Causes of social maladaptation of children and adolescents. There are two stages of social maladaptation

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Prerequisites for social maladaptation of adolescents


3rd year student of distance learning

Faculty of Psychology

A.V. Krivoshein


Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Gruzdeva M.V.

Gorbunki village, 2013


1. Problems of socialization of the individual in modern conditions

2. The concept of personality maladaptation

3. Causes of socio-psychological maladaptation of personality


Bibliographic list

deviant teenager anxiety psychological


The crisis state of the education system in the current economic and social instability of the state not only does not eliminate, but often exacerbates the problem of maladjustment of minors associated with shortcomings in family education, which contributes to even greater deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents. As a result, the process of socialization of adolescents is becoming increasingly negative, minors are currently experiencing more spiritual pressure criminal world and its values, rather than the institutions of civil society. The destruction of the traditional institutions of the socialization of youth and children is the only constantly present factor in societies where there is an increase in juvenile delinquency.

Apparently, the existing social contradictions between:

Reconciliation in secondary schools with smoking, absenteeism of students, which have become almost the norm of behavior in the school community, on the one hand, and the continuing reduction in educational and preventive work in public institutions and in organizations involved in the organization of leisure and education of children, adolescents and youth - on the other;

Replenishment of the contingent juvenile delinquents and offenders at the expense of teenagers who dropped out of school, repeaters and lagging students who did not resume classes, on the one hand, and a decrease in social connections families with teaching staff, on the other hand, which facilitates the establishment of contact between the above-mentioned contingent of minors with sources negative influence, associations in groups where illegal, criminal behavior is freely formed and improved;

Crisis phenomena in society, contributing to the growth of the defectiveness of the socialization of adolescents, on the one hand, and the weakening of the educational impact on minors of public formations whose competence includes the education and exercise of public control over the behavior of minors, on the other.

Thus, an increase in maladjustment, deviant behavior, and growing juvenile delinquency is a consequence of the global “social outsider” when young people and children find themselves outside existing society are pushed out of it. This happens as a result of violations of the very process of socialization, which has become spontaneous, uncontrollable. Russian society is losing the system of social control over the process of the formation of the younger generation, many traditional institutions of socialization, such as the family, school, children's and youth organizations, are losing their significance, and nothing has come to replace them, except for the "street and doorway institution".

Comparative analysis of the impact on the state of crime economic situation, the nature of the work of the media, the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies, the level of social stability in different countries shows that their influence is present, but does not have a decisive, dominant value. It can be assumed that it is the defectiveness of socialization caused by the crisis of the family, the system of education and upbringing, the lack of state youth and children's policy, and other reasons that leads to an increase in juvenile delinquency.

1. Problems of socialization of the individual in modern conditions

Interest in the phenomenon of personality socialization increased significantly in the middle of the last century. The concept of socialization is extremely broad and includes the processes and results of the formation and development of the individual. Socialization is the process and result of the interaction of the individual and society, the entry, "introduction" of the individual into social structures through the development of socially necessary qualities.

Socialization, understood as the interaction of the individual with the environment, determines the adaptation of the individual to various social situations, micro- and macrogroups of people. The levels of adaptation are: conformism (the subject acts as required by the social environment, but adheres to his own system of values ​​(A. Maslow); mutual tolerance, indulgence towards each other's values ​​and forms of behavior (J. Shchepansky); accommodation, manifested in the recognition of human values social environment and the recognition by the environment of the individual characteristics of a person (J. Shchepansky), assimilation or complete adaptation, when a person abandons his former values ​​In humanistic foreign pedagogy and psychology, the essence of socialization is presented as a process of self-actualization, self-realization by a person of his potentials and creativity as a process of overcoming negative influences environment that hinders self-development and self-affirmation (A. Maslow, K. Rogers, etc.). In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the concept of socialization is presented as “the assimilation of social experience by an individual” (I. S. Kon); as “entering the social environment, adapting to it, mastering certain roles and functions” (B.D. Parygin). According to I.B. Kotova and E.N. Shiyanov, the meaning of socialization is revealed at the intersection of such processes as adaptation, integration, self-development and self-realization. Self-realization acts as a manifestation inner freedom and adequate self-management in social conditions. Self-development is a process associated with overcoming contradictions on the way to achieving spiritual, physical and social harmony.

Analyzing the works of A.V. Petrovsky, three macrophases of the social development of the individual at the pre-labor stage of socialization can be distinguished: childhood, where the adaptation of the individual is expressed in the possession of norms social life; adolescence - a period of individualization, expressed in the individual's need for maximum personalization, in the need to "be a person"; youth - integration, expressed in the acquisition of personality traits and properties that meet the needs and requirements of group and personal development. In modern Russian society, rapid processes of change are underway, which, accordingly, affect the socialization of children and adolescents. The peculiarity of the current situation, in which the formation of the spiritual image of adolescents and youth, is that this process is taking place in the conditions of weakening political and ideological pressure, expanding social independence and youth initiative. It is accompanied by a reassessment of values, a critical reflection on the experience of previous generations, new ideas about their professional future and the future of society.

In the study of the problems of socialization, the identification of the characteristics of the relations of high school students is of particular importance. It was at this age, as the studies of I.S. Kona, I.B. Kotova, T.N. Malkovskaya, R.G. Gurova, A.V. Mudrik, S.A. Smirnova, R.M. Shamionova, E.N. Shiyanov, the social environment that affects students is expanding. Older teenagers, boys and girls, develop a desire to emancipate themselves from adults, to determine their place in life. An important channel of information is communication with peers, it also becomes a means of psychological protection on the part of peers. As the time spent by children outside the family and school increases, the specific gravity peer society, which in many cases outweighs the authority of parents. The society of peers as a factor of socialization is heterogeneous and has now changed a lot: before it was children's groups and organizations (pioneers, Komsomol) led and directed by adults, today it is a variety of informal communities, for the most part mixed age and socially mixed. Thirdly, these are defects in family life, the emergence and reproduction at the level of the child’s microenvironment of all kinds of non-adaptive, destructive forms of relations both between him and adults, and simply adults with each other, family infantilism and selfishness, the desire to “throw off” social structures all responsibility for upbringing and education of their own children. The family is formed not only socially significant qualities personality, but also its inherent evaluation criteria; the influence of the family on the teenager is stronger than the influence of the school and society as a whole. For example, the barbaric principle “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” seems natural and fair to a teenager who grew up in an asocial family (Ermakov V.D., 1987). Analyzing the works of V. Potashov, it can be noted that consumerism, which is formed precisely in the family, has a dangerous effect on minors, as they try to achieve what they want in any way.

Research by I.I. Shurygina (1999) proved that in families whose mothers have a higher education, there was not a single case when 14-15-year-old schoolchildren showed a tendency to deviations. Among the poor children of poorly educated mothers, there were both theft and suicide. The transition from a traditional patriarchal family to a modern one, based on the equality of spouses, led to a decrease in the authority of the father, the loss of consistency in the educational influences of parents. Families with one or two children have become widespread, for which child-centrism is characteristic, and hence the egocentrism of children. Parental authority is no longer absolute, now the prohibition and coercion are replaced by persuasion. Moral authority is much more difficult to maintain than power based on force, especially when the range of sources of information and choice of circle of communication expands. Fourthly, these are defects associated with the economic disproportion that has developed in society, the division of citizens into poor and rich, the growth of unemployment cultivated by a certain part of society by the “psychology of profit”, disregard for honest daily work, the demonstrative cult of “coolness”, “easy money” and "rapid", unjustified "careers", which clearly show the younger generation the real "truth of life", in which there is no place for either a high level of education, or intelligence, or solid moral imperatives.

As it turned out, a factor in increasing the authority of parents for children is their employment in commercial activities. Children more readily rely on their advice, rightly considering their parents more adapted to the new conditions of life, soberly assessing the real life situation (Shurygina I.I., 1999). Fifthly, these are defects associated with the established practice of the existence and work of public and youth organizations. Most of them, declaring high ideals and moral values ​​in words, conducting a lot of all kinds of educational activities, in fact they are carried out only “for show”, they create the so-called fictitious demonstrative product that they need to receive various resources, both from local authorities, as well as other structures and organizations. Here we should also note the activity of all kinds of pro-Western organizations of the sectarian type, informal associations of teenagers actively, on a commercial or gratuitous basis, recruiting schoolchildren into their ranks and imposing their own system of values ​​on them, which sometimes contradicts not only traditional values ​​for society, but also the very foundations of normal healthy life child. Sixthly, these are defects associated with the circulation of all kinds of information flows in society, the key agent of which is the media.

Such phenomena of society cannot but be noticed by the younger generation and do damage to their spiritual and moral health. As a result, depression may occur, which manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as:

Apathy is a state of indifference, indifference, complete indifference to what is happening, others, one's position, past life, prospects for the future. This is a persistent or transient total loss of both higher social feelings and innate emotional programs;

Hypothymia (low mood) - affective depression in the form of sadness, melancholy with the experience of loss, hopelessness, disappointment, doom, weakening attachment to life. At the same time, positive emotions are superficial, exhaustible, and may be completely absent;

Dysphoria - gloominess, anger, hostility, gloomy mood with grouchiness, grumbling, discontent, hostile attitude towards others, outbursts of irritation, anger, rage with aggression and destructive actions;

Confusion - an acute feeling of inability, helplessness, misunderstanding of the simplest situations and changes in one's mental state. Typical: hypervariability, instability of attention, inquiring facial expression, postures and gestures of a puzzled and extremely insecure person;

Anxiety is a vague, incomprehensible feeling of growing danger, a premonition of a catastrophe, a tense expectation of a tragic outcome. Emotional energy acts so powerfully that there are peculiar physical sensations. Anxiety is accompanied by motor excitement, anxious exclamations, shades of intonation, exaggerated expressive acts;

Fear is a diffuse state, transferred to all circumstances and projected onto everything in the environment. Fear can also be associated with certain situations, objects, persons and is expressed by the experience of danger, an immediate threat to life, health, well-being, prestige. It may be accompanied by peculiar physical sensations, indicating an internal concentration of energies.

The anxiety of parents and teachers is growing, on the one hand, ascertaining the absence of many desirable properties in modern children: a sense of responsibility, a sense of dignity, empathy, vital energy acceptable rules of conduct, positive emotional contact with others; on the other hand, the loss of a sense of control over the situation developing around children, their powerlessness to oppose something to the unfavorable trends that are emerging in this matter.

The percentage of socially maladjusted children, children with socialization disorders, with somatic diseases of neurogenic and psychogenic origin is increasing, with mental disorders and previously completely unknown forms of painful mental dependence (for example, the so-called visitors and fans of computer clubs and games, slot machines etc.).

The number of purely nominal teenage and youth public organizations, living on the principle of the so-called "double morality" and demonstrating fictitious activity and a false civic position, perfectly understanding who and why uses them in their own big game.

The quality of training of school graduates is declining, who realize that the only true condition for obtaining a “prestigious” education is the presence in their parents’ wallets of the “nth” amount necessary to pay for education.

All of the above are symptoms of a certain crisis in working with children, which has a social nature and a long history of its development. There are several types of reactions of adults to the problems of socialization of children:

A) Avoidance reaction: the fact of existence and (or) the extent of the problem is not recognized. This type of reaction is especially typical for the local administration and a large number of public organizations and lies in the fact that the factors of alarm (but not the problems themselves) are accepted, they are spoken about, discussed, certain ritual actions are performed, but real, and even more effective measures, even if delayed in time, they are rarely used, as an exception to the rule. Problematic issues tend not to be resolved, but simply passed around, from one group of administrators to others.

B) The reaction of the external accusation. It is most of all, along with the reaction of avoidance, characteristic of professional groups existing in society (doctors, teachers, cultural workers, sports school coaches, representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs). In one case, some professional groups blame other professional groups, in the other they do not admit that there are any problems in their department at all. In the third, they simply accuse the surrounding social structures of selfishness and unwillingness to understand the essence and causes of the problems facing departments.

C) The reaction of egoism. It is typical for most groups of society that are not directly related to areas related to working with children. Along with the avoidance reaction, these outwardly quite safe social groups residents (managers and specialists of industrial enterprises, entrepreneurs) demonstrate complete disregard for the problems of the sphere and sincerely believe that “this does not concern them” and “this is not their problem”, and “they themselves are to blame for living this way”.

Thus, in modern Russian society, the socialization of the younger generation, on the one hand, is manageable and purposeful, and for the most part, spontaneous, unconscious and therefore unmanageable or poorly managed and is not provided with the resources necessary for its successful flow and completion: financial, material, personnel , technological, etc.

2. The concept of personality maladaptation

The process of socialization is the inclusion of the child in society. This is a complex, multi-factorial and multi-vector process, which is poorly predictable in the final result. Moreover, the process of socialization can continue throughout a person's life, intertwined with historical, ideological, economic, cultural and other processes. Domestic psychology, without denying the influence of the innate characteristics of the organism on the properties of the individual, stands on the positions that a person becomes a person as he is included in the surrounding life. Personality is formed with the participation and under the influence of other people who pass on their accumulated knowledge and experience. This happens not through a simple assimilation of social relations, but as a result of complex interaction external (social) and internal (psychophysical) inclinations of development, is a unity of individually significant and socially typical traits and qualities (Bozhovich L.I., 1966; Bratus B.S., 1988; and others). Consequently, the personality and its anomalies are considered socially conditioned, developing life activity, in the change of the child's relationship to the surrounding reality. It must be emphasized that the development of personal qualities and certain characteristics of an individual's behavior is due to innate prerequisites, social conditions (peculiarities of relationships with parents, surrounding adults and peers, the content of the activity); the internal position of the individual himself (Vygotsky L.S., Leontiev A.N.).

Thus, the degree of socialization of an individual is determined by many components, which together make up the general structure of the impact of society on an individual. The presence of defects in each of these influencing components leads to the appearance in the personality of socio-psychological characteristics that can lead it in a certain situation to conflict with society. Under the influence of socio-psychological factors of the external environment, in the presence of internal conditions, the child develops disadaptation, which manifests itself in the form of deviant (delinquent, addictive, etc.) behavior.

Disadaptation occurs when there are violations of socialization, it is characterized by a deformation of the value and reference orientations of the student, a decrease in the referential significance and alienation of the maladaptive teenager, primarily from the “socializing” influence of the school teacher. At the same time, depending on the degree of alienation and the depth of deformation of reference and value orientations, two stages of social maladaptation are put forward. The first stage - pedagogical neglect - is characterized by the loss of referential significance and alienation from the school as an institution of socialization, while maintaining a high reference of the family. The second (and more dangerous) stage of maladaptation - social neglect - is characterized by the fact that, along with school, a teenager is alienated from his family and, losing touch with the main institutions of socialization, becomes, as it were, social Mowgli, assimilating distorted value-normative ideas and criminal experience in deviant teenage and youth companies and groups. The consequence of this is not only academic delays, poor progress, but also the ever-increasing psychological discomfort experienced by students at school, which in adolescence pushes them to search for a different, out-of-school communication environment, a different reference group of peers, which begins to play a decisive role in the socialization of a teenager.

Disadaptation factors are the displacement of the child from the situation personal growth, development and neglect of his desire for self-affirmation and self-realization, in a publicly welcomed way. The consequence of disadaptation is psychological isolation in the sphere of communication with the loss of a sense of belonging to its inherent culture and the transition to microenvironmental values ​​and attitudes.

Increased social activity - as a result of unsatisfied needs - can manifest itself either in social creativity (positive deviation), or in antisocial activity, or, not finding realization either there or there, end in the "leaving" of its subjects in alcohol, drugs, or even suicidal act. According to the works of D.I. Feldstein, the following factors influencing the formation of deviant behavior can be distinguished:

1. An individual factor acting at the level of psycho-biological prerequisites for antisocial behavior, which impede the social adaptation of an individual;

2. Psychological factor, revealing the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with his immediate environment in the family, on the street, in the school team;

3. The personal factor, which manifests itself primarily in the socially active selective attitude of the individual to the preferred environment of communication, to the norms and values ​​of his social environment, to the pedagogical opportunities of the family, school, community, etc., as well as personal value orientations and personal ability and willingness to self-regulate their behavior;

4. social factor, determined by the socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions of the existence of society;

5. Socio-pedagogical factor, manifested in the defects of school and family education. Therefore, if a person has absorbed values ​​that do not correspond to the norms of morality and law, then here we are talking not about the process of socialization, but about deviation. T. Parsons also spoke about this, noting that deviants are “people with inadequate socialization. These are those who have not sufficiently assimilated the values ​​and norms of society.

6. The classification of types and forms of deviant behavior can be based on various grounds. Depending on the subject (that is, who violates the norm), deviant behavior can be individual or group. From the point of view of the object, deviant behavior falls into the following categories:

Abnormal behavior that deviates from the norm mental health and implying the presence of overt or covert psychopathology;

Antisocial or antisocial behavior that disrupts any social or cultural norms especially legal ones.

Students with unsatisfactory adaptation in the interactive education system are characterized by:

1. Accentuations of the nature of astheno-neurotic, sensitive, schizoid, epileptoid, and steroid types;

2. The conflict nature of relations in the interactive system


3. High level of anxiety;

4. Deviant style of interaction with the teacher;

5. Aggressive compensation for unsuccessful adaptation in the interactive education system.

These characteristics testify to the fact of the lack of personal potential of the student's socio-psychological adaptation. The concept of a student's personal socio-psychological potential deficit includes the following deficits:

1) deficit social identity the identity of the student;

2) lack of social intelligence of the student's personality;

3) lack of social competence of the student's personality;

4) lack of self-confidence of the student.

I. Lack of social identity of the student's personality.

The category of "social identity" is borrowed from sociology and social psychology. In the characterization of social identity, which is given by V.A. Yadov, it is clearly indicated that it is "awareness, the experience of one's belonging to various social communities» . Based on the work of V.S. Ageeva and V.S. Tasmasova, representing the theory of social identity, the following provisions can be characterized:

1) Social identity is made up of those aspects of the image of "I" that follow from a person's perception of himself as a member of certain social groups;

2) People strive to maintain or improve their self-esteem, that is, they strive for a positive image of themselves.

Social Identity Deficiency:

In the reflective dimension, indicators of social desirability and the absence of one's own identity are clearly fixed;

In the axiological dimension, dissatisfaction with oneself, one's capabilities, a high level of tension, lack of confidence in one's strengths and capabilities, depreciation of one's self were revealed;

In the adaptive dimension - the lack of a holistic view of one's social identity and weak level development of personal internality;

In the interpersonal dimension - distrust of people whose assessments and opinions do not reflect own attitude to oneself, an increase in the tendency of egocentration with simultaneous social self-isolation;

In the existential dimension - underestimation of the meaning of acquiring a social identity, lack of interest in identifying oneself with socially acceptable groups, craving for identification with asocial groups;

In the introject dimension - internal maladaptation, low level of self-acceptance, refusal to interact with social introjects, exclusion from socializing communication at school;

In the personified dimension - a rigid self-concept, unwillingness to change against the general background of a positive attitude towards oneself, attachment to an inadequate image of the self, active use of primitive forms of psychological defense to maintain intrapsychic balance;

In the dynamic dimension, the strengthening of the adaptive conflict, the dynamic development of anxiety, emotional and psychological discomfort, the denial of one's own responsibility for failures and failures in one's social functioning, the formation of a trend of non-adaptive subjective relations;

In the conflict dimension - inducing internal conflicts in oneself and "getting stuck" on the problems generated by the adaptive conflict and its consequences and its intensification, which leads to transformation into a conflict generator - the instigator of conflicts.

Phenomenological characteristics of the deficit of social identity:

1) refusal to take on social obligations and social responsibility even for the fact of their own social functioning;

2) a high level of social anxiety, giving rise to social immaturity and uncertainty of social status;

3) striving for conformal forms of one's social functioning;

4) egocentricity and social self-isolation.

II. Lack of social intelligence of the student's personality.

In most cases, the conditions of life and activity change not so noticeably for the individual. However, in some cases, these changes occur so abruptly that they require abrupt change mental qualities of a person. In such cases, the need arises for the socio-psychological adaptation (adaptation) of the individual. There may be various defects in socio-psychological adaptation, which lead to very serious changes in the structure of the personality. The concept of "social intelligence" was first used by E. Thorndike in 1920 as a characteristic of a person's predictive and operational-communicative ability, which manifests itself in his interpersonal relationships. This phenomenon is seen as a special ability to predict and provide adequate adjustment in interpersonal relationships. Mastering a social role means not only acquiring skills to perform the sum of certain functions, but is always associated with the assimilation of the features of consciousness inherent in a given social group.

Between the mental properties of the individual and social roles there is a mutual conditionality. Defects in mental properties can lead to defects in the performance of social roles. Moreover, defects in mental properties can be even more intensified if they are constantly manifested in these social roles. Defects in the fulfillment of a social role, in turn, can give rise to the appearance of such negative mental properties of a person that she did not have before. Various defects in the fulfillment of a social role, if repeated, inevitably lead to the development of negative mental properties of the individual. The social role acts as a catalyst that enhances the action and development of the negative mental properties of the personality in the event that there is negative attitude to fulfill this role.

So, social intelligence is a global ability that arises on the basis of a complex of intellectual, personal, communicative and behavioral features, including the level of energy supply of self-regulation processes; these features determine the prediction of the development of interpersonal situations, the interpretation of behavioral information, readiness for social interaction and decision-making. The deficit of intellectual development is characterized by deficits in the basic processes of human social thinking: problematization, reflection, interpretation, representation, categorization. The formation of a deficit in the intellectual development of a student's personality is determined by the nature and goals of the functioning of the interactive structure of the family. Namely, that socio-pedagogical setting, from the position of which the attitude towards the developing personality is determined in the family and the actions and deeds of this personality are interpreted. The socio-pedagogical effectiveness of the functioning of the interactive family system is determined by the level of development of the adaptive abilities of a developing personality.

The lack of social intelligence significantly affects the formation of the subjective qualities of the personality of students (primarily responsibility). As E.A. Alekseev, responsibility is a fairly broad concept. It includes both the formal aspect (responsibility before the law) and the personal one, in which at least two sides can also be distinguished:

1) responsibility in the sense of normativity, obedience, social duty;

2) responsibility as participation in the event, as responsibility, first of all, to oneself.

In the first case, responsibility reflects the accountability of the subject in terms of the implementation of the requirements of society, followed by the application of sanctions depending on the degree of guilt or merit. Consequently, responsibility acts here as a means of external control and external regulation of the activity of a person who does his due contrary to his will (E.A. Alekseeva calls it external responsibility). In the second case, responsibility reflects the attitude towards the subject himself, his predisposition, acceptance, readiness to do what is due, here responsibility serves as a means of internal control (self-control) and internal regulation (self-regulation) of the activity of a person who does what is due at his own discretion, consciously and voluntarily (according to E.A. Alekseeva, this is an internal responsibility).

The concept of conformity is closely connected with the concept of external responsibility (social normativity). At the same time, social norms act rather than as direct regulators of actions, but as subsequent justifications for a person of his line of behavior and choice of options for action in a given situation. But then it is rather a formal report to others than a real responsibility for what is happening in me, with me, with my participation. Flight into the "crowd" is always a way to throw off the burden of one's own responsibility. To take responsibility for oneself means to realize one's involvement and readiness to act, regardless of the circumstances, often even in spite of them, to change something in oneself or the surrounding reality. Such responsibility is the main condition for constructive activity, the activity of the subject, and, consequently, his continuous development. And, on the contrary, any defensive actions (withdrawal, denial of problems, aggression) are most often associated with attempts to relieve oneself of personal responsibility for what is happening.

III. Lack of social competence of students' personality.

Among the personality characteristics that ensure successful socialization are the ability to change one's value orientations; the ability to find a balance between one's values ​​and the requirements of a role with a selective attitude towards social roles; orientation not to specific requirements, but to an understanding of universal moral human values.

Social competence - the ability to socially distinguish norms, values, rules, flexibility in understanding the context of action, possession of a wide repertoire behavioral responses. In the work of E.I. Krukovich, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of this concept, a three-component hierarchical model of social competence is presented.

1) Social fitness is a characteristic of the degree to which the student's personality achieves socially determined and important goals for it.

2) Social performance is the degree of appropriateness of the reaction of the individual in a particular social situation.

3) Social skills (skills) are behavioral and cognitive skills, on the basis of which a person achieves the appropriateness of his behavior in specific social situations of his functioning.

The lack of social competence appears in the unity of three dimensions: intra-subject - socio-psychological adaptability of the student's personality; intersubjective - socio-communicative competence of the student's personality; as well as subjective-personal - personal socio-psychological potential of the student.

The criteria for social and communicative competence were first formulated by T. Gordon. He defined it as the ability to get out of any situation without losing inner freedom, and at the same time, not allowing her communication partner to lose it. Thus, the main criterion of competence is the partner's position in communication "on an equal footing" (as opposed to "an extension from above" or "an extension from below").

In the works of Yu.I. Emelyanov, L. A. Petrovskaya and others, communicative competence is understood as “the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with people”. The composition of competence includes a certain set of knowledge and skills that ensure the effective flow of the communicative process. In the work of L.D. Stolyarenko is offered a similar characteristic: “ Communicative competence- the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people. Effective communication is characterized by: achieving mutual understanding of partners, a better understanding of the situation and the subject of communication. Communicative competence is considered as a system of internal resources necessary to build effective communication in a certain range of situations. interpersonal interaction". Based on the concept of "social competence" used by R. Ulrich de Mink, we can name the following characteristics of a socially competent person:

Makes decisions about himself and strives to understand his own feelings;

Forgets blockers unpleasant feelings and your own insecurities

Represents how to achieve the goal in the most effective way;

Correctly understands the desires, expectations and requirements of other people, weighs and takes into account their rights;

Analyzes the area defined by social structures and institutions, the role of their representatives and incorporates this knowledge into their own behavior;

Represents how, taking into account specific circumstances and time, to behave, taking into account other people, the limitations of social structures and one's own requirements;

Realizes that social competence has nothing to do with aggressiveness and implies respect for the rights and obligations of other people.

Phenomenological characteristics of the deficit of social competence of the student's personality, which was formed under the influence of a deficit interactive education system, in the intrasubject aspect include (according to E.V. Rudensky):

1) intrasubjective maladjustment of the personality;

2) a tendency to intensify the adaptation conflict;

3) intersubjective conformism;

4) socio-psychological deformation.

The phenomenological characteristics of the deficit of social competence of a developing personality in the interactive education system are represented by the following components:

1) socio-psychological autism;

2) socio-psychological conformism;

3) low level of claims.

The lack of social competence gives rise to personal anomie, which is characterized by the disintegration of the student's system of value orientations and puts him in the position of a socially non-adaptive personality. For the first time a sociological explanation of deviance was proposed in the theory of anomie, developed by Emile Durkheim (1897) in a classic study of the essence of suicide. He considered one of its causes a phenomenon called anomie (literally "disregulation"). Explaining this phenomenon, he emphasized that social rules play important role in the regulation of people's lives, norms govern their behavior. Therefore, people usually know what to expect from others and what is expected of them. However, during crises or radical social change, life experience ceases to correspond to the ideals embodied in social norms. As a result, people experience a state of confusion and disorientation, leading to a rise in suicide rates. Thus, "violation of the collective order" contributes to deviant behavior. Anomia is also characteristic of modern Russian society: a significant part of the population, not accustomed to competition, pluralism, perceives the events taking place in society as growing chaos and anarchy.

IV. Lack of confidence in the student's personality.

The lack of self-confidence of the individual is the result of an imbalance either in the direction of strengthening the formation of a socially adapted personality in the process of socialization, or in the direction of the formation of a socially autonomous personality. The development of a socially adapted personality often leads to the formation of personality conformism. The degree of a person's manifestation of the desire for self-actualization characterizes intra-subject indicators of a deficit (or lack thereof) of self-confidence.

An intersubject indicator of a lack of self-confidence is a student's positive cognitive-emotional attitude to his social skills, which brings the understanding of self-confidence closer to the concept of self-efficacy of a person, which was introduced by A. Bandura. The phenomenological analysis of self-confidence deficit is characterized by the following features:

1) average level mental adaptability and mental maladaptation;

2) a decrease in the energy potential of the individual, which determines the appearance of social apathy, frustration of sociogenic needs, emotional instability, low self-control, poor organization of communication difficulties;

3) emotional instability leading to the spontaneous emergence of conflicts in the socio-educational process and outside it;

4) decrease in activity and narrowing of the circle of communication, the trend of development of social phobia;

5) rejection of any forms of dominance in social functioning and a decrease in expressiveness in relationships with other people;

6) disconnection from social group relations, disintegration of value orientations, leading to the formation of personal anomie.

The lack of self-confidence determines the emergence of difficulties in self-realization of the student's personality and gives rise to socio-pedagogical problems, defined as communicative destruction of the personality and discommunication syndrome.

Communicative destruction of a personality is a state of being excluded from the system of vital and functionally necessary relationships, which gives rise to social alienation of a personality. As a result of this state, the spectrum of social interaction of the individual narrows and the syndrome of psychosocial alienation develops. Discommunication syndrome can be represented in four main variants:

1) loneliness in a circle of people - the desire for contact is faced with the inability to find an interlocutor;

2) communicative helplessness - an active desire for contact is not realized due to the inability to tie and establish it even if there are suitable interlocutors;

3) conflict communication - the desire for contact to defuse the accumulated aggression;

4) extinction of the desire for contacts - fatigue from communication, intolerance of communication, withdrawal into oneself.

The lack of self-confidence as a morphological component of the maladjustment of a developing personality is phenomenologically characterized as a genetic source of the formation of a social defectiveness of the personality in relation to mastering the mechanisms of coping behavior. The lack of social intelligence and the lack of social competence act as factors that determine the formation of a lack of self-confidence in the student's personality. However, the main factor determining the formation of a lack of confidence is the state of self-awareness of the student's personality. Self-consciousness is seen as a three-level structure:

Cognitive component (represented in the process of self-knowledge);

Affective component (represented in the process of self-relationship);

Behavioral component (characterized by the process of self-regulation).

One of the components of the deficit of the interactive education system is the presence of a shortage of professional and pedagogical potentials of the teacher as an agent of socialization. The scarcity of the interactive education system as an organizational and pedagogical mechanism of social educational process schools, determined by:

1. lack of subjective qualities necessary for the student to interact with the teacher as an agent of socialization;

2. lack of subjective and professional-pedagogical qualities of the teacher's personality;

3. role deficiency of the teacher as an agent of socialization;

4. lack of a systemic mechanism of socialization, which is formed as a result of the use of an agent of socialization pedagogical technologies coercion leading to blocking the development problem thinking and reflections;

5. lack of the main condition for the constructive socialization of the personality - attraction, which determines the loss of the teacher's status as a significant person for the developing personality of the student.

These five basic deficits determine the deficit of the interactive education system as an organizational and pedagogical mechanism of the social and educational process of the school. Thus, the maladjustment of the student's personality is one of the socio-psychological characteristics of the quality of education, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is an indicator of the problematic state of the educational process of the school itself. This gives us reason to put forward the maladjustment of the student's personality in the educational process of the school as a problem of social psychology for the following reasons:

Disadaptation of the student's personality is determined by the "costs" educational activities modern school;

Disadaptation of the student's personality arises as a result of the discrepancy between the concepts of education and upbringing of the personality in the modern Russian school and the real sociodynamics of Russian society;

Disadaptation of the student's personality is formed as a result of the discrepancy between the socio-psychological technologies implemented in the practice of educational activities of schools for managing the mechanism of personality development;

Disadaptation of the student's personality develops as a result of an inadequate current situation of the state educational system in Russia, teaching staff training;

Disadaptation of the student's personality arises due to the dysfunction of the modern family, which is losing its socializing functions, and the school is not yet ready to compensate for these losses.

3. Causes of socio-psychological maladaptation of personality

The degree of socialization of the individual is determined by the attitude of the individual to all the basic elements that determine the essence of a given social system. In the process of socialization of the individual, which is predicted, directed, carried out, controlled by society, there may be various defects. So, for a number of reasons, a person can perceive social experience distortedly, is isolated from the targeted impact of positive social influence, is under the influence of various anti-social attitudes, aspirations, needs. The social conditions of life determine the development of the psyche of a particular person - his experience, knowledge, relationships, aspirations, interests, needs. The social is necessarily refracted through the psyche - the psychology of the individual is always socially conditioned. In accordance with this, personality maladjustment is also determined by defects. psychological structure this person. Among the conditions influencing the process of socialization of the individual, along with intersubjective ones, are socio-psychological ones. According to G. Sullivan, interpersonal relationships act as a mechanism that forms a personality. This means that the main psychological condition personality development is the quality of its inclusion in the interactive system of culture, family and school.

Sullivan defines an interactive system of development as an interpersonal situation of development. Interaction is understood as the interaction caused by the mutual interpretation of actions by their participants. Interaction is based primarily on cognitive psychological mechanism, which provides the interaction of individuals as the basis of social functioning. This means that the interactive development of the individual is associated with the formation of social intelligence and social competence with the simultaneous development of psycho-cultural maturity and social-role readiness. All this together characterizes the subjectivity of the individual as an integral indicator of the state of his social capacity. A positive result of the interaction of a growing personality with the environment at various levels is its successful socialization. Otherwise, maladjustment occurs. Within the framework of this work, it seems important to consider the socio-psychological conditions under which socialization becomes defective. One of them is the conversion of culture and subculture, and at the institutional level. What until recently was the culture of society (good literature, music, theater, deep cinema, etc.), is actually becoming a narrowly elitist area, the lot of a small part of the population that retains a sense of taste and proportion and is not afraid to burden itself with mental operations in process of artistic perception. The same thing that was called a subculture (slang, “blatnyak”, drug and crime morphology, etc.) becomes the lot of the vast majority of Russians, which means it turns into the most real culture of this society. It is logical that the main objects of this transformation are young people, the most receptive part of society to innovations, to replicated cultural and value patterns.

The teacher as an agent of socialization of the developing personality of the student is an intermediary between him and society. As an intermediary in the implementation of the socio-pedagogical tasks of managing the socialization of the student's personality, the teacher is called upon to possess the necessary personal and professional potentials. The main problem for the pedagogy of the transformation period is the violation of the mental health of the participants in the educational process, which is associated with crises in relations and too rapid a change in social guidelines, social regulators and social institutions and the extremely slow restructuring of the system of higher professional pedagogical education, when the acquired knowledge often conflicts with the realities of the teacher's pedagogical and social life. The transformation of society has given rise to a trend towards individualized forms of existence, which force a person to put himself at the center of his own life plans in order to survive materially. This trend is typical for teachers as well. There is a conflict between socio-centered and ego-centered socio-cultural systems. It becomes a source of psycho-traumatic impact on the teacher's personality, intensifies deformation processes and destroys the integrity of the teacher's personal functioning as an agent of socialization of the student's developing personality. After all, the majority of teachers are persons who have experienced the influence of the dominant socio-centered system of education that deforms the character of a person. The socio-centered system of education, which had the goal of the functioning of education - the formation of a sociotype, and not a personality - led to the suppression of personogenic needs, which resulted in a pathological syndrome in the form of fear, dissatisfaction with oneself and repressed aggressiveness. The deformation of the teacher's character as an agent, which is a pathogenic factor in the formation of a socialization deficit, manifests itself in the form of:

Complex: lack of self-regulation, worship of authorities, feelings of inferiority, social phobia;

Obsessive actions: pedantry, exaggerated desire for order and discipline, accuracy, excessive zeal.

The next factor is socio-economic. According to sociological studies conducted by O.V. Karpukhin, 4.3% of young people include banditry and racketeering in the list of the most prestigious professions. This is due to the idealization of the market; the desire for well-being, by all means - a kind of socio-psychological phenomenon of youth consciousness, based on enrichment and life success achievable at any cost. According to the study, 18.1% of the young people surveyed consider it possible for them to participate in criminal groups; 9.1% believe that today this is a normal way to "earn" money. As the results of surveys by S. Paramonova show, quite recently, in the minds of young people, creative activity was a priority, and payment according to work was considered the highest justice. Today, activity about exchange and consumption is becoming more and more prestigious. Most of the respondents (76.6%) would prefer to realize their activity in non-political organizations. The main form of such organizations is the so-called “hanging out”, formed on the basis of common interests: sports, music, etc. Hangouts become a form of youth association, an instrument of its socialization, being outside the sphere of influence (educational, cultural, educational) of the state and society. As part of the criminal acts of minors, crimes against property (theft, fraud, robbery, robbery, theft of a vehicle, deliberate destruction or damage to property) predominate (up to 85%). The predominance of these types of crimes reflects, on the one hand, the increased financial and property stratification in society, and, on the other hand, the growth of social intolerance and aggressiveness.


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Social maladaptation

Social maladaptation- this is a partial or complete loss of a person's ability to adapt to the conditions of the social environment. Social maladjustment means a violation of the interaction of an individual with the environment, characterized by the impossibility of him to exercise his positive social role in specific microsocial conditions, corresponding to his capabilities.

Social disadaptation has four levels, reflecting the depth of a person's disadaptation:

  1. the lower level is a hidden, latent level of manifestation of signs of maladaptation
  2. "half" level - maladaptive "perturbations" begin to appear. Some deviations become recurrent: sometimes they appear, they reveal themselves, sometimes they disappear in order to reappear.
  3. steadily incoming - reflects the depth sufficient to destroy the previous adaptive connections and mechanisms
  4. fixed disadaptation - has obvious signs of effectiveness

see also




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Disadaptation as a social phenomenon

“Deviant” (deviant) behavior is behavior in which deviations from social norms are consistently manifested. At the same time, deviations of the mercenary, aggressive and socially passive type are distinguished. brochure

Social deviations of a selfish orientation include offenses and misdemeanors associated with the desire to illegally obtain material, monetary and property benefits (theft, bribes, theft, fraud, etc.).

Social Deviations aggressive orientation are manifested in actions directed against the person (insults, hooliganism, beatings, rape, murder). Social deviations of selfish and aggressive type can be both verbal (insult with a word) and non-verbal in nature (physical impact) and manifest themselves at the level of both pre-criminogenic and post-criminogenic. That is, in the form of actions and immoral behavior causing moral condemnation, and in the form of criminal criminally punishable actions.

Deviations of the socially passive type are expressed in the desire to refuse active life, evasion of their civic duties, duty, unwillingness to solve both personal and social problems. Such manifestations include evasion from work, study, vagrancy, the use of alcohol, drugs, toxic drugs, immersing in the world of artificial illusions and destroying the psyche. The extreme manifestation of a socially passive position is suicide, suicide.

Particularly widespread both in our country and abroad is such a form of socially passive deviations as the use of drugs and toxic substances, which leads to the rapid and irreversible destruction of the psyche and body, this behavior has received the name in the West - self-destructive behavior.

Deviant behavior is the result of unfavorable psychosocial development and violations of the socialization process, which is expressed in various forms of adolescent maladaptation already at a fairly early age.

Maladaptation- a state of inability to adapt to changing conditions or overcome emerging difficulties.

Author's approaches to the definition of the concept of "DISADAPTATION" G. M. Kodzhaspirov, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov - disadaptation - mental condition, which arose as a result of a discrepancy between the sociopsychological or psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of the new social situation.

V.E. Kagan - maladjustment - a disorder of the objective status in the family and school, which complicates the educational process.
K. Rogers - disadaptation - a state of internal dissonance, and its main source lies in the potential conflict between the attitudes of the "I" and the direct experience of a person.

N.G. Luskanova I.A. Korobeinikov - maladaptation - a certain set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the sociopsychological and psychological status of the child and the requirements of the situation of schooling, the mastery of which for a number of reasons becomes difficult, in extreme cases impossible.

A.A. Northern - the functioning of the individual is inadequate to his psychophysiological capabilities and needs and / or environmental conditions and / or requirements of the microsocial environment.
S.A. Belicheva - maladaptation is an integrative phenomenon, which has a number of types: pathogenic, psychosocial, and social (depending on the nature, nature and degree of maladaptation).
M. A. Khutornaya - a manifestation of violations of interpersonal relations and a violation of the image of the "I" of the child, from the point of view of the connection of the child with the outside world. [, pp.166-167] social ped Surtaeva

Adolescent disadaptation is manifested in difficulties in mastering social roles, curricula, norms and requirements of social institutions (families, schools, etc.) that perform the functions of socialization institutions.
Depending on the nature and nature of maladaptation, pathogenic, psychosocial and social maladaptation are distinguished, which can be presented both separately and in complex combinations.

Pathogenic maladjustment is caused by deviations and pathologies mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional-organic lesions of the central nervous system. In turn, pathogenic maladjustment, in terms of the degree and depth of its manifestation, can be of a stable, chronic nature (psychosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, mental retardation, etc.), based on serious organic damage to the central nervous system.

There are also lighter, borderline forms of neuropsychiatric disorders and deviations, in particular the so-called psychogenic maladjustment (phobias, tics, obsessive bad habits), enuresis, etc., which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, family situation . “In total, according to the St. Petersburg child psychotherapist A.I. Zakharov, up to 42% of preschool children suffer from certain psychosomatic problems and need the help of psychoneurologists and psychotherapists.”

Lack of timely assistance leads to deeper and more serious forms of social maladjustment and deviant behavior.

“Among the forms of pathogenic maladjustment, the problems of oligophrenia, the problems of social adaptation of mentally retarded children and adolescents are singled out separately. Oligophrenics do not have a fatal predisposition to crime. With adequate methods of training and education for their mental development, they are able to master certain social programs, receive several professions, work to the best of their ability and be useful members of society. However, the mental disability of these adolescents, of course, makes it difficult for them to socially adapt and requires special social and pedagogical conditions and correctional and developmental programs.”

Psychosocial maladjustment is associated with the age and sex and individual psychological characteristics of a child, adolescent, which determine their certain non-standard, difficult education, requiring an individual pedagogical approach, and in some cases - special correctional psychological programs. By nature and character various forms psychosocial maladaptation can also be divided into stable and temporary, unstable forms.

Social maladaptation is manifested in the violation of moral and legal norms, in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.

Depending on the degree and depth of deformation of the process of socialization, two stages of social maladjustment of adolescents can be distinguished: pedagogical and social neglect. social ped Nikitin
Social maladaptation - violation of morality and law by children and adolescents, antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of internal regulation, social attitudes. short dictionary

Temporary maladaptation is a violation of the balance between the personality and the environment, which gives rise to the adaptive activity of the personality. [, p.168] social ped Surtaeva
Author's approaches to the definition of the concept of "ADAPTATION" "Adaptation" (from the Latin adaptare - to adapt) - 1. - adaptation of self-organizing systems to changing environmental conditions. 2. In the theory of T. Parsons, A. is material-energy interaction with the external environment, one of the functional conditions for the existence of a social system, along with integration, goal achievement and preservation of value patterns.

D. Geri, J. Geri Adaptation - the way in which social systems any kind (eg, family group, business firm, nation-state) "manage" or respond to their environment. According to Talcott Parsons, "adaptation is one of the four functional conditions that all social systems must meet in order to survive."
V.A. Petrovsky - adaptation of the philosophical and psychological phenomenon. In the very broad sense- characterized by the state of the result of the individual's activity and the goal adopted by him; as a certain ability of any person to "build their vital contacts with the world"

BN Almazov - the philosophical concept of social adaptation is concretized in at least three directions: adaptive behavior, in the interests of the environment of education; adaptive state (reflecting a person's attitude to the conditions and circumstances in which he is placed by the educational situation); adaptation as a condition for effective interaction between a minor and an adult in the education system”; and adaptive, as "the student's inner readiness to accept the circumstances of education," highlights the psychological aspect.
Social adaptation is the process and result of an individual's active adaptation to the conditions of a new social environment. For the individual, social adaptation is paradoxical in nature: it unfolds as a search activity flexibly organized under new conditions. [p.163] Surtaeva

With pedagogical neglect, despite lagging behind in studies, missing lessons, conflicts with teachers and classmates, adolescents do not observe a sharp deformation of value-normative ideas. For them, the value of labor remains high, they are focused on choosing and obtaining a profession (as a rule, a working one), they are not indifferent to the public opinion of others, and socially significant referential connections are preserved.

With social neglect, along with antisocial behavior, the system of value-normative ideas, value orientations, and social attitudes is sharply deformed. A negative attitude towards work is formed, an attitude and desire for unearned income and a “beautiful” life at the expense of dubious and illegal livelihoods. Their referential connections and orientations are also characterized by deep alienation from all persons and social institutions with a positive social orientation.

Social rehabilitation and correction of socially neglected adolescents with a deformed system of value-normative representations is a particularly laborious process. Kholostova

Deeply understanding child psychology, A.S. Makarenko noted that in most cases the situation of abandoned children is more difficult and dangerous than that of orphans. Betrayal on the part of adults close to the child inflicts irreparable mental trauma on him: there is a breakdown of the child's soul, loss of faith in people, justice. A child's memory, which has preserved the unattractive aspects of home life, is fertile ground for reproducing its own failures. Such a childhood needs rehabilitation - the restoration of lost opportunities to live a normal, healthy and interesting life. But only the humanism of adults can help this: nobility, disinterestedness, mercy, compassion, conscientiousness, selflessness...

The significance of rehabilitation and pedagogical work especially increases during periods of crisis in the life of society, causing significant deterioration in the state of childhood. The peculiarity of the moment for rehabilitation pedagogy is to find effective measures to overcome the problematic situation of childhood by pedagogical means.
What image of a child in need of rehabilitation appears in our minds? Most likely it is:
disabled children;
children with special educational needs;
street children;
children with deviant behavior;
children with poor health, with chronic somatic diseases, etc.

All the variety of definitions of teenagers who need pedagogical rehabilitation for various reasons can be reduced to the name "special teenagers". One of the main signs by which adolescents can be classified as "special" is their maladjustment - a disturbed interaction of an individual with the environment, which is characterized by the impossibility of him to exercise his positive social role in specific microsocial conditions, corresponding to his capabilities and needs.
The concept of "disadaptation" is considered one of the central concepts of rehabilitation pedagogy in considering the problems that need pedagogical rehabilitation of children. It is adolescents with environmental adaptation disorders in the primary educational team that should be considered as the main object of pedagogical rehabilitation.

The scientists of the Institute of Psychotherapy (St. Petersburg) consider “school maladjustment” as the impossibility for a child to find “his place” in the space of schooling, where he can be accepted as he is, preserving and developing his identity, potentialities and opportunities. for self-realization and self-determination. Morozov

In the psychological literature, adolescence is noted as a crisis, when there is a rapid development and restructuring of the body of a teenager. It is at this age that adolescents are characterized by special sensitivity, anxiety, irritability, dissatisfaction, mental and physical malaise, which is manifested in aggressiveness, whims, lethargy, increases. How smoothly or painfully this period will pass for a minor will depend on the environment in which the child lives, on the information received from any objects of interaction. Considering all this, it must be remembered that if a child of this age did not experience positive influence from adults, teachers, parents, close relatives, did not feel psychological comfort and security in his own family, did not have positive interests and hobbies, then his behavior is characterized as difficult. con

A significant part of the pupils of the center are social orphans. They have both or one parent, but their presence only increases the social maladjustment of the child for various reasons.

Thus, we can say that neglected children are brought up mainly in single-parent families, where parents have remarriages. The absence of one parent makes it difficult for children to get acquainted with various options for social experience and entails the one-sided nature of their moral development, the violation of stable adaptive abilities, and the inability to make independent decisions.

Many families are without a permanent income, because. parents in such families are unemployed and do not try to find a job. The main sources of income are unemployment benefits, child benefits, including child disability pensions, survivors' pensions, child support, as well as begging, both the child and the parents themselves.

Thus, the neglect and homelessness of a huge number of children is a consequence of the deprivation or limitation of certain conditions, material or spiritual resources necessary for the survival and full development of the child.

The percentage of children entering the centers and requiring state protection due to the antisocial behavior of their parents is quite high. In most families, one of the parents abuses alcohol, or both parents drink. In families where parents abuse alcohol, punishments are often applied to children: both verbal reproaches and the use of physical violence.
Most of the pupils, when they enter the center, do not have self-service skills, i.e., being brought up in a family, they did not receive the necessary sanitary and hygienic and household skills.

Thus, minors who are in specialized institutions have a sad experience of living in a family, which is reflected in their personality, physical and mental development.

They are characterized by inferior emotional experience, underdevelopment of emotional responsiveness. They have a weakened sense of shame, they are indifferent to the experiences of other people, show restraint. Their behavior often manifests rudeness, mood swings, sometimes turning into aggression. Or homeless children have an overestimated level of claims, overestimate their real capabilities. Such teenagers inadequately react to remarks, always consider themselves innocent victims.

Experiencing constant uncertainty, dissatisfaction with others, some of them close in on themselves, others assert themselves through a demonstration of physical strength. Children who have experience of homeless life have low self-esteem, they are insecure, depressed, withdrawn. The sphere of communication in these children is characterized by constant tension. Attention is drawn to the aggressiveness of children in relation to adults. On the one hand, they themselves have suffered a lot from the actions of adults, on the other hand, children develop a consumer attitude towards their parents.

Lack of feeling psychological security weakens the need for adolescents to communicate. Deformation of the communication process manifests itself in different ways. Firstly, it may be a variant of isolation - the desire to get away from society, to avoid conflicts with children and elders. Here a strong motivation of personal autonomy, isolation, protection of one's "I" is manifested.

Another option may manifest itself in opposition, which is characterized by the rejection of proposals, demands coming from others, even very benevolent ones. Opposition is expressed and demonstrated in actions negative character. The third option - aggression is characterized by the desire to destroy relationships, actions, bring physical or mental harm to others, which is accompanied by an emotional state of anger, hostility, hatred. .

A medical examination of the children at the center shows that they all have somatic diseases which are chronic in most cases. Some children did not see a doctor for several years, and since they did not attend preschool institutions, they were completely deprived of medical supervision.

A feature of adolescents in the center is addiction to smoking. Some pupils have experience of smoking, which leads to such a disease as acute trachitis.

Specialists noted that neglected and homeless children have big problems in intellectual, mental and moral development.

From all of the above, you can make a general portrait of a child in need of social rehabilitation. Basically, these are children aged 11-16, who are brought up in single-parent families and in families where the parent has remarried. The lifestyle of their parents in most cases is characterized as antisocial: parents abuse alcohol. As a result, such children have a distorted moral consciousness, a limited range of needs, and their interests are mostly primitive. They differ from their prosperous peers in the disharmony of the intellectual sphere, underdevelopment of arbitrary forms of behavior, increased conflict, aggressiveness, low level of self-regulation and independence, negative volitional orientation.

Therefore, today it is necessary to carry out socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents.

For the successful implementation of the adaptation of maladjusted children, "knocked out" of life's rut, their preparation for independent living in society, I have developed the program “Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents through labor activity in the KU SRTSN”, which has a review. The program I developed was adapted to this category of participants in the experiment, implemented and used in practice.
We objectively assessed the results of the experiment, deduced the percentage ratio of the practical readiness for work of adolescents before the start of the experiment and at the time of completion. The degree of efficiency is determined by the level social activity maladjusted adolescents of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors and the ability to self-actualize in the social environment.

The end result is positive, because during the implementation of the program, work contributed to the formation of adolescents' interest in work for the common good, the development of the need and ability to work, the education of sustainable volitional qualities, the formation of the moral qualities of the individual, socially valuable attitudes to all types of labor activity, the education of discipline, diligence, responsibility, social activity and initiative. What is the basis of successful socialization of the personality of a teenager.

The solution to this problem involves a whole range of socio-pedagogical measures aimed at both improving the conditions of the family, school education, and on individual psychological and pedagogical correction of the personality of a difficult-to-educate person, as well as measures to restore his social status in a peer group.


A fierce winter covered the fields with snow and covered the rivers with ice, but the people of Blackthorne, having stocked up on a summer harvest, calmly continued to do their usual business. And yet they were worried, but excited joyfully. From minute to minute they waited for news from their mistress, who carried the seed of the Glendruid Wolf.

“I want Old Gwyn to stay,” Dominic said.

“She is very old now,” Meg told him. “I can't ask her anymore—I know she wants peace. Gwyn redeemed her infidelity to her husband.

Dominic shook his head. He couldn't believe that Old Gwyn was expiating a thousand-year-old sin with her service! Humans can't live that long! He was sure only that the silver Wedding Dress, the chain with stones and the old woman disappeared as if they had never been in the world. Meg thought about something, and a look of alarm crossed her face. Dominic noticed this not for the first time today.

- How do you feel? he asked carefully.

- I want to get out of the bath.

Dominic helped her out and gave her a soft, warm towel.

“We need to find the right servants,” Meg said.

Dominic gently touched the big belly.

“The Master of Blackthorne should not serve his wife.

"It's a great honor for him," Dominic told her.

Suddenly, Meg's body tensed up, and she spoke in a changed voice:

- Call the midwife. Our child is too agile.

A snowstorm raged outside as Dominic carried Meg to the bed she had prepared. Dry herbs and roots filled the room with fragrance. The midwife burst through the door and began reciting the ritual Glendruid songs that Meg had taught her.

"Well, are you happy now?" she asked, having performed this tedious duty.

The midwife watched Dominic out of the corner of her eye: such tenderness is not often found among men, especially among those who say: “No mercy! Take no prisoners!"

But now the robbers and rebellious knights had withdrawn to the northern lands and did not dare to disturb the people who lived under the protection of the Glendruid Wolf.

The midwife looked anxiously out the window: how bad weather broke out! The couple did not notice this. For them, there was only new life, ready to emerge from Meg's womb. The Glendruid wolf looked over Dominic's shoulder at the Glendruid witch.

“You can go about your business, sir. I will help her,” the midwife said to Dominic.

“No,” he answered firmly. “My wife has not left me in joy or in sorrow, and I will not leave her now.

The midwife shrugged her shoulders, but said nothing. Meg groaned, writhing in pain.

Dominic was by her side the whole time the labor was going on. Soon a child's cry made him breathe a sigh of relief.

- Lord Dominic! Your wife has given birth to your son!

The castle was filled with sonorous children's voices. Dominic taught his growing sons to fight when necessary and seek peace where possible. Meg passed on the secrets of water and herbs, gardens and all living things to her daughters, so that when the time came, they would pass on ancient knowledge to their daughters. And the Glendruid Witch and the Glendruid Wolf taught children the most important life truth all their lives: there has never been, is and never will be anything stronger than a generous, unselfish heart and an untamed soul of love.

Depending on the nature, nature and degree of maladjustment, one can distinguish pathogenic, psychosocial and social maladaptation of children and adolescents.

Pathogenic disadaptation is caused by deviations, pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional organic lesions of the central nervous system. In turn, pathogenic maladaptation in terms of the degree and depth of its manifestation can be of a stable, chronic nature (psychosis, psychopathy, organic brain damage, mental retardation, analyzer defects, which are based on serious organic damage).

There is also the so-called psychogenic maladaptation(phobias, obsessive bad habits, enuresis, etc.), which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, family situation. According to experts, 15-20% of school-age children suffer from some form of psychogenic maladaptation and need comprehensive medical and pedagogical assistance. Kagan V.E. Psychogenic forms school maladaptation/ Questions of psychology. - 1984. - No. 4.

In total, according to the research of A.I. Zakharova , up to 42% of preschool children attending kindergartens suffer from certain psychosomatic problems and need the help of pediatricians, psychoneurologists and psychotherapists. The lack of timely assistance leads to deeper and more serious forms of social maladaptation, to the consolidation of stable psychopathic and pathopsychological manifestations. Zakharov A.I. How to prevent deviations in the behavior of the child. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986. - 127 p.

In solving this problem, great importance is given to preventive measures, which are measures of a medical-pedagogical, health-improving and rehabilitation nature, which should be carried out both in general education educational institutions (kindergartens, schools) and in special medical and educational rehabilitation institutions.

Psychosocial maladjustment is associated with the age and gender and individual psychological characteristics of a child, adolescent, which determine their certain non-standard, difficult education, requiring an individual pedagogical approach and, in some cases, special psychological and pedagogical correctional programs that can be implemented in general education educational institutions.

Social maladaptation is manifested in the violation of moral and legal norms, in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.

In fact, with social maladjustment, we are talking about a violation of the process of social development, the socialization of an individual, when there is a violation of both the functional and the content side of socialization. At the same time, socialization disorders can be caused both by direct desocializing influences, when the immediate environment demonstrates samples of asocial, antisocial behavior, attitudes, attitudes, and indirect desocializing influences, when there is a decrease in the referential significance of the leading institutions of socialization, which for the student, in particular, are family, school.

The stage of school social maladaptation is represented by pedagogically neglected students. Both at the level of the content and functional aspects of socialization, the main deformations are associated with the school educational process, attitudes towards educational activities, teachers, school life and school routine. Pedagogical neglect is characterized by a chronic backlog in a number of subjects of the school curriculum, resistance to pedagogical influences, impudence with teachers, negative attitude to study, social maladjustment and various asocial manifestations (foul language, smoking, hooligan acts, missing lessons, conflict relations with teachers, classmates).

At the same time, despite the lagging behind in their studies, a significant part of pedagogically neglected students is diligent, has fairly clear professional intentions, possesses various labor skills, strives to obtain working profession, to economic independence, which can serve as a support in their re-education. Overcoming the educational difficulties of pedagogically neglected students involves the establishment of trusting relationships with them by teachers and educators, control and assistance in educational activities; advancement of trust in the school by teachers and classmates; organization of leisure, expansion of the sphere of interests; reliance on the best qualities of character; formation of professional plans and life aspirations; instilling the skills of introspection" self-education; assistance in improving the conditions of family education.


State educational institution of secondary vocational education

"Kemerovo State Vocational Pedagogical College" (KemGPPK)



Course work

KR 050711. 00. 00.00.

Performed by student gr. SP - 051:

Ilyushchenko N.N.


EAT. Zabolotskaya


1. Theoretical basis problems of social maladaptation of adolescents………………………………………………………………….....2


1.2 Historical retrospective of the problem of social maladaptation of adolescents…………………………………………………………………...13

1.3 Modern approach to solving the problem of social maladaptation of adolescents ………………………………………………… ... 15

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………24


Annex 1………………………………………………………………………28

Appendix 2………………………………………………………………………31


The problem of educating the younger generation is of particular relevance at the present stage of development of our state, which is characterized by rapid transformational processes in various areas of public life, a significant renewal of the entire system of existing relations in society.

Under these conditions, the question is paradoxical: why, against the backdrop of growing statistical indicators on the standard of living and well-being of the population, the problem of increasing the number of maladjusted and desocialized children remains one of the urgent and unresolved tasks of our state, why social work with adolescents with behavioral deviations is of particular urgency and relevance. The problem of adolescent maladaptation is by no means a one-day problem; it was influenced by many factors, in some cases extremely aggravating and complicating the existing problem. The existing institutions of the state system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency often operate in a fragmented and inefficient manner. Deviations in the behavior of the child, difficulties in his adaptation and socialization arise as a result of the political, socio-economic instability of society, the strengthening of the influence of pseudo-culture, changes in the content of the value orientations of young people, unfavorable family and domestic relations, lack of control over their behavior, excessive employment of parents, the growth of divorces . Despite the fact that one reason can give rise to a problem, it can manifest itself in multifactorial and multifaceted deviations of the physical and mental spheres of adolescents at different points in life and it is very problematic to cope with it at the stage of adulthood. Hence follows the choice of the topic of our study "Social maladaptation of adolescents and ways to overcome it."

The purpose of the work is a theoretical substantiation of the social maladaptation of adolescents.

The goal was predetermined by the following tasks:

    to form a conceptual infrastructure for the problem of social maladaptation of adolescents;

    to study the historical retrospective of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents;

    to analyze modern approaches to solving the problem of social maladaptation of adolescents.

The problem of social maladaptation is studied by such sciences as pedagogy, psychology, sociology, defectology, and jurisprudence.

The problem of social maladaptation of adolescents is devoted to the works of V.A. Baltsevich, S.A. Beligeva, G.P. Gavrilova, I.S. Kona, A.P. Krapovsky, V.A. Krutetsky, V.F. Lelyukh, A.S. Makarenko, L.F. Obukhova, R.V. Ovcharova, A.M. Prikhotan, B.A. Titova, M.V. Tsiluiko, D.B. Elkomina, M.G. Yaroshevsky and many others.

The methodological basis of the work was the ideas of A.S. Makarenko about the role of the team in shaping the personality of a teenager, B.A. Titova about the role of cultural and leisure activities in the process of adaptation of adolescents, G.I. Frolova about the importance of the club in the club activities of the team in the formation of personality, the ideas of A.S. Belicheva about the importance of organizing full-fledged communication with others for the correction of deviant behavior.


1. 1 Conceptual infrastructure of the problem of social maladaptation of adolescents

There are different views on the problem of maladaptation (including social).

Some scientists compare the stages of human adaptation with the main periods of the life path.

I. S. Kon considers childhood, adolescence and adolescence to be the main stages in the formation of a person's personality.

Other researchers, such as Shibutani, believe that the process of adaptation continues throughout life, and do not represent it as strictly normative. Shibutani understands adaptation as adaptation to new, changing conditions of life [2, c.20-22].

The term "adaptation" is used, on the one hand, to characterize the level of a person's adaptability to environmental conditions, on the other hand, adaptation acts as a process of adapting a person to existing conditions.

Psychologist I. Epifanova understands social maladjustment as non-observance of morality and law, an antisocial behavior associated with the process of socialization [1, c.50].

Moscow professors S.A. Belicheva and V.A. Fokin speak of two stages of social maladaptation:

Pedagogical neglect (characterized by a chronic lag in school curriculum, impudence, negative attitude to learning and various social - negative manifestations- foul language, smoking, hooliganism, conflict relations with teachers.

Due to the mistakes made in the upbringing and re-education of pedagogically neglected students, there is also such a phenomenon as social neglect (we are talking about adolescents who resist pedagogical influence, they do not have useful skills and abilities, the sphere of interests is narrowed; vagrancy is typical for socially neglected adolescents , drug addiction, offenses, immoral behavior, etc.

According to E. S. Rapatsevich, social maladjustment is a violation of the individual's adaptive behavior to the norms of social life due to the action of various external or internal reasons - unbearable or unfair demands, excessive loads, difficulties and disagreement, resistance, self-defense, etc. d. . Most often, maladaptive behavior is formed gradually as a reaction to systematically, constantly provoking factors that the child cannot cope with on his own. The beginning is the disorientation of the child: he is lost, does not know what to do, the teenager either does not respond at all to the requests and instructions of adults, or reacts in the first way that comes across. She considers the social adaptation of adolescents as a process of their integration into society, the formation of self-awareness, skills of self-knowledge and role-playing behavior, abilities for self-service and adequate connections with others. The term “adaptation” is used by M.V. Shakurova on the one hand to characterize the level of a person’s adaptability to environmental conditions, on the other hand, adaptation acts as a process of adapting a person to more or less rapidly changing conditions.

She considers social maladjustment to be a high degree of general maladjustment, which is characterized by asocial manifestations - foul language, bad habits, daring antics, as well as alienation from the main institutions of socialization - the family and society.

The state of disadaptation can be considered in two ways. On the one hand, as a relatively short-term situational state, which is the result of exposure to new, unusual stimuli that have changed the environment and signal an imbalance between mental activity and the requirements of the environment, as well as prompting re-adaptation. This is reflected in Table 1. In this sense, maladaptation is a necessary and inevitable component of the adaptation process.

Adolescence is the subject of the largest number of works and publications in the field of medicine, psychology and pedagogy. Among them are the works of A.S. Vygotsky “Pedagogy of a teenager”, A.P. Krakovsky “About teenagers”, D.B. Elkomin “Issues of the psychology of educational activity of younger schoolchildren”. It is impossible not to mention foreign researchers of this period - this is E. Spranger "Psychology of adolescence" and many other scientists. .

If we talk about the concept of "teenager", then the scientist - researcher Glebova speaks of him as a person aged 11 to 15 - 16 years. She calls adolescence a transitional age, as it is characterized by the transition from childhood to adulthood. In terms of the level and nature of development, adolescence is a typical era of childhood. On the other hand, a teenager is on the threshold of adulthood and feels the need for independence, self-affirmation, recognition by adults of his rights and obligations. Glebova calls adolescence a critical phase of human development.

The Pedagogical Encyclopedia describes a teenager as a person who is at the stage of ontogeny between childhood and adolescence. The main feature of adolescence is sharp, qualitative changes affecting all aspects of development. Adolescence is considered as a period of alienation from adults, at this stage the child opposes himself to the world of adults, defends his rights and freedoms, and in addition strives to take a satisfying position among his peer group.

It is in adolescence that a person commits the first most serious crimes and offenses, in adolescence the first manifestations of deviant behavior are observed and they are explained by a relatively low level of intellectual development, the incompleteness of the process of personality formation, the negative influence of the family, the immediate environment, the adolescent's dependence on the requirements of the group and accepted in her holistic orientation.

Deviant behavior in adolescents often serves as a means of self-affirmation, protests against reality or the seeming injustice of adults.

In turn, the deviations are divided into:

Deviations of selfish orientation;

Aggressive orientation;

Deviations of the socially passive type.

Deviations of a mercenary orientation - these include the right of offense and misdemeanors associated with the desire to obtain material, monetary, property support (theft, theft, speculation). Among minors, such deviations manifest themselves in the form of criminal criminal acts and in the form of misconduct and immoral behavior.

Social deviations of aggressive orientation manifested in actions directed against a person (insult, hooliganism, beatings, rape and murder).

Deviations of a socially passive type expressed in the desire to move away from an active social life, in evading their civic duties and duty, unwillingness to solve both personal and social problems. Such manifestations include evasion from work and study, vagrancy, the use of alcohol and drugs, toxic drugs, immersing in the world of artificial illusions and destroying the psyche. The extreme manifestation of this position is suicide, suicide.

Thus, antisocial behavior, differing both in content and target orientation, and in the degree of public danger, can manifest itself in various social deviations, from violations of morality and law, from minor offenses to serious crimes.

There are several forms of manifestation of deviant behavior of minors:

Alcoholization - this phenomenon is spreading more and more. Every year the number of teenagers drinking alcohol is increasing.

Comparative sociological studies have revealed several patterns of this problem:

Drunkenness is more common where there are more socially stressful situations.

Drunkenness is associated with specific forms of social control. In some cases, it is an element of some obligatory rituals, in others it acts as anti-normative behavior, a means of liberation from external control, being part of maladaptive behavior.

Alcoholism is often endured in inner comfort, due to the desire of the individual to overcome the gravitating feeling of dependence.

Drug addiction - being intoxicated, a teenager can commit any act. From here the number of crimes, thefts, murders grows. According to A.E. Personally, there are different levels of addiction:

Single or infrequent drug use;

Repeated use, but without signs of physical and mental dependence;

Drug addiction of the 1st stage, when mental dependence has already been formed, the search for a drug for the sake of obtaining pleasant sensations, but there is no physical dependence yet, and stopping drug use does not cause painful sensations;

Drug addiction of the 2nd stage, when there is a physical dependence on the drug and the search for it is already aimed not so much at causing a buzz as at avoiding torment.

Drug addiction of the 3rd stage is a complete mental and physical degradation.

According to the observations of psychologists, narcologists, 2/3 of teenagers take drugs for the first time out of curiosity, a desire to find out what is beyond the forbidden.

Aggressive behavior.

Adolescent aggression is most often the result of anger and low self-esteem as a result of experienced life failures. Sophisticated cruelty is often shown by spoiled sissies who do not know how to be responsible for their actions.

Suicidal behavior: among adolescents examined by A.E. Lichko:

32% of suicide attempts are 17 year olds;

21% - 15 year olds;

12% - 14 year olds;

4% - 12-13 year olds.

The scheme of the study, which was used by A. E. Lichko, is presented in Appendix 1 - Questionnaire.

Prevention of teenage suicides does not consist in avoiding conflict situations, but in creating such a psychological climate where a teenager would not feel lonely, unrecognized and inferior.

In 9 cases out of 10, youthful assassination attempts are not a desire to commit suicide, but a cry for help.

Illegal Behavior:

Adolescents living in dysfunctional families are most prone to criminal behavior, which is associated with poor housing and material conditions, tense relations between family members and low concern for raising children.

According to the observations of psychologists, there are quite a few juvenile delinquents who, although they are sane, have certain deviations from the norm. According to a sociological study that took place in the Saratov region among juvenile delinquents, 60% of them have some kind of mental disorder (psychosis, neurosis, etc.) In the family, the child receives the first skills of communication, behavior, the first “baggage” is accumulated knowledge, habits are formed. The formation of spiritual needs (ideals, moral, ideological and cognitive interests) of cultural values ​​depends on the conditions under which education takes place.

G.M. Minkovsky identifies ten types of families with different educational potential:

Educational - strong - the proportion of such families in the number of surveyed is 15-20%, the educational environment is close to optimal. Its main feature is the high moral atmosphere of the family.

Educationally stable - this type of family creates generally favorable opportunities for education, and the shortcomings that arise in the family are overcome with the help of other institutions of socialization, primarily schools.

Educationally - unstable - this type of family creates generally favorable opportunities. This type of family is characterized by an incorrect pedagogical position of the parents, which, nevertheless, is leveled out due to the relatively high educational potential of the family.

Educational - weak - with the loss of social contact (family) with children and control over them. Families where parents, for various reasons, are not able to properly raise children, have lost control over their behavior, yielding their influence to peer society;

Educational - conflict - with a constant conflict atmosphere;

With an aggressive-conflict atmosphere;

Marginal families with alcohol and sexual degradation;



Mentally - weighed down.

The last five types of families are negative, and even criminal, from a socio-pedagogical point of view.

Direct desocializing influences of the environment come from the immediate environment, which directly demonstrates patterns of antisocial behavior, antisocial orientations and beliefs, when antisocial norms and values, group prescriptions, behavioral regulators aimed at forming an asocial personality type are in effect. In such cases, we are dealing with the so-called situations of desocialization. The role of such institutions can be criminogenic informal teenage groups, groups of criminals, speculators, people without specific occupations, etc. The same role can be played by some immoral families, where inheritance, immoral lifestyle, scandals and brawls of parents have become the norm of everyday relationships.

As you know, deviant antisocial behavior is called behavior that is contrary to legal or moral norms accepted in society. .

The main types of deviant behavior are crime and non-punishable (not illegal) immoral behavior. In the origin of deviant behavior, a significant place is given to the study of its motives, causes and conditions that contribute to its development. In the origin of deviant behavior, especially big role play defects of legal and moral consciousness, the content of the needs of the individual, character traits, emotional-volitional sphere.

Deviant behavior is the result of improper development of the personality and the unfavorable situation in which the person finds himself.

Among the asocial manifestations, it is advisable to single out the so-called pre-criminogenic level, when the minor has not yet become the subject of a crime, and his social deviations are manifested at the level of minor misconduct, violations of the norms and rules of behavior that evade socially useful activities, in the use of alcohol, drugs and toxic substances. means that destroy the psyche and other forms of antisocial behavior that do not pose a great public danger.

Criminogenic (criminal) level - in this case, social relations are expressed in criminal, criminally punishable actions, when a teenager becomes the subject of a crime that is considered by the judiciary and poses a more serious public danger.

In order to better understand the nature of the social relations of minors, let us consider a patent analysis of about a thousand cases discussed at commissions on minors' affairs.

The age composition of minors who come through the commission are older teenagers aged 14-16 (about 40%), followed by younger teenagers aged 11-13 (up to 26%).

Asocial manifestations also served as a reason for consideration: 48% of adolescents were discussed for avoiding study and work; 10% - for escapes and vagrancy; 3-5% - for drinking alcohol and the same amount for immoral behavior.

A more in-depth psychological and socio-psychological study of the personality of adolescents with deviant behavior showed that they are also characterized by varying degrees of deformation of the system of internal behavioral regulation - value orientations, attitudes of needs. Noticeable trouble is revealed in the system of interpersonal relations in the family, school, on the street.

All this indicates that deviant behavior is the result of an unfavorable social development of a violation of the adaptation process. A special type of such disorders occurs during adolescence, the so-called hormonal transition period from childhood to adulthood.

Thus, the process of violation of the socialization of minors occurs when a person experiences certain negative influences that come from the environment and the immediate behavior of the individual.

In this regard, the negative influence experienced by a teenager from the immediate environment can be divided into direct and indirect maladaptive influences.

Direct maladaptive influences of the environment are exerted by the immediate environment, which directly demonstrates patterns of asocial behavior, antisocial orientations and beliefs, when antisocial norms and values, group prescriptions, behavioral regulators aimed at the formation of an asocial type personality are in force. In such cases, we are dealing with the so-called situations of desocialization and maladaptation. The role of such institutions can be criminogenic informal teenage groups, groups of criminals, speculators, people without specific occupations, etc. The same role can be played by some immoral families, where inheritance, immoral lifestyle, scandals and brawls of parents have become the norm of everyday relationships.

However, the process of maladaptation is not always carried out as a result of the direct impact of direct maladaptive influences of the environment. So, among the studied minors with deviant behavior (the total number of which was about 1200 people), who are registered with juvenile affairs, only 25-30% were brought up in families with acquisitive orientations, the school environment, where a significant part of minors pass, also contains direct samples of the well-known behavior. And, nevertheless, in a certain part of adolescents who are brought up in a completely favorable environment, social maladjustment with antisocial behavioral manifestations is possible. adverse factors that cause asocial behavior of minors, and, in turn, significantly expand the scope of educational and preventive measures to prevent deviations in the minds and behavior of adolescents.

1.2 Historical retrospective of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents

Since social maladaptation is a destruction, a disorder of the results that have been achieved in the process of adapting an individual to society, it is necessary first of all to understand the essence of this most important social phenomenon. R. Merton considered individual ways of adapting an individual to society, based on the factor of accepting or not accepting the values ​​of a given society and ways to achieve them.

The social sciences take over the baton of the study of adaptation from the hands of biology, and in almost all modern research there is an idea that individuals endowed with both social and biological essence participate in social adaptation. This approach originates from G. Spencer, who considered society as a social organism and, accordingly, the adaptation of individuals as a constant achievement of balance between the organism (individual) and the environment (society). As a result of this continuous adaptation, the social structure becomes more complex.

A significant stimulus for the study of social adaptation in Western sociology was the immigrant nature of American society, as a result of which each individual and each national group had to adapt to new conditions for them. In the works of F. Znaniecki, the adaptation of immigrants from Poland in America was studied, and the author explores this process through the assimilation of social experience by individuals in the process of social action. His research and theoretical positions clearly show that the process of human adaptation to new conditions is primarily of a social nature.

Although E. Durkheim does not use the term "adaptation", he studied the adaptation of the internal organization of a person to the norms existing in society. At the individual level, this is expressed in the acceptance of the prevailing public morality, the assimilation of ideas about one's duty, which is manifested in ideological ideas and actions. At the level of society, the main tool for such adaptation is the very existence of these norms, their universally significant character. Deviation of norms or their weakness, "anomia" (absence of norms) is a pathology of the whole society, which must be overcome.

Such an understanding was a step forward for its time, however, the passive nature of the individual's subordination to norms, ignoring the activity of the individual and the role of sociocultural factors required further consideration of the essence of the relationship between the individual and society. M. Weber, recognizing the role of social normativity, at the same time drew attention to the question of the correspondence or inconsistency of social norms with the interests and expectations of a person. The basis for following the norms is rationality, the ability to achieve effective results in this process. The individual looks for the most suitable norms for him in the mosaic of social values ​​and also independently modifies or creates them.

Weber considers both goal-oriented and value-rational behavior, and in this version, the adaptation of a person to society is also a source of social progress. However, the activity described by M. Weber, built on the achievement of an individual good and applied without taking into account the interests of other individuals, could upset the balance of society. T. Parsons considers the process of interaction between an individual and society as a mutual compromise, the constant integration of individual social elements into the system. This process is built on the balance of mutual expectations of the individual and the social environment. Therefore, in accordance with his ideas, adaptation is both a process of achieving stability and the result of this process, a social order that is favorable for both the individual and society. As in his other studies, Parsons proceeds from the analogy of applying to social reality the biological mechanism of homeostasis, that is, the equilibrium of a social organism or system that restores its stable state regardless of external influences.

Thus, we can say that although different sociologists and researchers had their own views on the theory of human adaptation to society, none of them denied its importance for normal human development.

1.3 Modern approaches to solving the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents

The process of disadaptation is manifested in all forms of adolescent life - in the cognitive, transformative, value-oriented and communicative spheres. The complexity of personality changes that occur with maladjusted adolescents, the depth of destruction of social ties and deformation of social qualities, the comprehensiveness of the tasks of their restoration and correction determines the complex nature of the prevention of social maladjustment of minors.

Taking into account the multifactorial nature of the causes and consequences of the maladaptation of children and adolescents, measures of legal, organizational, social, psychological, and economic assistance should be taken in the process of prevention, the implementation of which is within the competence of various bodies and institutions. the formation and development of an institutionalized prevention system that contributes to the upbringing of adolescents in the family.

The priorities include supporting the family as a natural environment for children's livelihood, strengthening the legal protection of childhood, ensuring safe motherhood and protecting children's health, and much more. The National Plan of Action for Children and Adolescents up to 2010, the Federal Program "Children of Russia" for 2003-2008 and other documents defining the main priority areas of activity of federal executive bodies, bodies of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency have been developed and adopted.

In order to improve coordination and interagency cooperation on the prevention of social maladjustment of children and adolescents, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopt relevant regulatory and legal acts.

According to M. V. Shakurova, the main directions for the prevention of maladaptive behavior of adolescents are:

Early diagnosis of children at risk;

Consulting and explanatory work with parents;

Mobilization of the educational potential of the environment, work with contact groups of a minor;

Organization of correctional and rehabilitation activities depending on the level of maladjustment, attracting the necessary specialists, seeking help from specialized institutions, centers and services;

Patronage of maladjusted minors;

Development and implementation of targeted programs and technologies aimed at the prevention and correction of behavioral disorders.

A successful area of ​​work with maladjusted and desocialized children and adolescents is cultural and leisure activities.

Cultural and leisure activities are one of the most important means of the essential forces of a person and the optimization of the socio-cultural environment surrounding him. The process of functioning of the KDD can be represented as the interaction of two trends: socialization and individualization. If the first consists in the appropriation of social essence by the individual, then the second is in the development of his individual way of life, thanks to which he gets the opportunity to develop.

It is known that personality develops in the process of activity. And therefore, socialization, as a personal property, arises in the process of social activity, as a result of this activity. Consequently, the formation of the personality of adolescents can be carried out in the process of social activity.

Such activity is a two-pronged process, where, on the one hand, the subject, as a result of the activity, “giving away his essential powers” ​​and abilities, objectifies himself in them, on the other hand, this objectification of the subject itself implies a counter process of cognition, mastery, disclosure and appropriation of properties " an object that was created by the previous generation, by other people before it.

Such appropriation of “social ties, knowledge, skills and abilities is successfully and most actively carried out in the conditions of cultural and leisure activities. It is in leisure activities that children and adolescents get acquainted with art, nature, work, norms and rules of interpersonal communication, moral and aesthetic values. As you know, deviant behavior of adolescents is a consequence of a violation of the process of socialization and adaptation. And its correction is possible only through the involvement of adolescents in the sphere of leisure activities, since here adolescents are more open to the influence and interaction of various social institutions on them, which allows them to influence their moral character and worldview with maximum efficiency.

When considering cultural and leisure activities as a pedagogical process, it is important to determine the most effective forms and methods of influence that make up a methodology in the system that allows you to achieve social and pedagogical goals in working with adolescents with deviant behavior - the object of pedagogical influence.

First of all, the effectiveness of the educational impact of cultural and leisure activities on adolescents largely depends on the choice of forms as important methods of expressing the content of the activity. Form is a combination of the method and means of organizing the process of cultural and leisure activities, due to its content.

Organizational forms of work with adolescents should be aimed at developing their cognitive interests and abilities. It is important to note that the adolescent period of development is characterized by significant changes in all aspects of the personality - the psyche, physiology, relationships, when a teenager subjectively enters into a relationship with the adult world. Therefore, only a differentiated approach in the choice of certain forms can ensure the effectiveness of their impact. One of these forms is the art form. Includes messages about the most active events, which are grouped according to the degree of importance and are presented figuratively with the help of emotional means of influence.

This form includes - mass performances, evenings of rest, show performances, spectacles, literary evenings, creative meetings with famous people.

The above forms as evenings of rest, show performances will arouse particular interest among teenagers in two cases: if they are imbued with the spirit of competition, and imbued with deep lyricism. After all, unrealized tenderness of the soul and the desire to compete with peers in everything are features of difficult teenagers.

Balls and carnivals are a striking form of organizing spectacular performances. They are dedicated to the most important events in the life of teenagers, but, unfortunately, these forms are now rarely used, since such holidays require beautiful costumes, which many leisure institutions cannot provide.

Educational forms include lectures, conversations, disputes, conferences, excursions. So, for example, in the process of participating in a dispute, a teenager learns not only something new, but also learns to form his own point of view.

So, for example, in adolescence, the child is very concerned about the problems of sexual development, and therefore lectures and discussions on this topic will arouse great interest.

In the practice of cultural and leisure activities, there is such a form as educational and entertaining. She has great importance for adolescence. It was during this period that the character changed gaming activity, one might say, the game loses its "fabulousness", "mysteriousness". The cognitive significance of the game comes to the fore.

The greatest effect is given by forms borrowed from the television screen, for example, the educational and entertaining games “Brain Ring”, “What? Where? When?".

Teenagers are most interested in such a form of leisure organization as a disco-club. There are two types of disco - educational and educational (disco-club) and dance and entertainment (disco-dance floor). If in the first case a clear goal is pursued, which is accompanied by some kind of theme, then the second has no goal. Thus, the creation of a disco club contributes to the development of musical taste.

Socio-practical forms play a special role in the development of the spiritual principles of a teenager's personality, its specializations. Taking into account the social and practical interests of adolescents, it is possible to create rooms for psychological relief, sections, circles for physical culture and sports, learning to sew, and technical creativity.

Thus, the forms of cultural and leisure activities that have developed at the present time are aimed, first of all, at the spiritual development of the personality of a teenager, built on the relationship with the social environment and society as a whole.

Consider the main areas of cultural and leisure activities necessary for the education and self-education of adolescents. In the pedagogical process, one of the main activities of cultural and leisure institutions is civic education, which forms a scientific worldview and develops the civic activity of a teenager. In civic education, you can use such forms as lectures, conversations, disputes. Approximate topics of lectures: "Fatherland at the turn of the century", "Historical past of our Motherland"; discussion topics: “What kind of a hero of our time is he”, etc.

In this case, the involvement of visual technical means can give emotional coloring and expressiveness that will arouse the greatest interest among adolescents

Another important area of ​​cultural and leisure activities is labor education. The purpose of labor education is to assist in the professional orientation of adolescents. Of great importance are meetings with representatives of various professions, excursions to production sites, where children get acquainted with representatives of various professions, and technical modeling circles.

The next direction of cultural and leisure activities is the formation of a personality with a high moral consciousness and behavior - moral education. The principle of moral education is the principle of education on positive examples. Moral education in the club is carried out in the field of communication with peers, through the system of moral education (ethical conversations, disputes, meetings with interesting people). Developing a personality, it is important to take into account its ability to correctly understand the beautiful in all its diversity of manifestations.

Therefore, one of the main aspects of cultural and leisure activities is aesthetic education. Its goal is to develop the ability to evaluate, perceive and affirm the beautiful in life and art from the universal positions of spiritual heritage. The pedagogical task of cultural institutions is to involve teenagers in their activities through the organization of show performances, creative beauty contests (“Miss Summer”, “Gentleman Show”), meetings with musicians, fashion designers, poets, visiting exhibitions and much more. other. Direction to physical education determines the development and strengthening of health, physical abilities of children and adolescents. One of the tasks of physical education is the education of the will and character, its moral qualities and aesthetic tastes. Thus, the connection between the physical and moral and aesthetic education is carried out.

The development of this direction is facilitated by the organization of circles, sports sections, meetings with people who are directly related to sports (coaches, masters of sports).

Thus, all these areas of cultural and leisure activities are interconnected, interdependent, the improvement of the individual makes this activity the most effective. In the process of directed education of the personality of a teenager, on the one hand, spiritual and moral development takes place, on the other hand, a kind of differentiation of the abilities of a teenager takes place, various interests and needs are revealed, socialization and adaptation of adolescents take place, which are positively oriented.

The current state of the pedagogical process convinces that their activities need a more intense ethical direction, highlighting social problems aimed at harmonizing relations between adolescents, satisfying the individual and society as a whole.

The nature of the deviant behavior of minors and its determination are such that in the fight against it, not only measures of criminal repression should be applied, but also, first of all, preventive approaches.

The fundamental element in the formation of models for the prevention of social maladaptation of minors should be the understanding of this problem as a highly socially significant, multi-level and multi-aspect task, in the center of the cortex is the personality of a teenager, which is formed in the social environment. The modern general model of the system for the prevention of maladjusted children and adolescents is an association of multi-departmental bodies, institutions and services whose activities are aimed at implementing state social policy in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of minors, preventing neglect and delinquency, and implementing a differentiated approach to various groups of the child population. Given the social nature of children's troubles, the activity of all elements of the prevention system involves, first of all, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors in all spheres of their life, support in the family and adaptation to society.

In order to create the most effective models for the prevention of social maladjustment of minors, it is necessary to identify children who find themselves in a difficult life situation as early as possible. Prevention of deviations is the most important part of preventive work, the content of which is the purposeful identification and elimination of the causes and conditions of specific deviations. The more successful the prevention, the less efforts and funds have to be expended on the rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents, the prevention of deviant (deviant) behavior into criminal (delinquent) behavior.

The researcher Kholostova in the totality of prevention of maladjustment of deviant behavior among minors includes the following areas:

Minimization, neutralization and, if possible, elimination of social determinants of maladjustment and deviant behavior of children and adolescents;

Reducing the victimization of the child environment, i.e. the facts and conditions that contribute to situations in which children become victims of crime (including their involvement in illegal and criminal exploitation by adults);

Activation and development of positive social and personal factors and processes that ensure optimal socialization of adolescents.


The study of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents showed that in the conditions of instability in the development of society, the processes of maladaptation of children and adolescents are sharply increasing, associated with an increase in family poverty, alcoholism and drug addiction, an increase in homelessness and neglect of minors, and an increase in juvenile delinquency. The development of a network of social and rehabilitation institutions for working with families and children contributes to the creation of a system for the prevention of maladaptation of adolescents.

Summing up the results of the work, it should be noted that currently there are rapid processes of change in society, which accordingly affect the social adaptation of adolescents. In general, society needs such members who are able to live in this society.

Today in Russia, due to the change in the political and economic orientation of the state, the main traditional agents of socialization and adaptation are in crisis. Medium Russian family is not able to qualitatively fulfill its socializing role, there is a sharp drop in its educational functions. The same process takes place in schools. Lack of funding at school has led to a crisis in the education system - a lack of teachers, handouts, etc. - all this affects the level of education of children. Adolescents, instead of being controlled by their parents and the school, are left to their own devices, socializing on the street in informal youth groups. Hence the sharp rise in juvenile delinquency.

People do not have all the necessary skills for life in society from birth, they acquire them throughout their life path.

In the process of his adaptation, a teenager must adapt to the conditions of his existence, and other people act for him as instructors, role models.

In the course of adaptation, the adolescent learns a set of roles that he will have to play in society and introduces into his system of behavior those patterns that are sanctioned by the group.

In the course of the work, possible points that could lead to the maladaptation of a modern teenager were investigated, ways to solve the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents and possible forms of prevention of the problem were developed. Designing the process of social rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents on the principle of integrity consistently reflects all stages in the creation of models for the prevention of maladjusted adolescents.


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We kindly ask you to take part in a small study, the results of which will be used in scientific interests. Your participation is of great importance to us, but it will only be useful if you take the matter seriously, sincerely and personally. Target this study- to identify the range of interests, needs, life values ​​of adolescents. The questionnaire consists of 9 questions, for each of which it is proposed to choose one (2-3) answer options that you consider the most suitable for yourself. If the questionnaire does not contain the answer to the question that you think is correct, you can write your own answer in the "other" section.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

First, please provide some information about yourself.

    What do you prefer to do in your free time

b) watch TV

c) meet friends (girlfriends)

d) visit leisure facilities;

e) visit discos, night clubs;

e) other

    What films do you prefer to watch?

a) militants

b) thrillers;

c) detectives;

d) films with erotic elements;

e) comedies;

e) melodrama;

    What is, in your opinion, a healthy lifestyle?

a) do not smoke;

b) do not drink alcohol;

c) go in for sports;

d) live a full spiritual life;

e) other.

    Are you leading healthy lifestyle life?

(underline what applies to you)

    I drink alcohol

    I don't play sports

    I use drugs

    If you have already tried alcoholic beverages, under what circumstances did this happen?

a) in the company of friends;

b) on days of family celebrations;

d) having nothing to do;

e) out of curiosity;

e) accidentally;

g) other.

    If you have already tried smoking, what prompted you to do so?

a) the influence of friends;

b) an example of parents;

c) curiosity;

e) the desire to feel grown up;

e) other.

    If you have any serious problem, who do you discuss it with?

a) with friends

b) with parents;

c) do not discuss at all;

d) other.

    What family are you brought up in?

a) in full;

b) incomplete (one mother or father brings up).

    What life values ​​are the most important to you?

a) happiness in the family;

b) material security;

c) health;

d) love;

e) career;

f) morality;

g) education;

h) other.

Thanks for the replies!!!

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