Conflicts and styles of their resolution. Typical Ways and Styles of Conflict Resolution

Strategies and styles of conflict resolution

There are five basic conflict resolution strategies based on a system called the Thomas-Kilmenn method. The method was developed in 1972. The system allows you to create your own own style conflict resolution. Style of behavior in specific conflict is determined by the extent to which a member of the collective wants to satisfy his own interests (acting actively or passively) and the interests of the other party (acting jointly or individually). If you put this in graphical form, you get a Thomas-Kilmenn grid that allows you to determine the place and name for each of the five main conflict resolution strategies.

Evasion Style involves avoiding conflict, is associated with a lack of personal perseverance and a desire to cooperate with others to resolve it. Usually in this case, a person tries to stand aside from the conflict, strives to become neutral. This style is used when the problem is not so important, when the person does not want to spend energy on solving it, feels wrong, or when the other person has more power. The use of such a style may signify the individual's decision to let the conflict develop. This style can also be associated with aversion to tension and frustration. In some cases, trying to avoid conflict can reduce its intensity. However, ignoring disagreement can cause even more discontent, with this approach to the conflict, both sides lose.

competition style, or conflict resolution by force, is characterized by great personal involvement and interest in conflict resolution, but without taking into account the positions of the other side. This is a win-lose style. To use this style, you must have power or physical advantages. This style can in some cases help to achieve individual goals. It requires a person to use volitional qualities. However, others have an unfavorable impression of the individual using this style.

Collaboration Style different as a high degree personal involvement in it, and strong desire join forces with others to resolve interpersonal conflict. With this approach, each side wins. People using given style usually have the following characteristics:

They view conflict as a normal event that helps and even (if properly managed) leads to a more creative solution;

In doing so, they show trust and frankness towards others;

They recognize that with such a mutually satisfying outcome of the conflict, all its participants, as it were, assume an obligation within the framework of a common solution;

They believe that each participant in the conflict has equal rights in its resolution and the point of view of everyone has the right to exist;

They believe that no one should be sacrificed to the common interest.

Often such individuals are considered dynamic natures, about which others have a favorable opinion.

fixture style, inducing to enter into the position of the other side, is a behavior based on the desire to cooperate with others, but without introducing one's strong interest into this cooperation. This no-win-win style is altruistic and may express a long-term strategy for developing others' cooperative orientation to resolve interpersonal conflict. This style helps in striving to realize the desires of others. Those who use the style of adaptation are generally evaluated positively by others, but they are perceived as weak natures, easily amenable to other people's influence.

Compromise style It consists in such behavior in resolving interpersonal conflict, which moderately takes into account the interests of each of the parties. The implementation of this style is associated with negotiations, during which each of the parties makes certain concessions. Compromise is widely used in conflict resolution, and those who use it are generally viewed favorably by others. It's a no-lose-no-win style. In many situations, the compromise style helps to quickly resolve the conflict, especially when one of the parties has clear advantages.

By summing up the described strategies and methods for resolving conflicts, you can independently develop a model of behavior in a conflict or conflict-prone situation and achieve your goals in each specific case. In doing so, it must be taken into account that important role The following factors play a role in the constructive resolution of conflicts:

The adequacy of the reflection of the conflict;

Openness and effectiveness of communication between the conflicting parties;

Creating a climate mutual trust and cooperation;

Definition of the essence of the conflict.

Let's consider each of these factors separately.

Adequate perception of the conflict. Very often in a situation of conflict we misperceive own actions, intentions and positions, as well as the actions, intentions and points of view of the opponent. Typical perceptual distortions include:

Illusions of one's own nobility. In a conflict situation, we often believe that we are the victim of attacks by a vicious adversary whose moral principles are highly questionable. It seems to us that truth and justice are entirely on our side and testify in our favor. In most conflicts, each of the opponents is sure that he is right and strives for a fair resolution of the conflict, he is convinced that only the opponent does not want this. As a result, suspicion often flows naturally from existing prejudice.

Searching for the straw in the other's eye. Each of the opponents sees the shortcomings and errors of the other, but is not aware of the same shortcomings in himself. As a rule, each of the conflicting parties tends not to notice the meaning of their own actions in relation to the opponent, but instead reacts with indignation to his actions.

Double ethics. Even when the opponents realize that they act the same way towards each other, everyone still perceives their own actions as permissible and legal, and the actions of the opponent as dishonest and impermissible.

All clear. Very often, each of the partners oversimplifies the situation of the conflict, and in such a way that it confirms general idea that his actions are good and correct, and the partner’s actions, on the contrary, are bad and inadequate.

These and similar delusions inherent in each of us in a conflict situation usually exacerbate the conflict and prevent a constructive way out of the problem situation. If the perceptual distortion in the conflict is excessively large, there is a real danger of being trapped in one's own bias. As a result, this can lead to the so-called self-validating assumption: assuming that the partner is extremely hostile, you begin to defend yourself from him, going on the offensive. Seeing this, the partner experiences hostility towards us, and our preliminary assumption, although it was incorrect, is immediately confirmed. Knowing about such perceptions in a conflict situation, try to carefully analyze your feelings in specific cases.

open and effective communication conflicting parties.

Communication is the key constructive resolution conflicts. Unfortunately, in a conflict situation, communication often deteriorates. Opponents basically try to hurt each other, while they themselves take a defensive position, hiding any information about themselves. Meanwhile, communication will help resolve the conflict only when both parties are looking for a way to reach mutual understanding.

Emotional control. When a person is overwhelmed with emotions and caught up in conflict, it is difficult for him to express his thoughts and listen carefully to the enemy. One of effective ways coping with anger is to help each other release those feelings. People get a psychological release if they just talk about their grievances. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense at the very beginning of the conflict to take risks and as fully as possible, even in a harsh form, express to each other what you feel.

The Japanese, for example, came up with a kind of ritual for this and soft pillows for beating. Sometimes even shouting or hitting the table with a pillow is better than a calm, cold-blooded rebuff to the enemy.

Yet it is risky to reveal one's feelings if it leads to emotional reaction. When this is not followed up, a big quarrel can break out. Therefore, if you feel that as you present your claims, you become more and more irritated and at the same time find that your complaints only inflame negative emotions opponent, you need to say to yourself: “I should stop. I should think about what I can do to solve this problem in the future." After that, let the enemy know that you want to stop the boiling of passions. It should be explained that you are not going to ignore the opponent's emotions or deny their validity, but only want to contain them. It's wise to say something like, "Yes, I see we're both annoyed, but that annoyance isn't going to get us anywhere. I would like you to forget about him. Let's agree that something went wrong in the past, as a result of which we are both annoyed. But now let's think together about what we could do in the future." This can be a particularly useful approach if you have come into conflict with someone with whom you will need to continue communication.

It would be good if each of the opponents could at least partially tell the other the following:

What would I like to do to resolve the conflict?

What kind of reactions do I expect from the other?

What consequences do I hope for if an agreement is reached?

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22. Ways to resolve conflicts The model of human behavior in a conflict situation from the point of view of its compliance with psychological standards is based on the ideas of E. Melibruda, W. Siegert and L. Lange. Constructive conflict resolution depends on:

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LECTURE No. 20. Basic interpersonal conflict resolution styles The basic interpersonal conflict resolution styles were developed by K. Thomas. He points out that there are 5 basic styles of behavior in conflict: accommodation, compromise, cooperation,

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3.5. Conflict Resolution Algorithm A conflict situation is a diagnosis of an illness in a relationship called “conflict”. The treatment of any disease is effective only if its correct diagnosis is available. Therefore, establishing a diagnosis is the first step

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Conflict resolution style The most productive in resolving any conflicts, including interpersonal ones, is the style of cooperation, focused on finding a solution that suits both sides of the conflict (the so-called integrative solution, about such

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O single algorithm and conflict resolution formulas Considered in this chapter, a significant number (more than 50) real conflicts in organizations showed that: 1. The universal algorithm for finding the root causes of conflicts proposed in Chapter 3 is very effective. With his

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11.6. Conflict Resolution Style For the most effective conflict resolution, you need to choose the best style of behavior, taking into account your own preferred style, the style of other people involved in the conflict, as well as the specifics of the conflict itself.

From the author's book

Basic conflict resolution styles “Your style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the extent to which you want to satisfy your own interests (acting passively or actively) and the interests of the other party (acting jointly or individually). If a

From the author's book

11.7. Negotiations as a Means of Conflict Resolution Negotiations involving conflicting parties are quite an effective means of their constructive resolution (achieving a mutually beneficial solution or at least a compromise). An alternative to negotiations (especially in

From the author's book

Measures used to resolve conflicts 1. All participants in the conflict must recognize the existence of a problem.2. Analyze how your introversion and your opponent's extraversion affect the problem.3. Try to look at it from the point of view of a colleague.4. Problem resolved,

From the author's book

WAYS TO RESOLVE CONFLICTS There are two main ways to resolve a conflict: 1) forceful suppression; 2) negotiations. Forceful suppression (both moral and physical) occurs, as a rule, after the conflicting participants apply the strategy of rivalry.

From the author's book

NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUES FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION Negotiation is a way to resolve conflicts, possible when the conflicting parties realize the futility of the conflict and strive for a settlement. Negotiations are based on the adoption of joint decisions by conflicting parties.

a) evasion;

b) termination;

c) smoothing;

d) compromise.

9. What is the most effective style of conflict resolution in the organization:

a) compromise

b) coercion;

c) problem solving;

d) evasion.

10. Industrial conflict mainly occurs ...

a) due to the fuzzy separation of functions, inconsistency of standards;

b) due to the low level of labor organization, low qualification of workers;

c) because of a mismatch of values, personal hostility;

d) because of a mismatch of values, personal hostility.

11. Not related to interpersonal conflict...

a) intergroup conflict;

b) intrapersonal;

c) conflict between personalities;

d) organizational.

12. Symptoms of stress are not ...

a) chronic experience;

b) emotional instability, nervousness;

c) responsiveness, initiative;

d) sleep problems.

13 .There are the following ways to manage conflict:

a) interpersonal and organizational;

b) organizational and structural;

c) structural and interpersonal;

d) there is no correct answer.

14. Conflict management is a skill in more necessary…

a) technical level managers;

b) managerial level managers;

c) institutional level managers;

d) managerial level and institutional level managers.

15. If the conflict situation is transformed in such a way that the parties are forced to stop the conflict actions, but they still have the desire to achieve the original goals, then the conflict:

a) allowed;

b) not allowed;

c) partially allowed;

d) no correct option response.

16. Compromise is a conflict resolution style that:

a) the parties make mutual concessions to each other;

b) when making a decision, partners can exert pressure on each other, coercion;

c) one of the parties to strive in any way to get out of the conflict situation;

d) the parties do not make mutual concessions to each other.

17. A hallmark of conflict in an organization is…

a) the impossibility of realizing the goals of any of the interacting parties;

b) real struggle between acting people or groups;

c) the activities of people pursuing various goals;

d) socio-psychological tension, generating changes in the activities of the organization.

18. The rules for achieving efficiency in the process of argumentation do not include:

a) the need to use simple, precise and convincing concepts;

b) the choice of methods of argumentation, taking into account the characteristics of the character of the interlocutor;

c) the need to use business expressions and formulations that contribute to the perception of what was said;

d) the use of "strong" expressions for persuasiveness.

19. Conflict translated from Latin (conflictus):

a) collision

b) conversation;

in) different views, opinions;

d) negotiations.

20. Go to Resolution Styles interpersonal conflicts not applicable:

a) compromise

b) conflict resolution by force;

c) conflict resolution through cooperation;

d) ending the conflict.

21. Request refers to:

a) to the administrative method of conflict management;

b) socio-psychological;

c) pedagogical;

d) organizational.

22. If the beliefs, values ​​of a work colleague cause a feeling of irritation, indignation, rejection, then:

a) he should be told about it, let him reconsider his position;

b) communication with him should be excluded;

c) remember that there is no ideal people, show restraint, since irritation cannot be the basis for constructive cooperation;

d) communicate rarely.

test questions

1. What is conflict?

2. How did the views on the role of conflict in the organization develop?

3. What types of conflicts do you know?

4. What are the sources of conflict?

5. What is the constructive side of conflicts?

6. What is the essence of the conflict between a person and an organization?

7. What is the essence of the conflict as a process?

8. What are possible consequences conflict?

9. What strategies for conflict resolution by the parties themselves do you know?

10. What is the leader's strategy and tactics in resolving conflicts?

11. Describe the main styles of interpersonal conflict resolution. Which of the styles is considered the most effective for the authority of the leader?

12. What methods are used to resolve organizational conflicts?

13. What is stress and what are its causes?

Topic 11. System information support
and communication in management

The essence of information and its role in management. Classification of information according to various criteria. Information requirements: reliability, accuracy, sufficiency, availability, timeliness of receipt. Types of information: general, specific, stimulating, control, distributive and guiding. Intra-firm information system: principles, goals, objectives and functions. Technology information activities. Definition of communications. Communications within organizations: interlevel; descending and ascending; horizontal; interpersonal; communication leader - subordinate, leader - working group; informal communications.

Elements and stages of the communication process. barriers to effective interpersonal communications. Ways to improve efficiency interpersonal communication. Typology of communication styles by signs: adequacy feedback and openness towards a communication partner. Barriers in organizational communications. Ways to improve communications in organizations.

Questions for self-study to class

1. The essence of information and its role in management.

2. Intra-company information system.

3. The concept and essence of communication.

4. Types of communications and their characteristics. Communication networks.

5. Communication process and its stages.

6. Improving communications in organizations.

Exercise 1. Currently, according to experts, the one who owns the information owns everything. This is evidenced by the presented scheme (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Opportunities
effective information support

1. What else, besides what is shown in the diagram, provides the Russian manager with detailed and timely information?

2. If you were appointed manager of the firm, what information support would you use first of all?


Task 2. Familiarize yourself with the situation and answer the questions provided.

2.1. Kirill and Oleg don't meet very often in person, partly because they don't get along well with each other, and partly because they work in different buildings, although on the same lot. They find it unpleasant when they are required to make frequent contacts at work. They try to overcome this problem by talking to each other on the phone.

Kirill is a young mathematician, a university graduate who works in the data processing department. Although he joined the bank just a few years ago straight from university, he was quickly promoted to the level of a middle manager. He is single, lives near the office, and can often work late.

Oleg is under 50 years old, he came to the bank at the age of 18, he became the head only recently. He has extensive experience in his specialty, but he is not familiar with latest achievements in data processing. He always claims to have all the information he needs. The bank believes that he often ignores information that does not match his own opinion. He is punctual, adheres to a strictly defined regime, is silent, every evening he leaves the city to his family.

Kirill thinks that the bank is a rather rigid institution. This point of view, he often and willingly communicates to anyone who is ready to listen to him. He is immersed in the world of computers and is fluent in them. He has no time for people.

Identify barriers to communication between these two people. What can be done to remove barriers to communication?

Task 3. Think about the communication styles you most often use in communication:

a) with friends


b) with friends


c) with parents ______________________________________________


d) with teachers


Task 4. For effective management such a personal quality of a leader as the ability to influence others is necessary. If you have a desire and or professional necessity to influence people, then you need to evaluate how you succeed. Solve the test: "Do you know how to influence others?" and determine the degree of this skill.

Answer as objectively as possible "yes" or "no" to next questions:

1 . Are you able to imagine yourself as an actor or politician?

2 . Do people who dress and act extravagant annoy you?

3 . Are you able to talk to another person about your intimate experiences?

4 . Do you react quickly if you feel offended?

5 . Do you feel bad when someone succeeds in the area that you consider most important to you?

6 . Do you like to do something very difficult to demonstrate to others your extraordinary abilities?

7 . Could you sacrifice everything to achieve an outstanding result in your business?

8 . Do you like to lead a measured lifestyle with a strict schedule of all business and even entertainment?

9 . Do you strive to keep your circle of friends unchanged?

10 . Do you like to change the situation in your home or rearrange the furniture?

11 . Do you like trying new ways to solve old problems?

12 . Do you make fun of a person if you see that he is too self-confident?

13 . Do you like to prove that your boss or someone very authoritative is wrong about something?

Calculate the number of points for each answer option.

Key for scoring.

Undoubtedly, in the life of every person there was a moment when he wanted to avoid confrontation and asked himself the question of how to resolve the conflict. But there are also circumstances when there is a desire to adequately get out of a difficult conflict situation, while maintaining relationships. Some people are faced with the need to escalate the conflict in order to finally resolve it. In any case, each of us faced the question of how to resolve the conflict or how to avoid it.

First of all, you need to understand that the conflict is completely normal condition personality. All the time while a person realizes conscious life activity, he is in conflict with other people, groups of individuals or with himself. However, if you learn the skills that will help you understand how to resolve conflict, you can significantly develop and strengthen personal and professional relationships. Permission social conflicts- a rather serious skill that can be very useful.

Many people have no idea what specific conflicts they are involved in, much less realize the true causes of conflicts. As a result, they cannot effectively manage them. Timely unresolved conflicts between individuals in one beautiful moment lead to intrapersonal conflicts and rather undesirable consequences. Unfulfilled desires and eternal experiences can cause health problems. In addition, they often spoil the character and turn a person into a loser dissatisfied with everything in the world, pushing a person down the social ladder. If such a prospect is far from attractive to you, you should carefully figure out how to resolve the conflict if it occurs. There are many ways to resolve conflicts, so you can easily master the most necessary skills.

Let's take a look at what conflict is. In psychology, this term is defined as a clash of incompatible and oppositely directed tendencies in relationships between individuals, groups of people or in the mind. individual person leading to negative emotional experiences.

Based on this definition, the foundation of a conflict situation is a clash of interests, goals and ideas. Quite clearly, conflict manifests itself when people do not agree on their values, motivations, ideas, desires or perceptions. Often such differences look rather trivial. However, when the conflict involves strong feelings, basic needs become the basis of the problem. These include the need for security, solitude, closeness, awareness of one's own value or significance. correct resolving interpersonal conflicts primarily focuses on the primary needs of people.

Specialists have developed a variety of ways to resolve conflicts and recommendations regarding various aspects of the behavior of individuals in situations of conflict of interest or opinion. Based on the possible models of conflict resolution, the goals and interests of the parties, there are the following styles of conflict resolution.

  • The competitive style is used when a person is quite active and intends to move towards resolving a conflict situation, wanting to satisfy his own interests first of all, often to the detriment of the interests of other people. Such a person forces others to accept his way of solving the problem. This model behavior gives a chance to realize strengths any ideas even if they are not to their liking. Among all methods of conflict resolution, this one is one of the most severe. You should choose this style only in the situation when you have everything the right resources to resolve the conflict in your favor, as well as when you are sure that your decision is correct. If speak about leadership roles, then it is periodically useful for him to make tough authoritarian decisions, which in the future give a positive result. Of all conflict resolution methods, this style of behavior most effectively teaches employees to obey without undue ranting, and also helps restore faith in success in difficult situations for the company.

In most cases, rivalry implies enough strong position. But it happens that such a model of behavior is resorted to due to weakness. Often this happens when a person loses hope of winning the current conflict, and he seeks to prepare the ground for inciting another. As an example, consider the situation where youngest child deliberately provokes the elder, receives a well-deserved “reward”, and then immediately complains to his parents from the position of the victim. In addition, there are situations in which a person enters into a confrontation solely because of his stupidity, without realizing what consequences this or that conflict will have for him. However, most likely, if a person reads this article, he is unlikely to intentionally fall into such a disadvantageous situation for himself and will choose this particular one among all in special situations.

  • The evasion due to weakness style is often used when the potential loss in a particular conflict is much higher than the moral cost associated with "flight". At the same time, flight cannot always be any physical action. It is not uncommon for people in leadership positions to evade a controversial decision by postponing or rescheduling an unwanted meeting or conversation. indefinite term. As excuses, the manager may talk about the loss of documents or give useless tasks regarding the collection of additional information on some issue. Often the problem just gets more complicated, so don't avoid conflicts this way too often. Try your best ways to resolve conflicts choose this one when it really suits you.

It is a completely different matter when such a style of behavior is resorted to because of strength. It is then that such a method is absolutely justified. Strong personality can use time to his advantage in order to collect necessary resources in order to win the conflict. At the same time, you should not deceive yourself and convince yourself that you are not really afraid of an aggravation of the conflict, but are only waiting for right moment to resolve the situation in their favor. Remember that this moment may never come. Therefore, this style of conflict resolution should be used wisely.

  • The style of adaptation lies in the fact that a person acts, focusing on the behavior of other people, while not striving to defend his own interests. In such a situation, he recognizes the dominance of the opponent and concedes victory to him in the conflict. This model of behavior can be justified when you understand that by giving in to someone, you do not lose much. It is recommended to choose from all ways of conflict resolution the style of accommodation when you are trying to maintain relationships and peace with another person or group of people, or if you realize that you were still wrong. You can use this pattern of behavior when you don't have enough power or other resources to win a particular conflict, or when you realize that winning is much more important to your opponent than to you. In this case, the subject practicing the accommodation style seeks to find a solution that will satisfy both conflicting parties.

The use of this strategy due to weakness is used when it is impossible to avoid conflict for some reason, and resistance can potentially significantly harm the individual. As an example, consider the situation when you meet a company of arrogant hooligans at night in a deserted place. In this situation, it is much more reasonable to choose the above-described method of resolving interpersonal conflicts and part with the phone, rather than join a fight and still lose your property. However, in the second case, serious harm can be done to your health.

Considering this style of behavior in the context of a business, it is possible to analyze the situation when new company with significantly more powerful financial, technical and administrative resources than your firm has. In such a situation, of course, you can put all your strength and capabilities into an active fight against a competitor, but the probability of losing remains very high. In this situation, it would be more rational to try to adapt by finding a new market niche or, in extreme cases, by selling the company to a stronger player in the market.

The accommodating due to strength strategy is used when you are aware of the pitfalls your opponent will face if he sticks to it. In this situation, you allow the other person to "enjoy" the consequences of his actions.

  • The style of cooperation implies that the subject seeks to resolve the conflict for the sake of his own interests, but at the same time does not ignore the interests of the opponent and tries together with him to find ways for the outcome of the current situation, which is beneficial to both. Among the typical circumstances in which this style is used, we can mention the following: both parties have the same opportunities and resources to resolve any problem; conflict resolution is beneficial to both parties and no one wants to get away from it; the presence of interdependent and long-term relationships between opponents; each of the conflicting parties is able to clearly explain its goals, express thoughts and come up with alternatives way out of the situation. The resolution of social conflicts in this way may be the most acceptable.

Cooperation due to strength takes place when each side has enough time and energy to find more significant common interests than those that caused the conflict. After the opponents come to an understanding of global interests, you can start looking for a way to jointly realize the interests of a lower level. Unfortunately, in practice, this method of conflict resolution is not always effective due to its complexity. . The process of resolving the conflict in this way requires tolerance on both sides.

Cooperation due to weakness is like accommodation. However, those who practice this style are often called collaborators or traitors. Such a strategy can be effective if no obvious changes in the alignment of forces of the conflicting parties are foreseen in the future.

  • The compromise style implies that the opponents seek to find a solution based on mutual concessions. Such a strategy of behavior of the conflicting parties is appropriate when they want the same thing, but at the same time they believe that it is impossible to achieve this at the same time. As an example, consider the following situations: the parties have equal resources, but there is a mutually exclusive interest; a temporary solution can suit each of the conflicting parties; both opponents will be satisfied with a short-term gain. The style of compromise is often the best or even the last. possible method conflict resolution.

The main ways to resolve the conflict

All existing methods Conflict resolution can be divided into two groups: negative methods(types of struggle, the purpose of which is to achieve victory for one side) and positive methods. The term "negative methods" is used in the sense that the result of the conflict will be the destruction of the relationship of unity of the parties participating in the confrontation. The result of positive methods should be the preservation of unity between the conflicting parties. This includes various types of constructive competition and negotiations.

It should be understood that conflict resolution methods are divided into positive and negative conditionally. In practice, both methodologies can harmoniously complement each other. Moreover, the term "struggle" in the context of conflict resolution is quite general in terms of its content. It is no secret that the negotiation process often includes elements of a struggle on some issues. In the same way, the tough struggle of the conflicting parties in no way precludes negotiations on specific rules. It is impossible to imagine progress without creative rivalry between old and new ideas. At the same time, both conflicting parties pursue one goal - the development of a certain area.

Despite the fact that there are many types of struggle, each of them has its own common signs, since any struggle implies the interaction of two subjects, in which one interferes with the other.

The main condition for victory in the event of an armed struggle is the achievement of unambiguous superiority and the concentration of forces at the point of the main battle. A similar technique characterizes the basic strategy of other types of struggle, which, for example, is a game of chess. The winner is the one who can concentrate the pieces in the place where the decisive line of attack on the opponent's king is located.

In any fight, you should be able to choose the right field decisive battle, concentrate forces in this place and pick up the moment to attack. Any method of struggle involves a certain combination of these basic components.

The main goal of the struggle is to change the conflict situation. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Impact on the opponent, his defense and the situation;
  • Change in the balance of power;
  • False or true information of the enemy about his intentions;
  • Obtaining a correct assessment of the situation and the capabilities of the enemy.

Different methods of struggle use all these methods in different combinations.

Let's look at some of the methods that are used in the fight. One of them is the achievement of victory by obtaining necessary freedom actions. This method can be implemented by the following methods: the formation of freedom of action for oneself; restriction of freedom of the opponent; the acquisition of more advantageous positions in the confrontation, even at the cost of losing certain benefits, etc. For example, in the process of a dispute, the method of imposing on the opponent those in which he is incompetent can be very effective. Thus, a person can compromise himself.

Quite effective is the method of using the opponent's reserves by one conflicting party for its own benefit. An excellent technique that demonstrates the effectiveness of the method can be forcing the enemy to take actions that are useful to the other side.

An important method of struggle is the primary incapacitation of the main control centers of the conflicting complexes. They can be leading individuals or institutions, as well as the main elements of the opponent's position. During the discussion (here without art public speaking it is difficult to manage), discrediting the leading representatives of the enemy side and refuting the theses of their position is actively practiced. For example, in the process political struggle a fairly effective method is to criticize the negative traits of leaders, as well as to demonstrate their failure.

The main principle of resolving any conflict is efficiency and timeliness. However, in the process of struggle, the method of dragging out the case, which is also called the "delay method", can be used quite successfully. Such an approach is special case when the right time and place for the final blow is chosen, as well as the creation of a favorable balance of power.

Slow transition to decisive action may be appropriate when necessary to concentrate significant resources to win victory. The aphorism “time works for us” clearly describes the main point this method. If we talk about the discussion, then this method implies the desire to take the floor last, when all the opponents have spoken. In such a situation, there is a chance to make arguments that have not been seriously attacked in previous speeches.

The wire method has been used for a long time. Plutarch described the case when this style was applied by the Roman dictator Sulla. When he realized that he was surrounded by significant enemy forces, he called the second consul, Scipio, to his negotiations. After this, lengthy meetings and meetings began, at which Sulla each time postponed the adoption final decision. At the same time, he decomposed morale enemy soldiers with the help of their cunning assistants. Scipio's warriors were bribed with money and other valuables. As a result, when the troops of Sulla approached the camp of Scipio, the soldiers went over to the side of the dictator, and the second consul was captured in his camp.

Avoiding a fight is also quite effective method, which is partially related to the previous one. In this case, the process of conflict resolution occurs in the style of evasion. It is used in a number of cases: when the task of mobilizing resources and forces for victory remains unresolved; to lure an opponent into a trap prepared in advance in order to buy time and change the situation to a more profitable one.

positive conflict resolution methods primarily includes negotiations. When there is a special emphasis on negotiations as part of the conflict, the parties tend to conduct them from a position of strength in order to achieve a unilateral victory. It goes without saying that this nature of the negotiations leads only to a partial resolution of the conflict. At the same time, negotiations are only an addition on the way to victory over the opponent. In the case when negotiations are considered as a method of conflict resolution, they take the form of open debate, implying mutual concessions and partial satisfaction of the interests of both parties.

The method of negotiations based on certain principles can be characterized by four fundamental rules, each of which constitutes an element of negotiations and is a recommendation for their conduct.

  • Separate the concepts of "participant in negotiations" and "subject of negotiations". Since any person who participates in negotiations has certain character traits, it is not worth discussing an individual person, as this will introduce a number of barriers. emotional nature. AT the process of criticism participants in the negotiations themselves only escalate.
  • Focus on interests, not positions, as the latter can hide true goals negotiators. At the same time, conflicting positions are often based on interests. That is why it is worth focusing on the latter. It is worth remembering that opposing positions always hide more interests than those reflected in the positions themselves.
  • Consider conflict resolution options that are beneficial to both parties. Interest-based bargaining encourages participants to find a win-win solution by looking at options that will satisfy both parties. Thus, the debate takes on the character of a dialogue “we against the problem” instead of a discussion in the format “me against you”.
  • Look for objective criteria. Consent must be based on neutral criteria in relation to opponents. Only in this case, the consensus will be fair and lasting. Subjective criteria lead to the infringement of one of the parties and the complete destruction of agreement. Objective criteria are formed on the basis of a clear understanding of the essence of the problems.

Justice decisions taken directly depends on conflict resolution procedures, such as the elimination of disputes by drawing lots, delegating decision making to a third party, etc. Variations on the latter style of conflict resolution are numerous.

Remember that high emotionality in the process of conflict resolution is a barrier to its successful resolution. Ability to conduct effective resolution social conflicts directly depends on your skills, such as:

  • Calmness and stress resistance. Such personal qualities will allow a more cool assessment of verbal and non-verbal communications.
  • The ability to control your behavior and emotions. If you know how to do this, you will always convey your needs to your opponent without undue annoyance or intimidation.
  • The ability to listen and pay attention to the words and expression of feelings of other people.
  • Understanding that everyone deals with situations differently.
  • The ability to avoid offensive actions and words.

To acquire such skills, you need to develop stress resistance and the ability to control your emotions. So you will feel comfortable ways to resolve conflicts difficult level.

What else you need to know about conflict resolution

Incomplete resolution of interpersonal conflicts leads to their renewal. However, you should not take it as a flawed action, since not every conflict can be resolved the first time. For example, political parties are constantly fighting, which do not stop long years throughout their lifetime.

Conflict can be viewed as an opportunity for development. If you can resolve conflict in a relationship, you will be rewarded with trust. You have confidence that your relationship will not collapse from various troubles.

If a conflict looks intimidating in your eyes, it means that you subconsciously expect that it will not be resolved mutually beneficially. For many, conflict in a relationship looks like something dangerous and frightening. In some cases, it can really be traumatic, especially if life experience left you feeling powerless and out of control. In this case, you come into conflict with a sense of threat and, accordingly, cannot resolve it qualitatively. In most cases, you will make concessions or, conversely, become angry.

Everyone, if desired, can effectively use these conflict resolution methods. However, an individual may have one most commonly used style of conflict resolution. Depending on how assertive and active a person is, he chooses one strategy or another. You can choose the best conflict resolution styles that are right for you.

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Five basic INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION STYLES are known: avoidance, smoothing, coercion, compromise and problem solving.

EVASION. This style is characterized by implying that the person is trying to get away from conflict. One of the ways to resolve the conflict is not to get into situations that provoke the emergence of contradictions, not to enter into discussions of issues that are fraught with disagreements. Then you don’t have to get into an excited state, even if you are solving the problem.

SMOOTHING. This style is characterized by behavior. which is dictated by the belief that it is not worth getting angry, because "we are all one happy team, and we should not rock the boat." The Smoother tries not to let out the signs of conflict and bitterness, appealing to the need for solidarity. Unfortunately, they completely forget about the problem underlying the conflict. You can extinguish the desire for conflict in another person by repeating: “It does not matter much. Think of the good things that have manifested here today.” As a result, peace, harmony and warmth may come, but the problem will remain. There is no more room for emotions to show, but they live inside and accumulate. A general unease becomes apparent, and the likelihood that an explosion will eventually occur increases.

COMPULSION. Within this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost prevail. The one who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others. A person who uses this style usually behaves aggressively, and usually uses power through coercion to influence others. The conflict can be brought under control by showing that you have the strongest power, suppressing your opponent, wresting a concession from him by right of the boss. This style of coercion can be effective in situations where the leader has significant power over subordinates. The disadvantage of this style is that that it suppresses the initiative of subordinates, creates a high probability that not all will be taken into account important factors because only one point of view is presented. It can cause resentment, especially among younger and more educated staff.

COMPROMISE. This style is characterized by taking the other side's point of view, but only to some extent. The ability to compromise is highly valued in managerial situations, as it minimizes ill will and often makes it possible to quickly resolve the conflict to the satisfaction of both parties. However, using compromise early on in a conflict over an important decision can interfere with the diagnosis of the problem and shorten the time it takes to find an alternative. Such a compromise means agreement only to avoid a quarrel, even if prudent action is abandoned. Such a trade-off is one of being content with what is available, rather than a persistent search for what is logical in the light of the facts and data available.

SOLUTION. This style is an acknowledgment of differences of opinion and a willingness to get acquainted with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to all parties. The one who uses this style does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather looks for the best way to resolve the conflict situation. The divergence of views is seen as the inevitable result of that. that smart people have their own ideas about what is right and what is not. Emotions can only be eliminated through direct dialogue with a person other than your gaze. Deep analysis and resolution of the conflict is possible, only this requires maturity and the art of working with people ... Such constructiveness in resolving the conflict (by solving the problem) contributes to creating an atmosphere of sincerity, which is so necessary for the success of the individual and the company as a whole.

Thus, in difficult situations where a variety of approaches and accurate information are essential to making a sound decision, the emergence of conflicting opinions should even be encouraged and managed using a problem-solving style. Other styles may also be successful in limiting or preventing conflict situations, but they will not lead to an optimal solution to the issue, because not all points of view have been studied equally carefully. Studies show that high-performing companies used problem-solving style more than low-performing companies in conflict situations. In these high-performing organizations, leaders openly discussed their differences of opinion, neither emphasizing the differences nor pretending they didn't exist. They searched for a solution until they finally found one. They also tried to prevent or reduce the brewing of a conflict by concentrating real decision-making authority in those departments and levels of the managerial hierarchy where the greatest values ​​and information about the factors influencing the decision are concentrated. Although there is not much research in this area, a number of works confirm the effectiveness this approach to conflict management.


1. Conflict means disagreement of the parties, in which one party tries to achieve acceptance of its views and prevent the other party from doing the same. Conflict can take place between individuals and groups and between groups.

2. Potential Causes of Conflict - Shared resources, job interdependence, differences in goals, differences in perceptions and values, differences in behaviors and biographies of people, and poor communication. People often do not respond to situations of potential conflict unless those situations involve minimal personal loss or threat.

3. Structural methods for resolving conflicts include clarifying production expectations, mechanisms for coordination and integration, setting higher levels of tasks and a reward system.

4. Potential negative effects of conflict include: reduced productivity, dissatisfaction, lower morale, increased employee turnover, worse social interaction, worse communication, and increased loyalty to subgroups and informal organizations. However, with effective intervention, conflict can have positive consequences. For example, more in-depth work on finding a solution, diversity of opinions in decision-making and better cooperation in the future.

5. There are five conflict resolution styles. Evasion represents an escape from conflict. Smoothing- such behavior as if there is no need to be annoyed. Compulsion– the use of legitimate authority or pressure to impose one's point of view. Compromise yielding to some degree to another point of view is an effective measure, but may not lead to an optimal solution. Solution of problems- the style preferred in situations that require a variety of opinions and data, characterized by the open recognition of differences in views and the clash of these views in order to find a solution acceptable to both parties.

List of used literature

1. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. - M., "Case" - 1992

2. Borodkin F.M. Koryak N.M. Attention: conflict. - M., 1989

3. V.S. Yanchevsky. Labor contract. - Zhytomyr, 1996

4. Sarzhveladze N.I. Personality and its interaction with the environment. _ Tb., 1989

5. Scott G Ginny. Conflicts: ways to overcome. / Per. from English. - Kyiv: Publishing house. Society "Verzilin and K LTD", 1991

AT real life not so easy to find out true reason conflict and find an appropriate way to resolve it.

In this regard, the studies of C. W. Thomas and R. H. Kilman are interesting, which point to five main styles of behavior in conflict:

· competition or rivalry;

a compromise


ignoring or evading;

· cooperation.

The most typical is competition style . Statistics say that 70% of all cases in the conflict is the desire for a unilateral win, first of all, satisfaction of one's own interests. This results in a desire to put pressure on a partner, to impose one's interests, using power for this through coercion. This style can be effective if the leader has great power over subordinates, must make an unpopular decision and has enough authority to choose that step; interact with subordinates who prefer authoritarian style. However, this style can cause resentment among educated personnel. This strategy rarely brings long-term results, as the losing side may not stand up to a decision made against its will, or even try to sabotage it.

Essence compromise style is that the parties are trying to resolve differences by making mutual concessions. In this regard, it somewhat resembles the style of cooperation, however, it is carried out at a more superficial level, since the parties are somewhat inferior to each other. This style is most effective when both parties desire the same thing, but know that simultaneous desires are not feasible, such as striving for the same position or hanging for the same job. Ability is highly valued in managerial situations, as it minimizes ill will, which often makes it possible to quickly resolve the conflict, leading to the satisfaction of both parties. The disadvantage of this style is that one of the parties may exaggerate their demands in order to later appear magnanimous or give in before the other.

The compromise style can be used in the following situations:

1) both sides have the same convincing arguments and have the same power;

2) the satisfaction of the desire of one of the parties has not too much for her great importance;

3) a temporary solution is possible, since there is no time to develop another; or other approaches to solving the problem were ineffective;

4) a compromise will allow at least something to be gained than to lose everything;

Style fixtures means that you are acting in concert with the other party, but at the same time you are not trying to defend your own interests in order to smooth the atmosphere and restore normalcy. In this case, you donate self-interest in favor of the other side. But that doesn't mean you have to give up your interests. You just have to sort of set them aside for a while, and then, in a more favorable environment return to their satisfaction through concessions from your opponent or in some other way.

The most typical situations in which this style is applicable are as follows:

1) the most important task is to restore calm and stability, and not to resolve the conflict;

2) the subject of the disagreement is not important for one of the participants;

3) good relations are more preferable to one's own point of view;

4) the participant does not have enough power or chances to win.

It should also be remembered that with this style, as a result of "forgetting" the problem underlying the conflict, peace and quiet may come, but the problem will remain, and eventually an "explosion" may occur.

Ignore or dodge. Usually this style is chosen if the conflict does not affect the direct interests of the parties and they do not need to defend their rights and spend time on its solution. The style is also applicable when dealing with conflict personality. The conflicting party uses an evasive style if it:

1) believes that the source of disagreement is insignificant compared to others more important tasks;

2) knows that he cannot or does not even want to resolve the issue in his favor;

3) has little power to solve the problem in the way she wants;

4) wants to buy time to study the situation and get Additional information before making any decision;

5) considers it dangerous to solve the problem immediately, since an open discussion of the conflict can only worsen the situation;

6) subordinates can resolve the conflict themselves;

7) when people who are difficult from the point of view of communication are rude, complainers, whiners and the like.

Collaboration Style, this is the most difficult of all styles, but at the same time the most effective in resolving conflict situations is a joint development of a solution that satisfies the interests of both parties. In the process of this, joint experience and broad information are acquired for subsequent integration, and an atmosphere of cooperation is created. The parties recognize differences of opinion and are willing to explore other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to all. The one who uses this style does not seek to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather seeks the best option solutions.

This style can be used to resolve a conflict in the following situations:

1) if each of the approaches to the problem is important and does not allow compromise solutions, however, it is necessary to find common decision;

2) the main goal is to acquire joint work experience; the parties are able to listen to each other and state the essence of their interests;

3) there are long-term. Strong and interdependent relationship with the conflict party;

4) it is necessary to integrate points of view and strengthen the personal involvement of employees in activities.

None of the considered styles can be called the best. You should use each of them effectively and, given the specific circumstances, consciously make a choice in favor of one or another style.