Modes of action of the tense type of verbs. The concept of the mode of verbal action

METHOD OF ACTION(way verb action, accomplishment, Aktionsart), a type of modification of the verbal action, expressed by certain word-building means (prefixes, suffixes, a combination of a prefix and a suffix or a prefix and a postfix). Yes, the verb make a noise represents an initiatory mode of action denoted by the verb make noise, walk around multiple mode of action from the verb walk, cough intermittent softening mode of action from the verb cough, a cough single mode of action from the same verb, etc.

The mode category is closely related to the view category. According to A.V. Isachenko, the type and mode of action are different manifestations of the same phenomenon, which are in additional distribution. Therefore, the verb correlated with some original verb of the opposite form is either its aspectual correlate or its regular semantic modification, i.e. way of action. Thereby, hallmark ways of verbal action it turns out that they have no specific correlates. This point of view is shared, however, not by all aspectologists. The most compelling argument against including the feature of aspectual disparity in the definition of the mode of action is the fact that the ban on the formation of the secondary imperfective in Russian is almost always not absolute: for example, the forms buy up or fade(inconsistent to buy and bloom) are simply normative, and forms like sit out keep watch, get sick or get loose do not contradict Russian morphological system and constantly appear in speech.

At present, the approach is more accepted, according to which the type and mode of action are considered as phenomena of a different order, although they belong to the same conceptual sphere. Namely, the aspect is a grammatical category, and the mode of action is a derivational one. At the same time, since the content side of both categories is largely common ( internal structure and the way the action proceeds in time), in principle, the same verb can be both a specific correlate to some verb of the opposite kind, and one of its modes of action if it simultaneously satisfies the functional criterion of specific correlativity ( cm. VIEW) and in addition, in its form and meaning, it corresponds to one of the modes of action. So, for example, the verb please is also a species correlate to like and its initiatory mode of action in contrast to the verb fall in love, which is only a mode of action, but not a species correlate to be in love. Type verbs jump, throw or bite are at the same time a single mode of action to jump, throw and bite and their species correlates. In other words, the content side of the aspect category and the content side of the mode category are very close; the difference between them concerns the functional side and ultimately comes down to the fact that belonging to one of the two types is obligatory for any Russian verb, but belonging to one of the modes of action is not. Yes, we can say He often visited me(repeated mode of action) if we want to specifically express the idea of ​​multiplicity in the verb. But we can describe the same situation with the words He often visited me, leaving this idea unexpressed in the verb.

Most modes of action are formed from verbs not perfect look: by adding a prefix, the process indicated by the original imperfective verb is limited in a certain way quantitatively or qualitatively (cf. start talking"stop talking" dissuade= "stop talking", speak out all evening, talk about weather, slander nonsense reach an agreement to the point of absurdity, etc.); such modes of action themselves are perfective with the exception of those that include an imperfective suffix in their formal indicator ( walk willow be, on smatr willow th, at dance ywa t). On the other hand, there are some modes of action formed from perfective verbs ( come up with stories; all the trees in the garden frozen).

The main modes of action of the Russian verb include the following.

Introductory modes of action, which include inchoative and aggressive. An inchoative mode of action is formed using the prefix per- and belongs to the most productive; it is regularly formed from the designations of homogeneous situations that have neither an initial nor a final phase other than the middle one, for example: make a noise, ring out, meow, whistle, mumble, whisper, drum, stink;fade, fade, get excited, doubt, be capricious, put on airs; come in around the room, run in, dance, breathe etc. Inchoative verbs seem to "cut out" initial segment situation by which the whole situation can be identified. Therefore, the verbs from which this mode of action is derived must describe relatively "simple" situations such that can be identified in this small segment of their course. Yes, you can say The telephone rang, but not * She called on the phone, since the action “to call the phone”, in contrast to just “to call”, is not homogeneous: it consists of a sequence of heterogeneous actions united by some goal and comprehended through it. Therefore, most verbs with inchoative per- denote phenomena perceived by the senses. An important feature verbs of the inchoative mode of action is the absence of secondary imperfectives in them. Inchoative verbs adjoin a number of verbs that could be called improperly inchoative: get sick, bloom, smoke, start talking, sing, catch fire, boil, having, in contrast to proper inchoative verbs, correlative forms of the imperfective form (respectively: get sick, bloom, smoke, start talking, sing along, catch fire, boil); these correlative imperfective verbs have the meaning of the process of passing initial phase. The productivity of the inchoative mode of action is manifested in the abundance of neoplasms made according to this model; compare: to respect, to despise, to have, get together home, request walk, sob etc.

Another type of initial meaning is represented by the ingressive mode of action, which includes verbs with the prefix on- . This includes two groups of verbs. On the one hand, these are verbs denoting directed movement; combined with attachment on- they mark the beginning of the corresponding movement (as well as the action as a whole): go, run, fly, ride, jump, rush, blow(about the wind) water(about the rain) knock down(about snow) crumble etc. At the same time, if the inchoative mode of action allows one to “see” the described action, to imagine the mode of flow characteristic of it, the aggressive mode of action only indicates the fact that the action has begun and, thus, is most likely to be carried out. On the other hand, a number of verbs with the prefix on- formed from the verbs of perception and internal state: to seem, to feel, to feel, to imagine, to think, to love, to like. However, all these verbs (with the exception of fall in love) also describe not only the beginning of the state, but also the very fact of its presence.

Delimitative(= restrictive) mode of action is formed from verbs denoting non-limiting processes, using the prefix on- ; verbs of this mode of action describe a certain "portion" of action, estimated as small and limited time during which it was produced, for example: take a walk, ride, live, to play, fly, wave, shut up, work and many others. etc. Verbs of a delimitative mode of action tend to turn into a specific correlate. Yes, the verb eat, depending on the circumstances, can act in both functions, cf .: Eat my ice cream(delimitative mode of action) and Have you already eaten? (used as the aspective correlate of the verb there is). Delimitative verbs never undergo secondary imperfectification; type verbs cough, smoke, walk, which can be taken as secondary imperfectives to cough, smoke, walk, they are not: they represent a different mode of action, namely, intermittent-softening, the formal indicator of which is the combination of the prefix on- with suffix - willow-.

perdurative(= long-term-restrictive) mode of action is formed by the prefix pro- and denotes an action that seems to completely "fill" a certain period of time. If we say that a person worked for thirty years at the factory, been idle for three years, lay in bed all day or talked on the phone for an hour and a half, we report that the named period of time has passed and he was completely occupied with this activity. Verbs of perdurative mode of action sit out, lie down, stand still undergo secondary imperfectification, cf.: He every day sits out ten hours at the computer, lies before dinner in bed, idle three hours in line. From other verbs of the perdurative mode of action, the formation of the secondary imperfective is difficult.

Finitive mode of action is formed using the prefix from- and denotes the cessation of some activity or state, emphasizing that the situation has not only ceased to take place, but will no longer take place, cannot continue: Dissuaded a golden grove; faded chrysanthemums have been in the garden for a long time.

Finitive verbs are characterized by compatibility with the word his, introducing into consideration the idea of ​​a certain amount of action, "measured" by fate this person or object, cf.: The car drove off(it doesn’t matter if she got into an accident or rotted in the garage, the main thing is that she won’t ride anymore); The clock has gone(broken and impossible to fix); The ship sailed its; I worked mine, off duty, won back, fell out of love, unlearned, exhausted etc. Finitive verbs have some expressive coloring and often contain evaluation component, and with a non-fixed evaluation sign. Yes, proposal I worked mine can express both regret and pleasure that the speaker will no longer have to work. This mode of action is very productive. It is freely formed from almost any verb denoting unlimited homogeneous processes or states. (Joining the verbs denoting limiting processes, the prefix from- has a completely different meaning, namely resultative, presented in a variety of verbs like repair, chip off, scold, rehearse, adjust etc.)

Cumulative(= accumulative) mode of action is formed by the prefix on the- and denotes the "accumulation of the result" of the action: buy(lots of) things put on(lots of) mistakes; file firewood, tune houses, weld jam, promise with three boxes mess up troubles, invent ; piled up , attacked etc. This mode of action is sometimes also formed from not transitive verbs: to mischief, to mischief, to inhale, to spray The verbs of the cumulative mode of action, built on the basis of intransitive verbs of indefinite motion, have an object with the value of time or distance: run into, run into, find(many hours or kilometers). Many cumulative mode verbs contain a slight negative evaluation: not just "a lot", but perhaps "too much". This introduces into the meaning of the verbs of this mode of action a shade of condemnation, sometimes barely noticeable, and sometimes pronounced, cf. characteristic combinations with portable estimated value type break firewood. The cumulative mode of action can be formed from both perfective and imperfective verbs: buy(owl) ® buy; break(inn.) ® mess up; come up with(owl) ® come up with; invent(inn.) ® invent. The prefix can be attached to the verbs of the cumulative mode of action on-, forming a verb of a cumulative-distributive mode of action, the meaning of which sometimes includes an additional shade of the variety of accumulated objects: pick up / recruit , fill up/stuff. The verbs of the cumulative-distributive mode of action contain the same disparaging connotation as the proper distributive ones, moreover, this connotation is even intensified, cf.: set up, to open, to invent ,give birth , make mistakes in dictation>, name,to coach etc.

saturative mode of action is formed by attaching the prefix on the- simultaneously with the return particle (postfix) -sya and indicates that the action was carried out until full saturation or even satiety: run into, work up, roll, swim, eat up, gorge, get drunk, get high etc. Verbs of this mode of action are often accompanied by words like enough, relish, satiety, to the point of exhaustion, to waste, blue in the face, to the point of insanity etc. In its content, this mode of action is close to cumulative (and is sometimes interpreted as its special case) with the difference that the subject itself is in the center of attention. Some of the saturative verbs are used predominantly with negation, cf. He couldn't stop looking at her(see enough); I look I don't look; don't bother with him etc.

Various intensively productive modes of action are formed using a combination of prefixes before-, after-, times- with postfix -sya: get through,play too much, talk.

Achieving mode of action ( to-…-sya ) indicates bringing the action to the desired result by applying great efforts, with difficulty, overcoming obstacles, etc., cf .: get through to someone on the phone, dig down to the truth shout out, get through up to someone wait someone or something, etc. However, the same model can also be used to express, in a certain sense, the opposite idea, denoting bringing an action to an undesirable and unforeseen result, cf. buy more to pneumonia, drink up to delirium tremens / to green devils, finish smoking to the point of nausea improve before nervous breakdown etc.

Circumfix verbs for-…-sya form a mode of action, which is sometimes called excessively long and which indicates that the action exceeded a certain measure in its continuation, which most likely happened regardless of the will of the subject (because he was too carried away by this action) and, possibly, led to some some negative consequences. For example: stay too long away, start talking, play too much, read out, take a walk, philosophize, make money in this world stale. Verbs adjoining this mode of action ponder, take a look, stare, listen to, daydream. They differ in that they primarily express the idea of ​​enthusiasm, “immersion” in a certain state and do not emphasize the idea of ​​excessive duration.

There is also a group of verbs of an evolutive mode of action with a circumfix times-…-sya , denoting the final phase of a gradual increase in the intensity of action and, as a result, the achievement high degree implementation of some state: get sick, get lazy, rage, talk, flare up etc.

Single(= one-act, semelfactive) mode of action is formed by adding the suffix -well- or -anu- and denotes one "quantum" of the activity described by the original verb. Wed with suffix -well- : swallow swallow, look look, move move, yawn yawn, swing swing, throw throw, prick prick, shout shout, scold scold, sparkle sparkle, toss toss, pinch pinch etc. A single mode of action is formed from verbs denoting simple physical actions, as well as acoustic and optical phenomena. At the same time, the situation described by the original verb can either already consist of these “quanta” (i.e., for example, blink is a repetition of an action. blink; such verbs are called polyphasic or multi-act), or be homogeneous (cf. blow, look, scold, frighten, go on a spree). In the latter case, the quantification is created by the suffix itself -well-, cf. blow, look, swear, scare, hang out. Verbs on -well- formed from verbs denoting homogeneous processes (such as smear or look), are usually stylistically colored: the components "quickly" and "strongly" contained in the meaning of this mode of action, transforming in the pragmatic plane into the idea of ​​"brute force" and at the same time presenting the action as being performed as if "similarly", create a shade of some cynical swagger, deliberate vulgarity cf. especially neoplasms of the type smoke, speculate criticize communicate. Beyond the suffix -well- to form a single mode of action, the suffix is ​​also used -anu- , less frequent and with a more pronounced expressive-colloquial or even vernacular coloring, cf. thrash, thrash, say, smear, freak out, shove, rattle, brag etc. All such verbs denote a single action performed sharply, with force and rudely, but at the same time it is spoken of with some irony, the speaker treats it as if “not seriously”.

Emollient(= attenuative) mode of action is formed by adding prefixes on- , under- and at- from perfective verbs already containing a prefix: get used to, warm up, have some fun, reflect, dry off, calm down; to forget, get drunk, fed up, save up of money; ponder, lie down, slightly open, open a crack, suspend, lower flag etc. Verbs of a softening mode of action mean "to do something lightly, without effort, for a short time" and express a somewhat condescending (but rather benevolent) attitude towards the action itself or towards its subject on the part of the speaker. Verbs of softening mode of action for the most part have a distinctly colloquial connotation.

Multiple(= iterative, frequent) mode of action is formed with the help of suffixes -yva- /-willow-, -wa- , -á- , the same ones that are used in perfectivization, but attached to imperfective verbs: walk walk, sit sit, speak talk, hear hear and hear, see see and see, eat eat, drink beer, live live, know know, to be to be(cf. with imperfectification: rewrite rewrite, open open, begin begin). In the literary language of the 19th century. there were significantly more multiple verbs. Although almost all of the existing modern language verbs of this type have an archaic coloring, it cannot be said that this model is unproductive. In speech, it is quite common to find frequentatives formed with the help of the suffix -yva-/-willow-, for example: read read, lie down lie down, stand – melt, play play, ride ride etc.

intermittent softening mode of action is formed by adding the prefix on- , under- or at- combined with suffix -yva-/-willow- and mean "to do something from time to time and little by little". The most productive model with a prefix on- : smoke, drink, take a walk, cough, ache, walk around, pinch weed, pee poems, fool around, beat wife, etc.

Verbs formed according to this model are of two types. Some denote actions that are identifiable only over large intervals. In response to a question What is he doing now? you can say: Drinking wine and smoking; Sitting at the table and writing an article; Lies in bed and reads a book. But you can't: drinking and smoking; sitting and peeing; lie down and respect. Other verbs, on the contrary, denote actual actions and states: cough, gleam, snuffle, wiggle. Some verbs have both types of usage, cf.: The referee is already looking at the stopwatch and Our son is already looking at women. Slightly less common prefixes under- and at- : steal, laugh, play a joke, plow, haggle, limp. Verbs of the intermittent softening mode of action are imperfective. At the same time, it should be emphasized that they are single species, i.e. are not imperfective correlates to verbs of the delimitative mode of action: take a walk does not form a pair take a walk, sit around to sit etc.

Distributive(= distributive) mode of action is formed by adding a prefix re- or on- ; prerequisite the realization of this meaning is the plurality of the object or subject (depending on the transitivity of the verb). The verbs of the distributive mode of action denote an action affecting all objects from the set called the direct object for transitive verbs and the subject for intransitive ones; accordingly, two subtypes are distinguished within the distributive mode of action object ( interrupt all the dishes rewash all underwear stay at all resorts; transplant to the prisons of all bandits; quarrel with all friends; kiss again all girls; lock up all doors, throw away all rubbish, etc.) and subjective (All the old people in the village died; All her friends by that time already came out married). It is also possible to use both prefixes at once (All animals in the zoo rested; All apple trees for the winter frozen). Verbs of this class often contain a slight shade of cynicism, connected with the fact that the participants in the event are considered as a kind of undivided multitude, while the event itself is regarded as something ordinary. From the point of view of their morphological structure, the verbs of the distributive mode of action have the feature that the formative this method actions, the prefix can be attached to the verb of both the perfect and imperfect form, cf .: All old men died/died; All doors locked up/locked up.

The variety of nuances relating to the way the action proceeds and the speaker's attitude to it, expressed by word-formation means, is no less striking feature of the Russian verbal system than the presence of the grammatical category of aspect in it. As A.V. Isachenko writes, “from the point of view specific gravity expressive means of the Slavic verb, it is the accomplishment, with its unusually rich palette of subtle and subtle shades of meaning, that gives the Slavic verb that versatility and flexibility that is in the circle European languages knows no parallel.

Anna Zaliznyak

The terminological combination "mode of verbal action" is used in two cases. Firstly, it denotes a semantic modification (A. V. Isachenko) of mostly non-prefixed verbs, as a result of which additional quantitative, temporal and resultant meanings are expressed.

Secondly, the ways of verbal action are called categories of verbs combined on the basis of a common semantic modification, i.e., a common modification word-formation meaning. Ways of verbal action are expressed by prefixes and suffixes (sometimes prefix-suffix, sometimes with the participation of a postfix). The main methods of action are as follows:

productivedig, create, reach, build;

initiatory - sing, go, shout, get excited;

final(finite) - rumble, ferment (the wine has already fermented), finish drinking;

restrictivetalk, smoke, walk, visit;

long-term restrictivetalk for two hours, walk all day;

singleto smear, to fool, to joke;

diminutiveplay, get drunk, muffle, take a nap;

distributive - break all the cups, read all the newspapers, take out all the things;

intensively effectivestroke, feed, run, overeat, lie down;

multi-actsmear, groan, push;

multiplesit, walk, sew, eat;

accompanyingto limp, to dance, to glance(talking and looking around).

Appearance is closely related to modes of action, firstly, because they are also a means of characterizing the course of an action, and secondly, because the meaning of modes of action can limit aspectual shaping (for example, imperfective forms are not formed from many verbs of the incipient mode: screamscream*scream, groangroan*groan, runrun*run away).

Many meanings of modes of action prevent the combination of the verbs NSV and SV into aspect pairs. So, wave and wave do not form a species pair due to the fact that the first has the meaning of multi-act, and the second - one-act, verbs scream and shout out are not combined into a species pair because the latter has a value of intensity and onset of action.

Discharges of verbs in terms of occurrence in aspect pairs

Most Russian verbs are in aspect pairs. Such verbs are called correlative or correlative in appearance.

In addition, there are single aspect verbs NSV (imperfective tantum) and single aspect verbs CB (perfectiva tantum). The reason for the absence of a specific correlate in a verb, as a rule, lies in the lexical meaning of the word. So, verbs with the meaning of state, activity and non-limiting process (get bored, yearn, carpentry, manage, walk, hang, know, edit etc.) only NSW regularly occur. Type verbs scream, wake up, hurt yourself, i.e., denoting "instantaneous transitions" from one state to another, have only CB.

A special group is formed by the so-called two-part verbs. They can be compared with common nouns. Two-species verbs combine the meanings of NSV and SV, which are expressed analytically in them, i.e. in a sentence (The soldiers are now attacking(NSV) palace/Soldiers attack tomorrow(SV) castle.

The bulk of such verbs is formed by lexemes borrowed from Western European languages, containing a suffix element -ova- (-ova; -irova-, -izirova-, -fitsirova-): attack, address, telegraph, desert, systematize, electrify. There are few words of proper Russians, including those of Old Slavonic origin, in this group: command, execute, pardon, bestow, inherit, injure and some others. Separate two-species verbs in their morphemic structure have a prefix: re-equip, re-certify, convert, re-address.

The researchers note that the language has a tendency to eliminate duality. It manifests itself 1) in the fact that many verbs are often used in the meaning of one kind (for example, to arrest regularly used as SV, and the verb review - as NSV), 2) in the fact that correlative verbs are formed for two-species verbs (attack / attack, edit / edit, review / review and review), 3) that different forms verbs show two-species in different ways, so participles and participles are not two-species.

The sign of two-species can refer to a lexeme and a lexical-semantic variant. For example, the verb run away is bispecific in the meaning of "flight".

The terminological combination "mode of verbal action" is used in two cases. Firstly, it denotes a semantic modification (A. V. Isachenko) of mostly non-prefixed verbs, as a result of which additional quantitative, temporal and resultant meanings are expressed.

Secondly, the ways of verbal action are called categories of verbs combined on the basis of a common semantic modification, i.e., a common modification word-formation meaning. Ways of verbal action are expressed by prefixes and suffixes (sometimes prefix-suffix, sometimes with the participation of a postfix). The main methods of action are as follows:

productivedig, create, reach, build;

initiatory - sing, go, shout, get excited;

final(finite) - rumble, ferment (the wine has already fermented), finish drinking;

restrictivetalk, smoke, walk, visit;

long-term restrictivetalk for two hours, walk all day;

singleto smear, to fool, to joke;

diminutiveplay, get drunk, muffle, take a nap;

distributive - break all the cups, read all the newspapers, take out all the things;

intensively effectivestroke, feed, run, overeat, lie down;

multi-actsmear, groan, push;

multiplesit, walk, sew, eat;

accompanyingto limp, to dance, to glance(talking and looking around).

Appearance is closely related to modes of action, firstly, because they are also a means of characterizing the course of an action, and secondly, because the meaning of modes of action can limit aspectual shaping (for example, imperfective forms are not formed from many verbs of the incipient mode: screamscream*scream, groangroan*groan, runrun*run away).

Many meanings of modes of action prevent the combination of the verbs NSV and SV into aspect pairs. So, wave and wave do not form a species pair due to the fact that the first has the meaning of multi-act, and the second - one-act, verbs scream and shout out are not combined into a species pair because the latter has a value of intensity and onset of action.

End of work -

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Introduction .. morphology is that part of the grammatical structure of the language that unites .. the word is both a unit of both vocabulary and grammar, the word as a grammatical unit is a system ..

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Basic concepts of morphology
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Grammatical meanings of words
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Grammar category
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Morphological categories of a noun
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Genus category
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Case category
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Case meanings
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Brief description of the semantic structure of non-prepositional cases
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Number category
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general characteristics
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Qualitative and relative adjectives
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Morphological categories of the adjective
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Comparative forms
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Full and short forms of adjectives
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Semantic categories of pronouns
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Grammar categories of pronouns
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Genus category
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Animation / inanimateness of noun pronouns
Pronominal nouns are animate and inanimate, which is expressed by the coincidence genitive with the accusative in animate pronouns and the nominative case with the accusative in n

Case category
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Declension of pronouns-nouns Personal pronouns
Singular Plural I

Personal (personal-indicative) pronoun 3 l
I. he it she they R. his her

Reflexive and interrogative pronouns
I. - who that R. yourself whom

Features of pronominal paradigms in comparison with proper substantive paradigms
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Declension of pronouns-adjectives
Pronominal adjectives in declension show similarities with proper adjectives. Pronouns each, which, the most, which, such, everyone, etc. change according to the pattern of words

Pronoun paradigms myself, this
singular masculine, neuter gender feminine I. with

Pronoun paradigms that, all
Singular m. With. R. m. from r. wives

Pronoun paradigms

Pronoun paradigms this
singular plural m.

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Cardinal numbers
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Collective numbers
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Morphological categories of numerals
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Numerals, like adjectives, cannot have the meaning of animate/inanimate, but some of them react to the animate/inanimate nature of nouns. When combined with shower

Declension of numerals
The numeral one is declined as a pronominal adjective this. The numerals two, three, four have special paradigms. Numbers from five to ten

Declension of prime numbers
I. two two three four R. two

Declension of complex numbers
I. two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred R.

Collective declension
m. and Wed. R. and. R. I. two four

Declension of indefinite cardinal numbers
And many several P many several

Categorical meaning, morphological and syntactic features of the verb as a part of speech
The verb as a part of speech combines words with the meaning of a procedural attribute, or the action of an object. The procedural attribute is part-of-speech, categorical semantics. All verbs have it. special

Infinitive as a verb form
The infinitive (or indefinite form) is recognized dictionary form verb. There is a special relationship between it and the finite (conjugated) forms of the verb. On the one hand, infinitive and hide

Relationship with verb participles and gerunds
Communion and participle (even if they are called separate parts speech) cannot be torn off from the verb because they reveal a categorical verb meaning. A. A. Potebnya, characterizing in St.

The difference between lexemes like jump, jump from verbal word forms
As for lexemes like jump, jump, they should not refer to verbs, firstly, because they are irregular: such forms are not formed from many (if not most) verbs. In

Transitive / intransitive verbs
Transitive verbs are verbs with object valency. Traditionally, however, transitivity is not considered purely semantic category: with a transitive verb grammatical addition must express

Reflexive / non-reflexive verbs
Reflexive verbs are called -sya. They can be non-derivative, reflexiva tantum (to be afraid, laugh), and formed from both intransitive and transitive verbs (trade - tor

Limit / non-limit verbs
The allocation of limit / non-limit verbs does not have such a long tradition as the allocation of transitive and reflexive verbs. Their distinction, unlike transitive and reflexive verbs, is not based on

Features of verbal formation
Unlike other parts of speech, the verb word is dibasic. In the verb, the stem of the past tense and the stem of the present tense are distinguished. The basis of the past tense of the absolute majority

view category
View (view is also called aspect) is a constant grammatical category of the verb, since it is found in all verb forms, for the same reason it is not among the predicative

Means of expressing species value
The means of expressing the view have their own specifics. In particular, it consists in the fact that aspect is not expressed by verbal inflection, aspect is predetermined by the verb stem, and this explains close connection view from l

Peculiarities of aspect expression in verbs of motion
When characterizing the category of aspect, it is traditionally customary to single out a small and lexically closed group of non-derivative non-prefixed verbs of movement (or verbs of movement). It includes the following

Morphonological alternations in the expression of the species
During the formation of species, alternations of consonants and vowels (phonemes) are observed. The following consonants alternate; d "/ w, d" / w (give birth - give birth, win - win), t "/ h ', t " / w '(pay - you

View value
Traditionally referred to as language means temporal characteristics of the action, expression of differences in the nature of the course of the action. According to A. M. Peshkovsky, the species generally indicates “as a

Definition of aspect as a grammatical category
On the basis of what has been said, a species can be defined as follows: a species is a morphological non-inflectional (classifying) binary privative nominative-interpretive category, denoting differences

The main particular meanings of the verbs CB and NSV
In the structure of a sentence, in conjunction with other means, primarily temporal adverbial components and tense forms of the verb, aspect is used to characterize the utterance in aspect.

The concept of species competition
The competition of species is their interchangeability (in specific conditions of use), which does not lead to a change in the main meaning of the statement. Species competition is associated with private species

Relationship of aspect with other grammatical categories
View is associated primarily with the category of time, which characterizes the action in relation to the moment of speech. The relationship between the type and category of time is mutual. On the one hand, it manifests itself in the fact that the view of

The concept of a species pair
Two verbs that differ in aspect and have the same lexical meaning are called an aspect pair. Limit verbs are combined into aspect pairs. Aspective pairs for unlimited verbs (like

Types of species pairs on a formal basis
1) Species pairs consisting of a non-prefixed verb NSV and a prefixed or formed by the suffix-nu- SW verbs: do/make, build/construct, write/write, mine/zami

Types of aspect pairs by semantic feature
The differentiation of aspectual pairs by meaning is motivated by the influence of the lexical semantics of the verb on the realization of its aspectual content. The lexical meaning can either favor or hinder the real

Discharges of verbs in terms of occurrence in aspect pairs
Most Russian verbs are in aspect pairs. Such verbs are called correlative or correlative in appearance. In addition, there are single aspect verbs NSV (imperfective tant

Collateral category
The word pledge is tracing paper Greek word diathesis, which means "distribution, placement." Pledge is an inflectional grammatical category verb. Pledge decrees

Voice category in attributive forms of the verb
Pledge in participles Participles also have a category of pledge. At the same time, the sacrament passive voice are formed only from transitive verbs, and real - from

Means of expressing pledges
Expression of voice in conjugated forms valid pledge No special means expressions. It is transmitted by transitive, and in the case of activa tantum - intransitive

Mood category
Mood is an inflectional nominative and interpretative category of the verb. The meanings expressed by this category belong to the category of modus and are called modal. Tilt

The Specificity of the Morphological Expression of the Mood Category
Morphological basis mood categories are forms of the imperative, since only they are formed by a special morpheme. In forms singular ending -i or well

Private (contextual) values ​​of inclinations
Imperative mood The imperative mood names the action addressed to the addressee. Meaning imperative mood modified depending on the series

Time category
Morphological time exists only for conjugated forms in indicative mood and in sacraments. There is no morphological tense in the imperative and subjunctive, in infinitive and deep

Formation of forms of time
With the help of a special morpheme, only the past tense forms of the verbs NSV and SV are formed. The suffix -l- with the value of the past tense is attached to the stem of the infinitive (forgave / forgave, pis

Types of use of tense forms
The formation of tense forms is not connected with vocabulary and the use of the verb. Every verb in Russian changes in tense. As for temporal semantics, on the contrary, it also depends on lexical

The category of tense in full participles and in gerunds
Full Communion names the verbal action in the substantive syntagma. The participle can be changed to conjugated verb: daisies growing in a clearing → daisies growing in a clearing

Semantic, morphological and syntactic features of adverbs as parts of speech
An adverb as a part of speech combines lexemes with the meaning of a non-procedural sign of an action or another sign. According to A. A. Potebnya, the adverb names the sign of the sign. Morphologically

The boundaries of the adverb as parts of speech
The question of part-of-speech boundaries of an adverb is motivated by two interrelated reasons: firstly, the specifics of adverbial word formation, and secondly, by the fact that substantive cases and verbal adverbs

Lexico-grammatical categories of adverbs
In adverbs, apart from their division into adverbs proper and adverbs-pronouns (we repeat that such a division of vocabulary exists in all independent parts speech, except for the verb), there are two main

Degrees of comparison of qualitative adverbs
Qualitative adverbs in -o have degrees of comparison, comparative and superlative. The simple comparative degree is the same as comparative degree adjectives, differing from it in the occupied syntactic

Adverbs of mode and degree of action
Adverbs of the way (or image) of action respond to semantic question How?. Unlike qualitative ones, they do not have degrees of comparison and do not primarily relate to adjectives.

Circumstantial adverbs are divided by meaning into adverbs of place: near, near, far, far, below, above, to the left, around, here, where, everywhere, there, from there, etc .; on the

Classes of adverbs by education
The correlation of adverbs with other parts of speech indicates their origin and method of formation. Adverbs are correlative with names, pronouns and verbs. Replenishing at the expense of others

Transition of adverbs to other parts of speech
Along with the process of adverbialization (transition to the category of adverbs), which is very active and wide, in the Russian language opposite process- the process of transition of adverbs to other lexico-grammars

impersonal predicative words
Impersonally predicative words, or the category of state, are significant unchangeable nominal and adverbial words that denote a state and are used in the function of a predicate impersonal sentence

Ranks of impersonal predicative words by meaning
The following groups of impersonal predicative words are distinguished by meaning: 1. Impersonal predicative words denoting mental and physical state living beings, state of nature, environment

Ranks of impersonal predicative words by education
Impersonally predicative words are by origin associated with adjectives, correlative adverbs and partly nouns. This transition is carried out on the basis of a complex interweaving of

Structural types of prepositions
According to the structure and word-formation (genetic) connections, prepositions are divided into primitive or non-derivative and non-primitive or derivative. Primitive prepositions

The place occupied by a preposition in relation to a noun
The general rule is to put a preposition (both primitive and derivative) before a noun. Prepositions for the sake of and later can come after the noun: Why for the sake of (together

General characteristics of the union as a part of speech
Union as a part of speech is a class of immutable service words, through which parts are syntactically connected complex sentence and word forms simple sentence, as well as text components.

Union types by structure
Unions are usually divided into simple and compound. Simple ones are one-word conjunctions: but, if, yes, barely, if, and, for, or, if, how, somehow, when, whether, or, than, but, for now, since, as if, also

Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
By syntactic properties, conjunctions are divided into coordinating and subordinating. Coordinating conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions connect homogeneous members simple pr

allied words
allied words(or relative pronouns) are pronominal words various parts speeches used in the construction of a complex sentence in the role subordinating union. Submission, of

Productive phenomena in the field of allied vocabulary
Union as a special class of service lexemes is constantly updated with new formations. Just like a preposition, the union is not morphologically formed, and new unions are not formed morphologically. Extension

General characteristics of particles as parts of speech
Particles are a special class of immutable auxiliary words. Particles are combined with prepositions and conjunctions by the syntactic nature of the meaning, they do not express concepts, they are assigned those semantic

Correlation of particles with other parts of speech
Particles, like other service classes of words, are replenished in a non-morphological way, they are genetically correlated with different parts speech. Many particles of adverbial origin: namely, simple

Particle discharges by value
When describing a particle, it is customary to divide it into groups by value. This division turns out to be conditional, primarily because most of the particles are polysemantic and, depending on the use, can be included

Types of particles by structure
According to the structure, the particles are divided into simple and compound. simple particles consist of one word, while they can be primitive, i.e., not correlative with other parts of speech

Syncretism as a specific property of particles
V. V. Vinogradov, arguing on the topic of grammatical homonymy, wrote that within the same word it is not allowed to combine the significant and service part of speech (noun and with

Morphological, syntactic and semantic features of modal words
Modal words as a part of speech are a class of non-significant, immutable, lexemes that do not have common morphemic features, occupying a syntactic position introductory word and serving to express su

Lexico-semantic categories of modal words
Depending on the meaning, modal words can be divided into 5 categories: 1) proper modal (or with the meaning of persuasiveness), 2) with the meaning of authorization, 3) emotional

Interjection boundaries as parts of speech
The composition of interjections as a part of speech in the linguistic literature is determined differently. There is a narrow understanding of this class of words, in which lexemes are classified as interjections only with emotional and

Interjection ranks by meaning
With a broad understanding of interjections as parts of speech, they are divided into five groups by meaning: 1) Emotional interjections: ah!, ah!, ah!, ba!, my God!, encore!, bravo!, fathers!, g

Types of interjections by structure
According to their structure, interjections are divided into primitive (primary) and derivatives, among which are simple, i.e., consisting of one word, and compound, i.e., consisting of two or more words

Adjacent to interjections special group so-called onomatopoeic words. These are immutable words that sound composition conditionally imitate (conditionally reproduce) published by a person

special vocabulary. Words and phrases that name objects and concepts related to various areas labor activity human, and are not commonly used. AT special vocabulary includes terms and professionalisms.

spirants. Same as fricative consonants.

spontaneous(lat. spontaneus - spontaneous). Independent, unconditioned, free. Spontaneous sound changes (not due to the position of the sound).

way of verbal action. The lexico-grammatical category of a verb that interacts with the aspect category and expresses those meanings that are associated with the process of action (some moment of its implementation, intensity of manifestation, internal dissection, etc.). The main meanings associated with the expression of the mode of the verbal action are as follows:

4) the meaning of initiative in perfective verbs formed with the help of prefixes WHO; vz; for-, for-. Inflame, ignite, wave, scream, walk, thunder, run, blow;

2) the meaning of limiting the action in time, in the fullness of its manifestation in perfective verbs formed with the prefix on- or multiple attachments. Lie down, dream, cry, swim, jump, whistle, sit, stand, trample, make noise, hold back, think;

3) the meaning of effectiveness (the completion of the action, the completion of the process, the exhaustion of the action) for perfective verbs formed with prefixes pro-, from-, u-, from-. Oversleep (all night), sit (trousers), lie down (hand), ship, warm up, have dinner, make noise, get tired, chill, get wet, injure, cripple, dry out, write over (all paper);

4) distributive (distributive) meaning of perfective verbs with prefixes re-, over- and several attachments. Whiten, chop, bite, break, wash, spoil, throw, bite, close, open;

5) the value of the intensity of the onset of action in perfective verbs formed with the suffix -well-.. Burst, gush, laugh;

6) the meaning of discontinuity in imperfective verbs with a prefix on- and suffix -willow)-. Pain, stroke, cough, sit, tap, walk;

7) the accompanying meaning of imperfective verbs formed with the help of prefixes, prefixes, sub- and suffixes -iv(a)-, -yv(a):

Speak, trample, snap, wink, dance, bounce. See also subspecies.

ways of expressing grammatical, meanings. Ways of forming word forms.

Synthetic way. Expression of meanings in the word itself. This includes;

a) affixation (the formation of word forms with the help of endings, prefixes, formative suffixes). Table, table, table, etc. Do - do, write - write, etc. Justify - justify, exchange - exchange, etc .;

b) internal flexion (alternation of sounds). Lock up - lock up, die - die, recruit - dial, etc.;

c) accent. Pour - pour, cut - cut, etc .;

d) suppletivism. To speak - to say, to catch - to catch, etc. Man - people. Good - better, a lot - more;

e) repetitions. Blue-blue, walked-walked, barely (see repeat).

analytical way. Expression of values ​​outside the word. I write - I will write. Beautiful - more beautiful.

Mixed (hybrid) method. In the book (preposition and case ending). I read (personal pronoun and verb ending to express the meaning of the 1st person).

Linguistic encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. ed. V. N. Yartseva. 1990 .

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