Scenario of an open event in geography. Scenario of extra-curricular activities in geography "The smartest"

Extracurricular activity in geography


Event goals:

➢ deepening knowledge in the field of geography;

➢ increasing students' cognitive interest in the subject;

➢ development of the ability to apply acquired knowledge in unusual situation;

➢ fostering the ability to work in a group, a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Event preparation.

The event can be held as part of the geography week between teams of students in grades 10-11. The game involves 3 teams of 5-6 people each.

Each team chooses a captain in advance, comes up with a name and motto related to geography. As homework teams are preparing for 3 interesting questions on the geographical theme.

Event progress.

The game consists of six stages, which are evaluated depending on the complexity of a certain number of points.

1. Representation of commands. Team name, greeting, motto. (1 point)

2. Warm up. (Teams are invited to discuss a number of questions.

(for each correct answer -2 points)

3. Competition "You - to me, I - to you" (teams ask each other questions prepared in advance)

(for each prepared question - 1 point for each correct answer - 2 points)

4. Competition of captains. (The stage is held in the form of an auction, the captains take turns calling the seas of the Earth, European countries, travelers, etc.)

The captain who named the concept last wins.)

1st place - 4 points

2nd place - 2 points

3rd place - 0 points.

5. Competition of pantomime. (Using gestures to depict a geographical object or natural phenomenon. Objects: Jamaica, Panama, Australia. Natural phenomena: tornado, tsunami, iceberg) guessed - 3 points.

1st place - 10 points

2nd place - 5 points

3rd place - 0 points.

Game results.

The winning team is determined by the number of points scored.

Questions for the competition "Warm-up"

1. Name the ancient Greek scientist who introduced the term "geography" and laid the foundation for scientific geography. (Eratosthenes)

2. Where on Earth do northerly winds always blow? (at the south pole)

3. Name the largest river that has no flow into the ocean. (Volga)

4. Which sea has no water? (in any sea depicted on geographical map)

5. Name the points on Earth, to determine the position of which it is enough to indicate only their latitude. (north and south pole)

6. In what part of the world does it get warmer as you move north? (in Australia)

7. If you move away from the US border only 8 km, you can be in this country, but not in Mexico and Canada. (Russia)

8. Fen, simum, boron. What unites these concepts? (wind)

9. What natural area grow trees that lack growth rings? (forest eq.)

10. What is the name and where is the largest building created on Earth by living organisms? (Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia)

11. American oceanologist M. Maury spoke about this phenomenon as follows: “There is a river in the ocean. It does not dry up during the most severe droughts and does not overflow its banks even during the most severe floods. Her shores and bed of cold water, and the rapids - from warm. Nowhere else in the world is there a more majestic stream of water." What are we talking about? (currents in the oceans)

12. In the name of which capital of a state located in the Caucasus, it is enough to rearrange the letters to get the name of the planet solar system? (Yerevan - Venus)

13. This state is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf. Its name consists of the surname of a famous German composer and European river flowing into the North Sea. (Bahrain)

14. Where is located and what is the name of the island, the name of which, when translated from English, means “again open land"? (Newfoundland off the coast of North America)

15. What state of the USA, located not on the territory of the American continent, enjoys the fame of the famous resort of the world? ( Hawaiian Islands)

16. South American llama - apalco, living at the latitude of the equator, has a thick long coat. How do you explain this contradictory fact from the point of view of geography? (llama lives in the Andes mountains, where it is relatively cold for the tropics)

17. Isn't it true that we have an idea associated with the Sahara as one of the hottest territories on Earth. North Pole but conjures up blizzards and frosts in our imagination. However, sometimes it happens that the temperature at the north pole is higher than in the Sahara. When is this possible? (at night in the Sahara it can be -8 C, in the summer at the North Pole it can be above 0 C)

18. Sailors around the world know a natural lighthouse that serves as a landmark in the Pacific Ocean off the coast. Central America. What is this lighthouse? (volcano Izalco, which has been erupting for 200 years)

19. The Himalayas, as you know, are the highest mountains, the Andes are the longest. However, the earth has mountain system taller and longer? Where is it located and what is its name? (Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Atlantic Ocean)

1. What continent do all meridians cross? (Antarctica)

2. Demographic concept, meaning the process of urban growth and an increase in the number of urban residents. (urbanization)

3. Most big Island on the ground. (Greenland)

4. What continent is Victoria Falls on? (Africa)

5. What is the name of the republic within Russia with the capital Makhachkala? (Dagestan)

6. The form of government of Denmark. (monarchy)

7. What is an archipelago? (group of islands)

8. The capital of Australia. (Canberra)

9. Where is it colder: at the north pole or at the south? (on the south)

10. The ocean, named after the country washed by it. (Indian)

11. What time of year is it in Australia? (summer)

12. What objects are shown on the physical map in green? (plains, lowlands)

13. Ice-free Russian port on the Barents Sea. (Murmansk)

14. The highest mountains in Europe. (Alps)

15. Modern name islands of Ceylon. (Sri Lanka)

16. Reservoir on the Don River. (Tsimlyanskoe)

17. A country bordering only Russia and China. (Mongolia)

18. Relief-forming factor, due to which dunes and dunes appear. (wind)

19. Name of the state with the capital Madrid. (Spain)

20. Demographic indicator showing the difference between the number of births and deaths during certain time. (natural increase)

21. Administrative center subject of the federation in whose territory we are located. (Rostov)

22. US state through which the northern arctic circle. (Alaska)

24. Is the monsoon a constant wind or a variable one? (variable)

25. Most salt Lake on the ground. (The Dead Sea)

26. A state that is called a country rising sun. (Japan)

27. Lowland, where the lowest place in Russia is located. (Caspian)

28. Treeless expanse of the subarctic zone, covered with moss, lichens and shrubs. (tundra)

29. Ukraine is a country of Eastern Europe or Western? (Eastern)

30. Mainland, discovered later than others. (Antarctica)

1. Reduced model the globe. (the globe)

2. The largest island off the coast of Russia. (Sakhalin)

3. What is more: the highest Mountain peak Earth or the deepest ocean trench? (trough)

4. The process of accumulation of closely spaced settlements around big city. (agglomeration)

5. Republic within Russia with the capital Kazan. (Tatarstan)

6. North polar region of the Earth. (Arctic)

7. American name for a tornado. (tornado)

8. Most small mainland. (Australia)

9. In what direction do you need to move to get from Europe to South America? (southwest)

10. A kind of monarchy in which the head of state is also the head of the church. (absolute theocratic monarchy)

11. Which continent is washed by the Gulf of Guinea? (Africa)

12. Molten hot mass erupted by volcanoes. (lava)

13. The capital of the most populous state on Earth. (Beijing)

14. Republic within Russia, bordering the Rostov region. (Kalmykia)

15. In what natural area does the baobab tree grow? (savannah)

16. Mouth of the Don River. (Sea of ​​Azov)

17. A state with a maple leaf on its flag. (Canada)

18. The line on the geographical map, from which the countdown of longitude begins. ( prime meridian)

19. The only boundless sea on Earth. (Sargasso)

20. The form of government of Italy. (republic)

21. Which island is located to the west: Iceland or Ireland? (Iceland)

22. Constant winds blowing in the tropics. (trade winds)

23. Instrument used to determine atmospheric pressure. (barometer)

24. How many time zones are there in Russia? (ten)

26. "Pole of Cold" Rossi. (Oymyakon)

27. Prevailing Religion in Latin America. (Christianity)

29. Travelers of which country discovered Antarctica? (Russia)

30. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. (OPEC)

1. An instrument used to determine the sides of the horizon. (compass)

2. The mainland on which Niagara Falls is located. ( North America)

3. How many subjects of the federation are included in Russia? (89 entities)

4. The capital of which state is the city of Prague? (Czech)

5. A line on a geographical map that runs parallel to the equator and has a latitude of 66.5º. (arctic circle)

6. The largest city in North America by population. (Mexico City)

7. On which bank of the Don is the city of Azov: on the left or on the right? (on the left)

8. Most undersized people on earth, living in equatorial forests. (pygmies)

9. The narrow strait between South America and the island Tierra del Fuego, named after the great navigator who discovered it. (Strait of Magellan)

10. The only river flowing from Lake Baikal. (Angara)

11. Bordering on Russia, the state, which is called the "country of a thousand lakes." (Finland)

12. Mountains of a conical shape on earth's surface or at the bottom of the ocean, named after the ancient Roman god of fire. (volcanoes)

13. "Colored" river in southern Africa. (orange)

14. The smallest and shallowest sea on earth. (Azov)

15. Republic within Russia, rich in gold and diamonds. (Yakutia).

16. Which bay is located to the west: California or Mexico?


17. A state located on the territory of the Italian capital. (Vatican)

18. Who owns absolute power in the Vatican? (to the Pope)

19. The only continent on which there are no glaciers. (Australia)

20. How do we call what in America is called prairie or pampas? (steppe)

21. The administrative center of the Republic of Karelia. (Petrozavodsk)

22. What objects are shown on physical maps brown? (the mountains)

23. Military-political union of the countries of North America and Europe. (NATO)

24. The state with which it borders Rostov region. (Ukraine)

25. What continent is Mount Erebus located on? (Antarctica)

26. Region high pressure atmosphere. (anticyclone)

27. Forests temperate zone dominated coniferous trees. (taiga)

28. A narrow strait separating Eurasia and North America. (Beringov)

29. The second largest state in terms of area. (Canada)

Scenario extracurricular activities for grades 6-9

Game "Brain Ring", grades 6-9

The game can be used during the week natural sciences, class hours or as an extracurricular activity. The participants are students of grades 6-9.
To improve the ability of students to think logically, to give reasoned answers to the questions posed.

Preliminary preparation:
- several teams participate in the game;
- the game is announced in advance;
- leader-captains recruit teams, prepare for the game (repeat the material on the proposed topics);
- “button-lamps” are made: red and green, tables red and green, gong;
- Selected questions.
Rules of the game:
- 3 teams participate
- two teams play up to three points;
- any team can answer each question by pressing the "button";
- the jury keeps track of the time (60 seconds for discussion, if the team answers earlier, the jury notes at what second the answer was given, in case of an incorrect answer, the opposing team continues the discussion until the 60th second);
- the game consists of four rounds: in the first round two teams play, in the second - the winning team of the first round and the third team; in the third round, the losers of the first round and the third team;
- a gong sounds after each round;
- The winners are determined by the number of points scored.

Game progress.

- Good afternoon! Today we are holding a Brain Ring game between teams of captains (names the leaders). Captains, please introduce your teams.
Explains the rules of the game. Represents the members of the jury.
- So, we begin! We will hold a qualifying round to find out which teams will start the competition.
1. Alena is standing: a green scarf, a thin camp, a white sundress (Birch).
2. I blossom in spring, I bear fruit in summer, I do not fade in autumn, I do not die in winter. (Fur tree, pine tree).
- I invite the team to the red table..., to the green table of the players of the team.... Let's support our teams!
The gong sounds. First round.
Round 1 questions:
1. Question from the series "Unusual Monuments"
“To whom a simple three-meter cross made of Australian mahogany was placed on the coast of Antarctica with the words “Fight and seek, find and not give up!”
(To Robert Scott and his comrades who died on way back after the conquest South Pole).
2. Question from the series "Olympics"
“Why did the Sochi Olympics start at 20.14 Moscow time?”
“Panic reigns in the warehouse of military uniforms in St. Petersburg, shiny pewter buttons have mysteriously disappeared. It turns out that the following happened: at a low temperature, this metal turns into gray dust, they say the metal “gets sick”. Name the disease.

(Tin plague).
4. Question from the Living World series
“At the beginning of the 20th century, about 50 thousand people died from the bite of this animal in Africa every year, and it was impossible to develop cattle breeding in 1/3 of the territory because of it. This dangerous animal killed more people and cattle than lions and crocodiles. Name him."
(Tsetse fly).
5. Question from the series "Comic geography"
"Name the thinnest and sharpest cape in the world." (Cape Agulhas in Africa).
- The first round of our game is over. The floor is given to the jury.
(The jury announces the results of the first round).
- Begin second round
Questions 2 rounds.
1. Question from the Living World series
“You are going on a trip to the jungles of Madagascar. Experienced friends advised you to find the "traveler's tree" on a hot afternoon, and why?
(“The traveler's tree”, revenala, has a trunk up to 15 m, crowned at the top with a fan of 25-30 leaves, Bottom part which contains a large number of moisture).
“In Moscow there is a monument dedicated to the conquerors of space. What metal is it made from?
3. Question from the series "Comic geography"
"Which river fits in the palm of your hand, which in a glass, which in an inkwell, and which in a canister?"
(Don, Oka, Nile, Istra).
“The lack of it causes disease thyroid gland what element is this?
“Fisht is a stadium in Sochi where the opening of the 2014 Olympics took place. In honor of what geographical object is it named, where is it located?
(Mountain in the Caucasus, "Grey Mountain").
- The second round of our game is over. The floor is given to the jury.
(The jury announces the results of the second round).
- Begin third round Brain Ring games. A team is invited to the red table ..., to the green table I ask you to go to the team ...!
Round 3 questions.
1. Question from the series "Comic geography"
“What does a boot, a mountain, and a wave have?” (Sole).
2. Question from the Living World series
“In Brazil, where there are frequent droughts, there are trees with barrel-shaped trunks. Why do they need such trunks?
(Barrel-shaped trees provide an opportunity to accumulate moisture to survive the dry period).
3. Question from the series " Entertaining chemistry»
“This substance is in abundance on Venus, and on Earth it is used to produce sparkling water and extinguish fires. Name it.
(Carbon dioxide).
4. Question from the series " Prominent people»
"This great Russian composer was also an outstanding chemist."
(Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin).
5. Question from the series "Olympics"
“In what language, according to the protocol, did the Sochi Olympics begin?”
(In French).
- The third round is over, and we are waiting for the results of this round from the jury.
(The jury announces the results).
- And our game came to the final. And I invite the team to the green table ..., to the red table - the team ...
final round questions.
1. Question from the series "Entertaining chemistry"
“Aquatofana made a lot of noise in Italy in the 17th century. Tofana, a Sicilian woman, sold a colorless and odorless liquid to women. 5-6 drops of it were enough to kill a person. Death came slowly and painlessly. The man gradually lost strength and appetite, he was constantly tormented by thirst. What element was in this liquid?
2. Question from the series "Unusual Monuments"
“The “Old Lady” is what the indigenous people call her today. This "piece of iron" is terrible, but it is drawn to it like a magnet. Her birth caused an uproar. Today it is the most famous symbol cities. About what building in question
(About eiffel tower, built in Paris in 1899 for the World Exhibition).
3. Question from the Living World series
"Which plant is called "trace white man»?»
4. Question from the series "Chemistry and Man"
“This substance is called “the substance of inexhaustible possibilities”. In many countries it played the role of money. Name him."
5. Question from the series " Entertaining geography»
“What kind of river“ in calm weather ”did N.V. Gogol "poured out of glass?"
- Our game is over. For summing up the floor is given to the jury.
The results of the game are summed up, the teams that took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places are determined.
Team awards.

Open extracurricular activity

Intellectual game"My own game"

Among students in grades 6-8

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge gained in the lessons

To work on the development of students' creativity through the implementation of tasks that are diverse in content and form.

Apply students' knowledge in practice, increase interest in extracurricular activities, cultivate collective relationships.

For the game, two teams of 6-7 people are selected, an independent presenter and a jury of 3-5 high school students


Today there is a battle between the teams.

But let no offense be among you.

After all, winner or loser

Today will be among you

We will be glad if you are in battle

Show your resourcefulness.

Skill, knowledge and fun to let you

Play for a draw.

Leading: Not in the television theater, but among the school walls, now we are starting a fun "Own game"

Teams greet each other.

Team greeting (team name, motto, emblem)

AT the rider asks short questions first one, then the other team. Within 30 seconds, students must answer the question, for each correct answer - 1 point.

1 competition "Warm-up"

1st team.

1. The deepest lake in the world ( Baikal)

3. living shell Earth (biosphere)

4. Beginning of the river (source)

5. Most big ocean (Quiet)

6. Deepening through which the river flows ( channel)

7. An imaginary line dividing the globe into two hemispheres ( Equator)

2nd team.

1. highest peak peace ( Everest)

3. Air shell of the Earth (Atmosphere)

4. End of the river ( mouth)

5.Most cold ocean (Arctic)

6. Ice block in the ocean ( Iceberg)

7. Treeless natural area with a predominance of grassy vegetation (Steppe)

2nd competition: "Across the country"

Teams take turns guessing which geographical object they are talking about. If the first team cannot answer, then the 2nd team answers and gets extra score. Each question can be given different amount points based on difficulty.


Ride across the seas, oceans,

It is necessary to fly over the whole earth;

Is in the world various countries,

But you won't find one like ours.

    These lakes are also called seas. One of them is the largest on Earth, the other is the deepest. One is distinguished by the lowest shores lying below the level of the ocean, the other is surrounded by mountain ranges. Name these lakes.

(Answer: Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal)

2 To which peninsula, which by its name complains about its size, did the poet L. Lantsui devote these lines:

Our peninsula is entwined with paths,

Like a tracker with narrow belts,

There are many paths in the tundra ...

Our grandfathers walked the earth,

Along the threads of paths lurking in the mist,

And they didn’t know what was under their feet,

What's the prehistoric flame

Transformed into coal, oil and gas,

Dozing, apparently, waiting for us.

(answer of the Yamal Peninsula)

3. One of the peninsulas is called the country of volcanoes. Lots of fire-breathing mountains stretched for hundreds of kilometers from northwest to southwest. Hundreds of hot springs gush at the foot of volcanoes. What peninsula is this?

(answer: Kamchatka peninsula)

4. In his poems “The Way to the Ocean”, the poet A Chepurov described the meeting with this river as follows:

"What forces Far East

Could such a miracle be done?

And they did not delay their answer:

From the big mountain, where the forest and stone are gloomy,

Argun and Shilka - two rivers ran away ......

What river is formed by the confluence of these rivers?

(Answer: Amur River).

3 Competition "Add a line"

A cascade of water flies from the mountains, So This is ……………… .. (waterfall)

The Volga is wide and deep, mother…………………. (river)

Beauty caresses the eyes of a young pine tree ………….. (Bor)

The light of the sun shines a quiet quiet …………… (ocean)

Golden haystacks “settled” ………………………… ( shores)

This mountainous mountain is proud of the passes………………………… (ridge)

The mountains attract us more than once famous ………… .. ( Caucasus)

Game with spectators Riddles

I'm good and tall

Clouds caress me

And climbers every year

Hurry to me from all latitudes (Mountain)

I spew ash, stones, lava,

I shake everything around in anger

And I look great at the same time.

What am I? Guess friend. (volcano)

I am on a stand, I am round,

You can turn me

See rivers and lakes

Sands, seas, forests and mountains,

The whole world of the Earth from end to end.

What am I? Guess. (the globe)

I am the flow of water

flying down

In rainbow light

In splashes of foam.

You try to imagine me

And you will know right away. (waterfall)

4 Competition "Signal riddles".

Each team must guess what is shown in the pictures.

And get the right answer

5 Competition "Anagram"

1. Rearrange the letters to get the names essential sciences about the nature of the earth:

I O O Y M K L A G T L …………… climatology……………………………

O O O E E I A T R L M G ……………… meteorology………………………….

2. Rearrange the letters so that the surname of the founder of the doctrine of the soil is obtained:

E U O A D V P K …………… Dokuchaev………………….

6 Competition "Dark Horse".

You have to guess what it's about. For each correct answer -2 points. Teams answer in turn, or which team will answer first.

    He was born in Portugal and belonged to the old poor noble family. Was a page to Queen Leonora. Five ships under his command went on a journey. Swimming was extremely difficult. Everything was: strong storms, tropical heat, uncertainty, hunger, disease. Only one ship returned to Spain. And out of a crew of 265 people, only 18 sailors returned to their homeland. The navigator himself died on one of the islands in a fight with the natives. They did great geographical discovery. Who was this brave sailor?

(answer: F Magellan)

    The biography of his life is largely mysterious and tragic. Until the end of his days, he did not know the significance of his feat and was convinced that he had discovered sea ​​route to Asia, for which he was given the title of "Admiral of the Sea - Ocean".

Neither he nor his contemporaries were able to appreciate the significance and magnitude of his feat. He died suffering from loneliness, poverty and oblivion. Who are we talking about?

(answer: H. Columbus)

7 Competition Logical chain (what is superfluous?)

Balkhash Baikal Azov Chad (Azov)

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Mars (Mars)

Africa Australia Madagascar Eurasia (Madagascar)

For spectators, while the teams decide the logical chain

« joke questions»

Why do ducks swim? (from shore)

What stones are not in the sea (dry)

What disease does not get sick on earth? (Nautical)

What kind of belt would you not gird yourself with? (Geographic)

How many equators can be drawn on the globe (one)

8 Captains Competition "The Most Most"

largest ocean (Quiet)

The coldest ocean (Arctic)

The smallest continent (Australia)

The largest island on earth? (Greenland)

The deepest trench in the ocean? (Marianskaya)

The closest star to us (sun)

hottest continent (Africa)

The most big planet (Jupiter)

9 Competition "Geographic Lotto"

Each team to collect a lotto.

The first takes a question card, the second picks up an answer card for it, then the second picks a question card, and the third picks up an answer card for it, and so on. Cards - answers are made in the form of photographs, diagrams or parts of the card. Question cards:

    water flow, which flows in the channel developed by him. (river)

    Natural depression filled with water. (lake)

    Water located underground. (The groundwater)

    Huge tracts of land that divide the oceans into parts (Continents)

    Powerful flows of water in the oceans, caused by the difference in water temperatures. (currents)

    The part of the World Ocean separated from it by land rise. (Sea)

    A small piece of land surrounded on all sides by water. Island)

    narrow body of water connecting large water bodies. Strait)

    Lake in Kazakhstan, Western part which is fresh, and the eastern one is salty (Bolkhash)

Game with spectators Riddles

They are drawn to him

Clear on sunny days.

And on them in all ages

The clouds are resting. (the mountains)

If you look there

If you look here.

Everywhere there is only water,

Both today and always. (Sea)

No tram or metro

A bucket flows in the morning

Milk from a cow

In summer, children are barefoot,

Tractor rumbles in the field,

And behind the field - the forest stands (Village)

Many years in the mountains in a row

Snowing and pours hail

The rainfall is so big

And his name is (Glacier)

10 Competition "In the Country of Wisdom"

I must answer, my friend without difficulty:

What is smaller than the sea, but larger than the pond? (Lake)

Stumbling on the stones of mountain barriers,

The river has turned into a dashing (waterfall)

In a hundred seas, that giant

He is called (ocean)

Everyone bypasses this place:

Here the earth is like dough,

Here sedge, tussocks, mosses…….

No leg support. (swamp)

Lives in seas and rivers

And often flies through the sky.

And how bored she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again. (water)

Summing up the game

Winner's reward ceremony

Evening "Connoisseurs of geography" for students in grades 7-11

Author: Tembayeva T.N., teacher of history and geography, Voskresenskaya secondary school, Kachir district, Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan
Material Description: cognitive interest to the subject manifests itself not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities. The material is designed for high school students. During the event, questions on geography for the course of 7-11 grades were used. The material I have proposed will be of interest to teachers, students and their parents.
Subject: Geography
Class: 7-11
Topic: evening "Connoisseurs of geography"
Target: integration of knowledge and understanding of the essence of individual phenomena and processes from the field of physical and economic geography.
1. Expand the horizons of students, interest in learning new things.
2. instill skills independent work With additional literature.
3. Cultivate purposefulness, diligence, the desire for knowledge.
Equipment: task cards, physical map peace
Preparatory stage: preparation of two teams - name, motto, emblem.
Evening program
Geography - "bridge between nature and society"
N.N. Baransky
Organizing time:
Cohesion game: "Surprise" - students take chips, on reverse side which depicts the contour of the mainland, the student's task: to tell amazing information about the mainland.

1. First, in ancient times, used the term "geography"?
Answer: The first to use the term "geography" was the Greek scientist Eratosthenes.
2. In what natural zone can water freeze even at a positive air temperature?
Answer: water can freeze even at a positive air temperature in tropical deserts. The great dryness of the air causes intense evaporation, which contributes to a strong cooling of the upper layer of the Earth's surface, as a result, the water is covered with a thin layer of ice.
3. Geographical position"roaring" latitudes?
Answer: "roaring" latitudes are located in the region of the fortieth parallel of the Southern Hemisphere.
4. Rain water has no taste, but sometimes it contains salt, how did it get there?
Answer: with sea ​​waves the wind breaks off the splashes of water and carries them into the air, the water evaporates, and small crystals of salts fall into precipitation.
5. We know where the Earth's poles are: geographic, magnetic, cold, heat, but where is the wind pole?
Answer: The Pole of Winds is located in Antarctica.
6. In the desert, suddenly, before the eyes of travelers, a view of a huge lake appears, explain this phenomenon nature.
Answer: a mirage is formed as a result of refraction and reflection of light rays in the atmosphere and an uneven distribution of air density, as a result of which imaginary images appear.
7 . Why don't clouds fall to Earth?
Answer: Clouds do not fall to the Earth, as they are supported by an updraft of air.
8. Game "Theme Tennis"
Each team is invited to one participant. The teacher names the topic, the students take it in turns to name the words related to given topic until one stops.
Theme: Ecology
9. Do you know when it starts: "meteorological" summer, "astronomical"?
Answer: "meteorological" summer begins on June 1, "astronomical" - from June 22.
10. The Moscow Ridge, the mountain - the Kremlin on the northern outskirts of Tibet, opened ...
Answer: the Moscow Range, the mountain - the Kremlin on the northern outskirts of Tibet, was discovered by N.M. Przhevalsky
11. Is there fish in the Puddle, in the Taza?
Answer: In the Puddle - the river of the Oka basin, and in the Taza, in the river flowing into the bay of the same name Kara Sea- there are fish.
12. Explain the phenomenon of the "glow" of the sea.
Answer: the "glow" of the sea appears as a result of the accumulation huge amount luminous microscopic organisms.
13. Game "Add details"
You need to expand the sentences in order to demonstrate the acquired knowledge.
1) Kazakhstan is located on the Eurasian continent.
2) To anthropogenic natural complex applies to the park.
14. The smallest of the world's seas is named so because of the rock that was found on one of the islands located in this sea. Call it the sea.
Answer: Sea of ​​Marmara, from a deposit of white marble found on the island of Marmara.
15. Name the continents where the animals shown in the photo live.

Answer: A - Australia; B - Africa; S-Eurasia
16. Blitz tournament
1) Steel Duchy
Answer: Luxembourg
2) This country has a fashionable resort, a mountain paradise, where postage stamps are produced
Answer: Monaco
3) Country - banker, manufacturer of branded watches
Answer: Switzerland
4) A country that is constantly at war with the sea
Answer: Denmark
5) 80 thousand lakes in the country
Answer: Finland
6) The country of "pink" oil

Answer: Bulgaria
7) In place of the apple gorge, an “apple father” appeared
Answer: Almaty
8) Nurse in peasant family or city in Australia
Answer: cow
9) Reptile, city, river in Western Ukraine
Answer: Already
10) The tree is a symbol of Africa, the guardian of the savannah
Answer: Baobab
17. Game "Ten questions!"
For a student, one of the team, the teacher attaches a sticker with the word on his forehead (you can use the names of the continents) - the participant can ask the team 10 questions, the answer to which can only be YES or NO! Task: guess what word is written on the sticker.

At the end of the evening, we sum up the results and award the winners.

Purpose: To increase interest in the subject of geography

Consolidate knowledge in the subject of geography

Form: team play

Equipment: invitation cards for team members, presentation of questions, pens, sheets of paper, cards, diplomas

Participants: students of 7 "A", 7 "B", 7 "C", 7 "G" classes.

From each class, 5 students are team members, the rest of the guests are a support group.

Assign each support group: Present their class (original, interesting, creative)

For awarding: Diplomas - 4 pieces (each class, one winner, three participants), 3 diplomas (to the most active participant, for the most original answer, to the audience sympathy participant), 4 diplomas (to active fans) Total 11 diplomas

Decoration: Computer, projector, screen, drawings, emoticons

Progress of an extracurricular activity

Moderator: Good afternoon, Dear friends, guests, jury members, parents, children, participants,

Presenter: Student 7 "A" reads "Geography soft-boiled" Boris Zakhoder


the globe

Got hit by a bus!

Crumpled into a cake

Brand new globe!


Our Earth has seen

But didn't see

Such a scandal!


The planet has become.

Everything is messed up:

Parts of the world,




All parallels and meridians

Compasses, poor

Fight in hysterics:

North Pole -

In South America!

South fell apart

How less durable

For two: to the West

And to the East.

Africa made

somersault mortale,

On end

Both Americas stood up.

And to top it off


Came to Australia

Asia Minor!

Do you hear? Hear

Is the thorn poisonous?

It's boiling

Ocean Arctic -

It floods

Sahara Desert

And turns

Steam cloud!

From highest mountain -

Everest -

Now left

Wet place.

And the famous

Lake Erie


In a very deep cave.

White Sea

Slightly shriveled,

Black Sea

Completely whitened.

And unknown

Even the scientists

call him white

Or Black!

Instead of a mighty

Orinoco rivers

Orinoco Peak

stands alone

And obviously

Suffering a lot

Since it's nowhere

Doesn't fall!

Soaring in the sky

Migratory birds,

Not understanding,

Where to go -

To the southern tropic

The birds flew

And arrived

Into the realm of the blizzard.

near the equator

Ice floes are floating

penguins roam

In the steppes of Ukraine,

And on highways


tigers run,



Polar bear

Worn through the forest:

looking for a way

to the homeland,

To the pole.

And from under the tree

Looks dumbfounded


first seen

A lion!

Somewhere in Antarctica

Roaring loudly

blue from the cold



Isn't it time to get back in order?!

We don't need geography


Host: So that such a story does not repeat itself, I propose to put our thoughts in order and play the game "The smartest". But before we start, I want to introduce you to the guests and members of the jury.

Now it's time to get to know the teams. They will be presented by groups of fans.

So please.

7 "A"

7 "B"

7 "B"

7 "G"

Moderator: It's time for a warm-up

Your task in two minutes is to compose as much as possible more words from this word. Word Kilimanjaro (word appears on screen)

Presentation 1 "Warm-up"

Time 2 minutes

Moderator: Each member of the jury has protocols on the table. This competition is estimated for each word 1 point. Yes, also, dear jury, do not forget about the presentations of the teams. For this, you can rate yourself, as you decide.

Host: Time is up.

So, the word to the participants, and the jury carefully evaluates, avoiding repetition. That is, if the first team called given word, the following commands cross it out.

In the greeting was the first 7 "A" now the word 7 "B", then 7 "C", 7 "G" and 7 "A".

Moderator: The jury is ready to announce the results.

The jury is still deliberating.

Jury's word

Moderator: And now it's time for " main game". Good luck to the participants, patience to the fans and guests.

Presentation 2 "Main game"

For each correct answer 1 point, questions 15 and 16 are worth 5 points.

I want to remember the sequence. Starts 7 "B", then 7 "G", 7 "A". 7 "B".

I can not say for the behavior, the fans, whose teams will violate discipline, that team will be deducted points.

Good luck again.

Host: Yes, the fight was hot. The jury sums up. Participants can relax, and I suggest that the fans calm down. Two volunteers from each class. Your task is to place names on the map geographical objects. (Written on colored sheets geographic features, you need to find them on the map and stick) Whoever copes faster will bring his team 5 points.

On leaves:

















Kaaba Branco























South Africa

Host: Well done! Dealt with quickly. But you will have to wait a bit, as the jury takes the floor to sum up the results of the "Main Game".

Jury word.

Host: Well, now we can check our fans. What continents have you visited? Australia, Africa, South America and North America. Let's see.

That's right, the jury can go to the card and check again. So, you have the floor, dear jury.

Host: Well done guys. But the game doesn't end there. Our guest is a participant in the regional game "The smartest" _______________, a student of ____________ class, and he prepared for you " Security Question»

Security question: Many people think that the Sahara desert, and this is completely correct representation, one of the hottest places on Earth? But the North Pole, with endless ice fields, blizzards, frosts, on the contrary, is attributed to one of the coldest regions of the planet. But still, can it be that the temperature in the far north would be higher than in the Sahara desert?

Moderator: Time 3-5 minutes

Answer to the "security question": Due to intense radiation, the temperature in the Sahara desert drops very sharply at night. Its daily amplitude sometimes reaches 25 or more. In particular, in northern regions Sahara, the temperature drops at night after the heat of the day to -8ºC. Interestingly, on a drifting, on Far North ice floe, the temperature in July often rises above 0ºC. Thus, it is quite possible that the air temperature at the North Pole would be higher than at the same time in the Sahara desert.

Moderator: So, your team answers. All responses are heard. The jury sums up by accepting the correct answer.

Host: The most touching moment has come. We sum up.

Jury word.

Host: I wish you all the best,

Shares similar to a full bowl

And so that it was in your life

Tomorrow is better than yesterday.

Thank you for attention!