Social and school maladjustment in pedagogy. School maladjustment as a pedagogical phenomenon

Term school maladaptation has been in existence since the early days of education. Only before it was not given much importance, but now psychologists are actively talking about this problem and looking for the reasons for its appearance. In any class, there will always be a child who not only does not keep up with the program, but experiences significant learning difficulties. Sometimes school maladjustment is in no way connected with the process of mastering knowledge, but stems from unsatisfactory interaction with others. Communication with peers is an important aspect school life which cannot be bypassed. Sometimes it happens that classmates begin to poison an outwardly prosperous child, which cannot but affect his emotional state. In this article, we will consider the causes of maladaptation at school, correction and prevention of the phenomenon. Parents and educators, of course, should know what to pay attention to to prevent unfavorable developments.

Causes of maladaptation at school

Among the reasons for maladaptation in the school community, the following are most common: inability to find contact with peers, poor academic performance, personality traits child.

The first reason for maladaptation is the inability to build relationships in the children's team. Sometimes a child simply does not have such a skill. Unfortunately, not all children are equally easy to make friends with classmates. Many simply suffer from increased shyness, do not know how to start a conversation. Difficulties in establishing contact are especially relevant when the child enters new class with established rules. If a girl or boy suffers from increased sensitivity, it will be difficult for them to cope with themselves. Such children usually often worry for a long time and do not know how to behave. It's no secret that classmates most of all attack the newcomers, wanting to "test them for strength." Ridicule deprives moral strength, self-confidence, creates maladaptation. Not all children can withstand such tests. Many people withdraw into themselves, under any pretext they refuse to attend school. This is how disadaptation to school is formed.

Another reason- Lag in class. If the child does not understand something, then gradually loses interest in the subject, he does not want to do homework. Teachers are also not always correct. If the child does not do well in the subject, then he is given appropriate grades. Some do not pay attention to the underperformers at all, preferring to ask only the strong students. Where can maladaptation come from? Having experienced difficulties in learning, some children refuse to study at all, not wanting to face numerous difficulties and misunderstandings again. It is known that teachers do not like those who skip classes and do not do homework. Disadaptation to school occurs more often when no one supports the child in his endeavors or, due to certain circumstances, little attention is paid to him.

Personal characteristics of the child can also become a certain prerequisite for the formation of maladjustment. An overly shy child is often offended by peers or even underestimated by the teacher. Someone who does not know how to stand up for himself often has to suffer from maladaptation, because he cannot feel significant in the team. Each of us wants to be appreciated for his individuality, and for this you need to do a lot of inner work on yourself. This is not always possible for a small child, which is why maladaptation occurs. There are also other reasons that contribute to the formation of maladaptation, but they are, one way or another, closely related to the three listed.

Problems with school in elementary school students

When a child first enters first grade, he naturally experiences excitement. Everything seems unfamiliar and frightening to him. At this moment, the support and participation of parents is more important than ever for him. Disadaptation in this case may be temporary. As a rule, after a few weeks the problem resolves itself. It just takes time for the kid to get used to the new team, to be able to make friends with the guys, to feel like a significant and successful student. This does not always happen as quickly as adults would like.

Disadaptation of younger schoolchildren is associated with their age characteristics. The age of seven to ten years does not yet contribute to the formation of a special seriousness for school duties. To teach a child to prepare lessons on time, one way or another, it is required to control him. Not all parents have enough time to look after their own child, although, of course, they should set aside at least an hour every day for this. Otherwise, disadaptation will only progress. School problems can subsequently result in personal disorganization, disbelief in oneself, that is, reflected in adult life, make a person withdrawn, unsure of himself.

Correction of school maladaptation

If it so happened that the child is experiencing certain difficulties in the classroom, be sure to start taking active measures to eliminate the problem. The sooner this is done, the easier it will be in the future. Correction of school maladjustment should begin with establishing contact with the child himself. lining up trusting relationship it is necessary for you to be able to understand the essence of the problem, together to get to the origins of its occurrence. The following tips will help you cope with maladjustment and increase your child's self-confidence.

Conversation Method

If you want your child to trust you, you need to talk to him. This truth should never be ignored. Nothing will replace the living human communication, and a shy boy or girl just needs to feel important. You don't have to start asking questions right away. Just talk for a start about something extraneous, insignificant. The baby will open up on its own at some point, don't worry. No need to push him, climb with questions, give premature assessments of what is happening. Remember Golden Rule: not to harm, but to help overcome the problem.

Art therapy

Invite your child to draw their main problem on paper. As a rule, children suffering from maladaptation immediately begin to draw a school. It is easy to guess that it is there that the main difficulty is concentrated. Do not rush or interrupt it while drawing. Let him express his soul in full, ease his inner state. Maladaptation in childhood- It's not easy, trust me. It is also important for him to be alone with himself, to discover the existing fears, to stop doubting that they are normal. After the drawing is complete, ask the child what's what, referring directly to the image. So you can clarify some significant details, get to the origins of maladaptation.

We teach to communicate

If the problem is that it is difficult for the child to interact with others, then this difficult moment should be worked out with him. Find out what exactly is the complexity of maladaptation. Perhaps the matter is in natural shyness, or he is simply not interested in classmates. In any case, remember that for a student to remain outside the team is almost a tragedy. Disadaptation deprives moral strength, undermines self-confidence. Everyone wants recognition, to feel important and an integral part of the society in which they are located.

When a child is bullied by classmates, know what it is. ordeal for the psyche. This difficulty cannot simply be brushed aside, pretending that it does not exist at all. It is necessary to work out fears, raise self-esteem. It is even more important to help re-enter the team, to feel accepted.

"Problem" subject

Sometimes a child is haunted by failure in a particular discipline. At the same time, a rare student will act independently, seek the teacher's favor, and study additionally. Most likely, he will need to be helped in this, directed in the right direction. It is better to contact a specialist who can "pull up" on specific subject. The child must feel that all difficulties can be solved. You can’t leave him alone with a problem or blame him for running the material too far. And certainly one should not make negative predictions about its future. From this, most children break down, they lose all desire to act.

Prevention of school maladaptation

Few people know that a problem in the classroom can be prevented. Prevention of school maladaptation is to prevent the development of adverse situations. When one or more students are emotionally isolated from the rest, the psyche suffers, trust in the world is lost. It is necessary to learn how to resolve conflicts in a timely manner, to monitor psychological climate in the classroom, organize activities that help to establish contact, bring children together.

Thus, the problem of maladjustment in school requires careful attention. Help the child cope with his inner pain, do not leave alone with the difficulties that probably seem insoluble to the baby.

Page 1

The concept of school maladaptation.

Prerequisites for school maladaptation.

situational, environmental and pedagogical factors school maladjustment, their characteristics, taking into account the age stages of personality development. Individual prerequisites for development adaptation disorders. Typical variants of adaptive disorders at different age stages of children's development.

Children at risk of school maladaptation in accordance with the main types of disorders, relationships, activities and health of children in the conditions schooling. pedagogical, psychological, physiological levels school maladaptation.

Pedagogical criteria for assessing character school adaptation and disadaptation.disadaptation.

Basic concepts: adaptation, affect, disadaptation. Children at risk, factors of school maladaptation.

Leading ideas:

Adaptability depends on the physical, psychological, moral health of a person.

In order to determine the optimal school regime for the child, the form of education, the teaching load, the teacher needs to know, take into account and correctly assess the adaptive capabilities of the child at the stage of his admission to school.

Adaptation (lat.abapto-I adapt). adaptability, adaptability different people different. It reflects the level of both innate and acquired in the course of life qualities of the individual. In general, there is a dependence of adaptability on the physical, psychological, moral health of a person.

Unfortunately, the health indicators of children in recent decades are declining. The prerequisites for this phenomenon are:

1) violation of the ecological balance in the environment.

2) the weakening of the reproductive health of girls, the physical and emotional overload of women,

3) the growth of alcoholism, drug addiction,

4) low culture of family education,

5) insecurity individual groups population (unemployment, refugees),

6) shortcomings in medical care,

7) imperfection of the system of preschool education.

Czech scientists I. Langmeyer and Z. Mateychek distinguish the following types of mental deprivation:

motor deprivation (chronic physical inactivity leads to emotional lethargy);

sensory deprivation (insufficiency or monotony of sensory stimuli);

emotional ( maternal deprivation) - it is experienced by orphans, unwanted children, abandoned.

The educational environment is of the greatest importance in early preschool childhood.

The child's entry into school is the moment of his socialization.

In order to determine the optimal for the child to school age, mode, form of education, teaching load, you need to know, take into account and correctly evaluate the adaptive capabilities of the child at the stage of his admission to school.

Indicators of a low level of adaptive abilities of a child can be:

deviations in psychosomatic development and health;

insufficient level of social and psychological and pedagogical readiness for school;

lack of formation of psychophysiological and psychological prerequisites for educational activity.

Let's look at each indicator specifically.

Over the past 20 years, the number of children with chronic pathology has more than quadrupled. Most underachieving children have somatic and mental disorders, they have increased fatigue, reduced performance;

signs of insufficient social and psychological and pedagogical readiness for school:

a) unwillingness to go to school, lack of learning motivation,

b) insufficient organization and responsibility of the child; inability to communicate, behave appropriately,

c) low cognitive activity,

d) limited horizons,

e) low level of speech development.

3) indicators of the lack of formation of psychophysiological and mental prerequisites for educational activity:

a) unformed intellectual prerequisites for educational activity,

b) underdevelopment of voluntary attention,

c) insufficient development of fine motor skills of the hand,

d) lack of formation spatial orientation, coordination in the "hand-eye" system,

e) low level of development of phonemic hearing.

Children at risk

Individual differences between children due to varying degrees the development of aspects of their individuality that are significant for adaptation, different health conditions, appear from the very first days of their stay at school.

1 group of children - entry into school life occurs naturally and painlessly. Quickly adapt to school regime. The process of learning goes against the backdrop of positive emotions. High level social qualities; high level of development of cognitive activity.

Group 2 children - the nature of adaptation is quite satisfactory. Individual difficulties may arise in any of the areas of school life that is new to them; over time, the problems are smoothed out. Good preparation to school, a high sense of responsibility: quickly engage in educational activities, successfully learn educational material.

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In the very general view school maladjustment is usually understood as a certain set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the sociopsychological and psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of the situation of schooling, the mastery of which for a number of reasons becomes difficult.

Any deviations in the educational activity of schoolchildren are associated with the concept of “school maladjustment”. These deviations can be in mentally healthy children, and in children with various neuropsychiatric disorders (but not in children with physical defects, organic disorders, oligophrenia, etc.). School maladaptation, according to the scientific definition, is the formation of inadequate mechanisms for a child to adapt to school, which manifest themselves in the form of violations of educational activities, behavior, conflict relations with classmates and adults, an increased level of anxiety, violations of personal development, etc.

External manifestations that teachers and parents pay attention to are characteristic - a decrease in interest in learning up to unwillingness to attend school, deterioration in academic performance, a slow pace of assimilation of educational material, disorganization, inattention, slowness or hyperactivity, self-doubt, conflict, etc. One of the main factors contributing to the formation of school maladaptation are violations of the CNS function. According to the results of the survey, we have identified school maladjustment in 30% of children, which basically corresponds to the presence of minimal brain dysfunction (MMD) in this category of children. The main factors leading to MMD were: burdened anamnesis, course of pregnancy and childbirth. Subsequently, the manifestations of MMD were characterized by impaired speech functions, attention, and memory, although in terms of general intellectual development, the children were at the normal level or experienced minor cognitive difficulties in school education.

Based on the identified changes, the following syndromes were identified:


    asthenic syndrome;

    attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Thus, the main part of children suffering from MMD, which later leads to school maladaptation, needs to be monitored and treated by a neurologist with the involvement of psychologists, teachers, speech therapists and with the obligatory inclusion of methods of psychological and pedagogical correction.

Significant difficulties in observing school norms and rules of behavior are experienced by children with various neurodynamic disorders, most often manifested by hyperexcitability syndrome, which disorganizes not only the child's activity, but also his behavior in general. In excitable motor-disinhibited children, attention disorders, disturbances in the purposefulness of activity, which prevent the successful assimilation of educational material, are typical.

Another form of neurodynamic disorders is psychomotor retardation. Schoolchildren with this disorder are distinguished by a noticeable decrease in motor activity, a slow pace of mental activity, a depletion of the range and severity of emotional reactions. These children also experience serious difficulties in learning activities, as they do not have time to work at the same pace with everyone, are not able to rapid response to change certain situations, which, in addition to learning failures, prevents normal contacts with others.

Neurodynamic disorders can manifest themselves in the form of instability of mental processes, which at the behavioral level reveals itself as emotional instability, ease of transition from increased activity to passivity and, conversely, from complete inactivity to disordered hyperactivity. For this category of children, a violent reaction to situations of failure, sometimes acquiring a distinctly hysterical connotation, is quite characteristic. Typical for them is also rapid fatigue in the classroom, frequent complaints of poor health, which generally leads to uneven academic achievements, significantly reducing general level performance even at a high level of intelligence development.

Psychological difficulties of a maladaptive nature experienced by children of this category most often have a secondary conditionality, being formed as a result of the teacher's incorrect interpretation of their individual psychological properties.

Factors that do not favorably affect the child's adaptation to school are such integrative personal formations as self-esteem and the level of claims.

If they are inadequately overestimated, children uncritically strive for leadership, react with negativism and aggression to any difficulties, resist the demands of adults, or refuse to perform activities in which they may find themselves ineffective. At the heart of their sharply negative emotions is an internal conflict between claims and self-doubt. The consequences of such a conflict can be not only a decrease in academic performance, but also a deterioration in health against the background of obvious signs of general socio-psychological maladaptation.

No less serious problems arise in children with low self-esteem: their behavior is characterized by indecisiveness, conformism, extreme self-doubt, which form a sense of dependence, hindering the development of initiative and independence in actions and judgments.

As studies show, the causes of school maladaptation mainly lie outside the school - in the field of family education. Therefore, one should not be surprised that the main recommendations that are given to the parents of such children when they turn to a psychologist are to change something in their family. Often parents are surprised: what does the family have to do with it when the child has problems at school? But the fact of the matter is that the causes of school maladjustment of schoolchildren are most often associated with the attitude towards the child and his educational activities in the family.

Overcoming any form of school maladjustment, first of all, should be aimed at eliminating the causes that cause it.

Causes of school maladaptation

The nature of school failure can be represented by a variety of factors.

    Shortcomings in preparing the child for school, socio-pedagogical neglect.

    Somatic weakness of the child.

    Violation of the formation of individual mental functions and cognitive processes.

    Movement disorders.

    Emotional disorders.

All of these factors pose a direct threat, primarily to the intellectual development of the child. The dependence of school performance on intelligence does not need proof.

Forms of manifestation of school maladaptation

Form of maladaptation

The reasons

Primary request

Corrective measures

Unformed skills of educational activity.

- pedagogical neglect;

- insufficient intellectual and psychomotor development of the child;

– Lack of help and attention from parents and teachers.

Poor performance in all subjects.

Special conversations with the child, during which it is necessary to establish the causes of violations of learning skills and give recommendations to parents.

Inability to arbitrary regulation attention, behavior and learning activities.

- improper upbringing in the family (lack of external norms, restrictions);

- indulgent hypoprotection (permissiveness, lack of restrictions and norms);

- dominant hyperprotection (full control of the child's actions by adults).

Disorganization, inattention, dependence on adults, list.

Inability to adapt to the pace of learning life (tempo unsuitability).

- improper upbringing in the family or ignoring by adults of the individual characteristics of children;

– minimal brain dysfunction;

– general somatic weakness;

- developmental delay;

- a weak type of nervous system.

Prolonged preparation of lessons, fatigue at the end of the day, being late for school, etc.

Work with the family to overcome the optimal load mode of the student.

School neurosis or “fear of school”, inability to resolve the contradiction between family and school “we”.

The child cannot go beyond the boundaries of the family community - the family does not let him out (for children whose parents use them to solve their problems.

Fears, anxiety.

It is necessary to connect a psychologist - family therapy or group classes for children in combination with group classes for their parents.

Immaturity school motivation focus on non-school activities.

- the desire of parents to "infantilize" the child;

- psychological unpreparedness for school;

- the destruction of motivation under the influence of adverse factors at school or at home.

There is no interest in learning, "he would like to play", indiscipline, irresponsibility, lagging behind in studies with high intelligence.

Working with family; analysis of teachers' own behavior in order to prevent possible misbehavior.

Understanding the process of school maladaptation in this vein requires:

    knowledge social situation development and life of the child;

    analysis of its leading, subjectively insoluble and "system-forming" conflict for school maladaptation;

    assessment of the stages and level of somatophysical and mental development, individual mental and personality traits, the nature of the leading relationships and the characteristics of reactions to crisis situation and personally significant conflict;

    taking into account factors that act as conditions for provoking, further deepening or curbing the process of school maladaptation.

Prevention of school maladaptation.

The task of preventing school maladaptation is solved by correctional and developmental education, which is defined as a set of conditions and technologies that provide for the prevention, timely diagnosis and correction of school maladaptation.

Prevention of school maladaptation is as follows:

    Timely pedagogical diagnosis of the prerequisites and signs of school maladaptation, early, high-quality diagnosis of the current level of development of each child.

    The moment of entering the school should correspond not to the passport age (7 years), but to the psychophysiological one (for some children it can be 7 and a half or even 8 years).

    Diagnostics when a child enters school should take into account not so much the level of skills and knowledge as the characteristics of the psyche, temperament, and potential capabilities of each child.

    Creation in educational institutions for children at risk of a pedagogical environment that takes into account their individual typological characteristics. Use variable forms of differentiated correctional assistance during the educational process and after school hours for children at high, medium and low risk. At the organizational and pedagogical level, such forms can be - special classes with less occupancy, with a sparing sanitary-hygienic, psycho-hygienic and didactic regime, with additional services health-improving and correctional-developing character; correctional groups for classes with teachers in individual subjects, intra-class differentiation and individualization, group and individual extracurricular activities with teachers of basic and additional education (circles, sections, studios), as well as with specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist), aimed at developing and correcting deficiencies in the development of school-significant deficient functions.

    If necessary, use advisory assistance child psychiatrist.

    Create compensatory learning classes.

    The use of psychological correction, social training, training with parents.

    Mastering by teachers the methods of correctional and developmental education aimed at health-saving educational activities.


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3. Dubrovina I.V., Akimova M.K., Borisova E.M. and etc. Workbook school psychologist / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina . M., 1991.

4. Elodimova I.V. Diagnosis and correction of learning motivation in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. M., 1991.

5. Zavadenko N.N., Petrukhin A.S., Uspenskaya T.Yu. Clinical and psychological study of school maladaptation: its main causes and approaches to diagnosis // Neurological journal. 1998, no. 6, p. 13–17

6. Kogan V.E. Psychogenic forms of school maladjustment / Questions of psychology, 1984, No. 4.

7. Lesnova A.B., Kuznetsova A.S. Psychoprophylaxis of unfavorable functional states. M., 1987.

8. Lyublinskaya A.A. Psychology teacher elementary school student. M.: Education, 1977.

9. Ovcharova R.V. § 1.1 Phenomenon school maladaptation§ 1.2 Features school maladaptation in adolescence § 1.3 Features of personal ...

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  • School maladaptation- this is a disorder of adaptation of a school-age child to the conditions of an educational institution, in which learning abilities decrease, relationships with teachers and classmates worsen. It most often occurs in younger schoolchildren, but can also occur in children in high school.

    School maladjustment is a violation of the student's adaptation to external requirements, which is also a disorder of the general ability to psychological adaptation due to certain pathological factors. Thus, it turns out that school maladjustment is a medical and biological problem.

    In this sense, school maladaptation acts for parents, educators and doctors as a vector of "illness/health disorder, developmental or behavioral disorder". In this vein, the attitude to the phenomenon of school adaptation is expressed as something unhealthy, which speaks of the pathology of development and health.

    negative consequence given relationship there is a reference point for compulsory testing before the child enters school or to assess the degree of development of the student, in connection with his transition from one educational level to the next, when he is required to show the results of the absence of deviations in the ability to study according to the program offered by teachers and at the school that they have chosen parents.

    Another consequence is the pronounced tendency of teachers, who cannot cope with the student, to refer him to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Children with a disorder are singled out in a special way, they are given labels that follow from clinical practice into everyday use - "psychopath", "hysteric", "schizoid" and various other examples of psychiatric terms that are completely misused in socio-psychological and educational purposes to cover up and justify the impotence, lack of professionalism and incompetence of persons who are responsible for the upbringing, education of the child and social assistance for him.

    The appearance of signs of psychogenic adaptation disorder is observed in many students. Some experts believe that approximately 15-20% of students require psychotherapeutic help. It was also found that there is a dependence of the frequency of occurrence of adjustment disorder on the age of the student. In younger schoolchildren, school maladaptation is observed in 5-8% of episodes, in adolescents this figure is much higher and amounts to 18-20% of cases. There is also data from another study, according to which adjustment disorder in students aged 7-9 years is manifested in 7% of cases.

    In adolescents, school maladaptation is observed in 15.6% of cases.

    Most ideas about the phenomenon of school maladaptation ignore the individual and age specifics of a child's development.

    Causes of school maladaptation of students

    There are several factors that cause school maladaptation. Below we will consider what are the causes of school maladjustment of students, among them are:

    - insufficient level of preparation of the child for school conditions; lack of knowledge and insufficient development of psychomotor skills, as a result of which the child is slower than others to cope with tasks;

    - insufficient control of behavior - it is difficult for the child to sit whole lesson silently and without getting up;

    - inability to adapt to the pace of the program;

    - socio-psychological aspect - the failure of personal contacts with teaching staff and with peers;

    - low level of development of functional abilities of cognitive processes.

    As the reasons for school maladaptation, there are several more factors that affect the behavior of the student at school and the lack of normal adaptation.

    The most influential factor is the influence of the characteristics of the family and parents. When some parents show too emotional reactions to the failures of their child at school, they themselves, without suspecting at all, damage the impressionable child's psyche. As a result of such an attitude, the child begins to feel ashamed of his ignorance about a certain topic, and accordingly he is afraid to disappoint his parents the next time. In this regard, the baby develops a negative reaction regarding everything connected with the school, which in turn leads to the formation of school maladaptation.

    The second most important factor after the influence of parents is the influence of the teachers themselves, with whom the child interacts at school. It happens that teachers build the learning paradigm incorrectly, which in turn affects the development of misunderstanding and negativity on the part of students.

    School maladaptation of adolescents is manifested in too high activity, manifestation of their character and individuality through clothing and appearance. If, in response to such self-expressions of schoolchildren, teachers react too violently, then this will cause a response. backlash teenager. As an expression of protest against the educational system, a teenager may face the phenomenon of school maladaptation.

    Another influential factor in the development of school maladaptation is the influence of peers. Especially school maladjustment of teenagers is very dependent on this factor.

    Teenagers are absolutely special category people who are highly sensitive. Teenagers always communicate in companies, so the opinion of friends who are in their circle of friends becomes authoritative for them. That is why, if peers protest the education system, then it is more likely that the child himself will also join the general protest. Although mostly it concerns more conformal personalities.

    Knowing what are the causes of school maladjustment of students, it is possible to diagnose school maladaptation in the event of the appearance of primary signs and start working with it in time. For example, if at one moment a student declares that he does not want to go to school, his own level of academic performance decreases, he begins to speak negatively and very sharply about teachers, then it is worth thinking about possible maladaptation. The sooner a problem is identified, the sooner it can be dealt with.

    School maladjustment may not even be reflected in the progress and discipline of students, expressed in subjective experiences or in the form of psychogenic disorders. For example, inadequate reactions on stresses and problems that are associated with the disintegration of behavior, the appearance with other people, a sharp and sudden decline in interest in the learning process at school, negativism, increased, decay of learning skills.

    Forms of school maladjustment include the features of the educational activity of primary school students. Younger students most quickly master the subject side of the learning process - skills, techniques and abilities, thanks to which new knowledge is acquired.

    Mastering the motivational-need side of learning activity occurs as if in a latent way: gradually assimilating the norms and forms of social behavior of adults. The child still does not know how to use them as actively as adults, while remaining very dependent on adults in their relationships with people.

    If a younger student does not form the skills of educational activities or the method and techniques that he uses and which are fixed in him are not productive enough and are not designed to study more complex material, he lags behind his classmates and begins to experience serious difficulties learning.

    Thus, one of the signs of school maladjustment appears - a decrease in academic performance. The reasons may be the individual characteristics of psychomotor and intellectual development which, however, are not fatal. Many teachers, psychologists and psychotherapists believe that with the proper organization of work with such students, taking into account individual qualities By paying attention to how children cope with tasks of varying complexity, it is possible for several months, without isolating children from the classroom, to achieve the elimination of the backlog in learning and compensation for developmental delays.

    Another form of school maladaptation of young students has a strong connection with the specifics age development. The replacement of the main activity (study replaces games), which occurs in children at the age of six, is carried out due to the fact that only understood and accepted motives for learning under established conditions become effective motives.

    The researchers found that among the examined students of the first and third grades, there were those who had a preschool attitude to learning. This means that for them, not so much educational activity came to the fore as the atmosphere at school and all the external attributes that children used in the game. The reason for the emergence of this form of school maladjustment lies in the inattention of parents to their children. External signs immaturity of learning motivation manifests itself as an irresponsible attitude of the student to schoolwork, are expressed through indiscipline, despite the high degree of formation of cognitive abilities.

    The next form of school maladaptation is the inability to self-control, arbitrary control of behavior and attention. Failure to adapt to school conditions and manage behavior appropriately accepted norms, may be the result of improper upbringing, which affects quite adversely and contributes to the exacerbation of certain psychological characteristics, for example, excitability increases, difficulties arise with concentrating, emotional lability, and others.

    The main characteristic of the style family relations to these children complete absence external framework and norms, which should become the means of self-government by the child, or the presence of means of control only outside.

    In the first case, this is inherent in those families in which the child is absolutely left to himself and develops in conditions of complete neglect, or families with a “cult of the child”, which means that the child is allowed absolutely everything he wants, and his freedom is not limited.

    The fourth form of school maladaptation of younger students is the inability to adapt to the rhythm of life at school.

    Most often it occurs in children with a weakened body and low immunity, children with a delay in physical development, a weak nervous system, with violations of the analyzers and other diseases. The reason for this form of school maladjustment is in the wrong family upbringing or ignoring the individual characteristics of children.

    The above forms of school maladaptation are closely related to the social factors of their development, the emergence of new leading activities and requirements. So, psychogenic, school maladaptation is inextricably linked with the nature and characteristics of the relationship of significant adults (parents and teachers) to the child. This attitude can be expressed through communication style. Actually, the style of communication of significant adults with primary school students can become an obstacle in educational activities or lead to the fact that real or imagined difficulties and problems associated with learning will be perceived by the child as incorrigible, generated by his shortcomings and insoluble.

    If negative experiences are not compensated, if there are no significant people who sincerely wish well and can find an approach to the child in order to increase his self-esteem, then he will form psychogenic reactions to any school problems, which, if they recur, will develop into a syndrome called psychogenic maladaptation.

    Types of school maladaptation

    Before describing the types of school maladjustment, it is necessary to highlight its criteria:

    - failure in studies in programs that correspond to the age and abilities of the student, along with such signs as repetition, chronic underachievement, lack of general educational knowledge and lack of necessary skills;

    - emotional disorder personal relationship to the learning process, to teachers and to the life opportunities associated with learning;

    - episodic uncorrectable violations of behavior (anti-disciplinary behavior with a demonstrative opposition to other students, neglect of the rules and obligations of life at school, manifestations of vandalism);

    - pathogenic maladaptation, which is a consequence of disruption of the nervous system, sensory analyzers, brain diseases and various manifestations;

    - psychosocial maladaptation, which acts as age and gender individual characteristics of the child, which determine its non-standard and need a special approach in school conditions;

    - (undermining order, moral and legal norms, antisocial behavior, deformation of internal regulation, as well as social attitudes).

    There are five main types of manifestation of school maladaptation.

    The first type is cognitive school maladaptation, which expresses the failure of the child in the process of learning programs that correspond to the abilities of the student.

    The second type of school maladaptation is emotional and evaluative, which is associated with constant violations of the emotional and personal attitude both to the learning process in general and to individual items. Includes anxiety and worries about problems arising at school.

    The third type of school maladjustment is behavioral, it consists in the repetition of a violation of behavior in school environment and learning (aggressiveness, unwillingness to make contact and passive-refusal reactions).

    The fourth type of school maladjustment is somatic, it is associated with deviations in physical development and student health.

    The fifth type of school maladaptation is communicative, it expresses difficulties in establishing contacts, both with adults and with peers.

    Prevention of school maladaptation

    The first step in the prevention of school adaptation is the establishment of the child's psychological readiness for the transition to a new, unusual regimen. However, mental readiness is only one of the components comprehensive training child to school. At the same time, the level of existing knowledge and skills is determined, its potentialities, the level of development of thinking, attention, memory are studied, and, if necessary, psychological correction is used.

    Parents should be very attentive to their children and understand that during the period of adaptation, the student especially needs the support of loved ones and the readiness to go through emotional difficulties, anxieties and experiences together.

    The main way to deal with school maladjustment is psychological help. At the same time, it is very important that close people, in particular parents, pay due attention to long-term work with a psychologist. In case of a negative influence of the family on the student, it is worth correcting similar manifestations disapproval. Parents are obliged to remember and remind themselves that any failure of a child in school does not yet mean his collapse in life. Accordingly, you should not condemn him for every bad assessment, it is best to have a careful conversation about possible reasons failures. Thanks to the preservation of friendly relations between the child and parents, it is possible to achieve a more successful overcoming of life's difficulties.

    The result will be more effective if the help of a psychologist is combined with the support of parents and a change in the school environment. In the event that the student's relationship with teachers and other students does not add up, or these people negatively influence him, causing antipathy towards the educational institution, then it is advisable to think about changing the school. Perhaps in another school institution the student will be able to become interested in learning and make new friends.

    Thus, it is possible to prevent a strong development of school maladjustment or gradually overcome even the most serious maladaptation. The success of the prevention of adjustment disorder at school depends on the timely participation of parents and the school psychologist in resolving the problems of the child.

    Prevention of school maladaptation includes the creation of classes of compensatory education, the use of counseling psychological assistance when necessary, the use of psychocorrection, social training, training of students with parents, the assimilation by teachers of the methodology of correctional and developmental education, which is aimed at educational activities.

    School maladjustment of adolescents distinguishes those adolescents who are adapted to school by their very attitude to learning. Adolescents with maladaptation often indicate that it is difficult for them to study, that there are a lot of incomprehensible things in their studies. Adaptive schoolchildren are twice as likely to talk about difficulties in the lack of free time due to being busy with classes.

    The approach of social prevention highlights the elimination of the causes and conditions of various negative phenomena as the main goal. With the help of this approach, school maladaptation is corrected.

    Social prevention includes a system of legal, social, environmental and educational activities that are carried out by society to neutralize the causes deviant behavior which leads to adjustment disorder at school.

    In the prevention of school maladaptation, there is a psychological and pedagogical approach, with its help, the qualities of a person with maladaptive behavior are restored or corrected, especially with an emphasis on moral and volitional qualities.

    The informational approach is based on the idea that deviations from the norms of behavior occur because children do not know anything about the norms themselves. This approach most of all concerns teenagers, they are informed about the rights and obligations that are presented to them.

    Correction of school maladaptation is carried out by a psychologist at the school, but often parents send the child to an individually practicing psychologist, because the children are afraid that everyone will find out about their problems, therefore they are put to a specialist with distrust.

    Savenysheva Irina Vladimirovna,
    teacher primary school
    GBOU secondary school No. 254 of St. Petersburg

    Enrollment in school contributes big changes into the life of a child. During this period, his psyche experiences a certain load, as the child’s habitual lifestyle changes dramatically and the demands made by parents and teachers increase. As a result, adaptation difficulties may arise. The adaptation period at school is usually 2 to 3 months. For some, a full-fledged adaptation to school in the first year of study does not occur. Failures in learning activities bad relationship with peers, negative ratings on the part of significant adults lead to a tense state of the nervous system, the child's self-confidence decreases, anxiety increases, which leads to school maladaptation. In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to the analysis of maladaptation that occurs in children in connection with the beginning of schooling. This problem attracts the attention of both doctors and psychologists and teachers.

    In this article, we will consider the actual concept of maladaptation, its causes, types and main manifestations; we will reveal in detail the clinical and psychological study of school maladjustment, we will propose a method for determining the level of maladjustment of a first-grader; determine the direction and content of corrective work.

    The concept of maladaptation.

    The problem of maladaptation has long been studied in pedagogy, psychology and social pedagogy, but as a scientific concept "school maladjustment" does not yet have an unambiguous interpretation. Let us dwell on the point of view that considers school maladaptation as a completely independent phenomenon.

    Vrono M.Sh “School maladaptation (SD) is understood as a violation of the adaptation of the student's personality to the conditions of schooling, which acts as a particular phenomenon of a disorder in a child of a general ability to mentally adapt in connection with any pathological factors” (1984).

    Severny A.A., Iovchuk N.M. “SD is the impossibility of schooling according to natural abilities and adequate interaction of the child with the environment in the conditions imposed on this particular child by the individual microsocial environment in which he exists” (1995).

    S.A. Belicheva "School maladaptation is a set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the sociopsychological and psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of the situation of schooling, the mastery of which for a number of reasons becomes difficult or, in extreme cases, impossible" .

    You can also use this definition:

    Maladaptation- mental condition that arises as a result of the discrepancy between the sociopsychological or psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of the new social situation.

    The periods of study in which school maladaptation is most often recorded are determined:

    Beginning of schooling (1st grade);

    Transition from elementary school in the middle (5th grade);

    The ending high school(7th - 9th grades).

    According to L.S. Vygotsky, the time limits of age “crises” are comparable to two periods of study (1st grade and 7th - 8th grades), “... in which school failure is predominantly observed, and an increase in the number of those who failed in the 5th grade is due to , apparently, not so much ontogenetically crisis, so much psychogenic (“change of life stereotype”) and other reasons.

    Causes of school maladjustment.

    Regardless of the definition, the main causes of school maladjustment are identified.

    1. General level of physical and functional development child, the state of his health, the development of mental functions. According to the psychophysiological characteristics, the child may simply not be ready for schooling.
    2. Features of family education. This is the rejection of the child by the parents and the overprotection of the child. The first entails the child's negative attitude towards school, the rejection of the norms and rules of behavior in the team, the second - the child's inability to school loads, the rejection of regime moments.
    3. The specifics of the organization of the educational process, which does not take into account the individual differences of children and the authoritarian style of modern pedagogy.
    4. The intensity of training loads and the complexity of modern educational programs.
    5. Self-assessment of a junior schoolchild and the style of relationships with close significant adults.

    Types of school maladaptation

    Currently, three main types of SD manifestations are considered:

    1. Cognitive component of SD. Failure in education in programs appropriate to the age of the child (chronic underachievement, insufficiency and fragmentary general educational information without systemic knowledge and learning skills).

    2. Emotional-evaluative, personal component of SD. Permanent violations of the emotional and personal attitude to individual subjects, learning in general, teachers, as well as prospects related to learning.

    3. Behavioral component of SD. Systematically repeated violations of behavior in the learning process and in the school environment (conflict, aggressiveness).

    In the majority of children with school maladaptation, all three of the above components can be traced quite clearly. However, the predominance of one or another component among the manifestations of school maladaptation depends, on the one hand, on the age and stages personal development, and on the other hand, on the reasons underlying the formation of school maladaptation.

    The main manifestations of school maladaptation

    School maladaptation in a child has a number of manifestations. One or a combination of them gives an alarming signal to parents and teachers.

    1. Failure in learning, lagging behind the school curriculum in one or more subjects.

    2. General anxiety at school, fear of knowledge testing, public speaking and evaluation, inability to concentrate at work, uncertainty, confusion in answers.

    3. Violations in relationships with peers: aggression, alienation, increased excitability and conflict.

    4. Violations in relationships with teachers, violations of discipline and disobedience to school norms.

    5. Personal disorders (feeling of inferiority, stubbornness, fears, hypersensitivity, deceit, solitude, gloom).

    6. Inadequate self-esteem. With high self-esteem - the desire for leadership, resentment, a high level of claims at the same time as self-doubt, avoiding difficulties. With low self-esteem: indecision, conformism, lack of initiative, lack of independence.

    Any manifestation puts the child in difficult conditions and, as a result, the child begins to lag behind his peers, his talent cannot be revealed, the process of socialization is disrupted. Often, in such conditions, the foundation is laid for future "difficult" teenagers.

    Clinical and psychological study of school maladaptation.

    The causes of SD were studied by neurological and neuropsychological examination.

    One of the main factors contributing to the formation of SD is dysfunctions of the central nervous system (central nervous system) resulting from various adverse effects on the developing brain. During the neurological examination, interviews were conducted with the child and his parents, analysis of the pathology during pregnancy and childbirth in the mother of the child, the nature of his early psychomotor development, information about the diseases he had, and the study of these polyclinic cards. During a neuropsychological examination, the children were assessed the general level of intellectual development and the degree of formation of higher mental functions: speech, memory, thinking. The neuropsychological study was based on the methodology of A.R. Luria, adapted for childhood.

    According to the results of the survey, it was found the following reasons SD:

    1. The most common cause of SD was minimal brain dysfunction (MMD) and children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

    2. Neuroses and neurotic reactions. The leading causes of neurotic fears, various forms of obsessions, somatovegetative disorders, acute or chronic traumatic situations, unfavorable family environment, wrong approaches to raising a child, difficulties in relationships with a teacher and classmates.

    3. Neurological diseases, including those with migraine, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, hereditary diseases, meningitis.

    4. Children suffering mental illness, including mental retardation(a special place among first graders who was not diagnosed in preschool age), affective disorders, schizophrenia.

    The study showed the high information content of complex neurological and neuropsychological studies in objectifying the causes of school maladaptation. There is no doubt that the majority of children with SD need observation and treatment by a neurologist. Treatment of MMD and ADHD, which are the most common cause SD, should be carried out in a complex and be comprehensive and necessarily include methods of psychotherapy and psychological and pedagogical correction.

    Psychological maladjustment.

    There is a problem of psychological maladaptation. It is connected with the peculiarities of the organization of the mental processes of the child. In the condition of the lesson, the child finds himself in a situation of maladjustment, since successful execution tasks occurs in the child only in those conditions of performance to which his psyche is adapted. At the lesson, such children feel bad, because they are not ready to learn knowledge in conditions regular lesson and is unable to meet the requirements.

    Having considered the provisions of L.S. Vygotsky, every function in the cultural development of a child appears on the scene twice, on two planes: first, socially, then psychologically, first between people as an interpsychic category, then within the child, as an intrapsychic category. This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory, to the formation of concepts, to the development of the will... Behind all the higher functions, their relations are genetically social relations, the real relations of people. The mind of the child adapts to existing type interactions with adults (primarily with parents), i.e. arbitrary mental process the child is organized in such a way as to ensure the successful implementation of his activities precisely in the conditions of existing social relationships.

    The psychological problems of a child's maladjustment can form and contribute to any individual lessons with him, if the methodology for conducting them differs significantly from the lessons.

    To improve the effectiveness of training, the focus is only on the individual characteristics of his personality (attention, perseverance, fatigue, timely comments, attracting attention, helping the child organize, etc.). The child's psyche adapts to such a learning process, and in the conditions of mass education in the classroom, the child cannot organize himself on his own and needs constant support.

    Hyper-custody and constant control of parents when doing homework often lead to psychological maladaptation. The child's psyche adapted to such constant help and became maladapted in relation to the lesson relationship with the teacher.

    An important role is played by ensuring the comfort of learning. From the point of view of psychologists, comfort is a psychophysiological state that occurs in the process of a child’s life as a result of his interaction with internal environment. Teachers consider comfort as a characteristic of the organization of the intra-school environment and educational activities of the student as a result of the realization of his abilities and opportunities, satisfaction from educational activities, full communication with the teacher and peers. In the psychological pedagogical process, all its participants have positive emotions, which become driving force student behavior and favorably influence the learning environment and communicative behavior of the child. If the emotion of rejection is constant for a first-grader, then he develops a persistent disapproval of school life as a whole.

    Psychological maladaptation of children can be formed when group lessons, if there are too many game moments in the classroom, they are completely built on the interest of the child, allowing too free behavior, etc. Graduates of speech therapy kindergartens, preschool institutions, studying according to the methods of Maria Montessori, "Rainbow". These children have better training, but almost all of them experience problems in adapting to school, and this is primarily due to their psychological problems. These problems are formed by the so-called preferential conditions for learning - learning in a classroom with small numbers students. They are used to increased attention teachers, they are waiting for individual help, they are practically not able to organize themselves and focus on the educational process. It can be concluded that if preferential conditions are created for the education of children for a certain period, then their psychological maladjustment to normal conditions learning.

    Children in a situation of psychological maladaptation need the help of parents, teachers and psychologists.

    Method for determining the level of maladaptation.

    Modern psychologists offer various methods determining the level of disadaptation of first-graders. One of the most interesting questionnaires is offered by the methodology of L.M. Kovaleva and N.N. Tarasenko, addressed to elementary school teachers. The questionnaire helps to systematize ideas about a child starting school. It consists of 46 statements, 45 of which relate to possible options for the child's behavior at school, and one - the participation of parents in education.

    Questionnaire questions:

    1. Parents have completely withdrawn from education, they almost never go to school.
    2. When entering school, the child did not possess elementary learning skills.
    3. The student does not know much of what most children of his age know (days of the week, fairy tales, etc.)
    4. The first-grader has poorly developed small muscles of the hands (has difficulty writing)
    5. The student writes with his right hand, but according to his parents, he is a retrained left-hander.
    6. A first grader writes with his left hand.
    7. Often moves his arms aimlessly.
    8. Blinks frequently.
    9. The child sucks his fingers or a pen.
    10. The student sometimes stutters.
    11. Bites nails.
    12. The child has short stature and fragile body.
    13. The child is clearly "home", loves to be stroked, hugged, needs a friendly environment.
    14. The student loves to play, plays even in the classroom.
    15. One gets the impression that the child is younger than the others, although they are the same age as them.
    16. Speech is infantile, reminiscent of the speech of a 4 * 5 year old child.
    17. The student is overly restless in class.
    18. The child will quickly come to terms with failures.
    19. He likes noisy, active games at recess.
    20. Cannot focus on one task for long periods of time. Always trying to do everything quickly, not caring about quality.
    21. After a physical pause or an interesting game, the child cannot be set up for serious work.
    22. The student experiences failure for a long time.
    23. With an unexpected question, the teacher is often lost. Given time to think, he may respond well.
    24. Takes a long time to complete any task.
    25. He performs homework much better than classwork (a very significant difference compared to other children).
    26. It takes a long time to change from one activity to another.
    27. The child often cannot repeat the simplest material after the teacher, although he demonstrates an excellent memory when we are talking about things that interest him (he knows the brands of cars, but cannot repeat a simple rule).
    28. The first grader demands constant attention from the side of the teacher. Almost everything is done after the personal appeal “Write!”
    29. Makes a lot of spelling errors.
    30. To get distracted from the task, the slightest reason is enough (the door creaked, something fell, etc.)
    31. Brings toys to school and plays in class.
    32. The student will never do anything in excess of the minimum, not strive to learn something, to tell.
    33. Parents complain that it is difficult to seat the child for lessons.
    34. It seems that the child feels bad in the lessons, he comes to life only at breaks.
    35. The child does not like to make any effort to complete tasks. If something does not work out, he quits, finds excuses for himself (stomach hurts).
    36. The child does not have a very healthy appearance (thin, pale).
    37. By the end of the lesson, he works worse, is often distracted, sits with an absent look.
    38. If something does not work out, then the child gets annoyed, cries.
    39. The student does not work well in conditions of limited time. If you rush him, he can completely turn off, quit work.
    40. A first grader often complains of headaches and fatigue.
    41. The child almost never answers correctly if the question is posed outside the box and requires quick wits.
    42. The student's answer becomes better if there is a reliance on external objects (counts fingers, etc.).
    43. After an explanation by the teacher, he cannot perform a similar task.
    44. The child finds it difficult to apply previously learned concepts and skills when the teacher explains new material.
    45. A first-grader often answers not to the point, cannot highlight the main thing.
    46. It seems that it is difficult for the student to understand the explanation, since the basic concepts and skills are not formed in him.

    According to this method, the teacher fills out an answer form, in which the numbers of fragments of behavior characteristic of a particular child are crossed out.

    question number

    behavior factor abbreviation


    parental relationship

    not ready for school



    neurotic symptoms


    hyperkinetic syndrome, excessive disinhibition

    inertia of the nervous system

    insufficient arbitrariness of mental functions

    low motivation for learning activities

    asthenic syndrome


    infringement of intellectual activity

    When processing the crossed out number on the left - 1 point, on the right - 2 points. The maximum amount is 70 points. The coefficient of maladaptation is calculated by the formula: K=n/ 70 x 100, where n is the number of first-grader points. Analysis of the results obtained:

    0-14 - corresponds to the normal adaptation of a first grader

    15-30 - indicates an average degree of maladjustment.

    Above 30 - indicates a serious degree of maladaptation. With an indicator above 40, the student, as a rule, needs to consult a psychoneurologist.

    Corrective work.

    Scientific studies have shown that in each class there are approximately 14% of children who have difficulties during the adjustment period. How can you help these children? How to build corrective work with maladjusted children? To solve the problem of school maladaptation of the child in social and pedagogical activities the parent, the psychologist, and the teacher should be included.

    Psychologist, based on the identified specific problems of the child is individual recommendations on corrective work with him.

    Parents it is necessary to observe control over the assimilation of educational material by him and an individual explanation at home of what the child missed in the lessons, since psychological maladaptation is manifested primarily in the fact that the child cannot effectively assimilate the educational material in the lesson, therefore, until his psyche has adapted to the conditions lesson, it is important to prevent his pedagogical lag.

    Teacher creates a situation of success in the lesson, comfort in the situation of the lesson, helps to organize a student-centered approach in the classroom. He should be restrained, calm, emphasize the merits and successes of children, try to improve their relations with their peers. It is necessary to create a trusting, sincere emotional atmosphere in the classroom.

    Adult participants in the educational process - teachers and parents - play an important role in ensuring the comfort of learning. Personal qualities teacher, maintaining close emotional contacts between children and close adults, friendly constructive interaction between the teacher and parents - the key to creating and developing a general positive emotional background of relations in the new social space- at school.

    The cooperation of the teacher and parents provides a reduction in the level of anxiety in the child. This allows you to make the period of adaptation of first-graders short-lived.

    1. Give to the child more attention: observe, play, advise, but less educate.

    2. Eliminate the child’s insufficient readiness for school (underdeveloped fine motor skills- consequence: difficulties in learning to write, unformed voluntary attention - consequence: it is difficult to work in the lesson, the child does not remember, misses the teacher's tasks). Necessary pay more attention to the development figurative thinking: drawings, designing, molding, application, mosaic.

    3. Exaggerated expectations of parents form low self-esteem, self-doubt. The child's fear of school and parents increases for his failure, inferiority, and this is the path to chronic failure, to inhibition of development. Any real success must be appreciated sincerely and without irony by the parents.

    4. Do not compare the mediocre results of the child with the achievements of other, more successful students. You can only compare a child with him and praise only for one thing: improving his own results.

    5. The child needs to find an area where he could realize his demonstrativeness (circles, dances, sports, drawing, art studios, etc.). In this activity, ensure immediate success, attention, and emotional support.

    6. Emphasize, single out as extremely significant the area of ​​activity where the child is more successful, thereby helping to gain confidence in yourself: if you have learned to do this well, then you will gradually learn everything else.

    7. Remember that any emotional manifestations on the part of an adult, both positive (praise, a kind word) and negative (shout, remark, reproaches) serve as reinforcement that provokes demonstrative behavior of the child.


    Adaptation to school is a multifaceted process. SD is a very common occurrence among primary school students. In the case of successful adaptation to school, the leading activity of the younger student gradually becomes educational, which replaced the game. In case of maladjustment, the child finds himself in an uncomfortable state, he literally excludes himself from the educational process, experiences negative emotions, blocks cognitive activity, and, as a result, inhibits his development.

    Therefore, one of the main tasks to ensure the successful flow adaptation period for a child for a teacher is to ensure continuity in the development of skills, abilities and methods of activity, to analyze the formed skills and determine, if necessary, the necessary ways of correction.

    At correct definition specific individual problems of a maladjusted child and the joint efforts of a psychologist, teacher and parents, changes in the child will definitely occur and he really begins to adapt to the conditions of schooling.

    Most important result help is to restore the child's positive attitude to life, to everyday school activities, to all persons involved in the educational process (child - parents - teachers). When learning brings joy to children, then school is not a problem.


    7. Hyperkinetic syndrome - a disorder characterized by impaired attention, motor hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.


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