Fairy tale therapy as a technology. GCD project using innovative pedagogical technologies

Kirilina Ekaterina Alekseevna

GKOU RO boarding school VIII view of the village of Matveev Kurgan.


Fairy tale therapy as a health-saving technology in correctional and educational activities.

ATDue to the fact that the nature of speech pathologies among schoolchildren has become more complicated, it became necessary to search for new forms and methods of work, the use of innovative technologies in the field of correctional and developmental education and upbringing. What is the task of the Federal Program for the Development of Education in Russia, namely, updating the content and technologies of education.

The increase in the number of speech development disorders in our time is explained not so much by medical factors, but also by the changed socio-cultural conditions in which children grow up today.

After analyzing this situation, I have determined pedagogical problem: identifying methods and techniques effective work teacher at school VIIItype to improve all components of the speech system, increase interest in performing speech correction exercises, develop cognitive mental processes, namely, figurative thinking, attention, memory, imagination, development of empathy, formation of models for expressing basic emotions and feelings, mastering the skills of managing one's behavior, creative activity, moral education.

Having studied the psychological and pedagogical literature, I singled out for myself the method of fairy tale therapy, which is a health-saving technology, namely integrated system aimed at correcting speech disorders, personal development the child and the preservation of his health, and allows solving educational, correctional, educational tasks within the framework of a fairy tale.

fairy tale therapy - a method that uses a fabulous form for the speech development of a child, expanding his consciousness and improving interaction through speech with the outside world.

The goal of fairy tale therapy - holistic development of the personality of the child. A fairy tale is extremely multifaceted, like life itself. And this makes it an effective psychotherapeutic and developmental tool in working with children with complex speech disorders. After all, such children have increased motor activity, distractibility, instability of attention, aggressiveness, self-doubt. Such children do not know how to play by the rules and keep the role they have taken on, they do not know how to clearly express their thoughts and retell.


    Solve intrapersonal and interpersonal problems of the inner world of the child;

    "Treat" the child's phobic or other emotional disorders;

    Correct situational, maladaptive reactions;

    Introduce new social situation.

Using elements of fairy tale therapy in our work, we must take into account the followingpeculiarities:

    speech status of children;

    insufficient development of nonverbal mental functions(especially auditory attention and memory;

    lack of commitment to cognitive communication with an adult fast exhaustion voluntary attention; low performance);

    specificity of age (high emotionality, immediacy, increased excitability).

A fairy tale can be matched to any life problem situation, which helps a child learn to observe the norms of behavior, the rules of the game, moral commandments. The behavior of the child is formed not through direct instructions, but through fairy tales, proverbs, sayings.

One of the varieties of fairy tale therapy is personified fairy tales.

Personalized fairy tales are a way to instill accepted norms and rules in a child. The same can be said about other fairy tales, because the child transfers himself to all the main characters. But when he sees himself and his relatives on the pages of the book, he perceives the meaning more deeply and penetratingly. He learns instantly and wants to match his image in the book: kind, brave, brave, hardworking, polite. In the process of listening, reading and discussing fairy tales, the child develops fantasy and creativity. He learns the basic mechanisms of search and decision making.

Fairy tale "Masha and the Fairy"

(senso-motor alalia)

Purpose: to identify the attitude to the defect, adaptive capabilities.

Once upon a time there was a girl Masha. Masha was a kind girl, but few people knew about it - no one wanted to be friends with her. And she was lonely, because she was not like everyone else.

It sometimes seemed to Masha that she was not from this world at all, but from some distant planet. After all, otherwise why do all the people around, even the closest ones, seem to speak a foreign language? Sometimes even everything is clear, but more often - not at all. even good famous words turn into strange, absurd heaps of useless sounds, which it is not possible to understand. beautiful word"Alalia", which was quite often pronounced by people from Masha's entourage, seemed to her the name of some fabulous beautiful country ... She so wanted to tell this to her mother, but Masha did not know how to do it.

One day, one of ordinary days, Masha walked in the yard. She thought about how good it would be now to be in a place where everyone would understand her and where she would understand everyone! ..

Suddenly, Masha's shoulder, out of nowhere, fluttered a large bright butterfly. The girl stood motionless, afraid to frighten away this miracle, and gazed fascinated at the butterfly.

The butterfly moved its wings, busily brushed its front paws, and suddenly a quiet voice sounded in Masha's head: "Hello, Masha!" Masha was very frightened, began to look around, but there was no one around. "I'm here, very close!" the voice sounded again. - "Do not be afraid! I am a fairy, I appear when help is needed. I know what your problem is and I can help you." Masha was very happy. Will she finally be able to get to where she belongs? .. The fairy seemed to catch every thought of the girl. Before Masha had time to ask, she immediately answered: “I understood your desire. But don't you really want to change yourself? After all, then the world around you will change! Masha had a fleeting thought that she did not want to change at all. Why is this necessary, if only at will the power of magic can change everything around?

The fairy sighed softly and, without saying anything more, flew away. Masha did not even have time to notice in which direction the fairy flew off, she just shrugged her shoulders in annoyance and continued her way home. She did not immediately understand that something was wrong, but then she was surprised: all the people around were silent. Birds were singing, music was playing somewhere, sometimes dogs were barking, but people were not talking. Even laughter. The two men stood in absolute silence near the car with the hood open. Grandmothers on a bench at the entrance sat next to each other and silently squinted in the sun. In the sandbox, gloomy, silent children were sculpting Easter cakes ... Running into the entrance, and then into the apartment, the girl found the same quiet and aloof parents in it. Even time seemed to flow more slowly, the colors faded.

Masha immediately understood what was the matter. The fairy did it! And she did it because of her: after all, Masha so wanted to be among those like herself ... Masha again jumped out into the street in the hope that bright butterfly wings would flash somewhere. She quickly walked along the path and thought only about how to persuade the fairy to return everything back and not anger her ... A young woman was walking straight towards the girl. Coming up with Masha, she paused and smiled knowingly. It was the same fairy - there was no doubt about it. Masha also stopped and looked into the calm green eyes of the woman, who said:

- Well, Masha, did you understand your mistake? Nothing ever comes easy. Even magic has consequences. I promised to help you and I will. But you yourself will have to make an effort. We will try together!

The fairy kept her promise. Masha with her was able to overcome her misfortune, found many friends. And Masha never again dreamed of flying to some distant planet, as she realized that her place was here.

Fairy tale "In search of friends"

Violation: complex (polymorphic) dyslalia.

Purpose: to identify attitudes towards the defect, whether he is ready to accept help, whether he is able to follow the recommendations and make efforts.

Once upon a time there was a boy Vova. He was just--only seven years old. But everyone thought he was only five. He was a small, thin boy with dark hair and large gray eyes.

Vova's parents worked hard, and their whole family often had to move from one city to another. Because of this, Vova had few friends. After all, you just get to know someone, and already you have to leave again.

Vova often stayed at home alone, and so that it would not be boring, he read books. His parents had an interesting big library. Vova loved books, big and small, with and without pictures, fairy tales and stories about the world around him. The book gave so many curious new knowledge, and so I wanted to tell someone about them!

And then the day came when Vova went to school. He was very worried and was waiting for this day, because at school he would definitely make friends with someone and be able to tell everyone many, many interesting things.

But Vova had a secret. He spoke incomprehensibly, replaced many sounds and did not pronounce: instead of "cat", he said "koska", instead of "spit" - "kosha", instead of "tooth" - "zhub", instead of "toad" - "zaba", instead of "ship" - "kolabl", etc.

And so the lessons began. At first, Vova liked the school and the teacher, he learned a lot of new and interesting things. But when Vova wanted to tell something himself, it turned out that no one could understand him.

The children began to laugh at Vova, call him names hurtful words and no one ever wanted to be his friend. Then Vova stopped talking in class, but the teacher got angry with Vova when he was silent.

And Vova decided not to go to school anymore. Why go there? After all, he wanted to find friends there, but his dream did not come true.

One day, Vova's mother came home with an unfamiliar aunt. Her name was Tatyana Andreevna. She was very kind and immediately liked Vova. Tatyana Andreevna brought with her many beautiful pictures, taught Vova funny poems, gave entertaining exercises. She also had magic wands. With their help, as if by magic, Vova's tongue began to take the correct position. Gradually, his speech became legible and understandable.

Now Vova happily goes to school, now everyone understands him, and no one offends him anymore. Vova began to study with only A's and found many, many good friends.

Fairy tale "Magic mosquito"


Purpose: to identify attitudes towards the defect, whether he is ready to accept help, whether he is able to follow the recommendations and make efforts

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a boy Vovochka. And the boy was handsome, and strong, and smart, but he just couldn’t find true friends in any way. All the guys and girls laughed at Vova. They say to him: “Vovochka, say fish!”, And Vovochka answered: “Lyba”. They say to him: “Say a shell!”, And he says: “Lukushka”.

One morning Vovochka saw that the weather was good, and he ran into the yard for a walk. He had just stepped off the porch when he heard that someone squeaked above his ear, and that someone bit him on the cheek. “Oh, you evil puffy komalik!” Vova shouted and began to catch a mosquito. I caught him by the wing, and the mosquito said: “Vovochka, let me go, please! I won’t do it again… Do you want me to fulfill your every desire??!” Vova replies: “I really want to speak fluently like all children, and then I will have girlfriends” and immediately released the little squeaker. The mosquito did not deceive the boy.

Vova wakes up in the morning, stretching, looks out the window and says: “Utrrrro has come!” and immediately fell silent, not believing his ears. Vovochka, very joyful, ran into the yard where the children were playing. The children heard Vova talking and stopped laughing at him. So Vovochka made new friends.

Thus, I would like to note that the use of fairy tale therapy increases the effectiveness of correctionwork, subject to accountingage and psychological characteristicschildren with speech disorders in schoolage.

Fairy tale is the most accessible material for development mental activity child. The world of a fairy tale is wonderful, it is unique and inimitable in its possibilities. It is fairy tales that help awaken interest in the word.

Thanks to fairy tale therapy, speech defects disappear much faster, parents' interest in the results increases corrective work creates a special environment.


1. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Grabenko T.M. Games in fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg, 2006.

2. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. The path to magic. Theory and practice of fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg, 1998.

3. Alexandrova O. We play fairy tales. Preschool education.

4. Bolsheva T.E. We learn from fairy tales. SPb. "Childhood Press", 2001.

5. Brun B., Pedersen E., Runberg M. Fairy tales for the soul. The use of fairy tales in psychotherapy. M .: “Information Center for Psychological Culture”, 2000.

6. Laura Polyak. Theater of fairy tales. SPb. "Childhood Press", 2001.

7. Prokhorova E.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. SPb.1995.

8. Shorokhova O.A. Playing a fairy tale: Fairy tale therapy and classes on the development of coherent speech for preschoolers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006.

Preschool education, as the first link in the general education system, plays an important role in the life of society, therefore it is at this stage of development that it is important to give children not only high level acquisitions a wide range knowledge, skills and abilities, but also moral values ​​and rules.

The modern world is characterized by the fact that homemade toys are being replaced by electronic games, robots, computers. Traditional forms of play and toys are being replaced or relegated to the background. Together with them, such extremely important components of childhood as fairy tales faded into the background. As you know, the fairy tale is filled with information about the history of the people, spiritual and moral values, behavior in different life situations. Accordingly, fairy tale therapy can be used as a means of targeted pedagogical influence on a personality in order to harmonize the emotional state of a preschool child. Since fairy tale therapy is one of the modern technologies of correctional work, it is widely used by practicing teachers in their activities.

The method of working with a fairy tale has a long history. The word "fairy tale" is first encountered in the seventeenth century. However, before the studies of B. Bettelheim, R. Gardner, K. Jung, V. Propp appeared in fairy tales, they saw “one fun” worthy of the lower strata of society. Subsequently, on the basis of research, a modern concept fairy tale work.

The literature has repeatedly discussed the question of useful work with a fairy tale. The end of the century put everything in its place and today the method of working with a fairy tale is being actively developed in our country by many well-known teachers and psychologists. Many yours beautiful fairy tales for children with developmental problems and deficiencies, wrote V. Bekhtereva, A. Gnezdilov, T. Sergeeva.

The significance of fairy tale therapy as a pedagogical technology lies on the surface. And the direct result of its influence on the child's consciousness is the assimilation of moral attitudes and knowledge about the surrounding world inspired by it. The fairy tale gives the child an idea of ​​the world at the intellectual and subconscious levels, opening up new horizons for him, both in the surrounding reality and in the inner space. In a word, a fairy tale gives a person the same thing as literature of other genres. With the difference that most often it does not require from the child great knowledge and rich moral experience. In other words, the requirements for the existing base in a children's fairy tale are feasible for a child. That is why fairy tale therapy is one of the most effective psychological and pedagogical technologies in working with preschoolers.

The attractiveness of fairy tale therapy for teachers can be explained primarily by its universality. Through the analysis of a fairy tale made up by a child, one can obtain information about his life, the current state, and a way to overcome difficulties. Using a fairy tale, the educator has the opportunity to convey to the child and his parents new ways and algorithms for getting out of a problem situation. Taking part in fairy tale therapy sessions, the child accumulates a positive emotional charge, strengthening his social immunity.

It is also important that the use of techniques does not form children's dependence on external assistance. An adult gives only general guidelines, the main work is carried out by the child himself. The child compares himself with the character, analyzes his behavior (thus resorting to self-analysis) and, using his example, learns to overcome difficulties of a different nature in real life.

The fairy tale develops the child's imagination, expands his horizons. Listening to and analyzing fairy tales in childhood, a person accumulates a bank of life situations in the subconscious, which, if necessary, can be activated. A fairy tale creates a special bond between a child and an adult, based on trust and confidence. In the process of fairy tale therapy negative characters(which are the embodiment of children's fears and complexes) turn into positive ones.

There are various storytelling methods. It would be appropriate to use such a type of work as drawing based on a fairy tale. Each child chooses and draws a fragment of a fairy tale that he wants to portray, a hero that he liked the most.
Discussing the behavior and motives of the character's actions with children, identifying the child's fears is also one of the effective methods fairy tale applications.

The staging of episodes of a fairy tale, in addition to the psychological and pedagogical effect, will contribute to the development creativity child. The roles (animal characters and fear characters) are distributed among the children, taking into account the emotional state of the children and previous drawings. If the child is afraid and refuses, there is no need to force him, let him be a spectator.

Also, a fairy tale can be used as a parable. In this case, the fairy tale should become a model of behavior. The fairy tale effect is consolidated when the teacher asks the children what fairy tale they heard, which of the characters they liked and why.

Fairy tale therapy can be used in work with children both at the preventive, diagnostic, and corrective stages.

Attention should also be paid to those functions, which, according to modern psychologists of fairy tale therapists (G. Ozhiganov, E. Tsopa, E. Zaika, D. Aranovsky-Dubovis, D. Sokolov), inherent in a fairy tale on present stage its use:

  • diagnostic function (using the fairy tale as projective methodology, experienced teacher can determine with a high degree of accuracy the cause of a problem the child is experiencing;
  • therapeutic function, which allows, firstly, to psychologically prepare the child for stressful emotional situations, secondly, symbolically reflect the physiological and emotional stress, thirdly, to accept in symbolic form your physical activity and the ability to act in crisis situations, fourthly, to abandon intellectual interpretations and fully accept the whole gamut emotional experiences etc.;
  • educational function. A fairy tale is an unsurpassed instrument of educational influence precisely because it is devoid of directiveness. It allows you to gently explain to the child how to act, and what can be harmful.

To implement these functions, both existing folk and author's tales, as well as modern ones created with purpose. Specialists of the Fairy Tale Therapy Institute talk about the use of such kinds of fairy tales for psychotherapeutic, diagnostic and educational work:

  • artistic fairy tales (they carry both didactic, and psycho-correctional, and even meditative aspects). Fairy tales were not created for the process of therapy at all, but they serve it no less successfully. As a kind of fiction, folk tales have been created and are being created for centuries and do not have specific authors. Folk tales carry ideas that are extremely important for psychological work.Author's artistic tales are more figurative, emotional than folk ones. They are more suitable for those cases when, in the process of fairy tale therapy, the child needs to understand inner experiences;
  • didactic fairy tales are created by teachers for "packaging" educational material. At the same time, abstract symbols (numbers, letters, arithmetic signs) are spiritualized, created fabulous image the world in which they live. Didactic tales can reveal the meaning and importance of relevant knowledge;
  • psycho-corrective fairy tales are created to delicately influence the behavior of the child. Correction here means replacing an ineffective style of behavior with a more productive one, as well as explaining to the child the meaning of what is happening. It is worth noting that the use of a psycho-correctional fairy tale is limited by age (up to about 11-13 years old) and problems (inadequate, ineffective behavior);
  • psychotherapeutic fairy tales - fairy tales that reveal the meaning of ongoing events. They are not always unambiguous and do not always have a happy ending, but they are always deep and penetrating. Psychotherapeutic tales often leave the child with a question, which in turn stimulates the process personal growth. Most psychotherapeutic fairy tales are devoted to the problems of life and death, attitudes towards gains and losses, love, one's own path. These fairy tales help where other psychological techniques are powerless. Psychotherapeutic fairy tales can also include fairy tales of the preschooler himself, fairy tales composed together with the child, parables, stories of the Old Testament, some fairy tales of G.-Kh. Andersen;
  • meditative fairy tales are created to accumulate positive figurative experience, relieve psycho-emotional stress, creating the best models of relationships, developing a personal resource. The main task of meditative fairy tales is the creation in our unconscious of positive "ideal" models of relationships with the outside world and other people. Therefore, a distinctive feature of meditative tales is the absence of conflicts and evil heroes. This kind of fairy tales is addressed to the ideal "I" of the child in order to support and strengthen it. In addition, these tales reflect the bright side of events, contributing to the acceptance of the situation.

The process of creating new fairy tales continues today. A feature of this process is a certain expansion of the functional load of a fairy tale, which is increasingly being created and sent for use in a particular case. For the success of pedagogical activity, educators can use their own fairy tales, but when compiling them, it is also necessary to observe certain recommendations:

  1. First, you need to choose a hero close to the child by gender, age, character.
  2. Secondly, to describe the life of the hero in a fairy tale so that the child finds similarities with his own life. After that, it is necessary to introduce the hero into a problem situation corresponding to the real one that the child is experiencing.
  3. The hero's search for ways to solve the problem must be accompanied by comments, demonstrating the situation from different points of view. You can introduce an assistant - a wise mentor. At the end, we draw a conclusion, involving the child in this. When creating psycho-correctional fairy tales, it is important to know the hidden causes of certain behavior, fears and complexes of the child.

At first glance, it may seem that fairy tale therapy is suitable only for working with children, but this is not so. At the present stage, the method of fairy tale therapy is successfully used in work with severe cancer patients (experience of A. Gnezdilov), adolescents with difficulties in education, adults who, for one reason or another, find themselves in a crisis situation in life (experience of D. Sokolov). This area of ​​fairy tale therapy is not yet sufficiently developed and requires further development and improvement.

Promising is the development of fairy tale therapy in the direction of its application in work with adults, as well as the education of new specialists in this field.

So, fairy tale therapy is the observation and disclosure of the inner and surrounding world, comprehension of the experienced, modeling of the future, the process of selecting for each child his “personal” fairy tale. Fairy tales reflect all aspects human life: relationship models are designed, values ​​and ideals are determined that contribute to the formation of a spiritually healthy, competent personality. And the obligatory “happy ending” becomes the main means of this type of therapy, which helps children get rid of fears and complexes.

Fairy tale therapy is a method that allows you to use the experience acquired in the course of the historical development of mankind for the integration of the individual, for the expansion and improvement of human interaction with the outside world. The basic principle of this pedagogical technology is the holistic, spiritual development of a person (child, adolescent, adult), this is the possibility of creating a favorable ground for the formation of a holistic, creative personality.

Marina Koretskaya
Fairy tale therapy as a health-saving pedagogical technology

2. The main part.

2.2. The concept of a method fairy tale therapy.

Fairy tale therapy refers to health-saving pedagogical technology, which includes a system of measures to ensure the conservation health child at all stages of his education and development. Health-saving pedagogical technology is divided into:

- Technology conservation and promotion health(rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises, game health gymnastics).

- Technology for teaching a healthy lifestyle(morning exercises, physical education, self-massage, outdoor activities (physical education, acupressure).

- Corrective technology(articulation gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic rhythm, color therapy, art therapy, fairy tale therapy).

fairy tale therapy is a style of interaction teacher and children, which allows them, having become interested, to voluntarily be drawn into it.

Fairy tale therapy is treatment with a fairy tale in which fictional stories are used to achieve a therapeutic effect or instructive folk stories are discussed fairy tales There are several types "medical" fairy tales:

Folk fairy tales which, thanks to the accessibility and simplicity of the plot, instill morality in the child. This is "Kolobok", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Ryaba Hen", "Swan geese", "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear".

Developmental and educational fairy tales, allow you to accumulate experience about the world around you, the rules of behavior.

folk art fairy tales contribute to the development of moral feelings: mutual assistance, support, sympathy, duty, responsibility, etc.

Meditative fairy tales help to relax and relieve stress.

Diagnostic fairy tales, allow you to determine the nature of the child and his attitude to what surrounds him.

Psychological fairy tales(psychotherapeutic (for the treatment of the soul, with the image of the main character "I", a good wizard and psycho-correctional (to gently influence the behavior of the child) help overcome fears, gain self-confidence, etc.

Hence, story- an effective developmental, correctional and psychotherapeutic tool in working with children with speech problems. And in order for this tool to give a result, you need to use fairy tales in full.

Functions fairy tales:

diagnostic (identifying existing problem child);

predictive (identifying early childhood experiences);

therapeutic (correctional) (the child is offered positive example behavior).

. Story- a genre loved by children, understandable and accessible to their understanding, is a storehouse of wisdom, advice, kindness and ways out of various situations.

Usage fairy tale therapy in teaching preschoolers, it develops many different mental and speech processes.

I, in turn, decided to use the method fairy tale therapy specifically for the development of coherent speech in children with ONR, since the violation of coherent speech is one of the causes of learning difficulties, which was revealed by speech therapy practice.

2.3. Practical use fairy tale therapy.

Your work through immersion in fairy tale I started by creating a subject-developing environment. These are various corners of children's development, attributes for holding educational activities and organizations leisure: music corner, corner fairy tales, theater corner.

Connected speech is the most difficult section in working with children. The development of coherent speech in the classroom using the method fairy tale therapy should occupy one of the central places, since no other type of activity can provide such complex impact on the speech sphere child. Pedagogical the process of developing coherent speech of children of the compensating group by means fairy tales carried out through the organization joint activities (classes, educational activities in sensitive moments) and organization independent activity pupils. Classes for fairy tales built according to the following algorithm: listen, tell, live and compose fairy tale.

I use a variety of methods and techniques in my work with students.

1. Gaming: dramatization games, director's games, plot, outdoor games, didactic games, game problem situations.

2. Verbal: conversation, art word, questions, drafting fairy tales based on pictures and illustrations, word creation.

3. Visual: illustrations and paintings, multimedia presentations, videos, observations, game characters.

4. Practical: simulation fairy tales.

In my work, I follow principles:

From simple to complex;

Availability fairy tales age and individual characteristics child;

Goodwill, interest;

Systematic games and activities;

Introduction of problematic situations;


I conduct classes with a subgroup of children. From the first days of the children's stay in our group, I introduced game-lessons, they help the child adapt to the conditions of the preschool educational institution, establish trusting relationship between a child and an adult, and help to identify the characteristics of the development of each child, his interests and aspirations.

Classes on the development of coherent speech using techniques fairy tale therapy are held by me once a week on Friday an example is shown in (app. 5). During the week I conduct a preliminary work: looking at illustrations, playing up problem situations with characters fairy tales, discussing proverbs, sayings, riddles that can be picked up to fairy tale. I run a physical minutes, outdoor games with heroes fairy tales, I use mnemotables, multimedia presentations. I distribute the same plot or fairy tale for 4 lessons, gradually complicating the content. When planning a lesson, I implement a certain plan, I do not impose it on children, but give them the opportunity to express their wishes, emotions, feelings. The content of the lessons is based on the children's play activities, which do not require them to have a lot of intellectual and physical tension. Classes are held with the use of musical and rhythmic games and relaxation breaks, so after classes the children feel rested, relaxed and peaceful. Work on the development of coherent speech is carried out in frontal and individual directly educational activities in accordance with program requirements. The didactic material of the work at this stage are various types of theaters: desktop, finger, bibabo. A flannelgraph is also used. dramatization fairy tales, mimic tables fairy tales.

1. Each lesson begins with music. The music is calm and relaxing.

2. If during the lesson it is noted that the game emotionally captured the children, then I conduct relaxation exercises (voluntary muscle tension and relaxation)

3. If fatigue of children is manifested, then smoothly switch the attention of children to another type activities:

Modeling of plasticine figurines of heroes fairy tales;

Drawing a picture;

Assembling the mosaic fairy tale;

Laying out the sequence fairy tales and storytelling(by pictures).

4. I include various pantomimic exercises in my classes. sketches: "Woe", "Joy", "Fear", "Astonishment" etc. They teach children to reflect their own emotional states in rhythm, movement, facial expressions. This leads to involuntary relaxation of the body and, consequently, to the removal of emotional stress.

5. Dynamic pauses (during classes 2-5 minutes as children get tired).

6. Speech therapy five minutes (exercises to activate vocabulary).

7. Finger exercises ("brain gymnastics") on lexical topics working program. With the help of such exercises, the work of the left hemisphere is compensated. Their implementation requires attention and concentration from the child.

Fatigue after performing psycho-gymnastic studies (pantomimes, games, exercises) leads to involuntary relaxation of the body and, consequently, the removal of tension.

central moment fairy tale therapy- voluntary participation of children. So Special attention I draw on motivation (figurative text, ditties, fables, looking at illustrations, etc., while each child feels an attentive attitude towards himself from the educator. In the first period, not all children joined the game, some watched silently what was happening, so I had to additionally motivate to be included in the game (music, fairy tale hero, etc.. e.).

2.5. Stages of work with fairy tale:

1. Ritual "entry into fairy tale» .

2. Reading fairy tales.

3. Discussion fairy tales.

4. At the end of the lesson - a ritual "exit from fairy tales» .

1 stage of work:

The ritual of entering fairy tale

Musical accompaniment to help children tune in fairy tale.

You can use a musical toy, a magic wand or a magic key to fairy tales.

A game "Magic ball",

Poem « Story came to visit us, it's time for us to meet her!,

New fairy tale"accidentally found" in fairy tale box, under "magic carpet" etc.

Ivan Tsarevich comes to visit (bibabo doll) and brings a letter. Children are intrigued and ask: "Read it! Read!

Coming through "Magic Hoop"- get into fairy tale.

2 stage of work:

Reading fairy tales

For example, story: "How the little mouse became brave". We read further fairy tale completely, without discussion - this is the first version of the work.

2nd option: in the process of reading, you can stop at the most important fragments and ask questions.

Analysis questions fairy tales:

Why was the mouse afraid?

Did the bunny help him cope with his fear?

Why didn't it help?

How did the animals deal with fear?

Why was Rat surprised?

3 stage of work:

Discussion fairy tales

We discuss with the children - who is called brave, who is cowardly; How did the characters differ from each other? Children demonstrate, first, how the mouse behaves, how afraid he is, what expression on his face, and then the bunny. Next, we recall cases when we were afraid and what we felt at the same time. And when were you brave, brave? Compare these feelings. Next, we pronounce what we feel in different states. What color can be fear, anger, cowardice? How do they sound, how do they smell? At the same time, we analyze what awaits a person who does not change. And then the children tell how in real life they meet with a feeling of fear, anxiety, worries, what actions help to cope and become braver.

4th stage of work:

Exit ritual fairy tales

1st option: Melody to exit fairy tales.

Option 2: Children stand in a circle and pronounce: "We stand hand in hand - together we are a big ribbon, we can be big, we can become small, but no one will be alone."

Option 3: All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands together

And we smile at each other.

Option 4: "We take with us all the most important things that happened to us today, everything that we have learned."

Requirements for working with fairy tale:

Appropriateness - psychotherapeutic fairy tale appropriate to use only when the right situation has occurred (conflict and quarrel of children, disobedience, anxiety, etc.). Otherwise, you can distort the whole idea.

Sincerity - of course, the educator is required to be open and sincere in the narration.

Dosage - fairy tale therapy encourages reflection. This is a long process. Therefore, it is impossible "overload" children with psychotherapeutic fairy tales so that they do not lose their sensitivity to them.

Children always love "repetitions". I purposefully repeat games for verbal commenting on emotionally effective situations, episodes - substitutions. In them I use most of the creative play with elements search: show the hero, guess by the movement, rhythm, music, come up with an ending.

My experience shows that with fairy tales the development of the child as a person. Method fairy tale therapy occupies one of the central places in the correctional work with children of the compensating group, since no other type of activity can provide such a complex impact on the speech sphere of the child. Story not only increases cognitive interest and motivation for learning activities, but also encourages the child to analyze, reason, look for cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions. Therefore, the use fairy tales provides me with a holistic approach to child development. Story for a child, this is a game, magic, and the result is not so important as maintaining the game necessary for the child is truly fabulous atmosphere. A little fairy tales, a little miracle, and you already see a happy and healthy baby.

Folk wisdom says: a child is an open book of the universe that adults need to learn to read. Story for a child, it is a small life full of bright colors, wonders and adventures. listening fairy tale By composing or playing it, children master reality through the world of experiences and images.

2.6. Usage mnemonics in the development of coherent speech of children 5-7 years old.

Since I use in my work fairy tale therapy then I decided to use mnemonics for teaching children storytelling.

mnemonics translated from Greek "the art of memory". mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, development different types memory: auditory, visual, motor, tactile, thinking, imagination. After all, they are closely related to the full development of coherent speech. Basic "secret" mnemonics very simple and well known. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain fixes this relationship. And in the future, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images. Mnemonics in kindergarten, as an effective method of memorization, is usually mastered on simple examples. To begin with, I introduced the children to mnemonic squares - understandable images that stand for one word, phrase, its characteristics or a simple sentence. Then she complicated the classes by demonstrating mnemonic tracks - this is already a square of four pictures, from which you can make a small story in 2-3 sentences. And finally the most complex structure- these are mnemonic tables and it is them that I use in my work. Mnemotables fairy tales are schematic representations by which you can remember and reproduce the whole story, fairy tale or even a poem. At the beginning, I chose fairy tales from the manual of Bolsheva T. V. We study according to fairy tale. Development of thinking of preschoolers with the help mnemonics". As didactic material designed mnemonic tables in accordance with the selected fairy tales(app. 6). I want to involve parents in drawing diagrams for our classes in fairy tale therapy.

Working with mnemonic tables significantly reduces the time for teaching children retelling short stories . In this regard, she developed the structure of the organization of correctional and developmental classes.

Classes using mnemotables include myself:

Pre-reading fairy tales;

Show fairy tale play teacher(using finger theater, bibabo puppets, theater on flannelgraph);

Didactic games on the topic fairy tales;

Consideration and discussion of symbols;

Compilation of mnemonic tracks (games are used "Put it in the right order", "What is missing").

Fairy tale retelling based on symbols (images).

An example of a lesson using a mnemonic table fairy tales shown in(app 7).

To consolidate the knowledge gained, you can make albums with children on the topic covered with children's stories and drawings. The most amazing thing is that children are able to come up with their own schema-models and mnemotables, using the information encoding symbols known to them.

Work on each topic is carried out over four sessions, which use various forms and methods of work, think through the sequence of tasks, their diversity, change of activities (working with a mnemonic table, conducting experiments, didactic games, guessing riddles, modeling, drawing, appliqué, etc.).

Working in this direction, you should adhere to the following rules

Conduct 1 lesson per week, 4 lessons per month - acquaintance with one fairy tale.

During the month, while the children get acquainted with a particular fairy tale, mnemotables and collages remain in the group for individual work.

Before the next lesson, carry out preliminary work with children, considering collages and mnemonic tables according to fairy tale from previous lessons.

After four classes, at the end of work on fairy tale, mnemonic tables are placed in a book corner.

Involve kids in coding (inventing symbols) fairy tales, poems, exercise in solving symbols.

Thus, with the help of model diagrams and mnemotables, you can achieve the following results:

Make children want retell fairy tales - like in class as well as in everyday life.

Expand your knowledge of the world around you.

Activate vocabulary.

To help children overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of an audience.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that speech activity formed and operated in close connection with all mental processes. Special education should be carried out with the help of a comprehensive program of speech therapy, including not only the development of the components of the speech system, but also aimed at correcting mental functions. Therefore, the use of techniques mnemonics in the work on the development of children's speech, in our opinion, is the most relevant insofar as:

- visual modeling makes it easier for children with OHP to master coherent speech, since the use of symbols, pictograms, substitutes, schemes facilitates memorization and increases the amount of memory and, in general, develops the speech-thinking activity of children;

- tricks visual modeling use the natural memory mechanisms of the brain and allow you to fully control the process of storing, storing and recalling information;

- children who own the means of visual modeling, in the future are able to independently develop speech in the process of communication and learning.

When using mnemotables fairy tales children practice skills tell the story using visibility; strengthen the ability to compose fairy tale connected, in a logical sequence, correlate sign symbols with images; activate words and expressions in speech that allow you to start and end fairy tale;

mnemonics educates memorization and recall techniques, which in turn contributes to the development of mental processes, communication skills, and cognitive activity. Children develop an interest in learning and storytelling literary works, thus, mnemonics affects not only the development of memory, but also fantasy, visualization of images by a child. Applying for the formation of coherent speech modern methods learning and adapting their application in practice to the needs of children, it is possible to optimize pedagogical activity , thereby increasing the level of social adaptation of such children to the reality around them. The use of mnemonic tables makes it much easier for children to master coherent speech, the presence of a plan-scheme makes stories clear, connected and consistent.

In early December, I conducted an intermediate diagnosis of the development of coherent speech in children. (app. 8) Method usage fairy tale therapy in the system of correctional work gives a positive result, which is confirmed by the data of diagnostics of the level of development of coherent speech of children. Diagnostic data show that at the initial stage of education in September 2016, the level of development of coherent speech in most children was below average. And in December, the result showed that in some children the levels of development of coherent speech increased and this indicates the effectiveness of the use fairy tale therapy.

3. Conclusion.

It is still too early to talk about the results of my work, since academic year continues and the work is not finished. But summing up the preliminary results, I noticed that the children became more relaxed, they begin to express your thoughts, their vocabulary is replenished, children gradually begin to show creativity more actively in games - dramatizations, games - dramatizations, this allows the child to psychologically get closer to the hero fairy tales, survive his victories and defeats, happiness and misfortune. The speech of children becomes more coherent, interesting for listeners, children try to select accurate words and phrases that are accessible to others, which indicates an increase in the level of coherent speech. Regularity fairy tale therapy contributes to the consolidation positive effect in the development of personality and speech of the child.

Thus, based on the above materials, we can make the following findings: if fairy tale therapy gives a positive result, even in such a short time, then it must be included in the work to overcome violations of coherent speech in preschoolers. Usage fairy tale therapy in work with children who have problems in the development of speech is simply necessary, since this form of activity is new technology in psychology pedagogical correction children. Thanks to - fairy tale therapy it is possible to give children not only the knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for schooling, but also the need to communicate with other people, the ability to establish contacts with adults and peers, interact with them, emotionally respond to emerging situations in communication, show their emotional conditions accepted in human society. I believe that the literature that I used in my work is really effective, it is effective and gives a positive result.

Future plans. I plan to continue to study scientific literature, gets acquainted with the experiments and works of other authors on the use fairy tale therapy. Use fairy tale therapy not only in direct educational activities, but also in sensitive moments, including them in holidays and entertainment. And also connect parents, convince them of the importance of the elements fairy tale therapy, to show what interest such activities can cause in children, what role they play in the development of the child. Involve parents to make character attributes according to Russian folk fairy tales. as well as to create a library of psychotherapeutic and psycho-corrective fairy tales, which would help children get rid of aggressiveness, pugnacity, fears, fear of the dark, greed.

"Project method in literature" - Rules for successful project activities (for students). Leading idea. Teams don't compete. Lesson types. Project Personality activity. The method of projects as a lesson in checking and accounting for knowledge and skills. Purposefulness. Problem. Planning. The purpose of non-traditional lessons: Product. Portfolio. The result of the project activity.

"Health-saving lesson" - Priority tasks of the reform of the education system: Creating a positive psychological atmosphere. Eye exercises. Use of group work methods. Get in a circle. Follow the steps of the lesson. Brainstorm. Method "Energizers": exercise "Jugglers". Group 1: Health saving conditions in the lesson.

"Technologies and methods of teaching" - Third: there is a contradiction between the theoretically possible way of solving the problem and the practical impracticability of the chosen method. Mastery of the method brainstorming", carrying out" round table”, statistical methods. The purpose of the method is the development of self-educational activity among students. Comparison of the characteristics of innovative learning models.

Health-saving activities at school. Activities of an active-motor nature. Generalizing lesson of grade 8 on the topic “initial chemical concepts". indicator rational organization educational process are: Chemistry teacher. Somatic. Student. Volume study load. Health saving technologies while studying chemistry.

"Health-saving technologies" - Health-saving technologies used in educational institutions RF. School risk factors that reduce the level of health of schoolchildren. The interest of both the management of education and healthcare is only formal. The role of a psychologist in the implementation of health-saving technologies. Development lessons Lessons to change activities (physical education, drawing, work, etc.).

“Health-saving technologies in mathematics lessons” - Task: One caustic scientist calculated that 1 g of dirt from under the nails contains 38,000,000 microbes, in order to get sick it is enough to swallow 1/100 part. Physical education is mandatory integral part lesson. In Japan average duration the life of men is 78 years. Health - saving technologies at the lesson of mathematics.

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1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten 47 "Rainbow of Svetlograd Petrovsky municipal district Consultation for teachers Topic: "Fairytale therapy as a health-saving technology" Prepared by: Educator MBDOU DS 47 "Rainbow" Dyachenko N.A. Svetlograd

2 Both physicians and teachers are concerned about the progressive deterioration of children's health. The birth of a healthy child in our time has become a rarity. The reason for this and bad ecology, and unbalanced nutrition, and informational and neuropsychic overload, and a decrease in motor activity. But health is not just the absence of disease or infirmity; it is a state of complete physical, mental, moral and social well-being. A complex of various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils received a common name - "health-saving technologies". Health-saving pedagogical technologies are used in various activities and are presented as: Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health (rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises, game health-improving gymnastics). Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle (morning gymnastics, physical education, self-massage, active recreation (physical culture leisure, sports holiday, musical leisure, Health Day, acupressure). fairy tale therapy Fairy tale therapy is one of the types of health-saving technologies. innovative method in working with children, which allows you to gently and unobtrusively influence the child with the help of a fairy tale, while solving the most different tasks. Fairy tale therapy is aimed at developing the child's self-awareness and provides contact both with himself and with others, contributing to the building of mutual understanding between people and the assimilation of the necessary patterns of behavior and response, new knowledge about oneself and the world. The principles of fairy tale therapy are to introduce the child to his strengths, in the "expansion" of his field of consciousness and behavior, in the search for non-standard, optimal ways out of various situations, in the exchange of life experience. This method develops the ability to listen to yourself and others, learn to accept and create new things. In the process of each lesson in fairy tale therapy, you can additionally solve certain problems. For example, practicing voluntary attention

3 or group cohesion, development of a sense of mutual help and support, or memory development, expansion of emotional and behavioral reactions, where examples fairytale heroes Children learn to understand human characters. Functions of fairy tales: 1. The texts of fairy tales evoke emotional resonance in both children and adults. The images of fairy tales appeal simultaneously to two mental levels: to the level of consciousness and subconsciousness. 2. The concept of fairy tale therapy is based on the idea of ​​the value of metaphor as a carrier of information: about vital phenomena; about life values; about goal setting; about inner world author (in the case of an author's fairy tale). 3. The fairy tale in a symbolic form contains information about: how this world works, who created it; what happens to a person in different periods of his life; what stages in the process of self-realization a woman goes through; what stages in the process of self-realization a man goes through; what difficulties obstacles can be encountered in life and how to deal with them; how to acquire and value friendship and love; what values ​​to guide in life; how to build relationships with parents and children; how to forgive. One of the important features fairy tale it is the storage of experience, that is, even after the end of psychotherapeutic work, it continues to exert its effect on the child. Consider the typology of fairy tales offered by Tatyana Dmitrievna Zinkevich-Evstigneeva: 1. Artistic fairy tales. These include fairy tales created by the centuries-old wisdom of the people, and author's stories. It is these stories that are usually called fairy tales, myths, parables. 2. Folk tales. The plots of folk tales are diverse. Among them are the following types. Tales about animals, relationships between people and animals. household tales. They often talk about the vicissitudes family life, showing ways to resolve conflict situations. They are

4 form a position common sense and a healthy sense of humor in relation to adversity, talk about little family tricks. Tales of transformation, transformation. An example of such a fairy tale is G. Kh. Andersan's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling". Scary tales. Tales of evil spirits. Also horror stories. Apparently, here we are dealing with the experience of children's self-therapy: by repeatedly modeling and living an alarming situation in a fairy tale, children are freed from tension and acquire new ways of responding. Telling horror stories is recommended in a group of children (over 7 years old) and teenagers. And the end of the horror story must be unexpected and funny. Magic tales. The most fascinating fairy tales for those who are 6 7 years old. Thanks to fairy tales in unconscious person comes "concentrate" life wisdom and information about spiritual development person. 3. Author's artistic tales. To help children realize their inner experiences, it is advisable to choose an author's fairy tale to work with them. In working with special children, the author's fairy tale Mamin-Sibiryak D.N. "The Gray Neck" is suitable. When working with a goal, or when a person loses last hope, does not want to live or loses his last strength fairy tale by L. Panteleev "Two Frogs". 4. Didactic tales. In the form of didactic tales are served study tasks. In the classroom, children can be taught to write down mathematical examples in the form of didactic fairy tales. In these stories, solving an example is passing a test, a series of solved examples leads the hero to success. 5. Psycho-corrective fairy tales are created to gently influence the child's behavior. Correction here means the “replacement” of an ineffective style of behavior with a more productive one, as well as an explanation to the child of the meaning of what is happening. A psycho-correctional fairy tale can simply be read to a child without discussion. Thus, we will give him the opportunity to be alone with himself and think. If the child wants, then you can discuss the fairy tale with him, play it with the help of dolls, drawings, a sandbox and miniature figures. 6. Psychotherapeutic fairy tales. Fairy tales that reveal the deep meaning of the events taking place. Stories that help to see what is happening, on the other hand. Such fairy tales are not always unambiguous, they do not always have a traditionally happy ending, but they are always deep and heartfelt.

5 There are fairy tales that educate women's wisdom (“Frost”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Snow Maiden”, S. T. Aksakov “Scarlet Flower”, “Cinderella”, “Sleeping Beauty” Sh. Perrault, “Lady Snowstorm” by the Brothers Grimm and others, and the qualities of a real male hero and head of the family (“The Frog Princess”, where, although the female path is visible, the main character is a man).The main methods used in fairy tale therapy: Telling a fairy tale Drawing a fairy tale Fairy tale therapy diagnostics Composing a fairy tale Making puppets Staging a fairy tale hidden reason"bad" behavior. Usually there are five. A child behaves badly if: He wants to attract attention to himself. In this case, the corrective fairy tale will offer positive ways to attract attention. He wants to dominate the situation, adults, peers. In this tale, the main idea will be that a good "leader" first of all takes care of his friends. He wants to take revenge on an adult for something. At the same time, in the fairy tale there is an indication of the hero's distorted vision of the problem and the correct model of behavior. He is scared, anxious, he wants to avoid failure. In this case, the heroes of the correctional fairy tale provide the main character with support and offer ways to overcome fear. He has no sense of proportion. In this case, a psycho-corrective fairy tale can bring the situation to the point of absurdity, showing the consequences of the hero’s actions, and leaving the choice of behavior style for him (“Nehochuha”, “ golden antelope”, “Pot of porridge”, etc.). In order for a fairy tale or story to gain strength and help, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for its creation (this form of work is used for children over the age of 5): 1. The fairy tale must be somewhat identical to the child's problem, but in no case have no direct resemblance to it. 2. The fairy tale should offer a substitute experience, using which the child can make a new choice in solving his problem.

6 3. A fairy tale plot should unfold in a certain sequence: Once upon a time. The beginning of a fairy tale, meeting with its heroes. For children 3-4 years old, it is recommended to make toys, little men and animals the main characters of fairy tales. Starting from the age of 5, fairies, wizards, princesses, princes, soldiers, etc. From about 5-6 years old, the child prefers fairy tales. AT adolescence fairy tales-parables and household tales may be interesting. And suddenly, one day, the Hero is faced with some kind of problem, a conflict that coincides with the problem of the child. Because of this, it is shown what the solution to the problem is, and how the heroes of the fairy tale do it. Climax. The heroes of the fairy tale cope with difficulties. Interchange. The denouement of the therapeutic tale should be positive. Moral of the story The characters in the story learn from their actions. Their life changes radically. 4. Analysis of a fairy tale plot - awareness, interpretation of what is behind each fairy tale situation, behind the construction of the plot, behind the behavior of the characters. For example, to analyze famous fairy tale. After the children listen to the fairy tale, they are asked a series of questions: What do you think, what (about what, about whom) is this fairy tale about? Which of the characters did you like (dislike) the most? Why do you think this or that hero did certain things? Think what would happen if the protagonist did not do such a thing. What do you think, if there were only good (or bad) characters in a fairy tale, what kind of fairy tale would it be? Why are there good and bad characters in fairy tales? In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone can compose fairy tales for children. It's not easy in the beginning, but it can be learned. Instead of quarrels, teachings and punishments, just compose a fairy tale with your child. The fairy tale will help the early development of the baby, relieve stress in a child, teenager or

7 adults. And most importantly, it will help to establish contact: to throw a bridge of understanding and friendship between the everyday world of adults and the magical world of children. After all, therapeutic stories offer various options actions. Good luck to you! References: 1. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D., Tikhonova E. A. Projective diagnostics in fairy tale therapy. 2. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. The path to magic. Theory and practice of fairy tale therapy. 3. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. "Workshop on Fairy Tale Therapy". 4. Zaryana and Nina Nekrasov. How to find contact with a child? Fabulous Opportunities!

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 4 of the combined type of the city of Bikina, Bikinsky municipal district Khabarovsk Territory Agreed: Chairman of the PMPk MBDOU for children

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Correction developing zones speech therapy room Educational and educational zone "Bukvograd" Equipped with a magnetic board, sets didactic aids on the general development of speech, learning

Use of health-saving technologies in the process music education preschoolers in the preschool educational institution The presentation was prepared by the music director of the MDOU “Kindergarten 2 r. Semibratovo" 1 qualifying

A long-term plan for working with parents of children of the group For working with parents, the following goal was determined: To promote the establishment of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in matters of education, upbringing and

MAP OF INNOVATIONS MBDOU "GENERAL DEVELOPING KINDERGARTEN 32" Full name ASPECT INNOVATION 1. Vasilevskaya Irina Vasilievna Managerial Topic: "Methodological support innovation activities DOW "Purpose:

Brief presentation the main educational program of preschool education MBDOU d / s 43. The main educational program of preschool education MBDOU d / s 43 was developed in accordance with the federal

Project activity as a means of improving the quality of preschool education social order for education

Sports holidays and entertainment are effective forms of health-improving work with children. Consultation for educators Physical education instructor: Kalyanova N.A. MDOU Kindergarten 7 February 2014