Examples of speech stamps in Russian. Speech stamps and the problem of expressiveness in artistic and journalistic styles

Phraseological character is also widely used in all styles of modern speech literary language set phrases: join the fight, stand up for defense, enjoy confidence, expose to fire, etc.

Speech unification - choosing one option from several possible ways the transfer of the same information, the establishment and application of rules for constructing proposals for certain models.

The issue of clichés in speech is associated with a well-known contradiction. On the one hand, speakers and writers are urged to abandon cliches, and on the other hand, they are actually urged to use some kind of stamp fixed in speech practice, noticing that this is an established phrase. And the second is quite understandable: the standards are convenient for both the writer (the speaker) and the reader (the listener). We are satisfied with the easy reproducibility of ready-made speech formulas, a certain automation of the speech process, and facilitating communication between team members. Of particular note is the saving of effort and time - one of the important principles speech practice, which manifests itself not only in material savings, but also in saving mental activity. Therefore, it is quite natural to use speech standards (stereotypes, clichés). The use of ready-made formulas is officially business speech justified by the tradition and convenience of formalizing business papers.

But it is necessary to distinguish between speech clichés (stereotypes, standards) and chanceries (clericalisms), although it can be the same word or a combination of words. In an official business style of speech, the use of speech clichés is justified and often mandatory. AT colloquial style there is no need to use pre-prepared phrases, as this can be perceived negatively. For example, the expression "I hereby bring to your attention..." is common and convenient in business documents, but completely out of place in a conversation between two friends. The first one is vocabulary. formal business style, in the second - the clerk. The concept of "clerk" was introduced by K. Chukovsky. Offices are words and expressions of official business speech used outside of it. woodlands, bakery products, hats, retail outlets and others similar expressions clearly inappropriate both in conversation and in work of art and in journalism. But in official business speech they are expedient and necessary. Business speech needs common names and strives for them. The basic law of stylistics is relevance and expediency, therefore, in a business style of speech, the excessive use of clerical stamps, words and phrases that have lost their meaning is also undesirable.

K. Chukovsky more than once cited examples of the clogging of the literary language with clericalism. He wrote about this: “5 course of details”, “along the line of development” and “reflection of the moment” - such a replacement human words stationery still does not cause indignation in me, since this is a temporary, transient matter. The Russian language is so strong that it happened to overcome even less deformities.” In the book “Living Like Life”, K. Chukovsky says: “I remember how A. Gorky laughed when the former senator, a respectable old man, who assured him that he could translate “from 10 languages”, brought such a translation of the romantic fairy tales: "For lack of a red rose, my life will be broken." Gorky pointed out that office turnover"for lack of" is out of place in a romantic fairy tale. The old man agreed and wrote in a different way: “Due to the absence of a red rose, my life will be broken,” which proved his complete unsuitability for translating romantic tales. He translated the entire text in this style: “I need a red rose, and I will get one for myself ... As for my heart, it is given to the prince.”

It is necessary to distinguish between speech stamps and speech clichés. A speech cliché is a ready-made stable form: it is hereby brought to your attention; hold cultural events; pay attention to; promote development; solving current issues, etc. These standard formulas, which have long come into use, are convenient for processing business papers.

Speech stamps are hackneyed expressions that have lost their exact, specific meaning and imagery from frequent use: to be always on the lookout; lifelong roads; black gold, etc. Initially, such stable turns of speech were new and sounded emotional, but rather quickly turned into meaningless clichés.

Use speech stamps and clericalism entails numerous stylistic errors, For example:
Why don't you use the elevator? Just go outside the gate, you will immediately see a green array. What activities are you taking to activate the bite? (From the conversation of the fishermen.)
What are you crying about, baby?

Often derivative prepositions are used incorrectly in the case, in part, along the line, etc. For example:
The work of the head of the kindergarten in terms of taking children to the country house has been done extremely large.

When it comes to raising young...

Inappropriately used speech stamp we have: We have a lack of well-established accounting.

A dry, clerical tone is given to speech by the accumulation of verbal nouns ending in -enie, -anie, -utie, -etie: We must raise the question of educating the population in improving attitudes towards greening the city. This short sentence has five verbal nouns piled up in genitive case. This is unacceptable even for an official business style of speech.

Stationery stamps should not litter the live colloquial speech. And you don't have to congratulate progress, correct existing errors, consider proposals received, because it is pointless to congratulate on successes that have not been achieved, correct errors that are not there, or consider proposals not received.

The use of speech stamps is usually associated with the influence of the official business style. Words and expressions with erased semantics and faded semantics are becoming speech stamps. emotional coloring. So, in a variety of contexts, it begins to be used in figurative meaning expression to get a residence permit (Each ball that flies into the goal net receives a permanent residence permit in the tables; Petrovsky's Muse has a permanent residence permit in the hearts; Aphrodite has entered the permanent exhibition of the museum - now it is registered in our city).

Anything frequently repeated can become a stamp speech medium, for example, stereotyped metaphors, definitions that have lost their figurative power due to constant reference to them, even hackneyed rhymes (tears are roses). However, in practical style the term "speech stamp" received more narrow meaning: this is the name of stereotypical expressions that have a clerical coloring.

Among the speech stamps that arose as a result of the influence of the official business style on other styles, one can first of all single out template turnovers speech: on this stage, in this segment time, to date, emphasized with all the poignancy, etc. As a rule, they do not contribute anything to the content of the statement, but only clog up the speech: At this period of time, a difficult situation has developed with the liquidation of debts to supplier enterprises; Currently, the payment is taken under unremitting control wages miners; At this stage, the crucian spawning is normal, etc. Deleting the highlighted words will not change anything in the information.

Speech stamps also include universal words that are used in a wide variety of, often too wide, undefined values(question, event, series, conduct, deploy, separate, specific, etc.). For example, a noun question, speaking like universal word, never indicates what is being asked (Especially importance have nutritional issues in the first 10-12 days; great attention deserve the issues of timely collection of tax from enterprises and commercial structures). In such cases, it can be painlessly excluded from the text (cf .: Nutrition in the first 10-12 days is especially important; It is necessary to collect taxes from enterprises and commercial structures in a timely manner).

The word appear, as universal, is also often superfluous; this can be seen by comparing two wordings of sentences from newspaper articles:

The unjustified use of linking verbs is one of the most common stylistic flaws in special literature. However, this does not mean that linking verbs should be banned.

Speech stamps include paired words, or satellite words; the use of one of them necessarily suggests the use of the other (cf .: the event is carried out, the scope is wide, criticism is sharp, the problem is unresolved, overdue, etc.). The definitions in these pairs are lexically defective, they give rise to speech redundancy.

Speech stamps, relieving the speaker from the need to look for the right, exact words, deprive the speech of specificity. For example: The current season was held at a high organizational level - this sentence can be inserted into the report on hay harvesting, and on sports competitions, and on the preparation housing stock to winter, and the grape harvest ...

The set of speech stamps changes over the years: some are gradually forgotten, others become "fashionable", so it is impossible to list and describe all the cases of their use. It is important to understand the essence of this phenomenon and prevent the emergence and spread of stamps.

Language standards should be distinguished from speech stamps. Language standards are ready-made, reproducible in speech means of expression used in a journalistic style. Unlike the stamp, "the standard ... does not call negative attitude, as it has a clear semantics and economically expresses a thought, contributing to the speed of information transfer. To language standards include, for example, such combinations that have become sustainable: Workers public sector, employment service, international humanitarian aid, commercial structures, law enforcement agencies, branches Russian authorities, according to information from informed sources, - phrases such as household services (nutrition, health, recreation, etc.). These speech units are widely used by journalists, since it is impossible to invent new means of expression in each specific case.

Accumulation of verbal nouns, chains of the same case forms, speech stamps firmly “block” the perception of such statements that cannot be comprehended. Our journalism has successfully overcome this "style", and it "decorates" only the speech of individual speakers and officials in public institutions. However, while they are in their leadership positions, the problem of combating clericalism and speech stamps has not lost its relevance.

"around" + φράσις “statement”) is an indirect, descriptive designation of an object based on the selection of any of its qualities, features, features, for example, “ blue planet " instead of "Earth", " one-armed bandit” instead of “slot machine”, etc.

Paraphrase classifications

Although some researchers consider paraphrase as a type of trope, not everyone agrees with this position. According to I. B. Golub, only figurative periphrases that are metaphorical in nature should be classified as paths, while non-figurative periphrases (other authors call them “logical”), in which direct meaning the words that form them are not tropes. For example, from two paraphrases denoting A. S. Pushkin - “ the sun of Russian poetry" and "a author of "Eugene Onegin"”- only the first is figurative.

The indicated division is close to the division of periphrases by way of education into metaphorical and metonymic. The criterion for separation is the use of one or more words that make up the paraphrase in a figurative sense. Comparing two well-established paraphrases - " stationery rat" (official) and " sea ​​worker"(fisherman), - you can see that only the first of them refers to metaphorical ones, since the word" rat "is used in figuratively, while in the second both nouns are used in their basic meaning.

By frequency of use periphrases can be divided into individual author's and general language, firmly established in the lexicon, such as, for example, " weaker sex», « our little brothers», « people in white coats», « the country rising sun », « third Rome". In a number of cases, one can trace the literary roots of general language paraphrases. So, thanks to A. S. Pushkin, such paraphrases as “ copper saddle ik" (monument to Peter I on Senate Square), « admiralty needle"(spire of the Admiralty building in St. Petersburg)," semi-dominant ruler"(A. D. Menshikov), etc.

By the presence or absence of the paraphrased word in the text paraphrases are divided into dependent and independent. So, in the lines of A. S. Pushkin “Meanwhile, the moon floats in the azure skies, the queen of the night” paraphrase “ queen of the night”is explained by the main word “moon”. Often, a dependent paraphrase requires mandatory disclosure: the heading of the article “ Moscow director responded to criticism in his address "does not give an understanding of whom exactly in question- this requires deciphering the paraphrase in the text. Independent paraphrases that do not have such explanations require intellectual efforts and a certain outlook from the reader or listener. For example, the paraphrase used in G. R. Derzhavin's poem "My idol" art by Praxiteles"can be correctly understood only if the reader knows that Praxiteles was an ancient Greek sculptor, which means that the author means sculpture, the art of sculpture.

The use of paraphrases

Paraphrases in literary speech serve as a means artistic expressiveness. They were most commonly used in the 18th - early XIX centuries, when simple words were considered unpoetic. So, M. V. Lomonosov uses numerous paraphrases in his poems: “ beautiful luminary " (The sun), " thundering thunderbolts" (lightning), " namesake Grandfather and Vnu k "(Ivan III and Ivan IV), etc. In the poem "In front of the tomb of the saint" A. S. Pushkin never names M. I. Kutuzov, but describes him in a detailed paraphrase:

Sleeping under them this lord,
This idol of the northern squads,
The venerable guardian of the sovereign country,
Subduer of all her enemies,
This rest of the glorious flock
Catherine's Eagles.

- A. S. Pushkin, "In front of the tomb of the saint", 1831

In affective speech (oratory, colloquial), the paraphrase serves to enhance the impact of the statement on the addressee: “enough wag your tongue!" (instead of "talking"), "look what they say scribbled scribblers(journalists).

Both in artistic and in business speech, periphrases allow you to avoid repetition. For example, in the text of a scientific review: “The work of I. Ivanov leaves good impression. young scientist able to show... Author of the work asserts..."

Since periphrases, as a rule, concentrate on any one sign, they may contain an assessment of the designated object. So, in a magazine article about animals, the word lion can be replaced by a neutral paraphrase (“ member of the cat family”), negative (“ ruthless African predator"") or positive (" lord of the savannah», « king of beasts», « majestic animal"). Thus, periphrases can carry both ameliorative (praising, positively evaluative) and pejorative (negatively evaluative) functions. This property of paraphrases is actively used in journalism, socio-political speech.

In official business speech, paraphrases can be used in order to avoid direct naming of an object, event or to give it a neutral character: “the police stopped the riots"," according to the application measures taken».

In addition, paraphrases can act as a euphemism: " put yourself in the worst light"(to disgrace)," ease your nose"(blow your nose) or dysphemism:" stuff your belly"(eat)," turn up one's face» (refuse).

Paraphrases of famous people

Numerous stable paraphrases of well-known historical figures. Yes, polls show a high degree recognition of such paraphrases as:

  • father of Russian aviation(N. E. Zhukovsky),
  • father of Russian radio(A. S. Popov),
  • father of Russian cosmonautics(K. E. Tsiolkovsky),
  • founder of the Russian theater(F. G. Volkov),
  • great kobzar(T. G. Shevchenko),
  • leader of the world proletariat (

Stamps- phrases that, due to mass thoughtless use, have lost their individuality and semantic load. Such words and expressions are constantly used in the media, on the Internet, in everyday life and in business, etc. Stamps and clichés make writing and oral speech uninformative.

Usually, stamps consist of two or three words, and their meaning can be expressed in one word ( win - win).

Cliche- copied ready-made turns, often never used in "live" speech, bureaucratized, slowing down the reading process.

Example: required to prove the summit, our own correspondent reports.

Stamps and cliches are often used out of habit, without thinking about their meaning. Sometimes from the first reading it seems that the meaning of the stamp is clear. But what exactly the author wanted to say remains unclear ( “We have decided not to renew our contract with them in the light of latest news, because they have very disappointing results in annual reports» ). Only general intonation is captured, but no specifics. A person does not receive accurate information, he begins to think.

Here is an example of real text from the site, which consists almost entirely of stamps and clichés: “We strive to be the best of the best, so in our work we use only high quality materials and apply modern technologies . Competent, professional, individual approach to the implementation of the project, as well as the correctness and clarity of actions of all specialists of the company allow us to fulfill all construction works actually high level and on time” (stamps and clichés in italics).

Examples of the most common cliches and stamps

  • "Rich hands-on experience"
  • "Your profit will increase"
  • "Leading Producer"
  • "Mutually beneficial cooperation"
  • "Comprehensive Assistance"
  • "You will be pleasantly surprised"
  • "Favorable conditions (prices)"
  • "High professional level"
  • "High quality service"
  • "Highly professional work"
  • "Guaranteed result"
  • "High Quality Guarantee"
  • "Flexible system of discounts"
  • "Dynamically growing company"
  • "Significant Results"
  • "Individual features of your business"
  • "Individual approach to each client"
  • "Qualified Help"
  • "Team of professionals"
  • "Package of services"
  • "An integrated approach to solving problems"
  • "The shortest time to achieve results"
  • "Creativity of thinking"
  • "Market Leader"
  • "Loyal tariff policy"
  • "Best Specialists"
  • "The best conditions for cooperation"
  • "Best Solution"
  • "Maximum Effect"
  • "We will take care of your problems"
  • "We will fulfill any of your orders"
  • "We know a lot about_"
  • "We work for the people"
  • "We will satisfy even the most demanding customer"

How clichés and clichés degrade the quality of the text and hinder its promotion

The task of the text on the site is to attract a potential client. If the text is filled with cliches and clichés that are not specific, the user will not receive the information he needs (only a set of standard phrases) and will not perform the action that is expected of him. The text loses its value, and the site - the trust of users and positions in search engines.

Such words and expressions “blurred” to the eye do not carry specifics. Cliches and clichés do not convey useful (necessary, meaningful) information to readers, they do not distinguish a company (brand, product, service) from others.

Masim Ilyakhov, creator of the Glavred service (Fig. 1) says that " set expressions are dangerous because they are not informative. Find them, remove them and reveal the lost meaning”; "Corporate stamps are bad because the reader perceives them as noise." He gives several illustrative examples.

Rice. 1. Service Glavred.ru

Due to the frequent use of cliches and clichés, stylistic errors appear in the texts. Examples: "We have a lack of well-established production" or "Why don't you use the services of an escalator?" etc.

Search engines are able to identify stable words and expressions on the site. As a result, the positions of the site (which contains stamps) in the search results are falling.

Sometimes, in order to "revive" the text, they try to describe events vividly, pretentiously. Trying by all means to avoid the use of clichés and clichés, others use Difficult words and turnovers. As a result, the text is not simplified, but, on the contrary, becomes more complicated.

2. If you have time and desire, look at least the first 10-12 pages of Nora Gal's book "The Word is Living and Dead: from the Little Prince to the Ship of Fools".

3. Instead of stamps, insert specific facts and figures and facts.

Instead of “We have a transparent tariff system” write “We have two tariffs: for companies and individual entrepreneurs» ; instead of "We offer a full range of web design services" - "We create websites and online stores" etc. Replace "hackneyed" words and expressions exact numbers and facts. For example, instead of words "we have the most low prices» Specify specific numbers so that you can compare. Instead of "customers are happy with us" place real reviews your buyers. Instead of "the widest range" tell us about your products / services, etc.

4. Try to replace the phrase with one in simple words(without delay - immediately; from small to large - everything; in in general terms- all in all). The same applies to bureaucratic established expressions. For example: "hosiery", "souvenirs" replace with: "stockings and socks», "souvenirs" etc.

5. Replace verbal nouns with endings -enie, -ani e (guaranteeing, providing, creating, placing, informing, attracting, testing, considering, receiving, facilitating) into completed action verbs with endings –at, -it b, -ut(guarantee, provide, create, host, inform, engage, test, review, receive, promote, etc.).

SPEECH STAMP, functional and stylistic means selected by the language team ( set phrase), which for one reason or another is “convenient” or even obligatory for the implementation of certain communication tasks. In their form, speech clichés can correlate (or even coincide) with stereotypes, clichés, quotations, proverbs, and other phenomena of this communicative field. The peculiarity of the stamp is not formal, but functional: stamps do not participate in linguistic manipulation or language game, and also do not create - unlike quotes and so on. – additional social meaning. Sources of speech stamps can be different. These may be structural borrowings from a language where a particular functional style has evolved into more: this is how some cliches of Russian business speech arose, adopted from the Polish-Belarusian zone, which in turn was guided by Latin samples. These can be standard samples that have developed in the process of communication, for example, appeals and farewell formulas in business letters and telegrams. This kind of speech stamps can be subject to diachronic changes, for example, address Your Majesty fell into disuse, but became the norm Dear...(which was considered unacceptable even before the Second World War: it was normative Dear).

When analyzing the use of speech stamps, it is necessary to take into account their typological differences in the national language plan. For example, in English and French business stamp when contacting unfamiliar person includes the "dear" component (dear, cher); in Russian for the use of the word expensive a greater degree of intimacy with the recipient is required . Finally, these can be metaphorical turns of “non-stamped” speech, which at the first moment were attractive precisely because of their freshness, and then turned into clichés (for example, presidential race instead of election campaign). Elements of oral communication can also be considered a stamp, for example, I remind you of the rules instead of It's time to finish etc.

Speech stamps can be considered not only used in certain functional styles speech fragments, but also themselves structural models the use of certain speech units. For example, if we are talking about St. Petersburg, then after direct naming, the next one will be city ​​on the Neva or northern capital . So, it gradually became a common newspaper stamp to make allusive and less and less informative headlines, using famous quotes, words from past hits, etc. For example, "Lord of Sleepy Flies" is a title containing an inappropriate allusion to the title of W. Golding's novel: the article tells about the victory of CSKA in a basketball match. Or: "The brain drain continues" - the article is not about the departure of scientists abroad, but about the operation of extracting the pituitary gland from the dead. In many cases, this style of “playing” with headlines is either inappropriate or uninformative: for example, on the night of the transfer of power from Milosevic to Kostunica, when the outcome was still unclear, Izvestia’s editorial was headlined “The Serb and the Hammer.” Two headlines of articles about the same event in different newspapers can serve as an example of low information content: “Mermaids found a treasure at the bottom” and “Drummer Duet” about the victory of Russian swimmers in pair swimming.

The active interest of society in stamps that perform functionally significant installations is expressed in the need to change speech stamps as social evolution. A changing speech stamp can be considered, for example, a system of the sequence of first name, patronymic and last name on envelopes - Sergeev A.B. instead of the old and "intelligent" one: A.B. Sergeev.

The main areas of functioning of speech stamps are administrative and newspaper and journalistic (including all means of mass media). At the same time, if for administrative sphere the use and knowledge of the appropriate stamps is rather a convenient and effortless means of a simple unambiguous communicative exchange, then the sphere of mass media and journalism should be wary of the increase in speech stamps in their texts. The desire to minimize communicative efforts, which brings to life the use of clichés, leads to clogging everything with them. more texts and their rapid dissemination in the appropriate environment. So, for example, in Soviet time the stamp began to spread rapidly: “adjective + gold»: cotton = White gold, oil = black gold etc. Even a word-formation model can become a stamp, for example, a construction with... Inca: with a cunning, with a cunning, with a chuckle etc. At one time, the use of the adverb became a stamp somewhere: I'm outraged somewhere etc. Theoretically, the question of whether the use of a single word can be considered a stamp, for example exciting.

The functionality that determines the use of a stamp, in turn, is related to the givenness of communicative situations: the permissible use of a stamp in one situation turns out to be unacceptable in another. So, in A. Galich's phrase And my wife, comrade Paramonova, at that time she was abroad the use of official cliches in everyday speech is ridiculed. Infection with speech patterns often entails the inability of native speakers to express their true thoughts and feelings, which in turn becomes artistic device– already on the verge of another stamp. For newspaper readers and news listeners, the abundance of clichés leads to a loss of information content.

Although theoretically the term "stamp" is difficult to separate from the "stereotype", "cliché", "phraseologism", etc., it is this term that in everyday life often carries negative evaluation: speaking in clichés is bad. The desire to avoid stamps to a certain extent counteracts the tendency to minimize communication efforts, which brings to life the use of stamps; thus, in communication, the optimal balance between “free” turns and clichés is constantly being groped for.