correctness of the exercise as follows - bring a cotton wool to his mouth, and it will deviate. Children always love this kind of self-examination.

Exercise 3. Wide tongue - pancake.

Our task: we will teach the child to keep the tongue in a calm, relaxed state.
Performing the exercise:
Need to smile, put wide Front edge tongue on the lower lip and hold it in this state by counting from one to five to ten. Try it yourself first!
What you need to pay attention to when following the exercise in the mirror:
Lips should not be in a tense smile - a grimace, they should be relaxed in a smile.
The lower lip should not tuck in.
The tongue should not "run away" far - it just covers the lower lip.
The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth - it is relaxed.
If the exercise does not work out, then you must continue to do the previous one - “punish the tongue”. And come back to this exercise later.

Exercise 5. Who will drive the ball further?

Our task- we will work out the correct air stream - the air goes in the middle of the tongue, the air stream is smooth, long, continuous.
Performing the exercise:
You will need a fleece, which we will try to drive away. Cotton wool is our "ball". You need to smile, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. Then pronounce the sound f for a long time. And blow off the cotton wool on the opposite edge of the table.
What you need to pay attention to:
The lower lip should not stretch over the lower teeth.
Do not puff out your cheeks!
It is necessary to pronounce the sound f, not x - it is with the sound f that the air stream is narrow, as we need.

Exercise 6. Brush your teeth.

Our task: we will teach the child to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth - this is required for the pronunciation of whistling sounds.
Performing the exercise:
Smile, open your mouth. Brush your bottom teeth with the tip of your tongue. First move the tongue from side to side, and then from bottom to top.
What you need to pay attention to:
Lips in a smile and motionless throughout the exercise.
When moving from side to side, the tongue is at the gums, and not at the top edge of the teeth.
When moving from bottom to top, the tip of the tongue should be wide and move from the root of the teeth upwards.

Sometimes articulatory gymnastics seems boring and uninteresting to adults. But not for children! I know by own experience that children really like to look at themselves in the mirror, “learn a naughty tongue” and improve the technique of performing the exercise. And to all children! And if the plot of the exercises is changed, then interest in them always remains very large, and there is a kind of intrigue - what will be new this time? After all, the kid himself sees his results clearly, sees that every time he moves, he gets better and better, more and more accurate. And in this way, the baby explores himself, the structure of his body, which also captivates preschoolers.

How long will it take to preparatory work, it is simply impossible to say. For one child, three times is enough, for another - a week, for the third - a month. But the better the organs of the articulatory apparatus are developed, the faster the baby will learn to pronounce all sounds correctly. Therefore, it’s not worth “spare” for this time and rush!

You can see the exercises of the articulation gymnastics complex for whistling sounds in the video below.

Video. Articulation gymnastics for whistling sounds (s, h, c)

Second phase. Sound setting.

At the second stage, those children who correctly pronounce the sound c, refine its articulation and pronunciation, and strengthen their skills. The same children who did not know how to pronounce it, learn to pronounce given sound- "whistle".
It is very important that the child is aware of the correct articulation of the sound and can check himself. This has been possible since the age of 4. And in the classes on the development of speech, all children are taught this (according to at least, should be taught even in the most ordinary kindergarten).
Why do children with good sound pronunciation need this knowledge and skills? To develop their ability to consciously control the organs of the articulatory apparatus, to clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation, for a clearer and fast work organs of articulation, for good mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. All these skills develop gradually and require training.

At 4 years old the child learns how teeth, lips, tongue work when pronouncing sounds in the form of a fairy tale - the game "Tales of the Merry tongue".

From 5 years old can explain to children correct articulation sound already in the form familiar to us (without a fairy tale) and ask the baby questions: “How does the mouth work? What does the tongue do, etc. At senior preschool age, it is already important not only to make a movement and be able to talk about the correct execution of the exercise, but also to monitor the smoothness and accuracy of movements, for quick switching to a new movement, for ease of movement.

Articulation gymnastics with children of any age can be completed with an exercise or game with onomatopoeia with this sound, which you will find below.

When staging a sound, the baby also learns the correct articulation of the sound.

Correct articulation of sound.

With the correct pronunciation of the sound with:
The mouth smiles (the corners of the mouth are slightly pulled back),
teeth are closed,
The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors (i.e., it is at the bottom, not at the top),
The anterior part of the back of the tongue is close to the alveoli and forms a gap with them (children know the alveoli as "tubercles" in the sky, at the top of the mouth),
In the middle of the tongue, when pronouncing a sound, a groove is formed along which air flows.
In contrast to the hissing sounds when pronouncing whistling sounds cold air stream! In order to determine which stream of air comes from the mouth, you need to bring your hand to your mouth with your palm down. Say the sound Sh yourself in this position, and then the sound C, and you will see the difference. You can show the baby this difference by blowing on his hand while pronouncing these two sounds. And then he himself will experiment with pleasure, how he does it - a cold stream of air or not.

For four-year-old children, you can set up sound C in the form of a game. Invite your child to ride a bike. To do this, we need to inflate the tires with air, which deflated a little. We will work as a pump and inflate the tires with air: ssss. Show yourself how the “pump works” - sss (show the articulation of this sound so that the child can clearly see your face). Ask the child: what is the position of the lips when the pump whistles? (In a smile). Are teeth visible? (Yes). Where is the tip of the tongue? (Bottom, hidden behind the lower teeth). What air goes - cool or hot? (Cool) - Bring the back of your hand to your mouth. Compare with X sound - when is the air warmer at X sound or C pump sound?
Invite the child to “take the pump” (pantomime is an imaginary action) and “pump up the tires with the pump” - whistle ssss.
Very often, even such a refinement of the correct sound pronunciation of the sound C in the game "Pump" is enough for a four-year-old child to begin to pronounce the sound correctly!

It happens that “playing the pump” is not enough and you need to clarify the articulation of the sound individually, in front of a mirror. When staging sound by imitation you can offer the baby to blow on a slightly protruding wide tongue, imitating you. After that, you need to translate the tongue behind the lower teeth. “Look where my tongue is. Do you see teeth? Do the same. Smile so your teeth show. Press the wide tongue to the front teeth at the top. Well done! Now cover your mouth and let's blow. Bring your hand to your chin - can you feel the air coming in? Place the cotton pad on the child's chin so that a stream of air hits it. If the child is blowing weakly, then ask him to blow harder, but do not puff out his cheeks. So, by imitation, the child will get the correct sound s. Repeat this sound 5-6 times with pauses.

It is not necessary to expect that the sound C that appeared by imitation will immediately appear in the child's speech. For a child, this is just the sound of a pump in the game! Even the next day, the baby may already forget everything, and you will have to show the sound production exercise again. And ask him to whistle like a pump, make noise like a vacuum cleaner, blow and whistle like the wind, etc. In order for the sound from to enter the speech of the child, games and game exercises for its automation, which I will talk about in the next article. After all, just repeating words and phrases with sound is not at all interesting for a baby! And still need teach the child to distinguish between relatives and similar friend other sounds, so as not to confuse them in speech. We will also talk about this in the continuation of this article.

And in the end I want to offer you two videos about making whistling sounds with a demonstration of simple and affordable techniques.

How to teach a child of 3-4 years old to speak the whistling sounds C and Z correctly? Video

If a child is good at articulation gymnastics movements, then, as a rule, a few simple tricks allow him to almost immediately learn how to correctly pronounce whistling sounds from and to. You will learn how to teach a child at home to speak the sound correctly and correct its pronunciation from the video of Irina Denisova. She shares some professional speech therapy secrets with her parents.

If you managed to successfully call the sound, then it remains only to automate its correct pronunciation in syllables, words and phrases. You can find out about games and exercises for automating the sounds C and C in a child’s speech in the article.

If the pronunciation of many sounds is disturbed in a child, articulation exercises are very difficult for him, and it is not possible to call the “correct” sound, then you definitely need to contact a speech therapist to a children's clinic or a speech therapy kindergarten. You can always find out the addresses of all institutions where you can get help from a speech therapist free of charge at the district or city department of education.

And at the end of the article - a few songs for speech lessons with children by sound with.

Songs with sound C. Video for speech classes with children.

Song about sand- a song for pronouncing an isolated sound sssss - onomatopoeia: how sand pours ssss. In the future, it can be used to automate the pronunciation of this sound in phrases.

Song about the letter S. Words with the sound C. How to mold the letter C from the letter O?

See you soon!

You can read more about the formation of the correct sound pronunciation in preschool children:


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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Children's self-esteem suffers greatly from the fact that the child fails to pronounce the letter "R". Especially if already in kindergarten they begin to tease him with burrs and offend different kind gimmicks. Parents begin to worry, they take their children to appointments with the most expensive speech therapists, study tons of literature, and the child still does not learn how to pronounce a difficult sound. Instead, it turns out "l", "l", "th". What to do? How can I help my child learn to pronounce "r"?

Just don't panic! We'll fix everything. Although there is a specific schedule for the formation of speech, and it is better to start preparing the baby’s speech apparatus from the age of two, nevertheless, at 5-6 years old, it is quite possible to cope with the automation of a growling sound on your own.

Where to begin

You will need time and a little patience. The result will be obtained after regular classes and only if you conscientiously follow all the recommendations.

The simplest option is imitation. The child should try to repeat all those actions of the lips and tongue that you demonstrate. Sit the baby in front of you and explain to him what is required of him: a wide setting of the lips in a smile so that the tongue tightens. If the lips are sluggish, a hard "r" cannot be pronounced.

Do not ask him to say "r" - he will instantly return to his usual way. Better let him repeat after you how a tiger or a tractor growls. Pretend you didn't hear and ask them to repeat it over and over again.

Learning in the form of a game

Game training option is optimal for fidgets different ages. A new sound must also be taught in the form of a game, otherwise the baby will quickly get tired or even begin to act up, realizing that he is being taught something.

If something doesn’t work out for a child, in no case do not scold him or raise your voice. Repeat all the words with him. At the same time, choose simple, short words that he can remember: tractor, paint, etc.

In the form of a game, you can ask the child to reach out with the tip of the tongue to the nose in a race, tease, sticking out the tongue, who is further, and chatting it up and down. A simple lesson will help to teach how to keep a wide smile - imitation of cleaning the upper dentition with the tongue.

Workout Exercises

  • "Sail" - a mouth in a wide smile, the tip of the tongue - on the tubercles of the upper front teeth. Repeat 2-3 times, holding the tongue for 10-20 seconds.
  • "Komarik" - the tip of the tongue is protruded and folded from the top and lower lips. We inhale deeply and try to blow out the air strongly through a small hole so that the tongue trembles. Repeat 3 times, make sure that the exercise lasts no longer than 20 seconds.
  • "Woodpecker" - the mouth is wide open, the tip of the tongue hits the upper teeth, trying to pronounce "d". Continue for 20 seconds.
  • "Horse" - the tongue touches the upper palate, clattering like a horse. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • “Bite your tongue” - in a wide smile, lightly bite the tip of the tongue. Repeat 10 times.

These simple exercises help your child learn to pronounce faster complex sounds and already to school age articulate correctly, pronouncing words with the letter "r". Be patient, practice as often as possible - and everything will definitely work out in you!

Every parent wants the speech of their beloved child to develop quickly and as it should. Only, sometimes, they do not understand that this process directly depends on them.

For your child to have grammatically correct speech, and he did not disgrace you with some ridiculous phrase or a bad word in front of friends, you need quite a bit - time, perseverance and personal example.

TV will not replace mom!

To begin with, it is advisable for parents to tune in to a long-term process of communication with their own child and learn that children should always be spoken to calmly and kindly, without a threatening intonation, even if he greatly angered you. If you are consistent, always speak slowly, weighing your every word, do not interrupt the child while he is talking, and in general, behave as you would like to be behaved with you, the development of the baby’s speech will go like clockwork . True, this is only if the child has all the physiological parameters in the norm. So, the baby should speak clearly and distinctly already at 2-3 years. From the age of 6 months, the child begins to speak syllables (ba-ba, ma-ma), and every day his babbling becomes more and more meaningful, since the perception of sound and the articulatory apparatus are constantly improving ( individual words children speak closer to the year, and then phrases with sentences).

If there are still problems with physiology, Tatyana Tkachenko is a speech therapist, honored teacher of Russia, author of more than 70 books about children's speech and early development teaches you how to deal with them.

Since speech delay can be affected by many factors (heredity, various diseases and trauma, birth defects, such as short bridle tongue, cleft palate, thickened tongue, high (Gothic) palate, malocclusion, etc.), they can be corrected with exercises, special devices (braces, obturators) or surgery. If there are no such defects, and the child still does not speak, remember: silent people most often appear in families without communication and emotions. This means that parents simply do not talk to the baby. But in vain. The child needs to replenish every minute vocabulary. It is easy to do this: just show him bright toys, and even better, do not just show him, but attract him to them. Special attention. For example, take them out of the bag, hide them behind your back, or move them. Let your toys “fly, jump, crawl”, while be sure to voice their actions, repeating several times in various variations. So the words are easier to remember and have a specific binding. For example: “What an elephant! The elephant is coming, top-top. Oh, the elephant fell. No elephant, hid! Where is our elephant?

Be sure to sing to the baby and with the baby. Read poetry to him. Even if the child does not understand the words, he catches the intonation and melody, and the rhyme and rhythm of the words simply fascinates him. By the way, finger games and toys not only develop fine motor skills but also speech. Just like reading books together. In this case, fantasy is also included. Especially when discussing what you have read with your child.

Walking with a child on the street or visiting a store, talk to him, tell him about everything you see, ask him questions, remember rhymes and songs.

Often watch good old cartoons together (what could be better than such viewing?). Just choose cartoons with real characters, not Pokemon, so that children perceive the world correctly. And do not think that the TV is able to replace the child's communication with their parents! In addition, kids spend more than 15 minutes in front of the TV screen. per day is not possible. And even more so, you can’t watch everything in a row, otherwise the psyche will be disturbed.

Don't mess around with kids. From parents, the child should hear only the correct, clearly pronounced words. Remember for yourself: a car is not a Bibika!

Talk is silver and silence is gold

Sometimes it happens that children try to replace sounds that are “difficult” for them (P, S, Z, C, W, F, H) with “light” ones (M, N, T, L, K, S, Y). They can also reduce the number of syllables in a word. However, experts consider these phenomena normal, and parents are not advised to sound the alarm ahead of time.

If a child speaks well, but sometimes distorts words or confuses sounds (for example, a short guide, a bone sportsman), these are most likely not mistakes, but a conscious game. Play together. Ask with cunning what is the correct name of this or that thing, and give a few distorted options so that the child chooses the right one.

When a child is in a hurry to speak and swallows syllables or words, then the haste must learn that at such a pace you do not understand anything from his speech (it helps well when parents incorrectly voice his desires). And if the baby speaks calmly and clearly, then immediately fulfill his requests.

If, by the age of 4.5, the child does not pronounce sounds correctly, is not able to distinguish them by ear (i.e., there is no phonemic perception), which means that he has a failure of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, so you can’t do without the help of a speech therapist.

But what needs to be treated immediately is stuttering. Violation of the pace and rhythm of speech is caused by a convulsive condition, which appears more often at the age of 2 to 4 years, moreover, it can intensify and subside on its own. If the hesitation has not disappeared in a couple of months, the help of a psychoneurologist is already needed.

Despite the fact that children usually learn languages ​​easily (bilingualism even stimulates mental capacity), problems can begin if the child grows up in a bilingual environment (family, country). Sometimes a second language slows down the development of speech by 2.5 times! In such cases, experts advise leaving communication in one language.

And don't forget about the rules. good manners. From birth, teach your child to pronounce magic words"thank you" and "please" must be own example. Do not think that someone (grandmothers, friends in the yard, teachers in kindergarten) will teach your child to speak better than you. You, and only you, can fix the situation if something goes wrong. Furthermore, non-speaking child In some ways, he may even be smarter than his peers. Some silent people, for example, already at 2 years old with a computer - on “you”. They themselves include, they themselves open the files they need! So if the child does not say anything, maybe he just does not want to communicate? And, for sure, in this moment thinks about something else, which sometimes parents do not even suspect. For example, Alexander Pushkin was silent until the age of 6. But then...

Prepared by Sonya Tarasova,
based on materials