Why you need to know the rules of courtesy. How to be polite

1. Think and write down why you need to know and follow the rules of politeness.

so that people would be pleased to communicate with me, so that I would have many friends.

2. Question Ant asks you to teach him the rules of politeness. Write what polite words are suitable for these cases:

With a neighbor on the desk, conduct a mutual check of the work.

3. Analyze situations from the life of Seryozha and Nadia. Complete the tasks.

1) Turning to the seller, Seryozha said: "A pack of milk and a pack of cottage cheese." What word did he forget to add? Emphasize: I'm sorry please , Thank you.

2) Nadia needs to call her friend Masha. What's the best way to ask her on the phone? Mark with a tick.

4. Here write down the rules that you will formulate for yourself according to the story of Seryozha and Nadia.

My magical deeds

- women and girls should be let ahead;
- if a woman comes out, then you need to step back and let her go first
- the man gets off the tram first and gives his hand to the woman.

5. At home, repeat the courtesy rules learned in class. Ask an adult to check on you. Together write down 2-3 more rules that were not discussed in the lesson.

Say hello first.

Surround guests with care, creating a comfortable environment for them

Discuss your notes in class. Take note of what other guys have written.

Book "Luxury Service"

Chapter: 28 rules of courtesy

2. Say hello first.

3. Never make you wait.

4. Show joy when you meet.

5. Ask "How are you?" or “Is everything okay?”

6. If these questions are addressed to you, then first thank the interlocutor for the attention shown, answering: “Thank you, everything is fine.”

7. Begin any appeal to a person with the word “sorry” or the phrase: “Excuse me, can I ...”.

8. If you know the name of your interlocutor, always address him by his first name.

9. Address the person as he introduced himself to you, do not change his name.

10. If you are addressed while standing, then if you are sitting, be sure to stand up.

11. If you are addressed sitting, and you are standing, then sit down opposite or next to the interlocutor, or lean slightly towards him.

12. Be careful: if you need to leave, then tell the interlocutor after what time you will return to him.

13. Thank you for talking with you at the end of the conversation: “It was a pleasure to talk with you” or: “It was a pleasure to spend time with you”, etc.

14. If you give any object, accompany this gesture with polite words “please”, “please”.

15. Give way, by tilting your head or by a gesture, inviting the person to go forward, accompanying this gesture of attention with words of politeness.

16 . Show hospitality: for those who come to you for the first time, organize a short tour of an unfamiliar space, accompanying it with stories and interesting stories about your company.

17. Show friendliness and willingness to help in any situation.

18. Keep your promises.

19. Be attentive to the wishes of guests or customers.

20. Surround your guests with care, creating a comfortable environment for them.

21. If during a previous visit your interlocutor spoke about an upcoming important event for him, ask when new meeting, was it successful?

22. If you want to give someone a compliment, do not put it off until later: “Let me give you a compliment, I really like how you look today!”

23. Be equally kind and welcoming to all present.

24. If you are chatting with someone and someone else is talking to you at the same time, apologize to your interlocutor before paying attention to another.

25. When compliments are addressed to you, say that you are very pleased to hear it, and respond with a worthy compliment.

26. Try to make communication with you as pleasant and warm as possible.

27. See off everyone with whom you communicated, thanking for the visit and for Special attention to you, opening the doors to those who leave.

28. Remember that no one has ever canceled the rules of courtesy!

Lesson of the surrounding world in the 2nd grade on the topic "Rules of politeness"

  1. To expand students' knowledge of polite and kind words and their application in real life situations.
  2. To develop in children the ability to analyze their actions.
  3. Cultivate a sense of kindness, politeness, mutual understanding.
  • memorizing poems about politeness;
  • production on the poster of the person Her Majesty Politeness;
  • preparing slides for viewing;
  • preparation of a dramatization of the fairy tale "Polite words".
  • multimedia project;
  • presentation "Polite words" (see Appendix);
  • individual cards for group work;
  • posters for the task "Continue the offer";
  • envelopes with the wishes of Her Majesty Courtesy.

Members: 2nd grade students.

1. Motivational moment.

Good morning to all those who slept well!

- Good morning to all those who did the exercises!

Good morning to all those who came to school with good mood!

- I wish everyone have a good day and high spirits.

2. Setting the objectives of the lesson.

- Guys, what do you think, what kind of person is easy to live in the world: good or evil?

Who do you think is a good person?

What do you need to do to be kind?

- Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with the rules of politeness.

(1st slide: topic "Rules of courtesy".)

And HER MAJESTY POLITENESS itself will help us in this. She did not come empty-handed, but with wishes that were hidden in envelopes.

(2nd slide with a poem.)

- The whole secret is that only to a polite, well-mannered and good man The people around you are always kind. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone.

Why should we not be attentive, polite and good friend to friend? After all, it's not that hard!

Politeness for adults and for children is important,
Politeness is wonderful and good country.
Politeness should be taught to everyone from childhood,
Politeness, guys, is a piece of magic.

If we are polite
Every day and hour
The world will become happier
Millions of times!

There are many wonderful words in the world,
Those that make us happy, warm and treat.
I think everyone is ready to name them:
Hello hello
Good evening everyone!

There are words that are immensely kind to people,
Lighting up the whole world like the sun at its zenith.
They are known by people, and hedgehogs, and beavers:
Thank you, please, ah, sorry!

3. Work on a new lesson topic.

1) The formation of the word "Politeness".

- I take the first envelope from Her Majesty COURTESY and read what her first wish we need to fulfill.

Envelope entry:"I want you to know how the word "Politeness" was formed?"

“Are you guys wondering where the word “politeness” came from?”

Attention to the screen!

(3rd slide: designation of the word Politeness.)

- Until the 6th century, the word "VEZHE" was widely used in Russian:

"VEZHE" is a person who knows how to behave in a given situation.

"Vezhestvo" - turned into "politeness".

"VEZHESTVO" is a valuable and obligatory quality.

2) Exchange of own experience.

- You have a small life experience, but many of you already know some of the rules for being polite to others. Share with us your knowledge.

  1. You need to say hello when meeting with people you know and say "goodbye" to them when parting.
  2. You always need to be neat, combed and washed, so that the people around you would be pleased to communicate with you.
  3. You need to respect the elders: help them around the house, give way to public transport.
  4. More often in your speech you need to use "magic" words.
  5. You need to be attentive to others, not to cause them trouble, not to offend them by word or deed.

3) The use of "magic" words in speech.

“Let’s take envelope number 2 from Her Majesty Courtesy and grant her second wish.” We open the envelope.

Envelope entry:“I want you all to be polite children and use “magic” words more often in your speech.”

Teacher: In the everyday life of a polite, well-mannered person, there are always words that we call “magic”. With the help of these words, even rude and offended person help restore a good mood, cheer up.

Let's remember these words with the help of the game (the children name and these words appear on the screen after the children have named the "magic" word).

- Even an ice block will melt from a warm word. (Thanks.)(4th slide)

- The old stump will turn green when it hears. (Good afternoon.)(5th slide)

- If you can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom. (Thanks.)(6th slide)

- When we are scolded for pranks, we say. (Forgive me please.)(7th slide)

— A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting. (Hello.)(8th slide)

- Both in France and in Denmark they say goodbye. (Goodbye.)(9th slide)

Child reads a poem polite words Oh.

Words: "Goodbye!",
"Thank you", "I'm sorry"
"Please", "Hello" -
Donate generously!
Give to passers-by
Friends and acquaintances.
In the trolleybus, in the park
At school and at home.
These words are very, very important.
They are necessary for a person like air.
Without them it is impossible to live in the world.
These words should be given with a smile.

4) From the history of the origin of the rules of politeness.

“Let’s take the third envelope from Her Courtesy Majesty and find out about her next wish.”

Envelope entry:“I want you to know where the rules of courtesy come from, and also get to know them.”

Teacher: Are you interested in knowing this? Then listen:

- Billions of times in the life of people repeated some common everyday situations: people met, parted, got acquainted, rendered services to each other, asked for something, expressed sympathy. People found and passed on from generation to generation the most convenient, economical, reasonable ways of acting in such situations. So there were rules of conduct or rules of politeness.

(10th slide "Rules of courtesy".)

Teacher: AT ancient China For example, there were about 30 thousand ceremonies: how to knock on the door, how to enter, how to get up, how to sit down, how to take a cup of tea - all this was determined and strictly scheduled.

- Let's get acquainted with the rules of courtesy that Her Majesty Courtesy presents to you.

(On the screen, at the click of the mouse, one after another the rules of politeness appear, the children read them in turn.)

  1. Do not rush to be the first to sit at the table.
  2. Don't talk while eating.
  3. Remember to close your mouth when you chew.
  4. Don't chew.
  5. Don't be the first to jump out the door.
  6. Don't interrupt the speaker.
  7. Do not shout or raise your voice unless there are deaf people in front of you.
  8. Don't wave your arms.
  9. Don't point your finger at anyone.
  10. Do not interfere in someone else's conversation without saying "I'm sorry"
  11. Don't forget to apologize if you pushed someone.
  12. Do not pretend in a trolleybus or bus that you do not notice the standing old man.
  13. Don't keep your hands in your pockets.

Guys, why do people need these rules? Is it really impossible to do without them?

The teacher summarizes the answers of the children: we need the rules of politeness everywhere and always. Otherwise, people would not be able to communicate with each other, help, respect each other. And in general they would be at the level of a caveman.

4. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Polite words".

- And now let's show Her Majesty Courtesy that we are not just students of school No. 1, but to some extent, artists. We are preparing for you parent meeting and our scene will just turn out to be appropriate in this lesson today.

Let's imagine for a while that we are in the theater watching a play. Our artists will present to your attention a fairy tale called “Polite Words”. You watch it carefully, remember. At the end, I will ask you a few questions.

5. Discussion of the skit on questions.

Why didn't the cashier give the bear a ticket first?

How did the mother bear help her son? What did she do?

What lesson did the little bear at the checkout receive and how did he understand it?

- How did he behave at the checkout then?

— How did the attitude of the cashier towards the teddy bear change at the second meeting?

What words did his mother use to describe him?

- How do you understand the expression "Here comes a bear and glows with happiness"?

6. Playing out situations from the textbook.

- Open the textbook on page 54, read the task. Think of a situation for each picture using the "magic" words.

7. Work in groups "Form your own rule."

Children are given the rules of politeness, only each word separately.

Task: compose correct sentence to be interpreted as a rule of politeness.

  1. Be polite to your comrades: do not give them nicknames and nicknames.
  2. Do not argue with your comrades over trifles, do not quarrel, work and play together.
  3. Be attentive to others, do not cause them trouble.

8. Summing up. Relaxation.

- Summing up all the above, let's continue the proposals:

  • I use polite words when. .
  • The rules of courtesy help me when. .
  • I would like to see the people around me polite because. .

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. I enjoyed talking with you and I think our lesson will benefit you.

  1. "Holiday at school. Scenarios, competitions, quizzes. Margarita Davydova, Irina Agapova. For students in grades 1-5. Moscow, 2000.
  2. "School and leisure." M.A. Besov. Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1997.
  3. "Pedagogical Council" No. 5-2007.
  4. Scenarios school holidays. Second-graders love holidays ... / Series "School of Joy" / Rostov n / D: publishing house "Phoenix", 2001.
  5. "Politeness for every day" Jan Kamychek. Moscow, 1988, Knowledge Publishing House.
  6. "Let's talk about politeness" B. Bushelev. Irkutsk, 1988. East Siberian book publishing house.


20 courtesy rules to teach your child

"Ugh, how uncivilized!" - says Freken Bock of the legendary cartoon about the Kid and his charming friend Carlson. And if the “housekeeper” is still a collective and generally ironic image, then in real life to hear in your address (especially - in the address of your child) such an assessment, to put it mildly, is unpleasant.

Yes, you can't please everyone. Yes, personality matters. But know the rules good manners and mastering them is like learning to read: you may not become a book lover, but in some situations this skill can save a life (if dangerous object it says "Don't get in - it will kill", for example).

Below simple truths which are well known to adults, but children need to explain and demonstrate them by personal example - this is the only way they will remember the rules.

What is worth teaching a child so that he feels confident in any situation?

1. Say "thank you" and "please".

2. Say hello and goodbye (with peers and adults).

3. Do not interrupt someone who is speaking (especially older ones). And if you still need to say something important and urgent, then you should start with an apology: “Forgive me for interrupting, but ...”.

4. Ask adults for permission in certain situations.

5. Do not take other people's things without asking.

Do not evaluate a person aloud regarding his external data (exceptions are positive ratings, but with them you need to show tact and delicacy).

7. Keep up the conversation when the interlocutor asks: “How are you?”. The child needs to be taught that this question is appropriate to ask friends and family, and that it does not require too detailed an answer. Then, out of politeness, you need to ask how your friend is doing.

Knock on closed doors and enter only after the answer.

9. Show the basics telephone etiquette: to say hello and say goodbye, and when the child himself calls someone, you need to introduce yourself and clarify whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to talk.

10. Open doors for the elderly and let them go ahead. Explain to the boys that they should let girls and women go first.

11. Do not push people with your elbows when entering, for example, public transport.

12. Offer your help when needed.

13. To behave culturally at the table, to learn how to use cutlery correctly.

14. Do not talk with a full mouth, use a napkin while eating.

15. Do not reach across the entire table for food, but ask those who are sitting nearby to pass the dish.

16. Accept any gifts with gratitude.

17. Do not speak rude, swear words.

18. Do not tease or call anyone names.

19. Ask for forgiveness when the situation calls for it.

20. Cover your mouth with your palm when sneezing and coughing, do not blow your nose in public and do not get your fingers up your nose.

The list could be very long, because we learn the rules of behavior all our lives. For some time, the child has enough basic guidelines, after which he will already understand himself: being polite is a good and pleasant thing.

Adults will have to show maximum patience and love in order to "do no harm." After all, politeness implies respect for other people, and this art cannot be learned under pressure. Agree, it looks strange when an adult asks the kid not to swear, but he calls the child stupid (there are also extremely rude evaluative expressions) - and this, unfortunately, is common.

“Do to others as you would like to be treated” is the rule that works when you don’t know how to behave. What is not a motto for young ladies and gentlemen?

How to teach children the rules of politeness?

"A polite person is always safe, but a rude person will be in trouble"

(from the writings of Japanese warriors)

A prerequisite normal life in society - maintaining optimal relations between its members and the desire to avoid conflicts. This becomes possible only by recognizing the right of each person to attention and respect through the observance of the rules of courtesy.

Unfortunately, in society there is often a manifestation of harshness, rudeness, disrespect for other people. The norms of decent behavior are often neglected, although it is extremely difficult to establish mutually beneficial and harmonious relations in society without courtesy.

The rules of politeness of children must be methodically taught

What is politeness and its meaning?

Politeness is a character trait that belongs to the categories of "morality" and "behavior".

A person endowed with this quality is characterized by:

  • the ability to communicate tactfully and respectfully with people;
  • the ability to find compromise solutions in conflict situations;
  • the art of listening opposite point vision.

The concept of "politeness" in different cultures It has different content. What in some countries is considered strange or rude, in others is considered a manifestation of politeness. This is a kind of tool with which people feel comfortable being in society and in contact with each other.

Children should also hear words of gratitude from adults.

For children, politeness only matters when it becomes the norm. Everyday life and became a habit.

For this to happen, the younger generation needs to be explained what a good tone is. With the help of special exercises, it is necessary to make politeness for children natural.

It is well complemented by delicacy, which is innate quality, which, unfortunately, cannot be learned, but you can get closer by studying the rules of politeness of children. In addition to parents and teachers, this is successfully facilitated by the teacher's own efforts and inspiring examples.

Good manners are instilled in children in the family.

The criterion by which one can determine how polite a person is can be by the ability not to put people in an awkward position. Being in society, every act and desire inevitably, directly or indirectly, affects others.

Therefore, a boundary must always be established between desires and possibilities. To strengthen it, there is self-esteem and one's own attitude not to cause harm and inconvenience to others.

Where to start?

The first thing a child should learn is the words: "thank you", "please" and "sorry" ("sorry"), and situations when their use is appropriate. For example, the word “thank you” is customary to give thanks, and this word means the one with which we say to a person “God save” for something that he was not at all obliged to do. “Please” means “to give because you love” (from the other Russian “please”), pronouncing this word, we recognize free will another. With the word "sorry" or "sorry" we ask for forgiveness.

Magic words should be first in the lexicon of a little person

These words should be used freely, automatically, naturally, otherwise, they sound impolite, with notes of rudeness, disrespect and hostility.

There are no trifles in teaching politeness to children; everything related to relationships requires attention. The rules of courtesy for children include methods of addressing, acquaintances, greetings, acquaintances.

In communication, it is necessary to remember the “inequality” between adults and children present and entering the premises, girls and boys, waiting and late.

Rules of conduct in transport - one of the types of courtesy

The child must understand that the physical defects of people are not a reason for ridicule; you need to address peers and younger by name, to adults - by name and patronymic. It is necessary to draw his attention to the fact that to express openly and violently his negative emotions almost always inappropriate. So what top score manifestations of politeness to others - restraint.

Practical training for children

Practicing courtesy for children starts in the family. The best role models are households, and first of all, parents, what is instilled exemplary behavior(exemplary), do not instill by force.

Observing the behavior of the baby, you need to notice his mistakes in relationships, and later in calm environment discuss the situation and explain why he is wrong. It is desirable to give an example of how this should have been done.

Family etiquette rules

AT everyday situations the child needs words: "thank you" - "please", " good morning» - « Good night”, etc., and make sure that he answers and imitates you.

Education of politeness through games

The game is the most accessible means for understanding the child to comprehend the structure of the world, this is the most favorable environment to teach him the necessary skills.

The situation created in the game imperceptibly and unobtrusively will teach the child better than a thousand words. For example, take a plush toy in your hands and say hello to your child. This is how you teach your child how to say hello. Ask him for something using the word "please", etc.

School courtesy games

Encouragements and remarks

It is very important to encourage the child with praise, especially when he is just beginning to learn the basics of politeness. Mark when he did everything right, so he will be more oriented, that is, he will learn well what behavior is correct.

Before making a remark, find out for what reason he acted impolitely. Perhaps there is an explanation for this. In a conversation, it may turn out that the child was shy or upset. Important to find mutual language with your child to build bridges of trust.

A good means of teaching politeness - joint viewing cartoons and feature films, paying attention to the mistakes of the characters or their manifestations of decent behavior. Express your opinion and listen to your child's assessment of the character. Discuss with him the "sharp" moments of the plot.

Parents should explain why it is necessary to be polite

Problems of education of polite behavior skills

It happens that the child gets out of control: he makes a reservation, is silent, does not respond to comments, does not hesitate to use profanity. He does not listen to anyone, and changes usual manner family behavior.

This behavior is typical for children. adolescence. By his actions, he consciously or unconsciously seeks to prove to others that he is no longer a child. At the same time, it requires respectful attitude and privacy of your personal space. He regards any intrusion as utter disrespect.

Indifference is one of the manifestations of impoliteness

Experienced teachers believe that such behavior is the result of a lack of attention and indifference on the part of people who are authoritative for him. Hence the rudeness, in response - a conflict, a verbal skirmish. A teenager has a reason to show independence, and he slams the door. Here is a familiar situation for many.

The only way out of this situation is to show respect for the child and recognize him as an “adult”. As a result of a showdown, he must understand that being an adult is a responsibility. For example, tell him: “I will not touch your clothes, but you must make sure that they are in order”; "I won't go into your room, but now you have to mop the floor and dust yourself."

Carefully appeal to the idols of the child, do not speculate on his feelings for this or that celebrity.

Only unobtrusive mention of best qualities his hero. Take an interest in the biography of an idol. Surely even the singer who died due to drugs had qualities that are worthy of emulation. It would be good to take apart the negative moments of the life of a star and discuss with the child what was the mistake that led to negative consequences and what he lost in doing so.

If a stranger scolds a child, parents should take the side of their baby

There are situations when an outsider gives an assessment of your child's behavior. In this case, the best option will adhere to two principles:

  • parents are always on the side of their child;
  • restraint, which means not getting involved in a conflict and not exacerbating relations with a third party.

What to do with children's spontaneity?

It must be known that it comes from a lack of self-consciousness. After any manifestation, such as pointing a finger at someone and discussing loudly appearance a stranger, a story about household chores at a party, you need to talk with the child and discuss the situation.

Ask him to imagine that he, too, may be in an uncomfortable situation.

For example, a mother will tell about his secrets with the same spontaneity, or he will be ridiculed among authoritative people for no reason. Ask how he would feel in a similar situation.


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Owning his emotions and observing the rules of politeness is much more pleasant in communication than a rude person. The ability to correctly assess and behave in a given situation depends on success in a career, relationships with friends and relatives, well-being in family life. Therefore, every person early age must know and follow the rules of courtesy.

What is politeness

Politeness implies an expression, as well as a manifestation of respect for any person or his action. If you turn to the dictionary with the question of what politeness is, the definition of this word will be as follows - it is a manifestation of good breeding, courtesy and the ability to observe the rules of decency. Being polite is not easy. Very often restrained and appropriate behavior adults are hampered by stress, troubles at work and in their personal lives. Sometimes the manifestation of politeness to a person is impossible because of antipathy towards him. One of the most important and valuable qualities of a person is the ability to show himself with restraint and politeness in different situations. It is often very difficult for children to understand what politeness is. Therefore, it is very important to teach the child to early childhood observance of the rules of courtesy. After all, this quality is always noticed and appreciated.

Showing courtesy

A person shows courtesy to another if he constantly uses the words “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me” and the like in a conversation.

Spouses are tactful in their attitude and instill this in their child if they do not use rude and obscene words in a conversation with each other.

In politics, showing respect for the interlocutor during negotiations is called diplomatic courtesy.

A person is considered polite if he shows his respect to both elders and younger ones.

Rules of courtesy for children

What this should know not only every adult, but also a child.

First of all, the child needs to explain what politeness is, the definition of this word. And also how educated kids behave and why it is so important to be polite. It is very convenient to study the rules of politeness in pictures and game form. There are even rules in verse so that the child can more easily remember and understand them.

One of universal rules that every adult knows: treat others the way you want to be treated. Children very often consciously do not want to be paid attention to and greeted. That is why this rule is very important in the formation of politeness and awareness of this very concept - politeness: what it is and how it manifests itself.

It is important to teach your child to use words of gratitude correctly. You need to thank not only if a gift was presented (even if you didn’t like it), but also if another person helped or rendered any service. It is necessary to explain that help and mutual assistance - this is politeness, is very much appreciated.

It is necessary to tell the child that you can not call names, make fun of someone or come up with offensive nicknames, focusing on the shortcomings of another person. Instead, praise others for good deeds, to note their dignity to be able to listen to a person without interrupting him.

Knowing and understanding that you need to respect other people, you can’t be selfish and put your desires first - politeness. What kind of attitude towards other people should be in any communication and that it is ugly to interrupt someone or shout for no reason, you need to explain to the child from an early age.

magic words

Of course, the main aspect is the study, correct understanding what are words of politeness and the use of magic words such as "thank you", "hello", "goodbye", "sorry", "please" and so on. You need to explain to the baby that they can be used in different situations. For example, they apologize not only when they act badly or feel guilty for an act, but also when they want to ask another person for something or attract his attention, distracting him from another business or conversation. As communication with other children and adults increases, skills in using polite words will increase.

Basic rules of courtesy

  1. Say hello first and respond to greetings.
  2. Don't interrupt others while talking.
  3. Knock when the door is locked.
  4. When leaving, hold the door.
  5. Ask permission if you are visiting.
  6. You can't show disinterest in anything.
  7. Avoid conflict.

There are many rules of courtesy. It is important to remember that a well-bred child whose parents are polite will intuitively act in the same way as they do in similar situations.

How to teach your child to be kind to others

It is hard to argue with the fact that children learn bad things much faster than good things. As soon as a child sees his peer committing a bad deed, adjustments have to be made to his behavior. There is also a certain amount of truth in the fact that children will always be like their parents, copying their behavior. That is why the rules of politeness should be observed not only by children, but also by their parents. After all, they are a role model for the child. First of all, the mother and father of the baby must learn to control their emotions and actions, regardless of the situation. When interacting with a child without fail should use the same magic words, always listen to everything that the baby wants to say without interrupting him.

From the first days, you need to build warm and with the child, so that later, when the baby grows up, be an authority for him. Then he will listen to the opinion and instructions of his parents.

To explain the meaning of the word "politeness", what are the rules of politeness is necessary from the very early years. To do this, it is preferable to use the game form.

It is impossible to impose rules on a child and force him to comply with them, and even more so to punish him for misbehavior.

The kid needs to be given a choice of how he can act in a certain situation, and then explain the pros and cons of the decision.

You can not scold the child in the presence of other people. Never criticize a child. You can criticize his behavior, but he himself is not. The child should be praised for showing courtesy.

In dealing with another person, it is not always possible to be kind and delicate. At the same time, we still want to be treated politely and try not to violate our borders. We understand how important politeness is, how it affects relationships, and why it sometimes seems insincere and fake.

What is politeness

Modern psychologists consider politeness as a behavioral pattern. When a person is delicate and polite with others, he builds more "useful" communication. Not only observes etiquette, but respects the boundaries of other people.

Polite behavior is one way to get what you want and not go against the wishes of other people. The founder of Gestalt therapy, Frederick Perls, said that a person is always in conflict with society. He has his own needs, society has a set of laws and rules on how to satisfy these very needs. Laws and regulations are written down in documents or passed from mouth to mouth. Being polite is a norm that is not spelled out in laws, but is passed from mouth to mouth. If you want to be a good neighbor, friend, colleague, you want to achieve feedback and build sustainable relationships - be polite.

Why politeness is important for a sustainable relationship

Politeness is based on love for other people. Being polite is not a formality. Not being rude, not being rude means thinking about your friends, relatives or bus neighbors. Remembering that you are a person, and not breaking down on others helps. rule of four seconds by Peter Bregman. If you want to flare up, just breathe deeply for four seconds (at least). With a deep exhalation and inhalation, anger, if not gone, will decrease.

Politeness helps keep boundaries. When people want to be respected, they want their boundaries to be respected. They asked about their consent, took into account the needs. This does not mean that you need to ask everyone on the bus if you can open the window. But if someone asked to close, because it's blowing hard, you should take into account his opinion.

Politeness sets an example for others. Polite behavior is an important tool in teaching and raising children. And not only children. If you require courtesy from relatives, formulate your opinion in a respectful, not harsh form. The word “please” and the appeal to “you” are soothing - you immediately want to answer just as politely.

Politeness allows you to remain human even in emergency situations. It seems that politeness is not needed in a crush, in a fire or in an accident. But this is not so - slowness and indifference are not needed, but love for others and respect for boundaries are still important. You can’t get out of the crush on the heads - you need to help everyone who is in trouble.

How to be polite

Rely not on words, but on deeds. Saying "I'm sorry" is not polite. Thinking about others and trying not to step on your feet on public transport is polite. You can be delicate and without unnecessary words.

Think before you do. Leonard Mlodinov in his book “(Un)conscious” writes that what distinguishes man from animals is the ability to calculate the consequences of his actions. And to calculate not only what will happen, but also what others will think about it. This ability allows you to be polite - to predict reactions to actions and understand whether this will disturb the peace and health of others.

The rules of courtesy are the most important attribute of every educated person. Good manners must be learned from an early age, and steadfastly observed under all circumstances, in any environment. Let's find out what are the rules of politeness in communication at home, at school, on a walk, in public places.

What is courtesy for?

Politeness is a manifestation good upbringing, which directly indicates the level of a person’s culture, his wealth inner world. The rules of politeness were not created by chance: it is much easier for educated people to expand their circle of contacts and achieve their goals.

Actually, be polite person not so difficult. It is enough to instill good manners in yourself and not to forget to apply them everywhere and everywhere. After some time, they will become a habit, and such behavior will become the absolute norm.

Rice. 1. Even small children should know the rules of politeness.

But how does a polite person behave in society? Let's look at the most common life situations.

  • When meeting with a familiar person or group of people, it is imperative to say hello. You need to do this correctly: smile friendly, look the interlocutor straight in the eye, pronounce the greeting clearly, with soft, courteous intonations.

You can say hello to friends or classmates by simply saying “Hello!”. For all other people, the greeting should be more restrained - “Good afternoon (morning, evening)!”, “Hello!”, But in no case “Hey, you”, “Hello” and so on. This indicates a low culture of a person.

Rice. 2. Meeting with friends.

  • Seeing a friend on the street, you should not run towards him, pushing passers-by in the way. If a chance meeting took place in a cafe, cinema or theater, it is enough to nod in greeting, but not shout it out.
  • In public places, you should not talk or laugh too loudly, gesticulate excessively emotionally.
  • The rules of courtesy also provide for a mandatory farewell when leaving.
  • Unfamiliar or older people should be addressed to "You". And only with friends, classmates, relatives, it is appropriate to appeal to “You”.

In the everyday life of a truly polite person, there are always words that are commonly called "magic". After all, even in difficult situation they will help to find mutual understanding with the interlocutor. Such words include "Thank you", "Please", "Sorry", "Please ...".

Polite Behavior

But not only the use of polite words can make a person well-mannered. Great importance have his actions, behavior. To be known as a cultured and polite person, must be respected simple rules:

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  • Do not raise your voice to the interlocutor, do not interrupt him, listen carefully to everything that he wants to say.
  • Give up your seat on public transport to those who need it more.
  • In a theater or cinema, going to your place, you need to apologize to people already sitting and move only facing the audience.
  • In public places, in no case do not pick your nose, teeth, blow your nose loudly, yawn with your mouth open.

Rice. 3. Picking your nose is unacceptable!.

Politeness and culture of behavior has always been highly valued, because you can’t buy it for any money. Therefore, it is so important to instill good manners in childhood in order to have the glory of a well-mannered person in any society.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic "Rules of politeness" in the 2nd grade program of the world around us, we learned how important it is to be polite and well-mannered person. We figured out how to behave correctly in society and avoid annoying mistakes.

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An episode in a supermarket was described: a cashier complimented the author's daughter for saying "thank you" when he handed her one of the items. “It is rare to see good manners in customers,” the store employee said, “and the parents themselves are often the most rude.”

What used to be considered a sign of good taste began to lose importance. Being in public, we increasingly withdraw into ourselves and into electronic devices without noticing what is happening around. Therefore, elderly people and pregnant women ride standing in minibuses, neighbors do not greet each other near the elevator, men do not hold doors in front of women, children interrupt adults without hesitation. Modern man acts for itself, therefore, first of all, it carries itself into this world.

Now adults often say: “We do not teach children to say hello or say “thank you” with the help of instructions. They will grow up - they will learn for themselves, what is the use of the phrase "say the magic word"? There is some truth in this: most likely, children will really learn to say “please” and “thank you” with the help of kindergarten teachers and school teachers. But how much easier it will be for them to communicate with others if the habit of smiling when they meet, asking permission to take someone else's thing, to apologize when they hurt someone, from an early age will be the norm, and not labored words that must be pronounced, but do not want to.

It’s great when a child uses a knife and fork at dinner, knows that you don’t need to talk to stuffed mouth, and does not put his elbows on the table. But success in communicating with other people will most likely be determined not by table etiquette, but by how the child behaves on a universal human level, how much his manners correspond to generally accepted ones, and how much he himself fits into the environment.

Politeness is evidence that the child treats other people with sensitivity and respect. And here the boomerang law works: we treat another person the way he treats us. Therefore, a polite child in most cases will meet mutual good relations, and magic words going out of fashion will open different doors for him.

An apple from an apple tree: 8 useful rules of courtesy

“Thank you” and “please” cannot be memorized like a multiplication table - brought to automatism, these words will not sound from the heart. The natural way to instill good manners in children is to set an example in your own daily reactions. Like our children look at us in a mirror. We thank the girl who gave the flyer on the street - and the next time the children will say “thank you” to the cashier who packed a box of Happy Meals for them. We ask permission to look at their drawings in the album, and children will not take their parent's phone without asking to take a picture of their craft. We apologize when we accidentally stepped on the baby's foot, and the child, inadvertently pushing a peer on playground, apologize for the awkwardness. How useful things can adults teach children?

Greet. Most parents teach kids to wave their hands and say “bye”, but the child will have to say hello no less often: with relatives, friends, neighbors, educators, sellers. Practice this useful skill with puppets and soft toys playing "guests", "shop", "hospital". Be the first to say hello at first to provoke your child to answer you. Greet and smile at the janitor, the cashier, the doctors at the clinic, the taxi driver. Teach the boys to shake hands when you meet - for them this is a ritual of special importance.

Say "thank you". Children will be treated many times, give gifts, fulfill their requests. Remind them that it is customary to say “thank you” for a kind gesture. Thank yourself for the fact that the child brought his laundry to the laundry, helped to sort out the package of groceries, treated him with chocolate. While he is small, unable to speak, or shy of the guest who gave him balloon, each time you say “thank you” for the baby, without reproaching him for being silent.

Say "please". AT modern language this word is increasingly being reduced to a textual “please”, and until it becomes archaic at all, let the first “please” come from the parents. Politely asking the child to pass the sugar bowl or bread, adults demonstrate correct form requests. When playing in the sandbox, ask another kid for an extra spatula. When buying ice cream in the park, say "please" at the beginning of a sentence. Hearing polite form many times, the child will begin to use it in his vocabulary. And you, when you hear “please” from the baby, hug and kiss him, this will give him a good sign that he is doing everything right.

Say sorry. To make it easier for children to pronounce this not the easiest word in the world, be generous and forgive their mistakes with a light heart. Do not be afraid to apologize yourself if you understand that you undeservedly shouted or reacted too violently to a childish misconduct. So the child will understand that the word "sorry" - important step to reconciliation and building relationships with those whom he offended, as well as medicine for those whom he inadvertently hurt.

Give in and help the weak. Give way to the check-in queue at the airport for a family with a baby, because it is more difficult for small ones to wait. Give way to a girl, mother, grandmother. Give way to elders in transport, hold the door for another person. Children may not guess what exactly needs to be done, but they love to help - whisper in their ear to help grandma carry a bag of groceries to the refrigerator, cut off the first piece of cake for her. Gratitude from another person is sure to inspire the child.

Do not discuss others in public. What parent has not been in a situation where a child, seeing a person with a different skin color or appearance for the first time, points a finger at him and loudly asks why his uncle is so dark color face or no hair. Agree that if the child is interested in something about passers-by, he can ask his question quietly, without attracting the attention of others. Explain that discussing the appearance of other people out loud is not accepted: it can be unpleasant for them. But always focus on how interesting it is when people look different.

Don't interrupt. One of key points conversations - let the other person finish the sentence before responding with their own line. It is important to adhere to this rule both in relation to dialogues with children and to expect from them mutual respect when you are busy or talking to another adult. Come up with a sign by which the baby can attract your attention: touch his elbow, wave his hand, gently squeeze his palm - so that you immediately understand that he wants to tell you something, and can come up when you are free. When that moment comes, listen to the child's request with full attention.

Respect the rules of the other house. It is important to explain to the children that in every place outside your home different rules behavior. They don’t scream or run in the theater and restaurant, but on the playground or in the play maze - please. At home, you can talk in any voice you like, but in the clinic it is better to lower the tone. It is allowed to jump on the bed in your room, but you can do it at a party only if the owners themselves allowed it.

What is all this for? It's no secret that children with good manners easier to adapt to kindergarten and school, to follow the rules adopted in the collectives. With them it is easy to go to visit and cafe, visit social events without risk, constantly make sure that they do not spoil something and do not interfere with other people's rest. But with a polite child, it is easier not only for others. First of all, he himself feels at ease everywhere, because he has a habit of thinking about the feelings of others and about what he says. And this habit comes from the parental home, in which the main thing is not the motto "do as I say", but the example of adults - "do as I do."