Types of pedagogical activity briefly. Slastenin V., Isaev I

For successful implementation pedagogical activity the teacher needs to imagine its structure in detail, correlate with it the system of accumulated theoretical knowledge and gradually developing practical skills and abilities.

Psychological and pedagogical research (F.M. Gonobolina, N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenina, A.I. Shcherbakov, etc.) made it possible to establish that pedagogical activity is multilevel system, to single out its components as relatively independent functional activities of the teacher [the system is something integral, consisting of interrelated parts]. Based on research data by I.F. Kharlamov singled out and described in detail the following interrelated types of pedagogical activity:



Structural design;


Information and explanatory;

Communicative and stimulating;

Analytical and evaluation;

Research and creative.

Let us consider in more detail the above-mentioned types of pedagogical activity and the requirements for the teacher, arising from the need for their effective implementation in the pedagogical process.

It is logical that the first in the nomenclature of components considered in the system of teacher activity is the structure diagnostic[Greek diagnosis - recognition, definition] of the actions of the teacher. Diagnostic activity teacher is associated with the study of individual psychological characteristics of students, their levels of development, learning and learning, upbringing and education, etc. This knowledge is necessary for the teacher to take them into account in the process of educational work in order to effectively implement it.

In order for psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, with which pedagogical activity begins, to be effective, to correctly build relationships and work with schoolchildren, the teacher needs to be observant, attentive, and master a variety of methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. The most common among them are scientific pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, analytical study of the results of educational activities of students, school documentation; all kinds of questionnaires, psychological tests, etc.

Orientation and prognostic activity It is expressed in the teacher's ability to determine, on the basis of the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the goals and objectives of educational work, to predict its results. Pedagogical forecasting is based on reliable knowledge of the essence and logic of the pedagogical process, its laws and principles, as well as the characteristics of the age and individual psychological development of children. It determines the correct management of the educational process.

In terms of the formation of professionally significant personal qualities, this type of activity requires the teacher to have a developed imagination, an abstract type of thinking and a high level of intellectual development, which largely determines the ability to anticipate the results of ongoing pedagogical work with students.

The teacher needs to develop special predictive skills, which include:

Formulation of diagnosed educational, developmental and educational goals and objectives;

Selection of methods to achieve them;

Anticipation of possible deviations in achieving the result, adverse events and the choice of ways to prevent or overcome them;

Mental (in an abstract, ideal form) study of the structure, individual components of the organized pedagogical process;

Preliminary assessment of the cost of funds, labor and time of participants educational process.

In order to correctly predict the goals and objectives, the content of the upcoming work, the teacher must master such methods of pedagogical research as modeling, hypotheses, thought experiment etc.

Orientation-prognostic activity entails activity constructive design. For example, if a teacher diagnosed insufficiently developed collectivist relations between students, predicted the strengthening of these relations as one of the means to achieve high results in educational work with children, he needs to construct and design the content of educational activities in this direction.

Structural and design skills are implemented by the teacher during specific training to the organization and conduct of training educational activities. First of all, it's skills. to plan the forthcoming work and on the basis of planning to build its specific content. We are talking about planning the content and activities of participants in the pedagogical process (including own activities) taking into account their needs, capabilities, interests, personality traits, means, experience (both their own and those of their pupils). The teacher plans lessons (lesson plans, calendar plans), educational activities (educational plans), his working day, etc.

Design skills include the ability to correctly identify and develop specific forms of educational activities, individual stages pedagogical process that require careful selection certain methods and working methods.

It is equally important to be able to plan individual work with students to provide them with differentiated assistance if necessary, to stimulate the activity of students and contain negative manifestations in their behavior.

Careful planning based on the diagnosis and forecasting of the results of activities requires the work of the teacher with the parents of schoolchildren, with the public.

In the process of studying psychological and pedagogical theory and teaching and upbringing methods, you will get acquainted with various types of teacher work planning (learn how to draw up lesson plans, calendar plans for schoolchildren, plans for educational work, plans for working with parents, with difficult-to-educate students, etc.).

Organizational activity the teacher is connected with the involvement of students in the planned educational work. It is expressed in the ability of the teacher to consult with students, to involve them in the development of plans for the upcoming joint activities, set goals and objectives for them, distribute them to perform certain practical tasks, manage the process of fulfilling assignments.

It plays an extremely important role in pedagogical activity outreach activities teachers. After all, all education and upbringing in one form or another is based on information processes. At the same time, the teacher acts as the most important source of scientific, philosophical, moral and aesthetic information. Therefore, the quality of his pedagogical activity as a whole depends on how the teacher owns the educational material, psychological and pedagogical theory, and general cultural knowledge.

The high level of professional erudition of the teacher determines his good command of the practical side of pedagogical activity, which has a positive effect on the education and upbringing of schoolchildren. Unfortunately, we have to state the fact that there are many teachers who do not have a high level of professional knowledge, good informative training, and high erudition.

The effective implementation of the informative and explanatory activity of the teacher is largely due to the formation of his pedagogical speech. Pedagogical speech- this is the oral speech of the teacher in the classroom and outside it, to which, in addition to general cultural requirements, professional ones are made, aimed at solving pedagogical problems. In accordance with general cultural requirements, the teacher's speech must meet the norms of the literary language, be erphoepically correct, competent, and lexically rich. From point of view professional requirements the teacher is obliged to express his thoughts, educational information in a logical and accessible way for students, must be able to talk about complex things simply, emotionally and figuratively. The depth and strength of students' assimilation of the reported information, their intellectual development, and the formation of consciousness largely depend on how developed the speech skills of the teacher are.

Communicative and stimulating activity of the teacher involves the impact on students, as a result of which they have a desire and need to actively participate in the pedagogical process. It is aimed at establishing pedagogically expedient relations between the teacher and pupils, pedagogical communication between the participants in the educational process.

This type of pedagogical activity makes high demands on those aspects of the teacher's personality that are associated with his personal charm, the ability to establish favorable relations with the participants in the pedagogical process, without reducing the requirements. A large role here is played by the ability to pedagogically expediently show one's love for children, sincere attitude, sensitivity and care for them. After all, nothing has such a negative effect on the quality of a teacher's professional activity as his callousness, dryness, official tone in communicating with the children.

All classical teachers of all times expressed their opinion about this side of pedagogical activity, starting with Ya.A. Comenius. Studying the history of pedagogy, you will get acquainted with the statements of all outstanding teachers that without true love for children, without true authority among pupils, without skillful maintenance of benevolent relations with them and tactful exactingness, real education and upbringing are impossible.

The communicative and stimulating activity of a teacher is associated not only with his personal charm, but also with a huge number of special skills and abilities. The most significant among them are the ability to penetrate deeply into the spiritual world of the student, to establish a positive emotional and psychological climate in the process of communicating with schoolchildren.

In the structure of the teacher's activity great place takes analytical and evaluation activities. It helps the teacher to compare what was supposed to be achieved in the education and upbringing of students with what has been done in this direction. On the basis of such a comparative analysis, the teacher can adjust his work and the work of schoolchildren, look for and outline ways to improve and improve the quality of the pedagogical process. Unfortunately, not all teachers strive for analytical and evaluative activities, many avoid the need to see mistakes, blunders in their work, noting only their successes. This leads to the inadequacy of professional self-esteem and negatively affects all types of pedagogical activity, the quality of the educational process as a whole.

Analytical and evaluative activity requires reflexivity from the teacher. Reflection in this context is understood as specific form theoretical activity, aimed at comprehending and analyzing their own teacher's actions. G.M. Kodzhaspirova and A.Yu. Kodzhaspirov give the following definition of pedagogical reflection: “This is the ability of a teacher to give himself and his actions an objective assessment, to understand how children perceive him, other people, primarily those with whom the teacher interacts in the process of pedagogical communication. At the center of pedagogical reflection is the realization that what the student perceives and understands in the teacher and in relations with him, how he can tune in to the actions of the educator” [Pedagogical Dictionary. - M., 2003. - S. 130]. Reflection is not only the teacher's knowledge and understanding of himself in the profession, but also finding out what how much and how other participants in the pedagogical process know, understand and appreciate him as a teacher. How do they see his personal characteristics and their significance for pedagogical activity, emotional reactions, professional abilities, erudition, etc. It is very important for the teacher to establish for himself to what extent the results obtained are the result of his own activities. Only in the presence of reflection does he have the opportunity to improve his pedagogical activity, to carry out his own professional growth.

Traditionally, the analytical and evaluative activity of a teacher is associated with his skills and abilities to objectively, fairly and positively evaluate the results of students' activities. Today, the requirements for the level of formation of these skills have increased due to the transition of schools to a ten-point system for evaluating results. educational work students. The criteria for school evaluation have been significantly expanded. If earlier the main and practically the only criterion was the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student, then the current teacher must take into account when assessing attitude child to the work performed, the level creative activity, formation general educational skills. For appraisals to be effective, modern teacher it is necessary to be not only a trained subject specialist, but also a good practical psychologist.

An important place in the teacher's work is occupied by research and creative activity. Its essence and content are determined by the creative nature of pedagogical work. Pedagogy in theoretical and practical terms is both a science and an art. Based on the patterns, principles, rules, recommendations developed in pedagogical theory, the teacher must use them creatively, in his own way, but with invariable good result. He cannot apply the theoretical foundations pedagogical science in practice, not conforming them to the specific circumstances in which he and his pupils find themselves. This requires the teacher to develop his research abilities, master the methods of pedagogical research (more specifically and in detail they will be discussed in the course of studying the foundations of modern pedagogy).

Not less than important side research and creative activity consists in the need to comprehend and develop something new in pedagogical practice that appears as it improves and goes beyond the known and already described in pedagogical theory. We are talking about pedagogical creativity and innovation as levels of pedagogical activity, which are manifested to varying degrees in the work of highly professional teachers (at present, the innovative pedagogical experience of V.F. Shatalov, Sh.A. Amonashvili, S.N. Lysenkova and others is widely known. ). In the work of teachers who are masters of pedagogy, research and creative activities cover the whole variety of types of pedagogical work, which allows them to achieve extremely high results in teaching and educating schoolchildren, to fully realize themselves in the profession.

These are the essence and system of skills and abilities for each of the considered types. professional labor teachers. Their totality in pedagogical activity and close relationship determine the most important professional functions of a teacher.

24. The concept of pedagogical professionalism. Levels of pedagogical professionalism.

The pedagogical activity of the teacher, the implementation of all its types in the aggregate are realized in pedagogical practice at different qualitative levels. You couldn't help noticing this when you were still quite recently schoolchildren. Some teachers left in your soul significant footprint not only as highly professional teachers, but also as individuals who largely determined your future. Others were not even remembered, since their lessons and educational work, communication with students, although they were not unprofessional, but were carried out at the level of the minimum requirements of the teaching profession, did not differ in liveliness and creativity. And the teachers themselves were not perceived by you as people whose positive example you would like to imitate. Unfortunately, some of you could be remembered by teachers whose teaching and educational activities can hardly be called pedagogical.

Everyone understands that unprofessionalism, dishonesty, dullness of teaching and upbringing are incompatible with pedagogical work. Everyone who has chosen the profession of a teacher in his life path should initially focus on a high level of quality of his professional activity. There should not be pseudo-teachers in schools, because the price of unprofessionalism in working with children is too high: people's lives are broken, society is not developing successfully enough. By definition, a teacher does not have the right to pedagogical activity without having formed a sufficient level of its quality.

Under the professionalism of the teacher understand sufficient, high or higher quality levels of pedagogical activity.

Teachers are not born, they are made in the process great job above oneself. You are at the beginning of your professional journey, so it is important to determine its most important milestones, stages professional growth, ways of formation of the professionalism.

In the psychological and pedagogical theory, the question of the qualitative levels of the teacher's professional activity has been quite specifically developed (Yu.P. Azarov, F.N. Gonobolin, I.A. Zyazyun, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, V.A. Slastenin , I.F. Kharlamov and others).

In particular, I.F. Kharlamov identifies four main levels of teacher professionalism: pedagogical skill, pedagogical skill, pedagogical creativity and innovation.

As the initial, basic level of pedagogical professionalism, he considers pedagogical skill. This qualitative level of professional and pedagogical activity characterizes the preparation for pedagogical work of a special pedagogical educational institution. Pedagogical skill is characteristic of most teachers who begin their careers. Students and young teachers who are only taking their first professional steps can and should have a fairly good command of psychological and pedagogical theory, basic pedagogical skills and abilities. However, their professionalism, although this does not mean professional failure, is limited by the lack of experience in pedagogical work and professional training.

Pedagogical skill is the initial, basic level of a teacher's professionalism, which is manifested in a fairly good application of psychological and pedagogical theory in practice, due to the formation of the main professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher.

This qualitative level of professional activity is manifested in a thorough knowledge of the subject in the specialty, psychology and pedagogy, in the formation of the system of basic educational skills and abilities, as well as in the developed professional and personal qualities of the teacher. The manifestation of the latter provides for the presence of individual psychological properties that are in demand by the profession, a professional and pedagogical orientation of the individual formed at least at a low level.

Provided that the teacher carries out self-educational activities, is engaged in professional self-education, consciously strives for professional improvement and is in such life circumstances that do not block his professional development, he can achieve pedagogical skill. The skill of a teacher is already high quality level of his professionalism(The essence of this level will be discussed in the next paragraph of our lecture). Due to the multitude of factors, both objective and subjective that influence the formation of this level of professionalism, not all teachers achieve it. However, we need to realize that it is pedagogical skill that is almost the determining condition for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, and the development of their personal qualities.

A.S. Makarenko believed that teaching skills can and should be learned. Such study, in his opinion, consists “first of all in organizing the character of the teacher, educating his behavior, and then in organizing his special skills and abilities, without which no educator can be a good teacher. He cannot work, because he does not have a voice, he does not know how to talk with a child and does not know in what cases how to speak ... The educator must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants to this moment and what he does not want (from the point of view of the performance of pedagogical work - note by the author, T.S.)” .

A.S. Makarenko was one of the first in Soviet pedagogy, as early as the beginning of the 20th century, defined the formation of a teacher's professional skills as relevant. pedagogical problem. With his initiative, a course has been introduced in special educational pedagogical institutions today for students to study the basics of pedagogical skills. You will work on it in the future and study in detail not only the essence and structure of the teacher's pedagogical skills, but also its content, manifestations in pedagogical work, criteria and ways of becoming. The study of the basics of pedagogical skills is necessary in order to have guidelines for developing a high level of professionalism in real pedagogical practice.

A higher quality level of the teacher's professional activity - pedagogical creativity. It is expressed in the introduction by the teacher into the teaching and educational activities of certain own improvements in implementation new, created by him in the course of pedagogical practice methods and techniques of training and education without a radical restructuring of the pedagogical process.

Pedagogical creativity is possible only on the basis of mastering professional skills, which also involves a certain amount of creativity and requires the teacher's creativity (the term "creative" means "creative").

The highest level of teacher professionalism is pedagogical innovation(from lat. novator - updater. An innovator is a specialist who introduces and practically implements progressive and new in any activity).

Pedagogical innovation is the highest level of pedagogical professionalism, which includes the introduction and implementation of significantly new, progressive theoretical ideas, principles and methods in the process of education and upbringing, due to which the latter undergo a fundamental change, ensuring a high quality of education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Innovation in pedagogical work, in its essence, is the discovery of a fundamentally new, previously unknown at all. The use of innovations in pedagogical practice means fundamental changes that lead to a significant improvement in the educational process. Examples of innovative teachers in the practice of the modern school are rare, because it is quite difficult to create something truly new and progressive in the practice of teaching and education.

An example of pedagogical innovation was shown, for example, by a mathematics teacher from Donetsk, V.F. Shatalov. He achieved a high quality of education by applying the method of presenting the material in large blocks, using the system of reference signals and notes in the process of teaching students, and significantly increasing the share of independent work in the educational work of schoolchildren.

A well-known teacher-innovator I.P. Volkov, who developed a methodology for creative tasks to develop the abilities of students in the process of organizing their various activities outside of school hours.

Innovative is the method of advanced learning by S.N. Lysenkova (primary school teachers from Moscow). This technique is characterized as a complex of developmental learning methods and allows not only to teach children qualitatively in a shorter time, but also to achieve great results in the personal development of students, in the development of their creative abilities.

The highest levels of pedagogical professionalism cannot be widespread. The formation of pedagogical creativity and innovation is possible only for teachers who have achieved pedagogical skills and happily embody in their personality pedagogical talent, research talent, a high level of intellectual development and great diligence and efficiency. The combination of such qualities is rare not only in the field of pedagogical activity, but also in any other. However, many teachers (although far from all) can master pedagogical skills as one of the most important conditions for the effective organization of the pedagogical process. This circumstance dictates the need for us to comprehend the essence and structure of the teacher's pedagogical skills in order to form guidelines for professional training already in the first year of study at a pedagogical university, and later, in the first years of independent pedagogical work, guidelines for the formation of a high level of teacher professionalism.

The essence and structure of pedagogical skill as a high quality level teacher's professionalism. The value of the teacher's professional skills in the process of teaching and educating students.

Of fundamental importance for revealing the essence of pedagogical skill, understanding its place in the system of pedagogical professionalism are the ideas of classical teachers on improving the art of teaching and education (J.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Diesterweg, K.D. Ushinsky and others .).

The classics of pedagogical thought proceeded from the basic position: a real teacher, if he strives for the skillful fulfillment of his professional duties, must bring teaching and educational activities to high degree perfection, deep knowledge of psychological and pedagogical theory, good command of pedagogical skills and abilities, being a deeply moral person, having well-developed professionally significant personal qualities. In the works of classical teachers, the term “pedagogical skill” is practically not found, they talked about improving the art of teaching and education.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the outstanding Soviet teacher A.S. Makarenko. He repeatedly emphasized that the success of education and upbringing can only be ensured by a teacher who shows a responsible attitude to the performance of his professional duties, diligence in work and pedagogical skill. A.S. Makarenko wrote: “I have come to the conclusion through experience that the solution to the issue of improving the quality of education and upbringing is skill based on the skill and qualifications of the teacher.”

The essential side of his beliefs on the problem of the professional skill of a teacher is that pedagogical skill “is not some kind of special art that requires talent, but it is a specialty that needs to be taught, how a doctor should be taught his skill, how a musician should be taught” . Although some teachers fetishize the natural qualities and abilities of the teacher, his talent, on which the possibility of mastering pedagogical skills allegedly depends entirely, A.S. Makarenko rightly believed that with the desire for successful pedagogical activity, many teachers can master the skill in its implementation.

In his writings, he revealed the relationship that exists between pedagogical talent and the skill of a teacher, expressing the idea that Talent in itself is worth nothing if pedagogical skill and mastery are not formed.

One of the first in Soviet pedagogy, he introduced the concept of “ pedagogical technique”, which received its further development in our pedagogy as a structural component and the basis of pedagogical excellence. From the beginning of A.S. Makarenko pedagogical skill is considered and developed in modern pedagogical science as an independent problem. The focus of scientists is the study of the personality of the teacher, the role of his professionally significant qualities in the pedagogical process. Much attention is paid to the problem of development and formation of pedagogical skills and abilities, as well as abilities for pedagogical activity (Yu.P. Azarov, F.M. Gonobolin, N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Kharlamov, A .I. Shcherbakov and many others).

Disclosing the essence of the teacher's professional skills is somewhat contradictory. Because of this, various interpretations of it are in circulation today (there are at least ten of them). The essence of these contradictions lies in what initial provisions are taken as the basis for the disclosure of this complex concept.

Some authors take it as a starting point in determining the essence of the pedagogical skill of a teacher. professional and personal properties and qualities(A.I. Zyazyun, N.V. Kukharev, A.I. Mishchenko, V.A. Slastenin, A.I. Shcherbakov, etc.).

Other researchers highlight the essence of professional excellence in terms of perfection of pedagogical activity of the teacher(N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, I.F. Kharlamov, etc.) . Both approaches, of course, have the right to exist in pedagogical science and practice. However, the question cannot but arise as to which one is more correct.

According to the dictionary of V. Dahl, “craftsmanship is needlework, craft, skill, art”. This concept (skill), regardless of the teaching profession, generally initially means activity. Consequently, mastery is manifested not so much in the properties and qualities of the teacher's personality, but in his activity, for the implementation of which, of course, certain properties are also needed. But the latter are not the essence of pedagogical skill, but its prerequisites, the condition for its formation and development. To achieve a high level of professionalism, the teacher must first of all form and hone professional skills and abilities, developing certain personal qualities as a necessary condition for this. These tasks, while closely related, are not identical.

I.F. Kharlamov in the article “On Pedagogical Excellence, Creativity and Innovation” expresses the opinion that it is necessary to reveal the essence of mastery “not through the properties of the teacher’s personality, but through his pedagogical activity”. The author notes that pedagogical skills should be considered in the system of improving the professional and pedagogical qualifications of the teacher as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the teacher masters the skill gradually. certain time he works at the level of pedagogical skill, which is the basis, the foundation for the development of pedagogical skill. Pedagogical skill as the initial stage of a teacher's professionalism should be formed during the future teacher's training at a university. Mastering pedagogical skills occurs in the process of independent practical activities teachers, as required to some extent training in working with children, the accumulation of pedagogical experience.

It can be concluded that pedagogical excellence is a high level of professional and pedagogical activity, at which the unity of the polished skills and abilities of applying psychological and pedagogical theory in practice and the formed personal qualities of the teacher, which determine the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, is achieved.

This understanding of the essence of pedagogical skill allows us to comprehend it as a complex activity-personal phenomenon of a teacher, to reveal in detail its internal structure.

A prerequisite for the development of a teacher's professionalism, and therefore for the development of his pedagogical skills, is professional suitability. At a high level of professional activity of a teacher, it has its own specifics. Along with the fully presented makings for the pedagogical profession, the intellectual abilities and pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality should be clearly manifested (love for children, social and personal motives for choosing a profession, conviction in the personal and social significance of pedagogical activity, etc.). Scientists reveal the content of the pedagogical orientation of the individual in different ways, since the motives for choosing the teaching profession, the attitude of the teacher to his work largely depend on the characteristics of the time that determine the vision and understanding of the surrounding reality, on the social conditions in which the formation of the future teacher takes place. However, the analysis of studies on this issue shows that there are the most general and dynamic characteristics of a pedagogical orientation, the presence of which predicts the development of professional skills in the future. These include:

The formation of a humanistic worldview, love for children;

Attitude towards the chosen profession as a life calling;

A high level of self-knowledge, self-determination (that is, the meaningfulness of one's capabilities in the profession and the determination of ways for their development and improvement).

The second structural component of the teacher's pedagogical skills are professional knowledge.

Pedagogy in its broadest sense is a science that has absorbed ideas from various fields of knowledge that make it possible to substantiate the goals, means, patterns and principles of education and upbringing. It is closely connected with such sciences as philosophy, psychology, physiology, history, and with a number of anthropological sciences. In accordance with this, the knowledge of a professional teacher should be universal, that is, they should provide information in three areas:

- knowledge on the subjects taught by the teacher (subject);

- knowledge of the psychological-pedagogical cycle (psychological-pedagogical and methodical);

- bases of knowledge from various areas of life (culturological).

Scientists identify the specifics of the knowledge component in the structure of the teacher's pedagogical skills: complexity, consistency, intersubjectivity, high level of generalization.

Observations of the professional activities of teachers who have pedagogical skills make it possible to single out as a very important characteristic this component personal coloring of the assimilation and reproduction of knowledge by the teacher. Knowledge is objectively necessary; it is the most important means of a teacher's professional activity. In their absence, educational activities cannot be carried out. At the same time, knowledge must be subjectively significant. The teacher reaches the heights of professional mastery who, as it were, “passes through himself”, through the prism of his own personality, the things he studies in different areas sciences facts and develops on their basis own professional position, subjectively relates to the process of cognition. The personal coloring of professional knowledge largely determines the ability of the teacher during the presentation of educational material and in dialogue with schoolchildren to present their own thoughts, feelings, experiences about this or that scientific fact, to show the significance of what he himself studied and studied by students for their own life, destiny . This introduces an emotional aspect into the learning process, serves as a means of advancing his students not only in knowledge, but also in spiritual development. The subjectivity of the teacher's knowledge largely ensures the educational and cognitive activity of students, which is one of the criteria for pedagogical excellence.

The formation of a teacher's knowledge in the totality of the above characteristics is possible only if there is professional and pedagogical orientation of his personality. It is the third component of pedagogical skill. If professional knowledge is presented as essential component, then the professional and pedagogical orientation plays a role in the formation and development of pedagogical skills backbone structure.

We already know from previous lectures what is the essence and content of this important component of a teacher's professionalism. We can comprehend the fact that it is presented both as part of the professional suitability of the teacher, and as a factor influencing the improvement of his professional activity.

The teacher's love for his pupils, the conviction of the importance of the work performed, the need to perform pedagogical work, etc. These are the conditions without which the effective professional activity of a teacher is impossible. The professional and pedagogical orientation of the personality of the teacher, as it were, connects all the structural components of pedagogical skill into a single system, many of them conditions. In particular, the pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality determines the development, development and formation pedagogical abilities, which are fourth component in the structure of a high level of pedagogical professionalism.

We spoke in detail about the essence of the concept of "pedagogical abilities", about their types and significance in the work of a teacher in a lecture on the pedagogical potential of a teacher's personality. In the context of this lecture, it is necessary to emphasize the characteristics of the pedagogical abilities of a teacher working at the level of pedagogical skill. The most important such characteristic is their versatility and diversity, the ability of a teacher to develop precisely those abilities that are necessary in specific conditions of work with students, are most in demand for certain pedagogical circumstances and situations.

Dynamics of development and formation pedagogical abilities, excellence in their application can also be considered as characteristics of the highly professional activity of a teacher. The intensity and quality of the formation of pedagogical abilities is not found in all teachers, which is associated with their professional suitability and the full representation of the pedagogical orientation of the individual.

Deep professional knowledge of a teacher, professionally significant personal qualities, pedagogical abilities are the basis for development fifth component in the structure of pedagogical skills - pedagogical technology.

As noted above, A.S. Makarenko. He saw the essence of the problem in the fact that in his time “pedagogical theory was limited to declaring principles and general provisions, and the transition to technology was left to the creativity and resourcefulness of each individual worker. A.S. Makarenko was sure that pedagogical educational institutions should teach not only the theory and methods of education and upbringing, but also teach future teachers how to manage their internal emotional state, pedagogically appropriate facial expressions and pantomime, speech technique, and general artistry.

In the future, the issues of the formation and development of the professional technique of the teacher received their detailed development in pedagogical theory and practice (Yu.P. Azarov, V.M. Myndykanu, Yu.L. Lvova, N.E. Shchurkova and many others).

Based on the analysis of the results of the study of the essence and structure of the teacher's pedagogical technique, we come to the conclusion that pedagogical technique is an external manifestation, a form of the teacher's professional skill. Its essence is manifested in the teacher's possession of a set of special abilities and skills for organizing himself and others in the pedagogical process.

Pedagogical technique contributes to the unity of the internal content of the teacher's activity and its external expression, the synthesis of spiritual culture and professional expressiveness of the teacher.

For effective achievement goals of pedagogical activity, solving the most important tasks facing the teacher in the process of its implementation, the teacher needs to master, within the framework of pedagogical technology, a set of the following skills:

The skills and abilities of self-regulation of one's mental state, management of the internal emotional state, the formation of creative working well-being in the process of teaching and educational activities;

The ability to form a pedagogically appropriate appearance (dress in accordance with the requirements of the profession, mimic and pantomimically expressively shape their activities);

Skills and skills of speech technique (it is manifested in the set breathing and voice, in clear diction and the optimal tempo of the teacher's speech).

A detailed study of the essence and content of the teacher's pedagogical technique is carried out in the course "Fundamentals of Pedagogical Excellence". The development of the most important skills and abilities of pedagogical technology mainly occurs in the process of pedagogical practice.

Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activity carried out in a holistic pedagogical process are teaching and educational work.

Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various activities of pupils in order to solve the problems of harmonious development of the individual.

And teaching is a type of educational activity, which is aimed at managing the predominantly cognitive activity of schoolchildren. By and large, pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts.

Such an understanding of the relationship between educational work and teaching reveals the meaning of the thesis about the unity of teaching and upbringing. Education, the disclosure of the essence and content of which is devoted to many studies, is only conditional. For convenience and deeper knowledge of it, it is considered in isolation from education. It is no coincidence that teachers involved in the development of the problem of the content of education, along with the knowledge and skills that a person masters in the learning process, consider the experience of creative activity and the experience of an emotional and valuable attitude to the world as its integral components.

Compare in in general terms teaching activities that take place both in the learning process and outside school hours, and educational work, which is carried out in a holistic pedagogical process. Teaching carried out within any organizational form, and not just a lesson, usually has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for how to achieve it. The most important criterion for the effectiveness of teaching is the achievement of the learning goal. Educational work, also carried out within the framework of any organizational form, does not pursue the direct achievement of the goal, because it is not achievable within the time limits of the organizational form. In educational work, it is possible to provide only consistent solution specific, goal-oriented tasks. The most important criterion for the effective solution of educational problems is positive changes in the minds of pupils, manifested in emotional reactions, behavior and activities. The content of training, and, consequently, the logic of teaching, can be hard-coded, which is not allowed by the content of educational work. The formation of knowledge, skills and abilities from the field of ethics, aesthetics and other sciences and arts, the study of which is not provided for by the curricula, is essentially nothing more than learning. In educational work, planning is acceptable only in the most general terms: attitude to society, to work, to people, to science, to nature, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, to oneself. The teacher deals with approximately homogeneous "source material". The results of the exercise are almost unambiguously determined by its activities, i.e. the ability to evoke and direct the cognitive activity of the student. The educator is forced to take into account the fact that his pedagogical influences may intersect with unorganized and organized negative influences on the student. Teaching as an activity has a discrete character. It usually does not involve interaction with students during the preparatory period, which can be more or less long. Markov A.K. Psychology of teacher's work. M., 1993.

The peculiarity of educational work is that even in the absence of direct contact with the teacher, the pupil is under his indirect influence. Usually the preparatory part in educational work is longer and often more significant than the main part. The criterion for the effectiveness of students' activities in the learning process is the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills, mastery of methods for solving cognitive and practical problems, and the intensity of advancement in development. The results of students' activities are identified and can be recorded in qualitative and quantitative indicators. In educational work, it is complicated by correlating the results of the educator's activities with the developed criteria for upbringing.

It is very difficult to single out the result of the activity of the educator in a developing personality. In the educational process, it is difficult to predict the results of certain educational actions and their receipt is much delayed in time. In educational work, it is impossible to establish feedback in a timely manner. The noted differences in the organization of teaching and educational work show that teaching is much easier in terms of its organization and implementation, and in the structure of a holistic pedagogical process it occupies a subordinate position. Mishchenko AI Introduction to the teaching profession. Novosibirsk, 1991. If in the process of learning almost everything can be proved or deduced logically, then it is much more difficult to cause and consolidate certain relationships of a person, since freedom of choice plays a decisive role here. That is why the success of learning largely depends on the formed cognitive interest and attitude to learning activities in general, that is, on the results of not only teaching but also educational work.

The identification of the specifics of the main types of pedagogical activity shows that teaching and educational work in their dialectical unity take place in the activities of a teacher of any specialty. good master not only transfers his knowledge to students, but also guides their civil and professional development. This, in fact, is the essence of the professional education of young people. Only a master who knows and loves his work, people, can instill in students a sense of professional honor and arouse the need for perfect mastery of the specialty.

Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activity carried out in a holistic pedagogical process are teaching and educational work.

Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various activities of pupils in order to solve the problems of harmonious development of the individual. And teaching is a kind of educational activity that is aimed at managing the predominantly cognitive activity of schoolchildren. By and large, pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts. Such an understanding of the relationship between educational work and teaching reveals the meaning of the thesis about the unity of teaching and upbringing.

Education, the disclosure of the essence and content of which is devoted to many studies, only conditionally, for convenience and deeper knowledge of it, is considered in isolation from education. It is no coincidence that teachers involved in the development of the problem of the content of education (V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, etc.), its integral components, along with the knowledge and skills that a person masters in the learning process, consider the experience of creative activities and experience of emotional and valuable attitude to the world around. Without the unity of teaching and educational work, it is not possible to implement these elements of education. Figuratively speaking, a holistic pedagogical process in its content aspect is a process in which "educational education" and "educational education" (A. Diesterweg) are merged into one.

Let us compare in general terms the activity of teaching, which takes place both in the learning process and outside of school hours, and the educational work that is carried out in a holistic pedagogical process.

Teaching, carried out within the framework of any organizational form, and not just a lesson, usually has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. The most important criterion for the effectiveness of teaching is the achievement of the learning goal. Educational work, also carried out within the framework of any organizational form, does not pursue the direct achievement of the goal, because it is unattainable within the time limits of the organizational form. In educational work, one can only provide for the consistent solution of specific tasks oriented towards a goal. The most important criterion for the effective solution of educational problems is positive changes in the minds of pupils, manifested in emotional reactions, behavior and activities.

3.1. The essence of pedagogical activity

In the ordinary sense, the word "activity" has synonyms: work, business, occupation. In science, activity is considered in connection with the existence of a person and is studied by many areas of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, history, cultural studies, pedagogy, etc. In activity, one of the essential properties of a person is manifested - to be active. This is what is emphasized in the various definitions of this category. Activity is a specific form of the socio-historical existence of people, their purposeful transformation of natural and social reality. The activity includes the goal, the means, the result and the process itself. (Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M., 1993).

Pedagogical activity is a type of social activity aimed at transferring the culture and experience accumulated by mankind from older generations to younger ones, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society. As psychologist B.F. Lomov, "activity is multidimensional". Therefore, there are numerous classifications of activity, which are based on its various features, reflecting the various aspects of this phenomenon. They distinguish spiritual and practical, reproductive (performing) and creative, individual and collective, etc. There are also various types of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity, the content of which is training, upbringing, education, development of students.

The system-forming characteristic of pedagogical activity is the goal (A.N. Leontiev). The purpose of pedagogical activity is of a generalized nature. In domestic pedagogy, it is traditionally expressed in the formula "comprehensive harmonious development personalities." Having reached an individual teacher, it is transformed into a specific individual setting, which the teacher is trying to implement in his practice. As the main objects of the goal of pedagogical activity, the educational environment, the activities of the pupils, the educational team and the individual characteristics of the pupils are distinguished. The realization of the goal of pedagogical activity is connected with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of pupils, the creation of an educational team, and the development of an individual's individuality.

The subject of pedagogical activity is the management of educational, cognitive and educational activities of students. Managerial activity consists of planning one's own activities and the activities of students, organizing these activities, stimulating activity and consciousness, monitoring, regulating the quality of education and upbringing, analyzing the results of training and education, and predicting further changes in the personal development of students. One of the most important characteristics of pedagogical activity is its joint nature. It necessarily involves a teacher and the one whom he teaches, educates, develops. This activity combines the self-realization of the teacher and his purposeful participation in changing the student (the level of his training, upbringing, development, education).

Characterizing pedagogical activity as an independent social phenomenon, we can indicate the following features of it. First, it has a specific historical character. This means that the goals, content and nature of such activities change in accordance with the change in historical reality. For example, L.N. Tolstoy, criticizing the school of his day with the dogmatic nature of education, bureaucracy, lack of attention and interest in the personality of the student, called for humane relations at school, to take into account the needs and interests of the student, expressed such a development of his personality that would make a growing person harmonious, highly moral, creative. “Educating, educating, developing, ... we must have and unconsciously have one goal: to achieve the greatest harmony in the sense of truth, beauty and goodness,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy (L.N. Tolstoy To whom and from whom to learn to write, peasant children from us or us from peasant children? // Ped. soch., M., 1989. - p. 278). Considering all the shortcomings of the school of his time as a product of the undeveloped problem of the essence of man, the meaning of his life in contemporary psychology and philosophy, L.N. Tolstoy made a successful attempt to realize his own

understanding of this problem in the organization of the Yasnaya Polyana school for peasant children. Secondly, pedagogical activity is special kind socially valuable activity of adults. The social value of this work lies in the fact that the spiritual, economic power of any society, state is directly related to the self-improvement of its members as civilized individuals. The spiritual world of man is enriched. Various spheres of his life activity improve, a moral attitude towards himself is formed,

to other people, to nature. Spiritual and material values, and due to this, the progress of society, its progressive development is carried out. Every human society is interested in the positive results of pedagogical activity. If its members degrade, no society will be able to fully develop.

Thirdly, pedagogical activity is carried out by specially trained and trained specialists on the basis of professional knowledge. Such knowledge is a system of humanitarian, natural, socio-economic and other sciences that contribute to the knowledge of man as a historically established and constantly developing phenomenon. They make it possible to understand the various forms of its social life relationship with nature. In addition to professional knowledge, an important role belongs to professional skills. The teacher is constantly improving practical application knowledge. Conversely, he draws them from activity. “I became a real master only when I learned to say “come here” with fifteen or twenty shades,” admitted A.S. Makarenko. Fourthly, pedagogical activity is creative. It is impossible to program and predict all possible variants of its course, just as it is impossible to find two identical people, two identical families, two identical classes, etc.

3.2. Main types of pedagogical activity

The main types of pedagogical activity traditionally include educational work, teaching, scientific and methodological cultural, educational and managerial activities.

Educational work- pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment, and organized, purposeful management of the education of schoolchildren in accordance with the goals set by society. Educational work is carried out within the framework of any organizational form, does not pursue the direct achievement of the goal, because its results are not so clearly tangible and do not reveal themselves as quickly as, for example, in the learning process. But since pedagogical activity has certain chronological boundaries, on which the levels and qualities of personality formation are fixed, we can also talk about the relatively final results of upbringing, manifested in positive changes in the minds of pupils - emotional reactions, behavior and activities.

teaching- management of cognitive activity in the learning process, carried out within the framework of any organizational form (lesson, excursion, individual training, elective, etc.), has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. The most important criterion for the effectiveness of teaching is the achievement of the learning goal. Modern domestic pedagogical theory considers training and education in unity. This does not imply a denial of the specifics of training and education, but a deep knowledge of the essence of the organization's functions, means, forms and methods of training and education. In the didactic aspect, the unity of education and upbringing is manifested in the common goal of personality development, in the real relationship between teaching, developing and educational functions.

Scientific and methodological activity. The teacher combines a scientist and a practitioner: a scientist in the sense that he must be a competent researcher and contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge about the child, the pedagogical process, and practice in the sense that he applies this knowledge. The teacher is often faced with the fact that he does not find an explanation in the scientific literature and ways to solve specific cases from his practice, with the need to generalize the results of his work. Scientific approach in the work, thus, is the basis of the teacher's own methodological activity. Scientific work teacher is expressed in the study of children and children's groups, the formation of their own "bank" various methods, summarizing the results of their work, and methodological - in the selection and development of a methodological topic leading to the improvement of skills in a particular area, in fixing the results of pedagogical activity, in the actual development and improvement of skills.

Cultural and educational activitiescomponent activities of the teacher. It introduces parents to various branches of pedagogy and psychology, students to the basics of self-education, popularizes and explains the results of the latest psychological and pedagogical research, forms the need for psychological and pedagogical knowledge and the desire to use it both in parents and children. Any specialist who deals with a group of people (students), to a greater or lesser extent lesser degree organizes its activities, setting and achieving goals joint work, i.e. performs functions in relation to this group management. It is the setting of a goal, the use of certain methods of achieving it and measures of influence on the team that are the main signs of the presence of control in the activities of a teacher-educator.

Managing a group of children, the teacher performs several functions: planning, organization - ensuring the implementation of the plan, motivation or stimulation - this is the teacher's motivation to work to achieve the goal, control.

3.3. The structure of pedagogical activity

In psychology, the following structure of pedagogical activity has been established: motive, goal, activity planning, processing of current information, operational image and conceptual model, decision making, actions, verification of results and correction of actions. Determining the structure of professional pedagogical activity, the researchers note that its main originality lies in the specifics of the object and tools of labor. N. V. Kuzmina singled out three interrelated components in the structure of pedagogical activity; constructive, organizational and communicative. Constructive activity is associated with the development of technology for each form of student activity, the solution of each pedagogical problem that has arisen.

Organizational activities are aimed at creating a team and organizing joint activities. Communicative activity It involves the establishment of communication and relationships between the teacher and students, their parents, and their colleagues. Detailed characteristics the structure of pedagogical activity is given by A.I. Shcherbakov. Based on analysis professional functions teacher, he identifies 8 main interrelated components-functions of pedagogical activity: information, development, orientation, mobilization, constructive, communicative, organizational and research. A.I. Shcherbakov classifies the constructive, organizational and research components as general labor components. Concretizing the teacher's function at the stage of implementation of the pedagogical process, he presented the organizational component of pedagogical activity as a unity of information, development, orientation and mobilization functions.

I.F. Kharlamov among the many types of activities identifies the following interrelated activities: diagnostic, orientational and prognostic, constructive and design, organizational, informational and explanatory, communicative and stimulating, analytical and evaluative, research and creative.

Diagnostic activity is associated with the study of students and the establishment of their level of development, education. To do this, the teacher must be able to observe, master the methods of diagnosis. Prognostic activity is expressed in the constant setting of real goals and objectives of the pedagogical process at a certain stage, taking into account real possibilities, in other words, in predicting the final result. Constructive activity consists in the ability to design educational and educational work, to select content that is appropriate cognitive abilities students to make it accessible and interesting. It is connected with such quality of the teacher as his creative imagination. The organizational activity of the teacher lies in his ability to influence students, lead them along, mobilize them for one or another type of activity, inspire them. AT information activities the main social purpose teacher: transfer of the generalized experience of older generations to young people. It is in the process of this activity that schoolchildren acquire knowledge, worldview and moral and aesthetic ideas. In this case, the teacher acts not only as a source of information, but also as a person who forms the beliefs of young people. The success of pedagogical activity is largely determined by the ability of a professional to establish and maintain contact with children, build interaction with them at the level of cooperation. To understand them, if necessary - to forgive, in fact, all the activities of the teacher are communicative in nature. Analytical and evaluation activity consists in receiving feedback, i.e. confirmation of the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and the achievement of the goal. This information makes it possible to make adjustments to the pedagogical process. Research and creative activity is determined by the creative nature of pedagogical work, by the fact that pedagogy is both a science and an art. Based on the principles, rules, recommendations of pedagogical science, the teacher uses them creatively every time. For the successful implementation of this type of activity, he must master the methods of pedagogical research. All components of pedagogical activity are manifested in the work of a teacher of any specialty.

3.4. The creative nature of pedagogical activity

Many teachers drew attention to the fact that the creative, research nature is immanent in pedagogical activity: Ya.A. Comenius, I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Diesterweg, K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky, S.T. Shatsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others. To characterize the creative nature of pedagogical activity, the concept of "creation" is most applicable. The teacher-educator, with the help of creative efforts and labor, brings to life the potential abilities of the student, pupil, creates conditions for the development and improvement of a unique personality. In modern scientific literature, pedagogical creativity is understood as a process of solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances.

The following criteria for pedagogical creativity can be distinguished:

The presence of deep and comprehensive knowledge and their critical processing and comprehension;

Ability to translate theoretical and methodological provisions in pedagogical activities;

Ability to self-improvement and self-education;

Development of new methods, forms, techniques and means and their original combination;

Dialecticity, variability, variability of the system of activity;

Effective application of existing experience in new conditions;

The ability to reflectively assess one's own activities

and its results;

Formation of an individual style of professional activity based on the combination and development of reference and individually unique features personality of the teacher;

Ability to improvise based on knowledge and intuition;

The ability to see the "fan of options."

N.D. Nikandrov and V.A. Kan-Kalik identifies three areas of teacher's creative activity: methodical creativity, communicative creativity, creative self-education.

Methodical creativity is associated with the ability to comprehend and analyze emerging pedagogical situations, choose and build an adequate methodological model, designing content and methods of influence.

Communicative creativity is realized in the construction of pedagogically expedient and effective communication, interaction with pupils, in the ability to know children, to carry out psychological self-regulation. Creative self-education involves the teacher's awareness of himself as a specific creative individuality, the definition of his professional and personal qualities that require further improvement and adjustment, as well as the development of a long-term program of self-improvement in the system of continuous self-education. V. I. Zagvyazinsky names the following specific features of pedagogical creativity: a hard time limit. The teacher makes a decision in situations of immediate response: lessons daily, unforeseen situations momentarily, hourly; constant contact with children. The ability to compare the idea with its implementation only in episodic, momentary situations, and not with the final result because of its remoteness and focus on the future. In pedagogical creativity, the stake is only on a positive result. Such methods of testing a hypothesis, such as proof by contradiction, bringing an idea to the point of absurdity, are contraindicated in the activities of a teacher.

Pedagogical creativity is always co-creation with children and colleagues. A significant part of pedagogical creativity is carried out in public, in a public setting. This requires the teacher to be able to manage their mental states, promptly evoke creative inspiration in themselves and students. Specific are the subject of pedagogical creativity - the emerging personality, the "tool" - the personality of the teacher, the process itself - complex, multifactorial, multi-level, based on the mutual creativity of partners; the result is a certain level of development of the personality of the pupils (Zagvyazinsky V.I. "Pedagogical creativity of the teacher." - M., 1987).

Problem questions and practical tasks:

1. What is the essence of pedagogical activity?

2. What are the goals of pedagogical activity?

3. What is the structure of pedagogical activity?

4. What is the collective nature of pedagogical activity?

5. Why is pedagogical activity classified as creative?

6. Write a creative paper on one of the suggested topics:

"A teacher in my life", "My pedagogical ideal".

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Situation 1. What educational measures, from your point of view, should a social pedagogue take

If the student refuses defiantly, clearly expressing his protest, you can be glad: this situation is much simpler, and the main supporting thought for you may be that the child is clearly interested in you, is included in communication with you and is tuned in to it, attracting your attention in such a paradoxical but quite effective way.

Try to decipher his "message". What does he really want to communicate to you with his behavior? That he is special and wants some special relationship between you and him? That he needs your help and support? Or that you somehow hurt him (or regularly - albeit involuntarily - hurt, stepping on some kind of “sore spot”) and he is offended? Or maybe he is used to being successful or really wants to be so, and your subject is hard for him, and then his refusal is an attempt to avoid a situation of failure? Or, on the contrary, does he have great abilities in this area, he wants you to recognize them and - again - come up with some special position for him (special privileges, tasks of a different level or complexity, some special role)?

There can be many versions and options here, the main thing is to accustom yourself to think about the actions and behavior of the student not as malicious actions, manifestations of a bad character and attacks of harmfulness, but as peculiar messages addressed to you personally; try to understand these messages, decipher them and look for answers adequate to them. At the same time, I would like to note that an adult (in this case, a teacher) still bears a great responsibility for the constructiveness of communication - simply because he is an adult, which means, by definition, more experienced, more stable. And if a child (due to a variety of reasons and circumstances) can choose very “crooked” and ornate ways of expressing his intentions, then it is still better for an adult to communicate them clearly, in plain text, without getting involved in a kind of “understand me” game (then and children will gradually adopt this way of interaction, and it is certainly more effective).

But what if the student does not demonstrate any obvious protest, does not openly confront any requirements, but you constantly have the feeling that you are not in control of the situation, that there is like some kind of invisible barrier through which he almost does not hear you . The student nods politely in response to your words, but already at this moment you understand that this time, most likely, none of what you ask (recommend, demand) will be done. The situation is not easy and, honestly, not always solvable.

Again, let's try to start by looking for the reasons for this behavior of the student. He is protecting himself from what? Fights with you for power - why, why does he need it so much? Devalues ​​you and your actions - for what purpose? And in general, did he decide to ignore your assignments himself, or did his parents start a game of “who is more competent” with you (in the subject, in pedagogy or in the understanding of their child, for example)?

It must be said that the “quiet” refusal of the child to fulfill the requirements of the teacher in elementary and secondary schools in practice very often turns out to be a manifestation of precisely the parental position, and then it will be necessary to try to build a dialogue with them, organizing an open and most direct conversation about their expectations from them in the same way. school, your subject and their child's progress in it. This is a long, laborious and not all teachers favorite work, but often without it it is impossible to save the child from those “scissors” that he falls into if the values ​​and requirements of the family and the school diverge greatly, - “scissors” that are destructive for his educational motivation , and for its adaptation to school conditions and relationships. Of course, you can say to yourself: “I don’t care why he behaves this way; It is important to me that he does what I demand!” On the one hand, it is quite reasonable. On the other hand, yes, it is possible to approach interaction with students in the strict logic of "stimulus - reaction", selecting suitable stimuli and achieving desired behavior. But then it should not be surprising that your students will become more and more inventive in ways of resisting your demands and in finding means of manipulating you. In addition, recalling the title of one curious pedagogical book, "understanding children is an interesting matter."

Situation 2. What kind of axiological specificity of pedagogical activity is emphasized by the phrases

Professional activity, culture and personality of the teacher. Pedagogical abilities, skill and professional competence.

teaching profession. There are tens of thousands of types of work in the modern world. Each of them has its own requirements for a person. Each of them is called a profession. Speaking about their number, researchers call the figure 40,000. At the same time, about 500 die off annually, and about the same number of new ones appear.

Profession - a kind of labor activity, occupation, which has a certain system of requirements for a person, and requires certain training. A profession is a limited (due to the division of labor) area of ​​application of the physical and / or spiritual forces of a person, giving him, in return for the work he has applied, the possibility of existence, development, self-realization, and also leaving its mark on the character of a person, forming his values.

“Man-Man” are professions in which labor is directed to a person; they are associated with training, education, service, leadership. The content of labor here is reduced to the interaction between people. Professions of this type have a number of features:

The first feature is that each of the professions of the “Ch-Ch” type requires a kind of double preparation from a person: a) you need to learn, be able to establish and maintain contacts with people, understand them, understand their characteristics; b) you need to be prepared in a particular field of production, science, technology, art, etc.

If the organizer manages a group of people, then he must know well the essence of the work they perform. This does not mean that he should know and be able to do it better than anyone else. This is not possible and is not necessary. For example, the director of a ballet theater should not dance better than ballerinas. The headmaster cannot know all the subjects thoroughly, as their subject teachers do. But any organizer (director) must represent the peculiarities of the work of his subordinates very well.

The second feature is that the main content of labor here is reduced to the interaction between people. If this interaction does not go well, then the work does not go well.

What is the specificity of the pedagogical profession of a teacher?

1) The teacher is an intermediary between society and a growing person. Mankind has accumulated tremendous experience over its centuries-old history. And it is the teacher who is called upon to pass on to the children all the best from previous generations, and not to pass on prejudices, vices, and mistakes. The teacher not only transfers knowledge, but also forms a worldview, ideals, citizenship, spiritual and moral principles.

2) The teaching profession is one of the most widespread professions in the country.

The mass character speaks of its importance for society and the growing generations, and also makes increased demands on the personality of the teacher, makes you constantly work on yourself and take care of the prestige of the profession.

3) A teacher is a person looking to the future. Its activity is focused on the formation of a person whose activity will unfold tomorrow, in the changed conditions. Therefore, while educating in children the ability to live and act in today's world, organizing their life activities, the teacher must simultaneously lay in them some more ideal perspective, the ability to analyze the surrounding reality, as well as the ability to create and transform the world. L.N. Tolstoy wrote that in order to educate a person fit for the future, it is necessary to educate him, meaning an ideally perfect person, only then the pupil will be a worthy member of the generation and the time in which he will have to live. After all, those to whom you will come to school tomorrow will decide the fate of the country going into the 22nd century (!). That is why the teacher must always remember that the future is in his class, in his hands!...

4) The teacher manages the most complex process - the process of personality formation. The complexity of this process is determined by the constant change in the personality of the pupil. And the teacher has 30-40 such pupils. And just as it is impossible to step into the same river twice, so it is impossible to approach with the same standard not only to different students, but also to the same student in different time. The teacher does not have any measuring or other instruments, like other specialists. The main thing in his work is the management of relationships that arise in the process of education and upbringing. The teacher must be able to find the correct pedagogical solutions in the minimum time, taking into account many specific conditions of this specific situation which is always difficult.

5) Society places a special responsibility on the teacher: a person is trusted to him when he is most amenable to suggestion.

The teacher forms knowledge, skills, habits, ideals, principles - that is, in his hands - the fate of a person's whole life.

Pedagogical activity. In the ordinary sense, the word "activity" has synonyms: work, business, occupation.

In science, "D" is considered in connection with the existence of a person and is studied by many areas of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, history, cultural studies, pedagogy and others.

In activity, one of the essential properties of a person is manifested: to be active.

“Activity” is defined as a specific form of relation to the surrounding world. Its content is an expedient change in the surrounding world and its transformation in the interests of people.

Activity is a condition for the existence of society.

It includes: goal, means, result and the process itself.

Among other activities, pedagogical activity has a special appreciation.

"Pedagogical activity is an activity aimed at achieving the goals of education and upbringing, as well as at creating optimal conditions in the pedagogical process for the development and self-development of the personality of a growing person."

It can be professional or non-professional. Unprofessional - parents, friends, neighbors ... Not a single person can live without becoming the object of pedagogical activity. Professional PD requires special education, that is, a system of special knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the functions associated with the profession. Functions of pedagogical activity: 1) Gnostic (cognitive) - associated with the accumulation of knowledge about the goals of education and upbringing, methods of education and upbringing, advanced pedagogical experience, various theories and approaches, age and psychological characteristics of children, the specifics of children's groups, etc. 2) Design - associated with long-term planning of pedagogical goals and objectives, ways to solve them (planning a system of lessons, educational work, etc.).

3) Constructive - associated with the definition of the characteristics of the activities of the teacher and students in specific conditions. 4) Communicative - associated with the establishment of one or another type of relationship between the teacher and students, groups, colleagues. 5) Organizational - associated with the organization of the phased nature of the actions of both the teacher and the students.


1. Educational (teachers - subject teachers, trainers, PDO, etc.,

2. Educational (teachers, class leaders, educators, etc.),

3.Administrative (heads of schools, parole, etc.),

4.Organizational (organizers of the children's movement, all teachers),

5. Methodical (methodologists of schools, UDO, etc.),

6. Research (teachers-experimenters),

7. Out-of-school (clubs, parole, police children's rooms).

Whatever type of activity the teacher is engaged in, the leading directions in his work will be:

1) Diagnostic and design activity - that is, the study of the state and effectiveness of the organized process, and on this basis, the design of the further development of students and children's team, definition of strategy of own pedagogical activity and expected results.

2) Value-oriented activity - that is, the creation of conditions for the formation of students' value perception of the world, value orientations, possession of appropriate methods and forms of educational work.

3) Communicative activity - that is, the organization of the interaction of students in various types joint activities, the choice of the optimal style of communication, interaction management.

4) Organizational activity - that is, the ability to organize an interesting and diverse individual and collective activity students, master various forms of work, etc.

5) Reflective-analytical activity - that is, the ability to analyze not only the activities of students, but also their own pedagogical activities, draw conclusions, etc.

There are 2 aspects of consideration of pedagogical activity: external and internal.

External components of pedagogical activity: - the goal and objectives of PD, - the means of achieving the goal (content, methods, forms,), - the subject of PD (both the teacher and students), - the object of pedagogical influence (students, parents,), other objects ( studying proccess, its content, etc.), is the result of pedagogical activity.

Internal components of pedagogical activity: - motivational component(what drives the teacher's work: motives of duty, creative expression, compulsion, desire to prepare a worthy replacement, concern for the future, etc.), -content component (the knowledge that a teacher needs for pedagogical activity: subject, pedagogical, psychological, methodical, general humanitarian), -operational component (those skills that are necessary for PD, for the implementation of its functions: gnostic, design, constructive, communicative, organizational).

Levels of pedagogical activity:

Level 1 - reproductive - involves the ability of a teacher to act according to a model, template, standard. It is difficult for such a teacher to learn something new.

Level 2 - adaptive - implies the teacher's ability to adapt to the new requirements of life, school, change known methods “for themselves”.

Level 3 - creative - involves non-standard, unusual actions of the teacher, which are not in the known experience.

A feature of PD is: - its purposeful, personality-oriented nature (on the child, his formation, development ...), - its joint nature: it necessarily involves both the teacher and the pupil, - its task character: PD is considered as a solution one after the other. One of the professional tasks facing the teacher is its humanistic character: most often, “humanism” is understood as “philanthropy”, respect for the rights and dignity of a person, etc.

Add to this the signs of professional PD:

It is intentional. Unlike family learning and education, which are organically connected with the life of the family, professional pedagogical activity is separated from the daily life of the child: - it is handled by a special person with the necessary knowledge and skills; -for its implementation, there are certain forms: a lesson, classes, "classes". - this activity pursues a specific goal: to teach the child something, to transfer to him a system of certain knowledge, to form certain skills and abilities, to overcome gaps in knowledge; to raise a child, to raise a person in him, to develop his abilities, interests, thinking, memory, imagination, etc. - the goal largely determines the content of training, upbringing, education; - the child usually also understands the “special”, serious nature of this activity - he is included in a special relationship with the teacher: business, official, regulated; - the results of pedagogical activity, especially in its teaching part, can be checked, its result is the knowledge and skills of the child who was taught by the teacher; the results of upbringing are less obvious - due to the fact that the child is “educated by everyone and everything”, as well as the fact that the results are largely “delayed” in time; - a real teacher is not limited to strictly regulated activities - he uses various possibilities their influence on the student: informal conversations, confidential conversations, discussion of the problems that concern the student, advice, support, help.

The humanistic nature of the teaching profession and activity. It manifests itself in the peculiarities of pedagogical activity and in the way of thinking. Remembering that the main content of the teaching profession is the relationship between people (on the one hand) and special knowledge of the subject (on the other hand), we conclude that the teaching profession requires double training: human studies and special.

Thus, the teaching profession by its nature has a humanistic character.

The conscious promotion of this particular feature of the teaching profession to the fore has characterized teachers of all times.

Thus, it is the humanistic nature of pedagogical activity that determines a number of requirements for the personality and professional behavior of the teacher.

All personal qualities are professionally significant for a teacher.

Therefore, the task is: to educate personal qualities in oneself, and to master professional ones.

This is where the problem of pedagogy arises.

1. The relationship between the general and professional culture of the teacher.

Culture is a historically defined level of development of society, the creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of life and activities of people, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​​​created by them.

The concept of "culture" is used: - to characterize certain historical eras (ancient culture), - to designate specific societies, peoples and nations (Maya, Aztec culture), - to highlight specific areas of activity or life (labor culture, political culture, artistic culture , pedagogical culture).

The general culture of a specialist can be defined as an expression of the maturity and development of the entire system of socially significant personal qualities realized in individual activities.

Culture is the result and process of the qualitative development of knowledge, interests, beliefs, norms of activity and behavior, abilities and social feelings.

Pedagogical culture is defined as a projection of the general culture on the sphere of pedagogical activity. And the historically established types pedagogical culture correspond to the types of development human civilization(ancient PC, PC of the Middle Ages, etc.), as well as the nature of the interaction between education and culture in a particular era (humanistic, authoritarian, democratic, liberal, etc.).

Pedagogical culture is also defined as part of a universal culture that integrates historical and cultural pedagogical experience and regulates the scope of pedagogical interaction.

Pedagogical culture is a body of knowledge about theoretical achievements and practical experience of education and upbringing, as well as knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of both theory and experience; own position in relation to theory and experience; the ability to give a serious analysis of both theory and practice.

The pedagogical culture of a teacher is such a generalizing characteristic of his personality, his actions and behavior, which reflects the ability to persistently and successfully carry out educational activities.

A feature of the PC is that its object, purpose and result is a person, his education, upbringing, development of his personality.

Considering PC as a level of mastery of pedagogical theory and practice, as well as modern pedagogical technologies and methods of creative self-regulation of the individual's individual abilities in pedagogical activity, a number of researchers identify the following components of PC: - humanistic pedagogical position in relation to children; as well as his ability to be an educator; -psychological and pedagogical competence and developed pedagogical thinking; - culture of professional behavior, the ability to self-development, the ability to self-regulate their own activities, communication; - education in the field of the taught subject and possession of pedagogical technologies; -experience in creative activity, the ability to substantiate one's own pedagogical activity as a system (didactic, educational, methodological); the ability to develop an author's educational project.

Other researchers distinguish the following PC components:

1. Axiological component (value) : - the assimilation of such values ​​of pedagogical work as: professional and pedagogical knowledge and worldview; pedagogical thinking and reflection; pedagogical tact and ethics.; moral and legal culture.

2. Technological (activity) component: - ways and means of interaction between participants in the educational process; pedagogical skills; pedagogy and pedagogy; work culture, etc.

3. Heuristic component: - the ability to create original programs, work creatively, with inspiration, outside the box, etc.

4. Personal component: - culture of speech, appearance, self-presentation, self-affirmation, healthy lifestyle, etc., professional and personal qualities. All personal qualities of a teacher are professionally significant for him.

PC is a characteristic of the integral personality of the teacher, therefore its development is real process professional self-improvement.

Pedagogical values ​​are the norms that regulate the activities of a teacher and act as a link between the established public outlook in the field of education and the activities of a teacher. They represent a system of common value orientations for empathic communication (empathy = empathy), creativity in pedagogical activity, personal development, cooperation, etc., forming a humanistically oriented pedagogical worldview of the teacher.

Value worldview aspects of pedagogical culture: - Recognition of the child as the highest value; - reorientation of the goals of education from the priority of education to the upbringing and development of the individual; - flexibility of thinking, which implies the possibility of achieving the goals of training and education in many ways; - humanism and cooperation with children; - creative, constructive focus on the development effective methods training and education.

The value characteristics of pedagogical activity are largely associated with the established public consciousness the image of the TEACHER as a bearer of spiritual, moral values; with an attitude to his personality as a kind of standard.

Among the moral characteristics of pedagogical activity are: - moral motivation; - the moral nature of communication and interaction between the teacher and the student; -holistic influence of the teacher on the personality of the student, which requires empathy from the teacher, the art of understanding another person; - the teacher's ability to foresee and evaluate the moral consequences of his actions, decisions, deeds; The teacher himself must be the embodiment and bearer of spiritual, moral culture.

The combination of high education, professional competence and the moral orientation of the teacher's personality determines the essential value characteristics of teaching as part of the intelligentsia.

The moral activity of a teacher, like any spiritual activity, has a relative independence, is closely related to other activities and can be implemented in various subject forms: moral education, organization of moral experience, moral self-education.

In the process of moral education of schoolchildren, the teacher introduces them to the main problems of morality, the criteria for moral assessment, reveals the possibilities of freedom of choice of a moral act and the degree of responsibility of the individual for his behavior, etc.

The process of moral self-education is not only the formation of missing habits, but also the breaking of previously formed negative attitudes.

Pedagogical tact as an important component of the teacher's moral culture.

The transition from moral consciousness to moral practice includes a special element of moral creativity - pedagogical tact. The moral creativity of a teacher includes a number of components, among which the most important are such as understanding the norm and its significance in relation to society, the teaching profession; understanding the complex circumstances of the situation, the conditions for its occurrence; need to choose best view an act in accordance with the moral and pedagogical norm.

Pedagogical tact is a form of realization of pedagogical morality in the activity of a teacher, in which thought and action coincide. Tact is moral behavior, including the foreseeing of all the objective consequences of an act and its subjective perception; in tact, the search for an easier and less painful path to the goal is manifested. Pedagogical tact is always creativity and search.

Among the main components of the teacher's pedagogical tact, one can name a respectful attitude towards the individual, high demands, the ability to listen with interest to the interlocutor and empathize with him, balance and self-control, business tone in relationships, integrity without stubbornness, attentiveness and sensitivity towards people, etc. .

pedagogical skill education ethnocultural

Situation 3. Both mothers wish well for their children, but which of them will achieve the best result in education? Is there a dependence of the direction of "designing" the behavior of children on the personality characteristics of the mothers themselves

Rather, neither one nor the other. The first - over-praises the child, thereby overestimating his self-esteem.

The second - on the contrary, humiliates, making self-esteem low.

Both one and the other mothers need to be helped to analyze the current situation and help in the formation adequate self-esteem in children.

The dependence is direct, because mothers, in turn, also received a certain upbringing, and now each, as expected in principle, is trying to “build” a path in life for her child, which is far from always true.

We ask you to express the appropriate point of view, to reflect your view on this problem where the social educator is the main character. The real pedagogical process is full of surprises. Situations often arise in it when a social pedagogue is faced with the need to make a decision taking into account ethno-cultural tolerance and the age-related psychological development of children. Imagine yourself in his place and describe how you would act. If possible, please provide a rationale for your actions (send the answer in printed form).

Education of tolerance is a factor necessary for the implementation of intercultural interaction in overcoming xenophobia among young people, as it is both a condition and a guarantee successful interaction between representatives of different cultures. At present, there is no doubt that successful communication between ethnic groups is unthinkable without tolerance. Tolerance has become integral part democratic development of society, it is in the center of attention in the activities of various state and public structures, and teachers are also involved in the education of tolerance.

The basis of this definition is such a human quality as tolerance. According to the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, proclaimed and signed by UNESCO on November 16, 1995, “tolerance” is respect, acceptance and understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality. Tolerance can manifest itself both at the level of political forces, expressing readiness to tolerate dissent, and at the level of life of an individual, expressed in the desire to persuade with the help of arguments, and in recognizing the positions of the opposite side. In interethnic relations, tolerance is simply necessary.

The need for ethnocultural education is mentioned in a number of government documents: so, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" in the tasks of education highlights the following: "introducing youth to the achievements of the world and national culture; study of the history, traditions and customs of both one's own people and other peoples of the republic.

At present, the isolated existence of peoples and cultures is becoming impossible, since the intensification of migration and demographic processes, the increase in the number of ethnically mixed families, significantly expand the scope of interethnic interaction. People encounter a variety of cultural environments.

The integrity and future of Russia is largely associated with its multi-ethnicity. More than 150 nationalities live here, which belong to different ethnolinguistic families and groups, profess different religions, have their own distinctive cultures, a complex and special history. And it is the system of leisure institutions that has unique opportunities to expand knowledge about other peoples and build mutual tolerance. Given the multi-ethnicity of the society in which the young generation of Russia is socializing today, the need to develop new strategies and approaches in the formation of ethno-cultural competence among young people becomes obvious. To be ethno-culturally competent means to recognize the principle of pluralism, to have knowledge about other peoples and their cultures, to understand their originality and value.

One of the tasks of culture is to foster a positive attitude towards ethno-cultural differences that ensure the progress of mankind and the conditions for its self-realization of the individual. Ethnocultural competence implies a person's readiness for mutual understanding and interaction, based on the knowledge and experience gained in real life and at cultural events aimed at its successful adaptation in a multi-ethnic environment.

The formation of ethnocultural competence involves the introduction young man initially to his own, and then to other cultures. important task specialists of educational institutions is to teach a person to comprehend social processes, analyze knowledge about ethnic cultures, find and recognize common and different in them. The process of reflection should be based on an initially positive perception of all ethnic groups and a critical attitude towards incidents and conflicts on a national basis. To do this, it is necessary for the specialist of the leisure institution to have an unbiased position in assessing the behavior of members of a multinational team, to be able to overcome his prejudices (if any).

familiarization with the history and traditions of their own people;

acquaintance with the history and traditions of the peoples that make up the ethno-cultural environment;

Revival of traditional trades and crafts;

popularization of creativity, the study of rituals and games of peoples;

· analysis and identification of the common, particular and special in the culture, traditions and history of peoples living in a single territory.

The search for effective ways of ethnic orientation of the individual led to the definition of the essential role of the educational system in general and the system of education in school in particular. Models of ethno-cultural adaptability of a personality, its harmonization with the outside world are built on the principles of ethno-cultural influence, which is organized in a higher educational institution by developing and implementing ethno-cultural pedagogical technologies.

The content essence of the work is determined by ethno-pedagogical education and the use of customs and traditions of educational experience, acquaintance with handicrafts and artistic, visual, oral folk art. On this ethnic platform, students are not isolated in a selected fragment of ethnic culture: ethno-pedagogical mechanisms and methods of mastering the skills and abilities of traditional culture are designed to demonstrate to them the possibilities of using them in the modern socio-cultural process. This is facilitated by:

· - game principle mastering information, turning to theatricalization;

- conscious adherence to the principles of oral folk art: collectivity, improvisation, variability and syncretism;

· - creation of a positive psychological response based on the age and individual characteristics of young people;

· - regulation of ongoing activities by the laws of calendar-agricultural and family-domestic cyclization;

· - work on the awareness and development of not only the timing of the event, but also its moral and aesthetic value and practical conditionality;

· - the openness of the ethnic aesthetic model, which implies reliance on modern scientific fields - cultural studies, sociology, ethnography.

The ethnocultural education of young people is built in accordance with the gender and age characteristics of a given age group and provides for the use of the totality of the educational potential of the traditions of the Russian people and other peoples living in the territory of the Tver region in the most appropriate forms, methods in various spheres of youth life.

The successful implementation of the process of ethno-cultural education of youth depends on the creation of optimal social - pedagogical conditions associated with consistency in the educational activities of the family, schools and, of course, cultural and leisure institutions; using a variety of traditional national forms educational work; creative participation in folk holidays, and the participation of craftsmen and craftsmen in the work of groups of arts and crafts in national types of crafts and sports sections; preparation of parents for the ethno-cultural education of adolescents in the family.

Having considered all aspects of ethnocultural education, we can draw the following conclusions: ethnocultural education is a process in which the goals, objectives, content, and technologies of education are focused on the development and socialization of the individual as a subject of an ethnic group and as a citizen of the multinational Russian state.

Ethnocultural education is determined by the introduction to educational process knowledge of native folk culture, social norms of behavior, spiritual and moral values; acquaintance with the cultural achievements of other peoples; using the experience of public education in order to develop young people's interest in folk culture, fostering friendly relations with people of different nationalities. The analysis of sociological research indicates the relevance and significance of the problem of ethnocultural education, which is due to its insufficient study, taking into account its specifics in a multinational territory. Despite the outward "problemlessness" in interethnic relations, the analysis showed that feelings of disunity, fragmentation and concern for the interests of only one's own ethnic community still prevail.

Emotional impact (in the process of implementing the first direction of “information saturation”, it is important to evoke a response in the soul of a young person, “stir up” his feelings) and behavioral norms (the knowledge gained by a young person about the norms of relations between peoples, the rules of etiquette, must necessarily be fixed in his own behavior).

To implement these two directions in the ethnocultural education of young people, various means are used:

* oral folk art;

* fiction;

* game, folk toy and national doll;

ѕ arts and crafts, painting;

* music;

* ethnic holidays.

Ethnoculture is considered by us, first of all, as one of the sides of the existence of national culture. The culture of a particular ethnic group, which finds its expression in a certain ethnic self-awareness of material and spiritual values, manifested in moral and ethical standards, in lifestyle, clothing, housing, cuisine, social and domestic settings, etiquette, religion, language, folklore and psychological warehouse.

Ethnic culture includes a set of spiritual and material values ​​of a particular people (ethnos). It includes not only national images world, the mentality of the people, their festive ritual and family traditions, ethnic stereotypes behavior in natural environment and in society, but also folk art culture (artistic values ​​of a particular people, as well as ethnic forms of their existence, preservation and transmission).

Folk art culture (or ethno-artistic culture) is represented by oral folk art, music, dance, arts and crafts, folklore theater and other types of artistic creativity ethnos. Since ancient times, it has been inextricably linked with folk calendar holidays, with everyday life and upbringing.

Regional culture develops, feeding on two sources: internal self-development of national cultures and mutual influence, interaction, mutual penetration, but not the merging of different cultures, but their creative mutual borrowing. Folk traditions, being significant elements of regional culture, provide an opportunity to develop the cultural space of the region; they allow you to get acquainted not only with the way of life of representatives of different peoples inhabiting the region, but also to reveal the bright originality of neighboring cultures, their internal essential similarity.

Tasks facing pedagogical institutions:

By means of ethnology, to introduce young people to universal values ​​(to moral, moral, ethical rules and norms, aesthetic feelings and relationships), uniting all people of the Earth, country, region.

Create favorable conditions in the institution for the simultaneous perception by young people of universal human values ​​and cultures of several peoples coexisting long time in a single cultural space of the region, forming in them a sense of empathy, acceptance and tolerance (tolerance) to the commonality and difference of cultures, understanding the equivalence and equality of their existence in the modern world. Also, for the successful implementation of intercultural communication, representatives of the youth group must have a high level of general culture, know the culture of their country well. Ethnocultural interference can occur not only in conditions of direct, but also indirect intercultural communication, when the absence necessary knowledge can lead to cases of ethnolinguistic functional illiteracy.

Contributing to the formation of a certain way of life through the study of domestic and world ethnic cultures, a multi-ethnic educational environment contributes to the spread of a sense of community with other peoples in order to preserve the cultural diversity of the world. At the same time, it must be taken into account that any ethnic group today is developing in two directions: firstly, there is a process of gradual universalization of mankind and the understanding that the world is one, and the planet is our common home, and secondly, there is a process of preserving national identity.

Youth, a socio-demographic group, singled out on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, characteristics of social status and socio-psychological properties due to both. Youth as a certain phase, stage of the life cycle is biologically universal, but its specific age limits, the social status associated with it and socio-psychological characteristics are of a socio-historical nature and depend on social order, culture and peculiar this society patterns of socialization.

In Russia, in accordance with the Strategy of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 N 1760-r, the category of youth in Russia includes citizens of Russia from 14 to 30 years old and Decree of June 23, 1999 No. 4187-II GD On the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the State youth policy in the Russian Federation": "Youth (young people) - individuals residing on the territory of the Russian Federation (citizens of the Russian Federation, and in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation also Foreign citizens and stateless persons) between the ages of 14 and 30.” Decree of June 23, 1999 No. 4187-II GD On the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation".

Youth is characterized by those social relations and social forms that define it as an independent socio-demographic group. The youth has a number of features arising, first of all, from its very objective essence. The social characteristics of youth are determined by the specific position that it occupies in the process of reproducing the social structure, as well as the ability not only to inherit, but also to transform existing social relations.

Young people are also characterized by a special content of the personal, subject and procedural aspects of the life of society (the idea comes from the notion of society in general as a kind of social organism). Such a manifestation of the social quality of young people is associated with the specifics of their social position and is determined by the laws of the process of socialization in specific social conditions. To date, in the circles of sociologists, a view has been established of youth as a reference socio-demographic group, the most important features of which most authors consider age characteristics and the associated features of the social status, as well as the socio-psychological qualities due to both, which allows us to speak of a multi-level analysis of youth as social phenomenon. One of the prominent domestic researchers of the problems of the young generation, S.N. Ikonnikova identified three levels of youth description as social phenomenon: Ikonnikova S.N. Youth: sociological and social - psychological analysis. - M., 1998.

Individual psychological - correlation with a specific person;

Socio-psychological - description of the most essential properties, qualities, interests of individual groups;

Sociological - description of the place of youth in the system social structure society, material and spiritual production.

To begin with, I will divide this social group into two age categories: youth - from 14 to 17 years old and youth from 18-20 to 30 years old. It seems to us that this age gradation is the best fit for our study.

The chronological boundaries of adolescence are defined in psychology in different ways. The boundary between adolescence and adolescence is rather arbitrary, and in some periodization schemes (mainly in Western psychology), the age from 14 to 17 is considered as the end of adolescence, while in others it is attributed to youth.

14-16 years - the transitional period between adolescence and youth. At this age, self-awareness develops, the significance of one's own values ​​increases, although children are still largely subject to external influences. Often, youth is considered turbulent, combining it into one period with adolescence. The search for the meaning of life, your place in this world can become especially intense. There are new needs of the intellectual and social order, sometimes - internal conflicts and difficulties in relations with others.

Youth is the final stage of primary socialization, but the social status of youth is heterogeneous. The vast majority of young men and women are students of either a general education school or secondary vocational or special educational institutions.

School continues to be the main sphere of life of high school students. At school, the status of a modern high school student is ambiguous. On the one hand, the position of a senior imposes additional responsibility on him, more complex tasks are set before him, more questions are asked of him. On the other hand, for his rights, he is entirely dependent on teachers and school administration. He is obliged, of course, to fulfill all the requirements of teachers, he has no right to criticize them. The attitude of a high school student to the school as a whole is characterized by a growing consciousness and at the same time a gradual “growing out” of the school. The range of interests and communication of a high school student is increasingly going beyond the school, making it only a part of his life world. School life is seen as temporary, of limited value.

In the psychological periodizations of A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, the emphasis is on changing the leading type of activity, which in adolescence becomes educational and professional activity. The leading place among high school students is occupied by motives related to self-determination and preparation for independent life, with further education and self-education. Educational activity acquires features of selectivity, awareness, responsibility for its process and results. L.I. Bozovic defines this age according to the development motivational sphere: she connects youth with the definition of one's place in life and inner position, the formation of a worldview, moral consciousness and self-awareness. The period of youth is a period of self-determination.

The choice of profession and type of educational institution inevitably differentiates life paths boys and girls, lays the foundation for their socio-psychological and individual - psychological differences.

What is the process of development in early adolescence? There are four development options. Some high school students move smoothly and gradually to a turning point in their lives, and then, with relative ease, are included in a new system of relationships. However, with such a prosperous course of early adolescence, there are some disadvantages in personal development. Children are less independent, more passive, more superficial in their attachments and hobbies. The searches and doubts characteristic of adolescence. Those who have gone through them are usually more independent, creative, have a more flexible mindset that allows them to make independent decisions in difficult situations - compared to those who had an easy process of personality formation at that time.

The third development option is fast, spasmodic changes, which, thanks to a high level of self-regulation, are well controlled without causing sharp emotional breakdowns. Children set their life goals early and persistently strive to achieve them. However, with high arbitrariness, self-discipline, they have less developed reflection and emotional sphere.

The fourth variant of development is associated with a particularly painful search for one's own path. The insufficient development of reflection, the lack of deep self-knowledge is not compensated for by high arbitrariness. Children are impulsive, inconsistent in actions and relationships, not responsible enough. Such children are not self-confident and do not understand themselves well. Often they reject the values ​​of their parents, but instead are unable to offer anything of their own. Having entered adulthood, they do not find a stable position for a long time.

Communication with peers is also necessary for the formation of self-determination in early adolescence, but it has other functions. If a high school student resorts to confidential communication with an adult, mainly in problem situations, then communication with friends remains intimate and personal. Youthful friendship is unique, it occupies an exceptional position among other attachments. FROM best friend or a friend discusses the cases of the greatest disappointments currently experienced, relationships with peers - members of the opposite sex.

In high school, the development of children's cognitive processes reaches such a level that they are practically ready to perform all types of mental work of an adult, including the most complex ones. By the senior school age there is an assimilation of many scientific concepts, improving the ability to use them, reason logically and abstractly. This means the formation of theoretical or verbal - logical thinking. At the same time, intellectualization of all other cognitive processes is observed.

Senior school age is characterized by the continuing development of general and special abilities of children on the basis of the leading activities: teaching, communication and labor. A significant increase in subject knowledge creates a good basis for the subsequent development of skills and abilities in those types of activities where this knowledge is practically necessary. Early adolescence are quite sensitive for the development of the whole complex of various abilities, and their practical use affects individual differences, which increase towards the end of this age.

Early youth is the time of real transition to real adulthood. On that age period there are a number of neoplasms in the structure of personality - in the moral sphere, worldview, the features of communication with adults and peers are significantly changing.

There is a pronounced gender-role differentiation at this age, that is, the development of forms of male and female behavior in boys and girls. They know how to behave in certain situations, their role behavior is quite flexible. Along with this, a kind of infantile-role rigidity is sometimes observed in situations of communication with different people. The period of early adolescence is characterized by great contradictions, internal inconsistency and variability of many social attitudes. By the end of adolescence, the formation of a complex system of social attitudes is completed, and it concerns all components of attitudes: cognitive, emotional and behavioral.

Interpersonal communication in adolescence takes even more time than in adolescence, and most of time spent interacting with peers.

During this period of time, the relationship of boys and girls with adults usually changes. In early adolescence, compared with adolescence, the severity of interpersonal conflicts decreases and negativism is less manifested in relationships with other people. Relationships become more even, less conflicted than they were in adolescence. High school students begin to listen more to the advice of parents and teachers, with greater confidence in them.

The formation of moral self-awareness falls on the period of early youth. The same period is characterized by a transition to a new level of morality - conventional (according to Kohlberg). If for younger children school age the source of setting and solving moral problems are adults - teachers and parents, if teenagers, in addition, seek their solutions from their peers, then a high school student is more guided by his own views, beliefs, which are formed on the basis of acquired knowledge and his life experience. Self-determination, stabilization of the personality in early youth are associated with the development of a worldview.

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