Games for the formation of speech in non-speaking children. Methods for stimulating the speech development of non-speaking children

Development mental functions

Classes with a non-speaking child should begin with development of his higher mental functions: attention, memory and thinking.

The purpose of correctional and pedagogical work is the consistent development of mental functions that ensure the timely formation of the speech and personality of the child. At the same time, correctional and pedagogical work is based on a thorough study of impaired and intact functions. Differentiated Approach during classes, it takes into account the capabilities of the child and the construction of a system of exercises that are in the “zone of proximal development”.

Development of motor functions

It is necessary to ensure the full motor development of the baby.

motor development contributes to the formation of a variety of motor skills in young children. The better the child's movements are formed, the better speech develops. When performing movements, sound and speech stimuli are widely used. Many exercises for the development of gross motor skills are useful to carry out to music. A clear verbal instruction and accompaniment of movements with verses develops purposefulness of actions, creates a positive emotional background, improves speech understanding, enriches the vocabulary - movements become accurate, coordinated

One of the main areas of correctional and pedagogical work with young children is stimulation motor development and correction of its disorders (speech-motor disorders, disorders functionality hands and fingers and general motor skills).

In the course of correctional and developmental work, the following tasks : formation of control over the position of the head and its movements; training in extension of the upper body; training of the supporting function of the hands (reliance on the forearms and hands); development of body rotations; formation of the function of sitting and self-sitting down; learning to get on all fours, developing balance in this position and crawling on all fours; learning to get on your knees, then on your feet; stimulation of independent walking and running and correction of its violations.

In the development of manual motor skills, they use: actions with objects; correlative actions; unfastening and fastening; training in clenching and unclenching fists, strong clenching with one hand with the other; alternately flexion and extension of the fingers of the right, left hand; make a lattice of fingers; alternate connection of the thumb and index, middle, ring, little fingers; rhythmic execution of the movement "palm-fist-palm"; development of the ability to grab an object with a pinch and use the index type of grasping (two fingers - forefinger and thumb); development and improvement of grasping movements; learning to grasp large objects with two hands, and small objects with one hand. In the process of doing exercises, children improve motor functions; the state of the tone of small muscles is normalized; the accuracy of hand movements develops (coordination of the movements of both hands), hand-eye coordination; the praxis of the posture develops when imitating the movements of an adult. The child learns to construct images with the help of fingers and hands. Finger games have a beneficial effect on the development of children's speech (speech areas are formed under the influence of impulses from the fingers), prepare the child for drawing and writing.

sensory development

In close connection with the development of movements, sensory education aimed at improving optical-spatial and auditory functions, improving sensory-perceptual activity. The solution of the above two problems is carried out on the basis of substantive activity as a leading activity of an early age (from 1 year to 3 years).

As a result of systematic work on sensory education, children learn to distinguish and take into account color, shape, size; while doing practical action, learn to group objects according to the sample by color, shape, size; when choosing from four varieties, correlate dissimilar objects by color, shape, size; actively use "objectified" words-names to designate the form (brick, ball, ball, roof, egg, cucumber).

Logopedic massage

Logopedic massage necessary for a child with a speech delay. Using the methodology of O.A. Novikovskaya, exercises are carried out:

  • "Funny Song" Fingering your lips, make a sound similar to .. B-B-B .. Movement of the fingers to the right, to the left.
  • Comb ”Bite your lower lip lightly and scrape it with your upper teeth several times, as if combing it. Then bite the upper lip and scrape it several times with the lower teeth.

Language exercises

  • "Curious Tongue". Smile, closing your teeth, but not tightly. Squeeze the tongue out between the teeth so that the upper incisors scrape along the upper surface of the tongue.
  • "We will punish the tongue." Stick your tongue out of your mouth and bite it lightly. When performing these movements, make sounds ... ta-ta-ta ...

In correctional and developmental work, speech therapy massage is used, proposed by K.A. Semenova, E.F. Arkhipova (“Speech therapy work with young children” - 2006)

Speech therapy massage normalizes muscle tone and motor skills of the articulatory apparatus. At an early age, namely, six, seven months, you need to start massaging the child's hand.

Articulation gymnastics

Correct pronunciation sounds is ensured by good mobility and differentiated work organs of the articulatory apparatus. Articulation gymnastics helps to develop clear and coordinated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

Tasks of correctional and pedagogical work on the development of the articulatory apparatus: development of tongue mobility (the ability to make the tongue wide and narrow, hold a wide tongue behind the lower incisors, lift it by the upper teeth, etc.); development of sufficient mobility of the lips - the ability to stretch them forward, round, stretch into a smile, form a gap with the lower lip with the front upper teeth; development of the ability to hold lower jaw in a certain position (this is very important for the pronunciation of sounds).

When selecting material for articulation gymnastics, the principle of sequence is observed (from simpler to more complex). All exercises are done in game form. Children perform articulatory gymnastics while sitting in front of a mirror, since in this position the child has a straight back, arms and legs are in a calm state. At the end of the year, children perform exercises with an individual mirror.


“Okay”, “Come to me”, “Take the ball”, “Dance with a doll”, “Catch-ups”, “Come to me - run to me”, “Take it, put it down, drop it”, “Take it, roll it”, “ Feed the bird”, “Find your toy”, “The bear hid”, “Where did the ball go”, “Hide the nesting doll”, “Ride the bunny”.

Teaching objective actions and understanding the speech accompanying these actions


“Catch the ball”, “Dance with rattles”, “Put the toys down”, “Roll the balls”, “Roll the balls through the gates”, “Plant mushrooms” (manual), “Pyramids”, “Close the boxes”, “Make a whole toy ”, “Playing the baby piano”, “Hide the toy” ”Hide the picture”, “Find your chair”, “Run to me”, “Who has this?”, “Find a pair”, “Guess what's gone” .

Natural everyday situations

Task 1. What is washing? What washes? (with water, soap, face, hands)

Task 2. What does he wipe with? What does it wipe? (towel, face, hands)

Task 3. What does he play with? What does he play? (doll, ball, harmonica, pipe)

Task 4. What does he eat? What does he eat? (spoon, fork, soup, porridge, potatoes)

Task 5. What does he draw with? What is drawing? (in pencil, house, car)

Task 6. What does he pin? What is nailing? (moth tray, picture, etc.)

Task 7. What cuts? What cuts? (knife, bread, cheese)


“Guess who is screaming”, “Loudly - quietly”, “Who is screaming like?” A. Barto, "Poultry Farm", "Feeding the Chicks" - speech gymnastics, "Cat and Mice" (the word "meow"), "Ride" (sound U), "Horses", "Feed the calves" (mmuu).

Task 3. Development of a long directed oral exhalation (on the sound Ф) -

Task 4. Whose ship buzzes better? (on the sound U)

Task 5. Calm down the doll. Sound pronunciation a.

Task 6. Who is screaming? (Ay, wah, ah, ga-ha, wee-wee, meow)

Task 7. Let's smile at Petrushka, (sound I)

Task 8. Show and name. (Katya, geese, cat, horse)

Task 9. The game "Magic Chest" (this is a house, this is Katya, this is a kitty, this is a duck, this is a goose, this is a bear, etc.)

Task 10. When does it happen? (signs of the seasons)

Task 11. The game "Cars", (pronunciation "6i-bi ...")

Task 12. Guess who said. Fairy tales "Three Bears", "Teremok", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

Task 13. The game "Echo". (Ay, Olya, Ay)

Performing articulation gymnastics in a playful way, exercises on sound culture speech, playing, children gradually master the pronunciation of sounds: a, y, o, i, e, m, p, b, f, c, k, g

Onomatopoeia uh, oh-oh-oh).


“Drivers and builders”, “We won’t say what we did ...”, “Who said “meow”, “Feed the animals”, “Look and name”, “Where will you go, what will you find”, “Who screams how” , “Geese - geese”, “Wolf, shepherd and geese”, “Who needs what”, “Shop”, “To whom did the wolf come, from whom did the wolf leave”, “Birthday of Tanya doll”, “Who does what”, “ Guess who came to us”, “High - low”, “Who eats what”, “Who sits where”, “Guess what it is”.

Third stage. Formation in the active speech of children of a simple non-common sentence

Learn to understand simple uncommon offers;

Learn to perform simple actions on verbal instructions;

Learn to understand and build phrases such as a verb in the imperative mood + a noun in the accusative case;

Learn to use phrases like verb + noun in speech accusative; verb + noun in instrumental case; adjective + noun; verb + adverb;

To learn to use in communication sentences such as under lying + predicate, expressed by the verb of the present tense 3 persons;

Learn to understand and use sentences like subject + predicate + object; subject + predicate + circumstance;

Learn to distinguish between some forms of inflection and the number of nouns;

To teach some productive ways of word formation of nouns and verbs;

Learn to reproduce the syllable-rhythmic structure of two-syllable and three-syllable words.

Types of retelling

1) Selective retelling.

Task: to select only individual episodes from the story.

2) Brief retelling.

Task: keeping the sequence, highlight only the main, essential.

3) Creative retelling.

Task: continuation of the story with the addition of invented facts.

Techniques for teaching retelling

Sample reading a work,


Explanations, instructions,


Appeal to personal experience children,

display of visual material

Word or phrase suggestion

Joint retelling of the teacher and the child,

reflected retelling,

Partial retelling,

Role retelling,

dramatization game,


choral speaking,

Evaluation of children's speech.

learning techniques

Lead reception - a question. Search and problematic questions require inferences about the relationships between objects: Why? What for? Because of which? How are they similar? For what? How to find out?

Questions of a stimulating nature: What kind of guys can you say - are they friends?

Simple, reproductive questions: Where? How much? Who?

The sequence of presenting questions in a conversation: first, reproductive ones to revive the memory and experience of children, then 1 - 2 search questions, and finally - 1-2 generalizing questions.

Building a conversation

Start of a conversation. The goal is to evoke, revive impressions in the memory of children. Reminder questions, riddles, poems, paintings, photographs, objects are used.

The main part of the conversation. Micro-themes and stages are distinguished. For example, in the conversation “About health”, the stages are highlighted:

1. Fresh air (indoors, on walks).

2. Morning exercises.

3. Cleanliness of hands.

4. Hardening.

End of conversation. This part is short, emotional, practically effective, and may contain wishes for children for their further observations.


1. Becker K.P., Sovak M. Speech therapy. - M, 1981.

2. Vasilyeva KN., Novotortseva N.V. Educational games for preschoolers. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.

3. preschool education abnormal children: A book for teachers and educators / Ed. L.P. Noskovy. - M., 1993.

4. Efimenkova L.N. Formation of speech in preschoolers. -M, 1985.

5. Zhukova NS. Formation oral speech: Educational and methodical manual. - M: Sots. - political journal, 1994. - 96 p.

6 Zhukova NS. et al. Overcoming the delay in speech development in preschoolers. - M: Enlightenment, 1973. 220 p.

7. Zeeman M. Speech disorders in childhood- M: Medgiz, 1962. - 268 p.

8. Games in speech therapy work with children / Ed.-sost V.I. Seliverstov. - M, 1977.

9. Kuzmina N.I., Rozhdestvenskaya V.I. Education of speech in children with motor alalia. - M., 1977.

10. Underdevelopment and loss of speech /Ed. LI. Belyakova and others - M, 1985.

11. Speech therapy: Tutorial for students ped. institutes in the specialty "Defectology" / L.S. Volkova, R.I. Lalaeva, EM. Mastyukova and others; Ed. L.S. Volkova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 528 p.

12. Violation of speech in preschoolers / Comp. R.A. Belova - David. - M., 1972.

13. Novotortseva N.V. The development of children's speech. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1994.

14. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy / Ed. R.E. Levina. - M .: Education, 1967. 367 p.

15. Khudenko E.D. Practical guide on the development of speech: V2ch.-M., 1994.

Methods of working with non-speaking children.

The main directions of correctional and pedagogical work with non-speaking children:

  1. Development of cognitive activity: development various forms communication between a child and an adult; formation cognitive activity; development of knowledge about the environment and understanding of addressed speech; stimulation of sensory activity (visual, auditory, kinesthetic perception); formation of subject activity.
  2. Stimulation of the development of voice reactions, onomatopoeia and own speech activity.
  3. Stimulation of motor development and correction of its disorders (speech-motor disorders, functional disorders of the hands and fingers and general motor skills).

The system of correctional and developmental work with non-speaking children includes the following areas.

The owners of the patent RU 2557696:

The invention relates to speech therapy and can be used in teaching colloquial speech talking children with pronounced articulatory difficulties and difficulties in phonemic discrimination. Spend 3 stages of stimulating speech in a child. At the first stage, the challenge and consolidation of the pronunciation of involuntary consonant sounds in game situation, using the association to the movement of an object with a gesture for the possibility of their arbitrary reproduction by the child. At the same time, the sound obtained during the game is accompanied by a gesture associated with the movement of the object, until a stable relationship is formed between a specific sound and a specific gesture with the object, and the gesture and the movement of the object must indicate one sound. Next, they teach the pronunciation of consonant sounds that are absent in the child’s speech using the formation of blowing air jet with the creation of a barrier with the help of articulatory organs and the consolidation of consonant sounds in a game situation, using the movement of an object and a gesture to pronounce sounds, and the gesture and movement of the object must indicate one sound. At the second stage, training is carried out to complete the pronunciation of a word by using the effect of an unstressed syllable's attraction to a stressed and/or unstable note - to a stable and/or completion of a rhythmically specified word structure. Next, they teach words from two or more open syllables and one closed syllable. At the third stage, the pronunciation of the phrase is taught using simultaneously its rhythmic-melodic structure, gestures, pictures and/or objects denoting the whole word. The method allows to speed up the evoking of sounds, arbitrary pronunciation of sounds, and also to increase the efficiency of teaching the pronunciation of words by a child by conducting speech therapy techniques. 1 z.p. f-ly,

The invention relates to speech therapy and can be used in teaching colloquial speech to non-speaking children with severe articulation difficulties and phonemic discrimination difficulties.

Speech perception is an extremely complex phenomenon. Sound waves that carry information about various signs speech sounds, are characterized by high diversity and instability. The characteristics of the same sound may vary depending on the timbre of the interlocutor's voice, on his emotional state, from the position of the sound in the word (a certain sound is at the beginning or end of the word). AT this moment There are two main theories of speech perception. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses. Sensory theory assumes that the perceived acoustic signal is sequentially processed in the auditory analyzer and compared with the existing standard. During signal processing, acoustic features are transformed into auditory sensations, then phonetic features are extracted from them and a perceptual image is created, including a description of many signal features. But it turns out that the acoustic features of speech sounds vary so widely that it is almost impossible to distinguish them. However, a number of concepts have also been developed to explain how the auditory analyzer works. Some of them suggest the presence of an innate receptive ability, while others suggest the formation of this ability in the course of ontogenesis on the basis of linguistic experience. According to the motor theory of speech perception, sound signal processing occurs in connection with the activation of motor articulations. The perception of an acoustic signal is associated with the automatic activation of motor impulses that reproduce the incoming signal. Recognition of the incoming acoustic stimulus is carried out on the basis of a comparison of these motor commands with the available standards. But this theory also has its difficulties. Motor standards are formed based on speech practice. It follows from the motor theory that a non-verbal child does not distinguish between audible speech. But it's not. Usually it is the understanding of speech that precedes the beginning of speech reproduction.

Until now, in matters relating to the mechanisms of speech perception, there is no consensus. However, the generally accepted position is that both speech perception and reproduction depend on the emergence and adequate joint functioning of motor and sensory centers. Normally, this connection can form quite early. But, despite the existence of such a possibility, it is not always realized. The delay in the appearance of speech in children is often explained precisely by the blocking of this connection. Another common difficulty in mastering speech is the lag in the formation of a child's symbolic function. J. Piaget, on the basis of a study of the development of infants, put forward the concept of a symbolic function as the ability to replace real existing object a sign of various modality (motor, object, visual, auditory). To master speech (at least in the initial stages), it is important not to intellectual development the child as a whole, but the level of development of the symbolic function.

The process of stimulating speech in non-speaking children is preceded by a diagnostic process, when several aspects are evaluated, including how the child understands the addressed speech, instructions.

If the child does not speak, then pay attention to the presence of arbitrary and involuntary vocalizations, as well as the ability to imitate sounds in a situation of emotional involvement.

To implement the proposed method, it is also necessary to establish a trusting bodily-emotional contact with the child. Since the process of stimulating speech also implies physical impact, including in the face area, the child may experience unpleasant emotions and sensations. It is important to maintain a good emotionally safe relationship at the same time: to encourage the child to do something, using his motivation, interests, emotional infection.

There is a known method of teaching a child to speak mainly by an imitation method, carried out by relying on real objects, in which they use the education of auditory concentration when listening to singing, the sound of musical toys and instruments (L.P. Fedorenko, G.A. Fomicheva, V.K. Lotarev " Methods for the development of speech of preschool children", M., 1977).

There is a known method of stimulating speech in non-speaking children with disabilities in the development of intelligence, including conducting classes in a game mode, presenting visual information and pronunciation speech material in the form of words and sentences in the form of a dialogue, in which articulations of sound, words, simple sentences and video images corresponding in meaning to the lexical structure are preliminarily formed according to the increasing complexity (RF Patent No. .

disadvantages known ways is their low efficiency, leading to an increase in the time of the process of mastering speech.

The technical result of using the invention is to accelerate the evoking of sounds, arbitrary pronunciation of sounds and increase the efficiency of teaching the pronunciation of words by a child.

The claimed result is achieved as follows.

The method of stimulating speech in non-speaking children includes the sequential implementation of 3 stages.

At the first stage, carry out:

Teaching the pronunciation of consonant sounds missing in the child's speech by forming an air jet blowing with the creation of a barrier with the help of articulatory organs and fixing consonant sounds in a game situation, using the movement of an object and a gesture to pronounce sounds, and the gesture and movement of the object should indicate one sound.

At the second stage, carry out:

Learning to complete the pronunciation of a word by using the effect of an unstressed syllable's attraction to a stressed and / or unstable note - to a stable and / or completion of a rhythmically given word structure;

Teaching words of two or more open syllables and one closed syllable.

At the third stage, the pronunciation of the phrase is taught using simultaneously its rhythmic-melodic structure, gestures, pictures and/or objects denoting the whole word.

At the same time, devices that make sounds can be used as objects: children's toys, musical instruments etc.

The involuntary pronunciation of a sound is understood as the so-called sensorimotor reactions, when the child makes various sounds, “playing” with his articulation apparatus or emotionally accompanying own actions, but cannot intentionally repeat these sounds after an adult. We will call arbitrary pronunciation the ability to repeat a sound after an adult or to reproduce a specific sound at will. Difficulty in voluntarily controlling one's articulatory apparatus to produce a series of sounds is a common cause of delayed speech development.

If there is no important consonant in the child’s arsenal of involuntary sounds, we try to call it first through emotional play and imitation, and if it doesn’t work out, then with mechanical help. At the same time, the presence of sound and the ability to reproduce it are essential, and not the purity of pronunciation. At certain stages of speech development, whistling and hissing consonants can be pronounced the same way, and other complex sounds may not exist at all (for example, r or l).

Speech sounds have certain characteristics (intensity, tension and duration) that can be reproduced through the movements of the whole body. Thus, the basis of phonetic rhythm according to the verbotonal method is the reproduction of rhythmic movements with given characteristics during the pronunciation of words, sentences, and verses. That is, body movements with the characteristics of a particular sound help the child pronounce that sound. Music and speech have similar characteristics: speech - rhythm, intonation, tension, pauses and intensity; and music - with rhythm, melody, a way of extracting sound (staccato-legato), tempo, dynamics. The proposed method differs from the model of the verbo-tonal method, since music is used not only as a way to stimulate speech development, but also as a support (an object that allows you to better hold on to any process).

Rhythm failures, pauses, syncopation on the example of already familiar material are used as rhythmic stimulation, giving the child space for sound inclusion. All verses and phrases are pronounced on an "emotional attack", i.e. exaggerating emotion, directing it to the child.

Support is understood as an object or action of a person that helps the child to better navigate the activity and stay in it. And the impulse implies an activating action that will cause certain responses. nervous system. Support is a transitional tool, over time, its use is gradually minimized. The support object should be attractive to the child, this can increase the motivation to master new activities.

In the proposed method, several types of supports are used: support for a gesture, for a musical phrase, for rhythm, for a picture, for a letter, for an object.

Gesture in many speech acquisition systems (makathon, gestural speech deaf, etc.) is a replacement or partial replacement sounding speech. In the proposed method, the gesture does not replace the sound, but is a transitional link between the perceived sound and its motor reproduction. The peculiarity of this method is also that the gesture does not mean the whole word, but only the sound.

The sound received during the game is accompanied by a certain gesture, also associated with the game situation in which the sound was called. For example, they launch a ball and show a gesture indicating both the flight of the ball and the sound sh. In the future, this gesture is constantly used when pronouncing this sound in words, poems and songs, and gradually encourage the child to repeat this gesture. After some time, a stable relationship is formed between a particular sound and a particular gesture. When a child shows a gesture, he utters the corresponding sound.

Similarly, they rely on a musical phrase, on a rhythm, on a picture, on a letter, on an object.

Support for a musical phrase. The teacher sings the same melody several times: “Give me a cow.” After the melody is already familiar to the child, the teacher sings it and stops at the penultimate note: “give me a short ...” and pauses, simultaneously prompting the sound “B” with this gesture.

Rhythm support. The teacher pronounces a rhythmic phrase several times: “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, and I’ll also leave you, hare!” After a few repetitions, the teacher stops at the penultimate syllable and shows a gesture to the sound “D”: “And from you, fox, also uh ...”

Support for an object. The child already associates the sounds "P" with a cork, and "K" with a cube. Several times the teacher plays two games with the child: he spits corks, while the child must command: “pa”, and pushes the cubes with his fist from the table with the exclamation “ka”. Then the teacher lays out a row of alternating corks and cubes. Passing a finger along the row, encourages the child to alternately pronounce the syllables: “pa-ka-pa-ka-pa-ka” at the end of the row, the teacher waves his hand and says holistically: “bye”, prompting the child to repeat.

Image support. Suppose a child can already pronounce words separately, but has not yet reached the level of a phrase. We show him a photo of a mom drinking juice. Below the photo, we lay out three small cards: mom, drinks (pictogram), juice. By running a finger over each of the small cards, we encourage the child to name them sequentially, preferably singing, in order to unite them with the integrity of “mom drinks juice.”

At the third stage, the support is simultaneously a musical-rhythmic structure, a gesture denoting the whole word (verb), and an object, in the case of a phrase with a verb in the imperative mood. Example: the teacher sings “Tanya, throw the ball!” At the same time, with a preemptive gesture before each word, the teacher points to his face (Tanya), makes the gesture “throw” (symbolically waving his hand), points to the ball (ball). After the phrase is sung by the child, the teacher throws the ball.

When declarative sentence musical-rhythmic support and support for pictures are used simultaneously. Example: a teacher shows a child a photograph of a mother drinking juice. Below, under the photo, the teacher lays out three small cards: mom, drinks (pictogram), juice. By running a finger over each of the small cards, the teacher encourages the child to name them sequentially, singing to unite them with the integrity of "mom drinks juice."

Speech is not talking child after certain stimulations, it begins to develop rapidly, and this development can in no way be attributed to either the efforts of parents or the increased intensity of classes. There is a kind of "start" of speech, although if the child initially had serious difficulties, for example, of a communicative nature (autism) or organic lesions, the process may be slower and require additional classes of related specialists.

1. A method for stimulating speech in non-speaking children, including
sequential implementation of 3 stages, and
at the first stage:
- calling and fixing the pronunciation of involuntary consonant sounds in a game situation, using an association with the movement of an object with a gesture for the possibility of their arbitrary reproduction by the child, while the sound received during the game is accompanied by a gesture associated with the movement of the object, until a stable relationship is formed between a specific sound and a specific gesture with an object, and the gesture and movement of the object must indicate one sound;
- teaching the pronunciation of consonant sounds absent in the child's speech by forming an air jet blowing with the creation of a barrier with the help of articulatory organs and fixing consonant sounds in a game situation, using the movement of an object and a gesture to pronounce sounds, and the gesture and movement of the object should indicate one sound;
at the second stage:
- learning to complete the pronunciation of a word by using the effect of an unstressed syllable gravitating towards a stressed and / or unstable note - towards a stable and / or completion of a rhythmically given word structure;
- teaching words of two or more open syllables and one closed syllable,
at the third stage,
teaching the pronunciation of a phrase using simultaneously its rhythmic-melodic structure, gestures, pictures and / or objects denoting the whole word;

2. The method according to claim 1, in which devices that make sounds can be used as objects: children's toys, musical instruments, etc.

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The invention relates to speech therapy and can be used in teaching colloquial speech to non-speaking children with severe articulation difficulties and phonemic discrimination difficulties. Spend 3 stages of stimulating speech in a child. At the first stage, the call and fixation of the pronunciation of involuntary consonant sounds in a game situation is carried out, using the association to the movement of an object with a gesture for the possibility of their arbitrary reproduction by the child. At the same time, the sound obtained during the game is accompanied by a gesture associated with the movement of the object, until a stable relationship is formed between a specific sound and a specific gesture with the object, and the gesture and the movement of the object must indicate one sound. Next, the pronunciation of consonant sounds absent in the child's speech is taught by forming an air jet blowing with the creation of a barrier with the help of articulatory organs and consolidating consonant sounds in a game situation, using the movement of an object and a gesture for pronouncing sounds, and the gesture and movement of the object should indicate one sound. At the second stage, training is carried out to complete the pronunciation of a word by using the effect of an unstressed syllable's attraction to a stressed and/or unstable note - to a stable and/or completion of a rhythmically specified word structure. Then, words of two or more open syllables and one closed syllable are taught. At the third stage, the pronunciation of the phrase is taught using simultaneously its rhythmic-melodic structure, gestures, pictures and/or objects denoting the whole word. The method allows to speed up the evoking of sounds, arbitrary pronunciation of sounds, and also to increase the efficiency of teaching the pronunciation of words by a child through speech therapy techniques. 1 z.p. f-ly,

Working with non-speaking children begins with their parents. And they treat this situation differently. Some do not see a problem in the fact that a child is silent at 2.5 years old ... Indeed, many children begin to speak after 2.5-3 years. But such a delay in itself should alert: it means that there are some, albeit minimal, changes in development.

Other parents, on the contrary, read a lot, look for a way out of the situation, but, clearly following the advice, they cannot or do not want to admit that all children have different starting opportunities, and they are surprised: I do everything as recommended: I don’t lisp, I say in full words, I read a lot, I put on audio cassettes to listen to. And he is still silent. Such parents have to explain that they are rewarding the child with overwork. Yes, one kid will stand on his feet and easily stomp himself, without outside help, and the other will walk along the wall for a long time, and he will have to specially form, correct his gait. So it is with speech. If the parent sees that the child is not coping, he should help him, make the task easier. Some are sincerely surprised at the advice to use onomatopoeia in communication with a child, the babbling words ku-ku, bi-bi, bye-bye: “What are you, we did this when he was a year old, now we only say “car, towel”.

Lights for the parents of a non-speaking child

As a result of such conversations, recommendations were made for parents whose children cannot speak for a long time.

Tips for parents

  1. Talk more with the child, voicing all the actions (feeding, dressing, bathing), commenting on the environment, not being afraid to repeat the same words, pronounce them clearly, patiently, kindly.
  2. Develop speech comprehension using simple instructions like "Give me a pen," "Where's the leg?" Rely on what is available to the child. Repeat what you have already learned over and over again.
  3. Use in speech, along with full words, their simplified versions: car - bi-bi, doll - la-la, fell - bang.
  4. Sing to your child before bed. It is better not to change the repertoire often.
  5. Arouse the desire to imitate an adult. This is possible when emotional interest and the availability of words that the child utters during joint games are combined (Hide and Seek - peek-a-boo, Train - tou-tu). You can be surprised at what you see together: "Wow!" The first words spoken against an emotional background can be interjections: oh, ah, wow. The child is allowed to repeat only vowels: o, a, u.
  6. Tell more often, read the first children's fairy tales, poems. Encourage them to complete the words as much as possible.
  7. Do not overload your child with television, video and audio information. When reading, reduce the text to understandable phrases.
  8. Don't talk to your child about his lagging behind.
  9. Do not get annoyed, do not be embarrassed that your child does not speak. Do not show excessive anxiety: everyone has their own deadlines, their own problems.
  10. without waiting for the child to speak. Start teaching him to distinguish objects by size (large - small); correlate colors, shape (give the same); quantity (one - many).
  11. Perform massage of the fingers and palms, games like "Magpie-white-sided".

The work of a speech therapist

Work with any child begins with establishing contact. In the case of non-speaking children, it is important not to scare them away with insistent “say”. At first, it is better not to demand speech activity from them. It may be recommended to use various games with toy interested in the child. Games like "Do as I do" (shake the doll, roll the ball, put the car in the garage) call him to speechless, and subsequently to speech imitation.

The next step is engagement. Work is being carried out in several areas:

  • development of understanding of speech, simple instructions (give me a pen, show my nose);
  • encouragement to speech through situations that emotionally interest the child. Here apply different kinds hide and seek (we are looking for a toy, part of the body, the child himself), looking at family photos;
  • motivation for speech through the evoking of an orienting reflex (What is it?, What is there?). Folding books, toys in a dry pool, in a box, in wrapped paper are used. The main thing is to attract attention, to cause emotional reaction, expressed by interjections (oh, ah, wow), arrange for speech imitation, repetition along with babble ordinary words(la-la, owl);
  • work on finger and articulatory motor skills, breathing, clarification (but not staging) of individual sounds of early ontogenesis, development of speech hearing and attention, formation of the ability to convey simple rhythms, clarification and expansion of the passive vocabulary on lexical topics united by a common situation (We play; We eat ; My room);
  • development of the sensory base (color, shape, size, quantity);
  • stimulation of the development of visual and auditory attention, memory, arbitrary regulation of activity.

O important role speech in arbitrary regulation of activity says E.M. Mastyukova in her book "Therapeutic Pedagogy": "When the regulatory function of speech is underdeveloped, the child's actions are impulsive, the adult's instruction organizes his activity little, the child finds it difficult to consistently perform certain intellectual operations, does not notice his mistakes, is easily distracted. These features of activity, related to the underdevelopment of the regulatory function of speech, significantly complicate the learning process.

How older child, the more difficult it is to involve him in speech classes. Even in a situation of play, older children are more sensitive to verbal promptings and immediately turn away, move away from contact. For example, Artem N. (3 years old) said briefly "Nope" and stuck his head into his hands folded on the table. And as soon as he felt that the verbal threat had passed, he again became cheerful and was ready to play. In the case of Artem S. (4 years old), I had to be strict and persistent: "Anyway, I won't let you go until you complete the task. Do it, work." And at the slightest difficulty, he immediately began to cry.

When the level of motivation verbal communication becomes sufficient, work begins on the development of an active vocabulary, primarily nominative and verbal. Even at the level of babbling and onomatopoeic words, the phrase is built: bibi tpu (the car is driving), lala aaa (the doll is sleeping). Heard from Anton A. (3 years old), the phrase "uncle iti" (uncle will fix it) was repeated both in the usual and in the children's sound, transferred to a different situation. The child rejoiced, recognized his words, began to speak more boldly.

Interestingly, against the background of babble, a normally pronounced word suddenly appears: Maxim L. (3 years 3 months) has an airplane, Ilya P. (3 years 3 months) has a car, Artem S. (4 years 4 months) .) - chickens, at Artem N. (3 years 4 months) - fell. The child walks for several days and repeats the resulting word with pleasure, listens to the new sound himself, and demonstrates it to others. Approximately two months later, he begins to speak.

The participation of the child in matinees also helps to acquire speech confidence, the desire to speak. Even a couple of words spoken on it helps the child straighten his shoulders, he has a motivation for speech classes. Here the quality of sound pronunciation is inferior to the goal of developing a bold speech behavior, desire to perform. And the matinee itself becomes a functional training for beginners to speak.



Comment on the article "From the experience of working with non-speaking children - advice from a speech therapist"

For the correct and timely development of speech in a child, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in which the child's learning will be faster and more fruitful. Try to limit TV viewing when interacting with your child. TV very much slows down the development of speech. In this article, we want to introduce you to several recommendations of a speech therapist for the development of speech in a child. THE MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE A child will not be able to learn speech if he grows up in silence. So even if you...

At this age and with such problems, I would rather advise a defectologist, preferably with experience in such work. That is, with mental development corresponding to the age schedule (norm) - a speech therapist deals with a non-speaking child.

Speech therapist working in the garden №1611, with experience in working and communicating with children. Wanting to help children. I work on all speech therapy directions: - probing articulation massage; - correction of sound pronunciation; - development of phonetic and phonemic hearing in children with FFNR and ONR - work with children suffering from dysarthria; - work on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech; - connected speech; - teaching literacy; - prevention and correction of writing and reading problems (dysgraphia, dyslexia) - Development ...

Currently, mothers and fathers are wondering if their child needs a consultation with a speech therapist, but few know that the most favorable period in terms of speech development in a baby is 2-3 years. This is the time to consult with children's speech therapist Is the child's speech appropriate for his age? You should contact a speech therapist if: - Before the age of 2, the child does not have speech (the child is silent) or the child's vocabulary is no more than 10 words. Qualified specialist- speech pathologist...

Daughter 2.7. He speaks very fluently and clearly. And she began to speak very early, before the age of one. Prior to this, the eldest son spoke in sentences at the age of two and had a good vocabulary, but the speech therapist managed to suspect him of srr. Now he is 6.9 and speaks perfectly, there are no problems. But the average son (now he is 4.6) still does not speak very clearly and spoke late, by the age of three, almost simultaneously with his younger sister, and they have a 2-year difference! We went to a speech therapist in the period from 2 to 3 years old, carried out all kinds of tests and told us to get behind the child, he is not deprived of intelligence, fine motor skills at a good level, will speak in due time. He spoke, of course, but still work and work on his speech. I wrote all this to the fact that all children are really different, even in the same family. So don't worry, be sure to talk! At the same time, it will definitely not be superfluous to deal with a child. Finger gymnastics, various speech therapy exercises(If you manage to interest the child). You even say a word, we were generally silent and did not agree to any classes :)

But the second is usually possible after at least a few sessions with a speech therapist, when the child And then you have something about speech, about schools, everything about someone. Therefore, the advice is strange, IMHO. I didn’t write anything at all here, except about MY experience (personal and with my child).


Why are you only talking about the pediatrician? What difference does it make what qualification she is if a speech therapist deals with speech issues (and also a defectologist, a neurologist with problems, plus consultations of an ophthalmologist and laura are needed).
Another question is that the parents are likely to send and will be right :) You can’t explain it to everyone.
And it will be difficult to correct the speech until the parents want to. IMHO. Children get used to it, especially since we are not talking about a baby. To obtain competent speech First of all, you need to at least consult with experts and understand what to do. Secondly, constantly remind and correct the child. But the second is usually possible after at least a few sessions with a speech therapist, when the child understands what they want.

It's such a delicate moment. If you say that something is wrong with the child or send it to the doctor, parents will most likely take it with hostility. In fact, they do just that. Not because they do not see the problem, they see it, but do not want to admit it. Because it's something serious...
What would I do - I would convince that this is not a PROBLEM, but a common everyday matter, normal healthy children often have speech problems, every first person deals with a speech therapist, a specially trained person will correct everything to normal in six months or a year and the child will chat like Tina Kandelaki and tease those whom their parents did not take to a speech therapist. I would give examples from life :) In addition, a speech therapist is not a doctor.
The main thing is that they reach a speech therapist and start working with a specialist.

Experience in working with such children (and I found a resume of the first speech therapist - she graduated from the institute in 2011, so you can’t really count on experience). I just have two acquaintances with non-speaking boys, both of whom said that their neurologists sent them for examinations, and...


Many thanks to everyone for the advice!
The neuropsychiatrist also said that her son did not have alalia. There is a delay, pills were prescribed (pantogam and glycine), but there is no alalia.
She said that she doesn’t expect us before December, but most likely she doesn’t wait at all.

in general, the phone rang and it was necessary to finally decide right now. For 10 seconds.
She replied that we would.
after all, if we go and regret it, we will only lose money. And if we don’t go and regret it, the losses can be great, and most importantly, irreparable.

Speech therapist of the Children's Polyclinic of the Litfond - Skakunova Svetlana Yuryevna - took part in the seminar "Using the INFANT myofunctional trainer to prepare the articulatory base and correct speech disorders in preschool children." The seminar considered innovative technology aimed at the prevention and correction of pronunciation speech disorders in children. Violations of sound pronunciation are often caused by such causes as pathology of the structure of the dentition, oral ...

I want to consult - when is it better to visit a speech therapist - at this age (4 years) or later. My son does not pronounce one sound "r". He does it like a Frenchman. The kindergarten said that it was too early, and the speech therapist generally stated, "that there is nothing to do with one sound in the speech therapy group, he will start talking!" But I already had a bitter experience - the eldest went to "growl" in the first grade. Somehow they corrected the pronunciation by the end of the school year, but the niece (the same age as my daughter) was never set ...


after 5 years, up to 5 years prof. speech therapists do not know how to correct sounds, etc. For the sake of money, someone can take it, but will it be of any use? try to correct yourself, emphasize so that L speaks better than burr. my youngest also tried to burr, I transferred to L, and now it’s easier to transfer to normal R)

And we have another problem. My daughter does not pronounce hissing letters well. But I'm still waiting.

We go to a speech therapist and they give tasks to determine where the letter is, for example, "P" in a word - at the beginning, middle or end. My husband believes that it is too early to torture a child to read words, we are really having a hard time understanding the place of a letter in a word. And what about the rest of the kids 4.5 years old?


My older children are already adults. At the age of 4, the eldest son already fluently read newspapers, when he went to school (at 7 years old) he read, wrote, counted in his mind up to a hundred (add-subtract). As a result, at school he became bored after a couple of weeks, and after a couple of months the teacher could not stand it. On the winter holidays a commission was collected, the son "passed the exam" and he was transferred to the second grade. He finished the 11th grade when he was not even 16. The second child was sent to school at exactly 6 years old (he really wanted to) - he also knew how to read and write. But both learned everything, one might say, on their own, with great desire, just effortlessly. But the third did not want anything, before school he only knew letters and numbers. They didn’t force anything (thank God, then we didn’t have any speech therapists here). The eldest graduated from school with a medal, the rest without triples. Now all three graduated from college and from university. No difference. Each child is individual - and he should learn something only at will, but if he does not want to, do not force, do not discourage interest in future studies. It's just that his time hasn't come yet.

Mine is 5 in February. He reads words wherever he sees - on the street, in the store, in books. Counts (plus, minus up to 10) it doesn’t matter, it’s hard to learn poetry, (I think I don’t do much), English words knows a little. Sculpts badly, but draws. Get dressed, undress, wipe your ass - of course. True, he is afraid to get his hands dirty: for example, take daddy's socks to the basket - for nothing ... But climb somewhere on the stairs, the fence - the first! I think there is a time for everything .. BUT YOU NEED TO WORK!!! Though at home, even in extra. school..

Section: Adoption/guardianship/patronage experience. Speech therapists, speech therapists, and I'm so small ... I've been thinking about this lately. good: [link-1] The author of this article has been teaching our practically non-verbal-four-year-old for three years, so her recommendations can be...


I’ll tell you why speech therapists don’t take them up to 5 years old - well, it’s necessary to turn inside out in front of the child, get him interested in games and toys, simultaneously solving his problems of speech correction, which the child doesn’t give a damn about. And the child is small, he doesn’t understand instructions, he strives to hide under the table ... But with a 5-year-old, everything is already on the knurled, no need to strain and jump out of his pants ... Moreover, parents, as a rule, make a puzzled face after 2 weeks and they ask: “Why didn’t my non-speaking three-year-old, after four whole paid classes, speak like a TV announcer ???!!! In their environment, my colleagues say that, of course, you need to study, the sooner the better. with a child under 5 years old ... In my experience, my youngest client was 1 year 9 months old, I prepared for classes an hour ahead of time. The pay was good, that's why I took it, but sometimes my hands dropped, although the child was smart. Of course, it's easier to work on the assembly line according to algorithms familiar for years with a five-year plan, than individually with a baby.

03.11.2011 23:50:49, speech therapist

Definitely not a DR specialist. There are speech therapists and defectologists. You can look for a defectologist in the correctional garden. There is a thread about speech therapists on the local forum. We are also looking

Time runs, and the baby is silent or in best case"mumbles" something on him alone understandable language, why? It is not easy to answer this question unequivocally, the reasons may be unfavorable ecology, poor health of the mother during pregnancy, lack of formation or insufficiency of the sensorimotor sphere, neurological diseases of the child himself, hearing problems ... Or maybe your baby lacks communication. Do you talk to him, do you comment on your actions and his actions, do you discuss everything...

In recent years, the percentage of children with speech disorders has increased significantly. Unfortunately, such children get to a speech therapist before school, at best, after five years. The most significant age for the development of the child (sensitive period) has been missed. Hence the mass of problems not only with oral speech, but also with writing. These problems are especially pronounced in children when learning to read and write. But an attentive attitude to the child from the first days of his life makes it possible for mothers, doctors ...

They have a very rich experience of "pulling out" children. Then oh. there are many methods, look at the site to which I gave a link. In the West, it’s not like that - here it’s not a speech therapist, but a specialist in verbal communication (which is much wider), and each in his own field (working with the deaf, safe ...


Pangea, my girl, at the age of about 2 years, was issued a disability due to a severe delay in psychomotor and speech development (apparently, it was assumed that the child was an imbecile). Then there was a "significant positive dynamics"and as a result of her 4 years, neuropsychic development corresponded to 2.5 years. Now she is 7 years old, in September we will go to a mass school, development in general corresponds to age, there are solvable problems that we can handle. So the main thing is not to despair and believing in a child can still change a lot.Specialists will tell you what to do specifically.

Bad chewing, overexertion of the root of the tongue, poor speech - this indicates hypoxic damage.
A speech therapist is definitely needed, and if there are no contraindications for epi-speech therapy massage.
From the pedagogical correction-CLP on the street. Builders, Institute of Correctional Pedagogy, Center "Sunflower" on Marshal Biryuzov, "Our Sunny World".
From medicine - the Institute of Medical Technologies at Oparina, 4, entry 438 3089, if there are no contraindications, injection courses can give an incentive to overcome neuropsychiatric delays.

Ilya accepted him immediately, even climbed to hug! is engaged in (TTT) so, IMHO, ordinary speech therapists DO NOT cope with our children, only with special education and / or relevant experience, respectively, and you need to look somehow through speech pathologists or ICP, etc. ... it seems ...


Can I shake it? Are you sure that your child needs a speech therapist? What can he teach a child at 1.5 years old? My daughter didn't speak until she was 2 at all. Even "mom" didn't say. They put the ZRR. And then she immediately began to speak in sentences. Why am I asking if it’s too early for a speech therapist, because my son and I recently went to a speech therapist to put the letter P. He is 6 years old, and he hardly understood what his aunt wanted from him ...
PS I know about your diagnosis, but it seems to me that it’s still too early for a speech therapist. May God bless you and your son with health and happiness!

speech therapists didn’t go to us, thank God,
there was a young boy at school (after college, 22 years old! I cried .. we will see him for the first time :)
but! he is an oligophrenopedagogue + lo-goped!
Ilya accepted him immediately, even climbed to hug! engaged (TTT)
so IMHO, ordinary speech therapists DO NOT cope with our children,
only with special education and / or relevant experience, respectively, and you need to look somehow through defectologists or ICP, etc. ...
it looks like you immediately got a girl after college. It’s not a fact that she will pull a difficult child ...

11/26/2009 18:25:59, Olga local

A non-speaking child "but ... I work as a speech therapist with children with such problems, in my group of 11 children this year there are 6 of these. From my experience, if the mother is not interested in correcting the child, there will be no sense. The mother is the greatest power in a child's life.


By the way, maybe it will help you, I don’t know how it happens in Moscow, but we receive children in June and August. In June, we search with lanterns, post announcements that we need children (after appearing at the PMPK), and in August our parents take us by storm. That is, in May, you need to come to the PMPK, declare the problem and desire to the logo garden, and after sending the PMPK, run to the garden in June to conclude an agreement.

In general, the situation is as follows: I conveyed all your opinions to the mother of this child. And somehow she got crazy (well, I’m from her at the same time, although I’ve known her for far from the first year). In short, whining began: “oh, and now why take him somewhere? Oh, what if it’s expensive? But where to start? Maybe someone will orient, remembering the methods that they themselves went through with the children? Or throw links where you can read about methods for the development of speech in children with a delay? In short, any infe will be glad. For myself and for general development this is useful:))

Unfortunately, I can’t suggest anything... In our experience, I can say that, unfortunately, not everything depends on speech therapists (and other specialists), even though they do it three times. Have you thought about alternative means of communication, specifically for non-speaking children?


I have a son of the same age. New sounds and sound combinations appeared when the manualist was changed, although the speech therapist remained the same. And before that there were all the same "aha" and "aha". Apparently, the speech therapist needed help, and the old manual technique had already exhausted itself.

Unfortunately, I can’t suggest anything ... In our experience, I can say that, unfortunately, not everything depends on speech therapists (and other specialists), although they are three times super-professionals :(. My daughter turned 7 years old in May, we have been practicing with a very good speech therapist since the age of 2.5, regularly at home.For the last half year without a break, we have been practicing 3 times a week, the speech therapist herself said that we need rest ... There are no results in speech development. She is a wonderful specialist, she works with alaliki , there are a lot of children with cerebral palsy, the children are all very difficult.Since we have been studying for more than a year, I see that many children begin to speak, and we only have “nda” for everything, she began to repeat this “nda” from about 9 months. So, I don’t sin against specialists, at least "die" ... you see the problem is in us, in our head :(.
How is your child's motor development?

There is a difference for sure. More severe cases, when problems are caused by general disorders, and speech delay is secondary, are correctional gardens. There, in addition to pedagogical assistance, still often provide medical care.
And you have no choice. Go to the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC) and they will tell you which kindergarten to go to. In which one they say, you will go to this one, simply no one will take it to another.
Follow the link to see what usually happens at PMPK and figure out what your child makes of it. And don't pull. It's time to go to the district speech therapist, he will explain what to do. And then even in September 2009 you won’t get into the garden.
I think that a private speech therapist is good of course. Are you in Moscow? You estimate that a child with problems like yours needs daily classes. And preferably in the morning. And one lesson of a speech pathologist in Moscow now costs 700-1500 rubles. This is not a couple of sounds to deliver, not everyone will undertake it yet. Are you willing to pay that much EVERY day? We have also transferred the child to the speech therapy kindergarten, where there are classes every day, both group and individual, and we are engaged in private (we are trying, at least we have a problem with the fact that the child also does not want to study at all) and all is not superfluous.
At three, the child also did not speak. In 3.5, a phrase appeared. Currently ONR ( general underdevelopment speech), half of the sounds are missing, agrammatisms (confuses gender, cases, etc.), some also put ZPR (delayed speech development).
PS we also said yesterday that it is very important that speech therapists / speech pathologists, like any teachers, have their own niche, some do not admit it, but you can’t embrace the immensity, there is something that turns out better, what the soul lies in, but there is ... it's the same with teacher-student contact... :) this also applies to the most venerable expensive teachers: R if there are no shifts (I'm not saying that I should speak in a couple of classes! this is a long way) do not be afraid of changes - this is far not the last speech therapist in your life :)

I think that over time you will still come to the realization that this is a "black box", where there are no 100% correct diagnoses and definitions - this is not the main thing, the main thing is the result (it took me only four years to do this: D

We work with children who do not speak at all (at least our speech therapist) according to a methodology that is similar to RMO (RDI) and the Canadian MOre than words. The forum and Elina have some translated material. In short, she actively communicates with the child, pulling out words from him. For example, spins the child and repeats "circle, more." Over time, the child also begins to speak. But this is a very simplified example. They have a whole methodology, seminars, lectures here. I was only at the first lecture, I didn’t see the point in this technique for us. Who would have taught us to be silent sometimes.

Speech therapist Zamyatina S.N. Salekhard, MBDOU d / c No. 22 " Blue bird»
In a situation where a child of 2-4 years old does not have active speech, the question arises before teachers and parents: should I start special speech therapy classes immediately or should I wait?
Parents usually compare speech abilities your child with the level of speech development of his peers. And, of course, adults are beginning to worry about the fact that their child is lagging behind. However, on household level there are ideas that “boys generally start talking later” or “it happens that they are silent, silent, and then they will speak”, etc.

In the absence of active speech in a child of 2-4 years old, it is necessary to consult competent specialists - a speech therapist, psychologist, psychoneurologist, otolaryngologist, conduct a series of medical examinations and, if necessary, organize classes with the child. Observations of specialists, data from medical studies, as well as the dynamics of the development of the child during special classes will clarify the nature of the violation, the possible causes of its occurrence, and the degree of its complexity.
At the same time, some of the children who had speech disorders in the early and before school age, as a result of systematic speech therapy classes can completely overcome their speech defect and further successfully study in a public school. Others, even in the course of systematic studies, are not able to completely overcome the shortcomings of speech development, and at school age they have problems with the assimilation of written speech.
If non-speaking children have a low level of speech understanding, then first of all, speech therapy work should be started to expand speech understanding. Only with a sufficiently good understanding of speech can a child begin to speak.
The content of each lesson should include several areas, the first of which is the development of speech understanding. First, the child learns to understand the speech of others, to associate the names of objects and actions with specific sound combinations and words, and only then begins to speak.
Development of speech understanding. First stage.
Methodological instructions: the proposed tasks for the development of speech comprehension are intended for working with children who, with great difficulty, understand elementary requests addressed to them to show or bring something from the objects around them, show parts of their body: nose, ears, mouth, etc. .
In the process of classes on the development of speech understanding, the main task is the accumulation of passive vocabulary children: words-objects and words-actions, as well as words denoting certain phenomena and states. For memorization, children are offered only those words that denote familiar objects, actions, phenomena and states that they constantly encounter in everyday life, what they can observe, what they can act with, what they feel. When working with non-speaking children, it is not recommended to overload their passive vocabulary with words with an abstract meaning or generalizing words. Here is a dictionary of words recommended for memorization by topic.
Groups of words proposed for memorization
1. Subject dictionary.
Toys: ball, cube, car, doll, bear, bunny, ball, spinning top, bucket, spatula, pencils, books, etc.
Body parts: head, legs, arms, finger, eyes, ears, mouth, lips, teeth, nose, cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, neck, hair.
Clothing and footwear: hat, scarf, mittens, jacket, coat, dress, skirt, jacket, shirt, trousers, tights, shorts, T-shirt, socks, slippers, boots, boots, sandals, etc.
Toiletries: soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, sponge, towel, comb, handkerchief, etc.
House, apartment: house, door, lock, key, staircase, elevator, window, kitchen, room, bathroom, lamp, floor, ceiling, wall, etc.
Furniture: table, chair, sofa, bed, wardrobe, shelf, hanger, etc.
Household appliances, dishes and household items: TV, telephone, clock, stove, refrigerator, fork, spoon, plate, cup, blanket, pillow, mirror, etc.
Food and dishes: bread, roll, cheese, sausage, sausages, milk, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, cookies, juice, egg; porridge, soup, salad, sandwich, tea, compote, etc.
Vegetables and fruits: cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes; orange, banana, apple, pear, plum, etc.
Plants: tree, bush, grass, flowers, berries, etc.
The names of animals and birds that the child often sees: dog, cat, bird, dove, sparrow, crow, horse, etc.
Names of individual objects of social life: street, road, traffic light, car, plane, swing, slide, park, etc.
Names of individual natural objects and phenomena of the surrounding world: water, earth, sun, sky, rain, snow, night, day, etc.
2. Dictionary of verbs.
The child's own actions: walks, sits, stands, runs, jumps, sleeps, eats, plays, draws, builds, walks, rides, washes, bathes, dresses, undresses, combs, carries, falls, screams, speaks, sweeps, wipes and others
Names of actions that people close to the child perform: reads, writes, draws, cleans, washes, irons, cooks, fries, sweeps, etc.
Other actions (objects): phone rings; the car is driving, buzzing; the plane is flying; leaves fall, etc.
3. Adjectives, adverbs. Names of some signs, sensations and states: sweet, salty, sour, wet; cold, warm, hot, painful, tasty, big, small;
It must be remembered that in children with speech underdevelopment, the verbal passive vocabulary can be much less than the subject passive vocabulary. Therefore, if children know the names of objects, some animals, etc., then it is necessary to start learning as soon as possible to understand the names of actions, as well as to understand the questions asked about the ongoing actions: where? where? what? to whom? where? for whom?
At the first stages of development of speech understanding, the child does not require accuracy of understanding. individual words, and therefore the task is not set to distinguish between such words as there - here, here - there, open - close, where - from where, etc. When learning to understand the questions where? to whom? where? where? etc. children initially rely not on a different sound expression of these words, for example, where - from where, but on the broad linguistic context of the question. To do this, in the questions of an adult, there should be “prompting” words that are well known to children. After the children learn to understand these questions, “prompting” words are removed from them. For example: where did you get (books), but where did you put it, to whom did you give it. In the next steps, different question words will be used when identical verbs: where did you come from - where did you come from, what do you eat - what do you eat with, etc.
So, at the very beginning of speech therapy work, children are guided by the understanding of integral phrases, supported by a visual object action, and not by sound distinctions of words.
With non-speaking children who do not understand well the speech addressed to them (with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence), corrective work It starts with talking about the situation over and over again.
Creating a speech environment
It is necessary to constantly talk with the child, repeatedly saying all the routine moments (dressing and undressing, washing, bathing, feeding, walking, getting ready for bed) and various everyday situations (laying out toys in places, cooking, cleaning the table, washing dishes, sweeping the floor and etc.). The same work should be carried out during games with toys and pictures, when reading books. At the same time, an adult speaks in simple short sentences of 2-4 words, pauses, repeating the same phrases several times, changing intonations, voice strength. Words are pronounced clearly, with emphasis on the stressed syllable, for which the stressed syllable is slightly stretched. An adult often turns to the child, asks questions. But you should not demand an immediate response from the baby. Thus, the adult asks a question, pauses, then answers the question himself. After the child has heard the name of the object many times, took it, felt and examined it, acted with it, you can ask the baby to bring (show, find, give) a familiar object or perform some action with it.
When working with non-speaking children, it is not recommended to overload their passive vocabulary with words with an abstract meaning or generalizing words.
Material for classes can be toys, household items, clothes, utensils, food, etc.
Sample tasks for parents of a non-speaking (or poorly speaking) child to develop speech understanding
1. Name the objects, actions of the situation in which the child is.
"Feeding the Animals" The child is invited to arrange a dinner for the animals: “Let's feed all your animals. They got hungry. Wow, they are hungry! Who will we feed? Bring here a cat, a dog, a goat. Look how they ask for food! How does a goat ask for food? Me-me! How does a dog ask for food? Am-am! How does a cat ask for food? Meow meow! Oh, and we forgot about the bear. Call him soon! Here comes the bear: top-top-top. How does the bear walk? Top-top-top. Now set the table. Put? The guests were placed around the table. Doggy here, pussy here. Where is the goat? Right here. And they forgot about the bear again. You know? Let's put the bear on a chair. Let him sit at the table.
"Collection for a walk". Collecting the child for a walk, the adult says: “Now we will go for a walk with you. (Clothes needed for the hike are laid out on a chair). Where will we go? Find out where we have the hat. Found? Here it is, the hat. Bring your hat here. Brought? Let's put a hat on our heads. Look in the mirror, what a beautiful hat you have. Are you warm? Yes?" etc. the whole walk, returning home, undressing is spoken out.
"Washing". Bringing the child to the washbasin, say: “Let's go to wash. Let's open the faucet. No, not in that direction, in the other. Opened? Take soap. Got it? Wash your hands properly. Let me help you wash your hands. Like this. That's how good! Now let's wash off the soap. Wash off the soap yourself. Three, three pens. Washed away? Now let's wash our face,” etc.
“Let's build towers.” “Let's build towers. (Dice are laid out on the carpet: red, blue, white.) Let's build two towers: one blue and the other red. In this corner we will build a red tower, and in this corner we will build a blue one. We will build big towers. We will carry cubes by car. We will carry red cubes to this corner, and blue cubes to this one. (Adult shows opposite corners carpet or room.) And we will leave the white cubes here, where they lie, we will not touch them. Follow the car. Got it? Well, start. Started? Wow, how loud the engine runs! How does the motor work? Check signal. Works? How is the car beeping? BBC. Well very well! BBC.
An adult, together with a child, carries the cubes to different corners of the carpet, names all the actions performed. When choosing a cube by color, the adult names the color of the cube and teaches the child to take a cube of the same color.
Two towers can be built from one-color cubes located in two corners of the carpet. The first tower is built by an adult, the second - by a child according to a given model. An adult, when building a tower, must take into account the ability of children to reproduce this pattern.
2. Expand the children's passive subject vocabulary with the help of subject pictures.
The child is shown and called a subject picture, for example "Mittens". Explains their purpose. Next, the subject picture is compared with a toy or object in life size. A new picture must be found among other familiar subject pictures. Then the child is offered to perform several actions - assignments related to the picture, for example: take the mittens to mom, pass the mittens to a friend. Then the child must find the image of the object that he met in the plot picture.
3. Expand the passive verb vocabulary with
plot pictures on which people or animals perform different actions.
For children, plot pictures are prepared in which faces or animals well known to the child perform various actions, for example: a boy is sitting, a horse is running, a girl is eating. First, it is proposed to show the subject of the action: "Show me where the boy is, where the girl is, and where the horse is." If the child easily understands such questions, then the names of the actions that the subject performs are connected: “Show me where the boy sleeps, where the girl eats, and where the horse runs.”
4. Teach children to understand the names of actions that
committed by the same person, for example: the boy eats, drinks, sleeps, reads, etc.
5. To teach children to quickly navigate in the names of actions when they are given without designations of objects and subjects of actions.
For children, several plot pictures are selected, in which different subjects perform various actions with or without an object.
First you need to find out if the child understands questions that include both the names of actions and the names of familiar objects, faces, animals, for example: “Show me where the boy rides a bike, where the girl eats soup. Where does the cat sleep? Then the child with the same pictures is asked another question, for example: "Show me who rides, who sleeps, who eats."
You can offer children the following questions: “Show which girl erases and which one reads. Which sleeps, and which combs her hair?
6. Teach children to understand the questions where? where? where? on what?, locating items.
The adult lays out various items to the places where these objects are usually located. When an action with an object is completed, an adult asks a question, for example: “Show me where the books are. Where did Vova put the matryoshka? Where did they put the doll? Correctly performed actions, the adult approves and once again names the actions and objects.
7. To teach children to understand questions that help to find out in whose interests this or that action is performed.

Whom does mom wear a hat to? Who is the girl pouring milk for? To whom is dad reading a fairy tale? etc.

8. Teach children to understand questions what? whom? (from whom?), which help to find out the object of the action.

Who is the girl drawing? What is the boy carrying? What does mom wash? Who's Mom's Lucky? Who is holding flowers?

9. Teach children to understand the question of what?

What does dad cut bread with? What is the kitten playing with? What do you eat soup? How does a girl comb her hair?

10. Invite the child to arrange the pictures or toys in the sequence given by the adult.

Sample. “Listen carefully and put the toys one after the other as I call them to you: a dog, a cow, a horse; and now put it like this: horse, dog, cow.

11. Offer to perform actions in a certain sequence without an object.

Sample. Sit - stand - jump on one leg. Jump on one leg - put your hands up - sit down. Jump on one leg - sit - jump on two legs.

12. Invite children to perform actions with selected objects (or subject pictures) in a certain sequence.

Various toys or subject pictures lie on the table. The child is offered to take several subject pictures (toys) from those that lie on the table. Then the adult asks to perform several actions with the selected pictures (toys), following friend one after the other in that order. The name of the action is combined in one verbal request, after which the child fulfills them, for example: “Listen carefully and do as I say: put the handkerchief in your pocket, give me the dog, and put the flower on the window.”

Summary of work:

Children should passively correlate objects and actions with their verbal designation. Passive Dictionary should consist of the names of objects that the child often sees; actions that he himself performs or they are performed by persons familiar to him. Children should have a need to imitate the word of an adult. Verbal imitative activity can manifest itself in any speech and sound expressions, without their correction by an adult.

Used Books:

1. E.VDolganyuk., E.AKonysheva. "Motor alalia: correctional and developmental work with children of preschool age", - St. Petersburg: OOO Izd. "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2013

2. N.S. Zhukova. speech therapy. Ekaterinburg ARD LTD, 1998

3. B.M. Grinshpun "On the principles of speech therapy work at the initial stages of speech formation in motor alalias". Moscow VLADOS, 2003

Consultation for parents and teachers

teacher-speech therapist MBDOU No. 22 "Blue Bird", Salekhard, YaNAO Shcherbina V.P.

"Methods and techniques for inducing speech in non-speaking children"

Activation speech imitation.

The problem of delayed speech development, including. and in non-speaking children, is becoming increasingly relevant. The speech development of a child should go through all stages of speech: at 2-3 months - cooing (sounds "k", "x" ...); at 6-8 months - babbling (pa-pa-pa, ma-ma-ma-ma ...); at 1 year old - about 10 words (av-av, give, na, mom, dad, ...); by 2 years active dictionary(this is when the child says these words), is already about 300 words; and at 3 years - reaches 1,000 words.

What to do if the child has practically no speech by the age of 3-5 (“says” about 10 incomprehensible words)?

1. Urgently contact a speech therapist.

2. If there is no specialist, start the work yourself, “talk” with the children.

A crucial moment in working with speechless children will be the creation of the need to imitate the word of an adult. This can manifest itself in any sound complexes. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions in which the child would have a desire to pronounce (repeat) the same sound combinations repeatedly.

1. At the request of an adult, the child imitates sounds. The cries of birds and animals: “av”, “mu”, “ko-ko”, etc .; the chain of these onomatopoeias lengthens to 3-4 syllables: “av-av-av” (imitates the barking of a dog) or “ko-ko-ko” (imitates the cackling of a chicken).

During this period of speech development, children can name toys, familiar objects, actions performed by them or their loved ones, and also express their desires or unwillingnesses in a sound form accessible to them. During this period, one cannot demand from the child the correct pronunciation of words, the correct sound pronunciation, the main thing is that he speaks, even if the child imitates at least part of the words.

The activation of children's speech or the evoking of speech imitation should be closely connected with the practical activity of the child, with the game, with a visual situation, which should be achieved under various, but mandatory conditions: the emotionality of contact with the child, a certain level of speech understanding, attention stability. The presence of imitative motivation. A lot will depend on how interesting the games are organized, how deeply affected positive emotions non-speaking children, how inventive adults will be.

To achieve the desired effect in activating imitative speech activity, one must begin with the development of imitation in general: "Do as I do." It is necessary to teach children to imitate actions with objects (for example, playing ball), to teach them to imitate the movements of arms, legs, heads (“Fly like birds”; “Let's stand on one leg”, etc.).

For this purpose, children are invited to smell the flowers, warm their hands, blow a soap bubble, etc.; pull the sounds “ah-ah-ah-ah” (the girl is crying), “u-u-u” (the pipe is buzzing), “ay” (the children got lost), “i-i-i” (the mouse is crying), “wa ”(Lalya cries),“ oh-oh-oh ”(stung by a wasp).

3. Do lip exercises. For example, make a tube; stop the horse ("whoa"); alternately stretch your lips into a tube, and then show your teeth.

4. Conduct exercises for the language. For example: lick your lips; show how a cat laps milk; make "injections" in each cheek; “brush” your teeth with your tongue; click your tongue.

It is desirable to carry out game techniques, combining breathing exercises, movement and pronunciation of individual sounds, syllables.

An adult reads the text. And the children perform the appropriate movements and pronounce individual sounds, syllables.

"Small house, big house"

Adult. The bear has a big house, oh, oh, oh (spread their arms to the sides)

Children(angrily). Oh, oh, oh (raise hands up)

Adult. And the hare has a small one, ah, ah, ah (mournfully)

Children(mournfully). Ai, ai, ai ... Children squat, exhale. They lower their heads, cover their knees with their hands.

Adult. Our bear went home (children waddled).

Children(angrily). Oh oh oh.

Adult. Yes, and a little hare.

Children(jumping on two legs). Ah ah ah.

5. Cause amorphous words in a child, i.e. the child pronounces words, onomatopoeia, as he knows how, as he does.

Sound combinations are selected based on the capabilities of the child. In some children, labial sounds (“ba-ba”, “mu-mu”) are more easily evoked, in others - posterior palatine (“ka-ka”, “ha-ha”, in others - anterior lingual (“di-di”, “ ti-ti").

Successful sound complexes must be repeated in a playful way with the child several times (up to 5-6 repetitions). Pronounce these sound combinations: sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly; sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly; now angry, now gently, now affectionately. It is good to combine the evoking of speech imitative activity with respiratory-voice and articulation exercises. Articulation exercises it is better to give only in a playful way.

1) The name of persons close to the child: mother (“ma”), father (“pa”), woman (“ba”), uncle (“dya”), aunt (“tya”, “t”).

2) Names of loved ones or toys, dolls: Olya (“o”, “oya”), Nina (“ni”), Vova (“ova”, “va”).

3) Requests: give, on (“dya”, “nya”), where (“de”), there (“tya”), here (“de”). Expression of the desire to repeat something again: more (“isyo”; “sho”).

4) Expressing one’s state with interjections “ah”, “oh” (it hurts), “shhsh” (quieter).

5) Imitation of the cries of animals: dogs - av-av, am-am ("af"); cows - mu-mu ("y"), donkey - ia.ia ("a"), cats - meow-meow ("ay", "miyau"), goat - be-be "("pee-pee") .

6) Imitation of screams, squeaks: mosquito - and-and-and, birds - pee-pee-pee or ti-ti-ti (“i”, “ti”), cuckoos - ku-ku-ku (“uku”) ; chickens - ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko ("eye"); frogs - kva-kva-kva (“va-va”), tyap-tyap (“yap”).

7) Calling animals and controlling animals: cat - ks-ks-ks or kitty-kitty-kitty; scat ("beat"); horse management - but (let's go), pru (stopped); call the chickens - type-type-type or chick-chick-chick.

8) Imitation of musical toys: a pipe - doo-doo-doo (“du”); balalaika - la-la-la ("I"); bell - bom-bom-bom ("om-om").

9) Imitation of traffic noises: car - b-b-b, di-di; the plane - woo (low voice); steam locomotive - tu-tu.

10) Imitation of the noises made by an object when it falls - bang or bang (“ah”, “wah”); to the sounds of steps - top-top-top ("op-op"), to the knock of a hammer - knock-knock ("too-tu"); drops of water - drip-drop.

11) Emotional exclamations: ah, oh, oh-oh (“hh”).

6. Invite children to name their toys, familiar objects (or subject pictures); distortions and substitutions of sounds are acceptable.

Exemplary lexical material

Kitty, bunny, bear, fish, goat, dog, Petya, squirrel, fox, donkey.

Ball or ball: ("agi"), mushroom or fungus ("gt"), house or house ("omi"), cube ("ku"), car ("sina"), plane ("ate"), steamboat ( hunting").

Note. To activate speech, we recommend using games in the store (children buy toys, objects) “Find out a new toy” 9 children name the unexpectedly appearing toy that was hidden from him), “arrange the toys as I say, and then name them yourself”, “Who is faster will bring a toy”, “Suggest the right word” (an adult reads a poem, children suggest a rhyming word. If the child does not understand At the beginning of this type of work), which word needs to be added, you can put an object, a picture for a hint, or draw and color everything yourself hints).

7. Offer to repeat the names of subject pictures after the adult. You can organize a lotto game. An adult clearly pronounces stressed vowels in words for a long time. Children pronounce the words as best they can. Pronunciation vowels a, o, y, and(under stress) it is desirable then to work out.

For example: shaaaapka.

A: Anya, Alik, Katya, tata, ball, sleigh, slippers, hat, stick, poppy, bunny, cancer, boy, finger, cup.

A: Olya, Kolya, Zoya, donkey, house, boots, goat, mouth, cat, spout, spoon, cat, boat.

U: duck, fly, cube, shoes, ears, teeth, lips.

And: Dima, kitty, Inna, mushroom, linden, Zina, Nina.

8. Call up two-word sentences in children by combining the words where, give, on, here, here and pronounced from task 6.7.

Where is the ball? (“de me?”) - Here is the ball (“ot ati”).

Where is the car? (“de sina?”) - Here is the car (“ot sina”).

Give me a car (“dya sina”, “dya si”).

Give kisu (“dya ki”, “give ks”, “dya ks).

An adult must create such a situation that the child uses the words for, give, here, take.

I r o v o y p r e m

Toys whose names the children know are hidden. If a child asks an adult a question that includes the word "where" and the name of the toy (in any pronunciation), then the adult gives the toy that the child asked about.

9. Teach your child to express their desires verbally:

let me drink (“dya pi”) I want to drink (“atyu pi”)

give me more (“dya isyo”) I want to go for a walk (“atyu guya”)

mom, let's go ("mama dem") let's go for a walk ("de guia")

let's go home ("de amo")

As a result of all the work done at this stage of the formation of oral speech, children must learn to passively correlate objects and actions with their verbal designations. The passive vocabulary (which the child does not yet speak, but understands) should consist of the names of objects that the child often sees; actions that he himself performs or they are performed by persons familiar to him; some of their states (cold, warm, hot).

Children should have a need to imitate the word of an adult. Verbal imitative activity can manifest itself in any speech-sound expressions, without their correction (correction) by an adult.

List of used literature

N.S. Zhukova. speech therapy. Yekaterinburg ARD LTD 1998

L.P. Golubeva. Development of the speech of non-speaking children.

L.M. Chudinova. Techniques for activating speech in alaliki. Moscow. VLADOS. 2003