An effective leader: a psychological portrait. Login forgot password

Psychological picture modern leader



2010/2011 academic year


    Portrait of a modern leader

    Leader's personality

    What it takes to be a leader

    "Commandments of the leader"


    List of used literature


Management came along with the people. Where at least two people united in an effort to achieve some common goal, the task of coordinating their joint actions arose, the solution of which one of them had to take on. Under these conditions, he became a leader, manager, and the other - his subordinate, executor.

At all stages of the formation of society, the problem of governance was quite acute, and many people tried to solve it, but their works were fragmented and did not constitute a generalized theory.

And only in the second half of the last century, after the victory of the industrial revolution in the West, the situation changed dramatically. Market relations have taken possession of all spheres of society. Like mushrooms after the rain, large firms grew, requiring a large number of top and middle managers who were able to make competent rational decisions, who knew how to work with large masses of people who would be free in their actions. Therefore, high professionalism, competence, and the ability to measure their activities with existing laws were required from managers. As a result, a group of people specially engaged in managerial activities appears. These leaders no longer need to keep their subordinates in obedience with an authoritative hand. The main task is the painstaking organization and daily management of production in order to ensure the greatest profit for the owners of the company. These people became known as managers.

Currently, there is a certain minimum of different characteristics for a modern manager. What are these characteristics, and what should be the portrait of a modern manager, will be discussed further.

Psychological portrait of a leader

The psychological qualities of a leader allow him to establish and maintain good business and psychological contact with subordinate higher and lower managers and public organizations, as well as create a favorable psychological climate and team spirit.

The main socio-psychological qualities include:

    Sense of collectivism





The feeling of collectivism is based on a deep understanding of the collective nature of society, its production. This is a sense of collectivism as a socio-psychological category, as an organic property of the individual. If the manager lacks this property, then this cannot contribute to the formation of other positive socio-psychological qualities in him.

Sociability - the ability of a leader to easily and quickly enter into business and psychological contact with people, which allows you to quickly resolve issues that require his personal participation, as well as the ability to reliably convey information. In a word, it is important for a leader to be able to find the right relationship with subordinates, to take the right tone of communication. Subordinates should feel that they are not blind executors of the will of the leader, but accomplices in the overall process. And here the art of a leader is to be able to be a senior among equals. And this means that he must first of all use the methods of explanation, persuasion, and only as a last resort - power methods.

Initiative. This concept is very versatile. This is the promotion of new ideas for improving the production of labor and management, and the improvement living conditions subordinates, and improving the methods of educational work, and much more. The importance of this quality is especially great in the age of the scientific and technological revolution. The initiative should be aimed at finding and using the best methods for implementing state plans and programs, as well as be timely and realistically feasible.

Self-control is a very important quality of a leader in his relations with people. Self-control helps the leader successfully resolve conflicts, the occurrence of which is almost inevitable. A leader who cannot control himself cannot arouse a sense of trust among his subordinates. Discretion, the ability to convince people, find a fair solution in the interests of the case and restore the disturbed normal psychological climate in the team, all this is the enduring value of the quality of self-control.

And it remains to say about the feeling of empathy, i.e. empathy, empathy, the ability to put oneself in the place of another. Today, no one can live without them, and even more so the leader.

This is a set of socio-psychological qualities that a modern leader must comply with. He is the standard that subordinates consciously or unconsciously imitate.

Anna ZAVGORODNYAYA, technician of the 1st category, GazpromTransGas - Ukhta LLC:

"The chief, in my opinion, must first of all be a professional in his field - which means that he must have a higher specialized education. In addition, susceptibility to technical innovations is important for a modern leader. First of all, this concerns computer literacy.

A good boss must have a sense of tact in communicating with subordinates - otherwise he will not be able to create a team of like-minded people around him. A sense of humor, in my opinion, is also necessary for him in order to defuse the emotional tension that sometimes arises in a team.

Also, a pleasant impression is made by leaders who have broad erudition and show it to the point. But the main qualities for a boss are, on the one hand, exactingness towards subordinates, and on the other hand, the ability to take a different point of view and be both strict and fair.

Olga KALININA, social pedagogue high school № 1:

"In order to skillfully manage people, you must have a higher education and be a competent specialist in your field. The boss must know the basics of managerial activity and be able to work with documentation.

For competitiveness, he needs to constantly improve his skills, tracking new trends in his chosen activity.

But it is obvious that the leader works not only with papers, but also with people - and therefore he needs to be a good psychologist.

Yuri PESHKILEV, art director of the glossy magazine "Respect":

“I was somewhat surprised by the phrase “modern leader” in the question. That is, it is assumed that a modern leader should have some special business qualities, compared to the leader of the past or even the century before last. I believe that business qualities are the ability to find adequate approach to emerging situations and shortest way to achieve the goal, be independent in thinking and be able to ensure the implementation of decisions made with high efficiency. These qualities in a leader were valued at all times. Other qualities are difficult to classify as business. Here, the number of skills of a modern leader should be an order of magnitude higher than that of his medieval counterpart. This is the possession of high technologies, knowledge of psychology - that is, in other words, a modern leader should have in his arsenal everything that modern science has given us."

In the process of management, the manager carries out a number of specific functions, among which:

organizing and planning the activities of the team and their own work;

distribution of tasks and instructing subordinates and control over them;

checking and evaluating the results of work; familiarization with all the novelties in the world of business, engineering and technology, promotion and consideration of new ideas and proposals;

resolving issues that are beyond the competence of subordinates; acquaintance with current correspondence;

answering calls and receiving visitors, negotiating

meetings and representation;

filling out reporting forms;


In carrying out his daily duties, the manager communicates with various categories of people. First of all, they are partners. Sometimes they can be very unpleasant, making absurd demands and even threatening, but in any case, they must be treated correctly, without showing irritation. Another category of people with whom you have to communicate are leaders of various ranks. In conversations with them, you should express yourself clearly and unambiguously, stick only to facts or your own thoughts, and briefly express your thoughts. When posing a problem, it is best to immediately offer a solution to it so that the boss does not deal with it from beginning to end. And finally, the manager constantly communicates with colleagues - heads of other departments. He cannot have a direct influence on them, and here, to a special extent, you need to be able to negotiate, bargain and convince.

In the process of communication, the leader has to perform three main roles. Firstly, this is the role of a coordinator, connecting one group of people with another and simplifying the dialogue between them. Secondly, this is the role of an informant, who ensures the reception, transmission and processing of various kinds of information. This role can be played by a controller who monitors the work of subordinates, comparing it with the goals set. It can be taken over by the disseminator of ideas, who is aware of all the changes that affect the work of employees, informing them about it, explaining the company's policy. This is also a representative explaining the meaning and nature of the problems to other departments or partners. Thirdly, it is the decision-making role. She is played by an entrepreneur looking for new ways to achieve goals and taking full responsibility for the risk associated with them. She is played by a manager responsible for allocating the firm's resources. She, finally, is played by a company representative negotiating with partners.

Leader's personality

With regard to the personality of the leader, you can use the classification proposed by the American psychologist M. Shaw (1971). Following the logic of his reasoning, the leader's personality can be "decomposed" into three classes of components:

    Biographical characteristics.


    Personality traits.

L. Iacocca wrote: “If a person at the age of 65 can still work and does his job well, why should he resign? The retired manager worked in the company for a long time and knows everything about it. If a person is physically healthy and eager to do his job, why not use his experience and knowledge? But the history of the development of entrepreneurship shows that very young people - A. Morite, A. Hammer - often stood at the origins of the creation of the largest industrial giants of our time. Therefore, the age of the leader does not matter.

Another characteristic of the leader's personality is gender. The track record of a contemporary woman is not surprising: director, boss, diplomat, etc. It is difficult to find an area of ​​life in modern society where a woman would not play an important, sometimes key, role. Increasing interest has recently been shown in models of female behavior. From the point of view of psychologists, women have a greater interest in relationships between people, which is seen as a plus in terms of leadership effectiveness. So far, it is difficult to say who is more effective as a leader: a man or a woman.

In contrast to age and gender, socioeconomic status and education are extremely important for engaging in managerial activities. The fact that the educational level plays an important role in the career of a manager is emphasized by many authors (L. Iacocca, R. McNamara, A. Morita). At present, in our country, many managers have diplomas in 2 specialties (engineering, economics and Social sciencies), knowledge of a foreign language is emphasized.

The manager's abilities are divided into general (intelligence) and specific (knowledge, skills, etc.). Intellect from the Latin intellectus - understanding, knowledge, in broad sense- the totality of all cognitive functions human and perception to thinking and imagination.

1.1. Psychological portrait of an effective leader

According to L. R. Krichevsky, leadership is a phenomenon that takes place in the system of formal relations; the role of the leader is predetermined, the range of functions of the person implementing it is stipulated. The head of the team is appointed from the outside, by higher management, receives the appropriate authority, has the right to apply sanctions.

Analyzing the psychological portrait of an effective leader, L. R. Krichevsky gives the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of a leader (Fig. 1):

Psychological non-psychological
Satisfaction with membership in the labor collective and work Motivation of team members The authority of the leader Self-assessment of the team Team performance
Action Oriented Quality Orientation Focus on innovation Orientation to the ordinary member of the team Value Leadership Competence orientation humble management staff Freedom and rigidity at the same time

Rice. 1. Criteria for effective team management.

As can be seen from the figure, the performance criteria are divided into two classes: psychological and non-psychological. Let us dwell on the psychological criteria, which include:

1. Satisfaction with membership in the labor collective with its various aspects (relations with colleagues and manager, working conditions, wages, etc.);

2. Motivation of team members (desire to work and the desire to maintain membership in the team);

4. Self-assessment of the team (concerns a number of important characteristics and represents the overall result of the success of its functioning).

Taking into account the above criteria for the effectiveness of leadership, L. R. Krichevsky comes to the conclusion that a leader is considered effective if the team he leads has high performance according to psychological and non-psychological criteria of group effectiveness.

Let us consider in more detail the psychological portrait of a leader, including an effective one, which is based on three important variables: personality, leadership style and authority.

M. Shaw proposes to consider the personality of a leader from the point of view of three components: biographical characteristics, abilities, personality traits. Let's take a closer look at each component.

The biographical characteristics of the leader's personality include his age, gender, socio-economic status and education.

Age is not only a natural, but also a largely socio-psychologically determined characteristic of a person, it is largely his experience. Analyzing data on studies of the relationship between age and leadership effectiveness, R. L. Krichevsky comes to the conclusion that such a relationship has not been identified, giving examples of both effective leaders of a young age (21-25 years old) and extremely mature age.

It is generally recognized that a person's gender identity is closely related to the assimilation and implementation of the role standards of behavior accepted in society, cultivated in the immediate environment of the individual, for example, in the family. Traditionally, the leader is a man, but more and more women are fulfilling themselves in this role. Interest in models of female leadership, in this regard, is increasing in modern socio-psychological research. Of course, some differences in the characteristics of male and female leadership have been identified, but there is no scientifically substantiated data on the predominant effectiveness of one sex or another as leaders.

As for the status and education of the leader, these characteristics have high positive correlations with the effectiveness of leadership.

Following the path we have chosen, let's consider the next component of the leader's personality - abilities. M. Shaw divides abilities into general (intelligence) and specific (knowledge, skills, etc.).

According to E. Ghiselli, T. Kono, the relationship between intelligence and leadership effectiveness is curvilinear, as a rule, the most effective leaders are not those with excessively high or low indicators, but those with intermediate grades.

The specific abilities of the leader's personality include special skills, knowledge, competence, awareness.

The third component - the personality traits of the leader is represented by the following personal characteristics(most frequently found in research as a determinant of leadership effectiveness):

o dominance, as the desire to influence subordinates, while the influence of the leader, based on means of both a social, formal organizational and psychological nature, should find an internal response from subordinates;

o self-confidence, giving subordinates a basis for a sense of stability, and other leaders - the basis for business cooperation;

o emotional balance, control of their emotional manifestations, the adequacy of the displayed emotions;

o stress resistance;

o creativity, the ability to creatively solve problems, which is especially important for innovation activities;

o striving for achievement, involves taking responsibility for solving the problem, striving for moderate, predictable risk, the need for specific feedback;

o entrepreneurial spirit;

o responsibility, which includes, on the one hand, fidelity to agreements, on the other - high quality manufactured products;

o reliability in the performance of the task;

o independence, own point of view, professional and human face;

o sociability, one of the most important characteristics of success, since the manager devotes about three-quarters of his working time to communication.

R. L. Krichevsky supplements the above personality traits of an effective leader with the following managerial characteristics:

1. Breadth of views, global approach,

2. Long term vision and flexibility,

3. Energetic initiative and determination, including in conditions of risk,

4. Hard work and continuous study,

5. Ability to clearly formulate goals and attitudes, willingness to listen to the opinions of others,

6. Impartiality, disinterestedness and loyalty,

7. The ability to fully exploit the capabilities of employees through the correct placement and fair sanctions,

8. Personal charm,

9. Ability to create a team and harmonious atmosphere in him,

10. Health.

Continuing to consider the psychological portrait of an effective leader, let's move on to the second variable - leadership style.

Leadership style is a relatively stable system of ways, methods and forms of practical activity of a manager. In addition, management style is understood as the manner and way of behavior of a manager in the process of preparing and implementing management decisions. In other words, leadership style is a system of constantly applied leadership methods.

Thus, the style and method of leadership exist in a certain unity. Style is a form of implementation of management methods adopted by this leader in accordance with his personal, subjective-psychological characteristics. The method of management is more mobile and sensitive to new needs in the field of managerial relations than the style of leadership.

Leadership style is a strictly individual phenomenon, as it is determined by the specific characteristics of a particular person and reflects the peculiarities of working with people and the decision-making technology of this particular person.

For the first time, the issue of leadership styles was considered by K. Levin, who singled out authoritarian, democratic and conniving styles.

The authoritarian (autocratic) style is characterized by the centralization of power in the hands of one leader, who demands that all affairs be reported only to him. This style inherent rate on administration and limited contacts with subordinates. Such a leader single-handedly makes (or cancels) decisions, not giving the opportunity to take the initiative to subordinates, is categorical, often harsh with people. Always orders, disposes, instructs, but never asks.

An autocrat is characterized by dogmatism and stereotyped thinking. Everything new is perceived by him with caution or is not perceived at all, since in managerial work he practically uses the same methods. Even the placement of people in the process of holding meetings is subject to his ideology (everyone must be constantly in sight). This creates a tense environment, since subordinates in this case would like to avoid close contact with such a leader. A manager becomes an autocrat when he is inferior in quality to the people he leads, or if his subordinates have too low a general and professional culture.

This style does not stimulate the initiative of subordinates; on the contrary, it is often punished by an autocrat, which makes it impossible to increase the efficiency of the organization. It is unpleasant to work under the authority of an autocrat, for the dismissal of "undesirable" is his goal. management activities. In such conditions, naturally, there is no job satisfaction, since employees subordinate to the autocrat believe that their creative forces are not properly applied.

A leader who uses a predominantly democratic style seeks to solve as many issues as possible collegially, systematically inform subordinates about the state of affairs in the team, adequately responds to criticism. In communication with subordinates, he is extremely polite and friendly, is in constant contact, delegates part of the managerial functions to other specialists, trusts people. Demanding but fair. All members of the team take part in preparing for the implementation of management decisions.

A democratic leader during business meetings is usually placed in the middle of the group. This creates a relaxed atmosphere when discussing the problems of the development of the organization.

A leader with a liberal (permissive) leadership style practically does not interfere in the activities of the team, and employees are given complete independence, the opportunity for individual and collective creativity. Such a leader with subordinates is usually polite, ready to cancel a decision he had previously made, especially if this threatens his popularity. Distinguished liberals lack of initiative, thoughtless execution of directives from higher authorities.

From the available arsenal of means of influencing the collective, persuasion and requests occupy the main place with the liberal. When performing managerial functions, he is passive. The leader-liberal is afraid of conflicts, basically agrees with the opinion of his subordinates.

Softness in dealing with people prevents him from gaining real authority, since individual employees demand concessions from him, which he does, fearing to spoil relations with them. The consequence of this may be familiarity, and the "distance" of the leader with his subordinates at work is extremely insignificant. Ultimately, the leader of the liberal style does not show pronounced organizational skills, weakly controls and regulates the actions of subordinates, and, as a result, his managerial activity is ineffective.

Studies by German scientists have revealed a relationship between the results of work and leadership style. Efficiency various styles assessed during three years. Labor productivity, psychological climate, staff turnover and profit were studied. The highest results were observed in the team where the democratic leadership style prevails, and the lowest results were observed in the team with liberal and authoritarian leadership.

It is important to note that the "pure" leadership styles described are very rare. The flexibility of a manager is to take advantage of each style and apply it depending on the specifics of the situation.

Blake R.R., Mouton J.S. proposed a classification of leadership styles in the form of the “Grid Management Grid” (Fig. 2).

significant Y Country club management Collective management
9 1.9 9.9
Caring for people 7
5 5.5
minor 2 Mode of submission to the leader
1 1.1 9.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X
minor Manufacturing care significant

Rice. 2. Management grid GRID.

1) concern for production (X-axis) - the desire to obtain positive production results;

2) caring for people (Y-axis) - the desire of the leader to achieve end results on the basis of trust and respect of employees, sympathy for each other, understanding and support. This creation favorable conditions labor, a petition for a salary increase, bonuses, etc.

The main elements of the leadership process: initiative, awareness, protection of one's opinion, decision making, conflict resolution, critical analysis. All six elements are important in terms of effective management, since none of the elements can compensate for the absence or excess of any other.

Initiative - is manifested in all cases when the efforts of the leader are aimed at specific activity or to start work that has not yet been done, to change the direction and nature of the efforts of subordinates. That is, the leader can take the initiative or avoid it in conditions when others expect him to concrete action.

Awareness - allows the manager to access facts, data or other sources of information. The bottom line is that some managers attach primary importance to the factor of awareness, while others - secondary.

Protecting one's opinion involves taking a certain position. One type of leader may have a strong conviction, but at the same time finds it dangerous to defend one or another point of view; the other avoids defending his views due to the lack of convictions or their weakness; the third can boldly adopt one or another point of view in order to stand in opposition or gain some advantage.

Resolution of conflict situations - depending on the method of resolving conflict situations, conflicts can play the role of factors that generate "destruction" or contribute to the development of creative and constructive principles. A leader who is able to resolve a conflict situation inspires respect, while an incapable one causes a decrease in his authority among his subordinates.

Decision making - the effectiveness of managerial work depends on the type of management through decision-making processes. The decision can be made solely by the head, or such a right is granted to other members of the team, that is, collective work is carried out in the process of preparing, making and implementing management decisions.

Critical analysis - a set of methods, techniques for studying, researching and solving problems. It is, first of all, about identifying alternative opportunities to improve the efficiency of managerial work. This is the study of previous experience, critical analysis phenomena and processes. Based on the analysis, feedback is built in the supervisor-subordinate system.

Consider the characteristics of different types of leaders in more detail.

Head type 9.1. gives priority to maximizing production results, dictating to subordinates what and how they should do. Such a leader believes that production goals can only be achieved if people are controlled and their activities are directed in a way that encourages them to perform high production goals. This is, as a rule, a pedantic professional who knows in advance how to achieve a high production result, on which all his efforts are focused. The "human factor" is removed from interference in production processes. The self-confidence of this type of leader is based on a sense of self-importance when he concentrates power in his hands and expects the unconditional obedience of the personnel he leads. A leader of this type does without suggestions, recommendations, advice or other outside help. Otherwise, he would have made it clear to his subordinates that he was in a problem situation, and this indicates his weakness or insufficiently high competence. Such a leader in a conflict situation clearly tells subordinates what they should do. He puts an equal sign between disobedience and difference of points of view. When resolving a conflict, he seeks first of all to impose his point of view, rejecting the arguments of his subordinates as unacceptable. Believing that his position automatically provides him with power, he begins to arbitrarily use his official rights. He informs subordinates about which point of view is leading, and invites them to act in accordance with it. He usually sees a problem situation as one in which it is imperative to win over opponents. In fact, in resolving a conflict situation, such a leader resorts to "repressive measures" and fights for his ideas "to the death". He tries to belittle the merits of subordinates and uses threat tactics and a system of punishments. The leader sets the tone for all subsequent activities of subordinates. There is a one-sided implementation of the initiative. Commands, tasks and instructions are communicated to subordinates. The leader's behavior is aimed at maintaining his own initiative: "You need to do this and exactly as I say." Willingly collects data on quantitative parameters, volumetric indicators, on the compliance of production processes with schedules and technical specifications. His credo is "I need facts". In doing so, the manager "usurps" the right to evaluate and interpret information. Thus, he deprives others of making judgments that forced the former leader to recognize the correctness of the subordinate. Perceives information with some "fear", as it is pre-configured to search for symptoms of trouble. The leader of this type, without hesitation, declares to everyone around him, regardless of their position, about his attitude to this or that issue. It is distinguished by the straightforwardness of beliefs and their demonstration. Because of this, this leader, as a rule, is a frank and sincere person. However, he often has a "black and white" philosophy. Taking any position, the op does it without any reservations. Caution in judgment, in his opinion, is a sign of weakness. Never listens to the arguments of subordinates and does not seek to understand them. Therefore, subordinates stop expressing their opinion. Such a leader attaches importance to sole decision-making and does not allow anyone to influence this process, believing that only he has sufficient knowledge, experience and authority necessary for decision-making. Therefore, it excludes the participation of others in decision-making and prescribes to subordinates only the function of decision executors. Having made a decision, he never reconsiders it. An indispensable attribute of a behavioral action is checking the quality of work tasks. This is due to the fact that the leader seeks to know whether subordinates are working the way he expects them to. He receives all the necessary information through direct observation, verification of performance and questioning of others. As soon as he receives the information, the method of critical analysis becomes for him a means of correcting mistakes, criticizing subordinates. The purpose of this approach is to make the subordinate feel guilty and incompetent. Thus, the manager does not help the employee who has made a mistake to feel the taste for self assessment of their actions and develop a willingness to be responsible for solving similar problems in the future, but turns, in fact, into an obedient executor of the will of the leadership.

Head type 1.9. - the minimum concern for production is combined with the maximum concern for people. The focus is on maintaining friendly relations between employees, even if at the expense of performance. The behavioral action of the leader can be expressed by the phrase: “People are not a commodity, the value of which can be measured using some scale,” therefore, the thoughts and feelings of people play a paramount role. Guided by this rule, the manager tries to create all conditions at work to satisfy personal and public needs workers. Management functions are carried out in such a way that an atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie is created in the team. At the same time, the manager, in addition to his will and desire, weakens attention to solving production problems. For such a leader, the main thing is to create an atmosphere of goodwill. He avoids being demanding on subordinates, as he believes that it is pointless to "pressure" people, because any pressure will make them fight back. The leader feels more confident when positive emotions are maintained in the team. He believes that "if I am kind to people, then they like me." Hence the desire of such a leader to be in the eyes of those around him pleasant, kind, empathetic and ready to help them. When subordinates become aware of such a "dominant" behavior of the leader, they are convinced that their leader is soft-hearted. Negative aspect of motivation is fear negative evaluation by subordinates. Feelings of being “useless” by subordinates deeply stung a leader of this type. Therefore, he does everything possible to exclude criticism against him. People begin to work with "coolness", and everyone begins to choose pleasant partners for themselves. All the attention of employees is directed to those areas where people feel comfortable. In such a situation, the interests of production will suffer, since the solution of the main issues of the development of the company will be postponed “for tomorrow”, and the accumulation of unresolved issues will lead to a decrease in production indicators. From the point of view of this type of leader, conflicts violate harmony, threaten the atmosphere of warmth. The leader without hesitation accepts the point of view expressed by others when a conflict situation arises. In this sense, the following methods of overcoming conflict are typical:

a) rejection of the existing point of view;

b) mitigation of the severity of the problem (negative points are polished, i.e. the actual data are transformed in such a way as to make their perception painless);

c) giving others the opportunity to express their thoughts;

d) creating a climate of friendliness (strives to be on a friendly footing with everyone);

e) use of promises and apologies;

g) release of steam - involvement of third parties, etc.;

h) forgetfulness - this feature of behavior is most characteristic of this type. Therefore, such people are very unreliable, as they may not be able to cope with an unpleasant task for them.

The leader is always ready to help others, and many of his decisions are made based on this motive. He quickly responds to the initiative actions of subordinates, trying to take part in them in order to gain authority. He himself avoids taking the initiative, as he is not able to take the first step, start or end something. He is afraid that others may misinterpret his actions and regard them as a manifestation of inattention to the team or ignoring its interests. Thus, a contradiction arises due to the fact that the leader, who is always attentive to people, is unable to understand all the consequences of his lack of initiative and indecision. Many leaders in this category give the impression of active and enterprising people, but this is an illusion. The fact is that they can very quickly pick up the initiative coming from others. They fulfill the request of both the subordinate and their immediate supervisor with equal enthusiasm. At the same time, someone else, and not the leader himself, bears responsibility for the initiative shown. The approach preferred by this type of leader is to always be aware of what is happening, which in itself is very difficult for such a person, because he may immediately have a fear of losing common language with subordinates because of the variety of issues that he must solve. The depth and completeness of the information received depends on how important the approval of the person to whom he should provide this data is to him. The depth of coverage of information is negligible when the data is needed for his own interests or in the interests of fulfilling his duties. The fear of getting into a situation that is unfavorable for him makes such a leader expect that the information will come to him by gravity. If the information does not come, then it is not necessary. The essence of the questions is to clarify the tasks or expectations of others. A leader of this type, as a rule, is a good listener, tries to comprehend the information, although he perceives everything that happens superficially. He timidly defends his opinion, and if he formulates problems, he does it vaguely, indefinitely, avoiding making a negative impression on others. This or that point of view is presented in such a way as to weaken the attention to it from others. Therefore, he is often perceived as a gullible and indecisive person. Decision-making is a serious problem for the manager when decisions are required by a higher manager. In this case, to save good relationship with higher management, he tries to do everything as the authorities need. Therefore, he informs his subordinates that the decision was made from above and is not subject to appeal. If he knows that his decisions will be approved and accepted, the decision-making process serves as a source of internal satisfaction for such a leader. If the decision affects the interests of several subordinates, he encourages group discussion of the problem. Manifestation of a tendency to perceive good points or the bright sides of problem situations. Emphasis on positive sides results of work thanks to compliments allows you to create an atmosphere of goodwill in the team. The leader believes that people themselves know their mistakes, and to draw attention to them means to sharpen their sense of own inferiority. In this case, if it is not possible to avoid a negative assessment, the manager, in fact, follows the lead of his subordinates.

Head type 1.1. - minimal concern for production and the needs of workers. This type of leader takes only the minimum effort required to maintain his place in the organization. A leader of this type does not experience contradictions between the requirements of production activities and the needs of employees, since both of these factors are of little importance. Keeping, one way or another, his presence in the organization and at the same time being outside it, the leader has low level expectations from your work. The essence of motivation is connected with the desire to maintain one's place in the organization. Hence his desire to fulfill the required minimum. His actions and deeds are aimed at staying in the company. He seeks to be in the shadows, and not to attract everyone's attention. Despite the leader's indifference, passivity, lack of interest in what is happening, he tries not to advertise his feelings. As a rule, such a person never has enemies and does not face the threat of dismissal. By pretending to be preoccupied with business problems, he keeps those around him at some distance and maintains the position of an outside observer. Maintaining such an unproductive and faceless presence in the firm does not generate dissatisfaction on the part of others because this leader does not interfere in anything. His credo: "Do not see shortcomings, do not talk about shortcomings, do not hear about shortcomings - and you are protected, because you are not visible." Such a leader lives in the organization, leaving no "traces" in it. Occupying a leadership position, but not applying leadership actions, such a leader almost always avoids participating in conflict situations. Techniques for overcoming conflicts are as follows:

a) retreat into the background - go on vacation, take sick leave at the time when you need to be at work, etc. This testifies to the self-elimination and indifference of the head to the affairs of the company and the people working in it.

b) maintaining neutrality. In a conflict, he practices any of the ways of behavior without disclosing his views. In particular, he can maintain a neutrality that guarantees his safety, allows the opponent to gain the upper hand in an argument or discussion, but at the same time tries not to give the impression that he "gives up". And, if a question is put to him, he usually gives streamlined, vague answers from which no definite conclusions can be drawn; if someone complains, then he either ignores the complaint, or makes it clear that he "took note of it." Controversial issues "go down the brakes";

c) permission of the local initiative. Presents the initiative to local leaders, but adopts appropriate ones. precautions not to be personally responsible for the consequences of a local initiative;

d) tactics of an effective position - not wanting to offend either one or the other faction, notes the positive of both sides;

e) the tactics of “internal emigration” is one of the ways of coexisting with a conflict situation. Using delay tactics. "It'll all work out in a few days." However, these few days stretch out into long weeks or months.

The head of this type is apathetic and it is difficult to expect new ideas or proposals from him. The strategy of his behavior is not to interfere with the natural course of events. Any actions taken by him are passive and do not indicate his desire for self-affirmation. In some cases, he tries to shift the solution of the problem onto the shoulders of another performer. He justifies his lack of initiative in this way: “I cannot cover all the units. Therefore, if I visit one object, then people from another object may be offended by me for not paying attention to them. The motto of an information leader goes something like this: “The less you know, the better. You can always refer to the fact that I was not informed. He prefers to stay in his "shell", not showing too much curiosity about what is happening. This leader is extremely rarely informed enough to be able to give clear and complete answers to the questions posed. The personal attitude of the leader to defending his opinion comes down to the formula: “Since subordinates weigh every word I say, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is better to express a point of view and make it clear to subordinates that I have no objections to this or that matter. The decision-making behavior formula is as follows: “I don’t decide anything here, I just work.” This emphasizes the conscious departure of the leader from responsibility for decision-making. In many cases, problematic situations resolve themselves. The manager resorts to the tactics of "waiting" when he is required to make a decision. He has no desire to conduct a retrospective analysis, since he does not fully concentrate his attention on solving the problem. As a result, there is practically no feedback from subordinates. In this case, subordinates regard the actions of the leader as permission to act at their own discretion.

Head type 5.5. - This is the theory of leadership with the philosophy of the "golden mean". It is based on a system of assumptions that ensure the peaceful coexistence of the leader and subordinates. The average degree of care about is combined with a moderate concern for people. This type of management implies a contradiction between the needs of production and the needs of workers. In other words, the manager's solution to the dilemma between production and people is to find a compromise, the goal of which is to sacrifice half of one indicator in order to get half of the other. The manager proceeds from the idea that the needs of employees are realistic, but believes that people should also be expected to make certain efforts in terms of contributing to the production activities of the company. The reduction of the complex of production requirements to a certain moderate level, as well as attention to the needs and moods of workers, make it possible to achieve a situation where people are more or less satisfied with the situation that exists at the enterprise, considering the requirements presented to them fair. The main idea that the leader adheres to is that extremes give rise to conflicts and should be avoided at all costs. Stable success is achieved through reasonable compromises and the desire of the manager to give up some rights and advantages in order to win employees over to his side. The natural result of this approach will be that the manager will not seek to maximize either performance or concern for people. His goal will be to establish a balance between them. He is very sociable, open, easily converges with people. Everything that is rejected in the firm by others is rejected by him. He is inclined not to critically perceive the traditions, precedents and practices existing in the organization, "as is the custom in the firm." The motivation formula is as follows: “If I think, behave and look like everyone else in the organization does, but at the same time I stand out a little from others, then my authority as a leader is guaranteed.” This type of leader is characterized by the desire to adapt to the conflicts that inevitably arise in the daily practice of the leader. Techniques for overcoming conflicts:

a) reliance on past experience- careful observance of the order adopted in the organization (respect for traditions, management methods and a set of unwritten laws of the team);

b) development and observance of rules - the rule establishes the level of acceptability and desirability of behavior. Using the rules, people remove the need to act on their own. That is, if everyone builds their behavior according to certain rules, this reduces the degree of possible disagreement between them;

c) avoidance of active life position. Taking a certain position as a leader can lead to conflict with other people. Does not resort to a “frontal attack”, since after the conflict is resolved there will be winners and losers, and in a conflict situation everyone loses (there are no winners);

d) the use of compromises;

e) separation of those in conflict (individual conversation, transfer to other departments, sections, etc.);

f) reconciliation with the "dead end", that is, "we agree with the contradictions";

g) "distancing" - avoids communication with a conflicting employee or discusses with him only those issues on which there are no disagreements.

The desire to maintain the status quo predetermines all the actions of the leader. He sees his goal in that all functions are performed in a reasonable and not contrary to the accepted order. All efforts are distributed evenly. The manifestation of initiative is limited. Fundamentally new or experimental methods are considered risky and questionable. To keep abreast of all events, the leader often uses informal sources of information. He does this in order to keep abreast of the life of the organization. Influential members of the informal information structure consider such a leader "their boyfriend." Other sources of information, such as technical documents, will be of interest to him to the extent that he is supposed to know them or be responsible for their implementation, or if their knowledge allows him to gain an advantage over others. It is unlikely that this leader would advocate any single point of view. If subordinates do not agree with his point of view, he chooses the tactics of "retreating" or softening his wording, while sometimes allowing the judgments of other employees to take precedence over his own (supposedly in the interests of the cause). The beliefs of this leader are usually shallow, amorphous and blurred. Can firmly defend "his" position, speaking on behalf of a superior manager or company. Often the protection of one's opinion is not connected with beliefs, but with considerations of the current situation or personal "security". A distorted truth, white lie or half-truth may be used by him as an acceptable means to an end. He sacrifices the sincerity of the relationship for the sake of cooperation. Covering up contradictions can sometimes be used by a leader to evade defending a position that has vulnerabilities. Usually does not experience difficulties in making operational decisions based on previously "crystallized" expectations. However, the decision-making process becomes difficult if a possible solution may cause objections from subordinates, lead to the setting of difficult tasks for performers, or generate new, previously unseen reactions from employees. This leader can rely on the results of a survey of the opinions of others. If the decision turns out to be erroneous, then this can be attributed to, for example, insufficiently deep study of market conditions, etc. The model of approach to critical analysis of actions and maintenance of feedback is based on the idea of ​​the need to emphasize everything positive. This approach determines the full encouragement of subordinates, the expression of approval of their actions and positive attitude leader to performance.

Head type 9.9. - a high level of manufacturing care synthesized with high level caring for people. Democratic methods and ways of solving production and personal problems predominate in the actions of the leader. Unlike other types, it is based on the assumption that there is no internal contradiction between the goals of the organization and the needs of the staff. Thus, there is a synthesis of two priorities, i.e. their integration. The highest level of synthesis (integration) of these priorities is realized only through such a management process that satisfies the formed needs of employees and the achievement of the goals of the company. In this case, we can assume that the degree of participation of each employee in the activities of the company is as high as possible, i.e. there is devotion to the team and an interest in the well-being of the organization. In turn, the manager seeks to contribute to the success of the organization, seeking the involvement of each employee in the activities of a particular unit in such a way as to ensure its maximum contribution. The leader avoids protecting selfish interests at the expense of other employees or the enterprise as a whole. To act in the name of one's own interests would mean losing sincerity in relation to others. Therefore, such a manager treats the "boss" in the same way as he treats colleagues and subordinates. Many professional skills and abilities allow this type of leader to create contradictions and disagreements, the resolution of which will allow finding the optimal solution to problems, but at the same time, there is no feeling of hostility in relations between employees. Techniques for overcoming conflicts are as follows:

a) ensuring the participation of workers at the earliest stages of problem solving;

b) a clear transmission (without its own interpretation) of the meaning of statements;

c) development of uniform evaluation criteria;

d) confrontation, allowing to resolve the conflict. Many conflicts cause people to withhold information, misinterpret the motives of others' behavior, and sometimes even deny the strained relationship. Confrontation avoids these reactions. In this case, confrontation is understood not as an "armed" struggle, but as a contrasting comparison;

e) taking into account the needs and expectations of employees. Often conflict arises because one person ignores the other person's personal needs and expectations;

f) "ventilation" - discussion of controversial issues with a third party - an arbitrator;

g) feedback from "neutrals" and a critical analysis of their side. Sometimes those in conflict can become so deeply immersed in their contradictions that they lose the ability to objectively assess their position and actions. Therefore, the opinions of the neutral side play a decisive role.

This is a strong leadership style that must show activity, vigor and the ability to perform a significant amount of work. The energy of the leader is directed to the uninhibited and creative expression initiative that encourages subordinates to take Active participation in the affairs of the organization. The widespread and uninhibited display of initiative excludes a situation where someone can say that this is not his problem. Awareness and satisfaction of the information needs of the manager is comprehensive and exhaustive. It is common to say of such a leader that he "knows what he is talking about" or "he is aware of all events." This type of leader attaches great importance to the elaboration of facts and data, draws a clear distinction between fact and opinion. Thoroughness and depth of awareness is the cornerstone in the activities of such a leader. The readiness to defend one's opinion determines the attitude of subordinates and colleagues towards him as a person with a strong will and self-confidence. Actively defending one's opinion will increase the likelihood that each point of view will receive its fair share of attention. Decisions can be made and communicated to subordinates on the spur of the moment. Thanks to the manager's comprehensive knowledge and ability to convincingly defend his opinion, the decision he makes can seem like a self-evident course of action. The decision-making process aims to achieve mutual understanding and agreement among all concerned this decision. The effectiveness of critical analysis is characterized by the following properties:

a) openness and sincerity prevail, since the members of the team are direct "designers" of optimal solutions;

b) aims to describe what is happening and its consequences;

c) reflects the relationship between the employee's behavior and the consequences of his actions.

According to the GRID system, these types of management are the main ones. However, in management practice there are three additional types of management. They are considered as combinations of the described five "pure" types.

Paternalism is a combination of a high level of concern for production with a high level of concern for people, but it is not integrative, but complementary. Priority is given to performance.

Satisfaction is expressed in demonstrating that this person is a source of wisdom and knowledge for others. When subordinates do what the paternalist expects from them in the field of production, they are encouraged by the leader and loyalty (assessment of the leader's merits) is expected from them in turn. Otherwise, the leader believes that he puts his soul into the work, and subordinates do not appreciate this. Therefore, in the actions of such a leader, there is a tendency for subordinates to depend on his whims (desires), as a result of which they seem to freeze in their development and do not strive for independence of thinking, judgments, and beliefs. Under the conditions of this type of management, subordinates learn to think the way their leader thinks and acts (some even try to dress like their leader) - this is the “fathers and sons” syndrome. From the point of view of such a leader, conflict can be avoided if submission is strengthened through praise and compliments, i.e. if the subordinate begins to expect and feel that praise and compliments are guaranteed to him. The paternalist may refuse praise and compliments, showing his dissatisfaction, if the subordinate continues to oppose or resist submission, the leader may reprimand him, making it clear that his wrong behavior has been noticed. Then the manager repeats what he wants from the subordinate, and promises rewards in case of submission. One method of mitigating conflict is to divert attention from disagreement by various tricks(changing the topic of conversation, etc.). The leader shows considerable initiative as long as subordinates can trust him and do what is required of them. The paternalistic leader considers it his duty to teach people. In this regard, he has firm convictions and actively promotes them. The paternalistic leader is the only person who makes decisions that are not made, but issued as commands. In this case, training and training of subordinates is used. In this convoy, the leader does not seem rude and tough, but, on the contrary, kind, gentle and helpful. Personal feedback is one-way - from the leader to the subordinates. Recognition of paternalistic behavior: benevolent dictator; indulgent; constantly gives advice; fulfills obligations; expects blind loyalty; condescendingly makes demands; zealously upholds prerogatives; leads with inspired enthusiasm; manages the crowd; makes those who disagree with him feel guilty; tormentor; moralist; patron; likes to teach; proponent of prescriptions; complacent; tolerates private dissent, but does not tolerate public objections.

Opportunism is a combination of any or all management approaches that are able to strengthen the position of the leader or give him certain personal advantages.

The desire to hit exceptional (number one), a person who wants to be at the top, because those who are at the top, in his opinion, are in the spotlight, i.e. in a position that provides attention and worship. The behavior of an opportunist is unpredictable. Movement "up", ways to achieve goals depend on who he is dealing with (revenge, enslavement, dismissal, etc. - everything is aimed at achieving a dominant position). Prefers to avoid conflict by everyone possible ways, but does not hide when conflict arises, tries to resolve differences without confrontation or polarization. If a conflict arises with a person of a higher rank, the opportunist leader takes the first step towards reconciliation. With an equal in rank, he behaves insinuatingly, an attempt is made to find a compromise. When conflict arises with subordinates, the position of the opportunist is to surrender or leave the subordinate. Shows initiative based on accurately calculated risk. The initiative is aimed at selfish interests with a long-term aim. He is a narcissistic star, often emphasizing personal importance, showing off his achievements. Avoids feedback that may indicate the weakness, limitations or mistakes of the opportunistic leader. Asks to speak criticisms only if it expects the review to be favorable. Signs of opportunistic behavior: the desire to please everyone and everyone; arrogance towards those who are lower in rank; the desire to attract attention; builds reputation through boasting; evasive in answers; fawns over others; gives attention by setting conditions; flattering; knows the weaknesses of people and uses them for their own purposes; boasting famous acquaintances; pre-thinks every action; promises everything, but fulfills only when it is beneficial to him; clever businessman; courteous treatment of those who are higher in rank, but oppression of those who are lower; takes those actions that show him on the good side; believes that it is very important to be number one.

Facadeism, from the architectural "facade", meaning the front, front side of the building. In this case, the front side can be false, as it blocks what is actually behind it.

The person avoids revealing his thoughts, although he gives the impression that he is an honest and frank person. The façade leader's tricks can vary depending on what is beneficial. The main purpose of creating a facade is to hide the desire for control, domination and power. Negative motivation consists in the desire to avoid self-disclosure by hiding the true goals, for this reason keeps their experiences and motivations secret. The creator of the facade not only avoids revealing his intentions, but also creates a positive reputation that helps to maintain the deception. The façade leader does not avoid conflict. However, the goal is not to resolve them, but to obtain certain benefits for themselves. There are many ways to manipulate conflicts. It is characteristic of the façade maker that he acts with initiative and continues to act in this way until success is ensured. When it comes to achieving benefits, the actions on the part of the facadeist are not long in coming. And, if one action does not lead to success, the next attempt is made, so until the goal is achieved. Incomplete delegation of authority and making key decisions is typical for a façade manager. Criticism as an opportunity between a leader and a subordinate is unpleasant for the facadist, who uses feedback as a method of control through praise and punishment. Criticism against him is unpleasant to him. Signs of façadeist behavior: vague ambition; calculation; prefers detours; uses the trust of a person against himself; constantly plays a role to produce an effect; cunning; double-dealing; secretly revels in power; fake facade; hides true intentions; hypocrite; evasive; manipulative; willingly listens to praise, but does not tolerate criticism; overdeveloped sense of personal power; practical; prone to deceit; values ​​its positive reputation; breaks the law, but does not want to be recognized as a statesman; afraid of exposure.

Keeping in mind that the style of work adopted by the leader can be constant in some situations, it must be taken into account that when the situation changes, adaptation and adjustment of the way of influencing subordinates is possible. We are talking about the fact that most managers, in addition to the main model of behavior, have an auxiliary model or several models. The nature of the auxiliary behavior model of leaders is obvious if it is impossible to implement the main leadership style.

The Japanese researcher of the problem T. Kono built a four-style model of the behavior of the top economic manager. According to T. Kono, leadership styles can be described as:

· Innovative and analytical;

· Innovative and intuitive;

· Conservative-analytical;

· Conservative-intuitive.

According to T. Kono, the most effective is the innovative and analytical style of leadership, which can ensure organizational survival in the face of the most acute market competition. This leadership style implies: dedication to the organization, energy and innovation, sensitivity to new information and ideas, generating a large number of ideas and alternatives, quick decision making and good integration of collective actions, clarity in the formulation of goals and attitudes, willingness to consider the opinions of others, tolerance for failure .

A. V. Kuznetsov considers another style variant of a modern effective leader - participatory (or participatory) management. This leadership style has the following characteristics:

Regular meetings of the head with subordinates;

Openness in relations between the leader and subordinates;

Involvement of subordinates in the development and adoption of organizational decisions;

Delegation of a number of powers by the head to subordinates

Participation of front-line workers in both planning and implementation of organizational change

Creation of special group structures, endowed with the right of independent decision-making

Providing the employee with the opportunity to autonomously (from other members of the organization) develop certain problems, formulate new ideas, thereby contributing to the development of innovative processes.

F. Fiedler developed a "probabilistic model of leadership effectiveness", in which the effectiveness of the leadership style is mediated by the degree of control the leader has over the situation in which he acts. The situation in this model has three parameters:

Ø The degree of favorable relations between the leader and subordinates.

Ø The magnitude of the position of power (influence) of the leader in the group (including his ability to control the actions of subordinates and use various means stimulating their activity).

Ø The structure of the group task (including the clarity of the goal, the ways and means of achieving it, the presence of a plurality of solutions, the possibility of checking their correctness).

According to this model, a leader of a directive type is most effective in situations with high or low situational control (SC), a leader prone to collegial management methods is most effective in situations with moderate SC, which is reflected in Fig. 3.

high Task-Oriented Leaders
Leadership Effectiveness
Relationship-Oriented Leaders
Low High control moderate control low control

Rice. 3. Graphic display of the "probabilistic model" of the effectiveness of the leader (according to F. Fiedler).

R. L. Krichevsky notes that the adherents of this approach measure the leadership style using a special scale, the indicators obtained in this case can have several interpretations. According to one of them, this is a characteristic of the style of leadership, according to others, it is the personality of the leader. Thus, the influence of not only style, but also personality traits the head on the effectiveness of the team is carried out according to the principle of probabilistic communication.

Concluding the consideration of the psychological portrait of an effective leader, let's move on to the third variable - the authority of the leader.

According to the research of Yu. P. Stepkin, one should talk about three forms of the leader's authority: moral, functional and formal.

Formal (official, official) authority is due to the set of powers and rights that the position gives to the leader. Such authority in its pure form is capable of providing no more than 65% of the leader's influence on his subordinates.

The psychological authority of the leader, which includes the moral and functional aspects of authority, is not only a condition for the effectiveness of the leader, but also the result of his personal, stylistic and other life manifestations in the team he leads.

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that three important variables form the basis of the psychological portrait of a leader: personality, leadership style, authority. Each of these variables, having its own characteristics, significantly affects the effectiveness of the leader.

There are no perfect leaders. This is how many experts began to talk with us about the qualities of a leader. Each of them, however, named several signs of a dream boss. As a result, I compiled a list of 11 parameters that, if only one person had them, would make up a perfect image.

1. Creativity

An ideal leader is, first of all, a person who knows how to act outside the box, solving a situation of any level of complexity. "If we see that a person solved complex managerial tasks, he independently made decisions, introduced technologies, and can confirm the results of his work with recommendations or figures, then this is probably a person who can be trusted," comments Elizabeth Efremova, author of the book "From an expert to a leader", a teacher at the Russian School of Management.

2. Competence

"Competence is an integral part of the authority of the authorities, as well as a guarantee of the quality of the work performed," says Irina Gerasimenko, the official representative of the project. The leader must know everything internal mechanisms to successfully organize the activities of the team, and this is only possible with extensive knowledge and experience.

The competence of a person as a leader includes the ability to understand people. This is what will allow the boss to understand which of the staff should always be controlled, and who should be given freedom:

Word Olga Kiseleva, Head of Microsoft Dynamics Practice at Awara IT Solutions:

"Almost immediately after the first minutes of acquaintance, you can understand whether the level corresponds professional competencies future leader to your goals and expectations. For example, for some employees it is important that the manager can constantly guide and train them, while others need maximum freedom of action and the opportunity to prove themselves.

3. Friendliness

"A very important quality, since you always need to remain human, despite the position of the leader. Behind the regalia, many forget their essence and sit on the" throne "or turn on familiarity. Respect for employees helps the team achieve unprecedented heights and victories in work," notes Evgeny Zhigalov, CEO, founder of the Consulting Center "EZH".

A good leader does not put barriers between ourselves and the team, and it is possible to turn to him for help or advice.

Oleg Fedyukin, director of RA "Reliable Placement":

"As a director and as a senior friend, I am always open for dialogue. You do not need to make an appointment with me or wait until I am finally free, you can just approach me and talk. And since we have a small team, I am personally interested in success every colleague."

4. Self-confidence

"Highly effective leaders are managers who have a set of personal qualities that is optimal for their position and professional sphere," says Emeliana Svetlova, business coach, consultant on effective leadership, business communications and psychology of labor relations. “And first of all, one of these qualities is self-confidence and self-confidence.”

5. Charisma

"If you conduct a simple survey, then everyone names such qualities as professionalism and charisma. This is directly mandatory, among other things," notes Evgenia Dvorskaya, founder and CEO of Charisma is a quality that cannot be acquired during life, charisma is given by nature. A leader with personal exclusivity, giftedness on an emotional level is a real rarity.

6. Desire to develop

comments Evgeny Zhigalov, CEO, founder of the EJ Consulting Center: "Constant training and the introduction of new methods / tools in work and life allows you to be head and shoulders above your competitors. Even the most recently received diploma does not guarantee that you will always remain a highly demanded specialist - many tools stop working, technologies change practically every day." The leader first needs to develop in order to serve as an example for his team.

7. Leadership

A born leader is one who carries people along with him. Olga Nazarova, Marketing and PR Manager, elSnab: "First of all, a good leader must be a leader, not a boss. That is, be first of all an example in a professional sense."

8. Balance

Restraint and the ability to maintain self-control in any situation is the fruit long work above oneself. Not everyone is perfect in this regard. "Calmness and endurance help to avoid making rash decisions and find a way out of difficult situations without bouts of anger or panic. In no case should a leader pour out his anger on subordinates in stressful situations," says Irina Gerasimenko, the official representative of the project.

The psychological portrait of a leader is based on three important variables: personality, leadership style and authority.

With regard to the personality of the leader, you can use the classification proposed by the American psychologist M. Shaw, following the logic of his reasoning, the personality of the leader can be "decomposed" into three classes of components (Fig. 1):

head style personality ability

Rice. one - The identity of the leader according to M. Shaw

The biographical characteristics of the leader's personality include his age, gender, socio-economic status and education.

Following the path we have chosen, let's consider the next component of the leader's personality - abilities. M. Shaw divides abilities into general (intelligence) and specific (special skills, knowledge, competence, awareness).

The third component - the personality traits of the leader is represented by the following personal characteristics (the most common in studies as determining the effectiveness of leadership):

Self control. If a person can control himself, then he can easily control the activities of other people. Smart performers will take a cue from such a leader.

Justice. Performers will sincerely respect and appreciate only an honest and fair leader.

Competent task setting and confidence in the correctness of the decisions made. In order to successfully lead people, you must have the ability to make firm decisions.

Certainty of plans. It is necessary to competently, clearly and consistently plan your work and be sure to implement your plans on time.

The habit of doing more than you have to. A true leader must train himself to do more than he requires of his performers.

Personal attractiveness, charm, openness. good leader cannot become gloomy, gloomy and introverted person. For a manager to be respected, he must be a positive and open personality, endearing to himself.

Understanding the problems of their subordinates and a sincere, human attitude towards them.

The desire for cooperation. Without cooperation, there is no mutual understanding, no energy and strength, and therefore no leadership.

Dominance or the ability to influence people is undoubtedly an important quality of a leader, since it is difficult to imagine how one can effectively manage people without influencing them. By definition, to lead means to be able to influence subordinates and stimulate them to work towards a common goal.

Self-confidence. A self-confident leader can be trusted, with such a leader it is easier to think about tomorrow, and in our time this is quite a lot.

Stress tolerance. Good leaders have to deal with setbacks and stress. In general, they should be able to adapt and be psychologically mature enough to cope with any problem that arises before them.

Energy is a quality without which it is quite difficult to imagine a modern successful leader. It is important for him to grasp everything on the fly, to link newly acquired knowledge with the old, to perceive new ideas and innovative solutions, to have the ability to infect people with confidence and his own optimism.

Conscientiousness. Leaders usually have a very developed sense of duty and high demands on others. Usually their criteria for perfection are very high, so they feel an inner need to do everything in the best way. They love order and teach themselves self-discipline.

Intuition. The rapid changes taking place in the modern world, combined with information overload, do not make it possible to "know" absolutely everything. In other words, reason and logic alone may not be enough to find a way out of the situation. Today, more and more leaders are using intuition and relying on it to make decisions.

Continuing to consider the psychological portrait of an effective leader, let's move on to the second variable - leadership style.

Leadership style is a relatively stable system of ways, methods and forms of practical activity of a manager. In addition, management style is understood as the manner and way of behavior of a manager in the process of preparing and implementing management decisions. In other words, leadership style is a system of constantly applied leadership methods.

Table 1 - Leadership styles

Leadership styleDescriptionProsConsAuthoritarianThe head has full power and all decisions are made by him alone, without taking into account the opinions of subordinates-Does not require special material costs: allows you to quickly establish interaction between employees and departments.-Suppresses initiative; - requires a cumbersome system for monitoring the work of personnel; - increases the degree of bureaucracy. DemocraticDelegation by the head of part of his powers to subordinates and decision-making on a collegiate basis. It is relevant for the stable operation of the enterprise and its desire to introduce innovations. - stimulates creative activity; - reduces employee dissatisfaction decisions taken, as they are taken together; - increases labor motivation; - improves the psychological climate and satisfaction with the work performed. - there is no strict centralized control; - responsibility for implementation can be shifted for a long time; - the process of decision-making and their implementation is delayed. The liberal leader practically does not interfere in the activities of the team, and the employees are given complete independence. - the possibility of individual and collective creativity of subordinates. - given to subordinates absolute freedom which can lead to anarchy.

It is important to note that the "pure" leadership styles described are very rare. The flexibility of a manager is to take advantage of each style and apply it depending on the specifics of the situation.

According to Yu.P. Stepkin, we should talk about three forms of the leader's authority: moral, functional and formal.

Formal (official, official) authority is due to the set of powers and rights that the position gives to the leader. Such authority in its pure form is capable of providing no more than 65% of the leader's influence on his subordinates.

The basis of moral authority is the ideological and moral qualities of the individual. The core of functional authority is the competence of the leader, his various business qualities, and his attitude to his professional activities. The psychological authority of the leader, which includes the moral and functional aspects of authority, is not only a condition for the effectiveness of the leader, but also the result of his personal, stylistic and other life manifestations in the team he leads.

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that three important variables form the basis of the psychological portrait of a leader: personality, leadership style, authority. Each of these variables, having its own characteristics, significantly affects the effectiveness of the leader.

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Department of Humanities, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Socio-Economic Disciplines


in the discipline "Management"

Topic: Socio-psychological portrait of a modern leader.


Recently more attention is given to the issues of determining the complex of knowledge, abilities, personal and business qualities that modern managers should have. However, it turned out to be quite difficult to formulate the basic requirements for an ideal leader, since they differ depending on the characteristics of the working environment of this profession. So, for example, for heads of technical services necessary requirement is the presence of deep technical knowledge, and for the head of the production department knowledge of the organization of production and management. The larger the unit or department headed by the manager, the more knowledge he must have. Undoubtedly, this knowledge should be not only theoretical, but also practical, obtained in the process of work. In addition, a professional manager understands the essence of the ongoing transformation processes in the field of economics, management, finance, takes into account the situation on the labor market, i.e. closely monitors the state of affairs both inside the company and outside it. But not all, even the most highly qualified, specialists with the relevant knowledge are able to successfully manage the organization.

The purpose of this work is to analyze and identify the key qualities and style of work of the leader, which determine the success of his work in a team. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are solved:

To study the socio-psychological portrait of a modern leader.

1. The main features and personal qualities of a leader

Man is not born with a set of qualities; they are a combination of features and conditions of his life received from nature. Formation the right qualities can contribute to special forms of education. It is necessary to "build" daily, to create your personality. AT psychological science there is still no single concept, a single understanding of what a person is. However, there are enough big number research, dedicated personality leader. Let's turn to one of them. The American psychologist M. Shaw proposed the following classification of manager's personal qualities. In his opinion, the personality of the leader can be "decomposed" into three groups of characteristics:

· biographical characteristics;

Skills (including managerial);

personality traits (personal qualities).

The psychological qualities of a leader allow him to establish and maintain good business and psychological contact with subordinates, higher and lower managers and public organizations, as well as create a favorable psychological climate and mood in the team.

The main socio-psychological qualities include:

1. The feeling of collectivism - The feeling of collectivism is based on a deep understanding of the collective nature of society, its production.

2. Sociability - the ability of a leader to easily and quickly enter into business and psychological contact with people, which allows you to quickly resolve issues that require his personal participation, as well as the ability to reliably convey information.

3. Initiative - This is the promotion of new ideas for improving the production of labor and management, and improving the living conditions of subordinates, and improving the methods of educational work, and much more.

4. Self-control - helps the leader successfully resolve conflicts, the occurrence of which is almost inevitable.

5. Feeling of empathy - i.e. empathy, empathy, the ability to put oneself in the place of another.

This is a set of socio-psychological qualities that a modern leader must comply with. He is the standard that subordinates consciously or unconsciously imitate.

A well-known specialist in the field of management psychology R.L. Krichevsky supplemented this classification with another group - managerial characteristics. Let's take a closer look at each of these groups.

The first group includes:

· age;

· social status;

· education.

Many specific questions are related to it: for example, what is the optimum age for managers, at what age should a manager leave his chair, etc. On the one hand, there are many arguments in favor of the fact that age (and hence experience) has a positive effect on the quality of management. Let's call them arguments in favor of old age. Judge for yourself: the average age of presidents of large Japanese companies is 63.5 years, vice presidents - 56 years. This is quite a lot, even if we take into account the high life expectancy in the country rising sun. As for the US, the average age of presidents of large companies is 59 years. On the other hand, it would be a mistake to think that only mature age and experience give grounds to count on a high position and managerial success. There are many arguments in favor of youth. A. Morita founded the world famous Sony Corporation at the age of 25. A. Hammer, head of Occidental Petroleum, earned his first million dollars at 21 as a student. Thus, there is reason to believe that age does not significant influence on leadership and managerial effectiveness. This means that you can be a good manager (as well as a bad one) at any age.

Who is more effective as a manager? Someone thinks that men, someone - that women. Supporters of managerial patriarchy prove their point of view, relying not only on their personal experience, but also on serious research. For example, the English researcher E. Holander found that in certain types of activities that require speech activity (and managerial activity is exactly the case!), Women behave rather timidly in the presence of men, often get irritated and lose balance in difficult situations. In addition, monitoring the process of communication between jurors (a study by F. Strodtberg and R. Mann) showed that men are much more actively involved in the discussion on the adoption of the verdict. The same is confirmed by the data of E. Eriz, who found that when solving group problems, men are the initiators of 66% of all communication interactions in a group. On the other hand, supporters (supporters!) of managerial matriarchy also have some grounds for defending their positions. Women are more attentive emotional state other people, more responsive, able to achieve greater success in creating a psychological climate in the team, etc. The question of who is more effective as a leader - a man or a woman - is an incorrect question. There are women who lead with better results than some men, and vice versa. Both a woman and a man may or may not be effective leaders, and this does not depend on gender. Sex, like age, can be viewed from a biological and psychological point of view. From a psychological point of view, gender is a social role imposed by society. In modern society, in the process of education, starting from childhood, boys and girls are offered various stereotypes of behavior that differ from each other. And as for the idea of ​​men as beings by nature more active and initially more capable of leadership than women, then such an idea is nothing more than a common misconception that has no real basis. This is a stereotype of consciousness that makes it difficult to look at the problem realistically. It is known that the professional successes of women, the careers they have made, many tend to explain them by external data or luck, and not by abilities and activity. This is one example of a stereotypical approach.

Social status and education

Both status and education are, of course, important not only in order to take a managerial position, but also in order to function successfully in it. The typical high-ranking Western manager has at least one university education. And it's not just about having a diploma, even from the most prestigious university. Education is first and foremost vocational training the ability to apply their knowledge and skills in real life. You can get a position thanks to your diploma, but to keep it, to cope with the work, having a diploma will hardly help; For this, knowledge and skills are needed first of all. Success is determined not by what is written in the diploma, but by what is contained in the head. As for the socio-psychological status (origin) as a prerequisite for the realization of the personality in management, the statement that a high status can positive influence for a career, does not need proof. "One of the surest ways to become president of a company is to be born into a family that owns a company," F. Fiedler quipped. And yet, many outstanding managers started their brilliant careers from very low starting points, and, conversely, there are cases when, having taken over the company, the heirs led it to bankruptcy. So the way up in management is open to everyone. Under abilities, in the general sense of the word, in psychology are understood some properties and qualities of a person that allow him to successfully carry out certain types of activities. Abilities can be divided into general (for example, intellectual) and specific (professional). How do they influence general abilities on management effectiveness? In E. Ghiselli's classic study "Intelligence and Managerial Success", it was convincingly proved that managers with average mental abilities are the most successful. T. Kono drew attention to the fact that excellent students, entering the service in Japanese corporations, as a rule, do not become top managers there. What is it connected with? The fact is that there are at least two types (types) of intelligence - theoretical and practical. At the same time, one should not think that theoretical intelligence is something higher than practical. In the work “The Mind of a Commander”, the well-known psychologist B. Teplov convincingly showed that “from the point of view of the diversity, and sometimes internal inconsistency of intellectual tasks, as well as the rigidity of the conditions in which brainwork, the first places should be taken by higher forms practical (mental) activity. So "there is no reason to consider the work of the practical mind simpler and more elementary than the work of the theoretical mind." It is one thing to solve problems (theoretical and practical) oneself, and quite another to organize other people to solve them. Among the special abilities that an effective manager needs, following M. Shaw, we will highlight the following:

special skills and knowledge;



It seems that there is no need to prove the importance of these abilities for the successful implementation of managerial activities. Of the many personal qualities, personality traits that affect the effectiveness of management, the most significant are:

· dominance;

· self-confidence;

· emotional balance;

· stress tolerance;

· creativity;

a desire for achievement;

entrepreneurial spirit;

· responsibility;




All these qualities are united by something in common, namely, that each of them can be developed, educated. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Dominance (influence)

The leader, of course, must have this trait. But, while developing it in yourself, you should not forget about psychological side question. Firstly, for influence it is absolutely not enough to rely only on imperious, official powers, that is, on formal authority. It is known that if subordinates act, following only the rules and requirements set by the leader, they use no more than 65% of their capabilities and sometimes perform their duties satisfactorily, just to keep their jobs. So the influence of the leader, based only on means of a formal organizational nature, must necessarily be fueled by informal influence.

Secondly, informal influence gives the desired effect only when it finds an internal response. Without a positive response, the leader's desire to dominate will look like a primitive claim to power.


What does a self-confident leader mean for subordinates? First of all, you can rely on him in a difficult situation: he will support, protect, and will be the “back” that will cover you. A self-confident leader provides a certain psychological comfort and increases motivation for work simply by the very fact of self-confidence.

However, two important facts should be noted. First, there is a difference between self-confidence and overconfidence. This difference is easily perceptible, but difficult to overcome. It can only be said that a person who is confident in himself proceeds from realistic ideas about his capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, without downplaying or exaggerating them. In short, he has real, not imaginary, grounds for confidence. Secondly, it is known that subordinates, as a rule, feel the state of the leader very well, which means that, no matter how the circumstances develop, one should, at least outwardly, keep oneself calm and confident. And, finally, there is another side of managerial activity, in which self-confidence plays an important role. These are contacts and negotiations with other leaders. It is clear that a hesitant and insecure leader is unlikely to inspire confidence on their part.

Emotional balance and stress tolerance

These are related, close to each other personality traits of the leader. They, of course, can be developed and developed, but only if this is done purposefully. With regard to the first of these, researchers in the field of management psychology draw attention to two important circumstances. First, the need to control your emotions. Uncontrollable emotions(even positive ones) adversely affect the psychological climate in the team. Therefore, a mandatory requirement is presented to the manager: to maintain equal, respectful relations with all employees. business relationship regardless of personal likes and dislikes. Secondly, the leader is the same person as everyone else: he can indulge in irritation, indignation, despondency, etc. Permanent suppression negative emotions, their containment in a working environment can result in a number of unpleasant consequences - neuroses, mental illness etc. Therefore, it is extremely important for the leader to find means of emotional and psychological relief. Such means can be physical exercise, meeting friends, hobbies, etc. Modern research shows that they are more effective for emotional release than drinking alcohol. However, everyone chooses what he likes. Before talking about stress resistance, let's find out the difference between the two concepts - "stress" and "distress". Stress is a tension (physical, physiological and emotional-psychological) that activates a person's efforts to achieve goals. Distress is an overstrain that reduces vitality and disorganizes a person. The problem is that the level of stress that is favorable for one person is unbearable for another, in other words, as Hans Selye, the founder of the doctrine of stress, noted, “different people need various degrees stress." Stress is necessary, it is “associated with any activity, only those who do nothing can avoid it” (G. Selye). As for distress, a significant part of the reasons why it occurs is related to professional activities. After German psychologists W. Siegert and L. Lang will name some of the reasons that cause distress among managers. These are: supervisor distress contact subordinate

Fear of not being able to do the job

fear of making a mistake

· fear of being bypassed by others;

fear of losing a job

fear of losing one's own "I".


This is a person's ability to creatively solve problems, a very important personality trait, especially essential for innovative activity. In relation to managerial activity, creativity can be considered from the point of view of the leader's ability to see the elements of novelty, creativity in the activities of subordinates and support them.

Achievement and Entrepreneurship

Without these qualities, it is impossible to imagine a successful leader. The desire of a person to achieve reflects one of fundamental needs- the need for self-realization, in achieving goals. Research shows that managers with these traits have a number of characteristics. First, they prefer situations in which they can take responsibility for solving a problem. Secondly, they are not inclined to expose themselves to too much risk and set themselves moderate goals, trying to ensure that the risk is largely predictable and calculated. Third, achievement seekers are always interested in feedback—information about how well they are doing on a task.

Responsibility and reliability

In modern management, these personality traits are a kind of “calling card” of both the company and the leader himself. Reputation is worth more than money, and if it is lost, then forever. For a company that values ​​its reputation, it is quite obvious that obligations must be fulfilled, even if this will bring losses. Unfortunately, today responsibility and reliability are a great deficit, and we constantly feel this in politics, in economics and in morality. However, it can be argued that the future belongs to those companies and leaders whose motto is excellent quality, reliability of performance and loyalty in relations with customers (T. Peters, R. Waterman).


important personality trait leader is independence. Independence is the willingness of the leader to make decisions independently and be responsible for them. No matter how good the consultants are, no matter what advice others give, the leader must make the final decision himself. Independence is far from voluntarism and tyranny. The more independent the leader is, the more independent he behaves, the more valuable and useful it is for him to listen to the opinions of his colleagues, if they contain a rational grain. It should be noted that prominent entrepreneurs encourage dissent in their companies. This is important from all points of view, because like-minded people are not those who think the same way, but those who think about the same thing. A strong, independent leader can afford to have among his subordinates dissident people. You can only rely on what resists. It remains to say that a person is not born with a set of the qualities listed above, but all of them are a combination of features obtained from nature and the socio-historical conditions of his life.

Creation of a working environment in the team

Among such factors studied in the courses of managers is the organization of interaction between employees. Very often, insufficient attention is paid to it, considering such rules to exist, as it were, “by default”. However, in fact, the creation of clear, explicit and written rules of behavior and interaction significantly increases the efficiency of the work of employees located in the same room. As an example, here are a few rules that are mandatory in almost all such rule systems. Employees must take out of the room everything that concerns them personally, and not the tasks to be solved and the work process. In particular this applies telephone conversations and expressions of negative emotions. Both greatly distract colleagues and interfere with their work, forcing them to listen to information that does not concern them. The employee must also take care that his workplace, being comfortable for himself, does not cause discontent among others. For example, for many, musical accompaniment really increases work efficiency, but the headphones must be of high quality so that the music does not disturb the neighbors. The same applies to food. It is best if the office has a separate room designated for this. If not, you need to allocate a separate table or fence off a corner, but do not eat at the workplace. The sight of an employee taking a lunch break in the workplace, especially if there is no fixed time for this break and employees take it in turns, distracts others and reduces their efficiency.

Employees should be required to show initiative at least in certain situations. Having discovered a breakdown of office equipment, they must report it themselves, and not expect that someone else will do it or has already done it. Information for other employees received in their absence, such as phone calls, should be recorded without relying on memory. The basis of all these rules, in fact, is respect for time, which is very relevant in today's world of fierce competition.


Staff motivation is one of the ways to increase labor productivity. Motivation of personnel is a key direction of the personnel policy of any enterprise. Most efficient system motivation of employees is "motivation for the result." The results of the work of employees are determined using KPIs. KPI and staff motivation can significantly improve the efficiency and productivity of the company. Most theorists of motivation systems came to the conclusion that only motivation for the result is a perfect system, because. justifies the payment of remuneration to the business, and gives employees the opportunity to receive and increase income in a clear relationship to the efforts made.

Allocate the following types staff motivation:

material motivation

social motivation

Psychological motivation

· Autonomy and independence

The employee always tries to do the work in his own style, his own assessment of the quality and timing of the work performed is important for him, and not the external structural framework. The motivation of such an employee should have the following content:

entrust him with a task that allows him to act independently, with minimal supervision

charge to lead any project from start to finish and bear great responsibility for it

Do not appoint an employee to a position where functions are needed general management and constant group decision making.

Feeling of security and stability

For such employees, it is important to maintain a stable job for a long time; work well in a team; innovative approach to work problems and new roles are of little interest to them. Their motivation:

offer them more traditional and less risky jobs

long-term projects that give a sense of stability

give new tasks in an old project

Entrepreneurial streak

Constant striving to create new business ventures; development of your vision of the case and an attempt to implement it in reality; application of rationalization and creativity; work well in a team; do not like routine and predictable work. For such employees, the following motivation is suitable:

offer to participate in a project with the creation of new products together with other team members or in creative project with the creation of an alliance with another department or other companies.

involvement in the development overall strategy project, and especially at the start-up stage of the project.

Do not assign to work that limits the employee to a narrow framework.

As soon as one project is completed, immediately involve in a new project.

Willingness to be helpful and dedication

The employee has a constant desire to help others, and the work for him has a personal meaning, loves to teach and advise others. Motivation for such employees:

Provide services such as "customer service" to other members of the team or project.

· to put such an employee in such a work area, where there is a lot of different communication with customers.

Provide an opportunity to resolve any disagreements and conflict situations in the team.

perform tasks they deem necessary to improve someone's life.

helping other employees to do their job or their duty.

Test of strength in its purest form

High level intrinsic motivation employee, a constant desire to test himself, while solving new professional and personal problems. The employee is ready to take on difficult and risky tasks, and routine tasks are boring and uninteresting for him. To motivate such employees, it is necessary:

offer as many different and new tasks as possible.

· to conduct conversations with them in advance in order to find out what kind of work would interest them, what projects would be a test of strength for them.

They can be used in critical situations when you need to save the day.

Life style

The work of an employee in accordance with their own, ideal, in their opinion, lifestyle, the performance of professional duties should not take away their personal time. For the employee, work-life balance is important and he appreciates the organizational flexibility of work. For motivation you need:

Providing them with a flexible work schedule, part-time work.

Use of telecommunications to receive and send work.

Evaluation of their work by the result, and not by the time spent in the office.

· to entrust the execution of such tasks, which have a clearly defined beginning and end, and which will not regularly occupy his personal time.

Participate in work that does not require frequent or long business trips.

The value of non-standard ways of motivating staff in the life of Russian organizations.

2. Self-management

To be organized, whether it is in the space around you or your time, is to be prepared. It means feeling focused, in control of the situation, ready to take advantage of every opportunity available, and handle whatever surprises and surprises life throws your way. We live in a complex, fast-paced world full of endless possibilities. “Self-management is a way to increase the efficiency of a manager’s work” is determined by the fact that many managers, managing certain subjects, do not show enough organization, commitment, do not know how to rationally use working time, etc. etc. This is especially true for young managers and managers. From what kind of self-organization they have, career success will largely depend. Self-management, first of all, is self-organization, the ability to manage oneself, to manage the management process in the broadest sense of the word - in time, space, communication, business world. The leader must be able to organize his work in such a way that efficiency is maximized. Mastering this science is not so easy, and young leader it is necessary to start all the same with self-education, and it is not enough just to acquire knowledge, we also need practical and implementation. Self-management is a very hard job, so you need to be ready for self-improvement. Need serious approach when developing your program. First of all, develop a program taking into account those issues that have to be addressed in the process of professional activity. When choosing a program, it is necessary to take into account the changes taking place in life - in the economy, science, modern methods management, etc. It is necessary to take into account aspects of the practical implementation of the acquired knowledge. You have to learn to plan your working time. Planning is designed to ensure the economic use of the most valuable asset - time, namely:

· either use the available time for fruitful and successful activity (maximum criterion);

or achieve the set goals with the least amount of time (minimum criterion).

Self-management is the consistent and purposeful use of proven methods of work in daily practice in order to make optimal and meaningful use of one's time. The main goal of self-management is to make the most of your own capabilities, consciously manage the course of your life (self-determination) and overcome external circumstances both at work and in your personal life. Daily Decision different kind tasks and problems can be represented as various functions that are in a certain interdependence with each other and, as a rule, are carried out in a certain sequence. The process of self-management in terms of the sequence of performance of specific functions covers six phases:

goal setting - analysis and formation of personal goals;

planning - development of plans and alternative options its activities;

making decisions on specific cases;

organization and implementation - drawing up a daily routine and organizing a personal labor process in order to implement the tasks;

control - self-control and total control (if necessary - adjustment of goals);

information and communication - a phase inherent to a certain extent to all functions, since both communication and information exchange are necessary in all phases of self-management.

Individual functions do not necessarily strictly follow one another, but may be intertwined.


There is a certain set human qualities, which were listed above, forming the basis of organizational skills. These qualities do not depend on the production experience of the employee, so a person can become a leader in a relatively early age. In conclusion, we should dwell on those moments that determine the effectiveness of the leader's work. A number of them depend on him and are associated either with the ability of the manager to organize his activities and the activities of his subordinates, or with his attitude towards them. So, the ability to plan it, correctly determine the order of importance and urgency of cases, the sequence of operations, the number of decisions made has a positive effect on the effectiveness of activities. The effectiveness of the manager's work is influenced by the ability to use the capabilities of subordinates, their knowledge, faith in employees, the ability to speak frankly with them, setting goals instead of direct management. The lack of respect for colleagues in discussing and solving critical issues, appropriating the results of the work of the team, biased attitude towards employees negatively affects the effectiveness of the work of the head. However, in some cases, the effectiveness of the leader depends on subordinates. For example, if they have not worked out the issue well or are afraid to make a decision themselves, they often run to the boss for advice, distracting him from other more important matters. The same thing happens if subordinates do not know exactly their task and take on work that they cannot cope with, and the leader is forced to help them so as not to "fill up" the case. In many ways, this happens, by the way, from the inability to plan. Difficulties for the leader also arise when the subordinate does not know how to talk to him, plainly explain his problems and desires, but constantly awaits instructions and instructions. The ability to get along with people is management, the ability to get along with time is self-management. Moreover, the quality of the latter determines the effectiveness of the former. Self-management refers to the consistent and expedient use of proven methods of work in daily practice, in order to make optimal and meaningful use of one's time. Time management is a very personal thing. From the dozens of suggested tips, we must select only those that are right for you and make them work for us. Learning to manage time is not a task for a weak person. Power over time is given only in a continuous struggle with the "time wasters". Time management techniques give you the opportunity to manage your life. Peculiarity modern look on the leader as the leader of the team lies in the fact that he is regarded as the bearer of an innovative organizational culture, as the main initiator of consistent changes in the organization. The most important features of a modern leader: professionalism, the ability to lead a team, the desire to create and maintain a good psychological climate is impossible without work on oneself, without self-management.

List of used literature

1. Bazarova G. T. article “Socio-psychological features of the professional activity of a manager”, journal “Corporate Management” No. 11, 2009.

2. Vesnin V.R. "Management for all" 2008.

3. Siegert W., Lang L. "Leader without conflict" 2011.

4. Krichevsky R.L. If you are a leader. 2008.165s.

5. Khrolenko A.T. Self-management. M.: Economics, 2009.

6. Shapar V.B. Ethics and psychology of management. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2010.

7. Self-management is a condition of personal and professional success.

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