Karelian State Pedagogical University. Faculty of Primary Education

License series AA No. 002228, reg. No. 2218 dated 09/07/2009
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 002210, reg. No. 2170 of 09/07/2009

State educational institution higher vocational education "Karelian State pedagogical academy "founded in 1931 as the Karelian State pedagogical institute, in 1996 it was renamed the Karelian State Pedagogical University, in 2010 - Karelian State Pedagogical Academy.


  • natural geographic

    Today the faculty gives universal training on three main natural sciences: biology, chemistry and geography. The educational process is conducted by a large team of highly qualified teachers, including 8 doctors of sciences, professors and about 30 candidates of sciences, associate professors. Some of our graduates continue their studies at the master's level at the universities of Finland, Great Britain, Germany, the Czech Republic, where they proved to be well-trained specialists.

  • Faculty foreign languages

    The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​has existed since 1965 as an independent faculty and trains specialists in four specialties: "Teacher of English and German", "French teacher and English", "German and English teacher" and "Finnish and English teacher".

  • Faculty primary education

    The Faculty of Primary Education (FPE) trains teachers for the primary four-year school. Monolevel training of specialists is carried out in full-time and part-time forms of education. Unlike other faculties of the Pedagogical University, the TPE studies the foundations of various sciences, both the humanities and the sciences of the natural and mathematical cycle. Emphasis on practical use knowledge conditions Special attention to teaching methods, training of teachers capable of working in modern primary school on various programs, including in the system of developing education.

  • Faculty of Physical Education

    In 1956, by decision of the government of the Karelian ASSR, the State Pedagogical State University (at that time an institute) began training specialists with higher physical education. Over the past years, the Faculty of Physical Education has trained more than two thousand specialists highest qualification on physical education and sports. Graduates of the faculty work in various parts of the physical culture movement in Karelia, Russian Federation, in a number of countries near and far abroad.

  • Historical Faculty of Philology

    Faculty of History and Philology of the Karelian State Pedagogical University (IFF KSPU) - the oldest Faculty of Humanities and one of the most famous educational and cultural centers in the Republic of Karelia and in the North-West of the Russian Federation.

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

    Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is one of the oldest in KSPU. It was founded on November 1, 1931. Initially, it was called physical and technical, but in the first year of work it was transformed into physical and mathematical. Then 48 students were admitted to the first course. In 1932, the department of mathematics and physics was formed at the faculty. In 1935, the first graduation took place - 24 students. In 1952, the departments of physics, elementary mathematics, higher mathematics. The natural-mathematical faculty was opened, which had departments of physics and mathematics. In 1955, this faculty was reorganized into two faculties - physics and mathematics and natural geographic. In 1988, training began in 4 specialties: mathematics and computer science, mathematics and physics, physics and computer science, physics and mathematics.

  • Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship

    The Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship was opened in 1986.

    The faculty conducts training in two specialties: 030600 "Technology and Entrepreneurship" and 030800 "Fine Arts".

    Additional specializations are offered for each specialty.

    Students receive serious vocational training with a focus on teaching, research and production activities.

  • Faculty of Preschool and social pedagogy and psychology

    The Faculty of Preschool and Social Pedagogy and Psychology, unique in its kind, was founded in 1986. Currently, it employs more than 20 highly qualified teachers.

    "Teacher-defectologist" is a specialty that can also be obtained at the faculty. The need to train specialists in these areas is due to the deep transformations in the country, which gave rise to a number of economic, moral and social problems.

    An expanding network of specialized institutions, corrective orientation pedagogical process involve overcoming and correcting the child's existing disorders: motor, speech, intellectual, behavioral disorders, communication disorders.

  • Psychology

    The Faculty of Psychology of the Karelian State Pedagogical University was established in 1993.

    The faculty trains psychologists - graduates, specialty: 020400-Psychology in 2 specializations: practical psychology of education and social psychology.

    Education is conducted at full-time, part-time departments, postgraduate studies.

  • Faculty additional education

    The Faculty of Additional Education is a structural subdivision of the Department organizational work. The faculty has been operating since 2002 in accordance with the developed and approved Regulations on the Faculty of Additional Education.

    The structure of the FDO includes preparatory courses.

    Courses prepare students for passing the exam, passing the IGA, admission to the KSPA.

KSPU - the first higher educational institution in Karelia. Created on August 24, 1931 as the Karelian State Pedagogical Institute. The first director of the institute was I.A. Vihko. AT pre-war period were opened: the faculty of natural sciences (1932), philological and historical (1933), preparation for correspondence courses began (1932), the pedagogical workers' faculty was attached to the institute (1932), a 2-year teacher's institute with faculties was opened physical and mathematical, historical and philological (1934). On December 1, 1935, it was reorganized into the Karelian State Pedagogical and Teachers' Institute, on September 01, 1940 it was transformed into the Karelian-Finnish State University. In 1943, the teacher's institute was restored and began its work in the city of Kem (transferred in 1944 to the city of Petrozavodsk), openly extramural. On November 24, 1951, the Karelian State Pedagogical Institute was organized on the basis of the teacher's institute, admission to 2 faculties was opened: natural-mathematical and historical-philological. The teacher's institute ceased to exist in 1955, at the same time the natural-mathematical faculty was transformed into 2 faculties: physical-mathematical and natural-geographical.

In university 10 faculties (2003), 37 basic and additional specialties (chemistry, biology, geography, English, German, French, Finnish, Karelian and Vepsian languages, pedagogy and methods of primary education, physical education, Russian language and literature, history, mathematics , physics, computer science, technology and entrepreneurship, fine arts, preschool pedagogy and psychology, social pedagogy, psychology, special preschool pedagogy and psychology, etc.).

More than 3,000 full-time students and about 1,300 part-time students study at KSPU; 35 departments; research sector; library (0.5 million volumes); Centre information technologies, educational-scientific-pedagogical center (1992), educational-pedagogical complex "Contact" (1995).

Research laboratories work in KSPU Keywords: plasma physics, geoecology and geoinformatics, regional socio-economic geography, ecology northern seas, sociological research, barophysiological, educational television. On the basis of the university created: educational and pedagogical complex in the direction of \"Technology\"; summer camp\"Young teacher\" for high school students of rural schools in Karelia; social and health center of the university; museums of the history of the university and the history of religion and atheism of Karelia; editorial and publishing department.

The educational and material base of the university includes : 4 educational buildings, 2 out-of-town bases (agrobiological in the village of Svyatozero and sports in the village of Spasskaya Guba), more than 120 specialized laboratories and classrooms, scientific laboratories, center of new information technologies, color cable multi-channel television system, dispensary, 2 museums, 8 gyms, stadium, hotel.
Educational process are taught by about 350 teachers, among whom more than half have degrees and titles, incl. 11% are doctors of sciences, professors. University scientists are members of 20 international and Russian research programs, more than 80 research papers on the problems anthropogenic influence on ecosystems White Sea, gas electronics, landscape zoning, psychological and pedagogical training of teachers in the system of continuous teacher education(19 departments), scientific and pedagogical foundations educational system secondary school, youth in the changing Karelia, border Karelia, environmental education, language ecology, the formation of positive motives for learning foreign languages ​​among students and for the profession of a foreign language teacher among students, informatization of school and university education, scientific and methodological support of teaching national languages, the introduction of new content and new technologies in primary education in mathematics, natural science and computer science, level and profile differentiation in teaching physics, the formation of the personality of a child with developmental disabilities, comparative analysis start and end period school childhood, studies of discharge in crossed fields, optical properties fullerenes, structures and physical properties solids, age features adaptation of the human and animal organisms to various factors environment (learning, pedagogical load and hypoxia), control of human vestibular reactions by means physical education, amphipods and decapods of the northern seas, the study of rare, endangered and valuable plant species of Karelia, the results of labor in market conditions, the philosophy of Russian cosmism, history and interaction Slavic languages, the language of genres of Russian folklore and fiction, Russian dialects of Karelia, history of literature of Great Britain and the USA, poetics of literature and folklore, extreme natural processes and phenomena in the territory Olonets province in the X1X - early XX centuries, strategies sustainable development forest resource areas of Karelia, dendrochronological scale of the North of Russia, socio-economic development of border regions, integrated modeling of socio-economic and political-geographical prospects of Karelia, and many others.

The state educational institution of higher professional education "Karelian State Pedagogical University" is the first higher educational institution established in Karelia on August 24, 1931 as the Karelian State Pedagogical Institute (KSPI) as part of the Physics and Technology Department (48 people were admitted to the 1st year). The department in the first year of work was transformed into the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The first director of the institute was I.A. Vihko. In the pre-war period, the following were opened: the Faculty of Natural Sciences (1932); philological and history faculties(1933); preparation for correspondence courses began, the Pedagogical Workers' Faculty was attached to the institute (1932); a 2-year teacher's institute was opened with faculties of physics and mathematics, history and philology (1934). From 12/01/1935 it was reorganized into the Karelian State Pedagogical and Teachers' Institute, 09/01/1940 it was transformed into the Karelian-Finnish (later Petrozavodsk) State University.

In 1943, the teacher's institute was restored and began its work in the city of Kem (transferred in 1944 to the city of Petrozavodsk), and a correspondence department was opened. On the basis of the teacher's institute, the Karelian State Pedagogical Institute was organized on November 24, 1951, admission was opened to 2 faculties: natural-mathematical and historical-philological. geographical.
In 1956 it was renamed into the Karelian State Pedagogical Institute. New faculties began to be created: physical education (1959), pedagogy and methods of primary education (1959), foreign languages ​​(1965), technology and entrepreneurship (1982), preschool pedagogy and psychology (1986), psychology (1993). The training of teachers of the Karelian and Vepsian languages ​​(1992), specialists in social pedagogy (1998), correctional pedagogy and special psychology(1999), stories (2000), pic. art and computer science (2001), life safety (2004).

Postgraduate studies were opened in 1962. The summer camp "Young Teacher" for high school students from rural schools in Karelia began its work, and was noted among the best among Russian pedagogical universities (1976). Awarded with the Order"Badge of Honor" (1981). In 1990, the signing of a cooperation agreement between KSPI and the College of Saint Scholastica (Duluth, USA) marked the beginning of a wide international relations institute with universities of Great Britain, Germany, Norway, Finland, France, Sweden. Educational-scientific-pedagogical center was created (1992). In 1996 the Institute was renamed into the Karelian State Pedagogical University, in 2001 the Government of Karelia approved the university development program for 2002-2006. Today, the university has 10 faculties (2005), about 3.5 thousand full-time students and about 1.5 thousand students absentee form learning; 38 departments; research sector; postgraduate studies in 12 specialties and regional dissertation councils in general pedagogy (doctoral), biochemistry and physiology (candidate); library (0.5 million volumes); center of new information technologies, educational and pedagogical complex "Contact" (1995), research laboratories: plasma physics, geoecology and geoinformatics, regional socio-economic geography, ecology of the northern seas, sociological research; laboratory of educational television; barophysiological laboratory; educational and pedagogical complex in the direction of "Technology"; museums of the history of the university and the history of religion and atheism of Karelia; administrative divisions; 2 country training bases(agrobiological in Svyatozero and sports in Spasskaya Guba); editorial and publishing department.

In total, more than 29 thousand students graduated from the university during its existence. Huge contribution the rectors P.I. Ikhalainen (1960-62, 1964-75), A.N. Britvikhin (1975-99), V.F. Bryazgin (since 1999), vice-rectors R.P. ), I.L. Osipov (1966-78), V.A. Tarasov (1979-86), N.V. Predtechenskaya (1986-2000), N.D. Moskin, (1950-62), D.F. Moretsky (1983-96), E.A. Stashkov (1981-2003), deans Ya.I. Ogienko (1960-73), A.G. Slyshov (1993-2003), L.A. Epstein (1987- 93), V.P. Chernov (1964-69), A.K. Polin (since 1987), S.G. Kaplenko (1962-68, 1978-79), M.O. Sevander (1965-67, 1972 -85), N.I. Tokko (since 1985), V.S. Linnik (1964-72), N.I. Zhukov (1973-88), Z.I. Mineeva (1989-2000), N.V. .Voronova (1966-72), Yu.P. Shlykov (1962-63, 1972-76, 1981-91), V.P. Umnov (since 1997), L.P. .Bershedova (1993-2003), V.F. Tropin (since 2000) and others, head. departments and teachers of un-ta.

AT different time many famous people worked at the university scientists of the country, such as Corr. USSR Academy of Sciences V.G. Bazanov, corresponding member. USSR Academy of Sciences A.S. Batuev, Corr. Academy of Sciences of the USSR A.S. Bushmin, acad. RAO Z.I. Vasilyeva, laureate of the State. prizes V.I. Perel, acad. RAS D.S. Likhachev, acad. New York Academy of Sciences V.A. Prokuev, Chairman of the Presidium of the KSC, Corresponding Member. RAS A.F.Titov, corresponding member. RAS N.P.Veselkin, Doctors of Sciences T.K.Akhayan, I.Ya.Bakelman, Ya.A. , Yu.M.Kagan, G.M.Kert, G.D.Kirillova, N.M.Konzhiev, V.P.Krylov, M.Kkurensky, Yu.V.Linnik, A.S.Lutto, M.Ya .Marvin, N.A. Meshchersky, N.K. Poleshchuk, I.A. Razumova, L.V. Savelyeva, Z.K. Tarlanov, M.A. Toikka, N.N.

Many university graduates have become famous statesmen. Among them are the Ministers of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan G.G. Gekkin, N.A. Dildenkin, G.A. Razbivnaya, L.G. Savinov, A.N. .N.Stepanov. University graduates have contributed to the development of the culture of Karelia. Everyone knows the names of the honored. slave. culture of the RSFSR and KASSR N.G. Gippiev and Ya.V. Rugoev, Nar. thin USSR and RSFSR S.Kh. Yuntunen, A.I. Mishina. Among famous athletes who glorified Karelia for international arenas, world and Russian champion among students in sambo wrestling (1996) M. Antipov, member of the USSR national athletics team I. Apollonova, Art. USSR national team coach skiing, participant of 2 Olympiads and 3 world championships Y. Ivanov, champion of the RSFSR in boxing (1970, 1975) N. Kurikov, multiple world and Olympic champion in ski racing, Hero of Russia L. Lazutina, absolute champion of the RSFSR (1985 , 1987) S. Lisenkov, 10-time world champion in shooting at a running boar V. Postoyanov, USSR champion in boxing N. Razumov, champion of the Winter Universiade in Lake Placid (1972), European champion, member of the USSR national team (1969- 73) O. Rocco, participant of the world championship (1999) and Olympic Games(2000) in athletics A. Smirnov, champion of the RSFSR (1973, 1975, 1977) in discus throwing V. Titov, more than 250 other masters of sports

Faculty of Natural Geography

Department of Botany and Methods of Teaching Biology

Department of Geography

Laboratory of Geoecology and Geoinformatics
+ laboratory of regional socio-economic geography

Department of Zoology and Ecology

Laboratory "Ecology of the Northern Seas"

Department of Chemistry

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Department of English
- Department of English as a second specialty
- Department of German
- Chair Finnish
- Department of French
- Linguistic laboratory

Faculty of Primary Education

Department of the Russian language and methods of its teaching in elementary grades
- Department of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines and Methods of Their Teaching in Primary Schools
- Department of Pedagogy and Psychology primary education

Faculty of Physical Culture

Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Gymnastics
- Department of sports disciplines

Faculty of History and Philology

Department of History
- Department of Literature
- Department of the Russian language

Laboratory of Linguistic Ecology and Local Linguistics

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

department mathematical analysis and algebra
- Department of Informatics
- Department of Geometry and Methods of Teaching Mathematics
- Department of Experimental and General Physics

Physical Electronics Laboratory

department theoretical physics and methods of teaching physics

Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship

Department of Technology
- Chair visual arts and design
- Chair special disciplines technical technology and teaching methods

Faculty of Preschool and Social Pedagogy and Psychology

Department of Preschool and Social Pedagogy
- Department of Physical and mental health child

Psychology faculty

department practical psychology education
- Chair educational psychology
- Chair general psychology
- Chair social psychology

Faculty of Additional Education

Interfaculty group of students "Head of an educational institution"

- Department of Economics and Political Science
- Department of Pedagogy
- Department of Foreign Languages
- Department of Physical Education
- Department of Anatomy, Physiology with a course in the basics of medical knowledge

Experimental information and methodological laboratory for the prevention of abuse psychoactive substances
+ barophysiological laboratory

Department of Philosophy
- Department of Karelian and Vepsian languages
University address: 185680, Petrozavodsk, st. Pushkinskaya, 17

Karelian State Pedagogical Academy (KSPA)- federal budgetary state educational institution of higher professional education, located in Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia). The first higher educational institution established in Karelia on August 24, 1931 as the Karelian State Pedagogical Institute (KSPI). In February 2013, KSPA Ph. At the end independent existence KSPA included 9 faculties and trained about 4000 students and graduate students.

Karelian State Pedagogical Academy
international name Karelian State Pedagogical Academy
Former names Karelian State Pedagogical Institute (KSPI)
Karelian State Pedagogical University (KSPU)
Motto Pedagogical Education - Special Purpose Education
Year of foundation
Closing year
Reorganized joined to PetrSU as
Year of reorganization
Type state
Location Russia Russia
Legal address 185680, Russia, Petrozavodsk, Pushkinskaya street, 17
Website kspu-archive.petrsu.ru
Awards 1981


Pre-war period (1931-1941)

March 30, 1940 KSPI was renamed again. This time it received the name - "Karelo-Finnish State Pedagogical and Teachers' Institute", which on September 1, 1940 was transformed into the Karelian-Finnish State University. Later, it acquired the final name Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU), which exists and is actively developing today. In the same 1940, a teacher's institute was separated from the Pedagogical Institute.

Time of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

Post-war period (1945-1991)

On the basis of the teacher's institute, on November 24, 1951, the Karelo-Finnish State Pedagogical Institute (KFGPI) was organized with natural-mathematical and historical-philological faculties and a correspondence department of the pedagogical institute was opened. The Teachers' Institute ceased to exist in 1955. At the same time, the natural-mathematical faculty was transformed into two faculties: physical-mathematical and natural-geographical. In 1956 KFGPI was renamed into the Karelian State Pedagogical Institute. Already on the basis of KSPI, until 1993, new faculties began to be continuously created: physical education, pedagogy and methods of primary education, foreign languages, the faculty of technology and entrepreneurship, preschool pedagogy and psychology, the last faculty of psychology was created in 1993.

In 1959, the department of physical education became an independent faculty (FFV). In the same year, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics carried out the first graduation of teachers general profile, and the foundation was laid for a 40-apartment residential building for teachers and staff of the KSPI. And in 1960, the first Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics was held in Karelia. In 1961, a new educational building was put into operation at 17 Pushkinskaya Street. math school. And an experimental laboratory of plasma physics and physics was created at the Department of Physics solid body.

In 1987, the institute was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR and Russian Council trade unions of educational workers, high school and scientific institutions among universities of the second category, was awarded the Cup of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions for success in amateur artistic creativity. In 1990, the signing of a cooperation agreement between the KSPI and the College of Saint Scholastica (Duluth, USA) marked the beginning of the institute's extensive international relations, which, before the reorganization of the KSPA, were also carried out with the universities of Great Britain, Germany, Norway, Finland, France, Sweden. In the same year, according to the results of the rating conducted by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, among a hundred pedagogical universities The Russian Institute took the high fourteenth place.

Period after the collapse of the USSR (1991-2013)

In 1991, a target postgraduate program was opened in the specialty "Theory and History of Pedagogy", an educational, scientific and pedagogical center was formed in 1992 and an educational and pedagogical complex "Contact" in 1995. In 1996, the institute was renamed into the Karelian State Pedagogical University (KSPU), and in 2009 - into the Karelian State Pedagogical Academy (KSPA). In 2000, branches of the KSPU were opened in the cities of Pudozh and Sortavala. But because of weak efficiency and financial deficit, they were eliminated in 2003. In 2001, the Board of Trustees of the University was established, in 2002 the Faculty of Additional Education was opened, the regional council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialty " General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education” (in 2005 the specialty “Theory and Methods of Vocational Education” was added). And in 2003, a regional defense council was opened PhD theses in the specialties "Biochemistry" and "Physiology". Later, both councils became doctoral. On the basis of the KSPA, more than 200 major scientific conferences, published about 1000 textbooks, teaching aids(many of them were published for schools) and monographs, tens of thousands of articles, including in leading international and Russian editions. The government of Karelia approved the development programs of KSPU for 2002-2006 and 2008-2012.

But in February 2013, the KSPA was reorganized by joining Petrozavodsk State University. All 9 faculties were attached to the existing faculties of Petrozavodsk state university. Later, on the basis of the merger of similar faculties of the former KSPA and PetrSU, a number of institutes were created: "Institute of Foreign Languages", "Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism", "". The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (which became the very first in the history of the KSPA) was distributed between the Mathematics and the Faculty of Physics and Technology of PetrSU.



Faculty of Natural Geography

Faculty History

In September 1932, admission began biological department. In December of the same year, in parallel with other new departments, the departments of biology and chemistry were opened. On August 23, 1966, by order of the Council of Ministers of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Order No. 367), a biological station was established in the village of Svyatozero, Pryazhinsky District. It was later renamed the Agrobiological Station (ABS). On the basis of the agrobiological station, scientific and practical research of students and educational practice were carried out.

Areas of training

  • Profile "Biology"
  • Profiles "Chemistry" and "Biology"
  • Profiles "Chemistry" and "Ecology"
  • Profiles "Geography" and "Biology"
  • Profiles "Geography" and "English"
  • Profiles "Geography" and "Economics"


  • Department of Biology and Chemistry
  • Department of Geography

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Faculty History

The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was established in 1965 as an independent faculty. Prior to this, the training of teachers of foreign languages ​​was carried out on the basis of the Faculty of Philology. According to order No. 448 of October 21, 1965, a second language, French, was introduced in the third year of the German department. In the same year the Department of Foreign Languages ​​was established.

Areas of training

  • German and English teacher
  • English and French teacher
  • English and German teacher
  • Finnish and English teacher


  • Department of English as a Second Specialty
  • Department of English as the main specialty
  • Department of German
  • Department of Finnish
  • Department of French
  • Educational linguistic laboratory

Faculty of Primary Education

Faculty History

In 1959, on the basis of the Department of Natural Geography, the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education was opened. In 1961, the department was transformed into an independent faculty of education. Over the next decades, departments were formed and divided on the basis of the Faculty of Education, and in 1998 the Faculty was renamed the Faculty of Primary Education. On November 1, 2007, a research laboratory for the theory and practice of developing a rural school in Karelia began work at the Faculty of Primary Education " rural school Karelia: Theory and Practice of Development".

Areas of training

  • Elementary education
  • Teacher of Mathematics and Informatics (Grades 1-6)
  • Teacher native literature(grades 1-6)
  • social pedagogy
  • Correctional and pedagogical activity of the teacher


  • Department of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines and Methods of Their Teaching in Primary Schools
  • Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education
  • Department of the Russian language and methods of its teaching in elementary grades

Faculty of Physical Education

Faculty History

In 1956, on the basis of the Faculty of Natural Geography, a department of physical education was opened. In the first year, the admission of applicants was 25 people. Already in 1959, the department of physical education became an independent faculty. Departments were established in 1962 theoretical foundations physical education and interfaculty department of physical education. And in 1968, the department of sports disciplines was separated from the department of theoretical foundations of physical education. In 1993, the departments of the Faculty of Physical Education were transformed into three departments: theory and methods of physical education and gymnastics, teaching methods athletics and winter sports, teaching methods sports games and swimming. In 1995 the faculty was renamed into the Faculty of Physical Education.

Areas of training

  • Highly qualified specialist in physical culture and sports


  • Department of sports disciplines
  • Department of Life Safety
  • Department of Physical Culture
  • Department of Theory of Methods of Physical Education and Gymnastics

Faculty of History and Philology

Faculty History

In 1933, admission to the national historical department and the department of language and literature was opened at KSPI. Later, these departments were transformed into the Faculty of History and Philology. In 1952, within the framework of the Faculty of History and Philology, recruitment began for the departments of Russian Language and Literature, Finnish Language and Literature, History, English and German, German and English. In 2005, by order No. 225-a, the Faculty of Philology was renamed the Faculty of History and Philology (IFF).

Areas of training

  • Teacher of Russian language of literature
  • History teacher


  • Department of History
  • Department of Literature with a teaching and research laboratory of Russian folklore
  • Department of the Russian language

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

Faculty History

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics - the first faculty of KSPI, founded on November 1, 1931. Initially, it was called physical and technical, but in the first year of work it was transformed into physical and mathematical. Then 48 students were admitted to the first course. In 1932, the department of mathematics and physics was formed at the faculty. In 1935, the first graduation of the faculty took place - 24 students. In 1952, the departments of physics, elementary mathematics, and higher mathematics were formed. In 2005, the Physics of Nanostructured Oxide Films and Coatings laboratory was opened at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In 2012, on the basis of the FMF, it was licensed Master Program"Nanostructured films and coatings" in the direction of preparation "Nanosystems and nanomaterials".

Areas of training

  • Physics teacher
  • Mathematic teacher
  • IT-teacher


  • Department of Mathematics, Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics
  • Department of Informatics
  • Department of Theoretical Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics
  • Department of Experimental and General Physics

Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship

Faculty History

In 1986, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, the department of general technical disciplines and labor of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was transformed into an independent faculty - the Faculty of General Technical Disciplines and Labor, which was then transformed into the Industrial Pedagogical Faculty (IPF). In 1996, a problematic laboratory for modeling disciplines was created at the faculty educational sphere"Technology", and in 1998 the Industrial and Pedagogical Faculty was renamed the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship (TIP).

Areas of training

  • Technology and Entrepreneurship
  • Technique and technical creativity
  • Home culture and arts and crafts
  • Artistic technology and design
  • art
  • Art graphics and graphic composition
  • Environment design


  • Department of Fine Arts and Design
  • Department of Special Disciplines of Technical Technology and Teaching Methods with Educational and Methodological Laboratories
  • Department of Technology with an educational and methodological laboratory of technology and design

Faculty of Preschool and Social Pedagogy and Psychology

Faculty History

In 1986, the first admission to the department of preschool pedagogy and psychology was opened at Faculty of Education. In 1987, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education was formed, and a year later the department was divided into two individual departments: preschool pedagogy and psychology and pedagogy and psychology of primary education. In the same year, 1988, the department of preschool pedagogy and psychology was transformed into an independent faculty of preschool pedagogy and psychology. Finally, in 2004, the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology was renamed the Faculty of Preschool and Social Pedagogy and Psychology.

Areas of training

  • "Pedagogy" with the profile "Children's practical psychology"
  • "Pedagogical education" with the profile "Preschool education"
  • "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" with a profile "Psychology and Pedagogy of Inclusive Education"
  • "Psychological and pedagogical education" with the profile "Psychology and social pedagogy"
  • "Special defectological education» with the profile «Preschool Defectology»


  • Department of Preschool and Social Pedagogy
  • Department of physical and mental health of the child

Psychology faculty

Faculty History

In 1993, admission to the specialty "Psychology" was opened. In 1997 Faculty of Psychology received independent status structural unit KSPU. In 2004, the Department of General Psychology was divided into 2 departments: Social Psychology and General Psychology. The inter-faculty Department of Psychology was renamed the Department of Educational Psychology and introduced into the Faculty of Psychology, and the Department of General and Practical Psychology was divided into the Department of General Psychology and the Department of Practical Educational Psychology.

Areas of training

  • Psychology
  • Pedagogy
  • Psychology of education
  • Psychology of official activity


  • Department of General Psychology with Educational and Methodological Laboratory of General Psychology
  • Department of Practical Psychology of Education
  • Department of Social Psychology


Corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

  • Bazanov, Vasily Grigorievich
  • Bubrich, Dmitry Vladimirovich, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

Members of the International Academy of Teacher Education

  • Bryazgin, Valery Fyodorovich
  • Grippa, Sergei Pavlovich, academician International Academy teacher education
  • Predtechenskaya, Nina Vasilievna
  • Fedorova E. N., Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education
  • Shabaev, Igor Grigorievich, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education

Members of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy

  • Bryazgin, Valery Fyodorovich
  • Grippa, Sergey Pavlovich, Academician of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy