The specifics of pedagogical activity briefly. Features of pedagogical activity

Having much in common with other types of activity, pedagogical activity differs from them in some features. Let's look at them briefly.

Features of pedagogical activity

1. The object of pedagogical activity - an individual (a child, a teenager, a young man), a group, a team - is active. He himself seeks to interact with the subject, shows his creativity, responds to the assessment of the results of activities and is capable of self-development.
2. The object of pedagogical activity is plastic, that is, it is subject to the influence of the subject, it is educable. He constantly develops, his needs change (this is the reason for activity), his value orientations, motivating actions and behavior develop and change.
It is legitimate to assert that the process of development of an individual is never completely completed. The content of pedagogical activity is built according to the concentric principle, or rather, in a spiral.
3. Pedagogical activity and process are highly dynamic factors. The subject, taking into account the changing situation, is constantly looking for the best option for pedagogical actions, operations and means of pedagogical influence on the object of education. It combines science and practice, pedagogical creativity.
4. In addition to the subject-teacher, other, unregulated factors influence the development of the individual in pedagogical activity. For example, the surrounding social and natural environment, hereditary data of the individual, means mass media, economic relations in the country, etc. This multifactorial influence on the individual often leads to the fact that the result of pedagogical activity is significantly at odds with the intended goal. Then the subject has to spend additional time and effort to correct the activity so that its product (result) meets the goal.
5. The subject and result of pedagogical activity are not material, but an ideal product that is not always directly observable. Its quality and level is often determined indirectly, and not by direct measurement.
6. Pedagogical activity is a succession-promising activity. Relying on previous experience, the subject organizes it; at the same time, it focuses on the future, on the future, predicts this future.
7. Pedagogical activity has a search- creative nature. This feature is explained and caused by several reasons: the activity of the object of activity, the multifactorial influences on the object, the constant changeability of the conditions and circumstances in which the teacher finds himself in his professional work (this was already mentioned earlier). He inevitably almost every time has to re-design methods of interaction with pupils from known and mastered methods and means.
These are some of the features of pedagogical activity that distinguish it from other types. This leads to a number of features pedagogical process. Let's name some of them.

Nuances of the pedagogical process

Since pedagogical activity is a purposeful activity, the process is predominantly controlled. Meanwhile, this process takes place not only in artificial conditions, that is, controlled, but also in spontaneous, uncontrolled conditions. Thus, there is a planned process, aimed at achieving a conscious goal, as well as a spontaneous one, leading to a random result, i.e. desired or undesirable result, even neutral. And in this relationship, the controlled process does not always prevail, it happens that the unmanaged process wins. And it is not surprising that the efforts of the teacher in educational work sometimes supported, and sometimes destroyed by a spontaneous process. The teacher has to take into account this situation and conditions. And this is possible only with constant, rolling diagnostics.
The pedagogical process is a holistic process, simultaneously covering the physical, mental, social, and spiritual development individual. In addition, the individual, living among people, interacts with them, and with the group, and with the collective. And it is formed not in parts, but holistically.
Teachers in their activities will be successful with a humanistic approach to pupils. Humanization of the pedagogical process, relations with children means respectful attitude to children, the ability to appreciate in a child his unique identity, the formation of self-respect and dignity.
Pedagogical activity necessarily includes not only educational, but also a communicative process. Therefore, the culture of communication in this activity plays a special role. It is able to create an atmosphere of trust, warmth, mutual respect, benevolence in the relationship between the teacher and the pupil. Then the word of the teacher turns out to be an effective tool of influence. But rudeness, cruelty, intolerance in the same relationships, tactlessness in communication form an unfriendly atmosphere. In such a situation, the word of the educator irritates the pupil, is perceived by him negatively, oppresses him. Communication itself becomes joyless, undesirable for both the teacher and the pupil, and the word becomes an ineffective or even destructive factor.
In pedagogical activity there is also a process and management management. Usually the process is built vertically: from top to bottom, from leader to subordinate, from teacher to student. This process contains significant opportunities for imparting to this activity an atmosphere of kindness, benevolence, genuine mutual respect in the relationship between leaders and subordinates. At the same time, the psychological barrier between them disappears; true cooperation is established between senior and junior, experienced and inexperienced members of the group. Of course, at the same time, the responsibility of the elders for the younger ones - moral, legal, psychological - remains, but it is softened, as if not noticed, and at the same time, as it were, is equally assigned to everyone.
The question of leadership style in general, the style of relationships between leaders and subordinates, is a special and big one. It is covered in more detail in another thread. Now let's just say that the democratic style, in contrast to the authoritarian and liberal, is more preferable. The style of management, which relies on the unquestioning, not allowing objections and discussions, the execution of an order, command, order, forms a passive, irresponsible, lack of initiative personality.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Kaluga State University K.E. Tsiolkovsky

Department of Pedagogy

on the topic Specificity pedagogical work

Kaluga, 2011


Features of the teaching profession

.V.A. Sukhomlinsky about the specifics of the teacher's work

The teacher and the personality of the child




Labor is an expedient human activity aimed at creating material or spiritual benefits necessary to meet the needs of each individual and society as a whole.

The work of a teacher has a number of features that are determined by the specifics of the educational process. During this process, the transfer of knowledge (i.e. systematized information) to students and the education of students are carried out.

The implementation of the educational process is possible when the teacher has a system of knowledge and is able to transfer this knowledge to students. Therefore, the most important requirement for personal and business qualities teacher, is professional competence, which means knowledge of the taught discipline and erudition. An incompetent teacher, who does not know the discipline he teaches well, can hardly transfer knowledge to students and arouse their interest in this discipline.

A characteristic feature of the educational process is the multifactorial nature of education. This means that family, school, out-of-school institutions, mass media, formal and informal contacts with other people have a significant influence on the upbringing of a person. However, the teacher should not passively observe the impact of these factors on students. A good teacher acts as a coordinator, commentator and even an opponent in relation to the factors influencing students, so the teacher must be a versatile educated, erudite person. At the same time, the knowledge of the teacher should be systematically improved, and professional competence implies the will to development and self-improvement.

A necessary condition for the successful activity of a teacher is the presence of educational abilities. The educational abilities of a teacher are determined by the totality of his knowledge and skills in the field of education. In particular, the teacher should know what education is in a broad social sense and in a narrow one. pedagogical value; correlation of concepts personality formation , socialization and upbringing ; the essence and structure of education as a pedagogical phenomenon, its logic of development; the role of the main institutions of education in the process of formation and socialization of the personality; the place of education in the totality of factors of personality formation and development.

The teacher should be able to determine the limits of the possibilities of education and pedagogical activity in the development of the personality of the student; to coordinate the purposeful formative influences of all social institutions of education, ensuring the maximum realization of the potential of each of them; ensure the implementation of the functions of education in their logical sequence in a continuous educational and pedagogical process.

An important feature of the educational process is its duration. During this process, the teacher has to repeatedly meet with his students. Moreover, students grow up and the teacher has to not only repeat and consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired by the students, but also give them new knowledge based on the already laid foundation.

For the effective implementation of the educational process, the teacher needs a high level of moral and ethical maturity, because, communicating with the teacher, students perceive him not only as a carrier of knowledge, but also as a person. Moreover, the educational role of the teacher can be reduced to zero if he does not have moral and ethical maturity.

The moral and ethical maturity of a teacher includes honesty, decency, observance of moral and ethical standards accepted in society, loyalty to a given word, etc. Exist various points view of the teacher's work. Some believe that the success of pedagogical activity depends only on the personal qualities of the teacher, and the methods used by him are of no particular importance. Others, on the contrary, focus on teaching methods and believe that the teacher is only a conductor of certain ideas, and his personal qualities are not of decisive importance.

This opposition is unjustified and pedagogical work gives best results when the symbiosis of modern teaching methods and the talented activity of the teacher is ensured.

The quality of pedagogical work is largely characterized by psychological and pedagogical culture.

educational teacher moral Sukhomlinsky

1. Features of the teaching profession

The teaching profession is special in its essence, significance and inconsistency. The activities of a teacher in terms of social functions, requirements for professionally significant personal qualities, in terms of complexity psychological stress close to the activities of the writer, artist, scientist. The peculiarity of the teacher's work lies primarily in the fact that its object and product is man, the most unique product of nature. And not just a person, not his physical essence, but the spirituality of a growing person, his inner world. That is why it is rightly believed that the teaching profession is one of the most important in modern world.

The specificity of the profession of a teacher is expressed in constant communication with children who have their own worldview, their rights, their own conviction. Because of this, the leading side of the pedagogical skill of the teacher is the ability to correctly direct the process of development of the younger generation, so organize all the activities of students so that each of them has the opportunity to fully develop their inclinations and interests. Pedagogical work as a specific social phenomenon is characterized by special functions and consists of the following components:

a) labor as an expedient activity;

b) the subject of labor;

c) means of labor.

But in such a general form, these components are inherent in any type of labor. In this case, what is the specificity of pedagogical activity?

Firstly, pedagogical work as a socially significant activity consists in the formation of the younger generation, its human qualities. Pedagogical work is a process of interaction between a person who has mastered culture (teacher) and a person who masters it (student). It largely implements the social continuity of generations, the inclusion of the younger generation in existing system social connections, the natural possibilities of a person in mastering a certain social experience are realized.

Secondly, the subject of labor is specific in pedagogical work. Here he is not the dead material of nature, not an animal or a plant, but an active human being with the uniqueness of individual qualities.

Such a specificity of the subject of pedagogical work complicates its essence, since the pupil is such an object that is already the product of someone's influence (family, friends, etc.). Having become the object of the teacher's work, he at the same time continues to be an object that is influenced by other factors that transform his personality. Many of these factors (for example, the mass media) act spontaneously, multifaceted, in various directions. The most important of them, which has the greatest persuasiveness and visibility, is real life in all its manifestations. Pedagogical work presupposes the correction of all these influences coming from both society and the personality of the pupil. Finally, the means of pedagogical work by which the teacher influences the pupil are also specific. On the one hand, they are material objects and objects of spiritual culture intended for the organization and implementation of the pedagogical process (drawings, photographs, film and video materials, technical means etc.). On the other hand, a pedagogical tool is a variety of activities, which include pupils: work, play, teaching, communication, knowledge.

In pedagogical work, as in other types of labor, the subject of labor and its object (subject) are distinguished. However, the student acts in this work not only as its object, but also as a subject, since the pedagogical process will only be productive when it contains elements of self-education and self-education of the student. Moreover, the process of education and upbringing transforms not only the student, but also the teacher, influencing him as a person, developing some personality traits in him and suppressing others. Pedagogy is a purely human form of activity, born of the needs of social life, the needs of the development of human culture, which can be preserved and developed if society manages to pass it on to new generations. The pedagogical process in this regard is an indispensable condition for the existence human history, its progressive development, without which material and spiritual culture could neither exist nor be used.

The purpose of the pedagogical process determines not only its organization, but also the methods of training and education, the whole system of relations in it. Changes historical forms pedagogical activity is ultimately determined by the needs of society in certain types of human personality, which dictates the goals and objectives of education, its methods and means, directs the activities of the teacher, although outwardly it may seem that the teacher himself chooses what he will teach and how. The result of pedagogical work is also specific - a person who has mastered a certain amount of social culture. However, if in material production, which is directed to nature, with the receipt of the product of labor, the process ends with this, then the product of pedagogical labor - a person - is capable of further self-development, and the influence of the teacher on this person does not fade away, and sometimes continues to influence him all his life. As we see, the most important feature pedagogical work is that from beginning to end it is a process of interaction between people. In it, the subject is a person, the tool of labor is a person, the product of labor is also a person. This means that in pedagogical work the goals, objectives and methods of teaching and education are carried out in the form of personal relationships. This feature of pedagogical work emphasizes the importance in it moral aspects.

The work of a teacher has always been highly valued in society. The importance of the work performed by him, the authority has always determined a respectful attitude towards the teaching profession. Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato said that if the shoemaker is a bad master, then the state will not suffer much from this - the citizens will only be slightly worse dressed, but if the educator of children does not perform his duties well, whole generations of ignorant and bad people will appear in the country. The great Slavic teacher Jan Amos Comenius, who lived in the 17th century, is rightfully considered the founder of scientific pedagogy, wrote that teachers "have been given an excellent position, higher than which nothing can be under the sun" (Komensky Ya.A. Selected ped. op. M., 1955. P. 600). He argued that teachers are the parents of the spiritual development of students; The immediate concern of teachers is to set the students on a good example.

The importance of the teaching profession in society has always been important place in the works of great teachers, writers, public figures of our country. So, in the 19th century, K.D. Ushinsky, the founder of the Russian school of scientific pedagogy, emphasizing the high social role teachers in society, wrote: “The educator, standing on a par with modern way upbringing, feels like a living, active member of an organism struggling with ignorance and the vices of mankind, an intermediary between everything that was noble and high in past history people, and a new generation, the keeper of the holy testaments of people who fought for the truth and for the good. He feels like a living link between the past and the future ... ”(Ushinsky K.D. On the benefits pedagogical literature).

Considering pedagogy “in the broad sense as a collection of sciences directed towards one goal”, and pedagogy “in the narrow sense” as a theory of art “derived from these sciences”, K.D. Ushinsky in his work “Man as an Object of Education” wrote: “The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even an easy matter to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically. Almost everyone admits that parenting requires patience; some think that it requires an innate ability and skill, i.e. skill, but very few came to the conclusion that in addition to patience, innate ability and skills, special knowledge is also needed ... ”(Ushinsky K.D. Selected ped. cit.: In 2 vols. 1. S. 229, 231).

K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that the teacher must have a wide range of knowledge in various sciences, allowing him to study the child in all respects. An important role in the pedagogical heritage of the great Russian teacher is given to the requirements for the personal qualities of the teacher. He argued that no statutes and programs can replace the individual in the matter of education, that without personal direct influence educator to pupil, true education, penetrating into character, is impossible. V.G. Belinsky, speaking about the high social destiny of the teaching profession, explained: “How important, great and sacred is the rank of an educator: in his hands is the fate of a person’s whole life” (Belinsky V.G. Selected ped. cit. - M.-L., 1948 pp. 43). The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy, as you know, made a great contribution not only to literature, but also to the theory and practice of education. The experience of working in Yasnaya Polyana is still the subject of close study. Speaking about the profession of a teacher, he wrote: “If a teacher has only love for the job, he will good teacher. If the teacher has love only for the student, like a father, a mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read the whole book, but has no love for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and students, he is a perfect teacher ”(L.N. Tolstoy Ped. cit. - M., 1953. P. 342).

The ideas of progressive pedagogy about the social and moral role of the teacher were developed in the statements of famous public figures and teachers of the 20th century. A.V. Lunacharsky stated: “If the goldsmith spoils the gold, the gold can be poured. If spoiled gems, they go to marriage, but even the biggest diamond cannot be valued more in our eyes than a born person. Damage to a person is a huge crime, or a huge guilt without guilt. You need to work on this material clearly, having determined in advance what you want to make of it ”(Lunacharsky A.V. O public education. - M., 1958. S. 443). The last decade in the history of our country is characterized by complex, sometimes contradictory processes. Spiritual landmarks that until recently seemed unshakable are fading into the past. With the liquidation of the Iron Curtain, the process of interpenetration of spiritual values, both from the West and from the East, is rapidly gaining momentum. The domestic school and pedagogy are actively included in the global educational space, absorbing the positive experience of foreign pedagogy. At the same time, one cannot but admit that foreign pedagogical theories and technologies, which are not always adopted, are indeed progressive. At the same time, a huge stream of Western pseudo-culture falls upon students, which often forms a distorted idea of ​​the essence of certain moral values. In these difficult conditions, the role of the teacher as a defender and conductor of moral values ​​that have passed the test of millennia, including the characteristic values ​​for Russia, is increasing more than ever.

. V.A. Sukhomlinsky about the specifics of the teacher's work

We are dealing with the most complex, priceless, expensive thing in life - with a person. From us, from our ability, skill, art, wisdom, depends on his life, health, fate, mind, character, will, civil and intellectual person, his place and role in life, his happiness.

The result of the teacher's work does not appear immediately, but after a long time. Compare: a turner has turned a part, he sees final result of his labor. And the teacher?! (Tell about a student who in the colony "gave" literature lessons, lessons in kindness, humanism.) The idea of ​​a teacher's delayed influence on the student.

A child is brought up by a diverse environment, many factors, positive and negative, affect him. The mission (purpose) of a school, a teacher is to fight for a person, to overcome negative influences. This requires a smart, skillful, wise educator.

The teacher is not the only educator of the child in society, therefore, one should remember the multifactorial influence on the personality of the student. Here we see the "co-authorship" of the teacher, family and society in the upbringing of children.

The personality of a child can be compared to a block of marble, on which many sculptors and sculptors work.

The main sculptor is a teacher. He, like the conductor of a symphony orchestra, must unite and direct all influences on the student.

This is ideal, but in life it is very difficult and difficult.

The object of teacher's work is the spiritual life of the individual (mind, feelings, will, beliefs, consciousness). It is possible to influence these spheres only by the same. The personality of students can be formed only by the personality of the teacher - the personality of the creator, humanist, creator.

The object of our work is the constantly changing child, our work is the formation of man. This is a huge responsibility.

"And the teacher himself must burn constant desire become better, smarter, more qualified. Such is the specificity, the originality of pedagogical work, responsible, difficult, complex, but priceless for society. Comments to the article. Plato (the ancient Greek philosopher) said that if the shoemaker is a bad master, then the state will not suffer much from this - the citizens will only be somewhat worse shod, but if the educator of children does not perform his duties well, whole generations of ignorant and bad people will appear in the country.

Let us dwell on one more feature of the teacher's work - this is the "polyfunctionality" (versatility, versatility) of the teacher's activity.

Scheme of roles-functions of the teacher in his activities

Another scheme of teacher roles is offered by psychologist Vladimir Levy.

Role recipe of the Teacher (according to V. Levy)

In order to productively and efficiently perform their many functions in the process of independent pedagogical activity, the future specialist needs versatile training.

3. The teacher and the personality of the child

In his professional activity The teacher is primarily connected with the students. However, the circle of communication of the teacher is much wider. An important role in the upbringing of the younger generation is also played by the pedagogically competent interaction of the teacher with his colleagues, with the parents of students, with the school administration, and other persons who are somehow related to the education and upbringing of students. Despite the importance of interaction at all these levels, it should be said that the teacher-student relationship comes first in terms of importance, it is they who play a decisive role in the educational process. The structure of the "teacher-student" relationship is a system of social connections, starting from the simplest spatial, mental and social contacts to the most difficult social action and relationships that are sustainable.

The relationship between a teacher and a student is not chosen, but dictated by necessity: for the teacher - to work, teach, and for the younger generation - to study. The teacher does not choose students for himself, but enters into relationships with those who come to study. The student also does not choose a teacher for himself, he comes to a school where a certain group of teachers already works. True, it should be noted that the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (1992, 96) provides broad rights to teachers and students in terms of choosing an educational institution, if necessary, changing a school, class, etc., but in general, in mass educational institutions traditional forms of relationships between teachers and students prevail. The relationship between the teacher and the child must also be considered from the side of the content of education. The teacher is the bearer of a particular area scientific knowledge, in educational process he acts as an educator, a translator of the scientific worldview. At the same time, in interaction with students, he must also act as a highly moral person - the bearer of duty, conscience, honor, goodness, and justice.

real teacher is an example for children and their parents, and the relationship between the teacher and the student acts as the basis for the process of education and upbringing. One of the prominent philosophers and educators of the past, John Locke, wrote about the significance of the teacher’s example: “His own behavior should in no case diverge from his prescriptions ... good rules and therefore he must always carefully protect his pupil from the influence of bad examples ... ”Author of“ Great Didactics ”Ya.A. Comenius also great attention paid attention to the relationship between teacher and students. He angrily spoke out against those teachers who are alienated from students, arrogant and disrespectful to them. The great teacher attached particular importance to the teacher’s benevolent attitude towards children and advised teaching children easily and joyfully, “so that the drink of science is swallowed without beatings, without screaming, without violence, without disgust, in a word, affably and pleasantly” (Ya.A. Komensky. Chosen. ped. works M., 1982. S. 543).

The whole set of service, ideological, moral relations is the essence and content of the educational process. Moral relations occupy a special place in these relations. Modern level The development of education is characterized by the fact that the teacher's activity is seen not only as a simple process of direct influence on the child's personality (transfer of knowledge, persuasion by personal example and other methods and methods of pedagogical influence), but also as an organization of active cognitive activity the student himself. Learning is bilateral process, in which the teacher is assigned not so much the role of a translator of knowledge, but the leader, inspirer and organizer of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. It is no coincidence that Ya.A. Comenius took the following words as the epigraph to his book "Great Didactics": "Let the alpha and omega of our didactics be the search and discovery of a way in which the students would teach less, and the students would learn more."

However, in the system of “teacher-student” relations, the interacting parties are not equivalent in terms of their content and the strength of their influence on each other: the teacher is their leading and most active side. It is the teacher's moral views and beliefs, feelings and needs, and most importantly, his actions that have a decisive influence on the moral relations that develop between them. If moral relations between a teacher and a student and a group of students develop incorrectly, then the teacher must first of all look for the reason for this in himself, since he acts as the leading subject of relations in the pedagogical process. Moral relations between the teacher and the student's personality perform a number of important functions for the pedagogical process. Let's name the main ones.

The moral relations of the "teacher-student" system are one of the most important conditions for the pedagogical process. Depending on the content, these relationships can either favor the pedagogical process or hinder it. Students, accepting the influence of the teacher and following his recommendations, must believe that the demands made on them are fair. The student's inner dislike for the teacher is easily transferred to all ideas emanating from him and can cause such a strong internal resistance in the student that the experienced pedagogical means do not give the desired effect, and sometimes they can even give a result opposite to the expected one.

Pedagogical work is aimed at the transformation of man. Children, being the object of influence, in the process of pedagogical influence exert a certain resistance, which, although akin to the resistance of any other material, but significantly exceeds it in the richness of forms and the complexity of manifestations. "Why in technical universities, - wrote A.S. Makarenko, - we study the resistance of materials, but in pedagogical schools we do not study the resistance of the individual, when they begin to educate her ?! (A.S. Makarenko. Pedagogical essays in eight volumes. T. 1. M .: Pedagogy, 1983. P. 85).

The brain of a child, a teenager is not always “wax”, from which it is possible to “sculpt” the personality we need. It can also be a hard alloy, which is difficult to process in the necessary way. It can be more plastic in the case of a good relationship between teacher and student. Friendly relations based on respect for the personality of the child make the process of education and upbringing more humane, and ultimately more effective. With the democratization and humanization of education in our country, progress in pedagogy is associated precisely with a decrease in the share of coercion of students in the process of their education and upbringing and with an increase in the share of other means in it (increasing motivation for learning, the desire to learn something new, etc.). d.).

The moral relationship of the teacher with the student is the most important tool of education. These relationships from early school age practically include students in certain type moral relations, introducing them to moral experience - the experience of respect, honesty, goodwill or the experience of disrespect, hatred and hostility. The established moral relations are also significant for the teacher, since they affect his attitude to pedagogical work, which in some cases can bring joy and pleasure, and in others it becomes an unpleasant and joyless duty for him. The core component that permeates the entire system of relationships between the teacher and the child is respect for the personality of each student.

The pedagogical specificity of this requirement lies in the fact that respect is addressed not to an already established, formed personality, but only to a person in the process of its formation. The attitude of the teacher to the student, as it were, anticipates the process of his formation as a person. It is based on knowledge of the development trends of the younger generation, which give grounds to project the socially significant personality traits of the child.

Practically none of the teachers openly raises objections to the moral requirement - respect for the student's personality. However, in practice, there is often a violation of this norm, which indicates the difficulties that the teacher has to overcome and which he cannot always successfully cope with. In addition, the attitude to the student as a person requires the expenditure of nervous energy and additional time, since it does not tolerate a careless, superficial attitude towards a person. Therefore, respecting each student and seeing him as an individual is a difficult task for the teacher's mind and heart.


The word "teacher" has several close in meaning, almost synonymous terms: "educator", "mentor", "teacher". The latter should be considered in more detail. The word "teacher" is used both in a wide and in narrow sense. In a broad sense, it is authoritative, a wise man that has a huge impact on people. The word "teacher" refers to people who have created their own schools in the fields of science, literature, art. This high title is rightfully borne by A.S. Pushkin, K. Stanislavsky, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky and other representatives of culture.

We will refer to this word in its narrow sense to professionals who teach and educate our children and thus have a huge impact on the spiritual development of the people, as well as to those people who teach adults.

High moral character, moral purity - necessary qualities personality of the teacher. Whether the teacher wants it or not, he gives his pets daily lessons in morality. Consequently, a cynic, a morally unscrupulous person should not be a teacher. Responsibility, conscientiousness, diligence - this is a necessary "arsenal" of teacher qualities. The fact is that he evaluates his activity, its results, first of all, himself, and it is very important that this assessment be impartial, objective. The words of the poet can be applied to the activities of the teacher that “he is his own highest court, he will be able to evaluate his work more strictly”.

Of all the moral qualities, the most essential for a teacher is love for children. This requirement is formulated in any textbook of pedagogy, it can be found in the works of every outstanding teacher, but, perhaps, V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “What does a good teacher mean? First of all, this is a person who loves children, finds joy in communicating with them, believes that every child can become a good person, knows how to be friends with children, takes children's joys and sorrows to heart, knows the soul of a child, never forgets that he himself was a child.

Each new generation, entering into life, must master the generalized experience of previous generations, which is reflected in scientific knowledge, morality, customs, traditions, methods and methods of work, etc. social purpose The goal of a teacher is precisely to accumulate this experience in oneself and pass it on to one’s pupils in a concentrated form. “An educator who is on a par with the modern course of education,” wrote K.D. Ushinsky, "feels like a living link between the past and the future." The teacher manages the process of forming the personality of each of his students, thereby largely determining the prospects for the development of society.


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A person's belonging to a particular profession is manifested in the features of his activity and way of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E. L. Klimov, the teaching profession refers to a group of professions, the subject of which is another person. But the pedagogical profession is distinguished from a number of others primarily by the way of thinking of its representatives, heightened sense debt and responsibility. In this regard, the teaching profession stands apart, standing out as a separate group. Its main difference from other professions of the “man-to-man” type is that it belongs both to the class of transformative and to the class of managing professions at the same time. Having the formation and transformation of the personality as the goal of demolishing the activity, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of its intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of her spiritual world.

The main content of the teaching profession is relationships with people. The activities of other representatives of professions such as "man - man" also require interaction with people, but here it is due to the fact that the best way understand and satisfy human needs. In the profession of a teacher, the leading task is to understand social goals and direct the efforts of other people towards their achievement.

Thus, one of the features of pedagogical activity is that its object has a dual nature (L.K. Markova): on the one hand, it is a child, a student in all the richness of his life, on the other hand, these are those elements of social culture that he owns teacher and which serve as "building material" for the formation of personality. This duality of the nature of pedagogical activity often leads to the fact that a young teacher does not adequately understand the subject area of ​​his activity, in the center of which is the child, and unjustifiably reduces (reduces) it to work with educational material, to the preparation and conduct of lessons, forgetting that the latter are only an instrument of pedagogical activity, and not the essence of it. Therefore, the pedagogical profession requires complex teacher training - general cultural, human studies and special.

V. D. Slastyon as the main specific features The pedagogical profession is distinguished by its humanistic, collective and creative character.

Humanistic function teacher's work is associated primarily with the development of the child's personality, his creative individuality, with the recognition of the right of a developing personality to be the subject of joint activity. All the activities of the teacher should be aimed not only at helping the child in solving the problems facing him today, but also at preparing him for the independent achievement of new, complex, promising goals that determine the path of his further development.

The collective nature of pedagogical activity. If in other professions of the "person - person" group, the result, as a rule, is the product of the activity of one person - a representative of the profession (for example, a salesman, doctor, librarian, etc.), then in the teaching profession it is very difficult to isolate the contribution of each teacher, family and other sources of influence in the development of the personality of the pupil. That is why today they are increasingly talking about the cumulative (collective) subject of pedagogical activity.

In psychology, a "collective subject" is an interconnected and interdependent group of people performing joint activities.

The cumulative (collective) subject of pedagogical activity in a broad sense refers to the teaching staff of a school or other educational institution, and in a narrower sense - the circle of those teachers who are directly related to a group of students or an individual student.

The main characteristics of the collective subject are interconnectedness and interdependence, joint activity and group self-reflection.

interconnectedness in teaching staff contributes to the formation of pre-activity, i.e. the formation of motivation to achieve a common goal, the formation of a common pedagogical orientation in other words, the formation of like-minded teachers. The concept of "like-minded people" does not mean giving up one's personal views and pedagogical techniques. ... Like-minded people are people who think about one thing, but think differently, ambiguously, solve questions this one in their own way, from the positions of their views, on the basis of their discoveries. The more shades within any human community, the more vital it is. Therefore, the more teachers' thoughts about one fact, the deeper and more diverse this will be implemented one case".

Joint activity as a characteristic of a collective subject, it implies not only joint activities, but also joint communication, communication, group behavior, intra-group relations. Pedagogical activity is impossible without the exchange of experience, without discussions and disputes, without upholding one's own pedagogical position. The teaching staff is always a team of people of different ages, different professional and social experience, and pedagogical interaction involves communication and relationships not only with colleagues, but also with students and their parents. Therefore, only if the teaching staff becomes a collective subject, is it able to translate the existing contradictions into constructive joint activity, and not turn them into a permanent conflict. L. S. Makarenko argued: “The unity of the teaching staff is a completely defining thing, and the youngest, most inexperienced teacher in a single, cohesive team, headed by a good master leader, will do more than any experienced and talented teacher who goes against with the teaching staff. There is nothing more dangerous than individualism and squabbles in the teaching staff, there is nothing more disgusting, there is nothing more harmful.

The most important characteristic of the collective subject is the ability of the group to self-reflection, as a result of which feelings of “We” are formed (experiences of belonging to a group and unity with it) and an image of We (a group idea of ​​\u200b\u200bour group, this assessment). Such feelings and images can only be formed in teams that have their own history, traditions, respect pedagogical experience accumulated by the older generation and open to a new pedagogical search, able to give critical, objective assessment their professional activities.

Thus, the totality of the characteristics of the collective subject of pedagogical activity makes it possible to judge psychological climate (atmosphere) in the teaching staff, on which the effectiveness of the teacher's work, his satisfaction with his own work, the possibility of self-realization and self-actualization in the profession largely depend.

Pedagogical activity as a creative process. The most important and backbone feature of pedagogical activity is its creative nature. Starting with the classics of pedagogy and ending with latest research pedagogical activity, all the authors one way or another considered the activity of the teacher-educator as a creative process. This problem is most fully presented in the works of V. A. Kan-Kalik. He considers pedagogical creativity as a process of solving countless problems in changing circumstances.

It should be noted that in any human activity there are elements of creativity, i. any activity necessarily combines creative and non-creative (algorithmic) components. Algorithmic - assumes a standard situation that excludes freedom of choice when solving a problem. Creativity takes place when the method of activity is not set in advance, but is determined by the subject of activity in accordance with the characteristics of the situation. However, the role of the creative component in different types activities are significantly different. The algorithmic component of pedagogical activity is represented by a set of normative psychological and pedagogical knowledge and experience. However, they are applied in constantly changing conditions, non-standard situations. Thus, a carefully developed outline of the lesson in a situation of "live" communication with students invariably undergoes changes. This is the specificity of pedagogical creativity. V. A. Kan-Kalik and N. D. Nikandrov note that “the very nature of pedagogical creative work characterized by a number of parameters, which in the very literally words have a normative character, which by no means excludes their heuristic origin, but presupposes some knowledge of this normativity. If this does not happen, then the results of pedagogical creativity cannot be sufficiently effective, just as one cannot compose poetry without knowing the technique of rhyme, meter, etc.” However, most researchers note that it is in pedagogical activity that the creative component prevails over the normative (algorithmic) component, since a constant choice of the optimal solution to the pedagogical problem is required.

What is the difference between pedagogical creativity and scientific, technical, artistic creativity? Answering this question, V. I. Zagvyazinsky pointed out the following features of the teacher's creativity.

1. Strictly limited, compressed in time. “The teacher cannot wait until he is “seen”, he must find the best method for the upcoming lesson today, and often make a new decision in the lesson itself in a matter of seconds if an unforeseen situation has arisen for him.”

2. Since pedagogical creativity is merged with educational educational process, it should always bring positive results. "Negatives are only permissible in mental tests and estimates."

3. Pedagogical creativity is always co-creation.

4. A significant part of the teacher's creativity is carried out in public, in public (the ability to manage one's psychophysical state).

The result of pedagogical creativity is also specific. N. V. Kuzmina notes that the “products” of pedagogical creativity are always pedagogical innovations aimed at improving the pedagogical process or the pedagogical system as a whole. The sphere of pedagogical creativity, and, consequently, the emergence of pedagogical inventions is unusually wide. They can be both in the field of selection and composition of the content of information in educational and extracurricular activities, and in the field of selection and organization various kinds activities, in the creation of new forms and methods of education and upbringing, in ways of solving pedagogical problems. However, most often they point to the subjectivity of novelty in pedagogical creativity (the discovery made by the teacher is important not so much for pedagogical theory or practice, how much for himself and his students in the course of solving a specific pedagogical problem).

Pedagogical activity, being creative in its essence, requires every teacher to take a creative approach to their professional activities. However, the degree of creative realization of a particular teacher depends on his motives, personal qualities, individual abilities, level of knowledge, general cultural and professional experience. Therefore, pedagogical creativity can be realized at different levels. V. A. Kan-Kalik and N. D. Nikandrov distinguish next levels pedagogical creativity.

1. The level of elementary interaction with the class. used Feedback, impacts are adjusted according to the results. But the teacher acts "according to the training manual", according to the template.

2. The level of optimization of activities in the lesson, starting with its planning. Creativity here consists in the skillful choice and expedient combination of content, methods and forms of teaching already known to the teacher.

3. Heuristic level. The teacher uses the creative possibilities of live communication with students.

4. The level of creativity (the highest) characterizes the teacher with complete independence. / The teacher can use ready-made techniques, but put his personal beginning into them. He works with them only insofar as they correspond to his creative individuality, the characteristics of the personality of the pupil, the specific level of learning, upbringing, class development.

Thus, each teacher continues the work of his predecessors, but the teacher-creator sees wider and much further. One way or another, he transforms pedagogical reality, but only a teacher-creator actively fights for cardinal transformations, and he himself is a clear example in this matter.

The cadres of teachers in secondary specialized educational institutions are recruited and replenished mainly at the expense of engineers and other specialists. highest qualification who have passed the school of work experience in production, in an institution, design bureau, collective farm, state farm, etc. Such teachers have something positive quality that they not only have the necessary stock theoretical knowledge, but also gained by experience the skills and abilities of their application in conditions economic activity. They know the production requirements for the future mid-level specialist. Many of them also received pedagogical education. But is this enough to become a real teacher? The experience of educational institutions convincingly shows that a teacher, in order to successfully fulfill his professional duties, must have a complex set of specific features and qualities that characterize him as a specialist and as a person endowed with a special social status- Educator of the next generation. The teacher of a secondary special educational institution carries a large share responsibility not only for the training of a highly qualified specialist who meets the modern requirements of production or other spheres of public life, but also forms young man as a person. During the years of study at a technical school, young people should mature and consolidate all the traits and qualities necessary for a person who independently enters into the life of socialist production collectives, a person who is an active conductor of the ideas and policies of the Communist Party, endowed with the moral, ethical and civic qualities of a member of the socialist society.
The success of the teacher's work will depend primarily on how much he himself will be the bearer of these qualities. The ideological hardiness, political maturity, high communist consciousness of the Soviet teacher, his deep understanding of the goals and tasks of educating young builders of communism are an indispensable condition for success in work, professional quality teacher. A real teacher educates students not only at certain hours, but always and in everything, with every step, deed, word and deed, with all their behavior.
Such requirements for the teacher, arising from the tasks of communist education, give rise to another feature of his profession - the variety of functions, forms and methods of work. The teacher deals with material of extreme complexity. The student is not a passive product of nature. He is an object and at the same time the subject of the influence of educators, teachers and the most various factors natural and public environment. In the process of forming the INFLUENCE of the teacher AND the pupil, it is necessary to take into account not only the whole variety of external influences, but also the features of the psychological characteristics of his age, individual differences in inclinations and abilities, character and habits. Only the ability to penetrate into the psychology of each individual student and the team of the group as a whole makes the teacher's work useful and highly effective.
The profession of a teacher requires from him a comprehensive and thorough scientific education. The teacher should not only have deep modern knowledge in the field of those sciences, the basics of which he teaches students, but also be comprehensively educated: know the foundations of Marxist-Leninist teachings, dialectical and historical materialism, theory and history of development human society, the laws of the class struggle, the strategy and tactics of the communist and workers' movement. The teacher must be a highly cultured person with developed aesthetic feelings, tastes and needs.
Life itself, the nature of his work puts such demands on the teacher. Modern students live in conditions of rapid development of science and technology, which have a profound and comprehensive impact on all aspects of life. Development various means communications, including individual use, with the simultaneous development of means and methods of mass communication, lead to the fact that students are able to receive a wide variety of information from the most remote regions of the globe.
Under such conditions, the teacher in his teaching activities cannot be limited to presenting scientific material textbook. He should also be ready to answer the most unexpected questions of curious students. Constant replenishment of their scientific knowledge, as well as knowledge in the field of history, philosophy, politics, literature and art will strengthen the authority of the teacher in the eyes of students, help him to be useful in the process of the constant heated debates of young people on various issues of life. Since education is included in the professional responsibilities of each teacher of a technical school, one of the features of the profession of a teacher is love for children, students, pedagogical work, the ability to build relationships with students correctly. “To educate,” wrote M. I. Kalinin, “means to behave with students in such a way that, when resolving the countless number of misunderstandings and clashes inevitable in school life, they have the conviction that the teacher did the right thing” 1.
Wherein big role plays the observance by the teacher of the principle of unity of respect and exactingness towards the pupil, such exactingness, which externally and internally looks in the eyes of both: the educator (teacher) and the pupil (student) as an invariable form of respect for him. A. S. Makarenko emphasized that with this the Soviet school, Soviet system education, the Soviet way of life is fundamentally different from the bourgeois.
The work of a teacher requires great strength of waves, a strong character, perseverance and sufficient endurance. Such features are especially necessary for a teacher-mentor and educator of young people.
A teacher who has a strong character, strong will, and at the same time is fair, always objectively evaluating the actions and actions of students, has a more effective educational influence on them than a teacher who does not possess the indicated qualities to a sufficient extent.
In order to instill in students courage, courage, the will to overcome difficulties, the teacher must himself possess these qualities. Thus, the profession of a teacher, like no other, puts him in the position of an example for students. He should be an example decisively in everything, starting with the most ordinary behavior, appearance, manners and ending with high ideological and morality.
“... Teachers,” said M. I. Kalinin, “should be people, on the one hand, highly educated, and on the other hand, crystal honest. For honesty, I would say, is incorruptibility of character, in the highest sense of the word, it not only impresses children, it infects them, it leaves a deep imprint on their entire subsequent life.
From this follows the conclusion about exceptional value in the work of a teacher of moral and pedagogical knowledge, beliefs and behavior, that is, the unity of moral consciousness and the corresponding practice of behavior. Any deviations from such an understanding of communist morality in its concrete manifestation will not go unnoticed by the students and will have their effect. negative influence as a young emerging personality.
Kalinin M. I. On communist education. M., "Young Guard", 1956, p. 143.
Kalin and M.I. O upbringing and training. M., Uchpedgiz, 1957, p. 261.
One of the features of pedagogical activity is the need for multilateral relations with the population. This is required by the tasks of educating young students and training young professionals,
Communication with parents is a prerequisite for the success of educating students. Constantly informing parents about the studies, participation in public life and the behavior of their children creates more favorable conditions for their upbringing. Contacts of teachers with parents, the establishment of comradely relations between them are opened for teachers additional sources information in order to study students and, finally, communication with parents has as its goal the pedagogical education of parents, including them in the sphere of active educational influence on their children - students of technical schools. The second direction of contacts between teachers and the population is the implementation of the principle of linking education with life, the practice of communist construction. The system of specialist training provides for the organization of different levels and different duration of practical work of students in production together with adults. Teachers care about creating favorable conditions not only for the successful completion of educational work assignments by students, but also for a positive moral climate in adult teams where students work. Through conversations with workers and managers labor collectives The teachers do everything possible to ensure that the people and the whole environment where the students undergo practical training contribute to the education and development of communist consciousness and behavior in them.
Among the diverse ties with the population, a large place is occupied by patronage relations with production teams, military units, management of specialists in student scientific circles " design bureaus etc.
Such forms of communication between teachers and the population require the teacher to good knowledge life of the city, district where it is located educational institution, knowledge of the advanced people of their area, specialists, the ability to communicate with people, that is, to develop high, positive communicative qualities.
Only the close relationship of the teacher with the families of students, with in wide circles the Soviet public, the active participation of the teacher himself in the public life of the country makes his work quite socially significant and valuable.
The need to train creatively thinking specialists requires modern mentors of young students - teachers of creativity in work. Only a teacher who is constantly looking for something new in science, in love with the search, can ignite students, teach them to creatively apply knowledge in practice, find new solutions for economic or other problems. practical tasks. The work of a teacher involves not only the ability to apply methods and techniques of teaching and education known in pedagogy, traditional means that help students learn the processes and phenomena of reality, but also analyze their own and other teachers' experience, put into practice everything new that has been developed
pedagogical science and tested by experience, to be in constant search of ways and means of further improvement of the educational process, the training of young specialists.

More on the topic § 2. Features of the profession of a teacher:

  1. Genesis and history of the journalistic profession, features of development trends. Journalistic profession in the system of civilization and culture, in the information post-industrial society. The current state of the profession.


On the topic: "The specifics of pedagogical activity"


technology teacher

Galyautdinova Natalya Borisovna


The teacher is the central figure in the school, his defining role in the implementation of educational activities.


Among professions, the profession of a teacher is not quite common. Teachers are busy preparing our future, they are educating those who will replace the current generation tomorrow. They are, so to speak, working with "living material", the deterioration of which is equated almost to a catastrophe, since those years that were spent on training were missed.

The profession of a teacher requires comprehensive knowledge, boundless spiritual generosity, wise love for children. Only every day, with joy, giving oneself to children, one can bring them closer to science, make them willing to work, and lay unshakable moral foundations.

The activity of a teacher is every time an intrusion into the inner world of an ever-changing, contradictory, growing person. We must always remember this so as not to injure, not to break the fragile sprout of the child's soul. No textbooks can replace the commonwealth of a teacher with children.

Teaching is one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. The teacher has a large circle of responsibility for improving the younger generation, shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word, to read books.

Many of us remember the school with warmth and delight. However different teachers left a mark on our souls. You want to meet with some of them and even discuss life plans, you can congratulate someone on a holiday or go to him for a cup of tea, and it also happens that you don’t want to remember someone, but someone just disappeared from memory…

It is not enough for a teacher to know his subject well, he must be well versed in pedagogy and child psychology. Specialists in different areas many, but not everyone can become good teachers.

The specifics of pedagogical activity

To understand the essence of pedagogical activity, we single out itssubject andan object . Subject and object are general scientific concepts. In any activitythe subject is called the one who performs the action, and the object is the one who is affected . The object can be like a person, creature, and an inanimate object. Thus, the subject acts on the object, transforms it or changes the spatio-temporal conditions of the object's stay. For example, a human subject can transform a table-object (break, repair, make changes to the structure) or change the spatio-temporal conditions of its functioning (rearrange the table to another place, use it differently at one time or another).

The subject of pedagogical activity - a teacher, the object of pedagogical activity - a pupil. However, such a distinction between the subject and object of pedagogical activity is very conditional, because an important condition for the success of pedagogical activity is the activity of the child himself in training and education. Thus, the student, the educated person is not only the object of pedagogical influence, but also the subject of knowledge, acquiring the knowledge necessary for him in life, as well as the experience of activity and behavior.

The teacher and student are participants in the pedagogical process .

The features of the pedagogical profession are manifested in its goals and results, functions, the nature of the work of the teacher and the nature of the interaction between the participants in the pedagogical process (the teacher and the child).

1. The purpose of pedagogical activity - the formation of a person's personality.

2 . The result of pedagogical activity - a person who is useful and successful in society.

3. The teaching profession in society has historically been assigned two main functions. and: adaptive and humanistic ("human-forming"). The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation (adaptation) of the child to specific social and cultural conditions, and the humanistic function is associated with the development of his personality, creative individuality.

4. Pedagogical activity is collaborative and creative.

The collective nature of pedagogical activity is manifested in the fact that ...
- the result of activity - personality - is the result of the work of several subjects (teachers, families, social environment, the child himself), the educational process is carried out in the vast majority of cases in a team of pupils, which is a powerful factor in education;
- the educational process is aimed at preparing the individual for being in a team and society.

The creative nature of the teacher's work is manifested in various components of pedagogical activity: in the analysis of the pedagogical situation, in the formulation and solution of pedagogical problems, in the organization of one's own activities and the activities of students. If the teacher uses new, non-standard forms and methods of activity, finds and applies original solutions tasks of education, upbringing and development of students, he shows pedagogical creativity.

Pedagogical creativity is the process of solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances (V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, etc.). A creative teacher is able to choose the optimal combination of ways to transfer knowledge and experience to students, i.e. adapt (adapt) the knowledge and experience transmitted to children to their own individual characteristics and characteristics of their students, without deviating from their goals. At the same time, the result of pedagogical activity can be better than before, or the same result is achieved at a lower cost.

The basis of pedagogical creativity is the creative potential of the teacher's personality, which is formed on the basis of the life experience accumulated by the teacher, psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge, as well as new ideas, skills and abilities acquired as a result of self-development.

5 . Features of the interaction of the teacher with the child are that the teacher, firstly, manages the process of education, upbringing and development, and secondly, seeks to satisfy the educational needs of the student. In other words, he provides students educational service, but for this he must effectively manage their activities. Therefore, pedagogical activity always presupposes that the person carrying it out has organizational abilities and managerial skills.

6. Results of pedagogical activity - this is the knowledge formed by him in the child, attitudes to various aspects of life, experience of activity and behavior. Thus, the work of the teacher is evaluated by the achievements of his students.


“There is no education universally suitable for the whole human race; moreover, there is no society where different pedagogical systems do not exist and function in parallel. E. Durkheim. Modern teacher must be well versed in various branches of science, the basics of which he teaches, know its possibilities for solving socio-economic, industrial and cultural problems. But this is not enough - he must be constantly aware of new research, discoveries and hypotheses, to see the near and far perspectives of the science he teaches. Of course scientific analysis pedagogical activity pays tribute to the uniqueness of the creative method of each teacher, but he himself is built not on descriptions, but on the principles comparative study, qualitative - quantitative analysis. Particularly promising is the direction associated with the application of the principles of a systematic approach to the analysis and construction of models. pedagogical activity. Acting as specific social phenomenon, pedagogical activity consists of the following components: the purpose of the activity; the subject of pedagogical activity; means of pedagogical work; the subject of pedagogical work; his results. Pedagogical work as an expedient activity is aimed at creating conditions for the development and formation of a person's personality, therefore, at the formation of the younger generation. This is a process of interaction between a person who has mastered the experience of previous generations, and a person who is just mastering it. Through pedagogical activity, the social continuity of generations is carried out, the inclusion of a growing person in the existing system of social ties, the natural possibilities of a developing personality in mastering social experience are realized. The specificity of the target component of pedagogical activity is that its goal is always a "social order". The subject of pedagogical work is also specific. This is not the dead material of nature, but an active human being with unique individual qualities, with their own attitude and understanding of current events. Thus, we come to the conclusion that the most important feature of pedagogical activity is that it is a process of interaction between people from beginning to end. Man is the subject, instrument and product of pedagogical activity. Consequently, the goals, objectives and methods of training and education in pedagogical activity, determined, in the end, social factors, carried out in the form interpersonal relationships. This dictates special requirements for a person who has chosen the profession of a teacher, and requires the maturity of his professional skills.


1. Gonobolin F.N. A book about a teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, 1965. – 260 p.

2. Kuzmina N.V. Essays on the psychology of teacher's work. - L .: Publishing house Leningrad University, 1967. - 183 p.

3. Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy: Course of lectures. – M.: Yurayt, 2000. – 523 p.

4. Slastenin V.A. Formation of the teacher's personality Soviet school. - M.: Prometheus, 1991. - 158 p.

5. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected works. In 5 volumes - V.2. - Kyiv: Glad. school. – 535 p.

6. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy. - Minsk: Universitetskoe, 2001. - 272 p.

7. Shcherbakov A.I. Psychological foundations formation of the personality of the Soviet teacher in the system of higher pedagogical education. - L .: Education, 1967. - 147 p.