How to write a study guide. How to print a study guide

"Fundamentals of Geopolitics"

A.V. Shalak

Fundamentals of geopolitics: theory, methodology, practice: Training and metodology complex. - Irkutsk, BSU Publishing House, 2014. - 100 p.

The educational edition includes the program, short course lectures on the basics of geopolitics, materials for the preparation and conduct of seminars, as well as Control questions And test tasks to test knowledge

"Fundamentals of the theory of international relations"

Yu.P. Vakhrushev

Fundamentals of the theory of international relations: Textbook.-method. complex. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BGUEP, 2008. - 102 p.

Designed for students, undergraduates and graduate students of all forms of education of the faculties of the world economy, constitutional and international law, as well as for everyone who is interested in foreign policy activities.

The most well-established provisions and conclusions available in the scientific and educational literature in the field of international relations are summarized and systematized. It is intended to help in the formation of ideas about the essence of international relations, about their development in the past and present, about the most actual problems world politics.


Candidate ist. Sciences, Assoc. T.A. Yakovlev

History: Textbook for students of the faculty on the development of educational programs in a shortened time / comp. T.A. Yakovlev. - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BGUEP, 2012. - 157 p.

The textbook on the discipline "History" is compiled on the basis of the State Educational Standard for Higher vocational education for bachelors and specialists.

Contains curriculum, guidelines and teaching materials for the study of the course. Designed for students of the faculty for mastering educational programs within a short period of time in all disciplines.

"Story government controlled Russia. Reader"

Compiled by: V.M. Levchenko, A.A. Raspopin

History of public administration in Russia: Reader / comp. V.M. Levchenko, A.A. Raspopin. - Irkutsk: BGUEP Publishing House. 2014. - 246 p.

For students of all forms of education of specialties studying the course of national history and the history of public administration.


A.M. Kuryshov

Story: tutorial for students for full-time training / A.M. Kuryshov. - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BGUEP, 2012. - 106 p.

The textbook on the discipline "History" is compiled on the basis of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education for Bachelors and Specialists. It contains lecture notes and reference materials for the course.

The textbook is intended for independent work of students - bachelors absentee form study, can be used to prepare for the exam in the course of History.

"History of Russia in questions and answers"

Comp. N.N. Bykova, A.M. Kuryshov, A.A. Raspopina, T.A. Yakovlev.

History of Russia in questions and answers: Proc. allowance / Comp. N.N. Bykov, A.M. Kuryshov, A.A. Raspopina, T.A. Yakovlev. - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BGUEP, 2010. - 240 p.

The study guide contains answers and explanations of the most topical issues in the history of Russia in accordance with the federal educational standard for higher education and the work program for the course of national history. Can be used for independent work of students.

Designed for students of all forms of education of all specialties studying the course of national history.

"Political science"

N.N. Bykov

Bykova N.N. Political science: study method. complex / N.N. Bykov. - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BGUEP, 2007. - 79 p.

Training and metodology complex

Includes most important topics training course in accordance with the requirements of the federal educational standard. It is designed to help students master a certain minimum of political knowledge and thereby contribute to the formation of a broader outlook and level of political culture among modern specialists.

Designed for university students of economic specialties of extramural education.

"History: study guide"

N.N. Bykova, A.M. Kuryshov, A.A. Raspopina, T.A. Yakovlev

The textbook is compiled on the basis of the third generation of the Federal State Educational Standards and is intended for full-time bachelor students. Contains information from the Federal State Educational Standard, lecture notes, materials for practical exercises, current and intermediate control tests, exam questions.

"A course of lectures on Patriotic history"

Kuryshov A.M.

The textbook is intended for students of all specialties.


Bykova N.N., Kuryshov A.M., Raspopina A.A., Yakovleva T.A.

History: textbook / N.N. Bykova, A.M. Kuryshov, A.A. Raspopina, T.A. Yakovlev. - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BGUEP, 2012. - 500 p.

The textbook contains lecture notes, materials for practical exercises, examples of tests of current and intermediate control, examination questions.

"History of Economics: From the Paleolithic to the XX century."

Maidachevsky D.Ya.

Tutorial. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BSUEP, 2008. - 136 p.

For students, graduate students and undergraduates studying economic history, the history of economic doctrines and economic theory.

"History of Russia for foreign students"

comp. A. A. Raspopina, T. A. Yakovleva

History of Russia: textbook. allowance for foreign students / comp. A. A. Raspopin, T. A. Yakovleva. - 2nd ed. - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BGUEP, 2012. - 125 p.

The textbook on the discipline "History" is compiled on the basis of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. Contains the curriculum, guidelines and teaching materials for the study of the course.

Designed for international undergraduate and specialist students.

"History of political and legal teachings"

Candidate philosophy Sciences, Assoc. Yu.P. Vakhrushev

History of political and legal doctrines: Textbook / Comp. Yu.P. Vakhrushev. - 6th ed., revised. and additional - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BGUEP, 2011. - 170 p.

The educational and methodological complex includes a program, a course of lectures, as well as plans for seminars, questions for preparing for the exam, a list educational literature. Designed for students and undergraduates of law faculties of all forms of education.

"History of Economic Thought: A Look Through the Ages"

E.V. Roshchupkin

History of economic thought: a look through the centuries: Educational and methodological complex. 2nd ed., add. - Irkutsk: BGUEP Publishing House, 2010. - p.

The textbook is a systematic presentation of the history of the knowledge of the economy, from the moment of the birth of economic ideas to the present day. The course is based on the concept of the development of economic thought from the pre-system stage to the first theoretical systems political economy, and then to the formation and development of modern trends in world economic thought. At the same time, a feature of the content nature of the course is the combination of a chronological approach, natural for history, with a problem-thematic approach, namely: consideration of scientific schools and concepts from the point of view of the evolution of ideas about the subject of economic research. Each section and topic of the course, in addition to the commentary of the educational material, contains control questions, a list of primary sources and additional literature.

The complex is designed for students economic specialties, undergraduates, graduate students, as well as anyone interested in economic history.

"Political science"

Shalak A.V.

The fundamentals of political science as a science, the history of the most significant political science ideas are consistently stated, the basic concepts of political science, as well as political and electoral technologies are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the economic component of political decisions. Questions for repetition, tests and a bibliographic list provide an opportunity to deepen knowledge in the process of independent work.

For students of all specialties, as well as those who are interested in problems political sphere public life.

Study Guide and Tutorial: Differences and Connections

How is a study guide different from a textbook? A textbook is the main educational book in any discipline, which outlines and systematizes basic knowledge in accordance with the curriculum. At the same time, the textbook is an addition to the textbook and can cover both the entire discipline and one or more sections of the curriculum. The textbook complements, expands and deepens the information presented in the textbook, helps students to better understand it.

The textbook includes only tested and didactically processed material, and the textbook may contain newer and up-to-date information, include contentious issues, different points vision. At the same time, the textbook must meet the following requirements: it must not contradict the fundamental foundations of the academic discipline set out in the textbook, and must not duplicate it.

The textbook is issued more quickly. So when introduced new discipline, then first of all, a textbook is published on it, and only after approbation of the material - a textbook. There are textbooks dedicated to highly specialized topics, special courses. Both the textbook and the study guide are officially approved as this type of publication.

The minimum volume of the textbook is 4 author's sheets (160 thousand characters with spaces) and depends on the number of teaching hours.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to decide for whom your manual is intended (for teachers or students, which course, in which discipline), and also what is the purpose of publishing your manual:

  • deepening theoretical knowledge by subject;
  • practical study of the discipline;
  • independent work of students;
  • exam preparation;
  • writing a control, term paper or thesis etc.

Based on these goals, select the material that will form the basis of your study guide.

The structure of the study guide

The study guide should contain the following required elements: abstract, table of contents, introduction, main part, conclusion and bibliography.

As additional elements, the textbook includes: a preface, illustrations, a glossary of terms, a list of conditional abbreviations.


The abstract is a short textual presentation of your study guide, it is best to take it at the very end, after the guide itself is completely ready. After reading the abstract, a potential reader should immediately understand what kind of work is in front of him and why it may be of interest to him. Do not forget to mention in the annotation for whom your work is intended.


In the introduction, they formulate the problem considered in the tutorial, indicate the topics outlined in it, their relevance, problematic and debatable. It is also necessary to pay attention to the methodology and historiography of the issue, to state the goals and objectives of the textbook. By their type, the tasks of the textbook are control and evaluation, teaching, educational, motivating, developing, etc. The most important topics can also be identified. Be sure to indicate which academic disciplines corresponds to this manual and what readership it is designed for.

Main part

The main part of the manual is divided, in turn, into theoretical and practical parts.

The theoretical material and structure of the main part must fully comply with the state educational standard and curriculum. It is recommended, for example, to present the material of one credit unit in a chapter, and one topic of the curriculum in a paragraph.

Remember what you are writing educational book, that is, a book intended for those who do not understand the issue being presented, but want to understand it. So keep it simple in plain language so that the reader can immediately grasp the essence of the problem and not spend too much time comprehending the meaning. If your audience is students, expect the text to be understandable to a graduate of the school, otherwise your book will not bring any benefit. Using any new term, immediately, without delay and without referring to footnotes or a glossary, explain its meaning.

For example: Management psychology arose at the intersection of psychology and management theory. General theory control began to be developed in the depths of cybernetics and systems theory [Bandurka et al., 1998]. Cybernetics is the science of control, communication and information processing in biological, technical and complex systems.(Antonova N.V. Psychology of management: textbook. M .: State University Publishing House - high school economics, 2010)

Dilute the theoretical material with suitable examples, organically including them in the text.

For example: It was for the analysis of reasoning that Aristotle (4th century BC) created the first system of logic, called syllogistics. It is the simplest, but at the same time the most commonly used form of deductive reasoning, in which the conclusion (conclusion) is obtained from the premises according to the rules of logical deduction. Note that the term "deduction" in Latin means conclusion.

To clarify what has been said, let us turn to the ancient syllogism:

All people are mortal.

Kai is human.


Therefore, Kai is mortal.

Here, as in other syllogisms, the inference is made from general knowledge about a certain class of objects and phenomena to private and individual knowledge. Let us immediately emphasize that in other cases the deduction can be carried out from the particular to the particular or from the general to the general.(Ruzavin G. I. Logic and argumentation: textbook for universities. M .: Culture and sport, 1997)

At the first mention of the abbreviation, give its decoding, and if there are many such abbreviations, then take them out in the dictionary at the end of the manual.

Visualization helps to better assimilate the material. Think about how you can present your material in the form of diagrams, diagrams, graphs, tables. Feel free to include drawings and photographs in the book if they are appropriate. However, do not burden the text with unnecessary illustrations.

Unlike a monograph, which must contain scientific novelty and contain the results of the author's research, the study guide can be a simple compilation various sources. However, try to state the information in your own words, avoiding extensive quoting. End each paragraph with a conclusion.

Another feature of the textbook and its main difference from the monograph is the presence of didactic material. Didactic material helps to effectively assimilate the educational material and apply it creatively.

Questions to consolidate the material are an integral part of didactic materials. Questions should be designed in such a way that they help students learn key issues, highlight the main thing, and also stimulated mental activity. Make up questions so that they do not repeat verbatim phrases from the paragraph, and subsequent questions do not contain answers to previous ones.

In addition to the questions didactic material may include:

  • tables;
  • tasks for independent work;
  • topics of reports, abstracts, term papers;
  • exercises;
  • tests;
  • tasks;
  • lists of additional literature on the topic;
  • homemade test papers and etc.

The optimal amount of didactic material is about a third of the total volume of the textbook.


In conclusion, the presented information is summarized, unresolved and intractable problems are identified, and recommendations for further study are given.

Bibliographic list

Include in such a list of basic and additional literature, as well as a list of Internet resources.

Registration of the study guide

So, the text of the textbook has been written, the didactic material has been prepared. Now is the time to submit the manuscript for proofreading. Even if you are confident in your literacy, it will never be superfluous. Tell me, why do you need a proofreader if the spelling can be checked by the Word program? Do not rely on it: some errors and typos can only be found by a professional.

Before submitting to print, review the entire tutorial again, paying special attention to the uniformity of design:

  • Table of contents. Make sure that the numbering of sections, chapters, and paragraphs is uniform and consistent, and that the page numbering given in the table of contents is correct.
  • Tables, figures, formulas and other auxiliary elements. Their numbering should also be uniform and consistent (if you choose to include a chapter number in your figure numbering, make sure that all figures are numbered correctly). Each such element should be referenced in the text of the manual.

Do not try to make the original layout in Word editor you are just wasting your precious time. It is better to entrust this task to a professional layout designer who uses professional software and knows all the intricacies of Russian GOSTs.

How to print a study guide

The author of the textbook can be either one person or a group of authors. The scientific editor should be a specialist with a scientific degree, and the reviewers (there should be at least two of them) should be specialists working on this problem or also having degree. To review manuals intended for intrauniversity use, specialists from related departments can be involved, and for manuals that claim to be used more widely, they can work in other organizations (external reviewers).

Be sure to check in the training or scientific department your university requirements for teaching aids. Each school has its own rules and regulations. In some universities, you need to go through the editorial and publishing council (RIS) and get the so-called stamp, in other universities this issue is dealt with by educational and methodological commissions (EMC). You may need a visa for the rector or one of his deputies. There are many options, and the “bureaucratic” part must be approached very carefully.

You can pre-calculate how much it will cost to publish a textbook. Do not forget that you do not have to order a large print run: sometimes 20 copies are enough (16 of them will go to the Russian Book Chamber, and four will go to the author). At any time, if the need arises, it will be possible to print an additional print run.

It remains to send the file with the text of the textbook to the selected publisher - and the process is started. The editor will clarify all the necessary details, offer two or three cover options and a layout of the book for approval. And in a couple of weeks you will receive a finished edition.

May your tutorials be interesting and useful!


  • Puzyrev A.V.
    "Aesthetics of language and assessment of the content basis of mass songs"
  • Filimonova L.V., Bykova E.A.
    Mathematics and informatics.
    (for students humanitarian faculties universities)

    The proposed textbook is intended for university students studying at faculties where mathematics and computer science are not subjects of specialization. It has been designed to meet the requirements state standard and it sets out at an accessible level some of the fundamental questions included in the curriculum for the new subject "Mathematics and Computer Science". This manual contains 11 chapters, each of which is devoted to the study fundamental questions mathematics and informatics. Its purpose is to educate a person in a culture rational methods operating with existing and acquiring new knowledge, to acquaint students with some sections of higher mathematics, to deepen the knowledge gained at school in computer science and information technology, give necessary information O modern aspects use of computers and recent achievements.

  • Kravchenko V.A.
    Reference material for the preparation of a course project (work) on the system of fertilizer application in crop rotations
    (for students of the Faculty of Agriculture of full-time and part-time forms of study)

  • Guidelines for the implementation and defense of final qualifying (diploma) works
    (for students of the Faculty of Agriculture in the direction of training a graduate - 660200 "Agronomy")

    These guidelines have been revised on the basis of guidelines developed by teachers of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Voronezh State Agricultural University them. K.D. Glinka - Kozlobaeva V.V. Fedotova V.A. Popova A.F. and aim to give necessary information students of the Faculty of Agriculture of Yeletsky State University named after I.A. Bunin for self-study and defense of the final (thesis) work.

  • Podaeva N.G., Zhuk D.A.
    Lectures on the foundations of geometry
  • Podaeva N.G., Krasnikova L.V.
    Lines and surfaces in Euclidean space
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)
  • Podaeva N.G., Evsikov S.V.
    Lectures on elements of topology
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)
  • Nosov V.A.
    Combinatorics and graph theory
  • Gubina T.N., Tarov D.A., Masina O.N., Tarova I.N.
    Methodological recommendations for preparing for the state final exam "Informatics" of graduates of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Gubina T.N., Masina O.N., Gubin M.A.
    Working in Microsoft Office
  • Poznyak T.A., Tarova I.N., Karpacheva I.A., Budyakova T.P.
    Industrial practice of future teachers of computer science
  • Tarov D.A., Tarova I.N., Gubina T.N., Masina O.N., Dyakina V.A.
    Control and measuring materials on disciplines of an information profile.
  • Tarov D.A.
    Guidelines for writing term papers in the disciplines of the information profile.
  • Tarova I.N., Terekhov Yu.P., Masina O.N., Skokov A.V.
    Workshop on solving problems on a computer.
  • Balashova T.N.
    inheritance law
    (for full-time and part-time students)

    This guide aims to provide methodological assistance students studying the discipline Inheritance Law. It covers all the main sections of the discipline, offers control tasks, tests and tasks for each topic. The guidelines are drawn up in accordance with the program for inheritance law for higher educational institutions. Recommended for students Faculty of Law. The manual is intended for students of the Faculty of Law full-time and part-time forms of education.

  • Zubova O.V.
    Educational materials on civil law(a common part)

    These educational materials are intended for students and teachers of the Faculty of Law. The purpose of the manual is to assist in the study of the general part of civil law, as well as to facilitate the search for regulatory material and legal literature necessary for the implementation of practical tasks.
    The collection contains practical tasks that students can use to master the main provisions of the course in the process of self-preparation for civil law classes, and teachers - to control students' knowledge.

  • Elective courses for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool): Work programs [Text]

    Teaching aid contains topics and content of elective courses for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool). The manual consists of a preface, programs of elective courses. The preface reveals the place of elective disciplines in the educational process of the faculty and their importance in the training of highly qualified specialists. The subject and content of elective courses were developed by teachers of the Department of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy. The teaching aid is addressed to full-time and part-time students, university professors, practitioners.

  • Collection of work programs of psychological and pedagogical disciplines in the specialty 050703 preschool pedagogy and psychology

    The collection contains work programs for the main list of psychological and pedagogical disciplines in the specialty "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology", developed by teachers of the departments of preschool and correctional pedagogy, age and educational psychology according to GOSTs 2005, modern requirements and the level of development of science. Each work program includes the purpose and objectives of this discipline, the main content, practical and laboratory classes, assignments for independent work, questions for tests and exams, lists of basic and additional literature, indicative list topics of essays and term papers, variants of tests and examinations by semesters, etc. Work programs approved Methodical Council Faculty of Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology. This educational and program publication is addressed to students of the faculties of pedagogy and psychology of preschool, it can be useful for teachers of pedagogical colleges and universities that train specialists in this field.

  • Chuikova Zh.V.
    Historical and pedagogical analysis of the problem of teaching preschool children the native language
    (to the elective course)
  • V.N. Kartashova
    Deutsch 4: Mein Beruf ist Fremdsprachenlehrer
    (A manual on the practice of the German language for 4th year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology with an additional specialty "Foreign Language")

    The manual involves the implementation of the principles of professional and communicative orientation, providing active formation in the process learning activities foreign language skills of students - future teachers of a foreign language for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. Focus on future specialty student determined the selection of educational material. The manual contains original lyrics for reading on pedagogical and country studies topics. The textbook is intended for 4th year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool), studying German as a second speciality.

  • Anufrieva O. V.
    Fine arts of Germany.
    (for design students)

  • Constitutional (state) law of foreign countries.
    (for students of the specialty 030501 - Law of all forms of education)
  • Zakharova M.A.
    Pedagogical research in the format of coursework and WRC
  • I.A. Karpacheva, T.A. Poznyak
    Teaching practice.
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

    The teaching aid is intended for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics studying in the specialty 032100.00 - Mathematics with an additional specialty (qualification as a teacher of mathematics). The manual reflects general provisions organization of educational and industrial practice students - future teachers, rights and obligations of student interns, requirements for paperwork, criteria for evaluating students' activities. In accordance with the stages of organization of practices, their content is consistently disclosed, general pedagogical and guidelines on the organization of a modern lesson, research tasks have been developed and recommendations for their implementation have been proposed. The manual contains diagnostic methods, plans and notes of lessons.

  • Karpacheva I.A., Krikunov A.E.
    Methodological recommendations for the study of pedagogy for part-time students.
    (for part-time students)

    The teaching aid is intended for part-time students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, who study under an abbreviated program. At the same time, it will be useful for students of correspondence courses of all pedagogical specialties. The manual presents the logic and structure of studying the course of pedagogy throughout the entire period of study at the university, offers methodological recommendations and assignments for seminars tasks for independent work. Part-time students will find in the manual tasks in pedagogy that must be completed during the period teaching practice, as well as recommendations for the implementation of coursework and final qualifying work.

  • V. N. Mezinov
    Introduction to pedagogical activity
  • T.P. Budyakova
    Coursework in psychology

    The training manual discusses general methodological issues writing and designing term papers in psychology. Methods for describing the results of scientific empirical research. For students of non-psychological specialties.

  • T.P. Budyakova
    Sign-symbolic activity and its genesis
    (to the course "Age and pedagogical psychology" for the specialty 031200 "Pedagogy and methodology primary education")

    The textbook reveals one of the most difficult sections of developmental and educational psychology to study: the development of sign-symbolic activity in ontogenesis. The definition of sign-symbolic activity is given, the ways of its formation and development in preschool and younger are described. school age. The manual is addressed to students studying psychology.

  • T.P. Budyakova
    Legal and psychological aspects legal institution compensation for moral damage
    (to the course "Legal Psychology" (for students enrolled in the specialty 021100 "Jurisprudence"))

    Tutorial focuses on underdeveloped problems legal psychology. In particular, legal and psychological aspects are considered in the application of the norms of the civil law institution of compensation for moral harm.

  • Morozova M.A.
    Modern Russian language. Morphology (verb, verb forms). Preparation plans for practical and individual lessons.
    (for independent work of students full-time and correspondence department specialty "050301 - Russian language and literature" with additional. specialty "050401 - History".)

    The manual contains a program on the morphology of the Russian language (verb and verb forms) for 3rd year students of the Faculty of Philology, plans for practical classes indicating literature, classroom and homework assignments and samples of their implementation, a list of basic and additional literature for the course, two tests that can can also be used for self-preparation for classes and tests. The manual is intended for students and teachers teaching the course of the morphology of the Russian language (verb, verb forms).

  • Voevodina G.A.
    Unique affixes in modern Russian.
    (for students of the Faculty of Philology)

    The study guide for the special course explores questions related to the status of unique affixes that do not have a clear answer due to their insufficient knowledge. Consideration of questions about unique affixes helps to clarify the concept of a morpheme and its main features. This manual can be used for theoretical and practical understanding language material, in the study of the "Course of choice", elective, in the preparation of term papers and qualification papers.

  • Biryukova T.G.
    Text analysis and synthesis

    The manual is a theoretical and practical course that helps to master the techniques of perceiving strangers and creating own texts. Its main task is to develop the ability to communicate in various fields based on mastering the most common genres of oral and writing, teach to use means of expression language for effective communication. The manual provides for a variety of work with the text, the tasks are creative in nature, have practical significance. The book is intended for school graduates, as well as for students of various specialties who want to improve their speech culture.

  • IN AND. Kazarina
    Modern Russian syntax: structural organization simple sentence

    Textbook, including material on the problems of verbal and sentence relations, block diagram a simple sentence as a linguistic sign, the signifier of which is a typical proposition, and a positional scheme as a speech sign of an utterance, the structural and semantic organization of sentences, traditionally qualified as one-component sentences with excursions into the history of study, is intended primarily for students of the Faculty of Philology, it will be useful for graduate students and teachers schools, as well as for everyone who is interested in the problems of Russian syntax.

  • Filimonova L.V., Bobrova T.M.
    Guidelines for laboratory studies on the study of the section general physics"Mechanics". In two parts.
    (for students of engineering physics and physics and mathematics faculties)

    The purpose of this manual is to help students prepare and complete laboratory work on topics from the section of general physics "Mechanics". The manual provides descriptions for 13 laboratory works. The works of the first part mainly affect the material on kinematics, oscillations and waves, the motion of bodies in a viscous fluid, the second part contains works on dynamics material point And solid body. For each work, a statement of the purpose of its implementation, a list of equipment used, brief basics theories on the topic of work, description of the method, questions for admission, content of experimental tasks, questions for the report. The material presented in each work is sufficient for its implementation, but requires the study of additional literary sources to prepare a report. The applications provide brief reference for calculating the error of the results of a teaching experiment in physics, the necessary reference tables, additional material. The teaching aid is recommended for use on laboratory classes with students of the Faculty of Engineering Physics and Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of YSU in the laboratory of mechanics.

  • Filimonova L.V.
    Methodical instructions for practical classes in general and experimental physics. Part two. MKT and thermodynamics.
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

    The purpose of these instructions is to assist students in mastering the program material in physics through the solution typical tasks on the section "MKT and thermodynamics". The guidelines provide material for 6 practical exercises containing questions for theoretical training to the lesson, detailed instructions for solving typical problems, tasks for independent decision. The topics of practical classes are taken from the work program of the discipline "General and experimental physics" and cover theoretical material on the fundamentals of the molecular-kinetic theory of matter and thermodynamics. Each practice session includes detailed instructions for solving a wide range tasks, highlighting the basic laws, concepts and methods reflected in the lecture material. The material presented in each topic through methodological instructions is sufficient for students to independently solve all the tasks given at the end of each lesson. The appendices contain additional material on the concept of the "number of degrees of freedom", mathematical methods for solving challenging tasks, a list of symbols used and reference material. Methodological instructions are recommended for use in practical classes in physics with students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of YSU. I.A. Bunin in the study of the section of physics "MKT and thermodynamics".

  • Filimonova L.V.
    Methodical instructions for practical classes in general and experimental physics. Part three. Electricity.
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

    The purpose of these instructions is to assist students in mastering the program material in physics by solving typical problems in the section of general and experimental physics "Electricity". The guidelines provide material for 7 practical exercises, containing questions for theoretical preparation for the lesson, some comments on the theoretical material, detailed instructions for solving typical problems, tasks for independent solution. The topics of practical classes cover the relevant lecture material, revealing the laws and principles, concepts and terms of electrostatics and electrodynamics, highlighting practical aspects and methods of application of the theory. The information presented in the instructions is sufficient for students to independently solve all the tasks given at the end of each lesson. The appendices contain a list of used symbols, a list of basic formulas, necessary reference material, additional material on mathematical theory vector field, and others. I.A. Bunin in the study of the section of physics "Electricity".

  • Filimonova L.V.
    Methodical instructions for practical classes in general and experimental physics. Part four. Electromagnetism.
    (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

    The purpose of this manual is to assist students in mastering the program material in physics through the solution of typical problems in the section "Electromagnetism". The manual provides material for 6 practical exercises, containing questions for theoretical preparation for the lesson, detailed instructions for solving typical problems, tasks for independent solution. The topics of practical classes are taken from the work program of the discipline "General and Experimental Physics" and cover theoretical material on the basics of magnetostatics, the Maxwell system of equations for electromagnetic field And electromagnetic waves. For each practical lesson, detailed instructions are given for solving a wide range of problems, highlighting the basic laws, concepts and methods reflected in the lecture material. The material presented in each topic through methodological instructions is sufficient for students to independently solve all the tasks given at the end of each lesson. The appendices provide additional material on the subject, a list of used symbols and reference material. The teaching aid is recommended for use in practical classes in physics with students of the YSU Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. I.A. Bunin in the study of the section of physics "Electromagnetism".

  • Voblikov S.N.
    Methodological guide for writing term papers on the theory of state and law
  • IN AND. Korotkikh, A.V. Usachov
    History of philosophy
    (Collection teaching materials for YSU students I.A. Bunin, students in the specialty "Religious Studies" with an anthology, prologue and epilogue)
  • Goricheva V.L., Levashova O.V.
    Teaching aid for writing term papers in the department of criminal law and process.

    In this manual, the task is to provide methodological assistance to students who write term papers in the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure. The manual provides a detailed description of the process of preparing a term paper from topic selection to public defense. Special attention is given to the requirements for the volume, structure, content and design of the work, the stages and methods of its implementation. The manual is intended for students of the Faculty of Law full-time and part-time forms of education.

  • E.V. Isaeva
    Methodological instructions for students of the hospital and the LEO of the Faculty of Philology on preparation for practical classes on the course "History foreign literature XVII-XVIII centuries"
  • S.V. Vorobyov, E.G. Esina, N.S. Trubitsyn
    Information systems in economics: DBMS Access
    (shortened version)

    This teaching aid is devoted to the problems associated with the automation of processing large amounts of information, namely, its organization in the Microsoft Access database management system. This application contains a wide range of tools for effective management information, including economic information. The study of the Access DBMS is included in the content of the discipline "Information systems in economics" and, above all, is intended for students Faculty of Economics. The purpose of the work is to give students knowledge and practical skills in the field of applied informatics, show methods for automated solution of various economic tasks. The manual contains five, rather voluminous, laboratory works, in which there is necessary minimum theoretical material, examples of solving problems with their detailed description, tasks are offered for self-fulfillment. The publication will be useful not only for students and graduate students of the economic profile, but also for accountants, auditors, analysts and other categories of specialists involved in economic calculations.

  • V.E. Medvedev, S.V. Vorobyov
    Workshop on Information Systems in Economics: Calculations in an Excel Spreadsheet
    (shortened version)

    This publication is designed to help readers learn how to use the built-in spreadsheet tools effectively. Microsoft Excel in the process of solving economic problems. The manual is divided into topics, each of which contains the minimum amount of theoretical information necessary to solve the tasks, practical tasks with detailed explanation technologies for their solution, as well as tasks for independent implementation. The material is presented in accessible form according to the principle from simple to complex. The workshop can be used in laboratory classes in the process of studying the discipline "Information systems in economics" and other similar disciplines. The manual will be useful for students, graduate students and teachers of economic specialties, practicing accountants and economists who wish to independently improve and consolidate their level of knowledge and skills in the field of economic information systems and technologies.

  • Artyukhova G.A., Vorobyov S.V.
    Automation of trade operations and warehouse accounting
    (shortened version)

    This training manual outlines the basic principles of conducting automated warehouse accounting and trading operations of a company in the "1C: Enterprise" system, namely, in the "Trade and Warehouse" configuration. The theoretical material of the manual is accompanied by practical tasks, most of which have a detailed description of the solution. In addition, each topic offers tasks for independent solution. This manual is aimed at students of economic specialties, can be used within the framework of information disciplines, on special courses or electives in information technology. The manual will be useful to employees of economic divisions of trading companies, accountants, and programmers.

  • Workshop on solving the problem of accounting in the 1C: ENTERPRISE system
    (shortened version)

    The teaching aid is a comprehensive set of tasks for accounting, presented as a cross-cutting task for the main sections of accounting. The tasks are provided for a typical configuration 1C: Accounting included in the 1C: Enterprise version 7.7. This publication will be useful to students and graduate students of economic specialties, as well as practicing accountants and economists who wish to improve and consolidate their level of knowledge and skills in the field of economic information systems and technologies.

  • Vorobyov S.V.
    Automation of enterprise management in the integrated system "Galaktika"
    (shortened version)

    The training manual contains a description of the basic principles of work in the domestic corporate information system"Galaxy". The technologies of organization of the enterprise management process are considered on the examples of such internal circuits as "Personnel Management", "Logistics", "Accounting". Each topic contains theoretical material, which is accompanied by practical tasks with a detailed description of the solution, and each topic offers tasks for independent solution. This manual is aimed at students of economic specialties, can be used within the disciplines of the information technology cycle, on special courses or electives in information technology. The manual will be useful for familiarizing employees of the economic divisions of industrial enterprises, accountants, and programmers.

  • M.V. Ilyashenko
    Pedagogical practice program in institutions of secondary vocational education for students of the department distance learning Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool)
    (for students of the distance learning department of the faculty of PIPD)
  • Bakaeva O.N., Gozhina O.L., Emelyanova I.D., Krakovskaya V.S., Krasova T.D., Ilyashenko M.V., Martynova L.N., Penkovskaya O.V., Pronina A .N., Faustova I.V., Fomenko L.K., Chuikova Zh.V.
    Pedagogical practice of students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool)

    The manual sets out the goals, objectives, content and methods of organizing all types of pedagogical practice of students in the specialty "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology", with additional specialties"Speech therapy", "Pedagogy and psychology", "Foreign language". Tasks for student interns are presented, allowing to identify and form the necessary professional skills in them. The requirements for the preparation of documentation for each type of practice are reported, the necessary samples are given. Criteria for evaluating a trainee student have been developed. The duties of practice leaders and student trainees are described.
    The teaching aid can be used by students and teachers of the faculty preschool pedagogy and psychology.

  • R.N. flights
    HISTORY OF RUSSIA (from ancient times to the 18th century)
    (a teaching aid for practical exercises and independent work for students of correspondence courses in the specialty "History")

    The teaching aid publishes the materials necessary for students of correspondence courses in the specialty "History". They include practical lessons, historical terminology, tests, assignments for historical maps and etc.

  • Belkova N.A., Krasnova T.V., Tropin N.A.
    Museum and archaeological practices
    (practice programs and methodological recommendations)

    These training materials have been prepared experienced teachers heading for a number of years learning practices students of history and philological faculties. The publication is intended for students of these faculties.

  • YES. Lyapin
    Serving land tenure of the Yelets district at the end of the 16th-17th centuries.
    (special course program)

    The educational and methodical manual includes the author's content of the special course (disciplines of specialization), test tasks, topics of abstracts, a list of questions for reporting, an extensive list of bibliography. For students Faculty of History majoring in History.

The Study Guide is a tool you can use to eliminate the element of stress from your educational process. When you have a textbook, a folder full of lecture notes, a mountain of homework and workbooks, it can be hard to decide where to start. But if you learn a few formatting features, look for information in right place and use the tutorial the best way by using your limits, you can make learning much more effective. Interesting? Start with Step 1 to learn more about it.


Part 1

Structuring Your Study Guide

    Let the form match the content. There are many different types tutorials, and each of them has a format corresponding to specific purpose and learning style. Whatever you use it for, there are tutorials for more than just that. subject, but also a specific learning goal in the study of this subject. Structure the information into the most convenient study guide for you to use.

    • If you find it easier to learn visually, consider using color-coded blocks in a study guide, or use an idea mapping technique to highlight information and make it easily accessible.
    • If you have a linear mind, organize information chronologically or in alphabetical order so that you can learn one of the rows and then move on to the next one.
    • If you need emotional connection with material to understand it, give your notes narrative form; this will make them easier to learn. Translate the concepts from mathematical language into storytelling, a story that you can feel connected to, then organize your study guide as short story, which you can write down in detail to remember the application of formulas.
    • If you can remember information quickly, use a format that helps you memorize effectively, such as writing in your own voice dictionary words and definitions, then listen again on your player all day or create animated flashcards and check yourself regularly.
  1. Draw cognitive maps to connect key ideas and prioritize information. When creating cognitive maps, each important idea write in a separate rectangle, which then connect according to their chronology and importance. Then link branches of related information that are derived from the main ideas. This method of creating a study guide provides a good visual representation of how the material being studied fits together into an overall concept.

    Use comparison schemes to highlight differences in key concepts. Create tutorials using comparison charts or tables when you need to compare and show differences in a related group of ideas. You can use tables to create clear parallels in history or biology, or to compare different writers in literature.

    • For example, in the column headings of a scheme for comparing the features of different plant species, most likely there will be a kingdom, a family, and a genus. This will help organize information for quick comparison and review.
    • You can also benefit from the comparison scheme in your study of literature by writing the names of the characters in the story in the headings of the various columns under which to write them out. distinctive features or other information. In a similar way, information from two different novels can be conveniently structured into a similar table.
  2. Use flashcards or concept cards to remember the terminology. Flashcards are usually made from blank 13 x 18 cm index cards and can contain as much or as little information as you like, so this is one of the most effective techniques memorization individual words, or definitions of individual concepts. Because of this, they are most effective in learning foreign languages and history.

    • Write out 1 key concept on the front of each card, and on reverse side write those facts and key concepts associated with this fact. Go through the cards yourself or have someone randomly ask you questions using these cards. To make sure that you really remember what you need, go back and forth, starting from the front of the card, and then from the back. This works especially well when memorizing new foreign words.
  3. Write your own sample test for educational purposes. Writing a sample test can be an exceptional way to analyze the information you will be asked about from two perspectives: If you think what to include in the test, you will think like a teacher, and if you can anticipate these questions, you will be one step ahead. ahead.

    • Try to find out if you will be given a test with a set of answers, text in which you need to fill in the gaps, or you will need to answer questions in writing. Prepare accordingly by writing questions of the type you will be tested with.
    • Many teachers will want to supply you with older versions of the test, if available, so that you can use them as a teaching aid. Textbooks often include sample tests, which are an excellent way to learn. While taking the test more than once can be stressful, it can be great way learning, and can even guide you to the types of questions that will be on the test.
  4. Learn using many tutorials at once. Create a combined type of study guide using the basic concepts and background information you selected from teaching materials. You can draft the manual on paper, by hand, or on a computer, using a word processor, spreadsheet, or specialized manual authoring program to structure your information.

  5. Stick to a schedule. Make study guides as early as possible, and set aside enough time to study from them before the test falls on you. In the weeks leading up to the test, split your time to study all the different subjects and allocate your space to each subject you study to make sure you have enough time for every single piece of information. Don't leave everything to the last minute.

    • If you suffer from stress, anxiety, and a tendency to panic before testing, it may be a particularly good idea to set timely deadlines for individual chapters or topics. If you know that you need to go through the first two paragraphs this week before moving on to the third and fourth next week, then you can devote the whole week to this, and during this time you will not be able to worry about 3 and 4 chapters.
    • Give your study different time slots, and focus on one subject at a time. No need to switch back and forth between five different items until you've learned everything first.
  • Highlighted textbook words and definitions are often key points and good indicators of textbook material.
  • Remember that each type of benefit has its own strengths and weak sides and there are many different learning styles. Therefore, choose the right type of teaching aid for the desired subject or for different learning styles, for which it may be necessary to use more than one type of aid. For example, visuals may be best suited for maps and diagrams, while listeners may be more suited for cards that they can read aloud from.
  • Try to be as concise as possible. Avoid unnecessary information.

What are study guides for?

The textbook differs from the textbook in that it makes it possible to study not only theoretical basis course, some rules and norms of the subject, but shows how to apply them in practice, being, in a way, a tutorial on the discipline.

Most often, textbooks do not consider the whole subject, but some part of it. An in-depth analysis of the issue at the same time makes it possible to thoroughly study the material. Teaching aids carry information that provides not only knowledge about the subject, but helps to apply this knowledge in practical environment, clearly, structured and clearly explaining the essence.

For students, textbooks play a very important role not only in learning, they are indispensable assistants in the preparation and writing of scientific papers that need to be filled with high-quality textual material.

How to use tutorials

On our website, we offer you the section "Tutorials" to help you, which consists of a whole storehouse useful information. These aids will come in handy:

  • For writing term papers and other student papers;
  • To study the subject on your own;
  • To successfully prepare for the exam;
  • As additional material during the course of the discipline.
  • To compile a report on industrial and undergraduate practice.

You can download any information completely free of charge - we share what we have shared with us!

We ask you! If the bins of your desktop store information of this kind, whether it's lectures in digital form, or guidelines for doing internships at the enterprise - share it, don't be stingy, upload it here!