Additional manuals on the Russian language. Methodological guide to the Russian language

Name: A manual on the Russian language for applicants to universities.

The manual contains theoretical information on the Russian language and a variety of exercises on spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and style, and grammatical analysis. It will help to repeat and consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in high school.
The manual is intended for applicants to universities, teachers of the Russian language and teachers of preparatory courses at universities.

rule. In the unstressed syllable of the root, the same vowel is written as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same or the same root word. For example: try on (try on) a dress - reconcile (peace) opponents.
Note. Vowels o - and in unstressed roots of perfective verbs cannot be checked with imperfective forms for -yvat (-yvat). For example: be late (late), although being late.

Preface 5
Spelling of vowels in root 7
§ 1. Checked unstressed vowels 7
§ 2. Unverifiable unstressed vowels 9
§ 3. Alternating vowels 9
§ 4. Vowels o-e after hissing in the root 18
§ 5. Vowels s-and after c at root 20
§ 6. Letter e 20
Spelling of consonants in root 22
§ 7. Voiced and deaf consonants 22
§ 8. Double consonants 23
§ 9. Silent consonants 26
Capitalization 27
§ ten. Capital letters in proper names 27
Letters b and b 33
§ 11. The use of b and b as separators 33
§ 12. The letter ь as a sign of softness 33
§ 13. The letter ь as an indicator of grammatical form 34
Spelling prefixes 37
§ 14. Vowels ы и и «after prefixes 37
§ 15. Prefixes on zi prefix s-37
§ 16. Prefixes pre- and pre-40
Vowels after hissing and c in suffixes and endings 43
§ 17. Vowels o and e after hissing 43
§ 18. Vowels after ts 46
Spelling of nouns 49
§ 19. Endings of nouns 49
§ 20. Suffixes of nouns 53
Spelling of adjectives 62
§ 21. Endings of adjectives 62
§ 22. Suffixes of adjectives 64
Spelling compound words 74
§ 23. Connecting vowels o and e 74
Section 24. Difficult words without connecting vowels 75
§ 25. Spelling of compound nouns 77
§ 26. Spelling compound adjectives 80
Spelling of numerals 88
§ 27. Numbers quantitative, ordinal, fractional 88
Spelling of pronouns, 91
§ 28. Negative pronouns 91
§ 29. Indefinite pronouns 94
Spelling verbs 97
§ 30. Personal endings of verbs 97
§ 31. The use of the letter ь in verb forms 100
§ 32. Suffixes of verbs 103
Spelling Participles 109
§ 33. Endings and suffixes of participles 109
§ 34. Spelling not and neither participles and in verbal adjectives 114
Spelling of adverbs 125
§ 35. Vowels at the end of adverbs 125
§ 36. Adverbs for hissing 127
§ 37. Negative and indefinite adverbs 127
§ 38. Consolidated spelling adverbs 129
§ 39. Hyphenization of adverbs 137
§ 40. Separate writing of adverbs and adverbial expressions 139
Spelling of prepositions and conjunctions 150
§ 41. Prepositions 150
§ 42. Unions 152
Particle Spelling 157
§ 43. Separate and hyphenation particles, 157
§ 44. Particles not and neither 159
Spelling of interjections and onomatopoeic words 184
§ 45. Hyphen in complex interjections 187
Repetitive exercises spelling 185

Simple sentence
Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence and at a break in speech 193
§ 46. Period, question and exclamation marks, ellipsis 193
Dash between sentence members 194
§ 47. Dash between subject and predicate 194
§ 48. Dash in incomplete sentence 199
§ 49. Dash to indicate the limits of spatial, temporal, quantitative 198
Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members 200
§ 50. Homogeneous members not connected by unions 200
§ 51. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions 200
§ 52. Homogeneous members connected by non-repeating unions 203
§ 53. Homogeneous members connected by repeated unions h 205
§ 54. Homogeneous terms combined double alliances 207
§ 55. Generalizing words with homogeneous terms 208
§ 56. Comma between repeated words 215
Punctuation marks in sentences with separate members 217
§ 57. Separate definitions 217
§ 58. Separate and non-separate applications 223
§ 59. Separate circumstances 231
Section 60. Standalone add-ons 238
§ 61. Separate specifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence 238
Punctuation marks for words not grammatically related to sentence members 247
§ 62. Introductory words and sentences. Insert sentences 247
Section 63 Appeal 258
§ 64. Interjection. Affirmative, negative and interrogative-exclamatory words 259
Repetitive Punctuation Exercises in a Simple Sentence 262
Difficult sentence
§ 65. Punctuation marks in a compound sentence 265
§ 66. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence 272
§ 67. Punctuation marks with comparative turnovers with unions like, what, than, etc. n 284
§ 68. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence 294
Repetitive exercises for punctuation in a complex sentence 304
Direct speech
§ 69. Punctuation marks in direct speech 312
§ 70. Punctuation marks in quotations, in expressions taken from something alien to the author
dictionary or used in ironic 314
Repetitive spelling and punctuation exercises 318

Lexico-phraseological exercises 327
§ 71. Polysemy of the word 327
§ 72. Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms 331
§ 73. The meaning of words and expressions 341
§ 74. The use of foreign words 345
Grammar-stylistic exercises 346
§ 75, Use of forms of nouns 346
§ 76. The use of forms of adjectives 348
§ 77. The use of forms of nouns 348
§ 78. Use of pronouns 349
§ 79. Use of forms of the verb 349
Section 80 simple sentence 350
§ 81. Agreement of the predicate with the subject 352
§ 82. Harmonization of definitions and applications 353
§ 83. Some cases of management A 355
§ 84. Proposals with homogeneous members 357
§ 85. Participle turnovers 358
§ 86. Participle turns 359
§ 87. Compound sentence. 360
Appendix to the section "Grammar and stylistic exercises" 361
Repetitive exercises in vocabulary and style 382
Pronunciation questions 387
§ 88. Stress in some words and forms 387
Morphological analysis 392
§ 89. Analysis of the composition of the word 392
§ 90. Analysis by parts of speech 392
Parsing 397
§ 91. Simple sentence 397
§ 92. Compound sentence 406
Punctuation parsing 409
§ 93. Explanation of punctuation marks 409

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in organizing and executing independent work in the discipline "Literature".

The purpose of the guidelines is to assist students in organizing and performing independent work in this discipline.

Self-study functions:

Information and training;





Learning objectives:

    upbringing the formation of an idea of ​​the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; awareness of the national identity of the Russian language; mastering the culture of interethnic communication;

    further development and improvement of the ability and readiness for speech interaction and social adaptation; readiness for work, conscious choice professions; skills of self-organization and self-development; information skills;

    mastering knowledge about the Russian language as a multifunctional sign system and social phenomenon; language norm and its varieties; norms of speech behavior in various fields communication;

    mastering the skills to identify, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity; making a difference functional varieties language and model speech behavior in accordance with the tasks of communication;

application of the acquired knowledge and skills in their own speech practice; level up speech culture, spelling and punctuation literacy.

The criteria for evaluating the results of independent extracurricular work of a student are:

The level of development of the student educational material;

The level of formation of the ability to use theoretical knowledge while doing practical tasks;

Level of formation general knowledge and skills;

Formulation of material in accordance with the requirements.

Forms of control of students:

Oral and combined survey;

Verification based on written and practical work(dictations, grammar tasks, text tasks);


Systematic monitoring of the work of students in training.

Types of independent work of students:

work with primary sources (note taking and summarizing);

preparation for classes home preparation, classes in the library, work with electronic catalogs and Internet information);

preparation of messages;

work with dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias;

performance individual assignments aimed at developing students' independence and initiative;

Preparation for participation in conferences, reviews, olympiads.

The forms of independent extracurricular work and the proposed tasks are differentiated, take into account the specifics of the discipline being studied, individual characteristics students, specialty.

To create conditions successful implementation independent work of students developed methodological recommendations for the organization of extracurricular independent activity that are included in the application.

Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchenkova L.M. Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles. Textbook for 10-11 cells. general images. inst. - M., 2005.

Voiteleva T.M. Russian language and culture of speech: didactic materials: studies. allowance for stud. avg. prof. textbook establishments. - M., 2007.

Grekov V.F. Russian language. Grades 10-11: textbook. for general education institutions. - M., 2012.

Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A. Handbook for Russian language classes in high school. – M.; 1986

Deikina A.D., Pakhnova T.M. Russian language. 10-11 cells. - M., 2005.

Encyclopedia for children: T. 10: Linguistics. Russian language. - M., 1998.


Gorbachevich K.S. Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

Gorbachevich K.S. Dictionary of the difficulties of the modern Russian language. - St. Petersburg. 2003.

Graudina L.K., Itskovich V.A., Katlinskaya L.P. grammatical correctness Russian speech. Stylistic dictionary of variants. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M., 2001.

Lekant P.A. Spelling dictionary of the Russian language. Spelling, pronunciation, stress, forms. - M., 2001.

Lekant P.A., Ledeneva V.V. School orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 2005.

Lvov V.V. School orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 2004.

New orthographic dictionary- reference book of the Russian language / Ed. Ed. V.V. Burtsev. - 3rd ed., stereotyped. - M., 2002.

Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. About 60,000 words and phraseological expressions. - 25th ed., Rev. and additional /Under the general editorship. L.I. Skvortsova. - M., 2006.

Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1992.

Semenyuk A.A., Matyushina M.A. School explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M., Skvortsov L.I. Big explanatory dictionary of correct Russian speech. - M., 2005.

Skorlupovskaya E.V., Snetova G.P. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language with lexical and grammatical forms. - M., 2002.

Explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language. Linguistic changes in the late twentieth century / Ed. G.N. Sklyarevskaya. - M., 2001.

Ushakov D.N., Kryuchkov S.E. Orthographic dictionary. - M., 2006.

Through a hyphen, together or separately? Dictionary-reference book of the Russian language / Comp. V.V. Burtsev. - M., 2006.

Chesnokova L.D., Bertyakova A.N. New school spelling dictionary of the Russian language. Grammatical forms of words. Orthograms. Rules and examples / Ed. L.D. Chesnokova. - M., 2000.

Chesnokova L.D., Chesnokov S.P. School vocabulary structures and changes in the words of the Russian language. - M., 2005.

Shansky N.M. etc. School phrasebook Russian language: the meaning and origin of phrases. - M., 2000.

Shansky N.M., Bobrova T.A. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language: The origin of words. - M., 2000.

School Dictionary of Foreign Words / Ed. V.V. Ivanova - M., 2000.

Message topics

Language and its functions. Russian language in the modern world.

Language and culture.

A culture of speech. Norms of the Russian language.

Stylistics and synonymic means of language.

Russian letter and its evolution.

Writing and spelling. Principles of Russian spelling.

Russian punctuation and its purpose.

Oral and written form the existence of the Russian language and the scope of their application.

Text and its purpose. Types of texts by meaning and style.

The functioning of language sounds in the text: sound writing, anaphora, alliteration.

The word as a unit of language. Word in different levels language.

The structure of the Russian word. Methods of word formation in Russian.

Parts of speech in Russian. Principles of distribution of words by parts of speech.

The role of the phrase in the construction of a sentence.

Synonymy of simple sentences.

Synonymy of compound sentences.

The use of complex sentences in speech.

Kinds speech activity; their relationship with each other.

Dictionaries of the Russian language and the scope of their use.


Gramota.Ru: reference and information portal "Russian language"

Collection "Dictations - Russian Language" of the Russian General Educational Portal

The culture of writing

Vladimir Dahl. Electronic edition collected works - popular about first and last names

Winged words and expressions

National Corps Russian language: information and reference system

Reference Spelling Compact: Russian Spelling Guide

Basic rules of Russian grammar

Rhetoric, Russian language and culture of speech, linguoculturology: electronic linguoculturological courses

Russian Grammar: Academic Grammar of the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian phonetics: multimedia online textbook

Russian writing: the origin of writing, manuscripts, fonts

learning "Lead" - Russian language

Reference service of the Russian language

Russian language tests

Center for the Development of the Russian Language

Electronic benefits in Russian for schoolchildren


This technique can be used by both the teacher in training and students in independent work.

This method of independent work of students to eliminate gaps in knowledge and skills in the Russian language is based on the formation of their ability to independently control their spelling. This skill is formed by repeating and systematizing the previously studied material on spelling and punctuation in accordance with the requirements developed by us for the implementation of spelling and punctuation self-control.

The requirements of spelling self-control are based on the following points:

    the concept of spelling;

    identification marks spelling;

    algorithm of actions to search for spelling;

    kit graphic symbols to analyze a word for the presence of a spelling and conditions for applying the rule (for example, an accent mark, a graphic designation of morphemes, underlining of spellings);

    spelling rules;

    algorithms for applying the rules and checking the correctness of applying the rules.

The general view of the requirements that organize the work on the formation of the ability of spelling self-control, with which students work, is as follows.

For spelling self-control, you need

1. know what

a) a spelling is a place in a word (or a place that occurs when words collide), the spelling of which is not established by ear;

b) there are the following types of orthograms:

spelling letters:



Hard and soft signs;

Large (uppercase);


spelling-space (continuous or separate spelling);

dash spelling;

2. be able to find spellings using identification features:

1) for spelling-letter

a) vowels:


Hissing and c before vowels;

b) consonants:

end of word;

Confluence of consonants;

N before vowels at the end of a word;

c) hard and soft signs:

Soft sign at the end and in confluence of consonants;

Sound [th] after consonants and before e, e, u, i, and;

hissing at the end;

Tsya and - tsya [tsa] in verbs;

d) large (capital):

Beginning of a sentence or text;

Presence of own names and titles;

2) for a hyphen spelling:

Difficult words;

Prefixes something-, in-, in-;

Suffixes -something, -or, -something;

Particles, -ka;

3) for spelling-space:

Not, nor, would, same;


4) for the dash spelling:

end of line;

3. know the rules of spelling;

4. accurately apply the rules;

5. know dictionaries and reference books that "serve" spelling, and be able to use them.

The algorithm of punctuation self-control is based on

    the concept of a punctuation mark as a sign of the boundary of the semantic articulation of the text and the connection of its parts;

    the concept of a punctogram as a place in a sentence or in a text where the question should be resolved: is a punctuation mark needed or not;

    knowledge of the purpose and functions of punctuation marks in Russian written speech: division, selection and connection;

    knowledge of specific punctuation rules;

    the ability to perform full or partial punctuation analysis of a sentence, which is based on knowledge of the members of the sentence and their graphic symbol, the ability to parse a sentence, knowledge of the rules for schematization of a sentence and its parts, the skill of schematization.

The general procedure for punctuation self-control is as follows.

To check punctuation in any sentence, you need to

1. determine the purpose and intonation of the statement, see if the sign at the end of the sentence corresponds to them;

2. determine whether a simple sentence or a complex one, for this, find grammatical basis;

if the sentence is complex

a) determine the boundaries of sentences in its composition, the connections between them (composing or subordinating) and the means of their expression (composing or subordinating conjunctions or allied words, without unions using intonation), correlate with the rules for choosing punctuation marks in a compound, complex, non-union sentence;

b) if difficult sentence contains direct speech, determine where the actual direct speech is, and where the words of the author, their relative position; choose a combination of punctuation marks in accordance with the design;

3. characterize the grammatical basis, correlate with the rules for setting a dash between the subject and the predicate;

4. parse each simple sentence, including as part of a complex one, by members in order to establish the presence or absence

a) homogeneous members and generalizing words with them;

b) isolated, clarifying or affiliate members suggestions;

c) not members of the proposal ( introductory words, appeals, interjections, the words "yes" and "no", particles, unions);

d) omission of members of the sentence restored from the context, if it is incomplete; match with punctuation rules.

It is very important for punctuation self-control to analyze the sentence graphically: emphasizing the members of the sentence, schematizing the sentence as a whole or its individual parts.

The organization of independent work of students to eliminate gaps in knowledge and skills in spelling and punctuation and in the formation of self-control skills begins with the diagnosis of gaps. Each control work is used for diagnostics, and at the beginning school year the so-called entrance control is carried out in the form of a dictation or test. Dictation, test, and presentation or composition, which, provided that the teacher knows the capabilities of eachstudent, is checked differentially:

    well preparedstudentsthe teacher can put a mark and take out the number of mistakes made, indicating their type; this will allow strong students to intensify work on self-control, since most of the mistakes they make are not out of ignorance, but out of inattention;

    in the works of medium preparedstudentserrors corresponding to their type are placed in the margins opposite the line where they were made, but the place of the error in the line is not indicated. This also activates the control function, but somewhat narrows the object of searching for errors and reduces the search time required for a thorough repetition of the theory, since such students have cases of errors and due to ignorance of spelling and punctuation norms, content theoretical concepts, requirements for a particular type grammar parsing etc.;

    in poorly trainedstudents, in addition to making mistakes in the margins, the place with an error in a word, in a sentence is indicated (underlined), and sometimes the errors are corrected by the teacher, and he indicates the rule that should be mastered, since suchstudentsthe main problem is ignorance of the theory; the help of the teacher during the check gives them the opportunity to productively analyze the work performed and adjust the plan of individual work.

If the class is unfamiliar to the teacher, for example, at the beginning of the school year, the work is checked in the usual way.

Then students perform work on the errors, consisting of several stages:

    work directly on the mistakes made, which must meet the following requirements:

a) words in which spelling errors were made are written out on a line separated by commas without errors indicating the place of the spelling where the wrong choice was made and the conditions for choosing the spelling;

b) sentences in which punctuation errors were made are written out from the work in full, without abbreviations, punctuation errors are corrected, graphic justifications are made right choice punctuation marks;

c) work on speech errors is carried out in the table:

Speech mistakes made

and corrected version

    analysis of errors, identification of causes, determination of means for eliminating errors; if an error is made

a) due to ignorance of the theory, rule, etc., then one should learn the theory, rule, etc.;

b) due to ignorance of the individual nuances of a theory or rule, then you need to find material that describes these subtleties and learn it;

c) due to the inability to apply knowledge, it is necessary to develop algorithms for applying knowledge and perform exercises on the use of algorithms to the required extent;

d) due to negligence, haste in work, due to the inability to check, control yourself, then you should select exercises that require the mandatory use of self-control algorithms, and perform them in the right amount. The required volume is the volume at which the student begins to control himself automatically, without effort;

drawing up an individual plan for repeating topics, practicing spelling, punctuation and speech skills;

    implementation of an individual plan.

The teacher sets deadlines for the submission of work to be checked on individual plan.. To increase the responsibility of students for such work, the status of its assessment is stipulated: the second most important after the final control work when setting marks for the six months.

When repeating spelling and punctuation, it is very important to bring into the system all the nuances of the rule, to helpstudentsmemorize all the subtleties of spelling. To organize such work, students are offered the following procedure.

3. Create an algorithm for applying the rule to choose the spelling.

Here's what the algorithms look likestudentssome spelling rules.

1. How to choose a vowel before the suffix –l- in the form of the past tense of the verb, before –v-, -lice-, -shi- in past participles?

1. Put the verb, gerund in the infinitive (what to do? what to do?).

2. Determine which vowel comes before -th.

3. Write the same vowel in the past tense verb or in the gerund.

For example: barked, barking - barking.



How to find spelling?

For this you need

a) know that the letters w, h, w, u are called hissing;

b) see if there are hissing and c in the word, if a vowel follows them.

How to check the spelling-vowel after hissing and c?

To do this, you need to know that

a) after the hissing ones, a, y, and, e are written (not me, u, s, e), i.e. cha, scha, chu, shu, zhi, shi; exceptions: jury, pamphlet, parachute, Jules Verne, People's Daily, Shenyang, Siauliai;

b) after c

1) at the root of the word pitsutsya and, e, and not s, uh, exceptions: chicken, gypsies, tsyts, tsyknut, tiptoe, Tsysi, Tsyuryupa;

2) not in the root:

and – in nouns on –tion;

s - in the endings plural and in the suffix -yn;

3) e, e, i are never written after c.

How to check o (e) after hissing and c?

1. Determine the part of the word with spelling:

a) if at the root, pick up words with the same root, form the forms of this word and see if there is an alternation of e[o] with other sounds;

if there is, write ё;

if not, write about.


one). The spelling with o is also preserved in those cases when, when changing the form of a word or in a derivative word, the stress moves to another syllable (ramrod - ramrod).

2). O - in nouns burn, arson; ё - in the verbs burned, set on fire.

3). Evening, although evening.

four). A fluent vowel sound under stress after hissing is indicated by the letter o: scabbard - knife, princess - princess.

5). In words foreign origin it is possible to write about after hissing in an unstressed syllable: chocolate, highway. In case of doubt, such words should be checked in a dictionary.

B) If the spelling is in the suffix or in the ending, determine the part of speech:

1) for nouns, adjectives, adverbs, write o under stress, e without stress;

you need to remember: more - adverb;

suffix -ёr- (trainee, conductor, etc., but after ц it will be written about: dancer);

2) for verbs, passive participles, nouns formed from verbs and from verb forms, always write ё.

c) If the spelling is after the letter c, then you should be guided the following rules:

Under stress after q, if o is pronounced, then o is written; without stress is written e; the letter ё after q is never written;

In an unstressed syllable, o is written after ts only in the word tsokatukha (from the word "clatter") and in some foreign words, for example: palazzo (palace), scherzo (musical piece at a lively, fast pace).

For the formation of self-control skills, exercises with special tasks are required.

Options for exercises.

1. Indicate (designate) the unstressed vowels to be checked in the words.

2. Indicate (mark) the unstressed vowels to be checked in the text.

3. Test tasks:

a) indicate the line number in which all words contain an orthogram - an unstressed vowel in the root, etc.

4. Indicate the words with errors in the choice of the unstressed vowel being checked, correct the errors, justify your choice of spelling.

5. There are mistakes in the spelling of the checked unstressed vowel in the root in the text, find and correct them. Etc.

Let us give as an example a system of exercises for the formation of self-control skills of the checked unstressed vowel of the root.

Exercise number 1.

Indicate (underline) unstressed vowels in the root of the word.

Run, whiten, turn pale, boil, top, fun, party, little thing, take off, vision, city girl, kindness, unity, pay, book, brew, wrap, tie, look out, freeze, prescribe, prohibit, cancel, freeze, subside, protect, declare, strawberry, pavement, impose, reward, finally, tension, enjoy, train, invisible, renew, approval, finally, deer, get ahead, orbital, liberation, main, respond, decoration, food, winner, repeat, sable, regret, realize, blackness, woolen, chirp.

Exercise number 2.

Indicate the numbers of words in which errors were made in the spelling of an unstressed vowel in the root due to an incorrectly chosen test word.

1. Relaxation - well-coordinated; 2. grab - grasping; 3. punitive - punishment; 4. accumulate - accumulate; 5. to be late - to be late; 6. piling up - complex; 7. roll - roll; 8. ghost - to see; 9. whisper - whispers; 10. shortened - short; 11. inexorable - prays; 12. remote - distance; 13. dalina - distant; 14. pour over - pour; 15. hierarch - holy; 16. hurry task - on foot; 17. encouraged - cheerfully; 18. tragic - tragedian; 19. spare - mercilessly; 20. gifted - gives; 21. comforting - quieter; 22. to be distributed - to give; 23. screw - screw; 24. shudder - shudder; 25. open vegetables - sashes; 26. lazy - laziness; 27. live food - live; 28. copy - copy; 29. clean dirt - clean; 30. distinguish - difference; 31. locker room - undress; 32. militia - regiment; 33. crying - to sing; 34. eyes go blind - goes blind; 35. enrollment - numbers; 36. inventor - invented; 37. fear - dangerous; 38. decline - lower; 39. to live in a house - to live.

Exercise number 3.

Indicate the numbers of words in which mistakes were made in choosing an unstressed vowel at the root of the word.

1. disheveled 11. guide

2. freeze 12. move

3. darken 13. refurbished

4. short 14. repentance

5. thresh 15. scrape

6. lean 16. delectable

7. drop 17. block

8. getting decrepit 18. warming up

9. justify 19. straighten

10. break off 20. kill.

Exercise number 4.

Write down the sentences, underline the checked unstressed vowels in the roots of the words.

1. The sounds of an orchestra, the gestures of a mime, the movements of a dancer, the iridescent glass of a vase, the curves of a marble statue, the colors, the lines of a painting - all these are signs of the great language of art that connects people. (According to A. Novikov).

2. Exhausted by the flight, heavy from sea moisture, the starlings strive to where the light and heat deceptively beckon them, and in their quick flight they break their breasts against thick glass, iron and stone. (According to A. Kuprin).

3. Sometimes a gust of headwind knocked down young geese flying behind, they broke the line of formation, circled anxiously over the steppe, and the old leader, slowing down the measured flight, called them with a sharp, guttural cry. (According to V. Zakrutkin).

4. Who doesn’t like to remember how Gogol described Chichikov’s appearance, or, rather, how he refused to describe it: “... not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but it is not so that he is too young.

(According to I. Andronikov).

5. In the carts, dangling their legs, holding the reins, sit men in embroidered shirts; women in multi-colored sundresses are shaking on carts, stretching out their legs. (According to I. Sokolov - Mikitov).

6. In the place of the felled forest, wood chips turned white, among the cut branches and faded leaves, three thin birch trees with surviving tops towered. Their outlines were in good harmony with the open distances ... (According to I. Bunin).

7. The heat was still unbearable. It seemed to hang above the earth itself in a thick, heavy layer; in the dark blue sky, it seemed, some small, bright lights were spinning through the finest, almost black dust. (According to I. Turgenev).

8. Holding his breath, without flinching and without taking his eyes off the pond, he seemed to have moved into its depths and sees: first a white elbow was put out of the window, then a friendly head with shining eyes looked out and leaned on the elbow. And he sees: she shakes her head slightly, she waves, she grins ... (According to N. Gogol).

9. Something unusually wide, sweeping and heroic stretched across the steppe instead of a road; it was a gray strip, well-trodden and covered with dust, like all roads, but a few dozen fathoms wide. (According to A. Chekhov).

10. There were no more hills, and everywhere you looked, a brown, gloomy plain stretched endlessly; in some places small mounds rose on it and yesterday's rooks flew. (According to A. Chekhov).

Exercise number 5.

Rewrite, inserting the necessary letters in place of the gaps, choosing test words. After finishing, check yourself by the key.


I knew that seductive misfortune was creeping up on me, and joy roamed with me through the windy streets. How did she come, love, which I did not expect! Somehow everything was mixed up: deserted with ... dy, the sun over the sea, the joy of breathing with ... lazy fog, and growing love.

Love is ripe and flowers ... teet, and green ... m ... rsky days like days from a fairy tale. I'm looking forward to a chance meeting. For several days, my soul hurts like a thin crack, the pain that the spacious days are being replaced, like turned pages, but I don’t see it. I pass by her house. On the frozen ground, I'm looking for traces ... of her feet. I quietly touch the green shutters, the fence of the cold garden, which her hands have touched.

I cannot convey the pain and joyful sweetness of this love, when you are waiting for the inevitable costs, when the gigantic sun ... melts over the hushed winter days.

I bought a lovely shell on the boulevard. She was all covered in hard pink foam. There was a distinct sound of the surf in the sink. She yearns for the sea and everything is noisy, as in ... the moon. A person was also taken from a different, beautiful life and ... poured into this with ... horny h ... style. Each t ... rushes along his own sea, which the heart remembers. I often listen to myself and hear how love rises from my soul with obscure sweet singing.

From the ice fields, there is a faint scent of violets. D ... lins l ... press down ... like late ... l ... broken bronze bowls. In the great mountain t…tire, the sun is hot and close. It was as if the wind had blown my old soul out of me and instead of it - the mountain sun and the air of glacier ... leaves.

Love is like mountain passes. It can be seen for hundreds of miles, but not everyone is given the opportunity to approach and immerse the holy and cold and clean streams of Elbrus.

(according to K. G. Paustovsky)

Exercise number 6.

Write the text of exercise No. 5 under dictation and check yourself again, following the self-test algorithm.

Exercise number 7.

Return to the general algorithm for working on the rule, repeat it. Read the sentences carefully, acting according to the algorithm, find the words in which mistakes were made in choosing the checked unstressed at the root of the word. Choose the test words for them and write them down correctly.

The work of students constructed in such a way allows to individualize as much as possible studying proccess. Since students solve only their problems in the field of spelling, their responsibility for the result is significantly increased. It ceases to be formal current work repetition, as well as intermediate and final control. All this together contributes to an increase in the level of spelling, punctuation, and speech culture of students.

Name: Speak and write in Russian correctly.

The manual in an entertaining way sets out the most important issues of speech culture related to the normativity of speech, its euphony, expressiveness. Numerous live examples will help you easily master the lexical, grammatical, stylistic and orthoepic norms of the Russian language, that is, learn to write in Russian not only correctly, but also beautifully.
The book is addressed to schoolchildren, teachers of the Russian language, students of philology, journalists and everyone who is interested in the Russian language.

Name: Grammar of the Russian language in tables and diagrams.

The manual presents the material for the Russian language course in a concise tabular form. The manual can be used as a quick reference for working from home, as well as in preparation for exams and testing.

Download and read Grammar of the Russian language in tables and diagrams - Novice I.K.

Name: Literacy for 12 lessons - Russian language.

New system teaching practical literacy allows you to repeat, systematize and generalize knowledge of spelling and punctuation, form stable literate writing skills, create a base on the basis of which you can continue the in-depth development of the norms of Russian spelling.
The manual is intended for students in grades 8-11, applicants and everyone who wants to as soon as possible learn to write well.

Download and read Literacy in 12 lessons - Russian language - Frolova T.Ya.

Name: Intensive Course Russian language - A guide for preparing for testing and composing in rules, algorithms and cheat sheets.

The manual presents the most hard rules Russian spelling and punctuation with comments and instructions to facilitate their memorization and use. Typical speech errors are analyzed. The purpose of the authors is to help school graduates and university applicants to consolidate and improve their spelling skills and prepare for centralized testing in the Russian language. It can be used in Russian language lessons in secondary schools and gymnasiums, as well as for self-preparation for writing and testing.

Download and read Intensive Russian language course - A guide for preparing for testing and writing in rules, algorithms and cheat sheets - Issers O.S., Kuzmina N.A.

Name: Punctuation parsing of a sentence.

The textbook brought to your attention will help fill in the gaps associated with the study of punctuation.
The material of the manual is selected and grouped thematically, taking into account those typical punctuation errors which are often allowed by students.

Download and read Punctuation analysis of the sentence - Ushakova O.D.


Tutorial written in accordance with the state educational standard for secondary specialized institutions. It includes the basic concepts of the culture of speech, teaches the skills of everyday and business communication; expands the understanding of the Russian language, its capabilities; introduces the features sounding speech, with non-verbal means of communication; teaches the rules speech etiquette. For students of secondary specialized institutions.

Download and read Russian language and culture of speech - Vvedenskaya L.A., Cherkasova M.N.

Russian language and culture of speech - Maksimov V.I.

Name: Russian language and culture of speech.

The textbook in expanded form presents the theoretical material outlined by the program, has a practical orientation, teaches how to perform actions that lead to the formation of skills and abilities of business communication. Each chapter is accompanied by review questions and a list of recommended reading.
Designed for students of higher educational institutions.

Popular Quests

Task number 44
44. The truth contained in the poet's verses is striking. Already the early romantic works of the writer made an indelible impression on his contemporaries. Plyushkin's peasants are dropping like flies. Throughout the work, the thought of the future of Russia runs like a red thread. Among artistic means, we special role play comparisons. Immediately after the arrival of Bazarov, life on the name day of the Kirsanovs began to beat in full swing. Famusov does not like to do business for a long time, he has such a custom: Signed, and from the shoulders of the mountain. According to Chatsky, the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and dear to everyone.

Task number 369
369. The gossip pike chased the gossip carp. The strength and charm of the taiga is not only in giant trees. A poor shoemaker lived in a hut. I have a story Snow. He was unfailingly successful in all undertakings. Ivan Ivanovich and Burkinn were met at the house by the maid, a young woman. Most of all we gathered at Boris Muruzov, a zoologist. Vasilisa the cook sang on the black porch. Andrey's old uncle, Anton, dropped Pierre out of the carriage. Nnkolushka walked along the soft crackling forest carpet. Turgenev's peers, pupils of the school of the great poet, nourished by his poetry, we all retained in ourselves forever the charm of his genius. Pushkin, the father of Russian art, had two direct heirs Lermontov and Gogol in his word, who gave rise to a whole galaxy of us, figures of the 40s, 60s ... As a remarkably intelligent person, he did not meet his equal. Like a word artist. N.S. Leskov is quite worthy to stand next to such creators of Russian literature as L. Tolstoy and Gogol. Turgenev, Goncharov. The lieutenant-signalman was sitting with the driver. The wife of Nikolai Nikolaevich, a Frenchwoman, was no less distinguished by her humanity, kindness and simplicity. I saw Colonel Polyakov, the head of the Cossack artillery, which was playing that day important role, and together with him arrived in the abandoned village. I leisurely walked to the old tavern, an uninhabited ruined hut, and stood at the edge of a coniferous forest. The usual companions of my hunting excursions, foresters Zakhar and Maxim, live here. I am again a crockery on the Perm steamer ... Now I'm a black crockery or a kitchen man. In the Kitchen, the dear cook Ivan Ivanovich, nicknamed the Bear cub, rules. The girls, especially Katsnka, with joyful enthusiastic faces, look out the window at the slender physiognomy of Volodya getting into the carriage. The driver blew a siren, a postman girl ran out of the hollow. Her father, Platon Polovtsev, an engineer, was an old friend of my father. We, hunters, find our happiness by the fire. The second Chaadaev, my Evgeny, fearing jealous condemnations, was a pedant in his clothes and what we called fraggs. This window looked out from the room in which the young first violinist Mitya Gusev, who had just graduated from the conservatory, lived in a summer position. Frost harbinger stars appeared in the green sky.

Show the rest

Goals this manual the following: 1) to strengthen the spelling and punctuation skills of students based on the repetition of grammar and awareness of the essence of Russian spelling and punctuation; 2) to slightly expand the vocabulary of students; 3) correct the most typical deviations for students from lexico-grammatical and pronunciation norms Russian literary language.
Practical Goals manuals determined its content, structure as a whole and the construction of individual chapters. Spelling and punctuation rules, as well as included in the book brief information on vocabulary, orthoepy, grammar and style are not intended for memorization, but for reference and independent work of students. Most of this information is a repetition and generalization of what students should be familiar with from the course of the eight-year school.
From the seventh to the eleventh edition, the book was printed unchanged.
In preparation for the twelfth edition (1963), the manual was substantially revised by S. E. Kryuchkov and L. A. Cheshko. At the same time, S. E. Kryuchkov wrote new section“On the correct pronunciation”, and L. A. Cheshko - “Vocabulary (brief information)”.
Since 1963, all subsequent editions of the book have been printed unchanged.
In preparation for the present, thirty-second edition, the existing structure of the manual has been preserved. Corrections and additions have been made to the book, mainly related to the transition of the general education school to new Russian language textbooks for grades IV - VIII, the practical orientation of the manual has been strengthened, the texts have been revised and updated, the number of exercises of a complex nature has been increased, etc. The main target setting of the manual has remained the previous one: it is designed primarily for the development of solid literate writing skills in high school students.
The thirty-second edition prepared for publication (with all amendments and changes) L. A. Cheshko.

§ 1. About the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.
Russian language is National language of the great Russian people, which includes the entire set of linguistic means that Russian people use in their communication. Together with Ukrainian and Belarusian, it belongs to the group of East Slavic languages.
Supreme form Russian language is language of literature th, having a whole system of norms, in the formation and strengthening of which, their processing and polishing prominent role played by Russian writers, scientists, publicists, public figures. “The language will be created by the people,” noted A. M. Gorky. “The division of the language into literary and folk only means that we have, so to speak, a “raw” language and processed by masters.”
Standards of the literary language cover both oral and written language, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, spelling. For example, in the Russian literary language it is not customary to say “facilitate”, “means”, “tool” (it is necessary: ​​facilitate, means, tool); you should not use such words as “singer”, “to speed up”, “before” (instead of them, a rooster is used, to harrow, recently) - it is unacceptable to use such forms as “delov”, “officer”, “square”, “burn ”, “Riding pet”, “pour”, “survive”, “go” (follows: affairs, ski ^itsers, squares, burn, ride, pour, put, go) -, such phrases and sentences do not correspond to the norms, such as, for example, “note shortcomings”, “faith in victory”; “Which book I am reading is very interesting” (need: note the shortcomings; faith in victory; The book I am reading is very interesting).
Each man of culture must be proficient in both spelling and spelling (spelling, punctuation).
The presence of norms creates the unity of the Russian literary language, contributes to its general, widespread use - in school and in the press, theater and radio, documents and scientific works, fiction and in everyday communication.
USSR - multinational state in a friendly family Soviet peoples includes more than a hundred nations and nationalities. Their languages ​​develop freely and equally, mutually enriching each other. In the community of Soviet peoples, the Russian language actually became common language interethnic communication, and its role in strengthening their unity and cooperation is constantly increasing. Among the peoples of our country, the desire to master the Russian language is steadily growing. This, in particular, is clearly evidenced by the results of all-Union population censuses. So, if during the 1970 census the Russian language was named as a second language, which is fluent in 41.9 million people, then, according to the 1979 census, their number increased to 61.3 million.
The Russian language is becoming more and more international importance. It is one of the world languages, is one of the working and official languages United Nations Organization, the most important international treaties and agreements are written on it. The number of Russian language learners abroad is growing.
Back in 1920, V. I. Lenin proudly said: “Our Russian word“Council” is one of the most common, it is not even translated into other languages, but is pronounced in Russian everywhere” 1. Words reflecting Soviet reality have entered many languages ​​of the world, scientific and technological achievements Soviet people: Bolshevik, Komsomol member, subbotnik, collective farm, shock worker, five-year plan, satellite, lunnik, etc.
The power and richness of the Russian language was noted by classical writers and public figures. So, M. V. Lomonosov found in him “the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian, moreover, the richness and brevity of the Greek and Latin language, strong in the images.”
The Russian language, according to A. S. Pushkin, is “flexible and powerful in its turns and means”, “receptive and sociable in its relationship to foreign languages”, sonorous and expressive.
I. S. Turgenev called the Russian language "great, powerful, truthful and free."
The Russian language was highly valued by the classics of Marxism-Leninism. K. Marx and F. Engels studied Russian for a long time; they read in the original the works of Russian public figures, the works of outstanding Russian writers, among whom K. Marx especially valued Pushkin, Gogol and Saltykov-Shchedrin. F. Engels wrote that the Russian language "in every possible way deserves to be studied both in itself, as one of the strongest and richest of living languages, and for the sake of the literature it reveals" *.
The greatness and power of the Russian language was noted by V. I. Lenin: "... the language of Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dobrolyubov, Chernyshevsky is great and powerful" 8.
Huge cultural value Russian language, its power and greatness oblige to carefully and seriously study it.
I. As you know, the literary language, depending on where and for what it is used, is divided into a number of styles. Read and determine the stylistic affiliation of each text and motivate your answer.
Texts III and IV rewrite. Explain spelling.
I. Enterprises, organizations, institutions and citizens are obliged to compensate for losses caused by violation of the subsoil legislation, in the amount and in the manner established by law USSR and union republics. Officials and other employees, through the fault of which enterprises, organizations and institutions incurred expenses related to compensation for losses, bear liability in accordance with the established procedure.
II. From childhood, from school, a person must remember what land he was born on, remember that he has duties to this great, most beautiful land in the world, which is called the Motherland. Pona is one person. And if she is in mortal danger, he must stand up for her and stand, if necessary, to death. And he will become immortal!
Soviet patriotism is a sacred cause, the great strength of the commonwealth of all fraternal peoples our motherland!
III. But then the evening comes. 3, the rya blazed with fire and embraced (half) the sky. The sun sit down..sya. The air nearby is somehow especially transparent, as if glassy; (they gave out ... a soft steam, warm in appearance; along with the dew, a scarlet sheen falls on the glades, until recently drenched in a stream of liquid gold; long shadows ran from trees, from bushes, from tall haystacks ...
IV. Z..rya - a set of colorful light phenomena in the atmosphere at sunset or before sunrise; represents a natural change in the color of the sky, which depends on the position of the Sun relative to the horizon. When the Sun is leaning towards the horizon and there are no clouds, the sky above the horizon turns yellow or (orange) reddish, sometimes with a brown tint. This is explained by the fact that when the sun's rays travel a long oblique path in the atmosphere, blue and violet rays are attenuated due to light scattering, while the remaining rays, and at the same time the atmosphere illuminated by them, acquire a yellowish or reddish color.
V. The tropics are immediately felt... On the third day, Yasha takes the cot and goes on deck.
Out of solidarity, he went to spend the night with Yasha. Just fell asleep, it started to rain. Yasha sleeps under an awning, he at least henna. And I didn’t have enough space under the awning.
“Live for a century, learn for a century,” my neighbor said instructively and turned to the other side. - You know how nice it is when the rain drums over you.
"I know," I snapped and stumbled onto my couch.
2. Pick up one by one small text related to scientific, official business, journalistic artistic styles. Justify your choice.

(Brief information.)
The word is the most important unit of language. With the help of words, all the diverse phenomena of the world around us (objects, their signs, actions, states) are called. A word can fulfill this role because it has a certain meaning, a meaning that is called lexical meaning.
In the lexical meaning of the word, people's ideas about the essential aspects of objects, actions, signs are reflected. For example, the word pamphlet has the lexical meaning "a small book in the form of bound or stapled sheets, usually without binding"; this meaning reflects our ideas about essential features this kind of publications. The word calculate has the lexical meaning "to calculate, calculate something"; this meaning reflects our ideas about the essential features of such an action. The word lilac has the lexical meaning "light purple", "the color of lilac or violet"; this meaning reflected our ideas about the essential features of such a feature. The accuracy of word usage consists in observing the lexical norms of the Russian literary language, in the ability to use words in written and oral speech in full accordance with their established and entrenched lexical meanings in the language.
* Inaccuracies in the choice of words and speech errors are caused by the use by the writer (speaking) of words, the lexical meaning of which he either does not understand, or does not understand quite correctly. So, the word prancing means "the art of riding", for example: On the sides, dashing daring men prancing on horseback. (R.) Due to the writer’s misunderstanding of the difference in the lexical meaning of the words go, ezdshp (“move, move on something”) and prance, a lexical error was made in such a sentence: Ionych prances on a britzka with a lazy coachman on goats. "Prancing on a britzka", of course, is impossible; in A.P. Chekhov's story Shonych "it says that Dr. Startsev * .. rides on a troika with bells, and Panteleimon sits on the goats."
Often inaccurate presentation lexical errors associated with the incorrect use of foreign words. Thus, the word pleiad has the lexical meaning "group eminent figures take that-
trample someone in one era, ”for example: You can then admire the will and skill shown in early XIX century the main galaxy of Russian sailors around the world. (TS) This word is completely unjustifiably used in such a sentence: In the galaxy of images of landowners, Plyushkin is especially terrible (instead of the word pleiad, for example, the word gallery could be used here - “a long row of something”).
Mistakes often lead to lack of distinction meaning writer single-root words. So, the word capital has the meaning “containing the title”, “pointing to the character whose name the play, opera, film, etc. is named”, for example: I was entrusted with the title role in a new production - in Don Quixote (II Cherkasov). The use of the word capital in the meaning of “main, main, most important” violates the lexical norms of the Russian literary language, for example: The title role in the comedy “The Inspector General” undoubtedly belongs to Khlestakov (the word main should have been used).
When choosing a word, it is necessary to take into account its possible compatibility with other words that has developed in the language. So, the word lion in the meaning of “the biggest, best” is combined only with the word share, for example: technical materials we found on the spot. (V. Azh.) Violation lexical compatibility this word is allowed in the following sentence: The landowners appropriated the lion's share of the income of the peasants (it was necessary to use the word big instead of the word lion, or, better, replace the word part with the word share).
Finally, verbal shortcomings associated with an inaccurate understanding of the lexical meanings of words include verbosity - the use of superfluous words that do not supplement what is already expressed in other words. For example, in the sentence Pavka first met Tonya by chance extra word is the word for the first time, since the verb to get acquainted already means "to make acquaintance." Wed in N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls": Immediately [at the "house party"] he met the governor [Chichikov| with the very courteous and courteous landowner Manilov and the clumsy-looking Sobakevich...
In order to use words accurately, one must know their lexical meaning well and, when in doubt, refer to reference books, primarily to explanatory dictionaries Russian language (see 5; 10).
3. Read and say what the underlined words mean. Rewrite, indicating in brackets the lexical meaning of these words. Which of these spellings can be verified. which ones are unverifiable?
1) Let him remain in the same place for now, and in the meantime we will have time to look for a suitable successor. (M.-S.) 2) So appeared in her [Mushi! life id, to which from that day she strove with all the forces of a persistent and stubborn soul. (Pol.) 3) I climbed a mountain and sat there, looking down at the boundless mighty sea. (M. G.)
4) To be well-worn friends, you need to be sure. nym in each other. (L. T.) 5) Pushkin and Gogol were modern .. nicknames. (TS) 6) Veterans of war and labor enjoy well-deserved respect in our country. (Gas.)
4. Rewrite, inserting instead of points the words you need in meaning and explaining (orally) their meaning.
I. 1) Laugh ... with laughter. Transfer ... disease (contagious,
contagious). 2) He was a retarded man Get sick ...
tuberculosis (bone, inert). 3) Have... intentions. Possess ... character (hidden, secretive). 4) ... master .... silk (artificial, skillful). 5).. woman.... word
(offensive, offended). 6) Stand in ... pose. Take ... measures against violators of discipline (effective, spectacular).
II. I) To observe... the development of the plant. Go ahead...
(process, procession). 2) Fight for technical ................. Solve
tasks on ... (progression, progress). 3) To turn out to be an ill-mannered person It is not enough to read, to be .. (ignorant, ignorant). 4) Take
... over the school. Participate in the torchlight ... (patronage, procession).
5) Say ... in honor of someone. Leave to rest in ... (health resort, toast). 6) The writer Turgenev spoke about tragic fate... Gerasim. Troyekurov was cruel. . (fortress, serf). 7) An experienced person works in the hospital .... The play displays a negative ... (character, staff).
III. I) It has become .... The lilac has begun ... (bloom, dawn). 2) ... child .... boots and galoshes (to put on, put on). 3) ... a bad worker .... different colors (mix, shift). 4).. to the top of the mountain.... to the classroom (enter, ascend).
5. Read. Indicate what lexical errors were made. Make the necessary corrections and rewrite.
1) Reading the "Young Guard", we, young men and women who did not know the war, see how our contemporaries fought heroically against the invaders. 2) The plot of patriotism runs through the whole novel.
3) Both plot lines, personal and public, develop in a comedy in parallel, mutually intersecting. 4) At the time of his stay in the south, Pushkin writes romantic works. 5) Very early I realized that biology is a fascinating science. 6) At first, a double impression is formed about Manilov. 7) At first glance, it may even seem very wonderful person. 8) The author solves in a new way the question of the place of the poet in life, of the citizenship of poetry. 9) The most gifted works were created by the writer already in the post-revolutionary years. 10) The sudden departure of Khlestakov and the news of the arrival of this auditor lead the officials to a stupor. 11) It is impossible to treat various Chichikovs, Plyushkins and Nozdrevs without angry indignation. 12) Reading classical Russian literature enriches people's horizons. 13) Dialects are found not only in the language of the heroes of the story, but also in the speech of the author himself.
A word can have more than one meaning. So, the word sickle has the following meanings: 1) “a hand-held agricultural tool in the form of a strongly curved, finely serrated knife for cutting cereals”, for example: Ears in a field under the sickles lie in yellow rows. (L.); 2) “what has the form of such an object”, for example: The sickle of the moon looks into the gaps of the clouds with sadness and quiet looks. (Boon.) The word melt has the meanings: 1) “turn into water under the influence of heat”, for example: The snow is already melting, streams are running. (Tyutch.); 2) “lose weight, wither”, for example: Kuznetsova’s girl, Fek-pusha, was melting every day. (Ch.); 3) “disappear, gradually dissipating in the air”, for example: Clouds are melting in the sky. (Tyutch.);
4) “decrease in quantity, number, volume”, for example: French troops evenly melted in a mathematically correct progression. (L.T.) The word gray-haired has the meanings: 1) "white, silvery" (about hair), for example: His short-haired White hair cast a dark sheen. (T.); 2) “grayish-white, whitish”, for example: Over the gray plain of the sea, the wind collects clouds. (M. G.); 3) “related to the distant past”, for example: Gray centuries pass without a trace over a silent country. (Seraph.)
The presence of several interconnected meanings in a word is called ambiguity. It is possible because phenomena usually have certain meanings. general properties, signs, which allows using the same word to name such phenomena.
A polysemantic word has a direct and figurative meaning. The direct meaning directly indicates the phenomena of the world around us and is not motivated by other meanings of this word. The figurative meaning is connected with the direct meaning and is motivated by it. So, the word g "ucha has a direct meaning -" big cloud threatening with rain, snow, hail”, for example: The cloud turned into a white tuna, which rose heavily, grew and gradually hugged the sky. (P.) The same word also has figurative meanings: 1) “a thick, moving mass, a lot of something”, for example: With a whistle, a cloud of arrows soared ... (P.); 2) "something threatening, gloomy", for example. Again the clouds above me gathered in silence. (P.)
In the words sickle, melt, gray-haired, the first of the listed meanings are direct, the rest are figurative.
The ambiguity of a word, its ability to be used in figurative meanings is widely used by writers and publicists as stylistic device, enhancing the figurativeness of speech, allowing to present the described phenomena more vividly and clearly, for example: I) Silver light fell on the floor through large windows full month. (L.T.) 2) The river spread out. Flows, sad lazily and washes the shore. (A. B.) 3) The breaking dawn illuminates the streams of people rushing to the factory gates. Strong, confident tread of the creators, united by a single goal. (Gas.)
For greater expressiveness of speech, authors can also deliberately compare, collide different meanings of words, for example: 1) In the evening I have an evening. Come. (Ch.) 2) From the school class to the working class (about students who immediately after graduating from high school went into production). (Gas.) 3) Only one upsets to tears: the heart is for the summer, gody. - in the cold. (Drunina.)
This technique of explicit or implicit comparison of direct and figurative meanings of words is often used in the titles of works, for example: “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev, “Thunderstorm” by A. N. Ostrovsky, “Cliff” by I. A. Goncharov, “ Resurrection” by D. N. Tolstoy.
In some cases, however, not well thought out construction of sentences can lead to undesirable ambiguity, ambiguity in the use of a polysemantic word, lead to difficulties in understanding the meaning of the statement, for example: In the museum, the excursionists were shown old canvases (fabrics or paintings?). Such an insufficiently clear use of ambiguous words is undesirable.
6. Read. Compare in each group lexical meanings highlighted words. Which of the meanings is direct, which is figurative? What are the general properties different items, signs or actions allow you to call them in one word?
1) Steel needle - pine needle. 2) The seashore is a sea of ​​flags.
3) Bronze coin - bronze tan. 4) The wolf howls - the storm howls. 5) Ironing clothes - ironing hair. 6) The sole of the shoes is the sole of the mountain. 7) A bright audience is an attentive audience. 8) Work in production - hand over work. 9) Read Chekhov - Chekhov's works. 10) Rifle bayonet - a detachment of a thousand bayonets.
7. Read. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words. Which of them are used directly, which - in figurative meaning? Rewrite. Explain spelling.
1) G..rit east z..reyu new. 2) It used to be that he was still in bed: they carried notes to him. What? Invitations? In fact, three houses are calling for the evening. 3) Homer, Theocritus; for (then) read Adam Smith, and was a deep economy. 4) The edges of Moscow, my native lands, where in the dawn of blooming years I spent golden hours of carelessness, (not) knowing sorrows and troubles. 5) Blaze, fireplace, in my desert cell. 6) The whole village runs towards him, everyone congratulates him warmly. 7) He ... won incessantly, and raked in gold for himself, and put banknotes in his pocket. 8) But the waves were still full of triumph of victory. 9) Fur coats and raincoats flashed past the stately porter.
(A. S. Pushkin.)
8. Read. Specify the purposes for which they are used polysemantic words. Rewrite with missing punctuation marks. Explain their use.
1) I call it (a story! Great because it really comes out great, that is, big and long. (Ch.) 2) With this story
there was a story told to us by Stepan Ivanovich Kurochka, who came from Gadyach. (G.) 3) In the cab, the moon is so young that it is risky to release it without satellites. (Lighthouse.) 4) I went to the market and began to present local residents photograph from Lermontov's drawing. Very soon I achieved significant results: I turned the market into a real market. (I. Andr.) 5) Mayakovsky, your poems (ng) excite (do not) warm (do not) charge.. - And \ he verses (not) the sea (not) the stove and (not) the plague. (Kassil.)
9. Read. Indicate whether the highlighted words are used in a direct or figurative sense, for what purposes they are used by the authors. Rewrite sentences 5 - II, placing the missing punctuation marks. Explain their use.
1) Copper quietly pours from maple leaves. (Ec.) 2) My head flies around, the golden hair bush fades. (Ec.) 3) A three-blizzard broke out. (Ec.) 4) Buran utnkh. All Aktyubinsk was in a hurry to work. (I. Apdr.) 5) Has our mountain ash burned out (was it crumbling under a white window? (Ec.) 6) You can only hear along the street where (then) the accordion wanders alone. (Isak.) 7) I was traveling from Berlin on a passing board. (Tvard.) 8) Suddenly, the driver threw out a signal around the corner, the driver slows down: Sit down infantry. Cheeks would be rubbed with snow. (Tvard.) 9) Black tailcoats flashed and rushed apart and in heaps here and there like flies rush on a white shining refined sugar during the hot July summer when the old housekeeper cuts and divides it into sparkling fragments before open window. (G.) 10) Two and a half thousand sabers (that is) only three regiments approached Tambov. (Fed.) 11) Why (same) are two artificial coats shared by the whole car with impressions of yesterday's party and the day before yesterday's revision? (Gas.)