1 slastenin and in pedagogy textbook. General characteristics of the teaching profession

Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions "Pedagogy" edited by Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin published in 2002 became for all students the standard of a fundamental approach to the study of the problem of upbringing and educational processes in a modern school.

co-authors Slastenina became laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education Ilya Fedorovich Isaev and Evgeniy Nikolaevich Shiyanov and reviewed it tutorial doctor of pedagogical sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Education, professor G.N. Volkov and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor A.V. Mudrik. The textbook was further supplemented with new materials and reprinted.

In the tutorial V.A. Slastenina "Pedagogy" given scientific rationale anthropological and axiological foundations pedagogical activity, the theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy are considered in detail as holistic process, practical recommendations are given on the organization of activities aimed at the formation of the basic culture of schoolchildren.

It also provides a detailed description of both classical and the latest pedagogical technologies, including planning, design and implementation. pedagogical process, pedagogical communication and others. Thanks to the presence practical advice on the implementation of the pedagogical process at school, this textbook can be useful not only to students of pedagogical universities, but also to teachers, as well as leaders of the education system.

Textbook "Pedagogy" was the result of many years scientific activity V.A. Slastenina and his colleagues in the field of studying the pedagogical process at school. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin in 1980 began the formation scientific school "Student-Oriented Professional Education" at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Moscow Pedagogical State University.

During its existence scientific school went a long way and thorny path. At the end of the eighties of the last century, in the wake of intensive renewal teacher education she received official recognition as “school of V.A. Slastenin", and subsequently mastered the strategic heights in solving the problems of transforming the higher pedagogical education of the institute into higher pedagogical education at the university level. Currently scientific school unites more than fifty doctors and one hundred and fifty candidates of pedagogical sciences, who work in forty institutions of higher and secondary vocational education Russian Federation.

Methodology of scientific research conducted school, is based on understanding the essence of the personality as a subject and an individual complex public relations as the creator and bearer of a certain social program. Personality in psychological aspect is presented as a lifetime result of human activity, a fairly perfect model outside world, which affects him in various ways. social forces as a subject of labor, knowledge and communication.

Representative scientific school must abandon the understanding of personality as something formless and structureless, as a mechanical formation. The problem of personality is considered not so much from the position of pedagogy itself, but from the whole complex of sciences, including psychology, physiology, hygiene and sociology. At present, the methodology of scientific research "Slastenin School" includes a multilateral accounting of various causal necessary and random relationships. At the same time, each representative of the scientific school must rely both on the logic of the real and on the logic of the possible and the probable, the probable-certain or the probable-indeterminate.

When deterministic and scholastic factors are taken into account, appropriate methodological prerequisites are created that contribute to long-term forecasting of the main trends and ways of forming the personality of a teacher in the system of higher pedagogical education. V.A. Slastenin, based on the understanding that the problem vocational training teacher becomes key issue pedagogy, identified the main directions scientific research, substantiated systems initial concepts and patterns underlying the construction domestic theory teacher education.

Fundamental scientific papers written V.A. Slastenin and his students scientific school, to a certain extent, served as the basis for modern understanding of the problems of teacher education. In addition, they indicated the main directions of scientific research and practical activities in this area. The scientific school developed the basic concepts of teacher education, as well as the content and structure of secondary vocational education. Fundamentally new model curriculum, actively implemented in schools, was also developed by scientific school V.A. Slastenina. The purpose of this curriculum is to ensure a dynamic balance between the basic federal and university national-regional components of vocational education.

The textbook reveals the anthropological, axiological foundations of pedagogy, theory and practice of a holistic pedagogical process; organizational and activity bases for the formation of the basic culture of a schoolchild. The characteristics of pedagogical technologies are given, including the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, etc. Management issues are disclosed. educational systems. The authors are laureates of the RF Government Prize in the field of education.
It can be useful for teachers, leaders of the education system.

Features of the teaching profession.
The nature of the teaching profession. A person's belonging to a particular profession is manifested in the features of his activity and way of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E.A. Klimov, the pedagogical profession refers to a group of professions, the subject of which is another person. But teaching profession from a number of others are distinguished primarily by the way of thinking of its representatives, heightened sense debt and responsibility. In this regard, the teaching profession stands apart, standing out in separate group. Its main difference from other professions of the "man-to-man" type is that it belongs both to the class of transformative and to the class of managing professions at the same time. Having as the goal of his activity the formation and transformation of the personality, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of its intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of her spiritual world.

The main content of the teaching profession is relationships with people. The activities of other representatives of professions such as "man-to-man" also require interaction with people, but here this is due to the fact that the best way understand and satisfy human needs. In the profession of a teacher, the leading task is to understand social goals and direct the efforts of other people towards their achievement.

The peculiarity of training and education as an activity but social management consists in the fact that it has, as it were, a double object of labor. On the one hand, its main content is relationships with people: if the leader (and the teacher is such) does not develop proper relations with those people whom he leads or whom he convinces, then the most important thing in his activity is missing. On the other hand, professions of this type always require a person to have special knowledge, skills and abilities in any area (depending on who or what he manages). The teacher, like any other leader, must know well and represent the activities of the students, the development process of which he leads. Thus, the teaching profession requires double training - human science and special.

Chapter 1. general characteristics teaching profession

§ 1. The emergence and development of the teaching profession
§ 2. Features of the teaching profession
§ 3. Prospects for the development of the teaching profession
§ 4. The specifics of working conditions and activities of a teacher in a rural school
Chapter 2 Professional activity and personality of the teacher
§ 1. The essence of pedagogical activity
§ 2. Main types of pedagogical activity
§ 3. The structure of pedagogical activity
§ 4. Teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity
§ 5. Professionally conditioned requirements for the personality of the teacher
Chapter 3
§ 1. Essence and main components of professional and pedagogical culture
§ 2. Axiological component of professional and pedagogical culture
§ 3. Technological component of professional and pedagogical culture
§ 4. Personal and creative component of professional pedagogical culture
Chapter 4 Professional development and teacher development
§ 1. Motives for choosing a pedagogical profession and motivation for pedagogical activity
§ 2. Development of the teacher's personality in the system of teacher education
§ 3. Professional self-education of a teacher
§ 4. Fundamentals of self-education of students of a pedagogical university and teachers
Chapter 5. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences

§ one. General view about pedagogy as a science
§ 2. Object, subject and functions of pedagogy
§ 3. Education as social phenomenon
§ 4. Education as a pedagogical process. The categorical apparatus of pedagogy
§ 5. The connection of pedagogy with other sciences and its structure
Chapter 6. Methodology and methods of pedagogical research
§ 1. The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science and the methodological culture of the teacher
§ 2. General scientific level of methodology of pedagogy
§ 3. Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research
§ 4. Organization pedagogical research
§ 5. System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research
Chapter 7. Axiological foundations of pedagogy
§ 1. Substantiation of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy
§ 2. The concept of pedagogical values ​​and their classification
§ 3. Education as a universal value
Chapter 8
§ 1. Personal development as pedagogical problem
§ 2. The essence of socialization and its stages
§ 3. Education and personality formation
§ 4. The role of learning in personality development
§ 5. Factors of socialization and personality formation
§ 6. Self-education in the structure of the process of personality formation
Chapter 9
§ one. Historical background understanding the pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon
§ 2. Pedagogical system and its types
§ 3. General characteristics of the education system
§ 4. The essence of the pedagogical process
§ 5. Pedagogical process as holistic phenomenon
§ 6. Logic and conditions for building a holistic pedagogical process
Chapter 10

§ 1. Education as a way of organizing the pedagogical process
§ 2. Learning functions
§ 3. Methodological foundations learning
§ 4. The activities of the teacher and students in the learning process
§ 5. Logic educational process and structure of the assimilation process
§ 6. Types of training and their characteristics
Chapter 11
§ 1. Patterns of learning
§ 2. Principles of teaching
Chapter 12
§ 1. Characteristics of the main concepts of developmental education
§ 2. Modern approaches to the development of the theory of personality-developing education
Chapter 13
§ 1. The essence of the content of education and its historical character
§ 2. Determinants of the content of education and the principles of its structuring
§ 3. Principles and criteria for the selection of content general education
§ 4. State educational standard and its functions
§ 5. Regulations regulating the content of general secondary education
§ 6. Prospects for the development of the content of general education. Model for building a 12-year general education school
Chapter 14
§ 1. Organizational forms and systems of education
§ 2. Types of modern organizational forms learning
§ 3. Teaching methods
§ 4. Didactic tools
§ 5. Control in the learning process
Chapter 15

§ 1. Education as specially organized activity to achieve the goals of education
§ 2. Goals and objectives of humanistic education
§ 3. Personality in the concept of humanistic education
§ 4. Patterns and principles of humanistic education
Chapter 16
§ 1. Philosophical and ideological training of schoolchildren
§ 2. Civic education in the system of formation of the basic culture of the individual
§ 3. Formation of the foundations of the moral culture of the individual
§ 4. Labor education and professional orientation schoolchildren
§ 5. Formation of aesthetic culture of students
§ 6. Education of physical culture of the individual
Chapter 17 General Methods education
§ 1. The essence of the methods of education and their classification
§ 2. Methods for the formation of personality consciousness
§ 3. Methods of organizing activities and forming experience public behavior personalities
§ 4. Methods of stimulating and motivating the activity and behavior of the individual
§ 5. Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education
§ 6. Conditions for the optimal choice and effective application upbringing methods
Chapter 18
§ 1. Dialectics of the collective and the individual in the education of the individual
§ 2. The formation of personality in a team is the leading idea in humanistic pedagogy
§ 3. Essence and organizational bases of functioning children's team
§ 4. Stages and levels of development of the children's team
§ 5. Basic conditions for the development of the children's team
Chapter 19
§ 1. Structure and stages of development of the educational system
§ 2. Foreign and domestic educational systems
§ 3. Class teacher in educational system schools
§ 4. Children's public associations in the educational system of the school
Chapter 20

§ 1. Essence pedagogical technology
§ 2. Structure pedagogical excellence
§ 3. The essence and specificity of the pedagogical task
§ 4. Types pedagogical tasks and their characteristics
§ 5. Stages of solving the pedagogical problem
§ 6. The manifestation of the professionalism and skill of the teacher in solving pedagogical problems
Chapter 21
§ 1. The concept of the technology of constructing the pedagogical process
§ 2. Awareness of the pedagogical task, analysis of the initial data and the formulation of a pedagogical diagnosis
§ 3. Planning as a result of constructive activity of the teacher
§ 4. Planning the work of the class teacher
§ 5. Planning in the activities of a subject teacher
Chapter 22
§ 1. The concept of technology for the implementation of the pedagogical process
§ 2. The structure of organizational activity and its features
§ 3. Types of activities of children and general technological requirements for their organization
§ 4. Educational and cognitive activity and technology of its organization
§ 5. Value-oriented activity and its connection with other types of developing activities
§ 6. Technology for organizing developing activities for schoolchildren
§ 7. Technology of organization of collective creative activity
Chapter 23
§ 1. Pedagogical communication in the structure of the activity of the teacher-educator
§ 2. The concept of the technology of pedagogical communication
§ 3. Stages of solution communicative task
§ 4. Stages of pedagogical communication and technology for their implementation
§ 5. Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics
§ 6. Technology for establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships
Chapter 24

§ 1. State-public education management system
§ 2. General principles management of educational systems
§ 3. School as pedagogical system and object of scientific management
Chapter 25
§ 1. Managerial culture of the head of the school
§ 2. Pedagogical analysis in intra-school management
§ 3. Goal-setting and planning as a function of school management
§ 4. The function of the organization in the management of the school
§ 5. Intraschool control and regulation in management
Chapter 26 social institutions in the management of educational systems
§ 1. School as an organizing center joint activities schools, families and the public
§ 2. Teaching staff schools
§ 3. Family as a specific pedagogical system. Development features modern family
§ 4. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with the schoolchild's family
§ 5. Forms and methods of work of a teacher, class teacher with parents of students
Chapter 27 Innovation processes in education. Development of professional and pedagogical culture of teachers
§ 1. Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity
§ 2. Forms of development of professional and pedagogical culture of teachers and their certification.

Outstanding Russian scientist and teacher
born September 5, 1930
in the city of Gorno-Altaisk Altai Territory in a peasant family.

After graduation pedagogical school he was sent to study at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin. As a student, he showed a deep interest in scientific research published several important scientific papers.

Since March, defending PhD thesis, V. A. Slastenin works at the Tyumen Pedagogical Institute as a teacher at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. In October 1957, the 27-year-old scientist became vice-rector of the Tyumen Pedagogical Institute for teaching and then for research. In this position, he proved himself to be a talented organizer of pedagogical education.

V. A. Slastenin was transferred to Moscow as deputy head of the Main Directorate of Higher and Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.
Slastenin defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Formation of the personality of a teacher in the process of his professional training", in which he was the first of domestic researchers to propose a unique predictive model of personality and professional activity ideal teacher XXI century.

Vitaly Alexandrovich Slastenin comes to work at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin (since 1991 - Moscow State Pedagogical University) head of the department of pedagogy primary education. He organizes here the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology high school which he currently heads.

V. A. Slastenin is the permanent dean of the unique Russian system Education Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology. The scientist creates and implements the original concept of multi-level teacher education, develops state educational standards higher education a new generation in the specialties "pedagogy", "social pedagogy", "pedagogy and psychology".

As a scientist, B. A. Slastenin occupies a leading position in the field of methodology, theory and practice of teacher education. He is one of the developers general concept pedagogical education, author of more than 300 scientific papers, including 16 monographs and 6 textbooks on pedagogy"
VL Slastenin's works have been translated into 15 languages ​​and published in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, China and other countries of the world.
Professor V. L. Slastenin created a powerful scientific school, which is represented in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, he has trained 200 doctors and candidates of pedagogical and psychological sciences"
V. L. Slastenin - Member of the Council for Pedagogical Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Head Council "Problems of Pedagogy" and Educational and methodical advice on general and social pedagogy and psychology of UMO of pedagogical universities, deputy chairman of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission on pedagogy and psychology, chairman of the council for the defense of dissertations for the competition degree doctor of pedagogical sciences, Chief Editor magazines "Izvestia Russian Academy education" and "Pedagogical education and science".
He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals named after K. D. Ushinsky, N. K. Krupskaya, S. I. Vavilov, A. S. Makarenko, I. Altynsarin, K "N. Kary-Niyazov. Excellence in Education of the USSR and a number of republics of the former Union.
Since January 1989 - Corresponding Member of the APS of the USSR, since June 1992 - Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, since July 1999 - President International Academy sciences of pedagogical education. Academician of a number of public academies,
In March 1996, Professor V. A. Slastenin was awarded honorary title"Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation",
In 1999, Vitaly Alexandrovich Slastenin was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

UDC 371.4(075.8)LBC 74.03ya73С 47ISBN 5-7695-0878-7Slastenin V.A. etc. Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Slastenin. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 576 p. Volkov; Doctor of Pedagogy, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor A.V. MudrikEducational publicationSlastenin Vitaly AleksandrovichIsaev Ilya FedorovichShiyanov Evgeny NikolaevichThe textbook reveals the anthropological, axiological foundations of pedagogy, theory and practice of a holistic pedagogical process; organizational and activity bases for the formation of the basic culture of a schoolchild. The characteristics of pedagogical technologies are given, including the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, etc. The issues of managing educational systems are disclosed. The authors are laureates of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. It may be useful for teachers, leaders of the education system. CONTENTS: Section I. INTRODUCTION TO PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITYChapter 1. General characteristics of the teaching profession § 1. The emergence and development of the teaching profession § 2. Features of the teaching profession § 3 Prospects for the development of the pedagogical profession § 4. The specifics of working conditions and activities of a rural school teacher § 5. Professionally conditioned requirements for the personality of the teacherChapter 3. The professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher al-pedagogical culture § 4. The personal and creative component of professional pedagogical culture Chapter 4. Professional formation and development of a teacher § 1. Motives for choosing a teaching profession and motivation for pedagogical activity § 2. Development of a teacher's personality in the system of pedagogical education § 3. Professional self-education of a teacher § 4. Fundamentals of self-education of students pedagogical university and teachersSection II. GENERAL FOUNDATIONS OF PEDAGOGYChapter 5. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences § 1. General idea of ​​pedagogy as a science § 2. Object, subject and functions of pedagogy § 3. Education as a social phenomenon § 4. Education as a pedagogical process. The categorical apparatus of pedagogy§ 5. The connection of pedagogy with other sciences and its structureChapter 6. Methodology and methods of pedagogical research§ 1. The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science and the methodological culture of the teacher§ 2. The general scientific level of the methodology of pedagogy§ 3. Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research§ 4. Organization of pedagogical research § 5. System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research Chapter 7. Axiological foundations of pedagogy § 1. Substantiation of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy § 2. The concept of pedagogical values ​​and their classification § 3. Education as a universal human value Chapter 8. Development, socialization and upbringing personality § 1. Personal development as a pedagogical problem § 2. The essence of socialization and its stages § 3. Education and personality formation § 4. The role of training in personality development § 5. Factors of socialization and personality formation § 6. Self-education in the structure of the personality formation process Chapter 9 .holistic ped agogical process § 1. Historical prerequisites for understanding the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon § 2. The pedagogical system and its types § 3. General characteristics of the education system § 4. The essence of the pedagogical process § 5. The pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon § 6. Logic and conditions for building a holistic pedagogical processSection III. THEORY OF LEARNINGChapter 10. Learning in a holistic pedagogical process§ 1. Learning as a way of organizing the pedagogical process§ 2. Learning functions§ 3. Methodological foundations of learning§ 4. The activities of the teacher and students in the learning process§ 5. The logic of the educational process and the structure of the learning process§ 6. Types of learning and their characteristicsChapter 11. Patterns and principles of learning§ 1. Patterns of learning§ 2. Principles of learningChapter 12. Modern didactic concepts§ 1. Characteristics of the main concepts of developmental learning§ 2. Modern approaches to developing the theory of personality-developing learning The content of education as the basis of the basic culture of the individual § 1. The essence of the content of education and its historical nature § 2. Determinants of the content of education and the principles of its structuring § 3. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education § 4. State educational standard and its functions § 5. Normative documents regulating the content of general secondary education § 6. Prospects for the development of the content of general education. A model for building a 12-year general education schoolChapter 14. Forms and methods of teaching § 1. Organizational forms and systems of education § 2. Types of modern organizational forms of education § 3. Teaching methods § 4. Didactic means § 5. Control in the learning process Section IV. Theory and Methods of Education the basic culture of the individual § 1. Philosophical and ideological training of schoolchildren § 2. Civic education in the system of formation of the basic culture of the individual § 3. Formation of the foundations of the moral culture of the individual § 4. Labor education and professional orientation of schoolchildren § 5. Formation of the aesthetic culture of students § 6. Education physical culture of the individual Chapter 17. General methods of education § 1. The essence of the methods of education and their classification § 2. Methods for the formation of the consciousness of the individual § 3. Methods for organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of the individual § 4. Methods for stimulating and motivating activity and behavior l personalities§ 5. Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education§ 6. Conditions for the optimal choice and effective application of methods of educationChapter 18. The team as an object and subject of education§ 1. The dialectics of the collective and the individual in the education of the individual idea in humanistic pedagogy§ 3. The essence and organizational foundations of the functioning of the children's team§ 4. Stages and levels of development of the children's team§ 5. Basic conditions for the development of the children's teamChapter 19. Educational systems§ 1. The structure and stages of development of the educational system§ 2. Foreign and domestic educational systems § 3. Class teacher in the educational system of the school§ 4. Children's public associations in the educational system of the schoolSection V. PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIESChapter 20. Pedagogical technologies and teacher skills pedagogical ass achi§ 4. Types of pedagogical tasks and their characteristics § 5. Stages of solving a pedagogical task § 6. The manifestation of professionalism and skill of a teacher in solving pedagogical tasks and making a pedagogical diagnosis § 3. Planning as a result of the constructive activity of the teacher § 4. Planning the work of the class teacher § 5. Planning in the activities of the subject teacher Chapter 22. The technology of the pedagogical process § 1. The concept of the technology of the pedagogical process § 2. The structure of organizational activity and its features § 3. Types of children's activities and general technological requirements for their organization § 4. Educational and cognitive activity and the technology of its organization § 5. Value-oriented activity and its connection with other types of developmental activities § 6. Technologists I organize developing activities of schoolchildren § 7. The technology of organizing collective creative activityChapter 23. The technology of pedagogical communication and the establishment of pedagogically expedient relationships § 1. Pedagogical communication in the structure of the activity of the teacher-educator § 2. The concept of the technology of pedagogical communication § 3. Stages of solving a communicative task § 4. Stages of pedagogical communication and technology for their implementation § 5. Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics § 6. Technology for establishing pedagogically expedient relationships Section VI. MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMSChapter 24. Essence and basic principles of management of educational systems§ 1. State-public system of education management§ 2. General principles of management of educational systems§ 3. School as a pedagogical system and object of scientific managementChapter 25. Main functions of intraschool management§ 1. Managerial the culture of the head of the school § 2. Pedagogical analysis in intra-school management § 3. Goal-setting and planning as a function of school management § 4. The function of organization in school management § 5. Intra-school control and regulation in management Chapter 26. Interaction of social institutions in the management of educational systems § 1. School as an organizing center for joint activities of the school, family and community § 2. The teaching staff of the school § 3. Family as a specific pedagogical system. Features of the development of a modern family § 4. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with the schoolchildren's family § 5. Forms and methods of work of a teacher, class teacher with students' parents Chapter 27. Innovative processes in education. The development of the professional and pedagogical culture of teachers § 1. Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity § 2. Forms of development of the professional and pedagogical culture of teachers and their certification ancient times, when there was no division of labor, all members of the community or tribe - adults and children - participated on an equal footing in obtaining food, which amounted to main point existence in those distant times. The transfer of experience accumulated by previous generations to children in the antenatal community was "woven" into labor activity. children, with early years being included in it, they acquired knowledge about the methods of activity (hunting, gathering, etc.) and mastered various skills and skills. And only as the tools of labor improved, which made it possible to obtain more food, it became possible not to involve the sick and old members of the community in this. They were charged with the duty to be keepers of the fire and look after the children. Later, as the processes of conscious manufacture of tools of labor became more complicated, which entailed the need for a special transfer of labor skills and abilities, the elders of the clan - the most respected and wise by experience - formed, in modern understanding, first social group people - educators, whose direct and only duty was the transfer of experience, concern for spiritual growth the younger generation, its morality, preparation for life. Thus, education has become a sphere of human activity and consciousness. The emergence of the teaching profession therefore has objective grounds. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older one, had to start all over again, without creative assimilation and use of the experience that it inherited. The etymology of the Russian word "educator" is interesting. It comes from the stem "nourish". Not without reason today the words "educate" and "nurture" are often considered as synonyms. AT modern dictionaries An educator is defined as a person engaged in the education of someone, taking responsibility for the living conditions and development of the personality of another person. The word "teacher", apparently, appeared later, when mankind realized that knowledge is a value in itself and that a special organization of children's activities is needed, aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills. This activity is called learning. Ancient Babylon, Egypt, Syria, teachers were most often priests, and in Ancient Greece- the most intelligent, talented civilians: pedonomes, pedotribes, didascals, teachers. AT Ancient Rome on behalf of the emperor, state officials were appointed as teachers, who knew science well, but most importantly, who traveled a lot and, therefore, saw a lot, knew languages, culture and customs different peoples. In ancient Chinese chronicles that have survived to this day, it is mentioned that back in the 20th century. BC. there was a ministry in the country that was in charge of the education of the people, appointing the wisest representatives of society to the post of teacher. In the Middle Ages, teachers, as a rule, were priests, monks, although in urban schools and universities they increasingly became people who received special education. AT Kievan Rus The duties of a teacher coincided with those of a parent and ruler. Monomakh's "Instruction" reveals the basic set of rules of life that the sovereign himself followed and that he advised his children to follow: love your homeland, take care of the people, do good to loved ones, do not sin, avoid evil deeds, be merciful. He wrote: “What you can do well, then don’t forget, and what you don’t know how to do, learn this ... Laziness is the mother of everything: what one knows how, he will forget, and what he can’t, he won’t learn. what good..." AT Ancient Russia teachers were called masters, thus emphasizing respect for the personality of the mentor of the younger generation. But the craftsmen who passed on their experience were also called, and now, as you know, they are called respectfully - Uchitel.1 See: Anthology of pedagogical thought of Ancient Russia and the Russian state of the XIV-XVII centuries. / Comp. S. D. Babishin, B. N. Mityurov. - M., 1985. - S. 167. Since the emergence of the teaching profession, teachers have been assigned, first of all, an educational, single and indivisible function. A teacher is an educator, a mentor. This is his civil, human destiny. This is exactly what A. S. Pushkin had in mind, dedicating the following lines to his beloved teacher, professor of moral sciences A. P. Kunitsyn (Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum): "He created us, he raised our flame ... Laid by him Foundation stone, he lit a clean lamp ".2 Pushkin A.S. complete collection works: In 10 volumes - L., 1977. - V. 2. - S. 351. The tasks facing the school changed significantly to different stages development of society. This explains the periodic shift of emphasis from education to education and vice versa. However public policy in the field of education almost always underestimated the dialectical unity of education and upbringing, the integrity of the developing personality. Just as it is impossible to teach without exerting an educational influence, so it is impossible to decide educational tasks without arming the pupils quite complex system knowledge, skills and abilities. Leading thinkers of all times and peoples have never opposed education and upbringing. Moreover, they considered the teacher primarily as an educator. Outstanding teachers were among all peoples and at all times. So, the Chinese called Confucius the Great Teacher. In one of the legends about this thinker, his conversation with a student is given: "This country is vast and densely populated. What does it lack, teacher?" - the student turns to him. "Enrich her," replies the teacher. "But she is already rich. How can she be enriched?" the student asks. "Teach her!" - the teacher exclaims. A man of difficult and enviable fate, the Czech humanist teacher Jan Amos Komensky was the first who began to develop pedagogy as independent industry theoretical knowledge. Comenius dreamed of giving his people the combined wisdom of the world. He wrote dozens of school textbooks, over 260 pedagogical works. And today, every teacher, using the words "lesson", "class", "vacation", "training", etc., does not always know that they all entered the school along with the name of the great Czech teacher. Ya.A. Comenius asserted a new, progressive view of the teacher. This profession was for him "excellent, like no other under the sun." He compared the teacher with a gardener who lovingly grows plants in the garden, with an architect who carefully builds up knowledge in all corners of the human being, with a sculptor who carefully hews and polishes the minds and souls of people, with a commander who energetically wages an offensive against barbarism and ignorance. 1 See. : Comenius Ya.A. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1995. - S. 248-284. The Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi spent all his savings on the creation of orphanages. He devoted his life to orphans, tried to make childhood a school of joy and creative work. On his grave there is a monument with an inscription that ends with the words: "Everything is for others, nothing is for yourself." The great teacher of Russia was Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, the father of Russian teachers. The textbooks he created have withstood an unprecedented circulation in history. For example, "Native Word" was reprinted 167 times. His legacy is 11 volumes, and pedagogical works are of scientific value today. He described the social significance of the teaching profession in the following way: modern way upbringing, feels like a living, active member of a great organism, struggling with ignorance and the vices of mankind, a mediator between everything that was noble and high in past history people, and a new generation, the keeper of the holy testaments of people who fought for the truth and for the good", and his work, "modest in appearance, is one of the greatest works of history. States are based on this fact and entire generations live on it. The 20th century largely prepared the innovative pedagogy of Anton Semenovich Makarenko.Despite the command-administrative methods of management that were established in education, as in everything else in the country, in the 30s, he opposed them with pedagogy, humanistic in essence, optimistic in spirit imbued with faith in creative forces and human capabilities. The theoretical legacy and experience of A. S. Makarenko have gained worldwide recognition. Of particular importance is the theory of the children's collective created by A. S. Makarenko, which organically includes a subtle in terms of instrumentation and a unique method of individualization of education in terms of methods and methods of implementation. He believed that the work of an educator is the most difficult, "perhaps the most responsible and requiring from the individual not only highest voltage, but also big forces, great abilities. "2 Makarenko A. S. Works: In 7 volumes - M., 1958. - T. V. - S. 178. § 2. Features of the pedagogical profession Peculiarities of the pedagogical profession. A person's belonging to a particular profession is manifested in the features of his activity and way of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E. A. Klimov, the teaching profession belongs to the group of professions, the subject of which is another person. responsibility. In this regard, the pedagogical profession stands apart, standing out in a separate group. Its main difference from other professions of the "man-man" type is that it belongs to both the class of transformative and the class of managing professions at the same time. as the goal of his activity, the formation and transformation of the personality, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of its intellectual, emotional and physical about the development, formation of her spiritual world. The main content of the teaching profession is relationships with people. The activities of other representatives of professions of the "man-to-man" type also require interaction with people, but here it is connected with the best understanding and satisfaction of human needs. In the profession of a teacher, the leading task is to understand social goals and direct the efforts of other people to achieve them. The peculiarity of training and education as an activity for social management is that it has, as it were, a double object of labor. On the one hand, its main content is relationships with people: if the leader (and the teacher is such) does not develop proper relations with those people whom he leads or whom he convinces, then the most important thing in his activity is missing. On the other hand, professions of this type always require a person to have special knowledge, skills and abilities in any area (depending on who or what he manages). The teacher, like any other leader, must know well and represent the activities of the students, the development process of which he leads. Thus, the teaching profession requires double training - human studies and special. Thus, in the profession of a teacher, the ability to communicate becomes professional. necessary quality. Studying the experience of novice teachers allowed researchers, in particular V. A. Kan-Kalik, to identify and describe the most common "barriers" to communication that make it difficult to solve pedagogical problems: mismatch of attitudes, fear of the class, lack of contact, narrowing of the function of communication, negative attitude on the class, fear of pedagogical error, imitation. However, if novice teachers experience psychological "barriers" due to inexperience, then teachers with experience - due to underestimation of the role of communicative support pedagogical influences, which leads to impoverishment emotional background educational process. As a result, personal contacts with children are also impoverished, without whose emotional richness a person’s productive activity inspired by positive motives is impossible. The teaching profession has historically been entrenched in two social functions- adaptive and humanistic ("human-forming"). The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student, pupil to the specific requirements of the modern sociocultural situation, and the humanistic function is associated with the development of his personality, creative individuality. On the one hand, the teacher prepares his pupils for the needs of the moment, for a certain social situation, to the specific needs of society. But on the other hand, while objectively remaining the guardian and conductor of culture, he carries a timeless factor. Having as a goal the development of the personality as a synthesis of all the riches of human culture, the teacher works for the future. The work of the teacher always contains a humanistic, universal principle. Its conscious promotion to the fore, the desire to serve the future characterized progressive educators of all times. Thus, a well-known teacher and figure in the field of education mid-nineteenth in. Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm Diesterweg, who was called the teacher of German teachers, put forward the universal goal of education: serving truth, goodness, beauty. "In every individual, in every nation, a way of thinking called humanity should be brought up: this is the desire for noble universal human goals." To achieve this goal, he believed special role belongs to the teacher, who is a living instructive example for the student. His personality wins him respect, spiritual strength and spiritual influence. The value of the school is equal to the value of the teacher.1 Disterveg A. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1956. - S. 237. The great Russian writer and teacher Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy saw in the teaching profession, first of all, a humanistic principle, which finds its expression in love for children. “If a teacher has only love for the job,” Tolstoy wrote, “he will good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love either for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for both work and students, he - perfect teacher".2 Tolstoy L.N. Pedagogical writings. - M., 1956. - S. 362. L.N. Tolstoy considered the freedom of the child the leading principle of education and upbringing. In his opinion, a school can be truly humane only when teachers they will not consider it as "a disciplined company of soldiers, commanded today by one, tomorrow by another lieutenant." He called for a new type of relationship between teachers and students, excluding coercion, defended the idea of ​​personality development as central to humanistic pedagogy. In the 50s and 60s The most significant contribution to the theory and practice of humanistic education was made by Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky, director of the Pavlysh high school in the Poltava region. His ideas of citizenship and humanity in pedagogy turned out to be consonant with our modernity. "The age of mathematics is good popular expression, but it does not reflect the whole essence of what is happening today. The world is entering the age of Man. More than ever, we are obliged to think now about what we put into the human soul ".1 Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected pedagogical works: In 3 volumes - M., 1981. - T. 3. - P. 123 -124. Education in the name of the happiness of the child - such is the humanistic meaning pedagogical works V. A. Sukhomlinsky, and his practical activities - hard evidence the fact that without faith in the capabilities of the child, without trust in him, all pedagogical wisdom, all methods and techniques of training and education are untenable. high level general emotional culture, the ability to delve deeply into the essence of the pedagogical phenomenon.

The authors educational edition relied on methodological and theoretical provisions outstanding Russian scientist and teacher Vitaly Alexandrovich Slastenin. The textbook introduces the basic theoretical and practical aspects processes of education and training of schoolchildren. It systematizes knowledge on the main sections of pedagogy: an introduction to the teaching profession, general fundamentals pedagogy, theory of education, theory and methodology of education. The textbook material aims to include the student in each of the three forms cognitive activity teaching, practice and project activities. After each chapter there are questions and tasks for independent work and recommended reading.

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