How to write a study guide. Tutorial


  • Puzyrev A.V.
    "Aesthetics of language and assessment of the content basis of mass songs"
  • Filimonova L.V., Bykova E.A.
    Mathematics and informatics.
    (for students humanitarian faculties universities)

    Proposed tutorial is intended for university students studying at faculties where mathematics and computer science are not subjects of specialization. It has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the state standard and it sets out at an accessible level some of the fundamental issues included in curriculum on the new subject "Mathematics and Informatics". This manual contains 11 chapters, each of which is devoted to the study fundamental questions mathematics and informatics. Its purpose is to educate a person in a culture rational methods operating with existing and acquiring new knowledge, to acquaint students with some sections of higher mathematics, to deepen the knowledge gained at school in computer science and information technology, give necessary information O modern aspects use of computers and recent achievements.

  • Kravchenko V.A.
    Reference material for the preparation of a course project (work) on the system of fertilizer application in crop rotations
    (for students of the Faculty of Agriculture of full-time and part-time forms of study)

  • Guidelines for the implementation and defense of final qualifying (diploma) works
    (for students of the Faculty of Agriculture in the direction of training a graduate - 660200 "Agronomy")

    These guidelines have been revised on the basis of guidelines developed by teachers of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Voronezh State Agricultural University them. K.D. Glinka - Kozlobaeva V.V. Fedotova V.A. Popova A.F. and aim to give necessary information students of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin for independent preparation and defense of the final (thesis) work.

  • Podaeva N.G., Zhuk D.A.
    Lectures on the foundations of geometry
  • Podaeva N.G., Krasnikova L.V.
    Lines and surfaces in Euclidean space
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)
  • Podaeva N.G., Evsikov S.V.
    Lectures on elements of topology
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)
  • Nosov V.A.
    Combinatorics and graph theory
  • Gubina T.N., Tarov D.A., Masina O.N., Tarova I.N.
    Methodological recommendations for preparing for the state final exam "Informatics" of graduates of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Gubina T.N., Masina O.N., Gubin M.A.
    Working in Microsoft Office
  • Poznyak T.A., Tarova I.N., Karpacheva I.A., Budyakova T.P.
    Industrial practice of future teachers of computer science
  • Tarov D.A., Tarova I.N., Gubina T.N., Masina O.N., Dyakina V.A.
    Control and measuring materials on disciplines of an information profile.
  • Tarov D.A.
    Guidelines for writing term papers in the disciplines of the information profile.
  • Tarova I.N., Terekhov Yu.P., Masina O.N., Skokov A.V.
    Workshop on solving problems on a computer.
  • Balashova T.N.
    inheritance law
    (for full-time and part-time students)

    This guide aims to provide methodological assistance students studying the discipline Inheritance Law. It covers all the main sections of the discipline, offers control tasks, tests and tasks for each topic. Methodical instructions are drawn up in accordance with the program on inheritance law for higher educational institutions. Recommended for students Faculty of Law. The manual is intended for students of the Faculty of Law full-time and part-time forms of education.

  • Zubova O.V.
    Educational materials on civil law(a common part)

    These educational materials are intended for students and teachers of the Faculty of Law. The purpose of the manual is to assist in the study of the general part of civil law, as well as to facilitate the search normative material and legal literature necessary for the implementation of practical tasks.
    The collection contains practical tasks that students can use to master the main provisions of the course in the process of self-preparation for civil law classes, and teachers - to control students' knowledge.

  • Elective courses for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool): Work programs [Text]

    The teaching aid contains topics and content of elective courses for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool). The manual consists of a preface, programs of elective courses. The preface reveals the place of elective disciplines in the educational process of the faculty and their importance in the training of highly qualified specialists. The subject and content of elective courses were developed by teachers of the Department of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy. The teaching aid is addressed to full-time and part-time students, university professors, practitioners.

  • Collection of work programs of psychological and pedagogical disciplines in the specialty 050703 preschool pedagogy and psychology

    The collection contains work programs for the main list of psychological and pedagogical disciplines in the specialty "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology", developed by teachers of the departments of preschool and correctional pedagogy, developmental and pedagogical psychology in accordance with GOSTs 2005, modern requirements and the level of development of science. Each work program includes the purpose and objectives of this discipline, the main content, practical and laboratory classes, assignments for independent work, questions for tests and exams, lists of basic and additional literature, indicative list topics of essays and term papers, variants of tests and examinations by semesters, etc. Work programs approved Methodical Council Faculty of Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology. This educational and software publication is addressed to students of the faculties of pedagogy and psychology of preschool, it can be useful for teachers colleges of education and universities that train specialists in this field.

  • Chuikova Zh.V.
    Historical and pedagogical analysis of the problem of teaching preschool children the native language
    (to the elective course)
  • V.N. Kartashova
    Deutsch 4: Mein Beruf ist Fremdsprachenlehrer
    (A manual on the practice of the German language for 4th year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology with an additional specialty "Foreign Language")

    The manual involves the implementation of the principles of professional and communicative orientation, providing active formation in the process learning activities foreign language skills of students - future teachers foreign language for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. Orientation to the future specialty of the student determined the selection of educational material. The manual contains original lyrics for reading on pedagogical and country studies topics. The textbook is intended for 4th year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool), studying German as a second speciality.

  • Anufrieva O. V.
    Fine arts of Germany.
    (for design students)

  • Constitutional (state) law of foreign countries.
    (for students of the specialty 030501 - Law of all forms of education)
  • Zakharova M.A.
    Pedagogical research in the format of coursework and WRC
  • I.A. Karpacheva, T.A. Poznyak
    Teaching practice.
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

    The teaching aid is intended for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics studying in the specialty 032100.00 - Mathematics with an additional specialty (qualification as a teacher of mathematics). The manual reflects the general provisions of the organization of educational and industrial practice students - future teachers, rights and obligations of student interns, requirements for paperwork, criteria for evaluating students' activities. In accordance with the stages of organization of practices, their content is consistently disclosed, general pedagogical and guidelines organization modern lesson, research tasks have been developed and recommendations for their implementation have been proposed. The manual contains diagnostic methods, plans and notes of lessons.

  • Karpacheva I.A., Krikunov A.E.
    Methodological recommendations for the study of pedagogy for part-time students.
    (for part-time students)

    The teaching aid is intended for part-time students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, who study under an abbreviated program. However, it will be useful for students absentee form teaching all pedagogical specialties. The manual presents the logic and structure of studying the pedagogy course during the entire period of study at the university, offers methodological recommendations and tasks for seminars, tasks for independent work. Part-time students will find in the manual tasks in pedagogy that must be completed during the period teaching practice, as well as recommendations for the implementation of coursework and final qualifying work.

  • V. N. Mezinov
    Introduction to pedagogical activity
  • T.P. Budyakova
    Coursework in psychology

    The training manual discusses general methodological issues writing and formatting term paper in psychology. Methods for describing the results of scientific empirical research. For students of non-psychological specialties.

  • T.P. Budyakova
    Sign-symbolic activity and its genesis
    (to the course "Age and pedagogical psychology" for the specialty 031200 "Pedagogy and methodology primary education")

    The textbook reveals one of the most difficult sections of developmental and educational psychology to study: the development of sign-symbolic activity in ontogenesis. The definition of sign-symbolic activity is given, the ways of its formation and development in preschool and younger are described. school age. The manual is addressed to students studying psychology.

  • T.P. Budyakova
    Legal and psychological aspects legal institution compensation for moral damage
    (to the course "Legal Psychology" (for students enrolled in the specialty 021100 "Jurisprudence"))

    Tutorial focuses on underdeveloped problems legal psychology. In particular, legal and psychological aspects are considered in the application of the norms of the civil law institution of compensation for moral harm.

  • Morozova M.A.
    Modern Russian language. Morphology (verb, verb forms). Preparation plans for practical and individual lessons.
    (for independent work of students full-time and correspondence department specialty "050301 - Russian language and literature" with additional. specialty "050401 - History".)

    The manual contains a program on the morphology of the Russian language (verb and verb forms) for 3rd year students of the Faculty of Philology, plans for practical classes indicating literature, classroom and homework assignments and samples of their implementation, a list of basic and additional literature for the course, two test papers, which can also be used for self-preparation for classes and tests. The manual is intended for students and teachers teaching the course of the morphology of the Russian language (verb, verb forms).

  • Voevodina G.A.
    Unique affixes in modern Russian.
    (for students of the Faculty of Philology)

    The study guide for the special course explores questions related to the status of unique affixes that do not have a clear answer due to their insufficient knowledge. Consideration of questions about unique affixes helps to clarify the concept of a morpheme and its main features. This manual can be used for theoretical and practical understanding language material, in the study of the "Course of choice", elective, in the preparation of term papers and qualification papers.

  • Biryukova T.G.
    Text analysis and synthesis

    The manual is a theoretical and practical course that helps to master the techniques of perceiving strangers and creating own texts. Its main task is to develop the ability to communicate in various fields based on mastering the most common genres of oral and writing, teach to use means of expression language for effective communication. The manual provides for a variety of work with the text, tasks are creative nature, have practical value. The book is intended for school graduates, as well as for students of various specialties who want to improve their speech culture.

  • IN AND. Kazarina
    Modern Russian syntax: structural organization simple sentence

    Textbook, including material on the problems of verbal and sentence relations, block diagram a simple sentence like linguistic sign, the signifier of which is a typical proposition, and the positional scheme as a speech sign of the utterance, the structural and semantic organization of sentences, traditionally qualified as one-component with excursions into the history of study, is intended primarily for students of the Faculty of Philology, it will be useful for graduate students and school teachers, as well as for everyone who is interested in the problems of Russian syntax.

  • Filimonova L.V., Bobrova T.M.
    Guidelines for laboratory studies on the study of the section general physics"Mechanics". In two parts.
    (for students of engineering physics and physics and mathematics faculties)

    The purpose of this manual is to assist students in the preparation and implementation of laboratory work on topics from the section of general physics "Mechanics". The manual provides descriptions for 13 laboratory works. The works of the first part mainly affect the material on kinematics, oscillations and waves, the motion of bodies in a viscous fluid, the second part contains works on dynamics material point And solid body. For each work, a statement of the purpose of its implementation, a list of equipment used, brief basics theories on the topic of work, description of the method, questions for admission, content of experimental tasks, questions for the report. The material presented in each work is sufficient for its implementation, but requires the study of additional literary sources for the preparation of the report. The applications provide brief reference for calculating the error of the results of a teaching experiment in physics, the necessary reference tables, additional material. The teaching aid is recommended for use on laboratory classes with students of the Faculty of Engineering Physics and Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of YSU in the laboratory of mechanics.

  • Filimonova L.V.
    Methodical instructions for practical classes in general and experimental physics. Part two. MKT and thermodynamics.
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

    The purpose of these instructions is to assist students in mastering the program material in physics through the solution typical tasks on the section "MKT and thermodynamics". The guidelines provide material for 6 practical exercises containing questions for theoretical training to the lesson, detailed instructions for solving typical problems, tasks for independent decision. Practice topics are taken from work program discipline "General and experimental physics"and cover theoretical material on the fundamentals of the molecular-kinetic theory of matter and thermodynamics. Each practice session includes detailed instructions for solving a wide range tasks, highlighting the basic laws, concepts and methods reflected in the lecture material. The material presented in each topic through methodological instructions is sufficient for students to independently solve all the tasks given at the end of each lesson. The appendices contain additional material on the concept of "number of degrees of freedom", mathematical methods solutions challenging tasks, a list of symbols used and reference material. Methodological instructions are recommended for use in practical classes in physics with students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of YSU. I.A. Bunin in the study of the section of physics "MKT and thermodynamics".

  • Filimonova L.V.
    Methodical instructions for practical classes in general and experimental physics. Part three. Electricity.
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

    The purpose of these instructions is to assist students in mastering the program material in physics by solving typical problems in the section of general and experimental physics "Electricity". The guidelines provide material for 7 practical exercises, containing questions for theoretical preparation for the lesson, some comments on the theoretical material, detailed instructions for solving typical problems, tasks for independent solution. The topics of practical classes cover the relevant lecture material, revealing the laws and principles, concepts and terms of electrostatics and electrodynamics, highlighting practical aspects and methods of application of the theory. The information presented in the instructions is sufficient for students to independently solve all the tasks given at the end of each lesson. The appendices provide a list of symbols used, a list basic formulas, necessary reference material, additional material on the mathematical theory of the vector field, etc. I.A. Bunin in the study of the section of physics "Electricity".

  • Filimonova L.V.
    Methodical instructions for practical classes in general and experimental physics. Part four. Electromagnetism.
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

    The purpose of this manual is to assist students in mastering the program material in physics through the solution of typical problems in the section "Electromagnetism". The manual provides material for 6 practical exercises, containing questions for theoretical preparation for the lesson, detailed instructions for solving typical problems, tasks for independent solution. The topics of practical classes are taken from the work program of the discipline "General and Experimental Physics" and cover theoretical material on the basics of magnetostatics, the Maxwell system of equations for electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves. For each practical lesson, detailed instructions are given for solving a wide range of problems, highlighting the basic laws, concepts and methods reflected in the lecture material. The material presented in each topic through methodological instructions is sufficient for students to independently solve all the tasks given at the end of each lesson. The appendices provide additional material on the subject, a list of used symbols and reference material. The teaching aid is recommended for use in practical classes in physics with students of the YSU Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. I.A. Bunin in the study of the section of physics "Electromagnetism".

  • Voblikov S.N.
    Methodological guide for writing term papers on the theory of state and law
  • IN AND. Korotkikh, A.V. Usachov
    History of philosophy
    (Collection teaching materials for YSU students I.A. Bunin, students in the specialty "Religious Studies" with an anthology, prologue and epilogue)
  • Goricheva V.L., Levashova O.V.
    Teaching aid for writing term papers in the department of criminal law and process.

    In this manual, the task is to provide methodological assistance to students who write term papers in the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure. The manual provides a detailed description of the process of preparing a term paper from topic selection to public defense. Special attention is given to the requirements for the volume, structure, content and design of the work, the stages and methods of its implementation. The manual is intended for students of the Faculty of Law full-time and part-time forms of education.

  • E.V. Isaev
    Methodological instructions for students of the hospital and the LEO of the Faculty of Philology on preparation for practical classes on the course "History of foreign literature of the XVII-XVIII centuries"
  • S.V. Vorobyov, E.G. Esina, N.S. Trubitsyn
    Information systems in economics: DBMS Access
    (shortened version)

    This teaching aid is devoted to the problems associated with the automation of processing large amounts of information, namely, its organization in the Microsoft Access database management system. Said application contains wide range means for effective information management, including economic information. The study of the Access DBMS is included in the content of the discipline "Information systems in economics" and, above all, is intended for students Faculty of Economics. The purpose of the work is to give students knowledge and practical skills in area applied informatics, show methods for automated solution of various economic tasks. The manual contains five, rather voluminous, laboratory works, in which there is necessary minimum theoretical material, examples of solving problems with their detailed description, tasks are offered for self-fulfillment. The publication will be useful not only for students and graduate students of the economic profile, but also for accountants, auditors, analysts and other categories of specialists involved in economic calculations.

  • V.E. Medvedev, S.V. Vorobyov
    Workshop on Information Systems in Economics: Calculations in an Excel Spreadsheet
    (shortened version)

    This publication is intended to help readers learn how to use the built-in tools effectively. spreadsheet Microsoft Excel in the process of solving economic problems. The manual is divided into topics, each of which contains the minimum amount of theoretical information necessary to solve the tasks, practical tasks with a detailed explanation of the technology for their solution, as well as tasks for independent implementation. The material is presented in an accessible form according to the principle from simple to complex. The workshop can be used in laboratory classes in the process of studying the discipline "Information systems in economics" and other similar disciplines. The manual will be useful for students, graduate students and teachers of economic specialties, practicing accountants and economists who wish to independently improve and consolidate their level of knowledge and skills in the field of economic information systems and technologies.

  • Artyukhova G.A., Vorobyov S.V.
    Automation of trade operations and warehouse accounting
    (shortened version)

    This training manual outlines the basic principles of conducting automated warehouse accounting and trading operations of a company in the "1C: Enterprise" system, namely, in the "Trade and Warehouse" configuration. The theoretical material of the manual is accompanied by practical tasks, most of which have a detailed description of the solution. In addition, each topic offers tasks for independent solution. This manual is aimed at students of economic specialties, can be used within the framework of information disciplines, on special courses or electives in information technology. The manual will be useful to employees of economic divisions of trading companies, accountants, and programmers.

  • Workshop on solving the problem of accounting in the 1C: ENTERPRISE system
    (shortened version)

    The teaching aid is a comprehensive set of tasks for accounting, presented as a cross-cutting task for the main sections of accounting. The tasks are provided for a typical configuration 1C: Accounting included in the 1C: Enterprise version 7.7. This publication will be useful to students and graduate students of economic specialties, as well as practicing accountants and economists who wish to improve and consolidate their level of knowledge and skills in the field of economic information systems and technologies.

  • Vorobyov S.V.
    Automation of enterprise management in the integrated system "Galaktika"
    (shortened version)

    The training manual contains a description of the basic principles of work in the domestic corporate information system"Galaxy". The technologies of organization of the enterprise management process are considered on the examples of such internal circuits as "Personnel Management", "Logistics", "Accounting". Each topic contains theoretical material, which is accompanied by practical tasks with a detailed description of the solution, and each topic offers tasks for independent solution. This manual is aimed at students of economic specialties, can be used within the disciplines of the information technology cycle, on special courses or electives in information technology. The manual will be useful for familiarizing employees of the economic divisions of industrial enterprises, accountants, and programmers.

  • M.V. Ilyashenko
    Pedagogical practice program in institutions of secondary education vocational education for students of the department distance learning Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool)
    (for students of the distance learning department of the faculty of PIPD)
  • Bakaeva O.N., Gozhina O.L., Emelyanova I.D., Krakovskaya V.S., Krasova T.D., Ilyashenko M.V., Martynova L.N., Penkovskaya O.V., Pronina A .N., Faustova I.V., Fomenko L.K., Chuikova Zh.V.
    Pedagogical practice of students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool)

    The manual sets out the goals, objectives, content and methods of organizing all types of pedagogical practice of students in the specialty "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology", with additional specialties"Speech therapy", "Pedagogy and psychology", "Foreign language". Tasks for student interns are presented, allowing to identify and form the necessary professional skills in them. The requirements for the preparation of documentation for each type of practice are reported, the necessary samples are given. Criteria for evaluating a trainee student have been developed. The duties of practice leaders and student trainees are described.
    The teaching aid can be used by students and teachers of the faculty preschool pedagogy and psychology.

  • R.N. flights
    HISTORY OF RUSSIA (from ancient times to the 18th century)
    (a teaching aid for practical exercises and independent work for students of correspondence courses in the specialty "History")

    The teaching aid publishes the materials necessary for students of correspondence courses in the specialty "History". They include practical exercises, historical terminology, tests, assignments for historical maps and etc.

  • Belkova N.A., Krasnova T.V., Tropin N.A.
    Museum and archaeological practices
    (practice programs and methodological recommendations)

    These training materials have been prepared experienced teachers heading for a number of years learning practices students of history and philological faculties. The publication is intended for students of these faculties.

  • YES. Lyapin
    Serving land tenure of the Yelets district at the end of the 16th-17th centuries.
    (special course program)

    The educational and methodical manual includes the author's content of the special course (disciplines of specialization), test tasks, topics of abstracts, a list of questions for reporting, an extensive list of bibliography. For students of the Faculty of History majoring in History.

Schools and universities actively use textbooks and teaching aids. What are these and other sources of knowledge?

What is the nature of textbooks?

Under textbook It is customary to understand the main source of knowledge within a particular academic discipline or subject - at school, secondary specialized institution, university. In its structure, it complies with the rules and norms enshrined in industry and other regulatory sources.

The tutorial is intended for:

  • involving the student in the process of mastering knowledge through an interesting, systematized and comprehensive presentation of the material by the author;
  • providing the student with specific information necessary for better mastering the materials in the lesson;
  • formation of the student's ability to analyze facts, skills of memorization and systematization of the text.

Textbooks are classified into several main varieties:

  • workshops (publications that allow students to consolidate knowledge in one way or another in a practical way);
  • anthologies (publications in which information on the topic is presented very concisely, supplemented with various comments, illustrations);
  • dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias (publications that allow the student to get acquainted with various facts on the topic under study, presented in a wide variety).

Textbooks usually contain a large number of pages - several hundred, sometimes issued in series. Mastering the materials with the help of textbooks requires a very long time from students, in many cases - also explanations from the teacher on one or another wording given in the source.

Information in textbooks is mostly theoretical. The applied aspect of the topic is already considered in the classroom in educational institution.

What is the nature of the tutorials?

Under study guide commonly understood as supplementing textbooks or lecture classes a source of knowledge in any discipline or subject. It is structured in such a way that the student has the opportunity to get acquainted with the key facts on the topic in a short time.

That is, the tutorial is the source:

  • in which the information is presented sufficiently briefly and succinctly, often in abstracts;
  • which has a small size, for example - a few dozen pages;
  • which can be used for the purpose self-development this or that part of the curriculum, since the wording given in the manual usually does not require additional explanations from the teacher.

Thus, the textbook is a source adapted for self-study of the topic by the student. But, as a rule, small and being only part of a larger program.

Teaching aids are classified:

  • on methodical;
  • for visual;
  • for abstracts;
  • to directories;
  • on illustrated sources (atlases, diagrams).

Each of specified types teaching aids allows the student to master the topic in a certain way. The methodological manual is most similar to a textbook in terms of the structure and method of presenting information. Visual and illustrated sources provide a useful visualization of various facts on the topic. Abstracts allow the student to master the maximum amount of basic facts on the topic under study, catalogs - to find new sources of knowledge in the area under study.


The main difference between a textbook and a textbook is its purpose. The first source is in most cases an integral element educational process in an auditorium or class. The second is intended mainly for self-learning of knowledge by students. Hence - the difference in the structure, the way of presenting information in textbooks and teaching aids, in the scale of the relevant sources, in the principles of their classification.

It turns out that textbooks and teaching aids cannot be considered as completely interchangeable sources. The first, of course, can be supplemented by the second, but it is extremely difficult to present the entire volume of facts reflected in the textbook and necessary for the student to master the topic. Moreover, the information obtained from the textbook, as we noted above, in most cases requires clarification by a qualified teacher. It is also problematic to present it in a relatively small manual.

From the point of view of preparing for an exam, a study guide is an excellent resource for systematizing knowledge, while using a textbook for the same purposes can take much more time and effort from a student. However, from the point of view of the amount of knowledge that can be obtained from the manual, it is extremely unlikely that it will replace the facts needed for mastering from the textbook, as well as lecture materials. Therefore, preparing for exams only on the basis of study guides is unproductive.

In turn, using only a textbook for similar purposes is also, as a rule, not enough. The fact is that it sets out, firstly, general knowledge, and secondly, facts that require additional explanation by the teacher.

Due to the impressive volume, the textbook can contain a large number of illustrations and other visualization elements of the material. While in the textbook, information is presented mainly in text only, sometimes in small tables, diagrams.

A textbook is often a much more fundamental work, requiring the author to have a large amount of knowledge and competencies. Often, publishing houses consider as potential authors of textbooks - in order to conclude contracts with them - only specialists with degree, professors. A textbook can be published, in principle, by any person who has the necessary knowledge - it is desirable, of course, that they be obtained at a university. In addition, the author must be ready to present them in a form that is convenient for students to master.

Having determined what is the difference between a textbook and a study guide, we will reflect the conclusions in a small table.


Textbook Tutorial
It is a source of general knowledge, which, as a rule, requires explanation by the teacher at a lecture or in a lessonIt is a source of knowledge more highly specialized, but presented in a smaller volume than in a textbook
As a rule, it is directly related to the educational process in an educational institution.Can be used for self-study of the topic by the student
Has a large volume - several hundred pagesHas a smaller volume - often several dozen pages
Can be supplemented big amount illustrationsUsually supplemented with small tables, diagrams
Textbooks are written by candidates and doctors of sciences, professorsCan be written by a person who, in principle, understands the topic, but preferably also has a higher education

As a type of educational literature that is fully defined in the general typological system of publications, it has its own clearly defined readership and purpose. The intended purpose of educational literature reflects the social function, which is performed given type ed. So, in the system of teaching aids, the main function educational publications is to ensure the independent work of students in mastering knowledge and consolidating it. Under educational literature refers to textbooks, teaching aids, guidelines.

A textbook is a textbook that supplements or partially (completely) replaces a textbook officially approved as this type of publication. The textbook is considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only a part (several sections) sample program. Unlike a textbook, a manual can include not only proven, generally recognized knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on one issue or another.

When the curriculum includes new discipline or new topics are introduced into the curriculum, then the publication of a training manual is initially organized. The textbook, as a rule, is created on the basis of a proven manual.

A methodological manual is a document that details the optimal sequence in mastering a certain scientific or educational material. The methodological manual is based on fundamental scientific works in this discipline and practical research. As a rule, the work reflects the author's opinion on effective ways to achieve the best results. Teaching aids in their content and structure differ significantly from traditional textbooks and classical scientific papers. The main task of the manual is not so much to provide students with the necessary information on the discipline being studied, but to explain what to do with it, how to do it correctly. learning objectives. Therefore, special requirements are always imposed on the preparation of teaching aids. The creation of a variety of teaching aids is associated with the need to take a different look at the teaching of a particular discipline.

The main task of the teaching aid- highlight the main sections of the scientific discipline in terms of their teaching methodology. Therefore, if you have rich experience in the field of education, have accumulated a large amount of materials, know the main shortcomings of the existing educational process, then you can write your own teaching aid. To solve this problem, you need wide knowledges in this area and many years of teaching practice. You will need:

  • - teaching experience;
  • - information base.

If you are about to start writing methodological manual in any subject, first of all, carefully study the working curriculum that is being taught. The fact is that the structure of your future manual should exactly follow the program and reveal the topics that it contains. Otherwise, students will have serious difficulties when working with the material. When compiling the manual, rely on existing textbooks. After all, they contain the theoretical and training material on all topics of the discipline. Your methodological aid should use the advantages of textbooks and compensate for their shortcomings. Make a plan for future benefits. Reflect in it the most important thing in the form of abstracts and short comments. This plan-scheme will later serve as the basis for the final text and will allow you to easily change the design of the manual to achieve the best result.

Having drawn up a manual plan based on the curriculum, proceed to the collection and preparation of theoretical material. At this stage, remember that greater value what matters here is not the quantity of collected facts and data, but the quality of their presentation. Do not forget that you are preparing a publication that should help students in mastering the discipline under study. This means that all theoretical material must be well structured, logical and understandable for perception. For ease of use, make the content of your teaching aid identical to the content of the textbook so that any teacher can quickly find the section of interest to him.

One theory is not enough to create teaching aids. The best solution would be to go through all the stages on your own, in accordance with the recommendations of your own manual. This will not only show its viability, but may also reveal some inaccuracies and shortcomings. Then it will be necessary to make adjustments to the working material.

When writing a manual, pay special attention to the language of presentation. Do not forget that your work is intended for a very young people who are just learning the curriculum. Try not to write complex, long sentences and large paragraphs. Do not abuse technical terms, and if you use professional vocabulary, be sure to give in footnotes or in brackets the explanation of the concepts used.

Design Control questions on the topic of "manuals" and options for solving the tasks and problems considered in it. Supplement the text of the methodological manual with illustrations, diagrams and photos. Give specific examples of the competent use of the above methodology. For better assimilation of the material, complete the text various schemes, graphs, drawings. Graphical representation information greatly facilitates its perception and makes the book less boring and monotonous. In addition, a schematic representation is often easier to remember.

Try to give more practical advice based on your personal experience. L enough literature, where a person must independently translate theory into practice, has accumulated enough to date. And here are high-quality reference books and manuals that help solve urgent methodological problems, lacks. Include in each topic, in addition to theoretical information, practical tasks, questions for self-control, topics for essays and presentations at seminars. Be sure to explain how these tasks should be performed, give examples. This is especially important if the teaching aid is intended for schoolchildren or students. undergraduate students. Complete the study guide complete list used literature. In addition, try to give each topic a small list of available scientific works that students can use to self-training to practical exercises. It is preferable that this list includes not only textbooks, but also original works of researchers. As sources, choose not only familiar books, but also solid network resources, and thematic TV channels, materials of scientific conferences and symposiums, preferably of the state and international level. This gives the methodological manual the necessary scientific weight. Indicate as many sources of information as possible that the specialist can refer to in order to expand their knowledge on this topic. This circumstance will greatly increase the popularity of your manual and demonstrate a thorough scientific approach to solve educational problems. Be sure to single out methodological techniques in a separate chapter that allow for interdisciplinary classes (for example, a lesson plan combining history and literature, with the distribution of material for both teachers). This approach will greatly enrich both disciplines and help you develop your students' ability to build cause-and-effect relationships not only within your subject but also across subjects.

The general procedure for the development of educational publications:

  • Determining the role and place of this academic discipline in the training of a specialist, taking into account the qualification characteristics and curriculum, and concretizing on this basis the tasks of training and education that are solved in the process of teaching the course.
  • Determination of the nature and amount of knowledge that should be acquired by the student in the study of the entire course, its topics and each issue of the topic.
  • Identification of the amount of knowledge gained as a result of studying previously completed disciplines, and using the results of this identification in determining the nature and amount of knowledge on each issue of the topic, on each topic and throughout the course.
  • Determination of the logical and didactic sequence of the transfer of educational information for the acquisition of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities, the reproduction and use of previous knowledge in the study of each issue of the topic, each topic and the entire course.
  • Development of the structure of the textbook, division of the stated program material into methodologically justified structural elements: sections, subsections, paragraphs.

In achieving a high scientific and methodological level of presentation of the material, the main thing is its accessibility, consistency and consistency. There are two methods that are not mutually exclusive. According to the first, initially general concepts and definitions of this or that category, and then their disclosure is given; according to the second, particular problems are first considered, leading the student to general conclusions and definitions.

There are several types and methods of implementation of the methodological manual. Decide clearly what you set as the goal of the work: write an educational and methodological instruction, a methodological guide (instruction) or a guide to practical (laboratory) classes.

Depending on the type of training manual, the method of performing the methodological manual is selected.

Basic requirements for the content of the training manual:

  • continuity in the presentation of the material of the methodological manual in the content of educational publications on previously studied disciplines;
  • close connection with the content of educational materials of other blocks curriculum, including social sciences;
  • implementation of the principles of ensuring intradisciplinary links between educational publications in one discipline;
  • interdisciplinary connections;
  • ensuring the continuity of certain types of training of specialists;
  • use of a common conceptual apparatus, unification in the use of terminology in designation.

In accordance with the above main text should be designed in such a way as to instill in the student the ability to:

  • conduct scientific analysis;
  • draw conclusions and apply evidence-based solutions under conditions of uncertainty;
  • see the prospects for the development of the relevant field of science;
  • use modern scientific information, process and use it in solving practical problems.

Key requirements for the text of the training manual:

  • the text provides a complete disclosure of the issues of the program of the discipline;
  • text available for successful assimilation students, contributes to the motivation of learning, the formation of skills and abilities, as well as the creative abilities of future specialists;
  • ensures the continuity of knowledge gained in the study of previous disciplines, and also provides close intra-disciplinary and interdisciplinary connections;
  • takes into account the psychological and pedagogical factors of students, their general educational level;
  • uses the possibilities of explanatory and additional texts.

Any of us studies or studied at the university, and has a colossal store of knowledge, but on the question of what a teaching aid is, every second one is “blown away”. No, of course, we all understand that we are talking about a textbook, reference book, literature that helps to learn; but what exactly it is, only a few know. Well, let's try to figure it out together.

What is a teaching aid and its features

So, teaching aid is an official printed publication, the content of which is fully consistent with the curriculum for a particular specialty at the university.

To put it simply and in plain language, then this is the most common manual, which from course to course is transferred to students for temporary use.

This is a small reference book, a hint or even a synopsis, which most often touches on only one topic, but in detail.

According to the manuals, they not only perform practical and laboratory work in the classroom, but also correctly draw up reports, in accordance with all the requirements of the Ministry of Education.

So we can safely say that the teaching aid is an indispensable assistant in lectures and practical classes at the university.

Since I am so enthusiastic about this printed edition, it's time to talk about its significant advantages, against the background of the rest of the literature, which in open access available in every student library or reading room.

Advantages of the teaching aid

1. This publication offers a brief abstract on given topic, which is much easier to digest and remember.

2. A manual is a kind of instruction or a cheat sheet on how to complete tasks in practice, and what aspects of your work you must pay attention to.

3. The manual helps with the design and presentation of the work, and, as you know, an additional point is also added to the final grade for this.

4. The number of pages of the manual does not exceed 30 - 50, which means that carrying such a book in a backpack or bag is not at all difficult.

5. If you wish and have the skills, you can use the manual on the exam as a real hint on the topic. When you don’t have your own cheat sheets, and there’s a draft in your head, this is the perfect solution, so better manual do not forget the responsible exam.

However, this teaching aid has its own significant shortcomings, which you also need to know about in advance so as not to be left with a nose:

1. Manuals are in high demand among students, therefore, sometimes it is simply not possible to knock out an extra copy in the library for a subscription. You have to ask your neighbor on the desk, or copy on a copier at your own expense, of course.

2. Manuals have invisible "legs". Yes, yes, this is the printed edition that can disappear in the middle of a couple in an unknown direction and never return.

Again, increased demand affects, so it's best to keep your eyes open, and your own training manual in sight, otherwise problems with a strict librarian in the future simply cannot be avoided.

3.Manuals have Subjective opinion on one topic or another, and this is explained simply - they are created under the editorship of one of the teachers of the department.

Personal hostility and eternal competition of teachers, and your answer according to the training manual is not just erroneous, but “a real mockery” of science (I remember it myself).

But in general, you should not pay attention to such trifles, because the educational and methodological manual, whatever one may say, brings enlightenment to the masses, and this is a tremendous advantage for narrow-minded students.

So stock up on manuals and fight for new knowledge. The main thing is that from your absent-mindedness, the guard does not run away.

Loss of manual

I don’t want to scare anyone, but I simply must warn that the loss of a training manual is not just a nuisance, it is a tragedy of a universal scale for librarians.

First, they begin to sigh and groan from the confession they heard, then they pass this information on from shift to shift, then they come up with a punishment for the absent-minded student, and finally, they remember his last name and put it on a pencil.

Believe me, at the moment when you lost the teaching aid, you made enemies in the face of the entire library staff, including the cleaner. There are two ways out of the situation:

1. Photocopy the same manual and provide it to the library;

2. Buy a new book to the library according to your forced desire.

After that, the conflict is settled, but the librarian will tease you for a long time every time you visit the library and, moreover, pick up a book.

Where do the manuals come from?

The question, of course, is stupid, but in this topic it is very relevant. So who issues these instructions?

The answer is obvious: open the first page and read the name of the author. As a rule, the authors are teachers of their own department, who recommend the purchase of a specific manual. Well, our teachers will never die of modesty, but they scribbled the manuals in order.

The funny thing is that each author praises only his own creation, and does not advise paying attention to the training manuals of his conditional competitors. But, like it or not, but we all studied according to manuals and continue to do this in today's students.

Here we have come to the second main issue, which is on the agenda and is of particular concern to many graduate students and teachers who have not yet dealt with writing such printed publications.

How to write and compose a manual?

In order not to write anything superfluous, let's go straight to the topic, and we will also write out the process of writing the training manual according to the plan, for greater convenience, so to speak.

1. It is necessary to decide on the topic that the planned print edition will be devoted to. You can start with easy information, well, in subsequent manuals to touch on more global scientific issues.

2. It is advisable not to study information on the topic from the Internet, which many consider to be a “garbage pit”. It’s not worth the risk, because on the network you can take an unreliable source as a basis, and by great chance. It is better to pay attention to trusted authors, real books and in fact the primary sources, of which there are plenty in the library.

3. So that the learned theory does not seem meaningless, you need to mentally translate it into your own practical knowledge in order to eventually have a clear idea of ​​​​what you will write about in the future.

4. It is advisable to start your work with a preliminary plan, which may consist of short sentences or capacious abstracts. This is very important, otherwise you may miss some important information about the topic being studied.

5. The manual is a cheat sheet, so it must answer in detail the list of main questions. That is why it is advisable to think over their content in advance, and not lose sight of any of them.

6. The content of the manual should not be complicated, and all the material presented should be described concisely, but simply and easily. readable language so that the student does not lose interest and does not abandon it after a boring reading of the first paragraph.

7. All literature used must be certified after the content, and its design also complies with certain rules and regulations that are important to follow.

8. Study all the rules for the design of work and proceed to the further writing of your first teaching aid.

9. Finished work check using the services of a proofreader (unless, of course, you are a philologist).

10. Submit for verification, and then for publication.

If you decide to write your own study guide, you must remember elementary rules that will raise the rating of your work, and not leave it long years collecting dust on a shelf in the library unnecessarily.

Rule One. It is very important to study the curriculum so that the manual is relevant to the topic, and does not turn out to be useless or irrelevant.

Rule Two. The structure should not only correspond to one topic and not wag, but also contain up-to-date information, the latest information and new discoveries, knowledge. In general, a teaching aid should not fall into the category of "obsolete literature".

Rule Three. The material selected for writing must be structured, accessible, logical, regular and understandable for students. It is advisable to use short phrases and small paragraphs, numbered and bulleted lists, abstracts, various graphic highlights, and, if necessary, tables and graphs.

Rule Four. The list of references should be concise and detailed, and compiled in accordance with the requirements.

Rule Five. Complicated terminology is not welcome, and if its participation is indispensable, then it is desirable to explain in detail the meaning of a particular word, phrase, expression.

Otherwise, your study guide is unlikely to assist a good half of the students in their studies.

Conclusion: Do you need a manual? Choose the most shabby - it is clearly popular and in demand among the masses! You have decided to write your own teaching aid, then express your thoughts simply, clearly, concisely.

Only then will students definitely take note of such a fascinating publication.

Now you know about what is a teaching aid.