Application for self-analysis of the teacher organizer. Self-analysis of pedagogical activity

Information about the certified employee

1. FULL NAME. Zhabina Kristina Eduardovna

2.Place of work: municipal educational institution of additional education for children Dom family leisure territorial district of the village of Safonova.

3. Education: Higher professional, graduated from Moscow State University of Humanities, majoring in interior design.

4. Work experience: Total work experience - 6 years, teaching experience - 6 years, work experience in this institution- 3 years.

5. Availability qualification category: The first qualification category, its validity period is until October 13, 2016 (Order of the education department of the administration municipality city ​​of Murmansk Murmansk region No. 262 of October 13, 2006

6. Awards, titles: Doesn't have

1. Information about the certified employee ……………………………….……........... . 2

3.Explanatory note………………………………………………...….............4

4. Self-analysis of the activities of the teacher ............... ...............………………........... ........7

5. Implemented educational program of the association "VIA".................................................................. ................................................. ..............................fifteen

6. Methods for diagnosing educational and educational process......................................................................................................................20

6.1. Used educational technologies............................................23

6.2. The effectiveness of the use of modern

educational technologies............................................................................ 24

7. Methodical teacher's activity,

its effectiveness .............................................................. ................................................. 26

7.1. Generalization and dissemination of work experience .............................................. . 29

7.2. Public lesson................................................ ...........................................31

8. Diagnosis and performance of students .............................................. 35

9. Personal achievements teacher..............................................37

9.1.Participation in competitions............................................... ................................................ 37

9.2. Work in creative, design groups .............................................. ....... 38

10.Appendices ………………..………………………………………......................…...40

Explanatory note

Give the young what they need

to become independent from us

and able to make their choice.

K. Popper

Modern youth is a specific component Russian society. her interests, cultural life different from those of other age groups. Young people are actively interested in religion and fashion, painting and computers, sports and graffiti. One of the features of youth culture is its heterogeneity. Along with the traditional culture, there is also a counterculture that manifests itself in various youth movements. Youth environment, due to its age, socio-psychological and worldview characteristics, is in dire need of socio-cultural identification, and therefore in more than other social and age groups is susceptible to transformational processes associated with the assimilation of value systems, norms that form certain forms behavior. Youth is a period of active formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and the social status of an individual.

I have been working as a teacher of additional education at the municipal educational institution of additional education for children, the House of Children's Creativity, since 2002. The age of the children with whom I work in the House of Children's Creativity is from 13 to 18 years old, therefore, when choosing the forms of presentation of musical material, differentiated learning technologies are used, which take into account the age characteristics of students.

For the development of the creative individuality of children in the conditions of children's musical groups, carefully thought-out and organized joint work of the head of the team and his

pupils. The teacher is engaged in the field of education, and introduces his innovative ideas and pedagogical developments into the educational process, which help to achieve positive results in concrete form activities, and pupils, studying the material being taught, find their own individual methods that help them master the material being studied. The role of the teacher is to select and adapt musical material for a vocal and instrumental ensemble of different composition and level of preparedness, taking into account the character, temperament, timbre and technical features soloist or group of performers. In the selection of musical material for classes, I use works that have expressive melody, rich harmony, competent text, which help to educate children in the culture of performance and instill aesthetic taste.

For the effective conduct of classes in musical associations, in the period 2008-2010, I chose the topic of self-education "Methods of setting voice using breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova", which was studied and based on it developed methodical development"Study and systematization various techniques voice training for vocal lessons”, which received a review and is recommended for use in an educational institution. In the period from 2009 to 2011, she studied, developed and systematized materials on the topic "Improvisation as a way to reveal the creative abilities of students in the performance of musical works", which resulted in a methodological development under by the same name, approved by the methodological council of DDT, and recommended for use in an educational institution.

This portfolio is a systematic collection of methodological and analytical materials that reveal the content and productivity of my pedagogical activity for 5 years of work, in the conditions of additional education of children.

Portfolio includes:

· Presentation of pedagogical activity. Introspection. Developed programs, techniques, methods, techniques and teaching aids, lesson development, control and training tests.

· Results of diagnostics and level of achievements of pupils.

· Methodical activity, generalization and dissemination of experience, presentation at seminars, methodological associations, competitions and conferences.

· Applications: copies of diplomas, certificates, certificates of advanced training, newspaper publications, reviews of methodological developments, reviews of colleagues about my work as an accompanist and leader of the association.

The validity of the materials included in the portfolio is due to the fact that the results of my work as a teacher educational institution, have a systematic and progressively increasing effectiveness, and the ongoing program of the association "VIA" focuses on the goals and objectives of the development of the entire educational institution.

When choosing an educational technology, I focus on the results of testing the technology in the conditions of my educational institution, which involves the development theoretical concept, highlighting the stages of the activities of students and the teacher, the sequence of which corresponds to the logic of the technology and ensures the achievement of the planned results. The pedagogical technology is based on the idea of ​​complete controllability of the educational process, its design and the possibility of analysis through phased reproduction. To assess individual educational outcomes students, using the means of pedagogical diagnostics.

Self-analysis of pedagogical activity

I, Zhabina Kristina Eduardovna, work as a teacher in the system of additional education for children of 10 years old. I have a higher professional education, graduated from the Moscow State University of Humanities in 2012, majoring in cultural and educational work, qualified as a club worker, orchestra leader folk instruments. I have been working in educational and cultural institutions for 6 years, and although I chose a profession for myself at a young age related to creative, concert and teaching activities, I still consider my choice correct and meaningful.

The purpose of the teacher in modern additional education is special, the child needs to be given not only a variety of information, but also include him in a variety of meaningful activity.

At the present stage of development of additional education of children, in the context of its inclusion in the general educational process, the main tasks creative activity in institutions of additional education is, first of all, teaching children the skills to create space for their creative self-determination and development, the formation of a culture of communication, development in children logical thinking, creative and cognitive potential, using for this the richest methodological and informational material.

For the effective solution of the tasks set, I organize my pedagogical activity on systemic basis, which is built in accordance with such principles of pedagogy as voluntariness, interaction and co-creation.

To teach children the basics of performing skills at various musical instruments that are of interest to today's youth, I created a modified program of additional education for children, for the VIA association, to teach how to play string instruments (violin) and keyboards (piano), which is annually adjusted taking into account pedagogical monitoring, and the development of modern computer and information technologies. Classes in the association are a chain of one link educational program and are the most systematic and dynamic form of both individual and group work. Each lesson is planned so that at the end of the lesson each child individually, and the team as a whole, can see and hear the results of their work. In order to avoid difficulties in the implementation of the educational program, sometimes it is necessary to make adjustments to the repertoire or educational and thematic plan.

Achieving the expected result from the joint activities of the teacher and the student is possible if a number of truths that are well-established in pedagogical activity are fulfilled:

a) Accept the child for who he is. All children are talented in their own way, and it is important to find this talent and help the child discover it. And here it is important to trust, rely on the student's potential, search for and develop his talents, abilities, stimulate internal forces so that on this foundation the child can engage in self-improvement.

b) Be fair and consistent in education and training because for a child, justice is a condition for his immediate protection. And pedagogical justice consists in seeing, even the smallest victory of a child, even if this victory is not over others, but over oneself, or simply to note the child's efforts.

in) Be an example for children, improve yourself, be carried away by the richness of diverse music, engage in creativity. Always think about your students, know their specific problems, and find ways and means by which these problems can be solved, be able to rejoice and admire the success of your students.

In my work, I use pedagogical technology to support children's and youth initiatives, the subject of which is the process of jointly with the child determining his interests, specifying goals, opportunities and ways to overcome obstacles and problems that hinder the manifestation of independence in achieving results in communication and self-development.

On the initial stage teaching, I introduce an explanatory and illustrative method into pedagogical practice, in which the visualization method is used. This method uses audio and video materials for visual perception of the teacher. educational material helping students see final result which will come with the successful development of this particular topic. During this period of study, I begin to study each child individually, get acquainted with his range of interests, hobbies, the degree of development to comprehend a new type of activity, determine the level of knowledge in the chosen type of activity, study the student's social circle, get acquainted with his family. The main task for this period is to help children adapt to a new kind of activity for them in the conditions of an emerging team of like-minded people. During this period, the foundations of the creative team in the association begin to be laid and formed. Therefore, the first year of study is held under the motto "Let's get acquainted."

Then, in the next stage of the lesson, children are targeted for a creative approach to the study of tasks, and this gives them the opportunity to find their own style. During this period of study, acquaintance with each other continues, friendly relations are established. Children learn about hobbies, interests, musical tastes their new friends, jointly listen and select musical material, corresponding to their mutual tastes, for its further study by the whole team. There is also a strengthening of the unity of the team in the way of mutual assistance and support for each other when it is difficult for someone to master the material being studied together with everyone, and

everyone tries, according to their abilities and skills acquired in the classroom, to help their friends understand and assimilate the material being studied. At this stage of development, the paradigm is the motto "Me, my friends and our hobbies." At this stage, elements of the design method are applied. This method forms students' research skills, activates them mental activity, promotes the application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice. In conditions when the volume of knowledge necessary for a person increases dramatically, it is important to instill in children the ability to independently replenish knowledge, be able to find and use various kinds of information, process and use it for self-determination and self-realization in the future.

At the end of the program, priority work is to strengthen friendship and companionship, joint performances and extracurricular activities, cognitive and communicative activities, in which children develop a strong interest in the skills and abilities of their peers, a desire to show their acquired knowledge, creativity, express themselves individually, and show their achievements within the entire team. During this period, the system of specifically oriented actions also acquires value, the importance of self-control increases. At this stage, the motto is "The world of my and our achievements."

The qualitative result of training depends on the teaching methodology chosen by the teacher. In my daily work, I use modern methods for teaching students to play musical instruments, special techniques for setting the voice when performing vocal works, including breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova, I use speech games and exercises that are developed on the basis of the pedagogical concept of Karl Orff, which develop a sense of rhythm in children, form good diction, articulation, help introduce them to the world of dynamic shades, introduce them to musical forms.

In my work I productively use computer programs for arranging and recording musical works, as well as video recordings, phonograms and other musical material. The repertoire of the studied works is selected taking into account the state, thematic and professional holidays, as well as taking into account the preferences and tastes of the students themselves.

The association program and educational material are aimed not only at mastering certain skills of playing power tools, but also at preparing students for life in modern society, the formation of their need to participate in socially significant events. Cooperation with the State Central Committee "North" is successfully carried out, in participation in the "Rock without Borders" project, the municipal educational institution gymnasium of the city of Polyarny for holding concerts and competitions, in the "Stop Drugs" project, a joint project of the House of Children's Creativity and the Kola Flotilla of Diverse Forces Northern Fleet Raising Patriots of Russia.

In my work with children, I variably use a set of methods: conversation, dialogue, improvisation, situations of creative search, creation of problematic educational situations.

Leading intent educational system in the VIA association, consists in creating in the team comfortable atmosphere life activities based on friendly treatment with each other, contributing to individual and collective creativity. The main target is to promote the formation of a moral orientation in children. Achieving this goal becomes possible when the following tasks are solved:

Formation in the classroom in the association of a spiritually and morally rich favorable environment for development;

By all available methods and ways to help children learn and understand the essence of moral values;

Develop communication skills.

Achieving targets involves individual and collective self-determination, through values ​​such as:

Man and his environment;

The team and relationships in it;

Good in essence, and the ability to manifest it;

Labor and industriousness;

Cooperation and interaction of all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers).

When working with children, I always have in mind the principle of gradual progress in personal development. At the same time, the successes and achievements of the child are compared not with the standard, as in basic education, but with the initial capabilities of the student himself.

The priority activity of training and education is the knowledge and development of individual value orientations through communication and activity, the desire for self-improvement and the development of a personal mission. As criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of the educational system in the association "VIA", criteria were chosen that allow evaluating the results of activities to achieve the goal. The criteria will include:

the development of the cognitive potential of the child;

manifestation creativity student

formation of communication skills;

moral orientation of the personality;

formation of students' primary skills of self-knowledge, introspection and self-development.

The very personality of the teacher, his inner world, have a great influence on the formation of the personality of the student, so the teacher should be interesting to students, constantly develop their horizons, and improve their professional skills. The basis of all my teaching activities was the need for constant self-improvement and self-education. Over the past three years, I have studied a number of topics, which resulted in methodological developments, such as "Systematization of various methods for developing and setting voice in vocal lessons", « Improvisation as a way to reveal the student's personal talents when performing musical works.

Through periodicals of methodological literature, Internet resources, I get acquainted with pedagogical innovations that cover education and achievements in the field of application of new computer programs for processing musical sounds and works, I study them and then use them in my work. I constantly take part in meetings of the city methodological association of teachers of additional education, meetings of professional associations of teachers, attend open classes of my colleagues and share my pedagogical experience at master classes.

For students studying under the VIA program, I try to create all the conditions for successful creativity, as far as possible, I replenish the classroom with the necessary methodological material for work. A huge role in my work is played by the friendly attitude towards me of my colleagues in the institution and the benevolent position of the leadership. My work involves my constant participation in various events, concerts, performances, therefore, both the administration and colleagues express their wishes regarding my work, the positive and negative aspects of my work and the work of my VIA association are noted, moral and material support is provided.

Unfortunately, today in my pedagogical activity there are certain difficulties and problems associated with the lack of funds for replenishment of instrumental - material base office "VIA". This creates certain difficulties for students to master the working material, since there are no tools, consumables that have become unusable due to long term services, and great intensity use.

I consider as an achievement in my pedagogical activity:

1.Creating good psychological climate in the organization of cognitive activity.

2.Usage various methods and techniques, for mastering new topics of the program, when studying musical and vocal works, for different age categories of students

3. Development and formation in the team as a whole, and by each individual student, of sustainable motivation, a clear definition of the direction of creative activity.

4. Inclusion of students in socially significant activities (youth associations and projects, concerts, competitions).

5. The acquisition by students of the experience of cooperation with various teams carrying out various kinds of creative activities, education respectful attitude to the results of the work and creativity of others.

The ongoing diagnostics of the assimilation of the taught course by my students confirm that the chosen forms and methods of work most optimally reveal the creative abilities of my students, give them the opportunity to express themselves in creative activity, and feel the results of their formation and development in creative plan, which ultimately creates for the children the situation of their today's victory over yesterday's self and possibly determines it tomorrow.


(analytical reference reflecting the totality of the results of the practical activities of the teacher)

1. General data

Surname, name, patronymic Pekeshina Svetlana Anatolyevna

Place of work Municipal Educational Institution Secondary Comprehensive school No. 9 named after A.S. Pushkin, Volzhsk, Republic of Mari El.

Position: teacher of additional education

Teaching load (number of hours, classes) - 1.5 rates, age of children from 7 to 17 years

Education (university, faculty, specialty, year of graduation) Mari State Pedagogical Institute named after NK Krupskaya; Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods primary education; specialty - primary school teacher; 1999

Work experience: general -15 years, pedagogical - 15 years, in this position - 14 years.

The presence of a qualification category (year of assignment): the highest qualification category - 12/26/2007, project No. 425-k

Information on the completion of advanced training courses for the last 5 years (place of passage, topic, term, volume, document):

Dance educational project "I want to dance", Sochi. Courses on the program: contemporary, hip-hop, stretching, afro-jazz, contact improvisation, stage make-up basics, stage skills basics, (56 hours), certificate dated 07.08. 2011;

Children's Charitable Foundation "ART Festival - Rose of the Winds".

Certificate of completion of the program of master classes in the direction: "Choreography" in the amount of 36 hours within the framework of the 2nd All-Russian festival-competition "Visiting winter fairy tale"(Veliky Ustyug). Registration number 005/13/11 dated 11/29/2011

Palace of Culture named after V.I. Lenin, Yoshkar-Ola

Certificate of completion of master classes in the direction of HIP-HOP CHOREOGRAPHY, certificate dated 25.08.2012

Self-education in the specialty during the inter-certification period.

As part of the work of self-education and with the aim of organizing more

quality work with children of preschool age, I have studied and is starting to implement a program for preparatory groups team for the development of figurative and plastic creativity of children 4 - 7 years old by means of game exercises. For a more successful implementation of the self-education plan, I have worked out the following materials: GORSHKOVA "About" talking movements and miraculous transformations "and methodical piggy bank E.V. GORSHKOVA "From gesture to dance". The programs for working with babies by Ekaterina and Sergey Zheleznov "Bear with a doll", "Entertaining rhythm", "Funny lessons" were studied. Materials of wushu technique and modern choreography were studied.

Methodical theme: Modern choreography as a means of developing a child's personality was chosen by me in order to create conditions for comprehensive development personality of the child by means of choreography. Obtaining a general choreographic education that contributes to education aesthetic taste the creative possibilities of the child.

2. Achievements in professional activity

2.1. Characteristics (abstract) of methodological materials developed during the inter-certification period, the level of their presentation.

During the inter-certification period, I finalized and implemented - an additional educational program "From Fantasy to Dance". Adjustments were made to the curriculum in the learning process: the fifth year of study was added;

Modified program on dance and game activity "Dancing while playing!" for children of primary preschool age, developed and begins to be implemented this year.

2.2. Analysis of participation in open events during the inter-certification period, place and level of events, performance.

The professionalism and literacy of the teacher-choreographer grows and improves in the process of exchanging experience and knowledge between teachers, which is why I try to take part in seminars and master classes not only as a listener and spectator, but also as a distributor of my work experience:

the date


Theme, performance

Reflected in documents

Republican Seminar in folk dance for heads of districts of the republic

master class of stylized Russian dance

In the program of the seminar, on video

June 2011

1 City dance camp for children and leaders

In the camp program

November 2011

4 Creative Lab in modern dance disciplines

Master class on the methodology of using game elements in gymnastics lessons

In the seminar program

September 2011

master class on the topic "Choreography in the children's team"

Methodical Association of Choreographers of the Republic (Y-Ola)

In the seminar program

February-April 2012

work with teachers and children of preschool educational institution No. 1

providing methodological and practical assistance in staging a choreographic number


June 2012

2 republican camp for children and leaders

Mass dance workshops

In the camp program

2.3. Analysis of participation in professional skill competitions
during the inter-certification period, venue and level, performance.

In order to successfully teach children the art of dance, prepare them for competitions and festivals different levels, the teacher needs to constantly improve himself, expand the boundaries of his knowledge, experience the spirit of competition by participating in competitions of professional skills:

the date



Special prize from the jury members "Music in the Soul".

3. Results of practical activities

3.1 The level of education (success) of students for the last 3 years; the level of achievements of pupils, confirming the effectiveness of developments on a methodological topic (in tables or diagrams), justification and conclusions on results.

In the process of working with children, we constantly monitor the results of mastering the educational material, if necessary, adjusting the curriculum and individual work with children. As a result, the level of academic achievement increased by 11%.

Dynamics of the level of education of pupils

Academic year

% progress

high level

% progress

middle level

2009-2010 academic year year

2010-2011 academic year year

2011-2012 academic year year

Pupils of the association successfully perform at competitions and festivals of various levels, every year the guys become laureates and diploma winners of republican and interregional competitions.

Achievements of pupils




III Republican contest Russian dance "Silver slipper"


Festival of children's creativity "Christmas Miracles".


IV interregional festival "Expression-2010".

Diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree up to 10 years;

Diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree from 10 to 14 years;

Diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree from 15 to 20 years


I Republican festival "We will sew a red sundress for Easter with mommy."

I degree


Russian festival - competition of musical and artistic creativity of Cheboksary.

Diploma III degree


creative report

Volzhsk "Bells of Memory" within the framework of the republican festival "Salute of Victory".



international competition Baltic Breeze.

Diploma of the laureate of III degree;

Special prize from a member of the jury

"Music in the Soul"


IV Open regional festival of science and art "The world of my hobbies is the way to the future". Yoshkar-Ola.

Laureate Diploma 14 - 17 years old;

Laureate Diploma 11 - 13 years old


Festival of children's creativity "Christmas Miracles", Yoshkar-Ola.


I Interregional competition of Russian and Slavic dances "Silver Slipper", Yoshkar-Ola.

Diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree;


Open regional festival of choreographic art "Dance".

Laureate Diploma, Winner of the title "Team of the Year-2011"


2nd All-Russian festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "Visiting a winter fairy tale". Veliky Ustyug

3rd Prize Diploma


International festival of festivals "Baltic extravaganza" St. Petersburg

Diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree

3.2 Extracurricular activities with children, the use of modern technologies.

In working with children, we actively use educational and entertaining activities, using developing, communicative and health-saving technologies. We teach children not only the art of dance, but also the ability to communicate, we form the desire to constantly expand their horizons and lead a healthy lifestyle:

Cheboksary, 2010

Visiting the game entertainment complex "Robin-Bobbin";

Visiting McDonald's game program);

Walk along the embankment, sightseeing of cultural monuments.

Saint Petersburg,

Visiting museums: zoological,


Excursions: by boat on the Neva River,

Peter and Paul Fortress;

Attending a master class on modern


Kazan, 2010

Visiting an international master class in "Capuero" (martial arts, acrobatics, dance, music), (masters from Moscow, Israel).

Rest house "Cooperator"

Lake Shap, 2011, 2012

Participation in a dance marathon (starter);

Learning carols and participating in caroling;

Participation in the competition for the best snow figure

Some of the children of the Artes show group went to the Kooperator sanatorium. Vouchers to the camp are the result of victory in the open regional competition"Dance."

settlement of Khosta, Krasnodar region 2011

Dance educational project "I want to dance".

Attending master classes;

Statement of dances;

Excursions: dolphinarium, aquarium, research institute for the study of primates, around the city.

Veliky Ustyug,

November 2011

Visiting Santa Claus Post Office

Visit to the winter garden of Santa Claus

Visit the trail of fairy tales

Visit to the Terem of Father Frost

Trainings and master classes of leading teachers of Russia.

Saint Petersburg

April-May 2012

Sightseeing tour of the city of St. Petersburg

Excursion to the Russian Museum

Excursion to the Zoological Museum

Excursion to Tsarskoye Selo. Visit to the Catherine Palace with a tour of the Amber Room.

Excursion to St. Isaac's Cathedral

Volzhsk, June 2012

Children's dance camp at school No. 9

(children from the show group "Artes" and the studio of modern choreography D. Feyzov).

The camp program included:

Master class "Modern choreography in the children's team" (teacher D. Feyzov, Volzhsk);

Master class on modern choreography

(teacher M. Rybak, Yoshkar-Ola);

Hip Hop Master Class

(teacher V. Pirogova, Kazan);

Children's dance master class

(E.L. Vasilyeva, Zelenodolsk);

Master class on mass dances, applied arts and make-up (teacher S.A. Pekeshina).

The final stage was the performance on A.S. Pushkin with a dance and entertainment program. On the last day, a demonstration performance for parents, awarding participants, presentation of certificates and memorable gifts took place in the sports hall of school No. 9

3.3 The level of ICT mastery of the teacher, the passage of special courses, the effectiveness of training.

I master ICT technologies on my own, I am an active Internet user, I learn to navigate the net, find methodical and didactic, musical and video materials. As a result, I work through the material found and use it in my work.

Yulia Sergeevna Glushko
Self-analysis of the activity of a teacher of additional education

I, Glushko Yulia Sergeevna, work additional education teacher. I have

higher Teacher Education , graduated from Tula Pedagogical University named after L. N. Tolstoy. In 2012, I made my choice, came to work in the association "Know and be able". I think my choice is right now. Mission teacher in modern additional education - a special I have to give the child not only various information, I have to include it in a meaningful activity. Our society today needs educated, creatively thinking, able not to get lost in life conditions, personalities. Today, the main tasks of the creative activity in the institution of additional education is, first of all, teaching children the skills to create space for their cultural development, the formation of a culture of communication, creative self-determination. \

To effectively achieve the goal of the program, I organize my pedagogical activity on a systematic basis:

Comprehensive and harmonious development children, necessary for the painless adaptation of preschool children to school environment and allowing them to successfully master the school curriculum in the future; creation optimal conditions for the protection and promotion of health, physical development of preschoolers.

Preservation and strengthening of the health of children preparing for schooling;

Ensuring continuity between preschool and primary education;

Exclusion of program duplication elementary school in preparing children for learning;

Development of cognitive interest and creative activity;

Development of educational educational requests and needs of preschool children;

Develop children's curiosity and imagination creative thinking and imagination;

Development of individuality, personal culture, communicative qualities of the child, children's giftedness;

Development of the psycho-emotional sphere of children.

Accounting for the individual characteristics and capabilities of preschool children;

Respect for the child, for the process and its results activities combined with reasonable requirements;

Systematic and consistent;

Variety of classes;


Each lesson in the association does not occur by chance, but is planned and represents a chain of one link educational program. The lesson is the most systematic and dynamic form of both individual and group work. The material presented in the program is relevant because it is variable and complex. The main line of the program is the comprehensive and harmonious development of children, which is necessary for the painless adaptation of preschool children in the school environment and allowing them to successfully master the school curriculum in the future; creation of optimal conditions for the protection and promotion of health, physical development of preschool children.

Each lesson is planned so that at the end of the lesson the child sees the results of his work. To avoid difficulties in implementation educational program sometimes you have to make adjustments to the curriculum.

Abstract final lesson to the association "What We Learned"


In what events (seminars, master classes, conferences, round tables, open classes, competitions, etc.) did you take part in the past academic year? (at the institution)

Table No. 6

Name of the event Date of the event Venue Form of participation in the event (listener, speaker, topic of the report, etc.)

Moscow participation pedagogical subject marathon

Moscow Publishing House "First of September" lecturer

1. Educational games and activities with Cuisiner's sticks.

2. Unified information environment of a preschool institution.

3. Psychological support for preschool teachers as a factor in their professional growth.

Scientific and Practical Conference III Khomyakov Youth Readings. April 1 Administration of the Moscow Region Leninsky district with the blessing of the Metropolitan of Tula and Belevsky Alexy with the participation of TSU, TSPU named after. L. N. Tolstoy, TDS listener

All-Russian creative competition for preschoolers and students in grades 1-11 "Open space" .

Diploma teacher who prepared the winner

Participation and achievements of students in competitions, festivals, exhibitions, competitions, etc.:

Table No. 8

Date, half year Last name, first name of the participant or name of the team Name of the event (according to regulation) Participation rate (OU, district, region, Russian Federation, international) Result (winner, prize-winner - place, participation)

Babkin M. Regional exhibition of creative works of pupils and students, dedicated to the state holiday Mother's Day State children's of the Tula region participation

December Unification "Know and be able" Municipal drawing competition Municipal educational state-financed organization additional education for children"Center of children's creativity"

(MOBUDOD "CDT") participation

Mironov Nikita Regional competition in Orthodox local history "In the holy places of the land of Tula" State educational institution of additional education children of the Tula region "Regional ecological and biological center of students"

October 15-November 15 Novozhilova V. Regional competition of research and creative works of students of legal subjects « Happy family- This…" State educational institution of additional education children of the Tula region « Regional Center development of creativity of children and youth " participation

Lapushkina A. All-Russian creative competition for preschoolers and students in grades 1-11 "Open space" (drawings, poems, essays, crafts).

ART-talent Academy of Creativity Development

Diploma of the winner 1st place

March 31 DOD teacher Glushko Yu. S. Moskovsky pedagogical marathon of subjects

Moscow Publishing House "First of September" certificate

May 9 Unification "Know and be able" District competition drawing on asphalt "Children against the war" dedicated to the day Victory!

Committee on education municipal administration education Leninsky district and organizing committee

Table number 9

Date of the event Name of the event (in the center, in the association in accordance with the plan educational activities) Who conducted?

Number of participants

26.10.2012 autumn festival "Visiting Oktyabrina"

Teacher-organizer, 12 people participated

24.12.2012 « magical flute» New Year's celebration

Teacher-organizer, 12 people participated

01/18/2013 "Once on an Epiphany evening..." thematic lesson

Teacher-organizer, 12 people participated

December Municipal Drawing Competition "The New Year walks the planet"

DOD teacher Glushko Yu. C. 12 people participated

exhibition hall Exhibition visit "Introduction to beauty" DOD teacher Glushko Yu. C. 12 people participated

07.03.2013 “Our mothers are the best!” competitive program.

Teacher-organizer, 12 people participated

15.03.2013 Seeing off winter. Maslenitsa. "Like at Butter Week"

Teacher-organizer, 12 people participated

19.03.2013 Exhibition « A New Look in the reflection of the canvas" Klepanova Anna

DOD teacher Glushko Yu. C. 12 people participated

04/02/2013 Thematic talk "Olympic and Paralympic values

DOD teacher Glushko Yu. C. 12 people participated

04/02/2013 Conversation “My health is the basis of my life”

DOD teacher Glushko Yu. C. 12 people participated

04/30/2013 Conversation "Healthy image human life and habits

DOD teacher Glushko Yu. C. 12 people participated

05.05.2013 Thematic lesson dedicated to Victory Day!

DOD teacher Glushko Yu. C. 12 people participated

05/09/2013 Regional asphalt drawing competition "Children against the war" dedicated to Victory Day!

Teacher-organizer, 8 people participated

municipal educational budget institution

additional education for children

"Station of young technicians No. 2"


Psavok Rustam Barichevich,

teacher - organizer

municipal educational budget

institutions of additional education for children

"Station of young technicians No. 2"


I, Psavok Rustam Barichevich, have been working in MOBU DOD SYUT No. 2 as a teacher-organizer since June 2010. I have higher education, graduated in 2007 from the Taganrog pedagogical institute specializing in " social pedagogy».

The purpose of my activity is: organization of healthy leisure for children, creation of conditions for the development of a socially successful personality through creative activity, disclosure of creative abilities and satisfaction of creative needs, development of communication skills, finding individual approach to every child.

In my work I am constantly engaged in self-education. I study the normative legal documents, methodological literature, magazines: "Vneshkolnik", "Additional Education"; work experience of other teachers, I communicate with colleagues on Internet sites; attend open events of colleagues. I am a participant in scientific and practical seminars to improve professional and pedagogical excellence in the institution. All this helps me to achieve my pedagogical goal.

My pupils are active participants and assistants in organizing various creative activities in the institution: concert and competitive programs, quizzes, tournaments, competitions, which open up many new opportunities for pupils, expand their horizons and contribute to cultural development personality.

Working with children requires the participation of parents in it. The difficulties of most parents are associated with a lack of psychological and pedagogical knowledge about age features development of children. To assist parents, a number of specific activities are carried out: conversations, consultations.

The problem of the rational organization of children's free time is a very complex socio-psychological and pedagogical problem requiring scientific and practical understanding and methodological support, and the search for new modern forms organization of leisure activities of pupils.

Together with a teacher-psychologist, we carry out diagnostic work with pupils, which helps to identify children with various difficulties. Diagnostic work includes questioning, testing, consultations with school teachers, social educator and teachers of additional education. This work helps to plan educational and educational activities, apply new pedagogical technologies, be aware of the causes of difficulties in contacts with children and adolescents whose behavior deviates from the norm.

Great help in organizing and holding holidays is provided by the parents of students who participate in organizing and holding competitions, excursions, and competitions.

In my pedagogical activity, I try to build interaction with pupils on the principles of pedagogy of cooperation, respect, mutual trust. Collaboration most useful for the development of social motives - children learn to be tolerant of others, the ability to work in a team is formed.

Children are naturally curious and full of desire to participate in a variety of creative activities. All that is needed for them to show their talents is skillful guidance from adults. And my work is aimed at ensuring that the talents of children can be fully revealed.

Public events held in the institution, solve the problems of moral, aesthetic, patriotic, physical education and aimed at the prevention of crime, smoking, drug addiction, the younger generation.

great attention in my work I devote to the civil and patriotic education of children. I conduct conversations, competitions of drawings for civil and military theme; we publish with the guys wall newspapers dedicated to significant dates Russia; we conduct excursions to the places of military glory of our city; we invite veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans.

In the future, I plan to improve the system of work to preserve the health of pupils; give Special attention organization of free time for children during the holidays; conflict resolution, providing a comfortable psychological environment.

The center of all my pedagogical activity was and remains the child with his cognitive interests, abilities and age needs.

Teacher - organizer R.B. Psavok

Director of MOBU DOD SYUT No. 2 S.I. Fedorenko


expert procedures for the professional activities of a teacher applying for the first qualification category


Bolyasov Andrey Borisovich, teacher - organizer of OBZh MBOU secondary school No. 4

carried out an examination of professional activity

Chernyshev Eduard Nikolaevich, teacher - organizer of OBZh MBOU secondary school No. 3 of Krasny Sulin, Rostov region

Expert procedures were carried out on the basis of the study and analysis of the submitted materials: portfolio, open lesson, video lessons, self-analysis of pedagogical activity, work programs in subjects, educational journals, results intraschool control, level educational achievements students and their dynamics, methodological and didactic materials (including electronic educational resources), used and independently prepared by the teacher, conversations with the head, deputy head, chairman of the methodological association (subject-cycle commission), the certified teacher, his colleagues and students.

Currently, the teacher does not have a qualification category.

General teaching experience26 years;

in an approved position5 years;

in this institution8 years(OrderNo. 132-c, date 31.08.2011administrative document on the appointment to the position being certified);

education (when and what educational institution of vocational education he graduated from, acquired specialty and qualification)Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical Institute. 1990, specialty "Mathematics", qualification "Teacher of Mathematics, Informatics and Computer Engineering".

additional vocational education (when and what educational institution of additional vocational education did you graduate from, program, volume in hours):


has the following industry, state awards, titles, degree, academic title: Chest sign"Honorary Worker of General Education Russian Federation", 2001

In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 37 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities" dated April 7, 2014 No. 276, it was established:

Criterion 3

Results on the identification and development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions


2011/2012 academic year

2012/2013 academic year

2013/2014 academic year

2014/2015 academic year

2015/2016 academic year

3.1. The results of the participation of students in subject Olympiads

Participation in the municipal round of the Olympiad on life safety.

1 winner

Participation in the municipal round of the Olympiad on life safety

Participation in the municipal round of the Olympiad on life safety

3.2. The results of extracurricular activities of students in the subject:

Winner -1

Participants - 6

Winner - 2, participants - 8

International competition - game on life safety "Ant"

Winner - 2

Participants - 6

All-Russian competition - a game on life safety "Ant"

Winner -2

Participants - 11

3.3. The results of participation in the All-Russian Olympiads, promotions held by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

1). All-Russian Olympiad of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on life safety among the younger generation: 27 participants, 1 winner.

2). All-Russian action "Safety of children on the road": 22 prizes a.

3.4. Results of participation in the All-Russian competition "Safe Wheel".

municipal stage of the All-Russian competition "Safe Wheel": diploma for Active participation.

Municipal stage of the All-Russian competition "Safe Wheel": 3rd place in the team standings.

Municipal stage of the All-Russian competition "Safe Wheel": 2nd place in the nomination "Connoisseurs of traffic rules"

3.5. Results of participation in field training camps.

Training and field training of young recruits: 5 prizes in competitions in military-applied sports.

Training and field training of young recruits: 6 prizes in competitions in military-applied sports.

3.6. Results of participation in the All-Russian distance competitions in life safety.

All-Russian competition - life safety game "Rescuers - 2011"

Winner - 1

Participants - 10

1). All-Russian competition - a game on life safety "Rescuers - 2012"

Winner - 4

Participants - 14.

2). All-Russian game competition in natural science "Man and Nature"; participants-2, winners-1.

3). All-Russian correspondence competition"Intellectual and creative marathon"; nomination "Intellect-safari"; 2 laureates.

1). All-Russian distance competition "World of Knowledge". Participants -1 (in the nomination "Life Safety").

2). All-Russian distance competition in physical culture ( www. eruditez. en ): two first places.

3.7. Results of participation in municipal creative art-oriented competitions.

Municipal festival of soldiers' songs "A soldier has a day off ..."; 2nd place.

Municipal competition of creative projects of students "UNIVERSUM-2014”: two diplomas of the second degree.

3.8. Results of scientific research, project activities subject students

School scientific - research conference "Human health as a condition for his physical, mental and social well-being"; 2nd place.

Conference of the Krasnosulinsk branch of DANYU "Dependence of learning on adolescents maintaining a healthy lifestyle"; 2nd place.

3.9. Organization of excursion activities of students (military-patriotic and sports and recreational orientation)

Organization of excursions to the Hero City Volgograd.

Organization of a trip for students to the health-improving center "Azgek" (Teberda); thanks to the administration of the center for introducing children to healthy lifestyle life.

Chernyshev E.N. systematically uses technologies for organizing research activities, developing students' creativity, which meets the needs of development modern system education and allows you to implement a system-activity approach to learning.

Creating a situation of success, conditions for the development of individual abilities, the realization of the interests and needs of students, stimulates the creative activity of the student, encourages independence as a personal value, directs the student to joint productive activities.

Conclusion: 9 .

Recommendations: to intensify work on the preparation of participants in the municipal round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, to implement the research activities of students.

Criterion 4.

Personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving the methods of teaching and educating and productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting in teaching staff the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative


2011/2012 academic year

2012/2013 academic year

2013/2014 academic year

2014/2015 academic year

2015/2016 academic year

4.1 Use of new educational technologies.

The teacher competently builds an optimal learning model, uses appropriate pedagogical technologies that contribute to the formation high level educational motivation, development of cognitive activity:

Cooperation technology;

Information Technology.

In order to increase the effectiveness of teaching, the following methods are widely used:


Control and self-control;

Formations personal results(methods of education).

The effectiveness of the teacher's use of modern pedagogical technologies and methods is confirmed by the data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. The teacher provides:

1. Conducting individual monitoring of students.

2. Keeping a portfolio of students' achievements.

4.2. Use of information resources and maintenance of personal resources on the network ..

1). Systematic use of DER, which is confirmed by the development method and feedback on the lessons).

2). Maintaining a personal website on the information and educational portal "Social network of educators",

3).Maintaining the page "Safety" on the website of MBOU secondary school No. 3 ( ).

3). The first rating place among school teachers in terms of the use of an educational resource - electronic journal ( http:// dnevnik . en )

4).Maintenance of the author's page on www . rusudu . en

5).Maintenance of the author's page on www . open class . en

4.3 Participation in an experimental, innovation activities

Participation of a teacher in the work of OBIP "Creation and testing of a local model of family and school integration based on the cultural and historical traditions of the Don region in the information space"

Participation of a teacher in the work of the OBIP "Information and technical environment of an educational institution as a condition for achieving a new quality of education" (order for school No. 205 of December 29, 2012 on assigning the duties of a project coordinator to a teacher)

For five years, as an expert, he took part in the certification of 23 teachers of schools in the Krasnosulinsky district.

4.4. Development and implementation of copyright educational projects.

Developed and implements author's educational projects within the framework of the school " Perspective development competitive movement of schoolchildren” and “Development of distance education for schoolchildren”.

4.5. Broadcasting the experience of practical results of professional activity

Thank you administrator social network www. nsportal. en for active participation in the work of the social network of educators.

Certificate of creation of a personal website in the social network of educators

Systematic replenishment of copyright teaching materials personal site

Diploma of the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "First of September" for the presentation of the author's pedagogical experience. Diploma No. 106-300-255/OU-8.

Certificate of publication of the article "Methods of Teacher's Professional Survival in the Conditions of Modernization of Education" on the website of the Indigo Center for Creativity ( www. indigo-mir. ru)

1). Certificate of publication of the material "Design activities of the teacher" on the site www. sokolova - a.a. ru.

2). Article "Formation information culture parents as a condition for the effectiveness of family education" was published in the collection of materials of the 13th regional conference "ITO-Rostov-2013".

3). The article “Skills for working with educational texts - condition mastery of schoolchildren core competencies» published in No. 1 for 2014 of the magazine « Practical Tips teacher."

Certificate (series PK-11101 No. 561) on the publication of the material "Pedagogical opposition negative consequences use of electronic educational resources" on the website "From Birth to School".

4.7. Participation in ITO-Rostov conferences.

Participation in the South-Russian Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference-Exhibition "Information Technologies in Education"; participant certificate;

Participation in the South-Russian Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference-Exhibition "Information Technologies in Education"; member certificate.

4.8. Continuity of education of a teacher. PC courses.

Distance course training "Using the tools of the Unified Environment for Access to Services of Electronic and distance learning" (certificateIBS)

Refresher courses “For administrators of IS “”; received the status of "Administrator of the highest category".

one). GBOU DPO RO "RIPK and PPRO",2015, "Design and implementation of a modern practice-oriented lesson (technology, life safety, physical education) in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard: a psychological and pedagogical approach", 108 hours; certificate No. 323 dated 07.12.2015

2). GBOU DPO RO "RIPK and PPRO", 2016, program "Management of methodological work" on the problem "Expertise professional competence and results of professional activity in the course of attestation of teaching staff”; 72 hours; certificate 611200108337 reg. No. 2613 dated 30.03.2016

All-Russian project "School of the Digital Age": Certificate "Teacher of the Digital Age"

All-Russian project "School of the Digital Age": Certificate "Teacher of the Digital Age".

4.9.Dissemination of experience in the form of public speaking.

Participant of the training seminar "Software and methodological support for the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education" (certificate of the Center for the Modernization of General Education of the State Budgetary Educational Institution DPO RO RIPC and PPRO).

Organized and held a "round table" on the problem of working with "difficult" children.

He acted as an expert in the section "Healthy lifestyle" of the municipal conference of students "Young Researcher".

4.10. Participating in non-traditional, remote forms advanced training.

1). Participant of the webinar “Final assessment; metasubject results. Semantic reading and work with information” (certificate of the Prosveshcheniye Publishing House).

2). Participant of the webinar “Final assessment; metasubject results” (certificate of the Prosveshcheniye Publishing House).

3). Participant of the webinar "People's Bank of Tasks" (certificate of the "Prosveshcheniye" Publishing House).

1). Participant of the webinar "Student work - a powerful Internet resource of new educational content" (certificate of the Prosveshcheniye Publishing House).

2). Participant of the webinar "A new model for assessing educational achievements: using the results to manage the quality of education at different levels" (certificate of the Prosveshcheniye Publishing House).

4.11. Presentation of the experience of the pedagogical community.

PR participant -action "Innovative practices for the development of the regional education system within the framework of the festival "Education. Career. Business" (participant certificate).

Member of the All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council (certificate http:// list. pedsovet. org No. 6900)

1) / Speech at the meeting of the RMO on the issue “Using a mobile car city in the work on building skills safe behavior schoolchildren at transport facilities"

2). Speech at the Pedagogical Council of the school on the topic "Analysis of the results of a study of the motivation of pedagogical workers for creative activity" ..

Speech at a meeting of the RMO by teachers-organizers of life safety on the topic “The system of work to improve the culture of the life safety by schoolchildren and the use of TSO in the implementation of the tasks of the life safety course and initial military training. (Certificate of the head of the RMO dated 19.02.2015)

Open class for teachers of schools in the Krasnosulinsky district in the 10th grade on the topic “Providing first aid. Artificial lung ventilation and closed heart massage” (reference from the head of the RMO and MU IMC).

4.12. Awards and encouragement of a teacher for personal contribution to improving the quality of education

1).Diploma for III place in school festival golden ratio" in the nomination: "The best development of a set of didactic materials."

2). A letter of thanks from the Krasnosulinsky VDPO for the promotion of fire and technical knowledge.

Acknowledgment of the Institute productive learning RAO for the organization and training of winners of the All-Russian game competition in natural science "Man and Nature".

1). Certificate No. 0829 to the teacher who prepared the participants of the All-Russian Correspondence intellectual competition"Erudite of Russia 2013-2014"

2) / Center "Snail", Omsk State Pedagogical University: Diploma for the preparation of participants in the competition-game for life safety "Ant".

3). Gratitude of the Presidium of the Rostov regional committee of the trade union for the victory in the regional festival-competition "Teacher specialized school».

1). Center "Snail", Omsk State Pedagogical University: Diploma for the preparation of participants in the competition-game for life safety "Ant".

2). Gratitude of the Krasnosulinsky District Education Department for high professional skills in educating future defenders of the Fatherland.

3). A letter of thanks from the Organizing Committee of the All-Russian remote competition"World of Knowledge" for training participants ( www. mirzn. com )

A letter of thanks from FGBOU VPO YuRGPU (NPI) named after. M. Platov for active participation in the organization of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren "Star - talents in the service of the fatherland and security."


Participation in professional competitions.

1).DiplomaIIdegree to the winner of the regional Internet competition of professional skills of teachers implementing innovative models of individual and personal development of students in "Our New School" in the nomination "! /e)

2). Diploma of the MBU IMC for active participation in the regional methodological festival "From the creativity of the teacher - to the success of the student" on the topic "Strategy and tactics of interaction between the family and the school in educating the student's personality."

1). Winner of the municipal competition the best teachers Krasnosulinsky district within the framework of PNPO-2013.

2). Laureate of the Prize of the Governor of the Rostov Region within the framework of the PNPO.

3). Diploma for 1st place inIAll-Russian competition of portfolio presentations "Leaders new school» ( www. mirkonkursov. en )

4). Participation in the regional festival-competition "Teacher of profile school". Diploma of the 1st degree.

1).DiplomaIIdegrees for winningVIImunicipal competition of didactic materials and developing methods for working with gifted children "Search-2013".

2). Certificate of participation in the All-Russian competition with international participation "The best methodological development" ( www. konkurs. net )

3). Participation in the regional festival-competition "Teacher of profile school". Diploma of the 1st degree.

1) / Winner (2nd place)_ of the All-Russian competition "Umnata" in the nomination "Professional activity of a teacher during the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic Education" (Diplomaumn1-80594)

2). Winner (diploma of 1 degree)IIIAll-Russian pedagogical competition "Workshop of genius" ( www. pedacademy. en ). Diploma No.SF-3-046.

3). Diploma for 1st place in the school methodological festival "To the heights of professional excellence" in the nomination "Panorama of pedagogical ideas".

4). Participation in the regional festival-competition "Teacher of profile school".

1).WinnerAll-Russian Internet Exhibition for Teachers

"My handout"ERNLVV:4-2016-404-893-340

2). IIIAll-Russian Distance General Pedagogical Olympiad " Contemporary Issues Pedagogy"": certificate of participation.

3). Winner of the municipal methodological festival "Pedagogical Achievements" in the nomination "System of work with gifted children".

4). Participation in the regional festival-competition "Teacher of profile school".

The teacher actively and systematically uses modern techniques, means and methods of teaching, ensures the formation of an individual methodological system.

Conclusion: the result for this criterion is equal to 13 .

The final score is 22 (which corresponds to the requirements for the first qualification category).


Expert________________ (A.B. Bolyasov)

The date _____________

I confirm the accuracy of the information:

Director of MBOU secondary school No. 3 _________________ E.A. Kovaleva