Mukhina developmental psychology m 1998. Developmental psychology (Mukhina V.S.)




ChapterI.Phenomenology of development

Chapter 1. Factors that determine mental development

§ 1. Conditions of mental development

§ 2. Prerequisites for the development of the psyche

§ 3. Internal position and development

ChapterII. Individual development personalities

§ 1. Social unit and unique personality

§ 2. The factor of place as a condition for the development of personality

ChapterIII.Mechanisms of personality development and its social existence

§ 1. Identification as a mechanism of socialization and individualization of personality

§ 2. Isolation as a mechanism of socialization and individualization of the individual

§ 3. Interaction of identification-isolation and types of personalities



§ 1. Newborn: congenital features and development trends

§ 2. Actually infancy

Chapterv.Early age

§ 1. Features of communication

§ 2. Mental development

§ 3. Prerequisites for the formation of personality

§ 4. Subject and other activities

ChapterVI. preschool age

§ 1. Features of communication

§ 2. Mental development

§ 3. Children's personality

§ 4. Games and other activities

ChapterVII.Junior school age

§ 1. Features of communication

§ 2. Mental development

§ 3. The personality of a child of primary school age

§ 4. Educational activities


ChapterVIII.Conditions and lifestyle

§ 1. The social situation in the life of a youth

§ 2. Educational activities and work orientation

ChapterIX.Features of communication

§ 1. Communication with adults and peers: general trends

§ 2. Communication with peers of the opposite sex

Chapterx.Mental development

§ 1. Development of speech

§ 2. Development of higher mental functions

ChapterXI.The personality of the lad

§ 1. Features of identification with one's own "I". Identity crisis in adolescence

§ 2. Self-consciousness in adolescence

instead of a conclusion. Youth.


Application. The program of the course “Age psychology.

4th edition stereotypical

UDC 159.922.7/8(075.8) BBC 88.8ya73 M92


A. V. Petrovsky;

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V. P. Zinchenko;

Doctor of Psychology L. F. Obukhova

Mukhina V. S.

M92 Developmental psychology: developmental phenomenology, childhood, adolescence: A textbook for students. universities. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.:

Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 456 p. ISBN 5-7695-0408-0

The textbook reveals the issues of phenomenology general development and ontogenesis from birth to adolescence. The author shows that the development of the child occurs through his activities. The individual development of a person is considered in two forms: as a social unit and as a unique personality. The book presents the author's concept of the mechanisms that determine the development of personality and its social existence.

The textbook is addressed to students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of pedagogical universities, psychologists, as well as to everyone who is interested in the problems of developmental psychology.

UDC 159.922.7/8(075.8) BBK88.8ya73

ISBN 5-7695-0408-0

© Mukhina V. S., 1997 © Publishing Center "Academy", 1997

Dedicated to students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of Moscow State Pedagogical University and Samara State University

The super-idea of ​​the book is to consider the diversity of the components of mental development at the age stages as a condition for the birth of the personal principle in a person. For to be a person means, first of all, to want and be able to take responsibility for oneself, for others and for the fatherland.

The book gives the author's presentation of the phenomenology and development of the self-awareness of the individual, as well as a description of the amazing time of childhood and adolescence - the true forerunner of the birth of the individual, when a person develops in bodily, mental, emotional, volitional and spiritual terms and goes through a school of socialization in the game, in learning, in communicating with other people.

I dedicate my work to student youth - future psychologists and teachers, since it is during this period of life that a person can deeply reflect on his past and present, not only emotionally experience a "sense of personality", but also freely act in problem situations in accordance with his worldview and moral sense, i.e. may be a person in the highest sense of the word. The study of the psychological characteristics of the age preceding adolescence will allow young people not only to get an idea of ​​the patterns of mental development, but also to better understand themselves.

December 1996 Moscow

Valeria Mukhina

The textbook suggests that in equal time intervals the human psyche goes through various "distances" in its development, undergoes various qualitative transformations. In this regard, as the transition from the neonatal period to older ages, the material is studied more and more "dismemberment" in accordance with the progressive differentiation of the psyche of the child and the adolescent, while the complication of the spiritual life itself is shown.

The guiding idea in the creation of this textbook was to reveal developmental psychology as a science, the subject of which is the holistic mental development of a person. Therefore, the central place in the coverage of each age period, each side of mental development is occupied by a range of issues related to the characteristics of the development process itself, due to the prerequisites and conditions of development, as well as the internal position of the personality itself. The described material relating to age-specific features is used to the extent that it is necessary for understanding the developmental process.

The book widely discusses the ideas and research of L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, B. G. Ananiev, A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, V. V. Davydov, P. Ya. B. Elkonina, L. I. Bozhovich, L. A. Venger, their students and employees, students and employees of the author of this textbook, as well as many others domestic psychologists and psychologists from the CIS countries. Also involved are materials contained in the works of famous representatives of foreign psychology: V. Stern, K. Buhler, J. Piaget, K. Koffka, E. Clapered, 3. Freud, A. Ballon, R. Zazzo, E. Erickson, J. Bruner and others.

At the same time, bearing in mind that the purpose of the textbook is a holistic presentation of the mental development of a person, the author considered it right not to go into discussions about discrepancies in understanding the development of the psyche and the formation of the personality in modern psychology, but to offer his own understanding of this development, including a description of not only the results of his own research, but also those classical ideas that have become the property of modern psychology and are accepted by the author as adequately explaining development. The right to such an approach when writing a textbook on developmental psychology is given by the curriculum of psychological and pedagogical faculties, which, in addition to many special psychological courses, includes a course in the history of psychology, including a course in the history of developmental psychology. The book represents the author's vision of human development as a unique phenomenon at all age stages of ontogeny.

The first section presents the author's understanding of the conditions of mental development and human existence. Description and discussion of historically conditioned realities of human existence are offered. The realities of the objective world, figurative-sign systems, social space and natural reality are discussed as a condition for the development and existence of a person from the first days of his birth and throughout his life.

An understanding of the development and formation of a person's self-consciousness at all stages of ontogenesis is being formed in the context of the historical moment of development and his ethnicity. A fundamentally new approach to understanding the mechanisms of development and existence of a personality through identification and isolation is proposed.

The second and third sections are dedicated to childhood and adolescence, respectively. Here, the analysis of the mental development and existence of a child and a youth is carried out through the general approaches formulated in the first section to the conditions and prerequisites for development, as well as to the position of the person himself.

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« Mukhina Valeria Sergeevna - an outstanding domestic psychologist"

Completed: 2nd year student of 202 groups


  • Introduction 3
  • 1. Main biography dates 4
  • 2. Key activities 7
  • Conclusion 16
  • References 17
  • Introduction
  • The relevance of the topic of this work is due to the fact that Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina is a leading domestic psychologist with a world name, academician of the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Psychology of Development of the Moscow Pedagogical state university, editor-in-chief of the Personality Development magazine, chairman of the Personality Development section of the Russian Psychological Society, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education.
  • V.S. Mukhina is widely known abroad as a prominent specialist in the field of developmental psychology, ethnopsychology, and personality psychology. The area of ​​her scientific interests: psychological support of a child, adolescent, adult and elderly person; human behavior in extreme conditions; people at all stages of age; ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations.
  • Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina is a teacher in science and in life. Students are not only doctors and candidates of sciences, but also many thousands of students different universities and, of course, first of all, Moscow State Pedagogical University. Until now, she takes students and graduate students to the House of Scientists, conducts monthly graduate seminars herself, where she teaches the basics research work; invites venerable scientists to lecture them, encourages them to ask any questions.
  • The purpose of this work is to provide a brief digression from the life of the outstanding Russian psychologist V. S. Mukhina.
  • Work tasks:
  • - to study the literature on the topic;
  • - briefly outline the main dates of the scientist's biography;
  • - to consider the main directions of scientific activity of V. S. Mukhina.
  • 1. Main dates of the biography
  • Valeria Mukhina was born on January 22, 1935 in the city of Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk), Primorsky Krai, in the family of a career officer Soviet army. Father died on the front of the Great Patriotic War. While still a schoolgirl, she became a student of the largest scientist, zoopsychologist Nadezhda Nikolaevna Ladygina-Kots. Under her guidance, she learned to observe the behavior of animals. In 1956 she graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. From 1962 she taught there at the Department of Psychology; in 1965 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, and in 1972 - her doctoral thesis. From 1988 to the present, he has been the head of the department educational psychology Institute (now the Department of Developmental Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University). From 1992 to 1998 at the same time director of the Institute for the Development of the Personality of the Russian Academy of Education. Since 1997, under her leadership, the journal Personal Development began to be published, which has become one of the leading professional periodicals in our country.
  • In the late 1950s, on the basis of the Moscow Clinical Hospital. Kashchenko carried out an experiment using trained animals in the interests of treating the mentally ill, which led to positive results. The author of a mother's diary, unique in the duration of a continuous scientific observation for the mental development of twin sons - from birth to 7 years (published in the books "Gemini: A Diary of the Development of Two Boys", 1968, 1997 and "The Mystery of Childhood", 1998, 2000, 2004). The sons are currently candidates of psychological sciences, professors at leading Moscow universities. In the 1960s and 70s, she studied the sign function of consciousness in the development of graphic images in children (the book "The visual activity of the child as a form of assimilation of social experience", 1981). In the 1970s, V.S. Mukhina revealed the psychological simultaneity of the child's entry into the world real items and into the world of their symbolic substitutions, the gradual weakening of the direct dependence of children's behavior on functional purpose surrounding objects and an increase in the degree of freedom of the child in the sphere of his actions with substitute objects and in the development of reflection.
  • Since the 1970s, he has been developing the problem of the mental development of a personality as the interaction of the processes of its identification and isolation; on this basis, substantiated options for psychological support, taking into account the age of the individual. Many provisions of V.S. Mukhina are summarized in her book “The Birth of a Personality” (not published in the original language), ed. in English. (1984) and other languages.
  • In 1975-80 she proposed a theory of the historical and ontogenetic development of the structural links of self-consciousness, in the system of which she included: the emotional and value attitude of a person to his bodily self, to his name, to the individual mental "I"; claim for recognition; gender identification; psychological time of the individual (past, present, future); social space of the individual - its rights and obligations. From the standpoint of this theory, it becomes possible to diagnose and correct negative manifestations in the development of mental processes, incl. associated with group and ethnic issues.
  • V.S. Mukhina participated in the organization of psychological assistance to the victims of the Spitak earthquake in Armenia (1988-1989). Since the late 1980s, she has led the training of practical psychologists for the regions affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. From 1992 - 1999 she headed the program of the Russian Open Society "Future Leaders of Russia". Since 2002, together with the psychological service department of the GUIN of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the “Program for the rehabilitation of mother and child in conditions of deprivation of liberty” and the program “Innovative technologies for social adaptation and resocialization of convicts sentenced to long terms of punishment” have been developed. In 2004, she led a group of psychologists to provide psychological express assistance to children affected by the terrorist attack in Beslan. Participant in the implementation of childhood support programs, incl. "Orphans", "Children with Disabilities", "Children of Chernobyl" and others. Author of the cabinet concept child psychologist, whose equipment includes stimulating dolls (RF patents, 1992) for children with various psychological problems.
  • Under the leadership of V.S. Mukhina conducted many ethnopsychological studies in various regions of our country and beyond, including: the North and the Far East - expeditionary studies of the personality of the small peoples of the North and the Far East in the context of traditional culture and modern conditions (Chukchi, Eskimos, Koryaks, Aleuts, Evenks, Nivkhs, Sami, Evens, Yukagirs, Yakuts, etc.), 1985-2001; Krasnodar Territory: ethnopsychological expeditions to study the Cossacks as a specific social group; interethnic relations in the region, 1992-2001. Under the leadership of V.S. Mukhina, in addition to research in many regions of Russia, research was conducted in the CIS countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan; as well as in foreign countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Spain, Poland, China, Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam, India, USA, Colombia, Cuba, Chad, Benin, Sao Tome and Principe, Namibia, Ethiopia and other countries. Under the leadership of V.S. Mukhina defended 10 doctoral and 64 master's theses.
  • 2. Main activities

2.1. Scientific school of V. S. Mukhina and its practical significance

"Phenomenology of development and being of personality" is the name of Mukhina's scientific school.

Among the main directions of the scientific school under the direction of V.S. Mukhina include: "The structure of self-awareness of the individual"; "Ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations"; “Mechanisms of formation and development (identification-isolation) of a person as a social unit and as unique personality»; "Diagnostics and psychological support of personality at all stages of its development in normal and extreme conditions"; "Personality and ethnic groups in the context of internalization and global acculturation".

The scientific significance of the school of V.S. Mukhina due to novelty conceptual vision phenomenology of the development and being of the individual, both in terms of historical analysis the formation in a person of his two hypostases: the Social Unit and the Unique Personality, and in terms of the prospects of the individual and ethnic groups in the context of internalization. The concept is a worldview position, a methodology that determines the development of the self-awareness of young students (including adolescents). Numerous textbooks and teaching aids reflecting the methodological foundations of the concept are in great demand (up to seven to nine editions). Methodology developed by V.S. Mukhina, has become part of the scientific and everyday self-consciousness of a new generation of psychologists and youth.

The practical significance is due to the fact that the results obtained in the field of development and being of the individual in various social, cultural and ethnic conditions today are objectively the basic foundations for the development of domestic psychological science and practice. Based on methodological positions, the technologies of interaction with children, adolescents, youth, adults and high school students give a worthy practical effect both in individual and in group and mass work (for example: 1 - work in the federal program "Children of Chernobyl" (1988-1999) ; 2 - work in extreme situations with representatives of another nationality - the consequences of the Spitak earthquake (1988-1989); 3 - work with adolescents in the program of the RAO "Future Leaders of Russia" (1992-1999); 4 - work with youth as an electorate within the framework of the federal target program raise legal culture voters and organizers of elections in the Russian Federation (1996-1998); 5 - work with the problems of ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations (from 1985 to the present); 6 - the project "Problems of observance of the rights of children in the family and the secrecy of adoption" within the framework of the program of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Scientific, scientific-methodical, logistical and Information Support education system” (2001-2002), etc.).

a) the factors that determined the emergence of the school

With its emergence, the scientific school under the leadership of V.S. Mukhina owes both to the objective needs of society and psychological science, and to the tireless personal efforts of the head of the school and those led by it: the staff of the Department of Developmental Psychology of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (from 1988 to the present); the staff of the Institute for the Development of the Personality of the Russian Academy of Education (from 1992 to 1998); work of her students, graduate students and doctoral students.

b) year of foundation

The formal date of foundation of the scientific and pedagogical school under the leadership of V.S. Mukhina can be considered 1988 - the year of the creation of the Department of Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, then renamed the Department of Developmental Psychology. In fact, the formation of the school took place during the 70 - 80 years. XX century.

c) the founder of the school, characteristics of scientific activity

Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina Honored Worker of Science Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Education, full member of the Russian Academy natural sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education; member of the Scientific and Methodological Council for General and Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Educational and Methodological Association for teacher education under the Ministry of Education of Russia; member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the dissertation council for the defense of dissertations for the competition degree Doctor of Psychology; editor-in-chief of the Personality Development magazine; member of the editorial boards of the journals "Questions of Psychology", "People's Education", "Primary Education".

In the sphere of scientific interests of V.S. Mukhina includes a psychological study of the sign function of consciousness in the context of the development of graphic images in visual activity. Working in the field of child psychology, - V.S. Mukhina revealed fundamentally new psychological education at early and preschool age: the simultaneous psychological entry of a young child into the objective world and the world of symbolic substitutions, which determines the dependence of the child's behavior on the functional purpose of objects and freedom in the sphere of symbolic actions with substitute objects; the child's overcoming of his dependence on the functional purpose of objects, his advancement in the sphere of the sign function of consciousness, rapid development reflections on oneself and others.

V.S. Mukhina revealed the mechanisms of development and existence of the personality, which are presented as a pair - "identification" - "separation". According to the concept of V.S. Mukhina, these mechanisms can be effectively used in correctional work at all age stages. From a theoretical position, the idea of ​​mechanisms "identification" - "separation" has long grown into technology practical work with individual and group counseling and psychological support.

Research activities in the sphere of self-consciousness of the individual gave her the opportunity to build a theory of the historical and ontogenetic development of the structural links of self-consciousness. According to this theory, in all periods of human development, regardless of the geohistorical moment of the life of an ethnos, every time a separate individual appropriates the structure of self-consciousness formed in society, consisting of five links:

1 - emotional-valuable attitude to oneself bodily, to one's name and to one's individual-typical mental self;

2 - claims for recognition;

3 - gender identification;

4 - psychological time of the individual (individual past, present and future);

5 - social space of the individual: rights and obligations.

The universality of this structure was discovered in the study of ethnographic and ethnopsychological data of world science, confirmed by special studies conducted under the guidance of V.S. Mukhina in Russia and abroad. In the context of historical and ethnic self-consciousness, structural links receive their specific content, which makes it possible to diagnose and carry out corrective work not only with individual having their own individual problems, but also the ethnic group as a whole, when there are problems associated with ethnic inferiority complexes, ethnic aggression, etc. V.S. Mukhina laid the foundations for a fundamentally new direction in ethnopsychology: the study of ethnic self-consciousness through its structural links.

V.S. Mukhina is the author of the concept and practical developments for the office of a child psychologist. She created and patented stimulus dolls: to work with children who have problems in awareness emotional manifestations people and self-reflection; for diagnosing ethnic tension, gender identification. It is the lead developer of the VI-ZI-ES A-test, which allows diagnosing and training specialists working in an emergency situation.

V.S. Mukhina productively provides psychological assistance in acute socio-psychological situations and situations of natural disasters.

d) stages of formation and their characteristics

The formation of the scientific and pedagogical school of V.S. Mukhina can be represented as follows: from a seven-year (1955 - 1962) period of accumulation of practical experience (a teacher at school and a zootherapist in the children's department psychiatric hospital them. Kashchenko) to the scientific research and teaching period (teacher at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin since 1962); to the scientific and organizational-administrative period, expressed in the creation of the Department of Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, later - the Department of Developmental Psychology (1988) and the leadership of the Institute for Personal Development of the Russian Academy of Education (1992-1998). In essence, the scientific school began to take shape in 1972, when V.S. Mukhina defended her doctoral dissertation and began to train her students and followers.

2.2. The scientific contribution of the Mukhina school to the development of world science

Among the representatives of the scientific school V.S. Mukhina in Russia, the CIS countries and the world should include the following scientists.

In Russia: candidate of psychological sciences, corresponding member. RANS, professor, deputy. head Department of Developmental Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University T.N. Happy (Psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection of children and adolescents), Moscow; Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of General and Social Psychology, Kurgan State University R.V. Ovcharova (Psychodiagnostics of children and adolescents), Kurgan; Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Moscow State social university, consultant on family issues V.A. Goryanina (Psychocorrection of interaction style), Moscow; Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Director of the Social and Pedagogical Institute at the Kuban State University, general director Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory A.A. Ivanova (Ethnic identity of the individual in the context of historical interethnic interaction), Krasnodar; Candidate of Sciences in Psychology, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate, Director of the Institute of Psychology, Pedagogics and Education Management, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of the Krasnoyarsk PSU, General Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk PSU Administration (1996-1998) A.A. Yarulov (Problems of upbringing and personality development), Krasnoyarsk; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctoral Candidate, Vice-Rector of the University of the Russian Academy of Education G.V. Family (Socio-psychological protection of children left without parental care), Moscow; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, PSU R.I. Tsvetkova, Komsomolsk-on-Amur; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Public Education" A.M. Kushnir (Peculiarities of the ethnic identity of the peoples of the North), Moscow; candidate of psychological sciences A.V. Volosnikov (Diagnostics and psychological support for specialists in extreme professions), Krasnodar; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, prepares a doctoral thesis T.Ts. Dugarova (Peculiarities of ethnic identity of the Buryats), Ulan-Ude; young scientists: candidate of psychological sciences L.M. Protsenko, candidate of psychological sciences A.S. Obukhov, candidate of psychological sciences A.A. Denisov and others.

In the CIS countries: doctor of pedagogical sciences, consultant on special pedagogy and Psychology of the School Administration of the Talsiensky District of the Republic of Latvia M. Valce (Social Adaptation of Children at Risk), the Republic of Latvia; candidate of psychological sciences, writer V.A. Levin (Artistic perception in children), Ukraine; candidate of psychological sciences, professor, head. Department of Psychology of Brest PU E.I. Valitova (Psychology of Personality), Belarus; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Psychology of the PU of Balti S.E. Ryzhikova (Psychology of Personality), Moldova; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Slavic PU L.A. Davis (Psychology of Personality), Ukraine; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Ternopil PU S.B. Danilyuk (Psychology of Personality), Ukraine; candidate of psychological sciences, professor E.V. Nekrasov (Self-consciousness of the individual), Kazakhstan; candidate of psychological sciences T.A. Talaluyeva (Interethnic Relations), Kazakhstan; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Gomel PU S.A. Khazey (Ethnic identity of the individual), Belarus; candidate of psychological sciences, teacher of YSU E.P. Timofeeva (Interethnic Relations), Sakha and others.

Abroad: candidate of psychological sciences, professor of Blagoevgrad University G.E. Ivanova (Children's Interpersonal Relations), Bulgaria; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Ulaanbaatar University U.Luvsandandar (Ethnic Self-Consciousness within Traditions different cultures), Mongolia; Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Department of Education M.T. Burke Beltran (Child Personality Development), Cuba; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Veliko Tarnovo University G.A. Madzharov (Personal Development), Bulgaria; Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Columbia University O.Mendez (Peculiarities of Ethnic Self-Consciousness of Children in Colombia), Colombia; doctor of psychological sciences, professor A.I. Usman (Mechanisms of Personal Mental Development), Chad; PhD in Psychology, Lecturer at the University of Delhi S. Dasgupta (Structure of the Self-Consciousness of Youth: A Comparative Analysis of Indian and Soviet Students), India; Doctor of Psychology M. Ognin (Features of the structure of self-consciousness ethnic groups Benin), Benin; candidate of psychological sciences, M.M. Tulchinsky (Peculiarities of self-consciousness and claims at a later age), Israel; Doctor of Psychology Le Quang Son (Value Orientations of Modern Vietnamese Youth), Vietnam; psychologist A. de Seita Quaresma ( Current state tribal cultures), Sao Tome and Principe.

f) the role of the school in the development of the education system

For 30 years, a program, textbooks, teaching aids, anthologies have been published, which are recommended by the Ministry of Education of the USSR, and in the last decade - by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, for students studying in pedagogical specialties.

The staff of the department took part in the development of the State educational standard Supreme vocational education in psychology specialties. On the basis of the concept of the structure of self-consciousness, a system of work of the psychological service is being built in the school and institutions of additional education, in the offices for providing psychological support and support in orphanages and centers.

V.S. Mukhina - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Scientific results of activities achieved during the existence of the school:

During the existence of the school, more than 50 monographs have been prepared, about 20 doctors, more than 140 candidates of science, a number of basic textbooks and teaching aids for higher and secondary schools have been developed, a concept and a set of working materials for a specialized child psychologist's office have been developed.

2. 3 . Scientific works of V. S. Mukhina

V.S. Mukhina is the author of more than three hundred and fifty published works published in Russia and abroad. More than 50 editions of books in the languages ​​of the world. Among them:

Gemini: A Developmental Diary of Two Boys; Visual activity of the child as a form of assimilation of social experience; Birth of personality; Child psychology. Textbook; Psychology of childhood and adolescence; Phenomenology of development and being of a personality; Mystery of childhood Developmental psychology: Phenomenology of development. Childhood. Adolescence.


Thus, during the preparation of this work, we came to the following conclusions:

V.S. Mukhina is the founder of the scientific school "Phenomenology of the Development and Being of the Personality", recognized in the domestic psychological community. Among the main directions of the scientific school under the direction of V.S. Mukhina include: "The structure of self-awareness of the individual"; "Ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations"; "Mechanisms of formation and development (identification-isolation) of a person as a social unit and as a unique personality"; "Diagnostics and psychological support of personality at all stages of its development in normal and extreme conditions"; "Personality and ethnic groups in the context of internalization and global acculturation".

The main theoretical positions of the scientific school of V.S. Mukhina became the following conceptual ideas. Personality in its phenomenology involves development. Personality and its consciousness are mediated by a system of social relations, its development is carried out in the process of education and appropriation by a person of the foundations of material and spiritual culture. At the same time, this mediation does not exclude the formation of the individual's own internal positions, which go beyond the limits of the existing social conditions.

In many regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and far abroad, her scientific ideas continue to develop, where her students introduce into science and practice the conceptual provisions laid down in scientific school V.S. Mukhina. Valeria Sergeevna is an example of a true scientist, active creative person, a landmark in life and science for his colleagues and students.

List of used literature

1. Mukhina V. S. Twins: Diary of the development of two boys.- M., 1969, 2nd ed. 1997

2. Mukhina V. S. Visual activity of a child as a form of assimilation of social experience: Monograph.- M., 1981

3. Mukhina V. S. Birth of personality. - M., 1987

4. Mukhina V. S. Child psychology. Textbook. - M., 1992

5. Mukhina V.S. Psychology of childhood and adolescence: Textbook. - M., 1997

6. Mukhina V. S. Phenomenology of the development and being of a person. - Voronezh, 1999

7. Mukhina V. S. The sacrament of childhood. In 2 volumes - Yekaterinburg, 2004

8. Mukhina V. S. Developmental psychology: Phenomenology of development. Childhood. Adolescence: Textbook. - M., 2004

9. Mukhina V.S. Identification and alienation in social development// Pedagogical aspects of social psychology. Abstracts of the republican scientific-theoretical conference. - Minsk, 1978

10. Sviridova M. S. The path to personality. // First of September, February 8, 2005. No. 9, p.3

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    Contribution of I.M. Sechenov in the development of the theory of psychology at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Basic scientific concepts of behaviorism. Gestalt therapy F. Perls. Transactional Analysis E. Bern. Features of the current stage of development of psychology and the practice of psychological assistance.

    abstract, added 05/22/2015

    Scientific activity of V.M. Bekhterev, his contribution to domestic psychology. Development of the idea of ​​a comprehensive study of man and the doctrine of the collective. G.I. Chelpanov as representative experimental psychology, his epistemological and philosophical research.

    abstract, added 08/01/2010

    The development of psychology in Russia in the XIX century. The connection between psychology and pedagogy, scientific work K. Ushinsky. I. Sechenov as the founder of the doctrine of behavior, his concept of mental processes and the study of brain reflexes. Biography of V. Bekhterev and I. Mechnikov.

    abstract, added 12/09/2010

    The subject and tasks of the history of psychology. Principles of historical and psychological analysis. Factors determining the development of science. The first developed concepts of the mental, formulated by Plato and Aristotle. Gesell's contribution to the development of developmental psychology.

    course of lectures, added 01/18/2013

    Biogenetic and sociogenetic concepts general psychology. Analysis of the key provisions of the teachings of Z. Freud, E. Erikson, J. Piaget. Characteristics cultural and historical concept of L. Vygotsky. V. Mukhina and her view on the development of the psyche.


V. S. Mukhina



4th edition stereotypical

UDC 159.922.7/8(075.8) BBC 88.8ya73 M92


A. V. Petrovsky;

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V. P. Zinchenko;

Doctor of Psychology L. F. Obukhova

Mukhina V. S.

M92 Developmental psychology: developmental phenomenology, childhood, adolescence: A textbook for students. universities. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.:

Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 456 p. ISBN 5-7695-0408-0

The textbook reveals questions of the phenomenology of general development and ontogenesis from birth to adolescence. The author shows that the development of the child occurs through his activities. The individual development of a person is considered in two forms: as a social unit and as a unique personality. The book presents the author's concept of the mechanisms that determine the development of personality and its social existence.

The textbook is addressed to students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of pedagogical universities, psychologists, as well as to everyone who is interested in the problems of developmental psychology.

UDC 159.922.7/8(075.8) BBK88.8ya73

ISBN 5-7695-0408-0

© Mukhina V. S., 1997 © Publishing Center "Academy", 1997

Dedicated to students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of Moscow State Pedagogical University and Samara State University

The super-idea of ​​the book is to consider the diversity of the components of mental development at the age stages as a condition for the birth of the personal principle in a person. For to be a person means, first of all, to want and be able to take responsibility for oneself, for others and for the fatherland.

The book gives the author's presentation of the phenomenology and development of the self-awareness of the individual, as well as a description of the amazing time of childhood and adolescence - the true forerunner of the birth of the individual, when a person develops in bodily, mental, emotional, volitional and spiritual terms and goes through a school of socialization in the game, in learning, in communicating with other people.

I dedicate my work to student youth - future psychologists and teachers, since it is during this period of life that a person can deeply reflect on his past and present, not only experience an emotional “sense of personality”, but also freely act in problem situations according to their worldview and moral sense, i.e. may be a person in the highest sense of the word. The study of the psychological characteristics of the age preceding adolescence will allow young people not only to get an idea of ​​the patterns of mental development, but also to better understand themselves.

Age-related psychology. Phenomenology of development. Mukhina B.C.

10th ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2006. - 608 p.

The textbook reveals the issues of the phenomenology of development and being of a person from birth to adulthood. The author's position on the conditions of development, determined by the realities of the objective and natural world, the realities of figurative-sign systems, social space, is presented. Realities discussed separately inner space the human psyche. The individual development of a person is considered in two forms: as a social unit and as a unique personality. The author's concept of mechanisms (identification-separation) that determine the development of the personality and its social existence is revealed.

For students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of pedagogical universities, psychologists, as well as all those who are interested in the problems of developmental psychology and the psychology of personality development.

Format: djvu (2006 , 10th ed., 608s.)

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Size: 634 Kb

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From author 4
Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Factors that determine mental and personal development 11
§ 1. Conditions for mental development and personality development 11
1. Reality of the objective world 12
2. Reality of figurative-sign systems 24
3. Natural reality 38
4. Reality of social space 50
5. The reality of the inner space of the personality 60
§ 2. Prerequisites for the development of the psyche. Genotype and personality 70
1. Biological prerequisites 70
2. Interaction of biological and social factors 81
Chapter 2. Mechanisms of development and existence of personality 93
§ 1. Identification as a mechanism of socialization and individualization of personality 95
§ 2. Isolation as a mechanism of socialization and individualization of the individual 100
§ 3. Interaction of identification and isolation 105
Chapter 3. Individual development of personality 114
§ 1. Internal position and personality development 114
§ 2. Social unit and unique personality 119
§ 3. The factor of place as a condition for the development of personality 138
Chapter 4. Infancy 149
§ 1. Newborn^: congenital features and development trends 150
§ 2. Infancy proper 155
Chapter 5 Early age 170
§ 1. Features of communication 171
§ 2. Mental development 178
§ 3. Subject and other activities 193
§ 4. Prerequisites for the formation of personality 207
Chapter 6. Preschool age 219
§ 1. Features of communication 221
§ 2. Mental development 231
§ 3. Games and other activities 271
§ 4. Child personality 285
Chapter 7
§ 1. Features of communication 311
§ 2. Mental development 329
§ 3. Learning activities 347
§ 4. Personality of a child of primary school age 372
Chapter 8. Conditions and way of life 413
§ 1. The social situation in the life of a teenager 413
§ 2. Educational activity and orientation to work 422
Chapter 9. Features of communication 427
§ 1. Communication with adults and peers: general trends 427
§ 2. Communication with peers of the opposite sex 438
Chapter 10
§ 1. Development of speech 445
§ 2. Development of higher mental functions 451
Chapter 11
§ 1. Peculiarities of isolation identification. Identity crisis in adolescence 464
§ 2. Self-consciousness in adolescence 475
Chapter 12. Conditions and way of life 492
§ 1. Social situation 492
§ 2. Educational, labor and other significant activities 496
§ 3. Psychological problems of youth as an electorate 504
Chapter 13
§ 1. Communication with elders and peers: general trends 509
§ 2. Communication with peers of the opposite sex 527
§ 3. Early motherhood and fatherhood 539
Chapter 14
§ 1. Mental development and value orientations 548
§ 2. Features of identification - isolation in the context of personality problems 564
§ 3. Self-consciousness in youth 574
Appendix 589
Recommended Reading 603

The textbook reveals questions of the phenomenology of general development and ontogenesis from birth to adolescence. The author shows that the development of the child occurs through his activities.

The individual development of a person is considered in two forms: as a social unit and as a unique personality.

About the author: Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina (born January 22, 1935) is a leading domestic psychologist with a worldwide reputation, academician of the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Editor-in-Chief… more…

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o "1-3" h z u "" Section 1 Phenomenology of development h 3

V. S. Mukhina
Recommended by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students studying in pedagogical specialties
4th edition stereotypical

UDC 159.922.7/8(075.8) BBK 88.8ya73 M92
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education A. V. Petrovsky;
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V. P. Zinchenko;
Doctor of Psychology L. F. Obukhova
Mukhina V. S.
M92 Developmental psychology: developmental phenomenology, childhood, adolescence: A textbook for students. universities. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.:
Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 456 p. ISBN 5-7695-0408-0
The textbook reveals questions of the phenomenology of general development and ontogenesis from birth to adolescence. The author shows that the development of the child occurs through his activities. The individual development of a person is considered in two forms: as a social unit and as a unique personality. The book presents the author's concept of the mechanisms that determine the development of personality and its social existence.
The textbook is addressed to students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of pedagogical universities, psychologists, as well as to everyone who is interested in the problems of developmental psychology.
UDC 159.922.7/8(075.8) BBK88.8ya73
ISBN 5-7695-0408-0
© Mukhina V. S., 1997 © Publishing Center "Academy", 1997

Dedicated to students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of Moscow State Pedagogical University and Samara State University
The super-idea of ​​the book is to consider the diversity of the components of mental development at the age stages as a condition for the birth of the personal principle in a person. For to be a person means, first of all, to want and be able to take responsibility for oneself, for others and for the fatherland.
The book gives the author's presentation of the phenomenology and development of the self-awareness of the individual, as well as a description of the amazing time of childhood and adolescence - the true forerunner of the birth of the individual, when a person develops in bodily, mental, emotional, volitional and spiritual terms and goes through a school of socialization in the game, in learning, in communicating with other people.
I dedicate my work to student youth - future psychologists and teachers, since it is during this period of life that a person can deeply reflect on his past and present, not only emotionally experience a "sense of personality", but also freely act in problem situations in accordance with his worldview and moral sense, i.e. may be a person in the highest sense of the word. The study of the psychological characteristics of the age preceding adolescence will allow young people not only to get an idea of ​​the patterns of mental development, but also to better understand themselves.
December 1996 Moscow
Valeria Mukhina

The textbook suggests that in equal time intervals the human psyche goes through various "distances" in its development, undergoes various qualitative transformations. In this regard, as the transition from the neonatal period to older ages, the material is studied more and more "dismemberment" in accordance with the progressive differentiation of the psyche of the child and the adolescent, while the complication of the spiritual life itself is shown.
The guiding idea in the creation of this textbook was to reveal developmental psychology as a science, the subject of which is the holistic mental development of a person. That's why central location in the light of each age period Each side of mental development is occupied by a range of issues related to the characteristics of the development process itself, due to the prerequisites and conditions of development, as well as the internal position of the personality itself. Described material relating to age features, is involved to the extent that it is necessary for understanding the development process.
The book widely discusses the ideas and research of L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, B. G. Ananiev, A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, V. V. Davydov, P. Ya. B. Elkonin, L. I. Bozhovich, L. A. Venger, their students and employees, students and employees of the author of this textbook, as well as many other domestic psychologists and psychologists from the CIS countries. Also involved are materials contained in the works of famous representatives of foreign psychology: V. Stern, K. Buhler, J. Piaget, K. Koffka, E. Clapered, 3. Freud, A. Ballon, R. Zazzo, E. Erickson, J. Bruner and others.
At the same time, bearing in mind that the purpose of the textbook is a holistic presentation of the mental development of a person, the author considered it right not to go into discussions about discrepancies in understanding the development of the psyche and the formation of the personality in modern psychology, but to offer his own understanding of this development, including a description of not only the results of his own research, but also those classical ideas that have become the property of modern psychology and are accepted by the author as adequately explaining development. The right to such an approach when writing a textbook on developmental psychology is given by the curriculum of psychological and pedagogical faculties, which, in addition to many special psychological courses, includes a course in the history of psychology, including a course in the history of developmental psychology. The book represents the author's vision of human development as a unique phenomenon at all age stages of ontogeny.
The first section presents the author's understanding of the conditions of mental development and human existence. Description and discussion of historically conditioned realities of human existence are offered. The realities of the objective world, figurative-sign systems, social space and natural reality are discussed as a condition for the development and existence of a person from the first days of his birth and throughout his life.
An understanding of the development and formation of a person's self-consciousness at all stages of ontogenesis is being formed in the context of the historical moment of development and his ethnicity. A fundamentally new approach to understanding the mechanisms of development and existence of a personality through identification and isolation is proposed.
The second and third sections are dedicated to childhood and adolescence, respectively. Here, the analysis of the mental development and existence of a child and a youth is carried out through the general approaches formulated in the first section to the conditions and prerequisites for development, as well as to the position of the person himself.

Section 1 Phenomenology of development
Developmental psychology as a branch of psychological knowledge studies the facts and patterns of development of the human psyche, as well as the development of his personality at different stages of ontogenesis. In accordance with this, child, adolescent, youthful psychology, adult psychology, as well as gerontopsychology are distinguished. Each age stage is characterized by a set of specific patterns of development - the main achievements, accompanying formations and neoplasms that determine the features of a particular stage of mental development, including the features of the development of self-consciousness.
Before starting a discussion of the laws of development themselves, let us turn to age periodization. From the point of view of age psychology, the criteria for age classification are determined primarily by the specific historical, socio-economic conditions of upbringing and development, which correlate with different types activities. The classification criteria also correlate with age-related physiology, with the maturation of mental functions that determine the development itself and the principles of learning.
Thus, L. S. Vygotsky, as a criterion for age periodization, considered mental neoplasms characteristic of a particular stage of development. He singled out "stable" and "unstable" (critical) periods of development. He attached decisive importance to the period of crisis - the time when a qualitative restructuring of the functions and relations of the child takes place. During these periods, there are significant changes in the development of the child's personality. According to L. S. Vygotsky, the transition from one age to another occurs in a revolutionary way.
The criterion for the age periodization of A. N. Leontiev is the leading activities. The development of leading activity causes major changes in mental processes and psychological characteristics of the child's personality at this stage of development. “The fact is that, like every new generation, so does every single person belonging to a given generation find certain conditions of life already prepared. They make possible this or that content of his activity.
The age periodization of D. B. Elkonin is based on the leading activities that determine the emergence of psychological neoplasms at a particular stage of development. Relations between productive activity and communication activity are considered.
A. V. Petrovsky for each age period distinguishes three phases of entry into the reference community: adaptation, individualization and integration, in which the development and restructuring of the personality structure take place2.
Really age periodization of each individual person depends on the conditions of his development, on the characteristics of the maturation of morphological structures responsible for development, as well as on the internal position of the person himself, which determines development at later stages of ontogenesis. Each age has its own specific “social situation”, its own “leading mental functions” (L. S. Vygotsky) and its own leading activity (A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin)3. The ratio of external social conditions and internal conditions for the maturation of higher mental functions determines the general movement of development. At each age stage, selective sensitivity is detected, susceptibility to external influences - sensitivity. L. S. Vygotsky attached decisive importance to sensitive periods, believing that learning that is premature or late in relation to this period is not effective enough.
The objective, historically conditioned realities of human existence in their own way affect him at different stages of ontogeny, depending on through which previously developed mental functions they are refracted. At the same time, the child “borrows only what suits him, proudly passes by what exceeds the level of his thinking”4.
It is known that the passport age and age " actual development' do not necessarily match. The child can be ahead, behind and correspond to the passport age. Each child has his own way of development, and this should be considered his individual feature.
Within the framework of the textbook, periods should be determined that represent age-related achievements in mental development within the most typical limits. We will focus on the following age periodization:
I. Childhood.
Infancy (from 0 to 12-14 months).
Early age (1 to 3 years).
Preschool age (3 to 6-7 years).
Junior school age (from 6-7 to 10-11 years).
II. Adolescence (from 11-12 to 15-16 years).
Age periodization makes it possible to describe the facts of a child's mental life in the context of age limits and to interpret the patterns of achievements and negative formations in specific periods of development.
Before we proceed to the description of the age-related features of mental development, we should discuss all the components that determine this development: the conditions and prerequisites for mental development, as well as the significance of the internal position of the developing person. In the same section, one should specifically consider the dual nature of a person as a social unit and a unique personality, as well as the mechanisms that determine the development of the psyche and the human personality itself.

Historically conditioned reality of human existence.
The condition for the development of man, in addition to the reality of Nature itself, is the reality of culture created by him. To understand the patterns of human mental development, it is necessary to define the space of human culture.
Culture is usually understood as the totality of the achievements of society in its material and spiritual development used by society as a condition for the development and existence of a person at a particular historical moment. Culture is a collective phenomenon, historically conditioned, concentrated primarily in sign-symbolic form.
Each individual person enters culture, appropriating its material and spiritual embodiment in the cultural and historical space surrounding him.
Developmental psychology, as a science that analyzes the conditions of human development at different stages of ontogenesis, requires the identification of the relationship between cultural conditions and individual developmental achievements.
Determined by cultural development, historically conditioned realities of human existence can be classified as follows: 1) the reality of the objective world; 2) the reality of figurative-sign systems; 3) the reality of social space; 4) natural reality. These realities at each historical moment have their constants and their metamorphoses. Therefore, the psychology of people of a certain era should be considered in the context of the culture of this era, in the context of the meanings and meanings attached to cultural realities at a particular historical moment.
At the same time, each historical moment should be considered in terms of the development of those activities that introduce a person into the space of contemporary culture. These activities, on the one hand, are the components and heritage of culture, on the other hand, they are a condition for human development at different stages of ontogenesis, a condition for his everyday life.
A. N. Leontiev defined activity in a narrow sense, i.e. on psychological level, as a unit of "life mediated by mental reflection, the real function of which is that it orients the subject in the objective world"5. Activity is considered in psychology as a system that has a structure, internal connections and realizes itself in development.
Psychology explores the activities of specific people, which takes place in the conditions of an existing (given) culture in two forms: 1) "in conditions of open collectivity - among the surrounding people, together with them and in interaction with them"; 2) "eye to eye with the surrounding objective world"6.
Let us turn to a more detailed discussion of the historically conditioned realities of human existence and activities that determine the nature of a person's entry into these realities, his development and being.
7. The reality of the objective world. An object or thing7 in the mind of a person is a unit, a part of being, everything that has a set of properties, occupies a volume in space and is in relation to other units of being. We will consider the material objective world, which has a relative independence and stability of existence. The reality of the objective world includes objects of nature and man-made objects that a person created in the process of historical development. But a person not only learned to create, use and preserve objects (tools and objects for other purposes), he formed a system of relations to the object. These attitudes to the subject are reflected in language, mythology, philosophy and human behavior.
In the language, the category "object" has a special designation. In most cases in natural languages ​​it is a noun, a part of speech denoting the reality of the existence of an object.
In philosophy, the category "object", "thing" has its hypostases: "thing in itself" and "thing for us". "Thing in itself" means the existence of a thing in itself (or "in itself"). “Thing for us” means the thing as it is revealed in the process of cognition and practical activity of a person.
In the everyday consciousness of people, objects, things exist a priori - as a given, as natural phenomena and as an integral part of culture.
At the same time, they exist for a person as objects that are created and destroyed in the process of objective, instrumental, tul activity of the person himself. Only at certain moments does a person think about the Kantian question about the “thing in itself” - about the knowability of a thing, about the penetration of human knowledge “into the interior of nature”8.
In practical substantive activity a person does not doubt the knowability of a “thing”. AT labor activity, in simple manipulation, he deals with the material essence of the object and is constantly convinced of the presence of its properties that are amenable to change and cognition.
Man creates things and masters them functional properties. In this sense, F. Engels was right, stating that “if we can prove the correctness of our understanding this phenomenon nature by the fact that we ourselves produce it, call it out of conditions, make it serve our purposes, then Kant's elusive "thing in itself" comes to an end.
In reality, Kant's idea of ​​the "thing in itself" turns out to be not a practical unknowability for a person, but the psychological nature of human self-consciousness. A thing, along with its functional features, often considered by a person from the point of view of its consumption, in other situations acquires the features of a person himself. A person is characterized not only by alienation from a thing for its use, but also by the spiritualization of a thing, giving it those properties that he himself possesses, identifying with this thing as akin to the human spirit. Here we are talking about anthropomorphism - endowing objects of nature and man-made objects with human properties.
The entire natural and man-made world in the process of human development acquired anthropomorphic features due to the development in the reality of social space of the necessary mechanism that determines the existence of a person among other people - identification.
Anthropomorphism is realized in myths about the origin of the sun (solar myths), the moon, the moon (lunar myths), stars (astral myths), the universe (cosmogonic myths) and man (anthropological myths). There are myths about reincarnations of one creature into another: about the origin of animals from people or people from animals. Ideas about natural ancestors were widespread in the world. Among the peoples of the North, for example, these ideas are present in their self-consciousness today. Myths about the transformation of people into animals, plants and objects are known numerous nations the globe. Ancient Greek myths about hyacinth, narcissus, cypress, laurel tree are widely known. No less famous is the biblical myth of the transformation of a woman into a pillar of salt.
The category of objects with which a person is identified includes natural and man-made objects, they are given the meaning of a totem - an object that is in a supernatural relationship with a group of people (clan or family)11. This may include plants, animals, as well as inanimate objects (skulls of totemic animals - a bear, a walrus, as well as a crow, stones, parts of dried plants).
Animation of the objective world is not only the destiny of the ancient culture of mankind with mythological consciousness. Animation is an integral part of human presence in the world. And today in language and in figurative systems human consciousness we find evaluative attitude things as possessing or not possessing a soul. There are ideas that unalienated labor creates a "warm" thing in which a soul has been invested, while alienated labor produces a "cold" thing, a thing without a soul. Of course, the “animation” of a thing by modern man differs from how it happened in the distant past. But one should not rush to conclusions about a fundamental change in nature. human psyche.
The distinction between things "with a soul" and things "without a soul" reflects the psychology of a person - his ability to feel, to identify himself with a thing and the ability to alienate himself from it. A person creates a thing, admires it, sharing his joy with other people; he destroys, annihilates the thing, reduces it to dust, sharing his alienation with accomplices.
In turn, a thing represents a person in the world: the presence of certain things that are prestigious for a particular culture is an indicator of a person’s place among people; the absence of things is an indicator of a person's low status.
A thing can take the place of a fetish. In the beginning, natural things became fetishes, to which supernatural meanings were attributed. The sacralization of objects through traditional rituals gave them those properties that protected a person or a group of people and assigned them a certain place among others. So, through a thing from ancient times there was a social regulation of relations between people. In developed societies, products of human activity become fetishes. In fact, many objects can become fetishes: the power of the state is personified by the gold fund, the development and multiplicity of technology12, in particular weapons, minerals, water resources, ecological cleanliness of nature, the standard of living determined by the consumer basket, housing, etc.
The place of an individual among other people is really determined not only by his personal qualities, but also by the things that serve him, which represent him in social relations.
(house apartment, land and other prestigious at a particular moment cultural development the society of the thing). The material, objective world is a specifically human condition for the existence and development of a person in the process of his life.
Naturalistic-objective and symbolic being of a thing. G. Hegel considered it possible to distinguish between the naturalistic-objective being of a thing and its semiotic determinateness13. It is reasonable to recognize such a classification as correct.
The naturalistic-objective being of a thing is a world created by man for labor activity, for arranging his everyday life - a home, a place of work, rest and spiritual life. The history of culture is also the history of things that accompanied a person in his life. Ethnographers, archaeologists, and cultural researchers provide us with vast material for the development and movement of things in the historical process.
The naturalistic-objective being of a thing, becoming a sign of a person’s transition from the level evolutionary development to the level of historical development, has become a tool that transforms nature and man himself - determined not only the existence of man, but also his mental development, the development of his personality.
In our time, along with the world of “tamed objects” mastered and adapted to man, new generations of things appear: from microelements, mechanisms and elementary objects that are directly involved in the life of the human body, replacing its natural organs, to high-speed liners, space rockets, nuclear power plants, creating completely different conditions for human life.
Today it is generally accepted that the naturalistic-objective being of a thing develops according to its own laws, which are more and more difficult to control for a person. A new idea has appeared in the modern cultural consciousness of people: the intensive multiplication of objects, the developing industry of the objective world, in addition to objects symbolizing the progress of mankind, create a flow of objects for the needs of mass culture. This flow standardizes a person, turning him into a victim of the development of the objective world. Yes, and the symbols of progress appear in the minds of many people as destroyers of human nature.
In the consciousness of modern man, the mythologization of the overgrown and developed objective world takes place, which becomes a “thing in itself” and “a thing for itself”. However, the object violates the human psyche insofar as the person himself allows this violence.
At the same time, the objective world created by man today clearly appeals to the psychic potential of man.
The driving force of a thing. The naturalistic-objective being of a thing has a well-known pattern of development: it not only increases its representation in the world, but also changes the objective environment in its own way. functional characteristics, according to the speed of performing actions of objects and according to the requirements addressed to a person.
A person generates a new objective world, which begins to test the strength of his psychophysiology, his social qualities. There are problems of designing a "man-machine" system based on the principles of increasing human capabilities, overcoming the "conservatism" of the human psyche, and protecting health. healthy person in the conditions of interaction with superobjects.
But didn't the first tools that man created make the same demands on him? Wasn't it required from a person, at the limit of his mental capabilities, to overcome the natural conservatism of the psyche in spite of the protective reflexes protecting him? The creation of a new generation of things and the dependence of man on their motivating force is an obvious trend in the development of society.
The mythologization of the objective world of the new generation is the underlying attitude of a person to a thing as a “thing in itself”, as an object that has an independent “internal power”14.
Modern man carries in himself an eternal property - the ability to anthropomorphize a thing, to give it spirituality. The anthropomorphic thing is the source of eternal fear of it. And this is not only a haunted house or brownie, it is a kind of inner essence which a person endows a thing.
Thus, human psychology itself translates the naturalistic-objective being of a thing into its symbolic being. It is this symbolic domination of the thing over man that determines what human relations, as K. Marx showed, are mediated by a well-known connection: a person - a thing - a person. Pointing to the dominance of things over people, K. Marx emphasized the dominance of land over man: “There is an appearance of a more intimate relationship between the owner and the land than the bonds of simply material wealth. A piece of land is individualized with its owner, has his title... his privileges, his jurisdiction, his political position, etc.”15.
In human culture there are things that appear in different meanings and meanings. This includes things-signs, for example, signs of power, social status (crown, scepter, throne, etc. down through the strata of society); things-symbols that unite people (banners, flags), and much more.
A special fetishization of things is the attitude towards money. The dominance of money reaches its most striking form where the natural
and social certainty of the subject, where paper signs acquire the meaning of a fetish and a totem.
In the history of mankind, reverse situations also occur, when a person himself in the eyes of others acquires the status of an “animated object”. So, the slave acted as an "animated tool", as a "thing for another." And today, in situations of military conflicts, one person in the eyes of another can lose anthropomorphic properties: complete alienation from human essence leads to the destruction of identification between people.
With all the diversity of human understanding of the essence of things, with all the variety of attitudes towards things, they are a historically conditioned reality of human existence.
The history of mankind began with the “appropriation” and accumulation of things: first of all, with the creation and preservation of tools, as well as with the transfer to the next generations of methods for making tools and working with them.
The use of even the simplest hand tools, not to mention machines, not only increases the natural strength of a person, but also enables him to perform various actions that are generally inaccessible to the naked hand. Tools become, as it were, artificial organs of man, which he puts between himself and nature. Tools make a person stronger, more powerful and freer. But at the same time, things that are born in human culture, serving a person, facilitating his existence, can also act as a fetish that enslaves a person. The cult of things that mediates human relations can determine the price of a person.
Periods arose in the history of the human race when separate strata of mankind, protesting against the fetishization of things, denied the things themselves. Thus, the Cynics rejected all values ​​created by human labor and representing the material culture of mankind (it is known that Diogenes walked in rags and slept in a barrel). However, a person who denies the value and significance of the material world, in essence, becomes dependent on it, but on the opposite side in comparison with a money-grubber who greedily accumulates money and property.
The world of things is the world of the human spirit: the world of his needs, his feelings, his way of thinking and way of life. The production and use of things created man himself and the environment for his existence. With the help of tools and other objects that serve everyday life, mankind has created special world- material conditions of human existence. Man, creating the material world, psychologically entered it with all the ensuing consequences: the world of things - the human habitat - the condition of his being, a means of satisfaction.
niya of his needs and condition mental development and development of personality in ontogeny.
2. The reality of figurative-sign systems. Mankind in its history gave rise to a special reality that developed along with the objective world - the reality of figurative-sign systems.
A sign is any material, sensually perceived element of reality that has a certain meaning and is used to store and transmit some ideal information about what lies beyond the boundaries of this material formation. The sign is included in the cognitive and creative activity person, in the communication of people.
Man has created a system of signs that influence the internal mental activity, determining it, and at the same time determine the creation of new objects of the real world.
Modern sign systems are divided into linguistic and non-linguistic.
Language is a system of signs that serves as a means of human thinking, self-expression and communication. With the help of language, a person learns the world around him. Language, acting as an instrument of mental activity, changes the mental functions of a person, develops his reflexive abilities. As the linguist A. A. Potebnya writes, the word is "a deliberate invention and the Divine creation of language." "The word is originally a symbol, an ideal, the word thickens thoughts" "6. Language objectifies a person's self-consciousness, shaping it in accordance with the meanings and meanings that determine the value orientations on the culture of the language, behavior, relationships between people, on samples of a person's personal qualities" 7.
Each natural language took shape in the history of the ethnos, reflecting the way of mastering the reality of the objective world, the world created by people things, the way of mastering labor and interpersonal relations. Language always participates in the process of objective perception, becomes an instrument of mental functions in a specifically human (mediated, sign) form, acts as a means of identifying objects, feelings, behavior, etc.
Language develops due to the social nature of man. In turn, the language that develops in history influences the social nature of man. IP Pavlov attached decisive importance to the word in the regulation of human behavior, dominance over behavior. The grandiose signaling of speech appears for a person as a new regulative sign of mastery of behavior.
The word is of decisive importance for thought and for spiritual life in general. A. A. Potebnya points out that the word "is an organ of thought and an indispensable condition for the entire later development of understanding the world and oneself." However, as you use, as you acquire
meanings and meanings, the word “loses its concreteness and figurativeness”. This is a very important idea, which is confirmed by the practice of language movement. Words are not only combined and exhausted, but, having lost their original meanings and meanings, they turn into garbage that clogs modern language. Discussing the problem of social thinking of people in their everyday life, M. Mamardashvili wrote about the problem of language: “We live in a space in which a monstrous mass of waste products of the production of thought and language has been accumulated”19. Indeed, in the language as an integral phenomenon, as the basis of human culture, along with the words-signs that act in certain values and meanings, in the process of historical development, fragments of obsolete and obsolete signs appear. These "waste products" are natural for any living and developing phenomenon, not only for language.
The French philosopher, sociologist and ethnographer L. Levy-Bruhl wrote about the essence of linguistic reality: “Representations called collective, if defined only in general terms, without deepening the question of their essence, can be recognized by the following features inherent in all members of a given social group: they are passed down from generation to generation. They are imposed in it on individuals, prompting in them, according to the circumstances, feelings of respect, fear, worship, etc. in relation to their objects, they do not depend for their being on a separate person. This is not because representations presuppose a collective subject distinct from the individuals who make up the social group, but because they exhibit features that cannot be comprehended and understood by merely considering the individual as such. So, for example, language, although it exists, in fact, only in the minds of individuals who speak it, is nevertheless an undoubted social reality based on a set of collective ideas ... Language imposes itself on each of these individuals, it precedes it and experiences it” (italics mine. - V.M.)20. This is a very important explanation of the fact that at first culture contains the linguistic matter of a system of signs - it “precedes” an individual person, and then “language imposes itself” and is appropriated by a person.
And yet language is the main condition for the development of the human psyche. Thanks to language and other sign systems, a person has found a means for mental and spiritual life, a means of deep reflective communication. Of course, language is a special reality in which a person develops, becomes, is realized and exists.
Language acts as a means of cultural development; in addition, it is a source of formation of deep attitudes towards a value attitude towards the world around us: people, nature, the objective world, language itself. Emotional-value attitude, chuv17
there are many verbal analogues, but first in the set of linguistic signs there is something that only then becomes a relation specific person. Language - the concentration of collective representations, identifications and alienation of the ancestors of man and his contemporaries.
In ontogenesis, appropriating the language with its historically conditioned meanings and meanings, with its relation to cultural phenomena embodied in the realities that determine human existence, the child becomes a contemporary and bearer of the culture within which the language is formed.
There are natural languages ​​(speech, facial expressions and pantomime) and artificial languages ​​(in computer science, logic, mathematics, etc.).
Non-linguistic systems of signs: signs-signs, signs-copies, autonomous signs, signs-symbols, etc.
Signs-signs - a sign, a mark, a difference, a difference, everything by which they recognize something. This is an external detection of something, designation by a sign of the presence of a particular object or phenomenon.
A sign signals about an object, a phenomenon. Signs-signs make up the content of a person's experience in life, are the simplest and primary in relation to the sign culture of a person.
In ancient times, people already identified signs-signs, which helped them navigate natural phenomena (smoke means fire;
scarlet evening dawn - tomorrow the wind; lightning Thunder). Through signs-signs expressed by external expressive manifestations of different emotional states people learned reflection from each other. Later they mastered more subtle signs-signs.
Signs-signs - richest region human culture, which is present in it not only in the sphere of objects, not only in the sphere of human relations with the world, but also in the sphere of language.
Copy signs (iconic signs - iconic signs) are reproductions that carry elements of similarity with the designated. These are the results of human visual activity - graphic and pictorial images, sculpture, photographs, diagrams, geographical and astronomical maps, etc. Copy signs reproduce in their material structure the most important sensually perceptible properties of an object - shape, color, proportions, etc.
In the tribal culture, copy signs most often depicted totem animals - a wolf, a bear, a deer, a fox, a crow, a horse, a rooster, or anthropomorphic spirits, idols. Natural elements - the sun, the moon, fire, plants, water - also have their expression in the signs-copies used in ritual actions, and then became elements of the folk art culture (ornaments in house-building, embroidery of towels, bedspreads, clothes, amulet).
A separate independent culture of iconic signs is presented by dolls, which conceal in themselves especially deep possibilities of influencing the psyche of an adult and a child.
A doll is an iconic sign of a person or animal, invented for rituals (made of wood, clay, cereal stalks, herbs, etc.).
In human culture, the doll has had many meanings.
The doll initially possessed the properties of a living person as an anthropomorphic creature and helped him as an intermediary, taking part in rituals. The ritual doll usually dressed up beautifully. The expressions remained in the language: “doll-doll” (about a dapper but stupid woman), “doll” (weasel, praise). In the language there is evidence of the possible earlier animation of the doll. We say "doll" - the doll belongs, we give the dolls a name - a sign of its exceptional position in the human world.
The doll, being originally inanimate, but identical in appearance to a person (or animal), had the ability to appropriate other people's souls, coming to life due to the death of the person himself. In this sense, the doll was a representative of black power. In Russian speech, an archaic expression remained: "It's good: before the devil is a chrysalis." The category of abuse included the expression "Damn's doll!" as a sign of danger. In modern folklore, there are many stories when a doll becomes hostile and dangerous to a person.
The doll occupies the space of the nursery gaming activity and endowed with anthropomorphic properties.
The doll is the acting character of the puppet theatre.
A doll is a symbolic sign and an anthropomorphic subject in doll therapy.
Copy signs became participants in complex magical actions when attempts were made to free themselves from the evil spells of a sorcerer, witch, demons. In the cultures of many peoples of the world, the manufacture of stuffed animals is known, which are signs-copies of frightening creatures for their ritual burning in order to free themselves from real danger. The doll has a multi-component effect on mental development.
In the process of the historical development of human culture, it is the iconic signs that have acquired an exclusive space in the visual arts.
Autonomous signs are a specific form of existence of individual signs, which is created by an individual (or group of people) according to psychological laws creative creative activity. Autonomous signs are subjectively free from the stereotypes of social expectations of representatives of the same culture as the creator. Each new direction in art was born by pioneers discovering a new vision, a new one is presented19
the reality of the real world in the system of new iconic signs and signs-symbols. Through the struggle of new meanings and meanings, the system embedded in new signs was either affirmed and accepted by culture as really necessary, or went into oblivion and became interesting only to specialists - representatives of sciences interested in tracking the history of changing sign systems21.
Signs-symbols are signs denoting the relations of peoples, strata of society or groups that affirm something. So, emblems are the distinctive signs of the state, estate, city - materially represented symbols, the images of which are located on flags, banknotes, seals, etc.
Signs-symbols include insignia (orders, medals), insignia (badges, stripes, shoulder straps, buttonholes on uniform, serving to designate the rank, type of service or department). This also includes mottos and emblems.
Among the signs-symbols are the so-called conventional signs(mathematical, astronomical, musical signs, hieroglyphs, proof marks, factory marks, brand marks, quality marks); objects of nature and man-made objects, which, in the context of the culture itself, acquired the value of an exceptional sign, reflecting the worldview of people belonging to social space this culture.
Signs-symbols appeared in the same way as other signs in the tribal culture. Totems, amulets, charms have become signs-symbols that protect a person from the dangers lurking in the outside world. Man attached symbolic meaning to everything natural, really existing.
The presence of signs-symbols in human culture is countless, they create the realities of the sign space in which a person lives, determine the specifics of a person’s mental development and the psychology of his behavior in modern society.
One of the most archaic forms of signs is totems. Totems have survived to this day among certain ethnic groups not only in Africa, Latin America, but also in the North of Russia.
In the culture of tribal beliefs, the symbolic reincarnation of a person with the help of a special symbolic means - a mask - is of particular importance.
Mask - a special overlay with the image of an animal muzzle, human face etc. worn by a person. Being a mask, the mask disguises the person's face and contributes to the creation of a new image. The reincarnation is carried out not only with a mask, but also with an appropriate costume, the elements of which are designed to “cover up traces”. Each mask has its own characteristic movements, rhythm, dances. The magic of the mask is to help identify the person20
century with the persona designated by it. The mask can be a way to put on someone else's disguises and a way to show your true qualities.
Liberation from the restraining beginning of normativity is expressed in the symbols of human laughter culture, as well as in various forms and genres of familiar-street speech (curse, swearing, oath, whim), which also take on symbolic functions.
Laughter, being a form of manifestation of human feelings, acts in human relations and as a sign. As the researcher of laughter culture M. M. Bakhtin shows, laughter is associated “with the freedom of the spirit and freedom of speech”22. Of course, such freedom appears in a person who can and wants to overcome the controlling canonization of existing signs (linguistic and non-linguistic).
Mat in indecent abuse, swearing, obscene words has a special meaning in speech culture. Swearing carries its own symbolism and reflects social prohibitions, which in different layers of culture are overcome by swearing in everyday life or are included in the culture of poetry (A. I. Polezhaev, A. S. Pushkin). The fearless, free and frank word appears in human culture not only in the meaning of lowering the other, but also in the meaning of a person’s symbolic liberation of himself from the context of the relations of the culture of social dependence. The context of swearing has meaning within the language it has accompanied in history23.
Gestures have always been of particular importance among signs-symbols.
Gestures - body movements, mainly with the hand, accompanying or replacing speech, which are specific signs. In tribal cultures, gestures were used as a language in ritual actions and for communicative purposes.
C. Darwin explained most of the gestures and expressions involuntarily used by a person by three principles: 1) the principle of useful associated habits; 2) the principle of antithesis; 3) principle direct action nervous system 24. In addition to the gestures themselves, consistent with biological nature, humanity is developing a social culture of gestures. The natural and social gestures of a person are "read" by other people, representatives of the same ethnic group, state and social circle.
Gesture culture is very specific in different peoples. So, a Cuban, a Russian and a Japanese can not only not understand each other, but also cause moral damage when trying to reflect each other's gestures. Signs of gestures within the same culture, but in different social and age groups also have their own characteristics (gestures of adolescents25, delinquents, seminary students).
Another group of structured symbols is the tattoo.
Tattoo - symbolic protective and frightening signs applied to the face and body of a person by incisions on the skin and
introducing paint into them. Tattoos are an invention of a generic person26, which retains its vitality and is widespread in various subcultures (sailors, criminal environment27, etc.). Modern youth from different countries have a fashion for tattoos of their subculture.
The language of tattoos has its own meanings and meanings. In a criminal environment, the tattoo sign shows the place of the criminal in his world: the sign can "raise" and "lower" a person, demonstrating a strictly hierarchized place in his environment.
Each era has its own symbols that reflect human ideology, worldview as a set of ideas and views, people's attitude to the world: to nature, the objective world, to each other. Symbols serve to stabilize or change social relations.
The symbols of the era, expressed in objects, reflect symbolic actions and the psychology of a person belonging to this era. So, in many cultures, an object that signifies the valor, strength, courage of a warrior, the sword, was of particular importance. Yu. M. Lotman writes: “The sword is also nothing more than an object. As a thing it can be forged or broken...but...the sword symbolizes free man and is a “sign of freedom”, it already appears as a symbol and belongs to culture”28.
The area of ​​culture is always a symbolic area. So, in its various incarnations, the sword as a symbol can be both a weapon and a symbol, but it can only become a symbol when a special sword is made for parades, which excludes practical use, actually becoming the image (iconic sign) of the weapon. The symbolic function of weapons was also reflected in the Old Russian legislation (“Russian Truth”). The compensation that the attacker had to pay to the victim was proportional not only to material, but also to moral damage:
a wound (even a severe one) inflicted by the sharp part of the sword entails less vira (penalty, compensation) than less dangerous blows with an undrawn weapon or with a sword hilt, a bowl at a feast or the back of a fist. As Yu. M. Lotman writes: “The morality of the military class is being formed, and the concept of honor is being developed. A wound inflicted by the sharp (combat) part of a cold weapon is painful, but not dishonorable. Moreover, it is even honorable, because they fight only with an equal. It is no coincidence that in the life of Western European chivalry, initiation, i.e. the transformation of the “lower” into the “higher” required a real, and later a symbolic blow with a sword. Anyone who was recognized as worthy of a wound (later - a significant blow) was simultaneously recognized as socially equal. A blow with an undrawn sword, a handle, a stick - not a weapon at all - is dishonorable, because a slave is beaten like that.
Let us recall that along with the physical reprisal against the participants of the noble movement in December 1825 (by hanging), many nobles underwent a shameful symbolic (civil) execution, when a sword was broken over their heads, after which they were exiled to hard labor and settlement.
N. G. Chernyshevsky also suffered a humiliating rite of civil execution on May 19, 1864, after which he was sent to hard labor in Kadai.
Weapons in all the versatility of their use as a symbol included in the worldview system of a certain culture shows how complex sign system culture.
Signs-symbols of a particular culture have a material expression in objects, language, etc. Signs always have a time-appropriate meaning and serve as a means of conveying deep cultural meanings. Signs-symbols, just like iconic signs, constitute the material of art.
The classification of signs into signs-copies and signs-symbols is rather conditional. These signs in many cases have a fairly pronounced reversibility. So, copy signs can acquire the meaning of a sign-symbol - a statue of the Motherland in Volgograd, in Kyiv, a statue of Liberty in New York, etc.
It is not easy to determine the specifics of signs in a new for us, so-called virtual reality, which implies a variety of "worlds", which are iconic signs and new symbols transformed by it in a new way.
The conditionality of signs-copies and signs-symbols reveals itself in the context of special signs, which are considered in science as standards.
Standard signs. In human culture, there are signs-standards of color, shape, musical sounds, oral speech. Some of these signs can be conditionally attributed to copy signs (standards of color, shape), others - to signs-symbols (notes, letters). At the same time, these signs fall under the general definition - standards.
Standards have two meanings: 1) an exemplary measure, an exemplary measuring device that serves to reproduce, store and transmit units of any quantities with the greatest accuracy (meter standard, kilogram standard); 2) measure, standard, sample for comparison.
A special place here is occupied by the so-called sensory standards.
Sensory standards are visual representations of the main