How to be successful in your career. Practice your public speaking skills

The more ambitious and ambitious you are, the more valuable these rules will be to you; they apply to any level of career and ambition. As you review these rules in detail, look for ways to apply our ideas to your own career.

  1. Specialize in a very narrow area; develop own methods work in this area.
  2. Find a niche in which you can work, have fun, excel, and look forward to becoming a recognized leader in that field.
  3. Understand that power is in knowledge.
  4. Identify your market and core customers and provide them with your best service.
  5. Determine where 20% of the effort will give you 80% of the results.
  6. Learn from the best.
  7. Start working for yourself early in your career.
  8. Hire as many surplus value producers as possible.
  9. Outsource work that is not your specialty.
  10. Use the capital you have as a means of getting rich.


Specialization is one of the greatest and most universal laws of life. The evolution of life itself obeys this law - every kind of plant or animal seeks to find its own ecological niche and develops unique characteristics. A small commercial firm that cannot find its niche in the market is doomed to death. The individual who is not an expert in his field is doomed to be a wage slave.

Higher living standards are made possible precisely because of the increasing greater specialization.

The computer appeared as a result of the development of a new specialized branch of electronics; Personal Computer was the result of further specialization; modern, user-oriented software has become a new branch of specialization; the advent of CD-ROM storage systems is another stage in the same process. Biotechnology develops in the same way - when everyone new step requires even more specialization - and soon this science will revolutionize the field of food production.

Your career should develop in the same way. The main thing here is competence.

Almost by definition, specialization is inconceivable without special knowledge. In most countries, 80% of jobs requiring highly qualified, only 20% of all able-bodied people can apply. Increasingly, in developed societies, the most important class attribute is not the degree of ownership of land or even financial property, but the degree of ownership of information.

Find your niche. This may take a long time, but it the only way gaining access to super profits.

Choose the niche of specialization in which you will work with pleasure and can become the best

Specialization requires a very careful approach. The narrower the area of ​​specialization, the more carefully it should be chosen.

Specialize in an area that interests you and that you enjoy working in. You will not become a recognized leader in anything that does not inspire your enthusiasm and passion.

This is not as difficult a condition as it might seem at first glance. Nowadays in commercial activity almost any hobby, any enthusiasm, any occupation can be reversed.

You can look at it from the other side as well. Almost everyone who has already climbed to the top worked with the greatest enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the engine of any achievement, and when a person infects others with his enthusiasm, his strength increases many times over. You can't feign enthusiasm and infect others with it if you don't feel it yourself.

If you are not enthusiastic about your current profession but want to be successful, quit. But before you take this step, you must choose the best field. Take a piece of paper and write down the things that you feel enthusiastic about. Then think about what you can turn from what you wrote into a niche for your future career. Pick the one area that excites you the most.

Understand that knowledge is power

The main thing in building a career on enthusiasm is knowledge. You should know more about your field than any other person. And then you can turn your knowledge into money, create a demand market for this knowledge and build a network of clients.

It is not enough to know a lot about a little. You should know more than anyone else knows about this little. Don't stop deepening and expanding your knowledge until you know for sure that you know more than any other person in your niche, and know it better.

Turning your knowledge into a marketable product is a creative process, and you need to think carefully about how you can do it. Try to take advantage of the experience of people who sell their knowledge in a field adjacent to you. If you do not have such an example before your eyes, follow the instructions below.

Find out what your market is and who your most important customers are, and provide them with your best service.

Your market is those people who can pay for your knowledge. Your main customers should be those people who will evaluate your services most well.

Your battlefield will be the market, so you must decide how you can sell the knowledge you have. Are you going to work for an already reputable firm or a successful individual entrepreneur as an employee? Or maybe you will work as a freelancer for several firms or people? Or will you create your own firm to sell your services to other firms or individuals?

Your main customers or client should be people or firms that the best way evaluate your work and can provide you with a stream of well-paid jobs.

Whether you are an employee, a self-employed person, a small or large employer, or even a head of state, you still have key clients on whom your business will continue to be successful, no matter what level you started from.

In any field of activity, 80% of people achieve only 20% of the result, and 20% of people get 80% of the result. What do the majority do wrong and the minority do right? After all, who are this minority? Can you do what they do? Can you take what they do and do it better?

Are your clients right for you, and are you right for your clients? Do you work for the same company? In that department? Are you doing the right job? Where can you make the best impression on your clients with the least amount of effort? Do you enjoy what you do and do it with enthusiasm? If not, then start planning today how to move to a job where you can feel like a person.

In the area where I worked, in management consulting, everything is very clear. Large client - good. Large order is good. A team of employees with many low-paid young people who can be entrusted with all the routine work is good. close personal acquaintance with clients at the level of subordinates - well. Relationships with the most important person in the firm, such as the chief executive officer, are very good. Long-term partnership with clients is excellent. Long-term and close acquaintances with the top management of large corporations with huge budgets and in need of many young consultants - on the way to the bank you just laugh at how easy everything turns out.

On what corporations in your activity make obscenely large profits? Which of your colleagues has the highest scores and at the same time always works without straining, having time to have fun? What are they doing so cleverly? Think, think, think. The answer is somewhere close, you just have to find it. But, for God's sake, don't look to your bosses for answers, don't poll colleagues, and don't try to dig up anything of value in print. There you will find established and commonplace truths in a million various options. The correct answer is known only to eccentrics, obsessed with their profession, people who are considered heretics in their field of activity.

Learn from the best

In any field of activity, the most successful people never think or act the way their ordinary colleagues think and act.

However, although they usually do not explain the secrets of their success, we can often find out these secrets ourselves through observation.

AT old times people understood this very well. Whether it is a student sitting at the feet of a guru, an apprentice learning from a master, a student gaining knowledge by assisting a professor in his research, or an aspiring artist working with an already established master, they all learned by learning in the process of assisting and imitating what what is the best action in their profession.

Get ready to pay high price for the right to work with the best. Find any excuse to spend time with them. Find out what is unusual about their behavior. You will see that they see things differently, use their time differently, and interact with people differently. If you can't do what they do, or something even more different from the stereotypes of your profession, then you will never rise to the top.

Start working for yourself early in your career

In allocating your time, prioritize activities that at least five times more productive than the rest. After that, your main task is to use this productivity to the greatest possible advantage for yourself. Ideally, to which you should strive at the beginning of your career, you should enjoy all the fruits of your labor yourself.

And there is only one circumstance that you should not start your own business: if you are still in the process of intensive absorption of knowledge. If working for a corporation or firm gives you knowledge that you don't have, then the benefits of that training may justify your low salary. Most often this happens in the first two or three years of a professional career. This may also apply to cases where people who are already experienced in their profession come to work in a firm that has more high standards than where they used to work. In these cases, the training period usually lasts several months, at most a year.

When these training periods are over, start working for yourself. And don't worry about your own financial security. In any case, the company hiring you does not guarantee you anything either.

Give work to as many producers of surplus value as possible

If on the first level of the path to success you must learn how to better use your own time, on the second - to ensure that the fruits of your labor fill only your own pocket, then on the third level you must learn to use the power of other people.

There won't be enough of you to do everything, so pay attention to the huge number of people that you can potentially give a job to. Among all these people, only a very few can be of great benefit to you.

Using the labor of others is the greatest source of enrichment. To some extent, you can and should benefit from people who do not work for you - from your friends. However, you can benefit directly and completely from the people you hire.

It goes without saying that only hiring producers of net profit, those whose value more than compensates for their cost, will bring benefits. However, it would be a mistake to assume that you should only hire the best of the best. Surplus value is created by hiring as many surplus value producers as possible, even if some of them are only twice the level of the average worker, while others are five (or even more) times more useful. Within your own team of employees, there will still be an 80/20 or 70/30 distribution of efficiency. Supreme absolute indicators surplus-value production may well be combined with a rather uneven distribution of talent among your team of workers. The only requirement is that your least successful employee must still bring more value than it costs you.

Outsource work that is not your specialty

The most successful professional firms and corporations are those that have given up all pursuits except those they are best at. If they're best at marketing, they don't do production. If they are much stronger than others in the field of research and invention, then they use the services of a third party not only in production, but also in advertising and in the sale of their goods. If they're great at producing huge volumes of standard products, they're not trying to find products for wealthier customers. If they are specialists in the production of goods for the "cream of society", they do not climb into the consumer goods market. These examples can be continued ad infinitum.

The fourth stage in your success in professional activity- it's as possible greater use performers of all the extra work. Keep the structure of your firm as simple as possible. Focus on those areas where you are several times stronger than your competitors.

Use existing capital as a means of enrichment

So far, we have looked at ways to improve your finances through labor activity. This does not mean that you cannot get rich with the capital you already have.

Getting rich with capital means using money to generate surplus value. The essence of the process is to buy machines to replace human labor, as soon as the use of machines becomes more efficient.

In fact, capital is used to clone the know-how expressed certain formula. Examples of such use of capital can serve as various forms of distribution software, the rise of fast food restaurants like McDonald's (which is increasingly not so fast), and the global expansion of soft drinks.


The winner takes all, so people who really strive to succeed should strive to become leaders in their field of activity.

This area of ​​activity should not be extensive. Be narrow specialist. Look for the niche that suits you best. You will never succeed if you don't like what you are doing.

Success is impossible without knowledge. To be successful, you also need to see how to satisfy your customers with the least amount of resources. Find out in which area 20% of resources can bring 80% of the profit.

At the dawn of your career, learn everything that can be learned. This can only be done if you work for the best companies with the best people. The word "best" means "the best in terms of usefulness for work in your own narrow niche of specialization."

Go through 4 levels of regulation of your work activity. First, get best use of his own time. Second, by working as a freelancer, ensure that 100% of the fruits of your labor go to you. Third, use the labor of as many producers of surplus value as possible. Fourth, outsource work in which you and your colleagues are no better than your competitors.

If you do all this, you will become the owner of a strong own company. At this stage, use the regulation of capital in order to increase it.

Richard Koch,
Lecturer in Management Economics and Business Strategy at the School of Business at the University of Birmingham.
The material is published in an abridged translation from English.
From the website


04.03.2006 17:03:37

interesting i like it

09/22/2004 05:31:30 PM, tanja

Comment on the article "Ten golden rules for career success"

One in the summer, and the second (in a blue box, I don’t know which subordination) - as much as in October. I don't think the rules have changed since then. Yes, and gold, out of habit, we call medals "For special successes in teaching".


I don’t know about this year, but last year, 2015, in order to get a medal, in addition to a certificate with honors, you had to not have the current 3, i.e. there are only 4 and 5 in the diary. This was the most difficult condition. Even though it's not mentioned anywhere.

As they explained to us, two medals will not be given, federal and Moscow. No one at the school can explain yet. for the federal - two years of fives, for the Moscow sum of three exams at least 223 points (it is not clear when this medal will be physically received)

"State final certification" refers to the certification procedure at the end of the corresponding level of education. In particular, after graduating from grade 11, in order to obtain a certificate, a graduate must pass the state final certification procedure.

There is a common stereotype that with age, our professional abilities are declining. It is not true. Today many Scientific research confirm the opposite - over the years, professional abilities only grow, enriched by the acquired experience. By modern standards, it is after 50 that the most fruitful, professionally successful time in life begins. Starting a new career, starting a business from scratch, finding your dream job, mastering an unfamiliar profession - all this is more than ...

How to make wishes. Why do some wishes come true and others do not? Is there a secret way to make wishes come true? In fact, all our desires are fulfilled if we think about them correctly. The whole secret lies in correct wording dreams. While a thought is spinning in your head, it is something fuzzy and non-specific. But as soon as you put it on paper, the thought becomes complete and clear. Do you agree? It's the same with desires. How, pray tell, the Universe ...

I love Steve Jobs, this indomitable dreamer, the great inventor who never gave up and succeeded. - information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty ...


I recently learned from a friend that she was adopted. This woman has a colorful Caucasian appearance, and her adoptive parents were blonde and red-haired)) They wrote that the daughter went to her great-grandmother. And she did believe. Until at the age of 14 well-wishers told the truth. There was a terrible explosion, she ran away from home, she could not forgive that they did not tell her the truth. Then she reconciled with her parents, but fully realized herself happy and grateful (according to her) after the birth of her own child. I was strongly advised not to hide the truth from the child, to teach it from an early age.

We have two such children in our family - one 29 years old was taken at 7.5, the other 35, they were taken at 1 goal. One knows the truth about the adoption and all the details, the second one lives with the secret until now. Both are successful and even successful people. At the same time, both do not shine with superintelligence, but they work successfully with VO. On the foster parents They don't look alike in appearance or personality. All this does not prevent them from being part of the clan and family. So a lot depends on expectations. Here (more importantly) both families did not expect anything supernatural from them, their parents had blood children.

1. Forget about flaws. It is better to think more often about your merits. This is the first and main commandment. 2. Stay at home less. There are a lot of interesting things around! 3. Know how to listen. Respect someone else's opinion. Don't impose yours. 4. Smell yourself. Find "your" perfume, because smells are associated with people :) 5. Don't be afraid to change. Develop, move forward. Try. Look for yourself. 6. Stock up on candy. All advertisements say fresh breath makes it easier to understand. The way it is! 7. Watch your steps. You don't have to constantly...

Our clients are solid, successful people who did not come for the sake of gold medals. The main thing is comfortable atmosphere on the court, allowing you to relax after office work, tense negotiations and Moscow traffic jams. The specifics of training is to put good technique and teach the game. Indeed, after 2-3 months of training, adults will want to play. And of course, learn how to play on the score and win! The main focus of the adult tennis program is to teach tennis to a good...

Having become the organizer of the Olympiad in the subject "Social Studies", "Junior" received access to the All-Russian portal of Olympiads. This made it possible to quickly exchange information with Russian Council Olympiads for schoolchildren and presentations of the experience of the Palace children's creativity. It has already become a good tradition in our city to celebrate the success of talented and gifted children on the pages of the annual edition of the Golden Fund of Novosibirsk. This book contains names and teams based on the results of their participation in competitions, festivals...

09/29/2011 10:35:10 PM, Golden Sun (in system 210778). is an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty and health, family relationships.


This year we went to 809, purposefully went to a certain teacher. As long as everyone likes it.

Thank you very much for the answers, we went to 387, they seemed to like it there, but the review was not very good, the head teacher from school 809 came to our kindergarten, told everything and liked the same. We get off at 1400, 712 and 1293

If I stay at home for another five, ten, twenty years - cakes will not become tastier, but borscht Where there is a career - children are usually with grandmothers or nannies most of the time and I support you, but there is a small pitfall. My best friend graduated from school with gold...


How do you avoid loneliness? That is, specifically what you do all day except household chores. To be honest, I’m already going crazy on maternity leave precisely from the lack of communication. Son in the garden, husband at work all day, girlfriends too. And I get tired no less than at work.

Well written, nice. There just aren't enough women like that. Here I am now with dignity and pleasure sitting at home. But not because I have a talent for it. Just a small child. And I love it, I really like it. But it is now. And in a couple of years, I probably want to work like that! After all, I liked to work before. And the child will grow up. Despite the fact that I have hobbies and friends, etc. Still, I don't think there will be enough at home. You just have to be happy with everything. That's for sure. And you do not work because there is not enough talent for a career as a housewife. And because on this moment you so want. After all, talent - although a spark of God, but it can be acquired. Now you just like to work. If you want to be a housewife. Like you write.

If you later want to pray before this icon, then you need to take a blessing, then consecrate it. I think it's even desirable to show what you want to sew, as some of the schematics are non-canonical. I don’t know about embroidery, but when icons are painted, they fast and refrain from marital relations. Therefore, icons are often written during multi-day fasts, especially during Great Lent. By the way, from August 13, the two-week Assumption Fast begins, until the 28th :)))
On the Ubrus forum, it seems there was a topic about this. I also read about embroidering icons at a bachelorette party, take a look.

I don't understand the current success in what?? is an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty and health, family relationships.

I think it's correct. Good luck and health! Golden rules of artificial feeding. is an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty and health...


that's how we went from St. to Guards in 5 weeks. it was also 30-40 gr chest + 100 gr. supplementary feeding with a mixture and also 2300 were born, just now we don’t have a twin :))
at first, I supplemented from a spoon every 3 hours for 30-50 grams with a mixture. my daughter did not immediately begin to suck the right amount from the breast, but naturally gradually, there was more milk and after a month and a half, I completely removed supplementary feeding. The feeding regime at 5 weeks changed abruptly - they fed on St every 3-4 hours, on Guards every hour and a half. then it became 2-2.5. my main problem was - the correct grip of the breast after the bottle, it was solved with the help of a consultant. we parted with the bottle abruptly, this is also important. then at 8 months they learned to suck from the bottle again :)))
IMHO, that was my experience.

I think yes. In general, control weighing before and after is a direct way to a bottle, because the child eats unevenly during the day and whether he eats or not should be judged by weight gain. The main thing here is to really feed even 50 g, but on demand. As a result, in a day the child will suck out his own. Much easier to suck from a bottle! But breasts are work. Do as the doctor said, so you will have plenty of milk, and the children will learn to suck on the breast. I had the same experience with my daughter. We have overcome everything.

Successful career with two children. Girls who managed to make a career (starting it at the age of 30) and It doesn't matter when and where to start. To all mothers - good luck and success! 09. 10.2006 16:43 the message was deleted by the moderator on the basis of the paragraph of the rules: - obscene language ...


It seems my example is not quite in the subject, but still. We have very good earnings at the company - and a sufficient number of wives do not work - the husband’s salary is enough. Our employee died in an accident 5 years ago. His wife was just 30 and two children. She didn’t work for a very long time. They took the wife as an assistant in the department where her husband worked, they actually entered her position. .

09.10.2006 11:32:41, Lindaa

I also stayed 12! years with 2 children, I have been working for a year, but the salary leaves much to be desired, 15-16 thousand. True, the schedule suits 2/2. I am tormented by the same question, where to run, if it is still possible, of course. To be honest, I don’t see any prospects yet (for myself), I’m 36 years old.

09.10.2006 11:08:14, the same

10 .don't send it to the boss by mistake!!! 06.11.2005 21:29:08, Dream_fantom. And what, people who follow these rules are progressing well? which Including any criticism to begin with praise. + I support Alex in that a good relationship= half success.


don't be friends with anyone!
do not talk too much, especially downline
do not teach anyone anything, going beyond - only a minimum :) Otherwise, grow yourself a competitor :) Encourage self-learning
if you go to the authorities with a question - carry the answer to this question at the same time;) with a little room for maneuver :)
Your boss is your father, mother and husband combined :) the truth is in last resort:) He needs to be told this sometimes, especially when he's drunk (at parties). At the same time, a sincere feeling should come through in your voice and facial expression :)

Don't engage in personal conversations. Do not discuss or judge any of the employees. Treat everyone equally and kindly. Dress formally and better than others (the latter is stolen from Kondrateya).

There is hardly a person who, at least deep down, does not dream of career growth, because career success is a kind of springboard to a prosperous future. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in building a successful career. So what should a person who wants to achieve certain career heights be able to do? What qualities should he develop?

Self confidence

Self-confidence is the first and most important step on the road to success. It is important to try to let others know that you are able to make any decisions on your own, constantly monitor the work process and are always ready to answer for your words. If you start behaving like a boss, then very soon you can become one. The most important thing is to keep working hard and not accidentally confuse confidence with arrogance.

Ability to negotiate

Most often, the ability to negotiate is the only way achieve what you want. Are you scared to negotiate because you've never done it before? But you have to start somewhere! And to overcome fear, you can read interesting book on a given topic or even attend an exciting training. To develop such a valuable skill, all means are good!

By the way, written negotiations are just as important. Therefore, it is imperative to improve your management skills. business correspondence. Every professional letter should be crafted to be proud of!

Ability to defend one's opinion

Some employees mistakenly believe that any tasks assigned to them must be unconditionally carried out exactly in the form in which they were assigned, and the style of management must be put up with, regardless of its adequacy. However, the most important professional skill is the ability to defend your opinion, so do not be afraid to do this.

Clear planning system

If you're aiming for career success, be sure to plan your day. You can make a work plan on your phone or on a computer, or you can use a diary or even an ordinary piece of paper. The main thing is to find best way manage all the tasks outlined in this plan.

In addition, it is advisable to draw up a plan in case of force majeure. For example, almost no organization is immune from bankruptcy, and if you find it difficult to answer the question of what you will do if you become unemployed, it's time to sit down and draw up a plan. Even if you have to part with your favorite workplace, at least you will have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich direction to move on.

Constant movement towards the goal

Not a single day should be wasted. To achieve your cherished goal, you need to move constantly, albeit sometimes slowly, but surely. This process must be continuous. And do not doubt our abilities, because often we ourselves set barriers for ourselves.

Invest in yourself

You should never spare time and money for self-development and self-improvement. To always remain in demand as an employee, you need to constantly develop your skills. Incidentally, it is not at all necessary this case go for the next higher education - developmental trainings and courses are also quite suitable. The main thing is not to stand still.

Portfolio the best works

To show your level of professionalism, make a portfolio of your best work. By the way, a portfolio can include anything - photographs, sketches, complex reports that you managed to successfully complete, or even plans for your projects. marketing research and companies. A portfolio is the best way to show management what you are capable of.

Presentable appearance

Presentable appearance is another important factor determining success in a career, especially if a woman builds a career.

Reveal all secrets female attractiveness the beauty portal is called. This is a real beauty encyclopedia, where you can always find descriptions of popular trends and the best new products in all areas of cosmetology. An impressive catalog of cosmetics with reviews and reviews of a wide variety of products will help you choose the right cosmetics. With you will always be on top!

Calm perception of objections and comments

In order to achieve career heights, it is extremely important to learn how to calmly perceive any objections and comments. Sometimes it is even useful to find out exactly where you do not live up to the expectations of others - this will help you develop and improve further. If you take each remark to heart, self-esteem will begin to fall, and career opportunities will move back to indefinite term. That is why you need to try to perceive all comments adequately and professionally.

Ability to deal with stress

It is very important to deal with any stresses in a timely manner, otherwise stresses can begin to control you, gradually destroying your life and nullifying all past successes. That is why you need to try to “press” stress in the bud. If you cannot cope with it on your own, be sure to contact a specialist.

The ability to say "no"

As practice shows, many people do not know how to say “no”. However, for further professional growth this skill is essential. However, it is equally important for career growth, and for mental health. If you want to insist on your own - feel free to say "no" and do not follow anyone's lead.

Delegation of powers

Nobody can ever do everything. And this, in principle, is quite normal. But how do you deal with unrealistic workloads? The answer is simple: you need to be able to delegate authority. For example, to do the most important things, and delegate current routine tasks to interns or less busy colleagues.

Complete renunciation of hatred and envy

It's completely pointless to waste your time on these negative feelings. More successful people have always been and always will be. Being angry at others can leave you without a long-awaited promotion, so it's better to direct your energy in the right direction.

Praise for your own victories

For your victories, albeit minor ones, you must definitely praise yourself. If you overfulfilled the plan, stayed after work to hand in an important report, or did some work best of all - it's time to praise yourself from the bottom of your heart! Just do not ascribe to yourself other people's merits, so as not to be captured by megalomania.

Choice of an emerging field

If you do not leave the desire to move forward and prove yourself with better side, it is important to try to pay attention to the industry that will make it possible to implement all these ideas. A sphere without a future and without clear prospects is not the best start for a brilliant career.

To determine your vocation and choose a suitable place of work, it does not hurt to take the advice of astrologers - they will help you understand whether you have decided to move in the right direction. Remember: planning a career in accordance with your personal horoscope is another important component of success, and here the women's magazine with its various horoscopes will help you.

You need to clearly define for yourself what exactly you plan to achieve, and act in this direction. Only in this case, the result will not only justify all your expectations, but can also exceed them many times over!

A photo 11:52 22.02.2018

Many people dream of achieving success in their careers, but not everyone knows what concrete steps need to be done.

People don't become pros at what they do by a stroke of luck. Professor from NYU Stern School of Business Scott Galloway shared tips that will be useful to everyone.

1. Not enough certificates

finished higher education increases your chances of building a career, although it does not give a 100% guarantee. But even if you do not have a university diploma, you do not need to despair. Graduate from a driving school, a hairdressing course, a massage class, or a diver's certification.

It is possible that some of this will help you build a career. Or at least get additional skills that definitely will not go unclaimed.

2. Combine skills

It’s good if you know how to do one thing perfectly: write texts, build houses, draw pictures. But even better if you can combine several opposing skills in yourself. So, for example, the knowledge of the functionality of Excel will not interfere with the designer if you have to write a report on the project.

3. Look for opportunities

Do you want to show yourself the right employee? Analyze what the company lacks for development. Select two or three specific points and use them for your own growth. Learn to expertly execute what the team needs at the moment, and your efforts will be appreciated.

4. Move to the city

Everything is clear here. AT big city significantly more opportunities to find a high-paying job. And the offices of large companies are not located in the outback. If you want growth, head to the city.

5. Take on boring work

Any, even the most interesting projects, require preliminary analysis and careful preparation. Therefore, if you want your work to win the attention of the public, you will first have to plunge into a routine.

6. Know how to wait

Invest your time and money in something that doesn't work instant result. And this does not apply to bank deposits. For example, engage in training that will not bear fruit immediately, but will pay off handsomely in the future.

7. Show strength and endurance

Strong and famous people They didn't get that way because they were born rich or graduated from elite schools. Each of them goes in for sports every day. It is he who forms endurance and character. You must be sure that no matter what happens, you are ready for any challenge.

8. Don't follow your dreams

Yes Yes exactly. Advice to surrender to passion and follow your passion is often given by those who have already become successful and rich. In fact, no financier is a fan of taxes or interest. Passion is good in romantic relationships, professionalism is important in work.

9. Balance between personal life and career? Forget!

Everyone knows the son of his mother's friend, who holds a high position in famous company, runs a marathon once a month, blogs about artificial intelligence He is married and has 4 children. But it's not you! Stop looking for balance. Just pay more attention pressing issues- family or workers.

10. Fight unfairly

No, this is not advice to go over the heads and betray colleagues. This is advice for you to be more creative and follow the paths that others ignore. The "we've always done this and it worked" argument is no longer your argument. Yours sounds like this: "Let's try something new, no one has ever done this before, but I know that everything will work out!"

Achieving career success can come in many forms. But there are certain things you can do today to transform your career and succeed and advance.

Most of us try dozens of ineffective activities that can only advance our career by 10.20%. We need to focus on the little things that can make a big difference in our career success.

7 secrets for career success

  1. Find a mentor

  2. No need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to successful career. No matter what industry or dream you have, it is very likely that someone has already succeeded in the career you want. They made mistakes and learned hard lessons that you could learn from so you don't have to make the same mistakes.

  • Where to begin: for career success, a mentor doesn't have to be someone you have with real relationship. Getting in touch and building a relationship with a mentor takes work, but everyone has access to a mentor in today's information age. You can choose a biography successful person, whose career you admire, listen to his podcasts, watch his interviews, etc. You can choose from several mentors, each of whom will give you a unique perspective on success in your career and life in general.
  • Learn a foreign language

  • Learning a language can add 10 to 15% to your salary.

    On the 2017 These are the most demanded languages ​​for learning in the labor market:
    First place - English
    Second place - German
    Third place - French

    ESHKO is probably one of the best educational institutions for learning a foreign language online, which will help you for career success. They have the opportunity to download a trial lesson, classes last 20-30 minutes a day, and at the end of the course a certificate is issued. View detailed information possible for residents of Russia, and - for residents of Ukraine.

    In the eyes of the employer, employees who speak two or more languages ​​are considered more valuable than the rest. Therefore, by being more valuable in the job market, you can discover new and greater opportunities (even all over the world if you are learning a second language), give yourself more freedom and ultimately big goal for success in your career.

    • Where to begin: if you want to advance your career in a foreign language, it is better to focus your attention on becoming the best speaker on his mother tongue, since most of your language skills will be used to communicate with other people, whether they are clients, partners or work colleagues.

      Language learninggreat way for career success, but it may seem difficult at first if your job is full-time, but you can use online sites to start learning a language online with professional teachers language at any time of the day and any day of the week. Lessons are typically only 30 minutes each, so you can fit into your schedule no matter how busy you are.

  • Practice your public speaking skills

  • When Warren Buffett was asked about which one you can master, he said: "Improve your communication skills". This is a lifelong skill that is increasingly useful to learn if you want to succeed in your career and advance it, and it may be the only factor that will set you apart from other employees if the competition gets tougher.
    • Where to begin: Check out your local craftsmen public speaking so that they are surrounded by a supportive community of learners and are already successful in their careers. You will receive constructive support, connect with others, and grow together as professional speakers. There are plenty of online tutorials on this subject. This is one of the best ways to get practice for beginners and even advanced speakers, which will definitely help you succeed in your career.
  • Sign up for educational courses

  • Online education is without a doubt the best way to learn any kind of activity for career success. The benefits of online learning are huge, these are the opportunities study anywhere, anytime, and affordable price (often free).

    Online courses to learn new skills related to your job or future industries you want to enter can be a great investment in future success your career. The good news is that there are many learning sites out there.

    • Where to begin: The list of places to participate in online courses is endless. you can check ESHKO, Leader, Profmeter or Prestige, which are the most popular training courses in their niche on various topics - management, marketing, economics, Computer techologies, foreign languages, design and much more. Such courses will help you find success in your career and life as well.
  • Do more for your base of acquaintances

  • While most people try their best to expand their network of acquaintances, they do little to nothing to maintain the existing one they already have. Exactly maintaining an existing database of acquaintances is a step towards career success. You'll be surprised how much you can reap just by adding more value to your base of acquaintances, because chances are, whoever you want to meet is just one or two connections on top of the people you already know.
    • Where to begin: make a list of the ten people you most admire among your current acquaintances and the people you think can help you succeed in your career. Send a gift, invite them for coffee, and get involved in their community (if they have a blog, podcast, etc.). For career success, focus on double the quality of the people in your network, instead of just expanding it.
  • Traveling to a place where you will be uncomfortable

  • It may seem out of place at first, but it helps in achieving career success. Some of my biggest career moves were when I traveled the world alone to other countries like Colombia, Argentina or Peru. By putting yourself in these uncomfortable situations and isolating yourself from daily distractions, you can start to think about what you really want from your career and be able to think more high level, than usual.

    • Where to begin: for career success better way start a journey than choose a seat and book a plane ticket.
  • Get better at managing your time

  • To do any of the things we mentioned above in this article, you will need a better . Everyone has the same number of hours per day, but people who may be more productive, get more opportunities, learn more skills, and grow faster in life as they succeed in their careers. Adding a few more things a day may seem unimportant, but if you repeat the same process every day for a year, two years, five years, then the gap widens significantly and exponentially.

    We hope you found this article helpful and that these seven secrets will help you. succeed in your career. For our part, we wish you not only good luck in your career, but also in life in general!

    I have been working in one of the largest consulting companies in the country for the eleventh year. When I started my career path from the position of a sales specialist, the leaders in almost all positions were men. Now - about 50% of women, and in some departments even more. How can a woman build her career? Hope I can give some useful tips girls and women who want career advancement, but do not yet know how to do it and what will help them compete with men.

    Despite the fact that we will talk specifically about career growth for women, I am absolutely sure that the basic laws of career are the same for everyone.

    At the interview at the company, ask a question about career opportunities. Some companies choose to grow their workforce, while others bring in executives from outside. The second option, of course, is not yours.

    When I was looking for a job, the career issue did not interest me much due to my young age, and already in the process of work, I learned that leaders in our company prefer to grow from their employees. This allowed a young but ambitious salesman, that is, me, to start looking for a suitable managerial position inside. And my search was crowned with success: after working for a year and a half in a linear position, I was appointed deputy head of the department.

    Tip 2: Work in departments dedicated to the core function of the business

    When a business is successful, it grows, departments grow, and new leadership positions emerge. Or, on the contrary, a replacement is required for the previous leader in order to raise the results. Units that perform a core business function are always given Special attention owner or hired manager, and this makes it easy to be seen by decision makers.

    Being a successful salesperson, I got to the management training, which was attended by the founder of the company. This training was the first turning point in my career.

    It should be noted that the good leaders have a wonderful habit of watching your employees during different trainings, as well as the ability to see among them candidates for managers, future management stars. Therefore, if you happen to get to such a training, and there are high-ranking leaders or at least one of your superiors, try to speak, demonstrate your ideas, and show communication skills. This is your chance! And remember: to make a second time good impression may not be.

    Making a good impression on superiors is good, but for promotion career ladder and getting a leadership position is not enough. You must be productive (I hope you understood this axiom even before reading the article). All my career achievements were clearly tied to the result. AT different time it was the number of sales, the quality of customer service, the profitability of the business unit.

    In addition to the result, it is necessary to develop and demonstrate other qualities and skills that are important for a manager. For example, to raise successful employees from newcomers. To do this, ask to be appointed as a mentor to a new colleague.

    The first thing I do as a manager, if I see the potential of a leader in an employee, is to appoint him as a mentor. Most recently, our young sales specialist, Anastasia, after working for about six months, was appointed head of the department. All the employees, carefully raised by her as a mentor, simply doted on her soul, and most importantly, showed excellent results. In addition, she was also an informal positive leader in the department - she encouraged not only her wards, but also everyone else.

    Good way move up the career ladder - lead and successfully implement any project. Victoria, the head of the sales unit of my business unit (the unit includes several departments), was appointed to the position after successful implementation two projects: work with recommendations from clients and internal PR. In the course of implementation, and, most importantly, upon completion of projects, I was able to make sure that the right qualities for a manager of this level.

    By the way, my own appointment to the position of the head of the business unit was due to the successful implementation of the remote office development project.

    To your career happened, invest in yourself all the time. Go to trainings and seminars, read business books, find a mentor. I try to read at least one professional book per month, attend one seminar per quarter. I understand that I am not learning enough - I am working on increasing the pace. There is also a mentor - the executive director of our company Timur Dergunov, author of the recently published book The Management Formula. In my case, the benefits of a mentor far outweigh those of books and seminars.

    However, for each this aspect is individual, so try to pick up your “magic suitcase” of learning.

    And yet, in addition to those described, there are several more tools that many women needlessly neglect.

    Girls, remember, even if you are in business, this does not mean that at work you have to be masculine or, even worse, a creature without certain sexual characteristics. This also applies to the manner of communication and behavior. Wear skirts and dresses, feel free to receive compliments and enjoy the charm given to us by nature. Pay attention to your appearance and look like a million dollars. It is very important for women. Attractiveness backed up by compliments makes every woman more self-confident. Use the charm given to us by nature in negotiations with customers and employees - do not be afraid to smile at your interlocutors.

    However, don't overdo it. Frivolous behavior at corporate parties is unlikely to help you move up the career ladder. Remember the joke about the popular training “How to restore the image business woman after corporate party". Be careful with alcohol and dance partners. And of course avoid a large number office romances: they can give you a reputation as a windy woman.

    Tip 8: Use Emotional Intelligence and Intuition

    Among women emotional intellect better developed than men, you perfectly feel the emotions and moods of your employees and customers. This quality can help at all stages: from working with clients to recruiting and adapting staff. Women are much thinner than men, in my opinion, they feel the mood of the team as a whole and each employee individually. Intuition will tell you how to behave in a given situation, help you make the right decisions, see promising and failed projects, change the behavior model depending on various conditions, activities, etc. I share the view that intuition is our subconscious, accumulating in itself past experience, emotional and rational knowledge, predictive vision.

    Tip 9. Don't Be Shy: Modesty Beautifies, But Doesn't Advance

    In childhood, many girls are taught to be modest, explaining that this quality adorns the fair sex. I agree, but in the case of business, you still need to believe in yourself and know your worth. From my own experience, I can say that women are more modest in self-esteem, and as a result, they are often tormented by questions about whether they are in their place, whether they successfully cope with the assigned task. As a result, according to statistics, they earn less than men: many are simply afraid to ask for a regular salary increase or to participate in a competition for occupying more high office.

    Emotions - fundamentally distinguish women's behavior from men's. We are more emotional, we cannot always hold back our laughter or tears. And this is completely normal, but at work you need to monitor this. Don't use tears as a manipulation tool. Society is accustomed to the fact that tears are a manifestation of weakness, and if you cry with or without reason, then, apart from regret, do not count on anything.

    Be natural in behavior: do not go too far with coquetry and do not make yourself an iron careerist. True woman harmonious.

    I am sure that women have more advantages in building a career, may male readers forgive me. And I wish you to use all these advantages with maximum efficiency. You will definitely succeed, I checked.