Human behavior in a situation of choice. All people are different

Today we will talk about situations where there is no point in living and about the people who found themselves in them and made a fatal choice, as well as about those who continued to live.

What situations can be called hopeless or those in which people lose the meaning of life? The criteria for hopelessness depend on several factors. From the personality of the person himself, from the intensity of experiences, internal and external causes the difficulties encountered.

There is a fragile nervous system, when a traumatic event causes a stupor or hysteria a little more than usual, there is a strong nervous system, when a person accumulates everything in himself, holding his nose up, and then one failure becomes the last straw ...

The intensity of experiences is associated not only with personality traits person, or with objective external problems, but also with the attitudes of a person. For some, the loss of a highly paid, prestigious job is one of the main losses of life, for another, the loss will be similar. loved one... A series of failures makes someone stronger, but finishes someone off. And the one whom a series of failures made stronger in his youth - in old age, a newly appeared black streak can lead to a state of depression.

Let's talk about serious problems, and not about the whims of teenagers who confused reality with the game and completely absurd cases when people came to despair because of nonsense. I have doubts whether the suicide of a 17-year-old girl “tired” of life, who had everything: appearance, loving parents, friends, health, good financial situation thanks to her parents, but she was simply attracted by black butterflies in the night against the background of subtle sadness after another hookah smoking ... And this black hole, having grown from a grain, poisoned her soul and led to tragedy. The reasons for leaving are either oversaturation with life, depreciation of life, or mental problems.

But it is precisely such stories, when people seem to have everything, and with a subjective and objective side, without separation from loved ones, losses, debts, problems climb into the loop - it becomes more. Psychologists call one of the versions of this behavior

growth of cities, high-rise buildings, faceless offices, reduction natural areas. It seems to be an absurd reason - urbanization, but if you look at it, everything is natural: a person is lost in the chaos of soulless gray anthills with floor-to-ceiling windows, where everyone becomes a cog in a system that fights for empty goals. Dwelling houses in densely populated areas planted like mushrooms after rain: one opposite the other, in a bunch, sometimes there is only one playground for five 20-story buildings, one tree per quarter.

In this collection of fragile stone skyscrapers, the connection with nature is lost, a person often feels worthless, small, lost. And those who grew up in such conditions, and almost did not know a different life, live with an understanding of the normality of the fact that a soulless city is the whole world. It's already shaping up in them character lung attitude to the depreciation of life, indifference to the death of one’s own and others like them, since human life has long merged with the stone wall of another skyscraper.

Do you know the city of Shanghai in China? Most dirty city in a world filled high houses, towers, shopping malls, smoky, filled with factories, industries, machines. And also in China, the highest suicide rate in the world ... Strange coincidence, don't you think??

The percentage of depression mental disorders increases significantly in recent times. And both situations deserving sympathy and antics due to whims occur against the backdrop of urbanization, the depreciation of life, which doubly aggravates the situation of both.

And there is another trend - the people actively accuse others of being weak-willed, but more and more often each of us finds himself in the position of those convicted by us yesterday ..

I analyzed the reaction of the “public” to several sad stories that occurred for last year. And below I will tell about the results. The public is, of course, viewers and observers of the Internet.

The mother killed herself and three children. The beginning of spring, the pre-election euphoria, did not actively make this case public. That did not stop people from washing the bones of victims, potential perpetrators for a couple more weeks on the Internet.

The first reaction after the news of the incident: people write that they are in shock, they say, how could they take babies with them to the Other World, they blame the government for having brought the people to lack of money, emptiness, loans, debts, that the mother probably despaired, could not feed the children.

A little later, new details come from neighbors, verbose, talkative relatives, friends, acquaintances, who for some reason did not help the woman during her lifetime, but revived after her death. She was recently divorced, she was about 40 years old, ex-husband as many. He found a much younger mistress, had a baby, sued ex-wife in order to pick up the children, while the mistress has never seen them with her own eyes.

The mother seems to have despaired, life lost its meaning and decided to end her suffering by killing herself and taking her children with her so that no one would need them.

At the same time, the family was not a beggar: a large apartment, relatives helped, the children were well dressed.

What really pushed the woman to this step - we will never know. But this is not necessary, it is more important to understand that not only specific thoughts, actions can push a person to a fatal choice, but also an affective dead end, when in a moment everything seems hopeless, final and the only way out sees death. Psychiatrists also call this state narrowing of consciousness.

In another period of life, the same person copes with difficulties to the envy of all enemies, and in another period, it seems that he breaks down and admits the thought that he will not be able to cope. This snowball winds up and one little thing becomes fatal.

Forensic psychiatrist Vinogradov (often his opinion is shown in stories in people who have committed resonant crimes) calls one of the reasons when a mother kills children - hatred for her husband (former or present or just the father of children). And in children, she wants to kill the image of her father, to avenge him for everything through the murder of children. She can be calm, accumulate everything in herself, restrain herself, harboring a grudge against her husband, enduring his negativity, but at some point her patience bursts and the state of passion covers everything. Either this is not an affect, but a cold disgust for her husband, children who are from him. At the same time, very often such mothers themselves cannot kill themselves.

Another reason: the mother could love the children, but at some point they began to interfere with her .. to arrange a personal life and the like. And she takes out all the accumulated evil on them.

Situations when mothers leave with their children themselves - others for motives ... Revenge on the ex-husband can also be involved, but also humanistic motives, they say, no one will need children without a mother. Or the whole world of the mother collapsed after some terrible events for her (the house burned down, the war, the betrayal of her husband, his death, etc.) and she, not wanting and not finding the strength to experience this grief, understands that life will never be like before.

And a woman who is in a state of a broken psyche and depression is not capable of living in a new way, therefore she sees the only way out is to kill herself and those who formed the basis of her world.

The Internet, social networks give people the opportunity to get bread and circuses sitting on a comfortable sofa without leaving home. And often those who condemn the same desperate mother do it because there is nothing to do. What kind of versions were not put forward by the people in a couple of days, as soon as they did not condemn her, they did not pour mud on her.

But only an adequate person will be able to understand that in such situations it is not necessary to judge by the first intuition ... And she may not be sick, but simply at some point believed in the illusion that there is no way out. Perhaps if she had survived for some time, all yesterday's circumstances would have seemed absurd and unworthy of her to say goodbye to life because of them, but she did not survive. And it's her choice...

Or another situation. A woman's husband dies and the house burns down. Three children remain in their arms, live with their mother in temporary housing, trying to restore old house, the mother works three jobs, but there is still little money, there was no help from the state. The eldest son, due to the lack of male upbringing and other problems, began to run away from home, to hooligan, he was registered in the police room, and the social services took care of the family, which at one point seized the children from the woman. The mother was so desperate that she roared unrestrainedly, and then she simply committed suicide, because she did not see life without children.

And even here, couch commentators reproached the mother for weakness, for not having endured temporary troubles and did not continue to fight. And where was everyone when she was alive and the family could be helped? Where was the same state, why didn’t they allocate a house to the family? Why didn't they help financially? The mother is not an alcoholic, she took care of the children and loved them. Why do our social services sometimes do not help the family, but finish off normal people leading to suicide? What did they achieve in the end? Are the kids better now? Without a mother and in an orphanage, with life-long psychological trauma, complete orphans?

In this situation, the mother, who experienced a series of severe psycho-traumatic events (the death of her husband, the loss of a home) and lived in difficult conditions (three jobs, her eldest son ran away, reproaches from social services) - the removal of children was the last straw, there was an acute impulsive reaction to all the troubles against the background of emaciated state nervous system. Perhaps if someone supported a woman, she survived a couple of days, gathered her strength, she would go to fight, win back her children, but she simply broke down in an instant due to an impulsive influx of emotions.

Another woman came to the capital, fleeing her tyrant husband, undocumented, non-Russian, with two children. It is not clear how, but without documents, she got a job - washing floors, rented a room in a communal apartment. But the money was barely enough to make ends meet. She did not tell anyone about her troubles, mother and children were friendly. The woman was fired from her job, they were left without a livelihood. The neighbors in the communal apartment will later say that they did not hear complaints at all and that the family did not know without food, the woman was friendly, but reserved. They suspected something was wrong when the family did not leave the room for two days. The doors were opened and there dead mother and children. And a note with the words "there is no strength to live on, the hardest thing is when there is no one around and no one can help."

Sofa commentators also reproached the mother that she did not go to ask for help, did not try to fight. How does anyone know how much and how she fought? And ask for help ... Here a man is walking ask for help, and they will also pour mud on him and send him to work without rest. Before my eyes, there was a situation when a family (mother, children, without a father) remained on the street. The mother is good, she took care of the children - they turned to the authorities - only standard phrases and replies in response.

Another situation: a mother with children lived in an emergency dilapidated house, cement was pouring from the walls and ceiling from huge cracks, the authorities were obliged to allocate temporary housing, then relocate the family to normal permanent conditions. The mother achieved resettlement through the court, so the mayor's office also began to appeal this decision, believing that the family could continue to live in the house, which is now literally collapsing.

Sometimes the media act and appeals to caring citizens (and the media need to be addressed many times), who themselves know what troubles are ... But the woman from our story may have been so intimidated by her husband, a tyrant, or by the society in which she used to be, that she did not believe anyone and I couldn't scream about my troubles...

Or a situation where people lose their families in an instant. For example, a daughter with her grandchildren flew to her mother and died in a plane crash along with her children. Her mother buried her husband a couple of years ago. How and why should a mother live? Usually, the state after the loss of a loved one is called post-traumatic stress syndrome, a depressive episode.

But here the syndrome is multiplied several times. Many in old age live for the sake of their grandchildren, children, and when they are all lost in an instant, life loses its meaning.

Or: once upon a time there was a family, a wife, a husband, two children, the husband took the children from their grandmother from a suburban village and at the turn into the city there was an accident - everyone died, the mother was waiting at home ... How and why should the mother continue to live?

And men lose their families.. I remember the story about Vitaly Kaloev, who killed the controller of a crashed plane with passengers flying on board, including his wife, son and daughter Kaloev. It always seems to me that men are easier to experience the loss of loved ones, because their parental instinct is less pronounced, but there are situations when men were also hard pressed.

Those who say that everything will be fine and we need to live on, knocking on the shoulder haggard from grief and tears, most likely do not even delve into other people's troubles and they do not care about this grief ... During such periods, you can only be close to a person. In a couple of months, when it becomes easier for him, he himself will decide to live on. And those who are left completely alone in such tragedies very often decide to take a fatal step, because they see no way out, cannot endure heartache from loss dear people and there is no one around.

It is very difficult to give advice from outside. In our ordinary state, it is impossible for us to imagine what a person experiences who has lost his family or who is desperate to achieve something, finding himself in poverty and tired of the blows of fate.

But still, if you try to survive acute periods of grief - at some point it becomes easier, it appears new meaning life.

Believers say that Satan can push to suicide and depression, because he is a murderer, and by any means inclines people to sin, especially to such a fatal step. Despair and grief can and should be experienced - according to Christianity, nothing is worth dropping your hands and putting a noose around your neck. You can go to church and ask for help - after all.

Those who experienced great grief, overcame incredible difficulties, later, to the answer “why live on?”, They answered that then, in difficult moments, they sometimes lived out of habit, sometimes reassuring themselves with the thought that there are those for whom you need to live or relatives who have gone to another world would not like to see the unfortunate survivor.

And when difficult moments passed, and it became easier - people said that it is worth living in order to help others overcome difficulties, to tell their children that the strength of the spirit is able to survive in "hell" and all these reserves are in a person, he is able to overcome a lot .

Social deprivation is a lack of communication or the inability to communicate with other people for one reason or another. The strength and consequences of deprivation depend on who initiated the isolation: the person himself, society or circumstances.

How does social deprivation manifest itself?

Social deprivation can manifest itself in different ways, depending on a number of factors:

  1. Partial social deprivation . Partial deprivation occurs in a situation where a person, for one reason or another, does not have social contacts with the people he needs or has them in not enough. Such deprivation occurs in children who are brought up in boarding schools, among pupils of military schools, among prisoners and other groups of people. With such deprivation, a depressive state, decreased performance, and loss of interest in life can occur.
  2. Complete deprivation. Can be caused by circumstances: shipwreck, landslide rocks in the mine, disorientation in the taiga. Under such conditions, deprivation occurs very quickly, proceeds rapidly and, if a person is not provided with qualified assistance in time, can lead to death.
  3. Person's age. AT childhood a person may not feel the influence of deprivation, but the lack of necessary social contacts is reflected in his mental and intellectual development. The older a person gets, the more difficult it is to endure forced isolation.
  4. The person himself chose isolation or ended up in it for one reason or another. If a person himself decides to leave society or limit contacts with him, the manifestations of deprivation will be minimal. With forced isolation, depressive states, neurotic and mental disorders can be observed.
  5. Person's character. The stronger, the more resistant it turns out to be in critical situations.

Consequences of social deprivation

How faster man receives qualified assistance from specialists, the more likely it is that the consequences of social deprivation will be minimal. However, in some cases it is not possible to completely get rid of the consequences social exclusion. So, social deprivation in orphans leads to the fact that such children do not form the correct models of behavior in the family, children grow up with a sense of rejection and low self-esteem, they do not know how to form and maintain close relationships.

The most severe consequences can be deprivation caused by circumstances, catastrophes, natural disasters when a person finds himself in unusual conditions. In such situations, death and the appearance mental illness caused not by the circumstances themselves, but by the mental reaction of a person to them.

There are several situations in which someone else's opinion should not be ignored. Be attentive to the words of people - this will help you become wiser and succeed in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

Listening to opinion and following it are two different things. Wise people always know when to listen to the words of others and how to highlight something important from them. A narrow-minded person either acts in the opposite way, or relentlessly follows the advice. Need to maintain self-sufficiency and connect common sense by analyzing what you are being told. This is one of the signs of a smart person.

When you can't assess a situation properly

There are many situations in life when a person simply cannot understand the big picture and make correct conclusions on one's own. For example, when it comes to appearance. It has long been known that people see themselves in the mirror in one way, in the photo - in a different way, and according to the stories of those around them, they look completely different. Psychologists conducted special experiments, during which it was proved that people see themselves not as beautiful as they really are. There is one "but" here - it does not work with too high self-esteem.

You should listen to the advice of people you trust if they point to your shortcomings or virtues. Chances are you just don't notice them.

When many people tell you the same thing

If a person is advised to do something or, conversely, not to do it, it often annoys him. In such a situation, it is important to consider the number of people who voice their opinion. If everyone unanimously repeats to you that you should not spend money on something or get into some kind of adventure, this is an important sign. You don't have to follow people's opinions, but you do need to listen to them.

good example: aggressive behavior. If many people tell you that you are too strict with others and cannot calmly maintain a dialogue, you should think about it carefully. If similar remarks are made to you by people who do not communicate with each other, this is an occasion to change your behavior.

A person who has earned your trust and has proven his loyalty more than once has the right to be heard. Be aware of the signs that you are being manipulated. Once you understand that the person is not showing any signs of a manipulator, you can trust them completely.

kind and fair man always speaks from pure heart, so his opinion will always be valuable to you. It's good to be able to evaluate yourself from the outside. Such a person will help you do it better and faster.

When someone else's opinion helps to solve a problem

We do not always know how to solve our problems, because we do not have enough information. If someone else's opinion contains information that was previously unknown to you, then you should listen to it. Subsequently, you can reject the information or accept it, but you should not ignore it in any case.

Sometimes a person's opinion or advice helps to gain confidence or find a solution. difficult problem. If you feel that the opinion of a friend, acquaintance, relative or even a stranger will help you overcome some kind of trouble, it is better to listen to him. A striking example- learning process. If you don't know something, you simply have no other choice. You are forced to listen to a mentor or mentor.

If you don't have an opinion

It happens that a person is in complete prostration and does not see any way to solve the current problem. In this case, the advice or opinion of others can be saving for you. This brings us to one important piece of wisdom, which states that the absence of thoughts for some reason important occasion does not mean that it is necessary to act recklessly. Always try to rely on at least some information.

A person differs from other living beings in that he is constantly faced with a choice, every day he administers a court - “this is to be, this is not to be” - from a coffee capsule for breakfast to a profession, spouse, citizenship.

All people are different

People spend most of their time and energy choosing in the area of ​​life that matters most to them, and do not waste time choosing what they consider trifling. A sewing lover can pick up buttons for hours on fabric, but not notice what she ate. A gourmet, on the contrary, will study the menu, choosing a dish for tasting, but will pass by a theater poster, near which the playwright, who has not had a haircut for six months, will be dumbfounded under the reproachful look of a dude who has spent half a day in the hairdresser's. By observing what and how people choose, you can learn everything about them.

Anxious people choose everything for a long time, they are even more worried and tired of it. Confident people make choices quickly and this gives them determination and strength.

Some people like the selection process itself, they create a problem and a discussion out of everything. Others have learned to limit their choice with the help of habits, stereotypes. Same toothpaste, haircut, menu, route, hotel on the same coast.

One situation of choice replaces or overlaps with another, and sooner or later everyone encounters a difficult choice.

How do people behave in situations of choice?


People for whom only pleasure is significant deny the choice, pretend that it does not exist, continue to behave in the old way. The girl met a guy and fell in love with another. Will date two. If it doesn't work out, he'll leave both of them. Children in words make one choice, in fact another and are not tormented by remorse. They say honesty good quality, but on the control they will write off without hesitation. There is no choice, only possibilities.


They know what they want, they choose only the way to achieve it, and in this they rely on reality - whether the planned is feasible or impossible. The man wants money. Earn, steal, beg - they will choose what is easier to do.

Self-consent seekers

They choose what to do, what goal to achieve. Their situation is the most difficult, but much happens inside, and not at the level of behavior. Therefore, consider the behavior of most people.

Choosing how to live

Moderate for adults developed people any important choice it's a lifestyle choice. Buying a car, getting married, joining a fitness club, having a baby, changing careers is a lifestyle change.

Human behavior includes some or all of the actions in this list:

  • rational search for a solution - collecting information about the subjects of choice, listening to consultants, acquaintances, reading reviews on the Internet. Drawing up lists of pluses and minuses, adding, deleting, transferring from minuses to pluses and vice versa, calculating short-term and long-term consequences;
  • emotional search - collecting information about yourself, your needs, going to a psychologist. People listen to emotions, intuitions. They draw (sometimes with eyes closed), meditate, look at pictures, write down associations, imagine the future;
  • the unconscious search for a solution is launched by people when they try to distract themselves - watch a movie, take a walk, ride a bike, visit friends, do the cleaning. It is assumed that the solution will somehow emerge from the depths of the subconscious;
  • searching for signs of fate. People go to a fortune-teller, make horoscopes, play solitaire, roll dice, toss a coin. There was an aphorism from the movie “No Country for Old Men” that when you flip a coin, you have time to feel which side you want it to fall on;
  • effective search for a solution - trials, if possible. Trials of professions, trial marriages, probationary periods at work, test drive.

When a decision is made and a person does not look back, does not regret, does not reproach, considers the payment for the choice fair, then he has done Good work and ready for the next election.

Remember:What is the role of the state judicial branch? What are the tasks of the police?

Think:Why does the legislator proclaim the recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights as a constitutional duty of the state?

Laws govern the life of society, establishing the limits of permissible behavior. All state bodies are called upon to take care of ensuring the rule of law and protecting the rights and interests of citizens. But in any state there are bodies whose main task is to protect the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the fight against crime and other offenses. They are called law enforcement.

What government agencies are called law enforcement?

Recall that the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation usually include: the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), Federal Service security (FSB), etc. There are state law enforcement agencies (the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and some others) and non-state (bar, private notaries, private security services, etc.).

As the name implies, law enforcement agencies are called upon to protect the law. Most often this phrase is used certain meaning: the violated right must be restored, the offender must be punished. But can such an interpretation be considered complete? How to be, for example, in the following situation?


AT daylight hours day in the alley, citizen K. was attacked by a group of young people. They beat him and took away his laptop bag.

Of course, the victim is interested in having his thing returned to him, and the criminals suffer what they deserve.

no punishment. And all? Isn't he, and each of us, entitled to count on the fact that law enforcement agencies are taking all measures to maintain order in in public places, to ensure the safety of citizens, to prevent violations of the law? People shouldn't be afraid to go out. It is important for every citizen not only that his violated right be promptly restored, but that the violators should be justly punished. It is important that his rights are not violated by anyone. Consequently, the protection of the right also implies the creation of conditions that prevent the violation of the right.

Think about what conditions are necessary for the misfortune that happened to citizen K. to become a rare occurrence in our society.

Law enforcement agencies always carry out their activities on the basis of the law and in accordance with it. The requirements for their specialists and the limits of their powers are enshrined in laws, for example, in the Federal Law "On the Police".


Police detain a teenager on the street. How should he behave to avoid more trouble?

We'll give you some advice.

  1. In no case should you resist (be rude, threaten, etc.) to a policeman.
  2. You must remember the name and rank of the employee.
  3. It is important to immediately declare that the detainee is a minor. It is advisable to do it loudly so that others can hear.
  4. After the minor has been taken to the police station, he has the right to demand that his parents be informed about it. A teenager has the right to demand the presence of a lawyer during interrogation.

No one has the right to interrogate a minor in the absence of a teacher or parents.


As you know, the judiciary is a branch of a single state power. AT rule of law the court represents true law and true justice. It belongs to him central location in all legal system. The court administers justice, applies measures of state coercion to persons violating the established legal order. Thus, it performs the function of protecting the law.

With the structure of the Russian judicial system you are already familiar. Most cases are considered in district (city), regional courts. Thanks to numerous TV shows and movies, you can probably imagine how court sessions are held: a judge in a black robe sits at big table on a high chair, to the right and left of the judge - people's assessors. The decision is made by voting, in which the judge andpeople's judges.

It is from the court that they are expected to make a lawful and reasoned decision on the case. This imposes a special responsibility - human fate always depends on the decision of the court. That is why, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, only a professional lawyer who has worked in his specialty for at least five years can become a judge. But to make a decision, it is not enough just to know the laws well, it is also necessary life experience and wisdom. Therefore, a person who has not reached the age of twenty-five cannot be a judge.

Judges are independent and are subject only to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws. Consequently, no one has the right to force a judge to make this or that decision or to remove a judge from office if he did not comply with someone's request. Judges irremovable. Judges inviolable.This means that a judge cannot be held criminally liable except in the manner prescribed by law.

Unlike a judge, people's assessors, i.e., citizens elected to participate in a trial, may not have a special legal education.

Why do you think? What should and can people's assessors be guided by when making a decision?

Some cases are considered by one world judge.

From federal law"On justices of the peace in the Russian Federation":

“Article 3. Competence of the justice of the peace ». The justice of the peace considers in the first instance:

  • 1) criminal cases on crimes for which a maximum sentence may be imposed, not exceeding three years' imprisonment...
  • 3) cases of divorce, if there is no dispute between the spouses about children;
  • 4) cases on the division between spouses of jointly acquired property ...
  • 7) cases arising from labor relations, with the exception of cases on reinstatement and cases on the resolution of collective labor disputes ...
  • 9) cases of administrative offenses referred to the competence of the justice of the peace ... "

Russian law provides that, at the request of the accused, his case may be consideredjury trial.The jury trial considers criminal cases on some grave and especially grave crimes (for example, treason, premeditated murder, etc.). 12 jurors take part in the trial. Any person (with the exception of priests, judges, military personnel, etc.) no younger than 25 years old and no older than 70 years old can become a juror. The jury sits separately from the judge. They must establish the fact of the commission of the crime with which the defendant is accused, and whether it is proved that this crime was committed by the defendant, as well as decide on the guilt of the defendant in this crime. After hearing the verdict of the jury, the judge decides what punishment the person will suffer. If the jury finds the accused not guilty, then he is released from custody in the courtroom and released home.


Here is what the Russian lawyer A.F. Koni (1844-1927) wrote about the judiciary and jurors:

"…By important cases the judiciary calls on the help of society, in the person of jurors, and says to this society: “I did everything I could to find out the evil deed of the person I put on your trial, now say your word of self-defense or show me that, in protecting you, I was mistaken in his guilt.

In addition, the courts give a sanction (permission) to arrest a suspect, to conduct a search in his house or apartment, as well as to listen to him. telephone conversations. The law provides for the possibility of detaining a suspect without a court decision for no more than 48 hours. If during this time the person is not presented with evidence of his guilt, then he must be released.

Justice is administered in the manner prescribed by law, based onprinciple of equality of citizensbefore law and courtrespect for human dignityin open court,national language of legal proceedings.Justice is adversarial: the parties (participants) in the consideration of a court case can actively and equally argue, prove their case, collect and present evidence related to the case under consideration.

The decision of the court, while it has not entered into force, can be appealed to a higher court (city, regional, etc.). If a person is not satisfied with the decision of the court of general jurisdiction, he can apply to Supreme Court RF. If you disagree with his decision, you can contactsupranational court - European Court on human rights, which is last resort. The decision of this Court is binding on all member states of the Council of Europe.

Prosecutor's office.

What is included in this concept? The prosecutor's office is a single federal centralized system bodies, which ensures the rule of law, the maintenance of the rule of law, the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

The most important function of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of laws. She monitors how various institutions comply with the law, officials, citizens.

The prosecutor participates in the trial on behalf of the state, supporting the public prosecution. He considers the case from the point of view of what damage caused by the actions of the accused, who and how suffered because of them: a person, society or the state. If it turns out that the person is innocent of the crime committed, then the prosecutor must drop the charge.

AT modern conditions life Russian society importance It hassupervision over the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms.The Prosecutor's Office considers and checks applications, complaints and other reports of violations of human and civil rights and freedoms. Any person can apply to the prosecutor's office if his rights are violated. Having received such a statement, the prosecutor's office checks the facts set out in it, and if they are confirmed, it starts a criminal case. This case will be conducted (investigated) by investigators working in the prosecutor's office.

The work of the prosecutor requires high professionalism, morality and civil courage. He must be impeccable in respecting the rule of law and all the requirements for the legal profession.


Think about what a person needs in order to fully realize their rights and freedoms in different life situations. Probably the ability to read laws, understand and interpret them; the ability to quickly find exactly the act that is needed to resolve the issue that has arisen. It also requires the ability to foresee the possible legal consequences of specific acts or actions. In addition, you need to have some experience in dealing with law enforcement and other agencies.

But is every citizen able, if necessary, to defend his interests, his rights in a qualified, competent manner? Probably not always. As practice shows, such activities are most effectively carried out by the bar (it employs professional lawyers). It is her share that accounts for the bulk of the work in this area. (Recently, lawyers annually provide legal assistance to an average of 8-10 million citizens.)

The bar is not included in the system of public authorities and local government. She is not law enforcement agency in the full sense of the word: a lawyer cannot apply powers of authority to persons who have committed a violation of the law.

What kind of legal assistance do lawyers provide? They provide advice and guidance on legal matters; draw up applications, complaints, petitions and other documents of a legal nature.

A special place in the activities of a lawyer is occupied by the representation of the interests of a person (individual or legal), which is commonly called a principal. Lawyers may participate in the proceedings on cases of administrative offenses and in the proceedings in courts and other bodies for resolving conflicts. At the request of the principal, a lawyer can represent his interests in state authorities, local governments, public associations and other organizations, including foreign and international ones.

The lawyer and the principal conclude a written contract, regardless of the place of residence or location of the principal. A lawyer is paid for his work. If such an agreement is not concluded and the lawyer participates in criminal proceedings as a defense counsel by appointment government agencies, then his work is paid at the expense of the federal budget.

In addition, the legislation provides for the provision by lawyers in certain cases of free legal assistance, for example, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, victims political repression, persons whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level, statutory the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

In any case, legal assistance to minors in institutions for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency is provided free of charge.


In what situations, with what requests does a person, as a rule, turn to a notary? Certify the accuracy of copies of documents and extracts from

them or the authenticity of signatures on documents, certify the transaction. In addition, it is notaries who are empowered to issue certificates of ownership of a share in the common property of the spouses, to certify the fact that a citizen is in certain place or the fact of his being alive, etc. Thus, notaries legally establish civil rights and prevent the possibility of their violation in the future.

Notaries may work in public notary offices or engage in private practice. Notarial acts and other services are, as a rule, paid.

A notary is a system of bodies entrusted with the certification of transactions, registration inheritance rights and other actions, legal consolidation civil rights and prevention of their possible violation.

Test yourself

  1. What are law enforcement agencies?
  2. What is the meaning of the phrase "protection"?
  3. Who can be a judge?
  4. What are the principles of justice?
  5. What do you know about jury trial?
  6. Why is the prosecutor's office called a law enforcement agency?
  7. What kind of legal assistance do lawyers provide to the population?
  8. Why do citizens turn to a notary?

In class and at home

  1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 48, part 1) proclaims: "Everyone is guaranteed the right to receive qualified legal assistance." Explain how this constitutional provision is enforced.
  2. In a situation where a person, for one reason or another, cannot directly perform some actions, he can issue a power of attorney. Find out (for example, in a notary's office) about the conditions and rules for issuing a power of attorney. Do all powers of attorney have to be notarized?
  3. In certain situations trials in Russia take place with the participation of the jury. In 2004, the Yuri Levada Analytical Center (“Levada Center”) conducted a survey of 1,591 Russians. The respondents had to compare the ordinary court with the jury and choose the answer that in more matches their ideas. The results of the survey are shown in the table.

Make a conclusion about the attitude to the jury. If the survey were conducted in current year would the results change? Explain your answer. Express your attitude to the problem raised. Argument it.

The wise say

  • “One unjust sentence brings more disaster than many crimes committed by private individuals; the latter spoil only streams, only solitary streams of water, while an unjust judge spoils the very source.
    F. Bacon (1561 - 1626), English philosopher
  • "The accuser and the judge cannot be combined in one person."
    Menander (c. 343–c. 291 BC), ancient Greek playwright