Negative aspects of the lesson Modern and traditional lesson: pros and cons

The lesson is a part of a child's life, and living this life must be done at the level of a high universal human culture. The modern lesson is the flow of a forty-five-minute moment of life as a continuation of it, at home, on the street, as part of the history of the child's personal destiny. The lesson is lived not only by the child, but also by the teacher as a person modern culture, therefore, there are also cultural norms of his activity in the lesson. He is not a servant, not a servant of children. He, too, should be created high working conditions. The ethics of interaction adopted in the lesson in the group high culture, instructs the teacher at school to teach children not to make sharp categorical judgments, not to emphasize the intellectual superiority of someone, not to neglect the opinions of others, not to interrupt the speaker. And to be concise and clear in your statements yourself, not to allow familiarity in relation to anyone, to note the individually valuable in the work of everyone, to express gratitude to all those present.



  • Consider psychology and pedagogy on this issue
  • Analyze a modern lesson
  • Reveal the concept quality education
  • Describe the lesson model
  • Consider teaching methods

Requirements for a modern lesson

Didactic requirements to the modern lesson:

  • a clear formulation of educational objectives in general and their constituent elements, their connection with developing and educational tasks. Determining a place in common system lessons;
  • determination of the optimal content of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the objectives of the lesson, taking into account the level of preparation and readiness of students;
  • forecasting the level of assimilation of scientific knowledge by students, the formation of skills and abilities both in the lesson and at its individual stages;
  • choice of the most rational methods, techniques and means of teaching, stimulation and control, their optimal impact at each stage of the lesson, a choice that ensures cognitive activity, combination various forms collective and individual work in the classroom and maximum independence in the teaching of students;
  • implementation in the lesson of all didactic principles;
  • creation of conditions for successful learning of students.

Psychological requirements for the lesson:
The psychological goal of the lesson:

  1. Designing the development of students within the study of a particular subject and a particular lesson;
  2. Consideration in the target setting of the lesson of the psychological task of studying the topic and the results achieved in previous work;
  3. Providing separate means of psychological and pedagogical influence methodological techniques for the development of students.

Lesson style:

  1. Determination of the content and structure of the lesson in accordance with the principles of developmental education:
    • the ratio of the load on the memory of students and their thinking;
    • determination of the volume of reproducing and creative activity of students;
    • planning the assimilation of knowledge in ready-made(according to the teacher, from a textbook, manual, etc.) and in the process self search; implementation by the teacher and students of problem-heuristic learning (who poses a problem, formulates it, who solves it);
    • accounting for the control, analysis and evaluation of the activities of schoolchildren carried out by the teacher, and mutual critical appraisal, self-control and self-analysis of students;
    • the ratio of encouraging students to activities (comments that cause positive feelings in connection with the work done, installations that stimulate interest, volitional efforts to overcome difficulties, etc.) and coercion (a reminder of the mark, harsh remarks, lectures, etc.).
  2. Features of teacher self-organization:
    • preparedness for the lesson and, most importantly, awareness of the psychological goal, internal readiness for its implementation;
    • working well-being at the beginning of the lesson and during it (collection, attunement with the topic and psychological purpose lesson, energy, perseverance in achieving the goal, an optimistic approach to everything that happens in the lesson, pedagogical resourcefulness, etc.);
    • pedagogical tact (cases of manifestation);
    • psychological climate in the classroom (maintaining an atmosphere of joyful, sincere communication, business contact, etc.).

Organization of cognitive activity of students:

  1. Definition of measures to ensure conditions productive work thinking and imagination of students:
    • planning ways for students to perceive the objects and phenomena being studied, their comprehension;
    • the use of attitudes in the form of persuasion, suggestion;
    • planning conditions for sustained attention and concentration of students;
    • the use of various forms of work to update in the memory of students previously acquired knowledge and skills necessary for the perception of new ones (conversation, individual survey, repetition exercises);
  2. Organization of the activity of thinking and imagination of students in the process of forming new knowledge and skills;
    • determination of the level of formation of knowledge and skills of students (at the level of specific sensory representations, concepts, generalizing images, "discoveries", formulating conclusions);
    • reliance on psychological patterns formation of ideas, concepts, levels of understanding, creation of new images in the organization mental activity and imagination of students;
    • planning methods and forms of work that ensure the activity and independence of thinking of students (a system of questions, the creation problem situations, different levels problem-heuristic problem solving, use of problems with missing and redundant data, organization of search and research work students in the classroom, the creation of surmountable intellectual difficulties in the course of independent work, the complication of tasks in order to develop the cognitive independence of students);
    • management of increasing the level of understanding (from descriptive, comparative, explanatory to generalizing, evaluative, problematic) and the formation of skills to reason and conclude;
    • usage various kinds creative works students (explaining the purpose of the work, the conditions for its implementation, training in the selection and systematization of material, as well as processing the results and designing the work);
  3. Consolidation of the results of work:
    • formation of skills through exercises;
    • training in the transfer of previously acquired skills and abilities to new working conditions, prevention of mechanical transfer.

Student organization:

  1. students' attitude to learning, their self-organization and level mental development;
  2. possible groups of students according to the level of learning, taking these circumstances into account when determining the combination of individual, group and frontal forms of work of students in the lesson.

Taking into account the age characteristics of students:

  1. lesson planning in accordance with the individual and age characteristics of students;
  2. conducting a lesson taking into account strong and weak students;
  3. differentiated approach to strong and weak students.

Hygiene requirements for the lesson:

  1. temperature regime;
  2. physical and chemical properties of air (the need for ventilation);
  3. lighting;
  4. prevention of fatigue and overwork;
  5. alternation of activities (change of listening by performing computational, graphic and practical work);
  6. timely and quality conduct physical education minutes;
  7. maintaining the correct working posture of the student;
  8. matching classroom furniture to the height of the student.

Lesson requirements:

  1. the lesson should be emotional, arouse interest in learning and educate the need for knowledge;
  2. the pace and rhythm of the lesson should be optimal, the actions of the teacher and students should be completed;
  3. full contact is necessary in the interaction of the teacher and students in the lesson; pedagogical tact and pedagogical optimism must be observed;
  4. an atmosphere of benevolence and active creative work;
  5. if possible, the types of activities of students should be changed, optimally combining various methods and teaching methods;
  6. ensure compliance with a single spelling mode schools;

Advantages and disadvantages of the modern lesson

The lesson as a phenomenon is so great and significant that everything said about it suffers from incompleteness.

We are not trying to present an encyclopedia of the lesson, but to invite you to think about it; We hope that this will give impetus to the search for ways to improve the quality of the lesson. The lesson was always accompanied by criticism, clarification of weaknesses. But he is omnipotent and surprisingly stubborn. Criticism only strengthens it. Our violent innovations became a "light fright" for him.

Maybe in class more virtues than disadvantages?

We invite you to reflect with us on the merits of the lesson:

  • As the first, I would like to note the high cost-effectiveness of the lesson. Only one teacher is required for 25-30 students. For education to take place. The lesson has clear time limits. It requires minimal space and minimal logistical support. Considering that education is still financed on a residual basis, the cost-effectiveness and cheapness of a school lesson mean a lot.
  • Another advantage is the flexibility, plasticity of the lesson. The lesson has survived many pedagogical paradigms and concepts. It can use a variety of educational technologies. The lesson has a powerful arsenal methodological possibilities: the presence of species, types, a lot of methods, and the like.
  • The advantages of the lesson include its ability to integrate other forms of organization of learning. It easily accommodates a lecture, a seminar, a consultation, a conversation. On this basis, various types of lessons have grown.
  • The logical completeness of the lesson is another advantage. In the lesson, you can organize both the primary perception of the material, and the process of its application, and the control of assimilation. Pedagogical process complete in any pedagogical form organization of education and training, but cognitive - only in the classroom. The lesson has the ability to cover the entire cognitive cycle.
  • Lesson - control system cognitive process with feedback. Built in an interactive mode, it allows not only to exchange information, but also to receive data about each other: about the state of knowledge and skills, about relationships and assessments.
  • The lesson has a system-forming ability in relation to the entire educational process of the school. It sets and defines the content and methodology for all other forms of organization of training. All of them are auxiliary in nature and, as it were, are located around the lesson.
  • The educational ability of the lesson is undeniable. Whatever the lesson, it educates its participants not only in content educational material and methods of influence of the teacher and students on each other, but above all, the interaction of their spiritual and moral worlds.
  • And, finally, the lesson is a stimulus and a means of growth for the student and the teacher. At a particular lesson, they work to the limit: the student should try to get the best mark, and the teacher should conduct the lesson, if not already masterfully, then, according to at least don't fail it. Both parties work in an extreme situation.

We invite you to reflect on the shortcomings of the lesson. Remembering at the same time that the lesson has more advantages. Otherwise - why improve it.

"Division of negative numbers" - Is the division correct? When dividing numbers with different signs get a negative answer. You need to think better. Find private. For the curious... Remember! DIVISION of positive and negative numbers. The absolute value of a number. Solve the equation: Guys! Dividing two negative numbers results in a positive number.

"Negative numbers" - We consider negative numbers to be something natural, but this was far from always the case. Bombelli and Gerard, on the contrary, considered negative numbers to be quite acceptable and useful, in particular, to indicate the lack of something. The work of the French scientist René Descartes contributed to the recognition of negative numbers.

"Addition of negative numbers" - Using the coordinate line, calculate: 7 + (-5) \u003d 1) 2 2) -2 3) 12 -1 + (-3) \u003d 1) - 4 2) -2 3) 4. Sum two negative numbers are always less than each of the terms. Fizkultminutka. History of negative numbers. The sum of two negative numbers is always greater than either of the terms. Example: -8.7 + (-3.5) = - (8.7 + 3.5) = - 12.2.

"Negative number" - From the depths of time ... The problem of a thrifty owner. ancient india. History of negative numbers. Rules for actions with positive and negative numbers. Rules of Brahmagupta (7th century CE) and Bhaskara (12th century CE). The Ancient East. Classwork. Negative numbers in Ancient Greece. Find expression values:

"Negative pronouns" - Spelling (together, separately). NI Nothing without an accent. Case change. They denote the absence of an object, sign, quantity. NOT Nothing under stress. together there is no PREPOSITION SOMEONE. Nobody (with), nothing (in), nothing (for), nothing (before). negative pronouns. Interrogative-relative pronouns.

"Positive and negative numbers" - Houses: Repeat the rules of addition and subtraction; No. 1109 (2nd column); No. 1111. The sum of two opposite numbers is zero. Calculate. Small bugs, there is something to work on. Solution independent work. Addition and subtraction of positive and negative numbers Grade 6. The sum of negative numbers is always less than each of the terms.

  • Question 10. Respect for the honor and dignity of the individual. Protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in criminal proceedings.
  • Question 5. McGregor's HU theory: characteristics, advantages, disadvantages
  • The lesson as a phenomenon is so great and significant that everything said about it suffers from incompleteness.

    We are not trying to present an encyclopedia of the lesson, but to invite you to think about it; We hope that this will give impetus to the search for ways to improve the quality of the lesson. The lesson was always accompanied by criticism, clarifying its weaknesses. But he is omnipotent and surprisingly stubborn. Criticism only strengthens it. Our violent innovations became a "light fright" for him.

    Maybe there are more advantages than disadvantages in the lesson?

    We invite you to reflect with us on the merits of the lesson:

    · First of all, I would like to point out high economic efficiency . Only one teacher is required for 25-30 students. For education to take place. The lesson has clear time limits. It requires minimal space and minimal logistical support.
    Considering that education is still financed on a residual basis, the cost-effectiveness and cheapness of a school lesson mean a lot.

    Another merit - flexibility, plasticity . The lesson has survived many pedagogical paradigms and concepts. It can use a variety of educational technologies. The lesson has a powerful arsenal of methodological possibilities: the presence of species, types, a lot of methods, and the like.

    The advantages of the lesson include its the ability to integrate other forms of learning organization. It easily accommodates a lecture, a seminar, a consultation, a conversation. On this basis, various types of lessons have grown.

    · Logical completeness of the lesson is another merit. In the lesson, you can organize both the primary perception of the material, and the process of its application, and the control of assimilation. The pedagogical process is completely carried out in any pedagogical form of organization of education and training, but informative- only in class. The lesson has the ability to cover the entire cognitive cycle.

    · The lesson is a system for managing the cognitive process with feedback. Built in an interactive mode, it allows not only to exchange information, but also to receive data about each other: about the state of knowledge and skills, about relationships and assessments.

    · The lesson has a system-forming ability in relation to the entire educational process of the school. It sets and defines the content and methodology for all other forms of organization of training. All of them are auxiliary in nature and, as it were, are located around the lesson.

    · The educational ability of the lesson is undeniable. Whatever the lesson, it educates its participants not only by the content of the educational material and methods of influencing the teacher and students on each other, but above all by the interaction of their spiritual and moral worlds.

    · And finally, the lesson is a stimulus and a means of growth for the student and the teacher. In a particular lesson, they work to the limit: the student should try to get the best mark, and the teacher should try to conduct the lesson, if not already masterfully, then at least not fail it. Both parties work in an extreme situation.

    Another direction in improving the class-lesson system was associated with the search for such forms of organization of educational work that would remove the shortcomings of the lesson, in particular, its focus on the average student, the uniformity of content and the average pace of educational advancement, the immutability of the structure: a survey, a presentation of the new, an assignment for house. Consequence of shortcomings traditional lesson was also the fact that he held back the development of cognitive activity and independence of students.

    Didactic requirements for a modern lesson:

    A lesson is a logical complete, integral, limited by a certain time frame, a segment of the educational process. Basic requirements for the lesson:

    - a clear formulation of educational tasks in general and its constituent elements, their connection with developmental and educational tasks. Determining the place in the general system of lessons;

    - determination of the optimal content of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the objectives of the lesson, taking into account the level of preparation and readiness of students;

    - predicting the level of assimilation of scientific knowledge by students, the formation of skills and abilities both in the lesson and at its individual stages;

    - selection of the most rational methods and techniques, and means of generalization, stimulation and control, optimal impact them in every lesson. A choice that provides cognitive activity, a combination of various forms of collective and individual work in the classroom and maximum independence in the teaching of students;

    - Implementation of all didactic principles in the lesson;

    - Creation of conditions for successful learning of students.

    Conditions for organizing a lesson: socio-pedagogical and psychological-didactic.

    Socio-pedagogical conditions relate:

    - Availability of a qualified, creatively working environment with good didactic and methodological training;

    - the presence of a close-knit, friendly team of students with a well-formed value orientation;

    - Availability of a textbook, educational and visual aids, TCO and appropriately equipped premises;

    - the presence of a favorable psychological climate, good relations between students and teacher based on mutual respect, on the teacher's love for children.

    Psychological and didactic conditions relate:

    -​ high level student learning corresponding to a given moment, stage of learning;

    - availability sufficient level the formation of motives for learning and work, ensuring the interest of students in independent cognitive activity under the guidance of this teacher;

    - observance of didactic principles and rules for organizing the educational process.

    A) 2. Basic structural elements(stages) of the lesson:

    Organizing time,

    homework check,

    transition moment,

    Learning a new topic

    Fixing the material




    B) Job analysis:

    Questions and tasks What knowledge and skills are tested? Receptions and means academic work(in what form students respond) At what level of cognitive activity?
    1. Questions on p.19 study guide: section 2.1 The knowledge of students on the topic "Fundamentals of the constitutional order of the Republic of Belarus" is checked; ability to find answers to questions from the textbook. Oral survey.
    2. Discussion of the message about the state. symbols of Belarus Students' knowledge of the state is tested. symbols of Belarus; ability to perform creative tasks, search for material, and selection of messages. Oral report (message) followed by discussion.
    3. Written assignments (Appendix 2, pp. 339-340) Knowledge on the topic is checked; skills in writing to record the acquired knowledge, to complete tasks. interpretive activity.
    4. Working with text on page 20 of the study guide and filling out the table Text skills are tested. Working with text, filling in the table.
    5. Filling out the study notes suffrage in Belarus The ability to take notes on the materials is tested. Note taking reproducing activity.
    6. Filling in the table "The main stages of the electoral right" Ability to complete tables is tested. Filling in the table. reproducing activity.
    7. Working with Article 69 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus Working with a document. interpretive activity.
    8. Game "Elections" The knowledge acquired during the electoral process is checked; the ability to organize game forms of learning. Game form of education. Creative activity.
    9. Work in groups with documents (1 - with the 2nd chapter of the Constitution, 2 - with excerpts from their Electoral Code.) The ability to independently work with documents, study them and answer the questions posed is checked. Work with documents, oral survey. interpretive activity.
    10. Working with documents 5.6 on pages 51-53 of the tutorial. The ability to work independently with documents is tested. Work with documents. interpretive activity.
    11. Answers to the teacher's questions. Students' knowledge is tested. front poll. reproducing activity.
    12. Work on options: 1 option - cards with questions. Option 2 - writing a memo. Students' knowledge is tested; creative writing skills. Reflective survey. Writing a memo. interpretive activity. Creative activity.

    4. Teachers are often compared to an actor, and there is a reason for this. But if you're playing a role, let it be yours. Play yourself. And don't overplay! Remember: a real actor gets used to the role, strives to comprehend inner world your hero to play as naturally as possible. You don't have to transform. The similarity between the teacher and the actor lies, perhaps, in the fact that both of them go out to the audience, to the public. If an invisible contact is not established between the actors and the audience, the performance collapses. So it is in the classroom. Some are screaming and banging their fists on the table, but the guys are not afraid. Others speak quietly and look away, but some kind of sorcery fascinates the children, and they do not take their eyes off the teachers. This is the phenomenon of teacher's hypnosis, which, however, is fragile, but sweet. At this moment the teacher is happy.

    5. In modern didactics, organizational forms of education, including compulsory and optional, classroom and homework, are divided into frontal, group and individual.

    At frontal In teaching, the teacher manages the educational and cognitive activities of the entire class working on a single task. He organizes the cooperation of students and determines the same pace of work for all. The pedagogical effectiveness of frontal work largely depends on the ability of the teacher to keep the entire class in view and at the same time not lose sight of the work of each student. Its effectiveness increases if the teacher manages to create an atmosphere of creative teamwork, maintain the attention and activity of schoolchildren. However, frontal work is not designed to take into account their individual differences. It is aimed at the average student, so some students fall behind the set pace of work, while others get bored.

    At group forms of education, the teacher manages the educational and cognitive activities of groups of students in the class. They can be subdivided into link, brigade, cooperative group and differentiated group. Linked forms of education involve the organization learning activities permanent groups of students. At brigade form, the activities of temporary groups of students specially formed to perform certain tasks are organized. Cooperative-group the form involves dividing the class into groups, each of which performs only a part of a common, as a rule, voluminous task. Differentiated group the form of education has the peculiarity that both permanent and temporary groups unite students with the same educational opportunities and level of formation learning skills and skills. Groups also include steam room students' work. activities study groups the teacher manages both directly and indirectly through his assistants - link and team leaders, whom he appoints taking into account the opinion of the students.

    Individual teaching students does not involve their direct contact with other students. In essence, it is nothing but independent execution the same for the whole class or group of tasks. However, if the student does independent task, given by the teacher taking into account learning opportunities, then such organizational form learning is called individualized. For this purpose, specially designed cards can be used. In the event that a teacher pays attention to several students in a lesson while others are working independently, then this form of learning is called individualized-group.

    6. The main thing in preparing for the lesson is understanding the purpose, objectives, content, structure and course of the lesson up to the activity of students, which is stimulated, managed and controlled by the teacher.

    There are two stages in the process of preparing a teacher for a lesson: preliminary, immediate.

    Preliminary preparation for the teacher's lesson includes:

    1) study of special, methodical, psychological and pedagogical literature;

    2) careful acquaintance with curricula, programs; 3) development of individual (author's, own)

    lesson plan or outline.

    For a more thorough and effective training the teacher should always be aware of the lesson state of the art and development of the field of knowledge that he teaches. Will not full training to the lesson with the involvement of literature written and published long ago. Science does not stand still, it is replenished with new discoveries and achievements. And the teacher must know about all this in order to convey knowledge to students.

    A social science teacher should systematically and daily analyze various pedagogical phenomena and facts from their practice. This allows him to identify positive and negative aspects in the organization and conduct of various types of work with students, establish the reasons for success or failure and give a reasonable assessment of the effectiveness of his work. All this will help to make each subsequent lesson better than the previous one. In addition to all of the above, it will not be superfluous for a novice teacher to think in advance which students and on what material to ask, taking into account individual characteristics class.

    Important for the novice teacher will be independent study all tasks that will be offered to students. This will help the teacher not to get confused, not to make mistakes during the lesson, to notice the student's mistake in time.

    In addition to the questions that must be necessarily considered in the lesson, the teacher needs to work out the questions that may arise during the lesson. Indeed, often the lesson does not turn out at all as the teacher planned, therefore, the teacher should always be ready for surprises and deviations from the plan, although the true skill of the teacher lies precisely in leading the lesson in the direction in which it is planned. Often the teacher develops his own program of lessons - the author's. In this case, the teacher also complies with all the requirements for preparing for the lesson, but here he is given more freedom.

    "Modern and traditional lesson: pros and cons"

    The traditional lesson solves the general educational problem - to equip students with knowledge and is based mainly on the explanatory and illustrative method. In this lesson, it is widely used visual aids, observation and description of what he saw is organized. A modern lesson in the formation of knowledge based on a combination of various methods and teaching aids solves a set of problems. Both explanatory and illustrative, and partially search, research methods of teaching, discussion, various sources of knowledge, television programs, film clips, tape recordings, multimedia courses, Internet technologies, other technical means of training and control are used. Various forms of work are also widely used: group, frontal, link, pair, individual. At such lessons, more opportunities are created for solving cognitive problems, making proposals for implementation creativity, in a word conditions are created for full development student's personality.

    But first, let's try together to figure out the pros and cons of the traditional lesson.

    The structure of a traditional lesson:

      Organizing time;

      checking homework;

      checking the knowledge and skills of students;

      setting the goal of the lesson for students;

      organization of perception of new information;

      initial check of understanding;

      organizing the assimilation of new material by reproducing information and performing exercises according to the model;

      creative application and acquisition of knowledge;

      generalization of what was studied in the lesson and its introduction into the system of previously acquired knowledge;

      control over the results of educational activities carried out by the teacher and students, assessment of knowledge;

      homework for the next lesson;

      summarizing the lesson.

    The problem with this structure (although it is familiar) is that the teacher is always limited in time, he performs the function of a transmitter of information. The high fatigue of the teacher, especially in the last lessons, does not allow taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, maintaining interest in the problem throughout the lesson. The teacher works with students with average abilities, does not take into account the needs of excellent students and does not know how to interest children with weak motivation.

    So, the traditional lesson is the basis for subsequent types of lessons, it is whole story on which more than one generation was trained and brought up.

    The traditional lesson is reality today: more than 60% of teachers still prefer to give lessons in traditional form. And what is real is most of teachers are not going to change anything in their activities: there is no time and energy to comprehend something new on their own, and they don’t see the point in it. So maybe you shouldn't change anything?

    However, as mentioned above, modern teacher changes are needed, because the requirements for the quality of education, lesson, graduate, are high. Children are interested in a teacher who knows how to think, feel, understand the world as they comprehend it rapidly.

    The new Standards set out requirements for modern teacher: firstly, it is a professional who

      demonstrates universal and subject methods action

      initiates student action

      advises and corrects their actions

      finds ways to include each student in the work

      creates conditions for children to acquire life experience.

      uses emerging technologies.

      has information competence

    In the modern lesson, the very position of the teacher is changing. From the “one-actor theater” of traditional education, where the teacher takes on 90% of the workload, he gradually begins to share it with students, who actually move from “objects” to “subjects”. The teacher, therefore, is not released from his main function - to teach. He starts teaching in a new way. But the lesson remains.

    Let's compare the main elements of traditional and modern lessons:

    Lesson Requirements

    Traditional lesson

    Modern lesson

    Lesson topic announcement

    The teacher tells the students

    The teacher poses a problem to the students

    Communication of goals and objectives

    The teacher formulates and tells the students what they should learn

    Together with the students, clearly formulate the topic, purpose, tasks of the lesson on leading questions


    The teacher tells the students what work they need to do to reach the goal

    Co-planning by pattern/checklist

    Practical activities of students

    Under the guidance of the teacher, students complete a series of practical tasks(the frontal method of organizing activities is more often used)

    Differentiated Approach together with group methods of preparation

    Exercising control

    The teacher supervises the implementation of practical work by students

    Develop verification criteria together with students (verification algorithms)

    Implementation of the correction

    The teacher, in the course of performing and following the results of the work performed by the students, corrects

    Based on the identified difficulties of students, self-assessment sheets are filled out

    Student Assessment

    The teacher assesses the students for their work in the lesson

    Filling out self-assessment sheets according to the selected criteria, focusing on the objectivity of the assessment

    Lesson summary

    The teacher asks the students what they remember

    Reflection (initiative comes from the student)


    The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is the same for everyone)

    Homework should contain a creative component that will allow the student to show their creative possibilities(no more than a third of the passed in the class)

    Modern lesson this is the supposed collaboration of a creative teacher and an active thinking student, where the teacher uses the democratic and personal oriented approaches in teaching to their students, and the assignments are motivated, which is supported by the judicious use of ICT.

    Modern lesson this is not the transfer of the amount of information in a particular educational area, but the education of students' personal competencies. The student must independently search for information for the task, be able to analyze information, apply the knowledge gained to solve problems.

    What's new in the lesson when implementing the second generation GEF? What are the advantages?

      The desire of the teacher to independently plan lessons.

      Knowledge of lesson typology

      Usage game form when it serves to better fulfill the educational objectives of the lesson.

      Planning educational function lesson.

      Helping children to discover the personal meaning of the material being studied.

      Reliance on interdisciplinary connections in order to use them to form a holistic view of the knowledge system among students.

      Practical orientation of the educational process.

      Including Exercises in Lesson Content creative character.

      Choosing the optimal combination and ratio of teaching methods.

      Knowledge different technologies developmental education and their only differentiated application.

      Creating conditions for the manifestation of independence of students

      Rational use of teaching aids (textbooks, manuals, technical means.

      Turning computers on pedagogical technologies.

      Differentiation of homework.

      Knowledge and application of psycho-saving, health-saving and health-developing technologies.

      Ensuring favorable hygienic conditions.

      Ensuring aesthetic conditions

      Communication is a combination of exactingness and respect for the personality of the student.

      The use of artistic skills pedagogical technique and performance skills

      Technological map of the lesson - what is it.

    Let's dwell on one of the most problematic stages of the lesson: drawing up a technological map of the GEF lesson.

    Technological map of the lesson is a way of graphic design of the lesson, a table that allows you to structure the lesson according to the parameters chosen by the teacher. Such parameters can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of the educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students. . Training using a technological map allows you to organize an effective studying proccess, to ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal learning activities), in accordance with the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, to significantly reduce the time for teacher preparation for the lesson.

    The main thing that the lesson should provide is the creation of a comfortable environment for students and a sense of comfort for the teacher.

    A lot also depends on the style of teaching the teacher. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

    Democratic style of teacher activity. The teacher provides students with the opportunity to make their own decisions, listens to their opinion, encourages independence of judgment, takes into account not only academic performance, but also personal qualities students. The main methods of influence: motivation, advice, request. The teacher has satisfaction with his profession, flexibility, a high degree of acceptance of himself and others, openness and naturalness in communication, a friendly attitude that contributes to the effectiveness of learning

    The permissive style of the teacher. Such a teacher avoids making decisions, transferring the initiative to students, colleagues, parents. The organization and control of students' activities is carried out without a system, in difficult pedagogical situations he shows indecision and hesitation, experiencing a feeling of a certain dependence on students. Many of these teachers are characterized by low self-esteem, a sense of anxiety and insecurity in their professionalism, and dissatisfaction with their work.

    Authoritarian tendencies in the activities of the teacher. The teacher uses his rights, as a rule, regardless of the opinion of the children and the specific situation. The main methods of influence are orders, instructions. Such a teacher is characterized by dissatisfaction with the work of many students, although he may have a reputation as a strong teacher. But at his lessons, the children feel uncomfortable, a significant part of them do not show activity and independence.

    Every teacher should understand that the quality of teaching the subject, the quality of students' knowledge depends on many things, including the style of teaching.

    So what is a modern lesson for us? This is a lesson-knowledge, discovery, activity, contradiction, development, growth, a step towards knowledge, self-knowledge, self-realization, motivation., interest, professionalism, choice, initiative, confidence, need. Each teacher has his own, completely firm opinion on this matter.

    For some, success is ensured by a spectacular start, literally captivating students immediately with the appearance of a teacher. For others, on the contrary, summing up the results, discussing what has been achieved is much more important. For the third - an explanation, for the fourth - a survey, etc. The times when teachers were forced to adhere to strict and unambiguous requirements for organizing a lesson are over.

    The time of “ready-made” lessons is gradually departing. The novelty of modern Russian education requires the personal beginning of the teacher, which allows him to either simply conduct a lesson, filling students with knowledge and skills, or give a lesson, developing an understanding of this knowledge, skills, skills, creating conditions for the generation of their values ​​and meanings.

    One can argue for a long time about what a lesson should be. One thing is undeniable: it must be animated by the personality of the teacher, who must HEAR-LISTEN-UNDERSTAND.

    Positive and negative aspects of the introduction of GEF in the primary education system.

    In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, a standard was developed general education called "Federal State educational standard(FGOS)".

    According to the authors of the standard, it is aimed at modernizing Russian education. However, in the process of introducing and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard, practicing teachers and the administration of an educational organization have a lot of unresolved issues, problems and ideas for solving them.

    Before proceeding to the disclosure of the problems of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard, I will present the main characteristics of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    If we compare the standards of the first generation and the standards of the second generation, we can see the transition from the school of the formation of ZUNs to the school of the formation of thinking and universal educational activities, the fundamental difference in the subject and personal development of the student, in setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

    The idea underlying the New Generation Standard is as follows: “From the recognition of knowledge, skills and abilities as the main outcomes of education, there has been a shift to an understanding of learning as a process of preparation for real life, readiness to take an active position, successfully solve real tasks be able to cooperate and work in a team, be ready to quickly retrain in response to knowledge updates and labor market requirements.

    This idea very relevant in our developing society, because traditional education in many respects it was aimed at the formation of subject knowledge, skills and abilities. School graduates knew the material very well in the subjects, but they were not always able to work in a group, competently carry out the communication process, defend their point of view, and quickly relearn.

    The expediency of introducing new generation standards also lies in the fact that many graduates can see the paradox of an excellent student. Practice shows that many excellent students are not able to adapt to real world. They know and (theoretically) know how to do more than their peers, but give the impression of a less developed, less independent, much more dependent person. While underachieving students, on the contrary, more often achieve more in life only at the expense of developed communication skills, the ability to interact in a group, take risks, etc.

    We conclude that, for recent decades Significant changes have taken place in society in setting the goals of education and the ways of their implementation. The Federal State Educational Standard does not exclude the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities among students, but the emphasis is on the development of personal and meta-subject knowledge, while subject knowledge is given less importance. And this is the biggest downside. modern system education. I would like to clarify the basic principles of the Federal State Educational Standard, that is, to tell in more detail about the personal and meta-subject results of education.

    Under personal results educational activities The Standard understands the system of value relations of students - to themselves, to other participants in the educational process, to the educational process itself and its results, formed in the educational process.

    To personal result It is customary to attribute such characteristics as:
    . self-determination;
    . motivation for learning activities;
    . family love;
    . moral and aesthetic assessment;
    . patriotism, etc.

    Meta-subject results are understood as methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life. life situations mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all subjects. In other words, metasubject results- universal learning activities(UUD), the formation of which will allow students to independently master any academic subject, socialize in society, continuously self-learn, etc., that is, “do”, not “know”.

    Based on this, we can highlight the positive aspects of the introduction of the standard.

    The first plus is the transition from a simple transfer of knowledge to a student, to projecting the creative abilities of an individual. Therefore, at the head of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is a system-activity approach, which involves the widespread introduction of project and research activities into teaching.

    The second plus of the Federal State Educational Standard is the educational function.Creation of conditions for the formation of a creative, independent, humane personality, capable of appreciating himself and respecting others in the conditions of personality-oriented education.

    The third plus is the continuity of approaches and principles in building standards for primary, secondary and high schools:

    Primary school provides primary skills for self-searching for knowledge;

    The basic school develops independence in the use of knowledge and skills in solving specific tasks, develops primary skills of goal-setting and reflection;

    Old school reinforces the skills and abilities for independent goal-setting, the choice of tools and means to achieve the goal, helps to consolidate the skills of applying the acquired knowledge in educational, project and educational-research activities at the pre-professional level (6)

    The fourth plus is the material and technical base of primary school classrooms meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    One of the main advantages of the Federal State Educational Standard can be safely attributed great attention to extracurricular activities, which means:

    sports and recreation activities;

    spiritual and moral direction, the formation in children of the feeling of a full-fledged citizen;

    general intellectual development through the solution special tasks;

    social direction;

    general cultural development.

    At the same time, the content of the classes is compiled based on the experience of leading specialists, the wishes of the parents of the students and the children themselves. In class extracurricular activities are included individual sessions with a speech therapist (for oral, writing, handwriting), a teacher-psychologist, etc. Meeting with such specialists is never in vain, children receive special knowledge necessary psychological support that only a true professional can provide. Group and individual consultations excursions are organized for schoolchildren of different ages, round tables, sections, debates, conferences, olympiads, competitions, Scientific research. All this allows you to break away from boring textbooks and interest the child as much as possible.

    And now let's imagine the disadvantages of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, which the teacher faces during work.

    In the process of introducing the Federal State Educational Standards, the following problems:

    1. Insufficient funds for the acquisition educational literature, screen - sound aids (including in digital form), interactive whiteboards, educational - practical and educational - laboratory equipment, natural objects.

    2. In addition to the usual subject tests, it is now necessary to conduct meta-subject diagnostic work composed of complex tasks.

    3. The problem for the school is the diagnostics of the results of personal development introduced by the Federal State Educational Standard. The usual form of written control work is now supplemented by such new forms of results control as:

    Targeted Surveillance(fixation of actions and qualities shown to students according to given parameters),

    Self-assessment of the student according to the accepted forms (for example, a sheet with questions on self-reflection specific activity),

    results educational projects,

    The results of a variety of extracurricular and extracurricular activities, the achievements of students.

    4. What has changed in professional activity primary school teachers in connection with the implementation of the GEF? If before the introduction of the document, the application of the system-activity approach was a personal initiative of the teacher, then at present, this is an obligatory component of work for the formation of UUD. Now the teacher spends almost twice as much time preparing for the lesson compared to the past academic years. If earlier they tried to do what they planned, now they need to organize the activities of children. Focus on student self-esteem, formation adequate self-esteem. Accounting for the dynamics of children's learning outcomes relative to themselves. Grade intermediate results learning.

    5. According to the new standards, the main thing is not just to create conditions for obtaining new knowledge and skills, our task is to teach children to LEARN, to create favorable conditions for personal and cognitive development each student, to teach children to apply, develop this knowledge and skills in the lesson and after hours. And this is the main problem. After all, there are students who are really capable of such learning, and there are those who simply cannot be independent and active. Also here there is a problem that not all children have the opportunity to access the Internet at home.

    The sources of knowledge, as a rule, were the teacher and the textbook. Now, whether we want it or not, the information base of children is much wider, and the task of the teacher is to show the range of possibilities for finding information. And not just a search, but how to perceive this information, evaluate it, how to operate with it. The child must understand what knowledge he lacks, where and how to get additional knowledge. But many children do not even have the opportunity to acquire elementary subject knowledge when the teacher is, as in traditional system, a source of knowledge transfer.

    The fact that students in primary school do not want to learn, they are motivated to acquire new knowledge. The student is not satisfied with the explanation that he needs this or that material only because it will be useful to him in adulthood after graduating from high school, that is, after a few years.

    Therefore, the teacher should understand, "How to teach?" or, more specifically, “How to teach in a way that triggers their own questions in children: “What do I need to learn?” and “How can I learn this?”

    In addition, following the requirements of the new standard, the teacher needs to master modern educational technologies, choose teaching materials, use the possibilities of material technical base, learn how to develop and implement curricula, programs of extracurricular educational activities, participate in the design of an educational program.

    Most significant disadvantage implementation of GEF in educational process is the complexity of the full implementation of the system. To do this, the state must radically change the financing of the education system, especially with regard to raising the salaries of teachers and qualitative improvement material and technical base of all schools. new standard should be implemented in new environment. Also, teachers themselves must change their attitude to the matter, otherwise it will become a serious obstacle.

    In general, if the state can fulfill its part of the responsibilities for the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, this system can become a real breakthrough. This standard has many advantages, the main thing is to organize the educational process correctly. In this case, this task falls entirely on the shoulders of leading teachers, who, fortunately, are enough in our country. They will be able to gradually introduce the Federal State Educational Standard, isolate the advantages from it and get rid of the shortcomings.

    Teachers see the solution to the problems presented above in the implementation of the following ideas:
    . development of textbooks in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education;
    . development for each textbook guidelines for teachers;
    . reducing the number of students in the class;
    . reducing the teaching load of teachers;
    . introduction of surcharges to wages teachers for supervising project activities schoolchildren;
    . improvement of the educational environment.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that the thoughts expressed in the article are just assumptions. At this stage of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is certain to answer the question: “Positive or negative results achieved by the introduction of the GEF of basic general education? cannot, until the Second Generation Standard starts working in full force until all the requirements and norms of the Federal State Educational Standard are met.


    3. Evplova E.V. Federal State Educational Standards for Basic General Education: Problems and Solutions / E.V. Evplova // Standards and monitoring in education. - 2014. - No. 3. - S. 62-64

    4. Federal state educational standard.

    5. Federal state educational standard for basic general education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010, No. 1897.

    6. Kablashova O.V. Implementation of the principles of continuity and consistency of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and the Federal State Educational Standard of the LLC// Social network of educators. - .