Higher education abroad. Higher education abroad

Probably, Peter the Great was the founder of overseas education, because he was the first to understand that higher education abroad is very high quality and thorough. Since those times, much has changed in life, but the education received outside our country has not lost its relevance even now.

Of course, increased educational programs and the learning environment has become richer and more interesting. And this makes studying abroad more and more popular and fashionable.

The popularity of foreign education

The popularity of education in foreign countries ah is based not only on its prestige, but also on democratic value. Previously, it was believed that decently wealthy or brilliantly gifted people allow themselves to do this. But now getting a higher education abroad is real and perfect. ordinary person. Of course, specific knowledge and skills are required to achieve this goal. You need to learn the language of the country where you are supposed to study, or know the universal English language. Well, it’s not bad to have the skills of adaptation in an unfamiliar country.

Certainly, cash are also required, but often the cost of higher education abroad is comparable to the amounts spent on education in Russian universities. Naturally, educational institutions in other countries have their own characteristics:

  1. Multi-level education system.
  2. A peculiar format of classes, focusing on practical work and assuming the freedom to choose the subjects studied.
  3. Welcome independent work expressing an informed opinion.


Deciding on this serious step you need to understand how important this is to you. Or that language practice, or the desire to stay in another country after graduation, or the desire to acquire a second higher education abroad.

In any case, the benefits study abroad obvious.


There are also some disadvantages, which can be considered the following.

  1. Enough high price higher education abroad.
  2. Inexpensive accommodation.
  3. If the language is not learned enough, this can become a serious obstacle.
  4. Prolonged separation from the motherland.
  5. There may be problems obtaining a student visa.
  6. Enough narrow specialization. This limits the possibility of working in another specialty.
  7. The need to adapt to a different culture.

Where are the best universities

Many countries of the world invite those wishing to take a course of study. There are even opportunities to get free higher education abroad.

Of the European countries, Finland ranks highest of all, in 2012 it occupied the top line of the rating. The Scandinavian states somewhat lost their positions in the field of education. Enough high places ranked by the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, Ireland and Poland.

Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia are the lowest.

Features of studying abroad

Different countries have their own characteristics in the procedure of higher education. They are quite specific, but there are general basic principles. The Anglo-Saxon model, which underlies education in English-speaking countries, involves three main stages of education:

  • bachelor - duration of study 3-4 years;
  • master - 1 year;
  • Doctor of Sciences - 3-4 years.

But a bachelor's degree abroad has some peculiarities. There are some bachelor's degrees, which can only be obtained if you have practical experience. In addition, an increase in the duration of training is provided.

Admission to foreign universities is possible from the age of 18. Foreign applicants must complete the Foundation preparatory courses.

Admission procedure

This procedure consists of specific steps.

Select country and university

Deciding why you decided to get, for example, medical education abroad, you must select a country. It is better to look at this question from the point of view of future profession. Some countries are famous medical universities others are technical. The same criteria apply to the universities themselves. Some are stronger in the field humanities, others focus on economic specialties.

Programs and terms of study

These positions depend on various factors. Whether admission occurs immediately after school or already has a bachelor's degree. Or it was decided to transfer from a Russian university to a foreign university. Each case involves different time learning.

In choise educational institution and desired program obtaining higher education abroad can help consulting experts practicing in this field.

Documents for admission

This is the longest stage, the length of which can be a year or more. Admission involves the provision of a certificate of knowledge of the language and has some subtleties. This is:

  • collection of necessary documents;
  • their translation into the language of the country where the training is supposed;
  • notarial confirmation of them and many other procedures.

The cost of studying abroad

The price of the issue depends on the cost of the chosen program and the cost of living. Training programs are cheaper the less they provide practical work. So musical education abroad will be less costly than economic.

But there are also associated costs:

  • student fees for using the infrastructure of the university;
  • ticket payment;
  • purchase of textbooks and stationery;
  • household expenses and telephone bills.

You can try to get free education. There is a system of grants for this. But to find a sponsor, you need to go through a competition for studying abroad. Grants can be issued for the entire period of study or for a specific time.

Some universities have scholarship systems. If a person receives a second higher education, the company where he works can pay for it. You can also take soft loan offered by banks for students.

Getting higher education abroad is prestigious and in demand. But Russian education is also on the high level. For example, Teacher Education abroad does not exceed ours. But the prospects for those who studied abroad are still more obvious.

It can be argued that it does not matter where to study, but it is important how. But this is hardly an indisputable truth, because a person wants to be not only well educated. For a complete and happy life you need to have a good promising work and decent living conditions.

We will consider foreign educational systems on the example of the educational systems of countries whose education is considered the best in quality in the world.


Canada has two state languages: English and French, but English is more widely spoken in some provinces. Foreign citizens have the opportunity to study in both English and French.

Preschool education

in Canada to school education starts for children aged 3-4 years (depending on the province of the country), but is not mandatory. Pre-school education is provided free of charge in schools (kindergartens or classes for children in primary schools), and groups of parents, voluntary and private bodies have also been established.

Academic year starts in September and ends in July. It is divided into three semesters. But many kindergartens are open longer. Day care centers are usually open all year round.

School education

Unlike many developed countries, in Canada there is no single government agency manager of education. Education systems in each province of the country also differ and are controlled by them independently. Each such education system reflects the religion, history and culture of that province.

Professional education

There are about 170 public and private colleges in Canada. They are divided into public (Community colleges), technical (Technical institutes). French-speaking Quebec has its own system of general and vocational education(CEGEPS).

Higher education

Higher education is considered worldwide one of the most optimal in terms of price-quality ratio and ranks second after the USA. The country's government annually spends more on the development of its educational system than any other G8 state. Diplomas from Canadian educational institutions are recognized all over the world.


Preschool education

In Germany, children from 3 to 6 years old study in kindergartens (Kindergarten). Some of these institutions are located at schools (Schulkindergarten). There is also a network of private kindergartens.

Pre-school preparation of children is not mandatory, attendance is usually optional. An exception in most states is the education of children of the appropriate age who are lagging behind in development.

Visiting by children preschool institutions paid for in Germany local authorities, the own funds of the institutions are also used, but the investments of the parents are also necessary. The size of these investments depends on the income of families, the number of children or the number of family members.

School education

Every school in Germany is subject to the government of its state. Therefore, programs, rules and even the duration of training in different areas countries differ. The total duration of study in Germany is 13 years.

    The school system consists of two stages:
  1. Elementary School. The training lasts from 4 to 6 years. Educational program for this stage education is the same for all educational institutions of the country.
  2. Secondary schools in Germany differ in types. Them educational plans and areas of education differ significantly. That is, a student already in high school makes a choice of what direction and level of specialist he wants to become.

Secondary education in Germany is given in gymnasiums, real schools, basic, vocational and amalgamated schools.

Higher education

Germany is a country with a centuries-old tradition of classical higher education. Today, the higher education system in Germany unites 383 educational institutions. They offer higher education in more than 400 specialties. In addition, there are more than 40 theological universities in the country. The vast majority of universities (98%) are public and are subsidized by the government. All of them are open to students regardless of their citizenship and ethnic background. There are relatively few private universities, only 69.

Increasing inflow foreign students, so that in many German universities it is possible to study in English and French.


Preschool education

Japan pays great attention to preschool education. Traditionally, it starts in the family. In kindergartens, little Japanese are collected in groups (“han”) and they allocate their own “ workplace". Thus, from the very early childhood they learn to work in a team.

There is a certain system for the formation of these groups (they number up to 8 people). Groups are formed under the influence of the fact that each student of the group must complement the entire group.

School education

School education in Japan lasts 12 years, half of which is spent on primary school due to the difficulty of learning their native language.

Up to 45 children can study in Japanese classes. The academic year in Japan is long - 240 days. It starts on April 1st and ends on March 1st. next year. It is divided into trimesters: April-July, September-December and January-March. According to the order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan, the upper secondary school uses the university assessment system of knowledge: each student must score at least 80 credits to receive a certificate of completion of a full 12-year high school(Kotogakko).

Professional education

Vocational education in Japan is aimed at those who wish to receive a highly technical education. The term of study is no more than 3 years.

    Japanese colleges can be equated in status with our secondary specialized educational institutions. They are divided into:
  • junior,
  • technological,
  • colleges special training.

Junior College: These are two-year training programs in the humanities, sciences, medical and technical sciences. Graduates have the right to continue their education at the university from the second or third year of study. Admission to junior colleges is conducted on the basis of a complete high school, students take entry exams.

College of Technology: study electronics, construction, mechanical engineering and other disciplines. You can enter after graduating from an incomplete or complete high school. In the first case, the training period is 5 years, in the second - two years.

College of Special Training: annual professional courses for accountants, typists, designers, programmers, car mechanics, tailors, cooks, etc.

Higher education

Higher education in Japan is single system vocational education and is considered compulsory. the most prestigious public universities are: Tokyo University, Kyoto University and Osaka University. They are followed by the universities of Hokkaido and Tohoku. Of the private universities, the most famous are Chuo, Nihon, Waseda, Meiji, Tokai and Kansai University in Osaka. There are also many "dwarf" universities with 1-2 faculties and 200-300 students.

United Kingdom

Education in the UK is compulsory for all citizens aged 5 to 16 and is divided into public (free education) and private (fee-paying educational institutions).

England, Wales and Northern Ireland differ slightly in their education, but the Scottish education system has its own traditional features.

Preschool education

Pre-school education in the UK can be obtained in both public and private educational institutions. The system of preschool institutions consists of nurseries and kindergartens, in which about 50% of little Englishmen from 2 to 7 years old are brought up. In addition, many children attend game groups preschool which are established by voluntary organizations and parents.

Starts at 5 years old compulsory education and the kids go to toddler school. Such schools are usually organized in conjunction with schools to junior schoolchildren.

School education

Traditional school British education lasts 13 years: from 5 to 18 years of age. There is a huge variety of schools in the UK. There are schools for girls, for boys and mixed schools, where both are taught together.

    British schools in general can be divided into types:
  • Schools full cycle(All-through schools): children of all ages from 2 to 18 years old are studying
  • Institutions for younger students (Junior schools): for children from 7 to 13 years. Here children go through a special elementary general cycle learning various subjects. The course ends with the Common entrance examination. Successful surrender such an exam required condition high school admissions
  • Senior schools: for teenagers from 13 to 18 years old. First, a two-year training for passing the GCSE exams is held here, followed by another two-year program: A-level or International Baccalaureate
  • University preparation schools (Sixth form): for older teenagers 16-18 years old

Professional education

Vocational education in the UK can be obtained both at the secondary level (according to Russian standards) and at the higher education level. In general, this segment is called Further education (FE).

Vocational training is carried out by integrated schools, technical (vocational) colleges, vocational training centers at work and employment centers. College is an intermediate step between school and university.

Currently polytechnic colleges are the main institutions in the UK that train specialists with vocational education. They provide training in the widest range of professions - from a skilled worker to a specialist. intermediate level- and are closely related to on-the-job training.

Higher education

Traditionally, English higher education is one of the best in the world. Everyone knows the names of the largest elite universities UK: Oxford and Cambridge. The British government encourages the education of foreign students in its educational institutions: out of 2 million students, about 300 thousand are foreigners. In total, there are 90 universities and 64 other higher educational institutions in Foggy Albion. Oldest Universities: Oxford (founded in 1167) and Cambridge (1209).

To enter a university in the UK, you must pass British exams A-levels (in Scottish schools it is called Scottish highers) or successfully complete the European Iinternational Baccalaureate program.

The duration of both programs is two years:

A-level is a classic British program.

Includes in-depth study 4 subjects required for admission to the university (specialty is chosen in advance). In Scotland, the system is slightly different: they study under the Scottish highers program for only 1 year, but it is recognized by all universities in the UK. A-level is a preparation in 3-4 subjects that the student chooses from a wide list (20-30 subjects). The set of subjects may vary slightly depending on the school. All subjects are chosen individually by the student.

International Baccalaureate is an international program.

The IB program is recognized in more than 100 countries around the world, and leading British universities in last years even prefer IB national program A level. The program assumes the study of six subjects that the student chooses himself: 3 subjects at an advanced level (240 training hours) and 3 items at the standard level (150 hours). By the end of the program, each student must write a so-called "extended essay" (Extended Essay) with a minimum of 4000 words.

Higher education in the UK is built according to the classical European model:

First degree: bachelor (Bachelor). The Undergraduate degree (UG) program usually lasts three years. The fourth year of study gives students the opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree with honors. The exception is the universities of Scotland, where the preparation lasts 4 years. At the same time, the first year of study at the UG program in the UK is equivalent to the second year of study at a US university.

Second degree: master (Master). Getting a master's degree takes most British universities one year. Some universities have taken the American standard of study for two years as a model.

Third degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Preparation is more individual and depending on the area scientific research usually takes three and a half to four years. The degree is awarded after writing and successfully defending a dissertation, which is the result of scientific research.

How can you sum up all of the above? We see that all systems have the same principle, division into stages, first by age, then by direction of study. Everywhere there is an opportunity to receive both higher and vocational education, as well as pre-school and compulsory school education everywhere. But despite the apparent similarity, each country has its own nuances associated with both admission to educational institution, so with further education in it, associated primarily with established traditions and a different mentality. Those. There are no two absolutely identical systems.

Free higher education in Europe is available not only to residents of the European Union, but also to students from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other post-Soviet countries. Many European countries finance education so much that free education available to everyone. Obviously, in order to obtain it, it is necessary to meet a number of established requirements imposed by governments and universities in various countries.

European education is traditionally and deservedly considered one of the best and highest quality. Applicants and students from different parts of the world seek to study at universities in Europe. Such education is the real guarantee successful career in an equally successful country.

A big drawback for Russian students in such educational institutions has always been tuition fees. It, as a rule, was high even for residents of European countries, and even more so for the average citizen of the post-Soviet state. However, for some time now, Europeans have realized that by investing public money in the training of specialists, the country makes an invaluable investment. This led to what exists today whole line countries and many programs that allow you to get a 100% free education in the European Union (well, or for a very nominal fee, even by the standards of the inhabitants of the CIS).

In what language can you get a free education in Europe

Well, it is obvious that in most programs knowledge is relevant in English. However, there is also national characteristics. Wider opportunities open up for the student with knowledge of the language of the country in which he is studying. In Germany, for example, you cannot study medical specialty in English. Yes, and in the future employment, knowledge is useful official language host country.

At the same time, it is quite realistic to find a program according to which studies will be carried out in English. In parallel, you can learn local languages, which will be useful in further socialization and employment. The opportunity to study in English for free is available in countries such as Germany, the Czech Republic, Finland and others.

Some European universities offer a preparatory course in which the student will have to learn the language of the country. As a rule, such courses are also free or with a nominal fee.

Another feature European education is a mismatch Russian system secondary education in most European countries, where 12-year education is provided. At the same time, a number of universities require documents on the completion of a twelve-year course. For Russian applicants, the problem can be solved by entering local universities and completing one or two courses.

Where can I get a free European education

Below is a list of countries where you can study for free or for a nominal fee (up to a thousand euros per year). Studying in them is available for foreigners.

  • Austria. Public Austrian universities offer admission without entrance tests/exams (with the exception of English or German language). You need an elementary higher education (minimum 1 year) in your home country. Available preparatory year for language learning. In some cases, enrollment directly after school is allowed.
  • Germany. Offered wide range specialties. There are no entrance exams, only a language test. There are many English-language courses, however, the competition for them is very high. A minimum of 2 years of study at a university in your home country is required. A preparatory year is possible after completing only one course at a Russian university.
  • Greece. Training is conducted on Greek however, a language proficiency test is not required upon admission. Enrollment occurs without exams and is possible immediately after the end of secondary education.
  • Spain. You can enter state universities right after high school. Entrance tests are provided. Teaching takes place in Spanish. After completing the first year at home, you can enter a Spanish university without exams.
  • Italy. It is possible to study in English. Upon admission, language proficiency is tested. Required elementary education at a university in your home country (one or two years). For a number of specializations and directions, entrance tests are provided.
  • Norway. State universities accept immediately after graduation. Teaching languages: Norwegian, English.
  • Finland. Educational programs and courses in English are provided. You can enroll in public higher education immediately after high school. Mainly there are entrance exams. There is an opportunity to go to college after high school.
  • France. Support for programs in English. Language proficiency must be verified. Enrollment occurs without preliminary exams and tests. You need a high school diploma with good grades.
  • Poland. Courses are taught on Polish, which, by the way, is not so difficult to master for those who speak Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian. Applicants are enrolled on the basis of a competition of certificates. There are paid relatively inexpensive training programs in English (within 2 thousand euros per year).
  • Portugal. Need knowledge Portuguese and hand over entrance tests. Admission is allowed immediately upon completion of secondary education.
  • Czech Republic. AT state universities free education for Czech. The possibility of admission after school is allowed. Enrollment can be carried out under a properly executed power of attorney (without the presence of an applicant and without a language test). Basic knowledge of the language is required to start studying. It is possible to find educational programs in other languages ​​(including English). Their price starts from a thousand euros per semester.

In addition, no fees are charged for higher education in Slovenia, Luxembourg. And for example, in Iceland you only need to pay an administrative fee in the amount of 100 to 250 euros.

Despite the possibility of obtaining an excellent higher education in Europe completely free of charge or very inexpensively, there is an opinion that the cost of living and eating in the EU countries will be prohibitive for people from Russia and other post-Soviet countries. The current expenses of students in the European Union, of course, exist and they are:

  • about 40-150 euros - semester fee for educational materials, stationery, copies;
  • housing and meals - in Europe, a student can get these benefits cheaper than in Russian capital(housing rent, for example, reaches from 200 to 400 euros, but, in general, accommodation is required somewhere within the range of 900 euros per month).

Thus, higher education in Europe is available to Russian applicants both in terms of conditions and finances. A bunch of free programs make it even more attractive for immigrants from the CIS countries. At the same time, as a rule, there is also a chance to learn one of the European languages. And this greatly increases the competitiveness of the future graduate in employment in European country.

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It is believed that students who have received higher education abroad at one of the prestigious universities in the UK or the USA find much faster decent job and move along career ladder. Therefore, the choice of a future university should be approached as responsibly as possible, focusing in this matter not on reviews on the Internet, but on the opinion of experts in the field of education. For example, the most authoritative rating top universities QS-THES-200 takes into account many different factors when calculating the prestige of a university. It is recommended to get higher education abroad taking into account the following factors:

  1. General reputation in the academic environment (conditional weight 40%).
  2. The number of students per teacher (conditional weight 20%).
  3. The success of graduates among reputable employers (conditional weight of 10%).
  4. Popularity among foreign and Russian students (conditional weight 5%).
  5. Citation index (measure of the significance of the works of a university graduate who became a scientist, conditional weight 40%).
  6. share foreign teachers(conditional weight 5%).

Unfortunately, the positions of domestic universities in this ranking are very sad, which is somewhat unfair. Yes, the best Russian university- Moscow State University (Moscow) - takes 144th place in it, Leningrad State University (St. Petersburg) - 233rd place, MSTU (Moscow) - only 322nd place. At the same time, the top three looks like this:

Higher education abroad: after school (grade 11), bachelor, master, second higher education

Usual for us 3-4 years of higher education abroad, with the only difference being that "there" students really get knowledge (because they pay for it, and often - themselves), and "here" - a diploma (and parents pay for it) . You can get both the first and second higher education at the bachelor's level.

Partially “overlaps” the graduate school familiar to us, something like “ preparatory courses» for those who plan to receive further training.

Most often it lasts from 1 to 3 years, during which one or another research aimed at creating and implementing your own project.


Specialized Master's Program in various fields business. It usually lasts 2 years, and the level of knowledge allows you to skillfully perform the functions of middle (and sometimes top) managers.

Programs that prepare for admission to the bachelor's degree and enrollment immediately for the 2nd year foreign university. Also after the 11th grade, graduation.

7. Advanced courses

Diverse additional programs aimed at obtaining additional knowledge and improving existing qualifications. Additional qualification in addition to higher education abroad, it will help you get a better position and build a more successful career.

Advantages of higher education in Europe, the world, pros and cons


First of all, they include the highest scientific and pedagogical level teachers whose qualifications guarantee well-structured and comprehensive knowledge. Also, do not forget about the full immersion in educational process, joining the centuries-old traditions and acquiring valuable connections that will certainly help in future employment. And the list of offered higher education programs abroad is truly immense and seems to include all areas of knowledge.


Undoubtedly, this financial side question, but, as practice shows, there are also options where you can get an inexpensive higher education abroad: Germany, Austria, Spain, etc.

It is also worth noting the difficulty in filling out the necessary documentation, problems with obtaining a visa for Russian and foreign students. In case of incorrect submission, the submitters may be refused.

Cost of Studying Abroad: Higher Education

A common belief is that they can only afford very wealthy people, somewhat exaggerated. Indeed, if you want to get higher education abroad in one of the most prestigious universities, included, for example, in the TOP-100 according to the QS-THES-200 rating, you should prepare for quite a lot of expenses. If we take an interest in the cost of higher education at a “simpler” university, then it may well turn out that it will turn out to be comparable to education in domestic higher educational institutions.

Tuition fees range from 15,000 USD to 50,000 USD per year. Full list universities with programs and prices you can see below in this section.

Higher education abroad is a profitable investment in a successful future and career for Russian citizens. Specialists who have received higher education abroad are highly valued at international market labor and achieve much greater success in comparison with their compatriots. With all this, studying abroad for Russians allows not only to receive a prestigious diploma and excellent academic knowledge and skills, but also to perfectly learn foreign language while in its natural environment.

How is higher education abroad different?

Subject to compliance with traditional European educational system, higher education in different countries world differs slightly. Also attractive for Russian citizens is the opportunity to receive a second degree in foreign countries in prestigious universities. It is usually easier to get a second education than a first one.

The higher education system may vary slightly from country to country. For example, in addition to the standard one, a university in France may provide for short and long university cycles with the possibility of obtaining a diploma of technical or specialized education.

Majority foreign universities use the pan-European system of accumulation and transfer of credits to assess students' knowledge different universities. The ECTS system makes it much easier to transfer students to another university or to a parallel master's course in several educational institutions at once.

Conditions and cost of training

In most cases the best way for education in foreign universities is a preliminary preparation for a university abroad. It allows not only to acquire the necessary academic skills, but also language training to study successfully in new environment. Training programs can be offered by almost any private school and even prestigious universities peace.

The cost of studying abroad in different countries of the world varies significantly. The most expensive is education in the UK, as well as in the US. Compared to prices in these countries, a program in the Czech Republic, Spain or Cyprus costs Russian students practically free.

How much it costs to study abroad is directly affected by the location, line of business, history and prestige of the university. The higher the status of an educational institution, the greater the cost of studying or preparing for admission. In addition, private universities charge more than public ones. Scholarships, grants and other financial support programs are often available for international students.

Good language proficiency is a mandatory requirement for applicants. So passing language courses with the subsequent passing of the relevant exams - important condition for successful socialization, admission and training. In most cases, there are no special exams for applicants in Europe. The exception is creative specialties, medicine and some other profiles.

Find out more and get a free answer to any question of interest at foreign education now. Just contact Planet Esperanto specialists and we will help you organize your study trip without any expenses.